Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 22

Find freedom through seeking to please Me above all else. You can have only one Master. When you let others' expectations drive you, you scatter your energy to the winds. Your own desire to look good can also drain your energy. I am your Master, and I do not drive you to be what you are not. Your pretense displeases Me, especially when it is in My "service." Concentrate on staying close to Me at all times. It is impossible to be inauthentic while you are focusing on My Presence.

Ephesians 5:8-10
English Standard Version

for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), 10 and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.

Matthew 23:8
English Standard Version

But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers.

Matthew 6:1
English Standard Version

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven."  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Amen! Great word unto today! It is impossible to be inauthentic while focusing on God's presence! Thank you

    1. Beautiful and thought provoking

    2. Love her devotions.

    3. Amen 🙏
      I’m lifting up my family, the JC family, our country in prayers of protection against evil demons
      God is love and the name of Jesus is powerful
      Be blessed today friends

  2. I'm checking in before I go to sleep. TERRI, I hope you received support in holding off on the vote. MadFox had some great words of wisdom. We separated ourselves from the organized church many years ago. While I yearn for the fellowship that comes from that type of organization, I do not miss the politics. Praying for you, JC Friend - I hope they do right by your elder Pastor.
    I pray for an authentic heart, Lord. Do NOT let my actions be for others approval. I check myself multiple times a day b/c I know what I'm doing is above and beyond, which is great, if it's for the right reasons. Heading to bed in prayer for my JC Family's and my needs, wants, expectations. Loved Eph 5:8-10; let me be a child of Light.

    1. Thank you for your post. This helps me greatly. Praise the Lord continously and always.


  3. Todays Bible Gateway verse - He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
    Praying Proverbs 16:3 for my JC Family "Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established."

  4. Amen, amen to that verse Sassy Mom! When we surrender ALL to God, everything (good or bad) shall be established. He turns the bad around to make it work for our good! AWESOME GOD He is!!

    Thank You Heavenly Father for another blessed, gifted day in which you have placed hidden treasures for us to find. May we not turn away from it, but run towards it expecting You to be right there as always. Thank You for brand new mercy this morning and Your constant Grace that covers us everyday. Thank You for waking my mom up and renewing her strength and mind. I cover her in Your blood and rest as You work in and through her for Your good will! Thank You Lord.

    JC family, I pray for each of you today, peace, love, favor, sound mind, great health, happiness, blessings that only God can provide, protection round and about, provisions and answers to ALL of Your prayers and petitions. May the Creator of Heaven and Earth who in His love, power and image formed us, saturate and overwhelm us with the Presence of His Holy Spirit so that we are on FIRE to please Him and Him alone and not scatter our energy in the wind trying to please the world or self. 'For what does it profit a man to gain the world but loose his soul'? Vanity, Vanity, Vanity, may we NOT be caught up in you! "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all other things will be added onto You"!

    Father, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, keep us in checked and our minds stayed on You and let Your name be glorified, for ALL of Your Promises to us are YES and AMEN!

    Great and Blessed day JC family!!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you so very much for this post. Amen and Amen! Thank You Jesus for everything. I am joining you in this beautiful prayer today. Thank you. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

    2. Amen! Thank you, Maplewood, for your beautiful prayer. I join in your prayer for our JC family and for answers to our prayers and petitions.

      I thank you, Lord, for waking our mothers and restoring and renewing their strength and mind. Comfort all widows, and give them peace that surpasses all understanding.

      Breathe Your Spirit into all the lost souls, Father God, that they may see Your light in us, and accept You as their Lord and Savior. I trust in You, Lord, from whom all good things come.

      In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    3. Maplewood, your posts create volumes of beautiful prayers that span the years and are ever relevant. I join you today...
      "JC family, I pray for each of you today, peace, love, favor, sound mind, great health, happiness, blessings that only God can provide, protection round and about, provisions and answers to ALL of Your prayers and petitions." Thank you and Amen!

    4. Maplewood, Your words spoke right to my heart and I join in your prayers. Let us be saturated with the presence of the Lord today and put Him highest on our list. I will try to turn off the clamor of the world. Let our minds be stayed on You.
      Rose, Amen, praying for our Moms and the comfort of all those who have lost their husbands. Bless them and let your love wash over them in their loneliness. Amen.
      Audra, Thanks for your prayers. How are you feeling?

    5. I'm feeling more normal 😁 writing on lab results...

    6. Praying for good results Audra! God bless your day with peace of mind and no worry. Lots of love.

    7. YES and AMEN to Maplewood's prayer again this year. It's a classic ♥️

  5. Please Lord help me to always be authentic in You. The glory is Yours and Yours alone Lord. Please let me be a blessing to others for You, in Your holy name Lord. Glory be to the Lord continously and always. Please give me an authentic heart Lord and keep my motives true and faithful to You Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. Help me to always keep my eyes on You Lord and if I get distracted from You, please bring my eyes back to You. Thank You Jesus for everything You have done, are doing, and will do. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.
    Please be with all Your children Lord. Cover us with the blood of Jesus and protect us from evil and all harm Lord. Fill us up with Your presence and sear Your peace, love, joy, and strength in us Lord. Thank You Jesus. You are so amazing and wonderful. I love You Lord. I trust You Lord. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen. Shalom.

    1. Yes, Janet! Yes please Lord!

    2. Amen Janet! Your prayer is my prayer!

    3. And again...Fill us up with Your presence and sear Your peace, love, joy, and strength in us Lord. Thank You Jesus. ✝️♥️🙏

  6. I am so in love with you my sweet Jesus. Thank you covid-19. I have never in my 65 years of life have felt so afraid so alone amongst this chaos and uncertainties yet surrounded by family. So I choose to run to you..seek you more..pray more and I can feel you ever so close. Thank you my Lord and Savior for your grace..your hope..your peace your love.

    1. Loveconquersall, praying that you feel His love, comfort, and peace that surpasses all understanding. May God wrap His loving arms around you.

      Blessings from California

    2. Praying for you Loveconquersall. Praying that your husband will be changed by the Lord and your days will be filled with light and joy. He can change any situation and change your tears into dancing. Remember God has never left you and is right there with you. You have a very present help in the Lord. Sending love to you. God confort your heart and lead you to fulfillment and joy.

  7. Please pray to the Master, Jehovah Rapha for my friend Sandi (she has been admitted to hospital for observation) her cancer has returned for the third time. Warriors recently prayed for her when she had chemo treatment. In her own words "Scared to pieces of getting virus. I want to go home where I feel safe." They found a spot on her brain, they don't know if it is from the stroke she had last year or a new spot. Also receiving antibiotic for diagnosed UTI. Thank you for continued prayers.

    1. Laying Sandi at the feet of Jesus this morning, believing and trusting in His healing powers. Casting all fear and anxiety away and sending peace and blessings her way, in Jesus' name.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Praying for sweet Sandi, Sassy Mom. He will help her carry this load. Thanks for sharing.

    3. Sassy Mom--- Joining the JC WARRIORS in prayer for your dear friend Sandi. I speak the name of Jesus, Jesus , Jesus over her from the crown of her head to soles of her feet.

    4. Praying for Sandi as requested, Sassy Mom. May the love of God for her return her to wholeness. Amen.

    5. Continued prayers for Sandi. May the Lord's love and peace that surpasses all understanding be with Sandi as she enters the hospital. Praying hedge of protection over her, and may the Lord be with the doctors and nurses treating her. Amen

    6. Praying that Sandi finds her medical experience to be filled with loving kindness, optimistic results and covered by the Peace and Presence of our most glorious Father.

    7. I will continue to pray for Sandi and that the spot on her brain is nothing to be concerned about. May God heal every cancer cell and bring her to a full recovery. Thank you Lord! Trusting in Your faithfulness.

    8. Joining in prayers. Please be there for comfort and peace and work Your miracles Lord like only You can. You are the healer Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

  8. Prayers for Sandi. That's a lot going on all at once. Thank you for bringing it here for us to pray about. It is my pleasure to pray for her.

  9. Dear Heavenly Father, I have One Master, and that is YOU. Anyone or anything that will try to rub me of this truth, is not worth it and I disconnect myself. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be ACCEPTABLE to You, Lord. For You are my strength and redeemer (Psalm 19:14). Living to please others will not redeem me, but finding the freedom in seeking You will. Thank You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Living to please God instead of people, will help us keep our pride in check and remind us of who we are pointing others to (GOD). We should think about what motivates our behavior. Are our actions an attempt to win God’s acceptance or a way to thank Him for what He’s done for us?
    We can look back to Jesus’ sacrifice and rest because He has finished the good work for us. God accepts us because He accepts His Son Jesus. When we realize how much God loves us to sacrifice His only beloved Son on our behalf, we’re moved to ‘find freedom through seeking to please Him’ and honor Jesus our Savior the way Hebrews 13:15-18 tells us to.
    Freedom is found in living our life for an audience of one, God our Father. We should desire to please God and not the people in or outside of our lives. Yes we want our parents, friends and others to be proud of us, but if that will compromise our commitment to seeking and pleasing God, we should reexamine our motives. What should really matter at the end of the day is our sincere desire in seeking to please the Lord. Ultimately, what we’ll want more than anything else, will be to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).

    Galatians 1:10- “Am I now seeking the approval of God or of man? If I were seeking the approval of man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

    Dear Father, We pray that the choices we make from what we eat or wear to who we are, will be pleasing to You whose opinion truly matters. We pray that when making any choice that will disappoint people we care about, we’ll have the courage and maturity to let it go and be pleased with ourselves that You are pleased with us for putting You first. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen and amen! Maplewood, your prayer spoke to my heart and touched on something that I've been struggling with. Thank you for being a blessing to everyone here in this JC family. God bless you and your mom. Love you.

      Blessings from California

    2. Once again, Maplewood, your prayers touch my heart and mind by shining a light on questions I should be asking myself. Please Lord, transform me from a people pleaser to a God pleaser! Show me the discernment, the awareness and passion to change my ways to become closer to You.

    3. Your words, Maplewood, blessed my day and comforted my heart. This morning has been crazy with a Pastor in Haiti asking for donations to build a Church. I'm trying to donate but I must go out to Western Union. The stress of going out with my mask doing this good deed is robbing me of my peace. But God will be walking with me. Your words that really stood out for me were: Freedom is found in living our life for an audience of one, God our Father. We should desire to please God and not the people in or outside of our lives. I will do my best to put Him first and let Him reign in my heart. Thanks Sister for that good spiritual food, as always!

    4. Amen and Amen! Joining in this beautifully written prayer. Please help me to always keep my motives and intentions true and faithful to You only Lord and nothing else. Sear this into me fully and wholeheartedly Lord. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. I love and adore You sweet, beloved Lord.

    5. Thank you Maplewood. I must always realize that any good thing I do or accomplish is from God and not from me. He works through us and we must receive His wisdom and talents and use them to glorify Him. Today's devotion spoke to me and your words affirmed it. Praising and thanking our good Lord along with all my JC Family. How blessed we are that He is so faithful.

    6. So very important for me to remember and strive for! Always checking my motives, to be Unselfishly concerned for and Devoted

  10. I am a "people pleaser" so I constantly have to ask myself, "why am I doing this?". Quite often after asking myself this question, I rethink my next steps and change the course of my actions with what I think would be in line to please Him. That HIS will be done, not mine.

  11. Praying for your friend, Sandi, Sassy Mom and all of the believers on this post - or not! I was awakened again at 3:30 and it took an hour to get back to sleep. What a sweet time it was with my Father. I remembered someone telling me last week to be thankful for that time - that God wanted to fellowship with me!
    Praying for your Great Grandson, Unknown and for your dear daughter, MadFox. I know the feelings you are experiencing, all too well - each time I had to send my daughter back to KC,MO and then the thought of her being there during COVID, holed up in an apt. by herself, working around people who were somewhat flippant over precaution. God brought her home and though I don't see her all too often, just knowing she is here, working with her brother, blessing her nieces, nephews and sibs, making her own way while holding her Daddy's Hand.
    I tried multiple times to post yesterday and was blocked. However, I knew God knew I was praying and what I was praying for.
    God bless each of you. Praying protection and Grace and Love for the lonely-hearted. LCA - I am giving you a warm, spiritual hug, right now!
    Blessing JC Family!

    1. Praying for you and your family dear Norah. Thanks always for your prayers and blessings.

    2. I simply just love you Norah; thank you for the best hug!

    3. Thanks Norah. it's been a challenging day for her apparently. I'm perplexed and all I know to do is pray. Thanks for the input, it may very well be that she knows she is headed back to a lonely situation. she may also be subjected to 14 days quarantine unless her hospital can test her and get clearance as our state is on Cuomo's list. Praying all of us will be at peace. Amen

    4. MadFox --- Continuing prayers for your daughter and your family. The Lord has promised that His grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in weakness. So I ask for MadFox's daughter to accept and embrace her need for You, Lord. Fill her with your grace and place within her heart a longing for righteousness. May her words, her actions, and her entire life be an outpouring of Your grace, giving life to those around her. Calm MadFox's heart, Lord, and keep it away from the spirit of fear and anxiety. Surround MadFox and family with Your peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray they will wait on You, Lord, and have patience and to fully depend on You for strength, that they soar on wings like eagles. In Jesus's Name, The Victorious One. AMEN and AMEN

    5. one word: AWESOME. thanks JJ.

    6. Praying always for your dear daughter Madfox! May she make the right decisions and know in her heart that the best place would be near to you.

    7. Dear Sassy Mom, Sandi is always in my prayers. I pray she is doing better. Our God certainly is Awesome, The Victorious One! He fights our battles and heals our infirmities and forgives our iniquities. Looking back at these older posts blesses me. I see how God has worked to solve many of our problems and heal our weaknesses. Dear Norah, You are such a loving person. I just love you and all my sisters and brothers here. We are united in Christ and in His love.

  12. Update on Helen a nurse on the front lines who was hospitalized with covid.

    Helen, has been home for a few weeks now. She still tires easily and at times has difficulty breathing so uses her oxygen. She was followed up by her doctor via Telemed...she was started on an inhaler with steroid for her breathing also her doctor heard and saw how she was breathing....she still has a long way to go yet. Thanks and gratitude to Warriors for praying for my niece. Connie

    1. Praying for Helen, Sassy Mom, and all like her who suffer because of their dedication to their calling. Sounds a lot like what Jesus did. May Helen be resurrected from this situation to new life, again, much like Jesus.

    2. Praying for Helen's health to be restored and her strength renewed in Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    3. Continuing to pray for good Helen. Praying that her lungs are strengthened and all her weaknesses are healed.
      Yes Bob, Just like Jesus, she is suffering because of her dedication to her calling. May He bring her to a full recovery so she can proclaim His good deeds.

    4. Continuing to pray for Helen's healing in all ways, body, mind and spirit. Thank You Jesus!


  13. Love and thanks from Sandi - in her own words.
    " So grateful for the prayers and the Warrior group! It calmed my fears about being in here. I am just concentrating on going home! 💕to you all! All of you and your friends have a blessed day!"

  14. Update on clergy couple: he had a difficult night the night before but was perky in the AM. She is strong and by the grace of God, is weathering the storm (prayers contribute to that). This afternoon, I will be recording the service for Sunday. Musicians (who are wonderful) are not available for live streaming on Sunday. Some of you have expressed interest in viewing the service. I will post the church's website when it has been uploaded. Probably Sunday.

    (II Timothy 2:16-18) And now a caution. Apparently there was a couple who needed attention in the church Timothy was serving (Paul names them). So they were twisting the truth in a way that would draw attention to themselves and thus away from God. So Paul admonishes young Timothy, 'Avoid empty and ungodly chatter! For it is like gangrene which will spread and result in an increase in impiety.'

    The primary church I served for 27 years was a good church that always kept its focus thus doing much in the advancement of the gospel within the community. The denomination of which the church was a part of was, like all denominations, dealing with issues that were causing division among the churches. The church I was serving, chose not to get involved in those discussions though there were many attempts by the factions to draw the church into their fold. While the church tried to stay neutral, keeping its attention on what they believed called to be doing, still the issues kept coming to the church's board meetings via the denomination's communications and the factions who were vying for the church to be on their side. Every time the issues came up, it disrupted the peace and tranquility of the meetings in which the good ministry of the church was being discussed. So as senior pastor I decided to keep the communications and thus the discussions on the issues to a minimum, avoiding them as much as possible yet keeping the people aware of what was going on. Some outside the church accused me of sticking my head in the sand (isn't that a good tool to make people come over to your way of thinking?). I saw it as staying focused much as I hear Paul telling Timothy in this passage. (If you think that such issues only occur in denominational churches, beware, all churches are vulnerable to the demonic efforts to divide.) Regardless of the affiliation of your church, the point of this passage is to avoid both individually and as groups empty and ungodly conversations that destroy the purity of the body of Christ.

    On a positive note, Anthony of Padua was a Portuguese priest and a friar in the Franciscan Order (San Antonio, TX is named after him). He was known by his contemporaries for his powerful preaching, expert knowledge of scripture, and undying love and devotion to the poor and the sick. I have read that where he preached in Italy there were many heretical movements springing up. It is said, he never preached against heresy but kept his sermons focused on eloquent exposition of the truth of the gospel. That in turn combated the heretics of his day and led many back onto the straight and narrow path of Jesus Christ. Another affirmation, as I see it, of Paul's advice to Timothy.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you, Bob, for your teachings. This particular line hit home for me, 'Avoid empty and ungodly chatter! For it is like gangrene which will spread and result in an increase in impiety.' I'm currently struggling with my brother who wants to try to take my focus off of the Lord and redirect it to his way of thinking. I'm strengthened by Paul's advice to Timothy. Thank you, Bob. God bless you and looking forward to the link to Sunday service.

      Blessings from California.

    2. Bob, I look forward to getting that link. I know you will preach the words the Spirit gives you all to God's glory. When you were serving the Church, I think you were doing the right thing by stying focused on what God wanted His people to hear, instead of proclaiming those things that threatened to separate them from the love of God and His truth.

    3. I am so grateful for the teachings that I receive from all of you here. Thank you all and thank You Jesus for bringing us all together. Praise the Lord continously and always.

    4. Amen to that dear Janet, We are so blessed to be able to come here to read these wonderful teachings, to share God's words, promises and messages. We share His love too. This is our safe Haven, our daily rest stop. We are of one accord because we are bound by Jesus and our love for Him. Amen Praise Him with every breath.

    5. You, your precious prayers and postings are so near and dear to me. I don't leave home without it ;)

  15. Thank you all for your prayers for my procedure yesterday! My worries were calmed by the Peace of His Prescence. I noticed reminders of it on several occasions throughout the day. Anesthesia is a very weird thing, but I tried to be grateful instead of worrying about loss of control and memory loss. I thank the healing power of Jesus by prayer and declaration for news of results that celebrate my healthy outcomes!

    1. So glad to hear that your procedure went well and you were resting in Him who cares for you. I am praying the results will be good. May God grant you perfect health and peace always and ever. Amen

    2. Very grateful, Audra! Thanks be to God! Now may your God given natural body dispel all that doesn't belong in it. God be with you.

    3. Sweet Audra, rest in the Lord. Lifting you up in prayer with all JC Warriors.

    4. Amen. Glad you are good and in the presence of the Lord.

    5. Thanking our good God for continuing to heal all of your weaknesses, Audra, and for healing Marc and Paul and for taking care of you and your family.

    6. Thank you Lord for healing my weaknesses of which there are many. Give me the conviction to co-labor with you on that tall order. Forgive me when I slip and fall because I feel overwhelmed and unable to make better choices. You are only good, Father. Thank you for Jesus, my only hope as I flounder in this fallen world.

  16. Father God, thank you for today. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to seek and serve You, Lord. Help me to see the many treasures that await me, and may Your will be done in my life. Send Your Holy Spirit to guide my steps. Where you lead, I will follow. Help me to be Your light that shines the brightest for others to see and know You, Lord. Thank you, Father God, for using me at Your will. Help me to be a loyal and faithful servant. Thank you, Father God, for strengthening and renewing my mom in mind, body and spirit this day, and comfort all widows. I thank you for all answered and unanswered prayer of my JC family. I join in praying for all intentions here both big and small. Nothing is impossible for You, Father God. I praise You, I love You, I glorify You.
    In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    I got a text yesterday that my cousin, Mikey, was exposed to Covid19 by a co-worker and fell ill the next day with fever, sore throat and body aches. Please join me in praying for health restoration not only for my cousin and his family, but for his co-worker and family as well. Let's cover them all with the blood of Jesus. Mikey's grandmother is my Aunt Lupe that you may remember was fighting the virus. She is home and recovering slowly but surely. Praise God!

    Great news! My niece, who was pregnant, delivered a beautiful, healthy baby boy, and they named him Noah. Momma and baby are home and doing well. I'm a great aunt for the third time! What a blessing. Noah is so tiny at 6 lbs 8 oz., but I trust in God to strengthen him. I love my nieces and nephews and great niece and nephews like they were my own. Thanking God for blessing me beyond my expectations.

    Blessings from California

    1. Amen. Praying for restoration and peace in the Lord. Hallelujah for a new soul being brought into the world. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always.

    2. Dear Rose, I pray for little Noah and your family every day and I'm sure he is the cutest little sweetheart. May God comfort and guide your family always, give them a strength of faith, and protect all of you from Covid. Thank You Jesus!

  17. Praying for your Mom to be blessed and healed in every part of her body, mind and soul. And for the healing of your Cousin Mikey, his family, and co-worker and family. Praying for your Aunt Lupe too. I'm glad she's recovering. Slowly is good one day at a time. Praise God that your niece had a beautiful healthy baby boy, Noah! Welcome little one! God bless him and your family.

  18. Has anyone heard from Brilamar? Praying all is well with her husband and her brothers and her friends.

  19. Oh What A Feeling To Victory Dance on the Ceiling!
    Thanks be to God for His Goodness and Your Prayers. Keith had a follow up appointment to assess the efficacy of the Eligard treatment he had in April. As you may recall he had a Radical Prostatectomy about 10 years ago, and recently his PSA rose to 58+. The Urologist inserted an Eligard Time Release targeted treatment to the prostate bed. Yesterday, our follow up visit revealed his PSA has now dropped to 0.4 !!! He did not need another injection yesterday :) We got out with once a month bloodwork for the next three months. Praise God and thank you for your prayers. Our break in the storm only happened because of both. My brother was happy. It felt good to see his big wide Keithy grin again. All I can say is Thank You God! Thank You Jesus! Thank You JC Warriors! Thank You! Happy feels good :)

    1. Hallelujah! So glad to hear the good news of another victory in Jesus Christ! God bless and peace be with you.

    2. One more victory to celebrate! Halleluia. Our God is so great and faithful! I'll bet you loved to see your brother's big grin again. Doing a little victory dance right in my living room! Praise God!

    3. Awesome news Brie! Thank you for sharing. God is GREAT!


    4. Yes. We celebrate your goodness and grace Papa!! Amen and thank you! ❤️

    5. Thank you Lord for these blessings on Brie and her family!

  20. 10-4: I am praying for your daughter-in-law's successful surgery, full healing and complete restoration in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Amen! Praying with my sister for your dear Daughter in law. May God guide the whole surgery and her perfect recovery. He can do all things.
      Thank You Father for this in the name of Christ Jesus!

  21. Father, help me to be the person You created me to be. I've been struggling these past few days with feeling "blah" and letting my troubles and circumstances take precedent in my life. Please help me to keep my focus on You and not anything else in my life. You are the most important aspect of my life and I desire for You to be the center of it. I don't want to be a "people pleaser", but I do want to be pleasing to You. Let my firm foundation of faith in You have the stronghold in my life and not the things of this world. Lift me up with You, above this dreary mire of the world, and let me see things from Your perspective and through Your eyes. I praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, A refuge in times of trouble. And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; for You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You. (Psalm 9:9-10). For the wicked boasts of his heart's desire; he blesses the greedy and renounces the LORD. The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; God is in none of his thoughts (Psalm 10:3-4). I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. (Psalm 9:1-2).

    1. Thank you for bringing your feelings to light dear Janet. Nothing is too difficult for you, Papa! Nothing is hidden from you and Janet, Papa! We know she is fearfully and wonderfully made. We know that she is your masterpiece, created to do good works! We know it is in you that she lives and breathes and has her being. We also know that you welcome us to reach out with our hearts and our feelings.

      Thank you that Janet trusts you. Thank you for hearing her. Thank you for your presence while she navigates these moments. As you are light, show her down to ur light, even as she shines for you. May she sense your encouragement as she seeks you, her refuge.
      Thank you that she is not alone.
      ❤️ Much love to you, Janet.

    2. I'm praying for you, Janet. I'm struggling with some things too. I want to be the Woman of God that I was called to be.

    3. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. God is so good and you all are so wonderful!

  22. Praying with you and for you, dear sister. He knows how you have been feeling but He also knows that you trust Him and wait on Him. His promises are true. Rest in them and be blessed. You are dearly loved.

    Psalms 37:4 - Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

    Psalms 121:1-8 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

    Proverbs 30:5 - Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

  23. I am struggling through this: "I am your Master, and I do not drive you to be what you are not." I am not a caregiver by nature nor choice. Life pressed me into this role. Dear Lord, Please clarify my difficulty with today's devotion. In Jesus' Name through the Power of Your Holy Spirit, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    1. My heart goes out to you, dear Brie. You're in a bit of a wilderness that you didn't plan to enter. God often calls us to serve others who need us. Sometimes we must adjust our personal lives to follow His instructions. We have all been forced to wear a different hat which doesn't quite fit, because God needs us to be His helper. Life pressed you into being Keith's caretaker and you also must take care of your dear husband. He has been equipping you well for this role. You are His faithful servant and He will be your strength when you are weak. He will lift your head when you're weary or exhausted. May His Spirit lighten you from the inside out and guide your new daily walk in His presence. Sending a big hug to you, sweet Brie.

    2. Thank you my dear sweet sister in Christ, Jeanne. I really needed to read the truth you spoke. I love you.
      I must freely give God control of my mouse, much like I do with the computer repair team when I depend on them for problem resolution:) Thanks to all of my precious JC Family who pray for me and mine to the Lord our God. May you receive showers and showers of His Blessings now and forevermore In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. What Brie? You are by nature and choice a caring and giving woman. Let our Father give you the strength and resolve to put the two together in your family relationships and service. Of late, I also need to heed this advice! 😉

  24. Thank God for today devotion definitely opened my eyes. Heavenly Father, keep me I pray from the temptation to do hypocritical works of the flesh in order to receive the applause of men. Examine my heart and search the hidden motives of my mind and expose all that is offensive to You. Help me to live and work to Your praise and glory from this day forward, in Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

    ahadi and rose

    1. Amen. Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.

      Let us all try our best to live for the Spirit instead of the flesh. Help us Jesus to follow hard after righteousness instead of this fallen world.

      Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

  25. Hey Dear JC Family - I had to share the VICTORY REPORT!
    Our Dear Daughter is FINE! They found polyps in her colon, biopsied them and they were benign. They found the beginning of a stomach ulcer, biopsied tissue surrounding and it and it, too, was benign. I'm so very thankful.
    Janet, I'm praying for you. As I said in a reply to your post: I'm struggling with some of the same things. CHANGE. Why does it seem like a 4 letter word? :) I don't want to be THAT woman. I want to embrace it and grow with it, but I find myself fighting it. Another thing I take to the Lord in prayer.
    Brie - your post yesterday was so fun and whatever I did to respond, I ended up deleting. But, Sister - you make my heart sing!
    Love to all of you and thank you for your prayers for our dear daughter, my dear husband, whose results were exactly what we prayed for. I went to the Eye Dr. today and found out I'll be having a Cataract Consult on 8/9/21. I can't wait!! If I end up getting the surgery, it will be the first time since 1963 that I won't be nearsighted and needing glasses!! My Eye Dr. said, "You will be AMAZED!" So, there's a change I can embrace!
    Continued prayers for all of you precious Believers!

    1. My husband had cataract surgery on both eyes (at different times) many years ago. He got, and paid for the bifocal lenses. He is happy, plus he can read expiration dates! How cool is that :) The joy of aging above ground!
      So happy our Dear Daughter's polyps were B-9! Praying for God's Continuous Blessings on you and yours and our entire JC Family and theirs, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  26. Celebrating with you dear Norah for more victories. Praise Him for His loving kindness and tender mercies. So happy your dear daughter got two great results. Praying with you for our sister Janet. God knows her heart of love and trust and He will continue to be faithful to her as she waits on Him. Change is difficult. Soon my 4th grandson will be born in September and I will be helping every day. His big brother is turning 3 and starting nursery school so I will help in whatever way I can. I'm blessed to be their Nani and I'm looking forward to it but my life will change. Dear Brie, You always make my heart sing too!!
    What a blessing, Norah! You're going to be able to see more clearly. God is so good. Halleluia!
    Please pray for my daughter in law, Allie. My son would not be completely honest with me when I asked how Allie's biopsy of the tissue from her cervix went? He never mentioned the word benign. He said we're not sure and said she will be getting checked in 6 months. He said the Doctor said they believe they got all the suspicious tissue out of her. Please keep praying for my dear sweet daughter in law. Still praying that they will have a child in God's timing. But her health is way more important than anything. Thank You Jesus!

    1. I am praying for our Allie, in Jesus' Name. He Who casts out demons can also cast out suspicious tissue. Amen.

    2. Father, please lift Allie up to Your throne of grace and restore her body whole. Let her and her husband be able to bring new life into this world. You are the healer and miracle worker and You always bring joy into our lives. You delight in all Your children and in blessing them. Praise You Lord and thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. I'm so happy to hear about the coming of your new grandson in September. They are so blessed to have you and all that you do for them. Keep on sharing your beautiful heart with others. Peace be with you.

  27. Praying for your dear Allie, Jeanne. Thank you all for celebrating with me. Humbled, again.

  28. Taking all prayer requests to my pillow. God does some of his best work while we rest. How amazing is that!

    1. Our God is an awesome God, always thinking of our good!

    2. Seeing all these prayers for dear Allie blessed my heart. God’s faithfulness was shining like the sun and Allie and Bryan now have a beautiful baby girl, Evelyn Mary. Thank for all those sincere prayers. We are so grateful! Praise His Holy Name forever Thank You Father for the greatest gift! The first girl in our family. Hallelujah

  29. Because we are God’s dearly loved children, we are also children of light. That means we should live in the world as children of light. If this is who we are, then this is how we must walk, day by day. It’s not easy. It can be a long and slow process. It involves identifying the darkness in our lives, and confessing it, and dealing with it. But it’s something that we can do, and something that we must do. God has changed us from darkness to light, and that means we have the strength to live as children of light.

    Let us pray God will continue to remove thedarkness in our lives and make us like into who He wants us to be.

    1. Amen and Amen! Thank you dear Min Ahadi! Going to shine His light today in the Boston area when we visit our youngest son’s family. They don’t believe in God., May God soften their hardened hearts. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Amen! Walk in the light of His leading.

    3. Amen! praying for all of us to outshine the world! Thru Christ this occurs. Praying for you Jeanne now that a new thing will occur in the hearts of your family, a shift toward the light our king Jesus. God bless all of u who continue to shine and shed light on the darkness. We are identified as Christ followers by this beautiful light!

  30. Heavenly Father, thank You. I praise You Lord always. Bless You Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless Your holy name. Please help me to walk in a manner which is pleasing to You Lord. Let me not be concerned about what others may say, think, or do, but remain in Your love and light. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen dear Janet! Follow His lead good sister. Love you.

  31. This is so spot on for what God is using me for. My motives are to please Him, and not just put on a facade for everyone else. But first I must remain honest with myself, otherwise progress won’t be made towards my goals. I love how these devotionals always relate to what I’m facing at the moment.

  32. Dear beloved family, thank you for continued prayers. My computer has been in the "hospital" for 3 days, I'm catching up with 3 days of prayers and victories. July 21 was my Debbi's birthday. Forecast for that day was 60% chance of rain ALL DAY. I visited the cemetery and placed a vase with one rose and baby's breath on her grave. When the children were little they always wanted to give me flowers, but we couldn't afford them. This was the beginning of a tradition that is still practiced today, one rose with a note that says "One rose always means I love you." BTW, my Debbi's birthday was blessed with a happy beautiful day of sunshine. I covet continued prayers. TODAY IS A SAD DAY.

    1. My Beloved Sassy Mom --- I continue to lift you up to The Throne of Grace. I ask my Papa God to surround you with a Garrison of Ministering Angels to surround you and anoint you with our Heavenly Father's Soothing, Healing Balm. I so feel your heart and Plead the Blood of Jesus over you. I am holding you tight in my heart and speak Jesus, Jesus, Jesus into every cell of your body. Love, love, love you with the Love of Jesus, The Master Comforter and Waymaker!!!

    2. Our Dearly Beloved JJ, I receive your anointed prayers. Thank you for blessing the lives of our JC Family.

  33. All in on continued prayers for Sassy Mom. The may be many sad days for us, but not for Debbi! Can we even imagine the glory????

    1. So true dear Audra! Amen! We continue to pray for our Sassy Mom and Terri and you and Marc. May God comfort you and all those who have lost loved ones. We know His promises are true. Dear Debbi, Michelle and Paul are all realizing God’s promises! Someday we will be with our dear ones again and face to Face with our Lord. Jesus Christ. Our joy will be full and complete

    2. Beloved Jeanne and JC Prayer Warriors. I covet your prayers. July 21 (Debbi's BD) was the worst day of my life. I woke up at 4:30 am and was sick all day until 4:00 pm, throwing up and diarrhea. I thought I would end up in the hospital. I know it is emotional. I just can't get over losing my Debbi. My weight is down to 112. Thank you for continued prayers.

    3. Sassy Mom, praying for you sweet one. I’ve grown in faith over recent years observing your faith and trust in our Lord. My heart weeps for you as your continue to mourn your child.
      SC Anonymous 🙏

    4. Dear Sassy Mom,
      I am so sorry you are without Debbi. Especially during these grievous times, May you feel God's life surrounding yours;
      God's Love enfolding you;
      God's Powerful Protection and His Presence watching over you;
      Wherever you are, GOD IS and you are safe, secure, and loved! InJesus' Name. AMEN!

  34. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. (1 John 3:21-22). For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10). Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14). And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2).

    1. Awesome verses! May God’s Spirit work mightily within us every day to guide us to live to please Him in our thoughts, words, and deeds.

  35. May our great and merciful God heal and comfort Margaret’s friend after the heart transplant and make it a successful one, and bring about a smooth and complete recovery.
    Thank You God for this and the healing of all our dear ones in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
    You are so much greater than anything we could face. .
    Psalm 107:19-21
    Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
    And He saved them out of their distresses.
    He sent His word and healed them,
    And delivered them from their destructions.
    Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,
    And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

  36. I've been challenged a few times recently (between the Lord and I) whether I'm living a Christ centered or self centred Christian life.
    It's not intentional, but I notice I seem to talk more about myself when in conversation with other Christians. I see it as a thin shell I need to break out of.
    Jesus is the Way, He is the Truth, and He is the Life we live.
    It's not my way to live for Him, it's how He wants me to live for Him.
    It's not my truth (my experiences with Him) that He wants me to share, rather to speak out the Gospel of Jesus Christ - the way of Salvation to the unsaved.
    Not be interested in talking about myself but rather be patient and listen to other folk.
    It's not my life I need to share with others but His life.
    It really IS all about Him and nothing about me.
    I need a heart attitude change, humble and teachable; recognizing it, Lord Jesus I need your help.
    'Change my heart O God'

    Isaiah 57:15 AMPC
    For thus says the high and lofty One—He Who inhabits eternity, Whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, but with him also who is of a thoroughly penitent and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the thoroughly penitent [bruised with sorrow for sin].

    John 3:30 AMPC
    [30] He must increase, but I must decrease. [He must grow more prominent; I must grow less so.].
    "When we get out of the way and let God accomplish what He intends, then much is accomplished. On the other hand, when we step in and try to help God along, we may find ourselves actually working against what God desires to do".
    ( reference: https://www.gotquestions.org/He-must-increase-I-must-decrease.html)

    1. We are all guilty of this, dear Peter. It should always be more about God and less about us. I’m sure when you talk about yourself to others you tell them how God’s goodness and faithfulness has blessed and changed your life. They see His bright Light and the Christ in you which is beautiful. Thanks for the pretty His. I’m so thankful our Great Potter is always at work molding us to His Image. We sure need it every day. He loves us dearly with all our imperfections so we remain blessed. Have a good and productive day in the Lord. God bless you always.

    2. ‘ It's not my life I need to share with others but His life’
      Thank you for this reminder, Peter, and your honesty.
      Change my heart, O God
      My daily prayer is that I would minister Him to all I come in contact with. I often fall short of this, thankful that He is patient and continues to transform us by the renewing of our minds and changing of our hearts. There was an old song I learned as a teenager. The words went something like this -

      Day by day He’s changing me,
      In every way, He’s changing me.
      When I am yielded He sets me free
      Jesus is changing me.

      Line upon line He’s teaching me
      Precept on precept He’s teaching me
      When I am yielded He sets me free
      Jesus is changing me.

    3. Thanks Peter for the ready link into Change My Heart O God. ❤️ This is my serial singing song. I sing it multiple times throughout the day!

  37. May the PEACE of GOD, which passeth all human understanding, guard your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of GOD and in His SON, JESUS CHRIST, our LORD, and the BLESSING of GOD ALMIGHTY, the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT be upon you and remain with all of you always. AMEN!

  38. Please pray with me to activate today's devotion and find real freedom through seeking to please God above all else, and to concentrate on staying close to Him during this time, and at all times, especially end times.

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for everything. Special thanks that I can come to you today with my heartache and Keith’s pain. Thank You that we can admit to You that It hurts so much right now to not yet have The Miracle Cure and Healing we most desire, and how much it hurts to feel as though we may be forgotten in the waiting room, when this is far from Truth.
    I ask in prayer, again today, that You will heal all the hurt that exists within me and Keith, and use this suffering we are currently enduring, for Your Greater Glory and Good. Help us lay it all at the foot of Your Cross and leave it there throughout our days. 

    Our minds conceive, and believe that You can achieve and relieve every ounce of pain we feel, and that You will bless and accept our earthly suffering, and then use it as You Will, far beyond our understanding.

    Teach us how to allow You to love through us, throughout this journey to The Cross. 

    But most of all we pray for You to help us be entirely open and accepting of Your Will and Your Way, without a Lot of looking back
    at things that were, or things that coulda, shoulda, woulda been, and that we will continue this wait with Loving patience, perseverance in Hope, and with absolute Faith and Trust in Your Plan for us. 

    Above all else, pray for us to remember, this body is our ship; not our home.
    In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Praying with you, Brie. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

    2. Joining in your prayer, Brie. And THANKING GOD for the reminder that we are citizens of HEAVEN, not this crazy fallen world. Maranatha!

    3. Joining in your prayer dear Brie with our family here! Amen! I’ve been praying that God’s plan for Keith will unfold according to His Will. And all of you will be comforted by His mercy. God’s promises are true. He knows it’s so hard to watch Keith suffer. But soon your dear brother will be in His perfect peace and know the Love of God. Keith has been a faithful servant of the Lord and he will receive his eternal reward. And you will be with him again. Thank You Jesus!

  39. Amen, Jeanne, so encouraging.

  40. Dear beloved Brie and Kieth, we love you. Offering many prayers for a MIRACLE CURE AND HEALING to Jehovah Rapha the great physician.

  41. Thank you for that beautiful song dear Websister! We encourage each other.
