Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 31

Trust Me in the depths of your being. It is there that I live in constant communication with you. When you feel flustered and frazzled on the outside, do not get upset with yourself. You are only human, and the swirl of events going on all around you will sometimes feel overwhelming. Rather than scolding yourself for your humanness, remind yourself that I am both with you and within you.
     I am with you at all times, encouraging and supportive rather than condemning. I know that deep within you, where I live, My Peace is your continual experience. Slow down your pace of living for a time. Quiet your mind in My Presence. Then you will be able to hear Me bestowing the resurrection blessing: Peace be with you

Colossians 1:27
English Standard Version

To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Verse thoughts
Christ in you, the hope of glory: This is the Christian’s hope of glory. It isn’t our own hard work or devotion to God, or the power of our own spirituality. Instead, it is the abiding presence of Jesus: Christ in you. 

Matthew 28:20
English Standard Version

teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Verse thoughts
Bishop William Beveridge (1637-1708) - Bishop of St Asaph, Diocese of Church of Wales states - “I am with you; I, the eternal Son of God; I, who have the angels at my command, and make the devils tremble by my frown; I, who in your sight have caused the storms to cease, the blind to see, the lame to walk, the dead to rise, only with the word of my mouth; I, who have all power in heaven and earth committed to me — am with you; not, I will be with you, but, I am with you, and that always, all the days, or every day: Wheresoever you are, and whensoever you do any thing toward the executing of the commission which I have given you, I am with you in the doing of it, and that too to the very end of the world: that is, so long as I have a church upon earth, which shall be till my coming again to judge the world, all this while I promise to be with you, and consequently as long as the world shall last.” 

John 20:19
English Standard Version

On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”

My Prayer
O Lord, thank you for the magnificent reminder, to observe all that You have commanded me. Keep the Words of Your Truth fresh on my mind, not simply for my own gratification, though I am forever grateful for You saving me, but also remind me that I am commissioned as your bond-servant to teach people the gospel of Christ. Thank you that I am not justified by my adherence to these commands, because you know the only good in me is because of You in me. Now, also, thank You for being with me always. That I can go to You, that You are with me - every step. I do not have to call on your presence to be with me, for you are there always. You never leave.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, I was upset because our power went off in the middle of the night and I couldn't go back to sleep. You are teaching me to give thanks in all circumstances. Thank you Lord that it happened during the cool of night instead of the day during the extremely hot sweltering heat.

    1. I meant to reply to your comment!

    2. Thank you my Lord Jesus for waking me today. Thank you for giving me the gift of life again. Through Your grace, strength, and wisdome I'll live this day in the way You want me to.
      In Jesus name I pray

    3. AMEN! Spot on; couldn't have been better phrased. Tremendously grateful πŸ™ Thank You!!

    4. Beautiful and powerful devotional, scriptures and prayers πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ©΅
      Love prayers and blessings JC family

  2. That is so sweet, Sassy Mom - even if it was a year ago - it applied this morning as I was listening to the rain! So thankful for our constant reminders in Jesus Calling and this blog and my other readings this morning. To think that God in Christ in US is closer than our very breath...what can't we do with that power and mercy and grace? We can do ALL things through Christ who loves us.

  3. I meant Amen! God is always with us. And all things are possible with Him. Thank You Jesus!

  4. Amen! Thank you dear God for each day and thank you for each moment, I will work to carry out your will for me in this life.

  5. There are times when I get flustered and aggravated and need to be reminded to thank God for all circumstances. Having God with, and within, us is a great blessing. Knowing that all I need to do is say "Jesus, help me" is my source of comfort. Thank you, God for living within me!

  6. I try to wake up thinking positive and thankful but I really feel I have nothing to be thankful for I could care less if the world would end today and everyday lately I need prayers to not lose faith.

    1. I feel the same!! Depressed and no motivation to do anything. But God is in control during good and bad times, and bad times don’t ever last. It’s hard to be thankful and keep faith in Him, the devil works to ruin your relationship with him but just keep praying and whisper “Jesus” whenever you feel down! His name has so much power and will instantly bring you peace. I’ll pray for you as well! Keep your head up, God is always good and loves you no matter what!

    2. May God encourage and strengthen all thos that feel discouraged are going in the right direction seeking for help.....we will pray for you , be encouraged God has gone before you , seek Him continously breathe in saying Lord Jesus breathe out saying I need you .....H elp is on the way

  7. So many reminders of days gone see God's faithfulness, to be reminded of the God in Christ in us - the hope of glory! Thankful to report, my dear hubby had another "good," visit with the Oncologist. We were praying that his visits be switched to every 6 months instead of 3, but because of a "slight fluctuation in the proteins," the Dr. is keeping him at every 3 months. This was delivered after waiting 2 hours for 10 mins with the Dr., so we were disappointed (on several counts). We were now running late for the next appt, but kept our wits about us and the Cardiologist got us right in, did an EKG, which was good and had us out in a half hour...with appts. every 6 months instead of 3!
    We hit a rain storm that left us both tired and hungry after the better part of a full day, however, we recovered! HA HA...we chose to be thankful for a Dr. who is staying on my husband's former cancer and chose to be thankful for extra days of vacation that I can take off with him to go. It was definitely a decision b/c our 5 senses wanted us to be disappointed.
    Every day is a choice as is each thought. As Sassy Mom said 2 years ago, we can be thankful in ALL circumstances - some are just more challenging than others.
    Prayers for all of you and thankfulness for yours as I'm sure we were prayed for yesterday. NOW: thanking Him for reminding me of the victories as I face challenges with finances and decisions to be made. It's God in Christ in me! Let me never stop trusting you, Lord. Remind me of all the times you've 'caught' us, just before a fall. So very thankful.

    1. Norah, I'm glad to hear that your husband continues to remain cancer free. I pray that he will hear that wonderful news at all future appointments. Your faith will continue to get you through the anxious times. God bless you and your husband.

    2. Good morning JC Family, love, blessings and peace to all. I am thankful for my JC Family. Thankful and praising the Lord Norah's husband is cancer free. Thank you Jesus.

    3. Norah - it's so great to hear the good news on your husband. and that your vacation time can increase with him. God is so good. Have a wonderful day. KS

    4. Thank u Norah..'Every day is a choice as is each thought. As Sassy Mom said 2 years ago, we can be thankful in ALL circumstances - some are just more challenging than others.'
      Needed this 'nugget' today

    5. Me too! So weary of having physical pain when I'm wanting to be more physically active in order to be more physically fit. And now my spiritual fitness seems at risk as I ask for relief and strength and it hasn't yet come.. Thank you for your prayers.

  8. Norah thank you for sharing your thanksgivings! Gods speed.

  9. JC pray warriors: Thanks so much for all the prayers yesterday for my wife and me. When I read them this morning, tears came to my eyes how people I have never met before would care enough about us to include us in their prayers. Thank you again I know and believe that God will grant me peace and take care of my family thru this trying time in my short journey here on earth.
    This forum and devotional reading has given me so much joy over the last months I want to share this with everyone.
    Everyone have a great day and God bless you all!

    1. God is faithful Dave, keep holding onto Him, you will not be disappointed! Keeping u and family in prayers.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Dave--- Maplewood is right on. You hold on. God has a Great Plan for you and your wife. In Ephesians it say per Amplified version: Now to Him Who by the power that is at work within us, is able to carry out His purpose and do superabundtantly far over and above all that we dare ask or think---infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams --- This is the MAGNIFICENT Lord we serve, always building us UP! And Maplewood, you are always building the JC FAMILY UP and the body of Christ! Great blessings and the unusual favor of the Lord UPON ALL from Kansas

    3. I love that word "superabundantly". Thanks for making me smile 😁

  10. What a blessing and a joy divine, to be in Your Presence again this morning Father! Thank You for another blessed and gifted day. I surrender my all to You this day. Thank You for loving me and forgiving me.

    The devotion this morning hits hard because I am guilty of being hard on myself and sometimes I forget that You love me nevertheless and always cheering me on. Your love for me and a sermon I heard last night on TBN by the young Jonathan Osteen preached on Father's day is a constant reminder of how Great a Father You are to Your children. We make mistakes, we sin, but You never condemn us. You are not the Father who criticize us or scolds us for our wrong doings. You want to help us, love us, support us, encourage us and guide us. You are the BEST Father we can ever have. Help me Holy Spirit to cease from self condemnation, knowing that You paid that price for me already and Thank You for always being with me even when I don't sense Your Presence. I receive Your Peace today as we go through this last day of July.

    Norah, I praise God from Whom ALL blessings flows for the VICTORY over cancer that your husband with God's lead WON! Thank You Jehovah Rapha!!!

    My JC family, I pray that the Peace of God will rest upon us this last day of July and usher us into the new month of August to the Glory of His Majesty, our Father in Heaven!
    May the Angels bring forth to each of us and our families this coming month of August, great tidings, great manifestations, great breakthroughs, lots of laughter, lots of happiness, great health and unspeakable Peace. Let the abundant rain from the flow Gate's of Heaven fall upon us til it overflows in JESUS name!
    Thank You for the month of July Father and All that You did for us and carried us through! We are expecting and super excited about Your plans for us this coming new month of August! PRAISE to You Holy name!

    Stay blessed and thankful in this last day Family, God is about to do wonders as ONLY He can!!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood--- Thank you for your prayer-- great uplift! I receive a BLESSED August for All the JC FAMILY.(All those that come, read & pray and all those that come, read, post & pray.) Norah--- praising the Lord for His VICTORY over your husband's cancer. Psalms 103:1-3 "Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases;"

    2. A year later I read what is my current focus on forgiveness from Maplewood's post:
      " Help me Holy Spirit to cease from self condemnation, knowing that You paid that price for me already and Thank You for always being with me even when I don't sense Your Presence. I receive Your Peace today as we go through this last day of July."
      I pray to know forgiveness deep in my heart so I can better know and feel the love of my Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    3. Maplewood, my songbird. I love you. Thank you always for your beautiful prayers.

    4. Amen Maplewood! All praise and gratitude for everything He has blessed us with in July! Waiting on the Lord now for new victories and answered prayers, and His presence and help in times of trouble along with many happy surprises in August. Let us remember that God is all merciful and forgiving, and we should also show mercy to ourselves and forgive ourselves of past transgressions which God has already forgiven. I have always told the people in the nursing home that God will forgive us when we come to him with a sincere heart of repentence. But once we are forgiven, why do we still walk carrying the heavy burden of our sins? Psalm 103:12 says: As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Let us surrender our sins and burdens to Him, and then we can serve Him better carrying a lighter load.

  11. Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you that you are with us every step of the way, whether we realize it or not. I feel like I definitely know You are there when all things are going right. But I tend to forget You are there at all times when things are going wrong. That's when the humanness in me comes out and I fell I have to beg and plead when You are already working in the background to help me. Give m what it takes to always know You are there, I can preach to others about You all day long how You are always there, but then I can't even take my own advice when it comes to me. Help me to realize You are through all times, not just the good.

    Lord, I know You have already recieved Lee Brocks soul to Your Heavenly home for him. When the tractor accident took his life yesterday evening. Be with Lawana (his Mom, a good friend of ours) his wife, children and all that loved him as they learn to live this life without him. Hold them with Your comforting arms and give then that peace beyond understanding.

    Lord God, be with each JC Family member as they go about their day, hear their prayers and answer them according to your will. Heal the sick, give peace to those that need it, do a cop knock on the hearts of those that need salvation and show them WHO & WHAT You are and how much You love them.

    Thank You Lord as You walk through this day with me, help me to always show Jesus in me. In the precious name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen!

    P.S. about the cop knock. I was standing by my back door about this time last year and some one beat on my door so hard it made me mad instantly. We don't play jokes around here like that, so when I opened the curtain on the door with a very bad attitude, I wasn't delighted to see a task force around my home. Usually when I open my curtain like I did that day, it scares the heck out of them and it makes them jump because it startles them. I am so glad that police officer had nerves of steel. Their knock is not the normal knock, knock, knock, it's, bam, bam, bam and startles you. Now why they were there, before anyone thinks I am the criminal they were looking for. The punk they were looking for was with a girl my daughter is friends with. The girl that he left to be with my daughters friend was mad and I don't know how she did it, but she got our address and put an address change from her home to our address, hence the cop knock on our door. I was freaked out when I opened the door and they asked for a Timothy Settle, I had never heard that nam, then it registered to me that Tim is the guy Jozetta was seeing and he had been to our home the day before. When I saw the police surrounding my home and a couple sneaking up to our shop where my daughter was along working the plasma table, I was praying she didn't make any kind of move that would get her shot. Let's just say, that was a huge nerve wracking time in all of our lives, well, except for Jozetta and Tim. They both are very good con artist. A different task force came the very next day, but my husband was outside and they didn't do the cop knock. This is only a small part of the story of people that are a lesson in our lives, not a blessing, it would take forever to tell the rest. But that's why I put the cop knock, when they knock, they get your attention fast.

    I pray all have a God blessed day!

    1. Pamela ---- Thank you for sharing your life stories. I really love your term "cop knock". There have been a number of days I have NEEDED a "cop knock" on my heart and mind. I won't forget "cop knock"! It speaks volumes. And the Lord's grace and mercy over the family you have been praying over.

    2. Pamela - Praying comfort for the loved ones of Lee Brocks who lost his life in traffic accident. PTL he is in the arms of Jesus.

    3. meant to say tractor!!! accident.

    4. We continue to lift up Lee family. may God remain their strength and my His love fill the void left by Lee death !

  12. May the Peace and comfort of our Great Lord, rest upon Brocks' family and give them strength in Jesus name! Interceding on their behalf.

    Maplewood NJ

  13. Let Naught be all else to me, save that Thou Art!
    I’m happy to be back as a poster. I am now Brie (formerly Brilamar)
    Although I did flyover our JC Prayer Warrior Room every day and pray for each of my JC family’s prayer requests, I paused from posting to try to reconcile a painful estrangement. My prayers and meditation led me to let go of the gift (more or less, as best I humanly can) and concentrate more and more on The Giver. I came to know that I had gotten the priority order mixed up. I was running after and trying to hold on too tightly to a gift rather than revere the Giver. The situation that I left posting to resolve is no different now, but thanks be to God, I am. I feel freer than ever before (more or less), because I am focusing more and more on reconciliation with God. Nothing or no one, or no gift matters as much to me anymore. Now He does. So that is the short story, but it took me a long time to get there. I was so spiritualized by Bob’s service realizing that God gave all for me because He loves me and that is all I need to know. It no longer matters who else does or doesn’t (more or less). Thanks for continuing in prayer JC family. It means more than you can ever imagine. I love you dearly.
    Even though these times are tough for me, I am trusting that things will work out in the way God lovingly planned them for the highest good of all concerned. I still get twisted, looking down and around for love in all the wrong places, when I should be looking up at my One True Love from above. Help me God, to detangle, detwist, detach, and redirect my view. Amen.
    Let Naught be all else to me, save that Thou Art!

    1. Jesus, help me; I thank You, Jesus!

    2. Hear Me bestowing The Resurrection Blessing: Peace be with you...Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”...Come Lord Jesus, come...Bring your 'Cop Knock' Peace! Now, please and thanks. Amen.

    3. So glad that you are back Brie! Been praying for you! Praising the Lord that you are now even closer to Him! Great is His Faithfulness! Praying for strength and peace that only comes from Him. Be blessed Brie! Have a wonderful day in His Presence! Peace be with you!

      Blessings from France

    4. Brie, God Bless you dear sister in Christ. I recognize both your pain and your faith. I'll pray for you to receive your Cop Knock of Peace and also for divine direction for your thoughts. It's so hard getting through facing even a day when our thoughts are so invasive. You are blessing others as well as myself by writing that you are concentrating more on the Giver than the gift. That is great that you were brought to that through prayer. You can count on my prayers. Love, Kathy

    5. Brie...Peace be with you. Praying for you. JE

    6. Brie, there is no love greater than that of Jesus Christ. Peace be with you!

    7. Sorry, Brie I posted before reading your funny that I posted missing you and here you are..welcome back dear one Brilamar/Brie, you were missed.

    8. Thanks Blessings From France, Kathy, JE, Audra, and Loveconquersall! I love you dearly and pray God's choicest blessings on you, yours and our entire JC Family. Amen.

    9. Dear Brie! Praising God you are back with us and you have your priorities in the right order, and God is at the top of the list! I really missed you and wondered what had happened. I prayed you would come back soon. I'm blessed and grateful to have another prayer answered. Praying that God fills your life with peace, fulfillment and joy. He has already redirected your steps and set your feet on the path that leads to Glory. I'm so blessed by your renewal of spirit and mind and heart. It is so much better that you are changed inside, despite the situation being the same. God isn't done with the situation yet either. Remain hopeful and looking up. Welcome back, dear Sister!

    10. Thanks Jeanne. I love you dearly.

    11. Brie/Brilamar you have truly been missed! I have prayed for you often... knowing in my heart that you were dealing with something that needed prayer or you would be posting! I am blessed to see you back and so thankful you have been able to gain some peace. I have been dealing with something similar in my job loss and I appreciate your perspective to focus on the Giver! My mind tends to take me to places that focus on my loss, rather than on what God is trying to GIVE me! At the end of the day...I’ve only lost a job! So many have lost so much more! I am BLESSED!! Anyhow, so happy to see you back!
      Now for an update on Patti:
      She is doing wonderful! Up walking...drains are starting to be removed and she will probably be discharged early next week! Thank you Lord for such blessings in our family!,

    12. Joining with this family in prayers for you. You are a child of God and loved always!

    13. Thanks for the prayers BamaGrl and Unknown. I could feel them and suspect they helped His Breakthrough. Silly me! I had no clue that the Lord was actually using the time to align me to Him.
      Yes, I have been on the job loss circuit; I learned to stay near to God for realignment and be thankful for every provision He sent. I also learned fear was useless, trust in a good and loving God was necessary, to start with what I had and to tithe. Our God is the Only One who knows well the plans He has for us, and can provide for us fully. Prayer Blessings to you and our entire JC Family.

    14. I am amazed that in this virtual experience we have, I find myself getting so attached to all of you. Brie, I have grown to love you and be richly blessed by the nature of your posts. You often leave me laughing a blessed laugh. I knew you said you would be gone for awhile so I knew you would be back. But to 'see' you again brought tears to my eyes, I am so happy to hear from you again. Your post shares growth which more often than not comes from struggle. You touched on it a bit and my heart goes out to you. Again, I ask myself, how can someone who is simply virtual take up residence in my heart and yet all of you are. I find that such an affirmation to this blog (many thanks, Chris). I am experiencing the communion of saints in this space. God be with you, Brie! With love, Bob

    15. Praise you God for Brie! Your posts have been a true light for many, including me. Blessings to you as you continue to navigate your spiritual journey! CO

    16. Thank you both, Bob and CO.
      I've also asked myself, how can someone who is simply virtual take up residence in my mind and heart as much as all of you do?
      myself said: Yes, we are all Spirits, who happen to inhabit bodies as our traveling vehicles to get us all safely back Home. I am convinced that neither the body vehicles we drive, nor the roads we take, nor the number of "wrecks" we've had getting there (including wrecks with trains, hence, train wrecks), nor the many times we have run out of gas, will mean anything once we're back in our Heavenly Home.
      As I watched your service this past Sunday, I knew I was seeing a very close friend, and I could also strongly sense all our other JC Family sharing the Watch Party with me, as though we were all in the same room, because our Spirits were. When is your next Service?

    17. BamaGrl, Thanks for the update! So glad Patti is doing well. What an awesome God we have! Praising Him for more answered prayers.

    18. Brie :) your post from last year once again blessed me and I'm sure will bless our other JC family when they read it. Thank you for your participation and love you bring to us here. Like Bob said above, I too have grown to love you. Have a great weekend dear sister. Love, Kathy

    19. Loved to revisit your posts, Brie. Exactly why this word from today's Devo is being revived by me in full measure:
      Now, also, thank You for being with me always. That I can go to You, that You are with me - every step. I do not have to call on your presence to be with me, for you are there always. You never leave.
      Love you girlfriend. Love this "virtual" JC family, known and unknown. Blessings and answered prayers, one and all. Thank you Jesus!

    20. Thank you for your wonderful post Brie ......Your experience is something I have gone through and letting go is always difficult , I learnt how to deal holding to something too tight....Lord you are all I need.

    21. One year later God, and God, YOU ARE STILL THE ONE!
      by Orleans

  14. Brie - Welcome "home". You are loved, we missed you. Love, peace and blessings from JC Family.

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom,
      It is so good to be Home here with my great JC Family, best Family ever for whom I am THANKFULLY grateful!

  15. I too miss Brilamar. I know she is praising our Lord wherever she is and singing her little heart out.
    Early in the and God
    Late at and God
    He's my father
    He's my friend
    The beginning and the end
    I am weak and he is and God
    He forgives me when I'm and God
    He's the one I lean on when life gets and God
    Praying always for my dear JC Warrior friends that Jesus gives you the strength, patience, grace to accept his will. Please pray for my little Jairo..white spot on his eye. JESUS I trust in you.

    1. Thanks loveconquersall for
      ME AND GOD
      And for giving me a new song to sing, of praises to our God @ Psalm 40: 3
      PS This is Brilamar, currently posting as Brie! And Yes! I am still singing my heart out ;)

  16. Dear Heavenly father, I place all my faith in You. May I never hesitate to approach You with freedom and confidence. You are faithful to Your promises and will defeat every enemy of my soul, regardless whether they are numerous and powerful. Yours is the Power above ALL powers and I have faith in You and Your word, because I know that Your word never fails. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Sometimes, difficulty isn’t necessarily a drastic tragedy, but can also be the busyness of trying to manage our day to day life. On our own, we fail ALL the time, with God’s help and directions, we persevere! God has said to us: ‘I am both with you AND within you, encouraging, cheering you on and supportive, rather than condemning you. I know that deep within your heart, where I live, My Peace is your continual experience.' Trusting God may seem difficult for some, but each day we must consciously lay aside our own plans, feelings and expectations and just surrender to His plans, watch and see what He will do. If we don’t, I can assure you that you will end up worn out, disappointed, and never feeling like you’ve finished or accomplished anything.
    Let’s take a look at some God trusting men and women in the Bible: Deborah (prophet and heroine in the Old Testament-Judg. 4 and 5) whose family are the people of Israel, witness the many disappointments and dysfunctions of her people just like we do today in our families. Hers just seem to be a much bigger situation and we can use her as a model of how to handle the chaos in our lives. She believed and trusted in God, she knew He was real and present in her life and because of that, she knew that victory was already hers through the power of God! inspired the Israelites to a mighty victory over their Canaanite oppressors!

    Zechariah & Elizabeth: (godly, devout people-Luke 1), kept Trusting God when a longing in their lives was unfulfilled. A longing unfulfilled, can be very disheartening. These two people married for a long time and living in a culture that measured God’s love for His people by the number of children they had. They were labeled the ‘very old, childless couple.’ But what should inspire us about this couple and make us want to be like them, is their ability to trust God in the midst of their unfulfilled longing. Scripture tells us that they trusted, they waited, they served God and God Himself described them as righteous. They could have given up on God, but together, they decided to keep serving Him despite the long wait. It is easy to lose our faith and trust in God and quickly turn to unbelief, but instead of doing that, we should keep praying and EXPECTING Him to move. Their story like many others in the Bible, is one of FAITH and TRUST in God. They understood how to remain faithful as they waited on Him. And we know how the story ended! In TOTAL VICTORY!!

    Dear Father, All we need is just a tiny bit of FAITH/TRUST in You like Abraham, Deborah, David, Zechariah and Elizabeth (and the list goes on), and we wouldn’t be so overwhelmed and fear of letting go and allowing You to do what You do best, Love and care for us! Thank You for being with us at all times. May Your peace be our continual experience and draw us closer to trusting You each given moment of our lives, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace on this last day of July, as God prepares to cross us over into our 8th month where unfulfilled dreams will be fulfilled in Jesus' name! AMEN, AMEN!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood NJ. I am needing and receiving your prayer. Praying God's Love and Blessings on you, yours, and our entire JC family. Amen

    2. Wonderful post, twin bd sis (am I sounding like a broken record? LOL). Thank you for the walk through the Elizabeth/Zechariah experience. You covered very well the thinking of the day that children represent God's favor on a couple and to have none was often thought to be a curse of God. So how do you stay faithful when the one thing you want most in life appears to be denied you? A challenge maxed out. Yet, E & Z did. We all need to take a good hard look at that. I am truly grateful that in the scriptures, God does not parade in front of us superstars who are something we can never be as the media likes to do. God shows us people like ourselves, no better, no worse, who stay faithful just as we are able to do. Your post reminds us of that so well. Blessings, twin bd sis!

    3. Amen and Amen! Your post was inspiring; thank you, Maplewood! It reminds me, as I need often, to continue to trust and have faith. Thank you! CO

    4. Thanks to you Maplewood, I dug into Deborah, @ Judges 4-5. WOW! Reading through was a phenomenal journey for me. Thanks for the lift.

    5. Wow ! Maplewood this post hit the nail right on the head waaaaaaa....thank you thank you ......what a blessing ! I have been waiting for somethings and I do tend to get discouraged ....but after hearing about all the people in the Bible who had to wait I am so encouraged I could to a dance ! Everytime i am tempeted to lose hope , I will say this verse over and over again Trust and obey John 14 23

  17. Amen and thank you Maplewood. I am so blessed that God is always with me and in me. I was discussing this with my Mom and Sister this morning on the phone. We are never alone and we always have our Helper with us. Just as God has changed the lives of so many who put their absolute trust in Him, He is working on putting the world right again as we remain hopeful and patient. I trust Him, without wavering, I am not fearful and I'm resting on my faith and fruits of the spirits, especially long suffering. You are so right that we must lay aside our own daily plans, human emotions and goals and give it up to Him. His plan is always so much better than our plan. I usually do my prayers on my long walk each day but yesterday my twin Sister called because she wanted to talk and I felt that God was saying Listen and help her. She lives in Everton, MO and she's very isolated. Anyway, we had a good long talk and we were both blessed by it. God was guiding my steps in a different direction and I always believe He puts those people who need my encouragement right before me. We must keep our eyes on the light He casts on our path. He is guiding us but we must be open to see it. Blessings and peace to you and all my JC Family. Happy August in His presence!

  18. Lord Thank ypu for being with me and in me constantly. What peace I get from knowing my Savior is my companion always. All that I am is because of You.I thank You that no matter how far or how many times I stray from Your presence, that You are mo further from me than my next thought or prayer. Jesus I need You every day. Help me to always remember to call on You that lives in my heart.

  19. Clergy couple update: He has been in a rehab place since Sunday with small levels of improvement. She has now tested negative for the virus so she can be out and about and resume leadership in the church. Thanks be to God. Now for him to get better so they can be together again.

    (II Timothy 2:22) The verse begins by encouraging us to shun/flee all things not of God (covered at length yesterday) and then it goes on to admonish us 'to pursue' certain things. This is the essence of repentance, turning away and turning toward. When we turn away from something, it is absolutely necessary to turn toward something else otherwise we will end up right back where we were (Proverbs 26:11 provides a crude illustration of what this looks like). This verse then tells us what to pursue (which I will cover tomorrow). But for today, let me stay with this idea of pursuing.

    Allow me to draw upon the experience of 'falling in (romantic) love' which I think has parallels to falling in love with God. When I first saw my wife 'across a crowded room', she so impacted me. This impact led me to pursue her; I wanted to meet her, which led to dating her, which led to being in a steady relationship, engagement, marriage and life/love together. Because of the impact of that first eye contact (God made men to be impacted by the visual), I pursued, I did the natural things that would form a relationship if one was to be had. It is the same with God. Are you impacted by His love for you (your posts show you are)? We chase after those things that find a place in our heart. When God holds that space, we pursue a relationship with Him much as two people do who fall in love. We do the things that will build the relationship which is available. May our pursuit of the God who first pursued us be done with even greater intensity than in pursuing a lover for He is our ultimate Lover.

    I am blessed in being in the pursuit of God with all of you in this blog. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob! As disciples we first have to be married with Christ before we get married with someone. So that we can build on the rock. We have to be content with God first in our lives because that emptiness can not be filled with a human lover but only by Him.

      I too am richly blessed by all of you and I'm so thankful for each of you. God bless you!

      Blessings from France

    2. Oui, mon ami. That was the primary criteria on my wife's list for the man that she would marry. The day I made my commitment to Christ is the day she knew she wanted to marry me. God be with you.

    3. I was snagged by: "When we turn away from something, it is absolutely necessary to turn toward something else..." exactly what happened to me when I turned away from posting to concentrate on reconciliation with someone, but God used the time to turn me toward working on reconciliation with Him and putting Him first in my life!
      P.S. "across a crowded room": Some Enchanted Evening is another favorite song of mine! Love and Blessings to all.

    4. So true Bob! Praying that God will guide me to good things to turn to when I turn away from anything that separates me from His love.
      I loved your analogy to falling in love. Thank you for sharing your sweet story too. God pursues us with the strongest love possible and yet we often turn away to trivial and worldly matters that attract us, instead of to our greatest and truest love. Thank you for always being there for us. I am so blessed to have all of you my true family. You are always in my prayers.

  20. To ALL the JC WARRIORS, I am praying for each of your journeys. The Lord will be with you every step of the way. Always let Him lead. And, remember to keep thinking good thoughts. It doesn't cost anything to be an optimist, and it's a lot more fun than the alternative. CO, happy to see your post yesterday. Bless you!. "Set your mind on things above, and not on things on the earth." Colossians 3:2 -- I give the Lord all the praise, honor and glory for each one of you! You are ALL strong WARRIORS for The VICTORIOUS ONE!

    1. Joining you JJ, with love!

    2. Thank you, JJ! I have continued praying, but haven't seen a lot of the posts lately. I've been really missing my JC Family. As Bob mentioned in an earlier post, it is amazing how attached I have gotten to people I haven't met physically. God is amazing! There are so many people on here who have wonderful words of wisdom and encouragement. I am not nearly as eloquent and realize I have a long way to go as far as knowing scriptures, but I am thankful to get to know all of you on this faith journey on Earth. CO

    3. Amen to that JJ! We all need prayers along our faith journeys. So happy that God is holding our reins. He knows the paths we must take and the light we must follow. I love Colossians 3:2. Thank you for blessing me with your beautiful words.

    4. Thanks for sharing Anonymous! Neither eloquence nor quotation of chapter and verse are required here. Only a desire to see God more clearly, love God more dearly and follow God more nearly, day by day by day by day. A warm Welcome to you:) We're glad you are here. The more real sincere human pray-ers, the better! See July 28 Devotion. which asks us to open ourselves fully to God's transforming Presence rather than try to present a cleaned up version of ourselves! Type whatever God's Holy Spirit dictates!

  21. CO, So glad you are here with us. I too have grown so attached to all of who meet here for a heaping helping of spiritual food which is so much tastier than any bacon cheeseburger. It is the food that sustains our soul and lasts forever.

  22. Enjoying my time with my little grandsons. They are so cute! The two year old is a handful but I know it’s his age. Had a long walk with my son and I never mentioned God but a couple of times I said I am blessed. Noticed when the little ones sneezed, Dylan said Bless you. Not God bless you. My daughter in law is a good person and she makes my son very happy. I wish she was warmer towards me. She kissed my cheek and said it was nice to see me. But I don’t feel the love that I feel from my other two daughters in law. I always compliment her on what a great Mom she is and try to speak to her with love. My son always says I love you to me. I’ve never heard it from her although I have said it to her. They are both wonderful parents and very loving. Even if they don’t believe in God, I know He loves them. I will just keep praying for their salvation. Thanks for all your prayers. Much love

    1. Good morning dear Jeanne. I'm glad to hear about your blessings of grandsons. Some people come from a background where they don't say "I love you". My mom never says it. I know she does love others, but she is never moved to say the words. She doesn't hug or kiss anybody either and acts uncomfortable when someone hugs her. I hope this helps open up some comfort for you. Love, Kathy

    2. So true Kathy. Some people don't use those languages of love. I highly recommend reading or googling the "Five Love Languages". The prize is learning what another's language is, and giving that, not just giving what we need to get.
      Growing up I always wanted to hear my dad say "I love you" so I said it to him alot. His response was always (in my memory anyway) "You too".
      At some point after he was gone I realized how he did show me his love as best he knew how. Perhaps he didn't have a mentor our model to help him express love in words. Sweet forgiveness allows me to know his love today. I pray for you Jeanne, in your relationship that you want with this DIL. I also know that not matter our intentions, we don't always get what we want or think we need in relationships with other people in our lives. Enter Jesus, the ONLY relationship that always delivers (which I know you also know, my friends)

    3. So happy to hear you’re enjoying time with your grands, Jeanne. Aren’t they the best?

    4. Kathy you really did help me. And she does act uncomfortable when someone hugs her. But she and my son are very affectionate to each other which is what counts. I know I'm not the only one who longs for a closer relationship with a loved one.
      Amen Audra. Sorry your Dad didn't say I love you much. But I'm sure he loved you very much. Jesus is the one that always brings perfect love. That's why we keep praying for our unsaved loved ones. That's true about forgiveness. Best to forgive one another and stop carrying the burden of unresolved anger and heartache. I sure do know that God doesn't always grant our prayers. But I keep praying that my friends, family and dear ones will come to the Lord so we can all be together for eternity.
      Suzanne, I sure did have a wonderful time with those two little guys! They are the best. And now that I'm back home, I will probably see my other little grand tomorrow and eventually meet his baby brother in September. I'm so excited and very blessed indeed!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm so glad that you are having such a good time with your family. I will continue to pray and the Lord is working on it currently. It sounds like you are doing all you can in the situation. If you just keep being yourself and loving them, the Lord will do the rest. Peace be with you!

    2. Thanks for your encouragement dear Janet! Amen to that! He sure will make everything right, on way or another, in His own timing.
      Peace and love to you too sweet sister! <3

  24. I am with you at all times, encouraging and supportive rather than condemning. Today's Devotion reminds me of a story sent to me:
    I was at the grocery store this morning and heard a loud crash and something shattering. Being nosy, I walked towards the sound and saw some people whispering and looking back to the end of the next aisle. When I walked down that aisle, I saw an older lady had hit a shelf and many things had fallen to the ground and broke. She was kneeling on the floor embarrassed, frantically trying to clean up a dozen broken bottles of ketchup.
    I felt so bad for her, and everyone was just standing there staring at her. So I went and knelt beside her and told her not to worry and started helping her pick up the broken pieces. After about a minute, the store manager came and knelt beside us and said, “Leave it, we will clean this up.” The lady, totally embarrassed said, “I need to pay for all this first.” The manager smiled, helped her to her feet and said, “No ma’am, we have insurance for this, you do not have to pay anything!”
    If you have read this far, I would like for you to give me a minute. Wherever you are, close your eyes, and imagine God doing the same for you!
    Collecting the pieces of your broken heart from all the blows life has thrown at you. The bill for your faults, sin and folly has already been paid through the precious blood of Christ. God will heal all your wounds. He wants to gently lift you to your feet again, clean up your mess, and pick up all the broken pieces. He wants to heal you! He wants to take care of your soul!
    We can have that same insurance and it’s called GRACE! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Amen! Great story Brie. Thank you for sharing. God bless.

    2. Beautiful example of a Samaritan Brie. That act of God's love will never be forgotten by her or anyone else watching. Thank you for sharing πŸ’•

    3. I love this story and that I always keep a back up bottle of ketchup in my pantry. That now takes on new significance for me.

    4. Awesome story Brie!!! Love the message.

    5. Wow! Thanks dear Brie!!!! I just loved that story and it is so true. God's mercy and loving kindness is beyond our human understanding. Those words really moved me: Our loving Father: Collecting the pieces of your broken heart from all the blows life has thrown at you. The bill for your faults, sin and folly has already been paid through the precious blood of Christ. What a blessing!!
      I am so grateful!!! Amen! Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus!

  25. For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. (Philippians 3:20-21). However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual. The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven. (1 Corinthians 15:46-47).

    Father, even before I knew You, I always believed things happened for a reason. Now I know, even stronger than before, that is true and it's all because of You. You are sovereign over all things. You are the Creator. You are the meaning of life. Everything is You. We only exist because and for You. Everything was created by You. You are our Father and Lord. You love us so much that when we disobeyed and became sinners in Your beautiful world, You sent Your only Son to come, shed His blood, die for our sins, and rise again, so we could have eternal life in You. All You ask of us is to have faith and believe in You and Your word. We are all unworthy, but You will cleanse us and receive us. The love You have for us is pure -- just like You. You are holy and perfect. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Help us to be more like You and less like us. Help us leave our sin nature behind us as we move forward in our day. Let us live our lives believing You are on the way here to receive us. May we be bold in spreading Your good word to others in the world. Let us rejoice in You and praise Your holy name. Praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen Janet! Praising Him with you with love and gratitude! He is Everything and He is Enough! We are loved just as we are. Let us love others with a pure and perfect love. Let us see others through God's eyes of unconditional love. We receive it, so we should share it. Amen!

  26. Brie - AMEN!! Thanks for sharing this beautiful story. WONDERFUL GRACE OF JESUS. Thank You Jesus.

  27. Jesus, thank You for abiding with and within me. In times of frustration it confusion You are always there to call on. Teach me to do this more often rather than relying on my own limited strengths.

  28. Its a lovely sunny day here in Kenya and I thank God that I alive and active. My daughter's reading has improved and she is more confident and excited about reading , Thank you Father. I went for 2 interviews at two schools, they went well owever no feedback....I will not be anxious

    this week , the Pray for me I have a neck pain , chills and am feeling fatigued , but am pushing on and holding on to God hand . God wants us to trust in Him in all circumstances so that is what am going to do .

    1. Was praying for your interviews today and all your weaknesses to be healed and for God to provide for all your needs.
      Thank You Father for healing our dear sister Min Ahadi and bring her to perfect health, fulfillment and prosperity to Your glory! In the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

  29. Praying for each of you, Dear JC Family. I've kind of been in a state of flux...too many topics of conversation that I don't care to participate in. I keep turning my eyes upon Jesus and honestly, that's all I want to do. Conversations about everything else leave me kind of limp.
    Tomorrow we celebrate my Grandson's 11th birthday. Can't believe it! He is Autistic and all he wants for his birthday is yellow buses. That's what we got him. I'm looking forward to seeing all of my family together and pray that we focus on what is important. Looking even more forward to Fellowship in the morning. Bring on Your Word, Father!
    That's what I need. Sleep sweet JC Family.

  30. What a cheery Birthday celebration to come with many bright yellow buses! God bless and protect your wonderful Grandson and all your family. Happy 11th Birthday to him! Praying for a beautiful and sweet family get together. God bless you as you join together in praise and worship tomorrow and share His Word. Much love!

  31. Oh, Dear Jeanne - you are such a bright light. I read about your time with your DIL and whether you see it or not, you are having an impact - a great one. My prayer is that she wakes up soon enough to truly enjoy all that you bring to the party. You have a lovely heart, my dear Sister.

  32. Be still and quiet in His Presence and know that He is God. He is our God! My Mom is losing weight. She weighs 81 pounds now and she won’t go to the doctor. She did walk 6 blocks with me today. to meet friends at McDonalds fir breakfast. Praying she will change her mind and have a check up.
    My dear friend Sandy is going to her doctor for results on her bone marrow tests and blood tests. As many of you know she has Myeloma and had to donate bone marrow to a bank, and they tested some. Her faith is not strong.
    I told her to talk to God and tell Him she needs Him. She knows others are praying for her. It’s a comfort to her. Thanks for your prayers. God bless and heal you and your loved ones, dear JC Family.
    Thank You Father for answering our prayers in Jesus’ Name.
    Leaving my Mom’s at 8 to get back home and arrive at Church in time for the first song. Thanking God that all the songs my Choirmaster sent were familiar ones. Have a blessed Sunday in His sweet Presence and Peace.


  33. Sharing my daily grief share devotions with my JC Warriors. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    You do not need to be constantly burdened by sorrowful thoughts.

    "Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea; hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught" (Psalm 55:1-2).

    Author, speaker, and humorist Barbara Johnson lost two of her sons. She shares how God gave her a special memory of one of her sons to replace the bad thoughts that were overwhelming her. She says: "The memory is so special that when I talk about my son and I think about it, God windshield-wipes the pain, and I can enjoy the other memories and think on things that are good and happy and fun and pure. And God, in time, does erase the painful memories. It's so important to think of the fun times."

    Ask God for a special memory of your child to replace the negative pictures in your mind. Focus your thoughts on that special memory. Share it with others, and treasure it.

    *Lord God, remind me of the happy memories, the fun times, and the laughter, and may those memories bring a smile to my face and to others around me. Amen.* Thank You Jesus for special memories.

    1. Dear Sassy Mom, That is such an encouraging message. May God replace our sad and upsetting memories of our lost loved ones with sweet ones that make our hearts happy. Thank You dear sister, and Thank You Jesus for memories that make us feel better, and make us smile.

  34. What a beautiful post, Sassy Mom! We all need to replace the unhappy thoughts with positive ones, and be reminded of happy times and God’s blessings. I am grateful that my 14 year old grand daughter has agreed to be confirmed. My daughter didn’t see the value in it, and she had a sports conflict, so all last year I got her confirmation materials and did the lesson with her on the phone. It was so Blessed! I had the opportunity to tell her about the faith of her grandparents and great grandparents. My Grandma, who passed at age 105, wrote many letters to her grandchildren telling them about her faith and how important it is to allow God in our lives. Her verse was in this lesson, “Christ in me, the hope of glory”. She took 5 of the girl cousins to bible camp by herself. My mom, now 98, has such a strong faith and a positive outlook. So grateful I can pass on the faith traditions to my granddaughter, and grandsons. I thank God for each of you, and read the multiple years postings each day. I feel like I get to know you each of you more all the time, and God has given you a special place in my heart. You are precious in His sight and mine. Ellen

    1. Dear Ellen, Thank you and God's richest blessings to you for sharing the faith of your loved ones.

    2. The faith of your family is inspiring. What a blessing to be passing faith traditions to your grands. God is glorified and your family is receiving the gift that keeps on giving, through you and God's power. We are all given the mission to share our faith with our loved ones and with those God puts before us. I know there are quite a number of people in our immediate family that don't believe but they are in my prayers and I believe someday they will seek Him for themselves. My sister Janet and her good husband are teaching a Vacation Bible Camp in Missouri to children for 2 weeks. Praying their young hearts are being opened and changed, and God's flock is increasing. Thank You Jesus.

  35. Wonderful 'Verse Thought ' from Bishop William Beveridge (1637-1708) - Bishop of St Asaph. I repeat it here as it's worthy of meditating on:
    “I am with you; I, the eternal Son of God; I, who have the angels at my command, and make the devils tremble by my frown; I, who in your sight have caused the storms to cease, the blind to see, the lame to walk, the dead to rise, only with the word of my mouth; I, who have all power in heaven and earth committed to me — am with you; not, I will be with you, but, I am with you, and that always, all the days, or every day: Wheresoever you are, and whensoever you do any thing toward the executing of the commission which I have given you, I am with you in the doing of it, and that too to the very end of the world: that is, so long as I have a church upon earth, which shall be till my coming again to judge the world, all this while I promise to be with you, and consequently as long as the world shall last.” Wonderful! Thank you Chris for including in today's devotion.

  36. Good Morning, JC friends. Please pray for my mom who is very sick in the hospital fighting C-Diff. So far, she is not responding to antibiotics. Please pray today will be the day she turns the corner and starts improving. We lost my dad 2 weeks ago and haven't even had the chance to grieve.

    1. Joining all prayers for your Mom's healing. Praying she will start to be healed because the antibiotics are kicking in and also because God's healing and prayers from sincere hearts are so powerful. Trusting in His faithfulness in your mother's condition. Thank You Father for guiding Kiki's Mom to good health again and let it be today in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    2. Jeanne --- Joining with you and with your powerful prayer and the JC WARRIORS in Interceding for Kiki's Mom. I include anyone in my Beloved JCFAMILY dealing with an illness. Cover Kiki's Mom and anyone who has a need for this prayer, Papa God, with the most precious Blood of Your son Jesus. Root out any bacteria or viruses and multiple their healthy cells. Open up any blocked arteries or veins and replenish any damaged areas.
      Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection by the power of Jesus's precious Blood. And, devil, we WILL NOT tolerate any of your garbage! You are a FOREVER LOSER! Get your hands OFF the Children of the Most High God!
      I Declare, Papa God, that the Fire of Your Healing Love will pass through their entire bodies to heal and bring the bodies in alignment with Your Word. I Declare their bodies will function the way You created it. I thank You and praise You for their healing. In Jesus's name. I Pray and Believe. This is ALL For Your Honor and For Your Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Perfect prayer for my brother's situation. Thanks JJ. I am putting you prayer on repeat!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Receiving, sharing and giving JJs prayer NOW! ♥️✝️

  37. Praying today will be the day Kiki!!

  38. God's peace be with you and your family, Kiki. I'll pray for your mom.

  39. s we come to end of July , we thank God for all that we have learnt on the Jesus calling devotion. Am sure everyone has learnt something....I have learnt that God wants me to grow closer to Him and stop depending on my strength.
    Please pray for Kenya ! We have the Elections on August 9 , may God give us fair and peaceful general elections that bring justice and cohesion.
    Good leaders who will serve the Kenyan people and stand up to corruption and injustice.
    A government who will prioritise the needs of the poor and vulnerable.

    1. I will pray for Christ-like leaders to be elected in Kenya. And if not Christ-like then servant-leaders who put the nation first and are subservient to the needs of the citizens. Our politics are broken in the US also. “In God We Trust” is often scorned and found inappropriate or incorrect to offer during political discourse here. I pray for both our countries, brother. But right now I will pray for Kenya and the emergence of the leader it needs to forge a better future for its people.

  40. Amen dear Min Ahadi, I too realize that my strength will never be enough but with God's strength anything is possible. We must give Him the reins and allow Him to do the leading in every situation. Praying that God will guide your election to bring justice and togetherness, and a better life for the people of Kenya.
    Thank You Jesus.

  41. Coasting in to the end of July with a new found love for Jesus and y'all!
    ♥️🎢 Can you feel the love tonight?

    1. That's such a pretty song Audra. Love you too.

  42. Listening to your song right now, Dear Audra. I've read each day and pray for each of you. Praying for our Dear Brie, who has been silent. Brie - is all well? Love and prayers to each of you. As for my life, as Sassy Mom would say - God is in control and you can't beat that! Praying for you, Sassy Mom - every day. For your safe travels, Jeanne, for all of you, Dear JC Family.

    1. Not sure why this came up as Anonymous - it's me, Norah!

    2. Norah you are not Anonymous. You are known and belovèd of the Father 😊

    3. I second that Motion! She is known and beloved of the Father and a beloved member of our JC Family.

  43. Thank you everyone for all your wonderful prayers for my daughter- I’m happy to say that she is doing much better and safe and sound. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus

    1. Hallelujah! So very happy to hear good news of God's faithfulness. Thank You Jesus!

  44. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, let the fullness of Your glorious presence within me be known to others when I come into contact with them. Shine brightly in and through me as we walk through the day together. Let the world know that You are God Almighty -- mighty and powerful -- and You are the One in control. Soften the hearts of the wicked and open the eyes of the blind. Touch all Your children with Your unfailing love and rejoice over us with singing. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Thank you Janet- god bless you!

    2. Joining into this prayer.
      Thanks Janet!

    3. Amen Amen! May our faces shine with His Presence. When folks look at us may they see only Jesus and be drawn to Him , confess and repent of sin and believe He's is Who He says He is: Jesus the Christ, Son of the Living God through Whom only, can salvation be attained.

    4. Amen and Amen! Let them see Jesus in us wherever we go. Let others want His light that we hold within us. We are light bearers. Let us proclaim that Jesus is the only Gate to the Father.

  45. Good morning lovely Jeanne thank you and god bless you! Praying now for your granddaughter, mother and for your continued remission! In Jesus nameπŸ™

  46. Thank you Chris for sharing the above Verse thoughts of Bishop William Beveridge (1637-1708 in response to JESUS' I AM WITH YOU! I need this reminder, especially with the overwhelming caregiving tasks I have to do all day everyday, and for which I am totally unqualified.
    Asking JC Prayer Warrior prayers for a reduction in the swelling my brother is currently experiencing along with everything else. Thanks to all who come in this room to pray. Please know you and your are prayed for as well. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!πŸ™

    1. Brie - praying for you and that God will cover you with His peace and give you the strength you need today and every day. I also pray that God would reduce the swelling in your brother.

    2. πŸ’• Thank You God for Janet E and her prayers!

    3. Joining in prayers for Keith and the elimination of swelling. And for you dear caregiving sister, peace and strength be yours. ♥️✝️πŸ™

    4. Joining all prayers, dear Brie, for God to reduce Keith's swelling right now and strengthen him in all ways, and give you all the strength you need of body, mind and spirit to continue your loving caregiving. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  47. Your prayers and scriptures fit me perfectly this morning, Jeanne. Prayers for Baby Evelyn are going up now.

  48. Christ in you, the hope of Glory

    The mystery that once was hidden
    For ages and generations
    The knowledge of eternal love
    That came to dwell inside of you
    He is Christ in you
    The Hope of glory
    Christ in you
    The Hope of things to come
    Christ in you
    The mystery revealed
    Living in our hearts
    The Hope of glory
    The mystery that once was hidden
    For ages and generations
    The knowledge of eternal love
    That came to dwell inside of you
    He is Christ in you
    The Hope of glory
    Christ in you
    The Hope of things to come (yes)
    Christ in you
    The mystery revealed
    Living in our hearts
    The Hope of glory (oh)
    Christ in you (Christ in you)
    The Hope of glory (the Hope of glory)
    Christ in you
    The Hope of things to come (the Hope of things to come)
    Christ in you

  49. Jeanne - I too have a very stubborn 91 YO mother and I know the concerns that we face. I pray for your granddaughter - that her cough would go away, for your Mom and family.

  50. Good morning, my fellow prayer warriors and happy Monday!
    My grandaughter, Callie, wanted to have a slumber party with Mimi (me) on Friday, so I went over there to oblige since I was scheduled to babysit her and Jaxon on Saturday anyway. So, when it was time for me to go home, Callie wanted to come with me. I took her and Jaxon back with me for another sleepover at my house to give Maddie and Kyle an opportunity to get things done around their house. Jaxon is now 9 months old so has to be watched like a hawk. Callie is self-sufficient for the most part. I so enjoy spending time with these two and my other grandloves.
    Last night, Jon and I went to the movies to see Sound of Freedom. I almost walked out of the theatre several times especially having spent all weekend with Callie and Jaxon. I stayed, but I struggled and even broke down as we were leaving. PSA: The movie has an incredible message, but difficult to watch.

  51. Was struct by several of you who are caregivers to their mothers who are in their winter years. My mom who is 100 has lived with us for a year now. She too has a stubborn streak and a half empty glass of water perspective of life. Although God has given me many opportunities to learn patience and compassion, I still have much to learn. May God open the hearts and eyes of all of us caregivers to be a blessing
    to our elderly moms and shine His light so they can see how much they are loved.

    1. Bless you, fellow caregiver.
      Does anybody have a CareGiver's Prayer?

    2. Dear Learning to Trust. Good thing God gave us the Fruits of the Spirit. That long suffering sure comes in handy when we are dealing with our older mothers who are demanding and difficult. My good Mom is a prayer warrior but she sure orders me around a lot without saying please. And sometimes, I feel so discouraged. I often say: Jesus, You know exactly how I feel. And He sure does. Amen to your prayer. I pray I am a blessing to my Mom. I know she loves me dearly as I love her.

      Here you are sweet Brie!

      Hands To Serve

      God will work through your hands
      To support someone who is weak…
      To raise someone who has fallen…
      To uphold someone who is weary…
      To wipe a tear…
      To hold a hand…
      To give a cup of water…
      To embrace…
      To carry a burden…
      To impart a blessing.

      The Caregiver’s Prayer
      Father, help me, by Your grace, to be a caregiver as You care for us—work through my hands with the touch of compassion, see through my eyes with the clarity of understanding, shine through my countenance with the light of kindness, speak through my voice with the words of comfort and encouragement, minister through my spirit with grace and patience, and give through my heart with the never-ending gift of love. Amen!
      Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
      A Caregiver’s Service
      God has not called you to the place of perfect service,
      But to the place of faithful service…
      Not to the place of work without rest,
      But to the place of rest in your work…
      Not to the place of making everyone happy,
      But to the place of pleasing Him.
      “I will not give up as long as there is strength in His arm, tenderness in His heart, and truth in His promise.”
      William Gurnall

  52. Amen! We are blessed because of these truths. He is always with us. May we remember that we are always in His presence.

  53. Thank you so very much dear Blessings from NY. We pray for each other and know that our amazing God hears every one! Thanks dear Brie. We lift each others. You are such a source of joy to me. Thanks always for your prayers and your light.
    Dear Janet E. Thanks for all your prayers and for your comfort and understanding. Really hard having a stubborn Mom in her 90's. May God help our situations and guide them to good.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The swirl of events going on all around you will sometimes feel overwhelming. Yes, it does.
      Thank You God for Sassy Mom making us aware of Griefshare. Larry and I began today. Praying for our successes as we navigate grief. Thank you in advance for your prayers, Warriors!!

    2. Praying for you, sweet Brie, and Larry and Al. I’m thankful that our dear Sassy Mom opened a door for you to receive more of God’s peace, guidance and comfort through Griefshare. Praying it will be successful and helpful. May our Father God ease your pain and lift your broken hearts as only He can.

      Matthew 5:4
      Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

      Revelation 21:4
      He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

      Psalm 147:3
      He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

    3. Praying dear Brie for Larry and you as God guides you through Griefshare.. May you &, Larry feel the Holy Spirit's everlasting arms gently soothing your aching hearts. πŸ™πŸ’ž

    4. Prayers, prayers, prayers to you, Brie, Larry and family! Pleading the Blood of Jesus over you. God's got this! Love you, Brie!
      You hold a special place in my heart! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  55. From Maplewood New Jersey as we exit July:
    Anonymous July 31, 2020 at 8:04 AM
    Dear Heavenly father, I place all my faith in You. May I never hesitate to approach You with freedom and confidence. You are faithful to Your promises and will defeat every enemy of my soul, regardless whether they are numerous and powerful. Yours is the Power above ALL powers and I have faith in You and Your word, because I know that Your word never fails. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
    Sometimes, difficulty isn’t necessarily a drastic tragedy, but can also be the busyness of trying to manage our day to day life. On our own, we fail ALL the time, with God’s help and directions, we persevere! God has said to us: ‘I am both with you AND within you, encouraging, cheering you on and supportive, rather than condemning you. I know that deep within your heart, where I live, My Peace is your continual experience.' Trusting God may seem difficult for some, but each day we must consciously lay aside our own plans, feelings and expectations and just surrender to His plans, watch and see what He will do. If we don’t, I can assure you that you will end up worn out, disappointed, and never feeling like you’ve finished or accomplished anything.
    they served God and God Himself described them as righteous. They could have given up on God, but together, they decided to keep serving Him despite the long wait. It is easy to lose our faith and trust in God and quickly turn to unbelief, but instead of doing that, we should keep praying and EXPECTING Him to move. Their story like many others in the Bible, is one of FAITH and TRUST in God. They understood how to remain faithful as they waited on Him. And we know how the story ended! In TOTAL VICTORY!!
    Dear Father, All we need is just a tiny bit of FAITH/TRUST in You like Abraham, Deborah, David, Zechariah and Elizabeth (and the list goes on), and we wouldn’t be so overwhelmed and fear of letting go and allowing You to do what You do best, Love and care for us! Thank You for being with us at all times. May Your peace be our continual experience and draw us closer to trusting You each given moment of our lives, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace on this last day of July, as God prepares to cross us over into our 8th month where unfulfilled dreams will be fulfilled in Jesus' name! AMEN, AMEN!
    Maplewood NJ

    1. More from the vaultsbof *
      Anonymous July 31, 2019 at 6:23 AM
      What a blessing and a joy divine, to be in Your Presence again this morning Father! Thank You for another blessed and gifted day. I surrender my all to You this day. Thank You for loving me and forgiving me.
      The devotion this morning hits hard because I am guilty of being hard on myself and sometimes I forget that You love me nevertheless and always cheering me on. Your love for me and a sermon I heard last night on TBN by the young Jonathan Osteen preached on Father's day is a constant reminder of how Great a Father You are to Your children. We make mistakes, we sin, but You never condemn us. You are not the Father who criticize us or scolds us for our wrong doings. You want to help us, love us, support us, encourage us and guide us. You are the BEST Father we can ever have. Help me Holy Spirit to cease from self condemnation, knowing that You paid that price for me already and Thank You for always being with me even when I don't sense Your Presence. I receive Your Peace today as we go through this last day of July.

      Norah, I praise God from Whom ALL blessings flows for the VICTORY over cancer that your husband with God's lead WON! Thank You Jehovah Rapha!!!

      My JC family, I pray that the Peace of God will rest upon us this last day of July and usher us into the new month
      of August to the Glory of His Majesty, our Father in Heaven!
      May the Angels bring forth to each of us and our families this coming month of August, great tidings, great manifestations, great breakthroughs, lots of laughter, lots of happiness, great health and unspeakable Peace. Let the abundant rain from the flow Gate's of Heaven fall upon us til it overflows in JESUS name!
      Thank You for the month of July Father and All that You did for us and carried us through! We are expecting and super excited about Your plans for us this coming new month of August! PRAISE to You Holy name!

      Stay blessed and thankful in this last day Family, God is about to do wonders as ONLY He can!!
      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thanks dear Brie! Those two posts blessed me so much! Amen and Amen! Maplewood’s timeless and spirit guided words never fail to encourage my heart and lift my spirits. No one ushers us into a new month than our dear Maplewood. May God bless her and you, and all our JC Family! These are Glory Days, not Gloomy days. Keith is already in the Glory Land realizing God’s promises. Sending you a big hug and many prayers. Please pray that Sandy’s bone marrow biopsy today brings good news. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Thank you for sharing Maplewood’s prayer. This one is perfect for today.
      SC Anonymous

  56. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7-9). Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27). You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:3).

    1. Savoring each word dear Janet being nourished for the day. Bless you dear sister and thank you❤️πŸ™Œ

    2. Thanks for covering us with His peace and truth! Love you, Janet!

  57. Upsets of all kinds disturb our equilibrium or even completely overwhelm us. Maybe not directly our issues, but of family or friends. Circumstances arise out of our control; hard decisions reluctantly need to be made and we don't know what's best to decide. Don't look down at circumstances, look up to Him.
    Trust, keep trusting our Lord Jesus, he will bring us through and and in His Peace we are assured of His help.
    Thankfully whatever it is, we can 'Take It To The Lord In Prayer'

    1. Thanks dear Peter! Amen! What a Friend we have in Jesus!

  58. May God continue to Bless us richly. God's Blessings for you this day. Peace be with you.

    1. Thanks dear John H! May God richly bless you too!

  59. Today’s JC is timely. Trust is so hard sometimes when you feel like you’re being pulled in all directions. Worries about parents, kids, spouse, jobs, and not to mention world events. We live in a scary time. I’ve learned so much and leaned more on God during the last 2.5 months than I ever have. I have had many valleys and have praised God through them all. The peace I have is uncanny- don’t get me wrong - I’ve definitely had my days and hours of worry/anxiety and tears. God wants us to experience His peace. He wants us to trust him. He wants us to focus on Him - look through the storm and not on the immediate problem. He will give us peace - His Peace.

    SC Anonymous

    1. You are my hiding place

    2. Dear SC, I can feel your trust in the Lord and I continue to pray for you and your family! We know that trials are part of His Plan and they test our faith and even lead others to Him. Sending a hug and much love. God is greater so we continue to wait on Him! Thanks for that soothing sweet song! I loved it!

    3. Even when the twists and turns on the roads we walk are outside of our own understanding, even while life is spinning out of control, I am praying for our minds to be steadied in the knowledge that God's Faithfulness and His love are still covering us, SC.
      When worries and anxieties shift our focus from Him to me, me, me, may He gently redirect our gaze back to Him, amd may our hearts πŸ’• be confident in His Leadership. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  60. Warriors, before you go to bed tonight, set your clocks for LOAD MORE tomorrow!

  61. Thanks dear Brie! Your beautiful words blessed me and SC. You always encourage my heart even now when you are writing with a sorrowful heart. I love you. Jesus does too!

  62. My sister just asked for prayers for Brenda and her mother Arletta. They go to her church. Her mom fell and said she was fine but in the morning Brenda couldn’t wake her up. Her nurses said she was just in a deep sleep but she was not responding at all so they called an ambulance and Brenda and Arlotta went in the ambulance. Her mom was still unresponsive. They are now in Palliative care. We know our great God can do all things. Trusting Him to grant her a miracle of healing and turn her condition around.
    Father God, We pray that you wake Arletta up and amaze the doctors and Brenda, and bring her back to good health, and bring peace to her daughter in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Praying with you for Arletta and her daughter
      Brenda πŸ™πŸ»
