Friday, July 17, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 18

I am nearer than you think, richly present in all your moments. You are connected to Me by Love-bonds that nothing can sever. However, you may sometimes feel alone, because your union with Me is invisible. Ask Me to open your eyes, so that you can find Me everywhere. The more aware you are of My Presence, the safer you feel. This is not some sort of escape from reality; it is turning in to ultimate reality. I am far more Real than the world you can see, hear, and touch. Faith is the confirmation of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality, perceiving as real fact what is not rewarded to the senses.

Acts 17:27-28
English Standard Version

27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, 28 for “‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, “‘For we are indeed his offspring.

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Hi! Thank you for sharing these. For today, I think you may want Acts 17:27-28 :).

  2. The Athenians whom Paul was addressing in Acts 17, prided themselves in their thinking and tried to use their understanding to comprehend God. Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart,mind, soul, and body.” He didn’t say understand the Lord your God but love the Lord your God. In loving, the Lord God is understood. In loving, the ever present God becomes real.

  3. To this marvelous JC FAMILY---Great love to all. I have been so thankful and humbled by all the the VICTORIES that the JC FAMILY has experienced! Nothing to hard for our Lord! What grace and mercy He has afforded us! I was reading a devotion concerning grace that really spoke to me. It said to remember that Jesus didn't offer us partial grace. He didn't offer halfway grace. Jesus gave, and continues to give all-the-way grace. Grace that took him all the way to the cross. He chose to pour out every single drop for us! So what do we do with this grace? Colossians 4:5-6 gives voice to this grace: "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Sassy Mom shared Kelly's response to a visitor, "If God chose this journey for me, then He chose it for Benjamin. He knows I have a 5 year old son." This absolutely blew me away! I could only hope to have a "speck" of this grace and trust that Kelly had for the Lord. I pray Father God, may you open each of our eyes, so we can find you everywhere, and may your grace pour out of each of us. And as TJ so succinctly stated, we pray for "everyone facing challenges in their life", and lift them up to our Miracle Working Lord. Amen and Amen Bob, your Comment is right on!!!

    1. Amen, Amen JJ!! Thank You for the prayer!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Good morning to you JJ & AMEN to that prayeršŸ„°. Bless your day.

    3. That's exactly what I thought! Amazing faith!

    4. Pamela K ---I praise the Lord for the safety, grace and mercy he gave to you and your area from "storm Barry! Everytime I saw an udate on the storm, I would speak the Name of Jesus over the area. So many people covered the storm with prayer. Thank you Lord for all Your Grace and Mercy. Great Blessings to you and your family and the people in our area.

    5. And here in 2020 we have a pandemic storm. I praise the Lord for the safety, Grace and Mercy he showers down upon us. I pray that more and more we grow in unity of this prayer and firm up our faith to know all is well.

    6. Amen JJ! Jesus lowered Himself completely and gave every drop for us, out of Love. And He gave us "all-the-way" GRACE.
      Praying with you with thanksgiving and gratitude. Thank You Jesus!

    7. Amen JJ. Thanks for helping God open my eyes, so that I can find Him and His G.R.A.C.E. everywhere.
      and as Jan gridley posted on July 17, 2021 at 8:09 AM
      God,s Goodness

      And C.O.G. (Child of God) pn July 17, 2021 at 8:36 AM
      GRACE=God's Riches At Christ's Expense

      And me on the Prayer Nightshift:
      Praying for all of you and yours on the Nightshift! With Love, Brie

    8. GOD

    9. Give

    10. And JJ, your insight and prayer hit a home run again when read this morning. Thank you!

    11. Great answers. They are all true and wonderful. We will all do our best to stay in His G R A C E and favor. Amen! Thanks JJ!

  4. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus I want to praise your name and simply thank you for all I have. Thank you for blessing my JC Family.

    1. Amen. Amen. Amen. He is near and loves us perfectly. Accepts our weaknesses. Forgives our sins. Delights at our strengths when we apply them to our family and "neighbors".

      Faith builds when we realize an unseen God spun the earth so we can "see" Him in each sunrise and in the love others give us each day, "for we are indeed His offspring." Peace.

    2. Sassy Mom, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, the most powerful name/word a person can say. There is no other that can make a lame man walk, a blind man see, help us in our times of need and rejoice with us in our times of happiness. Thank you Jesus!!!

      Mad Fox, Amen to your words, they are on point!

      God bless the both of you this day, along with the rest of our JC FAMILY!

    3. Sassy Mom --- There is just something about that NAME!!! God bless you richly.

    4. Jesus, name above all names, Beautiful Savior - Glorious Lord - Emmanuel, God with us - Blessed Redeemer - Living Word. Jesus that's Your Name, yes it is. jw

    5. Thank you for sharing

  5. To GOD be ALL the Glory and honor for great things He has done! Thank You Father, for another gifted day, knowing that You are closer than I think. Open my spiritual eyes to see You everywhere and in everything I do.
    'My faith is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ my Righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name ...Yes, on Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand'!!!!
    Thank You for being my ROCK dear Lord!!

    To my JC family, I say many, many thanks and appreciation to ALL of you for the love, birthday wishes and prayers for my mom!! I actually told her about my family here and how you are praying for her and wished her a Happy birthday. She sent her love and thanks to all!
    God blessed her day (Thanks Sassy Mom, God bless you too!), it started and ended well, with dinner re: her favorite thin crust pizza at a great Italian restaurant. Thank You Father. I know the Best is yet to come!

    Sassy Mom, I'm interceding on Kenny's behalf. He's a caregiver who needs care as well. God will NEVER forget him. His reward is coming!
    M. A., I'm staying in prayers for Emily. God is able!
    T.J., thank you! Norah, God bless you! KS, blessings to you as well!

    TO EVERYONE, keeping you in prayers! Love you ALL, Family!!!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood what a blessing and much thanksgiving for a delightful day for your mom and you. As I sat by the pool yesterday I asked God to use you as a vessel šŸš¢ to let your mom see Christ in you in such a magnitude that she would thirst for what you have. Please continue to pray for my family. My girls to desire Gods purpose for their lives, that they can resist evil influences, that the Lord would squash any false idols, that even though the Lord won’t penetrate the will of my girls that he would accept my standing invitation to penetrate their life by His Holy Spirit and cause their hearts to be touched with His presence to fully embrace His love grace and mercy God freely wants to offer.
      Continuing prayer for Kelly’s family.
      I pray each of our JC family has a beautiful day

    2. Amen, amen Runaprilmae, Thank You for that prayer to our Father! God is able to and I pray His perfect will and timing be done in Jesus name!
      I also want to encourage you to hang on and keep praying as a mother for your children, don't give up.
      This is a real person story/testimony on the Christian network TBN. A mother for years and years prayed for son to accept Jesus and turned his life around, he remained the same. She never give up on God. As the years passed, God called her home. The son as he stated, was still in his way for a time, but one day, Jesus came knocking on his door (in his heart). He accepted and today is a man after God's heart!
      The story continues, after 10 years, now already a believer he went through his mother's things that he had in storage and his eyes fell upon her bible. He opened it and there was a letter from his mom to God, a mother's prayer for her son, telling God that she trusted in Him and whether or not she lived to see him turn around, she will still rejoice because she will see him AGAIN in heaven!!! FAITH and TRUST in God by a mother! Like many other testimonies, this blew me away! I have this faith in God that He can do ALL things! He did it for that mother even when she had gone home to Him. He can do the same for you as you continue to turn your children over to Him and He can do the same for my mother and others as we keep pressing on in faith and prayers with Total TRUST!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Above testimony continues: As a grown man now in his fifties, even while narrating this story, was crying on TV and declared how touched he was, the fact that his mother and God did not give up on him, today, He's on FIRE for JESUS!
      For those of us praying for love ones to come to Christ, let's be like this mother and DON'T give up on GOD! HE IS FAITHFUL!


    4. MAPLEWOOD--- Thank you so much for sharing that testimony. What an encouragement! I thank you Lord You are speaking the mysteries of Christ to each of our loved ones and they will say yes to Jesus! Hallelujah

    5. I truly believe that if it wasn't for our loved ones that have gone before us to the Lord in prayer, our stories could have turned out differently. When I was coming up, all my family were/still are God loving people. I believe all the prayers were what helped me return to the Lord. I certainly wasn't living the way I should have been, but I believe the Lord heard their prayers for me to return to live for the Lord. And today I thank them so very much. Most of them are with Him today, but they were mighty prayer warriors. Thank God their prayers were answered, I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you Jesus!

    6. Maplewood! I love and sing On Christ the Solid Rock. Thanks for sharing some of the words! So glad your Mom enjoyed her Birthday and her pizza. I join in your prayers especially for Sassy Mom's Cousin Kenny. He really needs God's amazing healing power and strength, especially since he needs to recover and take care of his Mom. What a wonderful testimony you shared about the son that came to know Jesus through the strength of faith of his Mom. The seeds she planted grew in his heart after she was called Home and before he even found her precious letter! Runaprilmae, Praying for your daughters that the Lord will open their closed eyes to the truth and that they will answer His call and seek Him with open and sincere hearts. I am encouraged for my own children and their loved ones. I wish them to know Jesus and surrender their lives to Him. God bless you all and may your prayers be granted.

    7. ♥️šŸŽ¶ On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand

  6. Struggling today. Please pray warriors. Praying for all the requests. God is faithful. Love to allšŸ’“

    1. Praying for strength for you Jan. Jesus will lift you up. KS

    2. Praying for you, Jan. May the Lord raise your spirits and give you strength.

    3. Jan --- Prayers are on the way with bunches of love attached! And, yes, the Lord is faithful! Lifting you up in Kansas.

    4. Jan, prayers going up for you from Louisiana, the Lord is able and will lift you up and bring you out of the struggle you are in.

  7. Jan,
    Lord, I lift your name on high, I'm so glad you came to save us.

  8. Jan - praying for strength and peace for you today. Thanks to all who share their prayers here. Fills my heart. Thank you. JE

  9. to Jan Gridley--know that nothing catches God by surprise and he has already worked it out. In faith just have a praise party like it's already done, and watch your answer manifest because of your faithfulness that he will come through on behalf of his children! EVERY TIME-BUT IN HIS TIME! AGREEING WITH YOU IN PRAYER
    IN HIS LOVE :)

    1. Love the PRAISE PARTY full of expectations for God's goodness.

    2. Here in year 2022 my heart is all warm & fuzzy after reading all of the sweet prayers & encouragement delivered to my soul on the same day 2019. There was victory in Jesus through all of you to me. Love to allšŸ’ž

  10. THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER for hearing ALL the prayers of Your children here on this blog and granting Your perfect peace and rest to all in Jesus name!

    Love YOU DEAR LORD, YOU are FAITHFUL, but THANK YOU for first loving us!!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. A perfect timeless prayer dear Maplewood! Amen to that! Thank You dear Lord. We love You so much and we trust YOU in all things.

  11. Thank you for your prayers, Maplewood, and others. No word yet.

  12. What a beautiful morning and what wonderful, needed sleep I finally got! So very thankful. What a blessing to read all of the prayers and victories on this site. We are blessed Prayer Warriors, indeed! I have the next 2 days off work and then a weekend - I'm almost giddy. The days will be filled with family needs, care-giving and hopefully, some pulling-together of our home, but often, just a change of pace is needed.
    I am praying for all of you and your specific requests. Jan, I know that "struggle" and will pray specifically that your energy is renewed and your heart calm. Sassy Mom, please let Kenny know that he is held in prayer and that I'm expecting miracles! What a sweet man - Father, go before him and the Drs; allow him to be renewed in health and strength.
    Continued prayers for your girls, runaprilmae, that God protects them while they 'wander' on that wide highway He's provided and come around to His ways. (That is the same prayer we all pray for our adult kids who wander, right?). I'm truly believing that K & K will 'wake up' as I've prayed so often for some of mine.
    What a blessing, Maplewood, that you and your Mom had a delightful birthday celebration. The fact that you were able to tell her we are praying for her and it blessed her said volumes! Continued prayers.
    We got good news yesterday - Jinny gained 2 lbs!! So very appreciative of your prayers. As she said, "It's beginning to happen!" Asking you to pray for a dear friend who is going to a custody hearing today with her daughter over the grandchildren. Lord, open the eyes of the people involved and let them see that those children deserve the best. Praying that the dad isn't able to deceive them as he has in the past. Blessings to all of you, JC Family! Will look forward to reading the victories.

  13. JC FAMILY--- I ask for your prayers for our farmers across this blessed country. Prayers for saftey, favor with equipment and product, weather and a fair price for their "goods". And always, God's grace and mercy for all, especially those adversely effected by flooding. Great blessings to ALL for your prayers!!!

  14. Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You today first thanking for the privilege of another day. Help me to be who You want and need to be to further Your Kingdom. Let others see Jesus in me, and put a fire in their heart for YOU.I pray that each request that has been made, that they are being ansered as I say this prayer. You are so good to us and I thank You for it. Prayers for K & K's salvation, Kenny's healing, Jan's struggles, Jinny's weight gain, for Maplewoods Moms salvation, the custody battle going on today, Lord you know who the children need to live with, if they are poisoned by their Dads words, clear their head of it and make it known today who they will be with. If I missed anyone, I am sorry, I know God knows who y'all are and I ask that He do whatever it is He needs to do for them. You Lord know my needs, I ask that Your will, not mine be done. Thank You for the opportunity to pray for each of these needs to be met, thank You for our JC FAMILY, be with each of us as we go about our daily lives, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

    1. Pamela K. A very loud AMEN and AMEN!!

    2. Awesome Pamela K. So good and true! Amen.

  15. Thank you prayer warriors. Emily's brain surgery went well. No damage to her brain during surgery and outcome sounds good. !!!

    1. M.A.--- Thank you for the update on Emily. Praising the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for another VICTORY! Will continue prayers for a complete recovery. The Lord watches over His word to fulfill it!

    2. PRAISE be to the FATHER from whom ALL BLESSINGS FLOWS!!!!
      great news M.A.!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!

      Maplewood NJ

  16. WONDERFUL news on Emily! Thank you, thank you, Father! You've been on my heart throughout the day, Jan gridley. Hope you are feeling better, stronger and inspired.
    The Custody decision was postponed until Sept. My prayer is that it is AFTER the Domestic Violence charge is addressed. I'm praying that it's God's timing. For them, it is another delay. Thankfully, the Mom (Grandma) is a Believer and knows to trust.
    Jinny had kind of a rough day, but she is not discouraged. We may take the grandsons to see her tomorrow (her Great Nephews). They can cheer anybody up! Love and Peace to you, dear JC Family. Continued prayers.

  17. Thank you, Lord, for the encouragement you provide!
    Today I received a call from a friend, whose husband had a biopsy done, because of spots the doctors had found on his liver. He went in for his results today and they wanted to do another MRI on him. There were no more spots to be found!!! My friend cried happy tears and I cried happy tears.
    I think that God is telling me "You see, I am able. Don't give up hope." I truly believe there is a miracle in the works for my sister-in-law.
    Please continue praying with me for her healing.

    1. Wow that is such wonderful news!!! Praise the Lord!! We all believe in a miracle for your sister in law! Never lose hope. God knows what to do and when. We fully trust Him for we know He's the best doctor. Thank you Lord for glorifying yourself again and again. Father we trust and love you.

      Blessings from France

    2. JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, THANK YOU!!Let the Praises of the Lord rise upon us, let it rise, let it rise! What a blessing to wake up to such great news of the power of the Son of GOD!
      EOMH- He did it for your friend's hubby, YES He is able to do it for your SIL! It is indeed a reminder to keep your eyes on Him in trusted faith!
      We are in continued prayers and praise mode for her! He is able indeed!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Amen. He is the healer and miracle worker. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously.

    4. Praising Him for His amazing miracle on your friend's husband! I love to hear of God's faithfulness. I'm sure the Doctor's were amazed and the glory was the Lord's. Such encouragment as we walk through our uncertain times and trials. God is so much greater than anything that can happen to us. He is everything to me. Gratitude and praise as I watch one more blessing coming down. Halleluia!

    5. Wow! Praise the Lord! What a powerful testimony. Indeed, we must not give up hope for the Lord is in the Miracle business! Thank you for sharing this with us here, and I will continue praying for your SIL. God holds her in the palm of His hand. Thank you, Father God, for all victories in Jesus name. Amen
      May God continue to bless each one of you here, and thank you for your prayers.

      Blessed in California

    6. So appreciate how our Lord sends messages to fuel our hope. Thanks for sharing, EOMH. Continued prayers for your SIL.

    7. That beautiful testimony gives me hope. Praying for Joy's unborn baby grandson that God will fuse the hole in his diaphragm and amaze the doctors when he is born. God is able! He is can ALL things.
      My friend Emilio is very sick and needs dialysis. Please pray for his perfect healing. Thank You Jesus for answering our prayers!! We believe in Your promises and trust in Your Word. Amen.

    8. Yes. He can. On the night watch. Praying for beloved Emilio. ❤️

    9. I am on the prayer room night watch along with you, Grace Takes Time, praying for God's Grace on Emilio and all of our JC Family and their dear ones.

    10. Thank you to all who monitor the JC prayer room through the night, keeping all covered in prayers known and unknown. Thanks for leaving the light on for us, Jesus!
      Blessings to all in the light of this new day, another gift from our Lord to share the GOOD news!

    11. Thank you so much GraceTakesTime and Brie. Those prayers for Emilio mean so much to me and his wife who is a great friend and believer.

  18. JC Family, My Mom sends her thanks and appreciated for all the well wishes and prayers. I actually read them to her! I could tell she had a happy and blessed birthday through her smile and spirit. Thank you for continued prayers for her salvation. I’m trusting God. She called all your names as I read: “Jeanne thank you, France (LOL, I said to her, that’s the country, she’s a friend in France) thank you, Sassy Mom, I laughed when she said: “I like her nickname, I’m a little sassy too”! Audra thank You (I am praying for your surgery to go well next week. God has already gone ahead of you). Loveconquersall, thank you”! TJ, KS, Norah, thank you!

    God bless you all!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. I believe with all my heart dear Maplewood that your Mom will seek the Lord for herself as she sees Him shine in you. He heart is softening every day and I believe and thank God that she will seek Him and find Him and give herself to Him. I have always loved Sassy Mom's name. It always makes me smile. Audra, praying for your successful surgery and good results. Be blessed my family! Much love to all!

    2. Belated birthday greetings to your beloved mom, twin bd sis. You sang her praises as all loving children should. Mothers are a gift from God for our wholeness and happiness. In posting which birthday it is for her, hmmmm, I am quite close to her in age making you my daughters' ages. Since we are twins, it is safe to say I was born first. May the Lord continue to bless your mom and keep her; making his face to shine upon her and being gracious to her; may the Lord lift up His countenance upon her and give her peace both now and forever more. Amen

    3. Your post made me smile, sweet Maplewood. So your Mom is "a little sassy too!" She must see how we trust in God's help and healing. May God open her heart to receive the truth so she will surrender to Him completely. I believe this will happen. Thank You Jesus!

  19. Thank You Jesus. You are more real to me than this world is Lord. Please help me to always keep this conviction in my heart, soul, mind, body, and life Lord. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

    1. Praising Him with you and knowing that every good things if from Him. The world is flat and gray compared to the beauty and truth the Lord offers. Praying for you Janet.

  20. Loving Heavenly Father, Thank You for another day to be alive. I pray to experience You more in the details of my life. I know that there is no greater joy and adventure in life than getting to know You and feel You Presence. Your Presence abides with me through the person of the Holy Spirit when I received Your salvation through faith (John 14:26) and I am eternally grateful to You for all You are to me. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    How do we experience the nearness of God? Can we say that we sense Him near when we are reading and meditating on Scripture? Even though we do not always feel as if God is near to us, let’s rest assure that He always draws close to His children when they study His Word or hear it preached. We do not need to look for dramatic experiences to know that God is near, He always is in His Word. His presence is near us. He promised never to distance Himself from us:“Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” His thoughts are near us. How vast is the sum of them. If we should count them, they would outnumber the sand (Psalm 139:18). Like the loving Father that He is, He watches us while we sleep and when we awake, He is still there. Waiting. Guarding. Watching (Psalm 139:18). His hand is near us: “The eternal God is a dwelling place, And underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deut. 33:27. His heart is near us “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17, KJV 1900). The nearness of God will be our good (Psalm 73:28).
    Paul’s teaching on practicing the presence of God is living each day as though God were present, which of course He is! Paul and others lived out their lives before God and constantly viewed as being witnessed by the Lord. We too can conduct our witnessing and our service, before Him who is ever present (Jeremiah 17:16; John 1:48).

    Dear Father, May The Holy Spirit attend the reading and hearing of Your Word through us, instructing us, convicting us, and conforming us to the image of Jesus. Moses did not want Your blessings without You, for in his mind, the ultimate blessing was for Your people to dwell in Your presence. We also do not want Your blessings without You. May we become more aware of Your Presence and feel Your safe embrace. Thank You for the “Love-Bonds” we have, knowing that nothing and no one can sever. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you for your always wonderful words, scripture and prayers, Maplewood. Thinking of you and your mom. Blessings to you both. KS

    2. Thank you Maplewood for the words of God's presence in my life each and everyday. As you say, God does not distance himself from us at any time. He is actually with us more closely in times of struggle and challenge. It may be difficult to see God during these times, but it is always revealed to us, this path or journey we have been willed. There are few if any times when I have looked back over my shoulder and did not seen the purpose of the twists and turns and bumps and hills of my journey. I would not have formed who I am with out the bumps and twists in my journey. The beauty and Love of the journey (includes hardship and struggle) is that God is with me every step of the way. I have to remember the hardships are NOT caused by God but allowed or permitted in order to allow me to grow closer to Him. There is solace in this. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

    3. Amen! Beautiful prayer as always Maplewood!
      Even when we don't feel His Presence, He IS present. We can not lean on our own understanding, and when our understanding makes us "feel" without His Presence, we can NOT trust this feeling. God is not a feeling, faith is not a feeling, God is a Spirit and He decided to abide in us His children. Nothing can sever these Love-bonds. Thank you Lord we love you.

      Blessings from France

    4. What a blessing, Maplewood - tell your mama to keep celebrating!

    5. Amen Maplewood. He abides in us as we abide in Him. So thankful that He will be with us till the end of time. I think about how close He is at all times. He is part of us completely like the hair growing out of our head. He is the greatest and most beautiful part, the part that will never grow old or fade away or die. Always there to lift, guide, comfort, encourage, and love us completely. No one, or thing, or situation, or principality can separate us from His love. I am now resting in the Lord as my mouth heals. Every day I feel a little better and I am comforted and blessed.
      Thanks ABC, You are so right! He may allow bad things to happen but He will never leave us through them. God is molding and polishing us through the hardships. That's why Paul's thorn could not be removed. God's grace was sufficient. God told us suffering would be part of our journey with Him and it would bring us closer to Him. He is so close to those suffering and broken hearted. That is why we can still rejoice in everything. He is our God and that is enough. He is our portion. How blessed we are!
      Amen Blessings from France! He is always present and He is Spirit and divine. We are filled with His Spirit and anchored to Heaven by it. Thank you Lord. We Love You.

    6. Thank you Maplewood for yesterday's post about your Mom's B-day. You are a faithful daughter. Sooo blessed by your prayer. The Lord knows your heart. I know you will do the praise dance when your Mom joins the fold & we will dance with youšŸ¤—. Hang in there darlin' it's coming. Bless you all for your prayers for me, hubby & son's family. It brought tears. What a blessing to be in this family of warriors. Love to allšŸ„°.

    7. Amen, Maplewood. Your words and prayers lift my spirit. Thank you. Happy to hear your mom enjoyed her birthday celebration. Continued prayers for her salvation. May she see the light in you that shines so bright. Praying also for my family's salvation. Trusting in the Lord. I believe with my whole heart that God has already worked it out for our good and His Glory.

      ABC, those twists and turns are indeed what mold us and help us to grow closer in the Spirit. Thanking God for all the hardship and struggle that brought me to where I am today. Still a work in progress, and grateful for His faithfulness.

      Sweet Jeanne, continued prayers for healing of your mouth. God bless you and thank you for your prayers.

      Jan Gridley, I will join you in your praise dance over our lost souls' salvation. Nothing is impossible with God.

      Praying for all intentions of my JC family. May you all continue to be blessed and highly favored.

      Blessings from California

    8. Thank you, dear Maplewood. You always feed me well. Hope your Mom had a great Birthday! I will put on my Victory shoes when she finally says YES to Jesus. It will happen because Christ's light shines so brightly from you every day.
      Jesus, Remind us to stay in Your Presence and Peace.

  21. Good morning Jesus. Today, please open my eyes so that I can see You in all things. I know I get caught up in th8us,world alot yet I want to keep You 1st place. Thank You for Your love and forgiveness which bring such peace to my life.

    1. Perfect prayer dear Mark! Amen and thank you.

  22. Good morning Jesus and JC family. I wanted to share a praise report with you all. My parents have been without a functioning AC system for the past 2 years. My father, before he passed, had a technician come out to fix the problem with no success. Tech said there was a leak in the system so we were under the assumption we would need a new system. Fast forward to Wednesday, I had called and scheduled a tech to come out next day who was highly recommended. He checked the system, and they found the system had no leaks at all. They filled it with freon, and they said they were baffled. You see the system is 30 years old, but it's running like new! Praising God for, once again, showing me that He's got this. Not only did they get it running, but they went above and beyond with a tune up, new batteries for the thermostat, new fuse, cleaned the filter and replaced worn hoses to protect the wiring. And they were available, oddly enough, to come out the very next morning since they had another service call in the next town over. God is good! Praising Him continuously for his favor and faithfulness! My mom is so happy to have the unit running again, and I know my dad is looking down from heaven and smiling. I want to continue to make him proud of me for taking care of my mom and her needs. Thank you, Jesus, for always taking care of our needs and for making it all work out for our good. It may seem like such a trivial thing, but He is working out even the smallest details in our lives. Amen!

    Praying for MadFox's daughter, Sandi, Dan, Keith, Jim, Angela's sister, Bev, Janet and Debbie, Jimmie, Jeanne, Brilamar and Audra and all those reading this wonderful blog. May God continue to bless you and answer our prayers in His perfect timing.

    Blessings from California

    1. Had a similar need last weekend, Rose, record temperatures causing the A/C to not be able to keep up because of an inadequate part. Help came first thing Monday AM and they found the problem, fixed it and our needs have been met since then. As you say, such a trivial thing in light of so many greater concerns but our Lord and Savior doesn't judge what is trite and trivial and what is not (humans think that way but God is not a human being...any longer---and He didn't even think that way when He was). I don't deserve His constant goodness in all things but I get it anyway. Thanks be to God.

    2. Dear Rose. One more blessing coming down! Praising and thanking our great God! So glad He was so good to you Mom and guided the situation and now your Mom has her AC working well. I'm sure your Dad is smiling down. You are a very good daughter and God is so faithful!

    3. Rose, Praying that AC is still working well in this heat. Hope and pray you are getting along with your Brother and all is going well for you. Praying with you for our dear JC Family. May God's faithfulness shine like the sun. Looking forward to more victories to celebrate.

  23. Thank you Lord for all the wisdom you have given to those who have posted here today. It is such a blessing to me.
    I have for many years prayed that my mom ( currently in her late 90’s, lives alone with her dog) would find joy in her life. For many years, i thought it my responsibility to be the one who should provide it. Then, when I was repeatingly unsuccessful I would feel incredibly guilty and a big failure. Then a guest speaker came to speak at our church on the story of the woman at the well and that Jesus was the only joy giver. This helped so much to see that I cannot provide joy for her. In fact, no matter what i did, it was not enough. This was over 50 years ago. Last night some family members from out of state brought her over for dinner. It was a very nice visit until the family wanted to take a photo of her and themselves. She would not smile. They kept on taking more pictures and still she would not smile. They said to her” look happy” and she said I’m not happy and they asked why. She said “because I live alone with my dog.” We have had her live with us and she was so unhappy because we didnt spend enough time with her. We were working full time. But no matter her expectations of us were never met.
    We now take meals to her a least 3x’s a week and visit and have hired her neighbors to help her. So last night that guilt and I’m such a failure surfaced again. Then, when reading someone’s post today, it hit me that she may need to go through this unhappy period in order to see her need for the real joy giver! I’ve decided to have a “pre-praise party “ for her to find happiness in Jesus. Then I realized that i was wanting her to be happy so i could be happy and guilt free. That I needed to remember who my Joy giver is.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story, Anonymous, and the struggles contained therein. Clearly, you love your mom dearly as God has created you to do. I found some essentials in loving well those who are close to me. First, I pray for each of them on a regular basis. This shapes my heart by the love of God for them. With a heart so shaped, I can make God inspired choices rather than things that I conclude would be best. (My conclusions without time spent in prayer will fall short of the mark.) In maintaining regular prayer for someone, I am led to respond in a fashion that will be best for the person involved. I am sure this is something you do, I simply share what has helped me in making choices for a person's well being. When the choice we have made is truly Spirit led, there is nothing about which to feel guilty (for it is God who has erred if there was such a possibility). God be with you in your love for your mother and in making Godly responses to her needs.

    2. Anonymous, My heart goes out to you because it must be so hard to have a Mother who feels no joy in her life. I am blessed that my Mom in her 90's is full of life, joyful because she loves Jesus and she knows He helps her through every day. I'm praying that God will soften your Mom's heart so she will seek Him and find Him very soon. It's never too late. May He guide her to something that wakes up her tired and sad heart. I'm so glad you get to see her three times a week, and that her neighbors are helping her too. Betcha there will be a genuine smile on her face when she feels the love of Christ in her heart. It is surely surrounding her right now if she has eyes to see it.
      Bob, Thanks always for sharing your good advice. Following the Spirit of God as He guides us, and praying without ceasing will always help our situations. Jesus is our joy giver and we must share that news with those who are downhearted. We are the light in their wilderness and we can turn those frowns into smile because God equips us to do so.

    3. I have posted this wisdom I came across before, sending it out again today for those of us who identify with this issue:
      You can be responsible TO someone, but not FOR someone.
      God bless you responsible ones šŸ˜‰

  24. (II Timothy 2:15) We are encouraged (not demanded) to do our best, first of all 'in presenting our self before God as one approved by Him.'

    As I spent time with this verse this AM, thoughts came to mind. When I present myself before someone or a group of people, my initial thoughts would most likely be to be well received. Then I imagined being before God. Would I be well received? Should I be well received? What reason do I have to be well received? The last half of the statement answers all those questions. 'As one approved by Him.' I already have been well received before I got there because on the way there, I saw 'on a hill faraway, an old rugged cross'. It was because of the cross, my being received well has been accomplished. For every reason I could think of to not be received well has been washed away in my baptism and I am sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own forever. I humbly sat in thanksgiving to God as I appeared before Him already approved by Him for nothing I had done or failed to do.

    Blessing upon each of you, my dear sisters and brothers in Christ. With love, Bob.

    1. Love so amazing! Isn't it Bob? It's human nature to be approved & be received well. How comforting to know that the nature of our God is the exact opposite. Bless you Bob for sharing šŸ„°

    2. Amen Bob! How blessed we are to be "sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own FOREVER!" Halleluia!


    3. I appeared before Him already approved by Him for nothing I had done or failed to do...
      and In spite of everything I did do that I should not have done... Like Paul of Tarsus, I also Thank you BOB, for helping me to better understand GOD'S GRACE today. Love you.

    4. Miss you and your Spirit inspired words, dear brother Bob. You're always in my prayers. I hope all is going well as you continue to do the Lord's work.

  25. Amen to that, Bob and Jan! No condemnation. We are already well received and approved through the blood of Christ and the grace that He so freely gives us. Thank you!

  26. Thank You Janet, Jan Gridley, Grace Takes Time, TERRI, Suzanne R., Jeanne, Audra, and all who prayed for our GrandDaughter Hannah as she took part 2 of her CPA exam. I sent her copies of your posts and here is her reply:
    Omg!!! This is the best ever!!! Thank all of you so much, this totally made my day. ♥️ I love yall!!! Hannah

    1. Glad to hear that. May our Lord use that for His glory and goodness and may Hannah pass with flying colors! God bless.

    2. Sorry I missed your post about Hannah's part 2 exam, Brie. Will add her to my prayers knowing and believing for GREAT results! In Jesus' awesome name, AMEN!

  27. Thanking our good and merciful God heard our prayers and our words totally made Hannah's day! We know God can do all things and He will show Hannah about the power of prayer and His awesome power.
    Dear Hannah, the best is yet to come! Stay close to God and put Him in the center of your life, and all things will come together for good.

  28. Father, please open my eyes so I may see You in all things. You are in everything, everywhere at all times. You are so amazing and wonderful. Thank You for being in my life. Forgive me for falling short of Your glory every day. Thank You for reminding me that I am Your vessel to be used by You, as You see fit, to do Your will and not my own. It's not about me. It is ALL about You and You alone! The Bible is not just another story; it's HIStory! It's not just words in a book. It's the living word of God. It's not based on made up characters, but is about the lives of people who lived on this earth years ago. It is our creation story and how we came into being. When one is able to open their heart and mind to receive the truth; knowledge, wisdom, and understanding begins. The breath of life came from our Father -- God Almighty -- Jesus Christ! Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord continually and always. You are my reason for being. You are my everything. Father, I depend on You for everything, including my very next breath. I am nothing without You. I don't deserve anything, but You give me everything. I am Yours and You are mine. Let me be open to receive all that You have for me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    God's grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn't come from anything you do. It is God's gift. (Ephesians 2:8). Without faith it is impossible to please God. Those who come to God must believe that He exists. And they must believe that He rewards those who look to Him. (Hebrews 11:6). You are near, LORD, and all Your commands are true. Long ago I learned from Your statutes that You established them to last forever. (Psalm 119:151-152). Surely Your goodness and love will be with me all my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23:6). By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. (2 Peter 1:3).

    1. Well said dear sister Janet! Amen and Amen. Thank you for feeding me those beautiful words! God bless you always.

      His Word is our instruction manual, our truth, our light, our life, our encouragement, our lamp on our feet and our light on our path, our spiritual food, our wisdom, our peace, our comfort and our salvation. It is God's great gift. And so many people don't even own a Bible and many who do own one leave it unopened. We know the truth and we long for His Words to lift our hearts, minds and lives. We are the blessed ones.
      For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

  29. Thank God that I can have hope in you. Thank you for giving us all this brand new day , another chance to grow closer to you. Thank God for the black new boots may they keep my feet warm. Thank God for the gift of cousins who show my little one so much love ! Thank God for visit to the school, Lord please provide school fees and transportation for Ahadi.Thank for today's sermon on phillipians 4:8-20 may we fill our mind with things that glorify God .

    1. Thank You Lord for Min Ahadi's thankfulness shares, which reminds me of all Your Gifts and Grace and the very nearness of You for which I am very thankful. In Jesus' Name. amen.

    2. Amen! Love your gratitude dear Min Ahadi! May God provide all of your needs. We believe in His promises. May He guide you to new open doors to all the help you need to take care of your sweet daughter. And the doors that lead to your own fulfillment and true joy. Thank You Jesus!!

  30. Today's Devotion has me singing, OPEN MY EYES LORD by Jesse Manibusan

  31. Sharing my blessing. My daughter Denise asked for her father's Bible after he passed away to use for her daily devotions. Early this morning Denise blessed my day by sharing a comment written by Richard after reading Isaiah 65 and 66. "Much encouragement, comfort and council for patience herein 6/12/2005. Father, I love you, my family, and extended family. Bless them and send our city Your abiding peace from this day forward as You complete the good work You have begun. Jesus, "To God be the Glory" .... Richard. Richard isn't here physically but will forever be with us in SPIRIT. Thank You Jesus for blessing my life with a Godly husband and our children with a Godly father!

    1. Amen Sassy Mom! So glad to hear about your wonderful blessing. Peace be with you.

    2. What a wonderful gift for your daughter and you, Sassy Mom! Your heart and soul had to be so touched by her asking and then her sharing a note that Richard had written in his Bible! Unexpected blessings!

    3. That is a powerful incentive to keep writing things in our Bibles. How beautiful and how poignant that must seem for your Denise!

    4. Your dear Richard is alive in your hearts and his beautiful sincere words of faith are lighting a fire for Jesus in the heart of your daughter Denise. God's love and your dear Richard's love are the gifts that keep on giving. What a blessing that his writings live on and strengthen your daughter's faith.

  32. Love and prayers to all of you, Dear JC Family.

  33. Sassy Mom you have been on my mind and in my prayers. I had been so caught up with my littles and My daughter Michelle being in the hospital since May I had missed that that your dear sweet daughter Debbie had passed away. When I had posted about my own daughter Michelle dieing that I became aware of the pain you were suffering. Sassy Mom I pray that the Lord of peace reigns over you. Being confident that God is uplifting you and undergirding you so you can continue to stand firm. I don't know how a parent could go through such a loss with out the Holy Spirit living in them. With love and great respect. TERRI

    1. May our heavenly Father place His loving arms around you, Terri and you, Sassy mom, and give you both peace, comfort, love, healing and strength in His mighty power. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen šŸ™. Peace be with you.

    2. Joining Janet in continued prayer for Terri & SassyMom. Please know that we are lifting you up to the throne of grace. May the Holy Spirit continue to pour the balm of Gilead over your sore hearts easing the sharpness of the pain of your sorrow. We love youšŸ’žšŸ™

    3. I, too, am joining my sisters in continued prayer for you, Terri, and Sassy Mom. May you feel God with you and His arms wrapped around you as you put one foot in front of the other. AND if you want to just stay put on certain days, give yourself the grace to do so. We love you both and pray for peace and strength to encompass you each day. In Jesus' name, amen.

    4. Dear Terri, I had missed your post about your daughter passing. I am so very sorry for your loss. I am Interceding for you, your family and Sassy Mom and family. And if there are those that visit this site and have had a loss of a loved one--- you are also covered. You are All Beloved JCFAMILY members!
      My Papa God, let Your power fall in the lives of these precious people. Let Your hand of comfort and peace move in the midst of their affairs. I pray every feeling of doubt is destroyed, every feeling of fear is thrown away and every anxiety is NO MORE! Papa, surround these precious people with Your Glory and Ministering Angels. Remove the burdens that are wrestling with them. Remove every burden that is fighting their Spirits, their Minds or their Bodies. I thank you Papa God, for being the God that sustains them and delivers them. And may the Presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be strong and prevalent in your home. In Jesus' name, Our Waymaker, AMEN and AMEN
      Sending Great Love and Blessings to each one! You are Loved, Loved, Loved!!! JJ

    5. Dear Terri, You, like Sassy Mom even in your time of sorrow, have reached out to comfort others. You are both held tight in my prayers and I know your pain is something we could never understand unless we were walking in your moccasins. Joining all our family here in praying for you both and all those who have lost loved ones. My daughter in love's Dad, Ramiro just lost his nephew, Juan Jose. He was only in his twenties. May God comfort all of you and breathe His life into your weary hearts and renew your broken spirits. He is the One we come to when we need unchanging love, restoration, and understanding. May He fill all of your broken hearts with His comfort and love.
      Thank You Father for all this and for blessing and healing all of this beautiful JC Family in the specific ways that they need. You know it all. Thank You Jesus!

    6. Our Dear Sister Friend in Christ, Terri, i missed your 2022 post and I miss you iin 2023. You are always on my mind, in my heart and in my prayers. May the Holy Comforter comfort you and our JC family . In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  34. Father God, You are truly amazing. You are like the mother hen who keeps all her baby chicks protected and with her--You are the Good Shepherd that leads, guides, protects,teaches,directs,moves,and, yes,disciplines us when we need it. You do so much for all Your children. You bless us continuously. All we need to do is to believe on You, look to You, and share You with others in the world. Open our ears to hear Your sweet, still voice and open our eyes to see You in everything, everywhere. Open our hearts and pour Your compassion into them. Open our mouths and compel our tongues to speak of You to others. Let praises of You constantly be in our mouths Lord. Thank You for granting us the privilege of knowing You and walking with You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen šŸ™. Thank You Jesus and praise God always šŸ™Œ.

    1. Beautiful prayer, Janet! Thank you for this heartfelt and meaningful prayer. And it IS a privilege and honor to know and walk with you said! Have a blessed day!

    2. Such a beautiful and Spirit ordained prayer good sister! Thank You for sharing it with us so we could gather into it!

  35. Let us ask God to help us to believe in Him with our whole heart.

    Father in Heaven, thank you for being my Savior and Lord. Thank you for loving us and caring for us Please forgive us if we have not been trusting you as we should have. Please help us to trust you with our whole heart. Help us to believe in you. we need you to change our life because no one else out there that can love us that way you do. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

    1. May I join this "AMEN" chain with my fellow Warriors...AMEN! Thank you,Min!

    2. Amen dear Min Ahadi! No one can love us the way He does! With a perfect and unchanging Love.

  36. Thank you dear warriors for prayers for traveling mercies for son #2 coming in from Texas. What a neat treat that 1grandaughter came along!šŸ‘šŸ˜Š. We all gathered as a family for dinner & much needed catching up. The trip was eventful & trouble free. Many thanks to you all! šŸ‘šŸ’ž

    1. So glad he was able to get to you this time AND had the surprise of your granddaughter in tow! A cherry on the sundae for sure! So happy for you, Jan!

    2. That's great news and an extra special blessing to celebrate. Joining my dear sister NJS in rejoicing for your happiness.
      Thank You Father for leading it all.

  37. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for being ever present in my daily life. Please continue to walk with me always! Open not only my eyes, but also my heart to your presence in all I encounter on my daily journey. Please bless me today and everyday! Amen.

    1. Amen! May we always have open eyes to see Him and an open heart to feel His presence. From today's devotion: Ask Me to open your eyes, so that you can find Me everywhere.
      Thank You Jesus for reminding us that You are always with us.

  38. You’re missing this scripture that the author also listed…

    Psalm 90:14 NLT
    Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.

  39. I read a powerful sermon delivered by a pastor yesterday, three days after his wife of 40+years had passed. It made me think about life, death and mourning in a whole new light. You may be able to find the text online, this quote sums it up:
    "There are aspects of His Presence that you can only experience in the shadow of death."
    -Bill Johnson

  40. Thank you dear Audra. That quote is so true. He is so very close to us when we are very sick or losing someone we love. We feel Him with us as we sincerely reach out to Him. He fills the holes in our heart left when our dear ones are called Home. He is always there to surround us with His comfort and Love, and when it is our time to leave this world, He promises to guide us from death into Life with Him that will never end.

  41. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24). But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. (1 John 2:27). And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. (1 John 5:20).

    1. Awesome verses today. Thanks, dear Janet!

  42. Elisha, his servant's eyes opened to see God's invisible protection made visible.

    2 Kings 6:14-17 "Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.

    15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.

    16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

    17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.'

    Elisha's servant sees his invisible, spiritual protection.
    Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city. And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, and said, “LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

    a. Alas, my master! What shall we do: When Elisha’s servant saw the horses and chariots and a great army surrounding their city, he was naturally afraid. He knew that there was little chance of escaping or surviving an attack from so many.

    b. Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them: This seemed unbelievable to Elisha’s servant. He saw the horses, the chariots, and the great army surrounding them. He could not see anyone who was with Elisha and him.

    i. We also notice that Elisha gave his servant a reason to not fear. This was not empty hope or wishful thinking; it was a real reason for confidence, even if the servant could not see it.

    c. LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see: Elisha did not pray that God would change anything in the situation. His only request was that his servant could actually see the reality of the situation. Yet, Elisha also did not try to persuade the servant of the reality of those who are with us. The servant could not have this explained to him nor could he be persuaded into it. He had to see it.

    d. Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw: God answered Elisha’s prayer. When a person is blind to spiritual reality, only God can open his eyes. God may do it through the words someone speaks, but the work of spiritually opening eyes is spiritual work and belongs to God alone.

    d. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha: When his eyes were opened, the servant saw the reality that he could not see before. He saw that there really were more with him and Elisha than those assembled against them.

    i. The previous lack of perception on the part of Elisha’s servant did not make the reality of the spiritual army any less real. If there are 50 people who do not see something, it doesn’t invalidate the perception of one who does see.

    ii. “Faith is never the imagining of unreal things. It is the grip of things which cannot be demonstrated to the senses, but which are real. The chariots of horses and fire were actually there.”
    Courtesy of:

    1. šŸŽ¶Open the eyes of my heart Lord šŸŽµ

  43. Good Morning Jesus Calling family!
    Special prayers for my brother and sister camping in Delaware. They have faced many unforeseen challenges. May they receive Gods peace during the rest of
    their trip. Amen
    -Margaret Pennsylvanian

    1. May God surround your dear brother and sister with a hedge of protection and keep them safe from harm and anxiety in His loving care. Thank You Jesus.

  44. Dear Jesus Calling Warriors, it grieves my heart to say our beloved Sandi in Texas lost her battle with cancer. Sandi passed peacefully into the arms of Jesus surrounded by family and loved ones. Her cancer returned at least 3 different times in 5 years. Please pray comforting prayers for her husband Paul .

    1. I’m so sorry to hear of Sandi’s passing. I have kept her in my prayers. God in His mercy has lifted her out of her pain. May she rest in His loving Arms. May He comfort her sorrowful husband and strengthen him in all ways. They will be together again.

  45. Praying for all who ask for prayers on this forum AND for those who have prayers requests in the silence of their hearts. May God comfort and heal all! Amen.

  46. Joining you dear sister in thanks and praise to our Redeemer King. He called us out of darkness into a radiant light that will never end. He will lead us from this world to our Eternal Home where we will see His Face! He has forgiven us and made us anew. So much to be grateful for! Rejoice!

  47. Thanks Praying with you and for you, dear ABC. Amen

  48. Dear friends,
    Nothing, Nothing, absolutely Nothing, Nothing is too difficult for that how the song goes? I am standing in prayer for my daughter who had a blood test at mayo and is due to get the results back today or tomorrow. The test result is to see if some areas on her pet scan were sensitive to the type of colon cancer she HAD! When you've had cancer, you always live "under the scan" so to speak, which is every 3 months for my daughter. How ever, I know Who we live under and protected by. Please join me in prayer that her results would once again be GOOD. She was diagnosed over 4 years ago and has had so much answered prayer! Please pray that we can go forward in our 50th wedding celebration this weekend with JOY in that celebration of her health as well. Thank you so much!!!!!
    God is good ALL of the time. Amen

    1. I'm on the all night prayer watch Ellen and have you covered by The Comforter.
      Enjoy the 50 years he gave you and yours. Much Love and Many Prayers. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Dear Ellen, I was praying for you and your daughter yesterday and I am believing with you that her test results will be good and a reason to be filled with joy as you and your dear husband celebrate your 50th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations! We serve a faithful God and we trust in His ways and perfect timing. Holding another dear sister and her dear ones in my heart and prayers today. May God make all things right as only He can.
      Thank You dear Father for this and for bringing Ellen and her dear daughter and family good news and for keeping her daughter free from cancer and in good health so she can continue to proclaim Your good deeds. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

      Philippians 4:6-8
      Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    3. Praying with warriors dear Ellen. Instead living under the scan &, fearing, I pray she moves in under the shadow of His wings & rest. šŸ™ŒšŸ™šŸ’ž

    4. Joining in prayer for Ellen and family. In JOY and celebration moving from this day forward! ♥️šŸ™

  49. Dear Ellen --- Always a privilege to pray for your family.
    My Heavenly Father, I come before you with my heart filled with hope and trust in Your healing power. I lift up Ellen's daughter to You, asking for Your Divine touch and grace upon her as she awaits the results of her test. Lord, I pray that the cancer remains at bay and she receives positive news. May Your comforting presence surround her and her family and give strength during this time of waiting. I Decree and Declare that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THIS PRECIOUS FAMILY SHALL PROSPER!!!
    As Ellen and her husband celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, I ask for Your Blessing to overflow upon there lives. Grant them Joy and Peace, and let this occasion be filled with Gratitude and Hope for the future. Lord, I thank You for their love and faithfulness throughout the years.
    In Your Mercy, hear our prayers and grant healing and celebration according to Your perfect will. We place our trust in You, knowing You are
    a God who hears and answers prayers.
    Asking it all in Jesus's Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN

    Our Lord causes the giants before us to fall. He is the GIANT SLAYER!

    1. Two or more are now gathered into your beautiful and fervent prayer, JJ! May it availeth much. In Jesus' Name. AMEN šŸ™!

    2. Amen and Amen. Holding you close in my heart and prayers.

  50. "You will keep in perfect peace those who minds are steadfast, because they trust in you."
    Isaiah 26:3 NIV

    When worries start to overwhelm you,
    imagine lifting up your eyes and seeing Jesus standing over you. Nothing is too hard for Him to handle.



    1. Amen dear JJ. Taking my mom for a Pelvic X-ray this morning and trusting that all will be well because our good and faithful God keeps His promises and stands by His Word. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Joining in prayers with you for Ellen's daughter šŸ™. Heavenly Father, thank You for holding the cancer at bay and for the good report for Ellen's daughter. Thank You for their 50th anniversary celebration that is only possible because of You Lord. You are truly amazing Lord. Thank You for being in control of ALL things Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen šŸ™. God bless!

  51. Thank You God for JJ's and Sarah's devotions, especially ..."open your eyes, so that you can find Me everywhere..."
    Our Dear Omnipresent God, as I sit at Keith's bedside throughout this Long, Long, And Lonely Night, we are saying prayers yet needing more prayers.
    Holding his hand throughout the night, praying he has a šŸŽ¶ Peaceful, Easy Feeling That Won't Let Us Down šŸŽ¶ transition whenever it comes, may we find You Here And Now. In Jesus Name. Amen! šŸ’”

    1. Heavenly Father, please grant Brie, Keith, and the family strength, comfort and peace at this difficult time in their lives. Let them feel Your loving Presence and Your touch upon them. Hold them tightly Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen šŸ™. Peace be with you šŸ™.

    2. Praying for you Brie that you will experience God’s Peace, comfort, physical strength and endurance as you sit by your brother in his last days on this side of heaven. Even though God is holding your hand as you hold Keith’s, it is hard.

  52. I’m with you in Spirit, dear Brie, lifting Keith up to the Throne of Grace! He will soon be seeing our Lord and Savior face to Face! He will finally realize God’s promises and taste the Goodness of the Lord. May God hold your hand as you hold Keith’s. Thank You Father for calling dear Keith gently into Your loving Arms and wrapping our dear sister and her family in Your peace, comfort and love. We thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Joining in this prayer dear Brie. Your steadfast love, hope &, trust throughout this journey with Keith I'm sure has not gone unnoticed in the heavenlys. God will show you His faithfulness through to the end. We are holding you both up to the throne of grace. šŸ™šŸ’ž

    2. My Father God, I humbly ask for your presence and comfort as our precious Brie watches over her brother at his bedside. Grant them courage and peace in this challenging time. Surround them with Your love and strengthen their hearts with hope. Love you Brie! In Jesus' Name, I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.

      "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
      Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)

    3. Anonymous is JJ.

    4. Echoing prayers for our beloved Brie and Larry. Dear Brie, we loved you.

  53. 1 Corinthians 2:9
    But as it is written:
    “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
    Nor have entered into the heart of man
    The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

  54. Asking for prayers for my Bible group member and dear sister, Pat as she goes through eye surgery today to resolve her glaucoma problems and restore her good vision. Thank You Father for guiding the doctor’s hands perfectly to bring Pat clear vision, good health, peace and comfort in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne for Pat. May our heavenly Father guide the doctor's hands to complete a successful surgery. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen šŸ™. My friend Lawrence is also having eye surgery today (cataract). Please pray for him as well. Thank you šŸ˜Š. God bless!

    2. Thank You Heavenly Father God for guiding the doctor’s hands perfectly to bring Pat and Lawrence clear vision, good health, peace and comfort in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    3. Praying for Pat and success in this surgery. šŸ™šŸ™ŒšŸ’ž

    4. Joining in prayers for Pat and Lawrence. May my Father God bring clarity and success to their surgeries, granting them a future with clear vision and renewed hope. In the Strong and Loving Name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.

  55. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8).

    1. Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me. (Psalm 63:7-8).

  56. Asking for prayers to help relieve my financial anxiety. I know God is working on my behalf. I just can't seem to stop the worrying and overthinking.

    1. Philippians 4:19 AMPC
      "And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
      Anxiety is a thief; robbing us of Peace!
      John 14:27 AMPC Jesus said:
      "Peace I leave with you; My [own] Peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]"
      Praying you will receive, be filled and enveloped in His Peace (that passes all understanding) and as you trust Him, anxiety will find no place in your thoughts in Jesus Almighty Name.
      'All Your Anxiety All Your Care, take to the Mercy Seat, leave it there'

    2. Praying for our God of Abundancy to prosper you as He does the trees with their summer leaves šŸŒ³ šŸ™
      And when he does, remember to give Him back His 10% !

    3. Every time you worry, means it is time for you to take His Prescripture. The one Peter posted is guaranteed to relieve your financial anxiety ailment: Philippians 4:19
      "And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) ALL your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
      When God says ALL, He means ALL!

    4. I’m not on here daily…but I must say, you all are AWESOME prayer warriors! ~Margaret from Pennsylvania

    5. šŸ™✝️♥️

    6. Dear Margaret --- Such an encouragement to know you are with the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS.!
      May your day be filled with Great Blessings and Abundant Life! Decreeing: Something GOOD is going to happen to you today and through you!

    7. Welcome Margaret from Pennsylvania! We're blessed God's Holy Spirit sent you here!

      Then I like to do this: I rebuke the devil and ALL his plots, plans and dark schemes that are against me and I call them null and void! I LOOSE ALL the plans and dark scheme of the devil off of me. Now I BIND to myself THE LOVE OF GOD, HIS GOODNESS, HIS WILL, HIS PLAN, HIS GRACE AND MERCY,
      His Wisdom, HIS COMPASSION, HIS TRUTH, HIS PEACE, PATIENCE AND KINDNESS. Now it is time for Praise and Worship over your situation. One of my Go-To-Things to do is from a Great WARRIOR-- Loveconquersall-- who said, "Call out to sweet Jesus. His name is a prayer in itself (March 22, 2020). Miss you and love you, Loveconquersall! Tanya, God has a great plan for you. You keep looking up. Our God has got this. He is The Promise Keeper and HE IS FAITHFUL! HE ALWAYS CAUSES US TO TRIUMPH IN CHRIST JESUS!!!
      I Pray this Trusting and Believing in You, Jesus AMEN and AMEN.

    9. Thank you so much for your prayers. They are really carrying me today. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

  57. Praying Tanya that you find rest from the sheer exhaustion of worrying & fretting. Trust dear one. How much more are you so dear to the Lord than the sparrows that are fed each day. Just know that God's got this! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ŒšŸ’ž

  58. Thank you Lord for this day. You are the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings and the Greatest Power in the Universe and beyond . My good friend Coach passed away yesterday at home. At 75 years old he lived an awesome life as a great Dad, husband, father, brother , grandfather and friend to many. Thirteen years ago he was the recipient of a heart transplant and has been the perfect patient from day one. He lived his life with gratitude and compassion for all and thanked you each and every day for the Blessings you provided him and his family. We Shared a Bible Study in our community for years and was always a great source of insight and shared understanding. He will be missed by many that have been Blessed by having known him. I thank you for letting me be one of them. I ask that you please hold his wife Debbi, sisters Charlotte and Dianne as well as his children and grandchildren in your arms and shower them with love and comfort so they can be at Peace while grieving their loss. Coach is now with you and his great reward . Thank you for hearing my prayers and I pray this in Jesus’ name ….Amen

  59. Amen šŸ™ŒšŸ¾šŸ™ŒšŸ¾šŸ™ŒšŸ¾thanks for sharing

    1. Anonymous --- Bless you! Thank you for such a great testimony honoring Coach's life!
      We speak great peace and comfort over his family!
      And yes, He hears our prayers and He is FAITHFUL!

  60. Praying for all listed above! May He hear our prayers and answer them with reverence.
    Jesus- we thank you for watching over us and showering all listed above with blessings. I thank you for restoring our electricity and phones after hurricane Beryl hit us last week. The 95 degree temps were brutal with no AC but you watched over us and kept us safe. Thank you, Jesus for all you do for us. Amen.

    1. Thank God we pray everyday for every JC Prayer Warrior, when we see their posts and when we don't šŸ˜Š You and yours were covered Suzanne R. Thanking God for His Victorious Restoration!

    2. For you, sister Brie, and all who reach out in prayer today:
      šŸŽ¶ Put your hand in the hand! šŸŽ¶

  61. So thankful for your having this on available, I use it when I'm in the car instead of bringing my book. Jesus calling. I noticed one word was different at the end of July 18th, the last sentence has the word rewarded but my Jesus calling book says revealed, just wondered why it was different. Thanks again for Having this online . May God bless you
