Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 8

When you seek My Face, put aside thoughts of everything else. I am above all, as well as in all; your communion with Me transcends both time and circumstances. Be prepared to be blessed bountifully by My Presence, for I am the God of unlimited abundance. Open wide your heart and mind to receive more and more of Me. When your Joy in Me meets My Joy in you, there are fireworks of heavenly ecstasy. This is eternal life here and now; a tiny foretaste of what awaits you in the life to come. Now you see only a poor reflection as in a mirror, but then you will see face to Face

John 15:11
English Standard Version

These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

Verse Thoughts
From John Calvin - By the word abide he means, that it is not a fleeting or temporary joy of which he speaks, but a joy which never fails or passes away.
I Corinthians 13:12
English Standard Version

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Fireworks of heavenly ecstasy??? Is this supposed to be Jesus or 50 Shades of Gray?

    1. Definitely interesting word choices based upon how Hollywood has helped us define words today. The slang use of the word ecstasy began in 1985 but the origin of this word (14th century) simply meant "drive out of one's mind" or "displace." In this reference, the idea that we define Joy in the way Jesus defines it would probably lead to an altered state of consciousness; true community with Him is rather unlike the sampling or small size portions we normally allow into our lives. Yet, just a foretaste of what will be experienced later (I Cor 13:12).

    2. The heart I posted was for the clarification from "Paytonfamily". Great clarification!

    3. Well said. We need to remember that Hollywood has hijacked the way many understand truth these days.

    4. Boy, isn't THAT the truth! The hijacking and brainwashing.

    5. And aptly called programming.

    6. I really appreciate this reading

  2. If ecstasy meant "out of one's mind" then that makes sense why they chose it for a debug lol.

  3. Abundant blessings to my JC Family. A favorite verse of mine.
    For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worth comparing with the GLORY that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18 ESV

    1. I love that verse too Sassy Mom. Thanks. The best is yet to come and everything in this world will fade away. When we suffer, we grow closer to our Lord. He understands suffering very well, and with His help, we can endure anything because we know this world is just temporary. God has so much he has prepared for those who love Him, and our reward will be everlasting and beyond our imagination.

    2. Thank you Chris for your explanation and Sassy mom for sharing one of your favorite Bible verse
      Psalms 28:7-8 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise
      Amen πŸ™πŸ€—πŸ©΅πŸ™

  4. One of my favorites, too, Sassy Mom! The day is covered by the Home Healthcare Agency, so I am off to work. Have a blessed day, JC Family! Thank you for your prayers - you are certainly in mine.

  5. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly host, praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost! Good morning JC family πŸ₯°. Blessings on each of your day today. Walk in the light of His glory. He is the lamp unto our feet & the light unto our path. Prayer warriors I call on you once again. I'm keeping you all busy. Eye exam today for the right eye, it's given me some problems. Cardiology appointment Wednesday, hoping all is well. Lord be praised for what ails me. When it rains it pours! He is in control. Love you allπŸ₯°

    1. Praying for you, Jan! I may visit the Chiropractor today. HA HA...God knows what ails us and has covered it all. Blessings!

    2. Thank you Norah. I go to Chiropractor tomorrow πŸ˜„. I feel like my body is going in for a 40,000 mile check-up & repairπŸ˜‚!

    3. Jan --- My prayers are heading your way. May are marvelous, wonder working Lord wrap his arms around you. Great blessings on you from Kansas

    4. Special prayers for you Jan that your appointments go well and prayers for our JC family. This is the day that the Lord Hath made. Let us all rejoice and be the loving light.
      In Jesus heavenly name
      Texas friend πŸ₯°πŸ˜‡πŸ™

    5. Jan - special prayers coming your way.

  6. Jeremiah 32:27-35 King James Version (KJV)

    27 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?
    Please pray, I'm being invaded by a small army of ants. He got rid of Norah's skunk problem.

    1. Use liquid Terro Sassy Mom. Available at any hardware or even walmart. Works great!πŸ™‚

    2. Sassy Mom --- Jan is right on. Use Terro for ants. Have had very good results with it. Also we will apply Psalm:91:3 "Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence." The scriptures your referenced warmed my heart!

    3. Jan, JJ, you hit the nail on the head. Liquid Terro works great!!!

    4. JJ, love that scripture. Sassy Mom can't lose. Ants are history!

    5. My Mom is having a problem with ants. Just sent her a message to get Liquid Terro. Thanks!

  7. Dear Heavenly Father, I Thank You for another blessed and gifted day, filled with treasures in it for me to find. I am awake and in my sound mind, you have also awaken my mother in her sound mind. I pray for traveling grace and mercy as I drive an hour each way to take her to get paper works done. Thank You for blessings and favors for her in Jesus name!

    Today, through the power and help of the Holy Spirit, I desire to put aside all thoughts of everything and focus on You and not the trials, but to trust You completely. Thank You for the many, many blessings that You have in store for me. Thank You for Your love and peace that only You can give. May I honor You today above all else. Thank You Precious Father.

    Today, I cover my JC family in the Blood of Jesus, Thank You Father for ALL the many VICTORIES You are giving each person. I know the best is yet to come. It is NOT over until You say so. Thank You also for strength and perseverance to go through the trials You allow us to go through. You promised to be there with and for us. All Your promises for us are YES and AMEN, so thank You Lord!

    Love, blessings and peace to all, Family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood--- Thank you for your awesome prayer! Such a great uplift!!! Great blessings to you!

    2. Praying for you & Mom, Anonymous. You have faced all the hurdles so far. Nothing will stop you now. Extra measure of strength oh Lord for Anonymous. Amen

    3. Your prayer just reached right in and touched my heart. Tears came so I know it’s real! The spirit is blessing each of us. Time is of no concern to our father who is timeless. A prayer from a year ago just opened me right up. Thank you Father for your blessings and let us open our hearts to continue to receive your blessings even as they come in trials may we know you deeper and give you the glory. Thank you Jesus. Amen

    4. Thank you Maplewood, A year later and your prayer really blessed me. Thanking God for waking me to another beautiful day of new possibilities. He surely has dropped treasures along the way. They may be the color of a flower or a sincere smile from a passerby, a beautiful sky or sweet words shared with a loved one. I'll do my best to keep my eyes, ears and heart open to receive them. No matter what we face today, we are blessed Jesus is helping us through it, and giving us all joy and peace in His presence. I am so encouraged when I read of the victories our family experiences and shares every day. Praying for our needs and requests as I trust in God's faithfulness and compassion. Much love to my JC Family.

    5. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank You Jesus for everything You do. Praise the Lord continously. Hallelujah. Holy, Holy, Holy is my Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ -- Lord of Lords and King of Kings. You are the most high. There is no one above You Lord. Bless You Lord. Bless and favor us Lord. Thank You Jesus.

    6. Amen sweet Janet! There is no one above our Lord and Savior. He is the Most High!

    7. Three years later, this prayer is still very much active and alive in my heart...Today, through the power and help of God's Holy Spirit, can I desire to put aside all thoughts of everything and focus only on my God rather than on my trials, and to trust Him completely, rather than rely on my own understanding. Thank You for the many, many blessings that You have given and for those You still have in store for me. Thank You God for Your love and peace that only You can give. May I honor You today above all else. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Precious Father. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    8. I love to trust Jesus 😁

  8. As one of the writers in the Creighton University Daily Reflections writes today (as he is sitting in Gods majesty in the Rocky Mountains), God asks: Do you know I am here? Do you trust me? Dear Lord Jesus, help me to always know and believe that you ARE here, with me every step of the way. AND help me to trust you always, even when feeling alone among life changing circumstances. Amen.

    1. ABC--- Father God, I ask You to give ABC the strength they need to live through each day and to face all that they may face. Strengthen ABC by the power of Your Spirit to stand strong and courageous in the midst of intimidating situations. Give ABC the power to rise above all opposition and any fear or loneliness. I thank you Father that ABC can do ALL things through Christ who strengthen them! Thank you Father for Your ability to do miracles in ABC's circumstances! Praising the Lord in Kansas

    2. Joining you JJ in lifting ABC to the throne of grace.

    3. Thank you JJ, Thank you Jan! Blessings on you both today and each day! Amen

  9. I love your prayer from Maplewood and second this prayer. Special prayers for ABC. Lord please wrap them
    In your loving arms. We are not alone you are right here with us each step everyday. We love you Lord. Holy Spirit please control our minds, spirit and soul. Thank you for all the blessings and victories. In Jesus heavenly name
    Texas friend

  10. Good morning Lord, thank you for the great nights rest. Thank you for all of the many blessings that You have blessed our family and friends with. Thank You for our JC Family, a great place to come read Your word and pray for each other. You know Lord how quick my mind forgets things I read by the time I have read what all each person has prayed and praised for. I do remember Sassy Moms prayer about her ant invasion and I ask that you do the same with them as you did for Nora's skunk problem. It may sound silly to some folks, but I know You love us so much that if we need help with skunks or ants, it is absolutely fine to ask You to take care of it. It may sound trivial to them, but if they were the ones with the problems, I am sure they would appreciate prayers to help them with their critter issues. Lord, I ask You that You help me keep my mind stayed on you. Again, you know how my mind jumps from one thing to the other and I have a problem focusing on one thing at a time. It even affects my relationship with You and I do not care for that at all. Help me to keep my mind on the task at hand, then go on to the next thing. Sometimes I feel as if I am the ball in a roulette wheel, just waiting to be spit out to find out what I need to do and where I should be each day. Help me to know each day when I wake up the next morning to do Your will first, then whatever it is I am supposed to do. You made me Lord, and I know you do not make any junk. I pray for those out there today that feel useless, un loved and all those emotions that come with depression and anziety. Calm all of our fears and doubts, give us peace only you can give. Help me to help others with my testimony and my walk with You. Thank you Lord, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen!

    1. Pamela - Quoting a prayer from one of my devotions:
      "God, help me to focus on pleasing You today. May I dwell on whatever is true, noble, excellent, or praiseworthy to be an encouragement to others and to follow after You." Thanking you for ant prayers.

    2. I'm the same way Pamela k. I call it chasing my tail. It's amazing though how much more endearing the Lord has become because of the "rescue" missions He has done for me because of my shortcomings. I am truly dependent on Him.

    3. I'm the same as you Pamela K and Jan G and it does feel like I'm chasing my tail..LOL..I love my JC Prayer Warriors..your names are engraved in my heart. Lord have mercy on us..hear my prayers Lord! Amen and Amen!

    4. Dearest sisters in Christ, we share a tendency to chase thoughts in search of actions. May the Peace of God find our hearts and minds on a more regular basis, in Jesus's name I pray.

    5. Thank You God for Pamela K's Roulette Ball analogy. That would also be me on the roulette wheel of life, just waiting to be spit out to find out what I need to do and where I should be each day. Help me to know each day when I wake up the next morning to do Your will first, and let everything else follow in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  11. Before 6 AM I asked my JC Family to pray because I was invaded with a small army of ants. The only thing I had to usewas Enoz. A product I used a few years ago when I had an ant problem. Jan and JJ both recommended liquid Terro and JJ said we will apply Psalm:91:3 "Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence." At 8:30 AM I bought Liquid Terro bait traps. There were no visible ants but I used the bait traps any way. It is almost 7:30 and THERE ARE NO ANTS IN THE BAIT TRAPS. As Jan said ANTS ARE HISTORY. Just now had opportunity to share. SHOUTING!!!!!! HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE LORD. I'm doing the "happy dance". Thank you JC Family for all the Victories shared, KEEP THOSE PRAYERS COMING.

  12. Even though the time on ant story says 5:26 PM It is 7:30 PM in my neck of the woods.

  13. Good morning everyone! Thank you Lord for this new blessed day.

    "When your Joy in Me meets My Joy in you" I love this. Thank you Lord for your Joy that will never fade away.

    Have a blessed day JC family ! Praying for you all ♡

    Blessings from France

  14. Good morning sweet Lord. Thank You for another blessed day in the Lord. I love, trust, and adore You Lord. You are my everything Lord. Thank You for all You have done, are doing, and will do in my life Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously. Please help me to keep my eyes on You Lord. If I get distracted from You, please bring my eyes back to You Lord. Please bless all your children here with Your presence Lord. Fill us up with Your perfect Peace, Love, Joy, Glory, and Strength Lord. Hold us close to You and lift us up when we need it Lord. Thank You for the gift of You Lord. Glory be to the Lord always and forever. Amen.

  15. Good morning JC familyπŸ₯°. Oh Lord we call upon you to Walk aside of each member of this JC family. We look to you heavenly Father to see us through the challenges along the path we travel this day. May we delight in your presence, may we hear you whisper, " this is the way, walk in it". At the end of the day Father, tuck us in safely underneath the shadow of your wings. Amen.

    1. AMEN! Jan, so good to have you back. God will always be your refuge and strength no matter what you face! Mom is doing great, thanks for asking and praying for her.
      God bless and keep you!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Sharing in your prayers, Janet and Jan. How blessed we are that we are not walking through our days alone and that we know the greatest place to be is in the presence of the Lord. I loved your last sentence, Jan: At the end of the day Father, tuck us in safely underneath the shadow of your wings. Amen.
      So happy your Mom is doing well, Maplewood. We are so blessed to still have our Moms. Such a wonderful gift. Prayed with my Mom today and just hearing her voice each morning is such feeling of security. God bless all the Moms. Amen

  16. Rose- you've been in my thoughts & prayers for you & your brother. I know this challenge first hand. Hang in there Rose, the Lord is fine tuning us. Embrace the challenge knowing that unconditional love is no cake walk but the One who perfected it is showing you how, pay close attention, the rewards are amazing! I recommended a book to Norah, Lord change me by Evelyn Carol Christenson. See if that will help.

    Norah- praying for your aunt & family.

    1. Jan, thank you for your uplifting words and prayers. I do feel God working within me to change me and therefore my relationship with my brother. Praise God! As it says in Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." I also love your last line,
      "Father, tuck us in safely underneath the shadow of your wings." I love the imagery this represents. Thank you, Father, for your protection as we go about our day and as we lay down to rest and recharge our batteries.

      I love my brother unconditionally, and I'm trusting in Jesus to continue His work in me. I'm a work in progress as we all are. It's comforting to know that God is faithful. I'm thankful for my faith everyday! Where would I be, Lord, without you? I don't even want to imagine it. Thank You, Father God, for taking my hand and controlling my thoughts, words, and actions. Guide my steps, Lord, that I may be closer to You and know You more fully. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

      And PTL, Sassy Mom, that your ant problem has been eradicated!There is no problem or burden that we face that is too big or too small, for that matter, for the Lord to handle. Hallelujah!! We serve a mighty and powerful God!

      Peace and blessings to you all, my JC family. Thank you for your prayers, and you are all in mine.

      Blessed in California

    2. Oh, and ,Jan, thank you so much for the book recommendation! I will surely search for it. I welcome anything that will help me to be closer to God. God bless you and our JC family.

      Blessings from California

  17. I had to laugh this morning as I read about last year! Sassy Mom, I had ants all over my glass topped desk yesterday while trying to work! One was crawling up my computer screen! I disinfected my desk and this morning there are ZERO! I love that we can take the 'daily-ness' of our lives to our loving Heavenly Father, because He cares for us!
    Also, reading about where we were this time last year with my Husband's sister brings so much of those days back to me. Now we are praying for his Aunt Mary Anna. I know He cares for me...for her - for all of us! Giving this lovely day to Him and expecting mighty blessings for each of us. You are all in my prayers, JC Family!

    1. Norah - Not laughing, keeping my eyes open and have prayers and Liquid Terro ready! Joining you in prayers for Aunt Mary Anna. I have precious memories of my Aunt Mary Anna.

    2. Dear Norah, Praying for your Husband's Aunt Mary Anna. Falling always weakens the body so much, and now to have Lymphoma, she is in great need of our prayers.
      Jan, You are so right about Jesus being the best example of how to love unconditionally. Praying with you: Rose, May God guide you and your brother to a peaceful and loving relationship. Blessed be the peacemaker. Do your best because you're not alone. God is greater than all conflicts and His Spirit will give you the words and understanding to make all things right. May God also change your brother's heart towards you. Amen

    3. Dearest Norah, prayers going up for your husband's Aunt Mary Anna. May God's blessings be upon her and your family.

      Jeanne, thank you for your uplifting words and prayers over my relationship with my brother. It is just him and I. I have no other siblings so I'm praying diligently that the Lord will change me and thus improve my relationship between my brother and I. I have no doubt He already is working it out for my good. Praise the Lord!

      Jan, I just ordered the book you kindly suggested, and it will arrive next week. I'm looking forward to see how God uses it to transform me into a better, kinder sister. Thank you!

      Blessings to all our JC family. God is good!

  18. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the blessings of a new day. Direct my steps this day into the way of peace, and strengthen my heart to obey Your commandments. May nothing separate me from You today. In Jesus name. Amen.

    II Corinthians 9:8 says:“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”.
    We have a Father who is able to make all grace abound toward us. Throughout the Bible, we read that God is a God of abundance and increase. He is the God of more than enough. What’s most important in this scripture is that God brings abundance into our lives not just for us to have wealth, but also that our wealth enables us to impact those around us. He requires our faith. Matthew 17:20 says all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed and He does the rest.
    I Corinthians 13:12 says:“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known”. Part of my understanding of this is that, all that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me completely. The Apostle Paul is also trying to say that we do not and cannot fully know God and His purposes now, but all will be revealed when Jesus returns. For now, as believers we can declare that through God, all things can eventually be seen.
    God doesn’t want us to stay at the same level as our parents; He wants us to set a new standard. He’s going to exceed our expectations in greater ways than we’ve ever imagine. Let’s give Him something to work with in this regard and dare to say, Lord, I want to thank You that You’re going to exceed my expectations, take me where I can’t go on my own.

    Dear Lord, Thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives, thank you for your goodness and for your bountiful blessings over us and the promise of eternal life that awaits us. In Jesus name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. You gave me some good food for thought today, dear Maplewood. We know that God is good and perfect and truthful and compassionate and loving and merciful and all powerful and forgiving and kind and faithful and protective and instructive and understanding and the giver of light and joy and peace, and He is our very best friend who knows us better than anyone. But when we face Him, we will know Him completely and He will answer our questions and we will also have complete understanding and a joy beyond our imagination. I believe we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I stand on that truth every day and do my best to produce good fruit for Him. Every good thing I do is from Him and for Him. Joining with you in thanking Him for His amazing power and work in our lives. And I believe in great anticipation that the best is yet to come.

    2. Dear Maplewood. I sure do look forward to the perfect day when I will "know everything completely, just as God knows me completely", and when I can get all my questions answered.
      Amen! Lord, Take me where I can't go on my own. Thank you for leading us by our hands to where You want us to be.
      Thank you dear sister. He is always at work in our lives, contstantly molding and guiding us.
      Praying your wonderful prayer of gratitude and praise. Amen!

  19. Thanking God for all of the thoughts/insights shared here everyday and praying for ALL the prayer requests from the last few days. God who started a good work will ALWAYS complete it!

    Father in Heaven, I pray for the sake of Your Son Jesus our Lord, that You would heal al who are sick, all needing family restoration, all struggling from fear and anxiety, all needing peace and comfort, all who are broken and lost, all needing financial relief, all needing traveling grace and mercy and every other need that You already know about. I pray for all who are present here and all who may be absent, but present in Your sight. Let the Light of Your glory shine upon each and everyone of this body of believers, as we come together to worship, praise, share our thoughts of Your Words and pray for each other. Father, do what no man can do and grant us all amazing TESTIMONIES to Your glory. For with You, NOTHING is impossible! I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

    The God of Elijah who answers by fire, has gone ahead of us to make all crooked path straight! Keep holding on to Him and don't let go! He's faithful!

    Stay bless.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. You stay blessed also Maplewood πŸ₯°. Thank you for blessing our day with your prayers.

    2. God bless you my dear Sister, Maplewood! Amen and Amen! Holding on to Him always and never letting go! Standing on His faithfulness above all.

    3. Thank you Maplewood! I join you in this beautiful prayer! In Jesus name

      Blessings from France

    4. Amen! Joining in your perfect prayer dear sister. Thank you.

  20. In Jesus's name, I join in declaration that these prayers are all met and we face our day in gratitude and confidence knowing so. Amen!

  21. Amen to that!!!πŸŒ¬πŸ™πŸ‘ΌπŸ₯°

  22. Amen to that!!!πŸŒ¬πŸ™πŸ‘ΌπŸ₯°

  23. Dear friends, please pray for my daughter, as she had a very successful surgery for colon cancer 10 days ago. However, her bowels aren’t moving and she is in severe pain. If that doesn’t change today she will have to go back to Mayo today to check for a bowel obstruction. Thank you so very much. She has been through so much and it would be great if this could happen naturally. God is good!

    1. Praying for your daughter, Ellen, that in the name of Jesus Christ, she is healed; everything cleared naturally. Deep breath - giving it all to Him, Who cares for us!

    2. Continued prayers for your daughter Ellen. May God heal her without another trip to Mayo. Stay strong through this difficult time. God is always present.


    3. Joining in prayers for Ellen's daughter. Father, may You remove her pain and suffering and heal her with Your healing touch. You are the healer and miracle worker and only You have the power to remove this affliction and make her whole again naturally and lovingly. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord always and continually. God bless!

    4. Praying for your daughter as well, Ellen, and for you. May Jehovah Rapha, our great physician, help her to get things moving on her own! To see our children, grown or still little, hurting/suffering, is painful as well as a parent. Wrapping my arms around you both in prayer, Ellen. May you both feel God's presence with you today and the days ahead and may she have success on her own with Our Lord's assistance for movement. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    5. Joining warriors Ellen on behalf of your daughter. What God has begun in her, He will see to completion. We ask You oh Lord to restore all of her bodily functions so that recovery can be complete, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

    6. Praying for your daughter Ellen and that God would continue His healing in her. Praying for peace for you both. JE

    7. Praying for your daughter, Ellen. May any side effects from medication be cleared for a natural restoration of her functions. In Jesus's name I pray.

    8. God is on the Move Alleluia.
      Praying for you and your daughter sweet Ellen.

  24. Dear Ellen, Continuing to pray for your daughter. Joining in Norah's prayers and all our prayers for her. I'm so sorry she is in pain after her surgery. I pray that God will heal her and help her to move her bowels and be relieved and comfortable. If there is a blockage, may God clear it. He already knows what's going on in her body. Thank You Father for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. We trust you to help Ellen's dear daughter. Bring her back to good health. Thank You Jesus. We are waiting together for Your Faithfulness.

  25. Father, align our spirits together as one. Let Your Spirit flow through me abundantly and bring me to life eternal with You. You are so much higher than I am -- Your ways and thoughts -- I cannot even comprehend, but I have put ALL my trust and faith in You Lord. You are the living God and Your word is the absolute truth. There are no other Gods. You are the most high. I submit myself and all that I have to You. Let me be open to receive all that You have for me. Let me see past this world and into Your heavenly realm. Let us walk together in spirit and in truth. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Father, have Your will with me. Align my will with Yours and me with Your word. Let Your word flow continuously through me and help me gain a clearer insight and understanding of it. You mean so very much to me. No one compares to You. I praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by His great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation. (1 Peter 1:3). That faith and that knowledge come from the hope for life forever, which God promised to us before time began. (Titus 1:2). For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD. (Psalm 117:2).

    1. We serve an amazing God, Father, Son and Spirit and He abides in us and we abide in Him.
      Amen dear Janet. His Word is a lamp on my feet and a light on my path. No one is greater than Him! Praise and thanksgiving. Praise the Lord always and ever.

  26. Prayers for your pain, comfort, and relief to Ellen's daughter and Thanksgiving for her successful surgery.

  27. As I prayed for you and your brother moving yesterday, Brie, I pictured it being supernaturally smooth, pleasant and the joyful results of all you've prayed for, as have we! I'm looking forward to hearing about it and the prayers will continue until the job is finished!
    Wrapping up a "short" week which always seems harder than a regular one. I have time to take off work, but also realize what will greet me when I get back, so I keep putting it off. Praying that God will inspire the perfect timing.
    Our daughter moves this weekend, so I'm asking for prayers to keep her on track. Also safe travels for our son and his family returning home and my Ladies taking off to be with their families at the beach for 10 days.
    My DH steadily improves every day and for that I am so thankful. Can't thank all of you enough for keeping us in your prayers and, as always - you are all in mine!

    1. Joining in you prayer for Brie and Keith for a smooth move and transition and all healing. Hope you get some rest Norah in your "short" week. I am sure God will help you accomplish all you must when you return to work. Praying for your daughter's move to go well too. And may God strengthen her and guide her decisions. Continuing to pray raveling safety for your son and his family. Hope your Ladies have a lovely trip at the beach. I am blessed and happy your DH is doing better every day. He sure has a good nurse in you! God is just so faithful and good to those who trust in Him.

    2. Joining in prayers with all of you. Father, refresh Norah and revive her spirit in You and give her the much needed rest she needs and deserves. Thank You for answering our prayers about her DH's health issues. You are the healer and so wonderful. Praise You Lord. Please grant mercy travels to Norah's son and the ladies going to the beach to be with family. Guide her daughter with her move and let it be stress-free and exciting and filled with many good memories. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    3. The same God that was On The Move for Keith will be on the move for you daughter, our Norah. Her move is now in my prayers. I am also picturing her move to be supernaturally smooth, pleasant and the joyful results of all we are praying for, along with you!

  28. I have been to this site for 2 years now and have prayed for each and every one of you. I feel like I know you all and even think of ALL of you JC Warriors throughout the day! I’m coming to you now for prayers. My daughter is 32 weeks pregnant with her 2nd son. She just found out yesterday that he has a condition called CDH. He has a hole in his diaphragm and needs surgery immediately after he’s born and best case scenario is that he’s in NICU for 6 weeks. Please pray for peace for Alli and her husband Kel. Please pray for healing for this precious baby boy. I need all of you right now πŸ˜’πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Praying for that dear baby that God is already healing his weakness and when he is born he may not even need the surgery but if he does, the Lord will be in that OR guiding the doctor's hands perfectly to mend his defect and bring him to perfect health. Thank You Father for this and for peace of mind for the parents and dear Joy. Thank You in the Name of Christ Jesus. Trusting and Believing in Your Promises as we rest in Your love and peace.

    2. Heavenly Father, please place Your healing hands on Alli's baby boy that has not come to quite be here with us yet. Let Your peace, comfort, strength, and healing power be with their family as You perform Your work. Lord, let Your presence fill them with Your everlasting love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    3. Joining in prayer for you Joy and for Alli and her husband Kel, and their yet to be born son. May we all see the goodness of God again and again. In Jesus' Name. Amen

  29. Prayers for this precious baby that miracles will happen. He is in good hands.
    Thank you all for continued prayers for Marc's healing and his brother Paul in ICU. Some days it feels like there's no room for any more challenges but we know God is great and with the help of your prayers we can handle whatever comes along. Bless you!

    1. Father, please lift Audra's spirit up and give her Your perfect peace, comfort, and strength as she endures these trials right now. Let Your healing power rule in Marc and Paul's lives right now and bring them back to their whole being. Praise You Lord and thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

  30. Praying for Marc's brother Paul in ICU. May God who is our Miracle Maker, bring Paul back to good health and heal his heart and lungs, and heal Marc and bring him to a perfect recovery. God will help you stand strong for Marc and Paul, dear Audra. He is our strength when we are weak and He is our peace when we are nervous. God is in the picture and I believe in His faithfulness which is far above any circumstance or physical condition. It is better to trust in God than in men. Trust Him above all for a good outcome. Praying for your peace, sweet Audra.

  31. God bless you JC family!

    I love to trust in the Lord.

    I am planning for a good night's sleep as our prayers for Paul have yielded fantastic results. He will leave ICU in the morning, we got to see and talk and pray with him today. It was awesome. Marc had a rough day but all things considered, not the worst.
    I don't know how anyone faces challenges in life without the knowledge and faith of our ONE TRUE GOD. Thank you Jesus, thank you all for your prayers! Sweet dreams.

  32. So blessed that Paul is doing well and feels our prayers and God’s love surrounding him. Praying that Marc will improve with God’s help and healing. Thank you Jesus!

  33. Just got back from seeing my dear friend Sandy and our friend Karen. Sandy needs our prayers. She had a difficult day at Mt. Sinai and she needs prayers for good test results on her bone marrow.
    Thank you so much for lifting her in prayer.
    Thank You Jesus! We are praying for Sandy to receive Your Faithfulness and Healing Power. Lead her to touch the hem of your garment. Bring her back to perfect health. Thank You Lord. You can do all things and we are trusting in Your power and loving kindness.

    1. Jeanne --- Such a powerful prayer for Sandy. I stand in agreement with your prayer. I Pray and Believe in Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    3. Praying for Sandy, dear Jeanne.

    4. Joining in prayers for Sandy that her test results will yield a perfect plan for next steps in care and healing.

  34. My Heavenly Father, I just want to thank You for the name of Jesus, who is above every name. I thank you for the faith in the name of Jesus and the blood He shed for all of us. Father God, I Declare over my Beloved JCFAMILY that no matter the circumstances they are facing, they WILL NOT be shaken. They WILL NOT be moved. They WILL NOT be defeated. I Decree and Declare that they WILL overcome, that they WILL persevere. They will pursue, overtake and recover anything the enemy has stolen from them in the name of Jesus. I thank You, Father God, for a newfound boldness where no one sees themselves as victims, but as VICTORS! There is a righteous indignation rising up in them to take back what belongs to them. I thank You, Father, that they will hold their ground. They will not only hold their ground, but they are going to rise above everything that has been rising against them. They will SPEAK LIFE, HEALING, RESTORATION AND FREEDOM to their circumstances. And I thank You, Father God, for each of their VICTORIES and PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS over each one. I Pray and Believe in Jesus' name, For His Honor and For His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

    Loving on my Beloved JCFAMILY. JJ

    1. Thank you JJ! I've just sent your prayer to a family member who REALLY needed this. The Lord Jesus Christ bless you and yours mightily today.

    2. JJ - I receive your anointed blessings.

    3. Meee too dear JJ! RECEIVING this powerful warroom prayer! Hallelujah! Bless you sister for standing in the Frontline, interceding for us. May you also be equally blessed by it. Amen!

    4. Receiving your prayers JJ and thanking God that you are standing in the breach for us. May all the tremendous blessings you give, fall afresh on you and your dear ones. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Oh how I needed this, JJ. As our dear Sassy Mom stated, I too am receiving your oh-so-anointed blessings, JJ. Thank you so much! Love and blessings to you, dear sister!

    6. JJ, thank you for that powerful prayer. I will revisit it today - often! Thank you. You and all of our JC Family are in my prayers too. Sometimes, the list seems too long to even list, but we know that we can pray for each other and that God knows every, single detail. I'm so very thankful.

    7. Amen! Amen! Thank you for that-exactly what I needed to hear today. Blessings upon you JJ and all my JC brothers and sisters. πŸ™

    8. Amen! Blessing you, JJ, with NEWFOUND BOLDNESS. Casting all evil from the corners of my mind and anywhere around me. Your prayer reminds me to declare, I AM THE STORM!

    9. Dear Audra --- Couldn't agree with you more! Our enemy is running scared, because we have become dangerous, causing his DEFEAT! HALLELUJAH!!!

    10. JJ, thank you for that anointed prayer for all of us that carries power and authority which is timeless. I so appreciate all of you…God’s prayer warriors. God bless each one of you and your families.

    11. I also want to give a victory report…my brain scan last week came back normal! No recurrence of the tumor removed 18months ago. Our family is spending delightful time this week in NY with our son. Our daughter starts radiation next week, and I know this will be successful and cancer cells will be defeated. God is good!

    12. Yes He is, Ellen! ALL THE TIME. Happy to read of your "clear" scan! Keeping up the prayers for your daughter. ♥️πŸ™

    13. Clearly Rejoicing with ypu, Ellen, in a Victory dance !

  35. Dear JC Family. Thank you for continuing prayers. Yesterday after returning home from my Debbi's funeral I had a meltdown. Friends who have buried a child are reaching out to me.
    Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. Thank You Jesus.

    1. My precious Sassy Mom --- Just holding you tight with the Healing Love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
      Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart..."
      Jeremiah 31:13b "I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow..."
      Psalm 147:3 "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds."
      Sending you my love and my best prayers! JJ

    2. Dearest SassyMom, standing on the promise of God for you, "blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted". Just like He felt every blow on the cross for us, He feels every sorrow & pain of you heart. Just be held & cuddled through this storm. We love you dear one πŸ’žπŸ˜₯.

    3. Oh, Sassy Mom - my heart goes out to you and your family. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. How old was Debbi? I have a friend who within the last year lost her son (in his 30's), then her husband of 40+ years and most recently, her father. Her sister-in-law is in my ladies fellowship and she was saying how that progression was so unnatural. I don't think we are ever prepared to see our children die. Though I can't imagine losing my dear husband of 48 yrs, to lose a child would devastate us both. We remind each other often of what God has in store for us and that it will occur, "in the twinkling of an eye." You will remain in my prayers. I pray that God reminds you, constantly, of what is to come and that your heart is comforted moment by moment. We all love you so much.

    4. It's OK to cry. You are safe in His Arms. Gathering in with the priceless number of JC Prayer Warriors who are storming Heaven on your behalf with love for our Sassy Mom. Much Love, Brie

    5. I just ache for you, Sassy Mom. Joining our JC family in continued prayers for you. May you feel God's presence as well as His loving arms around you in the seconds, hours, and days ahead. I so wish our awesome JC fam could be their physically for you forming a circle of love around you, but know that we are doing that very thing through prayer with our Heavenly Father at the helm. Love you so very much, Sassy Mom.

    6. Thank You Jesus for 64 years of showered love to and from my Debbi. Her birthday is July 21. Thank You Jesus for the comforting presence of my beloved JC Family.

    7. Dear sweet Sassy Mom, We all love you so much. Surrounding you with our prayers and our love. Cry because your heart is broken but rest in Him Who loves you with an Eternal Love. The same Love that is now surrounding your dear Debbi! She belongs to Him and she’s Home. Now you must rest in Him Who cares for you. Amen, He is close to the broken hearted and to those who are crushed in spirit. He knows your weary heart and your pain and sorrow. He experienced loss and sorrow Himself. Rest in the knowledge that you’ll be with your good daughter Debbi again. God’s promises are true and reliable. We can stake our lives on the truthfulness of His Words. God gave me this song when I lost my dear Aunt Joan. He helped me write it on the day of her Funeral. I hope it brings you comfort. Love you.
      Song for Aunt Joan:

      Why do I feel such sorrow
      Why is my heart in pain
      I will still have tomorrow
      But it won’t feel the same

      I miss her laugh, her face
      The twinkle in her eye
      I’ll never get to tell her
      All I can do is cry

      She’s gone
      Resting in His peace
      She’s gone
      Mercy brought release
      She’s gone
      So far away from me
      She’s Home
      Now her soul is free

      So hard to lose a loved one
      But all must go someday
      God strengthens us with comfort
      As His light guides our way

      Don’t fill your heart with sadness
      Our journey’s just begun
      Hold to His Mighty Hand
      Until this race is run

      You’ll be Home
      Resting in His peace
      Home where
      Your soul finds release
      In the Glory Land
      Where you’ll understand…and Stay.

    8. Beautiful Poem, our dear Jeanne. Thank you for sharing.

    9. Oh, Jeanne - this makes me want to HEAR you sing it! So beautiful.

  36. Joining all prayers requests for my beloved JC Family.

  37. Yes, prayers for each request posted here today from our precious JC family πŸ’“πŸ™

    1. Amen and Amen! Love to you, Jan Gridley. Re-reading posts from a long time ago reminds me how often you make me (help me) laugh! From chasing our tails, to the riddance of ants, to your heart-prayers....you bless this family so much. Have a great day, Sister in Christ!

    2. Love you dear sisters. Thanks for all your prayers. We pray for each other because we know the power of prayers from a sincere heart of faith! We believe in God’s faithfulness because we have all seen it! He lives in us as we live in Him. We need each other’s light to encourage us and the humor and even the silliness. We must keep our inner child in the backyard playing. We need a cheerful heart despite the storms that come. God never leaves us through them. He led us to be here in this place for our comfort, joy and encouragement.Thank you, Sarah and Chris!
      Thank You loving Father for the gift of this beloved Family in Christ. You provide all our needs because You know them. Thank You for Your loving kindness. Amen.

  38. Shout to the Lord!!! https://youtu.be/yObgZMWzPCI

  39. Sending you such a big tight hug and so much love! Thank you dear sister for adding so much light to my day even in your sorrow and pain. God knows it all.
    Amen. Thank You Jesus!
    Nothing compares to the Promise I have in You!

  40. Blessings, JC family, peace surrounds us today in prayer for each other. Big hug, sassy mom πŸ€—♥️

  41. I wonder if Sarah Young was ever unemployed having to take care of her older than mother like I am right now. As much as I think I need to follow the advice seeking God and enjoying this presence, the honest truth is it's hard to enjoy anything right now because my life and my family's life is in a lot of turmoil. And broke. Having to take money out of my retirement account.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and sharing, Anonymous. You will always be welcome in here. While I don't know Sarah Young's situation,  I understand the situation you described only too well. I am going through a similar one with my brother. In order to take care of him, 24/7,  I quit a job I loved when my leave expired. Like mine, your life sounds like this is Just When You Need Him Most, time.
      As a result, I have made the choice to follow Jesus, no turning back.
      I made the choice to stand on His Word and His Big Promises, just as I would stand on a boulder in the middle of an ocean. I made the choice to act like God is telling the truth.
      Therefore, I am standing on, Be brave and steadfast, for I am with you. Be encouraged. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with My Victorious Right Hand;
      I am standing on  Him being The Only One Who can part the waters I need to pass through;
      I am standing on Him Being The Only One Who can open doors no one can close and close doors no one can open;
      I am standing on His knowing the plans He has for me, and they are plans for good, to give me a future and a hope;
      I am standing on the invitation to tell God all my needs, and thank Him in advance for His answers. And just by doing that, experiencing God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.
      I am standing on promises of His peace to keep my thoughts and my heart quiet and at rest as I trust in Christ Jesus.
      I will enfold you and yours in my prayers and ask God's Holy Spirit to be your guide in whatever choice you decide to make.
      Much Love,

    2. Oh Brie --- AMEN and AMEN! Shouting and doing a Victory dance! When we are faced with harsh or impossible circumstances, WE STAND, because WE ARE THE STORM! We are Washed by The Blood, Covered by The Blood, Saved by the blood, Healed by The Blood, and devil you CAN'T defeat The Blood!
      Much anointing on your post, Brie. Lifting up Anonymous to know the Truth, because the TRUTH will set you free! JJ

    3. Shouting and Victory Dancing with you our precious JJ, as I face His Temple, as I worship Him, as I am giving thanks to Him for all His loving-kindness, all His faithfulness, and for all His Big Promises which are backed by all the honor of His Name. Before Him Who has been given, all Privilege, All Power, and all Presence, I put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of d'evil comes, I may be able to stand my ground, and after I have done everything I can, to just STAND! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Oh, Brie - what stood out in your post, to me, was, "I AM STANDING." We can never stop standing for Christ! God Bless you, Brie...for loving your brother enough to STAND!. You are in my prayers, dear Sister!

    5. Dear Anonymous, God knows you're carrying a heavy burden and you've given up your job, like Brie, to take care of your Mother. You're doing your best to get by with very little money. Things look grim but God knows you're struggling, and you're also seeking His help right now. He knows you're trusting that He'll make things right. Our sister Brie really knows how it is to put her whole life aside to care for her brother. She is standing on the Cornerstone despite all that is weighing her down. God will provide all your needs of body, mind and spirit. Keep trusting in Him to make your road ahead smoother. He knows what tomorrow will bring. I believe He'll equip you for the difficult times ahead because you're seeking His help and because He already knows what you'll be up against. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Keeping you in my prayers.
      Dear Brie, Praying with our dear Norah and agreeing with both of you. Keep standing for Christ. He is the one guiding you and you are acting out of love for Him and for Keith. Stand strong and allow His Spirit to guide you day by day. Trusting that all will be done according to God's will and timing. All you need to do is to continue to love Keith and trust God. I love you.

    6. Singing to God, STAND BY ME by Ben E King

    7. One year later and I am still standing up on THE ROCK and praying you remain standing too, Anonymous.
      There's honey in THE ROCK, purpose in HIS Plan
      Power in HIS Blood, and The Healing in HIS Hands
      Starts flowing when HE SAYS, IT IS DONE!
      Everything HE did's enough.
      I keep looking, I keep finding
      HE keeps giving, HE keeps on providing
      I have all that I need, 'cause
      HE IS all that I need
      I keep praying, HE keeps moving
      I keep praising, HE keeps proving
      I have all that I need 'cause
      HE IS all that I need!
      There's honey in THE ROCK!

    8. Standing with you, Brie, standing with you! HALLELUJAH!!!

  42. Beautiful encouragement and a wonderful testimony of your trust in Him Who can do all things. You’re standing firm on the Rock that never crumbles and believing His Word and staking your very life and future on His truthfulness and His promises! Thank you dear Brie for sharing your beautiful heart of faith.
    Dear Anonymous, Praying for you and your loved ones that God will heal every weakness, guide your paths and make a way for you in this wilderness..Hold onto His Unchanging Hand and don’t let go! Stand on our Cornerstone with hope and thanksgiving and Wait on the Lord for His faithfulness and for answers to our prayers. Thank You Jesus.

  43. Whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith--the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 1:8-9). Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls--yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. (Habakkuk 3:17-18). This is the day that the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24).

    1. Beautiful verses and prayer to start this glorious day! Rejoicing in this day God made. What a blessing that His love and peace are unchanging! Amen. Thanks dear Janet! My Mom and I are enjoying this new morning. God gave us a bright sunny day and we are both feeling good. Looking forward to planting flowers in front of her house. God gives me the strength to help my good Mom and to do her errands. He equips us for all we need to do. He is so good!

      Isaiah 40:29-31
      He gives power to the weak,
      And to those who have no might He increases strength.
      Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
      And the young men shall utterly fall,
      But those who wait on the Lord
      Shall renew their strength;
      They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
      They shall run and not be weary,
      They shall walk and not faint.

  44. "When you seek My Face, put aside thoughts of everything else."
    " This is eternal life here and now; a tiny foretaste of what awaits you in the life to come. Now you see only a poor reflection as in a mirror, but then you will see face to Face."
    Wonderful, absolutely wonderful.
    Not long now Lord Jesus, the journey's nearly over, I will see You by and by.

    Face To Face...
    Face to face with Christ, my Savior
    Face to face, what will it be?
    When with rapture I behold him
    Jesus Christ who died for me

    Face to face shall I behold him
    Far beyond the starry sky
    Face to face in all his glory
    I shall see him by and by

    Only faintly now I see him
    With the darkened veil between
    But a blessed day is coming
    When his glory shall be seen

    Face to face shall I behold him
    Far beyond the starry sky
    Face to face in all his glory
    I shall see him by and by

    Face to face, oh, blissful moment
    Face to face, to see and know
    Face to face with my Redeemer
    Jesus Christ who loved me so

    Face to face shall I behold him
    Far beyond the starry sky
    Face to face in all his glory
    I shall see him
    By and by.

    1. Love this, Peter. What a great reminder that the end on this earth is not the end and the joy that we have to look forward to.❤️

    2. Thank you so much, brother Peter!! Just beautiful. Can’t wait to see His Face!

  45. Blessings from NYJuly 8, 2023 at 4:48 AM

    Amen. Thank you Janet

  46. Feeling blessed this morning as I awoke early to get ready to leave. I'm babysitting two of my six grands today and cannot wait to see them. I see Him in their eyes and smiles. What a wonderful blessing they are. Missing my other four but I will see them in a few weeks when I travel to Arkansas.
    Praying that you all have a wonderful Saturday and take a minute to listen to the birds, feel the breeze and watch for a special sign delivered by Him just for you today. Peace, my friends.

    1. Traveling mercies and love to you, Suzanne. I'm experiencing the Creator of nature as I write, feeling blessed by Him and your prayer. ♥️

    2. Praying your trip and time with your littles will be nothing but sweet blessings! Enjoy every moment! God is so good.

  47. Good, Blessed Morning, my JC Family. Praying for safe travels for all of your comings and goings, Suzanne and any others (many of my loved ones) on the road or in the air, today. Our son, his wife and daughter (who live next door) just got home from FL. They drove all night and I was blessed to be awakened by them earlier this morning. I talked them into their home port. So glad to see them and their little dog who we've had for 8 days was thrilled. Praying for blessed sleep for them, rest for my DH and me and the joy of knowing all are safe and sound.
    Have a blessed weekend, dear Family. You posted another of my favorite songs, Peter. Keeping all of you in my prayers. Especially thinking of you dear Sassy Mom.
    Love and Blessings.

    1. Thanks for your prayers as always dear Norah! So happy your family is home safe and reunited with their dog! Good job dog sitting too! Hope you and your DH get the rest you need and deserve. I know God gave you the strength you needed to get it all done. Much love.

  48. Enjoy your time with your grand children

  49. I sure needed that sweet Janet! Amen! I did too much in the yard at my Mom’s and I got a terrible hand and wrist sprain. My Choir needs me tomorrow and we’re doing brand new Mass parts and a brand new song. Don’t know if I can even drive with the pain. But God is still in charge so I have been thanking Him for pulling me through this. He is so much greater. Thanking Him it wasn’t my right hand and wrist. Trusting in His faithfulness.

  50. The devil is trying to frustrate you because he knows God's going to help you win this battle.


    JESUS is the one who picks us up when no one else has even noticed we've fallen. We just Praise His Holy Name! HALLELUJAH!!!

    I Decree and Declare to my JCFAMILY/WARRIORS that something good is going to happen to you today!

    And that you are ALWAYS at the right place at the right time!


    1. Hallelujah JJ!!! Thank you for the encouragement πŸ™! I have been feeling like I'm in a battle almost every day for quite a while now and it can really wear you down. I appreciate you and everyone here on this site. We need each other as we walk through this life. I'm so grateful to the Lord for each one of you ❤ πŸ™! God bless!

    2. And we are great full for you too, our Janet!
      JJ, what a powerful follow through. I just finished re-reading Brie July 8, 2022 at 12:46 PM, and all the responses that followed.
      I truly needed to hear the Holy Spirit speaking through us again this year. It helped me to put my Daughter Of A King Crown back on straight, and situate it for my walk through this day, so help me Jesus!
      Much ❤️ and Many Continuous πŸ™

    3. Janet, you pray for all of us every day. Please know that you are in my prayers as I lay my head down to sleep. Love you, Sister!

  51. Amen and Amen! Thank you JJ, and Thank You Jesus! I am trusting Him
    to heal my mom’s leg and make things right. Yesterday my mom started using her new prescription from Urgent Care,, an ointment called Mupirocin on her leg wound and I was supposed to put it on in the morning and at night. Well when I washed her leg, dried it and put the ointment on the second time, she complained that it was hurting her leg. I told her it was fighting the germs because she couldn’t take the oral antibiotics. Well I went in to say goodnight and she had washed the ointment off and put bacitracin on: I read about this and it’s dangerous to stop this right away because she could become resistant to antibiotics and her leg could get really infected. I prayed that God would heal her leg despite that my mom took herself off this antibiotic ointment after only 1 day. I was upset so I just kept talking to Jesus. I know He understands. My mom is seeing her good doctor on Friday. Praying her leg wound will improve by then. Thank You Father for taking any infection away and healing my mom’s leg in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
    I’m giving it all to You to handle. I trust you, Lord.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

    Philippians 4:6-7
    Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne πŸ™. Thank you Jesus and praise the Lord! Peace be with you both!!!

    2. Thanks dear Janet! Praise Him for this beautiful new day, more answered prayers for all of us, and for taking good care of my mom. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Joining in prayers for you and your Mom.

    4. πŸ™ for God's Holy Spirit to enter in. Please know you and MOM are in my continual prayers.
      From a sister caregiver, it takes extra patience I don't yet have.
      I can only ask the Lord to forgive me when I act like Jonah, telling HIM no, and then going off on my own, doing something other than what HE asks me to do.
      Is it possible for you to put the Mupirocin on her wound AFTER she is asleep for the night?
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™ for you and our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  52. Good morning! Would you please pray for my family? My father is a retired minister who lives in assisted care with his wife who has mild/moderate dementia. One son (54yrs old) just passed away of Lewey body dementia and his brother is now estranged from my parents & myself. I am left to care for them. After so many yrs of serving God faithfully, it looks like we have fallen apart. I know God is over all and in all, but things look so bleak. Never would’ve dreamed their lives would end like this and that my brother would die so young. My other brother blames all of us and thinks my dad was never a father to us because most of his time was taken up with the “church” and not us or his grandkids. I’m trying to trust God each day that he has a plan. I just need supportive prayers to help hold me up. Blessings to you all and read your blog daily. Thank you!

    1. Anonymous I lift your family up to God and pray that He will provide what you all need. Peace be with you.

    2. Thank you for sharing. We are praying with and for you and yours, Anonymous. ❤️
      You asked for supportive prayers? You've got them!
      May You choose to STAND on His Promises, rather than the bleak looking thingys your earth eyes see. There are many of us JC Prayer Warrior's standing on Boulders in the middle of the same ocean, clinging to The Rock that is Higher than we are.. πŸ‘‹ What may look like waving is really us lifting our hands to The One Who is saving.
      Your prayers are our prayers.
      May you experience them now. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Dear Anonymous, may you be uplifted and supported by the strength and grace of God, the Father Almighty, by Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, and the Holy Spirit.

    4. Dear Anonymous, I, too lost a very dear friend and Sister in Christ to Lewy Body Dementia. It was heartbreaking to see her wither and fade and from nothing of her own doing. She had quit smoking, she drank very little, yet this disease took her and changed her into someone none of her closest sisters recognized. You are right to trust God and that He has a plan for you and your family. Please know that you are in my prayers. We are a mighty force of Prayer Warriors and you, Sister, are in my prayers! Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch. Love and Blessings.

  53. Dear Anonymous, I’m so sorry you lost your dear young brother. He must have suffered a lot in many ways but God in His mercy called Him Home. May he rest in His perfect peace and realize His promises. You will be with him again.
    I can’t even imagine how difficult life has been for all of you. Your other brother was probably very close to him so he must be hurting so much inside as you all are. And with your parents in assisted living, now, you must feel like your lives have been turned upside down. It is a good thing your father served his church for so many years, but very sad if that meant he didn’t have time for his family. All of you needed him to be there. May God soften your brother’s heart and bring him back so he can spend time with you and your parents before your mom’s dementia gets worse. God has not left you. The Lord is always at your side. Praying that our Way Maker will comfort your broken hearts and bring your brother back to your family. Thank you Father God for blessing, guiding, healing, restoring, and comforting this family in every way, and making things right again in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen. .

  54. Praying for you dear Brie, God is holding you, Larry, and Keith very tight. Waiting on the Lord with you, dear sister. Our God is Mighty to Save and His Peace is Ever Present. Hold tight to that Unchanging Hand. He is the Bright Unfading Light in your wilderness. I love you.

    1. Me too, Sweet Brie! Praying for you and Larry and Keith. Love you, Dear Jeanne and Audra - I'm praying that you are on the upswing! As Micky Blue Eyes would say, "Get outta hee...." LOL! I'll add, in the name of Jesus Christ!
