Friday, June 12, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 12

Let Me Help you get through this day. There are many possible paths to travel between your getting up in the morning and your lying down at night. Stay alert to the many choice-points along the way, being continually aware of My Presence. You will get through this day one way or the other. One way is to moan and groan, stumbling along with shuffling feet. This will get you to the end of the day eventually, but there is a better way. You can choose to walk with Me along the path of Peace, leaning on Me as much as you need. There will still be difficulties along the way, but you can face them confidently in My strength. Thank Me for each problem you encounter, and watch to see how I transform trials into blessings.

I Corinthians 10:10
English Standard Version

nor grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer.

Verse Thoughts
KJV translates grumble as murmur. We live in a world of murmurs. Murmuring signifies the speaking against a person or thing, out of dislike, impatience, or discontent. I have begun to stay clear of social media because it is mostly murmuring and I find myself being grafted into us against them. Personally, I think Satan enjoys this because there is no love toward one another.

Luke 1:79
English Standard Version

to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
    to guide our feet into the way of peace.

My Prayer
Lord, I need your help through this day and every day. Some days I think I don't know where I am going, but I know your Spirit leads me, so help me to trust in that each day. I need to let your spirit control me and guide me through each day, each moment. Thank you for providing me life and grace and then providing me the means to trust you and guide me each day. It is hard, but help me to be more thankful for the trials and problems that come my way and realize that they are there to teach me. Like Job, I can welcome the bad with the good.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Lorde you never seem to amaze me. I wrote in my devotional just mere seconds ago. I said sometimes being here by myself makes me feel sad. I have walked away from purpose on the homestead routine with the dogs things to do always. You have given me much here but it's discipline I lack when I was with my husband I had to do things get motivated get out of bed. I feel bad sometimes. Not wanting to get up I just don't feel well. Lord I wrote those things because today I just felt as if this morning I wasn't going to even make it through the day. So much has changed in my life. And now it's just me alone. But here you were as soon as I opened up the devotional telling me let me help you get through this day. There are many possible paths to travel between you getting up in the morning and laying down at night. I wept I wept I wept when I read that Lorde. Thank you thank you thank you what more of an answer do I need. I will get up I will make the most of my day and I will seek you during. What will I do without you lord but could I do without you thank you

    1. This is beautiful!!!

    2. AMENπŸ™πŸΌ

    3. I’m praying for you unknown. It has been 5 years since this post. I pray that You are doing well and would love to hear how God has blessed your life and journey over these past years. πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ’
      Todays devotional and scriptures are so good. “Thank me for each problem you encounter and watch to see how I transform trials into blessings.
      Asking for prayers for my husband. He has been sick for a week, having to go into work and his company has just been bought out. A lot of changes. Thank you God for these problems and thank you for walking before us. We love you and thank you for taking such good care of us.
      We trust in your promises. Sending up prayers for each of the JC family and thanking God for his love and blessings. We are very loved.
      Love, prayers and blessings,

    4. Praying with and for you 6 yrs later Unknown. Trusting the Lord has filled your life with company and purpose. As you know, you were never really alone anyway. Blessings Abound!!!
      Ms. Brandy trusting that your husband is in excellent health and has meaningful employment one year later.
      Praying with and for all my Beautiful JC Family today and every day.
      This is one of my favorite times of the day. I Bless and Thank You All! Ray

    5. I hear you unknown😊my husband and I are alone too, and I feel like that sometimes also, my daughter, husband and child moved out of our house recently after being living with us for 7 years, oh how I miss them and more than anything! My grandchild Aaron, but I realize that they got to have their own home and I’m thankful for that but it’s very hard to adjust to the change, but I know that The Lord has control of our lives and He sees my broken heart and he is the only one that can mend itπŸ™πŸΌ yes! Without Him we would have it more difficult to navigate through this life, you’re not alone sister, He is with you every single moment of your life watching over you, every step you takeπŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜Š as He’s watching over all of us who have entrusted Him with our lives. He is forever faithful!

  2. Just wanted to give a praise report and thank everyone for your prayers. My daughter and family returned safely from an overseas trip! Satan would nudge me at times and say,"Well, you haven't heard from your daughter when you thought you should. Gee, maybe something happened; something probably is wrong!" I would just confess that the JC FAMILY prayers were covering my prayer requests and that I served an Awesome GOD!! Got the call from my daughter that they were home safely! I immediately told satan he was nothing but a liar and a loser! My Hubby's back surgery went well and he is recuperating! Praise the Lord!! Jan, Sassy Mom, TJ,Norah, Phoebe, Anonymous, Unkown, and others that prayed- all those prayers covered my circumstances and gave me great peace and comfort! Those prayers meant so much to me. Thank you, thank you for being such Great Prayer Warriors!! Psalm 84:11 "The Lord is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." Jesus is our shield from failure!! So thankful in Kansas

    1. JJ, I'm glad to hear everything turned out ok and that your daughter made it home safely. Not many things worse than worrying about a loved one. Satan likes to mess with us but we can't allow him to. Also glad to hear your husband's back surgery went well. I will pray for a quick and complete recovery.

    2. This was TJ. Not sure why it changed to unknown. Technology, or maybe the person using the technology. Lol.

    3. Great news JJ! So glad all went well with you & family. Oh sweet victory. I will continue to pray for your hubby. A quick recovery would be greatly appreciated Lord Jesus, thank you. Amen. Bless your day JJ.πŸ₯°

    4. Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flows!! Thank You dear Lord for giving JJ and family VICTORY! ALL Glory belongs to You.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Maplewood NJ -- Thank you for being a Great Prayer Warrior with and for this amazing JC FAMILY! SUPER thankful in Kansas and yes, All glory belongs to the Lord!

    6. Wow! Amazing update! Praise the Lord!
      Colorado JC Friend

  3. I am so blessed and thankful to hear of the many answered prayers. JJ, Sassy Mo, TJ, MadFox...all of the Anonymous' - my JC Family: God Bless you and thank you for your prayers and know you are always in mine. I love how we are constantly encouraged to 'stay alert,' and to remember that He is there to guide us, protect us & our loved ones. We have a choice: do it without murmuring or trust Him to guide us. The verse from Luke 1 is my goal each day, "to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." My choice is to either come home totally wrung out or give it to God throughout the day and know He has the answers. As Sarah said, "You will get through this day one way or another."
    We had a funeral yesterday - following the joy and light from the wedding weekend, it was a contrast for sure. Yet, there was much laughter at this funeral b/c all who knew the man knew his love for life and his great sense of humor. I was reminded again, that laughter does good, like a medicine.
    So, I thank you, Father, for being with me closer than my very breath. That each thought is a choice: murmuring, whining and full of fear or light-hearted, trusting, knowing 'the rest of the story.' I will choose to trust You, Lord. You have the answers, not me. It is my job to listen, obey and trust. And then to share the victory which You provide.
    God's richest blessings to all of you and yours, my JC Family. May our "Praise Reports," continue as we hold each other in prayer and stand against the wiles of the devil.

    1. How Lovely. Thank You!!! :):):)

  4. Good morning to my beloved faithful JC Family. Thank you Lord for another day to love you and praise your holy name. No matter what obstacles today brings, we are not alone, Your word tells us You are there leading, loving and protecting us. Thank you Jesus for my daughter's VICTORIOUS VICTORY during yesterdays mediation!!!!!

    1. Thank You again dear Lord for Sassy Mom's daughter's VICTORY!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Sassy Mom-- I join Jan and Anonymous/KS in saying thank you Jesus for the GREAT VICTORY for your daughter!!

    3. Wonderful news, Sassy Mom. Truly, God is Good!

    4. What wonderful news! So amazing! Praise God for His protection and victories!
      Colorado JC Friend

  5. That's wonderful news Sassy Mom! And JJ. God is amazing!


    1. KS---You are so right our God is amazing! I forgot to mention that on the way to the surgery we were a micro second away from being involved in car collision. The Lord sent his angels for the protection!!! Thank you Jesus! And thank you Jesus for meeting the needs today of this marvelous JC FAMILY!! Great love and blessings to all from Kansas.

  6. Oh, just reading ALL the VICTORIES here this morning, is causing me to LAUGH OUT LOUD at the devil!!!!!LOL, LOL!
    he will ALWAYS LOOSE!

    Father, this morning I lift my voice up to You and say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for gifts and treasures of another great day to be blessed with. Thank You for every VICTORY here with JC family and for reminding us that You are still on the Throne, You never left and will never leave!!! You reign in VICTORY and as believers, we should never be surprise of Your Faithfulness, but just thank and trust You for whatever the outcome is. Thank You Precious Lord!

    I choose to stay on the path with You Father, let Your will be done, not mine. I trust and reverence You. I surrender this day to You and all that is in it and thank You that together, we WIN ALL the time! Great is Your Faithfulness! Thank You for every person here and every situation, in Jesus name.

    Great and Blessed day JC family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. O victory in Jesus
      My Savior, forever
      He sought me and He bought me
      With His redeeming blood
      He loved me ere I knew Him
      And all my love is due Him
      He plunged me to victory
      Beneath the cleansing flood!

    2. If we surrender our day to the Lord who fights our battles, we will be victorious. We must do our best to remain in His grace and favor, and walk on the light flooded path of peace and joy in believing. Beautiful words, Brilamar. Thank you.

  7. I've been reading JC each day from this page. I love all the prayers and victories. I've never commented before, but wanted to share how much reading all the prayers and comments mean each day. Love the support. God is good and I'm very grateful for this place to start my day. Have an awesome day!

    1. Unknown-- Welcome, welcome, welcome! So thrilled to have you be apart of this fabulous JC FAMILY! You are so right, very grateful for this place to start the day. Thank you so much for posting. I really liked Maplewood NJ's comment about the devil "he ALWAYS LOOSES!" Especially when we intercede together as prayer warriors! May the Lord meet the needs of you and your family today and Bless you richly! Uplifed by all the VICTORIES-- thankful in Kansas

    2. It's a privilege to join in prayer with this online family. πŸ™❤️

    3. Amen Audra! It is a privilege and a blessing. God led all of us here for a reason.

    4. Hi. I Love this Jc family.I love.Jesus Calling.I will be praying for everyone. Blessings.

  8. Ive been there, Starry, and life gets better. You are right that you have to just keep on tryin' and truckin'. One thing that helps me is to realize that every human being on this earth has to deal with trials and tribulations--so why would I think I shouldn't go through things (and long ordeals also)? Life isn't perfect but our thoughts and actions can make it beautiful despite our huge, big, small and tiny problems.

  9. I so love my JC Family! VICTORY, Sassy Mom - so many prayers were answered with your daughter's victory. Feeling anxious about tomorrow. Traveling to the 'big city,' and for the last 22 years, I've become a Country Girl. An old, country girl. When did this hapen?? I, who was once so fearless and bodacious! And here I am, awake at almost 11:00 pm worry about tomorrow! Silly Girl - Woman - STOP! I actually called my boss and shared my fears and was told that, "No worries - there will be other staff to travel with you. It's OK - you'll be fine. Good God - I was once the one calming others' fears. But, reading tonight the answered prayers. What do I have to fear? What do I have to dread? Standing on the promises of God - I will be fine. Thanking God for all of the victories I see/read when we band together - Prayer Warriors! NOTHING! So, I am going to bed. And I'll wake up alert, resolved, ready for the day and the next - it will be OK. Love to all of you. Good Night. :)

  10. Wonderful JC Family Please Partner with me and Give Enormous Appreciation and Gratitude to Our Lord God For Answered Prayer and Complete and Total Healing for Our Daughter who has been suffering with depression and anxiety and has had neuropathy severe pain and numbing. Been through every test imaginable for almost a year now no definite answers. We Speak Against these issues and satan and command that he has no power over me or any of my family we have Almighty God Jesus and the Holy Spirit within us so who could come against us. We Declare All Godly Power and Plead The Blood of Jesus Over Our Daughter and Family Nothing Can Stand against. We COMMAND EVERY NERVE CELL ORGAN MUSCLE BONE AND EVERY INCH OF HER BODY TO LINE UP WITH THE WORD OF GOD. AS GOD IS IN HEAVEN SO IS OUR SWEET DAUGHTER HER ON EARTH PERFECT WHOLE AND HEALTHY IN JESUS HOLY NAME AMEN. THANK YOU BLESSINGS PEACE AND LOVE FILL YOU ALL AND ALL OF US TO OVERFLOWING IN JESUS HOLY NAME AMEN πŸ™❤πŸ˜‡

  11. JC: "Thank Me for each problem you encounter, and watch to see how I transform trials into blessings."

    I've been in New York, all week. The "problem" of travel in the CV19 world "blessed" me with seeing my daughter after 6 months. My role is assisting struggling business owners. Finishing up yesterday morning, a colleague needed help a few hours away, so, I drove there. In 30+ years in business, I've had a cell phone. Never lost one or had one stolen. Yesterday, I was passing materials between 2 cars and placed my phone on top of the car. Yes, you guessed it. I drove a very short distance and it finally slid off.

    I feared immediately what happened because my music stopped via Bluetooth to the car radio system. Plus, I couldn't find the phone in the car when I parked at a biz supply store. As most know, a cell phone for business travel is essential, nevermind the hassle of replacing one, but my "problem" became a "blessing". A local Subway shop was in the same center as the biz supply store. I drove 3 times the short few blocks hoping to see the phone. It was gone. However, I assume no more than a minute or so after it slid off, a driver saw the phone in the road, and stopped to retrieve it. 20 minutes of looking I gave up and went inside the biz store. I needed a service done and one of the persons there overheard me say "one of those days" and I relayed what I thought happened to my phone.

    "Oh, I was just at subway, and a driver found an android phone in the street, maybe it's yours." It was! A young lady driver for Subway saw it and said, "I know someone is freaking out!" I was peeved at how much hassle my "problem" at Verizon would take and be. I insisted on "blessing" her, $20. She added while she couldn't get in the phone my email address was on the lock screen and she had emailed me too. What she doesn't know is that I've been in the service business my entire career and I will be writing the local GM and/or President of Subway to say she "delivered". I wished her well and said she was a Godsend and blessing. And the today's JC message! I had to post. The end of the story... She blushed and finally said okay to the $20 I offered. Problems can be blessings in His kingdom. Find your blessing today that started as a problem. Godspeed and Amen.

    1. What an awesome story, MadFox!!! There truly is good in the world. Thanks for sharing.

    2. I love that story Madfox and so happy God found a way in such an unlikely situation. That should give us all great hope!

    3. Thanks for sharing Madfox. I'll post tonight regarding: "Find your blessing today that started as a problem."

    4. Great outcome! Thank you Jesus!

    5. Thanking God for His amazing faithfulness and all the strings He had to pull to get that phone back to you. Our God is so mighty and so good all the time!!! Halleluia!

    6. Love this! Thank you so much for sharing! So great... kind a great people! So good of you to bless her with praise to her manager and above too! The $20 was a nice gesture too.
      Kindness is contagious
      Have a blessed day JC family
      Sending up prayers for all our JC family and praising our loving God

    7. Thanks for posting, MadFox! Such a wonderful story of God's grace poured out on you. What a blessing the young person was to you and to our Lord. Who knows the impact on her life of being used by God to bless you.

    8. My brother loss his wallet. The blessing? I stayed free from hyperventilating, and left it up to God to return it or not. The blessing? A peace within that surpassed all understanding. Amen

    9. When I truly "let go and let God" there is Peace and Trust and good outcomes. It is amazing how sometimes it's lots of things that come together for good at His hand. It's like the satisfaction of putting together a hard puzzle when we can see how He solved our problems. Well, it's way beyond that, it's seeing faith at work. It's praising His Holy Name. It's experiencing joy. God is always on the move in many mighty ways, may we all notice, experience and praise Him for today's unexpected blessings. In Jesus's name I pray.

    10. ❤️ 🎢 God is on the move

    11. I'm still watching how you transform trials into blessings, dear MadFox. We really do grow closer to the Lord through our trials and also lead others to Him because they see we aren't crumbling through the hard times. Just standing steadfast on our Cornerstone and trusting in the Lord.

    12. So grateful to have been led to this page; read the devotional and getting ready for work realize I can’t find a set of my keys…prayed and remained calm while searching along for a lead on them-as I was about to take this as a lesson and change my knob and lock, a shampoo bottle fans into the tub- head and shoulders. The song head shoulder, knees and toes comes to me. Toes, toes…keep searching from the knees down. Didn’t have time to grab the later to grab the new doorknob when I find them behind a table Leg…haha! On bus to work now (a bit late, but worth the lesson) and open my phone to read this devotional again to see the comment about the lost wallet. Blessings on blessings to you all today, may you let go of what is no longer serving you and allow yourself to be led to His peace through trials which He turns to triumphs!

    13. Many times through the years since you posted your cell phone story, MadFox, you have inspired me to Let God Help me get through this day, or this loss.
      I say aloud to myself, Remember MadFox's cellphone! And almost immediately, I look up to where my Help comes from.
      Same whenever I pass a Subway!
      I thank God again and again for this and all of your inspiration.
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™, Brie

    14. Amen! Amen! Thank You Mad Fox your gifts keep on giving throughout the years. You Sir are a Miracle, Thanks Again!!! :):):). Ray

    15. Humbled by so many kind words here. Had not thought about this in a long time. God did answer an unspoken and unthought prayer. I assumed that I would spend time getting a new phone. Am almost embarassed that I did not STOP and pray. But that makes the story all the more amazing as this silly servant did not ask but God provided a miracle time-saver and aggravation-saver for me. I will share this more now from that standpoint. He blesses us even when we don't ask. Love the ways of our Father, Amen.

  12. Reading today's praises, prayers, and victories from my JC Family is a beautiful blessing. Thank you Lord for blessing my day with your love, protection and presence. I love JC Warriors.

  13. Madfox - I found my blessing!!!!!! JC FAMILY!!!!

    1. Agreed. πŸ‘πŸ™❤️

    2. Amen! Love and appreciate you all so much! We are of one accord and so grateful He lives in us, as we do in Him. Much love!

  14. Good morning Jesus, I don't know where You are going today, but wherever You're going, I am coming with You, declaring Your Word and giving You thanks with my whole heart and mind. You are my all-good, all-powerful, and all-loving Heavenly Father, whom I see everything under Your control.  Whatever I encounter this day, however You desire to direct my steps, I TRUST You to get me through it.

    Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
    my love will fall and fail, but Your love Father, never will.

    "For I have placed my trust in You."
    As the psalmist is very intentional here, so am I because trusting You is an act of the will.

    "Show me the way I should go",
    I pray, Show me, Father, which way I should go today,

    "for to you I entrust my life."
    I say, my life is Yours, Lord, and I trust You with everything (Psalm 143:8 NIV).

    It is indeed 'good to proclaim the unfailing love in the morning, and faithfulness of God our Father in the evening (Psalm 92:2). May we choose to walk with Him along the path of peace, leaning on Him despite any difficulties we face along life's journey and thank Him for ALL things (good or bad), we encounter. He promised to transform our trials into blessings!

    Loving Father, We turn towards You for directions throughout this day and thank You for never leaving our side. We give You all the praise and glory for Your unconditional Love and Faithfulness. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings, love and peace to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. As always, so eloquently written Maplewood. I'm going with Him too! Thanks for sharing.

    2. Amen and Amen my dear Sister! I love Psalm 92 and I was thinking about Psalm 92:1 yesterday. You always know what my soul is thirsty for. Thank you! God bless your day.

    3. I found myself dealing with some of the same thoughts in my post below. Thanks, twin bd sis!

    4. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't lean on Him. I've been so busy lately and He is guiding everything. I feel Him with me. Thank you dear Maplewood. Amen! Praising Him for His amazing Love that never changes.

  15. Wait for me, I'm coming too :) smiling all the way!

    1. I never mind waiting in this line with y'all πŸ€—

  16. Goodmorning All! In reading todays J.C. I cringe a bit about the part that there will be difficulties, I must prefer the ones that leave that part of my life out at least for a moment. But it's good to be reminded and then when it comes what to do with it. To be reminded early that difficulty ( things diverting from my plan, or being judged as thumbs up or down) never are viewed this way by God. God knows what we need and sometimes I need the last things I want to get me to the best place! I pray so many prayers and sometimes the route to the answers require a difficult lesson or process. I have to trust God to know what is the best way for my day to go. Oh but I dont usually like it, that's the part of me that needs repair work I suppose. God used my yesterday in many unusual ways, most of which were not on my to do list, yet so many rich blessings that I would never have imagined. Thank you Lord for each gift which was wrapped in human flesh by either an unexpected phone call, text, email, fb post, or direct encounter! I specialy thank you for ministering to my son in a mysterious way yet allowing us to know just enough to rest. Thank you Lord for securing my husband at the true head of the household without the well meaning distractions and suggestions by me. ( lol). Lord you are ordering our days, shifting things around, putting in place and removing. Sure there may be some difficulty involved but Jesus I welcome the change and praise you for your intervention done with perfect Love!
    Praise God as I try to relinquish the results to Him with Hope for our families future . God bless all of you with peace today. Thank you Jesus for calling!

    1. Fern,
      I loved your last sentence and it made me smile. I was so happy to hear how much good God is working in your life and also in your son. That he is open to being ministered too is to God's glory. Be patient because God is busy connecting all the loose ends of your tapestry as He weaves his masterpiece. This may take a while and you may have many difficulties along the way. but I see His faithfulness in your life and the fruit of sincere prayer. Keep looking up Sister, from where your help cometh. Praying always for you and Dan and your good husband. God is making good changes in your life, and your heart is open to receive them. Lots of love!

    2. Thank you sister Loved by God!

    3. Wonderful post, Fern. The only reason difficulties are difficulties is because things are not the way we want them to be or think they should be. (I speak from experience.) If ever we follow Jesus admonishment and stop judging things from the standpoint of whether we like them or not, it is easier to go with the flow, His flow and maybe even at times your husband's flow when it is in accord with His flow. (Great comment, ;-))

    4. Thank you Bob, I do long for His flow to be my flow, I just need to remember that when My way isnt His! Help me Lord, I know you will! Peace all

    5. Dear Fern, I sure can relate to the loose ends of my tapestry. He is continually working on me. Praying He will guide my way to be His way. Amen Sister!

  17. Amen! Thank you, Father, for the thoughtful words in Jesus Calling that start my day. Thank you for helping me with focused productivity today, free from worry about people and circumstances beyond my control as I remember to "let go and let God". Blessings to all today and everyday. πŸ™♥️✝️

    1. Amen! Let go and let God! Hope you have a productive day in His sweet presence.

  18. Murmuring, against God is one thing. But I found myself yesterday and this morning murmuring against those you do evil. I hate the devil and his ways being worked in mankind. But even in this, I need to entrust these things and myself to God, and pray for those who do evil.

  19. Thank you, Lord for this day. The message today was just what I needed. I am so not accustom to the "new norm", like many of us. I am missing my family and the visits of my grands. Living in isolation, to a degree is not easy. I cherish people walking on the courtyard or opening their blinds in the morning. But, as the words state today, God is with us. God knows what we feel. We are never alone.
    I pray to stop grumbling about my situation, but appreciate the journey. Thank you for this wonderful Jesus Calling Family. God is Always on time

    1. How are you today, Phoebe Quarterman? Are you OK? Just checking πŸ’•.

  20. (II Timothy 1:12b) As Paul is suffering for proclaiming the gospel and encouraging young Timothy in the opposition he is facing in his own calling to proclaim the gospel, he then inserts a 'but'. In spite of the circumstances, 'I am not ashamed, for I know the One in whom I have put my trust, and I am sure that He is able to guard until that day what I have entrusted to Him (or what has been entrusted to me)'. Which is the correct translation? Probably both, the trust in our Lord is a mutual experience. Paul trusts Jesus with his life and Jesus will guard it well. Jesus entrusts Paul with the mission of proclaiming the gospel to the Gentile world. By the Holy Spirit, that is being guarded as well. Such is the nature of our relationship with our Lord, one of mutual trust. MadFox's post above is not about a cellphone, it is about the mutual trust between MadFox and Jesus. Jesus guards the trust we put in Him so well and He guards that in which He has entrusted to us equally as well. All is well!

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Well said Bob! Mutual trust between us and our Lord is what makes every situation, good and bad so much better. We have such peace in knowint that even through the trials and tribulations, His promises ring true. Amen! He guards our trust in Him and that which He has entrusted to us. Thank you and Amen!

  21. Thanks to all who prayed for my dear Tanya. She was able to endure a 10 hour surgery this past Tuesday. She knows you all have been praying for her and her Medical Team. When I went to visit her today, the first words out of her mouth were: I am grateful. I am so blessed. Please thank all who prayed.
    On Tanya's behalf, we thank God for success and we thank Him for you and your prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Brie June 8, 2021 at 7:12 AM
    Asking prayers for my young friend and Bosom Buddy, Tanya and her entire family and Medical Team. I am asking because Tanya will be having a double mastectomy with reconstruction today. Please Lord get all the cancer out of this young remarkable prayer warrior, who exudes You. May You continue to do what You are famous for in Tanya's life. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Great news Brie! Thank you for sharing. Continued prayers for Tanya's healing


    2. Wonderful to hear the victory! May our Father continue to make Tanya whole again. God bless.

    3. Wonderful news ! We thank God for the healing of Tanya .

    4. Praise God for Tanya’s good surgery outcome and her faith. I ask God that she continue to heal well and be cancer free. Amen

    5. Thank you, Jehovah Rapha, our Great Physician/Healer for being in the operating room with Tanya's surgeons as they removed all cancer from her body! Continued prayers to your sweet friend and strong believer in Christ, Tanya, Brie. Praying for you as well being there for and with her. Amen.

    6. Dropping the flip flops and grabbing the dancing shoes, Yay God!

    7. Halleluia! Praying for brave sweet Tanya. So happy her surgery went well and she is thanking and Praising the Lord! God is so faithful! Putting on my victory shoes right now. May He heal her completely and bring her to a perfect recovery. Thank You Jesus!

  22. Hey JC family I managed to sell the car , God et someone who looked beyond the mechanical issues and saw a car that could be restored . Thank you for your prayers and support .

    1. Good news for you Min Ahadi! God bless.

    2. I am putting on my my my my Victory dancing shoes. As Audra would say, God is good all the time and all the time God is good!

    3. Awesome news, Min Ahadi! Interesting observation..." someone who looked beyond the (mechanical) issues and saw (a car) something or someone that could be restored". That's God for you!

    4. Yes Audra, Min Ahadi's used car sale does sound like our relationship with God and His with us!
      Thank You God for looking beyond all our bodysuits'mechanical issues and seeing our souls as worth restoring for Your Greater Good and Glory. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. That's wonderful news Min Ahadi! I've been praying for that to happen. God heard all our prayers.
      Brie! I just love that God looks beyond our earthsuits into our souls! Amen to that sweet sister!

  23. Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. (Ephesians 6:10-11). Be alert. Continue strong in the faith. Have courage, and be strong. Do everything in love. (1 Corinthians 16:13-14). "This is my command--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9).

    Father, thank You for the encouragement that Your presence provides me. You inspire and empower me with the light of Your Spirit. I'd be so lost without You. Thank You for being in my life. You complete me. As long as You are with me, anything is possible. I am grateful to be able to lean on You for anything as I depend on You for everything. Help me keep my eyes on You first and foremost in my life and when I am distracted, bring them back to You Lord. You are the most important aspect of my life. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:12-13).

    1. Janet - AMEN!! Thank you for blessing my life with your beautiful heart felt anointed prayers.

    2. Thank you Janet. I am gathering in to your prayer along with other JC Warriors and looking forward to being cleansed in His Midsting... I am grateful to be able to lean on You for anything as I depend on You for everything. Help me keep my eyes stayed on You first and forever... I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Amen! He is holding you very tight and with so much love dear Janet because you are putting all your trust in His promises. He won't let you down. He will provide all your needs.

      And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

  24. Beautiful prayer, dear Janet. You are so right, "As long as You are with me, anything is possible"! God is so amazing and while we don't know his plan for us generally, we can feel His comfort and gentle guidance knowing He has something better in store! Blessings, sweet and awesome sister! God has you and us all! Praise God!Amen.

  25. Please pray for my "baby girl" Denise who is speaking at a Christian Women's Retreat, it was rescheduled from last Saturday.

    1. Father, may Your Spirit lift Denise up as she speaks of You and Your glory at the retreat. May she be filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. I prayed for Denise today.

    3. Dear Sassy Mom, Praying for your "baby girl", Denise that the Spirit will supply all the words she needs to share.
      Thank You Father for leading Denise to give a wonderful speech that will glorify You. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

  26. Father, the feeling I use to get when I was a little girl on Christmas Day and I first saw all my presents is a fraction of the joyful feeling I get when I receive a "gift", blessing, and/or reminder of Your presence in my life and all the work that You are doing. Thank You Jesus. You are my amazing, wonderful Father and I am so grateful, blessed, and honored to be Your child. Praise You Lord always.

  27. I really need help with hot flashes......ladies reach out if you have a solution . Thank goodness my boday is working well

    1. Black Cohosh. It helped me a lot when I started going through my change.

    2. Avoiding sugar and sweets stopped my hot flash.

    3. What they both said. Embrace the Change πŸ˜‰

  28. Hello friends,

    I'm in the hospital with my son that I was telling you about in an earlier post. He had his final surgery for his femur. It was successful! He is having pain however and needs a transfusion. My baby. Please pray for him brothers and sisters in Christ. I appreciate it and I give thanks to God for bringing him through this surgery. Watching Him turn trials into triumphs and blessings. Trusting Him. Bless you all.

    1. Heavenly Father, please remove free as can B's son's pain and suffering. Place Your healing hands upon him and create a miracle, like only You can do. Give him and the family peace, comfort, love, and strength while they are going through this time. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise be to God always. God bless you.

    2. Continuing to pray for your dear son, free as can B. Thanking God for his successful surgery. May He remove all of his pain and lead him to a complete recovery so he can tell everyone of the faithfulness of God.

    3. Amen! Adding my prayers for your son's complete healing and recovery, FACBe. πŸ‘πŸ‘♥️

  29. Praying now for your son and for you, free as can B.

  30. I, too, am praying free as can B. Our children hold the strings to our hearts. Praying my youngest and his family home - should arrive tomorrow. Love and prayers to all of you, JC Family. Min Ahadi, I pray specifically for you, your comfort and God's grace in your life.
    God Bless you, Janet. Thank you all for your prayers.

  31. Dear Norah, Praying for your youngest and his family as they travel. May God put a strong hedge of protection around them and lead them safely home.

  32. Have a blessed and peaceful Sunday dear brothers and sisters. We belong to the Most High. We are standing on the immovable Rock of Christ and we are bound together by His unchanging Love. Rest in Him and stay in His presence and peace no matter what. Stop to remind yourself that He is with you. There is nothing to fear and all things are possible in Him. Walk in gratitude and stay blessed. Much love.

    1. You also dear Jeanne. πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Amen Jeanne! Blessings to all as well as you take this day of rest, the Lord’s day, and rest in His love, grace and mercy. πŸ™

    3. Good morning, good GOD ♥️
      Thank you Father for the safe arrival of family and the coming days we will have together to reconnect across the miles. Blessings to our JC Family as you go about your day today and every day. I hold you in my heart with prayer πŸ™

    4. Thank you dear Jan, Rich and Audra! All is going well because I am letting Him lead me through this day. May He hold you and your loved ones tight and give you great peace today. Love you!

  33. Dear Anonymous, this morning I read yesterday's post & was deeply touched by yours. How simply precious to be able to hold your dear friend as you ushered him to heaven's door. What a privilege & honor for another human being to present at the homecoming of a loved one. Praying for your aching heart as you miss your dear friend & brother. πŸ™πŸ’ž

  34. God most certainly directed your steps yesterday, Brie, putting the desire of beach yoga in your mind. While that didn't happen, He laid such the opportunity before you to be of help this hurting mom, Ms. Heddy. You were definitely a comfort to her. Praying comforting prayers for her in the days and weeks ahead. May she feel God was coming through to her via you at that moment, Brie.

  35. Praying comforting prayers for Ms. Heddy, grieving the loss of her son. God bless you Brie for being sensitive to Ms. Heddy.

    1. Joining prayers for God's comfort to fill Ms. Heddy's grieving heart. So very sorry she lost her dear son. She will be with him again and her joy will be full.
      Amen. God bless you dear Brie for your compassionate heart.

  36. The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength when you are weak.
    From the beach, Dolphins seem so playful. They leap. They jump. They play. They talk to one another. Play is as important to dolphins as Dolphins are to one another.
    Dolphins are very social creatures who establish strong bonds. They care about, and for, one another, making sure their infirm stay fed. Whenever necessary, they take their infirm to the surface to breathe.
    In these and many other ways, Dolphins reflect God's designs. As today's devotion reminds us to do, Dolphins stay alert to the many choice-points along the way, seeming continually aware of His Presence. Why then, oh why can't I?
    Isaiah 58 instructs us to do those works that most please our Lord: free the oppressed, share food, shelter the homeless, meet others' most pressing needs. Remarkably, Dolphins do these things naturally, connecting with other Dolphins, communicating with other Dolphins, helping other Dolphins, whatever the cost to themselves. Given their playful nature, we may have to work at remembering their bravery.
    When we reach out with sincere worship-filled hearts to help meet others' needs, we receive God's Blessings.
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would you help us show the compassion of Dolphins?
    Along the way, when situations and circumstances  are difficult for us, would You help us face them confidently in Your strength?
    Would You help us see your Guiding Hand throughout all of our days as we watch to see You transform our trials into blessings?
    In other words, would You show us the way to be more like Dolphins?
    And, just as You do for the Dolphins, Thank You for also sustaining us in both our work and in our play. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Dear Brie, Thanks for taking us with you to the beach. I have always loved to watch the dolphins in the water. It lifts my heart always. All of God's creations rejoice. I'm sure they take care of each other. May God teach us to show compassion for all those He puts before us, and remember to love them as He loves us, unconditionally. Jesus, Help us stand on You through the storms of life that threaten to pull us out of Your presence and Peace. You are the Center of our lives. Let us do our best to keep it that way through each day. Thank YOU.

  37. Heavenly Father, I thank you for this beautiful day. Please help me to call out to you ALL day long, whether in good times or bad. Just knowing that you are with me brings me peace and calm. I love you with all of my heart and I need you with me 24/7. You are my ROCK !!! I can’t move forward without you. Thank you Jesus !! You’re the BEST !!! I ask this in your precious name, Amen πŸ™πŸ½❤️

    1. Amen to your beautiful prayer, dear Anonymous.

  38. I'm learning to choose love. I pray for God's help to choose His way today. I'm looking forward to it. I trust You Lord and I thank You for guiding and teaching me. Thank you for this new day to love, grow, and live in this beautiful world you gave us and for never leaving us. Bless this JC family in Jesus name. Amen

    1. Me too, dear free as can B. I choose Love. We love because He first loved us. They will know we are Christians by our Love. Trusting Him with you and resting in Him today. No worries. No matter what.

    2. This is the way to go, free as can B. How is your son?

  39. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. Luke 15:7
    4 little girls were baptized in church this morning by their father. The angels in heaven are rejoicing.

    1. Hallelujah! Four more little sisters in this world. Amen Sassy Mom!

    2. Praise God! May they always choose HIM, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  40. Loved reading this, Sassy Mom. I'm sure praying that it gave your heart comfort after losing Miss Patty. Love you SO much! You and all of our blessed JC Family. Giving Thanks, as I head to bed. Love and God's Best to all of you!

  41. I will extol You, my God, O King; and I will bless Your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your name forever and ever. Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable. (Psalm 145:1-3).

    1. Amen. Blessed is His Holy Name Forever!!

  42. Thank you Janet, your prayer blessed us all.

  43. When on it The Son is Shining,
    Every cloud has His Silver Lining!

    1. Today's Devotion reminds me of this when it says, Thank Me for each situation you encounter, and watch to see how I transform trials into blessings!

    2. Amen dear sister! He turns our tears into dancing.

  44. #METHREE! Thank you, Janet! You have indeed blessed us all as Peter pointed out!

  45. #MEFOUR! Janet, you nailed it! Your words and prayer is MY words and prayer! Thank you! Amen.

  46. I just discovered this blog. What a gift! I love it.

    1. Welcome Anonymous.
      We are blessed that you accepted God's Holy Spirit's Invitation to this Jesus Calling Prayer Warrior's Room.
      Blessings to you and yours, in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Welcome! It has been a tremendous blessing for me as well.

  47. Beautiful and perfect prayer, sweet Janet.
    Thank You,Jesus, for helping us to keep you reigning in our hearts above all else. Amen

  48. High #5 Janet! Feeling blessed by your prayer this morning! Sending back to you with love.

  49. Thanks for your prayers. Janet is wearing her leg brace now and believing that God will turn this trial into a blessing. Bless His Holy Name forever.

    Psalm 103:1-5
    Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!
    Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's

  50. Love, Prayers and all God's Best to each of you. I have a Prayer Request: our '79 MGB is being towed tomorrow. LONG TIME PRAYER! However...we can't FIND THE KEY! We have searched every where and it doesn't make sense. I keep telling my DH, "It's OK - we can have another one made." But that is to the tune of approx $350-$400, which is choking him. Asking you, Prayer Warriors - please pray for us to find that key. And if not....let my hubby let it go.

    1. Lord, reveal the key of the MGB. Make a way where there seems to be no way.

    2. Thy will be done Lord, in Jesus name.

  51. Thank You Father God for revealing what You already know because Norah and her DH trust in You. Lead them to the key and to peace of mind. Thank You for Your faithfulness in the Name of Jesus. Amen

  52. Just wanted to say that many of us are going through attacks of the enemy of different kinds. But by God, we DON'T let our hearts go weak; WE PRAY UP AND LIFT EACH OTHER IN PRAYER!
    I Decree and Declare our WORDS be God's WORDS and NO COMPLAINING----"u complain u remain."
    God is moving. Where evil is increasing, God's grace abounds. Rise up, straighten your crown and go kick some demon butt! Take back your freedom, joy, peace, healing, restoration, justice, your nation! Step into your Destiny as Sons and Daughters of the Highest Living God.
    Now is the time. God loves, saves and delivers. God is our healer. Jehovah-- Rapha lives!
    Be Blessed and keep on fighting!

    Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."


    1. Amen, Blessed, we are overcomers, we overcome not in our own strength but by the Blood of the Lamb of God.

    2. Amen JJ !!!

    3. Yes! Kicking some enemy butts JJ all the way back to the abyss where they belong! Prayer, Prayer,Prayer is part of our weapon of choice, believing is another one. C'mon warriors what other weapons can you think of. Hallelujah! Amen!πŸ™πŸ™Œ

    4. Another weapon Jan?
      For me I like to use the weapons of Praise and Gratitude. satan fleas faster on its own when it hears me praising and thanking Jesus!

    5. 🎢 My Weapon is a Melody 🎢

    6. Thanks for the reminder, Anonymous!

  53. Thank you dear JJ. Amen. I’m choosing this day to walk with Jesus along the Path of Peace. I will not complain because I have more blessings than I can count. I’ll walk in gratitude and shine His light. Praying for Norah’s DH to receive God’s faithfulness today and healing. May we all receive answers to our prayers and receive His blessings, answered prayers and more victories to celebrate. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    Psalm 34:4
    I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
    And delivered me from all my fears.

  54. Smiling because I prayed for answers to our prayers twice. Thank You Father for that in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    1. Praying for Norah and her ;Best Man to see Him turn their situations into His blessings!
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Amen! These are Glory Days!

    3. Joining in prayer for Norah and her best man.

    4. πŸ™❤️πŸ™

    5. Joining in all the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS prayers, for Norah and hubby. These WARRIORS are INCREDIBLE WARRIORS in the Lord's Army!

  55. Let us invite God to enter your life shining in every part or do you have some closed rooms or closets of your life where you are afraid what will happen if you fully swing the doors open to your troubled hearts? Don’t be afraid. Only be fearful of doubting God’s grace and love would not help. Jesus is “to shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.” Let His light, His presence, shine in you. As the sun rises, the light shines upon those in darkness so that they can see. Light remains and grows stronger. What a beautiful description of God’s purpose of bringing light and love to the world and our own hearts.

    1. Awesome prayer Min! πŸ•Š️

    2. Amen dear MinAhadi! His Light in us is our greatest part and it will shine forever.

  56. Amen Jeanne and MinAhadi- love and blessings ❤️πŸ™

  57. Romans 8:9-18 AMPC
    9 But you are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]. But if anyone does not possess the [Holy] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His [he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God].
    10 But if Christ lives in you, [then although] your [natural] body is dead by reason of sin and guilt, the spirit is alive because of [the] righteousness [that He imputes to you].
    11 And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you.
    12 So then, brethren, we are debtors, but not to the flesh [we are not obligated to our carnal nature], to live [a life ruled by the standards set up by the dictates] of the flesh.
    13 For if you live according to [the dictates of] the flesh, you will surely die. But if through the power of the [Holy] Spirit you are [habitually] putting to death (making extinct, deadening) the [evil] deeds prompted by the body, you shall [really and genuinely] live forever.
    14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
    15 For [the Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing sonship] in [the bliss of] which we cry, Abba (Father)! Father!
    16 The Spirit Himself [thus] testifies together with our own spirit, [assuring us] that we are children of God.
    17 And if we are [His] children, then we are [His] heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His inheritance with Him]; only we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory.
    18 [But what of that?] For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us!
    Hebrews 12:1 AMPC
    Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us.

    1. Thanks brother Peter!

    2. Oh Peter, I get sooo excited when the WORD says "... that the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in is and conferred on us! " I know right now things look bumpy and chaotic, but hold on. God has a Great Plan of Redemption and we are about to see it in action!
      HALLELUJAH!!! Thank you for the scriptures!

  58. Good morning, JC Warriors. I’ve been silent here for a couple of weeks, but have been praising and reading God’s words in other avenues. I’ve also reached out to one of our pastors who is also a wife and a mother. She has given me wonderful guidance and support.

    My husband’s aortic aneurysm is at the size that surgery is on table. It was also discovered that he has a bicuspid valve which is congenital. Doctors have said that God has taken care of him to be his age and NEVER known he had this defect. The valve works “abnormally” well. We were praying for a miracle that the valve was tricuspid (normal), but the test last week gave us God’s choice of miracle - it works abnormally well. We are still dumbfounded that with all the CT’s for the aneurysm he’s had in the last 2 years that the valve issue wasn’t noticed.

    We are thanking God daily for this issue being found. Because it’s hereditary, our children will have to be screened. They do not know it yet.

    I humbly ask for prayers (1) for us to continue to praise God in the midst of this valley. (2) shrinking of the aneurysm- it’s not common, but it can happen, and I know that nothing is impossible with God. (3) our children don’t have the bicuspid valve. (4) the referral process to Cleveland Clinic (a “center of excellence” for this type of surgery) is quick.
    In Him,
    SC Anonymous

    1. Praying with and for you and yours, SC. Father let Your Kingdom Come and Your Miracles Be Done. In Jesusx Name. AMEN!

    2. Joining in prayers lifting your husband and your family to the Great Physician.

    3. With others in prayer for you. May there be peace, strength and miraculous healing. πŸ™

    4. Continued prayer for your husband, yourself and your family, SC.

    5. πŸ™❤️πŸ™ Praying with and for you.

    6. Sending prayers your way, SC. Thank You, My Lord, for Your Miraculous answers to prayers!

    7. Dear SC! Praying and thanking God for shrinking your dear husband’s aneurysm and continuing to grant him a well functioning bicuspid valve and your children will not have this abnormal valve. Two of our children have bicuspid valves and they are both feeling well although one of them is overweight and under stress as the unemployed breadwinner of his family. God is faithful so just keep exercising your trust muscles. Rest in Him.
      Father God, Thank You for covering this dear family with your healing and faithfulness and answer all our prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  59. Been praying this week for guidance and support in a couple decisions I need to make and things to do that aren’t always pleasant. I’ve been walking forward one step at a time, trusting and waiting to hear God’s answer and receive His blessing. I woke to wonder and worry until I read today’s devotion.
    Made me realize the need to: 1. Be still and Wait on the Lord, 2. To continue to trust and 3. Be thankful for the many blessings I have and for the things that I don’t. To put my things in perspective.
    So, I pray answers come soon and that I can be the light while I wait for His guidance, walking obediently in faith, thankful for his faithfulness, grace and mercy.
    Matthew 14: 27 & 30- “Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid. “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?

    I also ask for prayers that my daughter will be allowed to go fully remote at work so that she may move back home where she can get the support she needs.
    Thank you all! Peace be with you.

    1. Dear Rich --- You got my prayers for you and your daughter's circumstances. I just call down the Glory of the Lord and the Flood of the Blood of Jesus over all of you. Our God is faithful and He watches over His word to perform it.! He makes a way when there doesn't look like there is a way! I just call on the Name of Jesus,
      who changes everything. He has a way for you, Rich and your family, plotted out on your pathways. HALLELUJAH!!! Great Abundant Life and Blessings to you! You are a Great WARRIOR in God's Army! GOD ALWAYS WINS. THESE ARE GLORY DAYS NOT GLOOMY DAYS!

    2. Thank you JJ! You really have a gift of the Spirit in your prayers! They are so powerful and uplifting. You are definitely wearing the full armor of God! There was actually a bit of light today with some of the circumstances :) Be blessed.

    3. Yeah Rich! We will praise God for that bit of light. One of my absolute favorite verses In the MSG translation John 1:5 --
      "The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn't put it out." The darkness CAN'T out do our God.The Light of Jesus burns brilliantly, illuminating the path ahead and dispelling any fear or uncertainty. This Divine Light is unconquerable and eternal, offering hope and guidance. No matter how overwhelming the darkness may seem, it can NEVER extinguish the powerful,
      Life-Giving Light of Jesus. I Decree and Declare, Rich, you will hold on to this truth, and let His Light guide your steps and uplift your spirit. In Jesus's Name, For His Honor and His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.
      Standing with you against the darkness. He is the God who causes the giants to fall before us! HALLELUJAH!!!

    4. Gathering into JJ’s powerful prayers, dear Rich C for God to flood your path with His brilliant light and fight all your battles for you. He is so much greater than anything you could ever face. And for Him to make a way for your dear daughter to be permitted to work remote every day so she can move back home where she is surrounded by your love and support. Thank You Father for all
      this and for covering them all with your love and blessings and a blanket of peace. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

    5. Again thank you JJ and Jeanne. So encouraging to read your Spirit filled words of hope and a wonderful reminder of whose I am and how big our God is. Such a blessing Hallelujah!!!
      Rest well prayer warriors!

  60. I seek prayers for my daughter this day. May she be strengthened and uplifted by the Love and protection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    1. My Papa God, I ask You to watch over John's daughter. Grant her health, protection, and happiness. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over her. Surround her with Your love and guide her in all she does. Send Great Blessings to John as he stands in the gap for his daughter. And the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS stand in the gap to protect, pray, and provide strength for those in need. In Jesus's Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Father God, You are All Mighty and above all things and You stand by Your Word and promises so I join my prayers to John and JJ’s prayers. We thank You for answering our prayers for John’s dear daughter. They have been saved by Your Blood. May You fill his dear daughter with Your Spirit and guide and protect her. Surround her with Your Saving Light and Grace and heal her weaknesses of body, mind and spirit. We ask this with gratitude in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.
