Monday, June 29, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 28

Taste and see that I am good. This command contains an invitation to experience My living Presence. It also contains a promise. The more you experience Me, the more convinced you become of My goodness. This knowledge is essential to your faith-walk. When adversities strike, the human instinct is to doubt My goodness. My ways are mysterious, even to those who know Me intimately. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways and thoughts higher than your ways and thoughts. Do not try to fathom my ways. Instead, spend time enjoying Me and experiencing My goodness.
Psalm 34:8
English Standard Version

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
    Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

Isaiah 55:8-9
English Standard Version

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

My Prayer
Lord, you are kind, gracious, and merciful to all your people. You are good. You are so very good. Not a day goes by that I understand why you would save a wretched man like me. You have given me peace now and for all eternity. Your thoughts are not my thoughts. Your ways are not ways. I always am wanting my way instead of simply loving you Jesus always in all things. I wallow back and forth based upon good things happening to me or not. Forgive me for wrapping up my place with you each day based upon my circumstances. I watch men all the time try to figure out the beginning from the end, denying You often or stating that You are not even real. Thank you for making yourself so real to me. Help this world see You for who You really are. We've grown into a world in which opinions from everyone are so prevalent, to the point that beholding You as the truth is absent at times. But, I want to lift you up and not simply in this quiet moment, but give me the courage and confidence each day to shout Your name before people. As opportunities present themselves, help me to be a witness for You. Lord, I don't want my days to be about me and mapping out how my way will always be full of comfort, ease and safety. I want instead to praise Your name and accept whatever that comes, even if it is opposition, suffering, or death, because I know I'm with you forever. I want to hide myself in You. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. As I make my way through the day, I am constantly judging things as good or not good,most often based on my personal likes and dislikes. What do I know from such limited perspective? God determines what is truly good and my role in the grandeur scheme of things is to enjoy His goodness. Life is really not that hard.


  2. Thank you Heavenly Father for being ever patient and present in my life! Help me to stay in your love light at all times and to be ever thankful for each new day I am given. Help me to savor the moments that show your love for me and my family and friends. Walk with me and help me to live the kind of life that makes you proud of me and every little thing I do or say!! I belong to you forever and for always, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

  3. Thank you LORD for making yourself REAL to me, also!!

  4. Thank you Lord for giving my no choice to taste and see that YOU ARE GOOD! You've never left my side or the sides of my family members. How great is your faithfulness & how perfect is your timing! Thank you for how youve worked in my life this past year. Help me be more of you and way less of me! In your glorious name, AMEN

  5. Please pray for me and my Husband - he is a stroke survivor and I am his caregiver - rough time - COPD - He has trouble breathing - so frightening - we are both Believers - please pray for God's peace upon us - almost had to call 911 earlier but on the third back to back breathing treatment he was calm and ok - just now 2 back to back. Thank you for praying for strangers. God bless you ❤️ Susan & Jim, Naples, FL

    1. Praying for both of you. Jesus is in your midst. His hand is on both of you, an "ever present help in times of trouble", amen.🥰

    2. Praying for your husband's breathing and your strength. God is with you always. Take care. KS

    3. May you feel God's loving arms surrounding you and your husband. My prayers are with you. TL

    4. The Faithfulness of God surpasses ALL understanding! Keep holding on folks, He NEVER disappoints!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Praying for you, Susan & Jim, asking the Lord to open Jim's airways so he can breath. Be with Susan as she is the caregiver of Jim. As you know Lord, being a caregiver can take a toll on a person, give Susan the strength she needs to do this for her precious husband, Jim. Thank you Lord in advance for what you are going to do in Jim and Susan's life. Let them be a shining example for You Lord, as they go about making sure Jim is comfortable and calm when he can't catch his breath. Breath for him when he has a bad time, be with Susan, give her peace knowing she is doing all she can do for Jim. Thank You Lord for the privilege to be able to pray for people we don't know, bless the Payton family for this blog,the group of believers here are great in making sure all feel good about being in this group by all their prayers and words of comfort. Thank You Lord, In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen Amen❣

    6. Praying for Susan and Jim. Please Lord restore Jim's health so that he can move about and be full of life ! Please give Susan the strength to be an effective care giver and place an abundance of love and patience as takes up her role. We ask for blessings upon this couple in Jesus name

    7. Joining prayers for you, Susan and Jim, that now you are both in good health and feeling fine, and Jim's breathing has been strengthened and restored. May God keep you safe from Covid and keep you healthy so you can continue to praise His Holy Name and proclaim His good deeds. Thank You for this in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  6. Unknown, I join JC Family in praying for both of you. Caregiving is a very tiring difficult job. Each day I prayed for strength while caring for my husband who had Alzheimer's. I will do the same for you. GOD HONORED MY PRAYERS and he will do the same for you. God bless both of you as you struggle through each day.

    1. I'm new to the caregiving rollercoaster taking care of my hubby. Patience and compassion Lord, I knock, I ask, I pray, I thank you.

    2. Audra- what is your situation? Forgive me if you shared it here and I missed it.

      My husband had an accident Apr 9 and is non-weight bearing for at least another three weeks. I have learned so much in this care giving role especially about my own limitations. Praying for you. ❤️

    3. Thank you GTT. Hubby had a total knee replacement. We are in week 4 of recovery with some complications along the way. He is frustrated, both of us lacking in sleep and that compounds effective communications. Different doctors involved and where I would not hesitate to call for advice, hubby is not so inclined. I'm doing it anyway. I sense that the issues may have a simple resolve but the barrage of medications has both our heads spinning. This too shall pass with a positive outcome, deep down we know this and trust in God, and the waters are rough. Thanks for asking. Best of luck, blessings and Grace to you and your situation. ♥️

  7. Susan and Jim, my prayers and I know many others are with. I pray you feel God's loving arms around you. I've had a glimpse of how frightening it can be when it's hard to breathe. But God has this. Prayers for healing, calm, and strength.

    1. This is Susan in Naples, FL - things got very scary - my husband was pulling the nebulizer mask off and was beet red so I called 911 - now we are in the ER and he looks so much better - thanks so much for your prayers!

    2. Lord be praised, thank you Jesus!

    3. Thank You Lord for easing things up for Susan and Jim at the ER. Allow them both the rest they need today so they can have a better tomorrow. Give Jim's lungs a touch from You Lord, making life easier for our Brother and Sister in Christ. These things I ask in Jesus name, Amen❣

    4. Amen Pamela, All Jim needs is a touch from the Lord and his lungs will be clear.

  8. Please JC family, pray for my hubby today also. In just a few hours he will undergo testing for the aortic aneurysm. To see if it has grown. We are praying that it's not there anymore. They are also looking into his shoulder problem. Possibly surgery. In the midst of all this our estranged daughter of 5 years has begun communicating with us finally. It's been a long silent road, but we had to let her go & allow God to have His way with her. He has never let go of her, He left the other sheep to go after our lamb. Praise the Holy name of God 🙌. Thank you dear ones for your faithfulness in prayers.

    1. Prayers for your husband's healing. Prayers for your strength and courage. wonderful news on your daughter. KS

    2. I will be praying for healing and comfort for your husband. I will also hold your daughter close in constant prayer. God never leaves us. TL

    3. Asking God to gput a healing touch on Jan's husbands lungs. You are still in the miracle making business, I ask You Lord, grant him a miracle for her hubby for unbelievers to see that they may come to the Lord and be healed themselves. I ask that you be with Jan's daughter, You know the circumstances and know what needs to be done in her life. Grant these prayers for all today, in Jesus name, Amen❣

    4. Continuing to pray for you and your dear ones, Jan. Amen! God is the Miracle maker and can do all things. There is no limit to His healing power.
      Thank You Father for answered prayers. We trust in Your faithfulness.

  9. Susan and Jan, you and your loved ones are in all of our prayers. God will give you the strength to overcome. I am glad to hear some positive news. Let's hear some more positive news after your husband's tests this morning Jan. God bless you all!

    1. Thank you TJ🥰. I will let you all know.

    2. Praying for your husband, Jan. May God's glory prevail.

      Also praying for Susan and Jim. May God guide you on this journey.

  10. Jan, estranged daughter story reminds me of The Parable of the Lost Sheep in the Gospels of Matthew (Matthew 18:12–14) and Luke (Luke 15:3–7). A shepherd leaves his flock of ninety-nine sheep in order to find the one which is lost. Joining JC Family praying for you, your husband and daughter.

  11. All of your prayers are beautiful. 👏👏👏👏This from all of our homes is the best! God be with all who have problems of any kind!!

  12. Ps 42:8 "The LORD decrees His loving devotion by day; and at night His song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life."

    I've been training my eyes and mind to see the loving kindness that the Lord sends each day and the song he sends at night. I have been missing sight of much.

  13. Dear Lord, Thank You for another blessed and gifted day filled with treasures from You. May Your Holy Spirit lead and open our eyes and ears to see and find them!

    Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who trusts in HIM!!

    THANK YOU AGAIN FATHER for ALL the VICTORIES here, healing the sick, granting new jobs, restoring, blessing, protecting and meeting every single need!! Thank You, Thank You for ALL You do for us! I praise You this morning and bless Your Holy name!
    Thank You Jesus and Thank God I'm Forgiven!

    Great and Blessed day JC family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. When I woke up today, there was brilliant sunlight streaming through the window, I got up and walked to the door of our bedroom which leads to my garden. I looked at my flowers which glistened in the bright morning sun and I thanked God for the beauty I could see and for a new day ahead. I live in an apartment and we have the only apartment that has access to a small area where I can grow flowers and sit out with my husband. I truly see how good the Lord is and how blessed I am because I trust in Him. That will never change with the passing years. I wake up thanking Him for the new day and for the light my eyes can see and all the words the Spirit gives me to lift others. Yesterday I met two Brothers a long my walk and coming home there was a woman all dressed in white taking a picture of the flowers. I said the greatest beauty is from above and this sister said Praise God. We stood there and praised Him together. She said she was blessed that I was with her lifting her so high. There are no accidents. The woman was exactly my age and said she was blessed by my words and thanked God for them. I know she was there because God had prepared that moment. He establishes our steps. We were supposed to travel today but because of bad weather in Massachusetts we won't leave until tomorrow to be with our son and his family. So I will enjoy this new day at home in White Plains with my husband and I hope to get a lot of good things accomplished today to God's glory. Hoping and praying you will also enjoy your day, produce good fruit, and may all your weaknesses be strengthened and your prayers answered according to God's will and plan. This is the day the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

    2. Wonderful encouragement Jeanne. I woke up to a cold morning in Kenya and am looking forward to seeing God's treasures and goodness through out this day .

    3. Dear Min Ahadi, May tomorrow be a warm beautiful day in Kenya. I am sure your open eyes saw much beauty in God's creation and many treasures along your way. I always stop to see the sky and the sunsets and the flowers. Even when I'm in a rush because these are Gifts from God that people just pass by without being blessed by them. I saw the most beautiful sky tonight and I took a picture of it so I would remember it. God feeds our hearts with the beauty of Creation. Those who have opened eyes can see them. We choose what to look at. I'm surely not gonna look at the ground of my shoes. But upward from where my help cometh. Much love.

  14. My daughter called last night after concert to share this.I must share this story with my JC Family.

    I will title "Recognizing an opportunity to pray with strangers." My area has free concerts during the summer months. Vendors have the opportunity to set up booths. My daughter has a doctorate in Integrative Medicine and took advantage to set up a booth. Yesterday was very hot and humid, temps were 92°. Too hot for anyone to visit the vendors. After the concert she and her 2 associates were disappointed that no one was visiting any
    of the booths. They begin tearing down their booth, all the while wondering why thy bothered to set up. A stranger approached their booth and begin to say his wife had been exposed to mold and they had to burn everything they owned. His wife approached while the man explained they were searching for a new Dr. The Dr who had been treating her for 2 years (no success) said he could no longer treat her and they would have
    to find another Dr. The wife begin to cry. My daughter put her arms around the wife and begin to pray. Telling the distraught wife she could help her, she has been successful treating those exposed to mold, Lyme disease, etc.. The drive to the Dr treating her was 2 hours away, my daughters office is 20 minutes away. I am praying for this precious family.

    1. To GOD be ALL the Glory and honor! We serve a MIRACLE working, ALWAYS on time GOD!!
      God continue to bless Your daughter Sassy Mom and the couple whom He placed in her path!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. God is so good! Not a detour, a more direct path or better destination that is what God gives us

    3. I love, love, how God shows up and how people are mysteriously put in our path so we can show Jesus in us. Thank You Lord for having these paths cross, I ask Lord that Sassy Moms daughter is what this couple has needed all this time. Give her the knowledge to heal the husband of what the mold has done to him. Lord, we know that we don't run into people by coincidence, it is You that puts people in our lives to held or be helped, thank You for that. In Jesus precious name, Amen❣

    4. Talk about Devine appointments! If she was the only reason that booth was set up, your daughter was a success!🙂

    5. Amen Jan!!! Not happenstance, this truly was a Divine appointment.

    6. What an amazing story about the hand of God reaching out at the very last moment before your daughter tore down her booth. And your dear daughter put that woman's mind at ease and hugged and assured her. What a blessing to behold. I'm sure she helped her recover. Thank You Father for strengthening and guiding Sassy Mom's daughter to healing her completely and showing her how good our God is. He is always on time!

  15. Dear heavenly Father I ask that You grant each persons prayers that have asked for Your special touch. We all have our own unique problems and I ask that You touch each of us the way You know we it. Thank you for this day to rise and shine for our Lord and Savior. In Jesus name I pray , Amen❣

    1. Pamela K --- I stand in agreement with this prayer. Amen and amen. Praise the Lord for the INCREDIBLE JC PRAYER WARRIORS!! I just marvel at how the Lord puts all of this together!! We were all bought at a great price. He knows us in and out, but still loves us completely!! What a love story. Thankful in Kansas

    2. Amen and Amen! Can't wait to hear about more answered prayers and victories. Thank You dear Jesus! I trust Your words:
      Be not afraid! I stand before you always!

      2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

      Psalms 37:4 - Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

      Psalms 121:1 - I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

    3. Thank you for these verses. As I lay down to sleep I have many friends in proximity to fires burning in northern CA. They are anxious and fearful. I wish they could find the Peace I know. I pray this Peace is more anchored in me than I think. The heat wave in the Pacific northwest is added stress for many. Please join me in rebuking the devil and sending him to the only future he will ever have... The lake of fire. Let our lands be safe and protected from destruction. May our friends and neighbors and all who live here be safe and protected. In Jesus's name I pray.

    4. I'm so sorry your friends are close to the fires in California. Praying God will keep them from harm, and their homes will be saved. May God strengthen, protect and guide the firefighters to safely put the fires out and save the residents and themselves.
      Praying with you dear Audra. Amen! Praying for all those in danger. Father, Thank You for protecting and saving your people. And for helping all those who are in Miami, going through a terrible time. Father, we pray together that you will help the workers find those lost in the rubble before it's too late and bring comfort to all those who are missing loved ones. Thank You for Your Faithfulness.

    5. Help us focus on you Lord, amidst so many horrible situations. At least that's how it looks from here...

  16. Up late so I will just ask right now if anyone can help me with this problem. When I am away from my computer I can't post any responses or prayers or requests here. How can I connect to my JC Family from my Iphone? How can I subscribe to on my phone? Any advice will help. I'm going to see my son's family next week for 3 days. I will read and pray with you but I will not be able to respond at all on my phone. Well Thanks! Praying always for all of you, my dear Brothers and Sisters.

    1. Good morning Jeanne, I am not an expert, but I think you can just Google Jesus calling bible tag (the date you want) on your phone and click to post. Someone might have a better way.
      Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Jeanne, does your iPhone connect to the internet? If so, google jesus calling blogspot 366
      This will get you to the entire year. Select the date you want, OR give your phone to a 3 year old. They seem to have this all figured out at birth! We will be praying for you.

    3. God be with you, Jeanne, in your travels and your time with family. The advice above will help but even if you are unable to post, prayers are better than posts. Thank you for your faithfulness to us all. God be with you.

    4. Amen Bob! Prayers are way better than posts. For many years I came to this blog every day because it was my Home and I kept trying to respond but I wasn't able to subscribe until, thank God, I figured out how to join through the computer. Now you are such a sweet Family to me, When I'm away, I'll get my spiritual food here on my phone, pray with you and pray for you. Much love.

    5. Yes Jeanne. I use my iPhone every day to read this blog (even though I don’t post often). I just type in the date and bibletags to access it. Travel mercies to you! Dee in AZ

    6. I just google..jun 28 reading Jesus calling and then bible tags pops up which I select..thank you Bob.. prayers are better than posts and I will never be able to pray like so many of you and your prayers become mine..thank you my dear JC are always included in my prayers and thank you Norah for always lifting my spirits

    7. Dee, Did you originally subscribe to it on your phone? Because I tried this morning as an experiment and it didn't work but thanks for your help.

    8. Looking back, I must thank you all for your kind advice.
      Obviously it worked with prayer and the help of God.

  17. Dear Loving Father, Thank you for this blessed day You’ve made and added me in. Thank You for the many gifts placed before me. May I never take any for granted, but like King David, trust You and have confidence in You so that as I live in Your fullness, I can experience Your goodness in lots of exciting ways. Through Your Word and creation, through my senses and in prayer and contemplation. And as I worship and praise You with a thankful heart, I will always taste and see how good You are. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

    The truth is, before tasting anything, we must eat something and before eating something, we must see what it is we are about to eat. So how do we “taste and see” that the Lord is good? This is a metaphor and it means we have to take the time to try it or sample it.. The "IT" being the Truth of God’s Word. We have to taste the sweetness of God as He meets us in His Word. A substantive spiritual food that will brace our minds with truth and nourish our hearts with His satisfying grace. Psalm 119:103 says:“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” In Genesis, we see how God created Adam with a spiritual hunger that only He could satisfy, through an intimate relationship that included direct communication. This too applies to us today as well. If we want to taste and see God’s goodness, we have to seek Him as our refuge at all times so that we can experience His goodness with all the delightful sweetness of taste and all the bright color of sight. This should make us long to know Him more intimately and run to Him quickly and trust Him without reservation. We read in the scriptures how David was a man after God’s own heart, who recognized the sustaining hand of God in his own life and he honored and praise Him at all times. We would do well to hide under the shadow of God’s protective arm like David and seek Him in the midst of our trials and struggles, so that we too can rejoice and encourage others to "taste and see that the Lord is good and to know how truly blessed is the man, who takes refuge in the Lord.”(Psalm 34:8).

    Heavenly Father, We thank You for the wisdom contained in Your Word. Thank You that we have indeed tasted of Your saving grace and are eternally blessed, by trusting in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. May we always recognize Your guiding hand of grace and protection, knowing that all who taste and trust in You will never be put to shame. Thank You for Your lovingkindness toward us, Your tender mercy and Your mysterious ways! In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    Bob my bd twin, yes, yes, I will really appreciate a link or instruction on where to find the livestream (Youtube etc.) and believe me, I will most definitely watch! I sometimes forget we are still in a pandemic and many church doors are still closed (mine included). I can’t wait to hear you! (I’m smiling from ear to ear)! The wonders of God! Great to hear that you and your wife are staying put. When the time is right, He will lead us to see our families. For now, He is keeping all of us safe! His ways and thoughts are indeed higher than ours! Blessings and blessings my brother!

    Fern, I am continuing in prayers for you and the family. Please continue to keep the faith my sis! We have an AMAZING, AMAZING Father!

    Jeanne, I praise God! nagging headache is no more!! This was God’s doing!!!!! Thank You my sister!

    Praying for ALL the prayer requests and thanking God for all the VICTORIES (Sassy Mom, thanks for giving us Helen’s update)!
    To God be all the glory honor!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Mapplewood! That was beautifully said as always.

      I keep you all in prayers, may God strenghtens you, brings you peace, comfort, wisdom, protection and everything you need.

      I too am looking forward to watch you preach Bob! Your words will blessed many as always.

      Have a blessed day everyone !

      Blessings from France ♡

    2. Thank you Maplewood for your prayers I draw strength from reading all of your words and often reread through out the day yours and many others.

    3. Well done, twin bd sis, in amplifying that wonderful expression 'taste and see the Lord is good'. So many ways that can be a blessing. So appreciate your thoughts. God be with you.

    4. Beautiful teaching today, Maplewood. It gave me much good "food" to chew on. I was thinking that when we're really, really hungry, how good food tastes. Like if we were fasting and we take that first yummy bite of dinner and it tastes like ambrosia. Well that's the same for our soul. Sometimes when we're just too busy to sit down and read the Word because of our responsibilities, then those hours aren't filled with as much joy and peace because our soul is so hungry and weary because we need our spiritual sustenance. But once we grab our Beloved Bible and fill ourselves, the troubles of this world quickly fade away so we can see clearly our blessings and the truth of God's love, promises, peace and joy.

    5. Still absolutely love your post. Taste and See that the Lord is Good. We are blessed to know this is true. We hunger and thirst for Him because only He can satisfy us completely and eternally. We sing this beautiful song in Choir: Taste and See.

      Taste and see, taste and see
      the goodness of the Lord.
      O taste and see, taste and see
      the goodness of the Lord, of the Lord.

      I will bless the Lord at all times.
      Praise shall always be on my lips;
      my soul shall glory in the Lord
      for God has been so good to me.

      Taste and see, taste and see
      the goodness of the Lord.
      O taste and see, taste and see
      the goodness of the Lord, of the Lord.

      Glorify the Lord with me.
      Together let us all praise God's name.
      I called the Lord who answered me;
      from all my troubles I was set free.

      Taste and see, taste and see
      the goodness of the Lord.
      O taste and see, taste and see
      the goodness of the Lord, of the Lord.

      Worship the Lord, all you people.
      You'll want for nothing if you ask.
      Taste and see that the Lord is good;
      in God we need put all our trust.

      Taste and see, taste and see
      the goodness of the Lord.
      O taste and see, taste and see
      the goodness of the Lord, of the Lord.

    6. Listening and enjoying Taste And See again this year! Thanks again for posting the link, Jeanne,

  18. Good morning JC family🌞. Haven't posted in so long, but have been in prayer for the warriors 🥰. This morning I decided to check how everyone was doing.Sassy Mom posted earlier, "not happenstance" about her daughter's booth experience with a lady & mold issues. I too am having mold issues. Tomorrow we will attempt to get rid of the mold in our bathroom. We need protection. Sassy Mom if only your daughter could help me too. I will taste & see that the Lord is good & greatly to be praised! Amen! Have a blessed day JC Loved ones🥰.

    1. Praying now that all of your adverse issues concerning mold will be minor and easily dealt with. We too have experienced issues. Praying Jan

    2. Jan - You are loved and missed. Several homes in my area have also dealt with mold issues. I echo Norah's prayers.

    3. Jan - Joining warriors in prayer for those who are dealing with mold issues.

    4. Mold, an affect of a fallen world that adversely impacts God's children. As He has redeemed us from sin, may He lift all of you up who are suffering from the affects of sin. Good to hear from you again, Jan. God be with you.

    5. We had a problem with mold in our bathroom many years ago. I live in an apartment and the Super brought in some workers to clean the wall and repaint it with a very smelly paint that kept moisture away. The mold never came back. Wish I knew what they used on the wall. Praying and hoping God guides to the help you need. I've been praying for your Sister in Christ who needed healing. Hope she is doing better. Much love.

    6. Jan --- So good to hear from you! I have missed you! Also, have missed CO. Have not seen posts from her in sometime. Blessing prayers over her and prayers over your mold situation. I ask the Lord to bless you, to guide you and to keep you safe. Lifting up ALL the JC FAMILY/WARRIORS to The Throne of Grace for their needs and requests. In His Honor and for His Purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    7. I repeat JJ's heart, thoughts, and words!

  19. There you are, Jan Gridley! You've been on my heart b/c it has been a while. So glad all is well and praying with you that the mold issue is GONE in the name of Jesus Christ. We also have an old house and I know there is mold in it.
    I pray daily for all of you and relish the 'journal' we have on this blog. Blessings to you again, Chris Peyton!
    Prayers today for all Caregivers - they are often the forgotten ones when dealing with a sick family member. I have several in my midst and I remember the exhaustion that would overwhelm me at times.
    Prayers for each of you, your lovely, loving words (The Word) and I rest in sweet anticipation of the many victories that are shared. Too many to list right now. Must run to greet this day as I have spent more than A WHILE in this glory land. So worth it. Echoing your prayer, Maplewood (and Bob, I would like that link as well!). We will taste and see all of God's goodness provided in this day.
    BLESSINGS, JC Family!

  20. Hi JC Family! I hope you are all well and staying secure. What date and time is Bob speaking? Live stream of course. I must have missed the details. Have a beautiful day. Our Lord has our global situation under control❤️

    1. Will hopefully be able to post the necessary details on the days before, JF. It is scheduled for 07/26/20. Thank you for your support. With so many supportive comments above from the JC Family, that alone is inspiring me. God be with you.

  21. Good morning The RV just entered & driving thru Lousiana where both my sons were born. Sent Son a message yesterday reminding him of this, maybe the pull of his thoughts would return to this loving peace filled time, safety in his family ( his grandparents lived close now deceased last year) God does give us our memories to recount and hope in when we cant see anything good in our now. Flood his mind with the love of Jesus Lord, this precious man child of yours at age four had memorized a Bible verse for every letter of the alphabet, a beautiful brilliant mind a loving child of God. Our angel baby. Now an unbeliever in the midst of torment alone in our home trusting no one, his twisted thoughts ( Satans dialouge) convinced Him that We alone are His enemy! Thoughts that come from the depths of hell and have no truth. Not one person concurs with this thinking except the author Satan. I call him out and demand he vacate my sons vessel now and my home.
    I should be seeing my son soon,sometime this week, returning to my home in Tx. After 4 months away. Covid 19 and the solitude wreaked havoc on my sons mind, my husband left to give Him time and us time to hear from the Lord and protect ourselves from chaotic thoughts. Lord please your solution it must be! We are depending on you Father to save our son, to keep him in our home so we can support him in any way. Lord protect him from harm and soften his stance allowing your truth and your love mixed with ours to convince Him we are not the liars. Thank you all for your prayers my warriors. I am depending o. ISAIAH 55:8

    1. Dan is very special, Sweet, kind, and loving. Shy always. Loved by all who know Him, beautiful brilliant mind a loving child of God. Our angel baby! Thanks for sharing his true qualities with us, today and yesterday, Fern. I shall also pray for their increase to overflowing, flushing out everything else., all through and for the Greater Glory and Good of God. Amen

    2. PS Wave to my Traveling Mercy Brother and my Wallet Brother when you go through Louisiana :)

    3. Lord, navigate these treacherous waters for your precious child Fern, her husband and especially her dear son. He is a child of Yours, You have redeemed him to your glory, provide a glimpse of hope to an aching heart of a devoted mother and father. Lord, come to their assistance; make haste to help them. Amen

    4. Thank you Bob and Amen. Waving Bril now!!!

    5. Dear Fern,
      Your Son has a most beautiful and loving heart and an innocent and strong faith, still intact but hidden deep beneath the veil of deception the enemy has cast upon him. God is mighty to save and free him from this misery. We pray together:
      Father God, hear our many prayers and save your beloved child, Dan. Cast out his demons and empty him of all lies. Call him back to You with a loud voice, so You can fill him with Your love and peace, and lead him back to redemption, renewal and salvation. Give him eyes and ears to see and hear the truth with an open heart. Lead him to every good thing You created him for. Heal this family, hold them tight and bring them closer in Your presence. Thank you for this in the name of Your Son, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!

    6. Amen! For this family and all others who are experiencing distancing, be it rational, emotional and/or physical in nature. God you are so good to your children, show us your Truth, banish that evil voice back home to the lake of fire!

    7. Jeanne thank you for flooding that truth over him AND ME. I agree with every word!! I just sent him another text of love, telling Him that "only Jesus can set Him free, ask Him, He did it for me" also that I am praying for him & miss him. I just watched my church the message encouraged me to act in faith, step out there for the power of God to be ignited. Obedience always powerful. Please Lord use my faith and trust and obedience to equal salvation for my Son. Open His heart & mind to you Jesus, only you will do! NO more band aides, we need a new heart!
      God is mighty to save! Thank you my friends I am praying over all of your needs as dear Audra said. Thank you Audra. GOD BLESS THIS STRONG AND FAITHFUL FAMILY OF GOD.

    8. Please Lord put Your healing hands on Your son and cast out any and all demons that may be in him. Seal him and his family with Your blood Jesus and continue to cover them in Your perfect peace. In Jesus name I pray. Thank you jesus. Praise the Lord continously.

    9. Still praying that God has called Dan with a loud voice to come and follow HIM only and to cast away all else that threatens to separate him from the LOVE and PEACE of GOD. Praying for Dan to live the life that God is preparing for him.

  22. The kindness of you my dear Brilamar and all the other faithful praying for our son bring tears to my eyes. God loves all of you so much. Thank you for walking and responding like beautiful Jesus.

  23. Good Morning Jeanne, Maplewood NJ Blessings From France, Jan, Fern, Sassy Mom, Norah, Jesus Freak and our entire JC Family! I am praying for all of us to have plenty tastings and sightings of the Lord's goodness today along with shared testimonies when we hop on/hop off tonight. Love You.

    1. Much love to you my dear JC Family. Thank you for your prayers. What a wonderful new day we all have to taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Rest in Him who cares for you and await His Faithfulness.

    2. Amen Brilamar thank you for your prayers! God bless you all ♡

      French warrior ����

    3. Brilamar, You prayers mean so much to me. Always in mine too.

  24. Seeing another taste of TASTE and SEE!
    Reflection for the 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time describes the importance of keeping our eyes sighted on Jesus and always making Him our top priority. Nothing else matters as much as our relationship with God. This means following Jesus wherever He leads, doing everything His way, all the way, every day, giving Him our 100% with no excuses for being mediocre in our faith, and laying down our lives in service to others like He did.
    Laying down our lives means making sacrifices, such as giving tastes from our cup of cold water to someone who’s thirsty. It means seeing and receiving someone into our busy schedules and listening for the prophet in him; for example: What is God saying to us through this person? When we truly follow Christ, we can taste, see and receive all that He is and all that He has for us. When we let go of our fears and personal goals, letting Jesus lead us into new places and new ways of handling situations, we taste, see and discover new life in Christ. His ways are always far better than what we had feared would happen.

    1. Amen Brie, Jesus said we would have to suffer to follow Him, but suffering and sacrifice lead to the realization of His promises which are eternal and beyond our human imagination. My reward I long for is to look into His glorious face. That would be enough for me. I know how Good He IS because I have already tasted His goodness.
      O taste and see that the Lord is GOOD: blessed is the man that trusteth in HIM.

  25. " Listening to the prophet" in you Brilamar. This message is for me this morning. God bless you and my J.C. family

  26. Beautifully said dear Sister. Thank you

  27. Looking forward to tasting and seeing what God has planned for me during this cold day in Nairobi. Winter is here and we thank God because we are warm and it brings us closer to each other! Today God placed in my heart to be thankful and pray for blessings upon my late sister husband and his new relationship ! In the beginning I was angry because I felt like he was replacing my late sister but God told me to trust His ways and pray for my brother in law and the lady and the kids. Pray with me . Sometimes I get a lump in my throat but I will keep praying. Have a good day JC family

    1. I have learned that anger is a normal part of grieving. But as God told you to trust Him... our thoughts and feelings are not where we anchor ourselves. We can experience them and anchor in His love.

      Will pray my friend.

    2. Dear Min Ahadi, We who are left behind when we lose our loved one, are often angry because we wish our prayers of healing had been answered, and also we feel so sad from the loss that even with a strong faith, it's hard to feel blessed for awhile. I would think that your late sister loved her husband so much that she would want him to meet someone else who could love him and their children as she did. That lump in your throat is from your deep love for your sister. Pray about that and God will show you how to love that new woman in your brother in law's life. He is the Way Maker.
      So you are in Winter now, dear sister. So it's likely you won't have a warm day, but perhaps, God will shine a bit more bright sun on your path tomorrow to brighten up your day. Thank You Jesus!
      Good to hear from you dear Keith! I sure do agree. Anger is part of grieving. We've all been through it and we must just keep trusting Him and resting in His love.

    3. Joining in prayers for you Min Ahadi. I like knowing that winter has arrived somewhere, on the other side here, the heat is relentless. God bless you as you embrace new relationships and trust in the Lord.

    4. I, too, pray for you, Min Ahadi.I honestly, do not know what you are walking through, Sister, but I know this: I pray for you, in the cold, dark winter of your Country. I pray that you are warm and blessed and taken care of. I pray for you.

  28. Father, help me to move out of Your way in my life and let You lead me. Let my thoughts not be about my needs and wants, but about Your will and ways. Let me be open to receive all that You have for me and all that You want to do through me. Let Your glory shine through me. Use me as Your vessel as I relinquish all control to You Lord. I submit myself and all that I have to You Lord. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Align our spirits together as one, hold my hand, walk through the day, rejoicing over You Lord. Open my eyes to see past this world and into Your heavenly realm. Help me walk by faith and not by sight. You are my reason for being Lord. Remind me that this life is not about me and my will. You are the Master and Creator. Thank You for being in my life. You are so amazing and there is no one above You. I praise You Lord always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving. (1 Timothy 4:4). My brothers and sisters, I am sure that you are full of goodness. I know that you have all the knowledge you need and that you are able to teach each other. (Romans 15:14).

      Heavenly Father, let me bask in Your goodness!

    2. Praying for you, sweet Janet! God hears every word of your beautiful prayer.

  29. I have been blessed and encouraged by reading these posts and prayers.
    I have a copy of Jesus Calling, which is very precious to me.
    I also have a special needs son (also very precious to me!)
    He wakes up daily between 4 and 5, and I turn to this blog.
    Thank you to all who post, who share their triumphs and victories, their struggles and pain.
    Would you please pray for me and my husband? We are at a crossroads.... Married 15 years, 4 children (2 special needs). There are issues of emotional abandonment and backsliding.
    I do not know what to do. Please seek God with me, pray for my husband and my children.
    I am trusting that God is a consuming fire and that purification will come from this LONG trial.
    Thank you - Sarah

    1. You need a hug dear Anonymous. I offer you one. God is with you because you acknowledge His power to guide you through these trials. We warriors place you now at the throne of grace dear sister. He knows your needs and is at work through the interceding power of Jesus. Rest & trust all that encumbers you into His loving care. He knows you by name Sarah. Just "be held". Amen!

    2. Sarah - Joining in prayers for your husband, children and you, precious trusting sister in Christ.

    3. I, too, pray for you Dear Sarah. As Janet, Jan & Sassy Mom have said: you are in God's arms. Rest and Trust (I say this to myself, as well!). God Bless, dear Sarah! <3

    4. May our Father in heaven lift you and your family up in His loving, everlasting arms and fill you all with the peace, comfort, healing, and joy that is needed within your souls. His love is eternal and forever within you all. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    5. Dear Sarah, You have been carrying a very heavy burden around with you. Give it to the Lord. He can handle it all. Joining in prayers for your strength and guidance, and for your whole family. May God show you the way you must walk to find fulfillment, joy and peace in your life through Him. May He guide your path to programs and support for your special needs children so they can excel and be fulfilled in thier lives. May your other two children be led to all that God has in store for them. Let them see that you and your husband love them dearly and you will always be there for them just as their loving Father will be ever at their sides. Praying that all of you will grow close to the Lord right now and depend on Him because He is our stronghold and our refuge. He will lead you and your family to His perfect peace and true joy that only comes from believing. Keeping you in my prayers, dear sister, Sarah.

  30. Dear Sarah I'm so thankful that you posted. I will be praying for you. Please continue to post. We are the body of Christ made to do his work and lift each other up. God is bringing me through a very similar path as yours. Something I learned years ago has helped me to continually take everything to our loving heavenly Father.
    As a child you could be playing outside with a friend. Then something goes wrong and you are hurt or offended. You run into the house and tell your parent or trusted care giver what happened. They say they will take care of it. You go back outside and play as though nothing happened trusting that it is now in their hands. When the hurt or offence is on going our response to our heavenly Father can simply be "Daddy they're doing it again". Then walk away trusting that it is in his hands and he is taking care of it. This has worked wonders for me concerning my husband. God desires for us to give him everything. This is moment by moment trusting him to take care of the situation and to take care of you and all that is yours. I will be praying with you that God lightens your load.

    1. Wish I could do a "LOVED" post, TERRI! <3

    2. I loved your post too, dear Terri. Thank you. Good advice for Sarah and wonderful encouragement for us. I am giving all my worries to my good Father to handle. My husband went to the doctor today and his heart is in A-Fib again and he must have a cardioversion. His regular doctor used to do it but no longer does this procedure. He referred Rick to another doctor but there is a problem with the insurance. Another insurance company took over our hospital and we would have to pay for it or travel to another hospital so it will be covered. I told Rick that his health is most important and God will provide. Your prayers are appreciated. Thank you! Thank YOU Father for Your healing, help and guidance, and love. I am praying that this new doctor will tell my husband that he mustn't drink so much.

  31. Hold on to me when it's too dark to see You
    When I am sure I have reached the end Hold on to me when I forget I need You When I let go, hold me again

    When I don't feel like I'm worth defending
    When I'm tired of all my pretending

    Hold on to me

    When I start to break in desperation
    Underneath the weight of expectation

    Hold on to me

    Hold on to me

    Thank you both for your prayers and for standing with me in this time of trouble. I heard this Lauren Daigle song in church on Sunday.... And I pray that He will hold on to me.... Help me to remember that noone loves me better.
    In "real life" it is almost impossible to take down the facade that everything is fine.. our marriage is fine, our kids are fine. But God knows things are not fine. I am praying for a mighty breakthrough.... A clear path forward, and for peace that passes all understanding.

    1. Amen! Joining in this prayer 🙏✝️

    2. LOVE! NEEDED! Thank you, Anonymous!

    3. Amen! Dear Anonymous, Your prayer really spoke to my heart. I am blessed that the Lord knows me through and through and is well aware of all my weaknesses.
      Praying for your breakthrough and a clear path foward that you don't ever have to walk alone. Remain in His presence and you will experience the peace that passeth all understanding. No circumstance is greater than His peace.

  32. Lord truly You are all good. You are for me and make my path straight. I am forever grateful and thankful that You would save a sinner like me. I seek Your face and forgiveness as I stumble in this life. I am blessed to have Uou in my corner always

  33. Dear Sarah --- Bless you, for the love of your family! I go to The Throne of Grace to intercede for your family. My precious Father, I come to You and thank You for the plan You have for each of our lives. I thank You for the AUTHORITY You have give us over ALL the darkness of the enemy. So with that AUTHORITY, I command 100,000 Hosts, Warring and Ministering Angels to surround this family. Expose what needs to be exposed and take down and destroy any platforms or strongholds that are effecting this family. I LOOSE ALL the darkness the enemy tries to put upon this family and I BIND the Abosulute Goodness and Powerful Workings of our Lord upon them!!! Thank you Father for deep healing of emotional wounds for each family member. Help them to forgive the injustices and not cling to
    anger or to bitterness. I thank You Lord and give You ALL the Praise and Honor for this family! I decree and declare
    You are bringing this family and this home to be a sanctuary of peace and a home that flows in the sweetness of Your HOLY SPIRIT. Thank you Father, for the RESTORATION of this family. Make ALL THINGS NEW in this family, my Jesus, my Gracious, Savior. AMEN and AMEN

    1. Amen JJ! Joining in your powerful and necessary prayer. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit for our cleansing, healing, restoration and renewal!

  34. JJ - Joining you and all warriors for your beautiful anointed authoritive prayers that open doors.

  35. Dear Sarah, I'm so sorry for what you are facing. I know you came to the right place to share your concern and seek prayers. I'm joining the others as I read through what all has been written and shared here. God knows your heart. The enemy took down my family many years ago - before I was walking with the Lord and didn't know how to ask for prayer. We will work on this with you, This forum is mighty and I thank God every day for hearing our prayers. God Bless you and yours. Keep with us. Love in Christ, Kathy

    1. Yes Kathy! He sure does hear all our prayers. Sarah, Rest in Him, You are surrounded by our prayers and His peace. Look above your circumstances and see you and your family are taken care of because you are beloved children on the Most High and He will never leave or forsake you. Trust in His promises and rest in His love.

    2. Kathy, are you still reading and praying with us? Miss you much sister friend and traveling buddy in Christ! Blessings and Love, Brie.

  36. Heading to bed, soon. VERY tired from a weekend with NO AC (hottest day in OH - highest humidity). THEN, my dryer broke down, (go figure!). APPLIANCE WEEKEND! DH is doing well - he's improved - his leg has improved and I thank God for that! Full day of Casework plus, my co-worker is out for the week, so I'm doing PASSPORTS!! GEEZ: why do people wait until the VERY end of their calendar to ask for help??? LOL! I meet them where they are. And God will do the rest! Kind of exhausting trying to teach 60+ people how to 'ADULT.' Really??? You call your Congressman about Dog Food??? Sigh. Praying for each and every one of you, Dear JC Family! Prayers for my dear friend and her friend, whose son committed suicide. He is relieved, but the family is left to grieve. SO SAD. Please pray for Cathy. God, my heart is breaking. My DH and I have been watching The Chosen. WHAT a blessing! Love you my Dear JC Family. Prayers and more.

    1. So glad to hear your husband is doing well. Sorry to hear about the heartbreak for you and your friend. My heart goes out to you and the family. That is so hard to accept. Here is a prayer I came across that may be of some comfort. Peace be with you.
      Lord, what's happened is so awful. I can't believe it. They were here one day and gone the next. Why, Lord? Why did they have to go? Why? Why? Why? Where are You, Lord? I thought You were all-powerful. Why didn't You stop them from dying? I pray that somehow You will bring light into our present darkness. I pray for Your comfort in our shock and complete disbelief. I pray for Your power and strength in our numbness. Please give us some hope at this terrible time. In Christ's name. Amen.
      Why am I so sad? Why am I so upset? I should put my hope in God and keep praising Him. (Psalm 42:11). You, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. (Psalm 3:3).

    2. Dear Norah, Get some rest. I'm heading off to sleep very soon. Sorry you had such a hot and exhausting day. Rest well now, sweet sister. Thanks for your prayers. I'm praying with you and for you.
      Praying for your friend Cathy and her friend. My heart breaks for him who lost his son. May the Spirit give her the words to comfort his broken and weary heart.

  37. Norah, we LOVE the Chosen! The intimacy of Jesus and the apostles is played out so well. I believe the series is capable of bringing people closer to God in a most amazing way. The 40 Days With Jesus companion books ask great questions to go deeper into relationship. I highly recommend the series, it does not disappoint. Season 1&2 can be viewed via YouTube, but get the app for current episode viewing. start at the beginning if you are new to it ♥️

    This is the link to the first 2 episodes on YouTube.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Love Love Love The Chosen!
    VICTORY: Camped outside of the Property Manager's office with Keith slumped in his wheelchair for over an hour. Bottom line- Lease will be broken July 31, penalty and fee free. Yes, God thank You for breaking every chain! And thank you prayer warriors for working your chain, chain, chain, chain of prayers. Prayer chainges things!

    VICTORY2: We got an appointment with the pain management doctor for today, June 28, at 10 am Central Time Zone.
    Prayers for the Dr to truly help Keith!
    Whew! My feet are still Victory Dancing and thanking God for God, and thanking God for you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Hallelujah for another victory in Jesus Christ 🙏 🙌 👏 ❤.

    2. Adding my Hallelujah and thanking God with our Janet for another victory in the Lord. So happy He changed the terms of the lease so Keith can stay with Brie. What a faithful God we serve! May He remove Keith's pain and lead him to all the help he needs, and strengthen our dear Brie as she cares for him.
      Thank You Jesus!

    3. Sharing in your praises. Praying all goes well today.

    4. Hallelujah!! Great news indeed. Praising and thanking God with you!!
      -Grace Takes Time

    5. PTL! thank you Lord for attending to every detail in Brie & Keith's circumstances! How awesome are You Lord! We stomp on the enemies plans against them in Jesus name! Hallelujah! 🙏🙏💞

    6. Great news Brie! Praying all goes well with the appointment today.


    7. Great news! Praising God for all the blessings bestowed and those yet to come.

    8. Thanks to a Good God and Good Prayer Warriors, we are In the pain management Drs office and walking out with a script.
      Thank You Jesus!

    9. 👏🙏♥️👏🙏♥️👏🙏♥️

  41. Praying for Sassy Mom's daughter Debbi.
    Brie (using Keith's computer)

    1. Amen. Thanking God with you, dear Brie, that Sassy Mom's daughter Debbi's heart is being healed right now and good news is coming.

    2. Dear SassyMom, petitioning the great intercessor Jesus Christ to intervene in this crisis for Debbi. Touch her heart oh Lord & strengthened & heal it in Jesus name, give wisdom, discernment &, knowledge to those attending her. 🙏🙏🙏💞

    3. Praying for Debbi as well for the Lord's healing.


  42. I'll have my little Gabriel all day which will be a blessing. Wishing all of you dear family a sweet and peaceful day in God's presence. May He answer our prayers and bring peace to every situation. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Enjoy every moment. Thank you for this beautiful prayer!

    2. Enjoy dear Jeanne as you love on that precious grandbaby of yours. They truly are a sweet blessing from the Lord.

    3. God's choicest blessings are being prayed for you and Gabriel.

    4. Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow.
      Because babies grow up quickly,
      We've learned to our sorrow.
      So quiet down cobwebs.
      Dust go to sleep.
      Because I' m spending time with my baby,
      And babies don't keep!

    5. Thanks dear Grace Takes Time, Jan and Brie! I sure will enjoy every moment. This is a great devotion today and the Prayer was so full of truth. We are all distracted by our circumstances but no matter what we face, He is with us every step of the way. Let out light shine today to help others and to glorify Him!

  43. It's so wonderful to know that God not only loves us but likes us too!

    1. What a powerful speaker and message that God enjoys us in our weakness. Yes He really likes us just as we are. Thanks Peter!

  44. What a shock this morning as I read the devotion for the day and scrolled down to read the comments....and there was none! I was so disappointed and couldn't believe that no one had responded. Then I checked the date and you guessed it, wrong date! It made me realize how much I value each of your comments and prayers.
    Thank you Lord for providing a platform to hear your Word and see what You are doing in the lives of so many.

  45. Facing some choices of justifying why I reacted to a hurtful situation at my joy or just giving it to the Lord to work things out.

  46. Prayers to Jehovah Rapha the great physician. My Debbi had a heart attack AFTER ambulance took her to ER. Her blood pressure dropped, her brain was without oxygen for over 20 minutes. She is unresponsive. My heart is breaking. This is too much after going through the 7 year anniversary of my husband's death, Father's Day and losing my precious Miss Pat, a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

    1. Dear Sassy Mom, God has not left your dear Debbi. I'm so sorry she had a heart attack and is unresponsive. Do not lose hope, and judy keep trusting in God's healing power no matter what the circumstances are. You have had so much loss and so many crosses to bear. God knows how you feel and He also knows what Debbi is going through. Praying that her condition improves dramatically because our prayers have power and He is merciful and Almighty. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Please protect Sassy Mom and her family, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. I didn't get to connect with my JC fam yesterday or over the past several days and I'm now catching up. Oh my gosh, Sassy Mom. Joining this mighty JC Warrior-Family with prayers for Debbi and for you, SM. You have been through so much and now this. Praying for Debbi's miraculous recovery from this and that you all feel Jehovah Rapha's arms around you and working through you! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

  47. Oh, Dear Sassy Mom, I am praying for your dear Debbi. I saw your post last night and neither of you have been far from my thoughts. I keep looking for updates. Thanking our Father for protecting Debbi and healing her completely in the name of Jesus Christ.

  48. Thank you dear Norah for keeping my family in your thoughts and prayers. I did get to visit my first born Debbie this morning. Sadly there is no change, she is unresponsive.

    1. I read just yesterday, in I Kings 19 - "God is in the whisper." My prayers won't stop, Sassy Mom. I love you, ALL of this JC Family loves you. And, God loves you, even more. <3

  49. Offering prayers of thanksgiving, healing, strength, wisdom, victory and miracles! All things are possible with our God: His love is greater than our lists!
    I was drawn to Isaiah 43:1-3 this afternoon. He is with us through the fire and the food. He is our Savior🙏✝️. Be blessed.

    1. Amen. He walks with us through the dark storms, lighting our wilderness, and leads us by the hand.

  50. Please pray strength and His presence for my youngest daughter Denise and Michael - my Son in Love when we meet at 10:00 at the hospital to make the decision no family should have to make. I should be there instead of my precious Debbi.

    1. Praying for a miracle from our Miracle Maker. All things are possible. Holding you and your family and your dearest Debbi in my prayers and heart. Love you dear Sassy Mom. God is holding all of you very tight.

    2. God bless you and your family in these difficult times. Praying for y'all.

  51. Sassy Mom, I have read Jesus Calling for 3 years and have never posted until today. My prayers are with you and your family. You are such an inspiration to SO many. It is your faith talking about losing your husband, that helped me when I lost mine of 49 years last week. Stay strong, Sassy Mom. You are loved!

  52. Anonymous - God bless you. Thank you for loving me. My heart is hurting for you. I continue to pray for courage and strength. So grateful and thankful for the love and encouragement from my Jesus Calling Family.

  53. Also praying for peace and presence of Jesus.

    1. To our precious Sassy Mom, I come along side you to pray for peace and the Holy Presence of our Lord over you, your family and your precious daughter Debbi. I see the Lord holding you all tight in His healing embrace. Papa God, I bind the spirit of grief off of Sassy Mom and family in the name of Jesus. That spirit WILL NOT prosper against them! It WILL NOT hold them captive. Papa God, I Decree and Declare You WILL SHINE Your light brighter in the midst of the darkness. Show Sassy Mom and family Your love, even when they don't understand it. I ask it all in the name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.
      Sassy Mom, just Love you deeply and covering you and family with the Highest Prayers I know! On bended knee -- JJ


    2. Gathering into JJ's prayer.
      We dearly love you Sassy Mom.
      Larry and I are both up and praying.
      In Jesus' Name. Amen

  54. Dear Anonymous, My heart goes out to you. You were blessed to have your good husband for such a long time. God is so good. But now you have a hole in your broken heart that only God can fill. Take everything day by day and hold His Unchanging Hand. He will lead you step by step. The Lord knows your pain and cares deeply about you. Keeping you in my prayers and praying with you and for you, Sassy Mom and dear Debbi and Keith and dear Brie.
    Father, We need you now. Hear our pleas. and comfort, heal and encourage your people. Please answer our prayers as we trust you will make all things better. Thank You Jesus

  55. As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit,according to the tradition of men, according to the basis principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. (Colossians 2:6-10). For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Colossians 3:3-4).

  56. Janet, I thank you and Jeanne for your prayers last night and for your scripture and prayer this morning. I will rest in Him and know that all will be fine.
    Jeanne, I am praying for your twin, Janet's surgery and that every 'jot and tittle' will be removed.
    "18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matthew 5:18 KJV
    Lifting each of you and all of this JC Family, this morning, trusting that we will have a day of His blessings. My trip will be safe, my work profitable to Him. I pray this in the name above all names, Christ Jesus our Lord.

  57. Praying for your trip dear Norah & details involving your day with the Lord. 💞🙏🌈

  58. Praying your drive to your out of town work goes better than expected, Norah. How awesome that you have a personal chauffeur, your dear son, driving you! So, while it is for work, you have time with your boy. Nothing better, right?! May you get there ahead of schedule and 1:00 come quickly with you getting done all that needs to be accomplished! Safe travels to and from, Norah! God is with you!

  59. SassyMom, praying for the diagnosis given you. I wish you were near. I have been dealing with wheat sensitivity for years. So I have somewhat adopted the gluten free cooking and baking. You will find a lot of recipes for flour mixes & such on the internet & what additives, ingredients to avoid. Holding you in prayer for this new adventure in God's faithfulness. 💞🙏🌈

    1. Thank you dear sweet Jan, I wish I were closer too, so I could enjoy your good cooking. I'm very excited to learn another new way to cook. When my husband was alive I had to learn at least 3 different ways, one more won't hurt. First time we ate what we wanted, 2nd time, he was diagnosed with diabetes, third time cholesterol because of the 6 heart attacks he survived.

  60. Sassy Mom, I too stay away from gluten as I have a sensitivity to it as well. Bob's Red Mill has a gluten free baking flour and they also have a great almond flour as well. That same brand has an organic gluten free oatmeal as well. Besides making oatmeal, I also use it as a baking flour by simply grinding the raw GF oats in my vitamix. While I know it's unchartered territory for you, and new things can often cripple us in the moment, I know you will conquer and succeed with finding good things to eat that are GF! Glad they were able to figure out what was going on! Praying for you and believe you will find this easier than you think!

    1. Dear NJS, I love Bob's Red Mill Products. Thanks for the hint of grinding GF oats. I will give that a try. Yesterday I purchased 3 GF products in my town. I plan another trip to the next town. I am charting new territory but I am confident "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13. Thank you for sharing.

  61. SassyMom if you can….try to eat meats, eggs, fish, spinach, asparagus and broccoli for a week. These foods help with weight and sensitivities. (If you’re not allergic to fish or eggs.) Gradually add the carbs you like back to your diet then you’ll find out what you’re sensitive to. Rice is usually safe. We are an “over carbed” society.

    1. Anonymous, I can eat everything you mentioned. Not allergic to fish or eggs. I love rice. Yesterday was consumed with searching if the food I eat was GF. Actually pasta is the main culprit and anything with white flour. Boo Hoo, no more seasoned French fries or Calabash Chicken from Fatz unless I make my own using GF Flour. PTL, no gastro problems this morning when I woke up at 5:30 am. Thank you for your comments.

  62. Sweet Sister Norah - Echoing prayers for you and your chauffer. You are surrounded with His presence, love and guidance.

  63. Sassy Mom~ I have so many friends who are gluten free and it's amazing some of the food items that I've tried of theirs and never would have guessed it's gluten free! I've even tried the gluten free pasta. Although it doesn't stay together as well, it's not bad.

  64. Dear heavenly Father, please continue to walk with me each and every day. Jesus I trust in You! Amen.

  65. Suzanne R~ My daughter cautioned me about cooking GF pasta. Beware of over cooking. Many people who don't have celiac prefer gluten free. I probably have eaten GF and didn't know it. Thanks for the heads up!
