Saturday, June 27, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 24

     Hold My Hand--and trust. So long as you are conscious of My Presence with you, all is well. It is virtually impossible to stumble while walking in the Light with Me. I designed you to enjoy Me above all else. You find the deepest fulfillment of your heart in Me alone.
     Fearful, anxious thoughts melt away in the Light of My Presence. When you turn away from Me, you are vulnerable to the darkness that is always at work in the world. Don't be surprised by how easily you sin when you forget to cling to My hand. In the world, dependency is seen as immaturity. But in My kingdom, dependence on Me is a prime measure of maturity. 

Isaiah 41:10
English Standard Version

Fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Psalm 62:5-6
English Standard Version

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
    for my hope is from him.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Trust and Acceptance is so primary in my life as a daily mantra. The thought of :.... "Fearful, anxious thoughts melt away in the Light of My Presence." is so comforting! Thank you Jesus!

    1. Trust and acceptance. Lift us high above the physical medical issues into the land of trust and acceptance, Lord. In Jesus's name I pray. Please keep Marc and I in your prayers for healing today, dear prayer warriors. We pray for your needs as well. Thank you! ♥️

    2. You asked for them, you've got them, Audra. Our prayers for both you and Marc, are continuing until you say stop!
      Love you ♥️♥️

  2. God wants us to depend solely on Him for all things, and when we forget to look to Him for our source, our lives can become unmanageable really quick. Lord, please help me to remember to always hold your hand and walk with you through my everyday. Thank you, Jesus, for your love and your sacrifice so that I may have life.

  3. After moving in with my new husband, and his family, my life has been surrounded by chaos and negativity. God, please, help me to make time to be alone with you as before. Otherwise, it will be easy for me to fall into sin. Please, whoever is reading this, please, pray for peace. Be greatly blessed!

    1. Unknown, although your prayer was written in 2018, I pray the chaos has "melted" away, that you are blessed with love and peace.

    2. Unknown, I am reading this now one year later. I am sorry I did not see it last year. I pray that things have gotten better for you in the last year and that the Lord has blessed you abundantly with peace. Amen.

    3. Praying God shields you from the negativity and uses you as a light!

    4. Praying for your peace, Unknown as well as peace for our entire JC family and the world we live in. Amen

    5. Amen! Still an every day prayer!

    6. “Don’t be surprised how easily you sin when you forget to cling to MY hand”
      Forgive me FATHER , for letting go of YOUR hand. It only took a brief moment in time before evil swept into me & my life
      FATHER, my beloved YAWEH, I pray YOU will remove this darkness and evil surrounding my family and I . Please FATHER , through YOUR Holy name and in the name of YOUR precious son YESHUA, the most powerful, loving just FATHER &. SAVIOR in the universe please rebuke, bind and cast these demons out in JESUS CHRIST’s Holy name, through the name and authority of YAWEH AND YESHUA I cast all evil and demonic spirits out of my body, out of my dwelling out of my family’s and loved ones lives . Restore me FATHER, Leanne me of my sins, help me never to forget, help me always remember my first and primary responsibility is to worship YOU, cling to YOU, letting myself go and allowing the blesses HOLY SPIRIT guide me and spreading YOUR gospel
      In Jesus Christ name I pray 🙏 amen

  4. Dear JC Family, be blessed. Thank you for the blessings,wisdom and love I receive when you share your prayers, challenges and victories with this group. I am blessed beyond words. I have been to a REVIVAL!!!!!!!!

    1. To GOD be ALL the Glory and Honor!!
      Let the joy of the Lord continue to be your strength Sassy Mom!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen Sassy Mom!
      I feel the same way and it will never change with the passing of the years. We remain steadfast in our faith and join with our Brothers and Sisters here because we are of one accord. This is a place of renewal and refreshment that never disappoints and always leaves me satisfied.

  5. Dear JC family, please pray for my friend Kathy, who will be undergoing double knee replacement surgery tomorrow. She has done all of her due diligence to be prepared, but she is over 60 and her family has a history of heart attacks and stroke. Although it is elective surgery, it really has to happen for her to be able to walk and not be in pain. She is a believer. Please pray that it all goes well 🙏. Thank you everyone.

    1. Praying for Kathy - that she has a smooth and miraculous recovery!

    2. Jehovah Rapha is with Kathy, only trust and believe! God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. PEGBDesigns --- Joing with the JC FAMILY in prayer for your friend Kathy. May the Lord surround her with His ministering angels and give the surgeon wisdom and skill for the surgery. May her recovery be swift and successful! Interceding in Kansas

    4. PEGBDesigns, Joining you and JC Family in prayers for successful surgery your friend Kathy.

    5. May God Himself be the surgeon and healer! Agree with each prayer over Kathy.
      Colorado JC Friend

    6. Declaring the perfect healthy outcomes for Kathy's knee surgery, in Jesus's name! AMEN

    7. Praying that Kathy's recovery was complete. Can't imagine two of what hubby is dealing with right now post one knee replacement surgery. Let us hear of some great results 🤞

    8. It has been 3 years since Kathy had this surgery and it is amazing how much it has improved her life. She is thrilled what she can do with her "new knees." God is good.

    9. Thanks for the update PEBGDesigns. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings Flow!

    10. Praise God! Thanks for the update, just what we "kneeded" 😉

  6. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for a new bright, crisp, gifted, treasures filled day! I have already sensed Your Presence and feel Your strength. This morning, I did not want to get out of bed so soon, wanted to sleep a bit more, but I had to get up and get on the prayerline and then get ready for work. Thank You for strengthening me everyday.
    Holy Spirit, please take away any doubt or fear that will try to sneak its way into my mind. God has given me a Spirit of Love, peace and a sound mind, not fear. Thank You Father for ALWAYS honoring Your words. I choose to hold Your hand, knowing that You will NEVER let go my mine. I wait on You Lord, because I trust in Your plans for life. If I ever try to order my own steps without You, Father, please redirect me according to Your will.
    Thank You Lord for always being with my mother. I cover her in the blood of Jesus and trust that one day, she eill receive this gift of salvation and follow JESUS. THANK YOU LORD!

    JC Family,
    As we have come into the last week of this month, To God be the glory for all that we received within this month, seen or unseen. As you get yourself committed this week, I pray with you for the Lord to consolidate all your June blessings. Your testimony for this month will shame the doubters. People will confirm that your faith and trust in the Lord is never in vain. Psalm 81:10 will be fulfilled in your life, now and always.

    Have a great & Blessed day.

    Love, Maplewood NJ

  7. Lord I need you more than ever. My world is falling apart & my love ❤️ of my life is turning against me but you will never leave me.

    1. God bless you today Michael Burns. May the Lord provide the words and wisdom for you to work things out with the love of your life.
      Colorado JC Friend

    2. Hang in there MIchael Burns, Look toward the light--God will bless you! Dear Lord repair all that seems to be falling apart. In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

    3. Praying for His guiding light to illuminate your way more clearly, Michael Burns. I know our Savior is here and He cares.

  8. Help me Lord to always look to You for guidance and strength. Keep my mind stayed on You so I will do Your will and not my own. Be with and answer each person here today that has asked for prayer and grant them with what is asked of You. Lord we ask for salvation for Anonymous Mom, Healing after surgery for Kathy and for the love of Michael Burns life to return the love back that he has for her, plus all the other request that may come after I am off here. Better yet, give me the time each evening to check back on here to make sure I am able to pray specifically for each request. We know Lord that sometimes it is not to be, if that is the case give us each the strength to carry on living for You and showing Jesus to others through us. Watch over and protect us this day, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen❣

    1. Pamela K--- I join with you for praying specifically for each request. The Lord's hand upon each for a miracle. Amen Loving this JC FAMILY in Kansas

    2. Need flash: You know, JJ, all the years I have been blessed by your prayers. Today it dawned on me that you send them from KANSAS, the heart of our country. Of course! Your intercessory prayers are a gift that keeps on giving
      Love you! ♥️🙏

  9. Thank you Jesus for this day, thank you for always being near me and holding me close Realizing now that you have always been here for me holding my hand. I am thankful for your merciful unconditional love. When I remember you are my first love , I give up so many of this worlds fears. Fear of rejection, abandonment, loneliness , guilt to name a few. May I always embrace your presence and be a light to others. When all seems hopeless let me lean closer to You.
    Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things Colossians 3:2

  10. Praying for each and every prayer request - old and new. I thought the same thing when I read, "Unknown's" prayer request, Sassy Mom. Lifting all of you, my JC Family in prayer - for your specifics. Asking for yours as I head to bed early. Got some respiratory bug over the weekend and trying to shake it. Praying for my sons - they are the best of friends, but they need to put away hurt feelings and celebrate their friendship.
    Also praying for my case that I've been living and praying for since Feb. It has gotten worse and I just have to give it to God. Nothing more I can do.
    Getting a head start on tomorrow by reading 6/25 devotion. Praying I wake up refreshed and ready to go - to meet the day and all of its challenges. The whipped cream topping is picking up 2 of my gbabies and taking them to dinner with my husband. THAT will perk us up! Love to all of you.

  11. My traveling Mercy brother called to say thanks for your continued prayers. Today, he drove from Virginia to Tennessee and he is spending Tuesday night in Tennessee and will continue his drive to Louisiana on Wednesday AM. So far so good. Thanks for your prayers, JC family. Love you

    1. Thank you Lord for the safe drive of Brilamar's brother. We keep him in our prayers. He is covered by the precious blood of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please Lord keep watching over him, keep him safe in your presence and direct his path.

      Blessings from France ����

    2. Brilamar - so happy your brother's trip is going well. Our prayers will continue for his safe journey. KS

    3. Thanks for the update, Brilamar! So happy to hear your brother's trip is going well and he is doing fine. Praying for God's protection and guidance to carry him through to his new home in Tennessee. May he see God's faithfulness in every facet of new life. Amen.

  12. Dear Father, As I am faced w another choice...please help me to do as u commanded "Wait expectedly in my Prescence,ready to receive My Peace in full measure".

    1. Dear Unknown, I am Praying for God's light to illuminate all through your situation until you see Him more clearly. Until then, may you wait on the Lord and be of good courage. He will strengthen you. Amen

    2. Unknown - joining in prayers for whatever choice you make. The Lord will guide you in making the right one. KS

    3. Unknown, Praying that God will guide you to the right decision according to His great plan. Remain in his grace and Presence and His light will surely guide you in the right direction. Peace be with you.
      Amen Brilamar. Wait on the Lord and be of good courage. We're all doing that right now as we trust in His faithfulness.

    4. Continued prayers for you, Unknown. God will show you what to do.

  13. Welcome Holy Spirit
    Welcome Holy Spirit, be here with Your presence
    Fill me with Your power, Live inside of me
    You're the living water, Never-drying fountain
    Comforter and Counsellor, take complete control.

  14. Isaiah 41:10
    Fear not, for I AM WITH YOU; be not dismayed, for I am your God;
    I will strengthen you, I WILL HELP YOU, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

    Thank You Lord for your presence, love,guidance and protection as I play secretary today for one who is on vacation. Praying my Jesus Light will shine bright and I will be a blessing to those whose path I cross. Love and prayers to JC Warriors.

    1. Wow Sassy Mom - you do it all! Bless you today as a secretary. I pray you will carry your light and uplifting spirit to everyone you encounter. KS

    2. Prayers prayed for you Sassy Mom. Enjoy shining His light.

    3. May God strengthen you, Sassy Mom, and continue to heal your toe as you carry out your secretarial duties. Not an easy task. I was a legal secretary for 30 years and you indeed need strength and guidance. God is right there by your side. I have no doubt the light of Christ in you will be a blessing to all you encounter. Much love and prayers.

  15. "I designed you to enjoy Me above all else."
    First thoughts: My worthiness is not a requirement to enter in because You have enough Worthiness for both of us! You are with me? You actually enjoy being with me and enjoy having me with You? I am not a burden nor a pain in the rear? Outside messages differ so greatly, I have trouble hearing You, but I want to hear You and enjoy You above all else. I'm not sure I know how to. I love Your message! I so want it to be really true that it is possible for us to have mutual enjoyment of each other. O Lord, please shine Your Light, illuminate and clarify my enjoyment difficulties for me in Jesus' name. This I pray for myself and entire JC family. Amen.

    1. That is beautiful thank you Brilamar ! God bless you !

      Blessings from France ♡

    2. Relationship with God is not a one way street where we barrel ahead seeking and asking. He meets us wherever we are without collision, only mercy and grace. Thank you Father, Jesus take the wheel 🙌

    3. To Audra, take note of what you wrote above to yourself today 😉

    4. I continue to develop my relationship to God with full intention. It takes time and discipline. The results are great, more love, more peace, more power.
      If you have trouble making time to build your relationship to Him, might I recommend a read that has helped me immensely?
      The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer.
      If you prefer Norah found this great YouTube of a talk by him about the theme of his book. I'll send the link shortly


  16. Continued prayers for your brother's safe travels, Brilamar. Picturing you two greeting each other and the laughter and ease you will feel in your heart when he arrives!
    Picturing YOU, Sassy Mom, as the bright light that greets all who cross your path. All I can think about these days is Retirement, which is another year 1/2 away after my birthday in August. And, you are getting out there and 'filling in,' for someone on vacation. I just simply LOVED reading that!
    Thank you for your prayers yesterday for my Dear Hub. Nothing has changed, yet we have to go back again in 4 months. We kept thinking he'd 'graduate,' to 6 month visits, then a year, etc. We always leave blessed with the fact that 'nothing has changed; there is still a small amount of the M cells (Myloma), but they aren't growing or doing anything." That one little statement can grow to the point that I'm consumed with 'what ifs,' and we all know where those get us!
    I made the mistake of checking my work phone last night - 16 voicemails await me this morning. Thanking God that I am fully equipped; that He is holding my hand and that I can take a deep breath and do what I do.
    Bob - I loved your examples yesterday regarding the training and practice that goes into our spiritual walk. I will read them again.
    Praying for each of you (picturing your organized closet, Jeanne!!) and thrusting all of our cares on Him. Thank you for your prayers and that my Hub and I can shout, 'VICTORY!' rather than borrow trouble. TODAY is the day that the Lord has made. We WILL rejoice and be glad in it!

    1. Our Dear Norah, Hope you can hum His Victory Song all day today:
      Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever
      He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood
      He loved me 'ere I knew Him and all my love is due Him
      He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood
      I heard about His healing, of His cleansing power revealing
      How He made the lame to walk again and 'caused the blind to see
      And then I cried, "Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit"
      And somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory!

    2. Norah, Thanking God that your husband's next check up will show no M cells. And retirement will be here before you know it. I'll be rejoicing and being glad in this new day along with you and my JC Family. Trusting that God is equipping you with all you need to handle anything that comes your way.
      Phil 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Much love to all!

    3. Brilamar and Jeanne - God Bless you!! I'm singing as I cook dinner "Oh, VIC-TOR-Y in JE-SUS, my Savior forever...." one of our all time favs in our Family Fellowship. My kids grew up on this song - my oldest playing the curtain rod (you know, the skinny, white ones, that bend at the edge?). He grew up to play a bass, an acoustic, the piano...none of which his Dad and I can play!
      Jeanne, you elevated me to a higher level...I was looking at 6 months - you are praying, "GONE!" Thank you, dear sister in Christ. I have 4 months to get to your level of believing!

    4. With God, all things are possible. Dear Norah, God will heal your good Hubby in His own good timing but in the meantime we can always reach in faith to the moon and the stars because our human understanding may have limits but God's power does not. Much love.

  17. Go Norah! Claim your Victory! You and Jesus have this. I am an August bday girl as well. August 25. Thanks for the prayers. Love you

    1. OH, HOW FUN!!! I'm August 23rd!! We'll celebrate on Jesus Calling! Love you, Briamar!!

  18. Thank you jesus for all You do in our lives and in this world. We are nothing without You. Bless You Lord and your holy land Israel. Please be with all Your children. Give us Your peace and love Lord always. Praise the Lord continously. You are my everything Lord. I love You Lord. Amen.

  19. (II Timothy 2:2) Paul encourages young Timothy to take what he (Paul) taught him and to entrust (Paul seems to love this verb in referring to the gospel message) it to faithful people who can teach it to others.

    What caught my attention this AM was Paul's admonition to entrust it to faithful people. How does one know who the faithful people are? In my own experience in pastoring a church, sometimes you have people who are faithful in little things so you entrust them with greater things. Jesus taught this principle in His life here on earth. But there are also people who will be faithful and have yet to show it. Further, there can be people who sometimes show just the opposite but enter the Holy Spirit's influence and they become those faithful people (Paul is a prime example). For me, this is where prayer for people is an essential part of the process. As I pray for people, I open my heart wider to them for the Spirit to lead me in impacting their lives for the purpose He has planned for them. We must pray for any and all with whom we are given to associate (family, friends, co-workers, young people, etc.) so the Holy Spirit is free to use us in any way the Spirit should choose to fulfill God's will. Upon praying for them, then I am ready to love them as God loves them which then becomes the main ingredient of the testimony to God.

    You all make your impact on me with your love in this blog, may you do the same with all you come in contact with this day. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you, Bob for sharing. I read your comments several times and I appreciate you. Blessings to All

    2. Bob. Thank you. I will try to open my heart wider as I pray so the Spirit can do its work in me and then I in turn can do God's will as He leads me. Let me love all those I encounter with the same perfect and unconditional love I receive. Amen!

    3. This "snagged" me as well, Bob: What caught my attention this AM was Paul's admonition to entrust it to faithful people. Pondering whether my behavior would allow Paul and/or Timothy to consider me?
      Thanks again for all you share. You are appreciated along with our entire JC Family. May God be glorified and joyfully thanked for His persistent love that is enduring forever. Amen

    4. My personal opinion is that Paul and Timothy would have definitely entrusted the faith to you, Brilamar. I think so because our Lord already has and God is clearly evident in the loving posts you make. God be with you!

    5. Merci Bob!

      I have to admit I often feel like I'm not impacting people's life because I'm an introvert and shy person. I pray a lot about this and also for my family/friends etc.. but it's not always easy as they are not born again yet.

      I'm always struggling to share my faith in a secular society where talking about God feels taboo. I feel like I always fail to share Jesus to other and that God must be disappointed..

      I know Jesus has broken my chains but it's still hard for me to talk about Him to people even though I would love to.

      Blessings from France ♡

    6. Mon ami de France, you are a unique person created by God to be like no one else. If God made you shy, God had a reason; celebrate your shyness as a gift of God and in your prayers give thanks to God for making you shy. If God wants to make some adjustments, your spirit of thanksgiving enables God to do so. Concerning being an introvert, a person told me the true understanding of an introvert is someone who derives energy from within them self, that they do not need to be surrounded by others to have energy. I test out as being quite an introvert even though I excel at mixing with other people. I enjoy other people but can be perfectly content by myself. An extrovert needs to be with others to enjoy life. Now, decide again if you should call yourself an introvert.

      Concerning your witness: first and foremost, you must be a loving person (I think you are). A loving person speaks volumes about God without saying a word. As has been attributed to St Francis, "Preach the gospel always, if necessary, use words." Second of all, you must first be praying for anyone with whom you feel called to share faith. In so doing, you are making yourself available for the Holy Spirit to move as the Spirit leads. The Spirit is sovereign and will work when the Spirit will. Why the Spirit waits sometimes, is a question I cannot answer. I have found when the Spirit wants to move, the words come naturally and freely. I also have found when the Spirit has chosen not to move in a particular moment, my words are forced and awkward. A good posture to take is that of Mary, "I am the Lord's servant, let it be to me as you have spoken." In other words, she totally opened herself up to the Spirit so the Spirit could move freely through her. That is what you want to be and keep praying for others while you wait for the Spirit to move with words that follow the love you have shown.

      One last things I would suggest, do not measure yourself by some standard of a perfect witness that either you or someone else has created. To do so only causes you to be down on yourself which will have a negative impact on the witness you have been led to make. Fall in love with God, learn to love all of God's children, and let the witness occur from there.

      Soyez vous-même car vous avez été merveilleusement créé exactement comme vous êtes pour la gloire de Dieu. (Be yourself for you have been wonderfully created just the way you are for God's glory.) Avec amour, Bob

    7. Just be who you are, Anonymous Blessings From France. When you are who you are, then you're not who you're not. God made you and loves you just the way you are. Genesis 1: 31 Then God looked over ALL that He had made, and it was excellent in EVERY WAY!
      Introvert can be viewed as a good thing.

    8. Thank you so much for your kind words Bob and Brilamar

      Yes that is true that as an introvert I need to be quiet a lot to have energy. I like being surrounded by people but it easily drains my energy.

      Even though I pray for the Holy Spirit to make me available, I struggle to share and as you said my words won't come out easily but awkward

      You're right about not comparing ourself to others witnesses. I think it's what I end up doing a lot.

      I just need to act with love and always keep in mind to shine God's light as He is with me.

      Thank you for your French words it always makes me smile!

      Have a blessed day, que Dieu vous bénisse!

      Blessings from France

    9. Dear Blessings from France, When I read your posts they are an affirmation of your faith and trust in God. I see a righteous good woman and I love your humility. We are all imperfect and flawed. Shyness is actually very close to humility. God made you exactly as He wanted you to be and loves you as you are. And I do too.

    10. Our Anonymous Blessings From France, a while back, our lesson was putting racehorse blinders on, so we wouldn't look at what anyone on the right or left was doing but instead, look straight ahead at what God wants us to do. Most of the posts that day showed a considerable amount of struggle with blinders! Anyway sometimes showing your faith in God is better than telling because our actions really do speak louder and more believably than our words ever could. For me, Edgar Guest says it best:
      Sermons We See
      I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day;
      I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.
      The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear,
      Fine counsel is confusing, but example's always clear;
      And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds,
      For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.

      I soon can learn to do it if you'll let me see it done;
      I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run.
      And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true,
      But I'd rather get my lessons by observing what you do;
      For I might misunderstand you and the high advise you give,
      But there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.

      When I see a deed of kindness, I am eager to be kind.
      When a weaker brother stumbles and a strong man stays behind
      Just to see if he can help him, then the wish grows strong in me
      To become as big and thoughtful as I know that friend to be.
      And all travelers can witness that the best of guides today
      Is not the one who tells them, but the one who shows the way.

      One good man teaches many, men believe what they behold;
      One deed of kindness noticed is worth forty that are told.
      Who stands with men of honor learns to hold his honor dear,
      For right living speaks a language which to every one is clear.
      Though an able speaker charms me with his eloquence, I say,
      I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one, any day.
      May God be glorified and joyfully thanked for His persistent love that is enduring forever, loving us just the way we are. Amen

    11. This year your poetic share made me smile. I sent it out in prayer to many leaders I know of.

    12. Really beautiful poem by Edgar Guest, Brie! Thank you for sharing it and giving us so much to ponder.

    13. Our Dear BFF and JC Family,
      Reading this again this year reminded me that God judges persons differently than humans do. God looks into the heart.
      On our many summer visits to the Atlantic Ocean, we enjoyed its inviting coolness, spectacular colors and endless horizons.
      On the other hand, photos of Antarctica showed freezing waters, colorless views, and endless ice.
      These contrasting scenes also exist in God's People. Some believers perform His Work free of fanfare. Rarely discussing their faith, the fruit they produce is their testimony. In their quietness they may seem intimidating or unapproachable. Others are very vocal about Jesus. They look for opportunities to bring Him up in conversation, and quote His Words, and testify to His Goodness. In their vocalness, they may seem intimidating or unapproachable. Both have gifts to share. God reads and knows each human's heart and He made and He needs both types of sincere-of-heart believers in His World today. Both are essential members of God's earth community, just like the Sea turtles who thrive in the Atlantic, and the Penquins who thrive in Antarctica.
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You help me thank You for ALL members of Your Family whether they are introverted, extroverted, subtle, or outspoken?
      Instead of using the wide road to sit in the judgement seat complaining, criticizing, and/or condemning others, would You help me find the narrow road that leads into the breach, where I fast and pray for them instead?
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  20. Dear God thank you for everything.

  21. Geez, Bob - you are going to teach me French, yet! Do you know how many times I google your messages?? I LOVE IT! And, thank you for sometimes interpreting for me. Your message is strong, as always, and as Brilamar said, 'snagged' me....again.

  22. Amen and AMEN!! I can't wait to hear about your day today, Sassy Mom. I am signing out. ALL voicemails returned, all emails responded to...I am EXHAUSTIPATED, as my fun sister says, (a word she made up after talking to customers all day!). She even got me a weird-angled coffee mug with that word CAPITALIZED across the front. Maybe, I'll find it, if I clean out my cabinets, Jeanne!
    God Bless all of you. I'm picturing you, Brilamar, hugging your brother's neck and kissing his face, as he enters your home tonight - the travel-weary guy who made it! Can't wait to hear.
    Love to all! 'Nite.

  23. Norah - My day was blessed! I didn't get fired! LOL. Seriously, I had a very good conversation with a patient who came to purchase supplements. She shared about the recent loss of her mother who had Alzheimer's. I had the opportunity to tell her I had also lost a loved one to Alzheimer's and last week was the 5th anniversary of his death, and how difficult Father's Day is for my children because we buried him on Saturday before Father's Day on Sunday. We comforted each other, rejoicing because our loved ones are in the presence of Jesus.

    1. You sure know how to make me smile, Norah and Sassy Mom. I very often feel exhaustipated too. And Norah, I have yet to clean the other 3 closets and my food pantry, but I just keep walking past that sign that says Separate the Wheat from the Chaff. Sassy Mom, Sounds like you comforted your patient's heart in her time of sorrow and you were comforted in the process. God's plan for sure. The fact that you will see loved ones again is the most important reason to rejoice.

  24. Norah - I love your new word EXHAUSTIPATED.

    1. I'm so proud of you Sassy Mom!! Though, I have to say, I didn't think for a minute you'd get fired! HA HA HA!!! So glad you were able to shine your light and comfort a patient. Isn't that the best? And, doesn't the word EXHAUSTIPATED just say it all? LOL!!! Leave it to my sister!
      Heading to bed - just had to get on to get one more update. Brilamar - is your brother getting close?
      'Nite All - I'll check in tomorrow morning. Continued prayers.

    2. Haven't heard from him yet tonight. I'm sure all is well in God's hands. I'll post something as soon as I hear. Love You Norah. Nite nite, sleep tite!

    3. Hoping and praying you will hear from your dear brother very soon, Brilamar. Rest in Him who cares for you.

  25. Going to sleep now dear Maplewood. My heart goes out to you, your Mom, your Cousins and your family. May your loved ones rest in perfect peace until you meet again. May God shower you all with comfort and love, and soothe your broken hearts as only He can.

  26. Checking in with you, our dear Waiting Kathy,
    Still praying for a blessed ending to this long leg of our moving journeys. Hope things are getting better for you, Mom, and the Movers.
    Stay in His Blessings, my friend.

    1. Lord, help us to overcome our doubts, fears and weaknesses. When it feels like everything is working against us, help us to feel your presence and peace. Help us Hold onto your Hand, in total and complete trust, as little children do with their parents when they have to cross a very wide and very busy street, like The Champs-Élysées. The little child doesn't have to look at the traffic nor worry about the lights, nor the safe passage route the parent is taking to the other side. All the little child has to do is hold onto their parent's hand and walk in trust that everything else will be taken care of and they will safely get to the other side. The Secret Service to the safe passage? Just Hold Hands, and trust! Help me hold and trust YOU just like that little child holds onto the hand and trusts his/her parent in situations. I want to. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen! Put your hand in the hand!

    3. Same thoughts. Different Year.
      How does one hold on to an Unseen Hand?

    4. Be it left or right, I believe we can intentionally feel it.

  27. Hold My Hand--and trust.
    I have to.
    I had hopes that my lab test results could have been more perfect, but I will persist in healing after I meet with the physician who ordered them and The Great Physician. I am thankful for the Victory of the Radiologist staying in his office, after he saw the results! That is a win in my book, and an indicator that I will get to mark B-9 on my Bingo Card next week! Thanks for all of your prayers! Love You Family.

    1. Praying for that winning bingo card for you Brie. Calling B 9!

    2. Praying for that beautiful B-9 on your card dear Sister. Be anxious for nothing. Trust His promises and the power of prayer. Thank you Father for this in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

  28. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? (Luke 12:25). Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. (Proverbs 12:25). Turn your worries over to the LORD. He will keep you going. He will never let godly people be shaken. (Psalm 55:22). Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7).

    Heavenly Father, You are the most gracious, merciful, and loving God. There is no one above You or like You. You give continuously with both hands and a cheerful heart to all Your children. All You ask of us is to believe, have faith, and love You. Forgive me for the times that I make You grieve over my actions, thoughts, or words. I am so sorry Lord. Help me to learn to give EVERYTHING to You -- ALWAYS. Let me not take things on myself in any way, shape, or form. Thank You for being the best Father ever. I love and adore You. I bless, praise, and rejoice over You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Yes, the LORD is for me; He will help me. I will look in triumph at those who hate me. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people. (Psalm 118:7-8). Those who know the LORD trust Him, because He will not leave those who come to Him. (Psalm 9:10).

  29. my eight year old daughter is not a confident reader and would rather make fun than read when it is her turn. Of late she has been drawing pictures of people kissing and its disrupts the whole class. I need wisdom to guide her and redirect this energy in a postive way. Pray with me for God's guidance .

    1. My prayer to you dear Min is to trust the Lord for his timing in allowing you to know about the real issue at hand: Your daughter is actually deflecting her insecurities of reading. My suggestion for you is to look into some phonics readers, and practice with her. Explain to her the importance of reading, try not to get to angry with her behavior, but explain why she can't be disruptive like that. As mother's, we all can relate to some humbling times in life that our kid's have done. Mine always seemed to act up in in church, and when my son was almost 7, he pulled the fire alarm just because he wanted to see what would happen.The fire trucks were there in a few minutes.
      I also would like to note that my two youngest sons were 2 years and seven months apart, but were homeschooling in the spelling and language arts together because he picked it up more slowly. He is now 21, and exceptionally bright. You have been included in my prayers since you've started with this blog,and may you continue to have God's blessings in life for you and yours for trust and guidance.

    2. I really appreciate that Butterfly love .... will do that right away. If you know any great ready sites please send me on

    3. In addition to ButterflyLove's great suggestions, Has your daughter been tested to rule out dyslexia or Attention Deficit Disorder? The class clown playoff is a common way for children to hide their struggle. It also serves to deflect the disappointment that not measuring up brings, and it gets them attention. I will keep your daughter, you, and the best diagnosis and solution for both of you in my prayers.

    4. Joining prayers for your young daughter that God will give her a true love of reading and of learning that will overide the need to draw those pictures to gain attention.
      Very good advice, ButterflyLove and Brie. There is a reason why she is drawing those pictures. May God change her heart and may His Spirit give you the right words to share with her, gently.

    5. Hugs and hugs ladies for sharing and the prayers , I am so grateful ....thanking God for what He is already doing !!!

  30. Thank You Father, for Your grace that is sufficient for me. Please take over my day as I hold onto Your unchanging hands. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    “You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. 4 For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether. 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; He personally designed our hair, face, bones, organs, skills, limitations, family, social standing, musical, academic or athletic abilities” (Psalm 139:3-4, 23).

    “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them” Psalm 139:13-16 (NKJV).

    “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28).

    “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. You and your family are going through a difficult time of loss and sorrow and you are gripping His Hand tight as you go forward. Amen! Do not be afraid. He is with you even until the end of time. Praying for you dear sister with our Family hear. God knows exactly what all of you are going through. And He cares deeply.

  31. "Fearful, anxious thoughts melt away in the Light of My Presence. When you turn away from Me, you are vulnerable to the darkness that is always at work in the world...." Thank you precious Jesus. Thank you for being with me every step of the way. Help me to continue to see my dependence on you is a sign of spiritual maturity. Amen.

  32. Comfort food for breakfast, thank you Maplewood.

  33. JC Warriors, my friend's sister Vicki is in ICU. She has a blockage in her intestines, sepsis, and other issues. It doesn't look good. I'm asking for prayers. Please Father, heal her with Your loving hands and make her whole again. You are the healer and miracle worker. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank you all for your prayers.

    1. I am praying for Vicki now, Janet. Praying in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Janet - Echoing prayers for your friends sister Vicki, to Jehovah Rapha, the great physician who heals. Comforting prayers for your friend.

    3. Joining the healing prayer train, Janet. Praying for a miraculous recovery for Vicki. God can do ALL things! Amen.

    4. Joining prayers for your dear friend Vicki! Things are not always what they appear because God is so mighty to save. He can turn things around completely. I believe in His power and miracles. We are all praying together.
      Father I know you hear our prayers for Vicki. Heal her intestines and open up the blockage and cleanse her whole system of toxins and amaze the doctors with her recovery. Let them see Your glory in her improvement. We thank You for this in the Powerful Name of Christ Jesus.

    5. Thanking the Lord for healing Vicki's heath issues. Trusting all will be ok.

    6. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. I very much appreciate them and will pass them on to her sister. God bless.

  34. Praying for all of these posts and our lives' dealings! Kids, sisters, brothers, jobs, homes, family dynamics...the beat goes on. I am heading to bed, but with many on my heart - my first being my Best Man. This morning, we prayed with our 2nd son who came over for coffee. He's been at a virtual conference in CA for the last 3 days and his hours seem endless. Tonight he just stopped over to say, "I MADE IT!" Exhaustipated, but blessed. :) When we prayed for my Dear Hub this morning, God led me to put my hands on his legs. He said he felt it and is doing better. We prayed that we would LISTEN as we waited and lo & behold, we went on Amazon and bought him some compression braces. It has been a day - full of prayer requests from both constituents and family members. Please pray for Will, who is in the hospital with 3 blockages. He is in his 80's, a stellar man and has a wife who is a ROCK! Let me follow THAT example, Lord. Love to all of you. Janet, Vicki is in my prayers as I head to the bed. Blessings to all of you, sisters and brothers. Love and Blessings abound!

  35. Praying for your DH and for Will. May God heal your dear husband and open Will's blockages. Praying with you and for you. Get some rest now.

  36. I must share something wonderful. First, thank you for your prayers for traveling safety. We arrived in NY safe and sound, and waited a half hour for the shuttle to get our car along with another couple. Very nice people from NJ. Anyway when we all got back to the office where we pay before picking up the car, the driver took our luggage out and the couple took theirs back to their car before paying. I'm standing outside the office saying Thank You Jesus! I felt so very taken care of and happy to finally be on my way home. And then I look at our luggage and see my bag is missing and in its place is a bag with a belt on it. I ran to the man who was in the van with us and said. I have a bag that does not belong to me and I'm missing my bag. Sure enough. He took mine by accident and the driver gave us his. Well Halleluia! It was Jesus who made me look closely at them before we put them in our trunk. One more act of His faithfulness. I told my good husband Rick that I knew it was Jesus who made me look carefully. I was exhausted and it was very dark in the lot where I was waiting. God is just so good. We are well taken care of.

    1. I'm so glad you had such a nice time. You deserve it. Family is very important. Our Father is so good -- Always! God bless!

  37. Nice story, great outcome. You're leaving the heat behind here, keep CA in your prayers, it's a mess 😉

    1. Gives new meaning to an old song. I left my Heat in San Francisco...

  38. God tells us to hold His Hand and trust. We have a lot to accomplish today so I will do just that. I’ll hand Him the reins and let Him lead me. All will go well in His presence. Dear Family, May you also see God’s faithfulness today. May He turn your tears into dancing and answer your prayers. Thank You Jesus.
    Terri, How is Hunter? Please let us know.
    Praying she is feeling much better.
    Please pray for my friend, Mehrvash who lost her Mom this year to Covid and lost her dear pet parrot today. She is so very upset and broken hearted.
    Father God, Thank You for filling the hole in her heart with Your Love and comfort, and strengthening her faith, and guiding her to all peace and joy in believing, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  39. Hold My Hand--and trust. So long as you are conscious of My Presence with you, all is well.
    It Is Well With My Soul:

    1. Love that song brother Peter! Thanks for encouraging my weary heart! God bless your day.

    2. Love the song AND the story behind the song! Thanks Peter

  40. Heavenly Father, thank You Jesus. As I walk along, let me be tethered tightly to You, holding Your hand and keeping my gaze upon Your beautiful face and thanking You constantly as I sing songs to You in my heart of praise and worship. I will cling to You, my God of salvation, as You keep me in Your loving, everlasting arms. Reveal to me all the joys and pleasures of Your heart and let me share them with You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen! Hold on tight to His Unchanging Hand and continue to trust in His Way. He already knows all the desires of your beautiful heart. Much love.

  41. Lord, I want to hold Your Hand and trust. How does one hold on to an Unseen Hand?

    1. My dear Mom closes her hand tight when she walks because she’s holding His Hand. Keep acknowledging His presence inside and around you as His Spirit works within you. Just by whispering His Name you are holding His Hand. Walk with Him today as if you were holding it. He never leaves us. Love you Sis!

    2. Thanks our dear Jeanne, for sharing your Mom's TESTament. I shall try it today while whispering His Name.

  42. Great question Brie! Let us know what God says.
    Actually, your question made me think of the many deployments I was on in my decades of military service. The one thing that kept us going, motivated and comforted, was that even though we were often thousands of miles from home, there was somebody back there who cared about us, supported us and loved us. We couldn’t physically be with them, or hold their hand, but the thought of their love and support made the unbearable days more bearable and the rough days a little smoother, knowing that they were there, and soon, as we counted down each day, each watch, and every setting sunset, we would be home again in their arms, holding their hand.

    Be still, be not afraid, be strong and Courageous and wait for the Lord, casting your burdens upon Him and He will sustain you, strengthen and support you, upholding you in His righteous right hand.
    Peace 🙏

    1. Thanks for sharing your TESTimony, Rich C. It really helped me very much.
      It also reminded me of my first day being dropped off at Kindergarten. Alone and afraid, just knowing someone would be there to pick me up at the end of the day, got me through the day.
      Love you my dear brother friend in Christ.
      Thank you for your service!

    2. That was just beautiful Rich! You could feel the assurance of His love and also that of all your dear ones! What a strength of faith you have proved and maintain! Wonderful testimony to His faithfulness and protection. Amen

  43. Dear Brie. Funny you should mention the first day of Kindergarten! It was indeed a scary time. My twin sister was so outgoing but I was shy as can be.
    When we walk out on a limb He is the Everlasting Arms that hold us. We are well taken care of. Hallelujah

    1. Both are essential members of God's earth community, just like the Sea turtles who thrive in the Atlantic, and the Penquins who thrive in Antarctica.
      HINT: my reply at 7:48 am today, posted far below BOB's 7:02 AM post - Bob Malsack June 24, 2020 at 7:02 AM.

  44. I'm thinking diversity is a beautiful expression of our Creator's creativity. Let us see it through HIS eyes and be blessed.

    1. 🙏 to free myself from satan's snare where outward differences make the difference.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm all over this prayer with you right now Brie. The devil knows my vulnerabilities in controversial conversations. Keep my wisdom from you Lord in the forefront or keep my mouth shut. The only approval I seek is in you Lord.

    4. Yes Lord, Keep Your Arm around our shoulder with Your Hand over our mouth. Left or Right doesn't matter!

    5. Amen! I can’t get through a single day without Him by my side and His discerning Spirit within me. He has stopped me from saying quite a few things I would have regretted saying, like when I was young and not being led by the Spirit. Let us realize we are all God’s workmanship and equally blessed and equally flawed. Let us see others through God’s Eyes of unconditional Love.

  45. Amen. Thank you Lord for holding my hand… I am comforted throughout my day knowing my hand is in yours.

    1. Amen to that dear Princevalley! Me too! Thankful we don’t walk alone.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Dear warriors, an update on hubby. The neurologist showed us the image of hubby's arteries leading to the brain. Two arteries are "kinked", hence the TIA. To insert stents in these are very scary, it could do more damage. Sooo, once again we are reminded that when impossible things become unscalable roadblocks in our journey we surrender them to the One Who can scale the heights! May the Lord use this for His glory & good purpose. He can unkinked those arteries anytime He chooses. Meanwhile we are maneuvering through this major change in our lives as best we can. With God's help. I need more help in the adjustment than hubby. So prayers are sorely needed dear warriors. Much love to each of you 💕

    1. Sweet Jan --- You have my prayers for hubby and youself. The Lord has a plan and it is a good plan! He is your Deliverer and there is healing in His hands. I Declare: He is holding your hubby's heart and vessels in His heart as well as holding you, Jan. I ask My Papa God for a MIRACULOUS move on your Hubby's situaion. I ask, Papa God, that You would do that which ONLY You can do! Thank You for Your healing balm. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over you, I Pray and Believe in Jesus's name, The King of Kings. He makes a way when there doesn't seem to be a way. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Continuing to pray for your dear hubby and for you dear Jan. Put it all in the Hands of the best Physician. He already knows how to unkink those arteries. Praying for His faithfulness, His amazing healing of your DH and for peace of mind and comfort. Thank You Jesus.

      Psalm 100:5
      For the LORD is good;
      his steadfast love endures forever,
      and his faithfulness to all generations.

      Psalm 107:20
      He sent out his word and healed them,
      and delivered them from their destruction.

      Psalm 120:1
      In my distress I called to the LORD,
      and he answered me.

      Psalm 145:9-10
      The LORD is good to all,
      and his mercy is over all that he has made.
      All your works shall give thanks to you, O LORD,
      and all your saints shall bless you!

    3. Joining in prayers with you all for Jan and her husband. May our heavenly Father touch him with His healing hands and make straight what needs to be straightened and let His mighty power and glory shine through this momentary affliction in their lives. Please impart Your perfect peace to both of them as they wait on You Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless and peace be with you!

    4. Yes praying with all for Jan and Hubby, for Hubby's healing and God's Peace to rest on them both.

    5. Praying for Jan along with all the other J,'s on J-Bird St - TJ, JJ, Jeanne, Janet, and all of our JC family of prayer warriors.
      He makes a way out of no way. Yes, He Can and Yes, He will. Let us know when He Did. Love you.

    6. Praying for you and your husband as you navigate this situation but knowing that God is in control.
      SC Anonymous

    7. Joining this team of intense praying Warriors for Jan and her hub! Our God is technically our personal GPS, right? He's our guide and our Waymaker!...IF we need rerouting due to a detour or kink, He finds another way, right?! That being said, Jan's hubby needs rerouting of his 2 kinked arteries, Lord. I know and all of my JC fam knows You, our Jehovah Rapha can do this! Thank you, Lord, for recalculating and rerouting Jan's husband's arteries! Also, Father, let Jan feel your calming presence feeling your loving arms wrapped around her/them. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    8. I am praying for your husband Jan. Thank you Jesus for looking after this!

    9. I join in prayer knowing Our Creator designed our bodies to handle stress. In His name, declaring things will be straightened out for hubby of Jan ♥️🙏

  48. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5). I will lift up my eyes to the hills--from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2).

    1. Amen! Look up from where our true Help cometh. .

  49. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. I need You every moment of every day Lord! Let Your presence be at the forefront of my heart and mind at all times. Let praises of You continually be in my mouth. Please grant me the courage and boldness that I need to be a fruitful witness for You and help me to glorify You in the world. Let others know You through me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Joining into your perfect prayer, dear Janet. Amen

  50. So I’ve been a drug addicted since I was 14. Starting with small drugs and eventually ending up doing a whole lot of hard drugs. Basically anything I can get my hands on. So I’ve tried everything from rehab to homeless shelters to get clean and stay clean. I get fearful and anxious but didn’t God say he gave us a spirit of life not fear. Idk I just know I’m gonna have to put all of my trust in him or I’ll never beat addiction

    1. "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13).

      "He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him." (Psalm 91:15)

      "I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles."(Psalms 34:4-8)

    2. 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    3. My suggestion would be to find a faith based treatment center to go to. Teen Challenge is a wonderful one in the area I live in. They have a great success rate. God needs to be at the forefront of your treatment. The first step however is to truly want to get sober. Good luck to you anonymous and God bless!


    4. Thanks for sharing Anonymous. Have you tried Narcotics Anonymous' 12 step program?
      I'm asking because With God, ALL things are possible, and many JC Warriors are being cleansed through working this 12 step program.
      Only With God, can you do this. Do not let satan tell you otherwise. I will keep your sobriety walk with God in my prayers. One Day At A Time.
      Would you let us know each day you are clean, so we can thank God for that day. You are in a room full of prayer warriors, who care about you and will pray for you unceasingly, without judgement, in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    5. Dear anonymous, there is a wonderful Christian treatment center "Providence Men's Recovery" and "Providence Women's Recovery". If you need shelter, they have it, if you need food, they have it.The treatment center is privately owned. Don't worry about the cost (inexpensive), and they will work something out. Their objective is not money - it's about healing and recovery and God. They use the 12 step program along with Bible studies, and recovery classes. They do all these things to glorify God. I will pray for you - that you take that critical first step to start living the life God intends for you.

    6. Dear Anonymous, Joining in all prayers for the end of your drug addiction and the beginning of a new life in the Lord. In Him all things are possible. He is holding your heart and your future in His Hands. Find a Faith based rehab that can help you turn your life around. Most Churches have help hotline numbers and resources. Putting you on my prayer list for strength in overcoming this sickness, renewed faith, and realizing God’s plan for you for a bright future. You are never alone. Not even for a second. God loves you exactly as you are. He is close to the broken hearted and those crushed in spirit. He fights your battles with you. Ask Him to help you kick this habit with true gratitude and trust. He waits for our voices and prayers and He understands our human weaknesses. He is mighty to save. He is our Way Maker. He lights our wilderness so we can get to the light on the other side. All you need is Jesus. He cured me of my cancer. He can do all things.
      Proverbs 3:5,6
      Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

    7. First, thank you for reaching out, Anonymous. This is one big praying family of JC Warriors! Praying you feel God with you giving you the strength to walk through each day free from addiction and removing any and all cravings for drugs. In Jesus' name, amen.

    8. Yes and Amen! You have planted a seed in the blog for intercessory prayer. Great step along your road to recovery!

    9. Alcoholism and addiction are cunning, baffling, insidious diseases. Both are in my family. Some of us have found recovery and some haven't yet. The effects of it in my family led me to a place where I did not want to be here anymore. I felt horrible and hopeless. But I am here to tell you it IS possible to climb out of the pit. With the hands of God and others who have already traveled the path, there IS a beautiful life waiting for you. Trust in that! Until you can find a treatment center, get to as many AA and/or NA meetings as possible. When you land in a good one, the people will scoop you up and help you find your way. HOPE: Hang On, Pain Ends

    10. Anonymous, God is with you every step of the way. This is a journey that has been specifically written for you. There is nothing "external" that will promote clean/sober behavior. I think we need "internal" motivation. Prayer, faith and support from others is an external that can promote internal motivation. God will provide what you need to accept and cope & conquer "your story" . I pray you are on the journey of health you seek. Amen.

  51. I pray in Jesus name that I’m able to get back on the Lords path for me on Monday.

    1. Praying with you and for you! Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

  52. My prayers go out to Jan and her husband as well as to anonymous who needs strength with addiction. Our Lord knows all , sees all and has the power to cure all. I Pray that he gives you the strength and peace that brings you confidence and faith to endure the time of his choosing to do his miraculous works. In the meantime, prayers are heading your way for good health and speedy recoveries. May God Bless you.

  53. I am so glad to find 2023 responses to this blog. I found it last year in December after I left my book when I went to visit my family member. I just love the prayers at the end of the scriptures but lately there have not been any prayers to go with the text or scriptures. So I keep scrolling down until I find one. Then today I found that people are still responding in 2023! I've been surviving on the old messages but that's fine. They still are meaningful and some similar to my circumstances. I have so much to ask yall to pray with me about. I feel God doesn't hear me and I can't feel his presence. I feel so worthless and that I have no value. It's like He has abandoned me. I feel that i am in a mire and stuck there. I've had thoughts of just doing harm to myself. My husband is emotionally not there. I've always had to compete with others and everything. My son who never gets in trouble got a dui and it's like for one instance the devil took control of him and.had him drive down the road to blow out the car and a trooper shows up.

    1. May you be blessed in the name of Jesus, and refreshed with a deeper knowing of Him. He loves you more than you know and Always WILL. 🙏

    2. Our Dear Anonymous,
      One day at a time, one moment at a time, we invite you to activate today's devotion along with us. Hold His Hand AND trust! Make yourself conscious of His Presence with you, because He Always Was, Is, and Will Be! We strive for persistence, not perfection.
      Side note: The Trooper may have saved your son's life. A few year ago my husbamd and I were pulled over for speeding on the Interstate.
      I had the ire and rage that sets in when you see other speeders going by while the trooper is writing up your ticket. The trooper calmly handed us the speeding ticket saying,
      So far this year 40 people died in crashes on this interstate. I don't want you to be #41 & 42.
      We actually thanked him!
      I'll continue praying for you and yours. Until our prayers availeth, hold His Hand and trust. He is trustworthy! In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    3. Oh, Anonymous, bless you, bless you for reaching out for prayer. You received wonderful posts from Audra, Brie and Learning to Trust. There will be other JC WARRIORS lifting you up, because that is just what we do! You are in Spiritual Warfare. The devil would just love to take you down and out. But I say, "NO, NOT THIS TIME! You, devil WILL NOT rule over Anonymous or her family! I believe, my King Jesus, my love, that You destroyed the power of the enemy by Your Death and Resurrection. But, like a bad penny, you, devil, keep showing up and twisting the truth, whispering lies to, Anonymous. I Declare that you, devil and your demon deluders are such scumbag liars. Jesus, Your WORD and TRUTH are GREATER than any enemy that wants to rule over us. You, Your WORD, and prayer are our secret weapons. I Declare, that Anonymous belongs to You and You are filling her with powerful God- confidence. Strengthen her faith, forgive her sins so she may be clean in Your righteousness. Make her BRAVE, Lord, so she can fight the Spiritual battles in her life and be VICTORIOUS"!!! HALLELUJAH!! In Jesus' powerful name before which every knee shall bow, AMEN and AMEN. He makes a way when there doesn't seem to be a way!
      Psalm 107:19-20 AMPC "Then
      they cry to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivers them out of their distresses. He sends forth His word and heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction. "

      Anonymous, google: 37 Verses to Remind You Who You are in Christ. I believe this site would be of great help to you. Let the WORD go deep into your Spirit! Great Love and Blessings to you and your family. JJ

  54. Great to see you Learning To Trust!

  55. God loves us all each and every day! Let us be dependent on Him always! Amen.

    1. Amen dear ABC! I need Him like I need the air to breathe. He is our Everything! God bless you in all things.

  56. Every woman who has walked with God has a story to tell.

    SARAH will tell you: Nothing is too hard for God.

    HAGAR will tell you: God sees you.

    RAHAB will tell you: you're past doesn't define you. God can use anyone.

    Hannah will tell you: God answers prayers.

    RUTH will tell you: It's not over with until God says it's over.

    ESTHER will tell you: Trust God! He will exalt you in His timing.

    The WOMAN with the issue of blood will tell you: When all has failed, God never fails.

    When you don't have the words to pray, God hears your heart.

    HALLELUJAH!!! These are Glory Days not gloomy days!

    1. So true! We can learn a lot from their steadfast faith and unwavering trust. Amen! These are Glory Days!

    2. So true JJ, God hears our hearts. At times we don't have the words to express what it is we are longing for. It's OKAY.🙌❤️

  57. Prayers please for my brother Keith and his Nurse Michelle, who is leaving the profession, just when we need her most.
    Prayers for me to dwell in the Light of His Presence, rather than in it's pit of fearful, anxious thoughts. May these thoughts all meltaway under His Glorious Light!
    Thanks for all of your prayers. They are appreciated . In Jesus' Name. AMEN.

    1. Sweet Brie --- I got you covered in prayer. I Decree and Declare, you will keep a firm focus on the Father and call out to Jesus, who changes everything. He will make a way when there doesn't seem to be a way. He will make the crooked paths straight and He will light up your pathway with His Living--Light!. I call down The Glory of the God over you, Keith, Michelle and whole situation to bring comfort, strength and guidance, turning
      despair into faith and chaos into peace. Let Brie know, Father, as only You can, You've got this and Your plan is a good one! Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. Asking this ALL in Your Mighty Name, Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.
      Great Love and Peace to your precious soul, Brie. JJ

    2. Amen!! Gathering into your powerful prayer for our sister Brie and Keith and Michelle!! Rest assured that our Mighty Father will find a way for Keith to get the best possible Nurse and care. Do not let anyone take your peace away dear Brie! God has been faithful so many times. If one door closes, He will open another. Rest in Him and trust that His Way is the best way. He knows our needs, problems, fears and goals. He knows every word in our heart. He covers every situation with His peace and He can turn every circumstance into good: As today’s devotion says: “You find the deepest fulfillment of your heart in Me alone”.
      Father God, Thank You for granting our prayers and making things right for Brie, Keith and Michelle as only you can. We put our trust in You alone. Thank You in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    3. Joining in prayers with you JJ. May our heavenly Father bring to Keith the next person that will care for him with great love. May Brie remain in the Lord's Presence and look to Him expectantly. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    4. Am sorry to hear this news. Pray that her replacement earns the same trust you had in Michelle. Amen

    5. My prayers are with you all.

    6. Sweet Brie, may the Holy Spirit touch you with rest & a calm in your spirit. God's got this, we got you. Praying 🙏❤️

    7. Praying for you Brie, Keith, Michelle and her replacement. God knows your needs and will never let you down.
