Sunday, June 14, 2015

Romans 14:17-18 - Righteousness, Peace, and Joy

Romans 14:17-18 - 17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men.

Message: Don't make our differences bigger than our faith.

Time: Written in AD 57 from Greece, to the Christians, both Gentile and Jewish in Rome

What the Lord is Saying:

Background or the Set-up
Well, this chapter on Christian Liberty continues to march on. The premise of this chapter is dealing with circumstances that aren't in the Bible and how do we get along with other believers in those situations. How do we not look like a church or people divided. I need to respect what other people think and not make it a war with them, but I also need to be careful that what I believe isn't elevated to a point where it is hurting someone else. Paul wrote this to the church in Rome made up of Jewish Christians and Gentiles and speaks to them about their differences. The Jews had strong convictions, namely about certain times of the year being holy and that their eating should only be of vegetables. They had different scruples from the Gentiles. So, how do we co-habitat? How do we live in the same community with these differences? I think we must be willing to accept them as differences. Christians today have so many differences in their thinking. There are basic tenets that are similar, but then so many differences. I'm not sure if it is fair to say that all of these differences need to be respected because there are some of them that do have theological issues, but I think we need to be careful not to judge too quickly with some. 

But, Paul's point, as mentioned in Tabletalk (October 2014) is that the different people groups that are spoken to here are the mature and immature believers. Being mature doesn't give a person the license to then do whatever they want. I must be understanding to the immature and their convictions or customs. If something is a stumbling block to an immature Christian, then I need to not lord it over them, but refrain from it. It isn't that important and that is what Paul now says here in this passage. 
 Verse 17
Verse 17 is a great verse: For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. I think the important thought here is that we should not elevate something such as eating and drinking and make it bigger that the message of righteousness, peace, and joy. The Kingdom of God is the Church of Christ here on earth. So, Paul is saying, what we eat and what we drink will not effect our eternal state. When he mentions righteousness, peace and joy, it is a little different I think from what he has said previously. (1) Again, this verse begins with the kingdom of God or the church here on earth, in Christ. I am to be righteous living in my behavior. I am to be faithful in all of the duties which I owe to God. (2) Peace does not appear to be the peace found in Romans 5:1, but instead it is to have peace among those in the church. I am not to be about strife or getting my own way. Again, the principle here is easy, the application is difficult because there are so many differences in the church. (3) Joy is the personal happiness I have from the joy of the gospel. 

And all this is done in the Holy Spirit. I must be sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. The Holy Spirit is there to testify of truth in my life. He confirms Jesus and His message in Me. And that message is righteousness, peace, and joy.  

As a Christian, refraining from eating and drinking certain types of foods is not going to threaten my faith. I can do that.

Verse 18
Again, the focus is always on serving Christ. This is the key to my life. I am to serve Christ. This is acceptable to God and approved by men. This does not mean that wicked men will approve but they hopefully will respect.

Promise:  Whoever serves Christ is acceptable to God. 

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