Sunday, June 21, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 21

     Wait patiently with Me while I bless you. Don't rush into My Presence with time-consciousness gnawing at your mind. I dwell in timelessness: I am, I was, I will always be. For you, time is a protection, you're a frail creature who can handle only twenty-four-hour segments of life. Time can also be a tyrant, ticking away relentlessly in your mind. Learn to master time, or it will be your master.
     Though you are time-bound creature, seek to meet Me in timelessness. As you focus on My Presence, the demands of time and tasks will diminish. I will bless you and keep you, making My Face shine upon you graciously, giving  you Peace

Micah 7:7
English Standard Version 

But as for me, I will look to the Lord;
    I will wait for the God of my salvation;
    my God will hear me.

Revelations 1:8

English Standard Version

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

Numbers 6:24-26
English Standard Version

24 The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

My Prayer (2019) 
Lord, teach me to be patient. I'm in a rush to get rewards and what I want. Help me to wait for You and as I do continue to look to You. You aren't going anywhere. You are near. You will hear me. You will bless me and keep me and shine on me. You have been O so gracious to me. You have given me peace now for all eternity. Lord, I need more of a thankful heart each day. In this world that tells me I need more all the time and must be satisfied at every moment, I need to be more thankful of all that You have already given me.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, Help me to be less "time-conscious" and to be able to enter into "timelessness" especially during my devotional time. This helps me less "worldly-attached" and more attached to your spirit. Thank you Jesus!

    1. Amen, ABC. Your prayer is mine. As I sit hear thinking of today's responsibilities, help me, Lord, to just be still. Help me have eyes to see and ears to hear You, Jesus, and what You have in store for me today. May Your will be done.

      Blessings from California

    2. Dear Lord, I continue to ask for your blessings on my efforts to a more contemplative prayer time. In prayer, I want to talk a bit less and listen a bit more. Amen.

    3. Jesus, more of You today, Your kingdom come, Your will be done today on earth as it is in Heaven!

  2. Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day and all that you constantly do for us. As I prepare to start this day and my desire to surrender it over to you, releasing my will over to yours, I am realizing that I cannot surrender "time" and my will to have control over it. I desire my wants and needs to happen now. Lord, I know you are the Alpha and the Omega and are in control of all. Help me to better trust in you and understand timelessness and surrender my timeline on your authority over my life. It is at these times when I feel such gratitude for You in my life as I come to the realization that I am helpless without you. Thank you for the peace that you bring in our lives!

    1. Oh, to "surrender my timeline"... In Jesus' name I pray 🙏

    2. Amen! So important for me who is usually "too busy" ! Heavenly Father,I ask you through your Son and Holy Spirit to give me patience to listen and pray and wait upon the Lord!❤️🙏

  3. So Paytonfamily is me, Chris Payton. Currently, I am 51 and living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was born in Gallup, grew up in Albuquerque since I was 2 and only spent time away from here when I went to college at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. My dad also went to Baylor and grew up in Waco. My mom went to LSU in New Orleans, where she grew up. My wife Pamela is from Grand Junction, Colorado and went to CSU. Pamela, just so you now, never posts on here. She prefers the Jesus Always devotional and does it daily. She works as an Occupational Therapist, while I work as Finance Manager (CFO) for the local city government here with the Transit department which runs the City buses. It is a department of about 600 employees, $50 million budget. We attend an EV Church now for the past 5 years, but I grew up Southern Baptist, as did my wife. I grew up in what I thought was a Christian home, with my mom active in church playing the organ, in the choir and my dad showing up. He showed up until about the time I made a decision to follow Christ. I was a few months shy of my 15th birthday and saw the movie Brian's Song and it made me wonder what would happen to me when I die. I grabbed a friend a few years older and had questions. I discovered that there was no amount of good deeds that I could do to earn God's acceptance. It was through the blood of Jesus I could be saved and I am incapable of being worthy before God. He makes me worthy through Jesus dying for me, for all of us. So in a Wendy's parking lot on August 10, 1982, I bowed my head and through faith I came to trust in Jesus. The Spirit now continues to sanctify me, making me like His Son. I'm still a rotten sinner, but thankfully when God sees me he don't see my sin, but instead sees me white as snow because of Jesus. Jesus is not just a good example of how I am to live, He is Savior, He is Lord. Since then it has been a journey - up and down. About 12 years ago, 2 big things happened to me: 1 was I started meeting with 3 other guys once a week for fellowship, prayer, and encouragement. Having those guys to share life with has been a major factor in my growth. About the same time, I started sharing my faith regularly, striking up conversations with people I Knew and I didn't know - going to the shopping mall, parks, and other places. The response varies, but this has grown me up a lot in the Lord. I have 3 children. They are now 18, 21, and 23. Boy/Girl/Boy. Youngest just graduated from high school, but we had to yank him out of public school 2 years ago due to him being on the way of getting kicked out. He needs Jesus, not marijuana, but he prefers the later, so we had him do an online school and he did great and graduated. He's a hard worker, employed and responsible. My middle daughter is married, in school, working and lives 8 hours north. My oldest is working in IT still at home. Oldest 2 are following Jesus and oldest is very involved in BSF and multiple bible studies. So back to the thought I grew up in a Christian home. My dad decided around the time I was 16 that Jesus was not God and instead he has embraced orthodox Judaism. He attends a Chabad weekly, is very active, knows Hebrew and teaches it, but also respects the rest of us in the family as we follow Jesus. My brother and I just started a year long study with my dad using the gilyonot of Nehama Leibowitz (impressions of weekly Torah readings). I try to do TableTalk, a ministry of Ligonier, devotional daily, but I quickly get behind as I often take time to ponder lessons. I still listen to Tommy Nelson of Denton Bible Church regularly. He's awesome and recently started listening regularly to Allie Stuckey's 3x a week podcast. I guess that's it. And no, had no idea that one day I'd have 30+ comments a day on here. But then again, God is always surprising me. Considering how great He is, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. -- Be blessed.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story Chris. You have and continue to lead a very eventful life it seems. I'm glad to see that your youngest seems to be doing better. I have a son who has been an addict for many years as I've mentioned on here before. Hopefully your son will someday seek a relationship with Jesus.

      Thank you so much for this blog. It feels like a little family of sorts. I'm so glad I discovered it. God bless you and your family.

    2. God bless you and your family Chris!! What an AWESOME God we serve!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Wow- Chris - thank you for sharing your life. I really enjoyed reading it - and about you, the person, who has prayed with all of us daily. Thank you. KS

    4. Thank you Chris!! I know this is not what you expected when you began this blog 7 or so years ago. It is the daily 'go to' morning devotional for so many of us in this JC Family!! Most of us 'happened' upon it.. although, I don't believe God does anything by accident!! I so appreciate reading this and the comments every morning as part of my time with Jesus. It has helped me grow this year in ways I can not express!! Thank you again Chris, my JC Family, my Jesus!! Love from Maryville, Tennessee!!

    5. Thank you the grace of God this site is a good place, holy ground, a sanctuary.

    6. Now I know so much about you, Chris! Thanks my Brother, for sharing your story and how you came to Jesus and have grown in your faith and walk. God bless the rest of your journey. You're doing a good job serving Him and guiding others and your family to Him.

    7. Thank you, Chris Payton, for holding the space for so many to deepen their relationship to Christ and their fellow men and women! God bless you and your family. And I too am loving "Jesus Always", also by Sarah Young.

    8. WOW! CHRIS! Thanks for sharing things I always wanted to know but was afraid to ask, or didn't think you'd answer! I pray for you and yours everyday and thank God that you said Yes,Lord! allowing Him to work through you to bring us His Grace and His Salvation. Be blessed always in agreement with
      Numbers 6: 24-26 ‘May the Good Lord Bless and Protect you; may the Lord’s Face radiate with Joy because of you; may He be Gracious to you, show you His Favor, and give you His totally free gifts of His Peace and His Salvation!’ Much love to you, our entire JC family and each of our dear ones as we are glorifying His steadfast love that is enduring forever! Amen
      PS My son-in-love went to Baylor, he was born in 1968. I am originally from New Orleans and one summer I went to LSU (as it was called way back then!)
      Anyway, thanks again and continued blessings with much love!

    9. Chris, thanks so much for sharing your story. In a day and age when people are afraid to reveal anything about themselves, especially online, you left no stone unturned. When my wife and I travel by car back to the midwest where we are from, the usual trek is I-40, often settling in Edgewood (so we can eat at the Pizza Barn). Somehow, I knew you lived in ABQ so as I have passed through your area, I have thought about you and hoped that sometime I would get the chance to meet you. We all have the ups and downs of raising children (we have three as well, all girls) and there are no perfect parents though some may appear as such. But by God's grace, the seeds we planted will one day come to fruition though there are times we wonder. Blessings on you and your family which is also prayed for y'all when driving through ABQ. God be with you.

    10. Praying you and your family are all doing well and enjoying peace and good health and a strength of faith. You are an inspiration to me.

    11. Wow. Thanks for sharing Chris. I've been on this site for several years...maybe longer ;) But haven't read this. Your honesty and faithfulness is pleasing to God. I do remember that your wife is an Occupational Therapist. My wife and I are OTR's as well! Many blessings on you (and your family) and your spiritual journey! Thanks for this site too!

    12. thanks Chris for the backstory on you and the development of this blog. It has been such a source of strength for me. God works through this, as you all know. I am an Occupational Therapist as well. Blessings on all of you dear ones. Amen

    13. Chris- thanks for the background and testimony..quite the journey.

    14. Chris, I have been following this blog for several years and just came across your post above about your background. Thank you for the openness and this community that you started.
      SC Anonymous

    15. I echo everyone’s sentiments; thank you Chris for sharing your story; I always love your vulnerable transparency in your prayers too!! I also love this blog, and all the people who post. I don’t post often, but still feel like a part of this amazing JC family. You ALL have blessed me beyond words and have brought many smiles and “Amens”
      So grateful for this blog!!! Truly, love you all, brothers and sisters in Christ
      Bib in CA

  4. As said yesterday... awesome! Open and vulnerable... a gift that many of us wish we had. A lot of interesting chapters to your journey and as Sarah writes, I would guess you have felt or recognize God was holding your hand spiritually along the way.

    Amazing that your Dad went to Judaism from Christianity. We have a Jewish doctor in our church who has converted to Christianity because of his hospital Doc friends who kindly and gently pointed to the OT prophets pointing to Jesus. Truly amazing what you and our God have done within a blog started for personal growth and perhaps some outreach. Many thanks as I often read and pray with the use of my smartphone and your JC blog in bed with only the blue light from the screen. May your journey continue to spread the good news and may your family enjoy peace and growth.

  5. I am humbled by your story as well as encouraged and inspired. I'm grateful that God knows what we need, when we need it and how we need it! I needed this! Please Keep Sharing you are blessing lives quietly one blog at a time! Peace and Blessings!

  6. Thank you Chris for introducing us to your family. I read bits & pieces when I first got into this blog. I so appreciate your honesty & letting us in to a bit of your journey so far with Jesus. I join MadFox with a grateful heart for your obedience in starting this blog. It has grown, PTL. God's continued blessings fall mightily on you & your precious family. Give Pamela a big hug for us for sharing your time with this JC family 🥰.

  7. Please pray for the leaders of our country!!! Pray the USA vs Iran crisis will be resolved in a PEACEFUL negotiation.

  8. GOOD MORNING JESUS and THANK YOU for another blessed and gifted day!!!

    Glory to the King of Kings and thanks to Him for ALL He is doing in our lives!!
    Lord, You are the Great I AM, I WAS, and ALWAYS WILL BE! THANK YOU for being YOU!

    Father, in the name of JESUS, I choose to hold onto Your words today and always in Micah 7:7 " Therefore, I will look to the Lord; I will WAIT for the God of my salvation, my God will HEAR me"!

    Praying for all requests from my JC family! Thank You Great and Faithful God!!

    Have a great and Blessed day JC family!

    Maplewood NJ

  9. Mr Payton thank you for sharing more of your story!
    I’ve read for quite sometime now, since I gave my last book away 🤣...I’ve had several.
    Now I share by clicking the share at the bottom. I add people to my share list as a talk with different people in my community or wherever I am and if I have their number or I find them on messenger and send it to them that way. About a month ago a dear friend just asked me to pray for her how she is always trying to fix things I said I sure will. The next morning, and all you in this JC family as Norah calls us This is probably happened to You too, Right there it was almost verbatim what she had asked for prayer it was beautiful just to click share at the bottom with her. Thank you for your commitment to this site but especially for your commitment to your family and your Heavenly Father.

  10. Thank you Chris, and may God Bless you.

  11. God said to Moses, " I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I am has sent me to you." What a blessing that the Lord has lead CP to start this blog. That's 30 more that come together in the name of Jesus to pray for each other. There are no by chance events in this life. God has His hand on all. Lord I start this day in thankfulness. Staying focused on your presence and your perfect timing for everything in my life. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven ...... Thankful that you touch my life with fellow Christians to help my path with you stay strong. Forever grateful for my beautiful family, friends and new job. My cup overflows and my boat is full of fish.
    Praises to you our Father in heaven who loves us and knows our every need. Amen

  12. Father, Thank You that You alone is the Great I AM....You will always be here with me. I am your daughter and saved through your Son, Jesus Christ.
    “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

  13. Thank you Chris, for taking your time out of each day to share Jesus Calling with us and others that will find us all here in the future. Your story, (except for the Dad part) is a lot like what several people on here have had or are having to deal with now a days. We had our share of addiction in our family in one form or another. It is amazing how many people have been addicted or are still in their addiction. I ended up addicted to pain pills, I had no choice but to go to pain management, our insurance would not pay for the triple fusion in my lower back after 3 different surgeons tried to get me the surgery I needed. I was laid up for several years, I now know what it literally means when the bible says, "Idle hands are the devils workshop". It is so true, when a person is so down they can't even look up to God to pray, satan loves that and he had a great time with me. But not any more, God has delivered me from the addiction and more exciting He healed my back. I no longer have the pain I had before, but I now need the motivation to get up and get back my muscle mass I lost while laying around. I pray Chris, that your son turns from the drug and turns his life over to the Lord. We all know Jesus is the answer to all things, I ask God to impart that into your sons heart and to deliver him from the addiction. Addiction is strong, but our God is way stronger. Again thank you Chris, for putting your life out there for all to see. I myself do not mind sharing my story with people, if it saves one person, it will be worth it.

    I pray the Lord watches over each one of us in our JC
    Family today and keeps us all safe from harm. Grant the prayer request asked this day as you see fit. Thank you Lord, always asking for Your will in my life to be done. In the precious name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen❣

    1. Pamela K--- Thank you for sharing your life moments!!!May the Lord surround you with his ministering angels and make you strong! Robert H. Shuller once said, "Tough times never last, but tough people do." You are tough Pamela! Great blessings to you from Kansas

    2. God bless you. You have no idea how much this post has helped me. Thank you jesus. You are so amazing.

    3. So glad to hear of God's faithfulness in your life. Praying for you always. May He continue to lift you up, heal you and set you up high in a sweet place of peace and joy.

    4. Thank Chris for sharing with us about your life. It's nice to know that you are just a normal guy with issues like all of us , however thank God we are drawn to Jesus calling every day and hear from our Father in heaven. Be blessed JC family

    5. Thanks to Chris, Sarah, and all our family here, we can come to be filled each day and then bless and encourage others with the comfort and love we receive, and share God’s Word and message of truth. Very blessed indeed dear Min Ahadi!

  14. I am new to this JC community. I thank you Lord for this blog. It was great to get a glimpse of the Payton family’s journey. I am striving to trust in the Lord for all things. In my job, I am in a role of leadership and have information that is private to those under me. I am struggling with information that will soon devastate a co worker of mine when he finds out that he will be asked to leave his position. He is someone who loves the Lord but has a tremendous issue with anger. Part of the reason he will be asked to leave is because of this issue. I am afraid how he will respond and need to trust that the Lord will be using this decision to grow him. This will impact his family as well. Please pray with me for this family. Thank you.

    1. Just to catch up ,three years later. ..
      The coworker’s boss decided not to proceed with letting hm go. He and hs family have since moved to snother state. I’ve heard that he is doing better with the new start. Thank you to those who did pray for the situation.

    2. Thanks for the update, Learning to trust.
      JJ's praying the Scripture, and leading us JC prayer Warriors to do likewise, seemed to have helped...asking the Lord for His supernatural favor and then stood on this scripture: Psalm 107:19-20 AMP "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, And He saved them from their distresses. He sent His Word and healed them, And rescued them from their destruction."
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  15. Learningtotrust--- Welcome, welcome to the JC FAMILY! A great FAMILY that knows how to show great love and most powerful at prayer! I had a similar experience with a co worker that you described. It is not a great feeling and certainly not a easy situation. I remember asking the Lord for his supernatural favor and then stood on this scripture: Psalm 107:19-20 AMP "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, And he saved them from their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, And rescued them from their destruction." I prayed this scripture any time worry or fear would raise up. The Lord brought me through. He is faithful!!! He watches over his word to fulfill it!!! He also helped the co worker find another job that they enjoyed. Nothing like praying the Word. I will lift up your situation to the Lord. He will use all of this for the good. Remember to praise the Lord through it ALL!!! Great blessings to you from Kansas

  16. My Loving Father, on this bright Sunday morning, You’ve waken me up and planned my day, as only You can. May I cherish each moment of this day in Your Presence. I declare:“But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Salvation; my God will hear me”(Micah 7:7). Thank You for being the GREATEST FATHER and loving me with such unconditional love that my human mind can not comprehend. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY, my first Love!

    As we wait patiently for the Lord, He acts on our behalf. God’s Word insists that we learn some of life’s greatest lesson while we wait. Why is God asking us to wait? Here are some 4 reasons our Father wants us to wait on Him:
    - We discovers His will and purpose in the things that most concerns us (Lam. 3:25).
    - We receive supernatural physical energy and strength. He invites us to claim His promises (Isaiah 40-29-31).
    - We win battles. When we fight our own battles, we loose, when God fights for us, we win ALL the time and this ensures our Victory! (Prov. 20:22).
    - We see God working on our behalf. This is a promise, that while we wait, God actively works on our behalf(Isaiah 64:4)!

    ‘Some fruits take long to mature, but the ONE who wants to bring it forth in our lives, knows exactly how long we need to wait. He’s never too soon and never too late. Waiting makes possible the sweetest most juiciest fruit!’

    As we observe Father’s day today, I lift up ALL our JC fathers to God the Greatest Father. May His Spirit cause you to walk with integrity, steadfastness and humility. May He bless all of you who have accepted the responsibilities of being a parent and may He guide you to be outstanding role models to your children. I pray also for absent fathers to see the beauty of parenthood, and how glorious it is to bring up a child. Let those children whose fathers haven't been present in their lives know that Your love and grace does more than just fill that gap. Please help them find the strength to abandon feelings of resentment and sorrow as they journey through this life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    For those of us whose Fathers have gone on to be with the Lord, we thank You for the time we had witb them and for their love. We miss them and their memories are with us. We also bless rhis day because we have our Great and Loving Father, God with us always! We bless Your name Father and thank You. In Jesus name. Amen.


    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen, Maplewood. I join you in prayer.

      Blessings from California

    2. Thanks Maplewood NJ for the 4 reasons our Father wants us to wait on Him. I confess that I am challenged by my patience insecurities.
      Why Wait?
      In His time, in His time,
      He makes all thing beautiful in His time.
      Lord, my life to You I bring,
      May each song I have to sing,
      Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time.
      In Your time, in Your time,
      You make all thing beautiful in Your time.
      Lord, my life to You I bring,
      May each song I have to sing,
      Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time. Amen

    3. Thanks Maplewood NJ, Even though we live on a ranch and see seasons and developing berries, flowers, caterpillars and feral animals in their various stages, I still needed the reminder ‘Some fruits take long to mature, but the ONE who wants to bring it forth in our lives, knows exactly how long we need to wait. He’s never too soon and never too late. Waiting makes possible the sweetest most juiciest fruit!’ Thanks again Maplewood. I love you and our entire JC FAMILY. I feel as though I am a leper waiting in the Leper's colony. Help me Jesus! Amen

  17. Happy Father's Day to my father in heaven. Thank you for your infinite blessings. Thank you for shining your face on me..for your peace. I love you. Happy Father's Day to all..Chris, Keith, Bob, Madfox, Dave, and all Fathers ...may God bless you and yours more! P.S. I miss you dede.

    1. Thank you, LCA! God be with you.

    2. Amen! Happy Father’s Day to all our JC Family’s Fathers!

  18. Happy Father's Day to all the Dads and to our Heavenly Father ♡

    Thank you for my father and my family Lord, I know you love them and will save them. Open their heart, mind, soul to you, give them a heart of flesh and a new spirit so that they understand the truth, Your Truth.
    You know I often worry about their salvation even though I know it is a promise you made. You know I often cry because I let myself think about "what if they won't spend eternity with You and me". I know I have to trust You, Thank you for the comfort you give me everytime I pray and spend time with You.
    Lord I pray you streghten us and give us peace.

    I declare Your favor and Your Presence upon us all. Thank you for being with us in every situation. Let us never forget about Your Presence wherever we go.

    I wanted to share this song with you all JC family.

    Have a blessed day!

    Blessings from France

    1. Beautiful song of Blessings, Anonymous Blessings from France

    2. Merci, mon ami de la France. Que Dieu soit avec toi!

  19. Thank you LQA. It is indeed an honor to be called a father. A blessing that helped me on the path from agnostic to a man of faith and as a result a much better father... and allows me the unique understanding of how a Father in heaven can love us all. I shared this with my kids this morning on what a blessing it has been:

    Father's Day, what a great triple blessing this day has become! Starting with *****, I learned what an AWESOME privilege it is to be a dad. I could not be more proud of three adult kids that each bring unique personality and spirit into my life, and who bring unique talents and gifts into the lives they touch each day. I pray that God continues to bless and protect each one of you, included in that wish, is my fave, who richly completes our eldest son, with her love for him. (*fave is my running joke as she is the only one so far!)

    Godspeed to all the "children" who lost their dad this year. It is a season of sadness that turns into positive thoughts at the right time. And this Father's day may be the 1st without him, I pray for peace and rest easier by knowing God is holding your hand in the rough path of your loss. Amen.

    1. Amen Madfox. You are so blessed to realize the treasure you have in your three good children. I'm sure they are thanking God for you today. I know so many people who have lost their Dad this year. May they all be comforted and guided to hold tightly to the Unchanging Hand of their greatest Father. Missing my dear Dad today too. I look forward to seeing Him again when I am called Home. Enjoy your Father's Day, rest and be blessed. Much love.

    2. I echo your words, dear brother. My wife and I have been blessed with three children ourselves, all of them daughters. Like you, I took my guidance on being a father from my Father in heaven, hallowed be His name. My own father was not perfect but God took what was good and wove it into who He made me to be. I am grateful for my father who now enjoys the presence of God before him, something he was never able to grasp while on earth. In my final visit with him, I asked, 'Dad, do you believe there is something on the other side of death?' He thought for a moment in his analytical mind and then said, 'No.' To which I responded, 'You are going to be pleasantly surprised.' Thanks for you post, MadFox and for yours as well, Jeanne. God be with you.

  20. Happy Father's Day to my husband who was buried on Saturday before Father's day. He is celebrating 5th anniversary in the arms of our Heavenly Father. Praying comforting prayers of love for those who are without their father. Happy Father's Day to all our father's on this site.

    Psalm 65:5 A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation. KJV

  21. From the gospel lesson for today: Matthew 10:26-33, Jesus talks to His disciples about fear; that there is unnecessary fear and necessary fear. Unnecessary fear is fear that prevents one from doing the good and right in various situations. For the disciples that would mean fearing the persecution that they will encounter as they witness to His love. This fear is unnecessary because, as He would say, 'I am with you always to the end of the age' (Matthew 28:20). Necessary fear would be that they would lose faith in Him much as Judas did and who suffered severely because of it.

    What causes you to have fear? Is it unnecessary fear or necessary fear? There are many fears swirling around us in the present moment and they are being fueled by various demonic sources. Right now, my wife and I are living in a state that is showing a sharp increase in the corona virus. Should we be afraid? More cautious, yes; afraid, no. Our daughter was coming from CA to celebrate Father's Day with us. Her friends told her to be afraid of coming to visit us. She canceled her flight in the wee hours of the morning. She took a walk in the AM and spent time in prayer. The Spirit moved in her and encouraged her to make the trip so she rebooked her flight and is with us. She followed all procedures to stay safe and we are doing the same as she is with us. But we will enjoy the relationship God has blessed us with as a family and celebrate together. We are cautious out of respect of the circumstances but we are not going so far as to shut off those things that are of God in our lives.

    In the gospel lesson, Jesus makes clear what we should be most afraid of in our lives, 'Do not fear those (the virus?) who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell (vs.28)'. Jesus goes on to make clear there is nothing to fear in loving God, 'Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father...Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows. (vs 29,31)'

    The most necessary fear to have is summed up best in the closing line of the classic hymn, 'O Sacred Head Now Wounded';

    'O make me thine forever;
    And should I fainting be,
    Lord, let me never, never
    Outlive my love for thee.

    The greatest fear dealt with by praying unceasingly it will never happen. "Ask whatever you will in My name and it will be done for you. (John 14:13-14)" Thanks be to God.

    'See what love the Father has for us that we should be called His children and that is who we are. (I John 3:1)' His Fatherly love for us is why we can call each other sisters and brothers. Thanks be to God! With love, Bob

    1. Amen amen! Thank you, Bob, for uplifting and inspiring me always. Your prayers and teachings lift my spirit.

      Blessings from California

    2. You are welcome, Rose. I am blessed in knowing the Holy Spirit has uplifted and inspired you in the words the Spirit has given me. God be with you.

    3. Thank you Bob. The root of fear is a topic that could go on for days. Praying that all who live their lives out of unnecessary fear wake up to the love and protection offered unconditionally by Christ. I include myself for those times when doubt creeps in. In Jesus's name I pray. 🙏

    4. When doubt creeps in, it's time to Rock The Boat, Chastised for doubt is a small price to pay for help from The One who can calm the deep dark blue waters and still the seas.
      37 But soon a terrible storm arose. High waves began to break into the boat until it was nearly full of water and about to sink. 38 Jesus was asleep at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. Frantically they wakened him, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you even care that we are all about to drown?”
      39 Then he rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Quiet down!” And the wind fell, and there was a great calm!

  22. Happy Father's Day to “Our Father in Heaven, may Your name be honored for Its holiness; Thank You for sending Your Kingdom soon. 3 Thank You for giving us our food day by day. 4 And Thank You for forgiving our sins—and helping us forgive until we have forgiven all those who sinned against us. And Thank You for not allowing us to be tempted!”  Thank You for all our JC Family of Fathers! May they have a Happy and Blessed Day in agreement with
    Numbers 6: 24-26 ‘May the Good Lord Bless and Protect you; may the Lord’s Face radiate with Joy because of you; may He be Gracious to you, show you His Favor, and give you His totally free gifts of His Peace and His Salvation!’ Much love to you, Fathers, and to our entire JC family and each of our dear ones as we are glorifying His steadfast love that is enduring forever! Amen.

  23. Update on Helen from Aunt Connie - She is out of ICU and in step down unit. Her oxygen level is improving, she can eat a small amount, and text her family. She is still on oxygen. Her diabetes is being managed carefully. She has a long way to go but the past two days shows improvement. She is also still on the steroids, 6 more days for that.
    We all thank you for prayers. She is very aware of them and so very grateful to everyone.

    1. Thanks be to you, O Lord. We pray you complete the good work in Helen You have started to Your glory. Amen

    2. "Wait patiently with me while I bless you."

      Thank you Lord.

    3. God is so good. So glad Helen is doing a bit better. Every tiny step forward is a reason to be thankful and rejoice. Praying each day will bring her more improvement as God leads her to a full recovery.

  24. Oh how opportunity and timely is today's message. I like to see results immediately after I a school for my daughter and a job for me! I get impatient worrying about it, but today I will consciously thank God every time the worries crop into my head. God's timing is perfect and the best!

    1. Keep thanking Him for guiding you to a school for your daughter and a job for yourself. Praying with you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Don’t get impatient dear one-just Wait on the Lord. He loves you!

    2. Joining Jeanne Min Ahadi in prayer for you & daughter's needs. Bless your day🙏🥰

    3. Jeanne advice is right on the mark Min Ahadi. When you are focus on drawing closer to God you allow him to work things out in his way and timing. My dear Sister you are doing a wonderful job putting God first and teaching your daughter about living out your trust in God.

      Being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ.
      Philippines 1:6

      I believe part of that work is our children, because they are a part of us.

    4. Amen! I love the living Words found in the bible, such perfect encouragement and advice! ♥️📖

  25. It's 1030pm on Father's day Sunday. I just wanted to put this here for the early risers and wish all the fabulous fathers in our JC family, a very blessed Belated Father's Day. I hope you all could celebrate w family. We as Christ followers celebrate Father's day every day with our Heavenly Father. Amen. Today's reading is very spot on in how we view our time versus God's time. Let us rely on His time and His gift of protecting us with our 24hr day. Micah 7:7 is our daughter's favorite verse. She has it tattooed on the top of her foot. Many prayers for all our JC family. Have a fabulous day, resting in God's timing. Mindy

    1. Well spoken dear Mindy. We have so many wonderful fathers in our JC Family. I pray they all had a special day. My husband really enjoyed his Father’s Day with our oldest son and his wife in CA. They made vegan tacos which were delicious. Our other two sons called him. They were with their own children. Amen everyday we can celebrate our Heavenly Father! He is the best Father we could ever have.
      Continuing to pray for Chloe. Stay well dear sister. May God bless your new day and flood your path with His brilliant light and sweet peace.

    2. Mindy wonderful verse to stand on. What a blessing to have your daughter God.

  26. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2). Warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone. (1 Thessalonians 5:14).

    Father, thank You for another blessed day in the Lord. You are such an amazing Father and Lord. Praise You Lord. Waiting is hard to do. We spend our lives waiting ... waiting in lines, traffic, lights to change, computers to start, for results or tests, appointments, transportation, etc. We tend to look for the quickest way out of these situations. Help us to take notice of the things going on around us when we find ourselves in these situations to see if there is a need for prayer. Let us take the time, while we are waiting, to pray for things. Grant us patience, humility, and kindness. Open our eyes to see what is needed in other peoples lives and not be so caught up in our own. Guide our lives and use us as You need us. Let us rejoice in knowing that all will be well. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    You were called to freedom ... do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. (Galatians 5:13). Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58). "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41).

    1. Thanks Janet. Praying for others can make it worth the wait.
      I shall try it on today.
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Thank You for giving us Your Strength and Your Ability to demonstrate the Godly character of patiently waiting. Only with Your Help today can we choose to practice displaying kindness and patience with every chance You send our way today. As we go through our day today, please help us to be patient with our selves and all those around us. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
      I began practicing patience by only knocking one time. It took great restraint. Patience is hard for me.

    2. Amen Janet! We all need patience, humility and kindness. Patience doesn’t come easy especially when we’re in a hurry and the person driving in front of us seems to be going 10 mi an hour. Or when we pray so very hard for our dear one to be healed and we just don’t see any improvement. Our fruit of the spirit, long suffering is a great gift. We are able to wait with patience knowing that we are not alone in our waiting. The best is yet to come. Praying for others while we wait is a wonderful way to glorify God, help others and keep impatience away.
      Dear Brie, I have a hard time remaining calm when I am waiting too long. I have to consciously remind myself I have long suffering and then soon the waiting gets easier. Praying sure is a good way to fill that time.
      Thank You dear Jesus for reminding us to pray while we are waiting. Help us to bring your Peace into those moments.

  27. Amen! Rejoice because our great God keeps His promises. So we can say with confidence: All will be well.

  28. Praying His healing blessings for you and your DH, Norah. May you both experience His Showers and Showers of Blessings, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  29. Thank you Lord for patience. I trust that one knock is all it takes for you to hear me, I can stop pounding on the door. Please forgive my disturbance.

    1. Forgive me too, Lord, but
      It's getting dark too dark to see
      Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door
      Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
      Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
      Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
      Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door,

    2. Absolutely love that song sweet Brie! Thanks

    3. LOL @ Brie June 21, 2021 at 5:19 AM who started her patience practice by knocking one time...well that was short-lived! Eight hours and 50 minutes, to be exact, she gives new meaning to Disturbing The Peace!

  30. Thank you, JC Family, for your prayers for my DH. Once again, God delivered! We talked to the Oncologist today and he said that none of the symptoms pointed to MM. He was glad we had called him though and we are blessed to hear we can wait until July for his appointment.
    Sadly, we didn't realize he was feeling better in time to salvage the Family Get Together, so I cancelled the 65 pcs of Chicken and told our family just to call or stop by if they were in the area. It turned out to be a sweet day, very relaxing. We watched 3 episodes of The Chosen and I cooked for him, happy that his appetite was coming back.
    I thank each of you for your steadfast prayers and I thank my God for once again delivering on His promises.
    Praying for each of you and giving thanks.

    1. Praise God for the update!

    2. Love you, Brie! THANK YOU.

    3. Hallelujah Norah! One more victory to celebrate and more answered prayers. So happy for him and your whole family. Sorry you had to cancel your get together. But it sounds like all went well after all. Thank God your DH’s appetite is coming back too. We serve a faithful and merciful God.

    4. Yes, good news, thank you God!

  31. Hello Again, Dear JC Family. I have to post b/c I know I'll read this (God-Willing), next year and this IS my Diary! :) Tonight, in my Ladies Group my dear friend shared that her daughter 'blamed' her for her inadequacies, her lack of self-esteem. This Mom has done NOTHING but fight for her daughter - trying to lose her from the chains of a preditor. My heart broke for her and her husband as their daughter piled all of the blame on them as parents who wouldn't allow her to do certain things in her youth. I am praying for this couple and their love for their daughter and that the daughter WAKES UP in time to thank her parents for all of their sacrifices. Life is hard. Even in the midst of all of my 'first world problems,' it is still hard. Hard to see a good man sick; good parents being put on trial; a wonderful Care-Giver, being shunned. This world is not our home - we're just a-passin' through. Help me to remember that, Father. This world is NOT my home! I am about to lay my head down to sleep and I trust the Lord, my soul to keep, as those of all of my loved ones. I know my future home and that of my loved ones. Praying for all of you: a job and school for Min Ahadi. Though we feel that we have fallen (& maybe we have), we TRUST that we will RISE!

  32. Amen dear Norah! Laying my weary head down to sleep too and we both trust we will rise to a new and sweet morning! Thanks always for your prayers. God bless you and yours in all things.

  33. I just love this verse. Amen and Amen. Wait on the Lord. He hears every word in our hearts and really understands.
    Micah 7:7 But as for me, I will look to the Lord;
    I will wait for the God of my salvation;
    my God will hear me.

  34. Thank You Jesus 😊.

  35. Happy Birthday SUMMER season! Thanks be to God for changing seasons.

    1. Happy Summer! Keep that sweet beach feeling in your heart dear Brie!
      Amen sweet Audra! More sweet sunlight to celebrate!

  36. Enjoy the long day LIGHT sister!

  37. Just felt like praising. So, I come to you heavenly Father in thanksgiving, praising your holy name, Jehovah, Elohim, Yahweh, the great I AM, the Alpha and Omega, the one true God, king above all kings, Creator of all things, to you be all glory and honor. I offer this in the name of our redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace!
    May your day be blessed JC family. Shalom🙏

    1. Praise Him! The King of Kings whose Reign is Eternal! From Whom All Blessings Flow! Thanks for your blessing. It lifted my busy day. God bless you dear Rich and all our JC Family.
      Have a fruitful day in His presence and peace. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Hallelujah!

    2. Praising Him with all of you.

  38. Amen!!!! I receive your blessing.

  39. Thank you, Rich, and all of you wonderful Saints. Praying for each of you, too!

    1. Thanks for the prayers dear Norah. We pray for each other and He hears every one.

  40. We must wait patiently while God blesses us and answers our prayers. He wants us to bring every concern and problem to Him to handle. I have seen His faithfulness so many times in my life so I am asking Him to heal Ellen's daughter of any cancer and bring her back to perfect health and heal Suzanne's good man Jon's son, Sam of MS and also keep him away from using drugs and lead him to perfect health of body, mind and spirit. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    Isaiah 41:10
    Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne for Ellen's daughter and Sam. May our heavenly Father touch them with His powerful healing hands and make them whole again. May He impart His Spirit into their hearts and renew them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Joining Janet this morning in prayers with you Jeanne. In Jesus name❤️🙏

    3. Joining these warriors in prayer for Ellen's daughter & Sam. Thank You Lord that nothing escapes Your watchful eye. You are attentive to our cries. Amen! Hallelujah!💞🙏🌈

    4. thank you so much for prayers for my daughter. She is strong, God is stronger, and she will be and is healed. The treatment plan is being discussed at Mayo next week and will be radiation or a combo of surgery and radiation. But it’s the prayers covering her that I seek. She and her family are living with us as they are doing some remodeling on their house. It is so good to see her every day and the whole family as well. God is allowing me to see the beauty of summer days and the joy of laughing children. Blessings to each of you and your families. LOVE and AMEN

    5. Ellen, I am praying for your daughter's patience as she awaits her healing inside God's Waiting Room.
      Help Is On The Way!
      It May Be Midnight Or Midday.
      He's Never Early. He's Never Late. He Will Stand By What He Claims.
      Much love and many prayers for your family and Suzane's Jon's Sam. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    6. Keeping you and your daughter and dear ones in my prayers. Sounds like God is allowing this trial to bring you all closer to Him and to fill your days with His joy and blessings. She is strong in the Lord as you are dear Ellen, and we believe she will see His faithfulness. Thank You Jesus.

  41. See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15-16). So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him, He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation. (Hebrews 9:28).

    1. 🎶" It won't be long, soon we'll be leaving here" 🎵🎶

    2. 🎶🎵It Won't Be Long, Soon We'll Be Leaving Here 🎶🎶

    3. Amen. The time is now to prepare for His coming. It won't be long. We'll be going Home.

  42. Just read Chris Payton's story. Blessed indeed, thank you Chris. I'd like to share my story, but some time later. It would be encouraging and good to hear the stories/testimonies how you came to salvation. Ready to share.. Anyone volunteering,?

  43. I am so grateful for this site. It sharpens me in my walk with Jesus here on earth. A friend of mine gave me JC as a gift back in 2004, and it's been with me ever since.

    1. Dear SavedByGrace ---- The JCFAMILY/WARRIORS are thrilled you posted! WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME!!! This is a great group of Prayer WARRIORS for the Lord's Kingdom. And, they are absolutely GREAT NOURISHERS to the soul! They are so AWESOME and I just love them!
      Great Love and Blessings to you, SavedByGrace93! Will look forward to your posts! JJ

      Romans 15:13. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

    2. Wonderful! The Gift that Keeps on Giving right into Eternity!

  44. Amen dear ABC! So comforting indeed.

  45. Still wondering about Bob Malsack how are you?

  46. Wonderful reading about timelessness. So happy to be able to be able to connect w/ all of you as struggled for yrs to be able to get on the site. I have to confess my frustration and anger the last couple days re: unfairness I feel at work. The Lord’s help, love and guidance/wisdom is what I need to count on not my selfishness to have things go my way but Thy Will be done! Blessings to all! Kate

  47. Dear Kate, Thank you for your blessings. Sorry you're feeling like you are not treated fairly at work. God knows how you feel. He is our Way Maker. Praying He will resolve your problems and bring you wisdom, peace and guidance. Thank You Jesus.
    Dear Unknown, I have also been wondering how dear Bob Malsack is, and also our dear MadFox? Keeping them always in my prayers and in my heart.

  48. Thank you Jeanne for being so welcoming! 🩷

  49. I was thinking about today’s devotion. To meet the Lord in timelessness is a hard concept to grasp. But then His reign as our High Priest is forever. I am always looking at my watch, especially now so I can meet my mother’s needs. I often talk to Jesus through my day and sometimes when my mom is praying, resting, or outside having a cigarette, I sit quietly in His presence and I feel His peace envelope me. He helps me accomplish everything. Today is my mom’s “spa” day, so I get her showered and all prettied up and her nails done and then I get the laundry done. She takes a nap so it all works out. I know I can do all things through His strength. My oldest son Bryan and my daughter in love, Allie are bringing little Evelyn tomorrow for a visit. I fried up some eggplant and made marinara sauce last night so I can make Bryan’s favorite, eggplant parmigiana. It will be good for my mom to see Evelyn! She is so cute and I know she will make her smile and laugh. I can’t wait to hug her. When we seek Jesus we may only have a few free minutes because we’re busy but time doesn’t mean much to Him because He is free of time and eternal. He meets us in the present but He is omnipresent. And He is always with us. We may leave Him but He never leaves us. Such a comforting truth. Have a blessed day and expect miracles and victories. Take time to be still and know that He is God. REST! Let Go and Let God! Give it all to Him to handle.
    Thank You Father God for granting our requests and bringing us good news and blessings to celebrate. We love You and trust in Your Faithfulness, Mercy, Guidance, Protection, Provision, Peace, and Everlasting Love. You are our Everything Thank You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Thank You Jesus!

    Psalm 46:10-11
    Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!
    The Lord of hosts is with us;
    The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne 🙏. Glad to hear all is well. It's a great blessing to spend time with loved ones and make many enjoyable memories! God bless!

    2. Thank you Jeanne, blessed by your posting and updates. God IS good...all the time. Love the thought of your marinara and eggplant parmigiana!

    3. Thanks dear Janet. Yes time with loved ones is so precious and I can’t wait to see them. Praying my mom will enjoy the visit. I know you miss Norma and I pray for God’s comfort to cover you.
      Amen dear Peter! He is good all the time.
      John H, It’s one of my favorites too. Looking forward to eating it.

    4. I bet Jeanne makes a killer eggplant parmesan 🙌❤️

    5. I don't even LIKE eggplant but everything Jeanne cooks sounds delicious! I know it is because it is made with love. <3

  50. Thank you dear Jeanne for sharing all the ways God is blessing you in caring for your mom. In fortifies our trust & faith in God's overcoming power in all circumstances. He indeed is always with us, for us & always provides. Praying for a wonderful, delightful visit from your family. ❤️🙏🙌

    1. Thanks sweet Jan! Praying with you and for you and your dear husband. Amen, God pumps joy, peace and light into every situation. Let’s just keep seeking His blessings in every day. May His healing Hand touch you and your DH and heal you in every way. Thank You Jesus.

  51. Prayer update: On 15th I requested prayer for Greg and Gary among others.
    Greg came through bypass surgery ok, but is now in induced coma for healing purposes.
    Gary after stroke has regained partial sight and sufficient feeling in legs to walk with walking aids, he's home and plays catch with his wife to improve hand-eye coordination.
    Thank God our amazing Jehovah Rapha, for ongoing answers to prayer.

    1. Praise Him from Whom All Blessings Flow. Waiting on the Lord with you, dear Peter.
      May God continue to heal Greg and Gary and bring them both completely back to good health and comfort in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  52. That was beautiful sweet Min Ahadi! Thank you. He hears all our prayers and always has His Ear inclined to us. He waits for our voices and understands our hearts like none other. I’m praying that God removes the bitterness in your sister’s heart and replaces it with love she will share with others. I added her to my prayer list asking God to guide her true love to her and guide her to him if it is His will. I understand she had her life plan mapped out with this man and now he’s gone. But God has a better plan and His timing is perfect. Thank You Father for making all things right again in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

  53. Thank You Heavenly Father. This is the first year my eyes saw "WITH ME" in the wait.
    I've had many a perm that only turned out well after I applied the curl ACTIVATOR into my hair.. So it is with our JC Daily Devotions, they only work for me, after I actually Activate them into my life.
    Would you help me activate into my life this day, the part of today's daily devotion that says, Wait patiently WITH ME while I bless you. Don't rush? Along with Proverbs 8:34 ?
    Happy is the wo/man who is so anxious to be WITH ME that s/he waits and watches for ME DAILY at My Gates, and watches and waits for Me outside My Home!
    Thank You God for Everything. In Jesus' Name. 💖 AMEN!

    1. Amen! Always leaning on that fruit of the Spirit. Patience. Wait on the Lord. His timing is always right:

  54. God is right on time in timelessness. Hmmm...

  55. Praying for that, right along with you, Dear Brie. My Best Man is home with me now. His carotid surgery went, "perfectly," according to his Vascular Surgeon. There were so many blessings along the way and I know that all of your prayers were what helped orchestrate that. For that and so much more, we are thankful.
    The Home Healthcare Nurse released my DH this morning. After more than a month of turmoil with his health, juggling all of that with work, etc. and coming through it radiantly, why am I NOW feeling restless, edgy? My DH and I are having to watch our words with each other. We are snipping at each other. Is it because he has his 'spunk' back and I'm not controlling everything? I should be thankful! That is what I prayed for! All I know is I am finding myself kind of angry with myself when now is the time to relax, enjoy and give thanks. I even have the day off work! So, Brie, when I read your words, I could totally relate. I am saying (repeatedly), Create a clean heart in me, O Lord. Part of it is the 'after-storm.' We have had so much family here, calls, plans, kiddies and now there is nothing planned for the weekend and I have thought a hundred times already, "Nothing to look forward to; they all have to get back to their lives!" So silly.
    First thing this morning after waking up with no alarm, only when I couldn't sleep any longer, I re-read what (not sure who...JJ?) shared last night. I copied and pasted it to re-read over and over:
    "My Father God - If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start giving up, keep me going. Lead me in light and love. Guide me to walk in Your way, study Your WORD, and live the way you want me to live. In Jesus's Name, AMEN and AMEN." The message continued with, "Get on the same page as Almighty God and be in agreement with what God is saying and doing. Do not limit the Holy One. God doesn't need your help. Let go and let God. All He needs is your faith and trust. OUR GOD ALWAYS WINS!!! We were called for such a time as this. These are Glory Days not gloomy days! HALLELUJAH!!!"
    Praying that I get back on board and give thanks for I have seen nothing but miracle after miracle; blessing after blessing, in the last month+. Help me, Father, be content with TODAY and not looking for more.
    Help me forgive myself for being a spoiled child! Thank you, JC Family, for allowing this 'rant,' and now I will pray again, get peaceful and get out of the house and buy food, maybe go to lunch by myself and read while I eat. Count my Blessings and come home a cheerful, blessed wife to my Best Man and truly appreciate all of the many answers I have received over the last month. I will not dread the future or wait for 'the other shoe to drop,' which has become a habit because it has happened so often.
    Just for today...I will...BE.
    That's all I need to be concerned with - NOW.
    I am praying for all of you - I am so very thankful. Re-reading Chris' story reminds me there is no such thing as perfection in this life-time. But, we know our Future. This very minute, I have the Peace that surpasses ALL understanding.
    Now, I'll drop the mic and get busy (bet you are all relieved - LOL!).
    I love you, Dear JC Family!
    Your Ever-Human Norah

    1. Dear Norah -- Just Praising the Lord for Hubby's successful surgery. I am asking the Lord to keep sending you His Blessings, as I also ask for the Glory of the Lord to cover your household.
      Thank you so much for your prayers. We can all use them!
      Standing in the gap for you, hubby, and family. Calling on the Name of Jesus, who changes everything! AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Praying with JJ for you, dear Norah. The Lord knows you feel restless and unsettled because He reads every word of your heart. It’s been a roller coaster ride for you and your family. Ups and downs with stress and anxiety. And now all is going well because God keeps His promises. Rest in His peace. He knows the sincere trust you hold for Him to make all things right. Thanking Him for your husband’s successful procedure and come back. And now for God to renew your mind and bring you true peace. Allow yourself to celebrate God’s faithfulness. Believe there are many things to look forward to. Know the best is yet to come.
      Thank You Father for covering Norah and her DH with your peace and love, and heal them in every way in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    3. Just now reading this, Dear Jeanne. Thank you. I know your words are True.
