Monday, June 8, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 9

Seek to live in My Love, which covers a multitude of sins: both yours and others'. Wear My Love like a cloak of Light, covering you from head to toe. Have no fear, for perfect Love decimates fear. Look at other people through lenses of Love; see them from My perspective. This is how you walk in the Light, and it pleases Me. 
     I want My Body of believers to be radiant with the Light of My Presence. How I grieve when pockets of darkness increasingly dim the Love-Light. Return to Me, your First Love! Gaze at Me in the splendor of holiness, and My Love will once again envelop you in Light. 

I Peter 4:8
English Standard Version

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

Verse thoughts
There is something that sets us apart from others as Christians (Above All) and that is our love for one another. I don't always agree how another person behaves towards me or lives their life, but I am to love them. It is my badge as a Christian. Christ loves me despite the sins I have committed and I am to have this same love toward others. This world has become so divisive and I admit that as I jump on social media I can easily be grafted into this same type of speech. 

I John 4:18
English Standard Version

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

Revelation 2:4
English Standard Version

But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.

My Prayer (2019)
Lord, help me to be a person that loves people first. I want to be different. I want to stand out and for others to see Your Love in me. Lord, it is so easy for me to join in the ranks of taking sides on issues that I even begin to make myself out to be better than others. Lord, it is only You that has made me righteous. Without You, I am nothing. Forgive me for jumping on bandwagons and slandering others. I defend it so quickly through justification for other people's actions that differ from mine. Lord, if I have a concern, help me to drop to my knees first and talk to you, but in the meantime, I want to love others and I want people to see this love in me.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. 'Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy name'.
    Thank You dear Father for the gift of another day. May the Holy guide my thoughts, words and actions this they and leas me in the way I should go!

    Thank You Heavenly Father for everlasting love for me, sis much so that You wrap me in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous! May Your love for me empower me to walk in love towards all people. Help me to always look at those that hurt through lenses of love from Your perspective. You instruct me to love my fellow man, thereby walking in obedience to Your will. Thank You for the courage and love to do so, in Jesus name.

    JC family, may the love of Christ and the light that flows from Him, shine upon each of us this day and grant us peace and love towards our brethren in Jesus name!

    A great and bless day to You all. Let love rule for Christ sake!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. What a lovely prayer. God bless Leslie ✝️

    2. Thank you so much for your beautiful words and prayer! Your heart shines Gods love and light.
      God bless you and yours. God bless this JC family!✝️ Thank you Holy Spirit, Father God and Lord Jesus for your Perfect love, peace, forgiveness, healing, wisdom and friendship. I love you Lord. Thank you for loving our JC family and thank you for hearing our prayers. Holy Spirit please fill each of us and our loved ones with your Spirit, Your Will and your never ending love. May we shine so bright and bring glory to your holy name. In Jesus heavenly and glorious name, Amen
      Texas friend

    3. Still a perfect prayer Maplewood. Thank You. May we all guard ourselves from judging others and see them through God's perfect Eyes of Love. They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love.

    4. Dear Holy Spirit, I am asking because I need You to help me to always look at those that hurt me through lenses of love from Your perspective. I cannot do this alone. I want and need You and am asking for Your help in this matter while I am standing my ground on Luke 11... everyone that asks, receives. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Amen, amen, Amen!

    6. Such an incredibly important prayer for me! My greatest challenge to love others unconditionally! Holy Spirit please help me daily to pause when agitated and turn to you and the Face of Jesus!❤️🙏

    7. Thank you Holy Spirit for sharing the word. I love the Lord

  2. Love conquers all.

  3. 60 days clean & sober today. On Step 9 still.

    1. Congratulations! Keep "growing in the grace", for "the grace of God teaches live soberly...." Trying harder won't work long term. Trusting the grace of God toward you will!

    2. Amen! God is with You and We, Your JC family are so proud and excited for you! Congratulations and great great job to you! Prayers that God may bless you with His everlasting comfort, love, strength and si much more!
      In Jesus name Amen
      Texas friend

    3. Amazing, I hope you have over a year now. I’m a fellow friend of Bill W, Godbless!!

  4. Very inspiring. I wouldn't say I'm alcoholic but I sure have been drinking more wine lately and it worries me bc then I can't be my best of body mind or spirit and I'm wasting money! If you can do it I can too!!

    1. There is a reason the alcohol sales are higher than ever! I, too, have had to take a 'check up from the neck up,' on what I say, how much I drink, where I'm looking for relief. That is why Chris' sharing from 6/3, so touched my heart. It reminded me of a plaque my sister had in her guest room years ago: "No God, No Peace...Know God, Know Peace." :)

    2. I don't know about other states, but Texas implemented home delivery of alcohol with food orders at the onset of the pandemic. It's too easy to consume alcohol and never even have to leave your house.
      I'm guilty of adding on a margarita or two with my fajita order. Increase in $$ and calories of which I need neither.

    3. I ask the Lord to help me resist the things that keep me from being the best loving Christan I can be. They include over indulging in social media, the evening news, alcohol and food. The only time I feel Peace is when I am feeding myself with the Word and make time to be still in conversation with God. May his Light become more obvious to me every minute so I make healthy choices to honor this body he gave me. Blessings every one, the reading and verse thoughts seem especially relevant today. Thank you, Jesus!

    4. I probably have a glass of wine 4 times a week and a couple of hard seltzers too. My husband drinks too much every day so I pray for him and for his salvation. But I know although a drink relaxes me, it is not the same as the peace that passeth all understanding. My spiritual food is much more important. I agree with your words, Audra. Let us make healthy choices to honor our bodies and renew our spirit. May God fill our every need and spread a blanket of healing and peace over us. God bless you all.

    5. A month ago hubby and I had the ride awakening that we were drinking too much. Knowing the surgery was coming and after watching a bunch of you tube videos on the effects of alcohol on the body, we began an alcohol fast, still in place. Thank you Lord for backing this commitment. We lost weight, talk more kindly to reach other and many medical issues have improved. We still have a rough road with this knee surgery recovery, but at least the stress of policing our drinking habits is not on my plate (or in my glass). Thank you Jesus!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You are blessed that your daughter looked to God in her time of need. Praying for her complete healing and protection. That trip did a world of good for her. You are awesome, dear Madfox!

    2. Again, a year later, hard to believe what it was like as the pandemic deepened. But so glad for the JC prayers and God's extended hand to grasp for peace.

    3. Thanking God for lifting your good daughter out of her illness and bringing her back to good health. Most of all that her faith was strengthened and renewed during her ordeal. God is just so good. Praying for your own healing and some good news on its way.

  6. Isn't that the truth, MadFox? Yesterday, I had two separate conversations about the same thing...'when it comes to our children....' I shared with a young woman that what I the most about being a Mom, is that it is really the only selfless thing I've ever done! We would lay our lives down for our children. Then, I think of our Heavenly Father who gave His ONLY begotten Son, so that I would have life = more than abundant, and I am so humbled.
    Last night I had dreams - I don't even remember what they were, but I know there was discord in them and I woke up and raced to Jesus Calling. The line you mentioned, MadFox, jumped out at me too and then also the ending, "How I grieve when pockets of darkness increasingly dim the Love-Light. Return to Me, your First Love! Gaze at Me in the splendor of holiness, and My Love will once again envelop you in Light." Our World is like I've never seen it before. Because of my job, I hear so much all day long and my dear, former History Teacher Husband, is listening, reading, researching all day the topics of our Nation and wants to share it with me. Thank God, we both have God and make it a point to pray together every day. And when I've had enough of the news of the day - I go to bed and pray, though last night, it must have been on my mind more than I realized.
    Thank God the sun (Son) is shining today. I pray for you MadFox and your dear daughter and I'm thankful that she is able to confide in you - her Daddy. I'm sure you comforted her and now, dear brother, we pray for reminded me of one of my favorite poems:
    "Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away." George Eliot
    Praying for all of you, dear JC Family just as I know you are for me. And now...I'm ready to face my work-world!

    1. Oh, Norah, thank you for sharing the Eliot poem! I knew and loved it years ago but had forgotten the author....
      I, too, am praying for the needs shared on this wonderful blog. We are all here " for such a time as this" and more than ever I think God is expecting us to shine with the love He's poured out on us.
      There's a wounded, watching world out there and we who love the Lord must keep our eyes on him and not succumb to fear by looking around us...My "go-to" verse has been " We have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us ; nor do we know what to do, but Our eyes are upon You. " 2 Chronicles 20:12
      I pray for "God's Peace to guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" this day.

    2. Thank you for filling me today, Norah. I was thinking the same thing about how blessed Madfox is that his daughter confides in him even her deepest fears. That is how strong the love between them are. When I can't sleep I run and read His Word and fill myself up so any fear or worry is gone. I sleep well enveloped in His love. Thank you for that poem. I will print it out to put up in my kitchen along with my many pictures and verses. Funny how my kitchen wall is such a friend to me. Hope everyone's day is fruitful, blessed and safe.

    3. I am blessed that my 3 children confide in me. My middle son told me today that he knows he needs to find a good job soon. He looks every day and has had some offers but they are far away. His second child will be here in September and he was laid off many months ago. I told him I was praying he would be guided to the perfect job. I hope he is praying the same thing. Thank you for your prayers.

    4. I join you now praying for your son. I’m praying that he is lead to the best job for him and his family.

  7. God bless all believers of Jesus. Help me to keep you first and foremost in my life Lord. I made a choice and I have been questioning the decision that I made even though I spoke with you about it. I trust you Jesus and I know that you always make everything good. Please help me to stand strong in You Lord. I need you Lord. I am nothing without You. You are my breath. Please bless me Lord and help me to rise above my circumstances. Thank you Jesus. Praise the Lord. I trust you Jesus. Thank you for the gift of You Lord.

    1. Praying for you, Unknown, that you made the right decision and God has heard your prayers and is already lifting you up out of your circumstances. He is faithful to those who sincerely seek Him in faith, trust, gratitude and praise.

    2. Janet, prayers that your choices from yesteryear are unfolding in a renewed confidence and trust in God. He is a good good Father and he loves you. You are his favorite 😘😉

  8. Dear Heavenly Father, I am blessed to be loved by You and to once more be in Your Presence. Because Your loving kindness is better than life itself, I will praise You, I will bless You as long as I live and will lift my hands in Your Holy name with thanksgiving (Psalm 63:3-4)! Thank You Father.

    Romans 8:35 says: Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? And the Apostle Pau asked;“Is anything powerful enough to separate us from God’s love?” The answer is NO. Absolutely Nothing is strong enough to prevent us from being loved by God, regardless of how we feel because feelings will not always tell the truth. When we realize we have sinned against Him, we should acknowledge it, ask Him to forgive us, and know that He will (1John 1:9). Jesus is the Shepherd of our heart, soul, and life. He loves us with an everlasting love. He said in John 10:10;“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”, a complete life for us full of purpose. God wants us to live in His Love. We never have been and never will be loved by anyone as much as God loves us. C. S. Lewis wrote: ‘God created us to be the objects of His love! Our bad actions can make us unlovely, but we are never unloved by God. We have value and no one can take that away from us. His love for us was revealed at Calvary and it fastened itself onto flawed creatures like us. His Love is beyond any form of reasoning, this is the LOVE with which our Father loves us. We are wise when we seek to live in His Presence and wear His Love ‘like a cloak of Light, covering us from the top to the bottom’!
    He also instructed us to love our enemies, our neighbors, love those who are also humans, but don’t have the same skin color as we do, those who hate us, those who can destroy the body, but not the soul and pray for them (Luke 6:27, 35). We can only overcome evil if we have fervent love and forgiveness in our heart. It’s a worthy goal and one we should often pray about, not just for ourselves but others too. Love most truly cover any sin. Jesus proved that. For His sake, let’s continue to love even when it’s difficult. At the end of the day, we’ll discover it’s us who benefit the most!

    Loving Father, when the world has turned to so much hate and anger, I pray that Your Holy Spirit will take over and arrest the hearts of every human being and open their eyes to gaze at You in the splendor of holiness and let LOVE prevail. May we walk in the Light and see others (black/white/brown/yellow/green or whatever color we describe humans), through lenses of LOVE from Your perspective, for the sake of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus the Christ! Amen.

    Blessings, Love and Peace to you all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood. Amen to your prayer and your words always echo my heart. I'm sharing this with my Bible Group. Thanks for filling all of us. Let us take the love of the Lord and continue to love others and forgive them as we have been forgiven. Let us look at all people through the loving Eyes of God. Much love and appreciation.

    2. Your older posts continue to teach me so much. Amen and thank you. These words from C.S. Lewis are so true: ‘God created us to be the objects of His love! Our bad actions can make us unlovely, but we are never unloved by God.
      Let us walk in His light and peace, and look at others through His loving Eyes.

  9. You are welcome Madfox, I visualize your daughter and She is strong and loving, beautiful in her faith and you are blessed. This experience ( The Worlds events) has added confirmation of the power of God. I believe He meant it to change each of us. I truly believe we will all feel His unique love in a way that surpasses words thru this " New thing" He is doing. I love todays verse and dwell on it often, but today was the first time I took it a step further. "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love" 1 John 4:18 As I meditate on these truths I long for perfect love so my fear can be demolished once & for all. Like many my fear revolves around my loved ones lives, my children's future. The fear that they will suffer and I will suffer. That they will be taken away from me and I will not be able to bear it. I have not been perfected in love, for I think maybe I believe in the depths of myself that I do deserve punishment for the outcome of my children's lives. I fear because some part of me believes I wasnt enough, or I could have stopped this train of pain that follows my son. I realize at this moment that I must move past all sins and accept forgiveness even for the unknown things I may have unintentionally done under my Interpatation of love. Now it's time to learn God's love without fear. " For what can man do to me." My sons torment is his journey and method to arrive where God wants Him to be.God wants His life! God has removed Him from me, I dont deserve it for I did nothing. I felt punished and treated unfairly being used as a scapegoat. But God knows what He needs and this is Gods plan for the precious life of His child and my son. We are not one body as I often think, but two seperate beings created each in Gods image. Sometimes God uses our fear to illustrate His character and refine His purpose in us. I feel the Lords love tenderly saying " there is no punishment in my love, you still dont know me child, draw close into my arms and feel my perfect love and learn and share it , no matter what it looks like" The highest calling of love often requires much from ourselves yet expects nothing from others.
    Thanks be to God for His perfect love. Draw us closer everyday to receiving Jesus.

    1. Dear Fern, You have had to withstand so much pain watching Dan suffer through his sickness. But you always come to God in trust asking Him to lift Dan's burden and heal his mind and depression. Someday he will see clearly at you with love when the veil is pulled from his eyes. God always sees with eyes of love even when we fall short of pleasing Him. He does know what Dan needs and he knows what you and your Husband need. Rest in Him who cares for you. Remember He is as close to you as your breath. Feel the peace He offers even in this time of turmoil. I love your honesty and I thank you for sharing your heart with us. Let us join together in drawing closer to the Lord today and opening our hearts to receive His love and peace.

    2. Thank you my trusted friend in Christ. Jeanne I am greatful for your understanding. God bless you. Unconditional love the greatest gift I can give for my Dan. The only one we all want.

    3. Amen! Our Father gives us unconditional love and we must share it. This love leads us to forgiveness too. Much love.

    4. Dan knows you love him unconditionally. You and your family have been through so much. Now Dan understands the strength of a love that endures through the trials. He feels God's love through you.

  10. Oh my... I haven't read the posts yet today but a prayer came to my heart to pray over this group that come here to receive Grace and Love. I just glanced at the first paragraph and realized the prayer is perfect.

    Lord, we thank you for your Love. We come here to receive more of it and to offer it back to you and others because you are our source. Help us to see in greater clarity your perfect Love for us and your perfect ways as we experience imperfect situations and thoughts. May we trust you more in that!

    Lord I thank you for all who come here. We have such a rich background of experience, different minds, and even different beliefs. Lord I praise you for the unity that is present here by YOUR Love. I thank you for the work you are doing in each one of our lives especially during the times we are lost and confused in our situations, thoughts, and even suffering. God may we hear you even when we don't hear you to bring glory to yourself.

    Lord I pray we are quick to forgive one another, make allowances for each others differences, and let your love flow through us into your people and world. May we do this for each other just as you do it for us. You are not in a hurry to fix us (Brilamar, your question yesterday) but yet you are doing a perfect work in us. May we trust, praise, and be open to your processes of your love in our lives.

    God, we love you. (Go ahead and say it out loud!) God we Love you and want to trust you more.

    In Jesus name...

    Receive His blessing that is being poured out...

    1. I'm in tears reading today's devotional after the prayer He put on my heart.

      Now this verse comes to mind, "you will know them by their love for one another".

      I'm in Grace over my head even in my suffering. And it is by Grace that I can say "I love you".

    2. Beautiful prayer, Keith. Thank you. He is close to the brokenhearted and knows our suffering because he reads our hearts. We are saved and renewed by His great gifts of love and grace. Have a blessed and peaceful day.

    3. Praying you are doing well dear Keith. I know the Lord is guiding your life because you trust in Him and seek Him always. He knows your beautiful heart.

    4. Keith! I feel so blessed again by your prayer from yesteryear. Thank you brother, back at you, that " I love you" thing 😉

  11. Today's devo reminds me of a poem written by Marianne Williamson that I would like to share with you:

    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

    So profound. So powerful. So true. As I read your posts above, I can feel the anxiety in your words. We all struggle with fear/anxiety, some more than others. The scripture verses today remind me that love and fear cannot co-exist. We choose to look through the lens of love or the lens of fear.

    Today, my focus will be to live in the light. I pray that He will show me how to be His hands and feet today and always. My prayer is that He will show all of us how to be His lighthouse.

    Have a wonderful day, my JC fam. Stay connected to The Vine.

  12. Good morning... I have been a Jesus Calling reader since big a caregiver to my mom. When she passed away a few years ago to be with our Heavenly Father I have continued with my daily devotion of reading my favorite book.
    Today I come to to my much needed blog asking for your prayers. My husband passed away suddenly a few days ago and I just need to pour my heart out this morning. There are so many things I’d like to say but am having a hard time seeing my screen enough to write through my tears.
    I feel like I need to pour out my heart.... and maybe tomorrow will be a better day to try and write again.
    Today I ask for prayer for me my big honeys wife who feels list without him here by my side. I’m comforted he is in heaven. He’s resting... but I’m so sad and just miss him so much. I’m asking for your prayers this morning.

    1. Love from Texas 🥰June 9, 2020 at 8:35 AM

      Heavenly Father, please wrap Linda in your peace that passes understanding. Be tangible to her as You guide her and love her today. We thank You for the comfort in knowing her mother and husband are with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen ���� ♥️

    2. Oh my! Linda, so sorry to hear about your husband. You are definitely in my prayers today and I pray God wrap his loving arms around you with comforting hugs. You will be in my thoughts and prayers all day. Feel the love and prayers from your JC family. Peace be with you.

    3. Wrapping you up in prayers and Love, along with all the other JC Prayer Warriors, Linda. Praying for you to feel the comfort of being cradled in the Saviors arms as you and He grieve together. With love and prayers from your JC Prayer Warrior Family. AMEN

    4. Linda, we are here with Love.

      From Minnesota

    5. Dearest Linda, Your tear stained words moved me to the bone and I feel your pain and wish I could hold you and somehow make you feel better. But that raw hole in your heart is a testament to the strong love you shared with your Big Honey. You truly lost a big part of you and you are walking around feeling so empty because his absence is so profound. He knew you better than yourself and now you must walk your path without him. But the Lord is ever at your side and knows exactly how you feel. Your love will never end and you will surely be with your good husband again when you are called Home to the Gloryland. Now you must feel the pain because that is good and right. Cry whenever you feel like it and roll up in a ball with the covers over you Let it all out because you need to. The pain of a loss so tragic and immediate will not subside but thankfully, eventually, it will fade with God's help while all the love and sweet memories will remain to encourage your broken heart. Your Husband is your new guardian angel. May God wrap His love around you like a fluffy warm bathrobe and remain so as you go through your days. He is the Giver of Peace and Comfort. I will keep you in my prayers dear one.

    6. Linda
      Praying for you. Dear Jesus please hold and comfort Linda.

    7. Linda - Joining Warriors in prayer. I feel your pain and share your grief. The heart may heal but the scar never goes away. If there is a Grief Share program close to you, I encourage you to attend. I repeated the program a second time.... I heard things the second time I didn't hear the first time. We can rejoice because we know our loved ones are in heaven. God knows your plight.
      “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Ps 30:5

    8. I'm so sorry for your loss. God is with you. I pray that you will feel his comfort and peace all through your body to your soul. He is with you always.

    9. Linda I am lifting you up in prayer for peace and comfort that surpasses all! You are loved!

    10. May God continue to comfort your heart Linda, as you miss your dear Husband. What a sweet reunion you will have someday.

    11. I, too, am praying for you again, a year later, Dear Linda. Praying that you have witnessed some 'joy in the morning,' as you continue on this new path without your Big Honey...something many of us may face some day, but with the full assurance that our Loving Father has gone before us. Continued prayers.

    12. Amen Norah. We will all have to face that day but what a blessed assurance that our Lord will be walking with us through the lonely days. He is preparing our future no matter what happens. We can endure anything with Him by our side.

  13. Linda please know that you are so very loved. That your greif is a worthy and important part of your love for your husband and your mom. Pour it out pour it out and praise God for such great love in your life. The same God who will see you through every step every breathe. Praying for rest and restoration and calm as you walk thru your greif. Praying for The Lord to soothe every hurt and supply you with exactly what you need. Gos bless you, I will continue to pray.

    1. Thank you for your prayers Fern. I’m praying for your son Dan and for both you and your hub as loving parents. God bless you all

  14. Dear Friends, Please pray for my brother Joseph who is alone in a hospital with no loved ones to comfort him. He is very sick with cancer, and the removal of fluid from his lungs and abdomen. Jesus may be calling him home... Love in Jesus... Thank you for your prayers on his behalf... <3

    1. Linda and Fran --- Going to The Throne of Grace to join the JC FAMILY to intercede for each of your circumstances. The Lord hears our prayers and watches over His Word to perform it. Great grace, mercy and comfort upon each of you and your loved ones.

    2. Fran, those circumstances fall close to me with my dad in the past. Praying for Jesus to comfort Joseph and you...

    3. Fran as someone who has just put her mother in the hospital, I know that helpless feeling! Praise God , my mom was discharged Saturday! I will keep your brother in my prayers as well as you and your family! Peace to y’all!

    4. Praying for you Fran. God understands your pain and is with you and your brother. How are things going? No matter what you are experiencing, you are never alone and you are deeply loved.

  15. Oh, Dear Friends - no, Family: I am praying with all of you...Love and blessings galore from your sister in Christ,

  16. Thank you my new friends for your prayers. I read them all in a moment of sadness yesterday and reread again just now as God has given us another beautiful day to be here on this earth. My 3 yo granddaughter is asleep by my side now. Her Papa Just thought she was so very beautiful as she rested in his arms. It touched him like nothing else in his life did. She wants to know when her beloved Papa is coming home. She is trying hard to understand this process of grieving she sees. All the friends coming by, emotional tears and hugs, listoning with the ears of a child and not understanding why he isn’t here by her side. She and her pop have been so connected but he just hasn’t come home yet. Please pray she will always have a connection with him. He’s had such a great influence on her development as a good human being since birth.
    My youngest son who has worked w his dad in their construction biz is missing his dads 50 years of experience on the job. He heart is heavy. Please pray for them both.
    Everyone who knows our family is praying for us and want to help. They ask how they can help but I don’t know how to answer other than pray for us.
    It feels right that as I wake up and pray this morning I can put my thoughts in this little box and know there is someone who may see it. Hard to call all those other friends at a moment when my brain is screaming and crying.
    Early morning is my quiet time and I thank you all for being there. I know there will be some days better than others.- I know that. God IS good and I will cry out to Him for comfort... and he will comfort me in many ways.
    Thank you to Jeanne- I needed to hear you say my Big Honey is my guardian angel now helping to guide us through from now on out.
    ...and so we start our day, day 7 without him in our physical presence.
    Thank you all...

    1. One year later, Linda, and I am sure you have seen signs that your Big Honey has been guiding you. You'll be with him again. God's Spirit has also been instructing and guiding you. Hope your little granddaughter is doing well and understands that the love between her and her Papa will never end and she will be with him again and her joy will be full.

    2. Amazing signs from him and Him🙂🙏🏻 Thank you for your prayers and thanks to everyone who has offered a prayer a year later. I so need them all.
      Our granddaughter sees butterflys as her papa visiting while we’re out and about and talks so matter of factly to him. She feels his presence and it keeps us all in touch knowing Steve is close and still watching over us.
      Thank you dear Lord for this gift of our butterfly visit when we need it most. Thank you Lord for loving me through all the heartache, covid fears, pulling myself back together, fear of my future fear of the unknown
      Thank you for you prayers. Love you all so much… you don’t know me but you get me! 🙏🏻

  17. Have been following along the past few weeks and been praying for the needs asked by all here. My update trip to Emory in Atlanta was a victory. Yes still have the aggressive variant but they confirmed I'm in remission and that the stem cell transplant deepened my response. Will begin chemo 3 drug maintenamce soon and will still interact with other cancer patients weekly as I will remain on the in-office IV administered chemo 3 weeks/month.

    As today's devo says, "I want My Body of believers to be radiant with the Light of My Presence," therefore, may my years ahead in the infusion center be where I always remain positive, smile, and radiate the Light of Christ. Thank you Lord for the time to see my first grandchild's birth, more time with my adult kids and wife, and for healing my body through the miracles of modern science. In Your Son's holy name, Amen.

    1. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Another victory in Jesus Christ. God is always so good. I'm so glad to hear the good news. May you continue to be a bright light in the darkness of this world. Peace be with you.

    2. Remission! What a glorious word! Doing a little victory dance in my living room for you dear Brother! So very happy that your transplant was a success. Our loving Father will lead you through your chemo 3 drug maintenance and you will be a bright beacon of His light to the other cancer patients. God is faithful and you will see your grandchild's birth and enjoy your family. God is the Greatest Healer. May He continue to guide your doctors to your perfect treatment to make you well again.

    3. That's great news, MadFox! Our good Lord walks right along your path with you. May your peace and healing and awesome faith be with you always. KS

    4. Yes, praise God! He is the healer! May you bless others as he has blessed you.

    5. Great news MadFox! So happy to hear of your remission. I pray for you often. God is so wonderful.


    6. A word you and your family needed to hear, MadFox, REMISSION! Fantastic news. And going into your maintenance treatment plan with your incredibly positive, faith-filled attitude, you are sure to lift the spirits and faith of other patients and health care workers showing them via your positivity and sharing your immense love for Jesus with them. What an immense blessing you are to so many and will be once again to all you cross paths with in this next phase of healing, MadFox! Thanks for sharing your update with us! Continued blessings to you and your family as well as continued healing prayers, sir! BE WELL!

    7. Precious words, indeed, Dear MadFox!! You have remained in my DH's and my prayers, every day and we will continue those prayers. DH is doing very well, too. We are so thankful to be back with his original Dr, a bright man who watches the counts closely and confirms our beliefs. That baby girl is in for a treat once she lays eyes on her doting Grandpa! We have another one arriving in December & that anticipated joy is such a blessing. Carry on, dear MadFox!! You will be blessing many with your presence, which includes the Light of His Love and boosting your body, all at the same time! :)

    8. Amen to remission! Praise dance for you and your family. Also will be praying for your future interactions with patients and staff as you witness to them. Much love to you Mad🦊. Mindy

  18. Father, thank You for working in my life. You are so wonderful. I love You so much. I was so lost without You and I am so grateful that You drew me to You and saved me. Help me to be salt and light in this world for Your glory. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always and continually.
    I'd like to share this unity prayer:
    Heavenly Father, Your church is so precious to You. You must grieve as You see our divisions and our warring factions. We pray that we might be truly as one as You are, Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit. May Your Holy Spirit lead us into all truth, as we may sincerely follow Your true word and as we truly worship our Lord Jesus Christ. May we not break the unity You give us by our pride, jealousy, and selfishness but may we rightly and lovingly affirm one another's gifts and callings, than those outside the church may come to know Jesus Christ and put their trust in Him. We pray in His name. Amen.

    Every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. (1 John 5:4).
    From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on Your people. (Psalm 3:8).

  19. Amen dear Janet! He is working in your life and leading you through the hard times to a blessed future. Hold tight onto His hands and keep your eyes fixed on Him. He loves you so dearly exactly as you are and where you are in your life. He is leading you to the future He has lovingly prepared for you. The best is yet to come.

    Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness. Psalm 143:10

    For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

    But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

    1. Thank you sweet Jeanne. God is always so good! God bless you.

    2. Amen! He is just so good dear Janet. He never fails to hold us up when we are weary, or guide us when we're lost. He is so kind and a true and loyal friend. Thanks for the blessing! God bless you too. <3

  20. MadFox ...praying that your body becomes stronger...stronger..even stronger each week . You will continue to be the beacon of light to others... God is Blessing you...and others , through you. Take care.... Blessings to all our JC Warriors.

  21. Must turn to my work computer, Dear JC Family and get that portion of my day started, but the last couple of hours I've had basking in His Light and Love have prepared me for the day.
    Praying for all of my loved ones as they go about their in FL at Disney Word with his family, for the first time. I can feel their excitement all the way over here in OH. One celebrating his 2nd Anniversary - and I enjoyed reading about all of the prep and the good time we had. One filling a dumpster from the kitchen renovation a year ago, one biking up a storm and our only Daughter, who needs prayer for her physical condition. Please pray with me that in all of her seeking, she doesn't forget The Great Physician who made, formed and created her.
    After a Monday that did its best to do me in, I have once again tried to back off a little in my involvement with my cases. Keep the balance; see things through His Lenses of Love; wear that cloak of Light and take care of business without letting it drain my very soul! Tough job for me, but not for my Heavenly Father who has equipped me through His Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ.
    Praying for each of you. Remembering a year ago and now, all He has seen us through. We know He will continue to do so, as we trust in Him with all of our hearts.

    1. I'm glad to hear that you have been refreshed in His perfect love light. I pray that your daughter has the healing that she needs in her life. Our wonderful, loving Father is always "on the job". Peace be with you.

    2. You're doing a great job in His presence, keeping the balance. Work hard for Him, but make sure to get your rest because you serve Him and His people so much better when you are renewed. I can really relate to this. Praying for your dear daughter's health in body, mind and spirit and most of all for her strength of faith. Thank You Jesus!

  22. Dear Jesus help me to always live in Your love. This will help me "have no fear". Your love covers all in forgiveness and redemption. I am grateful! Amen.

  23. “There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God's judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God's love]. There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God's judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God's love]” (1 John 4:18 AMP).

    Father, Here's to another day giving thanks to You and praising Your holy name. Thank You for Your perfect Love that is made complete in me. You are Love and the scripture reminds us that whoever lives in loves, lives in You and You in them. Your Love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment and if we fear, we are not being made perfect in love. We don’t have to strive for perfection because Your love pursues and never grows tired of our imperfections and flaws, it will never give up on us. Psalm 36:5-7 tells us that Your love is unfailing and will therefore always persevere us. It reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies and it tells us that Your righteousness is like the highest mountains and Your justice like the great deep.
    Thank You for the comfort of taking refuge in the shadow of Your wings. May we continue to grow in the knowledge of this deep Love that You have for us, despite what we endure. In a state of distress, Jesus knew what was about to happen, His death for our life. But He knew Your love for Him is beyond any fear that tried to come in. Help us to comprehend this, live in Your love, let it rule and be sovereign over our lives, and trust in our hearts that You will never forsake us in our fear. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen! Praising Him with you with thanksgiving.
      We can endure anything as long as we are wrapped in His love. Just like Jesus had to suffer and give every drop of blood for us, so we must be brave soldiers in this world and good witnesses to our faith to all people. Let us not get dismayed but hope in the Lord always no matter our circumstances. Let Him see the strength of our faith through our perseverence in trials and tribulations. We know we are not alone. In Him we can do anything and endure anything. He holds our future. I trust in His plan and I will not be afraid because His words are true:
      Isaiah 4l:10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

  24. Dear Prayer Warriors, Please pray for my very dear special friend and neighbor, Nancy. 25 years ago she had a mastectomy, her breast cancer has returned. She is taking her first chemo treatment today.

    1. Praying for your dear friend Nancy that even though it has metastasized to the liver, this chemo will destroy every cancer cell and she will soon be in remission. Praying that God will guide her doctors to find the perfect treatment for her. God is all powerful and above any disease. May He give her a miracle and bless, strengthen and guide her and amaze the doctors with His healing power and faithfulness. Thank You Father for all this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

  25. I just spoke with Nancy - the cancer has metastasized to the liver. I'm too upset to write more. Thank you for prayers to Jehovah Rapha, the GREAT PHYSICIAN.

    1. Father, please put Your healing hands on Nancy and remove her affliction. Give her comfort, peace, and strength and let her pain be dulled by the light of Your perfect love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

  26. Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
    Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
    Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
    Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

  27. Met our new Bible member Tom last night. He’s 80 years old and just had his first great grandson. After his second wife passed away a year ago he decided he would like to read the Bible. We had a good Bible group. Took it very slowly and God’s Spirit gave me all the right words.
    Going to the hand doctor this morning because my finger is not healing well from the removal of the cyst. My doctor had led me to believe it would heal well and look fine. It looks terrible and is so painful. God will be in that office with me. Trusting in His promises.

  28. Just updating. I never got to see the doctor for my finger because the woman who scheduled my appointment made it for the wrong office location. I got to my White Plains office and was told the Doctor is always in Armonk on Wednesdays. They had no further openings there and he’s going away on vacation so I can’t see him till July 18th. I’m on a waiting list so I’m praying with God’s help I may get to see him sooner. Thanks for your prayers.

  29. So blessed that the doctor’s office gave me a new appointment for Monday at 10. Thanks for all your prayers. God is so good and faithful! Praise His Holy Name.

  30. Praying for Norah's good husband to have a good oncology appointment. May it bring them good results. Thank You Father for guiding it all, and showing them your Faithfulness once more. You are such a good and compassionate God. We wait on you always.

    1. Praying dear Jeanne that the Lord will give you relief & complete healing before you even see the doctor, claiming this in Jesus' name, Jehovah Rapha! 🙏🙏💞

    2. Joining Jeanne dear Norah in prayer for a positive visit with oncologist. 🙏🙏💞

    3. I was in the kitchen cooking all morning right to 3:30 and I was feeling discouraged about my finger and then I ready your lovely prayer, dear Jan. I told myself I was leaning on my own understanding and I told the Lord I was just going to trust in Him to make my finger better. No pity pool for me. I am being held by the Most High and I am surrounded by love and prayers. Waiting on the Lord for good results for Norah's DH's appointment. Thank You Jesus!

  31. Lord God, I also am guilty of judging others when I myself am not perfect in any way. Please help me to stop myself and drop to my knees in prayer. You Lord are the only perfect one. I pray that you will show me the ways to be more like you. Please protect my mind and all my thoughts from the evil one who takes pride in watching us slander each other. This is not our purpose on earth. In fact it’s just the opposite. Today is a new day and I pray that you will control my every thought. Help me to love and not judge. I pray all this in your precious name, Amen ! 🙏🏽❤️

    1. Bless you Anonymous for sharing this prayer. I needed to read this and be reminded that in judging others, I will be judged. Just love and see those who are judging me and offending me through the eyes of a loving God. Love & blessings on your day. 💞🙏

    2. Amen! Adopting this prayer to the forefront today! Finding it so hard to not judge what I see is evil at work through people in our world. Trusting that judgement will come from our KING. Maranatha!

    3. Amen dear Anonymous. Your prayer is honest and I can relate because I have often found myself being led by my emotions rather than my spirit. We all judge people just for sinning differently than we sin. Thank God we serve a merciful and understanding God. May He lead us all to follow harder after righteousness and the spirit instead of this fallen world and its trappings.

  32. 1 Corinthians 13 MSG
    The Way Of Love
    If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.
    2 If I speak God’s Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, “Jump,” and it jumps, but I don’t love, I’m nothing.
    3-7 If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.

    Love never gives up.
    Love cares more for others than for self.
    Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
    Love doesn’t strut,
    Doesn’t have a swelled head,
    Doesn’t force itself on others,
    Isn’t always “me first,”
    Doesn’t fly off the handle,
    Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
    Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
    Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
    Puts up with anything,
    Trusts God always,
    Always looks for the best,
    Never looks back,
    But keeps going to the end.

    8-10 Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit. We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete. But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.
    11 When I was an infant at my mother’s breast, I gurgled and cooed like any infant. When I grew up, I left those infant ways for good.
    12 We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!

    13 But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.

    1. Thank you dear Peter. You encouraged my heart today as I am feeling a bit tired. But the Lord is always with me and and He knows how I feel. He is the peace than never wavers. Our stronghold in the storms. Amen I sure will trust steadily in Him with a hope that He gave me.

    2. Thanks, I needed the love reminder. I failed again today. Dear Lord, please forgive me and help me do better tomorrow. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. I understand how you feel my dear sister Brie! I was letting my human emotions lead me for a while today too. But then I prayed and God understands.

  33. Amen dear brother, amen. I'm taking all what you shared to inspire me today to walk even closer to our God! Hallelujah! Love & blessings 💞

  34. A prayer of thanksgiving, of hope and healing. For true love, casting out all fear, and for peace and wisdom. Blessed be your holy name El Shaddai!
    “Stop striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted on the earth.” Psalms‬ ‭46:10‬

    1. Amen and thank you dear Rich! He is above all and all true blessings come from Him.

  35. I can't wait to crawl in bed, but I had to thank all of you for your prayers for my Dear Hub!! It went very well and again - we'll know ALL of the results by next Wed, but the first round showed NO increase and the Dr. doesn't expect any spikes. What a blessed ending to a crazy day. I was up at 5:30, had car issues (dear son to the rescue) and we still made it on time. Got home in time to get our car to the shop to fix the power steering. Dinner plans at 6:30, which I could have SO done without, but it was good to see this group. We meet monthly and missed last month, so they were all waiting to hear an update on my DH. Face washed, jammies bed I go, but not before letting each of you know that you were prayed for today as well and I thank you so much Brothers and Sisters for your faithfulness to share the Word, pray for us, love us. It is returned to each of you. Thanking the good Lord for this day being over...more on DH next week, but we are expecting the best - again!

    1. Thank You God for Norah's Praise Report!
      Praying for all in Jesus' Name. Amen

  36. Such great news about your good husband. Praying for great results next Wednesday. Thanks for your prayers dear Norah! Love you.
    Trust in the Lord and believe the best is yet to come. Thank You Jesus.

  37. Driving to my Mom's this morning and taking my dear sister to get injections in her knees. Thanks for praying for God to guide the doctor's hands perfectly to remove her pain, increase her flexibility and bring her healing in every part of her body, mind and spirit.
    Thank You Father for this and for keeping us all safe, healing all our weaknesses, guiding our paths, encouraging our hearts, and bringing us Your peace and joy, in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    Isaiah 58:8 "Thy light shall break forth as the morning, and thy health shall spring forth speedily; and thy righteousness shall go before thee: the glory of the Lord shall be thy rear guard."

    1. Joining in prayers with you for Janet and her knees. May our heavenly Father touch her and remove all her pain and His healing be the relief she needs in her body. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Praying for safety in travel dear Jeanne & for Janet's procedure. His mercy is new every morning. His grace will be showed on her. Hallelujah 🙌💕🙏🌈

    3. Safe travels to your mom's, Jeanne, and praying the injections bring relief to Janet. "For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds," says the Lord. -Jeremiah 30:17

    4. Thank you so much dear Janet, Jan and NJS for your sincere prayers. We prayed together a lot today. Janet’s procedure went smoothly but she’s in a lot of pain. God’s not done with her. Praying for His faithfulness. Unfortunately her MRI results were not good and she will need to wear a brace on her right leg for 6-8 weeks. I believe she will be healed because our amazing God is so much greater. Thank You Jesus.

  38. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. (1 John 2:27).

  39. Lord, I seek to live in Your love. Lead me and show me your loving ways in every area in life, help me to love as you do, Amen.
    Love is...
    Does anyone remember the 'Love Is...' series of strip cartoons in the newspapers?
    Usually depicting husband and wife in a simple pose with a short sentence such as:
    " Love is...When your differences make no difference" or "Love is...Not just the meal, but the person who made it".
    The 'Love is..' series captures the essence of togetherness and of true love; agape love... selfless love.
    Here's Jesus' definition, the ultimate definition of Love:
    1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
    4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
    5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
    6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
    7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
    8 Love never fails.

    1. Thank you Peter.

    2. I do remember those wonderful cartoons. Thanks dear Peter! Always loved those verses too!

  40. Dear blessed JC friends, may God richly cover you and your families with healing and peace. Please pray for me this weekend as I am spending time with my sisters and wish for healing love and peace to prevail. Thank you

    1. MY Gracious, Papa God, help Ellen and her sisters to love each other fervently. Grow their love so deep that they are able and willing to overcome and forgive a multitude of misgivings. I thank You, Papa, that you have given each one spiritual gifts. Help them use the for the benefit of their families and to further Your Kingdom!!! Let sweetness, humility and peace reign over their gathering. Pleading The Blood of Jesus over all!!!
      In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Gathering into JJ’s perfect prayer. Amen. May they see Christ’s light in each other and love with a forgiving and unconditional love. May it be a blessed reunion full of a love that keeps on growing well after they part.

  41. Peace and Love - in Him we find it and show it. Blessings one and all today! ♥️✝️

    1. Thanks for the love and blessings sweet Audra! Peace and love to you.

  42. Isaiah 35:3-4 The Message
    "Energizer the limp hands, strengthen the rubbery knees. Tell fearfull souls,
    "Courage! Take heart! God is here, right here, on His way to put things right and address all wrongs. He is on His way! He will save you!"

    1. Amen and Hallelujah! Nothing is to hard for our Way Maker. Wait on the Lord!!!

      Lamentations 3:22-25
      Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
      Because His compassions fail not.
      They are new every morning;
      Great is Your faithfulness.
      “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
      “Therefore I hope in Him!”
      The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
      To the soul who seeks Him.

    2. Yes! And thank God for God!

      Toby Mac

  43. Amen and Amen. Thanks for the good food, dear sister.

  44. JC today says, "Look at other people through lenses of Love... This is how you walk in the Light."

    I cannot help but think of the American nation, and these protesters screaming at each other. Some wear masks to hide their identity (which should be illegal) and truly act as if possessed!

    The "Jesus Knows Us" advertising is on point and so effective. Looking at others, understanding they are love-able, and putting aside hate. He did it when He humbly submitted to death on a Cross. Let us pray for some revolution and miraculous change in the hearts of many. With God, this change is truly possible. Amen

    1. Joining in prayers for all the people to have open hearts that are turned toward the Lord. Please Lord, let Your mighty power transform those hearts that are filled with darkness and bring them to Your glorious Light. Open the eyes of the blind to see You in all Your splendor and glory. May Your perfect love fill our hearts. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:16-17).

    3. Gathering into prayer agreement MadFox and Janet.
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would you please help me put your Love Cloak on 1st, and once I am encloaked in Your Love Light, then I can proceed in assisting others. In Jesus' Name

    4. Agreed MadFox! Let us all sing "Make me a Channel of Your Peace" It's such a lovely prayer made into song. It keeps coming to me when l wake up. Thanks everyone for your prayers. Happy Sunday. Anaira from MD.

    5. Amen dear MadFox and Janet! Thank you! Yes we must wake up every day in gratitude and praise, and put on God’s armor and a cloak of His Love. I loved that, Brie! We must see through His Eyes and feel through His Heart, and think through His Spirit. This world is divided and full of hate and conflicts: the ungodly are having a field day, but we who follow after righteousness and the Spirit, instead of the flesh and this world know that we shall overcome because we are led by our King Jesus. So we cannot fail.

  45. Wear My Love like a cloak of Light, covering you from head to toe;
    I want My Body of believers to be radiant with the LIGHT of My Presence;
    My Love will once again envelop you in LIGHT! 
    All of the above has me singing SHINE! JESUS! SHINE!

    1. Yesterday cautioned me against trying to "fix" others, but it didn't say I couldn't shine the LIGHT from my Jesus Cloak on them!

    2. Amen to that! Love you, Brie. Beautiful song! Shine on me Jesus and I will shine my light before all.

    3. The world certainly needs a lot more light. So much darkness, sin and deception. So many lost souls who need the Lord! I pray I can be that light in my little world.
      Much like the very elderly woman I met this morning while walking my dog. She was obviously coming home from church service as we talked for a few minutes about my dog (while I admired her handmade Jesus Saves scarf).
      When we left each other I said. "Have a blessed day!" She responded, "Oh, I will. God will see to it that I do." Such faith, hope and certainly light. Certainly brightened my morning and made me think of how I could be more like that.
      Praying His light will shine upon you and through you.

      May you have a blessed week ahead and a restful night.
      Shalom 🙏

    4. Thanks for sharing Rich C.
      It seems as though she was wearing the scarf like a cloak of Light! May I go and do likewise. In Jesus' Name.

    5. Thanks dear Rich C, for sharing your light and your story about this wonderful woman of faith and light. Let us all shine our light as best we can. Yes, Brie! Let us all proudly God's light before all men so they may see our good works and give glory to our Father in Heaven. I'm blessed to be home for one night with my good husband. Thanks for your prayers for his angioplasty tomorrow morning to go well. We know that our faithful God will be in charge! Thank You Jesus.

  46. "Let Your Light Shine Brighter Now..." Humming this song as I turn out the lights. God Bless you, Dear JC Family. Heading to bed and praying for all of you. Very thankful for all of the love shone on my Family, this day.

  47. Dear Rich --Thank you for sharing your encounter with the Faith Filled women. When I hear FAITH like that---I SHOUT HALLELUJAH!!! The Lord wants us to have HIGH expectations of Him. He is a BIG GOD! Let's not put Him in a box to only work as we think He should work. Let us Reign with Him as His Sons and Daughters in this Kingdom Age! Great Love and Abundant life to you and your family!😊🙏👍
