Friday, June 5, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 5

Remember that you live in a fallen world: an abnormal world tainted by sin. Much frustration and failure result from your seeking perfection in this life. There is nothing perfect in this world except Me. That is why closeness to Me satisfies deep yearnings and fills you with Joy.
     I have planted longing for perfection in every human heart. This is a good desire, which I alone can fulfill. But most people seek this fulfillment in other people and earthly pleasures or achievements. Thus they create idols, before which they bow down. I will have no other gods before Me!  Make Me the deepest desire of your heart. Let Me fulfill your yearning for perfection. 
Exodus 20:3
English Standard Version

You shall have no other gods before me.

Psalm 27:4
English Standard Version

One thing have I asked of the Lord,
that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to inquire in his temple.

My Prayer
(2015) Lord, I need to be trained by You. Help me to not look inward or outward to world for success, but I want to find my fulfillment in You. Keep me close to You even during trials and tribulations. I do not want to be guided by human wisdom, but only through the wisdom of the Lord. Train me daily for Godliness.
(2019) Lord, the closer I get to you or the more time I spend with you, the more I see my awful sin. I am embarrassed by the idolatry in my life: how I find refuge in a TV, movie; worth in my job; peace in a nice house and nice cars; fulfillment in getting to go on a long vacation; satisfaction in watching my children succeed; piety by having many people post on my blog. Lord, purify me and may my dependence be only on You. I so want to seek after You and dwell in the house of the Lord. Thank you for providing good and wholesome shows to watch on TV for me to find rest in, for providing a job that I can enjoy and help provide for my family, for providing me with great neighbors and a house that can bless many, for providing opportunities to see your creation and other friends and family living in other cities and for the joy in seeing how you have gifted my children. Lord, when I spend time with You, in your word, and reading devotions like this written by people you have spoken to, I am lifted up and encouraged and I'm amazed that my thoughts can encourage others. To God be the Glory.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, help me to remember trials and tribulations are not a time of seperation from you, but rather a time of closeness. If I am open, your presence is revealed to me, especially in times of desolation.

    1. Amen. May we remember this is difficult times

    2. Amen! Thanking him for everything and grateful for the faith he builds in me slowly over time through everything that he has and will help me get through. Lord, I pray that you help me daily.❤️πŸ™

  2. Lord I am always trying to make things better and more perfect. It is so hard for me to just be content and peaceful in your presence. I strive and I strive and I strive to make myself better my marriage better my kids better my yard better my business better my relationship with my parents better. The list goes on and on it's so easy for me to forget you the most important thing in my life. Please help me daily to remember

    1. Amen, Amen, AmenπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    2. I too stay busy in pursuit of what looks perfect to me in my surroundings. I am at peace with the appearance of order around me. What I am learning to do is keep God in mind, to "do" all things with Him. I have a long way to go, and try to see the humor when apparent chaos surrounds me because based on my experience, this will pass and peace and order prevails. I know why that is so because of Jesus. Amen!

    3. Yes it’s all because of Jesus! He is my lord and saviour! God bless you Audra!! πŸ™πŸ™

    4. Amen Audra and Woman of God! No matter what we face we shall overcome because of Jesus!

    5. Still praying to..."Let Me fulfill your yearning for perfection."

    6. RiseUp
      Your prayer words hit close to my heart. I too am always trying to make relationship and situations better.
      Yesterday, I was feeling overwhelmed and realized I needed to
      Pray and seek
      Jesus, God and Holy Spirit ask for help, trust and wait.
      Our God is so good!
      He equipped me to
      help my mom
      who is disabled to clean up some things that were in need and to get her a little rescue dog/friend. My heart sang seeing my moms smile with her new sweet friend. The little guy seemed right at home.
      This was all after a long 6 day work week and I didn’t get home until
      10. I was exhausted. My sweet husband had picked up dinner and this was my first chance to have s bite to eat and spend a little time with hubby. Our peace and refuge is found only in the Lord.
      Praying for each of our JC family and sending love
      Thank you Jesus for carrying me
      Love you and I trust you

  3. @paytonfamily. Your 2019 prayer is powerful tonight. Agree, it is so easy to create our own idols when life is going well and success starts to create an EGO in us that we are "good" and not fallen. This blog and now the tremendous number of postings each day were the result of a "valley" period, where God held your hand as Sarah often writes, so many years ago... and now look at how GOD has used it for good.

    I wrote previously (I think) in a posting here that EGO is an acronym for Edging God Out! It was from a book and conference on Leading like Jesus. You @paytonfamily have absolutely shown humility and an openness that most would not do in such a public way. God bless you and THANK YOU for your courage to be "vulnerable" and honest in this blog. You are helping, healing and leading many to a greater faith in our Lord. Godspeed. In Him.

    1. Well said MadFox. I am so grateful for this blog. Payton family, thank you so much for the work you put into this page over the years. It's amazing to see how the community has grown, especially the last couple of years. I to appreciate your honesty and vulnerability. May God continue to bless all who are part of this group of believers. I'm thankful for you all.
      P.S. I love the acronym for EGO. It makes perfect sense.

    2. "I too appreciate." Sorry, I need to correct my own grammar. Lol.

    3. Your humble & honest prayers always blesses me Chris. This blog was born out of a deep desire, deeper than you could ever know to honor God & thank Him for for His goodness & mercy all the days of your life up to this day. You're obedience to the calling of this blog was & is God provoked. You could no more have prevented it than to forget to breath. He led you here to lead "us" here. Bless you for your obedience.

    4. You're so right MadFox! Thank you to PaytonFamily. God's ways are amazing.


    5. Amen to all the great entries and to Chris who was truly led by Christ to establish this blog!
      Colorado JC Friend

    6. @paytonfamily I join Madfox in his words of thanks to you. I would like to have written the same words myself. I have owned the book since 2014, but prefer to come here and be blessed by this family. We are all joining and learning here. God absolutely used your honesty and ambition to create this. God Bless you and yours.

    7. Kmertens, I feel the same way. I too, have the book but prefer to come here. Does the bloggers still visit the site? I see alot of the prayers that accompany the post are from years prior.

    8. Amen Madfox for your post of gratitude.
      Thank you Chris always for your honesty, strength and willingness to show your human frailty for our benefit. It makes me feel closer to you in my own brokenness. You have truly formed a perfect Family here. One whose members can lay their problems at the feet of Jesus and also right on the table before us. I come here for peace, renewal and restoration.

    9. I know I can always come to this wonderful site and hear God. It is so refreshing to come inside out of the cold or the heat and find comfort. Thank you Chris and all who post! Thank you Lord for our siblings in Christ!. Loved EGO- edging God Out. Yes that's right. Peace!

    10. MadFox! I still love EGO-Edging God Out. Must invite Him into every part of my life.
      As always, thank you dear Chris for this JC Family that I hold so dear and this place of Love, refuge, thanks, praise, encouragement and God’s Words, Sarah’s words and our words!

    11. Year after year my gratitude grows for those that join us here, posting or not, and for the Payton family as our most gracious hosts. Praying for all in Jesus's name.

    12. Again and again. Blessings all!

    13. Pocket Sponsor – Book – Quote
      Humility is not so much thinking less of yourself as it is thinking of yourself less.
      True humility is accepting myself without embellishment and without embarrassment.
      Along with MadFox, who said years ago, Thank You God for Chris, who has absolutely shown humility and an openness that most would not do in such a public way.
      THANK YOU for your courage to be vulnerable, humble, and honest in this blog. You are helping, healing and leading many to a greater faith in our Lord. Godspeed. In Him.

    14. Couldn't Agree more with Everyone and Everything posted here! I come here every morning for 3 years now for same restoration and hope. Holy Spirit help me to remain steadfast! Thank you All!πŸ™❤️

    15. πŸ™❤️πŸ™

  4. Amen Madfox! The blessings abound. God is using this blog and this family.

  5. Amen Madfox! The blessings abound. God is using this blog and this family.

  6. Thank You heavenly father for a place where we can come boldly, bow in humility and not be embarrassed to express our true feelings and ask for prayer, confident that JC Family will uplift with love and prayers.

    1. Brilamar - I haven't received any more updates from our Lexi since she was waiting to be discharged from UVA.
      Lexi update: I am currently waiting to be discharged from UVA!!! This blessing is not lost on me. My normal looks a lot different and I think it will for a little while. BUT, I get more time to love on my family and friends and that’s the ultimate blessing for me. God has a purpose for this, that I am sure of. Thank you for all of your prayers!♥️ Lexi

    2. Lexi you sound so very Lovely.
      God bless you and keep you close as you continue to grow in Him.
      Continued prayers.

  7. I was listening to a song this morning called "the prayer", you can Google Celine Dion performing it. These lyrics fit the reason for this blog Chris, "take us to a place, lead us with your grace, to a place where we are safe".

    1. I pray You'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go
      And help us to be wise, in times when we don't know
      Let this be our prayer, as we go our way
      Lead us to a place, guide us with Your grace
      To a place where we'll be safe...
      I pray we'll find Your light
      And hold it in our hearts
      When stars go out each night
      Let this be our prayer
      When shadows fill our day
      Lead us to a place
      Guide us with Your grace
      Give us faith so we'll be safe
      We ask that life be kind
      And watch us from above
      We hope each soul will find
      Another soul to love
      Let this be our prayer
      Let this be our prayer
      Just like every child
      Just like every child
      Needs to find a place, guide us with Your grace
      Give us faith so we'll be safe

    2. Just listened...Thanks Jan

    3. Sang it and it is so calmimg.

    4. Found it 😁
      ❤️🎢 The Prayer

  8. Thank you God for providing all of us a place to reach out and confess our love to you. This blog is truly a God send and has touched my soul and the souls of others many times. I feel so blessed to have found such a place!

  9. God is being glorified here. He is transforming hearts and minds.

  10. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for another blessed day which you have prepared for me. I invite Your Spirit to take control of my thoughts, my actions, my words and lead me in the way I should walk this day, in Jesus name.
    "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" matt. 6:33
    Father, despite what we face in this fallen world, help us to seek You first and seek You only. Nothing or no one can take Your place or come close to who You are nor can anything fulfill our hearts desires. You are the 'Great I AM! all power and Majesty belongs to You and You alone!
    Great is Your Faithfulness! In this broken up sinful world, help us to lean NOT unto our own understanding, but to acknowledge You and know that You are the ONLY God who shall direct our paths.
    May serving You be our Only and Highest priority!

    Thank You for fulfilling the needs and desire of each one here and their families in Jesus name!

    Blessed and great day to all, JC family.

    Maplewood NJ

  11. Paytonfamily I too need to add my thoughts on the blog. I was in a very dark place when I was given Jesus Calling. That was 4 years ago.

    I stumbled on this blog and have been with it the last couple years. It is a way God is revealed to YOU and ALL of us when we feel alone or question: "where are you God?" In truth, he is right here with us every step of the way, NEVER abandoning us. Chris your positive response to a God-nudge to start this blog is good, very good.

    You should receive blessings. Accept it with open hands AND an open heart! Amen.

  12. Good morning JC family. The ultra sound for hubby for the aortic aneurysism is tomorrow. We have informed our family members as the doctor recommended. This disease is hereditary. Hubby & I are asking the Lord that they will find nothing! That this sentence on our family was carried on the cross & dismissed! Hallelujah! Amen! Thank you dear ones for your prayers. Nothing is impossibble with God. Blessings to you allπŸ₯°

    1. Jan-- I stand with you in agreement and prayer that "they will find nothing" in your Hubby's exam. Great blessing to you and your family! The Lord loves you intensely!! And Great Blessings to the Paytonfamily and this awesome JC FAMILY!! Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth;and with my song I will praise Him." Humble and praising in Kansas

    2. Prayers for a great appointment that brings y’all peace and prayers they find nothing! God bless you Jan, your dear hubby and each of our JC family. πŸ₯°πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    3. Many thanks to all of you for prayer supportπŸ₯°

  13. My prayers are with you and your beloved husband, Jan. Like some others here, I’ve been reading this blog for several years, yet rarely comment. I’m sure there are many more like me out here in the JC Family. Thank you , Chris, for your efforts and honesty. You are truly being used by our Lord and savior to tend His flock. May God Bless each and everyone of you today as you continue your journey toward Heaven

    1. Bless you Bright Star & thank you for prayers.

  14. Amen to all said, God Bless the Payton Family and our JC Family. Be with each of us as we go about our day. Thank you for each person on here that doesn't mind putting their flaws for the world to see. I believe this is very important for people that could be on the edge of receiving their salvation or have been saved but feel unworthy of Gods love. People need to know that we as Christian's have the same problems that people out in the world have. We come on here for prayer and to pray for our fellow Brother and Sisters in Christ, not to boast at how good we are or that we are problem free. Lord you know that through your love for us we need a Savior, You Lord is what helps us to get through our trials, You are in the valley as well as You are on the mountain top, no matter where we are in our lives, You are right here with us. Help me today to be an example for others to see how Christ can take a broken person and make them new, thank You Lord for that. Grant the prayers that are asked on this blog, heal those that are sick and make new those that are broken and don't feel they can make it another day. I ask You these thing in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen❣

  15. Our Hope is built on the promises of God and only God. Blessings to All of our JC Family. The victory is already won. Thank you Payton Family.

  16. Jan, I join you in prayer today for your dear husband. πŸ™πŸ»

    1. Thank you JackieHealth. Prayers are helping me so much with that peace that I need to but cannot understand.

  17. I am so thankful for YOU dear Lord; for choosing me before the foundations of the world. Thankful for my stinkin' heart, which somehow knew to choose You back. For knowing that YOU are the reason for ALL good in my life. I echo your posts, Peytonfamily and MadFox and the 3 of you in 2018 & all the other great posts. They cause me to remember something I was taught years ago: the adversary never lets up. His goal is always to steal, kill and destroy. On the days when we are light-hearted, happy (conditional, based on circumstances - different than JOY, an inside job that only God can give along with us choosing to heed God's Word), it isn't that the adversary has lightened up and decided to leave us alone. It is that we HAVE CHOSEN to walk with our Lord & Savior and heed His Word. Often, I forget that and think the 'ol bird has decided to leave me alone.
    I strive for perfection and yet, I am SO IMPERFECT. When I read what Sarah wrote in JC, "I have planted longing for perfection in every human heart. This is a good desire, which I alone can fulfill.", I found myself lightening up. I just have to remember not to give myself the glory when I get it right! If I, as a parent, can honestly say that I don't want my children focusing on their failures (most of the time, I don't either - ha ha, read, "MOST OF THE TIME," then surely God wants us to recognize our gifts from Him that we have chosen to pursue!
    Peytonfamily, and all of you in this JC Family, I am so thankful for this blog and the many prayers and hours of believing you devote to my little corner of the world. I don't take it for granted and I hope you know that I spend time on all of you in prayer. The humility that MadFox mentions is resounding in my heart which is full. It is that Holy Spirit working in you first, Peytonfamily, and us being meek to follow your example, that makes this blog hum. It is that balance of recognizing our human frailty, yet singing His praises that waters our gardens. Does God want us to beat ourselves up for this human frailty? Or recognize the Truth of our existence and then sing His praises for rescuing us from the darkness? I think it is the latter. So, I do sing all of your praises too, b/c you have CHOSEN - it was free will - God didn't MAKE YOU start this blog or share your vulnerability. You DID it and now, if only for a moment, you get to see the fruit of your labor which came from seeking His ways.
    I've been trying to post this since about 5 a.m. and had to EDIT, EDIT, EDIT! I can get so windy. Love to all of you...standing in agreement with you on prayer requests!

    1. Norah, When you were talking about joy, it blessed my heart. The passing of time and our changing situations doesn't change the fact that in order have true joy and peace in all circumstances, we must: Choose to walk with our Lord and Savior and heed His Word, instead of getting distracted by our circumstances, human emotions and the trappings of this world. Thanks Sis!

  18. Words are inadequate for the overwhelming gratitude I feel for my JC family today when I so need your support. This blog, (Chris, I hope you will read this) is a spiritual lifeline for each soul that post or not post. Each prayer has joined together to form a circle of power storming the gates of hell for my family. Do you all realize how much peace & trust you've released to wash over me! Glory to God for His precious Saints!

    1. Glory Be!!! By and by I see the powerful awareness of God at work through this blog. Whether giving or receiving, it shows in each daily reading, unfolding with history and presence to bless us all. So grateful!!!!

  19. OK - for the 5th time: prayer request for my DIL'S Grandmother, Dot, who was rushed to surgery last night and now in ICU with a bowel obstruction.

  20. Can't even believe it took 5 times to post my request! Thankfully, prayerfully, you have seen it and are praying with me, for Dot.

    1. Praying with you Norah. Our JC family are such great warriors. Lord Jesus be the hand on the hands of those that will be ministering care to Dot. Touch her body with your healing Spirit Lord & repair & restore that body anew, we claim the blood & body of Jesus Christ to move in mighty ways for Dot. Amen

  21. Norah--- Going boldly to the throne of of grace to lift up you up and Grandmother Dot. As a retired RN, I understand the seriousness of the situation. I have cared for these patients and prayed for them.I pray Jesus's healing hand upon Dot and peace to your heart, Norah. "Now to Him who is able [carry out his purpose and] do superabundtantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams,]according to His power that is at work within us," Ephesians 3:20 Interceding in Kansas

  22. Dear Lord, help us through the messiness of todays world. Help us to know there is no perfection in it except with YOU. Help us to have courage and patience to allow things to evolve believing it is for a greater good. In all of our needs, please continue to bless us all. Amen.

    1. Well said, ABC. Amen! KS

    2. Thanks ABC! Amen. God strengthen us and give us long suffering through these problems, as we remain still knowing You are God. We are trusting Your Word, Your promises and Your boundless faithfulness.

  23. Dear Father, thank You for this day, may I embrace it with whatever comes my way as an opportunity rather than an inconvenience and help me to rest in the truth of Psalm 86:13: “Great is Your Love toward me,” in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    I am in awe of EVERY devotion from the past week. This is the power of the Sovereign God! He knows absolutely everything before it happens. He knew we would need His Words of hope and encouragement at the right time, He knew this is a ‘fallen abnormal world that is tainted by sin’ even before He sent His Son Jesus to die for us. This is one of the reasons Jesus left us the Holy Spirit, our Helper. This is why we have instructions and rules in the Word of how we are to live and treat each other. This is why we have to have a closeness with the Father, worship and serve Him alone. And make Him the deepest desire of our hearts. God is Love and God is Peace. His peace is unshakeable because there has and will nerver be a time or event when He has felt disturbed. His peace and presence are sure, they are immovable. That is why we can accomplish great and mighty things when we keep our focus on Him.
    At one of the most difficult points in David’s life, he wrote Psalm 91 which starts with:“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." For King David to write such words, in the midst of all his encounters with Saul etc., proved that he had a divine unshakable peace from the Lord. He knew that trusting and resting in God was his responsibility and God’s responsibility was to protect him. The safest place for us when we are faced with trials of any kind, is in the everlasting arms of Jesus.

    Dear Heavenly father, may Your peace and love invade our hearts as we cry out to You with everything that concerns us. You understand and know that life can be difficult, but You always have a solution. Our peace resides in Jesus our Savior who loves us with an unconditional love and has promised to keep and deliver us into Your loving arms. May healing, peace and love take over this fallen world, in Jesus name. Amen.

    Sending the Love and Peace of Christ Jesus to you all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. What a wonderful spiritual meal, Maplewood! Better than ham and eggs. I feel the same way that the devotions lately have been to comfort us in our turmoil and confusion. It was as if God knew just what words we would need today to encourage us to stand steadfast in our faith despite the fact that everything around us is in chaos. I will also dwell in the shelter of the Most High and rest in the shadow of the Almighty. And I will continue to thank Him for His blessings and faithfulness, and praise his Holy Name.
      I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart,
      And I will glorify Your name forevermore. Psalm 86:12

    2. I feel peace not chaos when I am focused on The Lord. Why not choose to stay there? Thank you Lord for the free will to choose what to dwell on. Just like Maplewood said King David choose to dwell on the shelter of the most high! Lord bring this verse to my mind when ever it begins to go astray. Thank you for always being our unmoving rock, that never strays from The only truth, You! Thank you all for the uplifting encouraging words that season my day with hope & love.

    3. Amen Fern! We are so blessed to be surrounded by God’s Love and His amazing peace beyond our understanding. He is our strength, our song and our refuge. He understands our hearts like none other.

  24. Dear Mr. Payton, I have been reading your blog for several years. I have shared your blog and prayers and giving you your name with the prayer credits each time. You have no idea how many people you have reached with your blog. People that I share it with always share with others as well. These people wait every day for this post and will often text or contact me anytime that I forget to post. I have been doing this for years and I have steered them to your blog and the book itself but they are either elderly or newish believers and still wait on me. God has blessed many through your blog. After all this time I thought that you should know. God Bless you and your family and the other blog readers.

  25. Dear Mr. Payton, I have been reading your blog for several years. I have shared your blog and prayers and giving you your name with the prayer credits each time. You have no idea how many people you have reached with your blog. People that I share it with always share with others as well. These people wait every day for this post and will often text or contact me anytime that I forget to post. I have been doing this for years and I have steered them to your blog and the book itself but they are either elderly or newish believers and still wait on me. God has blessed many through your blog. After all this time I thought that you should know. God Bless you and your family and the other blog readers.

  26. Good morning, JC fam!
    Update on Kyle and Houston... Kyle is on day 10 of 12 hour mandatory shifts with HPD. He is physically and mentally exhausted. Protests continue daily but don't seem to be as heated so this is wonderful news for our city. The funeral is on Tuesday. I pray we get a reprieve after that.
    Have a wonderful weekend all! Stay connected to The Vine.

    1. Thanks for the update Suzanne. Prayers are continuing for Kyle and ALL because prayers availeth much as you can see from many posts including my post below. Love and Blessings to you and entire JC family.

    2. Continuing to pray for your son-in-law, Kyle and also for Rose's cousin Mailo. They are so brave to serve despite the many risks to their health and lives. May they rest in God's protection and see peaceful protests without strife. Praying for God's guiding Hand to make all things right. He is surely fighting all of our battles.

    3. Suzanne I continue to lift up our nation & our police officers. I pray for Kyle every day, glad he is finding some relief. I respect those who serve, many of my friends children are so frightened for their own, its like they are going off to war. God bless all your children Lord. Father please continue to heal my sons mind, we see at least a calm about him and believe His thoughts can be turned around to truth. Please Lord continue to flood him with the reality of your Love
      We know Lord you are able and are methodically tending to every thread that links his brain to his heart. I know you have kept me away to rebuild broken relationships within my own heart that have nothing to do with my Son but everything to do with how I respond in all areas of my life. Thank you for loving me through all of this greif.
      Thank you Lord for the perfection of your Love.

  27. Dear JC Family. First, Glory to God in the Highest and thank you for your prayers for my husband's lung scan about 2 weeks ago. I gave you the radiologists report which said everything looked great, but now it's greater than that. My husband had a virtual visit with his oncologist yesterday, who said he compared the most recent lung scan with several of the other lung scans in his historical records, and the nodule they were concerned about in one of his remaining lobes had gotten SMALLER! Praise and Thanks be to God! I immediately dropped to my knees and thanked God profusely, and thanked Him for sending you, my JC prayer Warriors who fervently prayed on his behalf. Yes, the JC Warrior prayers availeth much more than we could have imagined. The only thing different, the only thing new is they had his lung scans and we had you (with all due apologies to Patsy Cline!)
    Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Knowing you were praying kept me buoyed up while He was having the scan. Thanks prayer Warriors. Please know how important and appreciated you and your prayers are.
    Blessings to all of You.
    PS I woke up singing,
    Thy lovingkindness is better than life
    Thy lovingkindness is better than life
    My lips shall praise thee
    Thus still i bless thee
    I will lift up my hands unto Thy Name...

    1. Brilamar this is great news. God bless you and your husband. During these difficult time it is encouraging to hear good news and that the Lord is always with us.
      God Bless

    2. Brilamar such great news! God exceeds our prayers and we rejoice at his goodness! Exceedingly more indeed@ that's our God.

  28. Praise God for His lovingkindness and tender mercies. I love to hear of His Faithfulness and your husband's improvement. Will keep you both in my prayers. Blessed by your great gratitude and for answered prayers. Our God is so good... all the time.

  29. Please pray for my dear friend Marcia..She is having surgery rite now..Thank you all for giving me a place to come and worship ever morning.God bless each and everyone of you thst takes the time to pray and share your love for our father so that we all can benefit.Thank you Payton family for starting this blog it has been an immense source of strength and comfort that has surpassed for years..Have a Blessed day.

    1. Dear Anonymous, You asked for Prayers for Marcia, you've got them! God, You are the great and real healer, please be with Marcia and every medical staff member that comes into contact with her. Guide all hands to channel Your healing. With gratitude, love and appreciation, Amen

    2. Prayers for Marcia right now. Praying in the name of Jesus

  30. Anonymous - Joining Warriors in prayer for your dear friend Marcia. Amen!!! Yes, we are very blessed and thankful for a place to be encouraged, to share our grief, burdens, challenges, love and VICTORIES!!

  31. I have come daily to this blog for several years and so appreciate and look forward to all the posting. The transparency and sharing of many trails and answered prayers brings encourage to my soul.’ All to say that I need to confess that I have been coveting this blog! Unlike the post earlier, where a man told of how he shared this blog with his friends, I purposely don’t share this log with others as i enjoy making it my very own place to come each morning! That sounds pretty selfish doesn’t it!

    1. No just intimate between you and the Lord. Holy even. All good

  32. Who else read this from Chris' post?
    Thursday, June 4, 2015
    Romans 14:7-8 - Living and Dying to the Lord
    Romans 14:7-8 - 7 For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. 8 For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's.

    Message: Living and Dying to the Lord

    Time: Written in AD 57 from Greece, to the Christians, both Gentile and Jewish in Rome

    What the Lord is Saying:

    These 2 verses are just fantastic to place here in these sets of verses. Paul is talking about how I am to conduct ourselves in the midst of disagreements. And sandwiched in these verses is this great proclamation that I am living to the Lord. This is why I conduct myself in this manner.

    The previous verses have dealt with difficult subject matter for disagreements are present all to often, not just as we proclaim Truth to the world, but even more prevalent as we belong in the Body of Christ. And that body is not simply within the walls of one church, but it is the Body that is made up of followers of Christ throughout many different denominational and non-denominational churches. I see too often people dividing over differences than simply acknowledging them, which is what Paul prescribes here:
    welcome him (verse 1)
    not to quarrel (verse 1)
    Do not despise one another for differences (verse 3)
    Do not pass judgment on another for differences (verse 3)
    God welcomes each person (verse 3)
    Do not pass judgment as we are all servants (verse 4)
    Each person should be full convinced in his own mind (verse 5)
    You who observe, you who eats, you who abstains - honor the Lord and give thanks (verse 6)
    This is just a beautiful truth to the believer in Christ.

    One thing I notice working at my job is how "perfect" you are expected to be. Mistakes are not tolerated one bit. It is a hard work environment because there is little mercy to error. But, the church should not act in the same way. We are sinners and we are imperfect and we should be allowed to make mistakes. People will hurt each other through thoughtless behavior and obnoxious words. It will happen, but I believe the church, myself, should be quick to forgive and not quick to anger. God shows such great grace to us and we need to show it to one another.

    I am to welcome others even when I do not understand why they have a different opinion. My first thought should be thinking the best of them, not the worst. Boy, I have failed on this on so many accounts, before I even leave my house, thinking too often the worst of my kids or wife.

    For none of us lives to himself
    This phrase begins the justification or reason for why I would not want to create a division among Christians or pass judgment or despise others because of differences that we might have in things that are outside of the Bible. That reason is I do not live for myself. My life is not about me, but it is about giving glory to God in heaven. And this should be the aim of every person and should be the reason why none of us argue with one another.

    None of us dies to himself
    We do not decide our own day of death. Our death is by his will, according to Him, and He should be glorified in our death. All believers, strong or weak, live out their lives in accountability to God. Our lives are not our own. I've looked at this thought before, in other passages, and to me it comes down to accountability. Being accountable to someone is not natural. It is why women's rights has been such a big issue, because submission has a tone of accountability in it and women's rights does not want to embrace submission or accountability. And man often just doesn't want to see that his life is not his own. He wants to be in charge of his own life.

    We are the Lord's
    Too often, I want to please man and feel good about man's opinion. But, I am the Lord's.

    Promise: All believers, strong or weak, live out their lives in accountability to God.

    1. Amen! There is NO ONE BUT GOD that I need to answer to, justify or explain my behavior to when LIVING a life as a true believer.

  33. The Word of our God stands forever. Just as meaningful in 2015 through yesterday and beyond. WOW!

  34. Amen Brilamar! His Word is the same always, Unchanging, full of light and life.

  35. Kept losing posts so I’m just putting one right here. Turning it all over to my Good Shepherd! Thanks dear Maplewood!
    Rejoicing with my family over Marc’s smooth surgery and that little Jackson’s released from the hospital. Thanking God that his surgery went well. Praying for Tina. Thank You Father for your faithfulness. Thanks for giving me the sleep I need to get through tomorrow’s busy day with my good Mom. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen Jeanne. Enjoy your time with your mom. You are very blessed to have her. My mom died when I was in my twenties and I always wondered how things could've been if she was still here. Peace be with you and God bless.

    2. I am praying for you and your Mom to enjoy one another while you still can.
      My mom died when I was in my 30's. Like Janet, I also wonder and find comfort knowing she is in Heaven and being held by Jesus, the love of her life!

    3. Jeanne, I am in prayers with and for you as you go through this day with your mom. He has blessed us to be a blessing to them. Planning on taking mine for a short walk at a waterfall in Livingston NJ, so she can get some fresh air.
      Remain blessed and have a fun day.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Brie, God bless your loving heart! I am sure she is looking down on you with so much pride! You will see her again some day.

      Sending love and hugs your way.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Thank you all for your love, prayers and sweet messages. My heart goes out to you Janet and Brie. It must have been so difficult without your Mothers. I’m sure they are loving you from heaven. Maplewood, Hope your Mom enjoyed the waterfall. That sounds so special!
      I had a nice visit thank God.
      I cherish the time with my Mom. She was talking about the good old days and we were listening to Dean Martin sing Italian songs. She ate the whole lunch I made and half of the dinner. We sat outside on the stoop while the warm breeze refreshed us. We watched two movies with happy endings.,It was a sweet weekend. We even brought brownies and cupcakes to her neighbors who love her. I made her a big batch of chicken soup. She sure has a lot of food. So I know she’ll be alright. She loves Jesus so much and He will take care of her.

    6. Beautiful mom stories and memories. Thank the Lord, Marc's surgery went well. It's technically beginning day 3 of post op and I'm exhausted. Praying for strength and a good night's sleep.

  36. The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. (2 Timothy 3:16).

    Thank You Jesus. You are all I need. Let me always keep You first and foremost in my heart, soul, mind, body, and life and when I am distracted from You, bring my eyes back to You. Praise You Lord always and continually.

    The LORD is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him. (Lamentations 3:25).

    1. AMEN Janet! Sending Saturday blessings your way!!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Beautiful prayer and spiritual food! Thanks dear Janet!

  37. Thank you Lord for saving my soul.
    Thank you Lord for making me whole.
    Thank you Lord, for giving to me,
    Thy salvation so rich and free.

    So grateful for God’s faithfulness here through the years and for God’s wisdom in JC.

    This is so true-

    “Remember that you live in a fallen world: an abnormal world tainted by sin. Much frustration and failure result from your seeking perfection in this life. There is nothing perfect in this world except Me. That is why closeness to Me satisfies deep yearnings and fills you with Joy.“

    What an amazing gift we have to seek our great God’s presence!! May we find him, especially today, as we seek him with all our hearts!

    1. AMEN, AMEN and AMEN!

      Have a blessed day GTT.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. You, too dear Maplewood NJ. ❤️

    3. Amen. Such beautiful words that go straight to the heart. Peace be with you.

    4. Lovely prayer of love, praise and gratitude! Amen We will find Him when we seek Him with a sincere heart. We are always with Him. He lives right inside our hearts of faith.

  38. "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).

    Father, Thank You for another day. I am going to need You every second, every minute and every hour of it. Please keep my hands in Yours and my eyes fixed on You, as we go through it together. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

    "Get thee behind me satan: For it is written, Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and Him Only shalt thou serve" (Luke 4:8).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. God bless you. May the power of the Holy Spirit flow abundantly through you and touch the lives of those around you. Peace be with you.

    2. Praying dear Maplewood that your day went well because He walked you through it and His indwelling Spirit instructed and guided you.
      Amen sweet Janet!

  39. Please pray for my youngest daughter who has been invited to speak to a group of ladies at a women's retreat at 11:00 AM. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. Keeping your baby girl in prayer Sassy Mom, the Spirit of the Lord has gone ahead of her and placed the right words in her! I pray those women will be blessed by it.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Agreeing in prayer for your daughter. May it be so. God be glorified. ❤️

    3. I didn't see this post until now Sassy Mom. I hope that all went well and that the power of the Holy Spirit filled all the ladies at the retreat, and that your daughter was quite pleasing to our Lord. God be with you.

    4. Sorry I’m a bit late in praying for your dear daughter. Praying the Spirit fed her all the right words to say to open their hearts and minds to the Lord, all for God’s glory.

    5. And I, even later still, know our God is with your daughter and as the others have surmised, put those "right" words in her. I know all that hear her today will be blessed as her words sink in. How awesome and wonderful that your daughter was asked to speak to this group of women, Sassy Mom! You must be so proud of her!

    6. Thank you for continued prayers, the speaking engagement was rescheduled to June 12.

  40. Requesting prayers for our daughter-in-law. She is awaiting surgery to remove a benign tumor at the base of her skull. It is pressuring her upper spine and brain stem. The surgeon's schedule cannot accommodate her until July.

    1. Heavenly Father, please place Your healing hands upon 10-4's daughter-in-law and remove her pain and suffering. You are our healer and miracle worker. Allow the schedule of the surgeon to be more accommodating. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you. Thank You Jesus. Praise be to God.

    2. Dear 10-4, Joining prayers for your dear daughter in law that her surgery in July will go smoothly and she will heal quickly! And for giving you peace of mind. Thank You Father for these things in the Name of Christ Jesus the Risen Lord.

  41. 10-4 - Calling all Warriors to join in prayer to Jehovah Rapha the GREAT PHYSICIAN for your daughter-in-law to get healing surgery sooner than July.

    1. Amen, expedite this healing by your holy hand Lord. You know the when and the how it's our job to just trust you and we do Lord.

    2. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  42. May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose. (Psalm 20:4). Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4).

    1. Thanks for feeding my soul dear Janet! Amen. We just landed in NY after taking the red eye. Rick and I couldn’t sleep a wink. But thank God we had a smooth flight. Thanks for all your prayers. Going right to sleep. God understands. Hope you all have a blessed new day in His presence.

  43. Amen dear Janet, amen! Thank you for sharing the Word this morning. Bless you sisterπŸ’ž

  44. I need this too. To stop looking to earthly things for fulfillment. Never mind trying to be perfect, my life is so totally not perfect. Taking care of my mom this last year has been a blessing in that God has still allowed us to have her here but also probably the biggest challenge we as sons have ever faced. And we are lucky by comparison to so many whose loved ones have dementia or died prematurely or tragically. But it's a physical and mentally draining and also a test of our patience when she has changed from being this strong spiritual independent woman to behaving more like a child I'm not having a desire to do anything but stay in bed and be depending on us for everything from bathing the toilet in to changing her feeding her to bringing her a cough drop when she eats like half a dozen to maybe 10 of them a Day lately and I do not get irritating. On top of all this I've lost my job and I've been having depression myself and just kind of with the lowest point in my life and it doesn't help that I've been in the state of anger over the last two years for the things going on in our country and I just don't have the energy physically or mentally or maybe I'm lazy and haven't really been pushing myself to improve my life and get another job and pretty much broke right now I have so many bills that are unpaid and I'm 51 and I never found the love of my life so I've had to seek out pleasure in all the wrong places I haven't been to church in over a year because frankly I just haven't felt like going and started to develop an attitude about churchianity and wonder where I am on
    Gods radar, not loving him anymore, even though I was supposed to depend on his love first but at the same time I don't know if he is still offering me hope or if I have gone too far in my unbelief and maybe blasphemous thoughts. Preferring the fleshly pleasure to seeking God. I'm just in a wasteland and there's the urgency and the tyranny of the urgent to find a job to get something that at least brings in some money to help contribute to paying the monthly mortgage. Then there's the issue of my brother planning to leave in a few months to become a missionary and not being able to count on his income to help pay the mortgage I may have to sell the house or get a renter there's just so many things on so many levels financially and spiritually and physically I don't even know where to begin other than I have shared these needs with other people a few people that not really sought out counseling cuz I've been kind of keeping away from people lately so anyways that's the end of this post I know it's a mess and rambling on and on but I figured it wouldn't hurt to put it out there maybe somebody will feel like saying a prayer for me I know that sounds selfish..

    1. Of course we will pray for you! I pray that you will continue to seek the Lord as your source of joy, to look upon the power of the cross and resurrection, knowing that you have been redeemed for eternity and that this life is just a stepping stone to eternity. I pray that in this season of your life You will feel God’s presence as he uses the difficulties in life to mold us into being more Christlike, drawing us closer to Him and realizing that we need Him as our source of hope through his unending love, grace and mercy. Having been through many difficult seasons of my own, I can truly say that God has always showed up, has always been faithful and has always provided an answer. Keep holding on to His truths in his promises throughout the Bible. While you may not be physically attending church, I encourage you to stay connected to other Christians, pray without ceasing, giving thanks in all things, taking time each day to find a bit of gratitude, even the smallest of things, knowing that it all comes from the Creator, our father. His is the great I AM who provides for us each day, and in all things works for the good for those who love him, even when Satan tries to deceive, destroy, and distract us from the truth. May your day be blessed with the peace of Christ, wisdom and hope. Shalom πŸ™

    2. Praying for you and yours Anonymous. Thanking God you shared your test with us.
      As far as God is concerned, Ryan Stevenson sings it better than I could ever say it:
      Please be assured that I will be praying for you along with many others in our big worldwide 24/7 Family of prayer warriors, in Jesus' Name. As He is the same God, Yesterday, Today and Forever, He can and He will. Amen. Much Love, Brie

    3. Joining in prayers for you, Anonymous, as you dropped your guard to share your thoughts. Ease back into to a sincere relationship with God, he will make all things new. Repent and be blessed. I know from experience that gratitude will take over anger and despair as you find it in your heart and mind to identify it. I'm thanking God for the cough drops that are one way your mom can bring you by her side. She is ailing and near the end of her life? If you look at her and her behaviour from a place of curiosity, you may learn more than you could from any book, sermon or church service. Embrace and surrender to the woman who brought you into the world. You will still be frustrated with the burdens that come with caregiving, but your blessings will be great as you allow them.
      Thank you Holy Spirit from whom these words hit the page to share.

  45. I read @payronfamily's prayer and realized the things that were borderline idols became reasons for thanks and God became recognized as the source of those good things when he turned it around and thanked Him. It seems that we can fend off idolatry by giving thanks and praise to Him, our source. I learned recently that to worship=to be humble, to recognize God's place and ours. I learned that worship is the beginning of wisdom. Let's worship our Good, Worthy, Wonderful, Awesome Father <3 Thank You Lord for showering us with beautiful life, beautiful gifts, and loving us so much! You are our prize! We want to glorify You. Please give us wisdom to do that. In Jesus' perfect, holy name. Amen.

  46. Safely home and so grateful. Got some sleep and watched a beautiful Mass for Pentecost Sunday. We gather together in love bound by the Holy Spirit. We are one in Spirit. We are one in love.

    1. Was thinking about this song we sing in Choir.
      They’ll Know We are Christians By Our Love.

      So very true!

      We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
      We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
      And we pray that our unity will one day be restored
      And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
      Yeah they'll know we are Christians by our love
      We will work with each other, we will work side by side
      We will work with each other, we will work side by side
      And we'll guard each man's dignity and save each man's pride
      And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
      Yeah, they'll know we are Christians by our love.


    3. Oops. Here’s the link for the song😊

    4. Hope the link works

    5. Love that song. Thanks Jeanne.
      Hope you caught up on your sleep!

    6. Thanks my sister! I did get some sleep, then I went to see my other grandsons. I'll be going to sleep real soon. Hope you get your much needed rest dear Brie. You're in the middle of a difficult situation but God knows your challenges and what Keith is going through. Just stopped by to see if anyone needed some late night prayers. We live in a fallen world but our Almighty God is so much greater than any evil in the world. We need gun control and help for those who are sick and cruel. We need protection for our children and loved ones. God knows exactly what needs to be done. Praying He will change and guide those in positions of authority to make the right decisions and change the hearts of the ungodly. Thank You Jesus!

    7. We can always use late night prayers! I prayed with you, sweet Jeanne.
      Much Love, Brie

  47. Psalm 42:7 "Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls."
    The depths of God call to the depths within us, only He can satisfy completely the deep yearnings of our soul. In Him alone is Salvation, Peace, Joy, Love and fulfillment. BlessΓ©d be His Holy Name.

    1. Thank you, Peter. My Papa God was just talking to me about this scripture. He has great things in mind for us as we respond to the deeper things of His Kingdom.

    2. Beautiful truth and good food today. Thanks dear Peter!

  48. Returned yesterday afternoon from the trip to Chicago with Nick and Rooney to visit my mom (& brothers, SILs). We had a terrific time. We went to a kid's museum with my 90 yr old momma on Friday. It's a place both my mom and I took my kids and my other nieces and nephews when they were little and now we brought Rooney to have the experience it as well. She had a ball and mom loved watching her and the other children play. I had someone take a photo of the 4 of us...4 generations together in this picture...God was right there too making this possible! What a blessing! Rooney was her outgoing 3 yr old self with my mom. Wish I could share pictures. With Roo being older now, she and my mom...(which she is referred to as Minnie by my kids and her grands as "G'Minnie" (Great-Minnie) to her now great grands (which she now has 4 with 2 more "baking in the oven", lol) can now have a real conversation. This past weekend was such a blessing all the way around. My brothers and their wives got to have some time with Roo as joining us out for breakfast with my mom and the other coming to mom's, bringing takeout and then playing "bird bingo" with Rooney. God was SO present. My mom who is very hard of hearing wearing hearing aids in both ears heard me say to myself but out loud, 'God you are SO good!' asked me, "what did you say?". I repeated it and she nodded with a smile.
    Thank you all for your prayers, JC family! They were felt and so appreciated!

    1. Bless you NJS! I rejoice with you on your wonderful time with your family! Our God is GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!

    2. Dear NJS! I am so very happy for you and your beautiful family for all the joy and good memories God brought you through this wonderful reunion! Four generations getting together bound by love and God’s blessings! Your 90 yr old Mama was a gift to all and Rooney was a bright light among them. I just know your grateful heart was full and satisfied! Praise God! He is so good! Much love!

    3. Such great news, NJS! I was beaming as I read on and on. So glad you had such a wonderful experience. It's amazing how children can bring such joy and happiness to our lives just by the cute things they do and say. God is so good!

    4. Thank you for sharing your entry full of love and gratitude! God bless you all!

    5. This just warmed my heart, NJS!! I wish you could share pictures too - lol!! But, I can picture the love and time together. What a blessing!

  49. Let us all continue to pray for anyone with any addictions to worldly attachments. Help all look toward Jesus, the only one who really cares for us unconditionally. Do not look to the world for peace and comfort, it can only be found in HIM-JESUS. Amen.

  50. Yes dear ABC! May God turn their eyes away from all worldly trappings and possessions so they can focus on all those things from above which shall endure. If you have Jesus, you have enough.

  51. Hope these will encourage your hearts today. Rest in Him who cares for you. He is as close to you as your own breath.

    Psalm 34:4–5, 8
    I sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.

    Joshua 1:9
    "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

  52. Awesome words of affirmation and verses this morning everyone... thank you! Peace, grace, love and His blessings to you all.

  53. And to you Suzanne!
    Yesterday, our pastor encouraged us to join in 30 Days to Unite in Prayer. I thought, why not?
    Day 1. Pray for openness to and hunger for the Word of God. Only 6% of people living in the USA embrace God's Word as the defining element in their daily lives.

  54. FYI Looking for the link for 2023... The handout at church was from the Assemblies of God U.S. Missions.

  55. Praying for you, "Anonymous," who posted last night re: the financial struggles you and your family are having. My family and I were there from 1991-1996 and I so remember the hardship. Please know that I am praying specifically for you and your family. God knows our need and promised that none of His would go begging for seed. So, even though it felt like begging, I know now it wasn't. It built trust and caused us to persevere. Blessings to you and yours. Don't give up.

  56. Beloved JC Prayer Warriors,
    I will be having cataract surgery on June 6, at 9:15 am. I covet your prayers. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    1. Praying for you Sassy Mom. May our heavenly Father give you peace, comfort and strength as He guides the surgeon's hands in this procedure for you. May His loving Presence fill you with His perfect love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. You got it dear Sassy MomπŸ₯°. Been there done that. I was amazed at how simple the procedure is really. God's got you❤️πŸ™πŸ™Œ

    3. Praying for you Sassy Mom.

    4. Blessings from NYJune 5, 2024 at 4:32 AM

      Joining in prayer for you Sassy Mom with your cataract surgery- my mom(90 yo) had it done a few years ago and couldn’t believe the difference with her eyesight- she also did great and was surprised how smoothly it went. ❤️πŸ™

    5. Rest Assured, our Sassy Mom!
      Your entire JC Family will be praying for you, some prayers are beginning now!
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    6. Dear JC Prayer warriors, thank you for your prayers. Everyone assures me "it's a piece of cake" - hope it's chocolate.

    7. You're going to ROCK this cataract surgery, Sassy Mom! God's got you and your doc in His hands! Here's to seeing things more clearly! In Jesus's name, amen!

    8. LOL! at your reference to chocolate Sassy Mom.
      I confess, it is one of my earth idols. I often wonder whether or not, on the 8th day, God invented chocolate 🍫 πŸ˜‹
      Either way Eye am praying foe your blessings. May the ayes have it!

    9. OOPS! FOR your blessings

    10. Praying for your cataract surgery sassy mom, may the doctors be guided and your sight be restored beautifully! Amen

    11. May our amazing and merciful God restore your eyes and give you a beautiful new clarity of vision. You will see brighter colors and more light and crystal clear edges. Thank You Father for this and for continuing to comfort and bless our dear Sassy Mom in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

    12. PS FOLLOWING the drops schedule to a T (or an I)
      Both before and after the surgery usually gives much better results..
      Aye! Aye! Matey πŸ˜‰

    13. Adding my prayers, Sassy Mom. Love your sense of humour re: hope it’s a piece of cake and then wishing for chocolate πŸ˜„. I also have a friend that had her cataracts removed. She is thrilled and no longer needing to wear glasses. Praying for a great outcome for you as well.

    14. Prayers for you, Sassy Mom for a piece of chocolate cake cataract surgery. You got this!

  57. Prayers please dear warriors. Our house has mold in one area. We are in process to have it removed & then the process of finding the leak. Expenses we don't need right now. We know that God will provide as always. He has never let us down, ever!

    1. Blessings from NYJune 5, 2024 at 4:35 AM

      Jan πŸ™πŸ™❤️❤️- praying for no more mold, no more surprises and for your home to be a 100% healthy environment

    2. Praying as requested Jan.
      May our Lord fulfill your yearnings to have a mold free dwelling place.
      May the only mold in our lives, be Jesus molding our souls!
      In Jesus Name. AMEN!

    3. Jan, joining warriors for the mold free situation.

    4. So sorry to hear this, Jan. Thank God it's only in one area of your home. May the right people (honest, reasonable, knowledgeable) be remediating the issue for you! In Jesus's name, amen!

    5. Dear Jan, Rest assured that our loving Father already knows the source of that leak. May He guide the whole mold remediation process and guide you and your workers to find the leak and resolve it. He will provide your needs, financially and otherwise because He knows them. Thank You Father for making all things right again in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

      Proverbs 3:5-6
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
      And lean not on your own understanding;
      In all your ways acknowledge Him,
      And He shall direct your paths.

    6. Joining in prayer for a successful repair of this mold situation and for His provision right from identification of where the leak is to good and honest workers and providing for this expense.

    7. Joining in all prayers for your house circumstances, Jan. I rebuke the house troubles in the name of Jesus. Pleading the Blood of Jesus throughout your home. Calling down the Glory of the Lord over your home, and DECLARING: You WILL NOT LACK! Standing on God's WORD and Praising Him, as He performs His WORD. I trust Him because He is faithful!!! Great Love and Blessings to you, hubby , and home. AMEN and AMEN.

    8. Joining the prayer warriors for a successful diagnosis and repair of your mold situation. May He intercede on your behalf for an expedited and minimal expense remedy!

  58. I am moved by Chris Peyton's 2019 prayer in uncovering all of the idols in my life. Having gone through a season of immense difficulty, suffering and grief, its easy to overly embrace this new season of Joy without being grateful to the One who brought restoration and healing. Glory be to God. God's Blessings for all this day.

  59. God bless you always, dear John H. Every good thing is from above. We must thank Him for the good and also for the bad that brings us closer to Him and tests our faith. Praying for you, your daughter and family that this new season will bring Glory Days and not Gloomy Days. Thank You Jesus.
    God is so much greater than anything we could ever face.

  60. Praying for your cataract surgery, Dear Sassy Mom! I had both eyes done last year and it's the best thing. For the first time I am without glasses. I've worn them or contacts since I was 8 yrs old. I now wear one contact for reading so I don't have to have reading glasses in every nook and cranny. You will rock this like you do everything else and then I pray you get to settle in with a nice piece of chocolate cake! Praying for the mold situation, Jan - God knows the answers, your needs and wants. I'm thankful it was found soon.
    Praying for you, John H - I am just certain that you are grateful to the One who brought restoration!
    Love and God's Best to each of you, Dear JC Family. And always thankful for the Payton Family and all you have done to bring us together.
    We are blessed!

    1. Praying with you and for you and your DH. We are blessed indeed!!

  61. Decreeing and Declaring in The Name of Jesus Christ over my Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS:

    Let the Armor of God be over each person in your family, with The Blood of Jesus Flooding your homes.

    Let your home be so filled with the presence of the Lord that the forces of evil will find it to be IMPENETRABLE.

    Let a Blessing of Provision be over your household. May you lack for nothing!

    Let there be a Blessing of Peace, Health and Joy over your household. May it bring you good cheer each and every day, because Jesus Christ has overcome the World.

    Something GOOD is going to happen to you today and through you!

    You will ALWAYS be at the Right Place at the Right Time.

    I Decreea and Declare that the Joy of the Lord will be your strength and uphold you day and night.

    Let a Blessing of Favor be upon you and may the fragrance of prayer always be around your home.

  62. Thank you dearest JJ! Amen. I pray the same for you! Covered by the Blood of Christ and surrounded by His blessings, healing, protection, peace and unconditional and perfect Love! Thank You Jesus! Amen
