Sunday, June 28, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 26

     Stay calmly conscious of Me today, no matter what. Remember that I go before you as well as with you into the day. Nothing takes Me by surprise. I will not allow circumstances to overwhelm you, so long as you look to Me. I will help you cope with whatever the moment presents. Collaborating with Me brings blessings that far outweigh all your troubles. Awareness of My Presence contains Joy that can endure all eventualities. 

Psalm 23:1-4 
New King James Version

1 The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

2 Corinthians 4:16-17
English Standard Version

16 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father,
    I start this day surrendering it all to You and asking that You enter my heart, body, soul, mind and will. I need your guidance and authority over my life throughout this day. Lord, help me to look to You and not lose heart, regardless of the circumstances. and seek You out. Thank you for fathering me and always being there for me which brings me comfort and joy.

    1. Gathering in and fervently praying this prayer. Thank You for Jeff Hildreth's lead in. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen! Thank you Lord for dressing me each day in the protection of my mind, body and soul, even when I forget to consciously do it myself. You are a good, good Father!

    3. Absolutely Amen Jeff. So very good. Thank you! Amen.

    4. Amen! I echo your prayer and earnestly repeating Jeff’s prayer this morning
      JC family, please pray with me for my brother Bobby, he was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer early this year.. We have prayed together and I led him to a sinner’s prayer and he has accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Please pray that he continues to seek the Lord. Bobby has started chemo therapy and will be evaluated in early July to determine his progress. Praying earnestly for God’s supernatural healing. Please pray with me, JC family πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ Thank you.!

    5. Prayers for Bobby, and you, for peace and trust in the process. πŸ™✝️

    6. Lifting up Bobby and you in prayer for God’s healing, love peace and stength.πŸ™πŸ™
      Your prayer is also my prayer Jeff. So powerful and good
      Prayers and blessings

  2. Today I set out on a trip that I have planned and scheduled. Better said, today I set out on a trip that has been planned and scheduled for me. At times those plans will mesh together, at other times they may conflict. May His plan and schedule be fulfilled and to the degree I allow that to be will be the degree to which I will be blessed. Have thine own way Lord, have thine own way.

    1. Great way to start any journey, and each day! Miss you, BOB ♥️😎✝️

  3. God You are good! I need help. So do they. THANKS! Heal us iin our brokenness in body mind and spirit. Change my heart to be like Yours! Blessings!!πŸ’•

  4. Lord, thankyou!!! This very message was what I prayed the night before. May each of us seek you throughout this day in all matters, and share your joy in all we do and encounter!!

  5. Dear Lord, help me to stay calm this day. Knowing that you are with me every step of the way, guiding and giving me strength. Help me to not be anxious for the future or be depressed about the past. Help me to be present. I ask this in your very precious name. Amen.

  6. Heavenly Father, Please surround my cousin Janice with your presence, peace and protection, the same prayer for all those helping with the heart surgery. Have thine own way, Lord.

    1. Comforting prayers for Janice's loved ones.

    2. May God shower healing and blessings on Janice. KS

    3. Sassy Mom, Jehovah Rapha is already there with Janice and the team. He is the ALL time healer and deliverer! Praise and Thanks to Your Holy name oh God!

      Maplewood NJ

  7. Sassy Mom, my prayers are with Janice, her loved ones and the surgery team. Kathy's surgery went well and she is in good spirits. Thanks to everyone for prayers. πŸ‘

    1. PEBGDesigns, praising the Lord with you for Kathy's surgery.

    2. Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flows!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Thank you Lord for the success of Janice's surgery, and for the good spirits she has. Help her body to mend speedily. In Jesus name, Amen!

    4. Edit: Thank You for Kathy's surgery going great.

    5. Thanking and praising the Lord for Kathy's surgery success and lifting up Sassy Mom's cousin Janice's heart surgery. Interceding for all the JC FAMILY requests. Great favor and success to all from Kansas

  8. Tears came to my eyes when I read the prayers for my son yesterday. Thank you. Prayers will be needed daily. I'm with all of you daily. The message and prayers are wonderful.

    1. Continuing prayers for your son, M.A.. Asking God for His will in your sons life, in Jesus name, Amen ❣

    2. M.A.---Will continue to lift up your son. Joining with the JC FAMILY in prayer and thanking and praising the Lord for VICTORY in your son's circumstance. Great blessings to you and your son from Kansas

  9. Please pray for me in my job search, I lost my job last October and I know the Lord has a plan for me but I am getting anxious about not finding a position yet. The Lord has been very gracious to my wife and myself during this time but it is getting tight finicially now. Please Lord hear my prayer and point me in the direction You want me to go.
    I am so grateful for this blog it has provided much comfort and direction the past couple of months.
    Lord hear our prayers! Thank you Lord.

    1. Dave, Jehovah our provider has heard and answer you. Hold on a little bit, He will NEVER let you down. I am a testimony. 1 year without work and He got me a new job with far better pay and Peace. He did it for me, He'll do it for You! Trust Him!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Praying for you Dave for the job you so need. May the Lord send the perfect job your way, in Jesus name Amen❣

    3. Praying that you are Blessed today with the prefect today. In the powerful name of your son Jesus Christ

    4. DAVE--- Lifting you up. Father God you know Dave's needs. I pray you would guide him in his job hunting journey. Open doors to new opportunities and give him unusual favor. Give him the confidence that can only come from You. Blessings to you and your family from Kansas

  10. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the gifts and many treasures of this day.
    Thank You for being my Lord and my Shepard and thank You for Your continuous Presence in my life. I give You ALL the Glory and honor this morning.

    JC Family, as we gradually come to the end of this month, I Join my faith with yours in praying that our dear heavenly father will by his word and power, accomplish in your life & family whatever blessings that is meant for you this month.
    May you continually be a blessing to others as the Lord will not forget your labor of love. Do not relent in your services for God and humanity because He who have started this great work in you, will definitely accomplish it.(Phil, 1:6) Greater Grace, be with you.

    Have a great and Blessed day.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. *Sheperd

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen and thank you sweet Maplewood. I am praying with you that we will be blessings and light to all those we touch today. My son's family is coming for dinner and I aim to feed them well and have time to be a Mary instead of a Martha. I haven't seen them in 2 weeks and I miss them, especially little Gabriel who who will be 3 in September. I trust in God's guidance in my life and I know His Spirit is working inside me to accomplish what He wills for me. I am being molded by the Great Potter and I pray I will be a good instrument in His mighty Hands. Thanking Him for making my husbands A-Fib go away very soon. Thank You Jesus.
      Praying for you and your Family, dear sister.

    3. Praying for you dear Jeanne. Success in all of your preparation for this meal for your loved ones. Lots of hug & kisses time for that little one, & still plenty of time to be a Mary. Praying for your hubby's heart to settle down. Amen, Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ’•


  12. Dear heavenly Father, I come to you today thanking you for another day You have given us to get up, read JC devotional with the JC Family You have blessed us with. Thank you Lord for Kathy's surgery going great with her being in good spirits. Praying for M.A.s son and Lord help Dave to land the right job, the perfect job, lord. Grant each prayer the way You see fit, Your will and timing are always perfect, even tho we may not understand it or how long it may seem to us. We know Lord, You love us as Your children and want only the best for us. Thank You Jesus for the sacrifice You made with Your life for the sins of the world. Thank You Lord for opening my eyes and mind to salvation. Watch over and protect each person in our JC Family, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen❣

  13. Please pray that Jesus grant me peace of mind and heart today amen

  14. Praise God! Amen! Amen! Amen! Keeping all of you in prayer. God is good all the time all the time God is good! When I focus on my Lord, I am filled with His peace and goodness. Even though the circumstances around me make me anxious at times and I am moved to tears I never feel abandoned just cradled in His hands. Sometimes I am overwhelmed with emotion at how much he loves us all. And how he has forgiven me for all the times I've sinned and not trusted Him and He blesses me anyway!
    TY JC Family

    1. Amen, Marie (Martha/Mary). I, too, often feel overwhelmed with emotion when I think and feel just how much and to what extent He loves his children. I am humbled and grateful for His love, grace, peace and mercy that He bestows on us daily. May we always keep our eyes fixed on Him.

      Blessings from California


  15. Oh Victory in Jesus!!!!
    Sorry to be so late giving a report on Cousin Janice. I had to wait for my daughter to get off work.

    This report is from Janice's daughter.
    The surgery went well. A stent was put in the coronary artery and pulmonary valve, then a valve put in the pulmonary valve. She still has a leaking tricuspid and mitral valve but nothing will probably ever be done for that.
    Praising the Lord and thanking my JC Family for prayers.

  16. I've been on here off and on since early morning, hoping to hear about Sassy Mom's cousin. Praying with all of you wonderful believers and trusting with you that God will provide. Praying that the healing sleep I'm about to get will get rid of this bug or allergies or whatever it is I'm fighting. Can't remember who said it (JJ, Jan, SM?), but it's true - I do not have time for this! :) Love and blessings to all of you.

  17. Praying for my best friend Lana today as she has an elective procedure. Thank You Father God for your Spirit that not only is in her but also covers her and the entire medical team during this scheduled 8 hour procedure.
    Thanking in advance for the successful procedure, recovery and healing. We Pray to the Father in the Name of Jesus Amen ����

    1. Prayers are being said now.

    2. Ron - Echoing your prayers for your best friend Lana.

    3. Jesus is already there waiting for her with his healing hands and comforting love.

    4. Praying for Lana, she's covered by the Precious blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ ♡

      Blessings from France

    5. Joining in prayers for Lana for a successful procedure and healing. May our good Lord guide the surgeon and shower her with healing and blessings. KS

    6. Declaring Lana's surgery successful and completed recovery in Jesus's name!

    7. Praying for Lana and her entire medical team.

    8. Prayers for Lana and I'm putting her on my list. Thanking God for bringing her safely through her successful surgery and guiding her to a perfect recovery in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    9. Ron, joining you and all JC prayer warriors here in prayer for the success of Lana's surgery. Thanking God in advance for the success, healing and quick recovery over your best friend. God's got this!

    10. I lift up Lana in my prayers. May God be glorified. God be with you, Ron.

  18. Thank you for your prayers! My Traveling Mercy from Virginia Brother made it into Louisiana safely and spent the night in his new home. Praise God from Whom all Blessings flow!

    1. Amen. Thank you jesus for all you do. Praise the Lord continously.

    2. Yesss thank you Lord for keeping Brilamar's brother safe! Glad to know he's home now.
      Your name we praise ♡

      Blessings from France

    3. Thank God for watching over your BIL move. May Peace surround him in his new home.

    4. Great news for your brother

    5. Praising God for His faithfulness and thanking Him for every blessing He is giving your brother as he starts his new life in his new home.

    6. PTL!! Thank you for the victory report, Brilamar. God is good!

  19. Heavenly Father, thank you for being my Lord and Shepherd, ALWAYS in my presence. Love, blessings and prayers to my JC Warriors.

  20. Good Morning, Dear jC Family! That is what I wanted to see, Brilamar!! So blessed for you and your brother now living closer together. God got him there, safe and sound.
    Praying for your best friend, Lana, Ron. That the whole medical team is on it and she is protected in every way.
    And blessings to you, Sassy Mom. Are you still working? If so, I hope your day goes exceeding, abundantly above all you may ask or think.
    Asking prayers from you, dear family...that I am able to focus on this last day of the work week and still get things that I have been putting off COMPLETED today! I am too old to be overwhelmed with "stuff," yet, I have watched my little office grow up around me (blessings from my dear Sister). Today's devotion and verses spoke straight to my heart and I thank you Father, for going before me all throughout the day, so my heart stays calm and my steps ordered. I didn't comment on your verses yesterday, Bob, but I remember singing that song in Sunday School. Yes, terminology may change (I've heard teachings on this subject), but the "gist" of the heart-felt song remains. I always try to look to the heart of the matter, the phrase, the subject - therein lies the gem.
    Continued prayers for you Fern and that today is a better day for you, your husband and your son. Prayers for all of you this fine day. WE are blessed, covered and redeemed and we are precious to our loving Father. If we care about "it," it's even more important to Him and we have all of His power through His son in US!
    Stay blessed.

    1. Jesus has already started working with you and for you today. His peace and love is all around you. Amen.

    2. Praying for you Mapplewood! God's presence is upon you, besides you, before you, all around you and within you. He strengthens you as He is with you and for you. He blesses you and gives you peace that only He can do.

      Have a blessed day!

      Blessings from France

    3. Norah - "I hope your day goes exceeding, abundantly above all you may ask or think." Amen, your "prayer" answered. Office open 4 days a week, short hours and appointments during pandemic. I AM OFF!!! My day is abundantly blessed.

    4. Prayers for peace and ease for you today sweet Norah. Many thanks for the prayers for our family

    5. Dear Norah,
      Praying that you will focus clearly on all you must accomplish on this last day of your work week. God is working beside you and He is your ever present Helper. How blessed we are that He prepares the day for us. I am on my way to see my good Mom for an overnight visit in Brooklyn. I know God will protect me and all will be well. Praying for all of you and I know God is holding us all tight because we trust in Him. Much love.

    6. Lifting in prayer, the work you do in your service of Him, Norah. May His will be done and agenda be completed this day. Take heart if His agenda is completed even if yours is not. Could it be then that the extra stuff wasn't necessary in His plan for you and others? You will have a blessed day, Norah. God be with you.

    7. Amen, Norah. Your prayer is mine. Praying that God helps you focus on your tasks and gives you satisfaction in completing them. I also have been putting off completing some very important tasks, so I join you today in prayer and victory over our respective tasks. May you be fully blessed this day.

      Blessings from California

    8. We love you Norah. Your heart is so God good
      We love all of our JC family
      Blessed are We
      Prayers for our family, our beautiful and huge JC family and theirs
      Be blessed and sleep
      Much love πŸ™πŸ’πŸ™

    9. Amen to that dear Brandy! I sure do love our Norah!
      Continuing to pray for you and all our dear JC Family and theirs.

  21. Praying for our Norah's focus factor and stuff completion. Order her steps in You Word, O Lord, Order her steps in your Word.
    Love and Your Choicest blessings I pray for Norah and our entire JC Family. Amen

  22. I need Thee every hour,
    Most gracious Lord;
    No tender voice like Thine,
    Can peace afford.
    I need Thee, O I need Thee,
    Every hour I need Thee!
    O bless me now, Savior,
    I come to Thee.

    I need Thee every hour,
    Stay Thou near by;
    Temptations lose their power,
    When Thou art nigh.
    I need Thee, O I need Thee;
    Every hour I need Thee!
    O bless me now, my Savior,
    I come to Thee.

    I need Thee every hour,
    In joy or pain;
    Come quickly and abide,
    Or life is vain.
    I need Thee, O I need Thee;
    Every hour I need Thee!
    O bless me now, my Savior,
    I come to Thee.
    O bless me now, my Savior,
    I come to Thee.

    Good Morning JC family! May we all stay CALMLY conscious of God today and look for and testify on his blessing gems found in the heart of all our circumstances today. Amen

    1. Great classic hymn and the tune gives it so much feeling of a humble heart before our Lord. Well written and well tuned.

    2. Such a beautiful song. Thank you. I was listening to it and it just blessed my heart.

    3. I haven't heard that song in a long of my favorites and so inspirational.

    4. 🎢 😁 🎢

  23. I am praying for God to work through His surgeon, Dr Zimmerman in order to successfully and completely heal my friend Felecia who is having surgery today. Amen

    1. Dear Brilamar, Thanks for the beautiful song lyrics. Just what I needed. Praying for your friend Felecia. May God guide the hands of Dr. Zimmerman to do just what he needs to do to make her well. May God bring her to a perfect recovery.

    2. Thank you, Brilamar, for always sharing such beautiful hyms. They lift my spirit.
      Also lifting up your friend, Felecia, in prayer. May the Lotd be with her and lead her surgery team toward a successful outcome and recovery.

      Blessings from California

    3. May God's love and grace cover Felecia this day and always.

    4. VICTORY in JESUS Testimony: Felecia is out of surgery and so far, so good!

    5. One year later and Felecia is doing fine.
      Her hand issues caused her to retire, but she is happy.
      As always thanks for your prayers, JC Family!

    6. That is wonderful news dear Brie. I prayed she was doing well and then you affirmed it. Her joy is the most important thing. Her retirement was in God's timing and His timing is perfect.

  24. Come Holy sprit, pull back the veil of evil that preys on our collective compassion for others. May those with fear find their hearts opened by your Presence. Bring the truth to light and help us be strong in faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ from whom all blessings come. Amen!

    1. Amen, Audra. I join in your prayer.

    2. Thank you Audra
      Love your heart and Amen Amen to
      Your loving prayers

    3. Amen to that beautiful prayer, Audra! Joining in with my sisters, Rose and Brandy.

  25. Praying for renewed health and swift complete recovery for Ron’s best friend, Lana...and Felecia, friend of Brilamar..Blessings to All of our JC Prayer Warriors.

  26. (II Timothy 2:4) "No one serving in the army gets entangled in everyday affairs..."

    'Entangled in the everyday affairs', is this not almost a daily 'red flag' of the JC readings? 'Entangled', to be wrapped up in, to be inhibited by, to interfere with, to be distracted from that which is primary. We are surrounded by so many things that are demanding our attention, attention that should be given to something more important, something higher. Henri Nouwen referred to it as, "the tyranny of the urgent that distracts us from what is most important.' Yesterday, I was with my weekly men's bible study via phone. Over the past two weeks, the men raised concerns of the present that are very troubling to them. We dealt with them as the scriptures gave us good direction. Yesterday, the men got so 'entangled' in the issues of today causing the whole bible study to never get off the ground. All around us our people entangled with the current problems. What they are desperately in need of is a an unencumbered voice that is able to speak words of hope and salvation into the circumstances being faced. Jesus kept His focus throughout His time with us as can be seen in the gospels and the world was saved. He then rose to the right hand of God the Father Almighty where He is Lord over all. He drew us unto Himself so that in His name, we, too, can rise above all earthly matters and speak words of peace, hope, and salvation to this world.

    A good exercise would be to do a spiritual self-examination to see if anything is entangling your first love preventing it from being poured out to people in desperate need of it.

    "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; He has come to His people and set them free. He has raised up for us a mighty set us free from the hands of our enemies (entanglements?), free to worship Him without fear, holy and righteous in His sight all the days of our life." (Luke 1:68-69, 73) May you be free from entanglements today that diminish the beauty of the love within you. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob for the wholesome food for thought! Yes indeed the lessor things that call us away urgently often. How urgent are they? Are they ever to urgent to First seek the kingdom of God to order our days perfectly? Keep my eyes focused on The Lord not the distractions that tangle.

    2. Your welcome, Fern. Keeping you, your husband and son in my prayers. May God bless and keep you all to His glory!

    3. I truly understand what you were going through. I remember many Bible group meetings that turned into everyone putting all their complaints and problems on the table and it was hard to give them the peace that the Word of God grants us. But we are all experiencing difficulties because of the state of the world and the Pandemic. We must let go of all that we see and concentrate on those things that never fade away. God will fill us with sweet peace and contentment only when we empty ourselves of anything that threatens to separate us from the love of God. Going to spend time with my Mom. I already told her I do not want to discuss politics or anything that threatens to rob me of my peace. Looking forward to a really sweet visit. God bless you!

    4. Thanks Bob. In other words, Don't sweat the small stuff; other than God, everything else is small stuff!
      JC Family, In accordance with 2 Corinthians 4, Persist in growing our inner strengths of GLORY PRAISE HONOR and faith in The Lord every day. ALL these earthly situations of ours are, after all, quite small and of short duration comparatively. Yet this short duration can result in God's richest blessing upon us forevermore if we choose to wisely use our time here!
      Look forward to the Joys in Heaven which we have yet to see. The Joys in Heaven to come will last forever, while our situations here on earth are transitory. Blessings to our JC Family whose sole focus in our Warroom is to ask for and receive prayers and prayerful support, increase our faith in God, knowledge of God, living according to God and giving God all the Glory, Praise and Honor. May we persist in testifying, glorifying, praising, honoring and joyfully thanking Him for his persistent love that is enduring forevermore, regardless of the 24/7 news entanglements that are trying to steal our focus from God.
      Bob, I will pray for your bible group to return to keeping God's House of Prayer, rather than turning it into a den of entanglements (Don't make Him have to come through with the whip;) xoxoxoxo

    5. Jeanne: may God grant you His traveling Mercy! I will pray for your visit to be a peacefully sweet one. Love You!

    6. Merci Bob!

      Praying God to shine His light and glorify Himself through our behaviour no matter our circumstances.

      "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
      Ps 139:23-24

      Keeping you all in my prayers,

      Blessings from France

    7. Thanks Brilamar. Your prayers were answered. My trip was a peaceful sweet one and my Mom and I were blessed to be able to pray together and spend time together. God is so good.

  27. Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for another day. I don’t know what it holds for me, but I do know Who holds it and that’s all that matters. Teach me to never let my feelings guide my faith, but let my faith guide how I feel. Help me to always approach life with the faith that You go before me, and know nothing can stand against You. I will not worry as much about what lies ahead, but rather keep my eyes on Who goes before me. “The Lord your God, who goes before you, He will fight for you…” (Deut. 1:30). What You have destined for me, no person, organization or group can stop. I have not missed my opportunity, You are holding what belongs to me and at the right time, You will make things happen that I could never make happen on my own. Thank You Lord. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

    If we say we truly believe the Word of God, then we should, whole-heartedly, believe what Romans 8:28 says: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” When things seems to be going the opposite of where we want them to go, we should always remember that there is always an underlying meaning or reasoning behind it. Sometimes God will make things impossible for us so we will know it is only by His power that we can prevail. When and if we allow Him, God goes before us to lift us up when we fall, restore us when we make mistakes. God has already forgiven us; His mercy is bigger than any mistake we make. He already has a new beginning waiting for us. We should not allow guilt and condemnation to rule our lives. We wouldn’t be alive if He didn’t have something amazing planned out in front of us. He is saying to us: ‘stop worrying, stop stressing, trust Me’. I have you covered. I know where you are, and I certainly know where you’re going.” The chains of those obstacles that look like they’re never going to change, are about to be broken and we are going to see increase, restoration, healing, breakthroughs, and the fullness of our destiny as we allow Him to go ahead of us, in Jesus name! Isaiah 45:2: “I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.” When life throws us a curveball, let’s remember what the Bible says and make a conscious effort to remain calm and remember Who is in control.

    Dear Father, We look up to the hills from whence cometh our help , our help indeed comes from You who made the Heaven and the earth (Psalm 121:1). We stop looking at our circumstances believing we are on our own, because we are not. Jesus Himself prays for us. The Holy Spirit lives inside of us. The God of all creation goes before us and we will not fear. “For you shall not go out with haste, Nor go by flight; For the Lord will go before you, And the God of Israel will be your rear guard” (Isaiah 52:12). We choose to follow You, as You go before us. Thank You for being our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1). In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Appreciate your thoughts, twin bd sis! Yesterday, the minister at the church my wife and I attend asked if I could fill in for him at the end of July. I checked the assigned passages for that Sunday and the second lesson is Romans 8:26-39. I feel led to preach that passage and your post has got my thinking off to a good start. God be with you.

    2. What beautiful truths you laid before us today dear Maplewood! Thank you for that good brunch. I really needed it. He is always in control and we must hand Him over our reins in true surrender so He can make our paths straight and guide us to doing His will and accomplishing His Plan. Thanks Dear Sister! You fed me well.

    3. I don’t know what it holds for me, but I do know Who holds it and that’s all that matters. For this and everything else you shared,
      Amen! Amen! Amen! Maplewood NJ.
      Love to you and our entire JC family!

    4. Thanks again sweet Maplewood. Always looking up from where my help cometh. He is our refuge and strength. I sure do agree with you Brie. We may not know what our future holds but we know God holds it. Trusting in Him always with you.
      “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
      Be not afraid. I trust His words and I will rest in His love and peace. Love to you Brie and Maplewood and all our dear JC Family.

    5. Maplewood, there are SO MANY wonderful words and insights in this post! I was imagining turning on the evening news and hearing a reporter read this to THE WORLD. (And I'm abstaining from evening news precisely because I probably won't hear this πŸ˜‰) Thank God HE IS THE GOOD NEWS and we can always depend on getting it here from our JC family. ♥️

    6. So true Audra! He is the Good News! Unchanging and faithful. He’s in charge so we can rest in Him.

  28. Thank you Maplewood for the God inspired pep talk. Truth of God touches those intimate areas when nothing else will do. I may revisit during this day as I sit in the back of an Rv looking beyond my circumstances.The palatable solutions for my Son have been removed from the table. Dont know what I will find at home, praying for Gods clean course of redemption & restoring of my sons mind that I can actually witness without The Lord obstructing my view while " under construction" Always easier to breathe when the path makes sense, But God is usually multi faceted never wasting the suffering on just one result. The course The Lord
    chooses satisfies many equations all at once. It's never just about me but it is also always just about me! Amazing God. Lord please come swoop in and accomplish great things thru the life of my family/Son for many for future generations to come and for ultimate glory for your kingdom! Praise Jesus for His sacrifice for so many. Thank you all Jesus calling family for all your prayers, I reread them when I feel discouraged and they fill me with hope.
    I am praying for all of you. You are all so very loved and blessed. Peace

    1. Praying for you and yours, who are really ours, dear Fern.
      Last night I asked Mary, the Mother of Jesus to pray with me to the Lord Our God. I asked because she too had to watch her Son struggle under a heavy cross, which she was unable to take from him nor carry for him, which would have probably been easier on her than watching him struggle and fall. Standing by and watching them struggling with some particular challenge tends to make us feel powerless and helpless, however we are not just standing by, while I am listening, I am also silently affirming God's Divine Wisdom and Order and I am giving praise and thanks that God's Divine Wisdom and Order is now establishing in the minds, hearts, and lives of our dear ones! I am visualizing them making right decisions, knowing when we are weak, He is strong. Mary pondered all this in her heart and prayed. Next thing, here comes Simon of Cyrene from Who knows where, to help her Son when she could not. Your child, Dan belongs to all of us, and we will continue in prayer for and with you. I admire and draw strength from your unwavering faith in God. You are a blessing and I pray showers and showers of blessings for you and our entire JC family. You are all loved. Amen

    2. Fern, I join you, Brilamar, Jeanne and all JC prayer warriors in prayer for your family. May the good Lord light your way and give you peace and comfort that surpasses all understanding. Our roles as mothers is never an easy one when we see our children struggle. May God's wisdom be with you and may His will be done in your son's life.

      Blessings from California

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. In 2022, I'm the sister now praying these same prayers for my brother Keith, while I am still praying them for Dan and for you, Fern. In Jesus' Name.

  29. Praying for you, dear Fern. So much is on your shoulders. Praying for your family and Dan's healing and guidance. Rest in Him who cares for you. You are loved deeply and wished all of God's blessings. Especially peace.

  30. Fern I am praying for your beloved son for your family. I too am asking Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus to pray along with us. She understands your pain your sorrow. You just keep praying seeking Jesus trusting him with all of it. This will pass..Jesus we trust in you..come holy spirit.

  31. Thank you each one of you. I know God has a plan and I cannot wait when it is revealed. You are all so very special. Thanking God for each one of you tonight. Only 1 1/2 days till I am home again. Thank you Lord Jesus please overwhelm this situation with your great love, we need it.

  32. Dear Fern, God is holding you and your husband and Dan very tightly in His love. He hears every prayer. Keep trusting and waiting. Praying always that Dan's heart will be opened to the Lord, and His guiding Hand will lead him to a peaceful place where he will find a new clarity of mind and joy that he needs so desperately. I pray you and your husband will see amazing changes in him as God's plan unfolds. Thank You Jesus!

  33. Please pray for my dear husband Rick who started to go into Arial Fibrillation yesterday. He has had this many times. He still drinks a lot and he was having his wine tonight and I said: Maybe that isn't good for you right now. He said, well I already have the A-Fib so it can't bring it on. Honestly, sometimes I wanna shake him. But instead, I just pray. Thanks for your prayers. We pray for each other and we rest in Him who loves us.

    1. Father, please watch over Rick and his heart issues. Help his A-Fib and give him and his wife Jeanne healing, strength, peace, and love. Let Your presence in their lives be known. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always. God bless.

    2. I'm praying for your DH, too, Jeanne! I love your heart for him and your ability to meet him where he is.

    3. I am praying hard for you Jeanne, our Dear Dear Sister-Friend in Christ and also for our Rick.
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      You are our Great Healer and Changer of hearts. So we keep heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, please renew our inner self with Your Grace, Wisdom and New Mercies again today, and everyday, day by day. Would You help us to keep drawing on the Grace and Wisdom of God in every condition, situation, circumstance and humiliation? You are our only wellspring that is everflowing, from which we can draw now, and then again and again and again...
      I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

      "My Life is in Your Hands" sung by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, written by Kirk Franklin.
      For you Jeanne, me, and all of our JC Prayer Warriors!
      I am also getting an early Faith Focus Factor started on a herculean week next week, getting keys made that work, getting Keith's car sold, getting storage unit delivered and emptied, getting moving company to pick up and deliver, getting rid of excess, setting up furniture, etc, etc. I am praying for Jesus' Grace, Mercy and Wisdom to take over and lead me and guide me. May my steps always be behind His, and ordered in His Word, along with my mouth and my patience. So far Higher above my thoughts and ways are His Thoughts and His Ways. May I respect, accept, and welcome that fact of life, and resist satan's temptations to think I can reverse this Order. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Thank you dear Family! I really appreciate all your prayers. Thank you so much! Rick said he is feeling a little better. Praise God! And sweet Brie, That song was just beautiful! Listening to it made me feel so much better. Praying that God is strengthening and guiding you to accomplish all those many difficult things on your list. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ˜Š

    6. Herculean week is no problem for you Brie with God at your back knocking down all obstacles for smooth sailing. I'll keep you in my prayers as we make every day DEPENDENCE day 😁✝️

    7. Love your Herculean mindset knowing God is walking before you making them ALL doable/possible Brie! Will be sending prayers of patience, strength πŸ’ͺ, endurance, and peace as you tackle all of that! Your strong faith, Brie, will bring you thru this next week! God is with and for you! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

      Love the song!

    8. A year already? My how time flies when you're having Herculean fun!

  34. My sweet, dear Father, I will wait on You forever. You deserve my all and I give it to You cheerfully and freely. This earth is only my temporary home and the things I possess aren't mine. They are all from You. Thank You Jesus. I am grateful to be Your child and that You love me so much that You give me the provisions that You do. Open my eyes to see You all around me and let me be open to receive all that You have for me. I love and adore You Lord. Praise You Lord always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. (1 John 5:4). "The LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." (Deuteronomy 20:4). From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. (Psalm 3:8).

    2. Dear Janet, We are blessed to be His beloved children. Trust in the Lord and His promises and provisions. He is enough. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Psalm 37:3

  35. Update on my Best Man: he had a rough night with heartburn. He is back in bed, resting well, now. Thank you for your prayers, dear JC Family. Prayers for each of you and yours as we all walk out on God's precious Word. May each of us claim the calmness He has promised and remember that nothing, NOTHING, takes God by surprise.

    1. Praying Now with Prayers continuing.
      Love to you and yours.

    2. Continuing to pray for him and for God’s healing of every blockage or weakness in his body. God bless and heal you and your family too dear Norah. Thank You Father for this and for answering our prayers and meeting all our needs. We trust in You together as a family. You are such a great and merciful God. We love You and we wait on You. Amen

  36. Peace is with you Norah and hubby! ✝️

  37. Praying with and for each of you. From A- fib, to heart burn, to favor in organizing all the details of moving someone else, husband, wives, children, sickness and new birth. My heart is so full of love for each of you and jointly for our Lord. So very thankful for a quiet day at home. Our days have been beyond full. My son had appointments with 3 different doctors last week. Now working on getting all the testing and follow up blood work scheduled.
    Praise report!!
    The Dr at the cancer clinic refered our son to another Dr. The day after the referral was faxed. I received a call from this Dr office saying they had an open appointment due to a cancellation for the next day. I explained that he was exhausted and asked if they had an opening the following week. She said his referral was urgent and their next appointment was in November. I said we will take the appointment. As I continued with my grocery shopping I thanked God for his amazing love for us and always providing for our needs. I asked him to put us in front of the right Dr so we were not running around with unnecessary appointments.

    1. Praising and praying with you, and our JC Family, our dear SisterFriend in Christ, TERRI. Lifting you, your son, and all doctors and appointments. With Much Love

    2. Thanks for your precious prayers dear Terri! Love you right back and I'm bound with you and all our Family by our love for Jesus! He is the glue that keeps it all together. The Way, the Truth, the Life and the Light.
      It was God's will that you take that appointment right away. Praying God will take care of everything. You will get good test results and the blood work completed and He will enlighten the doctor so he will give your good son the right treatment to make him better.
      Father, Hear our sincere prayers for Terri's son. We join together to ask for Your help in every part of his treatment and recovery. Comfort and strengthen Terri and her family and bring her son back to good health. Thank You Jesus!

    3. Thank you Father for putting the people and circumstances before Terri and son, and all of us that bring us closer to you. Thank you for your favor as I leaned in to patience, and waiting on your guidance. You made plans go smoothly where I was trying too hard to make something happen. Your will, not mine Lord. Thank you in advance for calming my mind and tongue, and turning up the volume of your voice in my mind and ears. I trust you, I love you, I thank you

  38. Continued prayers for your son, TERRI and what a blessing that the Dr's office called!
    Many thanks to all of you. My DH is feeling better and SO appreciates all of your prayers. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

  39. Continuing to pray for your good DH. So happy he's feeling better. God is so good and faithful. Praying he will feel even better tomorrow.
    We had my son's family over for dinner and Gabriel was a lot of fun. Now we will get some sweet rest. Thanks for your prayers for my DH that he will feel better tomorrow too. Waiting on the Lord.

    1. So happy for you, Jeanne. Sleep sweet. Rick still has my prayers. Love you sister friend in Christ.

    2. Thanks Brie. You have so much on your shoulders. Lifting you up high in my prayers Dear Sister!

  40. Thanks for your prayers for Rick! God is answering them. Dropping in to ask for more prayers because, thank God, he has a cardio version scheduled for 1 PM to shock his heart back into rhythm. Praying He will be directing it all. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Oops. Posted this on the wrong day then posted it correctly for 6/29 and 6/30. Prayers for my dear husband Rick are always appreciated. Thanks dear ones.

    2. Praying that God is answering all our prayers. Remaining in His joy and peace no matter what. Today's devotion tells us
      "Awareness of My Presence contains Joy that can endure all eventualities". Trusting in His faithfulness and leaning on His promises. Still need prayers for my DH. Rick has a very bad back and he may stay home from Church because of the pain. My dear Cousin Beth who has stage 3 lung cancer looked very bad yesterday so please join me in thanking God for a miracle to heal her and remove every cancer cell and draw her close to Him and to continue to heal Jill from Covid and Rich's back. Praying also that my Mom's MRI results will be good. Please also pray for my stiff neck to heal because God is in charge. Thank you Father for answering all these prayers and those of our dear JC Family. Thank you Father for this in the Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus. Amen

    3. Praying for you, your husband Rick, Jill, Beth, and your mom. Our heavenly Father, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen πŸ™.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Gathering into Janet's prayers for Jeanne, Rick, Beth, Jill and Rich C. πŸ™πŸ›πŸ™ in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Joining in prayer for you Jeanne, for healing, mercy and graceπŸ™

    7. Prayers directed to your requests for your loved ones, Jeanne, and all others known and unkown this day. They will be answered.

    8. Praying for your loved one Jeanne and everyone who has a a loved one who is ailing ......we bring them to our Father's feet for healing and restoration. Lord, look upon the sick with eyes of mercy. May Your healing hand rest upon them, may Your life-giving powers flow into every cell of their body and into the depths of their soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring me to wholeness and strength for service in Your Kingdom. Amen.

    9. Thank you dear family for all your powerful prayers. God heard every one! My neck is feeling quite a bit better and Rick said his back is improving. God is so faithful. Praying my Mom’s MRI results will be good. Even my cousin Beth told my Mom our prayers must be working because she was feeling better. Joining all prayers that Jill is being healed in Jesus’ Name.

  41. Requesting prayers as I leave home to drive 90 plus miles to spend days caring for my brother Keith.
    He sounded as though he had another downslide when I tried talking on the phone with him last night.
    Dear Heavenly Father God, would You please help me hold tightly to Your Hand, staying calmly conscious of Your Presence today, no matter what? Would You please help me remember that You go before me into this day?
    Thank You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    2. On it beloved Brie.
      - Grace Takes Time

    3. You got it! Praying over you and your brother for healing, strength , peace and safe travels. πŸ™

    4. Calm consciousness is the order of the day for you, dear Brie. Mercy travels and comfort you bring to Keith. May you deeply know how you are loved and cared for as you give what you ask to receive. <3

    5. Journey mercies Brie . Praying for healing and restoration for your bro. May God's will be done !

    6. Joining prayers for your traveling safety and for God’s strength to fill every part of you, body, mind and spirit! You will be a beacon of light to Keith. God will guide you to help him in every way. Sending a big hug to you dear sister. May God heal your weaknesses and your good Brother. He needs you now and you are there for him. Thank You Jesus.

  42. May you be blessed by His grace and mercy today, so that you find yourself in moments where you are in those green pastures, lying beside still waters, comforted by His presence and Peace that situated all understanding.
    To all of you on this, the Lord’s day, ShalomπŸ™

  43. How I appreciated this morning’s devotion. This morning I am teaching Sunday school and although I have read the lesson several times, I felt not prepared. A good reminder that God goes before me and with me. May His Words go through me to open ears and hearts.

    1. Look to Him Who will help you cope with whatever the moment presents. All will be well. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. PS Thank you for what you do. It is appreciated.

    3. May God go before you as you go into Sunday school. May He be glorified !

    4. Joining my family here in praying that God has already equipped you well for teaching Sunday school, and His Spirit will supply all the right words to open their hearts to His message of truth. God goes before you always and is preparing your day. Rest in Him now. You are well taken care of. His promises are reliable.

  44. It's a beautiful, cool morning in Minnesota. I found myself sitting in the cool stillness listening.

    Today's thoughts line up with the message I experienced in the stillness... collaborating with me... May we continue to pause today and find ourselves in His care.

    1. I could feel the peace through your words, dear Keith! Continuing to pray for God’s healing of your burns and for His faithfulness in your life. .

  45. My heart is full after an evening with friends who have not gathered for almost two years. Your prayers manifested loving kindness surrounding us. God was in the room! (on the deck and surrounding our home). The devil never got a word in edgewise. No conflict, no debating current events, not. a. word. We all ate, drank and laughed and experienced healing of relationship. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit! (and pray-ers) So grateful!

    1. Praise the Lord for His presence !

    2. As Maplewood NJ said in an earlier post, ...Only by His power can we prevail. He will make things happen that we could never make happen on our own...
      The God of Angel Armies is always by my side! Thank You Lord.

    3. Rejoicing with you that you had a blessed gathering of friends and God was in charge. He helped all to go smoothly! Nothing but a sweet coming together of loving hearts. Thank You Jesus.

  46. Replies
    1. This is such a powerful and moving song and a prayer! Thanks dear Min Ahadi!

  47. Praying for the JC family for the week ahead , may God Lord, bless our journey
    through this coming week.
    May the pace be steady,
    paths made safe,
    no obstacles impede,
    and conversations
    with fellow travellers
    be fruitful and uplifting.
    Lord, bless our journey
    through this coming week.

    Bless the week ahead.
    May its challenges
    not overwhelm us,
    not discourage us,
    and in all things
    may we remember
    you are with us
    in our journeying,
    your love our fuel,
    your word our guide,
    today and always.

  48. So very thankful for this song, Min Ahadi. Thankful for this weekend, though there were some really tough moments. Our daughter is SO upset over the Supreme Court decision. I had NO idea, until she vented her angst and discouragement over the Country in which she lives. Praying for her, and all of the people who are distressed over this latest decision. Our family is divided. So sad. I have two going to Sweden next week; 2, about 45 mins away; 1, over an hour away and 2, right in our midst (who believe with us). Tomorrow, I meet with my Ladies - we will pray for our families; our Country; our health and lives and all of you, JC Family will be in our prayers. Today's teaching was about the importance of all of us 'getting it right.' <3

  49. Praying for you Brie for safe travel and care for your brother Keith. May God give you strength, peace, good sleep and bring healing to your brother. Amen. Ellen

  50. Rudy is going into the hospital tomorrow (now it is today) because the doctor must check out his incision. Praying God is already removing the infection inside his chest and the antibiotics are doing their job. God is so much greater than His condition. I'm just trusting in Him to bring my dear friend Rudy back to good health. My dear friend Diane, who doesn't believe in God anymore and just worships energy and the universe, is coming over tonight to join me at my Music Jam. She's gonna stay over my apartment and then tomorrow we're going to her house in Holmes NY to do some artwork together and for another sleepover. I'm looking forward to spending time with her. We were friends from Kindergarten and we know each other well. She sure does know I love Jesus. I will let His light shine through me and I pray God will soften her heart and open her eyes. Thank You Jesus.

    Acts 4:12
    Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne for Rudy and Diane. May our heavenly Father heal Rudy's infection and make his body whole again and may Diane see Jesus in you and be drawn to Him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Yes, may Diane see the light of Jesus in Jeanne. Use their time together Father to open up conversations about You. I come against the enemy that would have assignments against their time together. Amen!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. I am still Praying for Rudy.
      Thank you for sharing Diane's story. I admire how you have Mastered the Art of Beaconing His Light without saying a word.
      A similar situation will present itself to me today. You reminded me to try to prACTice ACTing in accordance with Romans 14 and with somethimg I lifted directly off Chris Payton's Bible Tags page:
      1. I am to accept my brother. Don't allow the difference to divide. (verse 1)
      2. Do not use the difference as an opportunity to judge my brother (verse 3, 4)
      3. Each person can praise and thank God even though there are differences (verse 6)
      4. Each person is the Lord's and belongs to the Lord (verse 8)
      5. Each person is accountable to the Lord (verse 12)
      6. Do not be a stumbling block to your brother (verse 13)
      7. Be careful that your life lines up with your beliefs (verse 16)
      8. Pursue peace and building one another up (verse 19)
      All Done In His Name. Amen.
      Much Love and Many Prayers for you, dear sister friend in Christ, and for our entire JC family.

    4. What a great 'to do' (or should I say 'to be' list you shared Brie! Blessings one and all ♥️πŸ™✝️

    5. Thanks Janet, Jan, Brie and Audra. Your prayers for Janet, Rudy and Diane are so appreciated. God off the phone with Janet and she's depresses that she will have to wear braces on both legs. She thinks the right one may be improving from the brace. I told her she only has to wear them for 6 weeks and we are praying God is already healing her. Please pray that her surgery on Wed to remove more of the basal carcinoma will go well and not be to invasive. Thank You Jesus!
      I have been praying today that God would help me to shine His light before Diane without saying a word. So Brie, You are quite a mindreader. I loved your list and I do realize that Diane was created by God and is a good and loving person. She just doesn't realize Jesus is her Savior and Redeemer, and He is the answer to every problem she has. Her back is very bad and her sister is depressed and she is lonely. Every day I pray that God will resolve these problems and turn her heart back to Him and give her sister a strength of faith. Enjoy your new day in God's presence and peace. Much love to all of you. Thanks for your prayers. We are praying for each other and our loved ones. He hears every one.

    6. Our devotion says nothing takes God by surprise. I am therefore sure He is not surprised that #2 is a major stumbling block for me, but with His Help I am persistently working on it, and turning to Him to Give Me Hope, Help Me Cope With This Heavy Load....

  51. Praying for Rudy & Danuta. As the scriptures you shared dear Jeanne is fitting for uplifting of their spirit, as God attends to their every need. Hallelujah!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  52. Good morning, JC Warriors! One of the many reasons I love this blog is the daily examples of faith displayed by this group. Yesterday, I wasn’t feeling well, so I stayed home from church and watched an old Charles Stanley sermons titled Levels of Faith in the Life of a Believer. If you have 20-22 minutes one day, it is a great sermon. I’m sure it’s on YouTube or In Touch Ministries app.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Amen. Charles Stanley is always good as is John MacArthur.

    2. Dear SC, May God heal your weaknesses so you will feel much better very soon. Your body was weak but your faith was strengthened by that Sermon. You fed your Spirit. Amen! Great faith is willing to reach out. And we know from where our help cometh. Much love to you.

  53. Thank you Janet. Your prayer is my prayer. Bless your journey today and each day! Amen.

  54. God's Blessings for you all this day.

    1. Thanks! Received your blessing. God bless you and your loved ones too, dear John H.

  55. Praying for all listed above and for those who ask for prayers in the quiet of their homes. You know who you are. Hope you all had a great weekend! Here's to starting off a new week with Him guiding us where He wants us to go. Prayer of His peace, love and grace to you all.

    1. Thanks dear Suzanne. Have a sweet day! May He guide you to the desires of your loving heart and surround you with his peace, love, and grace.

  56. Keeping your friends' well being in my prayers, Jeanne. Keep the faith!

  57. To be used as the Lords vessel to shine Christ and spread the good news is a blessing and a honor first and foremost! I must say it is no easy task when chosen to walk through the fire of spiritual warfare. You stick out like a sore thumb and everyone seems to be the hammer sometimes. Knowing that you go before me Christ gives me comfort and peace which in return keeps me grounded for each task ahead of me. Lord I pray you blanket me in your protection and enable me to give Love above all else. Holy spirit guide me "step by step" through this day with my inner eyes and ears tuned to the beat of your heart! Forgive them for they know not what they do, and open their eyes to the truth of your blood stained stamp that won it all! Phil-1:21/4:13..prayer warriors out there I ask that you pray for me in this and so on. God has chosen me to walk a specific path that has made me a warrior of the light. It's been 7 years since I was abducted by a satanic cult, lured out to Texas where I was never suppose to make it back. It was the week following the 4th of July 2016. Gods divine intervention lifted me to safety. I was taken out there to be tortured for my faith. In the midst of everything I began to see and understand things that very few could Imagine or even see in a horror film. Here I am now all these years later still doing what the lord has commanded me to do! It's not at all a walk in the park by no means.. please pray for me as I go through this day and this week. Strike down the enemies that relentlessly target and prey on God's children and open the eyes of those lost looking for hope. no weapon formed against me shall prosper! In Jesus Name! AmenπŸ™

    1. Child of the one true King. I'm so sorry you had to go through that persecution for your faith but know God is above all evil. Jesus is the only Way and you are following Him closely now. You know the Truth and the Truth has set you free from that past misery. You are a righteous daughter of the Most High King. The Only King Whose Reign is Forever. Praying for you and for all those people who are suffering because of the ungodliness of those who follow the flesh. Stay strong in the Word and stay close to the Lord so He will stay close to you. Thank You Father for your guidance and protection in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

    2. Our Dear Child of the one true King, Thanks and Praise to God Who lifted you up and out !
      Our prayers are with you.
      More importantly, our God is with you, and He will never leave you nor forsake you. Battles with satan belong to our God. He is the only One Who is More than a Conqueror In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    3. Amen, Amen, Amen, standing with you in prayer.

  58. Beautiful prayer and encouragement. His plans are the right ones and His direction is what I want to follow. Amen dear Janet. His grace and mercy are all we need.
