Monday, June 29, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 29

As you get out of bed in the morning, be aware of My Presence with you. You may not be thinking clearly yet, but I am. Your early morning thoughts tend to be anxious ones until you get connected with Me. Invite Me into your thoughts by whispering My Name. Suddenly your day brightens and feels more user-friendly. You cannot dread a day that is vibrant with My Presence.
     You gain confidence through knowing that I am with you--that you face nothing alone. Anxiety stems from asking the wrong question: "If such and such happens, can I handle it?" The true question is not whether you can cope with whatever happens, but whether you and I together can handle anything that occurs. I is this you-and-I-together factor that gives you confidence to face the day cheerfully. 

Psalm 5:3
English Standard Version

O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice;
    in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.

Verse thoughts
In the midst of distress, I petition the Lord. In the midst of distress, I trust in the Lord's protection. I need to re-focus my thoughts on the Lord and His promises and not focus on the words of the world and the worries of life.

Psalm 63:1
New King James Version

O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.

Verse thoughts
God is my protection. I come to You completely, with my whole being, in the same way that I would want water in a barren desert, is how I want to be quenched by You.

Philippians 4:13
English Standard Version

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Verse thoughts
When I rely on Christ's power (in Me) and follow His example, then and only then, am I able to face all circumstances with contentment. 

My Prayer
Lord, I want to roll out of bed with my first thoughts being trusting You with my day and the things that I have to experience. It is true that I go to worry and anxiety too quickly. I want to run to Your arms and let you carry me.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Good Morning JC Family, no matter what we encounter today, God's word assures us we are not alone.

  2. With God, it's always a great day!

    1. Here you were, Sassy Mom, with the best advice years before today when you might need it most. Praying for you and your family and the Presence of God watching over you this morning.

    2. Still true, dear Sassy Mom!!

  3. Good morning JC family🌞. Thank you all so much for prayers for hubby's tests. I will let you all know when results come in. Also for rejoicing with me for my prodigal daughter. Please continue to pray for her. I am overjoyed that she's now communicating with her dad & I but will be even more over the top when she once again begin communicating with her Father in heaven, oh! What a glorious day that will be🥳👏🌈🎉🎶!

    1. Amen! God can do all thing and is faithful. I have seen great blessings with my children of late. Prayers ignite His supernatural power faith sustains and secures it in our hearts. Your daughters journey with the Lord is the most important thing! God bless you

  4. Good Morning to my JC Family - including new names that I've seen over the last few days. What blessings have occurred - and I have been on such a whirlwind pace that even though I read and pray, I've had no time to comment. Jan, your husband remains in my prayers and I rejoice over your daughter and what is to come!
    We have been blessed with a visit from a dear friend who lives in Nigeria. He was in our wedding 45 years ago and we have only seen him once until this week. It was if no time had passed. He is the same gentle, God-loving man that we knew so many years ago. All of our children (minus the our daughter who is out of state) got to finally meet him and we introduced him to our daughter over the phone. It was a glimpse of the Gathering for me and my husband.
    Today, we have the memorial service for our dear friend who passed 2 weeks ago. Another reminder to glean the good from each day. We will celebrate her beautiful life and then go to a college reunion, where my husband and his friend met 50 years ago.
    I woke up early though the last two nights have been very late ones, God still refreshed me. I started planning, planning, planning with my To Do List and 'Don't Forget...' list and stopped. I'd been awake about 10 mins. I read. I prayed. I thanked God for all of his goodness. I prayed for each of you on this blog and all that is happening in your lives. I rejoiced with you, Sassy Mom over your daughter's victory, enjoyed by being in the right place at the right time. I prayed for woman she'll be treating.
    I re-read and let soak in, "You gain confidence through knowing that I am with you--that you face nothing alone." Claiming His Peace for each of us and thanking Him mightily for all He does each day for us. The conversations that have taken place, esp. with 2 of my DILs about God - such a wonderful opportunity and first though we've been a family for several years. All inspired by the visit of a dear friend who loves God. It's as if it proved to all of our children God's Hand in our lives. No accidents, no happenstance - all guided by our Loving Father. My prayers are with each of you and all of our loved ones. My respiratory bug is on its way out and I am feeling much better. Even that couldn't stop the joy that was present this last few days. Thank you so much for keeping me and my family in your prayers even though I haven't been writing. Enjoy your day, your weekend. Praise Him for all of His blessings and the power and privilege we have been given to walk with our loving Heavenly Father and imitate our Saviors' love and wisdom. God Bless dear JC Family!

    1. Dear Nora I just read your comments out loud to my husband as I am sitting next to his hospital bed your words were a blessing we are experiencingchallenging circumstances and yesterday I talked to my husband's doctor and for a time that things he said stole my joy but God is faithful so faithful and today his mercies are new and I am basking in his love and I know that he has all of this and he is able my husband's name is Jim and my name is Susan and we are in Naples Florida we were in Germany for five years serving as dorm parents at a missionary school and during that time my husband had a massive stroke and we walked through 5 months of hospitalization and there were times when it didn't look like he was going to survive but he did and God saved his life for a reason and we worship God war that saving hand and we are seeking to serve him for as long as we both shall live and again sorry to ramble but your post was very encouraging God bless you

  5. Please continue to pray for my son. His personal and work issues are still there. Thank you.

    1. Continuing to pray M.A, hang in there. God is faithful. God is at work in your son. Some things take time & we wait as He accomplishes what's good & perfect for each of us. Have a blessed day🥰

  6. Thank you God for this reminder that we never face anything alone that you are always with us. I am so grateful for your merciful grace and love. I pray that my life reflects your designed purpose today. So often I resist that.
    Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11

  7. Requesting prayers please from my JC family. My 2 yr old hit my jaw with his head about 2 months ago. It hurt pretty bad but x rays said it wasn't fractured. I've had pain ever since then . It had gotten better until a couple nights ago when he hit me with his head on the opposite side of my jaw. It's been hurting more but today I opened my mouth and something happened. It has hurt horribly ever since. and I can tell my teeth are not lining up the same. I said something to my husband that I thought it needed checked again and he said I can be prayed for at church tomorrow.I'm all for being prayed over and healed but in the name of Jesus I need relief right now! I'm trying to eat an ice cream sandwich and all I can do is take a small bite and suck on it. Like Norah had quoted from another Jc family member "I don't have time for this." This Mom/Grandma needs to be whole and fully able to function!! Thank you for prayers because I'm planning on being healed!!

  8. Terri, so glad I checked this blog again. It is an honor to pray for your healing. And YES, you will be healed by the GREAT PHYSICIAN!!!!

  9. Praying for all of you and those close to you to be healed. Stay strong in the faith and God will provide. Blessings JC Family.

  10. Finally able to read this blog. Terri -- will be praying for your jaw pain. Thank you Lord for your healing hand upon Terri from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. Also, praying for M.A.'s son, Jim and Susan, and Jan and her husband as well as any of the needs spoken or not spoken in this wonderful JC FAMILY. Jesus, just pour your love over ALL of them!!! Great blessings to all from Kansas

  11. Good Morning. On a business trip, and with humbleness, I hear God speak to me through Sarah's devo. I had been praying for His assist as I go through the day, to lead me, and then moved to reading what was here today... no shock any more at the appropriateness of today's scriptures which formed the basis for the whisper of God via JC. Inspiring... Carpe diem! Reading more of late, and praying alongside. Godspeed.

    1. GM Mad Fox. Traveling Mercy prayers being said for you and other JC Prayer Warriors who might also be enroute somewhere.

    2. Humbleness leading the way is the best way to proceed. God bless you

    3. MadFox --- Sending prayers over your business trip. Lord, please grant MadFox safety in his travels. I trust you, Lord, to bless the work of his hands. Thank You for his skills and trustworthiness. Make him a blessing to all he encounters. Grant him success in his presentations and meetings. May this trip be productive to bring new ideas, strengthen relationships, and additional business. Use MadFox to bring Honor and Glory to You, Lord and bring him home safely with renewed strength. Lord, in Your honor and for Your Purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    4. Hoping and praying for a safe and successful trip, Madfox. God equipped you for it and will guide every part of it. His spirit will give you all the words you need. I'm glad you came here for your much needed refreshment and affirmation that you are surrounded by God's faithfulness. Rest in Him who cares for you.

    5. Thinking of you dear MadFox and always praying for your strength and God's faithfulness in your life and condition. Please update us when you can. I have no doubt you are bringing God's good news of Salvation and Peace and Hope to all you encounter. You are a powerful witness to your faith. Let your light so shine, dear brother.

  12. In accordance with Psalm 5,
    O Lord in the morning You hear my voice...a song to jump start your day:
    Praise You Lord
    Praise You Lord
    Praise You Lord
    Praise You Lord

    I want to praise You Lord
    Much more than I do
    I want to praise You Lord
    Much more than I do
    Learn to see Your face
    And taste the goodness of Your grace
    I want to praise You Lord
    Much more than I do

    Birds in the sky
    Sing their songs to You
    Trees in the fields
    Lift their arms to You
    I want to sing to You
    And lift my arms to You
    Much more than I do

    I want to know You Lord
    Much more than I do
    I want to know You Lord
    Much more than I do
    Learn to seek Your face
    And the knowledge of Your grace
    I want to know You Lord
    Much more than I do.

    I want to love You Lord
    Much more than I do
    I want to love You Lord
    Much more than I do
    Learn to seek Your face
    And the knowledge of Your grace
    I want to love You Lord
    Much more than I do

    I want to serve You Lord
    Much more than I do
    I want to serve You Lord
    Much more than I do
    Learn to seek Your face
    And the knowledge of Your grace
    I want to serve You Lord
    Much more than I do

    I want to thank You Lord
    Much more than I do
    I want to thank You Lord
    Much more than I do
    Learn to seek Your face
    And Your warm embrace
    I want to thank You Lord
    Much more than I do!

    I want to enjoy You Lord
    Much more than I do
    I want to enjoy You Lord
    Much more than I do
    Learn to seek Your face
    And Your warm embrace
    I want to enjoy You Lord
    Much more than I do!

    I want to be aware of You Lord
    Much more than I am
    I want to be aware of You Lord
    Much more than I am
    Learn to see Your face and
    Feel Your warm embrace
    I want to be aware of You Lord
    Much more than I am!
    Amen and Good Morning JC Family. I am praying for all of us and our dear ones! We are Blessed!

    1. YOUR TURN:

      I want to ______ You Lord
      Much more than I do
      I want to ______ You Lord
      Much more than I do
      Learn to seek Your face
      And Your warm embrace
      I want to ______ You Lord
      Much more than I do!

    2. Brilamar I woke up with this Psalm on my heart. There was only one verse in my Grandmothers bible underlined it was Psalm 5:3!
      This morning I awoke wanting to see it but didnt have my regular Bible with me so I paged thru a different one. I could not find it, my memory would not remind me! However I was greatly blessed skipping thru the pages of psalms reading other highlighted verses.
      But my grandmothers verse I couldn't find ( the grandma I never met whom my mom said I was just like). Well then my friend, God had a message for me, a message of hope and surety that He wrapped up in a beautiful package with you name on it. It was psalm 5:3 My heart longed for when my eyes first saw the first light. Thank you Lord for your confirmation of your love.
      My circumstances havent changed but my stance has been strengthened! Thank you Lord and thank you Brilamar and thank you Grandma from heaven above!
      Psalm 5:3 " In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
      I am waiting and expecting! I love you Lord you never cease to amaze and delight me! Smiling at this special connection He alone arranged! God bless all of you, thank you Brilamar again my special Sis. It's a great new day for The Lord made it! Enjoy.

    3. Yes, Fern, He is and AMAZING GOD! As Sassy Mom said "Hallelujah!!!" and as Maplewood NJ said "Amazing how the Spirit of God works!" and as I said "He is in our midst, and I know He is always in this JC Prayer Warrior Room!" Showers and showers of Blessings are being prayed for all JC Prayer Warriors and their Dear Ones today. After you've done all you can, then just stand. Enjoy His Blessings! Amen.

    4. Wow Fern how amazing is Our God! Our hope is in You Lord!

      Here is another song to declare hope in our situations : Do it again by Elevation Worship

      "Your promise still stands
      Great is your Faithfulness
      I'm still in your hands,
      This is my confidence,
      You never fail!"

      Be blessed everyone, with love

      Blessings from France ♡

    5. Such an Amazing God. Hallelujah!
      I posted this in yesterday's page by accident so I will put it right here:
      When I woke up today, there was brilliant sunlight streaming through the window, I got up and walked to the door of our bedroom which leads to my garden. I looked at my flowers which glistened in the bright morning sun and I thanked God for the beauty I could see and for a new day ahead. I live in an apartment and we have the only apartment that has access to a small area where I can grow flowers and sit out with my husband. I truly see how good the Lord is and how blessed I am because I trust in Him. That will never change with the passing years. I wake up thanking Him for the new day and for the light my eyes can see and all the words the Spirit gives me to lift others. Yesterday I met two Brothers a long my walk and coming home there was a woman all dressed in white taking a picture of the flowers. I said the greatest beauty is from above and this sister said Praise God. We stood there and praised Him together. She said she was blessed that I was with her lifting her so high. There are no accidents. The woman was exactly my age and said she was blessed by my words and thanked God for them. I know she was there because God had prepared that moment. He establishes our steps. We were supposed to travel today but because of bad weather in Massachusetts we won't leave until tomorrow to be with our son and his family. So I will enjoy this new day at home in White Plains with my husband and I hope to get a lot of good things accomplished today to God's glory. Hoping and praying you will also enjoy your day, produce good fruit, and may all your weaknesses be strengthened and your prayers answered according to God's will and plan. This is the day the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

    6. Such a pretty picture and story you just painted. God loves you.

    7. Thank you blessings from France for your kindness. Have a blessed day

    8. God's Hand in my life is so apparent. Some days, I just keep saying. Well, I know that was God! Rejoicing to have a new day but I need sleep and God already said: Get to bed little one! Goodnight dear ones.

    9. Singing again this year:
      I want to
      much MORE than I am...

  13. Teach me to love You MORE, Lord. Show me how to place You at the forefront of my life and my thoughts. Help me to center my life around You and grow in obedience to You. No matter what I encounter today, I'm assured I'm not alone. You are always in my presence. Praying to always bless those I encounter. Love and blessings to JC Warriors.

    1. Amazing how the Spirit of God works! Sassy Mom, Brilamar, our thoughts and prayers this morning are just the same with wanting to love and know God MORE! AMAZING FATHER! All glory and honor to Him!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Maplewood - Hallelujah!!! Exactly what I was thinking after reading your comment. Our thoughts and prayers are in unison. CONTINUING TO PRAISE AND THANK YOU LORD.

    3. Yes, it is interesting that all the early morning 2020 poster children have the word MORE in their posts! Two or more in agreement and BINGO, He is in our midst, although I know He is always in this JC Prayer Warrior Room! I am coming in here MORE and MORE each day to taste see and feel His Presence. It is MORE strong in here than anywhere else I can go. Love you, Family

    4. Amen! Sassy Mom, Maplewood, Brilamar, Madfox, Brilamar, Fern, So true. Our greatest goal is to love Him more dearly and know Him more deeply. That is why we hunger for His Word every day. He fills us and opens our eyes. He casts away the veil of this world so we can see the truth that guides our day. We come here Brilamar because we are of one accord. In his presence and in communion with all of you we praise Him and pray together and and see His Faithfulness. We are blessed.

    5. Such a place of freedom and light!

    6. Amen! In His presence is perfect peace and joy in believing and a light that never ends nor fades.

  14. Dear Loving Father, It’s another day, You’ve gotten me out of bed and planted my feet on solid ground once again. Thank You for Your mercy and the dawn of this day. I want to know You and love You more, if I don’t get anything else done today, I want to know and love You better regardless of what comes my way. Even if my day turns out bad, as long as I get to know You a little bit more better, my day was not wasted. You did not create me and put me on earth just to mark things of my to do list. I was created to worship and praise You and to live every day in Your Presence. Thank You Lord for all the blessings of this day. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    When we find ourselves questioning God’s true character, we should reassure our faith of His might and love through reading His Word, and when we sense our confidence in the Lord fading, we should recall personal experiences and accounts in the Bible when He has shown Himself strong (1 Samuel 1). God fills the heavens and earth. This amazing truth is based on the fact that the Lord God created the entire universe and is so much greater than the heavens and earth (Jeremiah 23:23-24). God’s presence is everywhere, we call Him God Omnipresence. His Presence Fills Heaven and also fills the Earth, even though we sometimes fail or can be slow to recognize Him in our lives. He fills heaven with His Love, Holiness, infinite and eternal glory, majestic, power and dominion. The angels of heaven stand in His Presence with awe, worship and rejoicing (Isaiah 11:9; Isaiah 6:3; Numbers 14:21). God is both massive and mighty above all creation (Deut. 10:17 and Jeremiah 32:17). He is intimately aware of and concerned for His creation (Jeremiah 1:5 and Luke 12:7). This morning, He is urging us to ‘be aware of His Presence’. That shouldn’t be hard for us, He has shown His faithfulness. He hasn’t changed on us, so we can be confident He has the power and wisdom to walk us through our valleys of the shadow of death.

    Dear Father, If it’s been awhile since anyone has experienced Your Presence, please increase their spiritual hunger and point out anything that may be an obstacle. May we find time every day to engage in one or more of the spiritual disciplines: solitude, silence, prayer, fasting, confession, giving and simplicity and gain confidence in knowing that You are with us every second of our lives, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    Jan G, So great to hear from you! You’ve been missed. Keeping you in prayers. Stay Blessed.

    I am in prayer for all the concerns and requests. May the Loed cause you to know His loving kindness as you put your trust in Him. God bless you all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Good Morning Maplewood NJ and entire JC prayer warrior family. Thanks for all the biblical booster shots to reassure, reactivate and lift up my faith when it sags while I wait. Blessings. Amen.

    2. Thank you Maplewood 🥰. In my absence I continued to pray for our JC Warriors. Hope all is well with your Mom. Blessings.

    3. Amen Maplewood! We know our God is good, loving, faithful, compassionate, merciful, honest, protective, almighty, kind, understanding, caring, generous and always there for us. Nothing we face will be too hard for us to bear because He walks with us and will never leave us. I have good news to share.
      My husband and I just participated in a Zoom meeting because our youngest son, Dylan was defending his Thesis. The title was: Bridging the Human-Machine Gap in Applied Machine Learning with Visual Analytics. We sat there for an hour listening to him and we were so proud. I sent him a message right before he got on saying God had equipped him well for this and told him to Rest and let your light shine. I also said: You reap what you sow. Praying he will come back to Christ, and that his wife and son will also come to Him in God's timing.

    4. I am so proud of Dylan, and I know both of you are proud of him as well. Praise and Thanks Be To God for sharing His Glory with us!

    5. A parents pride in a child is food for our hearts! Thank you Lord for jeanne's special blessing and heart filling. Will be praying for Dylan with hope.

    6. Brilamar and Fern, When Dylan was a child of no more than 5, he loved Math so I used to make him little Math problems while his brothers were in school. And because I'm an artist I would illustrate the problems with apples or flowers and he loved the challenge. I always called him my Little Star and with God's grace and gifts he has let that light shine and I am so proud of him. Thanks!!! Amen Fern. A parent's pride in a child is food for our hearts. We are blessed he has already gotten a job too. God is guiding him in a wonderful way. I pray for him to come to know Jesus so his road will lead to glory that never ends.

    7. Blessed my little Dylan is now married with 2 sons and he’s a Professor at Brandeis University teaching Computer Science, but sadly, he and his family still need to know Jesus. Praying always on that.

  15. Have you tried a reliable (read reviews) chiropractor for your jaw. My other half is a chiro and has actually adjusted my jaw here and there when necessary. It is not a fun adjustment but, oh, the difference it makes and the pain that is alleviated as well as the teeth realigning. It's finding the right/best chiro out there. As there are not so great medical docs, there are not so great chiros and not every chiro can do this adjustment. It takes a few adjustments for it to "stick" since the muscles around the jaw have repositioned since you were hit in the jaw. The muscles, after a jaw adjustment or any adjustment, take time to relearn the correct position and "stick" there. Make sense? The first adjustment will help but will probably slip back into what it was due to the muscles bringing it back. If you try this route, be patient. It may take half a dozen adjustments to get it to stick but, each adjustment helps and the pain, discomfort and misalignment go away. Hope this helps. So sorry you're having this pain. Not fun. Been there, for sure. God's blessings to you and your family. Be Well, NJS

    1. Thank you, NJS, for this advice given in love for the one in need. I could not help but think as I read through your thoughts, much of what you said which will provide correction to a physical need, is also true in terms of correction in spirit. At first it may be painful but through continual adjustments, the misalignment of the soul will be corrected after which constant checkups will keep it that way. God be with you.

    2. Hope and pray the jaw problem will get resolved. Amen Bob, I just loved how youe compared a jaw out of joint to a spirit in need of correction. We also need to renew our spirit each day. I find much realignment being done right here. Halleluia!

  16. Good morning, Jesus, and my JC family. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to wake up to this new day and the opportunity to know You better! Help me, Father, when I falter and fail you. Give me patience with my brother when he speaks of things that don't align with Your Spirit. Help me to love him as You love me despite my shortcomings.

    In yesterday's homily, the priest spoke of knowing Your love, and how Your love flows through us into those we love and strangers alike. Help me, Father, to be the light that shines for You. Guide my steps to where You want me to go and send Your Holy Spirit to walk with me today. I know that nothing is impossible with You by my side.

    I also ask that you strengthen each one of us here on this blog. Give us the confidence to go out and share You and Your Word with the world who so need You during this pandemic.

    My prayers for each petition here, spoken and unspoken. May the Lord answer our prayers according to His will and in His perfect timing.

    Thank you for the many blessings that You rain down on me, my family, friends and my JC prayer warriors. Help us to see each treasure today and feel Your loving presence in our lives.

    In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    Update on my Aunt Lupe. She is recovering well at home. Praise God! And thank you all, JC prayer warriors, for your continued prayers, love and support.

    My mother and I, with some family, were able to have a mass intention yesterday for my father in heaven for his birthday. It was joyful and full of God's loving mercy and grace. It was a beautiful day spent thanking God for every blessing. Thank you, Jesus, for bringing us all together to worship You.

    Just found out yesterday that my cousin-in-love's grandmother passed away recently. Please keep the Carlos family in prayer. God is faithful!

    May God's peace, love, mercy and grace be with you all as you go about your day holding God's hand.

    Blessings from California

    1. Praying for your brother and the Carlos family. Lord please grant them peace, comfort and strength for You only are able to do so.

    2. Offering prayers as you have requested, Rose. Thank you for the updates as we have been praying. Also, thank you for sharing the mass intention for your father and the blessing it was to you all. Blessing from one who used to live in CA (but daughter still does).

    3. Dear Rose, You are truly the light of God for your family. Keep sharing it to lift and guide those you love. Praying that God will change your brother's heart and open his eyes. I'm glad your Aunt Lupe is doing better. Praying for her and your husband, and the Carlos Family. May your cousin-in-love's grandmother rest in perfect peace.

    4. You and the Carlos Family have my prayers, Rose.

  17. Thank you Lord for the blessings you renew everyday, Thank you for our health, for the air we breathe, for the love of our closed ones.
    Thank you for providing this blog where we can always find comfort and love in Your Presence through this body of believers.
    I am grateful for you all, I love how we never stop praying and interceding for each others. God bless you abundantly and keep us close to Him as we get to spend more and more time with Him

    Have a blessed day everyone ♡

    Blessings from France

    1. Amen Blessings from France. The prayers go up and the blessing come down. So glad you are part of my JC Family.

  18. Good morning God, and your devoted children that read this blog! Thank you for your love and support that allows me to handle whatever this day brings with strength, and loving kindness, real and true as you are the source for the smile on my face. Blessings, everyone!

    1. Beautiful prayer! Heartfelt and appreciated, dear Audra.

  19. (II Timothy 2:5) Paul is using various images to encourage Timothy in his faith journey, in this verse he draws on the image of an athlete in competition. Paul says, " one is crowned without competing according to the rules."

    To be declared a winner of any competition, one must compete according to the rules. For those who don't, they are disqualified or if later found out to have cheated, the prize for winning is taken away. Jesus has made clear, there is but one rule in life for winning the prize of attaining oneness with God both in this life and the next, 'To love the Lord your God with all your being (heart, mind, soul and body) and to live in love with all of God's creation.' That is the only rule of the competition of life, the rest are details. Jesus continually made this clear, 'This is the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14), it is only found in Me for I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6), I am the gate (John 10:7). The apostles affirmed this in their preaching, ' Jesus is the only name under heaven given for our salvation.' (Acts 4:12). This is what has always been true from the beginning of time, this is the only truth for us to live by this day, and this is our hope forever and ever. Above in her post, Brilamar invites us to fill in the blank with the verb which reflects our heart's desire. I would fill in the blank with 'love only'. The more I continually pray as such (sing that song), the 'more than I do' begins to be realized. My heart becomes molded toward that end and with the help of the Holy Spirit, eternal life is experienced both now and forever more.

    I haven't said anything you don't already know. May your life today be filled with eternal life. Pray it into your life in the way that works best for you. The JC reading also gives true guidance toward that end. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thanks Bob! And thanks for sharing your fill in the blank response.
      My Main fill in the blank response would be I want to ENJOY You Lord, Much more than I do!
      Right under that would be I want to PATIENTLY WAIT ON You, Lord, Much, Much more than I do!

    2. My blank was TRUST. It's a great exercise we could use daily, Brie.

  20. Prayers for each of you and yours. Shared Victories - that's the BEST.

  21. Thanks Bob! In Jesus we have everything we need and a gateway to salvation. Bless His Holy Name forever.
    Thanks for the prayers, dear Norah! Thanking God for answered prayers and Shared Victories!

  22. One more blessing, dear ones. I can now use my husband’s IPad to connect to all of you when I am away from home. God always finds a way😀

    1. That's great Jeanne! Praise the Lord ♡

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen Blessings from France! Praising His Holy Name and thanking Him for His faithfulness!

  23. Isaiah 26:3 is one of my "Go to" verses. I love it and need it. We must keep our minds on Him from whom all blessings flow.
    Sweet Janet, God has wonderful blessings in store for you in His timing. Stay well, safe, and on the straight and narrow. He knows your heart intimately, and you know we love you very much. Always in our prayers dear sister. Let not your heart be troubled. Exercise those trust muscles. I'm doing the same thing. My good Rick needs God's help right now. I pray for his strength of faith. That's what he needs more than anything else. I believe God will carry him through his cardioversion. God is so merciful and good. He showers us with loving kindness and tender mercies even when we don't deserve them. We are flawed by our humanity but He looks deep into our hearts where our love for Him shines. He lives in there too. We are loved and cared for. Praying you will see His faithfulness in every area of your life. Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

    1. Thank you sweet Jeanne. I pray that the Lord draws Rick to Him and that He heals his heart issues and restores him whole again. God bless.

    2. Amen Jeanne! Prayers and blessings on you and Rick! Amen

  24. Good morning from one of the newest members of the JC family. Up since 4 with Isaac... so named because Sarah laughed that she would have a child at her advanced age! :)

    Thank you, Lord for calming my anxious thoughts and for giving me confidence. I will face nothing alone because You are with me. Thank you Lord for your ever present help in times of trouble.

    I can face this day cheerfully, no matter what happens because God is with me.

    Thank you to all who read my post yesterday and who have come alongside me to pray. Thankful doesn't even begin to describe my feelings. I have felt so isolated and alone, and this blog is my lifeline.

    In turn, I lift up your needs as well.... For Rick, for those without AC in this terrible heat, for those experiencing devastation and confusion, and all other prayers. I am so thankful that we serve such a great God who knows and sees each one of us, and knows our needs intimately.
    Hold on to us, Lord and fill us with your strength and confidence. We need you.

    1. Dear Sarah: This is one of my "go to verses" when things seem dark.
      Psalm 107:19-20 "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble. And He saved them from their distresses. He sent His Word and healed them, and rescued them from their pit and destruction." Great praise to my Papa--Father God who is the GREAT DELIVERER!
      In His Grip of Grace, Mercy and Divine Healing--JJ

    2. Praying it again this year, Sarah...
      I am so thankful that we serve such a great God who knows and sees each one of us, and knows our needs intimately.
      Hold on to us, Lord and fill us with your strength and confidence. We need you!
      And along with JJ...
      And He saved them from their distresses. He sent His Word and healed them, and rescued them from their pit and destruction." Great praise to my Papa--Father God who is the GREAT DELIVERER!
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  25. What a great JC reading today. Nasty anxiety always has a way of creeping into my life. I am comforted by knowing Jesus is with me every step of the way. From the moment I "stumble" out of bed to the evening-time when I lay my head back down. YOU are with me. I can cope with all things when I rely and am dependent on YOU. Amen.

  26. Thanks for your prayers for Rick! God is answering them. Dropping in to ask for more prayers because, thank God, he has a cardio version scheduled for 1 PM to shock his heart back into rhythm. Praying He will be directing it all. Thank You Jesus!

  27. Continued prayer requests from the JC family today. And thank you for yours regarding those affected by fires. Progress is being made and homes are being spared, yet anxiety of the unknown outcome runs rampant. Thanking Jesus whose Peace trumps all worries.
    And now, modifying today's reading as I lay me down to sleep...

    Your end of the day thoughts tend to be anxious ones until you get connected with Me. Invite Me into your thoughts and dreams by whispering My Name. Suddenly your head relaxes into your pillow and peace fills your mind and heart. You cannot dread a moment that is vibrant with My Presence.
    Good night 🤗🙏✝️

  28. Jesus, I whisper your name so many times throughout my day and I know you hear me. I wish I could pray like my beautiful powerful JC Prayer Warriors who post here daily on this holy ground where miracles happen. I whisper their names to you Lord; keep them safe and pour your grace over them. Their love for you overflows to me and gives me great peace. Lord have mercy on us; help us to be patient to accept your will. I love you my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! Amen! Amen!

    1. You and yours are always in my thoughts and prayers, our dear Love Conquers All. I miss you and pray love is conquering all in your life. Praying all is well with our little Jairo. Blessings and love coming your way. Drop us a line when you have time.

    2. Ahh, Loveconquersall --- I so miss your posts. Your words were so ever tender and full of grace. And, your love for the Lord just radiated. I continue to lift up your family speaking Abundant Life and Blessings to them. I believe you are now in the Cloud of Witnesses, Decreeing and Declaring over the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS. Thank you for all your special posts. Your sister in CHRIST. JJ

  29. Father God, In Your mercy, change Sassy Mom's daughter's condition. Breathe life into her body and mind and bring her back. Your life giving Spirit abides in Debbi. Surround her with Your peace and let her feel Your LOVE and all the love of her Mom, her sister Denise and dear Michael. Guide their thoughts and decisions. Show them Your faithfulness as we pray for all of this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    1. This is such a beautiful prayer Jeanne...just visualizing God with Debbi, breathing life into her body and mind. Praying for peace for Sassy Mom and the family.

    2. I am gathering into your prayer, Jeanne, for our Sassy Mom, our Debbi, Denise, Michael and their entire family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. We pray together Amen because we are a Family of Faith.

    4. That we do. Sassy Mom led us off today with her 2019 post reminding us that we are not alone. May she and her family be surrounded and comforted by our collective prayers today. In Jesus's name I pray.

  30. It is good, before rising, though still sleepy to let thoughts fly to the Lover of our soul.
    Let Him set the tone of the day:
    Psalm 104 33:34 I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
    I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
    May my meditation be pleasing to him,
    for I rejoice in the Lord.

    1. Amen dear Peter. Woke up in gratitude praising His Holy Name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

  31. Continued prayers for Debbi, Sassy Mom and their whole family. I loved your prayer, Jeanne, "Breathe life into her body and mind and bring her back." I read earlier this week in I Kings 19 that "God is in the whisper." And Sarah reminded us today to whisper His name.
    God Bless all of you. I am believing with you.

    1. Amen Norah. Joining in this prayer as well.

  32. Thank you for the mighty name of Jesus… We whisper your name throughout this day… Jesus!

  33. Amen. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. As dear Sassy Mom wrote in 2019:
    Good Morning JC Family, no matter what we encounter today, God's word assures us we are not alone. Praying with all of you for God's faithfulness, as we continue to wait in hope and gratitude on the Lord. Thank You Jesus.

  34. The Lord has conquered the world. King of kings, carry us all today. I pray for all of you today in the name of the Lord

  35. Let the light shine through the darkness, and provide us that strength to conquer all fear, anxiety, worry and doubt by casting it all on Him so that the light may shine in and through us. May the Good News of the Gospel sustain us through it all.
    By the blood of Jesus let there be healing and peace in our hearts, in our homes and in our souls.

  36. I had a bad day....I didn't have time to do my devotion this morning it would have really helped. I have been having a cold woke late showered rushed to work , made a mistake at work for in trouble, it's just spoilt my whole day. May have the strength to wake early to pray to God ....we can't face this day alone or in own strength

    1. I had almost the exact same day. It was hard. Hope and pray the rest of our day gets better. And that in His grace and love we grow in Him somehow, Hard days and easy. Peace and love, Free

    2. And this too, shall pass. I know there are going to be some brighter days!

    3. Joining prayers that your troubles will pass and tomorrow will be a brighter day. Keep God in the Center and all things will come together. Thank You dear Jesus.

    4. The kind of day that draws us closer to the Lord. He knows your heart and hears your anguish. Draw near to Him and the will draw closer to you. Be blessed.

  37. Dear beloved prayer warriors, my Debbi took her last earthly journey at 1:10 pm into the arms of Jesus. With a grateful hurting heart I was very comforted and thankful for your prayers. Thank you so much for your encouragement, support and love. I felt your prayers. No funeral arrangements yet.

    1. Larry and I will continue our prayers for you and family. You have our deepest sympathy. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Dear Sassy Mom, I am so sorry you lost your dear daughter. I kept praying for a miracle. May God cradle your dear Debbi in His loving Arms. She is realizing His promises and will now be loving you and her family from afar until you meet again. Our Father knows the great sorrow you all feel. He wanted Debbi with Him in Heaven and His Will was done. He is a fountain of comfort, light and rest, and a Guiding Light for you all. May He soothe your broken hearts and wrap you all up in His everlasting love. I love you sweet sister. Lean on Him now. Rest your weary heart.


    4. My Beloved Sassy Mom --- So sorry to hear about Debbi. I have you wrapped tight in my heart sending Papa God's Glory to surround you with His Great Love and comfort. In my minds eye I see Debbi rejoicing and praising the Lord, as she partakes of all the splender and wonders of heaven. She is being hugged by all of Heaven! And I see Jesus giving her the Grand Tour of the mansion He built for her. And there are choirs of Angels singing songs just for her. It is a Glorious Day of celebration in Heaven in Debbi's honor. I love you Sassy Mom with the Love of Jesus. My Papa God has you in the palm. of His hand. You and your family have my prayers! JJ

    5. 😔 So sorry. Prayers for healing and strength.

    6. Our sweetest and most awesome Sassy Mom, I am so sorry to hear this news that Debbi is no longer here with you and your family. I can only imagine your hurt and aching heart, Sassy Mom, and yet I know your faith in Our Father and you know Debbi is in His loving arms. Thinking of you and praying for your family. May you feel God is with you all in the minutes, hours, and days ahead. Give yourself grace to collapse in Jesus' open and loving arms. This JC family loves you and is holding you mightily in our prayers.

  38. Broken heart with prayers for healing. So sorry sassy mom 😢

  39. To our Beloved Sassy Mom --- I Declare light in the darkness to you. The lamp of the Lord is flooding all spirits of grief, mourning, and sadness in your heart, in your mind, and in your body. I Declare to your spirit to receive the Comforter Who brings light to darkness, joy to mourning, comfort to grief. I Declare, the Lord, is near to you, listening and tending to your tears, wrapping His healing arms around you. I Declare, He is your breakthrough, and you will dance again as He removes the heaviness of mourning and wraps you in the Glory Garment of Praise! He is your lamp, Sassy Mom, turning darkness into light! He is your Voice of Truth! Pleading The Blood of Jesus over you. Loving you, loving you. JJ

    PSALM 30:11-12 "You turned my wailing into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord, my God, I will praise you forever."

    1. Praying with you and our dear family here for answered prayers for Dr. Denise and dear Sassy Mom. Our amazing God can accomplish anything. His light never goes out and He never sleeps. Praying for His faithfulness to cover this difficult situation. Amen He can turn our tears into dancing. I am believing that He will change this to a blessing because He is Almighty and Merciful. Your daughter is in the best of Hands and I'm praying that His peace will wash over you and your daughter. He is our Way Maker. Trusting in His Way.
      Thank You dear Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hallelujah! My cup runneth over with joy and gratitude from your good news!!!! We serve an amazing God! He can do all things and in Him we are made complete! You made my day. 😊💗🙏

    4. Sassy Mom, May you continue to be blessed by signs and wonders from our TRINITY of comfort and peace. Sending a big hug to you today! ♥️🤗

    5. Thank you dear Audra for blessing my life with prayers, love and kindness. Our hearts heal but the scar remains.
      Also thinking of Terri and others who are grieving the loss of precious loved ones.

    6. Files found on a very very old computer on the same date Debbi took her last earthly journey? HMMMM!
      What an 😇 ALL Night. ALL Day.
      ((( ❤️ + 🫂 ))) to you Sassy Mom, today and everyday.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  40. Today's message is right in step with my upcoming day. I'm not an anxious type person but know the Lord will be present this morning to guide me through a tough day with a lot of emotion. Wife and I will be attending a funeral today for a friend of 35 years. He and I were close as we attended the same several churches over that entire time frame until the pandemic. We also worked together for many years and had lunch every few weeks. 5 years older, he was a mentor as well as co-commiserator about life. We socialized a lot as our wives were friends all those years as well as members of the same small group Bible study.

    He was a healthy strong guy. However. He got an aggressive cancer and despite some treatment has gone ahead to meet our Savior in just 5 months. As our JC family knows that hits close to home for my journey. He was ready and spent a few weeks at home in hospice care. I did get to spend a final time with him and got a smile with a few words relating to a long standing joke between us. Initially, he was angry and he did not communicate with family or friends. Thankfully, he came to acceptance and was at peace. His final couple of weeks, he showed courage and love to all. His large family all came long distances to say their farewells. God will be brightly shining in the service today and a great number will grieve but know a man of God has joined Him in eternity. Pray for all of his family as I am doing now. Amen.

    1. Praying dear MadFox for your loss of a dear friend & for the comfort & peace for his family. Rare are friendships that stands the tests of time, even more rare to have the chance together to say goodbye here on earth only to meet again in heaven. 💞🙏🌈

    2. So very sorry for the loss of your close and dear friend of so many years, MadFox. God was right there to welcome him home to heaven. May you, your wife, and his family feel God's loving arms around you all in the days ahead.

    3. Praying God's comfort and peace enveloping you and your friends today, Mad 🦊. Our fond earthly relationships we pray to continue in Heaven!

  41. Joining right into this prayer dear Janet. Amen. I have so much to do and so many people who need me. May the Lord carry us through this day and give us strength and courage. Our Cornerstone never crumbles and He is the strength in our weakness and His indwelling Spirit guides us every second.

  42. Praying God is already comforting your broken heart and your wife's sorrowful heart. Thirty five years is a long time to share a friendship. God knows the pain of loss you are experiencing and also your own thoughts of mortality. I saw an old friend Ray tonight who had lost almost 50 pounds to cancer. He's only 110 pounds now and I met his wife Angela who had lost her hair because of her treatments for breast cancer. They were with their daughter who must be so sad and feeling lost to watch both her Mom and Dad go through this. I am praying that God will keep you strong through this difficult day so others can see that God's peace and strength don't depend on circumstances. Let your light shine. May God comfort you and the friends and family and may He rest your friend's beautiful soul. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

    1. Sweet words dear Jeanne. May God also comfort your friends through their difficulties as well as you as a beacon of light to them. Peace. Godspeed. Amen.

    2. Thank you dear brother. You are a comfort to me and an inspiration. You will be a comfort to your friend's dear ones too.

    3. Continuing to cover Ray & his wife & family in prayer. The Lord's everlasting arms are carrying them all. Amen! 💞🙏🌈

    4. Thanks dear Jan for your continued prayers for them. I always pray for Ray but I didn’t know Angela had breast cancer. . I shared about my own lymphoma but told them Jesus cured me and I’m in remission. I told them God can do all things! So we will just keep praying. Keeping you and your DH tight in my prayers along with all our JC Family. God hears every one.

  43. Just wanted to thank everyone again for your prayers for my sister Janet. Her procedure went well and the basal carcinoma is gone. She got stitched up and she should be just fine. Our God is a faithful God so we continue to trust in Him. May you all receive answers to your prayers. Especially, dear Sassy Mom and her daughter, Dr. Denise. God knows how to make everything go better. Trusting in His promises and mighty power to save. We must be patient and hopeful and thankful. God knows our hearts intimately and understands our needs of body, mind and spirit. He can make things right no matter what we are facing. Jesus is the immovable Rock and the answer to every situation and problem. Hallelujah.

    Isaiah 43:16
    Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea
    And a path through the mighty waters,

    Isaiah 43:19
    Behold, I will do a new thing,
    Now it shall spring forth;
    Shall you not know it?
    I will even make a road in the wilderness
    And rivers in the desert.

  44. Hallelujah dear Jeanne! Along with Janet you must be so happy & thankful to the God of our salvation. He IS faithful & awesome! Praise You Lord! Amen.💞🌈

    1. Thanks dear Jan! Thanks for your prayers and for my JC family’s prayers seen and unseen You know my joy and gratitude! Janet is my dear twin sister and my true friend and my sister in Christ! God has been so good to us and I will praise Him with every breath.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "Invite Me into your thoughts by whispering My Name."
      Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. The name that heals our hurts; forgives our sin; binds our broken hearts; our Way, our Truth, our Life our All in all.
      'Jesus, Name Above All Names'

    2. That was so beautiful! I was amazed at the great gift God gave that man so he could sing 4 part harmony himself! He sure glorified God! Thanks for adding sweet light to my day!
      I’ll be watching baby Evelyn later and seeing my Mom tomorrow. I am blessed and thankful. God bless you dear Peter. Wishing you and all our family here a safe and happy weekend. May God continue to answer our prayers and show us His faithfulness. Thank You Jesus.

  46. PTL REPORT! Thank you all for praying for my friend Mike. He had 3 stents inserted into blocked arteries near his heart. He is recovering and resting, no doubt so grateful for improved circulation and your prayers on his behalf to our Great Healer.

  47. Praising God for His faithfulness! I’m so grateful he is on the road to recovery and feeling better. May God heal every weakness and bring him to perfect health in Jesus’ Name.

  48. Taking my mom for her follow up this morning because a couple of days ago she cut her shin on the metal bed frame and got 4 stitches. Thanks for your prayers. I know she’s covered by the Blood of Christ and our prayers, and God always stands by His Word.
    Thank You Jesus.

    Psalm 107:20
    He sent out his word and healed them,
    and delivered them from their destruction.

    Psalm 120:1
    In my distress I called to the LORD,
    and he answered me.

    1. Praying dear Jeanne for your mom's healing. Bless Jeanne oh Lord with all that she needs this day as she attends her mom's every need. Amen.🙌🙏❤️

    2. Thanks dear Jan. We pray for each other. God has been faithful. The doctor said my mom’s wound looks good. I’ll keep it clean and change the dressing every day. May God guide it all. She will get the stitches out on Friday. Thank You Jesus.

  49. Father God, We love You and trust You. Thank You for Your mercy, loving kindness, and faithfulness. Thank You for answering the prayers of our JC Family in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen

  50. "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand". (Isaiah 41:10).

  51. Along with Chris, I also need to re-focus my thoughts on The Lord and His Promises rather than focus on the words of the world, the worldly, and the worries of earthly life. In Jesus' Name I pray for help. AMEN!

    1. I am mindful of The Gift of God's Divine Presence in this Present Moment and I am Thankful.

  52. Simple instruction for today wherever you go, whatever you do... Love God, love people. ♥️✝️♥️

  53. Praying with you for help from the Lord. May He move mountains and open new doors to answer your prayers. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  54. Hello JC family-has been awhile since I have been on this site. I have seen our Savior work mightily in my life. I am asking for prayer to have my unfailing trust restored as I have become so weary physically after quitting 2 jobs this last yr. and putting importance of my dear 94 yr old Mom that lives out of state first to help my sister who is primary caretaker as she has her own health challenges. I feel I may have suffered an emotional breakdown as loved my work but am now wanting to wait on the Lord on taking care of myself physically instead of returning to work as I am in my mid 60’s and had planned to work til my 70’s but God is in charge. I want to completely feel HIS peace on these huge changes from a yr ago which has halted my life to almost a standstill for me. I feel it was a leap of faith to quit and so thankful HE gave me strength to work 30 yrs in my field. I do not want to allow for guilt or shame to be in my thoughts as know those are not from God. Thank you everyone. I feel better just writing this out.

  55. Welcome back, Dear Katie! I'll be praying for you through all of this. You had your priorities right and God will honor that. In 2021, I was retired for 8 DAYS! I was at my full retirement age and didn't know who would be elected (I am a caseworker for the US House of Reps). It's never too late to go back to work. If you are at your Full Retirement Age, you can work as much as you want, but I gather you are younger than that. If so, go back to work. Or am I misunderstanding? Are you still caring for you Mom? I am juggling both: working remotely so I can care for my Dear Husband and keep the job I love. Feel free to share more, but please know that you are in my prayers. What is the field of worked that you loved so much? Trust me, (Trust God!), you can do both. Praying for your heart to be comforted. <3

  56. To All of my JC Family: sleep sweet; God is on the Night Watch! Praying my youngest son and his family home tomorrow from their vacation. I'm so tired. Good day's work, some family over tonight, but still riling from the two months of healthcare + work. My daughter told me tonight, "Mom, don't forget to care for yourself." Isn't it funny how we can forget that (Moms, Dads, Wives, Husbands). Show me please, Father, the balance I need to find.

  57. Joining in prayers for you, dear Katie. Yes you have your priorities in the right order. Your mom should always come first but you don’t want to lose yourself. Norah is right that it’s never too late to go back to work. My mom managed an H & R office in Brooklyn when she was in her 80’s. I was a legal secretary for 30 years and I quit because I lost my dear boss to ALS. But I was in my 60’s so I chose to retire. My husband had retired as a lawyer 2 years earlier. I’m an artist, a singer and songwriter and I pray I will get back to my husband and family and the gifts God gave me. My mom comes first so I’m taking care of her. I understand the toll it takes on a caregiver and God understands it better than anyone. Praying you and your mom get the help you need from our all knowing God. He already holds your future. Keep trusting in His guidance and faithfulness. May He lead you both to good health of body, mind and spirit. Thank You Jesus.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

  58. Praying for you to get some well deserved rest and peace of mind, and always for your dear DH’s healing. You are an amazing juggler and you glorify God in so many ways. Take everything day by day in God’s presence and loving care. Resting with you in Him who loves us. Goodnight.

  59. ...I am asking for prayer to have my unfailing trust restored ...
    You asked for prayers in this regard, and you've got them. 🎶 You've come to the right place. Where people like you, people like me, we all find His Grace. 🎶
    I also quit the post-retirement job of my dreams, one I truly loved, to care for my brother full time. I enjoyed this job much more than my career job!
    The replies from Jeanne and Norah, say it all.
    There's a whole legion of caregivers on here.
    I will keep you and our JC Family in my prayers.
    Much ❤️ and Many 🙏
    In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

  60. PS. The June 30 Devotion reminds us all,
    " I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. As you follow Me, I lead you along paths of newness: ways you have never imagined. Don't worry about what is on the road up ahead. I want you to find your security in knowing Me, the One who died to set you free."
    The Lord is faithful, yesterday, now, and always!
    Yes! LORD! Praise and Thanks. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!
