Friday, June 19, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 19

     I am the firm foundation on which you can dance and sing and celebrate My Presence. This is My high and holy calling for you; receive it as a precious gift. Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life. Give up your striving to keep everything under control--an impossible task and a waste of precious energy.
     My guidance for each of My children is unique. That's why listening to Me is so vital for your well-being. Let me prepare you for the day that awaits you and point you in the right direction. I am with you continually, so don't be intimidated by fear. Thought it stalks you, it cannot harm you, as long as you cling to My hand. Keep your eyes on Me, enjoying Peace in My Presence. 

Psalm 5:11
English Standard Version

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;
    let them ever sing for joy,
and spread your protection over them,
    that those who love your name may exult in you.

Ephesians 3:20-21
English Standard Version

20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Jude 24-25
English Standard Version

24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, 25 to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

Joshua 1:5
English Standard Version

No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

My Prayer
Lord, you protect me. Lord, you want to do a great work in me by Your power. Lord, you want me to walk before you blameless. You provide us with Your Word and instructions on how to live. You want to keep me from stumbling. You are glory, majesty, dominion and authority always and along with that is for me to be presented before you with great joy. Lord, you never give up on me. Lord, I get distracted by circumstances, by so many different responsibilities throughout my day that I often forget the work that You are doing through Me. Thank you for this reminder that You are with me every step of the way. You will never leave me or forsake me. Help me Lord to believe in these truths and escape from the way of this world that tells me the opposite and that I must be self-sufficient. My sufficiency is in You God. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, thank you for being the rock in our lives, the only solid foundation in which we can count on in this fallen and unstable world. Lord, help me surrender this day to you as I too often strive to make it through the day on my own will, ending up frustrated and fearful. Father, I ask that You enter in to my heart, body, soul, mind and will as I seek Your guidance though this day that you have planned for us.

    1. Jeff, Your beautiful prayer from 2018 is still alive and living in my own heart. Thank you!

    2. Wonderful devotion and verses today. Just what my weary heart needed. Beautiful prayer from Jeff too. Thank you!

    3. Thank you brother Jeff. Need that prayer so much today. Bless you wherever you are. Will keep you in prayer 🙏🥰

    4. Amen. And amen. 🙏🙏

    5. Bless you brother Jeff, bless you💞

    6. Happy Father's Day, Jeff, and ro all other JC Father figures. Thank You for channeling Our Father Who Art in Heaven!

    7. Thank you for this day, a reminder to honor YOU, our GOD GOOD FATHER

    8. May the spirit and response-ability of fatherhood be renewed and anchored ever so strongly in our culture TODAY. In Jesus's name I pray.

    9. Happy Father’s Day! Although I do not know my biological father, I am so blessed with Our Heavenly Father whom We are all so very loved by. ❤️🙏🤗
      Today is extra special as my Birthday falls on Father’s Day. 🤗🙏
      So grateful to have our daughter home this weekend & my mom visiting. God is sooo good!
      Love, blessings and prayers

    10. Brandy - Happy birthday blessings. You are loved.

    11. Happy birthday dear Brandy! ♥️👏

  2. Humbling Day; preparing for tomorrow. I ask for prayers - for me, my family, my extended family. So tired. I'm writing now and awaiting a new day.

  3. As I used to tell my children, "Sleep is our friend." I went to bed and in the night the Lord renewed my strength, comforted my heart and I am able to greet this day with His love. "Let me prepare you for the day that awaits you and point you in the right direction." Requesting prayers for safe travels to another conference and comfort to our dear friend who lost his wife. He had to go to the hospital yesterday. Please keep him in your loving care, Father. And keep me from "striving to keep everything under control--an impossible task and a waste of precious energy." Prayers for my JC Family.

    1. Norah, May the Lord bless you and keep you in his arms in your travels, work and home. And for your dear friend. KS

    2. Prayers for your day Norah❣

    3. God bless you Norah!
      Colorado JC Friend

    4. Norah--- Joining all the JC FAMILY in prayers for your day and for for your dear friend. God bless you and traveling mercies! Interceding in Kansas and lifing up all the prayer requests of this faithful JC FAMILY.

    5. Praying from California! The Lord has this. Lord , we all are joining together in your righteous name on your child Nora's behalf. Wrap your arms around her thru this time and bring her the supernatural peace that only you can provide. In your glorious name we pray , Amen

  4. Surgery for our daughter in law's dad is at 7 am today. Lord may your hands be on the hands of the surgeon at that hour. Peace & calm wash over our daughter in law & her mom as they wait. We call upon your mercy to fall upon this unbeliever as you soften his heart towards You dear Jesus. Thank you & amen.

    1. May he be renewed in body and spirit, Jan. Praying for a wonderful outcome.

    2. Jan, Norah, joining you in prayer.

    3. Jan - Blessings to your daughter in law's dad. May all have comfort and peace and healing. KS

    4. Prayers that God goes before the surgery team, preparing them to do the surgery as need be. Prayers for a speedy recovery, in Jesus name, Amen.

    5. I pray that our loving Father will use this experience to reveal himself all who need to come to Jesus. I pray also for healing and peace.
      Colorado JC Friend

    6. Jan--- Going to the Throne of Grace to intercede for your daughter in law's dad. May the Lord rain down blessings on your whole family!

  5. This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and exceedingly glad in it! For the Lord has given us a Spirit of Love, Peace and a sound mind, not a Spirit of fear!
    Dear Precious Heavenly Father, Thank You for another great and Blessed day. You woke me up this morning, woke my mom up, family up, friends up, neighbors up, my JC family up and I just want to say THANK YOU!! We are in our sound minds and command our day with ALL things good and if the enemy sneaks in to steal our joy, let Your Holy Spirit take control, fight for us and grant us Your perfect peace that surpasses ALL understanding.
    May we dance and sing in Your Holy Presence today as a gift from You. We surrender all to You and ask Your Spirit to take control. Help us to be attentive to Your voice as the Spirit guide us in the path that we should go.
    Thank You for being with us continually. We prefer to keep our eyes fixed upon You and not our circumstances, so that we can enjoy Your Peace.

    I testify to Your Glory this morning and say THANK YOU LORD for my cousin in law Deddeh, that there will be NO surgery! Oh Jesus, You have done it again! Thank You for taking away her pain and healing her body! THANK YOU LORD. You did it for her, You will do it for others. THANK YOU!

    I cover MadFox and Bob in the Blood of Jesus. Whatever is going on in their lives, we pray for them and trust You to protect, guide, provide and wrap them in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous One.

    Praying for all my JC family.
    Bless and great day to all of you.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thanks. All is well but prayers are always appreciated.

  6. Thank you Lord for being ever present in our lives! Thank you for giving us permission to live this day without having to be in control. I release everything up to you so that I may rest in you and find my perfect peace. We waste so much precious time trying to make all the pieces fit when you have already designed all things to fit together for us. Thank you Heavenly Father for simply loving us as we are and for soothing our hearts, minds and souls. I come to you with all of my faults and I humbly ask for you to help me to keep my mind staid upon you. My baby girl Andrea, is now in your care and soon we will have her funeral Mass to celebrate her young life. I know that she is in your perfect and blessed care. May she rest in your Eternal peace as she sleeps with the Angel's all around her. To all of my JC Family, please keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers. Losing my youngest daughter and now taking over the care of her 12 yr old daughter, will only be accomplished in God's perfect grace. We mourn our loss but I know that one day we shall all be reunited again, in Jesus mighty name we pray, Amen. ⚘🙏🙏⚘

    1. So very sorry for your loss. May God wrap His loving arms around you and your family. May He give you peace and comfort now and going forward as you grieve the loss of the precious life of your daughter. I'm so very sorry.
      Colorado JC Friend

    2. He heals the brokenhearted
      Psalm 147:3
      Prayers of comfort thru this heartbreaking loss. U R ❤️

    3. Cece--- So, so sorry for the loss of your precious baby girl Andrea. May the Lord surround you and your family with His ministering angels and hold you tightly. Bless, bless you! Interceding in Kansas

    4. Cece, I’m so very sorry for the loss of your baby girl Andrea. Lord, thank you for surrounding Cece and her family, Andrea’s daughter with your perfect love,comfort, strength and peace. Thank you Father God, Jesus and Our Holy Spirit for wrapping them In your loving, everlasting arms and filling each with your love, peace, comfort, strength and joy of the memories and love shared. Lord, thank you ahead for the beautiful miracles you will bestow and reveal during this very difficult time. Thank you for keeping their hearts and eyes up and open to the comforting blessings you reveal at just the right time. We thank you that Andrea is resting with you in heavenly places and that she is in joyful
      Peace like no other. Prayers for our JC family and for families and friends. We love you and praise your name Father God
      In Jesus Heavenly and Holy name,
      Texas friend ✝️💖🥰

    5. Ephesians 3:20-21 ~ 20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think or imagine, according to His Holy Spirit power at work within us, 21 to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
      Dearest Cece, I am praying the Isaiah Prayer for you and yours. May you feel the loving arms of God wrapped around you.
      Isaiah 61 Living Bible (TLB)
      61 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me to bring good news to the suffering and afflicted, to comfort the brokenhearted, to announce liberty to captives, and to open the eyes of the blind. 2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of God’s favor to them has come. 3 To all who mourn He will give: beauty for ashes; joy instead of mourning; praise instead of heaviness. For God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for His own glory.
      Blessings, Amen

    6. May God continue to comfort Cece and her family . Praying for the grandchild that God will grant you wisdom to bring her up knowing, trusting and loving the Lord

    7. Dear Cece, May God continue to guide your path, comfort your heart, and encourage, comfort and guide your dear granddaughter. May His Spirit give you all the right words to share with her. Hold onto God’s unchanging Hand. Trust in His promises. May your daughter realize all of God’s promises. You’ll be with her again.

    8. CeCe, your prayer written here in your time of grief brought me comfort today and compassion for what to me would be unimaginable sorrow. I offer up a prayer unique to you today that God has blessed you with the love strength and courage to nurture your granddaughter and find a peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus's name I pray. ✝️🙏

    9. That is beautiful, Audra. Agreeing with you in prayer. ❤️

  7. I pray for all requests noted here and those not mentioned here, but that are in our hearts!
    My prayer is that the Lord will give us the strength to accept His will and provide us the comfort in knowing he is with us every step of the way on our journey. Amen.

  8. Father, thank You for using this devotional to touch so many hearts today, May we surrender to Your Voice and allow the Holy Spirit to guide, to comfort and give us peace.

  9. For those praying for non-believers, my husband shared these scriptures:
    God, take out of their flesh the heart of stone and give them a new heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 11:19)
    Circumcise their heart so that they love you! (Deuteronomy 30:6)
    Father, put your Spirit within them and cause them to walk in your statutes. (Ezekiel 36:27)
    Grant them repentance and a knowledge of the truth that they may escape from the snare of the devil. (2 Timothy 2:25–26)
    Open their hearts so that they believe the gospel! (Acts 16:14)
    Only the Lord can save, so let us ask Him with boldness to save our loved ones, friends, neighbors, coworkers!
    Colorado JC Friend

    1. Colorado JC Friend --- Thank you for sharing those powerful scriptures. There is nothing like praying the WORD!! Standing on the Word in Kansas.

    2. Thank you so much for sharing these scriptures and thank you to your husband for finding them for you to bring to us on this beautiful day! Sending prayers up for you and your family and for each of our JC family .🥰✝️

    3. Come Holy Spirit! Show us all our need for salvation, sharpen our eyes to see God's glory, and our ears to hear His voice. I love you Jesus, I trust you Jesus, Your will, not mine. Thank you for the solstice this weekend. May we focus on the maximum light you shed upon the Earth and your children. Blessings to the JC family and yours. ♥️✝️☀️

    4. Thank You Unknown Colorado JC Friend, These scriptures are very helpful to me and I am planning to memorize and pray them often! Especially when I encounter those marked by anger, hatred, blame and judgement, etc. I have made a printed copy cheat sheet of these scriptures, until I can get my overloaded memory bank trained on them. With Love and Blessings on you and your dear ones and our entire JC family.

    5. It is so amazing that these verses come at a time where I am praying for the salvation of my sister, brother and boss. This will really be helpful as I bring them to the Lord daily. My boss is very authoritative and has already said she doesnt want God preached to her, may God bring opportunties to plant a seed.

    6. Continuing to pray for their salvation. May God’s light reach your boss without having to say one word. He can open any hardened heart. Thank You Jesus!

    7. Thank you for this. Praying for my son's return to Jesus.

    8. I'd rather SEE someone living 'The Sermon' than have one preached to me any day. My eye is my better teacher and more willing to pay attention than my ear. Examples are clear. Just as Mrs Fields does, when she provides actual samples of her cookies, so potential buy-in-ders can actually taste and see the cookies,and decide for themselves how good, or not, the cookies are, rather than just listen to her tell of their goodness. I am praying God's continued blessings on all of us as we live out The Sermon in ways that help others decide, 'I want this for myself', I ask. I seek. I knock I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  10. Hallelujah! Surgery was a success. He did well & could possibly be going home Saturday. PTL. Thank you warriors for your intercession. Please pray he will give God the glory as he finds the way to Jesus. Nothing is impossibble to God.

  11. Jan--- Yes, VICTORY in the marvelous, wonder working name of Jesus!!! Will continue to intercede for his salvation as well as All those mentioned on this site who are in need for salvation Such a privilege to be able to pray, and another loosing day for satan! Praising my Lord in Kansas

  12. Psalm 5:11 ~ But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you:

    Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian Lift up your voice and sing
    Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ, the King
    The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find
    None other is so loving, so good and kind

    I serve a risen Saviour, He's in the world today
    I know that He is living, whatever men may say
    I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer
    And just the time I need Him He's always near

    He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Christ Jesus lives today
    He walks with me and talks with me
    Along life's narrow way
    He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Salvation to impart
    You ask me how I know He lives?
    He lives within my heart

    In all the world around me I see His loving care
    And though my heart grows weary I never will despair
    I know that He is leading, through all the stormy blast
    The day of His appearing will come at last

    He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Christ Jesus lives today
    He walks with me and talks with me
    Along life's narrow way
    He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Salvation to impart
    You ask me how I know He lives?
    He lives within my heart!
    Good Morning with Love, JC Family,

  13. From Brilamar:
    Good Morning JC Family,
    Please pray that my brother find his wallet with all contents intact, in Jesus' Name. Amen Please also pray for a tremendous healing for his brain and prostate, and a lower PSA. Amen!

    1. Praying for your brother's healing Brilamar! He's covered by the precious blood of Jesus Christ! May God grant you and your loved ones peace and comfort as you stay close to Him in the storm.

      Blessings from France

    2. Brilamar - prayers for your brother finding his wallet and healing for him. Our good Lord is always watching over us. KS

    3. Our dear Brilamar, I join with our JC family, praying fervently for your brother's healing. God is able, we trust and believe with you. May you cone back with testimonies to the glory of God for your brother. May ALL that was taken away from him, be restored in Jesus name.
      God bless you sis, it shall be well!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Brilamar - Joining warriors in prayer for your brother.
      Phil. 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    5. Amen Brilamar! Thank you for filling my mind and heart with that beautiful song. Praying for your brother that he finds his full wallet, and is healed of all of his weaknesses and brought back to perfect health. Love you Sister.

    6. Praying for all your requests, Brilamar. May God be gracious (He is) and flood each circumstance with His love (a given). God be with you.

    7. Love, thanks and blessings to all pray-ers for all prayers and for His steadfast love enduring forever. Amen!

    8. Sweet Brie! Continuing to pray for both your brothers and your DH. God can do all things. He’s got you all in His able and loving Hands.

    9. Thanks all. As always your prayers and His Victories are Song and Dance Worthy and shore up The Firm Foundation on which we can dance and sing and celebrate His Glorious Presence!
      Updates: My brother is on a new med for his brain and it is helping tremendously. We had a delightful lunch, conversation, and laughter together yesterday in celebration of his ex-wife's birthday. She is another huge blessing from above!
      In matters of his prostate, In July, he will have another PSA to determine if the Eligard injection is slowing the cancer. Keith remains faithfully prayerful, hopefully upbeat and lovingly positive. Many many thanks for your continued prayers.
      PS He has been able to hold on to the wallet your prayers returned to him last year! Thanks JC Family. We love and continually pray for all. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    10. Thanks for the update dear Brie. I’m so thankful the medicine for Keith’s brain is helping! God is so good. I’m glad he had a wonderful lunch with you. His faith and our prayers will carry him through. Praying for a good report from the Eligard.

  14. What a beautiful thought.. We have to learn how to dance with Our Savior everyday.
    Suzanne i remember you mentioned that thought on yesterday's devotional!
    How Great is Our God!

    I'm asking for your prayers JC warriors for my father's friend, she had breast cancer a few years ago and she was healed. But today she had a doctor appointment and they find a 1cm lump in her breast so she took a biopsy and now she has to wait a few days for the results.

    Please pray for her, and for all who are fighting cancer, may God strenghten them and grant them peace and comfort, may they be covered by the precious blood of Our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

    Blessings from France

    1. Blessings from France - praying for your father's friend. May she have comfort, peace and healing. KS

    2. We kneel with you Anonymous from France, in prayers for your father's friend. Cancer does NOT have control over God, He is Jehovah Rapha with ALL control and authority! Sending His healing power in and through her, in Jesus name.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Praying for your Dad's friend that the lump will be benign and all will be well. May God heal her and all those suffering from cancer. He is greater and can do all things. Amen!

    4. Lord God, praying for mon ami de France and those held dear in the heart. For the friend of the father and the valley she is passing through...again and all in similar situations, may Your rod and staff (tools of your love and protection) bring comfort as only You can. God be with all!

    5. Still praying for your father’s friend, dear BFF and you are always in my prayers.

  15. You are so amazing Lord. Please bless all your children and keep us in your comforting arms giving each of us just what we need Lord. Rejoice in the Lord always.

  16. My prayers are going up right now, Anonymous Blessings From France! May showers and showers of God's choicest blessings reign down on your friend and all survivors until they are thrivers.

  17. I'm traveling now on business every week, and it's been a good deal more challenging with limited flights, no hotel restaurants, wearing masks, etc. I've been reading along and am further amazed at the blessings this community continues to provide to its readers... and by the many who are now adding commentary.

    Today, I, again, feel God talking specifically to my situation at present, with: "Let me prepare you for the day that awaits you and point you in the right direction." Not only am I blessed by the spiritual significance but also by the literal people he will put in my path today... from client interaction, to airline and hotel staff, to a random stranger that God may lead me to today. I pray for you and me today that He uses us in this fallen world, to be instruments of peace and to do so in agape love. Godspeed, be safe, and have a great week-end. Amen.

    1. AMEN, Amen, Amen MadFox! As you journey through the weeks, I pray that the power in the Blood of Jesus protect you, go ahead of you and make all crooked paths straight! God be with you.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Madfox - I agree - the JC Family has blossomed beautifully. Prayers are surrounding everyone. Safe travels to you also. KS

    3. A little funny moment this morning, MadFox... apparently, I need more coffee because my first attempt to read your post came across as '....but also the LIBERAL people he will put in my path today'. Hahahahahaaaaa. Need... more.... coffee!

    4. too funny. and uh-oh... in Christ we love all folks, but I have enough challenges for today, thank you! 😉

    5. Amen Madfox, Love my ever growing JC Family!! And their humor too. May God lead you today to all those who need the Word in their lives. The indwelling Spirit will help you lead them to Jesus and comfort and encourage them. God has already prepared your way. His hedge of protection is in place and your trip will be fruitful to His glory. Thanking Hm for this in the name of Jesus Christ.

    6. Hilarious! I am so literal and God plays word games with me all the time. They bring me laughter and insight at just the right time. Safe travels!

    7. Great perspective to have, brother MadFox! If the JC reading be true (it is!), there are no random people in your path today. Some just need a smile or a hello from you, others, maybe something more but the Spirit will prompt you when that be the case. My personal advice to you is just be yourself today for that self I have discovered has been richly blessed by God and you need to just let the blessings flow out of you. My prayer - God be with you.

    8. Thanks Bob... kind words, there indeed were just smiles, some folks who needed reassurance on the job that I'm doing, and then people that you can perhaps change their demeanor by a kind word or a simple "thank you". Peace.

  18. Good morning Jesus, Thank You for being my “firm foundation”! Yes, I’m going to dance and praise You as the song below says and celebrate Your Presence. You deserve the glory and honor! Thank You for preparing this day before me. I relinquish all control to you. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

    Hey! Rejoice!
    Put your hands together, come on, hey!
    Rejoice! Oh, oh, oh
    I'm gonna dance and praise Him, come on

    [Verse 1]
    I'm gonna dance and praise Him
    It doesn't matter what comes my way
    The Greater One lives inside of me
    His name is Jesus
    I'm born a winner
    More than victorious
    I'm an heir of His kingdom
    Filled with the Holy Ghost

    I rejoice in Him, I rejoice in Him
    I rejoice in Him, more than a conqueror
    I rejoice in Him, I rejoice in Him
    I rejoice in Him, more than a conqueror

    [Verse 2]
    No weapon formed against me shall ever prosper
    The Greater One lives inside of me
    His name is Jesus
    I'm born a winner
    More than victorious
    I'm an heir of His kingdom
    Filled with the Holy Ghost etc..

    Dear Heavenly Father, As we enjoy peace in Your presence today, may we be fill with the Spirit’s prompting to give every control, keep our eyes fixed on You and bask in the beauty of Your holiness, Your highest priority for us! We know that ‘Peace with You is the Fruit of Oneness with You’. We love You Lord and we thank You for VICTORY and POWER in Blood and name of JESUS. Amen.

    Sending Friday Blessings and Peace to all. Be safe and have a great day rejoicing in the Lord!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen and Thanks dear Maplewood. Hope you are feeling well. God bless your Friday too! Peace and safety as you go dancing and rejoicing through it.

    2. The psalms continually admonish us to 'sing a new song to the Lord'. This song is new to me (I think). Thanks for sharing, twin bd sis! May the Lord bless your Friday as well.

    3. God bless you more song bird.

    4. I too, love Sinach!
      Thanks for leading us musically to practice today's devotion to dance and sing and celebrate My Presence, further glorifying His steadfast love that is enduring forever. Amen!

    5. Amen! Let us keep our focus on our Lord and live to please Him in our thoughts, words and deeds. We may fall short but God sees our efforts and reads our hearts.

  19. Update on Helen, received late last night.
    "Helen is on oxygen concentrator at number 60. She is more alert and able to communicate with the nurses, but starts coughing so she resorts to texting them. They will give her Dexamethasone (steroids) 20 mg dose for 5 days, (today is the second day) and 10 mg for 5 days. This has to be done in the ICU where she has been for two days. Before that she was in step down unit for 5 days. Being more alert is a good sign, she is trying to stay focused on good thoughts. The POWER OF PRAYER!!!I am thankful everyone is lifting their voices to our Lord .

    1. Thanking God for strengthening Helen's lungs and giving her clear thinking and healing. Thanks for the update. Hope your toe is getting better. Much love.

    2. Jeanne - Thanking everyone for Helen and "big toe" prayers. I continue praying a hedge of protection from infection and thanking the Lord for no pain, even though it looks painful. I'm not out of the woods yet. Yesterday was the first day to soak in Epsom Salts, Dr's orders. My daughter continues to change the dressing every day. Thank you for continued prayers for all the prayer requests mention here.

    3. And continuing in prayer. Lord, bless and keep dear Helen and glorify Yourself in Your love for her.

    4. Dear Sassy Mom. Continuing in prayer for Helen and you sweet sister.

  20. PRAISE be to GOD the FATHER for a great report!

    Maplewood NJ

  21. Good Morning, JC Family and Happy Friday! I have prayed for each of you and your concerns, joys, and victories. Keeping Helen in my prayers, Sassy Mom, your Father's friend, Blessings from France, your brother's wallet, Brillamar (remember MadFox's phone story!), his healing and sound mind. And the victory of your DIL's dad, Jan.
    As for me and mine....well, just pray for PEACE and JOY as we all (or most) gather to celebrate the Dads and Uncles this coming Sunday. Our dear daughter found an apartment and may be moving this weekend, too. I am praying for my casework today. The last two days I have talked non-stop from morning until evening and I am so in need of break, which I will get Saturday through Tuesday - praise the Lord!
    Bob, your post 'snagged' me and I went to bed on that last night. I was so tired and not feeling great. I got on here to ask for prayer and by the time I finished what I started early yesterday morning, I went to bed peaceful and slept great. How the Word does minister to us!
    I will go get ready for my day, singing, "I serve a living Savior," one of my favorite songs that I haven't thought about in a long time. I can still hear all 5 of our youngsters belting it out!
    Our family friends who lost their dear mom this time a year ago and her husband entering the hospital, which ended up being his last feat, are on my heart. Which led me to dear CeCe whose daughter left this world. Our joy awaits us. Fear may stalk us but it can't rule us when we center our minds and hearts on our loving Father's Word.
    Have a blessed day, my dear JC Family! As Maplewood always says, "You woke us up!" that's a great start to another day.
    Blessings to each of you.

    1. Praying for your Peace and Joy but especially that you enjoy your much deserved break from Saturday to Tuesday. Hopefully you will emerge on Wednesday restored and revitalized. Thanks for turning me on to I Serve a Living Savior. Beautiful and uplifting song! I smiled through the whole thing. God bless you and yours and all my dear JC Family!

    2. May you have a blessed renewal in all ways over the next few days, Norah. God be with you!

    3. Love You Norah. Sleep is a good thing and also our friend!
      PS Everytime I pass a Subway, I now think about and thank God for MadFox's phone and His steadfast love enduring forever!

    4. Praying we all get some sweet sleep so we will wake up refreshed and renewed. We serve Him better that way. .

  22. P.S. It was good to see your 'face,' - well, your name, LoveConqurersAll, yesterday! I've missed you.

    1. I carry you in my heart always, praying for you and everybody. This site has grown so many beautiful prayers and testimonies. After reading them in between my three youngest grandsons...I pray silently for all of you. Norah you always make me laugh and it feels good with so much uncertainties. I admire all that you do for others in need. Take care of you and yours; I love you.

  23. I haven't posted recently, but have been on regularly to read and pray. This message today speaks to me as well. My brother was recently diagnosed with liver cancer and end stage liver disease. I'm going with him today for a biopsy. There is a lot of uncertainty in the days ahead of what kind of treatment to pursue. And I want to be able to help him to sort it all out. All I can say is that we need prayer. Thanks JC family.

    1. PDesigns, may the Lord go before you and grant you wisdom as you seek Him to sort out the best for your brother. In prayers with you for him. God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. PEBGDesigns, Praying that God is guiding you to the best treatment for your brother's cancer and liver disease. May His Spirit give you clarity of mind and discernment and give you the words to encourage and comfort your brother. Praying for your strength and comfort as you care for him.

    3. Lord God, lifting up PEBGD to you in prayer and the brother in his need. As your dear child is with the brother, as you should choose, work through the love of a sibling for a sibling to direct the path ahead. Be glorified in all things, O Lord. Amen

    4. PEBGDesigns I'm glad to see your post again.

      Releasing prayers for you and your brother. May you both see God's Glory

    5. I am praying with all JC Warriors for you and your brother, as well as for me and mine, for His steadfast love endures forever! Amen

    6. PEBGDESIGNS-- Going to the Throne of Grace to join the JC WARRIORS to intercede for your brother, you, family members and anyone with a cancer diagnosis. Father God, I come in the blessed name of Jesus Christ and ask for Your merciful heart to surround those in need with love strength and courage. I ask for Your hands to touch them with the power of healing. May they be directed to the right treatment in Your blessed name. May every cancerous cell be cast out and replaced with healthy cells. May every spot of this deadly cell be wiped out by your powerful hands. In His honor and for His purposes! AMEN and AMEN

    7. Amen JJ! Joining in your prayer for all those suffering with cancer. May every cancer cell be destroyed and May God guide the scientists and researchers to come up with a cure for all cancer, and for Covid 19.

  24. I know who goes before me
    I know who stands behind
    The God of angel armies
    Is always by my side
    The one who reigns forever
    He is a friend of mine
    The God of angel armies
    Is always by my side

    Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin

    1. Amen Suzanne. Thanks! Printing that out and pasting it on my kitchen wall. Much love!

    2. Thank you, Suzanne for sharing and I am also thanking God for His steadfast love enduring forever. Yes I'm ready - Bring On The Angels!

    3. ♥️ 🎶 whom shall I fear

  25. PEBGDesigns - Prayers for discernment for you and your brother as you help him pursue the treatment options.


    "Guess what? I was able to, send a text to Helen to let her know how much she is loved and surrounded by loving prayer warriors. She texted me back and wrote “I can’t thank everyone enough.”
    I so know she is feeling the prayers."

  27. Though raised and ministered in the Protestant tradition, I am richly blessed in some of the practices of my Catholic brothers and sisters. While Protestants celebrate significant events and all they stand for (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, etc.), the Catholic calendar also celebrates aspects of God. Today, they celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a focus on the steadfast love of God experienced in Jesus that endures forever. So I let that be the focus for my morning devotions.

    Psalm 136 was offered as a psalm to be used in meditation on the love of God. It is a psalm that gives praise to God for the creation and recounts the steps of the people of God in the Exodus from Egypt and their wanderings to the Promised Land. After each thought comes the expression, 'for His steadfast love endures forever'. Add to that Paul's words at the end of Romans 8, 'and there is nothing that can separate us from that steadfast love that endures forever'.

    Many moons ago when I worked with teens, there was a devotional written for teens with the title, "If God Loves Me So Much, Why Can't I Get My Locker Open?" Does God's steadfast love endure forever or at least up to the moment that He doesn't do what we expect Him to do for our comfort? One might expect that out of a developing faith in a young person, but have we moved past that?

    A suggested exercise on this day would be to take the spirit of Psalm 136 and walk through the stages of your own history, punctuating each stage with 'for His steadfast love endures forever'. As I discovered in doing so, you will discover the steadfast love of God and all it has done for you every step of your life. You will see how eventually you always 'got your locker opened' by His grace and mercy.

    May you be blessed this day in your own reflection on the everlasting love of God for you which endures forever and has every moment of this day lovingly planned as our JC reading reminds us. With love, Bob

    1. Such a great idea, Bob. I am going to do just that today and this weekend if I don't get all the way through today thinking and pondering this. Thanks for posing the thought provoking question. May you and all of this wonderful JC family of ours have a blessed day and feel God's love!

    2. Bob, when reading your post I had an immediate reflective inventory of many blessings in which God's everlasting love endures forever in me. Thanks for your invitation. ♥️

  28. I'm on it Bob. I am beginning with all the events of today, punctuating each of today's stages with 'for His steadfast love endures forever'. My Historical walk would take more time than I have :) today. Thanks again for a great luncheon feast for His steadfast love endures forever!

    1. "My historical walk would take more time..." Brilamar, are you related to Methuselah? (Genesis 5:27)

    2. Methuselah was 187 years old when his son Lamech was born; afterwards he lived another 782 years, producing sons and daughters,
      Yes, except, I only have one child! LOL while glorifying His steadfast love that is enduring forever!

  29. Happy Friday to all of you knowing that our Lord's steadfast love endures forever. Praying always and trusting Jesus with all of our needs. I love you my JC Warrior friends in Christ. Thank you for your sharing of your love for our Lord.

  30. Praying for all! Blessings and love! 100😊

  31. Father, thank You for always being with me and letting me cling to You. I need and want You in my life. I'm nothing without You. You are my everything Lord. You mean so very much to me. Help me to keep You first and foremost in my life. Let me always keep my eyes upon You. Help me let go of whatever is hindering my moving forward in my walk with You. Help me to relinquish it all to You and remind me that You are sovereign over all things. You are the Creator and I need not worry about anything. You are in total control of everything -- always. I praise You Lord. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    "This is my command -- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9). Be alert. Continue strong in the faith. Have courage, and be strong. Do everything in love. (1 Corinthians 16:13-14). Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. (Ephesians 6:10-11).

    1. Praying for you my good sister Janet. Hold onto His Hand and go forward. I believe He will open all the right doors for you, and close the ones that need to be closed.
      Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them, for greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

  32. “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
    Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.
    Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
    Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.
    For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100).

    Loving Father, This morning I am blessed to be able to come into the presence of my great God and King as one of His children. You are the ONLY One worthy of my praise. Every morning that You open my eyes and cause my heart to beat, it overflows with Blessings of Gratitude and Love. Please forgive me for not saying Thank You enough. I repent of focusing on the things I don’t have, instead of the many blessings You have given me. I desire to be like the one who returned to express gratitude. Our family is grieving the loss of my aunt, but through this unexpected tragedy, thank You for strength and comfort for my mom and my aunt’s children and grandchildren. This loss has brought us together only by Your mercy and grace. Please help each person to stay in love, unity and to keep our eyes fixed on You and enjoy peace in Your Presence.
    May Your undying Love teach us to grow in every situation.
    Thank You for seeing us not as we see ourselves, but as You see us.
    Thank You for mercy and grace. Thank You for saving us, forgiving us and providing for our needs each day.
    Thank You for Your faithfulness, for never leaving or forsaking us, and Thank You for Your promise of eternal life through Your Son Jesus Christ. You are high and lifted up and I exalt Your holy name this morning. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thess. 5:18).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen dear Maplewood. Thank you cc V I’ll He is so worthy of our thanks and praise. I too am guilty of not thanking him enough. I’m so sorry you lost your dear aunt. But I’m glad her death brought you and your family back together. May she rest in eternal peace and may God bless, comfort and reunite you and your family. Rest in Him who loves you.

    2. Maplewood, I'm very sorry to hear about your Aunt's passing. May our Lord bring comfort to you and your family during this difficult time. We are all praying for you. God bless!


    3. Maplewood may God use this grieving to draw all of you to him. Healing prayers for you, your Mom and all your aunt's loved ones.
      Your words "May Your undying Love teach us to grow in every situation" really stuck my heart today. Lord help us as we grow in you to decrease in the flesh. So that others see you living through us.

    4. Our dear Maplewood - first of all, I'm sorry for your loss and I will pray the vacant spot will be filled will loving memories. I don't know how you come up with what you write here. You have such a special gift. It would take me hours of studying and compiling to come close.
      I am joining in asking the Lord for forgiveness of not saying Thank You enough and instead focusing on all the deficit in my life in this season. I wrote a long paragraph catching everyone up with my current issues and asking for prayer. It deleted when I hit send. I am glad it did and thanked God later that it won't be a permanent murmuring from me. I am alive, blessed with providence, sight, hearing , mobility, and know that I am one of the sheep in God's pasture and the Lord is my TREASURE! PRAISE GOD!

    5. Agreeing with these prayers and offering groans and sighs for you and your family today especially, dear Maplewood. ❤️

    6. Lifting up all grievers in prayers. Thank you Lord for loaning us your Angels in Earthsuits. Help us when Return To Sender time comes. In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen

    7. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your aunt. I pray that our Lord brings you and your family His perfect peace, comfort, strength, and healing and it lifts your spirits to the heavenly realms where she is. May the Lord be with you and His peace.

    8. Maplewood, peace be with you, your mom and your family. May you and yours find great comfort in God's steadfast love that endures forever and ever. Much love to you.

  33. Maplewood - Comforting prayers for you, your mom and loved ones of your aunt.

  34. Peace be with you and your family, Maplewood, in this time of loss.

  35. why is death a tragedy?

    1. I don't think that death is the tragedy. It is the loss that we feel for the loved ones who are gone from our presence.

  36. May the Lord's covenant -- the rainbow -- be seen in the skies by all His children as a reminder of His presence in our lives. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  37. God is able to meet our needs above all that we desire ! If we place the issues at God's feet , He knows what is best for us more than we know.....i would rather have God who sees the past , present and the future handle it. May He be the first option....rather than trying to control what I dont even know .....please put me on the right track !

  38. No better place for us to be than in our Heavenly Father’s Hands. Happy Father’s Day dear Father, and to all the fathers still here, or gone and not forgotten. 💗

  39. Please pray for my friend undergoing a nother brain surgery at Stanford at 9:30 AM PST. A team of ten experts will be cleaning up the (hopefully) last of tumors to give him the best possible chance of a 'return to normal' to live out a longer life. Thank you JC family! ♥️🙏

  40. Praying with my sisters for a sucessful surgery for Audra's friend. May God guide the ten experts to do exactly what needs to be done to resolve his problem. May this good man receive God's peace and healing unto a perfect recovery in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

  41. Happy and blessed Father's Day to all Heavenly Father and to all of our dear fathers in our JC Family. May God give them a special blessing today and time for rest and relaxation. Enjoy the peace and love that surrounds you.

    1. Happy Blessed Father's Day to all fathers and fathery figures who were, are, will be, or want-to-be, channeling Our Father Who Are in Heaven. Additional blessings to all who celebrate them, both living and dead..

  42. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and glory, forever. Amen 🙏.
    JC warriors, I'm asking for prayers for a lady named Joanna. She's pregnant and has breast cancer. They were trying to wait for her baby to be born before starting treatment but due to the circumstances they had to start chemo on her now. Please keep her and her unborn baby in your prayers. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands upon them and protect them and heal them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Thank you all. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. (Forgot to add this line above). Sorry.

    2. Praying now 🙏 that God shows how compassionate and able he is in they're miraculous healing. Trusting Him.
      We need you lord. Amen

    3. Joining prayers for Joanna that God will protect her and her unborn baby from harm and heal her from all cancer and bring her back to perfect health so she can proclaim His amazing deeds. Thank You Jesus.

    4. Praying for Joanna and her baby, Janet. May God, our Jehovah Rapha, keep them both from harm with His shield of protection and His miraculous healing and may this cancer be in her rear view mirror sooner than later! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    5. Praying for momma and baby and all concerned in Jesus name

  43. I read and pray but rarely comment - I suspect
    there are a lot like me who are being blessed by this group. In 2019 I asked for prayer and here I am again. Happy Father’s Day! We are driving with two adult sons to see our oldest daughter and her Husband and our precious grandson and will spend the day with them and then our sons will drive their disabled Dad home and I will spend the night at my daughter’s house so she can take me to Cleveland Clinic in Weston where I am scheduled for a big surgery. The plan is for me to be hospitalized for 5 days 2 hours drive away from my Husband, a stroke survivor who requires 24/7 care. I sure would appreciate prayers for me and my family - obviously that all would go well for us but also that God would use this time and these circumstances to draw us all closer to Him and that He would be glorified. He wastes nothing. BTW one of our adult sons was on fire for the Lord and has walked away from his faith. God is at work and we give thanks in that! Praise Him because He never gives up on any of us! Thank you prayer warriors! Susan in Naples, FL

    1. Amen. Joining you in prayer for you and your family, Susan. Trusting Him.

    2. Dear Susan, Thanking God for guiding the doctors through your successful surgery, and blessing and healing your dear husband, and protecting and guiding and comforting your family, and drawing every member of your family to Him, and opening the heart of your son to Him. May He call him back into His flock and put the word YES into his mouth. Praying this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    3. Joining these sisters and the JC family that also read your entry, Susan, for God to give you all a good day, enjoying being together, and may God guide & direct your medical team in your surgery. God sees all, right?! He will bring your son back to Him. Praying for a successful surgery and faster than usual recovery! In Jesus' awesome name, AMEN!

    4. Dear Susan in Naples Florida,
      I am gathering into prayers for you and yours, with you, and all of the JC Prayer Warriors. I know God is in the midst.
      🙏🙏🙏 His Love, Mercy, and Healing cover you up with His Holy Comforter in Jesus' Name. Amen

    5. Joining in prayer for you and your family, Susan. May your perceived burdens be lightened by your faith.

    6. Fern! It is good to see you again 😊 I miss you. How is our Dan?

    7. Yes Anonymous! So good to have Fern with us. iss you dear sister. Always in my prayers. Praying with you and for you. Hope you are fine and Dan is doing much better, and all is going well for you and your husband. Thank You Jesus!

  44. Today's JC post is so applicable to me. I tend to get so caught up on doing things and trying to keep a structured life, that I sometimes lose focus on Him and the fullness of joy in His presence. Thank You for Your mercy Lord. Dear Lord, I'm sorry for striving so much. Please help me walk with wisdom knowing that I can't go back, but I can live differently going forward. I pray for strength for this day and for wisdom for all the readers here and our families. Thank You for loving and blessing us and never leaving us. You are wonderful and worthyof all praise. In Jesus' name amen

  45. Amen dear Free as can B! Wonderful prayer. Let us do our best to stay focused on Him and follow His lead. Let us follow the spirit instead of the flesh. He is our Maker.
    Mold me Lord. You are the Potter and I am the clay in Your Hands. Your Will, not mine.

  46. Happy Father's Day to all of you wonderful men of God! Today, we will celebrate my DH and 4 sons who are awesome Daddies and an Uncle. Our daughter is out of town, but will call. The family and I pitched in and got my DH a new recliner. He is so blessed by it. The day is cooler and the sun is shining. I give thanks and will "dance and sing and celebrate," on that firm foundation that JC reminds of us. I'm praying with each of you on the noted requests and for you, blessed Saints in this dear JC Family. I must finish getting ready for Fellowship and complete my food for this afternoon. Love and Blessings to each of you!

  47. My prayer as well. Amen

  48. So happy you and your family celebrated Father's Dayin a special way. And what a wonderful gift to your DH. I'm sure he is relaxing in it and enjoying the comfort. I'm sure you cooked a yummy meal and Fellowship went well. We had a sweet day too. Got together with Greg's family for a while and then I made a nice dinner for Rick and he appreciated it. We're resting. We both had naps today too! God is so good to provide our needs. Praying all of our dear Fathers had a blessed day and felt the love surrounding them. Thanks for the blessings dear Norah. God bless you and yours and all our JC Family. May He answer our prayers and encourage our hearts.

    1. Amen and Amen, Dear Jeanne!! Picturing you and Rick, snug as a bug in a rug. HA HA! <3

  49. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God. (Ephesians 5:18-21). And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Colossians 3:15-17).

    1. ❤️🙏 Have a blessed day, Janet

    2. Beautiful verses dear Janet! You always feed us well. Much love.

  50. Four years ago today my dear mother was taken to heaven. My struggle living without her here on earth is real but through Jesus, God does help you by giving you His peace that passes all understanding…
    Keeping in mind we will be reunited again some fine day.
    You all are awesome prayer warriors! God’s blessings be upon you Always!♥️
    -Margaret from Pennsylvania

    1. Thank you for your blessings, Margaret, as we all pray for and bless your mother and you - in Jesus name❤️🙏

    2. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 🙏🌷♥️

    3. May you feel God's arms wrapped around you, Margaret, giving you that peace. While you will be reunited someday, as you said, it's understandable how much you miss her. I think I speak for my fellow JC Warriors that we also wrap loving arms around you too. Yes, thank you for your blessings as they are being given back to you as well from all of us.

    4. Dear Margaret, May you feel God's comfort and love envelope you today. Your Mom has just gone home to her loving Father. She is realizing His promises. You will be with her again. Remember all the love you shared. I know life is empty without her but she would want you to feel joy and live every day of your life. Jesus is the Way, the Joy, the Hope, the Light and the Life that never ends. Praying you will feel all His Love and bright Light streaming down on you. Sending a very tight hug and so much love.

  51. Tell me, Jesus calling prayer warriors… Do you believe God gives us signs? Signs to help strengthen our faith, and help us go on when life becomes difficult and sometimes unbearable?
    Because I felt I was going to receive a sign this morning on this awesome site…and I just did from “Blessings from New York” the actual time on the post is 5:06. That was Mothers homestead address number (very dear to my heart)
    Gods timing is Perfect!
    Thank you Jesus!

    1. 100% believe in signs. How awesome and such a God wink!

    2. ♥️ -Margaret from Pennsylvania

    3. Yes, Signs, Signs. Everywhere A Sign! Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!

    4. I just love it!!! What a wonderful post to Anonymous from Blessings from NY and NJS. The JCFAMILY/WARRIORS are just incredible! Such a sweet tribute for all of us that have lost loved ones. And, Anonymous -- Margaret from Pennsylvania, I also thank you for your BLESSING! And your 5:06---just one of the many treasures the Lord has put on your path for you to discover today! We serve such an AWESOME God. WE have no fear or dismay within us because Our Lord goes before us as a consuming fire. He goes behind us protecting us with His strong right arm. When He thunders from heaven, it breaks our adversaries into pieces. He says we are The HEAD and not the tail. We are ABOVE and not beneath. He always causes us to TRIUMPH in Christ, He makes the crooked paths straight and causes the Giants we see to fall before us. What a Heavenly Father!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
      Great Love and Blessings to this JCFAMILY!!! JJ

    5. We are visiting a beautiful Christian family, reuniting with his dear childhood neighbors and always friends though distanced. I am comfortable curled up on the couch reading the devotional in a house address number that is 506. ♥️

    6. Yes dear Anonymous! Our loving Father gives us signs of His love and care every day. We have eyes and hearts that are open to His signs. He leads us to the things He knows we need. He answers our questions and He guides our paths so we will follow His direction. He knows us and loves us better than anyone else. He led me to catch up on my sleep last night. You needed a sign and you received it with an open heart. God bless you always.
      Amen to that sweet JJ!!! Hallelujah. Much love and blessings to all.

  52. Margaret ⬆️ from Pennsylvania

  53. "maintaining a tidy, structured life." This to me is like trying to herd cats or trying to push water uphill; a never ending impossibly.
    I thank my Lord Jesus that He is my firm foundation. Without Him I'd be adrift in an ever changing sea of circumstances.
    Lyrics from Paul Wilbert's "In Your Presence O God":
    You are my firm foundation
    I trust in You all day long
    I am Your child
    And Your servant
    And You are my
    Strength and my song
    You're my song

    1. Thanks dear Peter! Amen! He is my strength and my song.

  54. Writing this note as I listen to your song, Peter. My jaw dropped when you said you were in a house with address of 506, Audra! Margaret from've had several signs today!
    I am off work today and feel very peaceful. I have much to do, but the first line of today's devotion settled me down quickly. It will get finished...the lists for Fam Vaca made, the bills checked, the house is tidy, but my floors are begging for a good scrubbing. It will happen. We had all of our adult kids, their spouses and 'significant;' Grands galore (7 out of 12), BBQd Ribs, and salads and tons of cookies (thought of you Jeanne and Jan G)! Counting those Blessings & reminding myself, of the words I've read several times today, 'This is My high and holy calling for you; receive it as a precious gift. Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life.'
    I can hear my DH & his life-long friend out in the living room...happy, thankful guys. This is the man that I wrote about several years ago who lost his wife. He is now remarried to his HS sweetheart.
    Love and Blessings, JC Family. Your prayers are with me and will be included throughout the day.

  55. Sounds like a wonderful Father's day and now your day off, dear Norah! So much to be grateful for! Our God is just so good! And good food and cookies too! We enjoyed celebrating with 2 of our sons at Bryan's house in CT. No cookies-I brought cupcakes yesterday.
    So glad you had your beautiful grands around you too. I'm so happy for your husband's life-long friend that he remarried his HS sweetheart! God's Plan is amazing. He just keeps showering us with His blessings. The praise goes up and the blessings come down! Hallelujah! I'm so happy you're ready for your family Vaca too. I wish you so much joy and rest. Love you!

  56. Numbers 6:24-26
    The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

  57. Wow, what wonderful posts to start the week off with. Margaret from Pennsylvania~ yes, signs are everywhere and kudos to you for recognizing them because many do not. They can be little things or a swat in the head with a two-by-four. May you receive peace and grace as you process your loss even years later. And remember... it isn't saying 'goodbye', say 'until we meet again'.
