Saturday, June 13, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 14

I have Loved you with an everlasting Love. Before time began, I knew you. For years you swam around in a sea of meaningless, searching for Love, hoping for hope. All that time I was pursuing you, aching to embrace you in My compassionate arms.
     When time was right, I revealed Myself to you. I lifted you out of that sea of despair and set you down on a firm foundation. Sometimes you felt naked--exposed to the revealing Light of My Presence, I wrapped an ermine robe around you: My robe of righteousness. I sang you a Love song, whose beginning and end are veiled in eternity. I infused meaning into your mind and harmony into your heart. Join Me in singing My song. Together we will draw others out of darkness into My marvelous Light. 

Jeremiah 31:3
English Standard Version

    the Lord appeared to him from far away.
I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.

Isaiah 61:10
English Standard Version

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord;
    my soul shall exult in my God,
for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation;
    he has covered me with the robe of righteousness,
as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress,
    and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

I Peter 2:9
New King James Version

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

Lord, thank you for loving me. Thank you for not looking at my efforts or works or the way I think. I thank you that you don't hold your love based upon my thoughts. Your love is everlasting. Thank you for drawing me to yourself. You lifted me out of the mire and despair and put my feet on the rock. I pray more and more would understand this love.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Replies
    1. Blessings and loving prayers JC family
      Today’s devotional and scriptures are so beautifully comforting 🙏❤️🙏

    2. Aren't they? It's personal with God. Oh so lovingly personal. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit for having my best interests in your plan! I will trust your ways.

    3. Amen! Thank you Lord for your perfect and everlasting love!
      “Together we will draw others out of darkness into My marvelous light”
      We need this in our world now.
      Use Us Father God, speak through Us Holy Spirit, Shine Your love and light through Us.
      Love, prayers and blessings

    4. Thank You Father for judging me for what's in my Heart and not for what's on my mind sometimes. Much Love to my JC Family everywhere, all the time. Praying with and for you all today and every day!!! :):):). Ray

  2. Thank You dear Lord for another gifted day. Thank You for the treasures in it. May we look around us and find them, giving praise and Glory to Your Holy name.
    When I think of Your everlasting love for me, I can't help but to keep thanking You for sending Your sinless Son to die for me. I didn't deserve it, but Your Grace and mercy paved the way for me. Thank You!
    It is a joy and a blessing to bless others. You poured down Your gifts upon us and asked us to share with one another, may we never take for granted the joy we can bring to someone's life by doing a simple act of kindness. We are blessed to be a blessing to others. Thank You Lord.

    I am so grateful and thankful to God for what He has done! I prayed and He answered. The enemy stepped in my family and brought confusion, betrayal and separation, but in the end, he will NEVER win. I was estranged from my mother for 3 years, but God opened the door for reconciliation last year and I am grateful to Him for keeping her alive and well! Tomorrow, I will be picking her up from the airport to cone and live with me! It might be a challenge, but I trust the God that reconciled us to grant peace, love, joy, laughter between us and give NO room to the enemy again. Praise pray with me JC family. My mum sacrificed a lot, and I just want to give back and show love. God's first commandment with a Promise, is to 'Honor your parents'. We obey Him when we do so, even despite the hurt we may have experienced from them. I have asked for her salavation and still trusting God to work that out too. I just want the light of Christ to shine through me, so that she can see and want this Jesus that died for her. Please join me in prayers. I know NOTHING is impossible for God! Thank You.

    Father, in the name if Jesus, I lift up every concern and prayers of my JC family and thank You for the answers to each of them. You know what each person is going through and what they need. Thank You for meeting those needs in Jesus name.
    Thank You for being God Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent and yes, thank You for wrapping us in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous One.

    Great and Blessed day JC family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood NJ--- I join with all the JC FAMILY in prayer for you and your mother. I pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to your mother and open her heart to receive Jesus. I pray for restoration for you and your mother. Joel 2:25 "So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten..." Father God I pray that Your Spirit of peace and hope fill each of their hearts as we recognize that our hope is in the name of Jesus. Amen God bless you Maplewood NJ! Interceding in Kansas

    2. Amen Maplewood NJ I stand in agreement with you that the Spirit in you wooes your Mom and draws her into his everlasting arms. God moved back near my Dad to help care for him and get to know him in his later years. I got to know the man I had never understood. God blessed my brother and I with the beautiful opportunity to lead him to Christ. I pray that you will experience this same joy. The time I spent with my Dad is very precious memories to me. Holding you up in prayer. TERRI

    3. Amen Maplewood NJ, I pray you and your Moms lives are changed from here to eternity. I would love to have my Mom here with us today, but God said it was time. I am so thankful the Lord has not called your Mom home and y'all
      have this opportunity to get back what satan stole from ya. satan is a loser and a big fat liar cat, I am so thankful he hasn't won this battle and you two get the chance to reunite and I pray for your Moms salvation. I pray this is the reason for you two getting back together, so she can see Jesus in you and invite the Lord into her heart to live out her days serving the Lord with you.. These things I ask in Jesus precious name, Amen!

    4. My bad, this is for Anonymous, bless all also!

    5. Maplewood NJ, I join you in that faithful prayer and desire for your mother's salvation. You are awesome in what you are doing for her! God will indeed honor your faithfulness. Thank you also for praying for the needs of the JC family. I myself,am battling lymphedema on my legs and feet for several years now. It interferes with my efforts at losing weight. God has still blessed me with a loss of 38 pounds. With the help of upcoming weight loss surgery in a couple if months or so,if God is willing, my obesity and perhaps the lymphedema will be greatly reduced too. This is a challenge for me, as I was born with cerebral palsy. But if God is for me doing this, He will help me succeed. God bless you Maplewood, and everyone here !

    6. Dearest Maplewood NJ,
      Following her massive stroke, paralysis, etc, many many years ago, I made the same decision to move my mother in with us after years of estrangement, anger, bitterness, misunderstandings, you know satan's stuff.
      I am so glad now. She was the Christian and was living Jesus' lifestyle. Because the stroke badly affected her vision, I had to read prayers and bible to her. Through it all, I came to re-know, accept and feel comforted by a Jesus I had walked away from many years ago. One of the last readings we did together was on forgiveness@ Matthew 5: 23 “So if you are standing before the altar in the Temple, offering a gift to God, and suddenly remember that a friend has something against you, 24 leave your gift there beside the altar and go and apologize and be reconciled to him, and then come and offer your gift to God!"
      Once my Mother died, I could feel at PEACE, knowing she had forgiven me without missing a step to enter heaven and be with Jesus throughout eternity. I hungered for the Jesus she knew and trusted through it all and without a doubt. Ever since, I have been seeking to find Him for myself. God made a way for me out of "no way!" And what He has done for others, He'll do for you. Blessings on this leg of your journey, Maplewood NJ. Love and Blessings now and forevermore! Amen.

    7. It's a year later-- how are you and your mom doing? Your post was beautiful as were many replies-- I'm believing for all my family members. God knows our hearts. Josh 24:15b

    8. During my night reading of Jesus Calling Devotional for today, it seems my post above is in spiritual alignment with today's reading! Imagine that :)

    9. That was a wonderful gift of love to your Mom that you took her in and shared your life with her and gave her spiritual food every day. You blessed her so much in her final days. Thank God He called you back and you followed earnestly. You continue to do His work for others and glorifying Him.

    10. Your mom's faithfulness showers thru you into the JC family blog, Brie. Imagine that 😉

    11. 🎶 I Can Only Imagine! 😉

    12. ♥️🎶
      And, if you haven't yet seen it, watch the movie of the back story! ♥️

  3. Maplewood NJ, we love you, we are here to uplift you in prayer. God bless you for your obedience to honor your parents. We join you in asking for your mother's salvation. God bless you for sharing your challenges.

  4. Praying for you & your Mom, Maplewood, NJ. And all of you JC Family! Prayers for thus day's conference. Let me be Your light. Norah

  5. Maplewood NJ, As well my prayer is with you on this journey that has been specifically written for you and your mom. Honoring her and being open to having a relationship is making God the Father respond, " In you I am well pleased". Amen.

  6. Prayers for you and your mom. I too have a parent that needs to find a relationship with God before it's too late. I struggle with a way to get through to him. Hopefully you will have more success being under the same roof. Seeing how you live your life and how you have dedicated your life to the Lord will open her heart to accept him. God bless and I will be praying for you and everyone in the JC family.

  7. It's wonderful what you are doing Maplewood NJ. I am praying for you and your mom. Love to all JC Family. KS

  8. Ps. 62:5-6 My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken.

  9. Prayers for all of our JC Family. Hahaha, I commented to Maplewood NJ prayer and got all confused when someone wrote a different name. God knows who they are, God knows I am only human, I tend to make more mistakes than others, it is okay, someone has to do it, I will own it.

    God be with each person in our JC Family, answer their needs and pleas for salvation for loved ones of theirs.

    My best friend Darlene lost her husband a week ago yesterday. I have been doing my all to help her through with God by my side. She knows the Lord, but she doesn't know much about the bible and is hungry for His word. Please pray that God through me will give her the word she needs through this time in her life. Thank you in advance for that.

    I pray each of you have a God blessed day and all the praise and glory goes to the Lord, in the precious name of Jesus, Amen!

    1. Pamela, If there is a church in your friends area that offers a “Grief Share” bible study in the next months it might be a kindness if you point it out to her. I had a friend that almost dragged me to that 1st class after I lost my husband and I cannot tell you how much it helped. Grieving is a tough road that is different for every widow or widower so I can only speak for myself but the comfort and support that I found there was priceless.

    2. gma b I agree "grieving is a tough road" I repeated Grief Share the second time after losing my husband of 53 years. I heard things I didn't hear the first time. Father's Day will be difficult for my 2 daughters and myself. It will be the 4 year anniversary of his death. We will rejoice because we know he is in heaven. I highly recommend Grief Share. You can also sign up for their daily devotions which are very comforting.

  10. Dear Maplewood, You are a testimony of Christ and a witness to me. My mom moved in last Dec and if I'm honest, my selfish ways did not want the extra work. But my mom is a believer and she is very meek and sweet. What a wretched person I am. I am learning to admit that deep inside I have unfinished business in my heart against her from childhood. I'm taking care of her just as God has asked, but my heart needs an adjustment. Your entry and prayer and attitude is my teacher. Thank you Lord for using Maplewood to show me the way to Your righteousness. I confess and ask forgiveness. Restore to me a heart of flesh. I do realize that caregiving is hard, but my heart has been in the wrong and it must be addressed. I have so much to be thankful for.
    I have another prayer request for you all. My two son's father (65 yrs) was taken off his heart med yesterday. He's been in hospice since Jan and does not have long to live. Both sons are driving to TX to try and see him before he goes. Each has a 17 hour drive with their families. Would you pray for travel mercies, for their Dad to ask Jesus to come into his heart before he dies, for his wife who has been a champion thru this hard situation (she knows Jesus, praise God), and that God would use this sad event for my boys to draw them closer to Him. Thank you
    Colorado JC Friend

    1. Colorado JC Friend - Praying travel mercies for your sons. Praying the sons will witness their father receiving Jesus in his heart.

    2. Colorado JC Friend --- I will stand with you and along with all the JC FAMILY Prayer Warriors to intercede in the circumstances that surround your two sons. I pray the mighty name of Jesus into the circumstances and ask for safty, grace, mercy and unusual favor. I plead the blood of Jesus over your sons and you and great peace! Bless you, bless you, bless you! Sending love, prayer and blessings from Kansas

    3. Praying for you and your boys right now Colorado. Trusting the Lord has Blessed and Kept you all. :):):)

  11. Thak you for loving me Jesus.

  12. Thank you Lord for hearing all the prayers today. You are so keenly aware of the yearnings of each soul sharing here. The warriors are on the March to push back the enemy who Robs & steals from your people. We are expectant Lord as your Spirit leads each one to victory. Amen

    1. Jan--- Love this prayer. It says it all so succinctly! Amen and amen!

  13. Amen! Thank you Lord for your promises and your everlasting love.

  14. Thank you so much for all your prayers for my mum's friend and his closed ones. Your support is so precious. I'm so thankful that God led me here to find comfort and a JC family I can talk to. You are all in my prayers. Thank you so much everyone and thank you Lord for all the blessings that you renew everyday. Thank you for your grace that we can not really understand and don't deserve. May we never take it for granted. May the weary and the lost sheep turn their eyes upon you Jesus.

    Love and blessings from France ♡

    1. Blessings and prayers to you, our France friend. I was not able to get on this site yesterday but went back and read everyone's posts. You are loved. I will continue to pray for your family and your mom's friend's family. Prayers of peace to you all from Houston, TX.

    2. Praying for your Mom's friend and his family. May he be resting in perfect peace and know God's promises. Praying for comfort. Amen God's grace is a gift for all and it is an unconditional gift out of love. Let us cherish it and stay in God's grace and favor. Praying for all those who do not know the Lord to be called to Him.

  15. Praising and thanking You Lord for the opportunity to attend an outdoor praise and worship service with my youngest daughter. She attends a large 3000 member church that has 2 Sunday services. They are still streaming and have streamed their services for over 3 months. They have acres of parking and a large campus. We took our lawn chairs, straw hats, water and blankets and practiced social distancing. A very happy and blessed evening. Thank You Jesus.

    1. What a blessong Sassy Mom! PRAISING THE LORD with you! The devil thought he could silence God's children through this pandemic, but he failed as always!!! Victory belongs to JESUS!
      Remain blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. That's wonderful! Almost a semi normal day. So glad you got to worship together in the fresh air. It must have renewed your heart and spirit.

  16. I neglected to mention, we downloaded the church app on our smart phones, which included service order, songs, scripture and prayers. Happy Flag day, love and blessings to my JC family as we prepare our hearts for worship.

    1. Thank you for sharing, Sassy Mom! We are so blessed to be able to worship Him despite our circumstances. We will always find a way to praise Him!

    2. 🇺🇸 and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible!

  17. Dear Heavenly Father, Even though we live in a time where the security we once seemed to enjoy, is eroding right away and so many dark clouds of unknowing seem to be looming on the future's unpredictable horizon. All that seemed to be so secure and reliable has turned to fear and worry.
    I pray that You please keep our hearts from unnecessary fretting or worry, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, may we build ourselves up in Your most holy faith, by praying in spirit and truth and walking the way of righteousness.
    We entrust our future in Your safe-keeping, knowing that Your love surrounds us and that Your grace is sufficient, no matter how dark the circumstances of life may appear. Thank You Father, for holding the world in the palm of Your hand, and nothing can snatch us from that secure position in You. Thank You, that we are accepted and loved by You.
    Love is Your essential nature and within Your perfect love is the reality that You chastens those whom You love. Your loving embrace involves the guiding rod and staff wielded by our Savior, Jesus. Rev. 3:19 states, “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.”
    Your love truly perceived, will always draws out from us a response of love. One of Your greatest acts of love for us, is sending Your Son, Jesus, to the earth. Through the teachings and grace of Jesus we can feel Your love, be forgiven, and learn how to love the people around us.
    May our rest in You never find its fulfillment in ourselves but always lead us out of ourselves toward You and toward others. Let Your Love for us be lived as well as learned. Your love also justifies our lives and fills us with hope for the future. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). Even death has no dominion over those who love and are loved by You. We have been forever changed by the power of the cross and brought into this great love of Yours. and we say thank You. May we learn day by day to prevent our eyes from focussing on the trials and tribulations that are coming on the earth, and rather, help us to look to Jesus, knowing that in all things He is the VICTOR and we are securely positioned in Him through time and into eternity. Thank You for wrapping us in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous One. Amen.

    As we seek the Lord this Sunday morning, may ALL the messages we hear be food to our souls and a light to our path. Happy and Blessed Sunday!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen, Maplewood, NJ. Thanking God for you and this JC family "being a light in my spiritual path." God bless you.

      Love and blessings from California

    2. Thanks Maplewood,
      Now more than ever we are entrusting our future in God's safe keeping. Everytime I hear something that is fear inducing on the tv I say God is greater than this. And I stand firmly on my Rock unmoving and unshaken. I really loved this part of your prayer:
      May our rest in You never find its fulfillment in ourselves but always lead us out of ourselves toward You and toward others. Let Your Love for us be lived as well as learned. When we look outside ourselves and help others, our problems fade away and our Father is glorified! Amen and thank you!

    3. I loved this too, last year and again today. No matter the current state of affairs, this prayer rings true. Thank you Maplewood! ♥️

  18. Agape love is what is upon my heart this morning. Thank you Lord for sending Jesus to die on the cross. The ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Thank you Lord that Your gift is for everyone. Your love and light permeates through people and makes them shine. When filled with this kind of love darkness cannot prevail. God loves us all. Today will be spent in praise and worship. Lord let your light shine through ne in any way you see fit. Let others look upon me and know I am Yours. Thank you Lord for the gift of another day. May I choose to use it to lift others and spread your Love. In Jesus name I pray...Amen
    Anonymous Deer River

    1. Amen Deer River!
      So blessed to be loved by Him with an everlasting love, and to be given this new day to lift others and share His love.

  19. Thank You Lord for all the heartfelt prayers from our JC Family of Prayer Warriors. Thank You for Your continual care and lovingkindness surrounding us and clothing us with Your garments of salvation; enrobing us with Your drape of righteousness @ Isaiah 61!
    Thy lovingkindness is better than life!
    Thy lovingkindness is better than life!
    My lips shall praise Thee
    Thus still i bless Thee
    I will lift up my hands unto Thy name!

    1. Still love the words to this song Brie. 🎼🎼Thank you for sharing it then to be enjoyed now. Love & blessings 💞😘

  20. Our JC reading taught me a new word this AM, ermine. In looking it up, I found the word came from a weasel that had a white coat with a black tip on the tail. Then it became the rank, position, or status of a king, peer, or judge, especially one in certain European countries who wears, or formerly wore, a robe trimmed with ermine, as on official or state occasions. Interesting thought, 'I wrapped an ermine robe around you'. How often do we 'work' on our outward appearance before we go out into public, making our statement with our appearance or looking to catch people's attention with how good we look. The fashion designers make their living feeding our compulsion to look outwardly attractive. Jesus dresses us up to look good but in a whole different way for 'good looking' takes on a completely different meaning in His world. 'Good looking' are the deeds of righteousness that come forth from the heart that is adorned with His love. Oh indeed, He wants us to catch people's attention, not in the sense of impressing them with how 'good looking' we are but with how loving we are. That impact has eternal ramifications for it is an element in God's drawing all people unto Himself. He has not united us to Himself only for the sake of our lives to go well; no, He has united us to Himself so other lives may go well and that is made clear in the final statement. 'Together we will draw others out of darkness into My marvelous Light.' Let us dress up well, brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us, indeed, catch other people's attention not by how we look but by how we love. Be blessed in your worship experience this day. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you for your words and teachings, Bob. They hit home and inspire me. God bless you.

      Love and blessings from California

    2. Bob --- Your post saying "Let us, indeed, catch others attention not by how we look but by how we love." speaks volumes! Kind of says it all. Thank you Bob for sharing!

    3. Thanks Bob for reminding me to put on my Sunday best today@ Ephesians 6: 13 When I wear God's designer fashions out, then I tend to act like God, using every piece of God’s armor. When day is done I will still be standing up, for His yoke is light!
      14 To dress according to God's fashion, I will be wearing GOD'S BELT, BREASTPLATE, SHOES, SHIELD, HELMET, and S/WORD:
      15 SHOES THAT ARE ABLE TO SPEED ME ON as I preach the Good News of peace with God. 
      16 FAITH AS MY SHIELD to stop the fiery arrows aimed at me by Satan. 
      17 HELMET OF SALVATION and the S/WORD OF GOD'S SPIRIT—which is the Spirit Word of God.
      With Love to my JC Family

    4. This was so well said Bob. Let our heart speaks louder than our clothes.

      I replied to your question on yesterday's devo but i'm gonna reply again here in case you haven't seen yet.
      I'm French but I learnt English in school and I'm studying English and Spanish at University. English has been my favorite subject since High School.

      God bless you Bob! Thank you for your kind words!

    5. Loved that Bob! Let us do our best today to wear our ermine robe of righteousness in His presence, glorifying Him with our words and deeds all day long.

    6. In hopes of inspiring much needed behavior changes, I'm changing my clothes and putting on that there ermine robe. Thank you Jesus for updating my wardrobe.

    7. That there ermine robe surely looks good on you, Audra! Wear it out 😉


    9. 🎶 so beautiful! Thank you.

    10. Standing a little taller today with the reminder of my ermine robe.

    11. I'm working at paying more and more attention to use the gifts bestowed on me so that I can earn a crown(s) to throw at His Feet. I don't want to be that person that never followed through on the gifts God placed in my heart to use for His Glory.

  21. Thank you lord for blessing me with this family, powerful prayer warriors. Hold them close to you and keep them safe is my prayer for them every day. Thank you lord for showering your peace over me. I want to worry over this walk through the desert and temptation tries but I look to you lord for your everlasting love and care. Your will be done our heavenly Father and I thank you for giving us your dearly beloved son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for his redeeming body and blood, soul and divinity. Come holy spirit, my helper that will see me through these uncertain times. Jesus I trust in you.

  22. Such a beautiful read today. I read it out loud and tears streamed down my cheeks. Yes God loves us in such a perfect way. I needed to know that today. My family is still far away yet God it right here with me as close as close can be. Thank you family of believers I feel the Lords presence through your posts. God always finds a way!

  23. Praying for you Loveconquersall and Fern. We are so blessed to have each other to lift and encourage. Love you my Sisters. Lots of light on your paths.

  24. Just wondering... several references have been made to “Have a great Sunday” Today, July 14 th is a Tuesday here in Oregon.

  25. Father, You know all my thoughts, prayers, and feelings. You know everything about me. Thank You for drawing me out of the depths of despair and to You in Your glorious, radiant light. I want others to know just how amazing and wonderful You are. Thank You for being in my life. You are my life. I am nothing without You. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus. Today would have been my mother's birthday if she was still here on earth. Happy birthday mom! I love and miss you!

    Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care. (Psalm 95:6-7). At one time you were in the dark. But now you are in the light because of what the Lord has done. Live like children of the light. (Ephesians 5:8). "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12).

    1. Trends will come and go
      But Jesus is forever more

      The world we live in is always bending
      Something new, something always trending
      I'm told these are the clothes to wear
      This is the style for my hair
      This is how to walk, talk, and act in pairs
      Someday it may be lame to sit in chairs

      I want to follow Jesus
      I want to be like Jesus
      He's not a trend that will go out of style
      He's been around for quite awhile
      I want to live like Jesus
      I want to walk like Jesus

    2. Sweet Sister. God knows your inner thoughts and fears, frustrations and worries. He also knows well your love for Him. You are trusting in His words for your survival and future. And you walk in beautiful gratitude every day despite your uncertain present circumstances. I pray to be a better person and more like Jesus too. But I am blessed that I am loved as I am.
      Happy Birthday to your dear Mom in Heaven. Remember all the sweet moments you shared. Love never dies. It goes on forever.

    3. Happy Heavenly Birthday, Janet's Mom. Thank you for bringing forth such good fruit through Janet!

  26. Hope to check in later. Now I'm heading off to bed. Very busy preparing for my trip tomorrow to CA. Tonight after Bible group, I wrote all the cards out that I needed to send through the 10 days I'll be away. Praying for healing of you and your loved ones' weaknesses, guidance for your steps, renewal and refreshment. God bless you all. Thank You dear Jesus for this and all our prayers. Keep us safe and grounded in Your never ending and unconditional love. We are waiting on You and trusting in Your promises.

    1. Your prayer expressed my heart perfectly this morning. I will return to it throughout the day. Praying for Sandy n Casey.

    2. Thank you dear Keith. They really need your sincere prayers my brother. God bless you in all things.

  27. Please pray for my friend Sandy, whose daughter just overdosed two weeks ago and if Sandy had not stayed home from work that day, she would have lost her daughter. Her daughter Casey is on many meds and is suicidal. Sandy was just told by her doctor that she has a form of myeloma. It is not yet multiple myeloma. Please pray for both of them. Neither of them have a strong faith so please pray for a strength of faith and God's guidance to the help, treatment and support they need. Thank You Jesus for this.

    1. Praying for Sandy and Casey, and will continue praying for them to find peace and healing through Christ.

    2. Heavenly Father, please lift up Casey and Sandy in Your loving arms and give them Your perfect peace, comfort, healing, and strength. Put Your word and love upon their hearts and draw them to You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus.
      Traveling mercies to you Jeanne. Enjoy your time in CA and let your light shine bright and your loving spirit soar into the hearts of others. Peace be with you.

  28. Sorry for the offensive comments that have been on here of late. I've removed them going forward on future days and in the past. I'll try to do a better job of monitoring this blog. Appreciate all of you.

    1. Thanks, but no worries Chris. You are doing a great job for God and us. When it appears, we just recognize and then move on past satan, just like we have to do in our daily earthly lives.
      I am so enjoying My Utmost For His Highest, especially your Mom's underlining highlights. Question: How do I access your blog for My Utmost For His Highest? I "accidentally" stumbled across it but do not know how to get to it daily, so I bought the book. However, I miss your Mom's highlights and your commentary. Thanks again for all you do.
      Cost of the book 10 dollars; Cost of your Mom's underlinings, your commentary, and seeing God more clearly, PRICELESS!
      Thank You for your generosity, Chris! We appreciate your helping us get closer and closer to our first love in Christ Jesus.

    2. The ungodly will always be with us Chris. You have already done so much for us and you always do a wonderful job so never feel like you owe us an apology. You started this beautiful family in Christ and it has become our refuge. Thank you so much for all you do. God bless you always.
      Amen dear Brie!!!

    3. Amen! Thank you Jesus for working thru Chris and his family to draw us closer to you.

    4. Thank you so much Brie for mentioning that about MUFHH. Thus far I have not done a page similar to the 366 days Jesus Calling one, but plan to work on one. To access it each day you can FOLLOW through the right hand nav and that should give you a daily email as I post. Or you can just go to the main page each day at I usually post it by 7am (Mountain time) each day as I live in Albuquerque. -- Thank you

    5. Thank you Chris for all the work you are doing in the name of our Lord. When bad things cross our paths I like to think that it is because God needs us to pray for them and that's all we can really do. God bless.


  29. Sharing prayer of Romans 8:28.

    Father, I love you and I know You love me. I am troubled and don’t understand how any good can come from this situation. Still, I’m trusting You. I know this situation has a purpose, help me find the good in what I see as bad. In my unrighteousness let me see the work of Your grace. In my problems, let me see the strength of Your power. In my disappointments, let me see presence of Your comfort. In my failures, let me see the grace of Your love. In my confusion let me see certainty of Your will.
    “For I know all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.

    1. Good Morning Sassy Mom, that's an honest prayer above. I'm praying for you to be brought through this period. Love, Kathy

    2. Along with Kathy, I, too am praying your prayer with you Sassy Mom. He is in our midst, and His Holy Spirit is saying to me, rely NOT and lean NOT on your own understanding. Blessings JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Praying with you and for you dear Sassy Mom. Sorry you're going through a hard time. Know God holds you tight in His Hands. He walks with you every step of the way. Trust in His love and guidance. He will never leave or forsake you in your times of confusion or trouble. There's bright light at the end of this wilderness.
      Romans 8:28 is one of my "go to's". Thank you and Amen.

    4. May our Father hold you tight Sassy Mom and let His love and peace flow through you. May the light of His presence fill you up. Peace be with you.

  30. Praying for each of you on this lovely Monday morning. Thank you, Mr. Peyton for taking care of the intruders. I find myself glossing right over it thinking, "You have no place on this site." We are forever appreciative of you for setting up this blog!
    I am thankful to report that all of my loved ones have arrived back home from their travels - safely and refreshed. Praying my friend's husband and daughter home safely today. I am praying for you, Sassy Mom and resolution on your situation. You are the Victor over each issue and God will make a way where their appears to be no way.
    Praying for your friends, Jeanne and for your safe travels to CA. Thankful for each of you and your vision for God's Word in our lives and your loving care in praying for all requests as we make them known unto God.
    I am dressed to the nines, spiritually and ready for this day. Love and Blessings to each of you!

    1. Thanking God for your loved ones safe return. Praying with you for traveling mercies for your friend's husband and daughter.
      Thank you for your prayers dear Norah. The Christ in you is very beautiful! We don't need any further adornment for He is the greatest part of us. Love and blessings to you too and all our dear JC Family!

    2. Glad to know that everyone is good and all is well in the "house of Norah". God bless you.

  31. Wow! I scrolled the comments this morning from everyone. The ones that stuck out to me were the ones on trying to keep up with our outward appearance. I was just crying to my husband yesterday about how I am aging outwardly and how hard it is these days as a woman to look a certain way. I feel like I am aging faster than him and it makes me insecure. Then I told him all I want is to be love and give to others because that’s where my joy is! I love to be love but the devil is a liar. He loves for us to focus on ourselves and everything about us. I pray that I will be blessed by grace to remember that aging is a gift. It is a gift everyday to wake up. That I will just be humble and love and live well. To honor God myself my husband my family and other gifts of people God gives me. Life is abundantly rich it is such a waste of time to get caught up in the cobwebs of our mind with thoughts of vanity. I would like to share a poem with everyone maybe someone can relate. I wrote this years ago before aging even started. I think I have struggled with this so much because I had a brother that was good looking and everyone always talked about it and I rarely received those kind of compliments. I am very thankful for that now ironically. I have been blessed with health and with a heart that seeks God. I am also thankful that the majority of the time I am focusing more on loving and giving. I do have my setbacks and moments but they do not last long or consume me constantly praise Jesus. Praying He continues to do a good and perfect work in me spiritually. As well as my husband and family and everyone reading this today in Jesus Name Amen 🙏My poem follows..the title is called Covered Beauty.

    Covered Beauty
    Proverbs 31:30 charm is deceitful and beauty is passing but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

    Oh dear God how I long to be free
    Free from the pain of life’s vanity
    Why do I get lost in this distant face
    I cover it up and leave not a trace
    I put on this mask and think it fulfills
    Inside I am dying this pain it kills
    For when in the mirror I do see
    This covered face look back at me
    I wonder where I have gone
    My heart decides to leave its home
    I get caught up in trying to be
    What the mask will say to me
    It tries to define me all day long
    It drowns my Spirit; tunes out my song
    Make-up here make-up there
    Don’t forget to do your hair
    Look again what do you see
    You’re looking less and less like me
    You cover up what God made real
    With worldly desires to appeal
    Why can’t you just relax and go
    Find beauty in your rested soul
    God I know this hurts You so
    To see me struggle with this foe
    It all comes down to just one thing
    This make-up is my offering
    I want the promise that You said
    Where beauty isn’t on this head
    The fear of You is ALL I need
    I will be PRAISED by You indeed
    I’ll take some time to spend with You
    To make YOUR radiance shine through.

    ♥️By: Sharon Schwartz

    1. You and your poem or both Beautiful, Sharon. Thanks for Sharing, Sharon! And for reminding us to spend more time keeping the heart more beautiful, since our hearts are what God looks at and sees clearly. Our faces are only a part of our earth suits, existing for a short time for earthly recognition by earthly people. Whereas our hearts are our Heavenly attire, existing throughout eternity for God's recognition.
      Lord help me get my makeup priorities right according to You. I ask. I seek. I knock, knock, knock, and knock. In Jesus' Name. I praise and thank. Amen.

    2. Thank you dear Sharon! What a wonderful, wonderful poem and I sure can relate. Being in my 60's and seeing wrinkles on my wrinkles and where did my waist go? I know that God loves me as I am and the light I hold inside will always be beautiful to behold. Let us shine His light brightly.
      We must be grateful for the new days God gives us. We can't turn back the hands of time and erase the snags in our earth suits. But God has blessed us with our lives, and a new morning every day.
      One consolation about getting older is with each passing day, we come closer to seeing the beautiful face of Jesus.

    3. Thank-yall so much for your feedback! So very true what both of you said about these earthly bodies. I pray to have a heart like Jesus regardless of them ♥️

    4. Your poem is so beautiful Sharon. To love and live like Jesus is a prayer I desire for everyone. Peace be with you.

  32. Beautiful you and poem, Sharon. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate the reflection in the mirror it brought to me 😉

  33. Traveling mercies, Jeanne. Welcome to California. I'm comforted to think about you somewhere nearby, although it is a BIG state. Wherever two or more are gathered in his name... Please join me in praying for CA, we are in dark times, spiritually (in need of revival and repentance), physically (drought) and emotionally (Covid fallout). In Jesus's name I pray.

    1. I often daydream about being in cities where our JC Prayer Warrior Family lives, breathing the air you breathe, and wondering how I would recognize you if we ever physically met by Divine Appointment. I conclude the daydream feeling really better off not seeing only what my limited and limiting earthly eyeballs can see and thereby risk confining you to "earthsuits". Your loving hearts for Jesus and us is all I need to know as I fill up with your loving kindness, and prayerfulness, boundlessly here, there, and everywhere I am. Everyday I live, you are only a prayer request, a computer click, a smartphone screen away from me and I like it like that. In fact, I like it, I love it, I want some more of it! Praying God's choicest Blessings for you and yours wherever your earthsuits may have temporarily landed! Love to all, Brie.

    2. Agreed! That's what I'm talking about, a family perfect exactly as it is. ♥️🙏✝️

      Soon we'll come to the end of life's journey
      And perhaps never meet anymore
      Till we gather in Heaven's bright city
      Far away on that beautiful shore
      If we never meet again this side of Heaven
      As we struggle through this world and its strife
      There's another meeting place somewhere in Heaven
      By the side of the river of life
      Where the charming roses bloom forever
      And where separations come no more
      If we never meet again this side of Heaven
      I will meet you on that beautiful shore

  34. Thanks for the prayers for traveling mercies, dear Audra! Praying with you for CA that the dark times will be over soon because God is in charge and He is ever faithful. I'm actually going to be in Santa Monica for a week where our dear son and his good wife live and then we'll be in San Diego for 2 nights. California is a big state but we're united because we're praying together.
    Thank You Jesus for answering our prayers and coming to the aid of all those living in darkness. Shine Your light and change their hardened hearts. Lead them to You and bring good changes into their lives.
    We pray this together. Amen.

    1. Well, I'm at the other top end of the state but will be in San Diego on TV watching the US Open at Torrey Pines this coming weekend. Enjoy your trip, I hope you weather any record high temps with a cool ocean breeze 😉

  35. Love and blessings to you dear Brie!

  36. We are loved with an everlasting love. What a blessing and a reason to rejoice in every situation.

  37. 1 Thessalonians 4 16-18
    16 "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
    17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
    18 Therefore encourage one another with these words."
    Dear brother's and sister's in Christ I encourage you with the above words.
    The moment WILL come when YOU meet your Lord and Savior Jesus face to Face. You will see the love-light for you in His eyes. Trials and sorrows will all be past and remembered no more. For now, we just need to finish the race set before us.
    Meet y'all in the clouds!

    1. Thank you dear Peter. Our joy will be full when we finally behold all His Glory face to Face. The best is yet to come.

  38. That we are, Jeanne! Truly a blessing, yes! If you've not already heard this song and watched the video, please take the time to. Powerful. Yet another Maverick City awesome song called "Jireh":

    1. Just love that song! It lifts my soul to the heavens and encourages my weary heart! Thanks my dear sister!!! Love you 💗

    2. Thank you for sharing this song, I haven’t heard it before. I have a wonderful ‘sister’ in the Lord who has often said to me, from her own experiences, that God is enough. ❤️

    Today's devotion reminds us that before time began, He knew us. For years He watched us swim around in a sea of meaninglessness, searching for Love in all the wrong places, hoping for Hope in all the wrong faces. All that time He was pursuing us.
    Starfish may be named for their likeness to the 5 pointed star drawings from our childhood. What a treat it was to find one alive on the beach while I was looking down at the sand. Picking it up I felt its bumpy flesh. Turning it over, I watched its undersides move about. I gently returned it to the sea where it belonged. To the sea where it was able to breathe. To the sea where it was able to continue living.
    That night as we gazed up into the starry starry sky, I was reminded of my beach star-fish. Though the nightime sky stars had shine and sparkle, pizzazz and sizzle in all His Extraordinary Glory, the beach star-fish moved, ate, and lived its God ordained starry bumpy fishy life in all His Ordinary Glory.  Whether ordinary or extraordinary, both were His Stars. Both looked like Him and both were perfect in His Eyes.
    Because our Lord is transforming us into real human beings according to His Image and likeness, we may lack the spectacular perfection of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel painting, or of David, his marble sculptured masterpiece. Rather than transforming us into a stilled painting or a marble masterpiece, God is transforming us into real live human beings, like Jesus, who lived, breathed, walked, ate, and most importantly served the perfect will of God.
    Though at times we feel like floppy, bumpy starfish when we attempt to be like Jesus or wear His Ermine Robe of Righteousness, because of Him we carry His Heavenly Spirit inside of us where it remains for all time.
    Bumpy or glitzy, He aches to embrace us in His Merciful and  Compassionate Arms and love us with His Everlasting Love.
    Even during our bumpy and ordinary times, to Him we are extraordinarily glorious, and our hearts still look like His, because we are.
    Thank You Jesus. Amen.

    1. Awesome Brie! If only we saw other people, and ourselves, the same way; bumps, scales, and all, still created by God, loved by God and made to shine brightly like the heavens above.
      Enjoying your beach rejections; soon you’ll be writing a book called, “Beaches Calling”! 😉
      May you all Be blessed and shine brightly this day. 🙏

      Please pray for my wife who is going through a rough physical time. Trying to figure out what it is so that she can feel better. Thank you!

    2. 🙏🙏🙏 for you, your wife, and the person who will channel God's cure. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Thanks sweet Brie! I felt like I was at the beach with you looking at your starfish and gazing at the star filled sky. God loves us in all our imperfections and bumps and mistakes, but when we are adorned in our Resurrection suits we will be glorious indeed. I always remind myself that He loves us just as we are with a love that will never die. Let us do our best to love others with an unconditional love too. I try not to judge but I know sometimes I do. Father, Make me a better person for You. You are the Center of my life.
      Dear Rich, I’m continuing to pray for your wife. God knows what’s wrong. May He give her doctor the wisdom and enlightenment to understand the source of your dear wife’s problems and so she will receive the right treatment to bring her into a perfect recovery. Thank You Jesus.

    4. When I received this, Rich C, I prayed it for for you, wife, and healer-to-be: A Prayer for Today
      “Father, thank You that before I even ask You for my needs and desires, You’ve already lined them up and have them headed my way. Thank You for the people, the favor, and the healing You’ve ordained to come across my path. I believe that even now, answers to my prayers are on the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

    5. Thanks for that wonderful prayer, Brie. I'm sharing it. Amen!!!

  40. NJS, thank you for the music video! That gets the spiritual juices flowing! Awesome. Already shared it with others. HE is enough. WE ARE LOVED. Absolutely all we need. Amen! Absolutely Amen.

    1. He sure is enough and He is everything dear ABC! Let us all have a blessed day of praise and gratitude in His presence and peace! Let us rejoice and be glad in our day no matter what.

  41. Thank you for prayers for our family's traveling mercies today as we gather to celebrate our departed s life. Together for the first time in many years!

    1. I am joining into Jeanne's prayer for you, dear Audra. May your voyage and re-meet be blessed!

  42. May God comfort your hearts, rest your loved one’s beautiful soul, and surround you all with traveling safety. Thank You Jesus.
    Enjoy the company of your family dear sister. You are bound together in sorrow and God’s love. May your time together be sweet and bring you joy and rest for your hearts.

  43. The one who makes the impossible possible, all knowing, everlasting LOVE, the GREAT I AM . 🙏🏾💪🏽🙌🏾

    1. Hallelujah and Amen again and again, Corey S.

    2. Joining Brie. One more Hallelujah! Amen to that Corey.

  44. Good morning dear Jeanne & JC family. I just want to take this moment to thank each one who has prayed for reconciliation between my daughter and I. HALLELUJAH! It is DONE! We talked on the phone for the first time after years of no communication. After bouts of TIA for her father, she's expressed a desire to take care of us when the time comes. It was glorious to hear her address me as Mom! PTL! Warriors your prayers are powerful! Reading our dear Maplewood's sharing of her mother's & her reconciliation, I can fully appreciate her joy & gratitude to our God of reconciliation. I will continue to pray for those in JC family still waiting for this to happen. Know this, it will happen! Just believe & trust. Who better has the power than a God who reconciled His people to himself by sending His only Son to suffer & die on a cross to accomplish it! Hallelujah! I believe!

    1. PTL! Great news, the God of reconciliation has done it again. Bless His Holy Name.

    2. Praise God always 🙌. Another victory in Jesus Christ 🙏! Hallelujah! God bless!

    3. Praising Our Mighty Lord with you, Jan! He makes a way when there doesn't look like there is a way! HALLELUJAH!!!

    4. Oh Jan! How absolutely incredible for you both! Such an awesome healing of your relationship. Victory shoes are laced up and dancing across the floor for this restored union! You give me hope. I have been estranged from family members since 2021. While we "talk"/text here and there, the reason for the estrangement remains the elephant in the room. I am so overjoyed for you, dear Jan. Hallelujah and praise God! So, so happy for you both. Thanks for sharing this joyous news!

    5. So happy for you. Thank you Jesus!

    6. Thank you for sharing God's Blessings.

    7. Jan, wonderful news!! God is great.

      SC Anonymous

    8. Thanks for sharing your TESTimony, Jan gridley! That Ermine Robe sure looks good on you! PraiseThe Lord and pass out the reconciliation, with Him and through Him.
      Our devotion reminds us,
      When time is right, I reveal Myself to you.
      I lift you out of that sea of despair and I set you down on a firm foundation.
      Sometimes you feel naked, afeaid, and exposed to the revealing Light and Love of My Presence.
      His exposure cleanses us for wearing His Royal Ermine Robe!
      Thank You Jesus! Amen!

    9. What wonderful news, dear Jan! Answered prayers and God's faithfulness. i know your heart is full of joy at this reconcilation. And she called you Mom! And she wants to take care of you. God's spirit softened her hardened heart. He is just so good. May God soften the heart of Janet's daughter Megan who has put a wall up between them for many years. Janet's heart is broken over this estrangement. But we know God is greater. God bless you dear Jan. Praying all is going well with you and your dear DH. Much love.

  45. "I sang you a Love song, whose beginning and end are veiled in eternity."
    Zephaniah 3:17 AMPC "The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.

  46. Amen! He reaches, He touches, He fills out deepest need, and we are satisfied.


  48. Each time I read JC blog, I marvel at the works God is doing in lives, relationships, family members. He IS in our midst, exulting over us with singing. I just spent a few days in Seattle with my 2 sisters and one niece where there has been misunderstanding and challenge, and God was with us, and made it good. Please pray with me for continued health and perfect healing for my daughter who has battled colon cancer. Today she has a biopsy of lymph nodes that are showing up on her scan. Please join me in prayer that she remains cancer free, Praise the Lord! Thank you so much! Ellen

    1. Ellen, praying for God’s grace with your daughter’s scan. Praying for peace for your family.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Our sweet Ellen: I COMMAND the strategies of the enemy that tries to come against your daughter to be DISMANTLED in Jesus' Mighty Name! I pray for Warring and Ministering Angels to surroung her. Let the Glory of the Lord envelop her. I Plead The Blood of Jesus over her and ask that You, Lord, ANOINT her with The OIL OF JOY, her strength. I Pray and Believe in Jesus' Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Continuing to pray for your dear daughter to be completely cured by Jesus. Joining all prayers for a clean scan and cancer free. Thank You Jesus.

  49. Thanks for posting, Jeanne. I Love to hear this song when our church choir sings it. It lifts my mind and heart out of this world!

  50. Dear Ellen, you and your family remain in my prayers.
    Expecting the best news possible for your daughter!

  51. Me too! This song soothes my weary heart always.

  52. May God answer your prayers and bless your new day with hope, patience, strength, comfort, healing, and joy. Let’s focus on Christ. Don’t let go of His unchanging Hand. Lean on the Everlasting Arms. He abides in us as we abide in Him. We are never alone. Give Him every worry and concern and then walk with a lighter load so you can serve Him better. Keep your thoughts today on the sweet things that bring you closer to Him and don’t chew on the bitter. Much love to all.

    Philippians 4:8
    Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

    1. Joining in prayer with you 🙏. Thank you Jeanne. God bless you!

    2. Such a beautiful prayer to start the day! Thank you Jeanne !🙏

    3. You’re welcome! Thanks for praying with me.

  53. God assures His people that His love was established since the beginning of time. It is not a temporary love but one that continues from generation to generation. It is confirmed daily as He
    heals and demonstrates His continued grace, mercy and power in your life. God’s magnificent love is sovereign, unchangeable everlasting and nothing can separate us from His love for us. Thank you Father.
    This song expresses my gratitude

    1. That was beautiful and true!! Amen and Amen!
      Thank You Father for all you are to us.
      I loved your song too, dear MinAhadi! Thank you!

  54. My wonderful friends on JC pray with me as I seek the next step in my career life. I love teaching however my energy levels are not as high at the age of 54. I am wondering what next , may God show me the path to take. Psalm 23 3 He restores my soul.He leads me in paths of righteousness his name 's sake

    1. Thank you MinAhadi. May our heavenly Father guide your steps along the path of His will for you and make your paths straight. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless you!

    2. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Please guide our precious Min Ahadi to the plans You have for her; Your Plans for a future filled with Hope. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. When time is right, I trust You will reveal Yourself to our dear Min Ahadi. At Your designated time, You will lift her out of that sea of low energy levels and set her down high on Your Firm Foundation where Your Energy Abounds! For this I pray. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. Dear Lord, please be with Min Ahadi as she walks through this valley and relies on your promises in Psalm 23. Show her the direction she needs to take for the next step in her career. Thank you that she has been in the teaching sector for a long time. Thank you for how she has been able to influence the children in her classes. God, I lift her up and ask along with others that you show her what her next step is.
      SC Anonymous

    5. Thank you for the beautiful post and song above and adding my prayers for guidance for you for your path forward. In the interim asking for increased strength for each day and may you continue to be a blessing and minister Him to all you come in contact with. In Jesus previous name, Amen!

    6. *Precious
      The internet does not seem to be my friend this morning 😉

    7. Blessing you Min Ahadi with new found guidance from the Holy Spirit in your career path choices. ♥️🙏

    8. Praying with and for you, Dear Min! Lovely song - thanks for sharing. I'm excited to hear what our Loving Father has in store for you.

    9. Dear Min Ahadi, You are young and strong and God has equipped you well for the next chapter. His faithfulness is your story and He already knows where He will place you so you can use all the gifts and talents He has given you. I’m joining in this powerful prayer train asking our Heavenly Father to open the doors that lead to your new career! I know you can do anything through Christ Who strengthens you. The best is yet to come!
      Thank You Father for guiding our dear sister to the career you have prepared her for to your Glory and her fulfillment. We ask this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

    10. Thank you all. So grateful for all for joining me with all your prayers. Be blessed

  55. But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14).

  56. Thanks be to God for all who prayed traveling Mercy prayers for us. We had flawless flights and connections and are safe at home again!

    1. Brie, thankful your trip was uneventful and you are safely home.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Awesome update, Brie. Praise the Lord

    3. HOORAY! Welcome home! Love you so much!

    4. Welcome home, my good sister! So blessed to hear of God’s faithfulness and more answered prayers. Rest now, dear Brie, and cherish every sweet memory.

  57. May "The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." God's Blessings for all this day.

    1. Amen! Thank you

    2. Thanks for sharing the Word and blessing me. God bless you too dear John H!

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. "I have Loved you with an everlasting Love. Before time began, I knew you....." aaahhhh. So so comforting. Thank you dear Heavenly Father. You are awesome! You are my God-I am your beloved son! Amen.

    1. We are perfectly loved and understood completely! He is an awesome God! Amen!

  60. Dear JC Family - thank you for your prayers last night. My sleep was sweet, restoring and today was as lovely as yesterday was rough. I thank you.
    Praying for all requests and giving thanks for all victories!

    1. Hallelujah! So glad to hear that. Praise Jesus.

    2. I love good news! Thanks dear Norah! God is so faithful. Get some rest now. Praying for all to go well on Wednesday.

  61. Hope your day has been blessed in many ways, experiencing His faithfulness and loving kindness.

    Asking for prayers for a family situation, or two actually, that are frankly causing too much anxiety and worry, despite me knowing all the better, yet sometimes my mental health struggles are very powerful.. We are praying for direction, wisdom and peace that will resolve these things and lead to peace of mind, rest, and healing.
    Humbly asking in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Thank you!

    1. Praying for you, Dear Rich C! I know a lot about "family situations." Rest well - God is on the Night Watch!
      Love you,

    2. Praying with our family here! Rest in Him Who loves you, dear Rich C. I have been lifting you, your daughter, and your family in prayer for comfort, peace, guidance and healing. May God make every little thing right again and light up the darkness, direct your paths to good, supply all the right words and bring you all peace and comfort. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
