Sunday, July 26, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 27

Hope is a golden cord connecting you to heaven. This cord helps you hold your head up high, even when multiple trials are buffeting you. I never leave your side, and I never let go of your hand. But without the cord of hope, your head may slump and your feet may shuffle as you journey uphill with Me. Hope lifts your perspective from your weary feet to the glorious view you can see from the high road. You are reminded that the road we're traveling together is ultimately a highway to heaven. When you consider this radiant destination, the roughness or smoothness of the road ahead becomes much less significant. I am training you to hold in your heart a dual focus: My continual Presence and the hope of heaven. 

Romans 12:12
English Standard Version

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
I Thessalonians 5:8
English Standard Version

But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation.

Hebrews 6:18-19
English Standard Version

18 so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. 19 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,

My Prayer (2021)
O Father, keep my eyes focused on You. I want to have tunnel vision toward You and not get so distracted by my left and right. I'm impatient right now. And I complain. Forgive me for my gossip and talking ill of others. I so quickly want to make people think my life is in turmoil. If I share things, help me to not attach names to those feelings. I realize that my words tarnish what people think of people when I bring up their names. I'm so quick to try to make myself out to be the better person. You tell me to be patient in tribulation. I need that reminder because I can be so impatient. In these moments, I'm so thankful that You accept me no matter what. But, give me that strength and resolve to change so that I'm glorifying you in all I do and say....and think. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. What a beautiful thought...a golden cord connecting me to heaven.....Help me to stay focused on the "destination" and not so much on the road or journey we are on. Give me the courage and strength to TRUST. I DO TRUST IN YOU JESUS!

    1. Amazing how wonderful the Lord is. Hope and trust with our eyes upon the outcome not the journey there. God is Good!

    2. Today’s devotional and scriptures are so powerful. Thank you Jesus for your perfect love. Our Hope is in You! This lifts my heart and soothes my soul. It has been 2 months of very troubling stress in our family. My mom has been under satan‘s attacks and has moved in with us after being evicted from her place. She is angry and weary.
      Our God is so good! This is exactly what I needed to read today.
      I’m Asking for prayers from this beautiful body of prayer warriors. I love this JC family. Praying for you all.
      Love and blessings

    3. Brandy - Praying the stress, satanic attacks, anger and weariness in your family is replaced with His presence, peace, love, joy, comfort and direction. God bless you, we love you.

  2. "Hope lifts your perspective from your weary feet to the glorious view you can see from the high road. " so true and so needed right now. And then goes on to say that this road we are on is simy a road to heaven. So why are we unhappy? We should be happy and not complain but rejoice for we are on out way HOME. THANK YOU JESUS!

    1. Even in my darkest hours, God still kept my hand close to that "cord". It was in that time when, looking back, the lord was carrying me. There have been times in my life where I've looked behind me and noticed only one set of footprints. God never breaks his promises. I am so grateful for those really hard times because through the pain, I realized there was mercy and peace.

    2. I love what you have shared Uknown...we are homeward bound !

    3. Amen Chris! Love that you are putting your prayers again!
      You are an inspiration and thank you for sharing your heart so honestly. I relate to wanting to be the better person and love that our God is molding us into exactly that as we pray and seek out being more and more Christ like
      Prayers for You and for your family for Gods continued love, guidance, truth, strength, hope, faith and provisions.
      I pray this for each of this amazing body of believers
      Love and blessings from Texas

    4. Love what u shared Unknown.."We are Homeward bound". ..why would one be unhappy?..Wow!..

  3. I am losing hope my life is a disaster I need prayers.

    1. We are all praying for you. God is with you even in your darkest moments. Never give up. Take it a step at a time. Much love and blessings to you. KS

    2. I pray this july 27 is finding you in a better place and that God used that situation to draw you closer to him. That you are well in your soul.

  4. Praying for you right now. I've been there- I know how hard it feels. Don't give up.

  5. JC family have a God filled day!

  6. unknown unknown 2018 - Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
    Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Abundant blessings to JC Warriors

    1. Amen! Dynamite scriptures! Such power in praying the Word! Thank you Sassy Mom for sharing those scriptures. I ask the Lord to hold 'unknown unknown' and the JC FAMILY tightly in His protective arms and give all of us unusual favor with everyone that looks upon us!

  7. What a blessed day, what a joy divine to be in the Presence of the Lord. Thank You Heavenly Father for ALL You do for us!
    My HOPE is built on Nothing less, but Jesus Blood and Righteousness! On Christ the Solid ROCK I stand, ALL other ground is sinking sand!

    JC family, interceding on your behalf and (re: prayer requests and concerns)
    TRUSTING God to work ALL things out together for our good in the name of Jesus!!

    Let us NEVER LOOSE HOPE, God is not a man that He shall lie! The liar is satan and his forces! Let's stand on the Promises of God that are all YES and AMEN!

    Enjoy your blessed day all and look for the blessings all around. You have already seen one, You are alive this day!! Hallelujah to the KING!


    1. Thanks dear Maplewood. Your words ring true no matter what year you write them because God is the same and never changes. That's why His promises are reliable, and we can stake our whole lives on the truthfulness of His words. Happy to be alive and well and to belong to the KING!

  8. Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Rom 15 :13
    He led me to that verse last fall. To me, the most significant part is "through the power of the Holy Spirit". I, like many believers, often do not see or feel that power and have defaulted to rely on my own power. Or even have thought that Victory is when God changes my circumstances. He has not changed them but through this long trial I have become weary but am also developing a new awareness. The awareness is of Him inside me, His constant love and provision for me even in these times of hopelessness. Sometimes He will grace us with an instant awareness but often the awareness is a slow growing process. Rom 5 - trials produce perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope. And hope does not disappoint because Gods love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

    1. Keith--- The Lord is doing a wonderful work in your life---drawing you close to His presence! Praise God!! Father God I ask that You will fill any emptiness in Keith's heart today with more of You. Refresh any dry areas of his soul. Pour into Keith Your living water---a fresh filing of Your Holy Spirit this day. Amen and Amen Interceding in Kansas

  9. Prayers for alcohol problem

  10. Bob. Good morning. Appreciated the lesson from "Son City" Arizona! Well done, sir, and definitely could tell your preaching and writing are linked. And the "shout out" to the JC community was a nice surprise! Have a great week and look forward to continuing the dialogue via the Jesus Calling blog themes. Godspeed and Amen.

    1. Amen to that, MadFox! What a blessing it was to hear Bob's words. The Spirit was working mightily within him. What an amazing Service it was! I just loved it and the music was wonderful. Really made my whole day!

    2. Amen and Amen! It truly was very inspirational as all Bob's words are. The piano player was amazing also. Thank you! KS

    3. Amen MadFox! I was blessed by Bob's sermon and the music was amazing. I'm amazed at how fast Nicole's fingers fly over the keys. The service was so great, and the shout out to JC family was so nice to hear.

      Bob, can relate to your desiring to be a doctor and God having other plans for your life. Good call on God's part because your sermon was on fire. I am a licensed court reporter, but in 2010, after my son had a life-changing accident which left him a quadriplegic, I became his caregiver. God has truly lead me to my calling, and I'm thankful for it every day. Oh, and Billy Graham would have been proud. Thank you, Bob, for sharing your beautiful, faith-filled service with your JC family. I also pictured you in my mind, as LCA and Norah, just as you are. I was pleasantly surprised that you looked just like my mind's eye pictured you to be. Your pastors, who I'm praying for, can rest easy as they heal knowing you are at the helm. God bless you and our JC family.

    4. Thank you, MadFox, Jeanne, KS, and Rose, y'all are so lovingly kind and I am blessed by your affirmations.

    5. Kindly share the link so I can watch Bob preaching

  11. JC Family - our DIL gets tested for COVID-19 tomorrow - I thank you for your prayers. All of her Strep symptoms are gone, but she said she feels it is the responsible thing to do.
    Our oldest son and his family arrived safely at their destination. Thank you for your prayers.
    Going to bed on that great teaching, Bob - I downloaded the video. Thank you, again.
    Blessings JC Family.

    1. You know I'm in on prayers for CV19! Done. Amen.

    2. Praying for you and your family Norah. God bless you

      Blessings from France

    3. Praying for your Daughter in Love that her test will be negative. Glad she's feeling a bit better. Thank God your oldest son and family arrived safely. God is so good.
      Bob you made a difference in a lot of peoples' hearts through your wonderful teaching. Thank you!

    4. Lifting your DIL up that this test will be negative!! 🙏🏻

    5. Praying for you and yours dear Norah.

    6. Adding my prayers, Norah, as requested for your DIL. All is well, God is in control. Thank you for your faithfulness! God be with you.

    7. Norah, praying for your DIL and your family. So glad she's on the mend and being responsible by testing for Covid19. Happy dance that your son and his family arrived safely. God is good and faithful. God bless you, sweet Norah.

    Oh my goodness! I am overwhelmed by all your sweet prayers! Her surgery was successful and both liver and kidney are doing their job! Praise our good, good Father! It has been such a long day but I will definitely post more detail tomorrow but wanted to let y’all know she is doing well and to say thank you for lifting in prayer, Patti, her donor, his family as well as our family! This is such a special gathering of believers! Thank y’all so much!!

    1. Yess!! Praise the Lord!! Sending prayers for her and the donor's family

      Blessings from France

    2. BamaGrl --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in Great Praise to our Gracious Lord for your wonderful report! Continued prayers for Patti and the donor family to The Waymaker, The Miracle Worker, and The Promise Keeper!

    3. Patti is having a slight issue and will be returning to surgery this morning but I know our Great Physician is correcting this as we speak! This devotion really spoke to me!! Thank y’all again for so many wonderful prayers!

    4. Bamagrl, praying for Patti now.

    5. The amazing power of God pouring out His love on Patti...and continuing to do so. Why am I not surprised? God be with her and you, BG.

    6. God is with Patti healing and restoring her in Jesus name. Amen

  13. Praise God! Thanking Him for His faithfulness. Patti has been given a new chance to live a healthy and full life. God bless you and your family. Praying for the donor's rest and his family's comfort.

  14. I'm here extra early because I'm driving to Brooklyn in the morning to visit my good Mom. I'll be praying for all of you. God bless your new day. Looking forward to hearing about more victories. Waiting on the Lord. Much love.

    1. How great! Praying for you and your Mom Jeanne. I'm glad you get to visit her today. God bless you and your loved ones.

      Blessings from France

    2. Prayers for safe travel and a blessed visit! Family truly is our second greatest gift!

    3. Thank you always for all your prayers. They really make a difference in my life. God hears every one! You are always in mine and I sure do love you.

    4. Hi Jeanne how is your mum doing ? I hope you have had more visit since the above post. We thank God for parents and we ask that God will bless them each day !

  15. Good morning JC family🥰. Praying for all request. Bamagrl- oh victory in Jesus! Patti is on her way to better health! Norah- so glad your DIL is feeling better. Jeanne- safe travels to your mom's. Bob- so looking forward to some quiet moments to listen to video, just got home from all the distraction of dog & grands sitting. Bless, bless all of you today🥰.

  16. So happy to wake up this morning to read all of the good news stories. So grateful to hear of Patti's successful surgery. I continue to pray for her and the donors family. God bless all of you. Sorry I don't post much but I am here everyday praying for all of you and your requests. Have a wonderful week JC Warriors.


    1. TJ --- So happy to see your post. You are a Highly Valued JC Pray Warrior! I covet your prayers! May the Gracious Lord bless you richly. I speak the the Lord's favor over your life as the Lord's abundant blessings pour down upon you. I claim breakthroughs and victory in your life through the strong and loving name of Jesus. AMEN and AMEN

  17. Loving Heavenly Father, I am thankful to once again be in Your Presence. Thank You for causing me to hear Your loving-kindness this morning. I surrender my day to You and look forward to thanking You for all the many gifts You have planted in it for before it ends. Thank You for the Golden Cord of Hope in Jesus that connects me to Heaven! All glory to Your name. I pray this in Jesus’ name.

    I first of all give all the glory and honor to God our Creator and Father for blessings us with a great man (Bob Malsack) after His own heart whom He called many, many years ago to spread the gospel of His Son Jesus Christ!

    TO BOB- I just want to openly express my sincere gratitude on this blog with our fellow believers for the blessed opportunity God granted us through you, to hear you share such a PROFOUND, TOUCHING message yesterday! Through your insights on this blog, I knew you had the Word of God in you,He had called You for search a purpose, but hearing and seeing your passion live, proved further just how amazingly great and called by God you are!

    I am lost for many of the words I would like to express how blessed your message came across to me. Believe me, I have heard some great messages from men and women of God, and yours is right in line with those that I’ve been touched and blessed to received!

    Watching and listening to you (I must admit, I played it more than once), I could see, hear and felt the love of Jesus in you! Your passion and sincerity in delivering that message (“Nothing Means Nothing”) spoke volume to me. The songs and music by Renee and Nicole are out of this world! Never heard ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ sung and played that way! Such amazing, gifted talents! The meaning and significance of the songs were just in line with your message! Yes, for me, it was indeed a blessed last Sunday message for the month of July. You closed it well my brother!

    God bless you for those amazing opening and closing prayers! I was moved by the power in them as you prayes! All the scriptures on the Kingdom of God and what it means to us (Psalm 95 (v.7), Matt 13:31-33, 44-46), fed my soul. And of course, you took us to the book of Romans, a book much more than a book of theology and believed to be a book of practical exhortation. A preeminent book in the Bible on the crucial topic of grace and faith and one of Paul’s greatest works! Thanking the Holy Spirit for leading you to take us back there! A book whose theme is: ‘People everywhere can enjoy peace and fellowship with God through faith in Jesus Christ'! And of course, how ALL things can work together for our good (Rom. 8:28). Great explanation of Eugene Peterson’s understanding and appreciation of Paul’s writings and full meaning of this verse: “We can be sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good!” Indeed a great message for a time like this (people hurting and suffering all around this world)!

    When He creates us, God had original plans for each of us and like you said, you had yours, but it was not what He had in mind for you. A doctor, good, but He said, I have something much more rewarding: SERVING ME by spreading the gospel! He called you and sealed it, nothing could have stood in the way of that! That’s the power of our AMAZING God and when we walk in obedience to His will for our lives, He will move Heaven and earth to bless and equip us! I was reminded of how He used the pain from brokenness by family and friends as a requirement for maximum usefulness (of course not in the manner as being called to preach like you-lol) in my life through other little ways for His glory. He started with drawing me closer to Him and uniting my family to being the chaplain for the usher ministry in my church! He’s an AMAZING GREAT GOD! He indeed works ALL things out for our good!

    May the Peace of Christ be with you always, as you spread the good news of Jesus Christ!

    Yours in Christ,

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Aaah your comment made me even more excited and I can't wait to watch Bob's service. I'm sure I will be blessed just as everyone who has heard it. As Jan said I too am looking forward to some quiet time to listen to it, which will probably be tonight as my day is kinda busy today.
      So excited!

      Have a blessed day everyone!

      Blessings from France xx

    2. Joining in with you Maplewood in praising God for equipping Bob completely to share His amazing message and truth with us and so many other people. I was blessed so much in every way by listening yesterday. He touched my very soul and fed my Spirit in a way I haven't been fed in a long time. And you dear Maplewood, described his teaching so perfectly. Your words always lift me sky high. How good our God is to give us His Spirit to work wonderous works inside His people. God bless you. Bob, I look forward to hearing you again. It blessed my day in a very special way. Thank you for sharing your story and your heart with us. I'm so glad you're not a Doctor!

    3. Thank you Maplewood. I look forward to hearing you Bob, I love having something to look forward to! I must ways remember to look forward to my ultimate future thru Christ. I choose to dwell on that and let my mind enjoy the excitement of the surprise and contentment that awaits all of us who love Jesus and trust God. Peace to all of you and prayers being prayed for all of you with expectation of Gods perfect response.
      My current situation is still being hidden from view from me but so many positive conversations have lifted me higher than words can describe. A journey of trust an unknown outcome still filled with hope. A new found deeper love for my King who irons out all the wrinkles and lifts my chin and the corners of my mouth at the thought of him being with me.
      I look forward to so many different ways to receive His love and in return share it with others. Especially my dear family. You are my family too. Thank you Lord.

    4. Twin bd sis, thank you for going over the message in your comments. It is a tremendous affirmation when someone repeats to me what I was trying to say; it means it was made clear (thanks to the Holy Spirit who was doing the real preaching in the moment). On a scale of 1-10, twin bd sis, your loving kindness is around a 20 :-). Because I have so much respect for you and where you are coming from, it is a double blessing. Thank you! God be with you!

  18. Bob- I kneel in prayers for the Pastors of Faith Presbyterian Church and believing God for a favorable turn around in the name of Jesus. I sent a Prayer to your personal email account and giving God all the praise and glory for you being a blessing and walking in obedience to His will for you, while loving all peoples as yourself with the love of Christ! It was a GREAT message well put forth. I will contact You at the email you provided to further discuss it. God bless you!

    JC family, I am in prayers for all the past and current prayer requests and trusting God for answers to each of them. May Your day be filled with His love, peace and grace. In Jesus's name. Amen.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you, twin bd sis, the prayers of a righteous person have much power and effectiveness and you are a righteous person by the grace of God.

  19. Thank you, Bob and Maplewood, for pointing the way through Scripture to a better life in Christ. I have so much more to learn! Blessings and prayers to and for all today!

  20. Just wanted to say, dear JC Family, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm off now to see my Mom in Brooklyn. I will join you in the morning but won't be able to reply. You know you're in my hearts. Much love.

    1. Safe travel dear Jeanne. Enjoy mom!

    2. In the spirit in which you post, Jeanne, being in your heart is never in doubt and it is a blessed place to be. God be with you in the visit with your Mom.

    3. Traveling mercies, sweet Jeanne. Enjoy your visit with your mom. God bless you both.

    4. Just wanted to thank you for all your prayers. I had a wonderful visit with my dear Mom. And God's hedge of protection kept me safe. I was blessed that she walked around the block with me. She needs to get more exercise. She's doing well, thank God!

    5. Just love my JC Family!
      Thank You Father for leading me to them. What a joy to praise you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit together in this sweet meeting place. Thanks Chris for making it possible.

  21. We have often said how nice it would be to have a physical meeting of the bloggers we've met here virtually. It was a pleasure to see you, Bob and hear your voice. God has blessed you with a teaching talent. His message through you was a blessing. The music in the service was a special treat. Our congregation also has some talented musicians to enhance our worship. Thank you God for the Golden Cord and all the strands we are privileged to enjoy.

    1. Thanks, 10-4! It is a blessing to know the Holy Spirit brought blessing to you through the service. Thanks for being 'in the stands'. Knowing you would be there gave me inspiration. God be with you.

  22. You all have been more than loving and kind in your affirmation of the service on Sunday. I knew you would be there thus inspiring me to lead the worship as I did. Isn't Nicole (Pesce) amazing? She is also a very humble and kind person. She does at-home concerts and posts them on YouTube. My wife and I never miss one, such wonderful entertainment.

    Just received clergy couple update: Doctors have completed all they can do for Pastor Mike and now it is time for him to get stronger on his own. So he has been moved to rehab for a week or two. Pastor Sheryl remains strong in spirit with the virus only making her feel like she has a lingering cold.

    (Now back to the ordinary) (II Timothy 2:20) Paul sets up his next thought for young Timothy with an illustration: 'In a large house there are utensils not only of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for special use, some for ordinary.'

    I sat with this thought in preparation for the point that is about to be made. I thought of a drawer in our kitchen in which we keep the utensils for cooking. There are all kinds of utensils in that drawer, maybe 20 in number. When I am doing the cooking, there are maybe 5 of those utensils I use frequently. Why just 5? I just have gotten comfortable with them and they enable me to do what I want to do. Is there anything wrong with the other 15? No, I just choose the ones that I do for the job I am doing.

    My thoughts then went to the disciples, Peter, Andrew, James and John, who Jesus called from there nets to become 'fishers of men.' Was there anything wrong with the other fishermen working their nets that day by the Sea of Galilee? Why did Jesus just ask those four to follow Him? I sat with this thought further. If all the fishermen by the sea got up and followed Him, who would be left to fish and thus provide food for the community? Some needed to be left for the ordinary (earthly) task of fishing while the four were being chosen for a special (eternal) purpose. Too often, 'being chosen by Jesus' is understood to mean for those not chosen are rejected. In contemplating this thought, I felt that indeed some are called to special responsibilities while other are left to continue in the ordinary tasks for the well being of the whole. Certainly, to be given a special responsibility is very rewarding but to be faithful in the ordinary should be just as rewarding for that is a calling as well. If the ordinary jobs didn't get done, how would the community get by that depend on them? I shared with you in the sermon yesterday how I aspired to be a doctor but God called me to proclaim His word. By this illustration Paul was using, preaching would have been special while being called to be a doctor would be ordinary. But being a doctor, especially in these times, is no ordinary task as we think ordinary; rather, it is a major responsibility that our society cannot be without. So fortunately, God leaves some to doctor the body while others like myself, He calls to doctor the spirit. That one is called special (dealing with eternal things) and the other ordinary (dealing with earthly things) should NOT give the impression that one is better than the other. Both are of God.

    As I said, this illustration was given to set up a point, which I will cover tomorrow, God willing. But the Spirit kept me stuck in the illustration for today and the above is the result of time in meditation on verse 20.

    Be blessed this day, JC family, be blessed as much as you have blessed me. With love, Bob

    1. Wow what an amazing thought Bob! I've never think of it that way. Special and ordinary matter as they are both from God, and He wants us to be Faithful in the little ordinary things, which matter as much as big special things, because God looks at our heart. Small or big, things have to be done with love for our Lord.

      Blessings from France

    2. Mon ami, that is what contemplation can do with a verse. If we simply read it and connect our understanding/meanings to the words, we may find ourselves saying, 'I know what that is saying', and move on. But in the process of contemplation, you repeat the words, sit with them, and let your mind be led to a greater meaning. As I sat with this verse, it just kept growing within my mind and I started to feel good about where it was going, trusting that was the Spirit at work. To be honest with you, I had never heard this verse this way either. But in allowing it to talk to me, lo and behold, this is where I ended up. I complete the process by blogging with the JC family which makes it even clearer and in receiving everyone's responses, sharpens up what was said. You have become a part of the process of hearing the Holy Spirit to me. Thank you!

    3. Dear Bob, You have indeed been called to doctor the spirit. And you do that beautifully to God's glory, and our enlightenment, encouragment and comfort.

    4. So true Jeanne! Thank you Bob! ♥️♥️

  23. What a wonderful post and I loved your last line. We are those who have been truly blessed by you. I never thought of your wonderful calling in that way. You have an amazing gift from God to reach people and change them through your teaching and preaching. It is a beautiful thing to behold. The Spirit just empowers you in a natural way, like breathing so sharing God's message is like Home to you. I was moved and humbled by it. I have been called an Evangelist by a number of people. Our Pastor asked me to take over the Bible Group in our Church 5 years ago and I told him I didn't have a background in theology but the Deacon had to leave and he told me he believed I was ready to take over the group. So I told God I would do it He would help me. I began studying the Word and reading tons of commentary. I have learned a lot and will always be a student of the Truth. Speaking to my Bible group comes easily through God's Spirit because I believe what I'm teaching. My members have grown closer to the Lord and that pleases God and is my greatest reward. You are richly blessed to have this "eternal" calling. You work for those things which endure. You add to the flock and glorify your Father. Thank you for allowing us to be blessed by witnessing your God given gift in action to His great glory. Halleluia!!!

    1. Amen Jeanne. Both you and Bob are very inspiring, encouraging people of the faith and we are blessed to have both of you in this world. Thank you both. God bless!

    2. Your sweet message made me very happy. Bob is a well of spiritual sustenance. God makes me who I am and gives me the words to share. You are also a vessel for His Spirit and I feel it in your beautiful words, dear sister. Much love and gratitude. God bless you in every little thing. <3

  24. "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know." Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him." (John 14:1-7). For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. (Philippians 3:20-21).

    Father, thank You for my salvation in You for eternity. It is hard for me to imagine heaven and what it is like. I really only think of You when I think of heaven. I don't think about other things. I just know that I will be in Your Presence and that brings joy to my heart (and godly fear). Help me with this, as You see fit. I give it to You to fill my mind with what You want me to know and imagine for now. I praise You Lord and thank You Jesus. You are so wonderful. Thank You for being with me always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  25. Thank you warriors for prayers for my hubby & bff. Hubby is doing well, being less of a handful. Improving every day. Bff's hubby's test of the polyps in his stomach came back negative for cancer. Whew! What a relief. Bff is getting ready for arthroscopic surgery for knee. Bless you dear ones for all your prayers 💕. May each of you have a Jesus filled day 🥰.

    1. Great news all around Jan. Will continue to pray for your husband's recovery and your BFF'S surgery.


    2. Wonderful victory in Jesus! May BBF's surgery be successful and "Jesus led". God bless!

    3. That’s wonderful news! Hallelujah! Thanking God, dear Jan. Good results for your BFF’s Hubby and your DH is getting better each day! Our God is so faithful! Praying for your BFF’s knee surgery to be led by God’s guiding Hand and smooth and successful. Thank You Jesus!

  26. Praise God for new mercies and undeserved grace every day while we travel this highway to heaven.
    Thank you God for the Biblical truths you have given us to count on like the hope of heaven.
    Romans 12:12
    Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

    1. Amen Kathy ��
      Thank You God for Hope; Your golden cord connecting us to Heaven.
      ON MY WAY HOME by Ruben Studdard

    2. Great song sweet Brie. Fix it Jesus. I’m on my way Home. Amen.

  27. thank you for all uplifting messages. Lord help us to focus on You and our hevaenly home as we go though life! We walk by faith and not by sight
    No gracious words we hear
    Of Him who as none e'er spoke
    Yet we believe Him near
    We may not touch His hands and side
    Or follow where He trod
    Yet in His promise we rejoice
    And cry "My Lord and God"
    Help then, oh Lord, our unbelief
    And our faith abound
    To call on you when you are near
    And seek where you are found
    That when our life of faith is done
    In realms of clearer light
    We may behold you as you are
    In full and endless sight
    We walk and not by sight
    No gracious words we hear
    Of Him who spoke as none e'er spoke
    Yet we believe Him near

    1. Thank You Min Ahadi. I am printing tis poem out to pray it regularly, especially when my feet accidentally slip into the pit.

    2. I love that song: "We walk by faith". It's a goody. God bless!

    3. Thanks Janet, the words are even better in a Song!
      Lyrics by Henry Alford; Sung by Marty Haugen

    4. Love that song dear Min Ahadi! We sing it in the Choir and the words always lift my heart!!

  28. Inquiring minds want to know is there a Highway to Hell and only a Road to Heaven, because of the anticipated traffic flow? Asking for a friend 😉

  29. That expressway to your heart 😉

    1. Love the happy dance in the video 🤣

    2. Always loved that song from my youth! Great happy dance!😊 It’s got a great beat too!
      Thanks dear Audra!

  30. Thank You Lord Jesus for the certain hope of Heaven.

    1. Amen! We must consciously remind ourselves of God’s continual Presence and the hope of heaven, the Hope of Salvation, the ultimate gift of being reunited with our loved ones, and of having the complete joy of finally looking upon the Face of Jesus. The best is yet to come.

  31. "I'll Never Let Go Of Your Hand" thank You Jesus.
    Appropriate song by Don Francisco:
    I know what you've been hearing
    I've seen you hide your fear
    Embarrassed by your weaknesses
    Afraid to let Me near
    I wish you knew how much I long
    For you to understand
    No matter what may happen, child
    I'll never let go of your hand

    I know you've been forsaken
    By all you've known before
    When you've failed their expectations
    They frown and close the door
    But even though your heart itself
    Should lose the will to stand
    No matter what may happen, child
    I'll never let go of your hand

    The life that I have given you
    No one can take away
    I've sealed it with My Spirit, blood and word
    The everlasting Father has made His covenant with you
    And He's stronger than the world you've seen and heard

    So don't you fear to show them
    All the love I have for you
    I'll be with you everywhere
    In everything you do

    And even if you do it wrong
    And miss the joy I planned
    I'll never, never let go of your hand

    The life that I have given you
    No one can take away
    I've sealed it with My Spirit, blood and word
    The everlasting Father has made His covenant with you
    And He's stronger than the world you've seen and heard

    So don't you fear to show them
    All the love I have for you
    I'll be with you everywhere
    In everything you do
    And even if you do it wrong
    And miss the joy I planned
    I'll never, never let go of your hand
    I'll never let go of your hand

    1. Just beautiful Peter! Thank you.


  32. Sharing my Grief Share Devotions.

    Coping With the Loss of a Child
    To lose a child of any age---from an infant to an adult child---is one of the greatest shocks a parent can experience. The death of a child is tragic and feels entirely wrong.
    It's so out of sequence and just so unnatural when your child, whom you protected all your life, dies.
    This grief can be very deep. As Matthew 2:18 says, "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
    God knows your sorrow, and no matter how dark or painful your situation, Jesus can bring you hope. Sometimes, though, you feel like rejecting that hope and embracing your despair, as if hopefulness is somehow a betrayal to your child. Do not let Satan manipulate your thoughts in that way. Seek God and allow Him to light your path.
    *Lord and Savior, You are the only one who knows my sorrow. My body is enveloped in pain and wracked by grief, but I know there is hope because of You. Help me to live out that hope. Amen.*

    1. Amen dear Sassy Mom. He is your Hope and He is the only One Who knows exactly how you feel. He understands your broken heart and your grief like none other. Rest in Him dear sister. He counts your tears. He holds your dear one close now. You will be with her again. Wrapping you up in my prayers good sister. Love you.

    2. Love and Prayers for you, Sassy Mom! Love you SO much. Here's a song for you:

  33. "Hope is a golden cord connecting you to heaven. This cord helps you hold your head up high, even when multiple trials are buffeting you. I never leave your side, and I never let go of your hand. You are reminded that the road we're traveling together is ultimately a highway to heaven." Thank You Jesus.

    1. My Beloved Sassy Mom -- Sending you God's Great Love, His Life, His Plan, His Goodness, His Breakthroughs and Victories for your life through the Strong and Living name of Jesus. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over you! The devil CAN'T DEFEAT THE BLOOD!!! HALLELUJAH !!!
      Just loving up on you, my Beloved Sassy Mom! JJ

  34. So beautiful SassyMom. Thank you & bless you for sharing this journey of grief & sorrow with us. It helps to put into perspective the suffering you are experiencing & teaches us how to draw closer to our God at times like these. I know it's showing me that through your sorrows the strength of the Lord's grace is multiplied & enriched. We love you & continue to cover you with a blanket of prayers. 😘💞🙏

  35. Amen. Psalm 147:3
    He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds.

  36. …and changes the bandage when needed

  37. God bless you all. So many pertinent posts and words here today. Thank you. Victory report: got a cortisone shot in my right shoulder yesterday after trying several other healing avenues. The orthopedic Dr. Is a Christian and asked if we could pray for healing as the appointment ended. We did and then I asked him if I could pray for him. Now that's a dr. Visit inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT! Thank you, Jesus!

    1. Amen and PTL! My primary care Dr was also a Christian who prayed for me every time I made an office visit. Sadly Dr. Wells passed away.

    2. Praying for your shoulder dear Audra. Sounds like you're in great hands with God's healing and doctor who is a brother in Christ. What a blessing to have doctors that are Christians who pray with you. Dear Sassy Mom, I'm sorry you lost your good Dr. Wells but he'll be there in the sweet ever after.


    1. That's a pretty song and it's upbeat and sweet. I used to play I'll Fly Away in the Nursing home and I always felt encouraged by it because I believe the best is yet to come. The Sweet Ever After will be so beautiful and wonderful that we can't even imagine it. Especially looking upon the Face of Jesus, and being with our dear ones again.

  39. I believe Jesus was a Leo. 19 days till 27. Shemeow.

  40. 100%pure water does exist. Jesus Alpha is in. All living memory it is. Going to God.

  41. Hey Folks - I am noticing that double postings are happening more and more. I have no idea why, but I do try to go in and delete the duplicate when I see it happens, but I must admit my administration of these doesn't happen daily, but more like weekly. Let me know if you see anything else or you have comments. You can email me at cwpayton at yahoo if you ever want to chat even. Blessings.

    1. Thanks Chris, praying for you and your family.

    2. Thank you Chris! What a blessing this blog is thanks to you!

  42. Thanks for your help Chris. I've noticed it a few times. But it hasn't happened to me lately. God bless you and your family in every little thing.

    1. The Lord bless you & family Chris. Thank you for your diligence in the upkeep here. We appreciate it🥰

  43. Great devotion today. We know where our Hope comes from. Let us be ready to tell others that Jesus is our Hope and He never leaves our sides for a second. What He has promised is true and we can stake our lives on the truthfulness of His Word. I don't take it for granted. Leaving this morning to see my good Mom for a few days. She's doing well, thank God. Praying that her wound on her leg is healing well. She says it is and God has heard our prayers. Thanking Him for His healing of my dear ones and friends, and also you and your loved ones, and for traveling mercies for all those who will be on the road this weekend. May He guide, comfort, heal and bless our JC Family and answer our prayers.
    Thank You Father for all this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Psalm 143:1
    Hear my prayer, O Lord,
    Give ear to my supplications!
    In Your faithfulness answer me,
    And in Your righteousness.

    1 Peter 3:15
    But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.

    Colossians 4:5-6
    Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.

    1. Joining in prayers and praise with you Jeanne. May our heavenly Father continue to heal your mom's leg and hear and answer all our requests and prayers. Thank You Jesus for being such a wonderful Lord and Savior! You are so good to us!

    2. Joining here in prayer for continued healing for mom. 💞🙏🌈

    3. Thanks for the prayers. Please keep them coming. My Mom’s leg was infected so I took her to Urgent Care and she is now on antibiotics. God knew she needed me and I was a big help to her today. God was guiding it all. He was with us and with the good doctor. Trusting all will be better very soon. Thank You Jesus.

  44. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, please let the golden cord of hope hold tightly to me and retrain me in Your truth and ways. Let my heart and mind always be upon and with You Lord. Help me to remember that which is most important and not be distracted by the enemy and his traps and devious manipulations. Let the whole armor of God protect me from the fiery darts that may come my way. You are my fortress and my refuge Lord. You are my shield. In You I do trust. You will always watch over me. Thank You Jesus! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

  45. Amen! Bless you in always sharing the word. I will keep the word "hope" in my heart today. 🥰💞

  46. Hope - what I needed to see today. Lord, thank you for your promise that You are with us. Thank you for holding our hand.

    JC Warriors, today my son (17) has bloodwork done to check platelets. They have been low twice in the past month so the doctor wanted to wait three weeks and check again. This mom knows God is holding our hands and trusts that her son will be ok. Nonetheless, I am worried. I would appreciate prayers for my son. Thank you.

    SC Anonymous

    1. SC - praying for a positive result. May God's peace cover you and calm the worry.

    2. Praying for you and your son, SC

    3. Praying for your family and your son's medical team, SC. Peace be with you all.

    4. A pleasure to pray for your request today, SC. 🙏

    5. Joining in all prayers for good results and a perfect recovery and peace of mind to him and you and your family.

  47. I remember this devotion, thank you Lord for not letting go of us,
    It's so wonderful to come back to this blog after many months of not reading. Many of you will remember that my daughter Michelle died last July and it was devastating to me. My husband and I had adopted her children because she was unable to give them the care they needed. Because of my daughter's addiction and poor life choices some of the people around me weren't aways the most supportive or kind. In my hurt I separated myself from almost everyone. I d this for many reasons. I couldn't handle any more hurt of any kind. As crazy as this sounds that's one of the reasons I stopped coming to this blog daily. We had become a family the JC Family and I started feeling anxious that when I got on the blog each day there would be the news that one of you had passed away. I think when Debbie Sassy Mom's daughter passed away is when I started getting anxious about this. Then when there would be gaps of me being able tIt's so wonderful to come back to this blog after many months of not reading. Many of you will remember that my daughter Michelle died last July and it was devastating to me. My husband and I had adopted her children because she was unable to give them the care they needed. Because of my daughter's addiction and poor life choices some of the people around me weren't aways the most supportive or kind. In my hurt I separated myself from almost everyone. I d this for many reasons. I couldn't handle any more hurt of any kind. As crazy as this sounds that's one of the reasons I stopped coming to this blog daily. We had become a family the JC Family and I started feeling anxious that when I got on the blog each day there would be the news that one of you had passed away. I think when Debbie Sassy Mom's daughter passed away is when I started getting anxious about this. I started having gaps of time between getting onto the blog. This made this thinking even worse. I was concerned for your spouses and other loved ones.
    God has gotten me past anxiously waiting for the next thing to happen. A constant waiting and dreading for the next shoe to drop. My little guys trauma counselor said "the kids and I have been in survival mode for so long it has become our norm."
    I don't want to live that way anymore. I want to be the easy going, song singing, joy filled person I really am. Not easily offended, the one who loves serving others, counseling with open arms the hurting and broken hearted. God has given me a whole new perspective on grieving and loss.
    Thank you JC Family for your faithfulness to praying for each other. And Chris Payton thank you so very much for sharing with us what you started for your personal use. Thank you for keeping it going because God had something far bigger than you ever could have imagined. God bless you all and thank you for your prayers. Through this I leaned on God like never before. He's the only one who can truly comfort me and heal my deep sorry. With love, TERRI
    Ps I didn't go back and proof read. I would second guess every word I typed thinking it wasn't right. I've had a lot of self doubt. The only thing I know is Jesus. TERRI

    1. Welcome back, Terri! We've missed you.
      I do remember when Michelle passed and I'm so sorry for your loss. You and Sassy Mom both lost your daughters in a relatively close time period to each other. I can't imagine. We all deal with grief in different ways and no way is better, right or wrong than another. You do what works for you. The kids are so blessed to have you and your husband in their lives. Regardless of the life choices Michelle made, she's still your daughter and you will be reunited again in His house. It's not 'goodbye', it's 'until we meet again'.
      Prayers of peace and comfort to your family.

    2. Dear beloved Terri, so happy you are back. God bless you, we have missed you so much. So grateful and thankful for the uplifting encouraging prayers for me from JC Prayer Warriors when I went through the saddest day of my life on my Debbi's BD. You are loved with an ever lasting love.

    3. TERRI, Our dear sweet sister friend in Christ. I am so thankful to God to see you back! Grief sucks. Holding Hands with God and one another, helps us jump over the nauseating waves.
      You may have vacated the JC Warriors prayer room, but our love and continuous prayers for you and yours remain! Welcome Back. Welcome Back. Welcome Back!

    4. Yes Terri, He's the only one who can truly comfort us and heal our deep sorrows...

    5. Dearest Terri, I just knew you would come back to us. God heard our prayers for you. You and Sassy Mom have always been surrounded by our love. You are both always in my prayers and I think of you often and ask God to strengthen your sorrowful hearts and comfort you and your families. God never left you and He has guided you back to our open arms. I’m so thankful for this blessing and for God’s faithfulness. You will be with your dear Michelle again. Much love.

    6. TERRI- welcome back. This group is wonderful. We pray for each other and encourage each other.
      SC Anonymous

  48. TERRI! Welcome back to pray with us as we have so often prayers for you ♥️

  49. God's Richest Blessing to each of my Dear JC Family. I've read since 7:00 AM and I've just now had a chance to actually type out a message to all of you. You have all been in my prayers as I read earlier. Sassy Mom - you're never far from my thoughts and prayers. Terri! So good to see your name back here. My heart goes out to you, just as with Sassy Mom - the unimaginable became your reality. There by for the grace of God, go I...which does cause my heart to stop at times. However, you have both proven 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 by your belief.
    8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
    9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
    10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
    THANK YOU both for your examples.
    I hear so many devastating stories in my job as a Caseworker, and yet I am able to share with many, the stories of believers who carry on. You will be rewarded for that and as Suzanne said, "it's until we meet again." We don't mourn as those who have no Hope, but we are also told about the sting of death. "Sting," seems like a light word compared to the agony that you've both experienced. I'm sure none of us here take it lightly, as we pray for you. And I think of Mary, watching her son go through what he did - out of his own free will - for our deliverance.
    I will continue to pray for you and for all of the others on here who ask for prayers of deliverance or protection over their loved ones. My Best Man who will be 80 in January, has talked so much of his new Body and the Return of Christ, that it is truly beginning to live for me.
    Jeanne, I pray that your good Mom got great results today. And for all of you, know that God hears our prayers. He hears your prayers. What would ever withhold from our beloved children? Yes, we live in a tarnished world, but one day (and for them already asleep, it will be to them in the twinkling of an eye!), we will see Him face to face.
    I ask for prayers for our youngest son and his wife and daughter as they travel tomorrow to pick up their two sons and then all 5 will travel back on Sunday. I picture their car in the palms of God. I pray for my daughter who is comforting her best friend who lost a long time friend to suicide last night. I pray for my dear friend who is so misunderstood at work that I wonder why she doesn't quit - and then she reminds me that she will be 71 and doesn't want to just sit at home everyday, yet is somewhat limited financially. I ask for prayers that this headache that has been with me all day (I'm sure due to the humidity) is banished in the name of Jesus Christ. Think I think...seriously, Norah? You are complaining about a headache in the midst of broken hearts? Oh Lord, forgive me! Let's all grasp that golden cord of Hope that takes us out of the pain of our current circumstances and know that our loving Heavenly Father, wants only pure comfort and blessings for us. He will deliver!
    Praying that each of us has sweet sleep and wakes up refreshed and thankful for a new day. I love all of you SO much. God Bless you richly.

    1. Beloved Norah - Echoing, joining and thanking you for the prayers you have prayed for everyone. I gratefully receive your love and encouraging prayers. Praying you are blessed with sweet sleep and wake up refreshed in His presence, love and joy, MINUS the head ache. You and your Best Man are so loved by EVERYONE!!!!!!

    2. Dear Norah! ThNk you for blessing all of us! Praying with you and for you and for your youngest son’s family as they travel back and forth, and for God’s Spirit to supply comforting words to your daughter to share with her grieving friend, and for your own friend who is suffering at work yet needs to survive, and for your headache to be removed right away. Amen. Our dear Terri and Sassy Mom are perfect examples of those beautiful verses. They continue to hold onto God’s unchanging Hand as they bravely carry their crosses until they are reunited with their daughters. God knows their hearts intimately and really cares. Thank you all for the prayers for my Mom. I’m so glad I was with her today because as soon as I saw her leg, I knew she needed to be seen by a doctor. Despite her loud protests, she came with me and is on antibiotics. They are wreaking havoc on her tummy but she must get rid of that infection. Let us all trust God to protect and heal us and our dear ones. Thank You Jesus. Let’s all get some rest now, Goodnight dear family. You are loved and cared about. God is holding us all in His loving and mighty Hands.

      Proverbs 3:24-26
      When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: Yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

  50. PS - I didn't proof my post either, Terri! So, please forgive any typos! :)

  51. Beautiful encouragement for my weary heart, dear Janet. Thanks

  52. That was just beautiful and so moving! Wonderful harmony too! Thanks.

  53. I didn’t either 😊💗

  54. Bind us together, Lord. Bind us together with YOUR CORD that can never be broken. Bind us together, Lord. Bind us together, Lord. Bind us together in Love!

  55. We are anchored to Heaven by our faith and the hope that binds us. The Hope of Heaven and the Hope of the Lord. No matter what is going on in our lives, our future in Him is what we can count on. He is our solid Rock, our Cornerstone.
    “On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand”.
    Praying that all of us and our dear ones waiting on the Lord for healing of body, mind and spirit will taste the Goodness of the Lord and know that in all things, all things are possible with Him and in His presence. Praying that God opens Sandy’s heart to Him so she will seek Him and His healing for herself, and realize His promises and receive his healing and know His faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

    Romans 15:13
    Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  56. Keep praying dear warriors. Covid is still in our home. Granddaughter #1 is down. That leaves her sister, hubby & I still standing.Our daughter is still recovering. Before they knew they had covid they visited #2 son's family, guess what? They're in recovery. We were planning a family gathering. Heeeelp. God is good! Hallelujah!🙌🙌🙌

    1. Praying healing prayers for you, and yours, and for all JC Prayer Warriors, and theirs. I have high hope that they will heal and feel better soon and very soon. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Praying that His healing power will be at work in each family member. Holding onto hope for a wonderful family gathering full of joy and gratitude to Him for all He has done and continues to do in each life.

    3. Dear Jan, Continuing to pray for them and for God to surround you and the rest of your family with a mighty hedge of protection. Rest in Him who loves you.

  57. I see potholes in the road here in Earth well into November. Stay strong and remember the Word given above:
    "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."
    BE CONSTANT IN PRAYER. It matters, it works.

  58. Amen dear Audra! His Word is true. Pray unceasingly.

  59. Found myself praying constantly today: sitting on my back porch and hearing yelling so loud that I finally called the Police Dept. I truly was concerned that someone would get hurt. Earlier today, driving through town, ordering some brunch. "Let me be your light, your Grace, your Love." We went to the Dr. last week and I was bending down getting my notepad out of my bag. I looked up and smiled at the great Dr. who did my DH's Carotid Surgery and he said, "Oh, my gosh! You are radiant!" It stunned me. I was in capris and a t-shirt, very little make up and yes, my hair was clean, but certainly not anything special. That night I read posts about the radiance of God showing up in our faces and I thanked God that He was shining through me. What a privilege. We have an impact on lives that sometimes we don't even realize. I am thankful for that. I'm thankful for all of YOU, my Dear JC Family! Your prayers for our Country, our families, each other is truly priceless.
    "Hope lifts your perspective from your weary feet to the glorious view you can see from the high road. You are reminded that the road we're traveling together is ultimately a highway to heaven. When you consider this radiant destination, the roughness or smoothness of the road ahead becomes much less significant. I am training you to hold in your heart a dual focus: My continual Presence and the hope of heaven." This is US, JC Family! Sleep sweet tonight knowing that we are all holding each other in prayer and love.

  60. I sure will sleep well dear Norah! God is on the Night Watch and I’m absolutely Exhaustipated! My bed’s been calling me for hours. God is ordering me to go right to sleep. Goodnight dear one! We’re praying for each other and all our JC Family. Rest well now. You had quite a day, You’re radiant because the light of Christ in you is just beautiful! Love you, Sis.
