Monday, September 20, 2021

Bible Study Fellowship - Lesson 1 - Matthew

Focus Verse

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21

FIRST DAY: See Introduction Lesson Notes.

1.   Use this space to record how you have seen God’s activity during the week. How has He provided, answered, comforted, restored, guided, etc.? [What Has God been teaching me lately?] [How am I learning to trust Him more?]

9/7 – God provides me insight as I read his word. It remains exciting to discover truths like being reminded recently of the curse from Deut 21:22-23 and how Jesus hanging on a tree met that. Reminded me of the words from the notes about the New Testament writers connected the words of the Old Testament to Jesus. Yesterday in His word I was encouraged to love him and love others. As I meet with others and talk about truth I am encouraged by that fellowship. Lately I’ve been learning to serve my dad without expecting anything in return. No payoff. My words aren’t valued, but I can still serve. Also learning to love my wife for who she is. I need to accept people as they are and not get in a rush to change them. 

9/14 - I was also encouraged as to how the BSF men have been impacted by this study time together. That God speaks to them and God has used this to awaken them to life change. Through the pandemic I notice the resiliency of kids. Out with friends after church and noticed this. Jesus said to be like the children and they simply wear the mask. I don’t see them fighting it off but simply going along.

2.   What from the notes, lecture, or personal study impacted you most in the past week?

  • The apostles connected the teaching of the Old Testament to the person and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. P. 5 [Often why we see so many references of the Old Testament in the New Testament - showing us how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament teaching.]
  • The Holy Spirit inspired the apostles as God's chosen instruments to uphold the truth. P.6 [Learning more and more that it is the Spirit that is speaking to us today and giving us understanding of God's word and teaching us. I've spent so much of my life, not really acknowledging the work of the Holy Spirit.]
  • God wrote to us, using human language to express spiritual thoughts and concepts that cannot be fully captured by human words. P.6 inset [Does this mean we need to be careful that we don't become too confident in what God's word has to say to us?] 
  • We read to hear God speak. P. 6
  • I am always amazed by T’s excitement to be here each week and enjoy the fellowship with this men and the joy he has for teaching the men. Also reading about how the New Testament writers brought key verses from the Old Testament.

SECOND DAY: Read Matthew 1:1-17.

Matthew presents the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah.

3.   Matthew began his book with Jesus’ genealogy. Why might he have done so? What was the importance of including such names as Abraham, Jacob, and David?

9/8 – Matthew, as a Jew, writing to a predominant Jewish population probably wanted to show that Jesus had a direct connection with Old Testament patriarchs of David and Abraham. And wanted to show the perfect line that he was in.

9/14 - I’ve heard missionary stories that in some parts of the world just reading the genealogy has brought salvation to people. It seems to me that since he was speaking to a predominantly Jewish population it was important to show the linkage Jesus had to David and Abraham and the patriarchs. Abraham represents God blessing humanity through the Jewish people to all humanity. Son of David is mentioned 10 times in Matthew. And this brings us king David and Jesus as offspring of royalty.

The generations link us to the Old Testament and the premise that the entire OT is about Jesus. Reminds me of Daniel and how emphatic he is about Jesus and the New Testament.

The genealogy shows us how God uses all types of people. Canaanites - prostitutes - Moabite women.

4.   What pattern do you see in the way Matthew organized the names in his list?

9/14 - Letters in Hebrew are also used as numbers. David’s name is 14 total numbers assigned to David’s name. 4+6+4. He omits generations at times to get to the 14 number exactly. A common practice in other genealogies.

5.    a.    Give the background of each woman Matthew mentions in Jesus’ genealogy.

Tamar (Genesis 38) - Tamar, once wife of deceased Er (son of Judah) later disguises herself as a prostitute and Judah secures her services and Tamar gives birth to two sons - Perez and Zerah. Perez in Ruth is identified as ancestor of David. 

Rahab (Joshua 2, 6:17) - Rahab, a Harlot, and yet someone who knew the Lord's work and believed the messengers could help her. Yet, the bible does not mention anywhere else the relationship of Rahab and her son Boaz. Rahab is another Gentile. But God saved Rahab from judgment and her lifestyle of prostitution. 

Ruth (Ruth 1; 4:13-17) - After mentioning the mother of Boaz, we now have Boaz offspring with Ruth. She is also another Gentile and a Moabite that marries an Israelite. This puts Ruth as well as Rahab in the line of David. 

"Wife of Uriah" (2 Samuel 11; 12:15, 18, 24) - without mentioning her is the sin of David as apparent? So once again, it seems sin is brought to the forefront. Saul was the first king of Israel, but he failed and didn't achieve victory, but David did. Jesus is our second chance. Adam did not succeed, but Jesus has. 

Mary (Luke 1:26-56) - On one hand the genealogy as recorded ends with Joseph as though married to Mary, Joseph is never thought of as the father of Jesus, and yet perhaps Matthew saw it this way. He believed that Jesus is the heir of Joseph and therefore the proper heir of the Davidic throne. For Jesus to be the Christ he must be in the line of David and Abraham. 

b. Why might Matthew have chosen to include these particular women?

Perhaps his intention was simply to show that if these women could belong in the line of Jesus then anyone could be included. Like Jesus these women were not royalty and good things can come from meager heritage. Jesus also identifies with sinners. That is a big thing about Jesus that we need to remember and brings many to salvation for we are all sinners. And yet three of them are people of faith: Rehab, Ruth, and Mary. Maybe Matthew wanted to emphasize also that women would not be demeaned and that they would have a meaningful role in life and marriage and ministry.

6.    How have you experienced God’s grace – blessings you do not deserve?

As a mature in life, it seems all of live is a result of God's grace. Any blessing that comes my wife is a gift of God that I really don't deserve. I think of my wife and my children - each one is a special blessing. God's grace has shined on me to give me the mother I had and the father I still have. He has blessed with a job and the means to be involved in ministering to other people and understand His truth. I'm not the best at communicating it but I try to remain faithful to people and His ways.  

THIRD DAY: Read Matthew 1:18-25.

God reassured Joseph and declared the names of His Son.

7    a.    How did Joseph respond to Mary’s pregnancy?

First of all, Joseph was a man of faith and understood the tradition of being a Jew. For Mary to come to the relationship already pregnant he knew on one hand would risk her being stoned (Deuteronomy 22:21).  So naturally he did not want to press this law and the reason he spoke of sending  her away secretly, so this would not be a public thing. Joseph, at the time, unlike us, did not know the whole story of Mary's innocence. He was concerned about his household and the reproach he might bring upon his family. At the time, he assumed her condition was one born of sin, and yet wanting to keep her safe sough out the way to do this by then writing out a certificate of divorce, but secretly, so as not to bring her harm. Divorce was not sin and that I think needs to be emphasized. 

b.    What comfort and instructions did God give to Joseph?

 God spoke to Joseph in a dream. Dreams, as a side not are still very prominent in middle east and Africa and other countries as to a means of speaking to people. God told him to not be afraid but rather to trust in God. Despite the evidence that was present before him, God tells him to not stare at it, but instead listen to Him. And Joseph does and responds in faith. 

8.   a.    What two names did God give to Mary’s Son? What does each name mean?

Jesus - He Himself will save people from their sins; God is salvation; Yeshua means to deliver or rescue

Immanuel - God with us; appears 3x in Bible (other 2 in Isaiah)

b.    What do both of these aspects of Jesus’ character mean to you?

Jesus is fully man with the purpose of redeeming mankind. As Paul would say, the second Adam. Adam who brought sin into the world and Jesus would remove it's punishment through His life and sacrifice. God gave us his Son to rescues us. He came to save me. 

9.   Read John 3:17; Acts 4:12; and Romans 10:9. What does the word “saved” mean to you? 

Jesus came to this world to save people; to show them a better way, the only way. Saved means not perishing and having eternal life in Christ. Saved from wrath; saved from death and hell; redeemed from the law. 

10.   How did Joseph demonstrate his faith?

He took Mary to be his wife. Joseph was disciplined. Sexual purity was a big deal to him. He would exhibit self control until Jesus was born. No small feat. Even in divorcing her, his goal was to minimize her shame. Even in the church as Christians, how often have we given certain sins the scarlet letter. 

FOURTH DAY: Read Luke 1:26-38 to understand God’s plan for Mary.

While Matthew focuses on Joseph, Luke’s account records God’s revelation of His plan to Mary.

11.   a.    What facts did the angel Gabriel reveal to Mary?

First of all, it is interesting that Luke focuses on God's revelation to Mary, while Matthew focuses on God's revelation to Joseph. He chose her. She didn't ask for this. - 1. The Lord is with her. Jehovah God is with her. She will conceive and bear a Son as a virgin. Her son's name will be Jesus. He will be great and God will give him the throne, so he will be king. And He will rule and unlike anyone else His rule will not end. The holy child will be called the son of God. 

b.   Read Job 33:4; Matthew 1:20, 23;and Luke 1:35. Of whom was Jesus born, besides Mary? Why is this important?

The Spirit of God made Jesus, conceived Him. Jesus with the Holy Spirit coming upon Him could not have saved mankind. All the fullness of deity was manifested in Jesus. God sent Jesus and it was the Spirit who helped conceive Him. The triune God is present. 

12.   How did Mary express her faith?

She was faithful to the Word of God and because it was said by the Lord's servant she knew it must be so. She had done nothing to deserve this. It was unmerited favor. 

13.   How has God worked in your life to build your faith and lead you to surrender to His plan?

I and my life is on a roller coaster but he is my constant. His word is constant. And even as i see this world try to figure out the best way to live I am more sure of God's way being the only way. In reading scripture, you see the complete plan of God from beginning to end. Every reading and lesson and preaching causes me to be more convinced. He works through other people and allowing me to see their faith. My involvement in evangelism, especially over the last 15 years and being able to see God work in other people's lives confirms His truth and help me to surrender to Him. 

FIFTH DAY: Reread Matthew 1:1-25.

Jesus’ birth fulfilled prophecy and revealed God’s faithfulness.

14.   a.    In what ways did Matthew connect Jesus’ birth to Old Testament prophecy in this chapter?

Matthew presents Jesus as the Messiah King promised from David's line (2 Samuel 7:12-16)

Jesus is the Son of Abraham of whom all nations will be blessed (Genesis 12:3)

The virgin shall be with child and they will call his name Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14)

 b.    What does this reveal about God?

What it means to me is the entire Bible points to Jesus. It is a reminder that God never changes. He wants people to be saved, to be redeemed and his plan is consistent. I was talking to someone the other day about God's inspired words and what this actually means to us. The question came up about why we have so many religions, denominations even within Protestants and among people so many different interpretations. My thinking is God's word is true and has no contradictions. It was written by men but inspired by God and so its words are infallible. But man is a sinner and man's words are not God inspired always. I think the Holy Spirit is in us and speaks to us but the reason we might have so many difference is we are all trying to figure out exactly what this Word says and yet we are fallible and so we are simply doing the best we can. We must be careful to not make it out that we have a corner on truth. I have much trouble with people that think a church is the only church because none of us are perfect. But God is perfect and His word is true and so prophecies like this help confirm that he is true and never changes.

15.   In what ways would Joseph and Mary’s steps of faith and obedience have been costly?

Both had a lot to lose with the appearance that Mary had a child out of wedlock. Both risked not just themselves but their families. A reminder that rarely is an issue that we are having only reserved to one person. And yet was their a cost other than being a little humiliated. For Joseph and Mary they may have had a plan for their life or marriage. For Joseph he didn't get the physical sexual enjoyment of a woman while he was married, until Jesus was born.

16.   When has obeying God been costly for you? How has God met your needs and demonstrated His faithfulness?

Jesus said in Matthew 16:24 - "Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me." The cost I have is daily I must deny myself and what I want. For me this has been shifting my priorities and my desires. Often I fail and don't deny self and in return I ignore disobedience so that I can think that I'm taking care of myself and my needs. But actually I'm doing be harm. As I submit to Him and His ways he continually shows me the better way. There is no freedom in not loving my wife. When I do she is everything I need. But when I look around, thinking I can find or see something better, there may be temporary enjoyment but nothing lasting. Thus, with Christ I have a peace that surpasses all understanding. It is not my will, but thine be done.

SIXTH DAY: Review Matthew 1:1-25.

God became a man to enable sinners to live a new life.

17.   What truth about Jesus challenged or inspired you this week?

Reading and studying the Genealogy is what interested me. Matthew's version is different I know, but I've heard stories of people being saved because of it. In thinking about the women and why they are included, it opened my eyes once again about how inclusive Jesus is and I wish the culture saw this more.

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