Saturday, August 15, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 16

Meet Me in early morning splendor. I eagerly await you here. In the stillness of this holy time with Me, I renew your strength and saturate you with Peace. While others turn over for extra sleep or anxiously tune in to the latest news, you commune with the Creator of the universe. I have awakened in your heart strong desire to know Me. This longing originated in Me, though it now burns brightly in you.
     When you seek My Face in response to My Love-call, both of us are blessed. This is a deep mystery, designed more for your enjoyment than for your understanding. I am not a dour God who discourages pleasure. I delight in your enjoyment of everything that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable. Think on these things, and My Light in you will shine brighter day by day. 
Isaiah 40:31
English Standard Version

but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint.
Psalm 27:4
English Standard Version  

One thing have I asked of the Lord,
    that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
    all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
    and to inquire in his temple.
Philippians 4:8
English Standard Version  

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, We ask that you enter our hearts, our minds, our souls, and take over our will this day. Thank you for the desire and opportunity to come to You this morning in worship and in prayer. We surrender this day to you and all that comes with it and only seek your desire for us and your guidance through it. Lord, may your light shine through us so glorious that others may seek You.

    1. Thank you for opening a gate to Jesus. How are you?

    2. Amen and Amen. Thank you for this beautiful prayer. It speaks to my heart. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always 🙏.

    3. Amen Jeff! Thank you for your beautiful prayer!
      Father God, Fill us with your peace, light, love, wisdom and joy! Let our light shine before all men as You lead us through this day in Your sweet and glorious Presence.

    4. Thanks Jeff! Amen. Beautiful and timeless prayer.

    5. Praying our lights will shine gloriously to point people to Jesus today! ❤️

    6. Thank you father for all your blessings father plz help me to receive your strength and help to sacrifice my time more to tune into your love and joy,peace

    7. Still blessed by your heartfelt prayers dear brother Jeff 🙏💞

    8. Thank you for the prayer!

    9. A beautiful prayer to start the day, Jeff! WHATEVER it brings 👏✝️♥️

    10. Amen. Thank you for the that beautiful
      Prayer 💕💕

    11. Amen..I claim those wishes/desires for myself today! Thank u Jeff

  2. Lord God, please help me to follow Your Word daily. Help me to see You in all things and in all people. Help me to love as You love me. Help me to have Your peace and spread joy to others. In Jesus Holy Name Amen

  3. God help me please it's so hard to say thank you for something I dont want so I feel like I'm making a joke when I thank god is that wrong god? forgive me for having those thoughts I love you

    1. God knows your heart! Being thankful is important for the condition of your heart, but giving thanks for something you are not thankful for is not Truth. I thank God for my troubles, as well as my victories, because we can use what we learn from setbacks to grow in all areas of life. You are growing just by asking this question and asking forgiveness. God is very real, and is for you and loves you.

    2. Thanking God is a practice. Learning to thank God in adversity isn’t easy at first. Yes, God knows our hearts but even and when we’re learning this practice, it may ring very false to our ears and is hard just thinking it, much less saying it. But the next time, it will be easier and so on. Sooner than you think, you learn this practice of thankfulness in the face of adversity and it just comes naturally, bringing peace. Knowing, that there is redemption to follow,in His time, will strengthen faith and joyfulness .

  4. I imagine how excited God is when He waits on us to wake up from sleep...God waits for us to acknowledge Him, in early morning splendor. Heavenly Father, let me turn my gaze toward you, and let it be the first thing I do and always let praise be my first thoughts. In Jesus Holy name, Amen

  5. God loves, protects and surrounds myself and my loved ones with his infinite wisdom and spirit. We praise his glory and blessings. We are grateful for his blessings and mercy. We ask for his wisdom, guidance, protection from evil and blessings in our lives and particularly for Margaret.

  6. The psalmist in 27:4 reflects a perfect will, to desire one thing only - the Lord. My desires have been contaminated with self seeking that brings no ultimate joy or peace. I have had moments as the psalmist has and those have been times of real blessing. As I am in process of making transition from self-seeking to God-seeking, I look forward to the time when I shall enter into the Lord’s perfect home (thank you, Jesus) and be so overwhelmed with His love that I will want nothing but to live in praise and thanksgiving forever and ever.

    1. Beautiful truth dear Bob! We are all so flawed and we fall short of pleasing God. But He looks deep into our hearts and sees the love He put there. When we can someday look upon His Face, it will be the most joyous experience and one that will never end. Until then, Praise and Thanksgiving.

  7. Isaiah 40:31 "but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint" A memento, that I cross stitched for my husband's office.

  8. Please pray for Dale Earnhardt, Jr. retired Nascar Driver whose private plane landed at our airport to participate in Food City Family Race Night this week end. Dale's wife, daughter and 2 pilots escaped before the plane caught fire and burned to a crisp. NO FATALITIES!!! PTL FOR THIS MIRACLE.



  9. Dear Jesus,

    I feel hopeful, yet lost. I know that in these four months of sobriety I have new hope, and I am on the right track there...but I am also feeling Your pulling me toward a more holy lifestyle. I have craved this and wanted this, yet now that I am here I don't know how it works. I can clearly see that You have used my experience in a 12-step program to answer this question. Most of all Your word says that it is you who works within me a desire to want and to do Your will, which will require prayer on my part.

    Please give me strength as I go out from here to do Your will, to endure and grow in this forthcoming season.

    Please give me the courage to forsake the things of this world and gain preference for the things of Your kingdom.

    In Jesus' Precious Name. Amen.

    1. Anonymous, Tremendous attitude. Stay the course with this humble heart and look to Him in all things when challenges come.. as you know they will. Continue to seek Him each day through prayer and/or a devotional like this one. All here are praying for the continued recovery of you and those seeking healing in 12 step programs.

      Godspeed and keep seeking wisdom and strength from God, Amen

    2. Anonymous,
      Je is absolutely puuling you toward Him. In my sobriety, I have found that the more tjat I pray, give thanks, and acknowledge him in all things,he brimgs me peace and renewed confidence. Try to prsy each morning and night thankinh him and taking one day at a time. Let go and let God

    3. Anonymous how fitting a verse for your prayer. Mount up on wings like eagles 🦅. I am praying for you. Thank you for sharing your concern with our JC friends. You are such a courageous person.

  10. I am so humbled by everyone's prayers, not only for me, but all of this JC Family. Anonymous, your honesty and humility is inspiring. As MadFox said, "Tremendous attitude"! I know that yearning for a life lived differently and then it gets here (by your decision) and all you remember is the "fun" you had in the old ways. Counterfeit fun. I admire your strength to walk out in boldness, seeking His ways rather than your own or the world's.
    Katie, your prayer and insight blessed me tremendously. Jan, I was so excited to hear of the outcome of your surgery. Trusting the echocardiagram (am I right about this?) was a success as well. I applaud you even going to the Dr and taking care of yourself. I shy away from this, for many reasons. Sometimes I chastise myself, thinking I'm being foolish; other times, I think its God working in me. I hear so many scary things about Drs and hospitals that I think, 'no way!' and I've been through so many procedures with others that I often make excuses and just don't go! Then I read how others go, trust God and have great outcomes and think I'm foolish to shun the many blessings the medical field has learned and practices, when it could prolong my life. But, would it? If our days are numbered in the womb, do I go with that or do my best to make sure I'm around for a long time? Anyway, Jan, I continue to pray for you and especially for your energy today! I do hope you take it easy.
    Maplewood, I'm keep you and your mom in my prayers during this trip. What a blessing you are to her! I pray that she recognizes it (I'm sure she does). I laughed when I read that you are letting her eat what she wants and dresses as she wants - I wonder sometimes if my kids think that about me. Probably.
    So many questions, this early morning. But what balm to my soul to read JC and those lovely scriptures. Sassy Mom, I will keep the Dale Earnhardt, Jr. family in my prayers. You delight me with your verses (love that you cross stitched Isaiah 40:31 for your husband's office! One of my very favorite verses. YOU are a Proverbs 31 woman of God!
    I continue to pray and wait on the Lord re: my husband's and my improved communication. Again - so many questions; things I don't understand. Then, I think of the song, "We'll understand it, all by and by." I was trying to remember what day JC was about understanding and I immediately took that to being also understood. A dear friend of mine said yesterday, "I really don't care if I'm understood by my kids." What freedom!
    Have a blessed day, JC Family. Our list has become too long to name each of you, but you are in my prayers and I am so thankful for your sharings, love, humble hearts and praises to God. It's a wonderful example for me and I thank you.
    Thank you, Chris, for reading and sharing. What a wonderful work of love you started so many years ago.

    1. Thank You Norah! On bended knees for you, your husband and all that concerns you. God is Good! Let's keep trusting Him.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Yes, Norah, thank you for remembering my requests. I won't know about echogram until next week. Follow up with cataracts today & all checked out. I'm with you on Drs. I haven't visited a Dr for 35 years. Except to remove a tick. The Lord has been my great physician, He has shown me through prayer how to treat my issues. He's introduced me to the value, the treasure that is in the herbs/plants He created for our bodies to heal. Drs/drugs have their place but I draw the boundaries. Treating my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit is where it starts. Continuing to pray for you and your hubby Norah.

    3. Jan you are such a beautiful person

    4. Dear Norah! I read so much truth, humility and lovingkindness in your post from last year. You are a sweet and faithful servant of the LORD. You have a humble and caring Spirit! The Christ in you is very beautiful!

    5. Oh, Dear Jeannie - I'm just now seeing this - a year later! What a dear sister in Christ you are. I love it when posts pop up at just the right time! I love you, Jeanne! Yours, is a beautiful heart & spirit!

  11. Thank you Madfox for your words. I am struggling and afraid. I am here to gain some hope. I was sober for 2 years and fell back. I'm so ashamed I can't talk to anyone. It's an indescribable feeling.

    1. zfuntastic, there is NO condemnation for those in Christ Jesus! Believe and receive that. Jesus loves you and wants to meet you right where you are, allow and trust Him!

      Keeping you in prayers.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Take only one day at a time. Forget the past, forgive yourself. I am praying for you.

    3. AA is working for me. I have 4 mo. sober. It does not conflict with my Christianity.

    4. Zfuntasic I've been in AA almost nine years. I'm willing to bet that you learned something from your relapse that you still needed to know. But to figure out what that is you need to get back in the sobriety and Recovery. Don't stay out sometimes people don't make it back too many people I've known have passed away before they got back into the rooms. Please come to a meeting, listen, share, do the next indicated thing, get a sponsor, work the steps. Don't be ashamed. Many many many people have relapses the most important thing is that you start searching for Recovery again right away. If you want to message me if you need a number to talk to someone let me know I'm here for you you don't have to do this alone. God bless

    5. It's OK zfuntastic and you're OK. mychellecollier's advise to re-connect with AA, re-cover and move on with your re-newed life with your Higher Power is spot on. Thanks for sharing here, in your JC family's judgment free zone, where we all slip and fall, YET, love and prayers still go out continuously. Breathe in. Breathe out. Move On! With Love to you and our entire JC family.

    6. We fall down but we get up
      We fall down but we get up
      We fall down but we get up, oh yes
      For a saint is just a sinner who fell down and didn't stay there, who got back up.
      We fall down but we get up
      We fall down but we get up
      We fall down but we get up
      For a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got back up.

    7. Here's one more song for you dear zfuntastic! Don't lost heart and be ashamed. It is just your human side that is weak. The Christ in you is your stronghold. Just pick yourself up and brush yourself off because God is putting you right back on the straight and narrow and each new day is a chance to get it right!

      Give up, and let Jesus take over
      Oh, give up, let Jesus take over, oh yeah
      And He'll make a way for you

      Well, if you've got mountains that you can't climb
      Oh, and if you've got rivers that you can't cross
      And if you've got valleys that you can't span
      Let Jesus, let Jesus take a hold of your hand

      Now if you got burdens too hard to bear
      Oh, and if you load is more than your share
      Kneel, kneel down, talk to Jesus because I, I know and I know He cares
      And He'll, He'll make a way, make a way for us somehow

      Sing it together, sing it, let Jesus take over
      Oh, give up and let Jesus take over
      Oh, give it up and let Jesus take over
      And He'll make a way, say He'll make a way
      He'll make a way for you

    8. OMG! Audra, I have been singing Jesus Take The Wheel all day. I guess it is true that Great Spirits think alike@

    9. I don't know that song. Will check it out right now! Thanks!

    10. Jesus Take the Wheel is the most beautiful song! Thanks for dropping it in my lap. God bless you Audra and Brie!


  12. In the splendor of this early morning, I THANK You for another blessed day filled with Your gifts and plans for me. Great is Yoyr faitbfulness. Thank You for traveling Grace and mercy yesterday. Thank You for Your constant Presence and protection. I invite Your Spirit to lead me this day and humble myself before Your throne of Grace. Thank You Lord.

    My JC Family, it is with much thanks and gratitude that I say THANK YOU for the prayers and best wishes. We arrived safely. Thanks be to God Almighty. To have a spiritual family understanding and petitioning on your behalf, is a blessing that is not taken for granted! Thanks to each of you. May our Great God multiply and grant you all the desires of Your hearts. As you pray for someone, may abundant blessings be your portion in the name of Jesus!
    TJ, thanks for the welcome in Your town, going for a boat ride on one of Your 10,000 lakes and excited!
    KS, lets continue to love our mothers, obeying the will of God. They did their best for us, it's our time to pay back with love. Keeping you and yours in prayers as well.

    Father, I Thank You for this body of believers and lifting everyone into You capable hands. You know the plans You have for each person and we know what our bible says, it's a plan of GOOD and not evil, so I Thank You and I cover each one and their circumstances with the Blood of Jesus, declaring VICTORY! Thank You also for carrying us through those trying times, never leaving nor forsaking us.

    When we seek You, we find You and are blessed. Thank You Lord.
    Love and blessings family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. After caring for my Mother when she became a paraplegic following a debilitating stroke, I learned that we are all doing the very SAME thing our parents did, i.e., the VERY BEST they/we could under the existing circumstances with the existing means available. So be it, So it is. Therefore concentrating on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Thank God, for a Heavenly Father and the Blessed Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

    2. Thanking God for keeping you, safe and thanking you, dear Maplewood for your beautiful prayers. I'm joining in them and praying for you, your Mom and your dear family. God is so good to fight our battles for us! Much love.
      Amen Brie! We are all doing the best we can under the circumstances but God is the Author of our Future and we stand firmly on the Rock with our eyes upward to Heaven from where our Help cometh. Your Mother certainly had a heavy cross to bear and you were faithful to care for her. No easy task. The Lord helped you and gave you His strength and peace to carry you and your Mom through each day. You had your priorities in the right place and were concentrating on all those things that are good and perfect and sweet, that elevate, edify, support, strengthen and bless. More and more, I see my Mom getting weaker and slower. Her fall did leave a weakness about her and her balance is a bit off but she is grateful and always praising the Lord. I know He is rewarding her with more precious days of life because she trusts Him. God bless all Mothers! God bless you, sweet Brie, in all things. You are like a breath of fresh air!

  13. zfuntastic -praying for you and the entire JC family is. We all have setbacks and we all struggle. Talk to God. He will help you get back up. You are a good person. You are a child of God. Take care. KS

  14. Oh, please don’t feel ashamed. I now finally have a year and I have been trying since 2013. I just kept going back and was always accepted with open arms. I have seen people with 10 years fall back. It’s not the falling down that makes us fail, it’s the staying there. Go back and talk with someone. It will make you feel sooo much better. Prayers.

    1. Love you KM, for getting up and running the race!

    2. Amen Brie! So very true. I applaud you KM. Not easy when we are on the ground. God is the strength that pulls us up and sets us up high again.

  15. What a beautiful morning spending time with my JC family. Praying that God hears all our prayers and meets us in our place of need. zfuntastic...everyone's comments are spot on, but really like KM's's not the falling down, but the staying there. You can do all things through Christ. JE

  16. Hi Karen! This is the Jesus Calling devotion for today! As you read it you can feel God's presence with you! It is as if Jesus materializes before your very eyes! Blessings to you this glorious day...and know you're loved by Him and all of Tessie's warriors!

  17. My prayer is for all requests made here to be heard by our heavenly Father. That ALL will have the faith, trust and confidence to find redemption and success. Amen

    1. ABC--- I'M with Sassy Mom--Great prayer! Amen and Amen. I just marvel at the wisdom, compassion, grace and mercy that comes from ALL the JC WARRIORS -derived from the Lord! Healing balm for the soul. Double down WARRIORS, double down on ALL of it!!

    2. The Faily Double is coming your way JJ with love to you and our entire, JC Prayer Warrior family!

    3. Yet another OOPS in this life! My post should read Daily Double!

    4. Wonderful prayer dear ABC! Amen! May God bless you and all our dear JC Family!

  18. Lowly should be Lovely
    Every day my wife reads aloud from Sarah's book and I read from this site. That's how I catch typos.

  19. Good morning Lord. Thank you for opening my eyes. Thank you for answered prayer. Give us strength to go through this day always seeking your face. Give us patience to wait on you Lord for you are our help. We love you. May God's peace be with all of my JC family.

    1. Amen and Amen!! Yes Lord yes!

    2. Loveconquersall - AMEN! JC Family is blessed with great prayer warriors. Thank you Lord for the spoken prayers, VICTORIES, challenges, and support shared by JC Family.

  20. I'm 55 yrs and have a 14 yr child. I am living for him. I have no desire to live anymore. I'm trying to hang on day by day. I'm praying for some hope.

    1. You who dwell in the Shelter of the Lord
      Who abide in His Shadow for life
      Say to the Lord, "My Refuge, my Rock in whom I trust!"
      And He will raise you up on eagles' wings
      Bear you on the breath of dawn
      Make you to shine like the sun
      And hold you in the Palm of His Hand!

    2. Thanks Brie! I love that song!

  21. Thank you Annette. I don't know how to forgive myself. I will keep praying.

    1. zfuntastic... oh yes you can do this.
      You have to acknowledge your sin! You have.
      You have to confess your sin! You JUST did! Now; I pray you receive Have to receive his forgiveness. I will be praying ÿou.

    2. With love zfuntastic, you are not alone. You are joined with a whole wide world full of JC warriors praying with you and for you.

    3. Praying with my Sisters for your strength and God's gift of a forgiving heart for yourself. Step over the line and never look back. Give it all to Him. He loves you exactly as you are.

    4. Dear Zfantastic, You are always in my prayers. The Lord is your strength and your song, and your joy and your peace. May He lead you to fulfillment and the desires of your heart. Much love. God is guiding your path and you are following.

  22. Praying for you, zfuntastic.... You are not alone..There will be someone in your life path to help give you more hope and strength.God Bless you, and your son.

  23. Father, holy is Your name, have Your will with me. I exist to please You. Please align my will with Yours and align me with Your word. I depend on You for everything, including my very next breath. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You always. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always. Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen, Amen and Amen Janet!! I share your prayer! Stay blessed

      Maplewood NJ

    2. With you, Janet, praising the Lord continually and always. God be with you.

    3. Praying with you, Janet and for you. Praise, Gratitude and Joy in Him always and ever.

  24. Good morning everyone! Thank you for Lord for another day filled with your abundant blessings. Praying for everyone here, lifting all of you to the Throne of Grace, may all your needs be answered according to God's will and timing.

    The mail I'm sharing today is about the breastplate of rightousness.

    "Prepare yourself against the enemy's attacks that are aimed at your heart. We can easily draw a parallel between the bulletproof vest and the "breastplate of righteousness" of which the apostle Paul speaks in Ephesians 6:14 where he tells us, "Put on righteousness as a breastplate". 

    The breastplate of the Roman armor was cast in a solid piece of metal to protect the heart. Likewise, the Bible encourages you to "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
    " (Proverbs 4:23)
    Yes, with God you are constantly on duty. So you have to protect and continually reevaluate your motivations, your aspirations, your values, your priorities, your desires.

    This breastplate was polished and cleaned daily so much so that it shone like a diamond in the sunlight to blind the enemy.
    When your breastplate shines in the fire of God's love, the enemy knows he has already lost the battle. 
    The purity of your heart blinds him. 

    "O God, create in me a pure heart! Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." (Psalms 51:12). 

    Put on your bullet-proof vest and carry out your mission. No accusation of the enemy can reach your heart if you put on the breastplate of God's righteousness."

    Have a wonderful Sunday JC fam!

    Blessings from France

    1. BrieAugust 16, 2020 at 4:21 AM

      Thanks BFF.
      Polishing the dullness from the breastplate of my heart now. Love to you and our entire JC family!

    2. Amen, Amen, BFF!
      Sending Sunday blessings across the miles to you!

      God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Thanks, mon ami, for this next installment of the armor of God. The shinning analogy was a new thought for me and a good one. Will continue to ponder that. With my twin bd sis, sending blessings across the ocean to you. God be with you.

    4. Thank you BFF for another good teaching. Following hard after Righteousness and the Spirit. Wearing my shiny breastplate!
      Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday sun. Psalm 37:5-6

    5. Got the polish out and working the shine! Thanks for sharing BFF! Started the morning with an online worship service with a version of "the blessing" that blew us away. Sending it your way, all who come here. ✝️♥️

    6. Amen dear BFF! Putting on my armor and following hard after righteousness and the spirit.

    7. I bet by now you are all familiar with this amazing song, if not, listen and be still inn the awe of The Word


  25. Dear Loving Father, I Thank You for the dawn of a blessed new day.‘Permit me to hear Thee addressing me in the language of kindness, and with the assurances of Your tender mercy.' For there is nothing compare to the peace and fulfilment to be waken early in the morning and meet You in all of Your glory. Your grace is sufficient for me! In Jesus’ mighty name I pray. Amen.

    David declared the beauty of God’s glorious majesty in Psalm 145:5- “On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wonderful works, I will meditate.” We all need alone time with God each day. It is not enough to just have worship on Sunday mornings. We cannot have an intimate relationship with God one day of the week. Every single day that we are blessed to plant our feet on solid ground, is more than enough reason to meet with Him before starting our day. And throughout the day, we can worship while work, while we garden, while we do chores, etc.. All these doings help us in our Christian walk, however it is not the same as a one-on-one relationship. We cannot just dump our struggles, our sorrows, or even our joys on God, when we don’t have alone time with Him. There is something special about the quiet morning hours to meet with God before the hustle and bustle of the day, when it is just the two of you. It is there on our knees and in spending time in His word that we find strength for the day, strength to meet any trial and whatever else the day may hold.
    When we have lost passion or devotion in our time alone with Him, we have simply lost sight of Him. In many of the Psalms, David teaches us to cut through the fog with early meditation. And not just meditation on words, but on God Himself. When we wake up early in the morning to meet God, in the middle of the afternoon, or during the mid-night hours, we can expect glory, splendor, and majesty. We can expect to find God, just as He is, radiant and waiting to receive us!

    “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up”-Psalms 5:3

    Heavenly Father, Thank You for eyes to discover and gaze at the glorious splendor of Your majesty all over this beautiful earth. We see the works of Your hands, Your mighty miracles, unfolding all around us. As we gaze, help us see what You see, so we can help others see You. Help us to always purposefully look and listen for your Glorious Splendor displayed in this world. In Jesus’ wonderful name, Amen.

    Sassy Mom- Thanks for the recommendation! I will head to Barnes and Noble this afternoon to purchase “The Jesus You May Not Know” and The God You May Not Know”! God Bless!

    Dear Kathy (Kmertens)- Joining JC family and praying for God to re-knew your strength and faith in Him. He will never fail You! He is indeed good, just keep hanging on!

    Bob- So happy to hear you had a great day with the family! Great memories, great celebration and surrendered with so much love (also from your JC family). Remain Blessed my bother! 50 more and counting!

    Thanks JC family, for the continued prayers for my sis Janet, she is doing much better, will provide further update when she is back home. God is too GREAT! His mercy endures forever!!

    I read your posts/requests and in prayers for you and yours as well. God bless you all!

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen! Thank you Maplewood for this beautiful prayer. Glad to know your sister is doing much better. Praise the Lord!

      Blessings from France

    2. So true, so true, twin bd sis, so true! Our relationship with our Heavenly Father is no different than any relationship we have with another here on earth. It is most solid when time is spent one on one and opening up to one another. I have found the early AM time to be the best for me because it sets the tone for the day. Blessings, twin bd sis! Continued prayers for Janet with thanksgiving for all that has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen to His glory.

    3. Thank you for your spiritual food always, and the tasty food for thought, dear Maplewood! When I wake up bleary eyed, I thank God for the gift of a new day and rest a while with Him. But once my day begins, responsibilities and a very long prayer list keep me from simply sitting at the feet of the Lord. Guess that's why I find myself talking to Him when my mind is clear and we are alone, like when I'm cooking, cleaning or in the bathroom. The time with Him is sweet and renewing and so very precious. Praising God for good news about your dear little Sister, Janet. I'm so happy she is doing much better! God is so merciful and faithful.

    4. Thank you dear Maplewood. What a blessing to wake up to a bright new morning in His presence and thank Him for the gift of a new day. Then seek Him through the day. Your words were so beautiful: We can expect to find God, just as He is, radiant and waiting to receive us!
      Love this verse! Amen.
      “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up”-Psalms 5:3

  26. Good morning JC Family. It is such a blessing to read this every morning and to pray for all of you. I too find the morning a really good time to rebalance, but I'm also very careful not to put rules on these things. It can so easily become something we judge others on and Satan loves that.
    I want to update you all on my brother and ask for continued prayer. He decided to go home to his house (our family home we all grew up in),and stop cancer treatments,and go into hospice care on August 6. I was his caretaker, along with his son,for the first 72 hours. I then came home (I live 2.5 hours away) last Sunday. This past week my sister, nephew and his ex have taken care of him. We also have hired an agency to help with this time. I'll be traveling back today and will be there through Saturday morning. Luckily, because of COVID-19, I can easily work from there and we're having the help come in during those hours. But otherwise, I'll be taking care of him the rest of the time. We've had some discussions and the rest of the family is praying for his salvation. I can say that since I left last week, I think he is continuing to decline and is having trouble feeding himself-not that he wants to eat much . I ask for continued prayer for strength, wisdom, and I don't know what else. Thanks JC family.

    1. These words came to my mind after I read your words, "when my heart failed, You sustained me".

      Me you discover His love and strength in and around you as we add our love.

    2. So sorry PEBGD that your brother is nearing the end. Praying for his salvation, above all else, and for his peaceful passing, and your comfort and strength. God bless you my Brother and hold you up as you care for your dear Brother. He needs God's help now.
      Dear Father God, open up your beloved child's heart to Your call that he may answer You in his final hours of weakness and pain. Stay close to Him so he will feel Your loving Presence. Give him a hunger to know You for himself and help him to surrender all to You. Lead him to a new life in YOU and salvation so he will rest in everlasting peace. Thank you for wrapping this family in your caring and loving arms as they do their best to comfort and guide their loved one. May they stand strong together knowing You are with them at all times, and even unto eternity.

    3. How blessed your brother is, PEBGD, to have you walking him to the gates of heaven, whether now or at another time of the Lord’s choosing. As you do the walking, may the Spirit do the talking and we will be behind you doing the praying. God be with you.

    4. Blessings to all, including those who are navigating this leg of our journey. May you feel God's presence, follow His lead and hold Jesus' Hand through it all. With love to our JC family.

    5. Holding you and your family in prayer dear PEBGD. May God comfort, heal and guide you all. Thank You Jesus!

  27. Amen! I start each day listening to Alan Jackson gospel hymns and then switch to time Janis hymns on you tube and it shows beautiful pictures of nature. My son really blessed me with a big screen so I can get a very good picture of God's beauty! I don't like to talk too much about myself, but I am 50 years old and I am on hospice, but i an so close to the Lord and I just want to thank all of the JC. Family

    From Florida

    1. Steve Hall's piano music is beautiful also. Bless your time in hospice, Fay. If you make it to heaven before any of us do, please give Jesus a great big hug and kisses from us, His JC family who loves Him dearly, no turning back. Until then, I will be listening to Tim Janis, praying for you and looking forward to seeing you on the other side.
      Be loved and blessed our sister.

  28. I would like to thank everyone for all your prayers and encouragement, scriptures and especially mad fox and Bob for the understanding of scripture, oh and unknowns anonymous '. They really help and lift my spirit each day. So , thank you! And thank you Lord for a new day !

  29. Oh, and I keep tim Janis on most of the day because it is so pea

    ceful and it's music I know,and the pictures are beautiful .

    From Florida

  30. Also, I like listening to Lauren Daigle , too. So, you all who like listening to music like I do, check her out. And, lastly, maybe they should've been first... The Issacs thanks

    Fromans Florida

    1. All our love to you, Fay! What will be is only as God wills it and all that He wills is beyond understanding but always such a blessing. God be with you.

  31. Bless you my Sister Fay, Your faith will carry you through to the end and then the Lord will bring you to a most beautiful place beyond your imagination and you will finally look upon the Face of the Lord, and have all your questions answered, and realize all of God's promises. You will share in the glory of the Lord and your happiness will have no limit and last forever. Much love! Keep listening to those beautiful songs of praise. May the music renew your spirit every day. Much love.

    1. Jeanne, does Fay get to beat us there? Something inside of me says, “Darn!” But Someone above me says, “I have your days listed and determined. Finish what I have sent you to do. Then I will call you home.” A voice within me says, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let it be to me as You have said.”

    2. Amen dear Bob! Our time is in His Hands and He is the Author of our Book. He already knows when the last page is. Fay, enjoy every moment and I know you feel Him with you through the difficult ones. Rest in His never ending love and know His promises are reliable so the best is yet to come.

  32. I just checked back to see if any of you would respond? Thank you for all you kind words and encouragement. A counselor of mine gave me this book when I found out the cancer returned and that's been almost 2 years. But,I am sure where i am going and I will be waiting for you all! Much love!

    From Florida

    1. I believe Someone is always praying in this room, Fay, whether they post or not. Feel free to enter as often as you like and stay as long as you like. Blessings!

    2. Our Dear Fay,
      Would you mind getting someone to post your Departure Date, once you are airborne? You know we'll be singing you a prayer!

    3. How sweet you are Fay! Praying for you! Thank you for posting and sharing your thoughts with us. We love you. God be with you!

      Blessings from France

    4. Rebecca - Thanking God for blessing you with a Godly mother and the blessed assurance she is eternally with her Heavenly Father.

    5. Dear Rebecca, Your lovely Mom must have a choice room up there! She was a faithful servant and a bright light for the Lord. I miss her sweet posts that were always full of faith and sincere love.

  33. PEBGDesigns, I tried to reply.. IDK what I did wrong. Oh my Jesus thank you for forgiving our sins. Our Father lead us to our heavenly home. I pray for PEBGD, her brother and her family. Hold them close to your sacred heart. Pour your amazing grace over beloved sis. Joining many JC Warriors in lifting you and yours up with peace, love, and many prayers. Amen and Amen!

  34. Fay, Brie is right there are hundreds praying for you. I feel God's presence through your responses..He goes before you
    and your faith wipes out all fear. Jesus, Jesus thank you. Loveconquersall

  35. God bless you Fay! You have blessed us with your posts of your strong faith. ✝️♥️🙏

  36. Wanted to share a book that took Philippians 4:8 to a new level for me...
    How Joyful People Think by Jamie Rasmussen. In joy!
    Philippians 4:8
    English Standard Version

    Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

  37. Father, thank You for letting me be a part of Your great plan. Praise the Lord continually and always. Bless You LORD and Your holy name.

  38. Thank you JC family and especially Fay who is going through this journey from the other perspective. I'm posting on this day because it's a continuation. I was just awakened by my brother from the adjacent room and he was on the floor
    Luckily, his son is just a phone call away. I knew I'd need prayer this week, but I'm realizing I really need prayer. And I m praying for all of you, but especially Fay. I'm working on my brother meeting you whenever you join him in heaven.

  39. Praying for you dear PEBGD, your brother and for his salvation, and for Fay. We will all meet someday and that will be a beautiful reunion.

  40. We'll warriors, I guess covid isn't done with our family. Son #1 came down with a fever and chest congestion. He's pretty broken at this point. He loves the Lord & tries hard to trust Him. He's having a hard time. This family is calling upon the mercy of the Most High to touch us & deliver us from the hands of the enemy in Jesus name! Amen! Hallelujah!

    1. Praying for healing for son 1 , that God will touch his body and bring healing.

    2. Father, please place Your healing hands upon Jan's son #1 and remove this affliction in his body. Place Your hedge of protection around her family and all Your children. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    3. Joining prayers for Son #1. Father, You are the greatest Healer! We thank You for bringing him back to strength and good health to Your glory. Bless, heal and comfort him and His family and heal all of his weaknesses. Thank you for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    4. Dear Sister Jan. Praying for your son and the rest of your family. Heavenly Father we pray you show your mercy and grace in healing your son. We apply the Blood of the Lamb. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

    5. Right behind my JC sisters in Christ with prayers, Jan, for son #1 and for your entire family. May your son feel healing from THE GREATEST HEALER of all, Jehovah Rapha, today and in the days ahead and may He wrap your entire family with His hedge of protection keeping sickness away! I praise you, Father, and know You ARE bringing son #1 and the Gridley family through this! In your son, Jesus' GREAT name, AMEN!

    6. Jan - praying for your son and your entire family. May the Lord cover you with His peace and bring healing to your son. JE

    7. Joining in prayers for your son Jan and rest of family. Jehovah God is at work always!

      Maplewood NJ

    8. Joining in prayers for your son and family. God hears these prayers. May God make your son healthy and strong in faith while he brings health and comfort. God Bless your family. My heart is with you.

    9. More prayers and expectations that our mighty God will bring renewed strength to your son and family to fight the virus.

  41. wonderful song to remind us to wait on the Lord

    1. Beautiful Song Min Ahadi! I will continue to wait on the Lord. I have tasted His goodness and trust in His promises. Amen.
      Thank you dear sister.

    2. Just listened to this song. I too, thank you Min Ahadi! It's what I needed right before bed. <3

  42. Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16). He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he. (Proverbs 16:20). I will lift up my eyes to the hills -- from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for always being there for me. You are so amazing and wonderful. Throughout all my days, whether good or bad, You are there with me. You are right beside me. Please remind me that even though I can't "see" You standing next to me, that You ARE right there next to me at ALL times. Thank You for holding my hand and walking with me through this life. I couldn't make it without You and I am so grateful that You are in my life and by my side. I praise You Lord always and forever. Thank You Jesus. Grant peace, healing, comfort, and restoration to all the nations of the world, especially those that are having wars, natural disasters, famine, diseases, and other bad happenings. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. What a wonderful heartfelt prayer, Janet. Thank you and bless you! May you feel His presence today and every day! In Jesus' great name, AMEN!

  43. Thank you for filling me today dear Janet. Spiritual food is better than any cheeseburger with fries. It satisfies our soul. Joining in your wonderful prayer with praise and thanksgiving. God bless you sweet sister. Keeping you and our dear family in my thoughts and prayers.

  44. It feels great to be alive and free from drugs and alcohol. Thank you all here for your prayers, they gave me the courage to seek help. I feel like every day is a blessing. Sober here today by the grace of God.

    1. Awesome. Sobriety takes courage, and staying sober takes faith in yourself and in God's eternal love. It is so good to hear that you're doing well zfun! Godspeed, and may you bless others with your example. Amen.


      WE LOVE YOU Z! Thanks for the check in and the update. Prayers are continuing.

    4. Way to go Z!!! Praise to the good Lord for how far He's brought you! Continuing in prayers for you. Remain blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Zfuntastic we share your victorious feeling! Giving God all credit for the strength and the Holy Spirit filling your empty spot. It no longer needs to be filled with other things. All Praise Honor and Glory to our Lord for this fantastic news!

    6. Awesome to hear the wonderful news Zfuntastic! I am sober and free from drugs and alcohol, all thanks to the glory of the Lord, as well. Next month will be 2 years. Praise God for all His goodness, mercy, and grace. Peace be with you.

    7. Wonderful news, Zfuntastic! Wow, what a difference a year can make. Continued prayers for you and your family. Peace.

    8. Yay God for blessing Z with renewed mind and life with you. Thanks for the victory report! Stay the course ♥️

    9. So very happy for your victory and God's faithfulness Zfuntastic! You are an inspiration and an encouragement to so many. And your success is glory to God. Thankful for more answered prayers. Halleluia! Praise Him who has led you through to a wonderful new life.
      Thank You loving Father! You are ever faithful and oh so good.

    10. What a blessing; what a victory, Zufuntastic! LOVE reading this! <3

  45. SO over the moon happy for you, Zfuntastic! Thank you for sharing your victory-news of strength, courage, & resilience! Thank you, JESUS, for bringing Zfuntastic THROUGH the valley! Praise God!!!

  46. Zfuntastic, I wish that I could send you one of our special sunflowers your way: It has a rust colored center, ringed with a yellow circle, and becomes more rust, tinged with gold throughout the petals. I'm so happy for your newfound zeal for life! His light and love are shining through on your journey of life. I'm so happy for you.

  47. Isaiah 43:19 testifies “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”

    Loving Father, I thank You that I woke up this morning to receive Your new mercy. Your Faithfulness is the real breakfast of all cereals put together! I need Your mercies more often than I think regardless of how weak or strong I am. Your fresh mercy is Your compassion towards Your children even when we deserve to be punished. You are a committed Father who forgives and restores. Thank You for Your covenant of love that is expressed each and every day of my life.
    I Choose to always see a fresh portion of Your faithfulness on my plate at every sunrise and fight the good fight of standing firmly and securely on Your solid foundation of faithfulness. Thank You that Your great Standard of Righteousness, has already given me the victory I need to succeed in this life! I adore You, exalt You, worship and praise You for EVERYTHING that You are to me. Thank You for Jesus, Your precious Son and the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in us. I offer this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

    “It is because of the Lord’s lovingkindnesses that we are not consumed, Because His [tender] compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness” (Lam. 3:22-23).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Just love your prayer and your Spirit guided words that express so much truth! Thank you for sharing them dear Sister.
      Your closing verse is one of my favorites. His compassions are new every morning and each new day we get a fresh helping of His Faithfulness! We are so blessed.

  48. What a blessing to read through the posts, devotions, songs from years ago to current. I had not seen the one from Fay's daughter and it touched me so much.
    Love and Blessings to each of you. Praying for all!

  49. Butterfly Love, if you see this I want to say I'd be happy to send a note and some cheerful pics to Dennis and Margi if you felt comfortable sharing the name of their facility.

  50. I want them to know we care about their life and they are relevant individuals.

  51. Beautiful, Thank you waiting, how kind is that? Yes, the name of the facility is Town and Country Health & Rehabilitation, but it is also a nursing home. Blessing and love to you!

  52. Praying for Dennis and Margi for their comfort, guidance and strength of faith. Kathy that is so beautiful you are reaching out to them. God is working to open their hearts through His love.
    Please continue to pray for my brother in law Jack who was in the hospital two days ago and has gone home but is having his challenges because of his prostate issues.
    Please also keep my twin sister Janet in your prayers. Her knees are so bad that her radiology report said she has severe medial compartment primary osteoarthritis changes of both knee joints and she can hardly walk. She can either wear braces, get injections or take arthritis medicine. The Dr said she could also get surgery but that will be the last resort. Thanks for your prayers.
    Good to hear from you dear MadFox. Hope and pray all continues to go well. God bless and heal you and all our JC Family.

    1. Praying for you and yours, my dear sweet sister-friend in Christ

  53. Heading to bed after trying to read about Dennis and Margi. I can't find the original post that tells of their situation, but I am praying and God knows what is needed!
    Praying for your brother in law, Jack, Dear Jeanne and your twin, Janet. Every time I read about you having a twin, I smile - TWO OF YOU!!! WOW! Prayers for her conviction to wait on the Lord and know the best route to take.
    Love and prayers to each of you. I, too, was tickled to see your post MadFox - miss you brother.
    Brie, Audra, Zufuntastic, Maplewood, Janet, Butterfly Love - thank you for steadfastly posting. Even when I don't respond, I am praying.
    Wondering if anyone has heard from LoveConquersAll? I keep wondering if I've just missed reading her post or if she actually hasn't been on for quite a while. If you are reading this, LCA - please know that you and your dear family are still in my prayers. I miss your gentle, loving spirit and posts.
    Here I go again - listing names, which is so dangerous b/c I know I'm leaving people out. Just know that each of you have and are a blessing to my life. I thank God daily for this blog, for Chris and his family and for each of you. From our teaching yesterday:
    Colossians 1:9-11 9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
    10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
    11 Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;
    "THESE are the characteristics of a balanced walk." That is my prayer for me, all of my dear family and each of you. God Bless - sleep sweet!

  54. Sweet sleep dear Norah! Thanks so much for your prayers. Praying with you and for you. Rest well!
    Proverbs 3:24-26
    24 When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

    25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.

    26 For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

  55. Now I pray me down to sleep...😉

  56. Your comment left me laughing ��: whenever we have " Xtra money", it's always reserved for something else❣��

  57. Psalm 27:4

    One thing have I asked of the Lord,
    that will I seek after:
    that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
    all the days of my life,
    to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
    and to inquire in his temple.

    He is always with us. And dear Sassy Mom and Terri, He is close to the broken hearted. May He wrap His peace around you and your loved ones and add light to your days. Trusting in God’s promises and faithfulness. He knows our needs better than we do. I’ll be doing Nani duty today. It’s a blessing but I have some other things I must accomplish. God will make a way. May He bless your day, heal your weaknesses and bring you comfort and joy. Thank You Jesus.

  58. Thank you Lord for the subtle push each day this summer to spend time with you first thing in the morning. Lord, I know you are a sovereign God and all things work together the way you have planned them. As I await biopsy results this morning, I pray for peace and calmness. If the biopsy shows cancer, then I pray for grace and wisdom as I move through the next steps. If by your grace, the
    lump is benign, I pray for my response to be to give you all the glory. With all that said, though, I beg for your grace and mercy that the biopsy is benign. One child started 11th grade last week, and we move our first born to college Friday the 19th. This Mom’s heart is quiet heavy, but I know you are walking next to me.

    Thank you to all the JC Warriors for your prayers over the last week.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Been keeping you tight in my orators! Praying for it to be benign but I know God’s faithfulness will shine through no matter the results. Much love dear SC Anonymous. May He fill your mind with peace as you continue to trust in Him.

    2. Praying for benign results, SC, and I know and believe God is right there with you bringing you through this no matter what. Sending love and peace.

  59. Good morning SC Anonymous. Warriors are standing aside you as you wait. Father God, we know that Your will is perfected through us for You know & want the best for each of us. In Your loving &, sovereign way You prepare us through the power of the Holy Spirit for whatever waits ahead of us in this journey. I ask that our dear SC Anonymous is feeling Your assuring, tender closeness as she presses into Your presence as she waits. Amen.🙏🙏🙏💞

    1. Declaring God's promise of peace over you today, SC, IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.

    2. Jeanne, Jan, NJS, Audra, all the JC Warriors who have been praying for me. The lump is benign. Praise be to God. I am truly humbled to have had this outcome. I felt Jesus walking with me and all of your prayers. This forum has been such a blessing for so many. It is amazing how this group can interact electronically with each other and praise God in the process. I love my Jesus Calling Book and am so happy to have found this blog a couple of years ago. Thank you Peyton Family for starting it and bringing together such a (likely) diverse group of folks.

    3. SC Anonymous…. My phone won’t let me log in anymore. I forgot to sign the above post.

    4. Hallelujah! I just knew God was going to be faithful to you dear SC Anonymous! I was just waiting for this victory to celebrate! What a great and merciful God we serve! You made my night. Much love. Thank You Jesus!!

    5. I just KNEW it would be benign, SC!!! I've been practicing my HAPPY DANCE, all day waiting to be able to log in and check. PRAISE GOD!!! I love you, SC - now go bet your boys ready for school! THANK YOU, FATHER!!!

  60. I took a day off and my dear friend, Betsy, and I drove up to a small mountain town in GA to just hangout and relax...window shopping as we strolled along. She is a bit older than I and has been through SO much in her life. SO MUCH. On our drive home she said "Ya know, Nance, while I've had a lot of not such great things happen in my life, God has always been with me. He brought me through it all." She could easily be a bitter and resentful person with what she's been through but she's not. She has steadfast faith. Amazing to witness and so grateful for her friendship.

    1. Sounds like a perfect way to spend a day. God bless your good friend Betsy and strengthen her weaknesses, and guide her path to every good thing God has prepared for her. I can see she is an inspiration to you and her strength of faith brought her through her valley times. We must hold onto His Hand as we go through the fire. He is faithful and mighty to save. So happy for you dear NJS. You needed a day like that and God provided that need. God bless you in all things too, dear sister.

    2. I'm praying with you for Betsy. I have a case that sounds so similar to her life (without even knowing the specifics). I pray daily for Pat, to not allow herself to become bitter. It would be SO easy, because NOTHING has gone in her favor. Why? I can speculate, 'play' psychologist; but I prefer to give it to God, as He KNOWS the whys. My prayer for Pat, is that she stops, right where she is today, and thanks God for bringing her this far. Father, give her the Grace to rethink some things; to accept your blessings, whether they are exactly what she wants or not. To wake up and thank You, that she has a pulse; she has a heartbeat and that she has one more day to live and walk with You. Nothing has been 'fair' for her. Nothing has been as she prayed. But, she is strong, articulate, smart and loves you, Father. Give her one more reason to trust.
      Heading to bed, so very thankful. Today, I chose to trust God and claim the power I have in Jesus Christ. It was a great day!
      Love and prayers to each of you,

  61. P.S. Please pray for my eye dr. appt tomorrow at 11:00 EST. Praying that I don't need cataract surgery soon, but can moisten my eyes and pass my DL Vision test. UGH! After spending 40 mins setting myself up, 2 Sundays ago, to AVOID the vision test, I call the next day (Mon) and was told that was only for people under 65. I "kindly" suggested that they put that on their website BEFORE someone goes through the grueling task of renewing their license on-line....only to find out, it's not available. Sigh. This too shall pass!

    1. Pat does sound like Betsy, Norah. And yet they have no victim mentality. Amazing and a true testimony to leaning on and staying in faith knowing God is with them. They are inspirational.
      Hoping your eye appointment goes better than expected, Norah! Praying for clear and sharp vision during your test! Remember who is with you!!! Love and peace, sister!

    2. Joining prayers and praying with you and for you dear Norah that you will not need cataract surgery right now and you will ace your Eye test for your DL renewal. Praying that Pat will thank God that He has brought her through her trials and is with her always. May He open her eyes to all He has blessed her with despite her hard times. Thank You Jesus. .

  62. Amen 🙏. God bless!

  63. When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me. (Psalm 63:6-8).

    Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, You are my everything! I need and want You Lord. I can't make it without You--nor do I want to. Light up my path before me and show me the way. Hold my hand and let us walk together, enjoying one another. Tell me Your desires and pleasures and let us sing together. You are the best Father ever! Hallelujah! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Yes dear Janet! What a friend we have in Jesus! And our loving Father lights our paths and His Spirit instructs and comforts us every day.

    2. He is indeed the best Father ever, Janet! Thank you for your prayer and I will be praying for you today and going forward, that the reason for your high bp and wbc count can be figured out. You know and I know Jehovah Rapha is with you as you go to your appointment today! He is our GREATEST physician and will help direct your doc to the sources. In Jesus' name, amen!

  64. JC Warriors, please pray for me. I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon and they've been trying to get my blood pressure under control for a while now and I've had some issue with my labs and my white blood cells. I know the Lord is with me and I trust in Him completely. Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord! I am so grateful for all your prayers and support 🙏. Thank you!

    1. Dearest Janet! Praying that God will be in that room guiding the Doctor to the reason for your abnormal blood pressure. Praying for normal labs and God's faithfulness to shine through this day. Be not afraid. He goes before you always. Sending love and prayers for good results. Thank You Jesus.

      Psalm 37:4-5
      Delight yourself also in the LORD,
      And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
      Commit your way to the LORD,
      Trust also in Him,
      And He shall bring it to pass.

    2. Sending love and prayers to our beloved Janet ❤️🙏

    3. I am praying, Janet. The Great Physician has the final say. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet.🙏🙏🙏💞

  65. Amen! He is with us every second. Such a blessing. I know together we can do anything.

  66. Amen! I love those verses! He is there with us through every part of our day. We are well equipped for anything. Thank You, Jesus!

  67. Thank you Jeanne and Janet for your posts and verses!
    SC Anonymous

  68. Dear Janet, praying for you and the doctor today. Praying for clarification of what is causing your blood pressure and WBC issues and praying for a path forward to correct them.
    SC Anonymous


  69. Dear JC Warriors, I had tests done yesterday, and praise the Lord they were great. As the technician and I were talking, we each realized the other was a believer. God is so good. He put each of us in the others path yesterday. She asked me to pray for her family as they (husband and wife) are getting ready to move closer to their grown kids’ families. I said absolutely. I’d like to ask that this group of prayer warriors say a prayer for them as well. Thank you.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Sending prayers SC Anonymous 🙏❤️

    2. Praising the Lord for your good test results, SC Anonymous! Joining in prayers for the family's move. I speak Life and Blessings to them.

  70. Thank you dear sisters for encouraging words to live by. 🥰🙏🌈
