Monday, August 31, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 31

Grow strong in your weakness. Some of My children I've gifted with abundant strength and stamina. Others, like you, have received the humble gift of frailty. Your fragility is not a punishment, nor does it indicate lack of faith. On the contrary, weak ones like you must live by faith, depending on Me to get you through the day. I am developing your ability to trust Me, to lean on Me, rather than on your understanding. Your natural preference is to plan out your day, knowing what will happen when. My preference is for you to depend on Me continually, trusting Me to guide you and strengthen you as needed. This is how you grow strong in your weakness.

James 4:13-15
English Standard Version

13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— 14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”

Proverbs 3:5

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

Isaiah 40:28-31
English Standard Version

28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.
29 He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.
30 Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted;
31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Today’s thought begins by saying some have been gifted with abundant strength and stamina. Indeed, some appear that way and some have thought that of me. If they only knew. I have my own deep personal struggles just like they do, the difference is mine are not as obvious as others are. Paul summarized it best when he referred to a thorn in the flesh that God gave him for the purpose of keeping him humble. Nobody knows what Paul’s thorn was, he never reveled it elsewhere in scripture. So,too, I have had all my life personal struggles, yet, if it weren’t for my personal struggles, I very well may have a very weak faith in God. But because of my struggles, I have reached out for God far beyond what I might have without them. So, because of that and only for that reason, I am thankful for my thorn in the flesh. Because of it, I love my Lord. Because of it, the rest of today’s thought fits me perfectly.

    1. Today is my birthday, and when I opened this to read my heart sank. My earthly mind and ego immediately drifted to thanks alot Jesus, you are calling me weak on my birthday! Not nice! The very opposite of what I expected to read. I was hoping for something else..something that spoke directly to me as they almost always do..and then I scrolled down to what Bob wrote apparantly one year ago today and it hit me square in the heart! God was soeaking to me! My many weaknessess are the very thing that drove me to be called deeper into faith and closer to Jesus. If it had not been for all of the struggles that I have faced in my life (and there have been MANY) I would not have sought God as much or for as long as I have. Of myself I am nothing God doeth the work. Through Jesus and his word I have found the only strength that I have ever needed. Really what I had always been looking for just in all the wrong places. So, thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy, and thank you for being my strength always!

    2. AMEN!!!!!
      THANK GOD!!!!

    3. Unknown --- First of all- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Believing for a very special day for you!! I so appreciated your post. I am totally in the same boat with you. It is my life's circumstances and struggles that have "drove" me to the Lord! I now am more thankful for them than ever! Never thought I would be saying that and being thankful. That is why my Lord "can Lord can do superabundtantly above all that I dare ask or think." I Live for the Lord's Grace and Mercy! And you are so RIGHT-- HE is our strength always! Have a very blessed day, Unknown! Sandyolsen561-- You are so right, you are not alone! I join you in giving the Lord ALL the praise, honor and glory! Great blessings to you and and everyone on this site!

    4. Happy birthday, Unknown! I am so glad you continued to read the devotion and posts today to get a different perspective. You are blessed! Being able to realize that Jesus is strength is a blessing and a gift. Through Him you have grown in faith: now that is a true gift on this day, your birthday. Blessings and prayers for you. CO

    5. Amen!!!! I sure miss Bob’s prayers and wisdom Prayers for our JC family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    6. Unknown - Happy Birthday. You are looking in the right
      place. A place where you will receive lots of love, prayers and encouragement.

    7. Happy, Happy Birthday, Unknown!

    8. Wow so literally two years later to the date of the post and one year later to the replies, I open this message and thought wow, I’m frail and fragile but I completely understand as when it goes on to say that my frailty causes me to depend on Him more (and of course compared to Him). I agree with Bob and some of the replies that my frailty caused me to run to Him more and seek Him more and depend on Him more which caused a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. I thank God for His love and protection and choose to lean on His wisdom and not my own especially during these times of covid in 2020 and Happy Birthday Unknown. πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

    9. Happy Birthday Unknown! May this new year bring your God's faithfulness. May He lead you to the desires of your heart and keep you safe and in good health!

    10. Amen, Bob! My weakness has indeed brought me to a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord. So thankful for my frailty and all of the circumstances and difficulties that have brought me to where I am today. Thank you, Jesus!
      Unknown, wishing you an abundance of birthday blessings. May your special day be filled with His love, peace, mercy and grace. Hope you have the opportunity to do something fun and that makes you happy. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    11. We need to be weak so we can be strong thru Him. That takes all the chaos, fret and worry out. It frees us to be wise instead, by choosing the master. The knowing that it's His power not yours removes the burden and passes it to its rightful place.This then creates an openness in our spirit which allows the power of God to enter and indeed be strong thru us. Left to our own devices there is always a cap on our power we will reach an end point. Contrary to The Lord who's power far surpasses all thought or understanding.
      Happy Bithday special one certainly not unknown to God.
      He made you on this date!
      You are blessed!

    12. Happy Birthday Unknown! As Fern so beautifully put it: Special one, certainly not unknown to God. God bless you in all things and keep you safe.

    13. Happy Birthday Unknown! πŸŽ‚πŸ™πŸ’•
      Thank you again Bob for sharing some of your God journey. Your perspective is such a blessing! Love and special blessings Sassy mom, Fern, Rose, Jeanne, Nikki, Bob and Brie. Our JC family is such an incredible gift from Our Loving and ever present God!
      Love you all

    14. I absolutely Love Jesus Calling, it speaks to my heart so directly, its like Jesus know exactly πŸ’― what we each are going through everyday and every minute, and I Love and I'm thankful for his patience and direction he gives me threw this book, I love All of my brothers and sisters that Jesus has blessed us with and I hope that it helps all of you like it does me, I love you all have a Blessed day and may Jesus direct you in the direction he wants because he knows best and we need to have our faith because it is the best thing we have to show people how we can trust Jesus on our Life's journey.!

    15. Happy Birthday Unknown! Thanking God for your and Bob's posts. Because of my struggles, I have reached out for God far beyond what I might have without them. So, because of that and only for that reason, I am thankful.
      Below is the same old song, with a different beat, when we Reach out for God!
      by Dionne Warwick:

    16. BOB, Unknown B'earthday Person, and all JC Family who responded: Your posts are gifts that keep on giving, throughout the years. Thank You!

    17. Happy Birthday Unknown. It's my birthday today too! I turn a young 60 today. Today's reading is spot on for me. I don't have the energy I'd love to have, but I have good health, all my body parts, and enough energy to exercise. I am very grateful. I love leaning on God, and take comfort from today's words - God says it's ok to be weak as I can lean on him more than if I were strong. How blessed are we!? Thank you God for your compassion! Amen.

    18. Blessed day to all who find their way here today, and to those who haven't, we miss you. Peace and strength be with you.

    19. Happy B'earthday, Anonymous.
      Touching in agreement with you, Audra!

    20. Amen Bob! My thorn in my flesh has been struggling with depression for many years, but I PRAISE GOD for where depression has taken me. Going through those dark times has given me such a grateful heart and empathy that I would’ve never known otherwise. I have sometimes wondered if Paul struggled with depression. He received many revelations and had to continually be humbled. I can truly embrace my weakness knowing Jesus as my Strength. ♥️πŸ™A lot of people have a misconception of depression. They don’t understand it is a medical condition. Those who have been through it know you can’t just snap out of it. Sometimes you just have to go through it. It’s like a person who has never been an alcoholic doesn’t “get” or understand a person that is. We all need to learn to validate the process of things that people struggle with. I HOPE and PRAY that I am able to be a vessel to others that struggle with the things I have struggled with. What an honor that would be ♥️πŸ™

  2. Dear Jesus, Continue to help me grow in strength, in faith, & in trust. Amen!

    1. Wishing you a beautiful Birthday unknown! πŸ™πŸŽ‚πŸ₯°πŸŽ‰
      My heart sank a bit upon first reading today’s devotional! Then I read the scriptures and so many of yalls heart felt comments. I too in my frailty and weakness have run to God over and over and am Sooo incredibly grateful for His loving arms! I’m am also sooo blessed and incredibly grateful for each of you! Sending loving prayers for each of our JC family and for your families and friends. We are living in crazy times. Our church service yesterday was the start of a new series “Better Together”
      About Paul, Luke and the book of Acts. Love you All!
      I haven’t been commenting much as I’ve going through a storm. Will you please pray for me?
      A month and 3 weeks ago our family went to the beach in Corpus Christi for a couple of days. We stopped at Stripes for gas. I was walking in to pay and was struck by a Jeep that had its top down that was quickly backing out! I went flying! The man looked down at me and called me a Stupid B! I cried out for help and He sped off. An officer on the other side of the parking lot chased after him but did not catch him.
      This past almost 2 months I have been in intense pain physically, unable to work as a small group fitness instructor and one on one personal trainer and do not have health insurance. This man had a young girl with him, about 8 years old. On so many levels my heart has felt so broken because of what happened. They still have not caught the guy and every time I talk about it it makes me cry. The lack of compassion Or care in his eyes was terrifying! This family of loving believers and prayer warriors reminds me of the good in people. I have been struggling with feelings of frustration and pain, calling the police several times weekly and the Stripes location. Everyone of the police officers and Store managers that viewed the various angles from the cameras tapes say the only thing that is clear is “ He backed up quick, hit me and I went flying”
      They say they couldn’t make out anything at all on his license plates. I’m so sorry to ramble on and on. I’m asking for prayers for help so I can get Extensive neck trauma X-rays on my neck that an Airrosti Doctor ordered before he can treat me. I’m asking for prayers that they catch the guy that hit me too. I need financial help to get medical help because I have been out of work and do not have health insurance. Again, I’m sorry to ramble.
      I love you all and appreciate your prayers more than I can express. Thank you πŸ™❤️πŸ™

    2. Brandy - I'm sorry you have been in such intense pain caused by a hit and run driver. Joining you in praying the driver with be apprehended. Praying you get the financial help needed to cover the costly expense for the X-rays and medical treatment on your neck. Sending a virtual hug, you are very much loved.

    3. Dearest Brandy,
      I know God will bring you through. UNTIL THEN, you are in my fervent prayers everyday until you get His Favor. Love to you and our entire JC Family.

    4. Dear Brandy, The ungodly walk this earth and do their evil deeds because of their hardened hearts. They think this life is all there is and they live it for themselves. It is a tragedy you were injured in such a horrific way by such a heartless person. Know that they will surely get their just rewards. God knows their works of darkness just as He knows your trusting and beautiful heart. Praying for your complete healing and God’s guiding light to lead you out of your wilderness. Much love dear one.

    5. Thank you so much for your beautiful And loving prayers Jeanne, Brie and Sassy Mom!
      Love you ladies. Such blessings you all are!
      Lifting you all up in prayer and praying for each of our JC family and for the world
      God is good!
      With love
      Brandy πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ™

    6. Dear Brandy, Always praying for God's healing of your head and neck and relief from your pain. Thank you for all of your sincere prayers for all of us. God bless you always, good and loving sister.

    7. Praying dear Brandy for what you went through. That one year later you are recovering nicely. God knows who hit you. Give it freely into His hands. You are loved πŸ’•.

    8. Thank you for your post, ABC, and for the reponses it brought. Our prayers are still with you, our Brandy. May The Lord's Will be Done in your, and all of our situations, as we are reminded in today's devotion; We must live by faith, depending on ME to get you through the day. I AM developing your ability to trust ME, to lean on ME, rather than on your own understanding.
      Should you wish to share it Brandy, I'd be interested in reading your TESTimony 2 years later.
      With Much Love and Many Prayers, Brie

    9. How are you 3 years later, Brandy?

  3. I need to be reminded of the message in Proverbs 3:5 as I am one of those with great strength and stamina. It is referred to as a "gift" in today's message but it has been more of a curse as I have great strength and stamina to continue to try hard to go about life on my own will and understanding. A little frailty sounds like a gift in that you have more common sense to quickly raise the white flag and surrender to God's will. Heavenly Father, let me take heart of today's message and fully trust in You.

    1. We so need people like you. It's hard on you, but the rest of us are listed up by God's work through you and your strength. You are our "Sampson" :)

    2. Amen and thank God you are so strong! I have always felt closer to the Lord when I am feeling broken and fragile! I am usually a little dynamo getting a million things done but when I stop and sense my smallness in relation to His power, I really feel Him surrounding me with His love, comfort and peace. In humility and weakness we are made strong and His grace is sufficient.

    3. Amen Jeanne
      Your words are mine as well!
      God bless you πŸ™❤️πŸ™

    4. I am blessed by God and you, sweet Brandy.

  4. I want to reply to encourage each one. So here it is short order: Love Jesus, Love Yourself. He said to me in the midst of me confessing my human faults not too long ago...he replied..."STOP! I could not have made a better you! You are who you are according to MY purposes!" I would consider myself to be in that frail category, but have been doing some very strong stuff lately. Lord help us to value you in us above our opinions of ourselves! Help us to appropriate Grace accordingly.

    1. AMEN!!This I need to hear DAILY!!! Thank You Jesus!!
      Love, from Maryville, Tennessee

  5. I’m not sure that frailty is a gift either. I think some days we all have the gift of strength and stamina. That may be the day some more frail person depends on that. Other days we may be more frail as an example if our “humanness”.
    I feel oh so frail more often then I think I should. However, I agree as difficult and emotionally draining it may be to be the one more dependent on God it is a growth experience that one day will grow this child of God.
    Remember, we all have our gifts!

  6. Thank everyone of you for your post. It makes me feel I am not alone in how I feel. Amen and Amen!!

    1. 3 “Listen to me, all Israel who are left; I have created you and cared for you since you were born. 4 You are always accompanied by ME. I will be your God through all your lifetime, yes, even when your hair is white with age. I made you and I will always care for you. I will carry you along and be your Savior.

  7. I have always been faithful to god and had more faith when I was younger now that I'm older I'm losing all that faith because when I was faithful thing just got eorse8so I am very fragile please pray for me

  8. unknown unknown If you only knew how many pray for you every day! I don’t know what is making your life so bad but I think God wants us to appreciate what we do have in our lives. There is always someone who is struggling more...I promise! There are people who struggle that have not reached out like you have, thus do not have the prayers going up for them like you! I will continue to pray peace and hope for you! Blessings!

  9. Teach me to love You MORE, Lord. Show me how to place You at the forefront of my life and my thoughts. Help me to center my life around You and grow in obedience to You.

  10. Today's Bible Gateway verse:
    Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God, And we are the people of His pasture, And the sheep of His hand. today if you will hear His voice. Psalm 95:6-7

    1. Thank you Sassy MomπŸ’•πŸ™
      Love you

    2. Amen Sassy Mom! If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts. This is for all those who have not surrendered themselves to Him. When He calls, say YES, we pray. Thank You Jesus!

  11. Father, I am grateful for Your grace and mercy that have sustained me throughout this 8th month. Thank You! On this last day of the 9th month, may Your continued grace, cross and usher us over into the 9th month more prepared to seek You first above all else. Your faithfulness has kept us thus far. To You be all Glory and Honor.

    I can relate to Bob's input on today's devotion. People around me think I have this amazing strength and stamina and got it all together, but its the front that I put up to avoid being pitied. However, deep, deep inside of me, is a very lonely person, struggling with much personal and emotional needs and fragile inside because of this. But I do also believe this hidden frailty keeps me dependent on God alone, which is what He desires of me. I have to trust Him and thank Him because the truth is, He's all that I have and if I let go of that truth, I'll be lost!
    My prayer is to really grow strong in my weaknesses and don't look for validation from the world. Jesus is enough and I can boast in these weaknesses because through the love of Christ Jesus, I gain strength to carry me from day to day. Awesome God!

    As we come to the end of August, I pray for you my JC family that our dear heavenly father will by his word and powe, accomplish in your life & family whatever blessings that is meant for you this coming month of September.
    May you be a blessing to others as the Lord will not forget your labour of love. Do not relent in your services for God and humanity because He who have started this great work in you, will definitely accomplish it (Phil, 1:6).
    See you onboard in September (God's willing) and be present to enjoy His presence, as He will be present to those who will be presently present in His presence.

    Happy, bless snd safe Labour day weekend! Greater Grace be with you all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen!!! Maplewood you are such a blessing and your prayers so uplifting and open. Thank you and God bless you
      Prayers and blessing to each of our JC family

    2. You echoed the words in my heart, Maplewood. Thank you for understanding how I feel. Sometimes I feel lonely because my Husband doesn't know Jesus like I do but then I realize I have the best friend every always with who understands even my deepest thoughts and needs. See you in September!

    3. AMEN, Maplewood! Many times I've been told by different people that I'm such a strong person for how I handle very tough and difficult situations. What I tell them is that that strength that they see in me is not of me. It's God- given strength that He bestows on me. I thank God that I can lean on Him in times of trouble and crisis. I would be lost without Him. God be with you and your mom.

      Brandy, thank you for your blessings. May they be returned to you a thousand fold. God be with you.

      Jeanne, I see your situation in my own. My husband does not have a relationship with Christ, and I find it lonely at times. I wish he would pray with me. However, I've not given up hope yet. I pray for him and all lost souls daily. I know God has a plan already in place. Continue to be His bright Light that shines for others to see and know God. God be with you. See you in September.

      Love you all, my JC Family.

      Blessings from California

    4. Jean and Rose. Your posts inspired me to tell you about my DH's conversion. None of which was orchestrated by me. DH was a good hearted man and a professed Atheist. His extremely analytical mind could not prove God existed, plus as a child, he constantly witnessed argumemts between his parents over their 2 different religious brands, each making him go to their respective churches. Every Sunday, he was dragged to two different church services. Then his teenage military tours in Viet Nam, yada, yada. (Time is now passing according to the Coral Reef's clock) A few years ago, I fell and broke my left arm in 3 places plus my right foot at the same time. With casts on both arm and leg, I was trying to get ready for Sunday Mass. DH inquired where was I trying to go. I said 'Church. I need Jesus more now than ever.' He asked how I was going to get there. I said Drive to the Tune of Jesus Take The Wheel. The church was about 10 miles from our home, which was not a hop, skip, nor jump away. DH shook his head and said, If it's that important to you, I'll drive you. We get to church, he helps me out the vehicle and into the church. And what to my wandering eyes did appear? He stayed for Mass the entire time. I kept staring at DH and wondering if the hospital gave me hallucinogenic drugs. Long story short. He has been going ever since. I guess Brie would say, I had a lucky break ;)
      Moral: Keep praying, keep producing Holy Spirit fruit, let God do His own work without annoyance nor interference, and remember the coral reef! Love you!

    5. Love this! Thank you so much for sharing Brie!
      God bless youπŸ™♥️πŸ™

    6. God is blessing you as well, my sister, Brandy. With Love!

    7. That’s awesome, Brie! God used your injury to lead DH to Him! DH saw the great strength of your faith and he was open to receive it! God’s plan is always perfect and to His glory!!

    8. Sweet Brie! I'm still amazed at that powerful testimony and affirmation of God's faithfulness. The fact that your DH stayed with you in Church showed he did not harden his heart when he heard HIS voice. Halleluia!

    9. Thanks for your TESTimony, Sweet Maplewood. May you continually be blessed. You certainly blessed us with "today's" crossover. Praying for you daily and know you are bringing God's choicest blessings to others, wherever in the world you may be. Much Love, Brie

  12. Thank you, Lord, for showing me faith. I found You at an early age, and have gotten to really know You because of the humble gift of frailty I have received.

    I hadn't thought of it as a gift in the past, but was nice reading this devotion, bible passages and comments. I'll accept it as a gift now and be glad. Sometimes, I to, am seen as tough or strong, but that is simply because of all of the struggles I have encountered. It is only by the grace of God that I have made my way through each day. He has turned my inner frailty into seemingly outward strength; it is truly all about leaning on my faith in You, oh God. Thank you!

    Maplewood, you are a blessing to me and many others on here as we read your posts each day. You comments have lifted me up. Thank you! I will say some prayers for you and for all of the JC Family today... Prayers of thanksgiving, healing, hope and forgiveness as needed. Blessings to all! CO

  13. Oh my goodness, I am in tears right now because many of you have shared my inner thoughts, and helped me tremendously to know that I came to this blog for a reason and thank God for the continued transparency. I needed to hear all that every one of you had to say! I thank GOD for you and will continue to include the JC family in my prayers as well.

  14. Good morning Lord and JC family. I too have struggled..but I am strong by the grace of God. You keep me going Sweet Jesus; you never change and you are with me always! Glory and praise to our Lord Almighty. My sixth grandson..your children like olive plants around your table. Thank you all for your prayers..JESUS'S peace to all.

  15. Amen and again I say amen..praise the Lord for He is good all the time!

  16. it's so hard to remember sometimes that He loves us through our weaknesses and not in spite of them but BECAUSE of them. Our faults and mistakes and weaknesses allow for growth in faith and hope, they allow us to lean on him and strengthen our relationship with him.

    I wrote the other day and cried tears of joy to the responses I received to be apart of a community that knows His love goes deeper than we can understand sometimes.

    So although this season of my life is hard and confusing and I feel VERY weak, I know He is there with me, and in His time it will all work out. I've never been through heartbreak before and it's very sad and painful and hard at times but I know that He will turn my pain into something beautiful to glorify Him.

    It's hard to forgive yourself and think you're not the problem and you could have been better and so you feel shameful and lack hope and grace .. is it okay to believe that even if it wasn't HIS plan that I experience this season that He WILL use it for good that He will do work through me so that I may be better and learn and love more than I have before? To give grace for myself and for the person that left?

    How do you move forward and not feel shame but use it for purpose, to understand that it worked out the way it did so you'd know now what you didn't when you were going through the situation? Kind of like when you know better you do better?

    1. Amen and thank you! He will even use our weaknesses for good. So I will rejoice in mine so I will grow strong in Him.
      But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

    2. 3 years later, Anonymous, how has God answered your questions?

  17. Thank you all for your beautiful authentic hearts. You are courageous and amazing.

    The idea of weakness is so counter cultural-at least in U S society. “Don’t show your weakness” seems to be a common mantra. But God shows us in his economy that depending on him and others defies weakness. Foolishness to those who don’t believe. Honestly weakness seems like foolishness to all of us sometimes. But as you all have testified, these experiences and moments draw us to our Papa, our Savior, our rock, our hiding place, our Strength.

    You marvel us Lord with mystery and mercy. Thank you for your grace. Help us to embrace every part of this journey with growing faith and trust. And may we embrace those who journey with us- no matter whether we appear weak or strong.

    1. Amen. I've never been the kind of person with abundant strength and stamina. Before coming to Christ I used to focus on my weakness and self-pity most of the time. Thank God He delivered me but it's not an easy process and I'm still learning to trust and lean on Him, even though I feel like I fail a lot I know He is patient and will continue His work in me, as He will for all of us.
      Have a blessed monday JC fam!

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen BFF! We are all learning to be patient and wait on Him as He paints His masterpiece in us. It just amazes me how much Jesus helps us through the day. We can do all things through Him who strengthens us and nothing is too much to ask. He is ever at our sides and available. He never sleeps.

    3. So agree, GTT, living in faith is so counter cultural. And getting more so all the time? That is why we come here to be with each other and to experience the truth about life. God be with you.

    4. I suspect this JC Warrior Prayer Room is partly a pre-heaven reality check-where we can come as we are, check our bodies at the door, and only Good (though imperfecr) Spirits enter in, connect, worship God and share Holy Spirit Fruit!
      Blessings and Love Kindred Spirits!

  18. B F F - it was good to see / hear you again. You bring beauty and song to the day. I hope you continue to feel well.

    1. Oh thank you so much for your kind words! God be with you and your loved ones.

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen dear GTT! She sure brings beauty and song to the day.
      Always love to hear from you, dear Blessings from France! Hope you are in good health and feeling fine. He is our strength when we are weak so weakness is not a bad thing. Much love.

  19. Thanks Bob for your 2018 post.
    I too have a thorn which, I finally realized, is not going anywhere. I am beginning to view my thorn as the polyp that begins the formation of an astonishingly beautiful coral reef. The pace of its growth is the picture of patience, and Patience requires Trust in God. Trusting that this thorn is only the beginning of Who He made me to be and allow the time it takes for the thorn to achieve deep beauty and steady maturation that ignites faith and grows gifts. Tall order. My hope is to one day be thankful for the frailty the thorn provided, rather than hide behind it like a wounded animal
    My Prayer
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    As you do with sturdily anchored coral reef ecosystems of astonishing beauty and diversity that grow less than an inch each year, would You also hide my life in Yours and carry me along in patience and steady growth, before my ego attempts to hurry and do works on its own? Would You give me coral reef patience and pacing to accept the time it takes to achieve the deep steady maturation to ignite my faith, grow my gifts and become who You made me to be? Like the coral reef, would you help me surrender to Your pace, allow You to shape me and my flourishment in this life, sharing an abundance of support with others? I ask, I pray and I thank. Amen.

    1. Amen Brie thank you for this beautiful prayer!

      Blessings from France

    2. Love to you and our entire JC Family, BFF (Blessings From France and Best Friend Forever)

    3. Brie, your prayer is mine. Thank you for putting it so beautifully. JE

    4. That's a beautiful prayer, Brie! And a visual one. Your pace, Lord, not my understanding I pray. God bless you all as we launch into another month flying by, we ask to stay focused on You and the Peace you offer each one of us. Coral reef patience ♥️

    5. That was so poignant and lovely Brie! Joining in your beautiful prayer! Help me Lord to surrender to Your pace so you can mold me according to Your will and not mine.

    6. Wonderful post for us all, Brie. It puts such a great perspective on life. It has been said that when the day comes that we can embrace our thorn (ouch) is the day it’s purpose has been fulfilled. Doing as such will take the time it takes for the corral reef to attain its full beauty...even longer(?). So like ‘corral reef patience’. God be with you.

    7. Brie, your beautiful prayer is mine. Your description of "corral reef patience" is so vivid and appreciated. Thank you my sweet sister. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

  20. On this last day of August, Father I thank You for all the many gifts, the trials, the disappointments, the joy and the blessings of 31 days in which You allowed. Thank You for my destiny helpers that carried me through those days and now preparing me for a fresh new month. I speak more joy and blessings into September, using this last day of August as a point of contact. Thank You that I am redeemed and set free from every appearance of evil before I awake into the new month. Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me. This is my pray to You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    When God sends weaknesses in our lives, they are for many reasons. Some are to make us aware of how much we so desperately need Him. He accepts us just as we are but He never leaves us that way. Through our weakness, He humbles us before Him. When He sees our obedience to move ahead despite those weaknesses, He sends His strength and blessings into our lives. Weakness is strength when we depend on Him and allow Him take over. We are saying: Father, we lean on You rather than on our own understanding. And this my friends, is how we grow strong in our weakness.

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3: 5,6)

    Dear Father, We come to You this morning with hearts of gratitude for the ALL we endured this month, and for all the blessings we received. We come also thanking You in advance for Your very best as You prepare to cross us over to the ninth month. We decree and declare that it will be with the best opportunity filled with testimonies, praise and thanksgiving to Your Holy name. We command the coming new month into our favor with divine visitation from You. Thank You for increase in power and strength in the coming month and thank You for everything You’ve made available to us already. Please hold our right hand and show us the way throughout the next month, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

    Blessings, peace and protection are yours on this last day of August.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen dear Maplewood! I will accept my weaknesses because God gave them to me to test my faith and strengthen me in trust to Him. He wants us to give up and let Him handle every area of our life. I feel His guiding Hand always and it is such a Blessed Assurance that He is mine. The greatest thing He said is Be Still and know that I am God. What more could we need. He is ever present in every day and He has His Ear inclined to our needs and His heart is filled with mercy and forgiveness. Such a great God we serve! Praying right along with you! Amen!!!

    2. As I have said to you, twin bd sis, I so look forward to your posts that lead us into a new month (no pressure here). And now you have provided a post that brings closure to this month which is a good spiritual exercise. So necessary if we are to start clean tomorrow. Thank you!!!

    3. Amen, Maplewood! As we say goodbye to August and thank God for the many blessings and lessons learned, let us rejoice in the Lord, our God, for His mercy and grace that carried us through. Peace be with each of you, my JC Family.

      Blessings from California

    4. Amen Maplewood!

      Blessings from France

    5. Amen sweet Maplewood! Leaving August behind and entering a new month that God has prepared for us. On August 1st my little grandson will be welcomed into this world. May God strengthen his Mom and guide his arrival perfectly. What a blessing to our delighted family. One more sweet child to love and cherish always! Thank You dear Father for Your loving kindness and tender mercies. Praising Your Holy Name and thanking you for all the blessings and victories we have received in August and will receive in September in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    6. I can feel your excitement, Jeanne for your grandchild's arrival tomorrow. Praying the Lord watches over your family and all are healthy and strong, or if in any weaknesses are strengthened by His mercy and grace.

  21. I thank the Lord for my thorns. For all my weaknesses , because they really do keep me in touch with the Lord throughout my days. I have found myself saying if it wasn’t for this dealing, I would have thought i had enough God. He showed me that there is so much more. My struggles have helped develop a personal relationship with my father, Im happy to surrender my days and hold his hand, i ran long enough. Although I don’t enjoy my weaknesses. They are the devil hound dogs howling. Sure I wish I was not so needy, but since i am just so. I thank God for leading me to this blog chalk full of people who are going through different things and just having a faith that carries them to the next chapter. If the Lord wills. Ill still be here next year. Rejoicing and crying with all of y’all. Praise our God! He has a plan for this whole world! Heavenly Father, hear our prayers and our hearts. We need you today. We need more strength. Increase our faith in you Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Thank you Father for your mercy.

    1. Hey, SK, let’s make a promise to meet here next year (Lord willing) and frequently throughout the year. See you then and now. God be with you.

    2. Sister's Keeper, it's a date, God willing! So blessed to meet each of you here on a daily basis for your uplifting prayers and words of wisdom and encouragement all lead by God, the Father. How blessed are we? God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    3. Praying for you and your strength, and for God's hand to lift you from your struggles dear Sisters Keeper. Thank you for joining us in prayer here and for your wonderful prayer for all of us.
      Good promise to keep, dear Bob! and "it's a date" Rose!
      Thank you Father for your mercy. Amen.

  22. Good morning Jesus! Good morning, JC Family of Prayer Warriors! Happy and blessed Monday and last day of August. "Your natural preference is to plan out your day, knowing what will happen when. My preference is for you to depend on Me continually, trusting Me to guide you and strengthen you as needed. This is how you grow strong in your weakness." Father God, my inclination is to try to plan out my day, but instead help me to depend and trust in You for guidance and direction. When I start to lose my focus, redirect my sight towards You, Father God. In You I know I have ALL that I could ever need. You are a God of provision. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayer. And as Brie said, help us to hold tight to each other's hands when the waves come crashing down on us. Help us to jump the waves together in unison, Lord, and quell the storms in each of our lives. Thank you, Father God, for blessing me with this JC Family support system. Help me, Jesus, to grow in my weakness. Help me to always want to know You better and more intimately and to have a closer relationship with You. I pray for all the prayer requests and petitions of my JC Family, and thank you, Jesus, for all prayers answered and every Victory report. Give me patience while I expectantly wait on You for the answers I seek. Thank You, Lord, for loving me without reserve. I know I am not worthy, but by Your Righteousness, I am healed, saved and stand firm in my faith. I plant my feet on solid ground. Thank you, Lord, for all that You are, all that You are doing, not only in my life, but the lives of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and all that You will do. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

    God be with all of you today.

    Blessings from California

    1. So blessed by your prayer, Rose. Be blessed this day yourself. God be with you.

    2. Amen, Amen Rose, thanks for the prayers!!! Oh, how we need them!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Amen and Amen! Beautiful prayer sweet Rose!!!
      Thank you <3

    4. Love your prayers, Rose. Are you in northern CA I wonder, and safe from destruction of fires? We are, and dealing with unhealthy air quality for quite some time now. Thank you Lord for our confidence in knowing your beauty and presence is with us, beyond the smoke.

  23. Oh Brie! I was reading your post and almost spewed my breakfast all over my screen. I read the word polyp and trust me, I've never seen one grow into anything beautiful. Once I pulled myself together and cleaned things up, I went on reading and that is SUCH A GREAT lesson! I know nothing about coral and very little about beach life, which I know is your happy place. I can't imagine one inch a year; yet, there are times I'd welcome 1/8th! I, too want to achieve "deep steady maturation," and trust that as I stay my mind on Him, apply the Truths I know that it WILL happen. Patience with myself has never been a virtue of mine. I can have the patience of Job for others but it when it comes to myself, I can be very critical and out the window that patience flies. I want to search the scriptures rather than myself.
    Loved all of these posts and thank you, Brie, for once again making me laugh and then gently teaching me!! God's best to all of you, my JC Family. You are in my prayers and will remain there throughout the day.

    1. Norah, in the future swallow before reading Brie’s posts. (Speaking from experience.)

    2. Noah and Bob, thank you for making me laugh out loud this morning! And it's so true, Bob! Brie has a very special way with words that I just LOVE. Thanking God for all of you! May His peace be with all of you today.

      Blessings from California

    3. LOL! Reading your replies for lunch. You all made me spit out my soda!

  24. Sister's Keeper, We will rejoice in our suffering because our faith is tested and strengthened. Amen! Praying together with all of you. We need Him more than ever!

  25. Rose, I loved your prayer: Thank You, Lord, for loving me without reserve. I know I am not worthy, but by Your Righteousness, I am healed, saved and stand firm in my faith. Amen and thank you!
    Going on vacation now for 2 weeks in New Jersey. I'll be praying for you all and with you all. Much love!! God bless you in all things.

    1. Have a wonderful time Jeanne and Hub. I will be covering you both up in prayers, beginning with His Grace and Traveling Mercy.

    2. Have a blessed vacay, Jeanne! There are wonderful members of the JC family in NJ. God willing, it would be a blessing to accidentally (really?) bump into one of them. Marking the calendar and will be looking to see you in two weeks. God be with you.

    3. Jeanne, praying traveling mercies over you. Enjoy your vacay in NJ, and be blessed my sweet sister. Thank you for your prayers and blessings, and may they be returned to you a thousand fold. Love you!

      Blessings from California

    4. Hey Jeanne, sending warm welcome to the GARDEN STATE (NJ), my neck and of the woods!

      Enjoy and stay safe.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. See, Jeanne, I told you there are some wonderful family members you could bump into. There are others.

    6. Have a wonderful and blessed vacation dear Jeanne! Praying the Lord for travel mercies and protection.

      Blessings from France

    7. Safe travels and happy vacay! My old stomping grounds, that Garden State. Coffee cup has a map of Jersey that reads "look before you laugh". I'll keep you in my prayers!

  26. Laughing Out Loud as I shut down to go to bed. Oh, my, how I love you, my JC Family!!! Praying for safe travels, Jeanne and for you Rose and for you, Sisters Keeper.
    I am heading to bed an exhausted Woman of God. Just had a FaceTime call with our ex-DIL and 2 of my Grandsons. Miles (10, Autistic) wanted to 'talk to Nonnie.' It let to a long conversation with my ex-DIL, whom I still give thanks to God for as she is the Mom of my first 3 Grands. We may never know the impact we have on people's lives.
    Praying for my dear sister in Christ, M. and her Pop. Sad times are ahead for them, but they are so willing and equal to the task. They'll bring Pop home, in peace.
    Asking God's Mercy and Grace on these sore, "Nonnie Muscles," - I am weary and oh, so tired....but still LAUGHING OUT LOUD, thanks to Brie and Bob!!! Oh, My - a beautiful Polyp....LOVE you SO much, Brie!!! It's all in the 'perception!"

    1. Yes Norah! All B-9 polyps qualify as beautiful!

  27. Continued prayers are requested for us and all who have and are being impacted by Hurricane Ida. We are without electricity. Thank God His Light and His Power always remain the same yesterday, today, and forever. Whether or not I am able to post, I will keep on praying and singing.
    Love you JC Fam and thanks for all the prayers, even when I can't see them nor respond to them, I know they are working.

    1. PS We do not have water either because our water source is a well with an electric pump. I am very thankful for all of your prayers.
      Yes Lord, I am totally dependent on you and counting every blessing....My preference is for you to depend on Me continually, trusting Me to guide you and strengthen you as needed... Yes, please and thank You. I ask. I seek. I knock knock knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Father God, Our dear sister and her family and neighbors are without their basic needs. Protect all your people affected by Hurricane Ida right now. Guide them to the help they need and sustain and protect them. Get good and clean water and supplies to them, and electricity. Find shelter for all those in need. Help and protect them and all the good Helpers. Make a way for them. Lift them up out of their troubles and show them Your Faithfulness. Thank You for answering our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus.

    3. Joining in prayers with Jeanne. Father, lift up the spirits of all those being affected by the natural disasters all around the world and be with our beloved friends Brie, Larry, and Keith, and help them through this right now. Provide for them all that they need and supply Your perfect peace, comfort, love, hope, restoration, and strength. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise God!

    4. Praying for you Brie and everyone impacted by Hurricane Ida. Hopefully power will be restored soon. God bless!


    5. Thank you Lord for restoration of basic needs and miracles and wonders for your children in the path of Ida's destruction. Praying for you all πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  28. Prayers requested for our Granddaughter Hannah, who took part 4 of her CPA exam.
    Thanks be to God and your prayers, she passed the first 3. Her thankfulness made us ecstatic.

    1. Praying that with God's help, she aced her part 4 of her CPA exam.
      Loving Father we ask that Hannah passed part 4 of her exam. You can do all things. She trust you and is walking in gratitude for passing the first 3 parts. We pray for Your continued faithfulness in her life to Your glory in Jesus' Name.

    2. Sharing in prayers with Jeanne. May Hannah pass her exam with flying colors and enjoy her journey in life. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    3. Praying for Hannah and passing part 4 with flying colors! How many parts are still ahead for this smart one?

    4. Part 4 of the CPA exam was the finale. Praise God, our Hannah is finished with the series of CPA exams!. Thanks to Almighty God and your prayers, she passed all 4 and is now working for a CPA firm. As she told us, "I now have a big girl job!" God is so good to give us a wonderful, ever-praying JC Fam of Prayer Warriors. You kicked Hannah's faith up a notch!
      Prayers requested for her younger sister, Isabella, who has applied to Medical Schools.
      May she be accepted to the best one for her in accordance with God's Plan for her life. If it is close to our home, that would be the cherry blessing on top! I know, as Jan Gridley would say, THE WARRIORS ARE ON IT! Thanks in advance. What A Migthy God We Serve!

  29. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of frailty. Help me to continue to live by faith, relying on YOU always in my weakness. My fragility becomes strength with YOU at my side. Jesus I trust In You! Amen.

  30. Amen dear ABC,
    He is there for the frail and broken, and we all have our many weaknesses. He knows every one of them because he reads our hearts of trust and love for Him.
    And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

  31. Father, I have always been a planner of my life. I just can't help but "map out" what I am going to do, even though in my heart I know that it is wasted time and energy because I am not the one in control of anything -- You are. I still catch myself doing it and sometimes I realize and we have a laugh about it together, but other times I don't. Continue to mold me and transform me to be more like Jesus and less like me. Please forgive my shortcomings and hardheadedness. I am so sorry. Thank You for all Your patience, love, comfort, peace, and strength. You are so amazing and wonderful. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  32. “Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:8-10).

    Loving Father, Whenever I find myself feeling weak or wanting to give up, rather than relying on my own strength or wisdom, I prefer to look at Whose strength I am walking in, and place my trust in You. Most times when I feel myself growing weak, I realize it might be that my soul is famished from not enough reading and meditating on your Word. When this happens, please help me to refresh my memory about finding strength in You and the Word, increase my time in prayer, trust and obey You, worship my way to victory in all my circumstances, allow myself to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and connect with likeminded believers. Thank You for the promise that Christ Jesus made and fulfilled to leave the Holy Spirit to empower, lead and guide us with abilities far beyond our own understanding. Thank You for Grace that is so Sufficient in all of my weaknesses, challenges or disappointments and for Your power that is at work within me so I do not have to worry about anything, but yoke myself in the teachings of Jesus. This is my prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    There are many times in our Christian life experience where we go through many challenges of life, feel overwhelmed or just plain weary. However, when the enemy comes in like a flood, we must turn to the One whose strength we need. When we are weak from the work or challenges, He strengthens us. When we need strength, we find it in God’s Word, when we need joy, we find it in a true relationship with Him and when we need strength, we can find it in our community of fellow believers He built to help us. He has given us open invitation to let go of our burdens and take on His yoke, which is easy and light (Matt. 11:28-30). In our seasons of weakness, may we turn to the Word and all else He has provided as sources of strength. God is indeed capable of handling all of our burdens.
    “O my Strength, to you I sing praises, for you, O God, are my refuge, the God who shows me unfailing love” (Psalm 59:17).

    As August ends, may we give thanks for the gift of life to witness the end of the month and take a glance back into the last 8 months and show our heart of gratitude to our Heavenly Father Whose hands worked in and through all our trials, disappointments, losses, challenges, delays, and of course those testimonies, victories, joy and health. For we are to give Thanks in and through ALL things! Let’s thank Him for protection, health, divine guidance, our life, our family, friends, jobs, career, business, marriage, prayer life and for the Blood of Jesus that soaks and immerses on us. May the coming new month grant us those desires, petitions, good health and protection, far more than the last eight.

    Blessings and Peace on this last day of August.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen. Thank you all for prayers that carried us through August and elevate us in to September. It seems a blink of the eye this passing of time, one day closer to Glory. Thank you Jesus!

    2. Thanks and Amen! We have so much to be grateful for! Looking forward to new blessings and victories brought by His Hands in September.
      “O my Strength, to you I sing praises, for you, O God, are my refuge, the God who shows me unfailing love” (Psalm 59:17).
      Such a great verse sweet Maplewood. Thanks πŸ’—

  33. Please pray for my friend Sandi, whose cancer has returned again for the third time. She is beginning new chemo treatment and praying "it will work for years and years".

    1. Father, please give Your guidance to the doctors, nurses, and other staff taking care of Sandi while she endures her cancer treatments. Please give her Your perfect peace, comfort, love, hope, strength, and healing. Let her feel Your presence with her every day. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Continuing to pray for your dear friend Sandi. May God destroy every bad cell and replace it with healthy tissue. Thank You Jesus.

  34. I am praying new chemo treatment will work til the second coming of Christ!!!! Thank You Jesus.

  35. My new baby grandson is arriving tomorrow morning by C section! Can’t wait to meet him.
    Thank You Father for the smooth arrival of a healthy baby boy and my dear daughter in law’s good health, strength and fast recovery. We ask this in the Name of Jesus.

  36. Prayers please dear ones. Our SS class is traveling to the Ark tomorrow. Please pray for our safety & from covid also. I tore my surgery knee ligament in June, so I'm much better but still recovering. Hoping tomorrow my ligaments won't noticeπŸ˜†. Hubby gets carsick when he's not driving. I packed a puke bag. Very tired today. Packing is the pits! Hope to have lots of time to read each post in the 8hrs. On the bus. love & blessings to allπŸ˜πŸ’ž

    1. Praying for your class to have a wonderful trip, wrapped in God's traveling safety and a hedge of protection against harm, Covid and any physical problems. May God strengthen you and your class and keep your good Hubby from getting carsick. Rest in Him Who cares for you. Love you dear Jan!
      Thank You Jesus!

    2. May our heavenly Father guide and direct you all along the way. Let His perfect presence be uplifting and fulfilling. May His peace, love, strength and protection rest upon all. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless.

    3. Jan, praying for you and your husband as you travel to Ark. praying that your knee holds up and your husband doesn’t get car sick. Enjoy your trip.

      SC Anonymous

    4. The Warriors are on it, our precious Jan gridley!

  37. JC Warriors, please pray for my weaknesses to be strengthened in and through the Lord. May His glory be manifested in and through all of His children in the world. May our lights shine bright for Him and the kingdom of heaven. May the lost be found and reach out for Him and the truth. May we follow and be good disciples. Please let us be bold witnesses for You Jesus. Praise God always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless and peace be with you.

    1. Joining you dear sister in this πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. I'm gathering into your prayer, Janet, along with all of our faithful JC Family of amazing Prayer Warriors.

    3. Dear Janet, Praying with you that God will strengthen your weaknesses and lead you to glorify Him in all you say, think and do. Amen. May He lead us all to shine our lights bright for Him and give Him glory. And may the lost be found and seek and find Him for themselves. Thank You Jesus.

  38. 4a.m& I'm up reading yesterday's post & mulling over what needs to be done before hubby & I join the rest of our troop for the trip. Hubby is up too making his coffee. Mine will be cucumber juice ( great for inflammation). Sitting in the bus for all those hrs. Takes a toll. I overdid it on snacks I think, might have to repack. I'm all about choices, to a fault. PTL it rained yesterday, so I didn't have to water the garden. Knee was over it after all the preparations. Praying for each of the JC concerns & victories. Norah, you got through your appt. Yay! Jeanne, your plate overfloweth me thinks, but what rejoicing when son & family move closer. Hallelujah! Well dear ones I have to trek to the garage fridge to fetch the cukes &, it's still dark & WET! The ole brain got tired yesterday. Love & blessings to all πŸ’žπŸ™

    1. Jan Gridley, praying that you all have a safe restful journey.

    2. I'm praying for you and yours, tomorrow, Dear Jan!

    3. Praying, praying, for you, hub, the driver and your fellow roadies. Its good to know about cucumber juice. Does eating them raw work the same way?

    4. Praying all will go well because God is guiding all of you and protecting you from harm and Covid. Take care of yur knee and keep drinking that Cucumber juice. If you have some Arnica, use it on your knee. Know we are praying for you. Much love.

  39. "Grow strong in your weakness."
    Took me a while to get my head round that sentence.
    Maybe early morning brain fog?
    Asking my Jesus to help me understand, I eventually see that my weaknesses are an opportunity for me to grow in faith as I cling tightly to Him.
    So I cling to the old rugged Cross.
    Reminds me of George Beverly Shea singing 'The Old Rugged Cross' at Billy Graham crusades:

  40. I LOVE the Old Rugged cross, especially sung by George Beverly Shea. What a gift he had, that was give him by the Lord, and he used it for him. We all have those gifts which can be perfected even in our weakness. I would ask for prayers for my relationship with my older sister who has a history of being very strong and controlling. I am hosting a surprise 50th wedding anniversary for her this weekend, and find myself struggling with resentment over all the ways she has dominated/ignored my feelings. It is time for me to forgive and let go and be generous and kind to her. Thank you prayer friends!

    1. Prayers coming your way, Ellen, for God to have His Way. May God shower and shower His Choicest Blessings on your generosity and kindness. Praying for you to ignore satan's temptations. Bearing Kindness and Generosity fruit for Christ are the only things that will last!

    2. Joining in all prayers for you dear Ellen to resolve your differences with your sister with God's help and the Spirit's direction. What a kind gesture to give your sister and her husband a surprise 50th wedding anniversary celebration. Let her see the light of Christ in you. Leave your relationship in His able Hands. All will be well. Just keep sharing His love.

  41. Praying as requested, Ellen! No room for resentment any more, it wrecks havoc on our body mind and spirit. Forgiveness, however will lead you to more love and joy in your life. Human relationships can be complicated πŸ˜‰

  42. Joining Audra and our JC Family in prayer for you and your sister, Ellen! My husband has gone through some of these same issues with his sisters. He won't go there anymore. As Joyce Meyer has said, "Refusing to forgive is like eating poison and hoping the rat dies." It only hurts us, even more. I listened to a teaching earlier in the week about forgiveness and how Christ was the BEST example. While others would have (rightly so), said, "When I'm gone go after those guys who did this to me," He instead said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." We'll be praying with you, Ellen and I love that God has put it on your heart to forgive. My prayer is that your generosity and kindness will wake her up. Life's too short! :)

    1. Replied to Ellen before I read your post, sweet Norah! It seems two of us touched in agreement! Come on Christ, show yourself in our midst!

    2. Amen to that Norah!! Let your generous and love heart shine and God will do the rest.

  43. For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, "Fear not, I will help you." (Isaiah 41:13). Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. (John 5:19). I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5). A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9). My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26). I will lift up my eyes to the hills--from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2). There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless the LORD'S counsel--that will stand. (Proverbs 19:21). He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. (Psalm 121:3).

    1. So awesome, Janet. Thank you. Many blessings to you and all reading today. And adding to Janet's post above from (John 15:5)....... stay connected to The Vine.

    2. What a great meal you gave my soul today!! Just what I needed, dear Janet. Thanks!

    3. Setting my feet firmly in the shoes of the gospel today, thanks to the socks provided by Janet ✝️♥️

  44. Such awesome nourishment, Janet, thank you! I will take this into my day today. Be blessed having an awesome day...always putting God first! He IS our Waymaker!

    1. Me to dear Janet. Thank you & bless you😍

  45. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always! Thank You Jesus 😊. Thank You for creating me in deep need for You. I may be weak, but You are strong! I am so grateful for You Lord! I can't make it without You Lord--nor do I want to. Having You in my life is such a great blessing and privilege to me. You brought me to life when I finally realized my need for You Lord. I didn't realize that I was in darkness all those years before my eyes and heart was opened to You. I truly was "walking dead" and You woke me up. I can't thank You enough Lord! Please open the eyes and hearts of those that are still lost Lord. Let them come to know You like I know You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen. Father God, bless our sweet Janet and bring her to all joy, love and fulfillment. Help us to lead others to seek You with open hearts. May we all shine Your light to all we meet! Thank You Jesus.

    2. Amen sister

  46. Warriors, still looking for a camper for our daughter. Please pray for hubby, he's got alphagal. Petitioning the Lord for healing. Love & blessings dear ones 😍❤️

    1. Praying for your hubby's full recovery in Jesus Precious Name.

    2. Joining all prayers for your husband’s healing. May God guide him to eat only those foods that don’t harm him and may He bring him back to perfect health. And guide your daughter to the perfect camper. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  47. "Grow strong your weakness".
    Our natural inclination is to work so that we overcome our weaknesses; to build up our resistance muscles.
    The Apostle Paul found that his 'thorn in the flesh' a demonic spirit, (2 Cor. 12:7-10) hard to bear and asked the Lord three times to remove it. The Message version reads "I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations".
    Paul realizes the 'thorn' instead of a curse was in fact a blessing, a gift, as it kept him on his knees drawing him closer to the throne of Grace.
    What the enemy of our souls intends for harm, God uses to bless (Genesis 50:20 - You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.)
    Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 MSG
    'Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me,
    "My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
    My strength comes into its own in your weakness."
    Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.'
    Jesus' work on the Cross is unshakable! His strength is demonstrated unbreakable and proves stronger to save us against any weakness we have, the weaker we get.
    So yes Lord, I thank You for my need of You. I thank You for my weaknesses, I recognise Your strength is Invincible and I submit to You, I trust You, I lean on You, help me grow strong in my weakness, Amen.

    1. Amen, Peter. So eloquently put. Thank you.

    2. Thank you Peter - so well put . It really hit the spot for me

  48. In reading posts from previous years, I sure do miss Maplewood's way of closing out each month and opening of a new month. She always had a special way of sharing like no other.

    1. I miss Maplewood, too Suzanne! Can't wait to meet her!

  49. Yes dear Suzanne! I sure do miss Maplewood’s sweet words ushering us into a new month and closing out the old one. So blessed we can still read her timeless and Spirit guided posts. She is a gift to us.

  50. Please pray for healing for my brother in love’s sister Marion who had a double mastectomy today. And also his friend Florian who had surgery today. May God guide the doctors’ hands perfectly through successful surgeries, and give them smooth recoveries and bring them both back to perfect health. Thank you Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  51. πŸ™ with you for your BIL's sister.

    1. Amen! Our prayers are going forth for Marion and Florian!

    2. Thank you dear Brie, Audra, and JJ. Your prayers mean so much. The surgeries both went well. May God lead Marion and Florian through smooth recoveries and to a return to perfect health in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  52. Amen beautiful Jeanne

  53. The Flesh says: Everything is falling apart!
    Jesus says: Everything is coming together!
    The Flesh says: There is no way!
    Jesus says: " I AM THE WAY..." πŸ’žπŸ˜ŠπŸ™

    1. Thanks JJ. I needed this, as the flesh was making loud noises inside my head today.

    2. Thank you JJ! It hit home !❤️

  54. Love and prayers for all of you and yours! Loved reading that, JJ! SO TRUE!!
