Saturday, August 1, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 2

Bring Me the sacrifice of your time; a most precious commodity. In this action-addicted world, few of My children take time to sit quietly in My Presence. But for those who do, blessings flow like streams of living water. I, the One from whom all blessings flow, am also blessed by our time together. This is a deep mystery; do not try to fathom it. Instead, glorify Me by delighting in Me. Enjoy Me now and forever!
Psalm 21:6
English Standard Version

For you make him most blessed forever;
    you make him glad with the joy of your presence.
John 7:38
English Standard Version

Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’

Verse Thoughts
Jesus here relates belief in Him with the flowing of living water. If there is anything I think the world trains us in is the idea that abundance of things is what we desire - possessions, security, different foods, even time with those loved ones we can see - we want more and more of these things. Granted, there is time for these things and they are important, but I often see that these are my highest desires and yet Jesus here is showing me that living in communion with Jesus means that what flows from Jesus can flow from me as well. Water and Light are two things we hold dear and Jesus is contrasted as being both. And here he tells me that I can carry life and refreshment to others. As believers in Christ, we have what every person needs. When I look at a river I am often amazed, as it just keeps flowing. This is me - out of my heart will flow rivers of living water. O God, how you have blessed me humbles me to the core.  
Psalm 103:11
English Standard Version

For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;

My Prayer
Lord, this message of how I spend my time is a message I try to avoid because when I stop and look at it, I am embarrassed. When I spend time reading and studying Your Word and talking to You through prayer I am so rich and experience so much peace. And yet days go by without this and yet, I continue to discover how to please by food palate, seek our new and different ways to entertain myself, make sure I have the money I need each day, make sure I have the things I want and overall pleasing my needs in a myriad of ways - while my time in discovery of You is always something I keep going back to and discovering again. Rather than discovery being a daily, moment by moment thing, it is instead at times a luxury of my time. Your Love shows me time and time again how wonderful You are and knowing You should be my highest goal, but often I get off track. Thank you for this daily time to enrich myself and be in Your presence and the community here in which You have provided. Great, great is Your Name.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, this seems to be one of my biggest challenges...designating"quiet time" with you. I rush from one task to another. Often even my "devotional and daily reading time" is a bit rushed. Please give me strength to give quiet time to you. It is during these times that I can receive your blessings and guidance. Amen!

    1. I totally understand. I am this way also

    2. I needed this reminder. How precious it is to spend quiet time in Your presence. Thank You LORD!πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’–

    3. This is me as well. I have to make myself spend time reading the Bible and in prayer when I think it should be something I crave. It's nice to know I am not the only one. I pray to want to be in the Word. I want to be closer to Jesus and I want more of the Holy Spirit. I am so glad God is patient with us. God bless you all.

    4. He is SO PATIENT with our humble hearts!

  2. I give you thanks O Lord, for you have drawn me to this practice of beginning the day in communion with you. As You have increased my delight in this time, You have molded and shaped my heart. You have made this time the delight of my day. I give you thanks and praise for leading me in the development of this practice of daily intercourse with You.

    1. Amen, I was just thanking God for this also. the desires of my heart are met in this time with the Lord. Took several years to get here, but I thank him for not giving up on meπŸ™‚

    2. Thank you, Lord.

  3. Heavenly Father, it is in my time with you that I find peace and strength. Thank you for your guidance and love as I face the days of my time on Earth.

  4. Quiet time with the Lord is the most important part of the day, and will affect every aspect of our lives. From the least to the greatest decisions we make depend on this quiet time. From experience, when I began to rush through, or altogether neglect, my time with the Lord, my whole life was affected. Everything is connected to the Lord and will be negatively affected when He is no longer a priority. Father, please help me to keep you first, always! Daily, sometimes hourly, praying, devotional and bible reading, and serving pleases the Lord, and creates order in our chaotic, rushed lives. Thank you, God, for your never-ending love.

  5. 1988 brother dies(car accident) 1992 brother got killed(shot only 16) 1996 husband killed(shot only 25) seen then life is not good to me but yet I still pray I still go to church but I'm at that point in life where I'm ready to give up losing my love once at a young age was hard but what I'm going through with my children is even harder especially when it's out of my control please pray for my children. and financial I'm broke. How can God love me and put me through all this. what am I doing wrong am I not talking to him correct I dont understand.

    1. Those are tough experiences you have had and Praise God you are still persevering amidst hard situations. The question you ask is a common one, namely, “why do bad things happen to God's people?” It's important to take those two parts though and sort of separate them. 1. God loves you; 2. Bad things happen. 1. We know that God loves us no matter what. His love is unconditional. Our sin and mistakes don't separate us from God, it's our unbelief that is the problem. We don’t trust God and that results in us sinning and making mistakes. You need to know that God is more concerned about your eternity. We can't gain God's acceptance through good deeds, but only through believing and accepting the finished work of Jesus, his death, and resurrection. Believe in Him. It's important to get that settled with God first and foremost. 2. Bad things happen I think because of 2 things: sometimes God wants to discipline us. You have kids and you know that sometimes difficulties are necessary in their life to teach, to learn. The kid may hate it and not understand, but the child can still trust the parent. The Bible says - a sad face is good for the heart; it says - count it all joy when you face trials; God is doing something good in you through trials (He works everything together for good); sometimes we see it immediately and sometimes it takes time. Now, in addition to God disciplining us we also live in a world of sin. And because of this bad things often happen. Car accidents and killings are both an example of sin's consequence. Remember, God didn't build a planet of robots. We each choose. [If you were God, would you want a robot worshiping or someone that has a choice?] Remember, not everyone wants what is best for you and your family; most people only want what is best for themselves. He makes each person unique and because of this there is no reason to compare yourselves with others. But this is hard, because comparison is something we all struggle with. -- Our problem is we've come to think that Loving somebody means nothing bad will ever happen to that person. Granted, we hate trials, but God has taught me a lot in life through hard trials. God loved his Son Jesus and yet Jesus died the most painful death on a cross. Why? it had a great outcome- by you believing, you get to live with God for eternity in heaven. So yes, keep reading the Bible, get in fellowship with other followers, share your experiences, encourage one another, love God, hate sin, trust Him and hope. Through this He will give you peace. Allow him to define what it means in life to really love someone. As Paul said to Timothy, “Train yourself to be godly, for godliness has value for everything in life.” Here’s a daily prayer for you, “Lord, I surrender to you today. Help me to accept what happens next and what you provide.”

    2. Spot on, Chris! Thanks for delivering God's Word. Through it all, I learned to trust Jesus, and I learned to trust in God! I discovered sometimes He drags us through the waters to cleanse us, rather than drown us. Amen.

      Mark 4 says it all for me: 35 As evening fell, Jesus said to His disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” 36 So they took Him just as He was and started out, leaving the crowds behind (though other boats followed). 37 But soon a terrible storm arose. High waves began to break into the boat until it was nearly full of water and about to sink. 38 Jesus was asleep at the back of the boat with His Head on a cushion. Frantically they wakened Him, shouting, “Teacher, don’t You even care that we are all about to drown?”

      39 Then He rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Quiet down! Peace! Be Still!” And the wind fell, and there was a great calm!

      40 And He asked them, “Why were you so fearful? Don’t you even yet have Faith and Confidence in Me?”
      [Our Lack of Faith, which is under our control, seemed to concern Jesus more than the storm, which He can easily control! Roles: ME: Faith!:: Jesus: Storm Whisperer,!Peace! Calm!] Amen.
      Meditate on Him, Unknown and He will direct your path. Prayers for God's Abundant Blessings to Reign over our JC Family.

    3. Seeking Christian Counseling is usually beneficial! I am praying for God's Blessings on your journey, Unknown. It's Going To Work Out Fine. We love you.

    4. Wonderful post by Chris in 2018. Brie, something you wrote really moved me: I discovered sometimes He drags us through the waters to cleanse us, rather than drown us. Amen. Think we're being dragged through some waters with this Pandemic. I believe when we emerge we will be spiritually renewed and refreshed. Thanks for your insight. Love you Sister.

    5. I second that insight Jeanne!

    6. Dear Chris, Thanks for reminding me that He is teaching us and strengthening us during the trials and hard times as He tests our faith. So we must rejoice in our tribulations and not allow them to drag us down. We are standing on the Cornerstone πŸ’—

    7. Absolutely Amen Chris! Unknown, my prayer is with you to feel Gods presence each day!

    8. So many wonderful prayers!
      I’m praying for each and everyone of you and for your families!
      Your words touched my heart.
      Love, prayers and blessings

    9. Thank you so much for your comments. Chris and Brie, you both have encouraged me with your words. And everyone is inspiring with their support and prayers. God bless πŸ™.

  6. Thank you I can't wait till I can write something positive and that things are looking better.

    1. I pray blessings and peace for you and your children. I pray that financially a door opens for you. Hang in there, God loves you and hears you +

    2. Waiting to hear from you, Unknown. You are loved.

  7. Yesterday, my quiet time was robbed by my desire to sleep. I just couldn't get up and I felt 'late' all day! I read and prayed for everyone and was amazed at some of the posts from a year or even, 2 yrs ago that stirred my heart.
    Jan, your honest sharing stirred me. So many of us are going through the same things. I laughed at your description of my schedule, but it's true! Some days I find myself running from one thing to the next and quiet time seems almost a punishment instead of the blessing it's intended to be.
    If I were to list all of the things that I'm struggling with right now, I'd probably put you all to sleep. I find myself perplexed and that goes to worry, doubt, fear. I feel like if one more person dies, I'm just going to pitch a tent at the funeral home. My family of late, on one side is dealing with nothing but sickness and on the other, there is fun, travel and more events than a calendar can hold. My husband has been looking for info on a car we are trying to sell. That has had him rummaging through old papers in the dusty, neglected office upstairs. He is coughing and sneezing and blowing to beat the band. In the mix of all of his papers, he came downstairs with some old pictures and an article I wrote when my Grandmother died. WOW, the memories that stirred. Maybe that's why I woke up at 3:30 and just prayed and dozed for an hour until I finally got up.
    This quiet time I've had to read His Word, pray for my loved ones and set the pace of my day has been priceless. In another devotional, I read that "God cares about everything that concerns you, and He wants to personally take care of you." We are to "learn from God's goodness in your past and prepare for your future, but live in the present."
    I read some of the prayers from a year ago and think I really have NO PROBLEMS. Someone taught me years ago that instead of seeing our lives filled with problems, see them as opportunities to grow and trust Him, even more.
    Praying for this great JC Family, for your kids and appointments and jobs and finances. I thank God for your endless praise, Maplewood, NJ; for your sweet Sassy Mom, for your reality rant, Jan (boy, could I relate!) and for Peyton Family's prayers and honesty and discipline to make this site available. I've caught myself saying, "TGIF" and remembered, Thank God I'm Forgiven. Looking forward to reading the victories and sharing the ups and downs and I'm thankful that our reality is His Word. I will keep Psalm 21:6 before my face today, "For you make him most blessed forever; you make him glad with the joy of your presence."

  8. **That was supposed to say, "for your sweet posts, Sassy Mom"

  9. My bible tells me to give You thanks in all things Father, so this morning I come to You with a grateful heart for allowing me to see another day.

    As You ushered me into a new month yesterday, I was faced with an unexpected disappointment and my heart hurt so bad. Many thoughts came to my mind, but I had to shake them off and practice what I 'preach', TRUST in You! I have to believe that You have a far better plan for me then what I was expecting. I perhaps got so caught up that I forgot to ask that Your will be done and not mind. Had I asked that, I would not have been so disappointed as I was. Your will for my life is always perfect, so help me to surrender all to You and Praise You regardless of the outcomes. I pray that my today is better than my yesterdays according to Your will, in Jesus name.

    I also read that "Disappointments are inevitable; but discouragement is a choice". Well, I choose to TRUST You Lord and not be discourage because it didn't turn out 'my way'
    Grant me Your Peace that surpasses ALL my understanding and restore back my joy from yesterday's disappointment.

    JC family, I pray that All our tomorrows be better than our yesterdays through God's will and if it's not what we hoped for, let's Trust Him. He knows best because He has our future and better plans for us. Lets also give Him the sacrifice of our TIME!

    Pray for me as I pray for you family. Peace and Love this day.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. I feel encouraged Maplewood. Thank youπŸ₯°!

    2. JAN --- SO thankful to see that you are here!!! "MISSED YOU!!! Family dynamics can be a real "pain"!!! The good news is that the Lord has a plan and it is GOOD!!! Give satan a very bad day and tell him HOW BIG your LORD IS!!! And most important, give thanks and praise to the Lord for ALL OF IT!!! I pray for the Lord to give you unusual favor with family members and anyone that looks upon you!!! Praying GREAT BLESSINGS to you from Kansas

    3. Oh JJ missed you too. You're one family member that has Satan's number! You're on the warpath! Love, loveπŸ’•your tenacity. I do give praise to the Lord for all of it. Thank you for reminding me. Love youπŸ₯°

    4. Great prayer again from Maplewood!
      "Disappointments are inevitable; but discouragement is a choice". Well, I choose to TRUST You Lord and not be discourage because it didn't turn out 'my way'
      Grant me Your Peace that surpasses ALL my understanding and restore back my joy from yesterday's disappointment.

    5. Thank you Lord for the many blessings of this body of believers. So much love and food for the soul.
      I’m praying for each of you.
      I’m praying for your Will to be done and trusting you Jesus.
      Love, prayers and blessings

    6. I love your prayer JJ! Give Satan a bad day and tell him HOW BIG OUR LORD IS! And… most important, give thank and praise him for All of it!
      Love you all
      Lifting you all up in prayer
      Blessing over flow

  10. Thank you precious LORD for blessing me as I spend quiet time with you. Make me a blessing to those I encounter. Love, guidance and blessings to my JC Family.

  11. Tidbit - PUT ON OUR SPIRITUAL ARMOR!!! Dressed for Battle:
    Whether we realize it or not, we are caught in a spiritual battle. Satan cannot touch the spirits of believers because we belong to God, but he can attack our bodies and harass our minds. His ultimate goal is to render us ineffective as believers.

    1. Amen yes yes..JESUS above me, JESUS below me, JESUS to the right and left of me, JESUS ahead and behind me. Thank you our dear Father in heaven for giving us your only son our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST. AMEN!

    2. Thanks Loveconquersall for my new exercise progam:
      yes..JESUS above me, yes...JESUS below me, yes...JESUS to the right of me, yes...Jesus to the left of me, yes JESUS ahead of me, yes...JESUS behind me...yes, JESUS underneath me, yes...JESUS above me, yes...JESUS instead of me, yes...JESUS loves me! WHEW! What a workout!

    3. Amen πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ™ love you Sassy Mom

    4. The importance of "getting dressed" each morning with the armor of God is a strong message I've been receiving of late. Taking it seriously as the battles are sometimes our prayers themselves.

  12. So thankful all of your posts. I love this time in the morning where I read the daily devotional and then all the comments. I love my quiet Jesus time. Prayers for all of you and hope you have a wonderful Friday. JE

  13. Sassy Mom --- Yes, yes yes! Thank you for the Tidbit reminding us to put on our SPIRITUAL ARMOR!!! The WORD wouldn't of spoke of it if it wasn't important! Thank you Father for ALL THE VICTORIES You have placed in OUR PATHWAYS!!!

  14. Hello all! I’ve been hanging around, reading this devotional and your posts for several months now, and have been so encouraged and moved by how you all care for one another and how you praise Him. Today is my birthday, so just wanted to say thank you! I feel so blessed to have been led to you. Dee

    1. Dee --- Welcome, welcome, welcome to this awesome JC FAMILY! A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!! You are so right there is an incredible blessing that emanates from this site. Thank you for sharing. I give thanks to the Lord and the paytonfamily for this site. Great BLESSINGS to you from Kansas

    2. Yes, Happy Birthday DeeπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‡πŸŽ!

    3. Birthday blessings Dee and welcome to GOD'S warriors��

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Happy Birthday Dee and many more Happy Ones!

    5. Thank you Brie! I got to spend yesterday with two of my grown daughters, two of my grandbabies and several other extended family members. A day in this world doesn’t get much better than that! I’m very blessed. Happy Sunday to you all.

    6. Happy Birthday Dee! I'm so glad you had a special day with your children, grandchildren and other family members. That is the sweetest way to celebrate another year of life! Giving thanks for all your blessings and being surrounded by love. Happy Sunday to you too!

    7. Thank you Jeanne! Blessings to you and yours.

    8. Giving thanks, Dee, to God for the gift of you to this world. Be blessed this day and every day. God be with you.

    9. Happy birthday Dee. Praying for you today πŸ™

    10. Happy and blessed Birthday Dee! Praying you receive a special Birthday blessing from the Giver of all good things. πŸ™πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

    11. Wishing you Happy Birthday Dee. Birthday blessings Full of God’s love, joy and peace. πŸ™πŸ’πŸŽ‚
      Love, Brandy

  15. Dee - Happy Birthday! Praying your day is blessed with much love.

  16. Happy Birthday and welcome, Dee!

  17. Thanks for the welcome, everyone. It’s warmed my heart.

    1. Happy Birthday Dee!
      Sending up loving prayers for you and your family πŸ™πŸŽ‰πŸ’–πŸŽ‚

  18. Who else has an August Birthday or Anniversary? Month and Date? Year Not required!

  19. After Reading today's devotion, ...Enjoy Me now and forever!... I pondered on How can I trust Someone with my eternity that I don't fully trust here and now with everything?
    That pondering led me to The Allegory of Two Feral Cats:
    On the ranch where we currently live, there are two feral cats. One cat has always come to us, and trusted us during good times. The other cat never would, no matter how we tried to entice it with finest treats. Fast forward to last week. Both cats got sick. The one who always came to us and trusted us in good times, came to us in sickness and we were able to get it immediate Veterinary help. In a day or two, it was well and healthy.
    The other non-trusting, stay away from us cat would not come to us, nor let us catch it to get it professional help, no matter what we tried. Today, that cat is still struggling, looking more sickly, and seemingly on the brink of death. Will it trust us enough to come to us so we can get help for it before the end comes? Only time will tell!
    Blessings that you enjoy God both NOW and Forever, JC Family. I love you!

    1. Thank you for this allegory Brie! I'm blessed this morning,as always, by being with my precious JC family. I'm praying that the other feral cat will accept your help and that he understand that you don't want him no harm. Sending healing prayers for him, the Lord cares for His creatures, may He lead the cat to get helped.

      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks BFF, The other feral cat sorta kinda reminds me of us sometimes, when we go off on our own, instead of spending time with God in joy and freely going to His throne when we need help in times of sorrow. I'll let you know the rest of the story. Love to you and our entire JC Family.

    3. Thanks Brie! So glad your trusting cat is doing better. Hope your other cat eventually comes to you for help in time to save it. We must be trusting as a little child in our great God at all times, so we will always come to Him with any problem. We must acknowledge Him in all things no matter how small. God is available to help us anytime. That Unchanging Hand is always within our reach. Father, please open our eyes to see Your very present help in times of trouble. Amen.

    4. I can hear God crooning
      Come to Me without more speculation
      Have no fear, give Me your hand, My dear
      Trust in Me in all you do
      Have the faith I have in you
      Love will see us through
      If only you trust in Me
      Come to Me when things go wrong
      Cling to Me and I'll be strong
      We can get along, we can get along
      As long as you trust in Me
      While there's a moon, a moon on high
      While there's are birds, birds that to fly
      While there's a you, a you and I
      You can be sure I Love You
      Stand beside Me, stand beside me all the while
      Face the future with a smile
      Trust in Me and
      I'll be Worthy of you.
      If only you Trust in Me!

    5. Thanks for sharing, Brie. Many truths can be gleaned from that story. God be with you.

    6. Thanks for sharing Trust in Me, Brie. We must always repeat in our heart. I Trust You, Jesus. He is already guiding our day.

    7. ♥️🎢 trust in me

    8. Thanks again dear Brie. Today I am really tired. Had my son's family over for dinner and ended up having may little Gabriel for a sleepover. So tired and wanted to do so many things today but I'm babysitting because my dear son and DIL had things to do and really need me. So I am Trusting in Him that all will go well and I will get the most important things done. Gabriel ate a lot of pancakes today and I was blessed so I could read the beautiful devotion and posts. He sure does stand beside me all the while so even if I'm really tired I will put a smile on my face, enjoy my little grandchild and pray for all of you.

  20. Love my daily "JC" time with the LORD and with you all & thank you for ministering to us. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

  21. Good morning JC family. Lord I'm so thankful for this new day.

    "Great is Thy faithfulness!
    Morning by morning new mercies I see,
    All I have needed Thy hand hath provided!"

    "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
    Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
    Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
    Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's."

    I've been reading devastating news that happened here in France these past fews days. There have been many forest fires, leaving people without homes, as well as multiple drowning accidents, especially among the youngest.
    This is heartbreaking and I'm praying for the ones who lost their homes, their loved ones, in those terrible accidents. I know this will take time for them to be restored but I pray that they come to God, find a refuge in His Presence. May their eyes be opened to the Truth, the truth that set free, and may their heart, soul, mind, body, life be filled with comfort and with the Peace of God that surpass everything.
    Lord please strengthen them and reveal yourself to them. They need you, we all do. I trust you Lord, Thank you for hearing our prayers. Thank you for your unconditional love.

    Praying for everyone here, Thank you all for being who you are in Christ, our King, you are all precious and deeply loved. I'm beyond thankful that God led us here to be together, His church, to love and pray for one another.

    Have a wonderful and blessed day JC fam!

    Blessings from France

    1. Blessings from France, I join you in prayer for the families and for restoration for all those losses (loveones' comfort and properties' restoration). Asking God for His peace and strength as well. He's a way Maker!

      God bless you,
      Maplewood NJ

    2. Blessings from France - "Great is Thy faithfulness!
      Morning by morning new mercies I see,
      All I have needed Thy hand hath provided!" AMEN!!! Joining you in prayers of restoration for everyone suffering losses.

    3. Bff-joining warriors in prayer for this part of France.

    4. BFF, Lifting them all up to our Lord Jesus Christ in prayer.

    5. Dear Blessings from France. I'm so sorry about the terrible things happening in France. It is indeed heartbreaking. May all those suffering and in mourning find solace in God's warm embrace and guidance by His right Hand and protection under His Wings. May their eyes be opened to the Truth unto salvation. Thank you for your prayers. Have a blessed Sunday.

    6. BFF I am lifting up all who have been affected by these tragedies...that God will give peace, comfort and guidance during these uncertain and trying days!

    7. Adding my prayers, mon ami, for the situations in France that you shared. May the grace of God lead to the extinguishing of the fires and to peace for those who have lost loved ones.

    8. Hope and pray all is well dear Blessings in France! God bless you always sweet sister.

  22. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You that all You require of me, is a response to Your Sacrifice, to offer You the sacrifices of my praise, of my body, by doing good and sharing the good news with others. Thank you being pleased with such sacrifices. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    The death of Jesus is the one perfect and complete sacrifice fulfilling the Old Testament preparation and prediction. When it comes to our sins, no further sacrifice is required. The scripture tells us in the New Testament, that God came in the person of His Son Jesus Christ to take that penalty by offering Himself as the sacrifice for sin and through the sacrifice, our Father’s love and Holiness were fully expressed and satisfied.
    However, we do need to offer sacrifices that pleases God. We can start with thanking Him for the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our sin (Psalm 89), and spend time in His Word. Romans chapters 1-11, reminds us that we need to offer the sacrifice of PRAISE. Praising God keeps our eyes fixed on Him, instead of our problems.
    His glory shines the brightest when we praise Him. There’s so much great power in our acknowledgement that in whatever problems we might be experiencing in life, God is certainly worthy, above all else, of our worship and praise. It’s a time well spent.
    We can offer the sacrifice of our lips through prayers and confession of His name, giving thanks (Heb. 13:15-16). Real sacrificial love involves allowing God to transform us by a total and complete change. Our love must be sincere and without hypocrisy (Romans 12:9).

    ‘Take your every day, ordinary life, your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life, and place it before God as an offering’(Eugene Peterson- as translated in ‘The Message’).

    Dear Father, Today we offer You our bodies as a living sacrifice. We are available to You. We give to You again, everything we have, our life, time, money, ambitions, plans, hopes, desires and families. Show us Your good, pleasing and perfect will so that we can enjoy You now and forever, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Beautiful words today, dear Maplewood. Praising God keeps our eyes fixed on Him. You can't worry or be angry or upset while you are lifting up your voice in Praise. You can't be afraid or depressed or discouraged while you are proclaiming His Holy Name. Let us give Him our ordinary day today, and every good fruit we bear. Let our thoughts, words and actions be pleasing to Him. Let us give Him the sacrifice of our time and walk with the Spirit, and remain in His presence. He has already been a ransom for our many sins, so we can walk boldly with confidence through this day knowing with all certainty that we are covered by His blood and His undying Love. Amen, His glory shines the brightest when we praise Him, and we bless Him by coming to Him first with our problems and concerns. He's just waiting to hear us say: We need You, We love You and We trust You. Blessings and peace to you dear Sister and to all my JC Family.

    2. Amen Maplewood NJ. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things for Him!

  23. Blessings, JC Family and BRIE/BRILLAMAR!! I am SO glad you are back! I have been trying to post for days and every time, my computer fails. I have much catching up to do as well as bringing all of you up to date.
    For right now, I wanted to say Good Morning and let you know that though my name hasn't shown up for a few days, I read and pray for each of you every day. What a blessed family we have. Loved your Team Analogy, MadFox. Bob, I went back on the site last night to download the music for my little Grandsons (I wanted them to get to hear Nicole's "Jesus Loves Me," and it's down. I had downloaded the teaching but not the music. If there is a way, please send it to me.
    More later - hope this posts this time.

    1. Thanks Norah. It's good to see you as well while I am stopping in and posting here on my way home.

    2. Norah! So glad you were able to post today. Thanks for your prayers. You little Grandsons are going to love to hear Nicole singing Jesus Loves Me! Stay well and be blessed and safe. Much love.

  24. (II Timothy 2:22) 'Shun youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart."

    On my way to God this AM, I bumped into you. You smiled at me in such a loving way, it touched me deeply. I returned the smile to you with much the same love. We couldn't help but hug each other and the hug felt so good. While still holding one another, you asked, 'Where are you going?' 'To my Father's house,' I replied. You said, 'So am I. Let's walk together.' 'Most certainly,' I responded. We took each other's hand and began to walk together, talking, sharing, opening up to each other, telling stories about our self, uniting our spirits. As we walked, we bumped into others and much the same reactions occurred. There were smiles, loving looks, hugs all around, joy, happiness, etc. We would find out we were all headed in the same direction. So we walked together, we skipped, we sang, some spoke in tongues, others poured out their joy with praises and other expressions of thanksgiving.

    As we approached the Father's house, the door flew open wide and out came the Father to greet us, to embrace each one of us, to be so happy we made it. He ordered His angels to get robes for each of us and shoes for our feet. He told other angels to prepare a feast of the best He had in His house. We all entered in and sat at the table. There stood Jesus at the head of the table with a huge smile on His face, we were deeply moved. He welcomed us with the warmest of greetings and invited for us to enjoy the feast. We did with great joy, talking and sharing and delighting in His presence and our company. When we had all eaten to our heart's content, Jesus stood up. There was a loaf of bread where He was seated that had not been touched. He reached for it and we could all clearly see, His hands were pierced...and we all knew why. Tears were flowing from everyone's eyes. He broke the bread to remind us of His broken body because He loved us. The bread was passed among us and we shared it together. Then He took the cup that was near Him and said, 'This represents the new covenant I have with each of you and all of you together. It is sealed in my blood and that seal can never be broken. There is absolutely nothing that can separate you from me any more or ever again so strong is my love for you.' The cup was passed among us and we all drank from it, affirming our oneness with Him and with each other.

    As this was completed, we looked around the table. We saw bread left over, more bread than we had started with. He said, 'See all this bread? Look at the empty seats at this table. There are so many that cannot find their way here to my Father's house. I need for you to go out and find them and bring them in so my table is full with no empty seats.' We looked at each other and nodded our heads. Yes, let's go do this. So we went out together, two by two, to find the lost and wandering. As we went in His name, we found ourselves being able to do miraculous things, things that we knew we did not have the capability within us to do but there was a power that was enabling us to do these things. We were awed by what was happening and we gave praise to God from whom all blessings flow. We are so blessed together and with Him. This joy we have, this love we share, this peace among us, is forever. Together, let us complete our mission.

    On my way to God this AM, I bumped into you...I was so blessed. With love, Bob

    1. Wow! Bob, once again you blew me away with your sharing. I was with it every step of the way. I entered in ti pray and I'll be leaving out to serve. Thanks for another Super Sunday! With love and blessings to our entire JC Prayer Warrior family.

    2. Bob- it felt like I was partaking in a communion service, which I haven't had in quite awhile. Entering Holy ground, supping, fellowshipping & leaving refreshed & Holy Ghost energized! Thanks brother BobπŸ€—!

    3. I was simple mesmerized by your words. I was so moved by them and you blessed my day in a profound way. Thank you so much Bob. This joy we have, right here together, because we are truly of one accord. This love we share, this peace among us, is forever. I am so humbled and grateful with tears in my eyes and so much love welling up in my very full heart. Thanks for blessing me, Bob and Thanks Lord for dropping me into this loving Family.

    4. Awesome Come-Union! Blessings to all on this new day with Christ!

    5. Bob thank you for the blessing of these words! Happy Sunday to all!!❤️

    6. AWESOME,AWESOME!! Another GREAT lesson/food for the soul! Enjoy His service today my friend and bday twin!

      God bless you!!

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Thank you, Bob, for all your prayers, guidance; you give me much hope. You responded yesterday to my first post on this site from a year ago. I tend to be critical, my sin; last year upset with step grandchildren not understanding popo who is raising his daughter now 35 and his granddaughters. Things are not as they should be, still, but they will be in God's time. My beloved Jeanne reminded me that popo was giving unconditional love even if its not deserved as our lord and savior does for me and I don't deserve it. I need to first take the plank out of my eye. Forgive me my Father in heaven. I have changed from a year ago..I'm in love with my savior and so many things have been revealed to me; I'm trying; I'm a work in progress. I have not been to holy communion in a while, only spiritually online. Today my cup runneth communion today because of you overwhelmed me with the holy spirit. Thank you Jesus for BM, your faithful servant running a good race. I love you Jeanne and Bob.

    8. Wow this is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing Bob! God bless you mon ami!

      Blessings from France

    9. Oh Bob! You touched my soul! Thank you Father for all here and for those who will find their way to the table of the Lord!!!!
      Blessings on all of you!

    10. Sorry, Jan Gridley I meant to thank you for responding to my post last year Aug 1st. I'm sure I read it last year but more was revealed to me this year..thank you Jesus for opening my eyes, ears, and heart. I love you Jan; I love all my JC Warriors. God bless you more!

    11. Musical Accompaniment
      I, The Lord of Sea and Sky
      I have heard My people cry
      All who dwell in dark and sin
      My Hand will save
      I who made the stars of night
      I will make their darkness bright
      Who will bear My Light to them?
      Whom shall I send?
      Here I am, Lord
      Is it I, Lord?
      I have heard You calling in the night
      I will go, Lord
      If You lead me
      I will hold Your people in my heart
      I, the Lord of Wind and Flame
      I will tend the poor and lame
      I will set a feast for them
      My Hand will save
      Finest bread I will provide
      'Til their hearts be satisfied
      I will give My Life to them
      Whom shall I send?
      Here I am, Lord
      Is it I, Lord?
      I have heard You calling in the night
      I will go, Lord
      If You lead me
      I will hold Your people in my heart
      I will hold Your people in my heart

    12. Dear Loveconquersall, I love the Christ in you. You are so worthy to be loved and God is your one true love, whose love never changes. We all are works in progress and we are so loved exactly as we are. The Lord already knows all of our needs. We may not see Him working behind the scenes but that unconditional love is without end and He is mighty to save. I place all my family and unsaved family members in His care. He is faithful and He knows the workings of our hearts and that we seek Him. Let us remember to call His name always in our time of need and praise His name at all times. I love you.

    13. In 2024, I am again blown away into WOWLAND by your post brother BOB...and There is absolutely nothing that can separate you from Me any more or ever again so strong is My Love for you.' The cup was passed among us and we all drank from it, affirming our oneness with Him and with each other...
      Once I drink wine or anything, it is absorbed into my entire being. I cannot purge it, ever. My body uses what it needs, and easily discards what it has no need of. Nothing can separate what I injest; it becomes a part of me. This analogy enables the realities of Roman's 8 to become clearer and clearer..."38 For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His Love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s Love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, 39 or where we are—high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean—nothing will ever be able to separate us from the Love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for us. So be it and so it is.
      Musically swirling anew in my head are old lyrics:
      Make Me weep and you can make Me cry
      See Me coming and you can pass Me by
      But nothing, nothing
      Can ever change this Love I have for you.
      Even when you left Me because you wanted to roam
      When you got back, I just said, Welcome Home
      'Cause nothing, nothing, nothing
      Can ever change this Love I have for you...
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  25. Good Sabbath morning JC Loved ones πŸ₯°. May the Lord of the universe & our hearts usher each us into worship this day. Brie welcome back. The songs in your heart blessed us. Love the reference you & Bob had about Unchained Melody by the Righteous Bros. Love that song. It was one of my & hubby's favorite song. It gave me so much hope as I waited for him to come home from Vietnam, "time goes by so slowly and time can do so much, are you still mine?" "Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea, to the open arms of the sea and lonely rivers sigh wait for me, wait for me, I'll be coming home wait for me". He came home to my arms. It's been 50 yrs. He's still the love of my life. To apply love songs we use to enjoy as love songs to our God is a "why not"? Moment😊. There are times in my devotional that I fall in love with Jesus all over again & my heart will burst forth a love song because just plain words are not enough. Today's JC words,"this is a deep mystery; do not try to fathom it. Instead, glorify Me by delighting in Me. Enjoy me now and forever!". So yes Bob, I too have fallen madly in love with Jesus! He is my magnificent obsession! Love, love to allπŸ₯°.

    1. Amen Jan! You are blessed to have a lasting and strong marriage. But the greatest Love is the one for the Lord whose Love is complete in every way and without end.

  26. Thanks Jan! Congrats on 50 years of happily married bliss! My hubby also Viet Nam Veteran. In September, we plan to celebrate 54 years of marriage. I sang it for him and thanks to Bob, I'll now add it to all the songs I sing to Jesus. That song is forever etched in my brain.

    1. Thank YOU dear BrieπŸ₯°. Let's always have a song in our hearts for our beloved Jesus πŸ’•. Bless your day!

  27. How blessed you both are to have such enduring marriages! God bless you and your special loves! This will be our 39th year but I had been going out with my good husband for 8 years before we got married so we are blessed to have a lasting love too. Very thankful!

  28. Good Morning!! I am blessed today! Pattie has been discharged from the hospital! She will still have to stay near the hospital for a month or so but she is out!! Thank y’all so much for praying with us!! I also wanted to share that I have been blessed to be able to attend mass at my church for the last couple of months! We have to practice strict social distancing but a small price to pay for the opportunity to attend services! I know many that still cannot do this so the blessing is not lost on me! I took a few notes from the sermon that I wanted to share! Mainly because I hope it will bless someone else but also...If I’m being helps me stay focused on the message to! Anyhow, our Gospel was from Matthew and was the story of the loaves and fishes. The homily started out with the joke/story about the man who was warned of impending floods! The police drove by to fetch him, later a boat came by, and lastly, a helicopter! Each time, the man refused and said his faith would save him! He perished in the flood and was mad when he got to heaven and asked God WHY did He not save him? God’s reply was...I sent you a car, a boat and a helicopter! He then tied that story to the fact that Jesus gave the loaves/fishes to the deciples to feed the crowd instead of feeding them Himself. The takeaway for me was, God most often uses human instruments to accomplish His work! You are all God’s instruments as I hope I am as well!
    Be blessed on the beautiful Sunday!

    1. Bamagrl- continuing to pray for Patti. She's blessed to have you BamaGrl for loving support.

    2. BamaGril. Thanks for that wonderful update! It is amazing that after such serious surgery Pattie is discharged. Well that is God's healing and faithfulness. I'm glad you have beenable to attend Mass. I'm still a bit nervous about it so I watch it with my Husband. I know that story about the flood and it is a good one. Amen that Jesus wanted His own disciples to feed the people. We must come to Him with sincere and open hearts and remain in His presence so we can be good and useful instruments to accomplish His Will.

  29. Amen! Bamagrl. This affirms our delivery order to bringing more souls to Christ until there is one flock with One Shepherd! The only feet He has on this earth are ours; the only hands He has on this earth are ours, etc. Your takeaway also ties in with Bob's finale... This joy we have, this love we share, this peace among us, is forever. Together, let us complete our mission...

    1. And this also affirms Maplewood, NJ's ...Thank You that all You require of me, is a response to Your Sacrifice, to offer You the sacrifices of my praise, of my body, by doing good and sharing the good news with others...
      Time for me to get to work in His Vineyard. Still Social Distancing but I can make phone calls and do drop offs. Love you

  30. Amen! I’m so thankful for our community of “instruments” in God’s glorious band!

    1. Me too BamaGrl! Blessed by our JC Family and looking forward to hearing the ways God is using us and guiding our paths.

    2. We are truly His instruments dear BamaGrl. We a called to make a joyful noise to open the hearts of all we encounter.

  31. Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. (Galatians 5:1,16-18). And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. (Galatians 6:16,18).

    Father, let me rest in Your loving, everlasting arms and breathe Your Spirit in. Renew my mind and stir my heart as I rejoice and delight in You. In You, we live and move and have our meaning. You hold all creation together. Let me sow in the spirit and not the flesh. Help me nail my sins to the cross and leave them there. Let them be crucified and my heart filled with joy of salvation and living in You Lord. Help me keep You the center of my life and to always look to You in all things. Let me be open to receive all You have for me. Open my eyes and ears to see and hear all Your beauty and miracles in the world and the messages from You. Thank You Jesus. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord always and continually. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Such a beautiful prayer Janet! Amen and Amen.


    This is a link to a wonderful hymn. The words are beautiful.

    1. Never heard that great hymn. Thanks for sharing it!

  33. Good morning dear warriors. Prayers please, hubby is seeing neurologist this morning. He need to get off the blood thinners, drugs he's taking. Will explain later. He's having reactions. Thanking all of you for lifting him up. Blessings πŸ’•

    1. Jan, I join the prayer warriors here, calling and trusting on Jehovah Rapha. It shall be well with your hubby in Jesus' name.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Joining in prayer for your hubby. I like the positive affirmation Maplewood has given you. I agree we have you covered here in prayer and like she said "it shall be well with your hubby in Jesus' name"

    3. Praying for all those managing medications that they be restored in Jesus name!

    4. So sorry Jan that he must go through that. Praying for your dear hubby. God will be with him.
      Thank You Father for guiding the doctor to assess him correctly and give him the best meds that won't cause any bad reactions. We trust you because You are the Way Maker. Thank you for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

  34. Lifting both you and your DH up in prayers, Jan. May God give DH's doctor(s) guidance and direction for an alternative med vs what your hub is presently taking and may the side effects from the present blood thinner disappear quickly! Blessings for both of you, Jan! In Jesus' GREAT name, AMEN!

    1. NJS, I read your yesterday's post and want you to know that whatever box your family have put you in, please know that God has a greater plan for you. You are in the palm of His hand, under His grace and mercy and best of all, He loves you with an UNCONDITIONAL Love that No one can take away from you!
      Keep lovong and praying for them, God has you covered. Just fix your eyes on JESUS!

      Remain Blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you for reminding me that God's love is unconditional, Maplewood. I feel so very broken and shunned. I am reading the book of Job again and all he endured with a mostly positive attitude, listening to praise music (Praise You in this Storm, Casting Crowns being one of them)and it helps but this overwhelming sadness will not leave me. Heard a sermon on pruning and while pruning can be painful it's necessary so the tree can grow larger and bear more fruit. Not sure what God is pruning me for or if He is but it sure does hurt, lol. I know He loves me and won't leave me and that He has a good and perfect plan for me...and knowing this should be enough, yet this awful cloud of sadness and despair won't leave me (even when I rebuke it). I will continue to look to Jesus, though, knowing He is here with me. I want to get back to being my positive-happy self but my family's silence and disconnect continues to plague me. Yesterday my other half said lovingly, "when do you think are you coming back to your happy self?". Hate that I can't shake it. My good friend told me her family didn't speak to her for 4 years over her speaking to a sister-in-law that they decided was the demise of their brother who passed suddenly. When she shared this story, my eyes looked like that emoji with the wide eyes. Not sure how she endured 4 years BUT they did speak again so there's hope!

      Appreciate this space and wonderful JC family as a soft place for me to land. I'm not and won't be a victim and will pull through this! Again, many thanks, Maplewood, for your encouragement! Blessings to you and all of our JC family, in Jesus' name, amen.

  35. "For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward thise who fear Him" (Psalm 103:11).

    Its a good think to give thanks to the Lord. As the start of this new glorious day, I give thanks for Your mercy and grace, Father. Thank You for taking control of everything that seems impossible in my life, every battle, and meeting every need beyond my demands, while allowing me to see the impact of Your hand in and through it. On this day, I pray for Blessings that stirs my heart, Peace that suits my mind, Happiness that lifts my spirit, and Glory that lasts forever as I walk with You. in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

    Our God is not silent, He is alive and active. When we find the time to be in His Presence, He reveals so much to us. He is an infinite God, fully capable of communicating with each of us right where we are, in the midst of our concerns, circumstances, and in very personal, direct and explicit terms, when we bring Him the sacrifice of our time. God is serious about His and our relationship, and spening time with Him both talking and listening, is one of the most important thing we can do for the sake of our eternal soul!
    No matter what we go through, losses, pain, disappointments, sickness, lack etc., our ONLY hope and comfort is seeking the LORD, and when we do so, we will surely find Him and receive rest! (Heb. 1:1, 2; Matt. 6::33).

    Most gracious Father, please continue to shape us into the people we ought to be for your Kingdom. Seeking You is offering our sacrifice of time while allowing us to soak in the blessings that flows through streams of living water that comes directly from Your throne of grace.
    We ask the Holy Spirit to encourage us, show us what it means to spend time with You and help us to live this out. Make us aware of the opportunities and blessings we recieve by being filled by Your presence and Word. May every area of our lives reflect time well spent with You, in Your kindness and compassion. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    "Oh magnify the Lord with me. And let us exalt His name together" (Psalm 34:3).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. May God, who knows and loves you intimately, make all things right in your life, health and future. He is a very present Help in times of trouble and loss. Thank you for lifting us even and helping us to weather the storms. We know our Hope is in the Lord. He is our everything and we can't get through even one hour without Him. So very blessed to have you back here with us.

  36. Maplewood - "No matter what we go through, losses, pain, disappointments, sickness, lack etc. our ONLY hope and comfort is seeking the LORD" I covet your prayers.
    My eternal relationship to Christ is the only thing that matters in my life." Thank You Jesus for saving my soul.

  37. Lord, You are deserving of all my time and love. I need to dedicate more time to spend in Your presence each day. Just sitting with You in Your glory will open up my heart. Please help me to remember that time spent with You is the best part of my day.

  38. Such truth dear Mark! The best time is time alone with our First and True Love.

  39. In this quiet place, this quiet time, all I can hear is the wind in the trees ( quite breezy today with a hint of rain), the occasional cry of seagulls. In my spirit I will be here all day. My early thoughts on waking were Holy Holy Holy are You O God.
    Holy Holy Holy are You, Righteous and True, Justice are You. I don't want to move on, I want to stay here where His Mercy falls. Today's " Bring Me the sacrifice of your time; a most precious commodity." Is exactly what I want to do, more than a need it is my deepest desire. For my part I need nothing else, however others are dependent on me, so my time is limited.
    Duties call, even though I've put them on hold, they're still there, BUT I shall do my best to stay in this zone throughout the day.
    A delight leaps within as I realize that when time shall be no more, our communion with the Lover of our soul shall be without limits. We shall experience Aeons in worship, "Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty Who was and is and is to come."
    I long to get carried away in worship as in Revelation 4:
    "Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come."
    9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever,
    10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
    11 "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being."
    Praying you all shall not just have a good day today, but that you shall experience a God day to day.

    1. Very good Peter, thank you!

    2. Amen brother Peter, amen. Thank you for heralding this day in this manner. Bless your day also. Hallelujah!πŸ’žπŸ™

    3. Amen and thank you! Wonderful post and prayer. Thanks for sharing God’s Word. Praise Him with gratitude with every breath. Thank You Father for this bright new day! Keep the Name of Jesus on our lips and in our hearts today. Lead us Lord! You are our Maker and the Keeper of our hearts and the Lover of our Souls. In You we trust. Waiting on You for answered prayers with patience and the hope You have given us. Thank You for guiding my sister in Christ Patricia as she goes through yet another procedure today to restore her back and hips. Thank you for removing her constant pain and for bringing her back to perfect health and comfort in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  40. Thank you for your prayers for my dear friend Sandy. She wrote this yesterday: Report was good. PET SCAN CLEAN ! Blood work stable and bone Marrow Biopsy was better as well. I'm due for the Colonoscopy and they want me to have the Endoscopy as well. All good πŸ‘.
    God is so faithful. Thank you all for keeping dear Sandy in your prayers and Pray she will open her heart to Jesus and realize all good things are from Him, for Him, and in Him. Hallelujah

  41. You offer an uplifting picture of His Glory and Peace. Joining you in celebration today and ever more. Thanks, Peter!

  42. After 2 hours of working with my arm, I can now straighten my elbow.

    Now I am working with my shoulder skin so I can have my arm at my side while my elbow is straight.

    Could this wear on me? Absolutely. But I have been reading in the Jesus Calling blog and am being encouraged. And through some words that were posted, a song came to my mind. I didn't feel the words as I played the song in my head but now they are beginning to resonate in my heart...

    Great are you Lord, and worthy of glory. Great are you Lord and worthy of praise.

    Thank you Lord for watering my heart.

    1. Dear Keith, Thanking God for leading you step by step through your recovery! Take it slowly and hold His Hand. I’m so thankful you can now straighten your arm and I know God is already working on your shoulder so you can put your arm at your side. He’s busy strengthening and healing you in ways no one can see, from the inside out. Joining in all prayers for you dear brother! He is indeed worthy of praise and glory! Each of your new accomplishments is glory you bring to Him.

  43. Keith--- Just love the image of the Lord watering your heart. I pray He gives you strength and patience for your rehabilitation and your body responds with total Healing/Restoration.
    Psalm 70:29-21 "Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, You will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth You will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again."

    Sending you Great Love and blessings, JJ

    1. Thanks dear JJ! I really needed those verses too. Amen

  44. Here's a nightcap for y'all πŸ™
    You Say by Lauren Daigel
    ♥️🎢 Link

    1. Always loved that song dear Audra! Great nightcap . Thanks πŸ’—

  45. I love how honest you are, Christ bless you for your candidness and bring us this word thru Sara young. Prays Payton family always

  46. No greater place to be than in God’s presence and peace. Resting in Him and thanking Him for His faithfulness. Please pray for my sister Janet’s sister in love, Marion who has a mass in her breast that will soon be biopsied. Her doctor said it looks like it’s cancerous. Praying for it to be benign because our God is greater. So we trust in Him alone. Thank You Jesus. May God answer all our prayers, comfort our weary and sorrowful hearts, strengthen our weaknesses, heal our infirmities and those if our loved ones, guide our paths, and bring us peace. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    1. Joining in prayers with you for Marion. May our heavenly Father speak His word of love and good health over her and through His power, she shall be sustained. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. I join dear Janet in prayer for Marion. Use this time of uncertainty in her walk Lord to draw even closer to You. May her troubled heart seek Your solace & peace, knowing that Your strength & faithfulness will see her through this time of uncertainty. We ask, seek, knock at Your door of mercy that the news will be benign! Amen! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. Joining the prayer warriors as we ask our heavenly Father to wrap his loving arms around Marion and bestow peace and comfort in her. Prayers for her medical team to deliver good news to her.

    4. Joining in prayers for Marion.

  47. Dear Brie, Hope you got the Caregiver’s prayers I posted. Praying for your strength and Keith’s comfort and healing and that God is already taking away his swelling. Thank You Jesus. We trust in You.

    Proverbs 4,5-6
    Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

    Romans 8/28
    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

    1 Peter 5:7
    Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

    1. Praying for you dear Brie & KeithπŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Praying for you, Brie and Keith for peace, comfort and His mercy in all that you do.

    3. πŸ’—πŸ™You’re welcome! Praying with our family for you and Keith. God has equipped you well for the day set before you.

  48. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 John 1:2). Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. (Psalm 37:3).

    1. Amen. Thanks dear Janet.

    2. Janet - My Debbi gave me a silver bracelet with this inscription on it "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 John 1:2). I will forever treasure my blessing bracelet

  49. Good morning everyone! ♥️I hope everyone is blessed and all of your prayers are being answered according to God’s good and perfect will! I would really appreciate your prayers for me as I visit my mom. Please pray for her as she is aging and has a lot of health problems. She just recently had a wreck and now has gout in one of her feet. In the past couple of years she had major back surgery. We have had a rocky relationship in the past but I just hope and pray forgiveness pours out on us both that we will have a really good visit together.I also pray for Gods protection and guidance for safety as I travel back home. She lives a couple of hours from me. During the time I am here just please pray that I will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s guiding Presence in ALL things! Also that I will be a blessing to her! Thanks everyone!

    1. Heavenly Father, please restore anonymous and her mother's relationship and bring healing to her mother's back and foot, as well as, mercy travels for them to reconnect. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Lifting you Anonymous, your mom , relationship & travel. Be encouraged that God is in the business of making all things beautiful again through the power of reconciliation & redeeming what the locust have eaten. Amen!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

      What the locust have eaten. Amen!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. Joining Janet and others in this awesome JC Warrior Family, Anonymous, for the healing of your relationship with your mom. May your visit have far more laughter than tears or tension. Praying our Jehovah Rapha relieves your mom from the discomfort and pain in her back and foot. In Jesus' name, amen!

    4. May the presence of the Holy Spirit bring joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness.

    5. Joining the prayer warriors for a peaceful visit with your mom, Anonymous. He can do all things. Nothing is impossible with Him. I pray that you and your mom open your hearts to receive peace, love and harmony in each other.

    6. Echoing the JC Warriors prayer chain for Anonymous mother.

    7. Joining in prayer with all of the above for you and your Mom. May the Love and Peace of God reign Supreme over all, in all, and through all. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    8. Dear Anonymous. God goes before you always so rest in Him. Joining all prayers of our dear JC Family for the healing of your Mother, your blessed time together, and also your traveling safety. May God’s Spirit fill you both and guide your words to each other. Trusting in God’s faithfulness in all ways

      Psalm 9:9-10
      The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.
      And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

  50. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, please let Your blessings flow like streams of living water in and through me in abundance and continually. Let me be open to receive all that You have for me. Grant me the privilege to share this blessing with others. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  51. Dear heavenly Father, I am grateful and blessed. Son-Dominic proposed to Allie-She said YES! Right after church service. Thank you Jesus! God is so so good!

    1. How exciting! Congrats to your growing family.

    2. May their union be blessed!

    3. Such wonderful news dear ABC! May guide bless the happy couple and guide their life together! Congratulations to your family.
      Rejoice! The best is yet to come!

  52. You may remember my former mother in law, Pat, fell last week and couldn't call for help for four hours? Well, she had her gallbladder removed and is in rehab now. It'll be a long recovery, but she will be fine. Thank you for your prayers for Pat and my family.

    1. Thanks for the update, Suzanne R. Prayers continue!

  53. Keeping Pat in my prayers. May our Great Physician heal every weakness in her body and anywhere else! He knows exactly what she needs. Thank You Jesus.

  54. I pray in expectation for perfect outcomes for all requests here today, known and unknown. I have no doubt that our prayers are heard. ✝️πŸ™♥️

    1. Amen dear Audra. God hears every one and we have already seen His faithfulness so many times. Waiting on the Lord with you.

  55. Thank You, my Lord, for this beautiful message you've inspired and let us read (the devotions, verse thoughts, prayers, comments, verses). Thank You, Jesus. You are our treasure, our Living Water. Thank you for the candid honesty and community here. I pray your blessings over each one here and their families. Thank you father for hearing us. Help us seek you first πŸ™ ♥️ in Jesus name. Amen

    1. Thanks dear free as can B. We are praying for each other. Thank You Father for hearing and answering our prayers in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  56. Don't give up hope. God is in the business of miracles.

    There is power in prayer. Don't stop praying no matter what you're going through.

    Jesus died for you and he suffered for you.

    Ask God to turn your test/trial into a testimony.

    There is power in your words. Speak the words that are in agreement with

    Stop speaking about your mountain

    1. Stop speaking about your mountain and start commanding it to move.

      Mark 11:23 "Truly, I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain,
      'Go throw yourself into the sea,'
      and does not doubt in their heart but believes what they say
      will happen, it will be done for them."


    2. Amen JJ, thank you for sharing this encouragement

  57. Dearest JJ! I am praying for so many who are going through great trials and difficult journeys! Your prayers and encouragement make such a difference in my day! Thanks dear sister!
    My dear friend Sandy has her colonoscopy today. Praying the gray area in her colon on her Pet Scan is benign. Trusting always in God’s mercy, healing power and faithfulness. Thanks for your prayers for Brenda and her mom Arnetta. Her mom is still unresponsive. Brenda is praying for God to take her peacefully. I’m still praying for a miracle. But His Will be done.
    Let us pray without ceasing and trust God to make things right and heal, guide and comfort all those on our prayer lists. He is All Mighty! Nothing is too hard for Him. Thank You Father God for answering our prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Lamentations 3:22-23
    Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
    Because His compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning;
    Great is Your faithfulness.

    1. Praying for Sandy, Brenda and Arnetta, putting each in His Precious Hands for healing in Jesus Almighty Name.

    2. Standing in the gap with you, Jeanne, for Sandy, Brenda, and Arnetta. Calling on Jehovah Rapha -- The Lord who heals!

    3. Adding Spirit filled prayers for His Will Be Done to all situations and our ability to accept and glorify our FATHER IN HEAVEN, no matter what we want and when we want it.

    4. Thanks dear Peter and JJ! Amen! He is the God Who Heals. He hears all our prayers and we have seen His Faithfulness.

    5. Continued prayer for these needs, He is able

  58. Having 'time' available is one of the blessings of being over retirement age - we actually never retire, we just aren't engaged in full-time paid work. There's still plenty to be active in.
    Instead of the 10 to 15 minutes before driving off to the office back then, I now have the luxury of using more time to worship, time in prayer, time reading His Word, time in just being in the Presence of my Lord and Saviour Jesus. There are always things to do, chores etc, but it's a blessing to be able to rearrange them and prioritize time alone. My wife Karen and I usually take separate rooms to be alone with Him. Sometimes I hear her singing in praise and worship....that really blesses me. I love to hear her singing.
    Revelation 10:6 Aramaic Bible
    "And he swore by him who lives to the eternity of eternities, him who created Heaven and that which is in it, and The Earth, and that which is in it: “Time shall be no more.”
    Where we're headed to, in our Heavenly Home, although there will be events, time (chronos) is unlimited, eternity has no time limits. What a glorious thought!

    1. Dear Peter --- May the Lord bless you and your wife abundantly as you begin each day in His presence. Just like the angel in Revelation 10:6 proclaimed the end of delay, may you experience the fulfillment of God's promises without delay. May you find joy and strength in each other and in the Lord, who created all things and sustains you both with His everlasting love. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. God bless your day as you have blessed mine πŸ™‚
