Friday, August 28, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 28

Grow strong in the Light of My Presence. As My Face shines upon you, you receive nutrients that enhance your growth in grace. I designed you to commune with Me face-to-Face, and this interaction strengthens your soul. Such communion provides a tiny glimpse of what awaits you in heaven, where all barriers between you and My Glory will be removed. This meditative time with Me blesses you doubly: you experience My Presence here and now, and you are refreshed by the hope of heaven, where you will know Me in ecstatic joy.
Psalm 4:6-8
English Standard Version

There are many who say, “Who will show us some good? Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Lord!” You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound. In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. 

Verse thoughts
I am often seeking out every possible place for joy, when God gives me joy and peace in His Word. God is the author of joy.

Revelation 21:23
English Standard Version

And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.

My Prayer 
Keep me focused on Your Lord. Keep your Face shining on me. I want to surrender to You and allow Your Presence to move through me, giving me strength for each day. I am a sinner in need of Your Presence. I continually do things each day out of anger and impatience. Help me to never forsake spending time with You. I need Your Word daily in my life. I want to know You through Your Words and through Your Presence.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Replies
    1. Praying for you! I pray that He will meet you where you are, and you'll be drawn closer to Him in whatever your circumstance may be. Also, that you'll receive His peace that surpasses all understanding, and be filled with His Spirit, love, joy and hope.... Blessings!

    2. Amen, Unknown! Joining you in prayer for Unknown's personal circumstance. May they feel God's love, peace, mercy and grace wherever they are on their faith journey. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    3. I wondered when the blog would to 200 posts. Looks to me today's the day! Growing stronger in there Light of His Presence! Write on! 😉

  2. I've had the awesome privilege of having a lot of time to ponder on His word and feel His presence. I had a few years of what I thought was idleness, but it was time carved out just for myself and God to commune. He made a way to make me be still long enough to hear and feel His presence. As time passed, the stronger I felt His presence, and His love and guidance. Prayer, devotion, scripture, all take up time, but it is worth every second, and you will be rewarded with His presence being felt. I love stronger, now and have had a glimpse of Heaven. Giving God time is the best thing I've ever done!

    1. God bless you!!! Such a beautiful testimony :) I pray all is well with you and you continue to be shined upon by our loving Father ���� ☀️

    2. A Testimony to the Glory of God! How awesome! We overcome by the words of our testimonies!
      Praise to the King for giving you this testimony. Stay enjoying the Joy and Peace of God! He's GREAT!


    3. Praise the Lord ! I like the way God uses all situations for His glory !

    4. Such a beautiful testimony. Thank for God’s faithfulness and this inspiration. ❤️

    5. So true. I am having the same experience, UNKNOWN. I was, and still am, one of many covid layoffs, during which time I encountered God, i am able to spend hours in His Word and His Presence, and I met this awesomely Heavenly JC Family. I feel like Little Orphan Annie, when she sang, I Think I'm Going To Like It Here!
      🎶 🙏 ♥️

    6. People ask how I am enjoying retirement. Right here, right now, growing my personal relationship to God and reading his Word is my priority. Thank you all for being a big part of my life, all glory be to God!

    7. Thanks again, Unknown. The truths and gifts you uncovered in 2018, are still gifts and true in 2022. My favorite place and time are in His Presence Everyday! Eureka Blessings to each of you and your dear ones, JC Family. You are loved!

    8. Unknown - your prayer is timely for everyone anytime. In 2022, it still rings true.

      SC Anonymous

    9. Time is a commodity that many take for granted. Including myself. I often get a bad case of that I call the ‘let me just…’ and it turns me from being a Mary into being a Martha. When I catch myself, I remind myself to stay in His light and follow His teachings.
      Blessings to all this Sunday morning.

  3. thank you jesus for each and every blessed day thank u jesus

  4. Replies
    1. Unknown unknown, I pray that by now you have found and accepted the Peace of God. I am also trusting that Your situation has turned around for your good to the Glory of God!
      Believing for you.

      Maplewood NJ

  5. Amen! I pray the same ���� ☀️ Let his light shine upon you and give you peace through the storm �� God Bless!!

  6. Unknown, unknown, please look toward the light, away from the darkness. I pray that you will look forward with HOPE!


  7. When the grace of God is upon your life, everything seems to fall into perfection even if the world around you is falling apart and your circumstances seems to be at a stand still. However, His grace wakes you up with a new song of Praise, you invite His Spirit and watch yourself sail smoothly through the day filled with gratitude and Praise to His Holy name, forgetting your problems of yesterday.
    Yes Father, that's me this morning, with a grateful heart and a song of praise to say Thank You for yet another day filled with Your gifts and love for me. THANK YOU Lord!

    I was sitting on the train around 7:45pm ET last night heading home from work and smiling, just smiling while reading all the postings. Why? Because when I think of the goodness of God and All He is doing in our lives, from coming together each morning, sharing, praying and trusting via this blog, how can you not feel blessed and be joyful? We are GROWING, people are being encouraged and Blessed, this is a place to fellowship, to be free and not be or feel judged! That's the power of this AWESOME GOD we serve family! Glory to HIS name!

    Keith, it warms my heart to know that You received a sense of truth through yesterday's prayer. I feel blessed to be a blessing to others. Jesus prayed for us to the Father (John 17: 20-23), a prayer that has always touched me. The SON of God praying for me before He suffered humiliation to set me free, is beyond me! So, we are blessed when our prayers are a blessing to others and to the Glory of God. I pray your dad is doing well now. Yes, coffee and prayer sounds great next time I'm in Your State of 10.000 lakes! Stay blessed. Jesus loves you!

    BB, aka Jan, I hope to get use to the new name, Lol. God bless you.
    Praying to the Father for all the prayer requests and oncerns and giving Thanks to His Holy name for ALL He has already done and is doing for us.

    My JC Family, drought simply means a long period of dry weather that affects harvest. You might be passing through drought and find yourself helpless, but my prayer and declaration for you this morning is that: your abandoned dreams and hopeless circumstance be revived. God favor shall see you through. God shall send you a good rain, your drought season is over, every period of insufficiency is over, eagerness without fulfilment is over. God's favor shall reactivate you. God shall mess up your adversaries and you shall live to declare His glory, all in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Saviour!
    Let us Trust, Believe and Think Positive. Our God is truly a loving God who is able to do the impossible!

    Love and Peace Family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood--- I receive your prayer with thankgiving. A wonderful UPLIFT!.

    2. Well said, Maplewood. Thank you for this wonderful insight.

    3. Maplewood, thank you for your beautiful prayer. I thankfully receive your prayer and prayer for All God’s best for you and for each of our JC family. Thank you Lord for taking such good care of us even when we don’t deserve it. Holy Spirit please control each of our minds. We love you Lord Jesus and thank you for shining your magnificent light on and through us. In Jesus Heaven name
      Texas friend 🥰✝️🙏😇

    4. Amen Maplewood, Just waking up to a new day in Him is our greatest blessing. When He is the Center of our lives, all things come together. He allows us to go through the droughts to test our faith and to see His righteousness. In the darkness, His light shines even brighter! He is close to the broken hearted and fights our battles. How blessed we are!

    5. Receiving your prayer, Maplewood! No matter how great the storm we may be going through, our God is GREATER! All Praise and Glory belong to Him! As Jeanne wrote, every day I wake up is a good day with the Lord. Another day, another opportunity, to seek and serve Him. God be with you and our JC family.

      Blessings from California

    6. Dear Maplewood. Every day you are a blessing to us. God's Spirit fills you with the beautiful words you share with us. God surely can do the impossible. Please pray for my friend Rudy who is recovering from Covid. He has a bad cough that is lingering and now he has shortness of breath. He has had a heart valve replacement a while ago and is in need of another. He must get well. Thank you for your prayers.
      Thank You dear Father for Your healing and faithfulness in the Name of Christ Jesus.

    7. I posted the other day about feeling like I'm walking through a dry & thirsty land these days. Thank you Maplewood that reading your 2019 post reminds me that soon my drought will be over & He will drench me with a pouring rain! I wait oh Lord, I wait expectant. I shall do my deliverance dance in the rain. Hallelujah!

      Praying with you dear Jeanne for your friend. # 1 Son still has a lingering cough from covid & DIL still weak from it. Let's declare deliverance for them. "In the name of Jesus, we cast out these residual effects from this affliction, we speak wellness, wholeness, complete recovery & healing!" Hallelujah! Amen!

    8. Rejoicing with you J G in blessed relief from drought. Praying for these Covid related concerns. ❤️

    9. �� Sister in Christ, Jan prayers for you and those that you requested.

    10. Thanks Maplewood NJ, for all of your sweet timeless syrup with no expiration date, and for adding yet another song to my Stormy Weather playlist:
      My life goes on in endless song
      Above earth´s lamentations,
      I hear the real, though far-off hymn
      That hails a new creation.
      Through all the tumult and the strife
      I hear its music ringing,
      It sounds an echo in my soul.
      How can I keep from singing?
      While though the tempest loudly roars,
      I hear the truth, it liveth.
      And though the darkness 'round me close,
      Songs in the night it giveth.
      Since love is lord of heaven and earth
      How can I keep from singing?
      When tyrants tremble in their fear
      And hear their death knell ringing,
      When friends rejoice both far and near
      How can I keep from singing?
      In prison cell and dungeon vile
      Our thoughts to them are winging,
      When friends by shame are undefiled
      How can I keep from singing?

    11. Our dear sweet sister friend in Christ, Jan. Come to Louisiana, where 6 months in every year you will no longer be walking through a dry & thirsty land! Where He will drench you with a pouring rain and we can both do an Hallelujah Victory deliverance dance in the rain :) Hallelujah! Praying for His torrential drenching coming to you Soon And Very Soon. Believe For It. With Love, Brie

    12. Somewhere I heard a farmer say, sometimes they withhold water from the crops, because drought times forces the root system to grow deeper and stronger. Any farmers in JC Land who can verify whether or not this is really so?

    13. Absolutely so, confirms this spiritual farmer 😉

    14. How Can I Keep From Singing by Enya

    15. Might y'all pray for some of that Ida rain to find it's way too California. We are expectant for fires out, clear skies and end of drought. Thank you Jesus, we knock, we ask, we pray. All glory is to You Lord!

    16. Dear Brie, you're priceless! Would love to visit & dance the night away! Love the "root" thing. Only God though can apply just enough drought so we can be deeply rooted in Him. As an avid gardener, even I would be in fear of holding off the water too much. DEAD PLANTS! Love the song, I think I can almost hear you singing it🎶. Love to you dear heart.

  8. Good Morning LORD,I don't know where you're going, but I'm going with you. Trusting in You, show me the way .... Abundant love, joy, peace and blessings to my JC Family

    1. Count me in too, Sassy Mom!
      God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    2. Me too! I will follow where He leads. He already knows our futures and He has already prepared our days!

  9. I am "refreshed by Hope," as I know my future and I know that today is filled with all of the promises of God. Maplewood, your joy and enthusiasm is contagious. Loved reading about the drought and the promise of rain.
    This morning, I had a little 'chipping' at my joy - like a shadow or the sun hiding behind a cloud (perhaps in part because all we've had is rain for several days). It is my 3rd son's birthday and I was reliving the excitement I felt 34 years ago. How simple it is raising them (at times!), when all you had to do was pray for their boo boo and life was PERFECT! He is a wonderful, strong man who is loved and gives so much. Yet, I find myself wanting more. Not his job!
    This morning after reading JC and the many prayers and claims of joy, I pictured myself turning my face to the sun - to the Son. I remembered someone on this blog mentioning the book, "Lord, Change Me," and I purchased it right after that. This morning I picked it up again.
    Whatever it is that's nipping at me, instead of looking to others in my family or among my friends to do something, I prayed again, "Lord, change me." I am the one who determines what I think and believe - no one else.
    Today, I will give with abandon; my goal will be to bless others, especially, my birthday son (which means not doing much - he despises the 'lime light,' not look to them to bless me. That self-centered thinking never avails much!
    Praying for all of you. Jan (BB) - looking forward to hearing about your hubby's Ortho appointment. Blessings abound.

    1. Norah, sending rain your way, not just any rain, but showers of BLESSINGS! Happy and blessed birthday to your son, may his day be bright and the gifts of God manifest in His life today and always!
      Peace and Love.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Morning Norah! Can you tell me who the author is for Lord Change Me? With thanks! ❤️

    3. Norah, I echo your thoughts on self- centred thinking. God, help us to stay centred on You and bless others along the way in Jesus name, AMEN! I also just received "Lord, Change Me", and I'm looking forward to cracking it open. Just one more way our JC family has blessed me with this recommendation. Also, Happy Birthday Blessings to your son! May His abundant light and blessings shine upon him today and forevermore! God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    4. Unknown-the author's name is Evelyn Christenson, I suggested the book to Norah & Rose. The book helped me to realize that God does the changing by changing me! You begin to love your adversaries by opening up to God's way, not your way🤗

    5. Happy Birthday to your son dear Norah! I sure can relate. I have lately been speaking to Him throughout the day. Just saying Jesus is enough to feel His presence and His help. We all need to get our Focus back on our First Love. Amazing how He creates times during the day to do just that.

    6. Happy Birthday Blessings to Son #3 and his parents and family. May all of you have continuous Happy Blessings.

  10. Good morning all🥰! I'm awake, reading the postings, thanking God for this family. Maplewood I'm blessed already by your post. Sassy Mom & Norah, top of the mornin' to you😊! As it turned out the surgeon we saw yesterday does not do the type of surgery my hubby needs. He referred us to one who does. So of we go to another one. Stay tuned. As for the BB/Jan thingy, hubby advised me to just stay with my name. If family members read my postings (which is near impossible), so be it, I've nothing to hide. In my family I'm an open book. Well enough of this stuff. Love Psalm 4:6-8, sweet sleep in safety😊. Amen

    1. Here's that reminder again!!! Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

  11. By the way, if you're all thinking----"SHE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO CHANGE IT"!!! You would exactly be right.🤣😂.

    1. Jan - Your not along, there are several member's of "the don't know how to change it" club.

    2. LOL������! it is well Jan, you are humorous. Hold on to Your blessings!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. This post and following exchanges bring so much joy. You all are so beloved. ❤️

  12. You're so funny Jan! and oh so full of life and Jesus! What a wonderful JC family we have. Jesus shines through everyone. Have a blessed day. KS

  13. Wow; thank you all for your hopeful and inspiring posts this morning! They truly are appreciated and help me get through the day. I am feeling thankful I have found this JC Family. I will say special prayers for each of you throughout today. Jesus, I trust in you. CO

    1. And special prayers to you also CO. Bless your day🥰

    2. CO --- So blessed you you found this JC FAMILY!! I receive your special prayers. They are like a healing balm. Jan--- Lifting up prayers for next appointment. The Lord has it all worked out. Always love your posts. You are such a blessing to this JC FAMILY. I thank the Lord for each JC FAMILY member-- those that post and those who visit to read. Great blessings to All! You All are important to me.

    3. CO, receiving your prayers and sending more right back to you! Stay blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. C.O.G. (Child of God)August 28, 2019 at 7:41 AM

      Even though I don't comment on this blog, I feel very much part of this JC family. I have been reading it for quite awhile now and have been praying for all of you. I feel so blessed with your inspiring comments. THANK YOU. God bless all of you!

    5. CHILD OF GOD--- A huge WELCOME to this JC FAMILY! So thankful for your post. Very grateful for your prayers and blessings! The Lord seems to be adding PRAYER WARRIORS to this site daily. I believe we are standing on holy ground! The Lord bless you richly, Child of God! Much love sent your way.

    6. Prayers gratefully received, and sending special prayers right back to you, CO, JJ, Maplewood, and Child of God...thank you!
      Jan, lifting you up to the Lord for your upcoming appointment. He's in control! PTL!
      Love and prayers for all our JC family. God knows our needs. Thank you, Father, for Your faithfulness.

      Blessings from California

    7. Dear Rose. You're always in my prayers sweet sister.
      Amen to your last sentences and prayer.
      Love and prayers for all our JC family. God knows our needs. Thank you, Father, for Your faithfulness.

  14. Good morning ya'll. Once again, Maplewood nailed it! Praising Him in the storm today and always. Thanking Him for our many blessings which I choose to concentrate on. Thanks to you all for your inspiring posts/prayers every morning.

    1. He is Your refuge and strength even in the midst of the storm. What a MARVELOUS God we serve!! Praising Him with you dear Suzanne!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen to that Suzanne and Maplewood. Be Not Afraid, even in the Storms because He is still with us to protect and strengthen us. He is the light in our wilderness and we are never alone.

  15. Good Morning JC Family. Love all the uplifting prayers and comments this morning and just have to add my own. I mentioned a week or so ago that my husband and I were trying to make some decisions. Well, we made a decision to sell our house and begin renting so I can retire in 2 years and we can still be young enough to enjoy it. Each day since making the decision, there have been things happen (God!) that confirm we are on the Lord's path for our lives. Today was another one...we have few cracked tiles that need to be repaired. The repair guy said there was no way he could fix it, was I sure we didn't have extra tile. Told him I didn't think so, but it couldn't hurt to look in the garage. We need 4 tiles to make the repair. Praise God, in the corner of the garage were 8 tiles!!!! I immediately gave thanks to God. I know it's a little thing, but just filled my heart with gratitude because I know where this blessing came from. Then to come and read all these posts...I'm blessed by each of your comments each day...your prayers become mine. Thanks again! Make it a great day! JE

    1. JE--- I just kove those "little things" our Lord does! I live for His blessed touch on our lives! HE is so incredible on how He blesses us. Bless you for sharing.

    2. Just loved this. God shows up just when you need Him. Those tiles could've been discovered earlier on, but would it have meant & appreciated as much. Yeay God! No, timing is everything 😊.

    3. JE! One more reminder of His faithfulness and provisions.
      He sure provides all our needs and then some. You needed 4 tiles and God gave you 8! So blessed by His loving kindness.

    4. Love it JE. Doesn’t our Abba Papa Father want to give us such good gifts?!! ❤️

    5. That would be Jesus' math! Double what you thought you needed. He has us covered! I love the "little things" manifested for us, and that we have the wherewithall to thank Him, from whom all blessings flow. Thank you Jesus!!!

  16. Good morning Lord and my JC family. My name is Rebecca Ramirez, Jan you are not alone. My Lord knows me, everything about me and all my imperfections and still He loves me unconditionally. I feel so very blessed to have this wonderful God fearing family that prays for me so eloquently. Music to my soul. Please know that I pray for y'all. Good talking about sending our little warrior Jairo home at 4 lbs. It frightens me somewhat, he is so tiny. Sweet Jesus I call out to you; calm my spirit.

    1. So glad to meet you Rebecca🥰. Thank you for sharing your name. Jairo has already proven how determined he is. God has a mission for this little warrior. My family humors me when I've shared my thoughts on what I would like to think happens before a child is born. May you humor me also. I imagine that all of us before we are sent out to be born, has that walk & talk with The Father in heaven. In this glorious conversation He discloses what our mission is to be, He plants that seed into us deeply, of course we all know & certainly He does, what fleshly life on Earth & the enemy will try to do with that mission. Oh thank you for the cross! It can awaken that seed & protect it to fruition. I'd like to think that Jairo had that talk & walk hand in hand with his creator. Can you just hear it, "child of mine you will have a rough start, take heart, I have provided everything you will need to accomplish our mission, a loving, godly family who will help you finish the race set before you & last by no means least, access to the Holy Spirit given by grace through the sacrifice of my Son, Jesus Christ"! Jairo, rough start little darlin' but it's how you're gonna finish! Love to you all🥰. Amen!

    2. Beautiful encouragement for Rebecca and Jairo. That little talk from God before a baby is born will be in my head now since my new grandson is arriving on 9/1. Can't wait!

    3. How exciting Jeanne! Yes! God will use every single one of this little one's family to help him accomplish his mission. You will blessed, he will be blessed & Jesus will be glorified! Hallelujah!

  17. RR, the Grace and Peace of God is going ahead of you. fear not, God is with you and little Jairo! It shall be well. Keeping your family in prayers.

    Maplewood, NJ

  18. Good morning my JC family! Thank You God for the night! Thank You for this new day! It is beautiful! Thank You for all these prayer warriors whose words I “borrow” because they so perfectly fit my own thoughts! Thank You for hearing our hearts!
    Yesterday I ran short and out of patience looking after my grand babies (2.5 yrs and 11 months). Lord grant me patience and tolerance and acceptance today as I try to guide them with kindness and love through all things.
    There is a definite difference in parenting ideas and after raising my own I can see (and hear 🤪🤪) where this may be heading the bigger they get!!
    Please pray for all of us! In particular my JC family....please pray for me that my thoughts do not come out as words!
    I trust You Jesus! Please help. 💕
    Your will be done this day Father!
    Love and blessings to you all !
    Monica ❤️

    1. I pray your strength in the Lord. I had 6 of my grands on yesterday. Lord have Mercy. Things are so different now. Ages ranged from 2yrs to 13yrs old. I finally prayed and let them have fun at granny's place. The Joy of the Lord is My Strength. Cherish the memories and Pray Much. Thank you my JC Family. Blessings to All. From Florida .. Hurricane warning in effect. Please keep us in prayer

    2. Oh Monica, LOL🤣😂. This was priceless! I know exactly what you mean. I do promise you though that if you keep your cool, & they sense your love through it, one fine day & they start to talk in sentences, that first "I love you Grammy, Nana, mom mom", whatever, comes out of their mouth, all would've been worth it. I literally melt when my little ones say it. Hang in there.

    3. Thanks Jan! I know it is a blessing that I live with my son and his wife! As I have these 2 all day through the work week! They are much different with me than when Mom and Dad get home😂😂. I tell them I’m the mean lady that lives in their house! But you are right when you hear the words “I lub you Bram”. Heartmelt🥰. It is through this site that I get my much needed strength from prayer warriors like you when I’m chomping at the bit!!!
      Blessings and ❤️

  19. God bless you Rebecca, your family and sweet baby Jairo. God is so good
    Texas friend🥰

  20. I wish this page had a 'like' option like FB does. LOL I'd click on every single post. :-)

    1. I just went to reply to this and realized I was the one comment fro a year ago. Well, the sentiment is unchanged. 😂

  21. Please pray for Mandy and family!!

  22. Thank you Lord for the encouraging thoughts, verses and prayers from those who post in this blog. it’s so uplifting and encouraging to read each morning.

  23. Thanks for this site. I checked myself into detox. Just got out. 6 days without a drink. I'm really shaky but hanging on. Thanks for your prayers.

    1. Hello Z! And look where you are now, blessing us all with your testimonies along the way. Good bless you, staying in my prayers 🙏♥️

  24. Zfuntastic --- Great news!! PTL!! Thank you for the update. Prayers are with you. You are STANDING!! YEAH! Remember to go 1 day at a time. Sometimes it is one hour at a time and sometimes mintues at a time. You just keep moving forward. The Lord bless you with strength and favor over every situation you face and surround you with ministering Angels! Very proud of you! The Angels are singing!

    1. Hallelujah, right on JJ! Zfuntastic warriors are on the move for you! Keep fighting, keep walking towards the cross, your freedom is just around the corner. AMEN!

    2. Good to hear from you zfuntastic. I've been praying for you each day and was wondering why I hadn't seen anything from you in a few days. Keep fighting the fight! You will overcome with God by your side. JE

  25. Please pray for healing, dealing with a broken heart and a broken spirit. My mind is clouded and I feel weak. I pray for strength, grace, wisdom, and compassion.

    I need to forgive myself... I often think that it's all my fault and it's difficult to have grace to let go. I loved him very much and still do. Just feeling very lost and still holding on but I want to let go and move forward to put it in Gods hands.

    I don't want to believe the negative things the enemy is whispering to me, that I'm not enough, that he never loved me or doesn't like me and none of his friends or family did, that I will never be loved or worth the love, and that everyone will leave me, that I'll never grow into a better person

    please pray for surrender, healing, and peace

    1. Anonymous--- My Father God Anonymous has come with heavy heart and their sorrow is great. Even in the midst of all this pain, I am so thankful that You are God! I am thankful You are all-powerful, that Anonymous doesn't have to hold it all together or be strong for everyone in their life. Father, You are Anonymous's strength! I am thankful, Father, that You are all-knowing--that You know the outcome to this misery that Anonymous is facing. I am thankful that Anonymous doesn't have to figure out what the next day, week, month or year looks like, because You have it all held together. And, Father, You promised Anonymous's feet won't slip! Strengthen Anonymous and give daily bread so Anonymous can be sustained through this heartache. Thank You Father that You are close when we are hurting. Thank You Father God for the comfort, grace and joy that only You can give Anonymous. Holding Anonymous up at the THRONE OF GRACE. In Your name I pray, Amen

    2. Anonymous, it sounds like the enemy is bombarding you with lies straight from the pit of hell. He's the father of lies. Don't you believe any of it! You are a precious pearl, an exquisite gem in God's treasure box. Jesus is only a whisper away. Tell Him how much you're hurting with the greatest abandon, He will help you surrender, He will help you heal & Give you that peace you're longing for. I will pray for you dear heart🥰

    3. Anonymous- The devil is a liar and a thief! We stand for you in prayer, trusting God to break every stronghold over your life and grant you His perfect Peace and healing! In this morning's devotion, He is urging you into His Presence to commune with Him. Accept that invitation and pour out yoyr heart to Him. He is standing by waiting for you. Run as fast as you can, into His opened arms.

      You are blessed, receive His Peace, in Jesus' name!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Amen dear Maplewood! He has come to destroy but Our Lord has come to save and restore. Close your ears against the lies of this world and listen carefully to the truth and hope of God's message. We can stake our lives on the truthfulness of His Words and promises.

  26. Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always. Amen.

    1. Have a blessed day, Janet & RT23. God be with you.

    2. Amen! Praise and gratitude!

    3. Me too. Every day of my life, I will bless and praise His Name and rejoice and be glad. Even in the hard times, His light shines through.

  27. Dear Heavenly Father, I worship You only. Take me deeper in my prayer life and in intimacy with You. Help me to walk in Your light and holiness. I want to know You far more than I do now. Give me joy in Your presence and help me through the power of the Holy Spirit to bring joy into the lives of others. Your grace is sufficient for me. This is my prayer, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Our Heavenky Father desires for us to grow in the Light of His Presence. God by His grace, seeks to draw us back into a personal relationship with Him. In order for this to happen, we must be willing to have that unbreakable relationship with Him. He desires an opened line of communication with Him. The Apostle Paul alsi went in ti encouraged us in 1Thessalonians 5:17 to “…pray without ceasing,” This is where we turn our inner conversation into a conversation with God, and this brings Him into our lives like nothing else can. We can talk to Him about everything without holding back.
    An awareness of His presence must be cultivated, because He will not be found by someone who is merely interested, but rather be found by a willing and sincere person. The prophet Jeremiah said in chapter 29:13 that, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” So if God is to be found and His presence cultivated, it will take determination, passion, focus, and energy on our part. Our mind, desires, will, and body were created to be focused and centered on Him. When He becomes the prize of our life, true joy floods through the soul. As David said in Psalm 21:6, “…you make Him glad with the joy of your presence.” God helps us to see Him through His creation as King David puts it in Psalm 19:1-2, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” When we walk in the path that God has set before us, no power in hell or on this earth can stop the Light of His Presence from shining upon us and ALL 'barriers between us and His glory are removed'! Lets press forward to know and experience Him in ecstatic joy!

    “Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done” (C.S. Lewis).

    Dear Father, Give us unbreakable faith to believe that You can change any situation in our lives through prayer and through acts of love and compassion. Let Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Help us to cultivate Your presence in our lives, as we choose to partner with You for transformation. Help us to contend for our brethren in prayer. Remove the distractions in our lives that keep us from Your Presence. Take away any luke-warmness in our hearts and set us on fire for You. Remove the compromise and complacency in our lives because we want to be clean vessels, bringing light into the darkness and carrying Your presence wherever we go. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. As I sat in quietness, darkness, and stillness this morning, I became aware of some subtle exchange happening. Subtle and easily missed and even thoughts came to my mind that I was wasting time. But my spirit knew different and I do not need to battle those thoughts, I just let them be. They are heard and satisfied and the truth became clear.

      The devotional and your words are confirmation of what is taking place, a unitive life inside sometimes unnoticed. For me it is critical to sit in quietness to become "aware".

      I am actually hesitant to put words to this life and awareness as it is beyond words and I don't want to give any false ideas or mislead anyone. May all my words be an encouragement to seek Him fresh daily as our provision irregardless of what happened yesterday.

      Thank you for your beautiful words ,Maplewood

    2. Wonderful thoughts and prayer, twin bd sis! They enhanced my experience in quiet time this AM. The gospel reading for today is Matthew 25:1-13, the parable of the wise & foolish virgins. This parable is often interpreted as applying to the end times. It does apply to that but so much more. It applies to each moment of our lives, for the Kingdom of Heaven is continually coming to us in our encounters throughout the day. And in each moment, we want our oil to be sufficient so our lamps can burn brightly. Our JC reading above shows us how to fill our lamp each day so when the Kingdom of Heaven, a.k.a., Jesus, comes in the moments we face, we can trim our lamp and light the way for others. There will be no timeouts to get the oil we need, we must already be filled. This post by my twin bd sis reflects her filling her lamp to full. Let us all fill our lamps not only for when He comes in the end but also for when He comes in the moments of each day. Eternity is now. God be with you.

    3. Beautifully said and heartfelt dear Maplewood. Especially loved: When He becomes the prize of our life, true joy floods through the soul. Amen, Amen, Amen! Thank you. May we have unbreakable faith to withstand the fiery darts of the enemy. God bless you all. I'm on my way to see my good Mom in Brooklyn right now. Have a blessed day in His sweet presence. Much love to all!

    4. Thanks Maplewood, Bob, Jeanne and Keith. This morning's devotion and Scriptures brought a picture of a lighthouse into my mind, hence my prayer. I am joining my Lighthouse prayers with yours.
      Dear Heavenly Father, God,
      Your view from the top of the Lighthouse is much broader than my view from the water. Your perspective is very different and much higher than mine.
      Would You help my little ship find and regard Your Lighthouse as essential to my journey, thereby quickening my progress? In times of my uncertainty, would You help me wait on the Shine from the Illumination of Your Light that will come when Your Lighthouse comes into my view? And while my trust in Your Timing is growing,  would You give me strength to hold on and hold out until I receive Your Light Shining? SHINE JESUS SHINE! I ask, I pray and I thank in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. I loved that vision of Jesus as Our Great Lighthouse guiding us through dark and uncertain waters!! Thanks Brie!

    6. Beautiful posts from last year. Dear Maplewood, I loved this from your prayer: Dear Father, Give us unbreakable faith to believe that You can change any situation in our lives through prayer and through acts of love and compassion. Let Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Amen! Let us stand boldly and firmly on the Rock that never crumbles. He can truly turn any situation around for good and for success. Trusting Him to do just that for all those who need His healing, strengthening, guidance and help. Thank You Jesus!

    7. I can't even put to words how these prior posts impact, encourage and bless me. Putting them in the JC 'Best Of' archive ♥️

  28. Please join in prayer for everyone affected by Hurricane Laura on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas. "The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results"
    (James 5:16, NLT).

    1. Sooo agree with you, SM! More hurting people necessitates more prayers needed. Though the cynic may wonder what our prayers for them accomplishes, our calling is to pray and God uses our prayers to show His love to all those in need. Let us pray...

    2. Joining in prayer SassyMom & Bob. I saw the devastation in the news. Although as the governor stated they have much to be thankful for, still there is much to do for recovery. Your strong & mighty arm is so needed oh Lord. May each one affected feel your heart of compassion raining down upon them, in Jesus name🙏

    3. Joining you all in the power of prayer and declaration of the healing and restorative power of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Amen!

    4. Joining in prayers for all affected by storms and other natural disasters.

      Blessings from France

    5. Praying along with my dear family for the protections of all those threatened by the Hurricanes. May God surround them with His hedge of protection and guide them to safety. Amen!

    6. There's a hurricane heading for New Orleans where my niece Livie is away for college. May God protect her and all the people in its path. Thank You Father for protecting your people from harm and destruction. You are mighty to save. Praying in Jesus' Name.

    7. Protection oh Lord for Livie. Shield her from any harm in Jesus' name! Amen.

    8. Praying, including the Prayer of Jabez, for our Livie.

    9. Googling "Prayer of Jabez", love learning new things from you, Brie ♥️

    10. Google no more, our sweet Audra. Here is the one I say.
      Adapted from 1 CHRONICLES 4:
      Oh Heavenly Father God, in the Name of Jesus, would you wonderfully bless and abundantly prosper me and each of my dear ones, indeed?
      Would you always expand, extend, enlarge, and increase our prosperity, territory, boundaries and borders for the greater glory and good of God?
      Would you always keep Your Hand, Your Holy Spirit, and Your Precious Blood and Love on us?
      Would you always be with us in our work, play, learning, growth, tests, interviews, and journeys, always leading, guiding, and helping us in everything we think, say, do, feel, and choose?
      Would You always keep us joyously happy, successful, prosperous, positive, and healthy, full of Faith, full of Hope, and full of Love in You?
      Would you keep us far away from all evil, disaster, negativity, discouragement, and discouragers that we may not cause anyone any pain for any reason, but instead, always give and receive God's choicest blessings to all and from all indeed?

  29. This meditative time with Me blesses you doubly: you experience My Presence here and now, and you are refreshed by the hope of heaven, where you will know Me in ecstatic joy.

    Thank you, Papa. How generous you are! How gracious to give us time with you, the author of everything, our majestic Maker! Why would you seek relationship with us? Your love heals and humbles us even as your presence grants us joy!! Wow. How amazing you are. We marvel at you and your grace to us. Thank you.

    1. Well stated, GTT! In our world confined by the limitations of time, we often encounter the expression ‘I didn’t have time’. There is no such thought with God. Quite to the contrary, God takes the time, most evident when He came to dwell among us (and He is sill with us). Being more like Him will lead to taking the time for others. God be with you.

    2. Amen GTT! Generous beyond measure and He never sleeps on the job. He always has time for His beloved children.
      Thanks Bob! Amen! He sure is still abiding with us. Let us also give Him the time and praise He deserves.

    3. Amen ! It's so reassuring that God never leaves us ,He is always beside us us to seek You more and more because you are the same yesterday today and forever! May we avoid temporary pleasure that don't last!

    4. Such a comfort to serve such a great, merciful and unchanging God!
      Amen Min Ahadi! May we not be distracted by the empty trappings of this fallen world. Let us look far above to the prize of Jesus already at the right Hand of the Father.

  30. Good morning warriors 🌅. Just about to have my eye procedure. Scar tissue formed after cataract. Relying on Jesus to guide the hands of the doctor.

    1. Jan - Relying on Jesus to guide the hands of the doctor.
      Echoing your prayer to guide the hands of the surgeon.

    2. Jan --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for your eye procedure. Asking for healing to come to Jan's eyes, to take away the damage to them and allow Jan the gift of sight unhindered! God bless the hands of the doctor treating Jan's eyes. For His Honor and for His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN

    3. Praying for our loving Lord to guide the hands of the doctor, Jan. God be with you.

    4. Praying for your procedure to go well in Christ. Rest well Sister, He is with you through it all.
      And praying for protection and healing for those affected by the Hurricanes.

    5. Praying and looking for His Victory Report, Jan!
      You are loved!

    6. Echoing everyone's prayers for you dear Jan! He's with you holding your hand and guiding the doctors.

      Blessings from France

    7. One year later I trust that your eyes are feeling much better . God is our healer

    8. Joining in Min's prayer for your eyes. Thank You Jesus that Jan's eyes are now perfect.

    9. Yes, thank you Min Ahadi & Jeanne. Much better. Praise You Jesus!

    10. Praise Him for His faithfulness!

  31. Beautiful expressed what was in my heart so well. Thank you.

    1. I meant this comment to respond to Maplewood NJ's prayer.

  32. Good Morning JC family. Praying for peace and calm for you Jan and that the procedure will go perfectly. JE

  33. This morning I had about 15 minutes before the RUSH hit, but oh, I have felt so prepared because of having that time! In between calls (sometimes during!), I pray; while sending email after email, I'm praying; taking 15 mins to clean the bathroom - I'm PA-RAAYING (what do those Gbabies DO in there???).
    As reflected in 2019, today is my 3rd son's birthday. He is 35 and we have grown in the last year - in our communication (not without a lot of effort, on both our parts!) and we will celebrate Sunday with the whole family.
    Praying for the Hurricane victims, for your eye procedure JJ (had to laugh at this time last year trying to see if I could call you BB - glad that one was given up!). Prayers for all of the requests made and appreciating the joyful posts reminding me what it's REALLY all about. It isn't the fingerprints on my doors or the mountain of papers on my desk - it is about giving thanks for the safety, prosperity and peacefulness of my loved ones (all of you included) and myself. When my lamp is full, I'm free to share.
    Blessings to each of you this fine Friday. Prayers for: my friend's Pop (Oncology appt this afternoon), for another friend's son's interview (3 children and a wife - his division was shut down), for all of my family and yours. Though it's almost noon here, I'm still 'beginning my day' with Him.

    1. Dear Norah! Happy Birthday to your son! My sons are about the same age: 32, 35, and 38. What a blessing. Have a wonderful celebration! Praying for Pop that all will go well and that your other friend's son aces his interview. Glad you got your bathroom clean after those grandbabies got to it.

  34. Oops - just realized I said, "your eye procedure JJ" when I meant Jan!

  35. One more thing that has been on my heart since August 25th, is the post from Elaine in GEORGIA, USA: I wasn't able to get my post to go up (I have no idea why I'm having so many issues with this!!), but since I'm able to now, I wanted to share some information.

    Every US Representative has a Caseworker for Veterans. To find your US Rep, go to and put in your zip code. You may have to add the full address if you are right on the line of their district.

    Go to "Constituent Services," and they will have a link for VA Issues. Or call the number and tell them about your son. I know our office has done some wonderful things for our Vets b/c they can get the case in front of the people who can work on it.

    You've been on my heart since I read this b/c you said, "I need suggestions." Oh, the frustration of having a few and not being able to post them. I'm sure God has many ways to get that need met, but I wanted to share what I know has worked for others. Praying for your dear son and for you "Concerned Mama."

    1. Thanks Norah, I will use your information to try to help Larry get to the bottom of whether or not he came into contact with Agent Orange while in the military throughout the Viet Nam war.

  36. Just sitting down to read this blog for the day this evening! I have read each post and comment, and will pray for all requests. I pray those from years past have been felt abundantly. For anyone affected by Hurricane Laura, I join the others in prayer.
    Maplewood, your post touched me in a great way. Thank you! I was wallowing a bunch today in self-pity. I finally told myself tonight to stop. Pray instead. I began about an hour ago. God is so good! I needed the reminder to pray for unbreakable faith. Jesus, I surrender myself to You; take care of everything. You are the light and lighthouse for me; thank You, Jesus, for always being with me. CO

    1. Thank you for your post, CO. It is an inspiration! God be with you.

    2. Amen CO amd thank you. No pity pool here! Just thanks and praise. When you're coming to God in thanks, praise, prayer and faith, there just isn't any room for anything else. The worries all were thrown at His feet to handle. All we have left is His light and His peace.

  37. Praying with you CO. When I have difficulty sleeping I come in here and pray for all and find strength and hope.
    I rarely post during those times yet I pray for you as well. With Love to you and my entire JC Family.

  38. Thanks Chris, for sharing ... I am often seeking out every possible place for joy, when God gives me joy and peace in His Word. God is the Author of Joy... For the first time, I realized His Joy is mine from His Word more than any "joy" I experience in this world. Amen!

    1. Lord help me to get the "L" out of this world, leaving me to go deeper into Your Word. Amen.

    2. Brie, you are a ray of sunshine early in the morning and a tranquil moonlit sky in the evening...I can always count on you to be on for this "better late than never" granny (it can take me all day to finish this beautiful site) I read the word early in the morning and all my devotion prayers to my lord and savior and prayers for ALL my loved ones. Please know I pray for all of you but can't post like I want. Jesus I trust in you; thank you for our gift the holy spirit. I love you.

    3. Amen to that LCA, Brie always refreshes my soul no matter how late I stayed up last night! Thanks for your prayers. I pray for you both every day and love you dearly!

  39. Today is a hard day for me ! One of my single friends is getting engaged and I am invited ! I am the only single in our group's abit hard to swallow but am very happy for her! May I have a positive and pleasant attitude today. Then before that I am meeting my friend who is dating my late sister husband ! Things have gotten akward between us and yet we have been friends for over 30 years. Praying for wisdom and guidance and peace during this meeting. See you all in the evening for updates of the day .

    1. Praying with you and for you, Min Ahadi.
      Have you tried letting Jesus be your date, when you go to twosome events?

    2. Me too dear Min Ahadi. Always praying for you and even for God's help in the situation with your friend and your late sister's husband. Give the whole thing to the Lord and He will guide your words and steps to a sweet meeting.

    3. Dear Min Ahadi, the Lord has to be smiling at the fact that you invite Him everyday, you check-in, you walk with Him, trusting Him for all that challenge you along the way. This too will not be missed by Him. He knows your heart, He knows the needs & desires you have placed at His feet, He knows "you". Blessings💕

    4. I see you always striving for God's best in you, Min. He sees this too! God has that right person for you...maybe it's that person that isn't available at the moment to cross paths with you. While it's hard when you see all around you with their "someone", God is working behind the scenes for one Min Ahadi! How great of you to try to mend the awkwardness of your friend who is now dating your BIL. Love conquers all! As Brie said, maybe God is wanting your focus on Him at the moment vs someone else? And while you feel alone going to events where all are paired with someone, God is right there with you! Praying for you, Min, and sending blessings. Much love and peace, sister Min.

    5. May you also have the courage to lovingly speak what's on your heart so that your friendship will continue to be nourished with God's anointing, healing, and love.

    6. Min Ahadi, your light is so beautiful. One day at a time, all blessings flow. Give everyone, and everything up to our Lord and be filled with the Holy Spirit ♥️🙏✝️

    7. Amen Sisters. We see Min Ahadi's beautiful heart each day. God knows how she longs to find the perfect person. He is the Way Maker. We place that in His able Hands and leave it there.

  40. Prayers requested for His safe Harbor Protection System to surround and enfold all lives and property in the eye of Hurricane Ida's Path. In the eye of the Storm, may Ida hurri to leave us untouched and intact. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. As always, today's DEVOTION and Bible readings remain onpointe: ...You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety...
      I am singing through my playist of storm songs:
      The Anchor Holds
      My Soul Is Anchored In The Lord
      In The Eye Of The Storm
      Feel free to add more storm songs family, especially those that could let me experience His Presence here and now, during the storm AND refresh me with the hope of His storm free Heaven!

    2. I just added Good God Almighty ♥️ 🎶 🙏 ♥️

    3. Might have to come back to this fun task later, but know that I join in prayers of safety from the storm 🙏

  41. Amen and Amen Brie. My dear niece, Livie is in New Orleans with her friends who are getting ready for college. May God protect his people and his land.

    1. I am praying Prayers, including the prayer of Jabez, for your niece and her friends, sister Jeanne. If they are at one of the uptown schools, like Tulane or Loyola, they and their vehicles should be safer from street flooding than at one of the downtown schools like UNO or SUNO. Regardless, I am sure they know to take precaution and keep God with them at all times, especially during "Stormy Weather"...🎶 🙏 ♥️

  42. JC Warriors, yesterday I saw this very uplifting episode on the 700 Club about a miracle woman who died and went to heaven. You can watch it on the website. It really made my day and I wanted to share it with those who may not have seen it. God bless! Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord always.

    1. Thank you for all the birthday wishes, prayers,and thoughts yesterday for my son Jonathan and me. Love to you all! Peace be with you.

    2. I saw it too Janet. It gave me such peace & great assurance. Love the 700 club.

    3. I watched it as well and, you're so right, Jan, such great reassurance. It left me feeling so hope-filled. Thanks for sharing, Janet!

    4. We watched as well. Great news program and special feature.

  43. Heavenly Father, thank You for answering my prayers. I asked You to help me have a clearer insight of what heaven is like and yesterday I saw that episode on the 700 Club about the miracle woman who died and went to heaven and You sent her back to tell her story to others. Thank You Jesus! I praise You Lord. You are so amazing and wonderful! There is no one above You. You are God Almighty -- the One and Only! Thank You for the gift of You Lord and the Holy Spirit. Thank You for always being with me. Please let Your face shine upon me. Let me soak up Your presence, goodness, and glory. You are so good -- ALWAYS! Praise God!

  44. Thank you sweet Janet!
    We can all stake our lives on the truthfulness of His promises!
    But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 💗🙏✝️

  45. Please pray for my dear twin sister Janet whose knees are so bad that she couldn’t hardly sleep last night. She’s having a terrible time and doesn’t want to get them replaced yet. Her good husband must carry her up and down the stairs. Today is their 42nd wedding anniversary and they’re going away to a cabin by the lake. It’s supposed to rain the whole weekend. With God all things are possible.
    Father God, We know You are our Miracle Maker. You can change circumstances, heal all weaknesses, remove all pain, and bring bright sunshine to dark rainy days. Thank You for blessing my dear sister and brother In law who love and trust You. Help them in every way and change this weekend into one of beautiful weather, comfort, peace, love and joy to their delight and to Your Glory in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    1. Joining into your prayer for them, and for your and Rick's 40th tomorrow. Love You.

    2. Joining warriors Jeanne. We place your sweet sister at the foot of the cross & claim with Holy declaration, "by His stripes Janet is healed"! Amen! Hallelujah!

    3. Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for my dear sister and her good husband. He needs the strength to help her right now. Thank You Jesus!

  46. Praying for God’s very best for your Janet. May God provide and may their decision be in unity and filled with peace. ❤️

  47. THE LORD is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack. He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters. He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him--not for my earning it, but] for His name's sake.

    Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me.

    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my [brimming] cup runs over. Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place, forever (Psalm 23).

    Thank You Lord for helping me to grow in the Light of Your growing presence, my Shepherd and my Lord. In Jesus' name.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. I was at a Memorial service for my friend who had a sad ending to his life leaving a wife and 2 small children. What a comfort it was that they were reading Psalm 23, which lives in my heart at all times. May God comfort and guide my dear departed friend's family. I pray he realizes God's promises.

  48. Hello all, I’ve been an avid follower of this site and community. Jesus Calling book came into my life when I was going through a super hard time with my mental health and it was my daily light and hope to keep moving forward. It was my reminder that I’m never, ever, ever alone, I’m never too far from Jesus, His grace, and a fresh start. In the last 2 years, the Lord called me away from my successful career and life that I (emphasize I) managed VERY well and was well rewarded for it. He brought me to a place of total awareness that I was never going to be free from my trauma, that I would never be whole or authentically ME without letting go of all (ALL!) that I held so dear. Not because all the things I valued weren’t valuable, it’s just that I created it for myself. Jesus never had a say in the matter. So, I walked away from an amazing job, dove deep into therapy with an amazing Christian therapist that specializes in trauma. I was healed! Then Jesus started working on my marriage and specifically my husband’s trauma. After a full year of my own therapy, our marriage was better than it had ever been. Deep love and understanding was growing because of Jesus’ light. For about 1 month, we experienced so much peace and joy, but alas, my beautiful (yet tormented with shame) husband was taken home to be with Jesus in a tragic work accident. He left behind 5 amazing children, 4 grandchildren, and me. Only 51, only 21 years of marriage when I deeply wanted 50 years at least. Since, our family has been torn apart in ways I never imagined. It’s like his death was the earthquake and we were on the shore when it brought a tsunami. So much spiritual oppression and attack. So many secrets and lies uncovered, hearts broken, relationships shattered. I’ve never identified with Job so much as I have this last year since he’s been gone. I sit in the ashes of my life, of OUR life. I just sit in it. It’s been a time of deep grief and heartbreak. But when I look back, I see Jesus. I see his hand. I see him open the ways of escape. Calling us all forward, toward Him, toward His light, HIS WAY, not mine. I’ve learned firsthand, when we are on the last frayed thread of our own strength and plans and we willingly cut that thread, we see He’s had us all along. I’m sitting in His hands and I don’t need my own safety rope. When I want to dig myself out or try weave my own rope or safety net, He gently reminds me to let that go and wait on Him, trust in Him, as he DELIGHTS in entering into the tiniest details of my life. He’s unraveling all that I have created and have allowed between us. I’m praying I keep seeing when I step in before Him so I can step back and let Him take care of me.

  49. Our Dear mamatina, I am praying with you and for you, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Yes, just as it is in a relay race, our end and our letting go is His Beginning and His Take Over.

  50. Dear Marina. What a journey! What a mighty God we serve! I'm in awe as to how He made sure you were healed from the issues that the enemy would've used against you in the fight that was about to face you & your family. His timing is impeccable. Your story inspire me. Truly you you are a warrior. We will cover you & yours in prayer. You are loved here💕

  51. Correction: I had to keep retyping your post name. Auto correct does not like "Mamatina!"

  52. Dear mamatina, Joining prayers for your blessed future that God has prepared for you. You have accomplished so much and you have an inspiring strength of faith despite your many trials and difficulties. Just give Him every worry and concern and step away and trust Him. He will take you to a higher ground where you can see His faithfulness and continue to walk in thanksgiving and praise. He knows your heart well and loves you with a deep and complete love. I'm so sorry you lost your dear husband just as things were going so well. God knows your sorrow and is always with you to dry your tears. Amen, He certainly delights in entering into the smallest details of your life because You are His beloved child and of great value to Him. God bless you in all things, comfort your broken heart, and bring you peace of mind. Enjoy that wonderful family He has blessed you with and lean on each other. May He strengthen your family's faith too. Thank You Jesus!

  53. Such a wonderful prayer today! I loved:
    I want to surrender to You and allow Your Presence to move through me, giving me strength for each day. I am a sinner in need of Your Presence.
    Amen to that! Me too! Thanking God that my good Mom is doing fine and feeling well. Driving back home this morning to go to Church. Our Choirmaster has left and we have no details. Our Pastor is meeting with us before Mass. I’m praying all will be well and that our dear Choirmaster left for a good reason. I will miss him! Praying for his life, good health, and for God’s protection and guidance, May God send us the perfect replacement. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Praying with you Jeanne. Our heavenly Father, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come. Your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen 🙏.

    2. Praying for the best possible outcome for the highest good of all concerned.
      I'm off to Keith's.

    3. Safe travel dear Jeanne. Very sad about the choirmaster. Praying for him & a new choirmaster. Bless your day🙏💞

  54. Thanks for sharing your blessings, Janet! I am praising God and happy dancing!

  55. " I finally got a car and I know that the Lord "handpicked " it just for me." Praise God!
    He really does care for us even in the little things in life.
    I can relate to cars being ' hand picked ' for us by the Lord. My last two station wagons including the current one were hand picked by Him. My wife's sub-compact too. In 2004 we had recently returned home after living in Africa. One day I was reading a local newspaper and saw an advert for a car just right for her. Price was right, it was nearly new and I kept quiet in order to surprise her. However the Lord had other ideas. Out for a drive to see my folks, she suddenly said "the Lord has just told me you are buying me a new car, I can hardly believe it". ( we can't keep secrets from Him!) Anyway we went to see the 'nearly new' I was thinking of buying. About to agree to the purchase, the dealership manager came out of his office and chatted with us for a while. Eventually he said to the salesman, "wait, I've something better in mind." We were then shown a brand new car identical except the silver color to the 'nearly new' car, and it was for the same price. That was the Lord's choice for her. It lasted well up to this year, when it was too costly to replace the instrument cluster. She had 18 almost trouble free years driving that car and it was a great blessing.

  56. Dear Lord, thank you moving me to spend time with you first thing each day instead of at night. It’s taken a long time for me to make this habit change. I thank you that I look forward to spending time with you before my day begins as it sets the tone of my day.

    Prayers for all the JC Warriors of yesterday and today. Prayers for my son who will celebrate his birthday at college tomorrow and not at home. Thanking you that his dad and I are close enough to go see him for a little while tomorrow on his birthday.

    SC Anonymous

  57. My wife needs your prayers for God’s healing reach.
