Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 26

Trust Me in the midst of a messy day. Your inner calm--your Peace in My Presence--need not be shaken by what is going on around you. Though you live in this temporal world, your innermost being is rooted and grounded in eternity. When you start to feel stressed, detach yourself from the disturbances around you. Instead of desperately striving to maintain order and control in your little world, relax and remember that circumstances cannot touch My Peace.
     Seek My Face, and I will share My mind with you, opening your eyes to see things from My perspective. Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not be afraid. The Peace I give is sufficient for you. 

John 16:33
English Standard Version

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
Psalm 105:4
English Standard Version 

Seek the Lord and his strength;
    seek his presence continually!
John 14:27
English Standard Version 

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

My Prayer (2019)
Lord, I love the quiet of the morning, rising, seeing the breaking of the dawn. The day is quiet and peaceful. It is fresh and untainted. It is a sweet time to be with You God. I start this day anew with You. O Spirit, forgive me for so often fighting with You - You simply want me to rest with You always as you reveal the new life that You have placed in me - to make me like Jesus not simply in these few minutes with you in the morning but throughout the entire day as I engage in obstacles, trials, uncertainties - as I encounter people that are also following You but also those that are going the opposite way. The world does not give this peace, yet so many around me are seeking to find it in the world. It is only in You Jesus. I have it.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you for sharing this with us. We read it daily as a family and we all don't have the book to follow along with. This blog makes it possible for me to follow along.

  2. But I am afraid I do dont have peace

    1. You already have peace. Learn to use it that's all

    2. I hear heaven 24:7. If I said I see angels would you believe. Well I😊Dont. All of heaven is screaming Jesus is here. I hear the phrases all day. This is brand new. Sept 25 coming up. I know He could come early.soon you will hear it. Earth is about to bust open shake, under Glory weight of heaven consuming all evil. Jesus is loose, claiming His planet. Rectifying His crucifixion
      Suppers cold since April.
      Agree Glory, Glory, all day! He is the king of Glory! Here comes Jesus. I go through this all day. Edge of most serious moment in earth.

    3. We will see shim now angels say. Freedom, glory! I hear thundering horses😊😱

    4. I seek YOU FATHER & SAVIOR, in the midst of so many things out of my control in my life , I surrender myself to YOU and lay my burdens before YOU JESUS, as I imagine myself at bowing before YOU, praising YOU, seeking YOUR Will to be. Thank YOU for revealing the brightest light now visible at the end of the tunnel of chains from this world. YOU have filled me with LOVE, confidence, and the yearning for my steps and actions, to scatter the seed, glorify YOUR name, through the blessings of filling me with YOUR Holy Spirit, I Know no one came against me with YOUR spirit dwelling within me while I’m doing YOUR Will . I sing a new hallelujah to you today FATHER, pray for those struggling with war, illness, persecution, abuse, addiction, abandonment… all those in need of YOU, soften their hearts, give them the eyes to see and ears to hear please.
      I pray for our world leaders as YOU command us to do, FATHER Help to know whether I should vote, as I’ve not done so in a long time, and had no intention to ever again unless I could write YOUR name JESUS CHRIST ❤️
      Help me to see through the deceptions/lies from the candidates of choice. FATHER One of them keeps repeating how He is not the savior, how we need a savior and I fact he said Jesus Christ is our only hope- all truths!! But is he giving lip service to gain the people that love YOU, help us to do YOUR Will, if YOU are about to install a man of GOD help me know so with confidence and know whether or not I should cast my ballot. As I don’t believe that YOU do want us to stay away from politics, be prepared but do not carry out the traditions of men
      Father I ask this in YOUR son’s precious name

    5. Apologies for a few typos “no one can come- (not came) against me… FATGER help ‘me’ to know whether to..”
      Love to you all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Have a blessed day, seek to
      Unite. As my pastor said yesterday, something I’ve NEVER heard at any church or any sermon online
      “If you are a guest here today we welcome YOU and praise the LORD for the opportunity to worship with you… please understand here we will never ask you to become a member, that’s a choice you make, and know that if you’re just here for this service and we never see one another again, we are sincerely grateful for your willingness to come worship with us today, & know that no matter what church or where you are when worshipping the one true savior and Father it doesn’t matter, we are all worshiping the same one true GOD, so I just encourage all of you to keep worshipping wherever you choose, knowing we are actually all worshiping the same GOD together, separated only by buildings.” After all we Are One Body United in Christ

  3. Let go and the peace will find you

  4. Preparing early for tomorrow, Monday, 8/26. Yes, today was "messy," but, oh, so blessed! Welcomed little Benjamin Michael into this world (JC Family - it was within less than an hour he was born after I posted, asking for prayers! The Mommy's Mama noted!! HA HA! Found myself getting snarky with you, Coach David, for correcting your loving wife as she read Sarah's JC. Deleted my less-than-best comment. But, seriously? You read, or in your case, HEAR, a loving wife reading you this post and all you note is a correction?? Let's take the splinter out of our eye and thank God for His Mercy (withheld, DESERVED, punishment) and for His Grace (UNDESERVED favor) and not knit-pick the typos. Sorry, but I'm just done with this stuff - which, as you can imagine, I am seeing on ALL sorts of levels (politically, religiously, socially). Enough is enough. We need to PRAY for our brothers and sisters in Christ, not diminish them. I've spent a day fighting the adversary and I'm done soft-pedaling it. Sleep sweet, JC Family. Tomorrow, I will wake up and read this devotion again - renewed, refreshed. But it will be with no less thanksgiving than I have right now after a day fighting with the devil for what my Savior died to give me and all of my loved ones.

    1. Happy Birthday little Benjamin Michael! May God always bless and protect you!

    2. Happy Benjamin may your day be full of fun and laughter! May God continue to shine His face upon you !

    3. Happy Birthday dear little Benjamin Michael! May you continue to be blessed and taken care of, and may you always have a strength of faith in your Creator.

    4. Happy 3rd Birthday young man!

      SC Anonymous

    5. Happy Birthday Benjamin πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸ°πŸŒˆ!

    6. Happy 4th birthday Benjamin πŸŽ‰

  5. Norah, speaking for a male (often more blunt than women!), I didn't read Coach's comment as that's all he got out of it as he has been posting for Chris (as we go through the year) typos and/or corrections. Chris has cheerfully accepted those and updated the blog.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to privately comment to anyone via this form of communication. There have been times that I have wanted to comment more to someone but refrained due to the public nature of ALL commenting. Unless someone posts an email address, there really isn't a way to do so. I am more candid about my personal situations than I would be if I used my name.

    I think Coach is only trying to help improve the content and is the type of guy who types or comments very succinctly. However, I have read some of his corrections and thought he could have maybe worded it differently. But, please, please, please know that I am trying to type this in and with a spirit of grace. Typos and corrections can be minor but some were needed for clarity here and there (again) is no private way to do so.

    Peace LOVE and sorry this is so long of a post!

    1. and see, oops! I should add... and am glad to hear the good news about the baby and other posts of good news. Praying daily for all here... AMEN!

    2. MadFox, that explanation makes perfect sense and I thank you. While I was pouring my coffee, I thought about what I said and thought, 'Maybe I should get the splinter out of my OWN eye before snipping at someone on our site.' So - I'm sorry, Coach. You'd think I'd know by now there is always more to the story!
      As my sister and I have grown and raised our own families, we have discovered that we had a little passive-aggressive thread running through our family. I have tried to correct/change that over the last year in my own life and as with anything new I've ever learned, I swing past that balance several times before landing where I should.
      After reading the devotion again this morning, guess what stood out to me? "Your inner calm--your Peace in My Presence--need not be shaken by what is going on around you." I'd much rather my first thought be, "There must be more to this,' than assume he was being critical.
      Thanks again, MadFox - I'd also much rather be lovingly corrected and learn from it than to go on thinking bad thoughts about my brother in Christ. :)
      Never Too Old To Learn

    3. Nice work you two! I loved this honest and loving exchange. This is a great example of how we all should strive to work things out. In my opinion, you socked it to the devil; who likes nothing more than to keep us divided.
      Colorado JC Friend

    4. Thanks Colorado. I wanted to let Norah know that I didn't read it that way but also I know where she is coming from as some typos just need to be glossed over. Chris however has always made his corrections. I do think he is just double-checking since the usage of this site has sky-rocketed.

      Norah, was not trying to correct you at all, your observation is not totally off the mark. I simply thought in this case and in this instance, Coach was simply letting us know how he finds the errors and then reporting it. In the past, he has just reported the typo or wrong scripture with no other comment.

      Jan Gridley. Thanks too. as a guy, can't tell you how many times I've worded something poorly to my wife of many decades, and so I think that is what happened with Coach.

    5. As I read this post from a year ago, I am reminded again of how much I value brother MadFox’s presence in this blog. To me, he acts as our sergeant of arms for the purpose of keeping the peace and he does it so well. Thanks, brother!

    6. Thanks for the wonderful views.What struck was being passive aggressive and I read about it... thanks for bringing that up Norah !

    7. Not sure if the absence of our Sargeant-in-Arms means we don't need a good "talking to", but I do miss Mad 🦊. Hope all is well brother, and that you are busy living life to the fullest and blessing others with your insights and understanding. ♥️πŸ™

    8. Dear MadFox, Praying for you, dear brother, that God is continuing to hold you tight through your treatments as you glorify Him with your beautiful light. Everyone can see your steadfast faith and your trust in Him. Standing firmly on the Rock that will never crumble. Much love.

  6. Good morning Lord, good morning JC family. I enjoy reading all of it even the corrections which I usually miss the error but go back trying to find it (I'm slow). Peace..so much stuff going thru my mind and I call out to you Lord for you are the only one that can help me. Forgive me Lord for all the ways I fail you and forgive those who fail me. It hurts and I'm sorry for hurting you. Thank you for my JC family.

  7. Good morning JC familyπŸ₯°. Wow! Lots going on yesterday. Welcoming & praying for the babies & the mammas this morning. Norah you were sitting right on top of Benjamin's delivery! Had to laugh πŸ˜‚. Don't beat yourself up over the "coach's" thing. You & MadFox are just looking out for the JC family. I'm sure Coach & the rest of us appreciate that. I'm in need of prayers warriors πŸ™. Hubby's shoulders are in need of medical attention. We need prayer for the right orthopedic surgeon, transport to & from hospital, Medicare or VA. My friend, like a sister to me is going through major health issues. Nursing home or home care are the looming questions for Loretta right now. Thank you warriors, bless you allπŸ₯°.

    1. Prayers on the way!

    2. Jan--- Joining the PRAYOR WARRIORS in prayers for your Hubby's needs and your dear friend. Always a privilege to pray!! Sending great love your way from Kansas

    3. JC Prayer Warriors are praying for Loretta's and Hubby's needs.

    4. Sending prayers up Jan! God's got your hubby and friend in the His care.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Love you guys, thank you😘. Am so blessed.

    6. Sending prayers your way Jan ! How is your hubby and your friend doing ? Praying that they are both healed in Jesus name !

  8. Question, this might sound stupid now after the fact, but was I wrong in using my real name & last name on this blog? Never really gave it a second thought until MadFox touched on using his real name. What would be the harm?

    1. Jan. I think it is a matter of comfort. I am posting here but really do very little social media, other than to keep up with adult kids. I have owned businesses and shared things here that don't need to be known by employees, have gossipy friends (don't we all!!), and with an addictive person in my family feel it is unfair to share here and thus possibly bring attention to that person unfairly with those who don't know... or worse have them discriminated against. It is a personal choice. Chris is far more bold as a Christian with this blog. than most of us would ever be. My hat off to him amd you for your transparency.. it's just not wise in my case.

    2. Thanks Madfox, I've never done blogs until now. When I first registered here, my name came up on "reply as". I clicked it & never turned back. Later on I realized I could've used another blog name but everyone already identify me by Jan Gridley. Changing now would cause some head scratching perhaps🀨. Who knows! Blah, blah, blah. I need to get to houseworkπŸ˜†.

  9. This JC family is real life! That's what I love about you all! Chris, Norah, Jan, MadFox - your words are all very enlightening - and funny at times - and you can laugh at yourselves. We all share our joys and anguishes. Blessings and peace today and always. KS

  10. TheπŸ‘€ofmy❤️August 26, 2019 at 5:42 AM

    I applaud you, MadFox, for lovingly correcting a fellow believer. And I applaud you,, Norah, for humbly accepting the correction. You two are a great examples for all of us.

  11. Please pray for me. I'm so happy I found an online JC. Since may I have fallen hard. I desperately need help getting back up and being freed from what iv enslaved myself again after 5 amazing years. Please pray for my freedom. Love you all and thank you

    1. Unknown, Whom the SON sets free, is free indeed. Praying for your circumstances and Trusting the Author and Finisher of Your faith. Hang in there! God is in the business of restoring and making new. Trust and Believe!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Joining Maplewood for your requests Unknown πŸ™

    3. Unknown--- I also join Jan and Maplewood for your requests. Going to the THRONE OF GRACE for your needs.

    4. Unknown - A privilege to Love you and join JC Prayer Warriors to pray for your freedom.

    5. You have my prayers as well.

      Been continuing my journey into "God alone suffices". Ran across this quote today, "The inner emptiness is the door to God". I have spent much time contemplating that and sometimes God let's us feel empty (sometimes for a long time) before He fills that emptiness. Also learning that seasons of going hungry can purify our appetite.

      You have my prayers as you continue to open yourself up to that inner emptiness as God is opening you up to be filled by Him alone.

    6. Praying for you! Jesus, I trust in You. Please help Unknown discover Freedom again. One day at a time...one moment at a time. God's always there to support you when you are beginning again. I am proud to say I am a new contributing member of the JC Prayer Warriors, and I am glad to join the others in special prayers for you now. CO

  12. Good morning JESUS and thank You for another day. Thank You for VICTORY over the plans of the enemy in Jesus name!

    To GOD be ALL the Glory and Honor for the Great things HE has done and still doing! Great is His faithfulness.

    Thank You FATHER for the Love, Peace and Understanding amongst this body of believers. We all fall short of Your Glory, and we are reminded of Romans 8:1-3 that 'There is therefore now NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus...'!
    Thank You for mistakes, corrections, acknowledgements and the love and peace that follows. Your name be Glorified this day. May Your love and light continue to shine in and through us, so that others can see and know that we serve a Great God.

    Love and Peace to ALL JC Family, because the Peace that God gives is sufficient! Lets continue to seek His face and stay blessed.

    Maplewood NJ

  13. Colossians 3:14, ESV: "And above all these put on LOVE, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."
    Love and Peace to ALL.

  14. "Trust Me in the midst of a messy day." I needed to read this post today as well as everyone's comments. My last few days have, in fact, been messy. I've been praying, but need help focusing on the trusting part. I have a recovering alcoholic and addict in my life who also has mental illness. I/we could use some extra prayers please. I will continue each day praying for complete trust in you, dear Lord.

    Also, I will continue praying for each of you on here...for those with new babies, healthy moms, health and economics struggles, beginning again on the road to recovery, those struggling with faith, and those in a position to continue to remind me and others that God will get us through. Thank you to each of you for sharing and for your prayers! It helps immensely. Blessings. CO

    1. Extra prayers coming up! Lifting your situation to the Lord COπŸ₯°.

    2. CO --- I pray that you and your family will experience the presence and love of God that will drive out fear. I pray you will receive Christ's gift of peace, even amid the storms.I pray that God will provide the resources for any added financial responsibilities. I pray CO that you would find a local mental health support group to be apart of God's redemptive grace during difficult times. I pray that God will surround you and your family with ministering angels. I pray that you will find the kind of help you need at the time you need it. God loves you and is FAITHFUL!! Jeremiah 29:11 "For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope." Interceding in Kansas with much love.

    3. Thank you Jan and JJ! I'm crying tears of thanks because of your genuine care and concern for me and my situation even though you don't know me.
      Driving out fear and receiving Christ's peace would be real blessings for me. And praying for resources regarding the added financial burdens is amazing. Our income has diminished but the bills have increased, so it is a struggle. I have recently begun some NAMI classes for mental illness knowledge and support. I also attend alanon. It has been taxing, but helpful. I have reread the Jeremiah passage several times and continue to cry each time because I need the hope it reminds me of. I know I need to trust in God to get me through and to give me peace. Your prayers are much appreciated! CO

    4. I will pray as well. I am discovering on my journey that He often calls me to pray and I am also discovering favor in those prayers. It is a mystery to me only described by one word, Grace. And coming together as a group multiplies these prayers. Thank you JC family

    5. Keith --- So glad you posted. Have continued prayers for you and will continue prayers. You are so right about Grace. I can't live without His Grace and Mercy. And thank the Lord, His mercies are NEW every morning!!!

    6. CO --- Remember, as Sassy Mom said while back "put on the whole Armour of God before you get out of bed!" We are in SPIRITUAL Warfare! Use your sword -- the WORD. Lean into the scriptures that speak to you and use as prayers. Satan, I bind up ALL your activities you are trying to use against CO and family. GET YOUR HANDS OFF! CO is a child of THE MOST HIGH GOD. CO was bought at a Great price. GOD knows CO throughly and loves CO COMPLETELY. Satan you have NO AUTHORITY HERE!! LEAVE IN the MIRACLE WORKING NAME OF JESUS!!!

    7. Thank you all! I will be praying for each of you too. Ahh...Grace. Definitely something for me to reflect on tonight. I have an Armour of God coin given to me years ago that I need to get out as a reminder. Definitely spiritual warfare going on. I have never been tested more in my life, but I will ultimately keep turning to God in these difficulties, and reaching out for help and support when I am feeling too much pressure. I need to work on leaning into the scriptures more than I do now. I will take that on as my personal challenge to get me out of this pit. Praise be to Jesus! Your prayers have me feeling better. I can hardly explain it, but I certainly feel it. Satan, get away from me and my family! Jesus, I trust in you! Thank you for guiding me to this blog. A miracle in the works. I am certainly not worthy. Thank You dear God, for everything! CO

    8. Anonymous CO, we DO know you PLUS we are all related to you because you are our kindred spirit in Christ.
      The body you inhabit, like the car you drive to get there, does not matter. God reads hearts and we strive to be more and more like Him each day. All kindred Spirits of God are welcome in this place!

    9. Amen Brie! Anonymous is one of us, and stands on the same Rock and has the same life giving spirit within. Our earth suit with all of its snags, stains and rips, is only there to contain the light in us, until we are made perfect in Him. Every day we face spiritual warfare but thankfully the Battle is the Lord's and we must just stay in His presence and favor. He will do the rest. Prayers can do wonders to help us through the difficulties. God is on our side.

    10. Amen! Thank you Brie and Jeanne! I still have a lot of work to do, but so thankful I have the JC Team by my side and God at the helm. Co

  15. Please pray for Mandy and family!!!

    1. Anonymous --- I join with the JC WARRIORS in Interceding for circumstances for Mandy and family. I speek the name of Jesus into all the circumstances!! I pray for the miracle working touch of Jesus upon Mandy and family.

    2. I will be saying some prayers now for Mandy and family! Dear Lord, you know just what Mandy and family are needing right now. Please help them in any way they need. Wrap your arms around each of them and remind them you are there. Thank you Jesus for bringing Anonymous here to reach out for prayers. Praying! CO

    3. CO--- Amen and Amen to your prayer for Mandy and family. Well prayed! I stand in agreement with you!

  16. Heavenly Father, I am grateful
    For Your eternal presence
    I am learning to be patient
    And that You are really here
    Sometimes I am afraid,
    And I know that's lacking faith
    But I'm beginning to understand,
    That for me You have a plan
    Heavenly Father, I am grateful
    For You sending Your Son
    To die so that I live
    And for never giving up
    I'm learning everyday
    That I won't always have my way
    But I'm beginning to understand
    That for me You have a plan
    Heavenly Father, I am grateful
    For You hearing my prayer
    I am learning to be patient,
    And that You are really here
    There are answers I'm receiving
    No, they're not always immediate
    Sometimes I have felt a feeling,
    That's when I kneel down in prayer
    You show me You always hear my prayer
    I'm amazed by how much You care,
    'Cause You always hear
    My little prayer. amen

    1. Wonderful spirit in these words, Brie, thanks for posting. Yes, closer to our Lord today but not as close as tomorrow. Then will come the day of perfect unity. Should we hum of few bars of “Oh Happy Day”?

    2. Beautiful. Amen πŸ™.

    3. Bob and Janet,
      You know I am all in when it comes to song. When Jesus washed, He washed my sins away! Have an oh, so happy day, JC Family!

    4. Thank you Brie! I just love that little prayer!
      Psalm 95:1
      Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.

    5. Thanks again sweet Brie! Wonderful prayer.
      Thanks Bob. I just love: Yes, closer to our Lord today but not as close as tomorrow. Looking forward to that perfect day when we will stand together in the congregation of the righteous and look upon the beautiful Face of Jesus! Amen Brie! Oh Happy Day!

    6. These voices off jubilation lifted my spirits, thank you!
      Oh Happy Day, with Ray Charles
      ♥️🎢 https://youtu.be/wv5n_eCGkvM

    7. Thanks for the Great Parasailing Music, Audra πŸ’•πŸŽΆπŸ’•

  17. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for another blessed day. Thank You that You are the God of the impossible. You can do anything. I trust in Your ability and certainly not my own. Teach me to see disappointments and trials in my life from Your perspective and keep me focused on You and Your power. Your grace is sufficient for me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

    Life can sometimes be overwhelmingly messy. God wants us to trust Him with the mess of our broken experiences, the mess we have made through our own sin, and the mess that comes from living in this broken world.
    The most successful way for us to achieve a fruitful and successful day, is SEEKING the Lord and TRUSTING in Him. God is trustworthy to work our situations out for our best. The struggles we experience in this world, is more precious to Him than we can imagine. Nothing that we face or don’t face is a surprise to Him. God is familiar with all our ways, where we've been, what we're doing now, and where we're going. Before there is a word on our tongues, He already knows it completely (Psalm 139 ). Let’s exercise our faith by being assured and convinced that He is in absolute control of our lives and is so much more capable of managing us than we are ourselves. He is God and we are not. When we surrender to Him, He clears up all our messes in His perfect timing. We are reminded that "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son...." (Romans 8:28). We become more like Jesus through our struggles. He is the Miracle Worker, the Way Maker and the Promise Keeper, that is who He is! Whatever mess you have in your life that overwhelms you or weighing you down, God wants to show you that He is who the Bible says He is. He can be trusted and once we learn this truth, we will find meaning in all our messes!

    Dear Father, May we always have that desire to seek after You and see things from Your perspective. Let not our hearts be troubled nor be afraid, because the Peace You have given, is sufficient for us. Thank You Lord, that no circumstances can touch this Peace. The world didn't gave it, and the world can NOT take it away. It is in Jesus' name that we offer our prayer. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Your prayer, twin bd sis, concluded this blessed post so well. In my own life, some of the messes were merely in my own mind for I would later discover the love He was showing me when I was declaring something a mess. Indeed, some messes are caused by a failure to love (sin) many times by myself, at times by others. But when the biggest mess of all was occurring on a Friday afternoon outside Jerusalem, God made it the greatest clean up forever and ever. Yes, He has got all messes under control thus the eternal truth, “all things work to good in His love”, best exemplified on Calvary. Thanks, twin bd sis, for yet another blessed post. God be with you.

    2. What a great message Maplewood and Bob! I will go into this Wednesday feeling at peace knowing God is ALWAYS in control and is our way-maker! Blessings to you both and all of the JC family!

    3. Thanks again Maplewood. I got snagged by "Whatever mess you have in your life that overwhelms you or weighing you down, God wants to show you that He is who the Bible says He is. He can be trusted and once we learn this truth, we will find meaning in all our messes!" I immediately thought of parasailing. My prayer became:
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Thanks to You, I can always go outside of mess and look up at the peaceful clouds which are like the Saints of God in Heaven, "a great cloud of witnesses" cheering me on towards eternity! Would You keep my parasail tethered to You, our Lord Jesus Christ and Saviour, and show me what messes I can let go of to parasail more peacefully, more cheerfully, soaring more freely toward my eternal heavenly Home? In The Name of Jesus, I pray and I thank.  Praying Blessing over our entire JC Family and each of their dear ones and prayer requests! Amen

    4. Amen and thanks sweet Maplewood! Today's devotion actually made me laugh because when I woke up I started to clean my closet and at the moment there are piles of stuff on the bed and the floor. So when I read: "Trust Me in the midst of a messy day. Your inner calm--your Peace in My Presence--need not be shaken by what is going on around you.", I couldn't help but chuckle, realizing it was talking right to me. Now I admit the messes in our life are not always actual messes. But sometimes, bad decisions lead to messes and we must put our reins in the able Hands of God because He well knows our future and can much better orchestrate our lives. But Maplewood, your words were so true and I needed to hear them. So I'm just gonna trust in Him to clean up the closets or my life, which may mean to throw out anything that threatens to separate me from Him and His love and peace.
      Bob, I just loved what you wrote! Amen to that.
      Thanks Brie. I also will get back to basics and seek Him above all things. I can relate to having a grateful and yet also concerns about an uncertain future. But we all know that while you are thanking and praising Him, there just isn't any room in your heart for worry and fear. So nice to be under the sweet gaze of our loving Father at all times.

    5. Amen and Amen! No circumstances can touch this Peace.
      I am seriously sleep deprived so I must get some rest. But I am babysitting at 1 and then we are having a sleepover with dear little Gabriel. I will probably not have time to go on my phone or on my dear JC Blog. But I will be praying through the day and night. Hope that little one takes a long nap and sleeps tonight. His brother is arriving on September 1st by C-Section. Can't wait to meet him. Feeling very blessed.

    6. SAILING AMONG THE CLOUDS and above all the messes, the boat takes off, cutting through the masses of ocean waves, and we are lifted up, up, up and away underneath the beautiful canopy of the parasail, catching the rush of a Mighty Wind. Parasailing is a weightless, exhilarating ride across the coast and high above the mess and mass of the earth below. Yet, to parasail, we give up all control over direction and anything else, while we are locked in and strapped to a boat that is under the driver's direction, rather than ours!
      Yes! Parasailing parallels how our salvation is completely accomplished through the work, driving, and direction of Jesus at the wheel. When we believe in Him, it's like He is attaching a parasail rope to Himself and a sailing parachute to us. Our part is to let go of all the messes weighing us down and tethering us to earth, and let Christ drive the boat as we sail onward and upward to Heaven.
      When worldly messes weigh us down, our job is to hold tightly to the straps of His sails, rather than cling to earthly messes.
      Once airborne, we can look up at the great cloud of all of Christ's witnesses around us, including all those in this great JC family of Prayer Warriors, who are cheering us on toward eternity.
      When we let go of carrying heavy burdens and the messes, and allow our selves to be borne upward into a sky-high ride with Christ, and onward to our free gift of salvation, then it is a joyous trip. But first, we have to let go of the weight and messes of this world. Can we? Will we? Did we?
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You show us everything we can do to stay more tethered to Your Son and our Brother, Jesus, and sail more peacefully and freely toward our eternal Home with You? I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. While we are parasailing, we thank You, Lord for opening our eyes to see things from Your perspective, and for helping our hearts be peaceful and calm like Yours, and our resolve brave and steadfast, like Yours. Thank You for The Peace You give us, which is more than sufficient for us; so much more than we actually use.

    8. Amen. Thank you Father, take these dark glasses off and show me your perspective of this upside down world mess. I trust you for the best possible outcome of this spiritual war, but right now in the thick of it, it's looking bad and your peace is harder to feel. I ask and pray for your truth to prevail loud and clear as we lift ourselves up by the parasail strings and get the big picture. Thank you Jesus, it's quite a ride.

  18. Amen Brie. He cares so much <3 thank You Lord.
    It's a still and chilly morning here in VA. My family is tucked away sleeping, safely, peacefully, beautifully. My heart is full of gratitude and uncertainty at the same time...so many questions that I don't know the answer to. But just as today's post reminds us: don't strive, seek His face and His peace. I'm going back to the basics and seek Him first and let all these other "things:my husband's work schedule, my upcoming board exam, my sons' school opening, my, my, my" follow. He's got this. He's got us <3 Lord, You are in control and these things aren't really mine, You've just trusted me with them for now. Thank You. Thank You that not a sparrow falls unnoticed by You. Jehovah Roi. You see me, my good, good Father. Please, help us seek You and think like You, Our Prince of Peace. We love You and praise You. In Jesus's name. Amen

    1. Yes Prince of Peace, we seek you, we praise you, we love you. We give all to you. In Jesus' name amen.

    2. Amen free as can B: Seeking His face and His peace.
      Dear Jan! Joining in your perfect prayer. Amen

  19. There exists such rich truth grace and love here. Thank you all. May we continue to trust God and wear His peace.
    Happy belated birthday dear Brie. May you have peace knowing you are God’s masterpiece. He delights in you and rejoices over you with amazing melodies and harmonies. May you sense His song of peace and love in this new year!! 🎢❤️πŸ₯³

  20. Father, O how I seek Your peace today. Please help me to keep my eyes on You Lord. If I get distracted from You, please bring my eyes back to You Lord. Father, lift me up with You above all my circumstances, fears, and worries. You are all I need Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always. You are so beautiful and amazing Lord. You are my salvation Lord.

    1. Amen Dear Janet! Such a good tiny prayer: Jesus, Keep me aware of your presence! Praying He is lifting every part of your life and bringing you joy and peace. Amen.

  21. Amen JanetπŸ₯°. Many thanks warriors for prayers. Root canal went well. I have some bone loss in the tooth & can require a periodontist later or the Lord can intervene & the root canal will suffice for years to come. I'm petitioning the Lord to help me keep this tooth. Nothing is impossible for our God! Amen!

    1. Thanks for The Victory and Praise Report, Jan Gridley, (as Brie does her Victory Dance)

    2. Mere tooπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    3. That's great news. Was keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. God is just so awesome that it went smoothly. I am sure He can add some good bone to your tooth in His own good timing. Praying for that too.

    4. Father, please give Your child what she needs at this time, in Jesus name I pray to You. Amen πŸ™.

  22. Thank you, Jesus for speaking to me here again. Just what I need to hear, when I need to hear it. Help me to fight the thoughts that I don't deserve Your peace, Your Love, Your Grace!!! Thank you for bringing me here to these amazing brothers and sisters in you that have brought me so much closer to you by living out your word by loving You!!
    Thank you everyone. The JC family is amazing! Love you all!!
    Love from Maryville, Tennessee

    1. Welcome Choose Joy. One of the things I find amazing about God's Peace, God's Love, and God's Grace is we do not have to deserve them, we only have to preserve them. For His gifts of Peace, Love, and Grace are freely placed within us by a good, kind and loving God and are also surrounding us everyday. Use them. Give them away. Enjoy the free refills. Repeat!

    2. Praying for you always Choose Joy! May God heal all your weaknesses and always bless and guide your path and comfort your heart.
      So true dear Brie. I love "Enjoy the free refills" I sure will keep coming back for His Peace, Love and Grace.

  23. Good to have you with us, dear Choose Joy! May God help you when you are struggling and rejoice with you when you are sailing smoothly. Praying for your friend who lost her Dad. Rest in peace Pop!

  24. Thank you Father for sending me the people and circumstances that bring me closer to you. The ones that are messy are helping me to call your name and trust. The beautiful ones are bringing me increasing joy. Thank you for my patience and trust in you!!!!

  25. Praying for those in the eye of Laura's destruction and devastation.

    1. Amen Sassy Mom! Joining in your prayer for all those who have been effected by the Hurricanes. Dear Father, Thank You for protecting, helping and guiding Your people who need you now. Amen.

  26. Thank you Lord for the grace in which you gave provided for me just for today, thank you Lord for also providing the peace in which you provided for me for my 22 year old son Kirk: he has c o nsidered for a month. Unbeknownst to us, that he has been considering moving in with his friend, strictly as a roommate named Cora...She, apparently, is considered a they, while identifying another as a she, nor he, an introvert with a cat on which Kirk loves...Cats!! He has always been a non-judgmental person, and also a compassionate person who will be a companion, as well as a friend.....There is no doubt that this is a God filled journey for him, if he acknowledges it or not. When I I asked him about her parents, he confided to me that it's complicated...so I didn't pry...Thank you God that I didn't judge, and also hold his power Supreme above all else....Thank you God for this piece of mind Amen, and Thank you!

    1. I can relate to what you are going through. A couple of years ago my sister Debbie got involved in a same sex relationship and she is still in it. She had never been in one before this. She knows my feelings on the situation, but I love her and I struggled with it for quite awhile. I gave it to God to help me and give me peace of mind and help me to not be judgmental and He has helped me through. I have to remember that what others do are not my business. I must do what is right for me and the Lord and give the rest to Him and He will work it out in His way and time. God bless and peace be with you.

    2. Just want to say I'll add this in my prayers today.

  27. JC Warriors, just wanted to rewrite update from yesterday: My pastor's wife Jeanine went to be with the Lord yesterday morning. All prayers and thoughts for him, the family, loved ones and friends are all appreciated. It (along with many other things) weighs heavy on my heart. I also would like to ask for prayers for myself. I have been having a lot of swelling in my feet/legs. It's been hard to walk and my lab results came back last week and I have an infection in my body and a lot of inflammation, high/bad cholesterol and some other issues, but the primary care doctor can not see me until Sept. 30th. I knew something wasn't right with me since about last year or so. I appreciate all of you here and want to thank you for praying and thinking of me as well as all of us, our families, friends, and loved ones. Thank you all. God bless!

    1. Praying for your pastor, Janet. May he be comforted by his loved ones and congregation as well as knowing Jeanine is no longer suffering but in the arms of Jesus. So sorry to hear about your legs and health issues, Janet. May Jehovah Rapha rid your body of that infection and guide the docs with a plan of action for your health! While September 30th seems a ways away, it will be here before we know it...Maybe there will be a cancellation and you can get in before then. I'm believing for that! Thanks for letting us know so we can add healing prayers for you to our "conversations" with God! Praying for healing and a plan of action for your cholesterol and other issues, Janet.

    2. Prayers for you Janet. I admire the humility of people who ask for prayers for themselves I sometimes forget that God hears all prayers and He wants us to help each other always even if it’s with a simple prayer request.

    3. Joining in prayers for you Janet. Waiting is so hard when you have certain concerns. I hope you'll soon feel the comfort of being prayed for by our JCfamily.

    4. Praying for you Janet.
      Dear Lord, You know better than we do the things we have need of and the time it sometimes takes for You to put the right people in the right places for our benefit. In between now and then, please hug our Janet tightly.
      Jesus. We trust You. Thy Will be Done. Amen.

  28. Praying for Kirk, dear ButterflyLove. He must like Cora's company no matter how Cora is living her life. His compassionate heart wants to help her. Put it all in God's Hands and leave it there.

  29. Heavenly Father, the sufficiency of Your perfect peace is gift I don't want to take for granted. Thank You for it. Let me bathe in Your peace today and every day. Help me see the world and my circumstances through Your eyes and Your perspective. Lift me up with You and grant me a new look on life. Refresh me anew in You. Let Your Presence within me shine through and all my concerns wash away. You are all I need. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  30. Oh Janet, I'm praying for your Pastor's comfort and guidance. I'm so sorry about the swelling of your feet and legs. Praying you will be relieved of your pain and healed of your infection. Can't you see a different doctor sooner. Praying God will open up a new door for you. You need to take good care of yourself. We love you.
    Father God, Comfort Janet's Pastor in his time of sorrow. May his good wife rest in your sweet peace and realize your promises.
    Our dear sister needs you right now. Guide her path to the help she desperately needs. Heal her infection and bring health and strength to her legs and feet, and fix her cholesterol. Heal any weakness of her body, mind and spirit. We trust you to bring our dear Janet back to perfect health and guide her path to a home where she will be appreciated, loved and protected. Thank You Jesus.

  31. Almighty God, the creator!
    I ask your spirit to remind me throughout the day, not to fret and worry and be aware that things are ok as long as my mind is on you.
    Your peace surpasses everything in this world.
    I confess that sin is the fog in the path of a road.
    Thank you Lord Jesus. You are the Lord I confess this with my mouth.
    May my heart change as I remember these things that I encounter while seeking.
    I believe you and your Word. Thank you this morning. Guide me today. I am trusting. In Jesus’ perfect name amen

    1. So good to see your posts again, Xavier Hill. I join into your prayer for His Peace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Beautiful prayer Xavier. Your loving and merciful Father hears your sincere words. Joining in with our sister Brie. Continuing to pray for you for much guiding light along your path and strength of faith.

  32. Praying for you Janet that your leg swelling will go down naturally. An update on my daughter….she went back for a biopsy of her liver, and the radiologist said she didn’t need it, the shadows were just a reflection of where they did the liver surgery! The rest of her scan is good and she is going back to teaching half time, so she’s happy about that. However her husband Mark, who has been her strength, found out at his physical that he has mitral valve prolapse with severe regurgitation and will likely need surgery. Please pray that at Mayo they can do this repair without open heart surgery. Thank you so much! He let me pray over him and I will tell him that you are praying for him too. He goes in for tests in 2 weeks. Thank you so much!

    1. So happy for you and your daughter, Ellen! What a relief for her and you, her momma! How great that she can get back to teaching...even it it's part time for now, it will give her such a sense of normalcy and happiness to be around other teachers and see her students! Praying that Mark's heart issue can somehow be corrected without surgery. Mayo is an amazing place so maybe this can be done via a "simple" procedure. Praying for this possibility! In Jesus' name, amen!

    2. I too will join in prayers for you and yours Ellen.

    3. Dear Mark,
      I am gathering into the prayers of your beautiful MIL. Dear God, you know what Mark needs, and I trust You to provide. In Jesus, The Master Healer's Name, I pray. Amen.

    4. I join in prayers for healthy outcomes for challenges mentioned here, Janet, Mark, Ellen. And for my family, still dealing with recovery issues. Thank you Jesus, in your name we pray.

    5. So glad to hear the good news about your daughter. May our heavenly Father put His healing hands on her husband Mark and remove his affliction from him. Our wonderful miracle worker and healer is so amazing and is working all the time. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    6. Dear Ellen! So blessed to heart your daughter had a good report and she will return to teaching. Thanking our good God for His faithfulness in her life and for more answered prayers. Just put her husband Mark on my prayer list.
      Father, Thank You for fixing Mark's heart in the safest and best way to bring him back to perfect health. Bless Mark and his wife with perfect healing and guide their lives in Your peace and presence. Give Ellen comfort and peace of mind. Thank You for all this in the Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. We love You and trust You, as we wait patiently on You. Amen

  33. Thank you Jeanne and Janet for your prayers, and Jeanne your heartfelt prayer for Janet in her time in need, I echo. I will be going to church this morning with prayers in my ❤��heart.

  34. And I will sing
    ♥️🎢 https://youtu.be/f8TkUMJtK5k

  35. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts -- My Jesus Calling Warriors Family! I appreciate every one of you. May God be with you.

    1. Love you sweet sister Janet!! God will show you His faithfulness. We pray this with thanksgiving together in the Name of Jesus!

  36. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path" (Prov. 3:5-6).

    Dear Lord, I am grateful that you have called me by Your glory and goodness. I thank You that I have the opportunity to seek You and know how great You are. I ask that as each day passes, I will begin to know You more and more. Please continue to draw me deeper in Your Word. Evening has fast approached and I want to say thank You for all the blessings of this day and the wall of protection surrendering us even during the night hours. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    "Committ your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act" (Psalm 37:5).

    Blessings and Peace.
    Maplewood NJ

    1. Dear Maplewood,

      I’m reading this prayer on 8/30/22. It’s early in the morning, and I opened safari and yesterday’s blog was still open. I read comments of others about your prayer and had to read it. It’s so timely for all of us any day of the year. I said your prayer this morning as others did yesterday. Thank you.

      SC Anonymous

  37. Dear Maplewood. I just needed to pray that perfect prayer with you. And Psalm 37:5. I have been thinking about that verse all week as the approach of my grandson's arrival comes closer. The date will be 9/1 and my dear Mayra will be having a C Section to bring her 2nd son into the world with God's guidance.
    Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Amen!
    Blessings and peace to you sweet sister!

  38. Dearest Maplewood. Still praying that wonderful prayer with you. Your posts and prayers are timeless and uplifting. Praying always for you and your family and your health. I am sure you are still shining His light to your dear ones, friends and everyone you come in contact with. You are a true heart changer in the Lord. Thank you dear sister. Much love and gratitude. The child I speak of above, Nathaniel, will be One year old on September 1st. We are so excited. He's a beautiful healthy child and he just starting taking his first steps. Such a blessing! God is so good.

    1. Yes Maplewood, timeless & still ministering to each of us. How's your hand Jeanne? Did you ice it right away? That's why we don't birth children at our age😁. Not only that but we'd put them down somewhere & forget where πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ. Nathaniel is blessed with such a loving family. Have a great day, free of injuries πŸ’žπŸ™

    2. You are so right, Jan, lol. I just watched George (10mths) on Tuesday afternoon and he wore me out. He's a lunker , lol, (my daughter is 6'1" and this baby is following in his tall momma's footsteps, for sure.) Jeanne, I hope your hurting hand is better today. Enjoy Nate's first birthday!

  39. Today's devotion and prayer and Maplewood's prayer are good food for our souls. Wonderful Bible verses:
    Psalm 105:4
    Seek the Lord and his strength;
    seek his presence continually!
    Psalm 37:5
    Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him;
    and he shall bring it to pass. Amen

  40. I solicit your prayers today as I make preparations to undergo breast cancer treatments. Thank you for this format of Jesus Calling. It is such a blessing to have an easy access to this message.

    1. You got it Anonymous. Holy Father, we approach the throne of grace for our dear Anonymous. Look upon her with great favor as You prepare the way for her during these treatments. May she feel Your loving, calming spirit of peace & assurance. We pray for complete healing as each healthy cell overtakes the rogue ones giving her back the health & wholeness that is rightfully hers through the cross for by Your stripes we are healed!!! Amen!πŸ’žπŸ™

    2. Prayers coming your way Anonymous. Praying for a successful treatment and outcome, and for peace during those anxious moments. God bless you!


    3. Joining my sisters, Jan & TJ, as well as others who will be praying for you, Anonymous. I will visually lace up your shoes of peace.
      "I can do all things through Christ who STRENGTHENS me!" We will circle the wagons in prayer for you, dear sister. May you feel His hand in yours each day. In Jesus' name, amen!

    4. Joining my sisters, Jan, TJ and NJS in praying that God will be guiding every second of your treatments and healing all your weakness.
      Thank You Father in the Name of Christ Jesus for removing every cancer cell in our sister, and replacing it with healthy tissue and bringing her back to perfect health so she can continue to praise His Holy Name and tell of His good deeds. Amen.

    5. Praying with everyone for His tremendously successful outcome, because we are putting Him in charge of all of your trestments. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Amen sisters! Thank you Jesus, you already know the outcome and we're pray for the faith that all will be well for our sister's treatments.

  41. Good morning JC Family. Praying for each of you this morning as the sun begins to rise. Thankful for this blog and this group of people. This mornings JC was timely for me as I’m sure it was for everyone. Praying everyone one has A wonderful day and relies on God for their inner calm.

    SC Anonymous

    1. As for you also dear SC. Thank you for the blessing πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Thank you for your prayers. Keeping you always in mine. About to drive to Brooklyn for a weekend with my Mom. I am so blessed to still have my dear mother. God bless you dear SC. And my sweet Jan.

    3. Traveling Mercy prayers are being said for you, dear Jeanne.

    4. Mom time! In joy, you are indeed blessed to still have her by your side. Safe travels!

    5. Safe travels dear Jeanne & super great time with momπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

  42. When I think of the goodness of Jesus and alllllllll he has done for ME my soul shouts Hallelujah! Good Morning to you all., I don't post often but it's not because I am not reading, I NEEDED EVERY WORD I read today! Praying for guidance, breakthrough, financial blessings and confirmation from the Lord all at the same time. I am in a season where I should be retired and taking it easy, but because of my bad choices I'm having to start anew. God always knew and he WILL help ME, just need some Praise In Advance brothers and sisters to keep me hoping and praising instead of worrying and doubting. I Love you all for how you always have a nugget to share that blesses my soul.

    1. Love you too dear God's daughter. God doesn't bring you through to this moment to leave you, but to guide, protect and bless you. Trusting that He already knows the right thing to do in this season. Take it one day at a time in His presence and look up from where your Help cometh! No worrying or doubting and no leaning on your own understanding. He knows the right way. Thank You Jesus!

    2. As our dear Sassy Mom would say, Put on the whole armor of God before you even think about getting out of bed!
      Praying for His Guudance and Intercession in your life.
      God blesses our messes!

    3. Dear God's Daughter,
      Since you asked, these 2023 Nuggets are being sent to you lovingly and prayerfully.
      Let Our hearts be at peace. Let our inner calm and peace in His Presence be steadied knowing :
      Our MESS precedes His MESSage.
      His MESSages begin with our MESS!
      With MESS, MESSages exist.

  43. Dear God's Daughter, bad choices are markers in our journey paths where as you said, "God knew & showed up to help you". Who among us would begrudge those precious, devine markers! He's making sure You get back going the right way, always. Be a blessing as you are blessed today. You are loved πŸ˜πŸ™

    1. So very true dear Jan. We all have made mistakes. God allows us free will so sometimes we follow the flesh and make stupid decisions because when we are not walking in the Spirit we lack discernment. We are only human. But we learn from those bad choices, and often God turns them into wonderful blessings.

  44. Just had to thank you for your prayers for my hand. It is healing slowly but surely. I need it to drive to Brooklyn now to see my Mom. Prayers from sincere hearts are so powerful and God's faithfulness continues to shine like the sun! I am so grateful. Much love to you all. Have a sweet and happy new day. Dear Sassy Mom and Terri and all those hurting: No matter how you feel, know that God knows your hearts intimately and really cares about you. He is as close to you as your own breath. He is our Comfort and our Help. He loves us like none other with a perfect and unconditional love. How blessed we are!

  45. Prayerfilled shoutouts for your grief to be eased into His Peace, Sassy Mom and Terri. Much Love, Brie

  46. Dear JC Prayer WARRIORS - So blessed and thankful to have a world full of prayers, support and LOVE from you. THANK YOU JESUS!

    1. Rest assured we are praying with you, and for you, hugging you, and loving you everyday. Everyday.

    2. Yes SassyMom & Terri, always holding you up in prayer. We love you bothπŸ˜πŸ™

    3. Amen! Blessed to be part of the same family! We are here for you and you are surrounded by God’s love and our love and prayers.

  47. Dearest JC Family - I confess: I've read NOTHING today, but the devotion and the scriptures, which I shared with several family members and friends. I have been in a whirlwind of activity since taking off work yesterday to go with my DH for his Onc appt. There is so much to report, that I think the best way to share with you is to post his message to our whole family - 24 of us - but only sent to the 10 adult off spring. I will copy and paste that for you to read. I (we) thank you all so much for your prayers and believing for us...for HIM, my Best Man. Love to each of you. I have prayed for this whole Fam - just haven't read individual requests. God know. And that is all we need.

    1. This is what my Best Man wrote on our Family Text:
      "Mom has asked me to write a post to all of you where we are after today's meeting with my Oncologist. Well, it seems we are in a crossroads with the "bad boy" cells. Along with their bouncing along, they appear to be inching their way upward. My doctor says we can continue to watch them; however, the risk is if (he says when) they spike, the process of knocking them down becomes longer and more difficult. He feels taking them on now significantly increases the odds of success. Since I really do trust his judgment, I have decided to go with his plan. He feels that approximately one year later will do the job and leave me close to where I am now, perhaps even better.
      For now, I hope you each realize just how much having you with me means. Having your prayers gives me great confidence as I work through this. Having your love means even more than the treatments. Love, Pops"
      That brought multiple tests of: "We've got this, Pops!" "Together we are strong!" "We are with you and Mom, all the way..." It was lovely. My DH is very blessed and relaxed. I am juggling my job, a new partial roof, partial renovation of my home office ("Where am I going to work while this is being done??" "How are we going to pay for this?" etc). Tonight, I was so tired that I said we have to bring dinner in - I cannot cook. We ordered Chinese and I picked it up. Our "besties" who are here every Wed and Fri, came over for carry-out Chinese. This is my dear sister in Christ whose husband has Alzhiemers and he and my DH gather in the Living Room while she and I watch a movie and talk. It is a blessing. Our spiritual family is a blessing. The fact that there is treatment for my Hub's cancer, is a blessing. Is it trial and tribulation? Yes. But He has overcome that for us. I can't wait to get in bed and sleep - knowing that God is on the Night Watch. I love all of you and, as I said, though I haven't read specifics for the last 2 days, I pray for all of you daily. I'll catch up! God Bless!

    2. Thank you dear Norah for sharing your DH’s report. May God carry him through his treatment and bring him good results and good health. God is indeed greater than any bad boy cells. He has been faithful in the past so trust and believe He will continue to take care of business and take care of your dear husband and all of your family. He will also pull together all the loose ends so things will go smoothly. Thank You Father for being our Way Maker and for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen

    3. Norah,

      Thank you for sharing. Your faith and your husband’s provide a wonderful example for your friends, family, and JC family. Praying for you all.

      SC Anonymous

  48. Thank you Jahova Rapha, King of Kings, for all good healings bring.

  49. Today's devotion reminds us, "Trust Me in the midst of a messy day!"
    Let Our hearts be at peace. Let our inner calm and peace in His Presence be steadied knowing :
    Our MESS precedes His MESSage.
    His MESSages begin with our MESS!
    With MESS, MESSages exist.

    Praying on the nightwatch for one and all. Messy thoughts are keeping me awake. Awake I shall remain until I hear His MESSage. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Very well said Brie! Love the post! God bless πŸ™.

    2. May the Lord clean up your "mess" with His "mess"ages!

    3. So true, Brie! Such great wisdom in the middle of the night, Brie. Hoping sleep finally found you.

    4. You are a sweet well of wisdom.The only true peace is from Him. He can calm your MESSY thoughts. Get some REST, Sis!

  50. Praying for Mom's healing and for your rest while Jesus works it out. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  51. Joining in prayers for you Jeanne and your mom. May the LORD touch both of you with His healing hands and strength and comfort you both. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  52. The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26). Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all. (2 Thessalonians 3:16). I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8). You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:3). And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. (Colossians 3:15).

    1. Thanks sweet Janet! You covered me with a warm blanket of Peace.

  53. Sending prayers for you Jeanne and your mom. ❤️πŸ™

  54. Thank You Lord for the opportunity to come into this place and be separate for a while from the things of this world to focus and concentrate on You. To give You this part of the day and to receive Your Peace.

    Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart".
    Proverbs 8:17 "I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me."

  55. To all the JC prayer Warriors, I logged a prayer request earlier this week about my business needing orders. I chose to trust and be at peace in the Lord. I requested your prayers along with others praying. God has shown up!! I received a sizable order that was not expected yesterday and know He has opened the door for other orders to come this week. Thank you for your prayers please keep them coming!πŸ˜€πŸ™

    1. HALLELUJAH! Praise God and thank you for sharing His Victory with us, Anonymous!
      To Know Know Know Him, Is To Love Love Love Him, And We Do. YES! We Do...
      He gave our trust muscles a good workout. Prayers will continue for your successes and the successes of our entire JC family. In Jesus Name. AMEN!

    2. That is great! God is amazing!!

    3. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good! Expect those orders to surprise you in faith πŸ˜πŸ™

    4. Thanking God for answered prayers and a reason to rejoice! Hallelujah! We serve such a faithful God!

    5. Still Victory Dancing in Thanksgiving for your update, Anonymous. Today's devotion had your name and situation written all over it. You said: I logged a prayer request earlier this week about my business needing ORDERS.
      And today's devotion said: Instead of desperately striving to maintain ORDERS and control in your little world, relax and remember that circumstances cannot touch My Peace. Seek My Face, and I will share My mind with you, opening your eyes to see things from My perspective!
      Did He move every mountain? Did He part every sea?
      Yes! He did and yes He can!
      Did He defeat the darkness?
      Did he deliver me?
      Yes! He can. He will. He did!
      I can feel you joining our JC Family in Thanksgiving Prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

  56. Surrendering with you Jeanne to God's perfect plan and timing.

  57. Yes, He is, Audra! Praying for everyone on here and not. Thanks to all of you for my Birthday Blessings. I am praying that your pneumonia is gone FAST, Dear Jeanne. That everyone who needs mending is mended. That our To Do Lists shrink as we remember What's Important Now, will WIN the day. Recognizing that nothing will be accomplished while I'm glued to this computer. :)
    Love, Prayers, Blessings to each of you!

  58. Thanks dear Brie, Janet, Blessings from NY, and Audra. God heard your prayers. My Mom feels a bit better today. Her doctor told me the pain in her skull is arthritis and just to tell her to take Tylenol. I told her. My cough is getting better but my back is getting weak. Took a walk today to strengthen it. Praying for you. May God cover you all with His healing touch. Love and peace to you.

  59. Thanks for your prayers dear Norah! Amen! May all who need mending be mended! God knows exactly what we need. I’m waiting on the Lord with you all! Love, prayers and blessings to you and our JC Family seen and unseen.
    Father God, You are so amazing, merciful, and powerful. Thank You for hearing our prayers and answering them according to Your Will. We know the valley times draw us closer to You. Trusting in Your perfect timing and faithfulness. Refresh, heal, strengthen, guide, and comfort us. Thank You Jesus.

  60. I'm singing in Church this morning and I was up late learning the songs so I'm seeking the Lord's help and I pray I'm not the only one in the Choir loft today. But He is always beside me so I will not be afraid. Happy and blessed Birthday to our dear Brie. May God shower you, sweet sister, with special happy surprises today and much joy and peace! You are a bright light to us and we love you dearly. May God answer your prayers, heal you and your DH in every way, and continue to bring you blessings, protection, and guidance.
    May God bless, strengthen, guide, heal and comfort all of our dear family here. Have a good and fruitful day in His presence and peace. Much love.
    I'm resting in Him today and trusting that He will handle everything. Thank You for all these things in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    Psalm 37:5-40
    Commit your way to the Lord,
    Trust also in Him,
    And He shall bring it to pass.
    He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
    And your justice as the noonday.

    1. Blessings to you dear Jeanne & your family. Praying for Sandy as well. ❤️πŸ™πŸ™Œ

  61. Oops I posted this on the 26th instead of the 25th. Oh well. Only God is perfect.

    1. Amen πŸ™. And Happy belated birthday Brie! God bless πŸ™.

  62. Wanted to share this:

    Pray instead of worrying
    Pray instead of stressing
    Pray instead of panicking
    Pray instead of overthinking
    Pray instead of assuming
    Pray instead of controlling
    Pray instead of wondering
    In every situation: JUST PRAY!

    If you think you have blown God's plan for your life, rest in this. You, my beautiful friend, ARE NOT THAT POWERFUL!


    1. Thank you JJ 😊. It's always good to be reminded that only God has the power and not us. He is the One on the throne of glory and it's all His plan. And prayers are most powerful πŸ™ πŸ™Œ! God bless you!

    2. Thank you dear JJ. Love, " we are not that powerful", amen to that sister!❤️

  63. I love you JJ! Thanks for adding light and truth to my day. God bless yours!
    Please pray for Sandy because she is starting Chemo this week!
    Thank You Father for surrounding her with peace and comfort. Let her know she is in Your presence and give her strength and healing and faith in You. Thank you for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen
    I’m going to my mom’s today and will be there till the 31st. Janet and David are going to MA for an anniversary getaway. I’m happy for them. May God give them traveling mercies and heal Janet’s knees and give them joy and rest and many blessings. Thank You Jesus.
    Have a sweet day in His presence and peace. Put everything into His Hands and trust that He is in charge!

    Psalm 31:3
    For You are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for Your name’s sake, Lead me and guide me.

    Psalm 143:10
    Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne for Sandy. Have a blessed time with your mom and traveling mercies for Janet and David and may they enjoy a delightful anniversary. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Praying for Janet & David's trip/celebration. Praying for your week with your mom.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™❤️

  64. Echoing birthday greetings to out BELOVED BRIE.

    1. Happy Birthday Brie πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚ Praying many blessings for your birthday and your new year of life, in Jesus Almighty Name.

  65. Wow! What a realization " Though you live in this temporal world, your innermost being is rooted and grounded in eternity." Our roots are in Eternity, our sustenance comes from the Wells of Living Water. What a blessed thought.

  66. Happy Birthday dear Brie! πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‡πŸ™Œ❤️

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