Sunday, August 16, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 17

Find Me in the midst of the maelstrom. Sometimes events whirl around you so quickly that they become a blur. Whisper My Name in recognition that I am still with you. Without skipping a beat in the activities that occupy you, you find strength and Peace through praying My Name. Later, when the happenings have run their course, you can talk with Me more fully.
     Accept each day just as it comes to you. Do not waste your time and energy wishing for a different set of circumstances. Instead, trust Me enough to yield to My design and purposes. Remember that nothing can separate you from My loving Presence; you are Mine.

Philippians 2:9-11
English Standard Version

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Isaiah 43:1
English Standard Version 

But now thus says the Lord,
he who created you, O Jacob,
    he who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
    I have called you by name, you are mine.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank YOU Jesus, thank YOU Father God, thank YOU Holy Spirit. YOU'RE daily transforming this former alcoholic/addict by the renewing of her mind through YOUR precious WORD! πŸ˜„

    1. Me too! Clean and sober! God is good!

    2. Same here ❤️❤️❤️

    3. Thank you for delivering my brothers and sisters. Thank you for delivering me from the sin that was rotting my heart and mind. Thank you for always reminding me I am yours.

    4. And I! Thank you for your prayer of thanks!
      Blessings! ❤️

    5. Amen. Same. It was the of Jesus that transformed my life and I will never be the same. Thank you LordπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’―

    6. Amen! Jesus can take your trials and sins and turn it all around into the most beautiful masterpiece, like a lovely quilt of many colors to cover you completely. As we become new creatures in Him, the past is far gone and we are blameless and free to live a new life of praise and thanksgiving. Because of the blood of Christ, we will never be the old man again. And He will make our righteousness shine like the noonday sun!

    7. Thanks for the wonderful work that you are doing in the lives of the JC family .Please set me free Lord from my addiction .

    8. Lord of heaven & earth, free your daughter Min Ahadi from the chains that bind her. Hear her in heaven as she cries out to you. Amen! Hallelujah!

    9. Thank you dear Min Ahadi for asking:my prayer for you is a recovery from your addiction, while raising and loving your daughter, caring and providing for your mother, and sharing your gifts and talents through your teaching ❤. Praying for God's loving hand for opportunities for receiving recovery for his precious daughter in Christ.

    10. Amen Jeanne beautifully said! ♥️πŸ™

    11. Amen! Through God’s grace I have been saved from the grips of addiction. I thank Him for His love and mercy everyday as I am now 12 years sober. God is so good!

    12. Me too! 40yrs of recovery from Drugs and alcohol. The combination of God's word and church with a daily participation in AA and it's 12 steps to a spiritual awakening. Saved by Grace! Thank you Lord! ❤️πŸ™

    13. Thank you Lord!

    14. God is Good…. All the time, All the time…. God is Good! 30 yrs clean and sober!!!

  2. So preoccupied with what needs to be done,what will happen, and what I want to do that I lose the sense of our Lord’s presence as He has promised. As stated in today’s thought, “so much wasted time and energy.” Oh, to follow the Good Shepherd for His lead is perfect. Can this old dog learn new tricks? Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

    1. I find myself here. Praying daily to connect during the 'maelstrom' of the days. Struggling

    2. It's a good place to to be Choose Joy. You are prayed for and loved πŸ₯°. Lifting you up today πŸ™.

    3. Praying for you Choose Joy during your struggles. Take comfort in knowing our Lord is with you. KS

    4. Praying for you now, Choose Joy. Trust. Look through the turmoil. Jesus is reaching His hand out to you; grasp it and hold on. He will lead you through these struggles. Have faith. CO

    5. The struggle is real! He is in the midst of struggle. Only one day at a time. One foot in front of the other. He will carry you. When you ever feel alone just remember that you haven’t been paying attention to your heart beating and your blood flowing or the fact that you are still breathing.. and yet you have been doing these things without your own efforts. He is in charge and he loves you. NOTHING can separate us from his love. Its hard to grasp because human love is so conditional. Not Gods love, it’s here through all the muck. Always available no matter what i s in your human sight. I thank the Lord today for his healing and his ministry through us using us to assure each other that he is with us. Thank you Jesus for sacrificing your life for our sins. So we can be alive. Alive for the opportunity to choose Joy !

    6. Wisdom and strength are ours today, in Jesus's name!

    7. You are coming to the right place for your help. And there is no condemnation, thanks to the Blood of Christ. You're seeking the Lord with a hungry heart of need and He knows it. We are all of one accord and we too are coming here because life is never without struggle. Praying for you Choose Joy! He is greater than any of your problems and He can lift you right out of your situation. Praying that the Way Maker will make a way for you and will light your wilderness. Give Up and Let Jesus! Much love.

    8. To God be the glory for accepting my story.
      Keep the Faith, God bless you all.

  3. Dear Lord, Help me not to "wish for another set of circumstances...." but rather accept "my story" that has been written. Give me strength and wisdom as my story unfolds, and help me to know you are with me every step of the way!

    1. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding me to make good choices regarding my circumstances. Help me to be free from fear and have patience and trust. Every moment I need you.

  4. Yesterday became very busy and the anxiety led to exhaustion.. Days will often get "out of hand." I need to remember to whisper his name and then watch and feel Jesus work.

  5. I whisper his name everyday but it sure dont feel like he is with me everyday is something bad get woking up to more problems nothing right ever happens I'm so ready for this world to end please just let it be over so tired I just want yo scream and cry why god why?

    1. Praying for peace and deliverence.

    2. I’m sorry you are feeling this way but God is always with us our feelings can deceive us so try not to rely on them so much. Keep praying and looking for God you’ll find him as scripture says “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart” as this devotional is saying accept your circumstances as they come! I understand some are just so difficult and the bad things pile up,show God you can trust and thank him & you’ll come out of these trails stronger. Stay blessed

    3. I’m also praying for you. Jesus cares even though it doesn’t seem like it. Don’t give up. He really does love you. He proved it when he gave his life for you. Believe it!

    4. My heart goes out to you, hearing the struggles you are undergoing. God is faithful! He loves you, as you are at this moment. He also has a plan and is working to give you hope and a great future. He can see not only as things are, but as they will be. Don't worry, as hard as things are now, he has good things in store for you. It is true. He cares for you.

    5. Sometimes God uses modern medicine to help us through difficult times. I’m praying for you to seek help with your anxieties. Also deep breathing has helped me. Feel God’s presence with each inhale and visualize your troubles exiting with each exhale. God bless you.

    6. Amen Annette, was thinking the same thing.

    7. Unknown- (Copied this from "The Absence of Struggle")

      (Peace)"It’s not something you can conjure up with an incantation: peace is lived into. It's paradoxical: You can’t work for it unless you work from it. There’s an inner peace that empowers actions of peace. Peace isn’t necessarily quiet and well-behaved; it’s not submissive and structured. It’s wild enough to live right in the middle, muck, and mess of life.

      “Peace has come to mean the time when there aren't any wars or even when there aren't any major wars. Beggars can't be choosers; we'd most of us settle for that. But in Hebrew peace, shalom, means fullness, means having everything you need to be wholly and happily yourself.

      One of the titles by which Jesus is known is Prince of Peace, and He used the word Himself in what seems at first glance to be two radically contradictory utterances. On one occasion he said to the disciples, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34). And later on, the last time they ate together, he said to them, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you” (John 14:27).

      The contradiction is resolved when you realize that, for Jesus, peace seems to have meant not the absence of struggle, but the presence of love.”

      Praying for you, Unknown. May you feel His love, peace, mercy and grace. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    8. So good! Thank you for this piece about peace ♥️

    9. I too, got alot out of this❣

    10. Loved this again this year, ✌️

    11. this & Jesus will restore HimπŸ™πŸ»

  6. Oh, I'm so sorry. I was there 6 months ago and now everything has changed. It WILL GET BETTER. Hold on to his promises and have faith. Give your burdens to him and lay them at his feet. He will not leave your side. Look up to the promises of Jesus. God bless you. Hold on

  7. A very close Brother in the Lord shared this with me years ago, I hope and pray it helps you. He said Tom I lived in Marysville ca. They grow cantaloupe there.There comes a Time in their growth that the Farmer with holds water from them,when asking why he was told by doing this the plant roots go deeper to get more nutrents and the fruit is better. Sometimes God allows us to not feel His Presence so we will go Deeper to find it. Proverbs 23:23 says " Buy the Truth and sell it not ,also wisdom instruction and understanding " WE CAN ONLY BUY TRUTH WITH ONE Thing! Our TIME
    read His Word ! His Word is Truth ! HE IS TRUTH ,He will reveal Himself in his word ! I suggest start with the Gospel of John . May the Holy Spirit reveal Jesus to you as you read. God Bless This person as they diligently Seek you ! Hebrews 11:6

  8. Thank you Jesus
    I’m sober 22 months.

  9. I read this to my wife tonight:the night before our wedding. I have been in a spin and getting frustrated. I can't focus on her but God gave me this. Thank you Papa

  10. I have been on a downward spiral for quite some time, life just seemed so overpowering and hopeless at times. Please pray for the Lord to change my heart to know that all I need is to keep my eyes fixed on Him....and all things will be added. For peace and provision. Thank you.

  11. Praise God I have been sober for 2 1/2 years only by the grace of God. I started my journey age 56. It wasn't a easy journey but I held onto my faith. Slowly but surly I grew from a moth to a butter fly. My prayers were answered in Gods time but through this process I grew in so many amazing ways. I am now 61 and still holding onto my new relationship with Jesus. Hang in there keep talking to God. It will be a great journey.

    1. Congratulations πŸŽ‰ to everyone on their sobriety journeys!! May God bless and keep each one of you! I was an alcoholic/ addict by the time I was around the age of 15. All of many years of searching to fill the void only Jesus can. I praise God I have been clean and sober for 24 years. It hasn’t been easy at times but during my weakness He has given me His Strength. I made A LOT of poor choices when I was using but God delivered me from my sins and set my feet on His path. I’m not perfect but I am His. I’m still growing and pressing forward trying to seek Him. He has made everything beautiful in His time. πŸ™♥️

  12. 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 ESV

    8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

    1. Sassy Mom I just posted above about in my weakness God is my Strength then I scrolled down and read your post! How awesome πŸ‘ is God!! Amen πŸ™

  13. I pray for everyone and their struggles. Thank you Jesus. thank you Chris (Paytonfamily) for bringing us all together. I get strength from all of you! KS

  14. Dear Heavenly Father , give me strength and cofidence when I find myself..."in the midst of the maelstrom"....I can do ALL things in YOU. Help me to continue to accept my stroty that has been written specifically for me. Amen.

  15. Thanks again Annette and everyone. I am struggling for hope. If I had 2 yrs of sobriety I should be able to do it again. These morning readings gave me hope and that's why I came back here. It's so hard to back to the AA meetings. I need a stronger force I cannot describe the pain and anguish of losing my way. I am praying daily.

    1. I too am in recovery from alcohol/drug abuse. I lived that horrible life for 27 years. Today I have 21 years of sobriety. I am also an addiction counselor. AA is an amazing program but the true healing and transformation comes by working the 12 steps with a sponsor. And by reading Gods word daily and praying often for strength and willingness to keep fighting the good fight. I promise if you do this and continue doing it daily that you will be amazed at how you will transform into the best version of you. I am still working steps with my sponsor. I GET TO do this because life is life and I am human with flaws and defects and by working these steps I GET to keep evolving into more of the women Jesus wants me to be. You are not alone in this. I am happy to give you my number if I can help you. Blessings to you!

    2. Amen πŸ™

  16. Good morning JC family! Thank you God for the night and this new day!
    Unknown unknown, I pray that you are still running this race with us... I know it is a year later.
    I don’t know your pain, but I understand it because I have walked through the same loneliness and despair. Feeling like God had left me behind and I cannot catch up to Him. I found out I wasn’t running after Him, I was running from Him. My fears of guilt, shame, “if only” and “I wish” - never being good enough or not worthy of love....the list goes on....kept me from looking for Him.
    Now, (almost 10 years sober - by the Grace of God!) when I walk my journey backwards I see ALL the times God carried me, walked beside me or before me through My choices!
    Not once did anyone tell me it was going to be easy (which is what I did not want to hear) but they did tell me that all I had to do was take one step at a time. I was too angry with God to even want to find Him but somewhere along the very slow journey I did!!!!
    I am human. I fail. I still make “wrong choices”...but through it all God has blessed this mess!
    God is here - always - I pray you have seen the miracles in your life!!!
    Father, bless our lives and..... bless our messes!

  17. Unknown 8/17/19 thank you! I am suffering and your words make a difference for me. I feel like I am dying. I need to be a father for my son. I can't describe my pain. This is the only place I know to go. Thank you. I'm sorry to put this on you. Please forgive me.

    1. Zfuntastic --- Just know that the JC FAMILY WARRIORS are praying for you. The Lord does have a good plan for you! I pray for the Presence of the Lord to surround you and you to know his compassion, His hope and His grace and mercy. Great blessings to you zfuntastic!

    2. You are in the right place and among friends who just happen to be prayer warriors.
      I was told and “this too shall pass”. I cried when!!!
      I can tell you that I now have the love of family and friends who loved me through it as we will do for you!
      There is nothing to forgive
      Blessings my friend !

    3. Zfuntastic - I pray that a year has made a big difference and you have found God's peace in your struggles, doing well and being a loving father to your precious son.
      In continued prayers for you.

      Sending God's blessings your way.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. My prayers for zfuntastic are your prayers, Maplewood. Joining in prayer. CO

    5. Joining in prayers for you zfuntastic. Praying that God has already shown you much faithfulness in your life and heart.
      Amen JJ. And that you have been blessed with His compassion, hope, grace and mercy.

    6. Prayers and God's blessings on you zfuntastic each day. Amen.

    7. Joining JC family prayer warriors in lifting you up, zfuntastic. No apologies necessary here. Hoping that, a year later, your situation has improved, and you find God's peace that surpasses all understanding. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    8. "Z"... How are you doing? I mean being? πŸ˜‰♥️πŸ™

  18. Hi JC Family, I was wondering if you could please pray for 4 year old Judah who was in a near drowning accident. Believing for a full recovery In Jesus' name. have a great day family, God bless and thank you!


    1. God be with this family and bring them Your peace of mind and healing. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    2. Prayers sent for little Judah Fran! God be with you all.

      Blessings from France

    3. Fran- lifting Judah up in prayers for full recovery and asking God for strength for his family. God is able!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Fran- praying for Judah. Full recovery & no damage done, thank you Lord for sparing his life. Amen

    5. Praying for Judah and his recovery. The good Lord is watching over him and bringing peace and comfort. KS

    6. Lifting little Judah in prayer to the One who holds him dear to His heart. Pour out your love upon him, dear Lord. Amen

    7. Sending prayers for Judah, Fran! Keep your trust in God during this difficult time. CO

    8. Fran - Joining warriors in prayer for full recovery for little Judah.

    9. Heavenly Father, thank you for Judah's full recovery and for the faith you plant in him and his family.

    10. Father God, we thank you for healing every weakness in Judah's little body and giving his lungs strength, and bringing him to a perfect recovery so he can spend his life praising you for your good deeds and faithfulness. Thank you for strengthening his family, calming their fears, and renewing their faith in you as they see your marvelous works in their son. Amen!

    11. Fran, praying for your little one. Thank you Jesus for Judah's full recovery. Amen!

    12. Fran, lifting up little Judah to the Lord in prayer. Our God is in the healing and restoration business. May this family witness His power, may their faith be increased, their hope renewed, and their strength replenished, in the Mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

    13. Still praying for little Judah and his perfect recovery. I pray he is doing well and God is glorified. Thank You Jesus!

  19. zfuntastic. If you are still reading this blog, all its supporters are here to pray and help. You need to look no further than this year's posts (both yesterday and today's), as I'm sure more will be posted today as evidence of their 'agape' love to YOU, zfuntastic.

    Addiction is a process of steps, and in decades of living in a family situation, and in my work, I try to focus on the verse "all have fallen short"... and stumbled. I write these words purposefully, because sin, in whatever form, is in many ways, the same "stumbling" steps as your addiction. We will all fall short, even when, or perhaps more so, when we think we are walking nearly perfectly.

    Walking and stumbling are part of life, we all stub our toes, we turn an ankle... humans stumble! Sometimes from fatigue, sometimes from not seeing the path ahead in the dark, and sometimes, others purposefully or accidentally cause us to stumble. In either sin or addiction, God is whispering, "Do not give up! I am with you through your friends, family, or sponsor." God wants to heal you for today, and then with and in Him, for another day, and so on, until you invariably, stumble again. The point is not perfection (we are not Jesus), the point is to keep our faith to get us through today.

    I know this group well after several years reading and being involved. We are praying whether you are still reading this or not. I pray that you are being healed and that you are strong in your faith because in Him, "all things are possible."
    Godspeed, peace, and amen.

    1. I join Madfox and our JC Family in prayer for you zfuntasric and for all us stumbling, mumbling, fumbling wayfarers who also journey on a long and winding road, that moves us toward Jesus'Calling. Blessings!

    2. Amen Madfox and Brie! Thank you Lord for never forsaking us, Thank you for looking at our heart and filling us with your strength through the whole process of life. God be with you all.

      Blessings from France

    3. Amen and amen. God loves with a never ending love. His mercy is new this morning!!

    4. Joining the warriors in continued prayer for you ZfuntasticπŸ™πŸ₯°

    5. Praying for our lost sibling, Zfuntastic. You know the whereabouts because You are there. Lord bless and keep; make Your face shine and be gracious; lift up Your countenance and give peace. Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

    6. Amen dear Madfox! Your prayers for zfantastic are mine. Praying for healing, redemption, strength of faith and absolute renewal in mind, body and spirit for "our lost sibling".

    7. Always praying for you zfuntastic and for everyone. I don't post every day but read this site every day as many do. All these beautiful prayers by these chosen ones that share their heart for us and I am forever grateful. Powerful prayer warriors...come holy spirit

  20. Thank You Jesus. Bless all Your children. Praise the Lord continually and always.

  21. Good morning JC fam! Thank you Lord for another day, another week ahead. Please Father fill us with the strength, peace, comfort only you can give. We trust you, we put our faith in You for you alone are worthy and holy. Keep us close to you. Open our heart, mind, soul, body, every area of our being and life to your presence. Thank you for guiding us Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

    Today I'm sharing about the belt of truth.

    Eph 6:14 "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist."

    "Don't back away from the enemy.
    Roman soldiers wore the belt around their waist. They hung their sword, their knife, their flask, their food, their personal belongings, and so on. The belt was the centerpiece of the armor. Paul exhorts us to make the truth of God's Word the centerpiece of our walk with Christ.
    Your love for the truth will keep your heart in honesty, integrity, sincerity, authenticity. 

    Wearing the belt of truth means loving the Word of God and seeking to obey Him with zeal and passion. With this attitude of heart, you can go into battle with confidence. To be confident before God is to be confident before the devil.
    God gives you His Word like a belt that holds your armor in place so that it remains effective.

    May His Word be the lamp that guides your steps and the light that illuminates your path; may it guard your heart and your thoughts. May God fill you with wisdom, love and strength."

    Be blessed and have a wonderful day JC warriors! You are all in my prayers.

    Blessings from France

    1. Thank you, B F F! We sometimes lose sight of truth when our circumstances seem so consuming and grim. Thank you for this reminder and hope!!

    2. BFF- Thank you for sharing Ephesians 6:14. A great reminder!!!

      Remain blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. So let it be to each of us, Lord. Thanks for leading us in these thoughts, mon ami!

    4. Thank you dear BFF! Putting on my belt and walking forward in truth. Got my good Armor on, to carry me through this day holding onto His Unchanging Hand.

    5. Amen, BFF! Thank you for blessing me with another part of my armor. May we go forth today fully clothed in truth and His Word. My prayers are with you and our JC family.

      Blessings from California

    6. Still loving the perspective and depth of this study on God's armor. Many thanks for the means via this blog history to revisit it! ♥️ Chris Payton ♥️ BFF

  22. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You that no matter what maelstrom I may find myself in today, I trust that You are with me. You are my El Simchatch Gili, "God my exceeding joy”. Help me to make wiser decisions by sitting at Your feet, my "Wonderful Counselor." Give me the strength and clarity of mind to accomplish my purpose and walk the path you've laid out for me. I trust your Love Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    We’ve all heard the phrase: “When Life Gets Too Hard to Stand, Kneel.” We are encouraged to kneel in prayer (not that standing or other methods are wrong), but it is a mean expression of a humbling heart. However, no matter how we choose to pray, we should never forget that God is infinitely far above our ability to fully understand. The scriptures made very specific truths about God Himself so that we can know what He is like, be drawn to worship Him and find strength and Peace in Him. In today’s devotion, we are told to ‘whisper His name in recognition that He is still with us’. There’s something very special about approaching the Lord in a personal and intimate manner. His name is above all names. He has more than one name and each represents a different aspect of His character. When we get to know which name to call, we tend to pray more effectively, and more specifically to our particular need. His names represents a facet of who He is and by acknowledging Him as such, shows us how to revitalize our prayer life by connecting our needs to a specific Divine characteristic.

    When we are in need of anything, we can experience God as Jehovah Jireh or Yahweh Yireh – (“The Lord will Provide or our God is a Gracious Provider”).
    We can experience Him as “El Shaddai (our God is All-Sufficient)
    We can experience Him as Elohim (our God is All-Powerful)
    We can know Peace through Jehovah Shalom, ("the Lord our Peace.") and
    We can take God as our power source as Jehovah Uzzi, ("the Lord our strength.").

    Let us seek to find the biblical peace that is deeper, not a world envisioned without war and violence or a state of calmness. True spiritual peace is an inner force that gives unshakable confidence in a person. This peace is gifted to us by the Holy Spirit who in turn, gives us a glimpse into the big picture.

    “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27).

    Dear Father, Thank You for giving us peace that comes from the Holy Spirit. We have Your peace because we believe and rest in the knowledge of Your Sovereignty and that nothing can separate us from Your loving Presence. We are Yours. We thank You Father, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. WOW AMEN!! I'm so blessed by your post Maplewood! Thank you for explaining how to connect our needs to one of His specific characteristic! I've never though about it that way and I love it! Glory to God!! Be blessed dear sister, Sending prayers for you and your loved ones.

      Blessings from France

    2. So appreciate, twin bd sis, your sharing of names of God that convey aspects of God’s character. You have shared ones with which I am unfamiliar. So now I know more, thanks to you. If you think about it, since God’s nature is infinite and eternal, would we not expect God to have an infinite number of names to cover it all?

      Another thought on El Shaddai I read several years ago. A female theologian wrote an article and contended the root word for Shaddai is ‘shad’ refers to a woman’s breast. Therefore, the image that El Shaddai conveys was that of the loving tenderness of a mother nursing her child. In a time that other religions liked to envision their god as a strong warrior figure, the image of God being like a nursing mother is radically different. But in light of the ways our Lord has revealed God’s self in the scriptures, it would be reasonable to think God wanted to be thought of in this loving way. Just another thought to add to all that you provided above. God be with you.

    3. Beautiful post and yummy meal today, dear Maplewood! Thank you! We can experience our Father in so many ways because He provides all of our needs, and gives us strength and peace and every good thing. What a gift of peace of mind and heart! I rest in Him and I am not afraid but filled with hope and joyful anticipation for more victories and the good things to come.

    4. Bob- great addition you added! Did know the story of the mother and child either! We live and learn and I certainly do from the postings by all of you!

      Remain blessed, hope you are still enjoying your time with your family!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Bob, The story of God being like a nursing mother, feeding and nurturing her child is quite beautiful. He knows all our needs and He fills and satisfies us like no one else can. He comforts us and lifts our spirits. He loves us as His own sweet child. He satisfies our weary hearts and gives us life bringing bread every day. Thanks for making me think about the tender and sweet love He offers to each of us.

  23. Such awesome truth and a great visual to keep in mind each day, Anonymous. Thank you for sharing!

  24. Prayers requested, JC adult (27) niece who is a NICU pediatric nurse and presently works night shift (5 yrs) is struggling with suicidal thoughts. She has struggled with constant migraines for years as well. While she has loved the group of nurses she works with at night, she has realized she needs to move to day shift for her health issues. Jessie is supposed to hear today or tomorrow about the two day shift positions available that she's applied for. My sister (also a nurse) texted me last night to let me know about Jessie's suicidal thoughts asking me for prayers. Jess is supposed to meet with psychologist Wednesday and has been put on some B vitamins which will help. And while a psychologist and B supplements could help, I know and you know how great prayers are and how God can heal. Thanks, in advance, for your prayers for Jessie.

    1. NJS, praying for Jessie, that she gets the help she needs and that God would cover her in His peace. JE

    2. Lord please remove every bad thoughts from Jessie, restore her totally and fill her with Your peace and comfort and strength to help her feel better and renewed. We trust you Lord, Thank you for healing your precious daughter Jessie.

      Blessings from France

    3. Yes, NJS, for medications to be most affective, they must be accompanied by prayers. Lord, be the greater power for Jessie so the evil one is kept at bay. Empower all means used to help Jessie in her time of need. Praying, also that whatever shift change would be best for her, that the change takes place. Amen.

    4. NJS- I join in prayer with our JC prayer warriors praying for Jessie. Yes, yes, yes, JEHOVAH RAPHA will be glorified and Jessie will testify, so will you who for standing in the gap!

      Stay blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. NJS, I'm hoping and praying that Jessie is on a healthier path this year: It is a blessing that she shared about her suicidal thoughts. Praying for all who are in need of help with their mental health through it being diagnosed properly, a good fit for the right medications for healing, and prayers. Prayers also for those who cannot pray for themselves, to bring deliverance from the opposition, and the fight for the breakthrough for hope and his loving peace that surrounds them in his love. Amen

  25. NJS - Healing prayers to Jehovah Rapha, the great physician for Jessie and her loved ones.

  26. Amen Sassy Mom! Praying to Jehovah Rapha, the great Physician that Jessie will be healed of her migraines and her suicidal thoughts. May He make a way for her to get the shift she has applied for, and turn her desperation into hope. Praying the B vitamins and wisdom of the psychologist will help her recover. I pray she will rest assured that God is in her corner and will never leave her. May all things work for good in her life and health to His glory. Amen!

  27. What a very special place in time I find myself this evening. No coincidence that the Lord led me back here tonight to read the comments. I take each prayer to heart. I thank him for the perfect comfort in the prayers of my JC family. The spirit of the Lord is in this place without a doubt. He knows each of our pains and struggles. Healing each of us. Putting the broken pieces back together. Mending our hearts and restoring our minds from the depravity of our old sinful nature. Thank you Jesus. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper! Every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17 Recovering by the blood of Jesus and not my own strength. To him be the Glory!!

    1. He knows our every need. So glad you visited back tonight, Sister’s keeper. Your encouragement and testimony inspires hope for us. Thanking Jesus for you.

    2. Amen and Amen! Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this place.
      Love you my family!

  28. Praying for each of you and yours, JC Family. I ask you to pray for all of mine. My dear Susie, who was walking down her stairs and heard her knee POP - like a 2x4 being snapped. She goes to a Dr. appt tomorrow - God be with her and her daughter. Giving thanks for all (esp a 'near drowning,)' So many scary things in this World of ours. Prayers, prayers, prayers...Please pray with me.

  29. Norah-
    Joining your prayers for your dear Susie. Ouch.
    Oh way maker, healer, mender, Jehovah Rapha, please show Susie your love, comfort, and healing this night.

    1. Praying still for Susie that her knee is better. My sister Janet is going through so much. Thanks for your prayers for her and for Jack my dear brother in law.
      Thank You Father for granting our prayers of healing for all our loved ones. We continue to wait on YOU. You have already shown us your faithfulness countless times. You are such a great and merciful Father. Thank You for loving us just as we are.

    2. Lifting up all prayer requests to our amazing God. To God be the glory of victory reports. It's all good from his perspective, trust.

  30. I am so very thankful for the Jesus Calling. Thank You Sarah. You write so skillfully. I am thankful to the PaytonFamily, thank you. And to all of you who leave such Spirit guided messages of praise, worship, healing and encouragement. No matter day or night. I will let my friends and family know of this place to find hope. Again thank you all.

  31. Yes l.b. This is truly a place to find hope. And comfort, inspiration, encouragment, love, brotherhood, fellowship, powerful prayers, sincere hearts of faith, the light,life and joy only found in believing, Sarah's spirit filled words, God's Word that leads to salvation in Christ. This home away from home is an endless well of blessings. Come and drink and be satified. Surround yourself in His peace, LOVE and understanding. Thank you Chris! Thank YOU, Jesus!

    1. Amen sweet Jeanne! This is such a wonderful place to come. It is completely filled with the Spirit of God. Peace be with you!

    2. Thanks sweet Janet! Have a peaceful night! Love you sister.

  32. "If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever -- the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.(John 14:15-18). "But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning. (John 15:26-27). "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. (John 14:23). Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings. (Psalm 61:1-4).

    Father, thank You for the gift of You and the Holy Spirit. I praise You Lord always. You are my salvation. I am so grateful for Your mercy and grace that I do not deserve. You are a most loving God. Let me be Your child, Your witness, and bright star. Let my light shine like diamonds by the rays of Your sun. Let Your living water refresh me as I drink of it and let Your daily bread help the way I think. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    Day by day
    I sit and pray
    My thoughts I say
    To You, give praise
    Thankful for grace
    And to be saved
    Come, what, may
    My Lord today
    And always

  33. Father, I pray for all those suffering so terribly in the world. I cannot begin to enter into the pain they are going through and are still suffering from. Jesus, let them know Your presence in their minds and hearts of their terror. Let them feel Your courage, comfort in their pain, Your healing in their wounds and suffering, and Your hope as they try to rebuild their lives. Give them the strength and power they need at this very difficult time. Help us, as a nation, to be a true friend who will be with them, accept them, and show compassion for them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. I join you in prayer dear Janet. The world groans in pain for the Saviour's touch. I pray that His presence will be keenly felt by those in dire need of it. Amen!

    2. Along with Jan Gridley, I am also gathering into your prayer Janet. Yes, Please. And Thank you.

    3. I join in prayer with Janet, Jan and Brie for peace and healing for the world. For those who have lost hope and freedom. I pray for all to feel His loving arms wrapped around them in peace. Amen.

    4. I too am in meditative prayer for the suffering in this world. Images of desperation are upsetting to say the least. I am reminded to think global, act local as I try to do so in prayer. Come Holy Spirit! We know the glory of the end of the story. Thank you Jesus!

    5. Joining in your wonderful prayer for all those suffering from wounds to the body, mind and spirit and because of the dire situations they are going through. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit for answering our prayers and helping Your people in need. Thank You Jesus!

  34. “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation” (Isaiah 12:2).

    Loving Father, In the midst of my storms, at the darkest moment of my life when I am just hanging on by a thread, You are right there, still God in the storm. I’ve been caught in many storms watching the floodwaters rise, threatening to drown me and wondering how I got here. It is than that I must decide if I will allow You to use those storms, or allow it to shatter my faith and drive me from You. I don’t want anything to drive me from the plans You have for my life because, You never promised me this life would be easy, but You did promise this: You are bigger than any storm I face in this world, You’re always working for my good, even in the places where I can’t see and even in the circumstances that I don’t fully understand. Thank You for walkig with me each blessed day and thank You for being right in the midst of all my storms while on this journey called Life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Sometimes it can feel impossible to trust God when you find yourself deep in the midst of a storm when you know God sees it coming but did nothing to save you from it. It is also hard to see at the moment and from one perspective, the question might be, why do we have to endure the storm? But when those hard times and storms come, we must put our faith in action, trust and depend on the Word of God found in the scriptures:
    “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you” (Isaiah 43:2).
    “Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in Him, and He will act” (Psalm 37:5).
    “I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born, says the Lord” (Isaiah 66:9).
    “He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings, you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart”( Psalm 91:4).
    “My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him, He alone is my rock and my salvation” (Psalm 62:1-2).
    “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).
    We may have the same storms or different storms in this life, but they all have the opportunity to change us forever. Whether in a storm or not, let us always keep our eyes on Jesus!

    “The LORD is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him” (Psalm 28:7).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. You did it again sweet Maplewood NJ! You read my heart out loud...
      You are bigger than any storm I face in this world, You’re always working for my good, even in the places where I can’t see and even in the circumstances that I don’t fully understand. Thank You for walking with me each blessed day and thank You for being right in the midst of all my storms while on this journey called Life. I ask. I seek. I knock and knock and knock and knock. I praise. I thank. I wait. n Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    2. You never cease to amaze me Maplewood. Beautifully written. I took a screen shot to send to my son in law who is struggling. Thank you!

    3. Ditto, Brie. Maplewood seems to always know the words and teaching I need! And even when in the midst of a storm and I'm not feeling God's closeness, I know in my heart it's me not Him and that He truly is right there with me guiding my every step as I walk blurry-eyed in despair. So amazing and comforting knowing this.

      Update...God has brought my former MIL, Primetta, home with Him. She passed in her sleep the middle of the night the night before last. Thank you all for your prayers for God to bring Prime home. While I'm sad, I'm also so happy. Sad, selfishly, because we won't see her anymore in this world and that she doesn't get to meet her next great-grand due 10/16 but I know she is in such a better place and will look out for this newest baby as she looks over all of us. On my way home from work yesterday, I had some tears but also, as I talked to God and to Prime, smiled, as I thought of (out loud) who all must have greeted her at the gates of heaven! Just glorious when I thought about it. Anyway, thank you for your prayers. She is home with Jesus! No better place to be!

      Thank you, again, Maplewood, for your words and teaching this morning. You remind me that through the storms He is right beside us! Praying for your sister and mom as well as you, Maplewood. Blessings and peace to this wonderful JC family that I'm blessed to be a part of! In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    4. God bless you Maplewood for sharing your insights and the storm. Storms pass and clear skies await. His timing, not ours, so we must stay the course and trust. In this I pray in Jesus's name for all.

    5. Maplewood, If you only knew how your words comfort all of us. My dear twin sister is going through such a hard time. I just sent your post to her because it will ease her pain and encourage her heart. Thank you for your honest and understanding words. Praying that our Way Maker is making a way through the difficult storm you are walking through. He is so much greater and always at your side.
      Dear NJS, So sorry you lost dear Prime. But she was having a terrible time and God called her out of her pain to her eternal Home. She is the blessed one now. May He comfort your broken heart and strengthen and guide all your family. Thank You Lord.

  35. Thank you Maplewood for sharing this beautiful prayer & acknowledgement of God's faithfulness in the midst of any storm that comes our way. These scriptures serves to remind each of He's children that in this world we will have trials that shake us to the very core of our being. He holds us steady, He holds us tightly with everlasting arms. He will not let us go until the storm has passed. Thank You dear Jesus, thank you! Hallelujah!

  36. ...Accept each day just as it comes to you. Do not waste your time and energy wishing for a different set of circumstances. Instead, trust Me enough to yield...
    How true, yet difficult, for me this morning, as I head out to bring my brother Keith to Speech Therapy. We are trying to slow the progression of the Primary Progressive Aphasia that is severely impacting his brain, especially language. Keith, who has authored several books and many publications including Smithsonian Institute Articles, now struggles for words. Please pray for me to accept each day just as it comes and without wasting prayer time and energy wishing for a different set of circumstances. Instead, I desire to trust Jesus enough to yield to His design and purposes, not mine...While Keith is struggling with language, I am struggling with yielding. Thanks for all of your prayers. I don't leave home without them.
    (((I Love you very much, JC family)))

    1. Your strength and dedication to your brother, Brie, is simply amazing. Truly. You inspire me. Sending prayers of encouragement and strength to both you and your brother. While joy must seem distant to Keith and even to you at times, Brie, I will pray you both find heaping portions each day to focus on. Wrapping my arms around you and Keith in my mind, heart and prayers, Brie. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    2. Dear sister Brie, I ditto everything that NJS just said as I couldn't have said it better. You've been steadfast in your caring for Keith as you have for all you know. My prayers are with you.

    3. Continued prayers for you and your family Brie. I'm also seeing a plethora of "yield" signs these days, so adding my name to the prayer list.

    4. You are doing God's work right now dear Brie. You have been called to carry your brother through this trial, and strengthen his faith and heart through his treatment and challenges. It is so hard to yield sometimes but you know it is the right thing to do. You are following hard after righteousness and being selfless instead of selfish. God knows exactly how you feel and is holding you through this storm. He will not let you fall. NJS said it perfectly. Joining in that beautiful group hug around you and Keith in my mind, heart and prayers in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

    5. We are still surrounding you with prayers dear Brie. You and Keith and Larry are in the Best of Hands. Trust in God's Words and know you are deeply loved and well taken care of. Because He is a loving Father, He wills supply your needs, comfort your heart and give you strength in your weakness. His light will guide you in the wilderness. God's timing is perfect and only He can pull all the loose ends together and weave them into a glorious masterpiece.

    6. We know your prayers for your JC family remain active, as we know you know ours continue for you. I am studying to know God's heart more intimately and work with that to bring heaven to earth. We know his plans for us are good and we know the end of the story. God bless you all today!

  37. Jesus Jesus Jesus- have mercy we pray. ❤️

  38. I continue to pray for all requests made. Please continue to do the same for my mother-in-law, Lorraine. Her oxygen levels are not good and the next step is a ventilator. She is also in a very severe depression. As someone who has fought the same for 30 years, I know how lonely it can be and the thoughts of giving up are real and very terrifying. Nothing but the GOD and the passing of time can get her through this. Thank you and remain blessed.

    1. Praying for your dear Mother in law that her oxygen levels improve quickly so she will not need a ventilator.
      Father, bless and heal Lorraine in every way. Improve her breathing and lift her out of the depths of despair she is in. Show her You are preparing a brighter future. Give her a reason to live and show her your faithfulness. Comfort dear GraceTakesTime and bring her peace. Asking all this with thanksgiving and praise. You are a great and merciful God and we trust in YOU. Thank you in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

  39. Praying that Lorraine's oxygen levels improve and that her depression somehow lifts, COG. God can do ALL things! He is bringing her THROUGH this valley! Thank you for asking for prayers for your MIL, COG. Blessings and peace to you. In Jesus' great name, AMEN.

  40. Maplewood you must have a direct line with God . Once again we are blessed !!

  41. Just wanted to thank you all for your prayers for my sister Janet. Her blood pressure has returned to the normal range and her headache is gone. Praise Him! So thankful to receive answered prayers for dear Janet and also for our dear SC Anonymous. Benign is such a beautiful word and I'm so grateful to hear of God's faithfulness. May you all receive healing, and good news to celebrate because we are in the Lord's care. He is Sovereign and can do All Things.

    1. Amen dear Jeanne. Faithful and True. Hallelujah!

    2. Amen dear Jan! Faithful and true!! Hallelujah

  42. Dear Lord, thank you this day you have given us. Thank you for each JC Warrior that comes here daily/weekly/monthly to be still and feel your presence. Please be with everyone that has posted and opened their hearts and shared their stories. Please grant peace and healing not those that need it as well as contentment in all circumstances. I thank you Lord for convicting me to start my day with You instead of ending it with You. Thank you again, Lord, for the lump to be benign. I have and will continue to tell people that it was by Your grace that it was benign.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Sooo good to hear your good news dear SC! Joining you in this prayer today. Love,"contentment in all circumstances". Amen! We are doing the victory dance with you! Hallelujah! πŸ’ž

    2. Joining Jan and you, SC, and I'm sure all of the JC warriors in a VICTORY dance! PRAISE GOD! Thank you, Jesus!! Bask in these results, SC! Enjoy a peaceful day!

    3. Got my Victory shoes on and I’m joining in the celebration of our faithful and true God. So blessed, dear SC Anonymous, by your words of gratitude, praise, and encouragement! Thank you dear sister. Amen

  43. Dear family thanking God for each of you today and lifting up concerns that I've read through. Praying for Pat dear Norah and your appointment today. You will sail right through it as you know, the Holy Spirit has already prepared the outcome. It's the surrendering that trips us up. Take His hand & feel its power surging through your mind as He helps you sort things out. NJS, you & Betsy are blessed in your friendship & sister ship. She's a neat testimony to perseverance &, loving God no matter what her circumstances. Dear Jeanne, continued prayer for your sis Janet. Brie, where are you dear one? I miss you. Ellen, continued prayers for your daughters. Min, are the elections done? Dear Janet, how you holding up dear sis? Like Norah mentioned, this can be dangerous, I know I've forgotten someone, but God hasn't! Love &, blessings to all. πŸ’žπŸ™

    1. Dear Jan, Thanks for always keeping me tight in your prayers. Know you are always in mine.,Gathering into your wonderful prayer for our dear JC Family.
      Dear Norah, May God lead you through a great eye appointment so you won’t need cataract surgery now, and you will ace your eye test for your DL renewal. Praying that Pat will let go of all her bitterness and not look back. The future will be so much sweeter if she can realize God has brought her through her trials. May He give her clearer vision to see all the blessings He has given her. Just waking up to a new day with eyes to see God’s light and a body to feel His strength and comfort is enough to thank Him.
      Dear NJS, Praying for you and yours.,You are so blessed to have a good friend in Betsy. I love her attitude and her gratitude.
      Praying for you dear Ellen and your daughters. Waiting on the Lord for His continued faithfulness.
      Dear sweet Janet. May God’s light shine in your life and May He provide all your needs and lead you to love, peace and fulfillment. Praying for your sister Debbi too. Dear Min, Still praying for you, your mother and daughter, and that God is guiding the election and His people to a better future with renewed faith and peace. And dear Brie, Larry and Keith. God knows all you are going through. Holding you always in my heart and prayers.
      Dear Sassy Mom and Terri, Praying God is holding you and your families very tight in your sorrow and adding much needed light to your days. We love you.
      Have a sweet day dear Jan!
      You are such a blessing to all of us. You have such a caring and beautiful heart. Wish I could hug you. You always make me smile.

  44. Dear SassyMom & Terri, the Holy Spirit just brought you to mind. You are both in my prayers that each day is better than yesterday as you walk in His loving comfort & peace. We love youπŸŒˆπŸ’žπŸ™

    1. Jan gridley and Jeanne - Holy Spirit knows when comforting prayers are needed. This has been a rough, sleepless, grieving week, thanks for loving me with prayers.

    2. Praying the days to come will bring you sleep, peace and comfort. God knows how you feel and what you need.

  45. You omitted Psalm 29:11 from the list of Scriptures.

    Psalms 29:11 TPT
    “This is the one who gives his strength and might to his people. This is the Lord giving us his kiss of peace.”

  46. " trust Me enough to yield to My design and purposes." A frequent whisper to me from my Lord and Savior Jesus, is "Trust me in ALL things . It's such a blessing to have that frequent reminder.

    1. Amen! Trust Him in all things and Acknowledge Him in all things. We must remember even the little things are important to Him.

  47. Thank You Jesus for all these faithful prayer warriors on this site. Thank You for bringing us together in Your love Lord. All the victories are magnified along with Your glory Lord. Your steadfast love and perfect peace is upon us. Praise You Lord always. You are truly amazing. May we continue to do the works of God and not the works of man. May Your glory be manifested in and through each one of us Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen. Thank you for your wonderful prayer. I join right in, dear Janet.

  48. Please pray with me. We got a call today - appt at the Oncologist's 8/25 b/c of a protein spike. I will let you know what we discuss. My Best Man is taking this in stride. I'm a little freaked out. He has NO memory of the chemo and bone marrow transplant. For me, it's a 3D Color Motion Film. I'm asking God to erase my memory. To give me the Grace to to renovate what we need to do to our home & manage the funds. I'm a little freaked out. My Best Man? Totally calm, God has told him, "It will be good, either way." He BELIEVES. I REMEMBER. Please pray with me to step back; to erase the bad memories and walk in Grace. We may get there on 8/25, and "kick the can down the road," but, I don't think so, JC Fam. I think they are going to tell my DH, "Time for Chemo." He'll be 79 in Jan; How much can one man's body take? I'm trying to not think ahead. Please pray for us: for his strength to take the next step and for me to be gracious and accept whatever he decides.

    1. Norah, "I think they are going to tell my DH, "Time for Chemo." my baby girl tells me - Mom, Do not speak it into existence.

      John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

  49. Praying with you and our dear family that your 8/25 appointment goes better than you think it will. May God heal your Best Man and give him strength, and give you, dear sister, peace. Don't think ahead. Stay in the present where our loving God meets us. Be strong because you and your dear one are not alone and He will bring you through anything because He is faithful and mighty to save.

  50. God is with us through every storm. He hold us up when we are weary and adds joy to our hearts when we feel downtrodden. No matter how we feel, just whispering the Name of Jesus brings Him to the center of our heart, mind and soul. He is our Hope. We are not left alone in our trials. I have seen the sweet faithfulness of our good God and I know He is answering our prayers. Thank You Jesus. Praying for His amazing healing to wash over our JC Family today and strengthen them in every way and guide their paths to peace, joy and good health. Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Matthew 11:28-30
    Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
    Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
    For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

    Philippians 4:19
    But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

    Matthew 6:33 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    Psalms 119:105
    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

    2 Timothy 3:16
    All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

  51. MSG 1 Corinthians 1:3‭-‬4
    All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel!
    4 He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.

    1. So true, Peter! We comfort others with the comfort He has given us. We pay His perfect love forward.

  52. Answers to prayer No 1:
    My wife Karen has had upper denture issues for some years now.
    Despite visits to several dental technicians the perfect fit that she once had has not been possible to achieve.
    Because they don't fit she has difficulty wearing them and so often will go out without them.
    It's not so much eating but smiling that is particularly difficult for her.
    She is quite a vivacious person, loves people and is always in conversation with someone at any opportunity; she's naturally a people person and smiles a lot.
    It was in fact her smile that first attracted me to her back in '71.
    The issue of her dentures has been a specific point of prayer for me each day.
    Regularly I've even asked the Lord to cause new teeth to re-grow in her upper jaw - I absolutely KNOW He can do that. Nothing is impossible for our God.
    Two days ago I came across an ad for a new dental practice that's opened up in town. Mentioning this to Karen, she arranged an appointment for yesterday. Not only did the dental technician reassure Karen that she absolutely will give her back her perfect fit, but also she is a sister in the Lord.
    Apart from the business at hand they spent quite a while in Godly fellowship.
    Karen left the practice excited at the prospect of being able to smile again without having to hold her hand over her mouth; she just has to bring the dentures to the technician to arrange the fitting.
    I too was thrilled and so thankful at the prospect of my darling wife smiling and being happy again with her dentures; an absolute relief!
    Answer to prayer No 2:
    Home again yesterday afternoon, Karen looked for her dentures but couldn't find them, anywhere.
    The dental technician is an answer to prayer but where are the dentures? I felt so deflated! The Lord said to me "Trust Me in all things", I admit I was downhearted, Karen was close to tears.
    Long story short after several hours searching they were found. What an absolute blessèd relief.
    Thank You Lord, You always known where lost things are. We just have to trust You and keep searching.

    1. Hallelujah! What a wonderful blessing and answer to prayers! God is so good ALWAYS!

    2. Peter - Yes, God is good! So happy for you and n your wife.
      SC Anonymous

    3. He intervened in both circumstances. Love this!

    4. Hallelujah for two answered prayers! So happy your lovely wife will soon be smiling again without covering her mouth.

  53. Then the king said to me, "What do you request?" So I prayed to the God of heaven. And I said to the king, "If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favor in your sight, I ask that you send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers' tombs,that I may rebuild it." (Nehemiah 2:4-5). Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. (Jeremiah 29:12). In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears. (Psalm 18:6). Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16). And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. (1 John 5:15).

  54. A beautiful prayer of thanksgiving and trust dear Janet! Certainly one I needed to hear.
    Please pray for my visit to the endodontist today and continued healing for my mom from her stroke. Thank you!

    I pray over all the JC family that your day is filled with the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding.
    Shalom πŸ™

    1. Dear Rich --- Covering you and your mom in prayer. I so covet your prayers.Thank you! I Declare you will go through the rivers, and you will not be swept away. I Declare you will walk through the fires and not be scorched. I Declare the perils of this world are NO MATCH for our Heavenly Father.
      We have been redeemed and we are set FREE! Declaring
      it all in Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN. HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Thank you! It went very well-thank you Jesus!
      You’re always so thoughtful in your responses. They always lift me up. Such a blessing! Peace be with you JJ

    3. Continuing to pray for you and your Mom. Joining into JJ's prayer. Amen. God will be with you at the endodontist just as He was present at the last appointment which went well. Rest in Him Who loves you. Everything will go well because God is in charge. Thank You Jesus.

  55. ".... you find strength and Peace through praying My Name..." Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...the most simple but most powerful prayer we have. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    1. AMEN ABC!!! There is just something about that name. I often pray, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!

    2. Jesus Jesus Jesus. The best prayer

  56. Today's JC is very clear on simple actions we can take to stay connected to The Vine:
    Find Me
    Whisper My Name
    Talk with Me
    Trust Me
    Jesus, I am Yours and nothing can ever change that.
    Peace and love to you all.

    1. Love your post, Suzanne! It just says it all succinctly. I receive the love and peace with much gratitude. Sending it right back at you!

    2. Perfect. Thanks Suzanne! Amen to that! Peace and love to you too. <3

  57. Love and Blessings and Good Night to all of my JC Family. Your prayers are mine. Sleep Sweet.

  58. Rest in Him, sweet sister! He holds a bright future for you. Praying always for you and your life. May God's blessings continue to rain down on you. He loves you and I do too! <3

  59. Proverbs 3:24
    When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

  60. Wonderful devotion today. I do find strength and peace just by calling Jesus. His presence comforts me. He helps me with every chore and guides me through each one. My two sons are coming for dinner and I just moved home with many boxes and bags. I must pack for a week in Vermont and we’re leaving tomorrow. But God will faithfully pull everything together. My mom is doing well with Janet and David. I’m so glad and thankful. Since we pray together every morning I always get to talk with them. I’m excited to be with my own family and 5 grandchildren. God is so good.
    Praying for dear Janet, Jan, SC and her sons, Rich C and his daughter, and Audra. May God in His Mercy, grant all our prayers as we stay in His presence.
    Thank You dear Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen
    Took this from today’s devotion:
    “Remember that nothing can separate you from My loving Presence; you are Mine”. Amen

    Romans 8:35-39
    Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written:
    “For Your sake we are killed all day long;
    We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”
    Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    1. Praying for traveling mercies, peace, and joy for you. May our heavenly Father bestow continual blessings upon you πŸ™. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen! Peace be with you!

    2. So glad Janet and David are able to be with your mom, Jeanne, while you go on this wonderful trip to Vermont! Safe travels!

  61. JC Warriors, I thank God and praise Him for each and every one of you and your prayers. He ALWAYS hears, listens, and answers us. I am so very grateful for this to the LORD. Thank You Jesus for placing all these believers in my life. Praise the LORD! God bless πŸ™.

  62. And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8).

  63. Today's JC devotion reminds me of Blessed Assurance, sung at every Billy Graham crusade, mostly by George Beverley Shea and choirs.
