Sunday, August 2, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 3

Watch your words diligently. Words have such great power to bless or to wound. When you speak carelessly or negatively, you damage others as well as yourself. This ability to verbalize is an awesome privilege, granted only to those I created in My image. You need help in wielding this mighty power responsibly.
     Though the world applauds quick-witted retorts, My instructions about communication are quite different: Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. Ask My Spirit to help you whenever you speak. I have trained you to pray--"Help me, Holy Spirit"--before answering the phone, and you have seen the benefits of this discipline. Simply apply the same discipline to communicating with people around you. If they are silent, pray before speaking to them. If they are talking, pray before responding. These are split-second prayers, but they put you in touch with My Presence. In this way, your speaking comes under the control of My Spirit. As positive speech patterns replace your negative ones, the increase in your Joy will amaze you.

Proverbs 12:18
English Standard Version
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts,
   but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

James 1:19
English Standard Version  
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;
Ephesians 4:29 
English Standard Version 
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

My Prayer
Lord, forgive me for my words, both spoken and unspoken. They can jab, sting, and smack those in my life, even people I love and keep close to me. Let my words be few, but when spoken they honor and glorify You. Help me, Holy Spirit. Lord, give me the power and strength each day to retrain myself to commit my Words to You each day. I want my words to be pleasing to people. Help me, Holy Spirit, for I am weak.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Help me Holy Spirit to always bless others with my words.
    Sassy Mom in Tennessee.

  2. Lord, thank you for everything. Help me Holy Spirit to see the world through your eyes. Help me Holy Spirit.

  3. Help me Holy Spirit to no longer speak when I'm angry but to acknowledge you that I'm hurting and at that moment be quiet, turn it over to you for direction and allow you to give me the direction and strength I need to over come my hurt feelings. In the mighty name of Jesus I humbly pray. Amen & Praise God.

    1. Overcoming evil with good is tough but well worth it. God is with you.

    2. Well stated, when I am angry, it is because I am hurting. The world encourages us to not suppress anger (scripture supports that thought) but to express it which leads to the hurt referred to in today’s reading. To deal with our pain is the best way to dissipate our anger. Jesus showed us how to do this when He dealt with His pain on the cross, “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” That being said, He finished the work of salvation. Thanks be to God!

    3. I need to read this EVERYDAY ! Thank you Holy Spirit!

    4. I'm trading Ephesians 4:29 daily, yet still the devil catches my tongue on occasion when I let my guard down unexpectedly. Need a sock for my mouth in my helmet of salvation!
      Thank you Holy Spirit, I am seeing progress ♥️

    5. *READING (see what I mean? 🥺

    6. Me tooo!!! Audra!!!
      It can be so difficult in our flesh, but the more I’m in His Word, the more mindful I become… ONLY by the grace of God… and the indwelling Holy Spirit! But, I still mess up, lol
      and ask forgiveness and try to do better next opportunity… “greater is He living inside of me…”
      Grateful for your posts and all those on this amazing blog… thank you!
      Bib in Cali

  4. Thank you Lord for helping me 'listen' when my husband is speaking and not interrupting him....and continue to help me choose wise responses that bless our conversation!!

  5. Come into our hearts Holy Spirit discipline our speech.

    1. Holy Spirit Activate. Holy Spirit help me to quiet my mouth and listen. Thank you Holy Spirit!

  6. Help me to give my undivided attention to those who speak to me. help me to be a comfort and be a source of joy to those around me, speaking little, and listening much.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. God if you are speaking to me teach me how to listen please.

  9. The way we communicate with others says a lot about the condition of our heart. Lord, help me speak gently to others when you tug at my heart. Forgive me, for using words that tear others down, and help me to, instead, use uplifting words, only. Can you imagine if everyone thought before they spoke? God would be pleased!

  10. Thank You Father for another blessed and gifted day. May Your name remain Honored and Glorified throughout this day.

    Thanking You for this body of believers and lifting the prayer requests and concerns of everyone. I ask the Holy Spirit to take control of our thoughts, minds and tongue to bring forth words that will be pleasing to You. Teach us to think before we speak, to bless and not curse, to be positive and not negative despite what we are going through. Keep us mindful that our words will either make or break us, make or break others. It good seed is planted inside, good fruit will come out.
    May we not grieve Your Holy Spirit, but seek to 'Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, oh Lord our strength and our Redeemed, in Jesus name!

    Here's wishing and praying a blessed and fruitful filled day To all, family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thanks Maplewood and Amen! May God guard every word that proceeds from our mouths. When we have said a word, it cannot be taken back and the damage it does is sometimes permanent. Let us discern which to say and which to withhold. Let our thoughts, words and meditations be pleasing to Him who gave us our voice. Let us edify, encourage, comfort, support, guide, and bless everyone we speak to today. Remind us to trust the Spirit to give us the right words, and also to hold our tongues when need be. Joining in your beautiful prayer, dear Maplewood and also in wishing our Family a blessed day in every way.

    2. Miss you sweet Maplewood and your wisdom and encouragement! Praying always that you and you family will continue to receive God’s faithfulness and healing. Much love always, dear sister.

    3. Amen Amen Amen!!!💖
      May GOD bless you Maplewood

    4. Amen Maplewood and all the prayers warriors here. So grateful for you all. The caring thoughts & blessings I receive never cease to amaze me. It seems someone is watching over me and knows exactly where I need help each day. God is good and I thank you all for the love shared here🙏🏻

  11. There's that spiritual timing again with this devo! Asking for prayers for open, honest communication between my hubby and me. We need to be like-minded regarding a decision that has to be made. Enough said.

  12. So on point right now! Waiting at a cafe to speak to a young lady going through marital difficulties - praying for the Holy Spirit to speak wisdom through me. Susan from Naples FL

  13. Replies
    1. Great reminder! I've been using this. Sometimes accompanied by leaving the vicinity of the situation 😉

  14. Praying for the requests so far. Norah, it's done! Unknown, it's done! The Lord's will be done! Randy I needed that. Just pause.

    1. Joining Jan in prayer for all the requests. Thank you Lord for the VICTORIES!!! PSALMS 20 1-4 "May the Lord answer you when you are in trouble! May the God of Jacob protect you! May He send you help from His Temple and give you aid from Mount Zion. May He accept all your offerings and be pleased with all your sacrifices. May He give you what you desire and make all your plans succeed." Good News Translation

  15. It's going to be a quiet day in Texas. Help me holy spirit..I want to listen more..I want to be slow in speaking and becoming me holy spirit..Amen

  16. Thanks to all of you for your prayers! <3 You are in mine.

  17. As if to get me ready for today, Someone had this email sent to me yesterday!
    Excerpted with permission from I Declare War On My Mouth by Levi Lusko, copyright Levi Lusko. The Power of the Tongue
    The book of Proverbs says that the tongue contains the power of both life and death (Proverbs 18:21). It’s like a tiny nuclear reactor capable of being both an energy plant that lights up a town and a bomb that can destroy a city.
    I read that Orville Wright was heartsick over the use of airplanes in World War II because they allowed mankind the option of raining bombs from the sky. It disturbed him to know that he had created something that would do so much harm, yet he didn’t regret the invention. What reassured him was knowing that all things that can do much good can also do great evil.
    Bricks can be used to build hospitals or be thrown through windows. Water can quench a thirst or flood a city. Likewise, words are neutral in and of themselves; it’s how you use them that determines whether they are good or bad.
    That is the argument James makes in one of the most powerful statements on speech ever put into words:
    Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. Even so the tongue is a little member that can do great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire. For every kind of beast and bird, or reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. But no man can tame the tongue. It can be an unruly evil, full of deadly poison, or with it we can bless our God and Father, and our sisters and brothers who have been made in the similitude of God.
    Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. — James 3:3-10
    James explained that one tiny spark — a cigarette thrown out a car window or an improperly doused campfire — can lead to an inferno that burns down a whole forest.
    The tongue can be set on fire by hell, but it can also be set on fire by Heaven. While under control of the Holy Spirit, Peter — who had cursed Christ and denied knowing Him — preached the gospel to the saving of two thousand souls on the day of Pentecost. Proverbs 25:11 tells us,
    A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
    When my speech is filled with grace (Colossians 4:6), then my words will have the same impact salt or Tabasco sauce does on food — they can make things better or worse! Your words can build people up, share the gospel, and pray for the sick. Your words can encourage, comfort, reassure, and make people laugh. To Be Continued…

    1. … Continued Proverbs 27:17 says,
      As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. — NLT
      Sometimes I need to speak words that are necessary to help people become who they were born to be. In a sense, love will ask me to do it from the front. And that’s a good thing!
      When the tongue is working properly, it is both a spring that refreshes and a fruit tree that nourishes. A runaway horse can be dangerous, and a boating accident can end in disaster; but when the bit is firmly in place, and the rudder steers correctly, you can enjoy scenery that is both beautiful and pleasurable.
      Paul instructed the Ephesians to choose their words carefully:
      Let only honorable words proceed out of your mouth, and only words that are good for necessary edification, that your words may impart God's grace to the hearers. — Ephesians 4:29
      A high school youth pastor advised students to process what they wanted to say through an Ephesians 4:29 filter before speaking.
      Consider The Message’s translation of this verse:
      Watch the way you talk. Say only what helps. Ensure each word is a gift.
      What could happen if the words you used today were gifts for those you were speaking to?
      If Jesus is the Lord of your life, He must be the Lord of your lips too.
      Your Turn
      How are you doing with your mouth? It’s up to us what words we speak! What do you want to say?
      1. Is it True? and
      2. Is it Kind? and
      3. Is it Necessary?
      When YES to ALL of the above, then proceed with caution. Amen.

    2. Amen!! Thank you Lord for this new day filled with your Presence. I'm so blessed to start the day with you Lord and in communion with my JC family.

      Thank you Brie for sharing these words of wisdom that fit perfectly into today's devotion! It is really speaking to me. Help me Holy Spirit! "Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips" (Psalm 141:3)
      Let no corruptive thoughts come our of my mouth, help me to be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. Train me, teach me your ways so that my words may be true, kind, and necessary, ALL for YOUR GLORY! God bless you all!
      In Jesus mighty name, Amen!

      Blessings from France

    3. Good morning Brie, BFF & warriors. What a good reminder from you both. Thank you🥰. Blessings.

    4. Thank you dear Brie for your wonderful post. We must remember that our words are a blessing or a curse and they can even be weapons but as Children of the Most High, we have a responsibility to let our words only bring God's grace to others. Remember those who don't read the Bible need our words as an extension to God's truth. Let our mouths be full of all those things that elevate, lift and bring peace. Enough things in this world are bringing us all down, filling our minds with confusion and anger, and robbing us of our peace.
      Amen Blessings from France, I loved your words and prayer: Train me, teach me your ways so my words may be true, kind and necessary. This is the speech that glorifies Him who gave us our voice.

  18. I am of one accord with you, as I pray this verse everyday, Sassy Mom! Thanks!

  19. Once again, JC is so timely, as are your sharings, dear JC Family. Brie, I was so surprised to hear you have been married 54 years! I had you pictured as a youngster - so much energy and songs and celebration. You refresh my soul. Praying for your area of France, BFF and all on this site who come to pray, rejoice and share His mighty Word.
    Family, I have a prayer need for our friend Dottie, who I mentioned several days ago. She said she HAS to see her son. She needs surgery on her back and cannot fly. No one in her family could rent a car b/c they don't have a credit card and you must have one and THAT person has to drive. My birthday is the 23rd, & a donation site came up. I told Dottie's story and $700 was donated to get her there. Now the VA Hosp where her son is says, "No visitors due to COVID." Her brother can drive her in a month, but she doesn't think Doug will still be here and if he is, he won't know her. My Hub said, "A mother knows and this is a need; God will provide."
    I have told her the money is hers. She wants to go anyway, tomorrow. I have the time from work and calls will be made today. I ask that all of you pray with me, with us that God's will be done, in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Giving it to Him. Salt my words, Father. Your will be done.

    1. Praying for Dottie, that her desperation will turn into joy as her need to see her loved one is granted. Blessings on Norah Lord for coming to her aid. Amen.

    2. Father please be with this family and give them Your presence and what they need. Your will be done. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continuously and always. Amen.

    3. Norah, Praying that all those involved will see Dottie's great need to be with her son, and their hearts will be softened and they will grant her this necessary request. God's compassion and faithfulness will shine. He is above man's laws and He can move this mountain. Thank you for this in name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    4. Praying. God's Will be done. We agree and it is done. Amen

    5. Praying as well, Norah, God's will be done. It will be done, but praying as such softens our heart to roll with the direction He wills all things to be. God be with you and Dottie and this whole situation/circumstance.

    6. Joining JC prayer warriors in prayer for Dottie. May His will be done. Thanking God in advance for supernatural favor over this family and situation. God bless you, Norah, for your selflessness in jumping in to help in a crisis. God is good and faithful!

      Blessings From California

    7. Joining everyone in prayers for this situation dear Norah. God's will be done in Jesus precious name, amen.

      Blessings from France

    8. Prayer going up for Dottie and Doug!

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for another day to bask in the beauty of Your creation and receive the gifts we’ve placed in it for me. Teach me to think and pray before I speak and to always realize the tremendous power of my words, reminding myself that it can bless or wound, and choose blessing. For by doing so, this will be another chance to die to myself and live for Jesus.
    'Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart always be acceptable in Your site. Oh Lord my strength and my Redeemed'(Palm 19:14). Amen.

    The tongue is a powerful weapon that can have influence on others. Our words have tremendous power. The Bible says that life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). This means that what we speak out is an accurate or direct indication of what is in our heart.
    God is looking for a holy life in us, so we therefore have the responsibility to guard our tongue with diligence. A righteous living and the right speech comes from a right heart before God. When our thoughts are right and positive, so will our spoken words be. The importance of this is throughout the book of proverbs (both the positive and negatives aspects of the tongue). When we speak negatively, it becomes costly in the spiritual realm, but the good news is, when we are mindful of what we say, it brings us spiritual reward. When we speak negative into our lives, in our families and others, we are most likely allowing room for destruction and causing wounds that may not be healed. But when we walk and speak in the power of God’s Spirit, we definitely defeat the enemy. As we abide in Christ, His Spirit flows from our lives in words and deeds where ever we go. We can be a tremendous blessing to others through a simple kind word full of love. Also, our actions along with words spoken with gentleness, peace, and self-control, demonstrates love even in the midst of a difficult situation. We can come in the spirit of peace by speaking words of life.
    Our prayers will have much more power and a far greater anointing when our everyday life is filled with words that uplift and bring grace to ourselves and others (Ephesians 4:29). It is important for all believers who want to have an effective prayer life to carefully watch their word/speech.

    The scripture says:
    Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin (Prov. 13:3).
    Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent (Prov. 17:28).
    The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23).

    Dear Father, May our spoken and unspoken(prayer)words bless and encourage others, and give evidence of a compassionate heart. We want to share the good news about Christ, and demonstrate a heart that is grateful for our own salvation. We want to be an example so when our brethens are in a crisis, they will know they can find peace and comfort in our positive and uplifting words. Help us to exercise behaviors that indicate a heart that is like the heart of Jesus. We pray this in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood NJ.
      My Dad was a man of very few words, very few. He once told me It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and erase all doubt!
      Love and blessings being prayed over all our tongues, JC Family

    2. You blessed me dear Maplewood and gave me a good helping of spiritual food. I must remember today to do my best not just to stay in God's sweet presence, but to be tuned in to His Spirit's guidance and instruction as I speak to others. And to recall my greatest gifts, the fruits of the Spirit so my heart will be more like the heart of Jesus. I know just saying His Holy Name will remind me through my busy day to tune in, and remain available. God bless you and my dear JC Family

    3. It is better to be QUIET and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and erase all doubt!

  21. Good Monday Morning! Brie your post, as well as today’s blog, was very timely for me today as I have been praying over a situation in which I want/need to speak my mind without being hurtful! I have held back for this very reason and am trusting the Lord move me to speak when I can answer YES to all 3 questions! OR take my desire to speak away from me! It’s His call!! Today’s blog definitely gives speaks patience to me! Thank you!
    Norah I will pray for God’s perfect provision for you, Dottie and Doug! I know He ahas already worked this out! You are a precious friend! Blessings to all JC family today!

  22. "These are split-second prayers, but they put you in touch with My Presence...." Love this thought! This allows me to pray without ceasing. Help me to remember listening to others (especially YOU Lord) is as important as speaking to others (and YOU Lord). Amen.

    1. ABC, my dad used to tell me, 'you have two ears and one mouth, listen twice as much as you speak'. (Zing!)

    2. Indeed Bob, guilty! I need to listen more.

  23. Thank You Jesus for intrusting me with this wonderful power. Help me Holy Spirit to use it wisely and responsibly. I will pray without ceasing, praise and bless You continually, and rejoice in You always Lord. I love You. Amen.

  24. I so appreciate this reminder today. This is something i need to practice. Thank you Father for this message. I agree with all the prayers and may they intercede for me in my life and into my heart. I repent for allowing my tongue to express itself so freely. It needs to be trained and consistent. I can’t follow the Lord and have a wild tongue that gets to express how angry I am or hurt, or right I am. It needs to be obedient to the Lord too. What a word today!! This gratitude I can speak about! Thank you Jesus.

  25. Suffice it to say that today's reading was IMMEDIATE feedback to me as the first words out of my mouth were "what the hell.." spoken in annoyance when awoken from sleep before my alarm by noisy activity downstairs. Best I spend this early interruption reading and re reading and praying on today's verses. Thank you Jesus for putting my tongue in it's place! God bless you today, and Holy Spirit, stay with me in all communications and thoughts. Amen!

    1. Don’t you love how God works to get us up to spend time with Him??!!!😂.
      Monica ❤️

  26. Thanks for sharing Audra. The noisy activities downstairs may have been getting your heart pliable and ready for today's devotion!

    1. This year I copied the reading and versus so I see it more than once a year!

    2. And THIS year I copied it again. I think I'll put it on my daily TO DO list for AT LEAST the month of August, maybe I'll see some progress 😎

    3. Progress yes, but still room for more as I read today and all the comments slowly, with intention. Thank you JC Family! ♥️

  27. So many beautiful posts echo my heart and the fact that I really need God to guard my words and as Audra so beautifully put it: to put my tongue in it's place. That is: Only to bless others and never to tear them down. Sometimes our words that wound are because we are judging others for the same sins we commit. May God give us a discerning heart and an unconditional love that sees we are all imperfect and yet, of great value to our God. Much love!

  28. Wow! Good morning JC warriors! What a gift God has given me in this new day! Brie, I too imagined that you were a youngster! Father, hear the prayers of your faithful ones! There is a song titled Words by Hawk Nelson that I was reminded of with this reading.
    They've made me feel like a prisoner
    They've made me feel set free
    They've made me feel like a criminal
    Made me feel like a king
    They've lifted my heart
    To places I'd never been
    And they've dragged me down
    Back to where I began
    Words can build you up
    Words can break you down
    Start a fire in your heart or
    Put it out
    Let my words be life
    Let my words be truth
    I don't wanna say a word
    Unless it points the world back to You
    You can heal the heartache
    Speak over the fear
    (Speak over the fear)
    God, Your voice is the only thing
    We need to hear
    (We need to hear)
    Words can build us up
    Words can break us down
    Start a fire in our hearts or
    Put it out
    Let my words be life
    Let my words be truth
    I don't wanna say a word
    Unless it points the world back to You
    (Back to You)

    Blessings to all of you!
    Monica ❤️

    1. In the last church I served, Monica, the praise band did this song a lot and it got to me every time. I haven't heard it for some time but your post brought back the good memories of how the Spirit moved within my heart when I sang this song. Thank you for your post! God be with you.

    2. And to you Brother Bob!

    3. Another one for the playlist 😁♥️🎶

    4. Thank Monica for sharing this powerful song !!

  29. Yesterday's post to which so many of you responded most kindly and lovingly was a unique experience for me. My normal procedure is to spend my time with our Lord and then blog. I awoke with the love of all of you filling my soul. I wanted to focus on the last part of II Timothy 2:22, '...along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.' So I was moved to blog first because you are the ones with a pure heart. A pure heart is not about loving God perfectly, it is about wanting to love God purely which is what each of you want evident in your posts. It is all about the desire and not about the perfect execution; for if the desire is there, the execution of the same will work itself out. This led to the Spirit moving me to post as I did and it was an easy post because it was from the Spirit. Again, thank you for your responses of love which was exactly what led to the post.

    1. Amen mon ami! So thankful that He led you to beautifully write these words. Glory to God! I too feel the love of everyone here filling my soul more and more these days. It is such a blessing. God be with you Bob!

      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks Bob,
      For two Sundays in a row we had Church here in this room!
      Can hardly wait for this upcoming Sunday :)

    3. I feel the love, Bob..thank you so much. I wonder how many love notes your wife has from you. Come holy spirit.

    4. Dear Bob, Thank you for your words, your gifts that keep on giving. You are always in my prayers, and when I see you in my mind’s eye, you are always serving the Lord, and opening the hearts of His people and filling them with His truth. I pray for your strength and for God’s Spirit to continue to empower and equip you perfectly to bear the good fruit that gives Him glory and that adds to His flock. Miss you my dear brother. God bless you and yours in all things.

  30. Dear heavenly Father, King of kings, God Almighty! I come to you today with thanksgiving and praise in great expectation of the healing for my sister-in-law. You have encouraged me in praying for her healing and ever since I can remember you have been attentive to my prayers. I have no reason to doubt your faithfulness. Yet a small invoice is telling me "you're going to look like a big fool." I am not pretending it's not there, because you know my thoughts anyway. I know this comes from the evil one to discourage me. I also know that you have promised that if we have faith as small as a mustard see, we can move mountains. Therefore, I pray again boldly for miraculous news when my sister-in-law visits her oncologist tomorrow afternoon. All the praise and glory be Yours, Lord! Amen!

    1. Wonderful post, EOMH! Knowing where the negative voice is coming from, as you do, enables you to dismiss is it for what it is. Don't worry about being a fool, for the foolishness of God is greater than the wisdom of the world (I Corinthians 1:25). Paul encourages us in I Corinthians 3:18 - 'you should become fools so that you may become wise.' Feel free, EOMH, to be a fool (in the world's eyes), for it shows you to be wise in the Lord. Lord, out of Your love, grace, and mercy, hear EOMH's 'foolish' prayer made out of love (this is wisdom) for her SIL and glorify Yourself. Amen

    2. Thank you for posting dear friend! Echoing Bob's words and praying for you and your sister in law!

      Blessings from France

    3. Thank you, Bob and my friend from France!

    4. EOMH, Your post really spoke to me because I struggle with true faith! I feel like I’m talking the right words that speak faith but if I’m being honest, I still experience anxiety and fear so I feel disingenuous .I just need to recognize evil when it comes knocking!!

    5. You got this, BamaGrl,
      All the faith you need is the size of a mustard seed.
      When anxiety and fear come knocking, you may want to tell thm, Keep on knocking but you can't come in; then think of everything you can praise God for and be happy about. It may take a couple of tries, but eventually fear and anxiety will get the message, plus they don't want to hang around if all they hear is you praising God! I'm praying for this part of your journey. Be blessed.

    6. Eyes of my Heart. Praying for good news from your Sister in Law that her condition is improving and God is healing her. Never doubt your faith or the power of your prayers. We can always pray for a renewed strength of faith and God hears every prayer. He is close to the brokenhearted and the weak in spirit.
      BamaGrl, You believe in Him because you pray to Him trusting that He can change your life and situation. If you didn't believe you wouldn't be coming to Him for help. You have already seen His faithfulness so there is no reason to doubt. Amen the doubt is from the Evil One. But we know that greater is He that is in us.
      Brie, I loved that sentence that fear and anxiety don't want to hang around if all they hear is you praising God. You made me smile. Much love.

  31. Clergy couple update: He was taken by ambulance from the rehab center back to the hospital yesterday AM because of continued fevers and difficulty breathing. The church gathered in phone conference to pray for both him and her in the afternoon. No new update this AM

    (II Timothy 2:23) - 'Have nothing to do with stupid and senseless controversies; you know that they breed quarrels.' (No commentary necessary on these words, it is clear what the admonishment is.)

    A professor at seminary told us, 'The number one cause of church division is the color of the new carpet in the sanctuary.' I am not sure how accurate that is but the reason behind such a controversy is people wanting things like they want them and that is why there are most quarrels and divisions in the church.

    On a positive note, the beauty of this blog is that no one crosses the line drawn by this verse in II Timothy. I am sure our theological understandings do not perfectly line up but no one would ever know that by reading the posts. For this blog is not for the debate of interpretations. No, this blog is to show love to one another and that you all respect and do so well. I have sensed possible differences in aspects of the faith a time or two but because of the love you share, I find myself wanting to listen and grow from your faith. I almost told this story in my sermon under the verse 32 in Romans 8: 'If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us?' Here is the story of which I ask your forgiveness before telling it. One day a post was made to request pray for an issue I thought was more trivial in nature (Lord, have mercy!). Two days later, the Lord set me straight when the identical problem occurred in our house. While I fretted over the situation, my wife asked our family members to pray for our issue and you'll never guess what happened ---it got resolved. Lesson learned! Be patient with me dear JC family, I am getting it. Hanging around you is good for my walk with God. With love, Bob

    1. Two days later, the Lord set me straight when the identical problem occurred in our house. This happens every time. I think the Lord is letting us know we may be qualified, to preach and sing, but not to impersonate The Judge! Love you JC Family.

    2. PS Prayers for Clergy couple!

    3. "I find myself wanting to listen and grow from your faith." AMEN!
      I love how we can always tell each other about what's on our heart, and how quick we are to hear and pray for one another. We are all learning and growing spiritually through this blog where our community of believers lives in unity to please our Lord and Savior. What a blessing.

      Sending healing prayers for the clergy couple.

      Blessings from France

    4. Continued prayer for the clergy couple. Father, open up his airways and heal is weary lungs, and every weakness in his tired body. Thank you for Your faithfulness to this good and trusting couple. Bring them both to a perfect recovery to Your glory. Amen.
      Bob, I have learned that even the most trivial problem like asking God to help me figure out what to make for dinner, is a value prayer request. When He said acknowledge me in all things, He means it! I've even asked His help when I have been constipated. Every little thing we ask is of great concern to Him because He loves us as a good Father does. And cares about every tiny nuance of our lives. Even when we have a bug problem or an air conditioner problem. He already knows about all of them so He's not surprised when we come to Him for their resolution. I always tell people, He must be tired of hearing my voice because I need Him in all things.

    5. Dear Blessings from France, How are you good sister? Haven’t heard from you in a while. Praying all has been going well. God protect, heal and bless you and your loved ones, I and guide your paths. Know you are loved.

  32. Luke 6: 43 “A tree from good stock doesn’t produce scrub fruit nor do trees from poor stock produce choice fruit. 44 A tree is identified by the kind of fruit it produces. Figs never grow on thorns, or grapes on bramble bushes. 45 A good man produces good deeds from a good heart. And an evil man produces evil deeds from his hidden wickedness. Whatever is in the heart overflows into speech.
    Oh! Oh! So maybe my heart needs more cleansing than my tongue? God answered, Don't make me have to drag you through the rivers again in My Trawl Net to cleanse your Heart! OK Lord. (As I sing all of the Words to Monica's posted song 'Words' before I open my mouth today, which I am placing in quarantine :) Love you JC family!

    1. If I could only place my negative thoughts in quarantine, I'm sure my mouth would follow 😉

    2. Brie, You made me think about how my words are my fruit. I do my best to speak words that lift, encourage, strengthen, comfort, instruct, and bring peace. But sometimes when I am tired and cranky, I "b and m". This is the term my husband gave me because after cooking for many hours, I start to bitch and moan. Well as soon as he points this out, I stop because I really don't want to complain. Jesus is still with me in the kitchen and I am not a good witness when I get cranky, no matter the reason. Sometimes I just need a nap.
      Jesus, Please remind me to ask Your Spirit to guard and guide my words. Thank You Lord!

    3. I resemble those remarks Jeanne🥺. A restful nap is the antidote.

  33. Before I fall in bed, I have to update you, my JC Family. Dottie's son doesn't want to see her...hard pill to swallow. She is going instead to see her brother in FL. In the meantime, just minutes ago my daughter, Joni, called to say that she was in an ambulance being taken to the hospital b/c of a broken blood vessel in her leg. She is now being discharged and two of her brothers are picking her up and taking her home. I wanted to go, but since I've been up since 4:30, both sons and my hub prevailed and said, "Go to bed!" I'm going, I'm going...with my phone, texting my daughter telling her I'm so thankful she's here in OH and not in KC,MO.
    Prayers, please, for my daughter, Joni, her brothers driving and having to be at work in the morn...Dottie, able to sleep. UGH.Thank you for your prayers.

    1. Prayers are going up and continuing for Joni, her brothers driving and your having to be at work in the morn...for Dottie, and that you are able to sleep. Love You Norah!

    2. Praying for Joni and the healing of her leg, and for traveling safety and a Hedge of Protection around all of them. So sad that Doug doesn't want to see Dottie. Praying that her heart will be comforted by her brother. Putting the situation into the able Hands of our Way Maker.

  34. Only took 5 times + proving I'm not a robot. :(

    1. Norah, Joni is being lifted up to the Great Physician!! Prayers of thanks as well for her brothers who were there to bring her home so you could rest! Family is everything! You are blessed to have a caring family!,❤️

  35. Jesus, please help me guard my words carefully so that they help and not hurt. Teach me to pause and think before I speak so that my words are not careless or dishonest. Finally, help me to think of You and ask for guidance before opening my mouth.

  36. Thank you dear JC Prayer Warriors for joining me in prayer again today.
    I am requesting healing prayers for my DH Larry who is having TUIP surgery today and for his compromised lung to withstand the anesthesia, for His Wisdom and His Guidance for Dr Jones, and the entire medical staff we encounter. May we see our Good Lord over all, in all, around all, through all, and healing all. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Dear Lord, while You are at it, would you also send Your Holy Spirit to invade my speech? Would You help me be quick to listen, slow to speak, and speaking only after I have heard You clearly and after I have said, "Welcome Holy Spirit! Help me, Holy Spirit! Please bring the thoughts of my mind and heart, and the words out of my mouth under your complete control." In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Heavenly Father, please bring Your guidance, wisdom, strength, comfort, healing, and peace to Larry, Brie, Dr. Jones, and the entire medical team during this surgery today. Guide the surgeons hands and let Your presence be felt by all. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    3. Praying for healing of your dear Larry's successful surgery and for the strength and health of his lung and your peace of mind. Thank You Father for guiding the whole procedure and bringing Larry back to perfect health, and for comforting our dear Brie, in the Name of Christ Jesus.

    4. Thank you Father for peace surrounding Brie, Larry and the medical team as each one knows you. Please Help Me Holy Spirit in all my conversations this and each day. Amen!

  37. Brie - Joining warriors in prayer for OUR Larry "for his compromised lung to withstand the anesthesia, for His Wisdom and His Guidance for Dr Jones, and the entire medical staff we encounter.

    Father, I echo the prayers of OUR Dear sister Brie, "Please bring the thoughts of my mind and heart, and the words out of my mouth under your complete control." Thank You Jesus.

    1. Thank You Sassy Mom, our dear sweet sister friend in Christ 😍

    2. Joining warriors dear Brie in prayer for Larry. Lord we are confident that your watchful eye will be with this loved one through the entire procedure & beyond. May your wisdom, discernment & knowledge surround the entire staff. Peace, calm & trust surround the entire family. Amen.

  38. Father, please let me apply this lesson to my daily life. Let me always ask for Your help before opening my mouth to speak and receive Your guidance in all I do and say. Thank You for all the things You teach, show, and reveal to me. Let me receive and apply all these blessings to my life and use them wisely, with Your help and guidance in all that I do and say. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  39. Amen dear Janet! Thank You Jesus!

  40. "Help me Holy Spirit," such a simple prayer and how easy would it be to do so before every conversation or even written communication! I can think of so many situations where I've failed to speak with the tone and love of Christ. Father, help all here to seek Your help by being slow to speak with a prayer to do so in love before uttering a word to another! Amen.

    As I've said since I'm doing so well, I will update rarely. I'm now 2 months into maintenance immunotherapy and chemo. Have tolerated the regimen with only minor side effects, as a result I'm looking to re-engage my professional life in the next month. The challenge of course is the delta variant of covid since I'm immunocompromised even with the vaccination. Feel incredibly blessed and am thankful for God's mercy and the JC blanket of warm loving prayers. Virtual hug to all.

    1. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. What a victory in Jesus! Hallelujah! May our Father keep His loving arms around you as you move forward in your journey. God bless!

    2. So happy to hear you are doing well MadFox. God be praised. Praying for continued success.🙏🥰

    3. All Praise and glory to Jehovah Rapha who is able to do ALL, including the impossible!
      May His blessings and healing power continue to be yours.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Praise the Lord our King and Savior!
      So good to read your progress report, Mad 🦊. May the power of God protect you. Your return to professional life I imagine will be remarkably and enthusiastically received ♥️

    5. So happy to hear this, MadFox. God is good! Continuing prayers for a full recovery.

    6. Received your virtual hug dear MadFox! So blessed to hear God is continuing to strengthen you through your treatment and all is going well to His glory and to our delight! Amen! Help me Holy Spirit as gotten me through some trying times. We are always equipped by God through His indwelling Spirit! Continuing to pray for perfect healing, and now, for success, abundance of fruit and prosperity as you progress to good health and strength in the Lord. Thank You Jesus!!

  41. “Evil words destroy one's friends; wise discernment rescues the godly” (Prov. 11:9).
    “Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body” (Prov. 16:24).

    Loving Father, It’s a new day with fresh anointing coming my way. I just want to say thank You for mercy and this grace that You have given me.
    This new day is a gift to seek You, love You and those whose path will cross mine today. May I speak wisely into those lives and be a godly source of encouragement instead of discouragement, a source of love rather than pain and a source of hope rather than hurt. I pray that as I go through this day, my tongue will not get ahead of my mind and heart. Please help me to know when I am about to speak without thinking and invite the Holy Spirit to love through me and think through me. Let my words today and the days ahead be fill with loving thoughts and words, and let my spirit overflow with love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) in Jesus’ name. Amen

    Our primary way to communicate is through words and these words have specific meanings, therefore we must use them correctly. There are so many verses in the Bible that warns us about our spoken words. Because words carry great weight, Jesus instructs us to use them wisely so that they reflect the Holy Spirit who indwells in us. They can either injure or build up. We have the responsibility to wield our words with thoughtful consideration. We should remember that every word we utter will be judged by the most perfect and just Judge, our Father God. Our spoken and unspoken words should reflect the change that occurred in us when we became saved, and thereby glorify God the Father.

    Dear Lord, Please help us to be a light to the world through our spoken and unspoken words because words have tremendous power. May we be reminded that in order for us to have an effective prayer life, we should carefully watch our speech. Thank You that when we walk and speak in the power of the Holy Spirit, we defeat the enemy all the time. May we have discerning lips and heart where wisdom is found, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    "But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth” (Col. 3:8).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen to that sweet Maplewood! Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

    2. Amen! When I open my mouth to speak, may it be with the words of the Holy Spirit and not my flesh.

  42. Thank you dear warriors for prayers for hubby's doc visit. Doc was pleased with great progress, drugs be will discontinued soon. He can now drive. Doc, myself & son #1 couldn't talk him out of riding the motorcycle though. Prayer is powerful. In God's timing. I on the other hand still battling with hypertension & some breathing issues. Relying on the Lord to show me the way out in His will. Amen

    1. So glad to hear your husband is doing well. Praise God. May His healing hands be upon you and remove your afflictions so you may be well. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

  43. Rejoicing for more answered prayers. So glad your dear hubby had a great doc visit and soon he'll be off the meds. Guess that motorcycle brings him too much joy to quit it. Will keep praying for him and his discernment. Now praying that your hypertension and breathing issues will soon be history.
    Thank You Father for hearing all our prayers and granting them in your own perfect timing. We wait on you and trust you in all things in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

  44. Have a blessed day in His presence. No matter what we or our dear ones are facing, Our God is so much Greater! May His Spirit guide our thoughts, words and deeds today to glorify Him.
    Psalm 18:2 — The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

    Psalm 145:8 — The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.

  45. Have you ever been listening to someone and only listened to the first couple of sentences and started thinking of you have stopped listening and then you realise I dont know what they have been saying for the last few minutes !! You are lost in a conversation you are supposed to be part of ! We have to put ourselves aside momentarily , we have to put ourselves to the side and be present and be good listeners . Stop be in the moment , hear the person , observe the person, connect with them and truly listen . By doing this we can avoid the problems we find in Proverbs 15 2 The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly. If we speak folly before we listen we are likely to say something silly or hurt ful. So lets be how we communicate really matters. Let ask God to guide as daily in the words that we speak .

    1. Thank you Min Ahadi.

    2. Wonderful truth that I sure can relate to. I’ve been guilty of only listening with half an ear when others are speaking. My mind wanders and sometimes I even ask them to repeat their words. Something Brie said a while back reminded me that the words of our mouth are our fruit. We want to bear sweet fruit that lifts and encourages rather than hurts and breaks down. Once a word leaves our mouth it may have a bad consequence so we must guard our words very carefully.
      Psalm 19:14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

    3. Even though I've had professional training in "active listening", old habits are hard to break sometimes.
      Lots of good tips can be found in an internet search for "active listening".
      I hear you peeps! 😉

  46. Good morning dear sisters. Thank you for sharing words of wisdom to jumpstart our day. "Help me Holy Spirit", will be at the forefront of my mind this day. As Min said, put ourselves aside &, learn to listen. Advice heeded💞🙏

    1. Yes dear Jan!! Thank you Min Ahadi. Perfect devotion for this new day. Help me Holy Spirit!

  47. Allowing someone to get to the end of their thought or as I say, wait for the "period" is sometimes hard as Min pointed out. If we can wait for the end of someone's thought or opinion or question, ponder it/let your wheels spin a minute in your cabesa before replying, it often prevents clashes and gives you time to mull it over before commenting. If we simply pause after the "period", ask God for the right reply/solution/offered opinion, it is often better received, yes? Hope you all have a blessed day feeling God's hand in yours!

    1. (above from NJS...not sure why it did that since being signed in)

    2. Exactly! I will share this one with my teens.

    3. Wonderful advice, dear NJS! Thank you! We must be more selfless in our conversations and wait till others finish speaking. We must also wait a while before we reply so it will be with Spirit guided words. I sure am guilty of finishing people’s sentences! Thank You Jesus, for helping me to be a better listener, and to bear better fruit when I speak.

  48. Wonderful words and a reminder as we start off this glorious day God has given.

    SC Anonymous

  49. I can relate to so many of the JC readings, but today it nailed me! In the garage just this morning, frustrated about the simplest most ridiculous thing and wow-curse word. Loud and embarrassing! No control, poor discipline. Dear Heavenly Father I ask forgiveness in my weakness. I am sorry. Please help me to be controlled and disciplined in all my actions. Help me not to be negatively reactive in a moment of frustration. Remind me to pray "Help me, Holy Spirit with a split second prayer". Help all my words and actions be guided by you and to only honor YOU. Amen.

    1. We are only human dear ABC. We all need God's Spirit to guide the words from our mouth even when something heavy falls from the shelf right on our toes. Amen! Help us Holy Spirit.

  50. Bless ALL the postings on WORDS! WORDS are a BIG deal and so is your attitude. Something to ponder:

    Be careful what you think, it will become what you say.

    Be careful what you say, it will become what you do.

    Be careful what you do, it will become who you are.

    Be careful who you are, it will become your future and your destiny. JJ

    1. JJ - Amen!!! When I say something negative my baby daughter says "Don't speak it into existence."

    2. Oh, Sassy Mom, what a very wise and blessed daughter you raised. She hit the nail on the head with accurate precision! Our Lord, "spoke" our world into existence and we are made in His image! HALLELUJAH!!! Watching what one says is a HUGE responsibility, but because we are Children of the MOST HIGH GOD, we ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS. I would submit to you, we are up for the job and have HIGH
      expectation of Great Success!!! PRAISE be to God!!!
      Sending you Great Love and Blessings! JJ

    3. Awesome JJ! So much truth!
      Dear Sassy Mom, I love your daughter's wisdom and advice.
      Joining you both in praise and gratitude!

  51. Ouch! Hits home! "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, oh Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer." PS. 19:14

    1. Elaine --- Thank you for that perfect scripture!!! JJ

    2. "Oh be careful little eyes what you see"

    3. One of my "go to" verses, dear Elaine! Thanks!
      What a wonderful children's song of godly behavior. Thanks dear Sassy Mom!

  52. Thank you for your prayers for my sister in Christ, Danuta's Mom. She had surgery on her hip today and it went well. Please pray for my sister who hurt her eye yesterday. The doctor said her vision will be fine but the redness won't go away for 2 weeks. She is grateful to be able to see and so am I. God is so faithful.

    1. Jeanne - Thank you Jesus for guiding the hands of the surgeon for Danuta's Mom. Thank you Jesus for protecting your sister's vision.

    2. Joining Sassy Mom's prayer. Just want to praise You, Lord for Your Glory and Healing hand on Danuta's Mom, Jeanne's sister eye and our JCFAMILY. In Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Thank you for your prayers for Danuta's Mom and my sister. May God continue to heal, strengthen, comfort and bless themm and you and all our dear JC Family.

  53. Wonderful devotion for today. Good advice for all of us. We must guard our words carefully. We can never take our words back once they leave our mouth. We must do our best to follow the Spirit instead of the flesh. May God's Spirit supply the words we say and share. "Help me, Holy Spirit", to speak only those words that edify, encourage, comfort, instruct, and bless others, and glorify our Father in Heaven. We can lead others by sharing His Spirit guided words, and by sharing His Word.

    Psalm 19:14
    Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

  54. Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person. (Colossians 4:6). So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty. (James 2:12).

  55. My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. (1 John 3:18). A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. (Proverbs 15:1). A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45).

    1. Thank you dear Janet. Good reminder throughout this day. Hallelujah!

    2. Wonderful food today, sweet sister! Amen.

  56. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Father, help me to be mindful of my thoughts, words, and behavior. Let the Holy Spirit speak my words and direct my steps. I am weak, but You are strong. I trust in You. Help my heart to stay focused upon edification of others and not on destruction. I'm relying on You to finish the perfect work You started in me. Sanctify me Lord. Let me be the person You created me to be. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen, Janet! Thank you for sharing this prayer.
      SC Anonymous

    2. My prayer too, Janet. Thank you.

    3. Gathering into your perfect prayer! Amen. We are all flawed and imperfect. May we follow the Spirit today and please our good and loving Father. Thank You Jesus.

  57. Praying for Pat dear Suzanne, that quick recovery & healing will touch her body in Jesus'name, amen! 💞🙏🌈

    1. Amen. May God bring Pat back to complete health and comfort in Jesus’ Name.

  58. Amen Jeanne and Janet! I prayed for this JC to speak to me today and it is so timely- thank you Jesus

    1. Yes it is indeed timely! Today’s devotion fed me well. Our words have consequences and can build up someone or tear someone down. God speaks to us through His Word. He comforts and instructs us through His indwelling Spirit. We come here to be filled and always leave satisfied. God knows exactly what we need even before we know. Hallelujah!

  59. Thank you all for your prayers for Pat!

    1. Father God, My dear twin sister Janet is in the ER right now because of sky high blood pressure and nausea. You already know what’s wrong. We thank you for healing her and Pat and Audra and strengthening all of their weaknesses and bringing them both back to perfect health and comfort in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  60. Jesus....My favorite and most powerful split second prayer....Jesus! Amen.

  61. Meant to say. Bringing them ALL back to perfect health and comfort. God knows what I mean and that’s all that matters.

    Trusting in His faithfulness and amazing healing power to bring Janet, Pat and Audra back to good health, comfort and peace!

    Proverbs 4:20-22
    My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
    Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
    For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

    1 Peter 5-7
    Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

    Psalm 18:2
    The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

  62. Thanks for all your prayers. Janet called to say they put her through a lot of tests and gave her 2 medications. Her blood pressure is going down thank God and the nausea is gone. She was released and she must follow up with her primary doctor. She is feeling better now. Our God is so good! Hallelujah!

  63. So many things to pray for here and I offer my prayers. While I am praying, let me add to the list, my own requests:
    For my mom recovering from a stroke
    My daughter dealing with neurological issues
    Dental work I need
    My marriage
    The deceits and lies from the enemy that I battle with.

    I thank you for your prayers and support. In Jesus name I cry out for healing and victory!

    1. Dear Rich C, I’m sorry you are going through a deep valley time. Remember God is with you always and He is greater than any situation or illness or problem. Added your requests to my prayer list. May God bring your Mom back to complete health and remove any effects of her stroke and strengthen her faith. Praying that God will lead you to a way to resolve your dental problems and provide your needs, and may He renew and repair your marriage and add romance to it. May He also heal your daughter’s neurological problems and bring her to perfect health of body, mind and spirit, and fight your battles for you, and cover your family with His peace and protection.
      Thank You Father for all this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen

    2. Beautiful dear Jeanne. Needed to hear that. Thank you.

  64. Thank You Holy Spirit for guarding my words today so they will only edify, encourage, comfort, guide, and bless others and glorify God. Let my words, thoughts and actions please You.
    Thank You Father for this and for comforting Brenda and her family and resting her dear mother Arletta’s soul, and comforting Brie and her family and resting Keith’s soul snd thank You for healing Sandy, Larry, and Norah’s DH and all our JC Family and all those on our prayer lists in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Psalm 19:14
    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    Be acceptable in Your sight,
    O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

    Psalm 103:1-5
    Bless the Lord, O my soul;
    And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
    Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    And forget not all His benefits:
    Who forgives all your iniquities,
    Who heals all your diseases,
    Who redeems your life from destruction,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne 🙏. May Keith and Arletta rest in peace and the families be comforted and strengthened in the LORD. May our thoughts and words be edifying to others and glorifying to God. May the Body of Christ be united and built up. Thank You Jesus and praise the Lord always 🙌 🙏❤! God bless!

    2. Amen and thank you for that beautiful prayer Janet!

  65. Help me, Holy Spirit to be much more careful and much more positive with my Words or to be much more quiet. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. NOTE TO BRIE:
      BE QUIET until you can check all 4 boxes by saying something that is TRUE ✔️ and KIND ✔️ and NECESSARY✔️ and POSITIVE✔️ .
      Looks like it's going to be a quiet day! Pray for me to The Lord our God! In Jesus' Name. AMEN 🙏

    2. 'Speech is silver but silence is golden' 🙂

    3. Amen dear Brie! Very true!
      Dear Peter, I always tell my mom Silence is golden. Because she can’t hear well, the volume is always turned up to the max.

  66. Based on Revelation 14 (follow along reading the transcript). Trusting you will be blessed as I was while listening.

    1. Thanks dear Peter. Sorry the link didn’t work for me.

  67. What a sweet morning, reading and reading, praying and thanking God for His Mercy, Grace and all powerful love. I am writing this while listening to the love song that you posted, Peter.
    What timely devotion, today. This afternoon we will celebrate our first Grandson's 14th Birthday with most of the family. Chuck and his family are picking up their Foreign Exchange Student at the airport - he is flying in from Sweden. It will be quite a group at our oldest son and DIL's house: this will be the first time that we'll be with all of his family, plus his ex-wife's family - something I prayed for for them years ago. They are doing this for their son and I pray the words that come out of my mouth will bless, heal, restore or simply be prayed while I listen to all of them.
    Remembering Dear Dottie this week and thanking God that she is resting until the Return and will see her son again, whole and healthy. I'm praying for her family that remains here and that they have sweet memories of their spunky, funny mama who expressed herself by writing to the News Journal. She always found a way to give God the glory.
    I'm off to the Farmer's Market and getting DH's Rxs, then back home to wrap Miles' gifts before we drive off to celebrate. Praying a protective net over my DH and that nothing compromises him.
    Praying for each of your and yours and all of mine, too. God Bless you, Dear JC Family. May all of us see our joy increase as we listen...

  68. Listened to Peter’s beautiful and soothing song and then I read your post, dear Norah! Have a great time! God will guide it all. Happy and blessed 14th Birthday to Miles! Sounds like he’ll have an awesome and memorable celebration with your family and more! Even an exchange student from Sweden! You have such a wonderful and caring family! Yes Dottie is in the best place. We know we’ll be with our loved ones again. May God protect you and all of your family and may God’s Spirit guide your words to good at your family gathering! Enjoy every precious moment! Much love!

  69. ROMANS 8:18 ESV
    For I consider that the sufferings of THIS PRESENT TIME are not worth comparing with the GLORY that is to be revealed to us.

  70. Amen! So very true! Praying for you always. I know you’ll be with your dear Debbi again. The best is yet to come.

  71. Select LOAD MORE which allows us to access all posts, including the Golden Oldies and the Newbie Nuggets. Enjoy HIS Blessings today!

    1. You’re always a blessing to me, dear Brie! Praying for your comfort dear sister. Love you.
