Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 14

Keep walking with Me along the path I have chosen for you. Your desire to live close to Me is a delight to My heart. I could instantly grant you the spiritual riches you desire, but that is not My way for you. Together we will forge a pathway up the high mountain. The journey is arduous at times, and you are weak. Someday you will dance lightfooted on the high peaks; but for now, your walk is often plodding and heavy. All I require of you is to take the next step, clinging to My hand for strength and direction. Though the path is difficult and the scenery dull at the moment, there are sparkling surprises just around the bend. Stay on the path I have selected for you. It is truly the path of Life

Psalm 37:23-24 
English Standard Version

23 The steps of a man are established by the Lord,
    when he delights in his way;
24 though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,
    for the Lord upholds his hand.

Psalm 16:11 
New King James Version

11 You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you for your site and this page, thank you for the words.

    1. This day's entry makes me feel so happy. Thank you Jesus!

  2. My desire is a closer walk with JESUS. I want to grow in obedience, I want JESUS to be the center my life. Thank You JESUS for loving me. I want to spend eternity with YOU.

    1. Bless Your Holy name oh Lord. I Thank You for this bright and beautiful Sunday morning that You have blessed and placed me in. Thank You for new mercy. I desire to walk with You today, not rely on my own understanding, but acknowledge Your Spirit to direct my steps. Thank You Father!

      Through all the pain and brokenness Father, I say THANK You for the reminder that there are great surprises ahead for me. Keep my feet on Your path and not my own.
      Jesus, You are ALL that I have, and that's sufficient for me!

      My JC Family, this morning I cover each one of You with the Blood of Jesus and pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you all on the path that is the LORD'S. Just a closer walk with JESUS and we are saved from the evil of this word. Blessed and great day to all family, love ya!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen Anonymous! I am currently in a place in my life that I know God is taking me somewhere special but I am hesitant through fear; Please touch and agree with me JC Family that I can overcome my fears and take the next step, because I know GOD is waiting on me! In HIS love, God bless each of you greatly!

    3. God's daughter --- Love the name! You are indeed a daughter of the Most High God! You were bought at a great price and the Lord loves you totally! A favorite scripture I stand on when fear/anxiety raises it's ugly head: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." God's daughter, when you call upon the Lord, He will answer you according to His will; He is your ever present help in times of trouble; He will send help from His sanctuary; He will defend, deliver and honor you. Amen and Amen!

    4. Me too Sassy Mom. God bless you and our JC family
      Texas friend🙏💕

    5. God bless you ❤ I have been having body image issues for awhile and this devotional helps me all the time :)

  3. Good morning JC family 🥰. Let's all prepare our hearts for worship this day. Laying aside all that encumbers us & fixing our gaze on the One who lifts all cumbersome burdens from our feeble shoulders. How great how awesome is He. Let's approach the throne of worship with a new song, a song of Thanksgiving & praise, pick up our tambourines & dance the dance of Joy unspeakable! Our God has delivered us from darkness & death & into His marvelous light & life everlasting! Amen!

    1. Amen dear Jan! Still a perfect post for this day. Thanking Him for this brand new day, just chock full of new possibilities, new healing, and new victories. Halleluia!

  4. "All I require of you is to take the next step, clinging to My hand for strength and direction." Last night I was so tired, I fell in bed and was out like a light. Woke up refreshed and ready for another day, which will be celebrated at our Family Reunion. My heart was so heavy yesterday, due to all of the issues my SIL is having; our dear friend who lost his wife telling us he can't venture out for Saturday breakfast anymore b/c he is too old and tired, news of things beyond our control.
    I knew all of you were praying with me as I was for you. Sleep restores us. Praying for each of you this morning. Thanking God for all of his many blessings, which at times I fail to see. Open my eyes, Lord, to your calling.

  5. old Testament stay the path...New Testament stay the race!
    God wants us to stay right with him through it all.
    He’s got this!
    Thankful I am finally sharing here with my JC family and thankful for each of your prayers.
    I’m praying for each of you.

  6. So thankful this morning to live in a country that I can worship and praise our Lord openly without fear of harm. Thank you Jesus for being such a merciful savior. Although I stumble along the path you have for me , I know You are always there to forgive and help me back up. Your love is beyond what I can truly understand.

  7. Dear Heavenly Father,
    thank you for this day. Help me to keep my mind on You, keep the distractions around me from taking my mind off you. Thank You for our JC Family, I ask that each persons prayers be answered by Your will. Be with each person that has been brought up in this days Devotional, heal, comfort, lead and guide the lost, every request that is asked, I ask that You answer on Your time and Your way. I know we want everything yesterday, but I know it is not when we want or need it, it's when You say it is time.
    Thank You Lord for the outcome of Barry for us, but I pray for all that are flooding or whatever situation they are in. I know Lord that You know that I don't wish anything bad in anyone, but I cant help but to praise You for sparing our little town and those around us.

    Thank you JC Family for the prayers that y'all sent up for protection from the storm. We have had nothing but a misty rain all day yesterday, still misting as we woke up this morning. With Hurricane Rita we were on the east side of it and I have never been so traumatized by the weather. It wasnt Rita herself, I am not afraid of the storms I could watch bad weather all day long sitting on my porch, it was the aftermath. The fear of walking out of our home, not knowing if it would be there when we got back. Thank God it had damage but nothing we couldn't fix. It felt like a war zone, having to stand in line at the gas station with our gas cans, seeing the military everywhere in town, five at a time allowed into Walmart without power praying for a gallon of milk. I know some of you have been through way worse and I thank God you are here today. I just have never have been through anything like it, so when I hear one is going to come our way, anxiety immediately sets in. In my heart, I know God has it, but my brain is a different story. Again thank each of you for the prayers.

    I pray each of you have a blessed Sunday, in Jesus name, Amen❣

    1. God be praised! Pamela K & family were spared from greater catastrophe. Holy, Holy is your name, Jehovah Jireh, for providing safety.

  8. Replies
    1. Pamela K --- So thankful for your update! I join Sassy Mom in Blessing You! Have been lifting up your area to the Throne of Grace and will continue. Thank you Lord for saftey, grace and You mercy for all the people affected by the hurricane /tropical storm. Amen and Amen. Great BLESSINGS to you, your loved ones and neighbors. Interceding in Kansas

  9. Thank you all for being here.I feel apart of God's family in a closer way even though I can't seem to comment with my name. We had to but my mom in law in a home and it is really killing us. She has alzheimer and when she doesn't seem to engage it makes us incredibly sad. But when she knows us and asks when she can come home it rips or hearts out. We have cared for her 24/7 for the last 2 and a half years and in our home the last year and a half. She has been a been loving mom and raised my sister in laws children after her death it just got so hard to care for and watch her downward spiral. We felt sad and angry all the time not angry at mom but at the situation. Maybe even a little bit at God for allowing it. Still so sad and it has been almost 3 weeks since we took her to the home. It is a memory care unit that alot of our family,friends and church family have used that is close to our home. But we still feel awful. Please pay that mom will will happy in her new home. Pray for or family to be happy again. We found a support group 2 months ago but they only meet Once a month.

    1. To Unknown: I will be praying with you as well! WE too had the horrible decision of putting my mother in law in a memory care facility back in 2011, and I must admit I never saw my husband as sad as the look in his eyes when his mother remembered him and asked him if he was coming to take her home? But what he would do is tell her, Yes mama, get ready I am going to pull the car around, and minutes later she wouldn't remember she wanted to leave. It has been a difficult journey but she has settled in. Please be encouraged today and know that it will get better! What helped us was to know that we did all we could and then GOD did what we couldn't. Every now and then she will get a spark in her eye and say I love you too, and even if she doesn't know who we are, that makes our day! God will give you everything you and your family needs to get through this, and know that in time, Peace will consume your hearts and you can live your normal and your family will be happy again! GOD BLESS YOU!

    2. Thank you God's daughter. I just saw your post and even though mom passed Aug 19, 2019 it helped me so much. We have had alot to handle since she passed with legal issues, covid, mom's mom passing and our own depression and mourning it has been a lot. It was such a blessing to know that you were praying. And seeing this post reminds me of how hard it was to take her there and we made it through. These trials will pass and the Lord is with us through them and he also sends blessings like you. Thank you, Jan in TX

    3. Jan I will be praying for you as well and I understand some of your situation. Had to put my beautiful dad in memory care He too has passed. We are still in legal knots caused by lawyers and yes Covid too. But God has a plan even thru dementia! My dad did not know my name but He did know I was someone who loved Him and we both communicated through that kiss on the lips we exchanged freely. No words but love translated thru it. I have never loved Him more deeply than at that time. I do still lament about having to do what we had to do and not being able to keep Him home...but it was what it was. I am greatful he passed away before covid. God bless you for showing great love regardless of circumstances your husband as well.

    4. Dear unknown to us and known to God,
      Fast forward to 2023, change the relationship from mother to brother, and your story Is My Rescue Story.
      Did you get to dance lightfooted?
      Would you share your sparkling surprises with a fellow sojourner who is Going There. Doing that. Thank You Jesus from Whom ALL Blessings flow.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    5. Heavenly Father, thank you, for today I am surrendering my life to you🙏🏻thank you for loving me long enough to realize how much I need You. How good You are. Thank you for not leaving my side.

  10. Lots of special prayer requests today. I want you all to know I will be praying for all of you whether you are going through something difficult or not. This is truly a special group of people. Everyone have a blessed day.

  11. Thanks to everyone here for the encouragement I have received.

  12. Thank You Jesus. You speak right to my heart Lord. I will follow You Lord. I know You have me and You will be with me always and forever. Help me to always keep my eyes on You Lord. You are my everything Lord. You are the most high. There is no one above You Lord. Please bless me and keep me close in Your heart Lord. Thank You for everyone that You place in my life along the way Lord. I know that You have great things prepared for me Lord.
    Thank You for all You do in my life Lord. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    1. Amen! Beautiful prayer ♡

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen dear Janet! My twin sister's name is Janet and she is my Sister in Christ too! We are blessed to have each other for support and encouragement, as we have in our JC Family. May God guide you to realize your deepest dreams. He is preparing wonderful things in your life. Take it day by day and hold onto His Unchanging Hand. He knows how you feel and what you need to accomplish. Praise and gratitude always. Love and peace to you, Sister!

    3. Thank you Jeanne. It's kinda funny, but my sister's middle name is Jeanne. The Lord is so amazing and every day is a blessed day in the Lord. Thank you for your uplifting words. You are very blessed in the Lord.

    4. Amen Janet! The Lord is so amazing all the time, and we are blessed with another day every new morning with all new possibilities. Your words lift my heart too dear sister. Thank you.

  13. I want to share something with you that my sister told me yesterday. It put such joy in my heart and needs to be shared with others.
    This happened over 40 years ago. A husband and wife were having problems and he left her while she had 2 young children. She was totally dependent on him financially. She explained to the landlord and was told that somehow it would be okay. She had been faithful to the Lord. There was a knock on her door and someone needed help so she let them move in and she moved her kids in her room with her so she could pay the rent. She continued to help others this way for about 3 months. She never got any other bills during that time and they never ran out of food and she didn't know where it was coming from at the time. Then they were working out their problems so she flew on a plane for the first time down to New Mexico to meet up with her husband. They had purchased a new vehicle there that they were driving back home in and then were going to sell. Her husband was the only one who drove. She has never had a license. He fell asleep a couple of different times during the trip but every time he woke up the car was like it was driving itself. They drove straight through without stopping to rest. 53 hours later they arrived at the mechanic's place who was buying the car. They told him that they just drove it from New Mexico to there. He looked the car over and said that they couldn't have driven it because the brakes were never put on the car. The husband had to look for himself and sure enough there were no brakes at all on the car. If the Lord didn't fly them there with the wings of an angel, I don't know what else could. Thank You Jesus. You are so amazing. God bless everyone here. Thank you for being a great part of this site and helping others. I hope this gives everyone joy like it did for me when I heard it.

    1. Wow what a beautiful testimony! Thank you for sharing Janet! Praise the Lord for He is wonderful!!!!

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen Janet! We are oveecomers by our testimonies!!! Thanks for sharing! God bless!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Wow! God is amazing and we meet up with Him everywhere! Thanks for sharing and giving us all joy! KS

    4. Wow! Thank you for sharing, Janet. This is a great testimony!

    5. God is the Miracle Maker! Halleluia! What an amazing story and testimony! Thanks for sharing the joy!

    6. God bless you Janet and Thank you so much for sharing this testimony! Our God is Sooo amazing and good! Loving prayers for our JC family and for each of our families! Love this family!

  14. Good morning everyone!

    Thank you Lord for another blessed day. Today is Bastille Day here in France. Celebrations won't be like they were before thought there might be a few ones in some areas of the country but I pray that people will be safe and keep social distancing.

    Praying for militaries and their loved ones. Protect them Lord, draw them close to You where they can find comfort and peace that only You can give. Also praying for the ones who are grieving.
    May we never forget the ones fighting for our freedom, willing to give their life to protect their nation.
    I'm so thankful to live in this beautiful country. I know there is a lot of problems that people are frustrated about. Most of them don't know You Lord. They only live with their earthly perspective, not knowing about you, about your grace, Your salvation. There are so many hardened hearts and it saddens me. Lord I pray you work in them and draw them close to you, in Your Presence.
    Praying for you all JC fam!
    In Jesus Name, Amen

    Blessings to all, from France

    1. Our dear friend from France, God bless you too as you pray for and lift others up! Joining you in prayer for all! God bless beautiful France and keep all safe, in Jesus name!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. I was thinking about today being the celebration of independence for France. I wondered how the French celebrate their national holiday and you provided a glimpse to the celebration. As it was here in America this year, a bit diminished because of the pandemic, yet the heart of the matter remains the central point, celebrating the hard fought efforts to give independence to the people and to dedicate ourselves to the same. So however you go about celebrating this day, mon ami de France, may you be blessed and may God bless France. Also, keep your heart in the place it is, caring about the knowledge and love of the Lord to be in all people. May they see what they need in and through you...and they are. God be with you.

    3. Thank you so much for your prayers Maplewood and Bob!

      You're right Bob, celebration might be diminished but the most important is our grateful heart, as well as our prayers for the nations.

      I've watched the military parade on TV with my family as we do every year. This year there was also a celebration for the doctors, nurses, and caregivers.
      God bless them.

      Blessings from France xx

    4. What a blessing to read all about this, 'Blessings from France!' I did a quick web search to refresh my memory. Have you ever seen the movie 'The Hundred-foot Journey?' It didn't get rave reviews but it is one of my favorites.
      Repeating others - God Bless you and God Bless France. It is sweet that they celebrated the doctors, nurses and caregivers, as well. Made me think again of MadFox's daughter. So much to be thankful for - so many selflessly giving.

    5. Happy Bastille Day, our friend from France!

    6. Amen and Amen! Praying for the safety of the people in France, May they celebrate with joy but make wise decisions to stay healthy and blessed. As always God bless all those who are serving in any capacity even those in the supermarkets and businesses. God bless the little guys who must risk their lives to take care of their loved ones. Hedge of protection around them. Enjoy the celebration, Blessings from France! Stay well and stay safe. Always in my prayers.

    7. Thank you sisters! ♡

      Norah - No I haven't seen that movie. I don't think I've ever heard of it but it's good to know it's ones your favorites! I will think about you if I watch it someday :)

      Jeanne - Thank you for your beautiful prayer. You and all of this JC family are always in my prayers too.

      Blessings from France

    8. Amen. Bless you and your country. Thank You Jesus for bringing people together from all over the world, especially during this pandemic. I pray that more people will be brought together united over You Lord. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    9. Still so true dear Blessings from France. Thank You for your timeless encouragement. We are so blessed to know that we belong to the Lord. I don't know how unbelievers can get through their days. Whatever crosses our path will not shake us because we know we can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us. We are more than Conquerors in Him and we can rest assured that He Who lives in us is so much greater than he that is in this world. Be not afraid!

  15. My heart's desire - His Presence, love, guidance and protection.
    Psalm 27:4 One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple.(ESV)

    1. Amen Sassy Mom! I join you in asking for that 'ONE' thing!!!
      God bless You!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. That is one of my favorite verses! Of course I have many!Thank Sassy Mom. Just what I needed today! Rest that toe, Sweetheart.

    3. Still loving your beautiful post, dear Sassy Mom. Thanks my good sister. God knows how you feel! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for comfort and guidance.

  16. Loving Heavenly Father, Thank You for this day, a day that I am reminded to walk with You. May my walk with You cause me to enter the dimension where You unfold the secrets of Your Kingdom. I know You are looking for humility, faithfulness, and loyalty. My goal (though I will fall at times), is to walk in an unbroken communion with You through the help of Your Holy spirit. in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    When we walk with the Lord, the prevailing power of enmity in our heart is taken away by the blessed Spirit of God. Secondly, it causes us to reconcile to God the Father and gives us an abiding communion and fellowship with Him. To maintain our walk with God, we have to stay in the Word (open the pages and read), have personal and private prayer with Him, meditate on His Word, know His providence, seek the guidance of the Spirit, walk in obedience and have Godly associates. When we do this, we can sing this song along with the angels:

    When we walk with the Lord
    in the light of His word,
    what a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will,
    He abides with us still,
    and with all who will trust and obey.

    Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey…….

    Dear Lord, May our zeal for You capture us,ignite us with a great passion to walk with You and be like Enoch who had this growing relationship with You and loved You with such a pure and sweet passion.“And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him” (Genesis 5:22–24). Thank You for designing us to have an intimate relationship with You that is walked through the course of our everyday lives. In Jesus’name we pray. Amen.

    The psalmist wrote:“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way”(Ps. 37:23).

    Let’s walk with Him and stay Blessed!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen! I loved the song lyrics and I shared them with my Bible group and Mom and Sister. They made me very happy. Printed them out to paste on my kitchen wall. You sure do make me happy every day. I will walk with Him today and be blessed.
      Love you, dear Maplewood.

    2. Thank you for sharing that post. Amen. Very beautiful and uplifting.

    3. Your posts never fail to lift and encourage me. I still have many of them pasted on my kitchen wall. You feed many people with your God ordained words. You are a well of God's blessings.

    4. Trust and Obey link 🎶♥️

  17. A big CONGRATULATIONS to you Suzanne R. Praise God for a new life and thanks for both mom and baby!

    Norah, God loves your beautiful daughter just as she is and so do you and your hubby. Don’t gave up praying for her mental and emotional state. Sometimes the battles we struggle with can become so overwhelming, but God knows the struggles before they happen and He stands ready to fight with us and deliver us. I understand her desire to become a wife and mother, but I’m alao learning every day to turn my desires over to God for His will to be done. Because when asking for husband and children, we are not just asking to be part of the norm, we are asking for a real man after God’s heart, one to love the way Christ instructs him to love his wife! The same with children! I am in prayers with you and our JC family for her! NOTHING is impossible with God! Let His will be done!

    ABC, what a heartfelt beautiful short prayer yesterday! Loved “Help me to see I am perfect in your eyes”! And like Janet prayed, nothing else matters. God bless you!

    Fern, in continued prayer for Dan and your hubby. He’s a faithful God!

    Jeanne, praying your dental appointment goes well tomorrow and yes, keep on smiling girl! God loves you even with the space and so do we! God bless!

    Sassy Mon- Rejoicing for Sandi’s successful treatment! God who started it, will complete it! Keeping you in prayers as well, our Honorable Mama!

    We are indeed a work in progress bd twin! Being aware and allowing God to work in and through us is the ‘Key’. Blessings to you my twin!

    Rose, thank you for the wonderful prayer yesterday! Remain blessed.

    Brilamar, we miss you, hurry back (LOL)!

    All the insights and requests are heartfelt. In continued prayer with you all! Stay blessed.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Ditto on all counts, Maplewood. :-)

    2. Thank you, Maplewood! You make my heart sing! We are with you re: our daughter. And she seems peaceful and content. She is making her new apartment her home and enjoying her new job. Blessing to you and again, thank you.

    3. Maplewood, You sure do make my heart sing! Thanks for the prayers for me tomorrow. You made me smile. Joining in yours too along with my JC Family. Norah, I'm so glad your daughter seems content and peaceful. Glad she is moving a head and preparing her new home and doing well in her job. All things will come together because God is in the Center. God bless you all. Have a wonderful and happy day.

    4. Thanks for reminding me that God is always working on me and I am indeed a work in progress. How blessed that He continuously molds me.
      Father, Make me a better person without judgment and pride. Let my focus always be on YOU. Let me be fruitful and lead others to you. Let me give you glory with everything I do, say and think. Let me shine your light wherever there is darkness. Let me bring peace to anxious and hardened hearts. Let them see Your love through me. Thank You Jesus!

  18. Today's devotional is a comfort to me. Every morning after I awake, I grab my coffee and sit with the Lord and listen. I listen to myself as well as Him but my desire is sharing that time and myself with Him.

    This morning my thoughts to Him were that I long for my fulfillment to come from Him alone (God alone suffices) and do not want to get wrapped up in the happenings of life and in essence be tossed to and fro with the waves of life's circumstances. And as today's devotional says He could grant me that desire instantaneously but more often than not He changes us and does His work in us little by little. I am thankful and amazed at what He has done in me in 3 years.

    As some of you will recall, I experienced a separation from the woman I love 2 years ago. And 2 months after that separation I was flooded with an awareness "she belongs here". At that moment the Lord said to me, "don't hurry my work. I AM doing a perfect work." Those words were both comforting and troubling because the time of separation from something God had joined together was very difficult. But also it has been very fruitful. As you know, we grow and change the most through our difficulties.

    Well yesterday, 2years later, I received a phone call from The Woman I Love and she did not move across the country. She is close by and wants to get together and talk. She said she has been stupid but I disagree. Maybe just a bit foolish. lol She is meeting me at church on Sunday and then we are spending the day together to talk.

    Obviously this is an exciting time and there is much to talk about. I also strongly feel that there is no need to try to hurry any conversations but to just simply let them unfold.

    I thank you for all your prayers for me and get overwhelmed thinking that I am a part of God's "perfect work". And also that "All I require of you is to take the next step, clinging to My hand."

    1. Keith - that is wonderful news to hear. God is guiding you to your shining light! Praying for your reunion. KS

    2. Blessings to you, Ken. A good way to start the day and rekindle your relationship.

    3. Thank you Keith for sharing your blessing and journey with us. Praise God from whom all blessing flow. You stayed the course and you seem to be good at discerning God's messages to you. I'll be praying for you and for her. I truly admire your faith! And I wish you all the best and a complete repair in your relationship.

    4. That is such a good news Keith! I'm happy for you and I wish you the best in your relationship! Trusting God's timing is so important and fruitful!

      Blessings from France

    5. Thank you for sharing your great news, Keith! Wishing you the best! Praying!

    6. That is awesome, Keith! I'll keep you and the woman you love, in my prayers!

    7. Keith~ I remember you sharing this two years ago and I remember how heartbroken your words sounded through this blog. Praise God for His works because He is in charge. So glad you both get to reunite and say things to each other that were left unsaid. I pray that God will give you the words that He wants you to convey. Please keep us posted!

    8. Keith--- Oh, Keith, how faithful the Lord is to you! He is doing a "work" in your life. I am beyond thrilled to hear your uplifted spirit. I will continue prayers over the Lord's great plan for your life. Great Blessings and the Lord's favor over you!

    9. Keith! You have been in my prayers and I am so thrilled to hear of God's faithfulness in your life. So happy you will be with the Woman you Love very shortly. May the Spirit give you all the beautiful words to resolve your problems and bring you back together with her. God knows your needs and dreams and He is holding your reins now. Rest in Him and look forward to joy and fulfillment.

    10. Keith. Wow, is the simplest response. My prayer is that she is sincere and honest in her discussion but most importantly, my prayer is for you to be given clarity and true discernment about whether she is changed or simply in a place that has intentions that are not helpful to you or the potential relationship you want to build moving forward. It could be that God is restoring her or showing you in today's changed world that she is not the person of your future.

      Either way, Father make it clear to Keith what is transpiring and help him to make wise decisions about his future with this lady (or not). Praying for Keith to see the path forward while holding your hand through any rough or steep paths ahead. Amen.

    11. Keith - Joining Madfox in prayer for wisdom and discernment concerning your future.

    12. Adding my prayers to the rest. God be with you, Keith, and may God be glorified. I know what you would want, I know what I would wish for you. May God's will be done!

    13. May the Lord guide you along the path that He prepared for you. God bless you.

    14. Thank you all. May you be blessed as I am.

      Yes Jerry, embrace it all or as God told me, "embrace the pain" when I was hurting. Pain is a tool used by the potter for our transformation. "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."

      In the end, it is all love. God is good no matter what.

    15. Dear Keith, Trusting God is working to bring you to all He has prepared for you. Always praying He leads you to the desires of your heart. Remember He knows your heart intimately so His plan for you is the right one.

    16. Dear Keith and JC Family, I say a little prayer for you ♥️🎶

    17. I sure do remember that good old song dear Audra.
      Praying for you and Marc and Paul. God bless and heal you all.

    18. Thank you Jeanne. God is great and answering prayers with clarity and peace every day. He never gives us more than we can handle and these past two weeks have sent me to my knees on many occasions. Sometimes the challenges just keep coming and we wonder how where and when to find the light. Prayer. Word. Worship. The lights on my path, thank you Jesus!

    19. Amen to that my sister! When the going gets rough, we turn to Jesus, and prayers from a sincere heart are very powerful. He hears every one!

  19. JC Family, your prayers are mine. I sincerely thank everyone for the blessings I receive when you share your blessings, victories, prayers, and challenges. I love my JC Family!

    1. Love you dear Sassy Mom! I feel the same way about our dear JC Family.

  20. Good Morning JC family. I read each day and all the comments and prayers help me each day. I don't comment much, but can relate to so many of the needs and wants. Today I come asking for prayers for my hubby, Jim. He had surgery in April to remove a cyst from his spine and just finished the rehab for that and he is pain free from that, praise God. Early last Thursday morning he tripped and fell and broke 1 rib and bruised another. He's in such pain again and I'm praying that God will heal his rib and take the pain. JE

    1. Lord God, I bring before you JE's husband and JE's love for him, that agonizes over the misery he is in. Bring comfort to him through healing and wholeness returning to his body. You have blessed him with the same in the past, we seek the same today. And be with JE as she is a part of that comforting process you are working on his behalf. Amen

    2. Joining in prayers for you and your husband JE. Declaring healing, strength, peace and comfort to him. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

      Blessings from France

    3. Unknown JE: Joining Warriors in prayers for JE and your husband's healing. Bless him with pain free healing.

    4. Praying with all the Saints here for you and Jim, JE. I look forward to celebrating that victory with you both!

    5. Dear JE, Praying for your dear Husband. So sad that after finally recovering from his surgery, he fell to injure himself. God is still by his side. He must be in so much pain with a cracked rib. I know it will take a long time to heal. May God give him comfort and patience, and most of all, relief from his pain. Praying for you too as you care for him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. He is the greatest Healer. Trust in Him, be patient and do your best. Sending a hug.

    6. Dear JE, Praying your husband's numbers are good and he is feeling much better.

  21. (II Timothy 2:10) Paul embraces the love of God experienced through Jesus Christ to the degree that he is willing to put up with anything that should come as a result of his love for God which in the present is imprisonment. But he carries on willing to endure everything. But to endure, it sure helps to have a reason behind the effort. '...for the sake of the elect, so that they may also obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.' Paul realizes his endurance of his present situation is a witness itself to the saving grace of God toward him and toward all. Therefore, he will endure so people who knows of his situation may see how grace works itself out even in trying times.

    Back in March, as this pandemic was gaining full steam, one of our beloved sisters posted that others were watching her to see how she would handle the circumstances of the pandemic. Almost sounds like Paul in his letter to Timothy. Yes, how we handle difficult circumstances is itself a witness to the love of God and can lead others to seek the same salvation that we have found in Jesus Christ. So let us all endure well these trying times so others may know the hope we have in God. Let people hear from us words of encouragement in situations people are becoming discouraged. Let people find in us the Light which they are so desperately seeking in the darkness of the present time. Let us endure well with God's help so those around us 'may obtain salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.' God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob! May we let God's light shine through us to spread the love wherever we are and whatever trial we face.

      Blessings from France!

    2. Amen, Amen and Amen, Bob! Wonderful food today. Let us keep walking boldly forward without fear (with masks). Let others see the joy and peace we still have in these difficult times!! Let them see our hope and light, and how grace and the Spirit is working through us. Our hope is in the Lord and our help cometh from Him. Got my little size 6 1/2 feet firmly planted on the Rock that never crumbles. God bless you, Bob and thanks for filling me up today.

    3. Praying all is going well with you dear Bob. I am sure you are busy doing the Lord's work. Stay blessed. May God bless and heal your family in all ways.

  22. Offering up all prayers requested for healing, in Jesus's name! He makes all things new, and for good. Ken, your reconciliation is blessed, no matter the outcome. Thank you Father, we know that you are good, your timing is perfect, and your love is strong. Hold me in your loving arms as I follow the path you lead me on today. I welcome your sparkling surprises and fruits of our co-laboring. Thank you so much. Bless you,JCfamily this and every day!

  23. Keith, God is in the restoration.business, as you know. Time is often a key ingredient in the process. My wife (and high school sweetheart) and I married when we were 21 years old, divorced after11 years, and after 17 more years God restored our marriage - that was 24 years ago. We have learned that we must embrace it all - both the good and bad. We have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. God is GRACEFUL and GOOD. Praying for you as you walk in His love.

  24. I am thankful for the time I have had this morning to commune with my Lord and this lovely family of God. Bob, what a wonderful lesson in being the light for others. Our actions do matter and our REactions, sometimes, even more.
    Enjoy this God-filled day, JC Family. I'm praying right along with each of you and thanking you for your prayers, as well.

  25. Norah... sweet Norah, thanks for your prayers regarding my favorite RN. Praying for all here. Godspeed.

    1. Thinking of you dear MadFox and praying for your strength and God's continued faithfulness. God bless your daughter and your family in all things.

  26. For many years, JC has been a daily encouragement for me. I have just recently stumbled into this page (bible tags) and have been blessed reading the comments and prayers which I share with my kids.Thank you for this lovely group of prayerful followers. God bless everyone and stay safe.

  27. To all prayer warriors I could use your prayers right now. My sister is in treatment for substance and mental health and she is having a rough time due to some other clients there. I'm asking for peace of mind for her and for exceeding favor with the staff. She feels like no one is listening to her or taking her Seriously. She seems very committed to the program and she has been there and clean for over 30 days. Recently a girl was brought in and they let her bring her dog in (large bermese dog) and my sister is having some allergy issues and an issue with the dog riding in the 11 passenger van with 10 girls in there and this dog (which she says smells). I personally love dogs but this is an issue for my sister. I want her to stay in treatment and I am at the center to speak with staff. I'm praying God steps in and moves on the hearts of the staff as we discuss. Any prayers Are very welcome!

    1. Praying as you requested, Angela. Keep us posted. God be with you.

    2. Thank you for your prayer request. May His favor prosper you and your sister.

    3. Praying for you Angela and your sister. Hopeful that the outcome of your meeting was good. JE

    4. Angela, Praying for your dear Sister. She has been faithful to the program and to have this dog aggravate her allergies and take away her peace of mind is such a shame. Praying that this problem will be resolved with God's help and that He will heal her weaknesses and take away her addiction. May He strengthen her faith, restore her peace of mind, improve her mental state, and lead her to finishing her treatment and finding fulfillment.

    5. Continuing to pray for your sister that God is healing all of her weaknesses. May God bless you too, dear Angela, in all things. Thank You Jesus!

  28. Angela - Joining Warriors in comforting and healing prayers for you, your sister and the staff treating her.

  29. Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with My victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10). God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26). "Don't be sad, because the joy of the Lord will make you strong." (Nehemiah 8:10). Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful! (Philippians 4:4). Humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time He will lift you up in honor. (1 Peter 5:6).

    Father, thank You for the gift of hope that is alive in me. Because of You, I see things differently and I am a better person for it. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord. You deserve all my praise and worship. You deserve so much more than I can ever give You. You are so wonderful and amazing. No one compares to You. Continue to direct my steps along the path You have prepared for me and let me always feel Your presence with me. You are my everything. I can't do anything apart from You. I need and want You in my life. I am so grateful, honored, and blessed to be Your child. Bless You Lord!

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13). Hope will never bring us shame. That's because God's love has poured into our hearts. This happened through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 5:5).

    1. Such a beautiful and heartfelt prayer sweet Janet! Amen and Amen!

  30. "All I require of you is to take the next step, clinging to My hand for strength and direction." The path the Father wants us (His children) to follow is righteousness, truth, and love... most importantly, love. We have free will to choose any path in a career, in relationships, and in our faith.

    In hindsight, the rugged path of faith is when I'm NOT in His word, or NOT acting like our Savior, when I'm NOT exhibiting love for all. This is when, we must recognize the prompting of the Spirit within is God saying hold my hand and I will walk you through these trials this minute, this next hour, or through the entire day. Thank you Father for your unending love for me. May today, I keep a firm grip on Your hand. Amen.

    1. May God carry you through this next trial and hold your hand tightly, and guide you safely through. Be strong dear brother. You are never alone and always deeply loved and cared for.
      Thank you Father for strengthening our dear brother as he continues to go through his trials. We believe you are guiding his treatment right down to the smallest detail. Hold him tight in your love and comfort him through it all. Thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

  31. Happy Bastille day Blessings from France!
    Praying for all of us to keep our fingers laced in our gracious Father’s hand. ❤️

    1. Amen and thank you GraceTakesTime !
      Praying for you all my dear JC family, God knows your needs and your specific requests and He will provide. Great is his faithfulness! Love you brothers and sisters ♥

      Blessings from France

    2. 34 years ago today, I was on a mission trip to do work in a seminary in France outside of Paris. There, I worked alongside with and got to know a guy from my home church. He later became my husband. The Lord uniquely brought us together in another country.

      We have no idea where the Lord is leading us and what He has in store for us from moment to moment. But if we allow Him to be our tour guide each day, each hour, and each minute, He will lead us to blessings we can't even fathom. Thank you Jesus!

    3. Amen dear GraceTakesTime, Hold onto that Unchanging Hand that never leaves us. Praying for your health and protection for your daughter who is teaching, and for your hubby's health. Much love!
      Dear Blessings from France, Praying for you always dear sister! Thanks for your prayers. Amen He promises that all our needs will be provided. In Him we are always made complete. Sometimes it may take awhile for our prayers to be answered but we rest assured that His timing and His way of answering them is perfect.

  32. So good to "see" you, MadFox! Hope this finds you feeling well! Question. When you've been in the pits of despair, did you feel God was with you or did you feel alone? Experiencing a trial/valley that came out of the blue Sunday through Monday regarding my entire extended family. I have prayed, literally cried out, listen to praise music, recite scripture but that feeling of despair, while it has lessened since last night, is still there. If you had those times, MF, how did you navigate through them and did you always feel God's presence with you? Your journey has been inspirational not only to me but to all of our JC family. I'd welcome and appreciate any advice you might have. Again, so great to see your name on the loop! Be well and blessings to you and your family!

  33. Dear NJS,
    Praying for you and your family in this valley time. Even though you may feel like the floor just caved in, underneath is our Cornerstone that never crumbles. The Lord is by your side. He knows your pain and that you are in a bit of a wilderness. He will light it as only He can. Sending a big hug to you.
    Amen! MadFox! Your strength of faith throughout this challenging trial and journey is such an inspiration to me. Stay strong my brother. You are in mighty and able Hands. Much love.

    1. That's exactly how I'm feeling, Jeanne. Why does God seem so far away or even not there? And yet, my Christian mindset knows better. Awful and overwhelming feeling. Thank you for the reassurance that He IS there. I feel and welcome your hug, Jeanne. Can't thank you enough for your encouraging and loving words. Bless you, dear sister, in Jesus' name, amen.

  34. Today's Devotion read into my heart so deeply, it brought tears into my eyes. I am doing my utmost for His Highest just to Keep walking with You, Lord. Mountain's height and the arduous journey is wearing me down. Yes, I am weak, yet remain praying everyday for your strength for me, my brother Keith and this JC Family. I no longer want to dance lightfooted on the high peaks. It's all I can do to put one foot in front the other, plodding along through the heavy thick mud, grasping, squeezing and clinging to Your Hand for strength and direction. The path is too difficult and the scenery too dull at this current moment, to focus on or even desire surprises. Please help me discern and then stay on the path You select each day. It is truly my only path of Life. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Praying specifically for you Brie, as you cling to Him, He's got you! You're in the hollow of His hand, and underneath are the Everlasting Arms. It's a lighter load when we share it with Him. Numbers 6: 24-25
      "The Lord bless you and keep you;
      25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
      And be gracious to you;
      26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
      And give you peace.”

    2. Sounds like we are on the same path Brie, as I’m sure many others are. I’m holding on, walking blindly sometimes, trying to remember to be still, to cease striving, and to trust my Heavenly Father who has always showed up. Even though the current path may be scary, dark, confusing and difficult, I trust that it will lead to exactly where we need to be, where we may be bright to those green pastures, lying beside still waters, high above the dark valleys. Be blessed this day family🙏

  35. God bless you, Brie, and your brother. Never let go of His hand. 🙏♥️🙏♥️

  36. Thank You Father for strengthening our beloved Brie. She is on a difficult journey helping her dear brother. Hold her up and guide her on her path. Shine your light in her wilderness and heal her brother and destroy every bad cell and replace it with healthy tissue. You can do anything and we trust You in all things. Please smooth out all the rough spots in this transition period for Brie, her DH, Keith and Al. Give them healing, rest, comfort and joy. Let them see Your faithfulness in their lives. Thank You for all this and for your blessings and protection in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, from Whom all Blessings come.

  37. Holding tightly to His Unchanging Hand for strength and direction in my life. I'm feeling very weary but I know He will find rest for me as He always does. He is such a faithful God. Holding you all in my prayers. Let us continue to pray for each other to the Lover of our Souls and the Keeper of our Hearts.

    1 Thessalonians 5:10-11 “He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

    Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”

    Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

  38. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Philippians 4:13. For you to walk in today dear Jeanne. Grab hold of His hand as He leads you by Stillwater's, drink of His strength. He is your mighty fortress! Hallelujah! 🙏💞

    1. Amen sweet sister! Thank you! Where He leads, I will follow. He is my refreshment and peace. He will provide the rest I need, and strengthen me in body, mind and spirit. Hallelujah

  39. Sharing from my David Jeremiah devotional.

    JULY 14

    "My dear Father,

    I feel by myself today, alone,
    and homesick for loved ones.

    I don’t have a hand to hold right now or a
    friend with whom to share the moments.

    But You are here, and You have promised
    to never leave me or forsake me,
    so I ask for specific help
    in my time of need.

    Lord, keep me from self-pity, for lonely
    hearts aren’t helped by feeling sorry
    for themselves.

    Keep me from depression, which is
    counterproductive and self-defeating.

    Keep me from bitterness, because bitter
    hearts seldom reach out in love.

    Lord, give me a positive spirit, a sense of
    Your Spirit.

    May I walk in the light as You are in
    the light.

    Lord, so many others are lonely right now—
    children, teens, the sick, the elderly.

    May I forget any loneliness I feel
    as I seek to relieve theirs.

    Show me some little step I can take this
    very day to be a blessing to someone
    near or far.

    I pray in the Name of Him
    who sticks closer than a brother.


    GOD is in control and you just can’t beat that. RDS

    1. God Bless you, Sassy Mom as you walk this journey, not alone but with so many, spiritually, by your side and with our Lord holding your hand. You are such a strong woman of God and I know that you are constantly in His light and constantly working your mind to be strong. I hope you curl up in His arms and receive His warmth. Praying, praying for you and yours.

    2. Amen Norah, We love our dear Sassy Mom!! Continuing to pray for her and you. We know that God is holding our beloved sister tight in her sorrow. She continues to feed us in her time of sadness. Such a beautiful prayer, I saved it.

    3. My Beloved Sassy Mom --- Oh, how I love when you share. You are SUCH A WARRIOR for the Great I AM!!! I see my Papa God, holding you in the palm of His hand. The same hand He used to pour the water into the oceans. You have received His GOODNESS over every square inch of you. You contine to Praise Him, even in the midst of great heartache. Now, I call that a True Warrior!!! No weapon formed against you will prosper, and it will be said of you, " She IS MORE THAN A CONQUEROR through Jesus Christ"!!! Oh, Great praise to You Papa God, for bringing Sassy Mom into our lives. And I thank You Greatly for Blessing her with Your Goodness and I Plead the Blood of Jesus over her!! I ask it ALL in the Mighty Name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

  40. The author also had Isaiah 40:31 included in the additional reading. Is there a reason you chose to omit it?
    Isaiah 40:31 ESV
    “but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

    1. One of my favorite verses. It has encouraged my heart and sustained me through many valley times. Thanks for sharing it.

  41. Psalm 16:11 is our memory verse at the moment. <3 I've been rushing trying to get things done lately, likely due to procrastination at first. While focusing on the future expectations, I was rushing through the present and stressing myself out. Thank God the Holy Spirit got a hold of me and reminded me that "in His presence is fullness of joy." I realized that His presence for us is in this present moment, the Great I Am. He is in every moment. And we can only exist in the present moment, no matter how much our minds try to solve future problems. To slow down and acknowledge Him is to come back to our source of strength, joy, healing, safety, provision, love, you name it. In His presence, there is no shortage of joy. Thank You Father.

  42. Beautiful truth dear Free as can be! Well spoken! Amen, we must stay in His presence in the present where He meets us. Thanks 😊💗🙏

  43. Staying in His Presence amidst the flurry of wedding activities and meeting family and friends. I'm calling upon the Holy Spirit to continue to keep me focused on Him. It works!
    God bless you JC family!

    1. Audra - Praying His presence surrounds you and your loved ones with love, joy, peace, and guidance amidst the flurry of wedding activities.

    2. Yes, Audra! You are surrounded by all that Sassy Mom mentions and as always, in our prayers.

    3. Oops - that was me, Audra. Didn't realize I hadn't signed in. :)

    4. Continuing to pray that God will take care of every Wedding detail and smooth out any wrinkles and surround you, the happy couple, and your family with so much love and joy that your hearts will be overflowing. May He also strengthen their faith and open their eyes to seek Him. Praying you are feeling good and strong as His Spirit works within you. The best is yet to come. Sending love!

  44. Today I received this message of thankfulness from my friend Sandi in Texas. Please add her husband Paul to our prayers. He has been diagnosed with prostrate cancer.
    "I am so thankful for Prayer Warrior prayers! I know prayers help!"
    Additional comments from Sandi.

    "I have a LOT of fluid build up in my peritoneal area, so I get it drained out tomorrow. I didn't know what all that bloating was caused from. This is a new and icky thing. Then Sat. I had the new chemo. It can cause permanent hair loss in about 1% of people. I hope that doesn't happen! Sigh - all of a sudden things are one thing after another, after another."

    1. Please know that I will be holding Sandi and her husband in my prayers, Sassy Mom. May she not be one of the 1%, but I'd rather her wear a wig and be here, than the alternative.

    2. Praying with dear Norah that Sandi and her husband will receive God’s healing. May He destroy every cancer cell and replace it with healthy tissue, and strengthen all of their weaknesses and bring them peace. Thank You Jesus.

  45. My dear beloved Prayer Warriors. Thank you for the many uplifting encouraging prayers. I'm having a difficult time accepting the unexpected death of my Debbi. I feel like It's a nightmare I can't wake up from. If I could only wake up from this nightmare. I covet your prayers.

    1. My Beloved Sassy Mom --- I just keep hearing the Holy Spirit say, "No weapon formed against you will prosper!" I just contine to lift you up to the Throne of Grace and STAND ON that scripture for you. I am asking the Prince of Peace and God as our comforter to comfort you. I loose the spirit of grief OFF of you and I bind to you the Love of God, the Life of God and the Goodness of God. This spirit of grief will not keep you captive. I believe my Beloved Sassy Mom, you will rise above stronger now, than any time in your life. My Papa God has a plan for you. He says, " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " I Pray and Believe in Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. JJ - I receive your anointed prayers. Loving you as you love me.

    3. Amen to JJ’s powerful prayer for you dear Sassy Mom. God is preparing a bright future for you. He has your Debbi with Him and she is taken care of. He wants you to hold His Hand and know that He understands your grief and pain. He cares for you and will always be there to lift you when you fall. Depend on His love and strength now..He knows how much you need Him. Joining all prayers for your comfort and guidance. He will wipe away every tear according to His perfect timing. Rest in Him now. Love you.

    4. Sassy Mom, may our heavenly Father place His loving arms around you and heal your broken heart. May His unfailing, perfect love fill your soul with His peace and comfort. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Peace be with you!

  46. I have played the song you posted, Sassy Mom (the Only Scars in Heaven) several times since you sent it and it squeezes my heart every time. I am sure you are having a difficult time. It's bad enough when you've had warning (a long term illness), but this was so unexpected and fast. While I can't personally related, I know God can in that He gave his only begotten son. I feel like my words are of little worth because I am not in your shoes. But, I sure love you and will continue to pray as God helps you through this horrible loss. <3 I love you.

    1. Norah - Your words and love are of great worth. Thank you for loving me. I love all of my beloved precious Prayer Warriors.

  47. We sure do love you sweet sister. It is true we can’t know the pain of your great loss but we care so much for you and your family. Debbi was taken from you suddenly and it is a very heavy burden to bear but the Lord is your strength and His compassion is endless. Lean on Him when you wake up and realize you are still without your Debbi! He wants to hold you close in His love. Rest in Him who cares for you. He is preparing a future for you and for your dear family. He will make a way. He is a faithful and loving Father.

  48. "...clinging to My hand for strength and direction...." such a comfort. Thank you heavenly Father for being with me every step of the way. Help me to continue to always know that you there with me always. I am grateful. Thank you. Amen.

  49. Discernment!
    Thanks for your prayers.
    Amazing Timeless Grace called.
    Miraculously, they may have a "permanent" place for Keith. This door of hope was closed a month ago because of staffing shortage, which is now resolved.
    Holy Spirit resolution is now needed to resolve the money shortage, and a talk with Keith's 2 sons.
    Prayers for a successful outcome, please and thanks!
    In the interim, I pray to take the next step, clinging to His Hand for strength and direction. Though the path appears difficult and the scenery appears dull at the moment, I trust there are more of His sparkling surprises just around the bend. Would you also pray with me to stay on the path He has selected? His is the only truly Path of Life.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Brie for Keith. May our heavenly Father's touch unhinge the way before you. May the path light up brightly with extra sparkling power and May all obstacles be moved out of the way. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless!

    2. Praying with you, dear Brie and Janet! Hold on tight to His Unchanging Hand and trust in His Word and promises. That permanent space is for Keith. Our Way Maker is making a way and your needs will be supplied because we serve a good and faithful God. Thank You Jesus.

      Proverbs 3:5-6
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
      And lean not on your own understanding;
      In all your ways acknowledge Him,
      And He shall direct your paths.

      Philippians 4:19
      And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

    3. How wonderfully awesome for Keith and you, Brie! Answered prayers tenfold! May the funds appear out of the blue much like this "room at the inn" did! God moves mountains...and so I know the funds for Keith WILL happen! I pray the talk with his sons goes well and they are receptive and helpful. In Jesus' name, amen!

    4. Dearest sister in Christ, and as Christ is in you, all is handled in your options for Keith's care. In Jesus' name I pray. ✝️♥️

    5. Precious Brie -- You have my prayers. I speak Jesus, Jesus, Jesus into your circumstances and Plead the Blood of Jesus over you.

  50. So many of us are going through trouble. I am watching a video series by Lou Giglio. Amazing and comforting but very honest. The series is called Passion, but the most helpful video is on hope. If you are not familiar with Pastor Giglio, he is worth checking out. He has also written a book on the 23rd Psalm called Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table. Happy Bastille Day, BFF. Always grateful, Arkansas Gal.

    1. I love the title of that book! Amen! Only the Lord is invited to sit at my table. Only He is our very present Help in times of trouble. He makes our paths straight and smooth and guides us in our wilderness.

    2. AHHA MOMENT FOR ME, Jeanne! It's the dawning of the age of paths. Our devotion beckons us to Stay on the path I have selected for you. It is truly the path of Life.
      You, Jeanne, provided the rest of the story, the why to do it behind the what to do. And the rest of the story is...drumroll please...
      Because ONLY GOD CAN make our paths straight and smooth and guide us in our wilderness.
      WOW! I'm late, but on it furthermore and nevertheless. May I always stay on His Path! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  51. Enjoy Lou Giglio! Grateful that I am able to cling to Jesus' hand for His strength and direction.

  52. 'Keep walking with Me along the path I have chosen for you.'
    Some dreams, particularly those Heaven sent stay with us in glorious technicolour for years. In one dream many years ago I was walking across a grassy plain. Around me people in two's and three's were milling around, some walking slowly across the plain in many directions, criss-crossing each other. On the horizon a low ridge ascending up right to left culminating in a high peak on the far left appeared. I asked of people walking past " What is that", they replied " Why, that is the Mountain of the Lord". No-one else seemed to be walking that way.
    I then found myself at the foot of the slope on a well worn path. Ascending was easy at first, but as time went on, the way became increasingly difficult; especially when the path seemed to disappear on hard rocky surfaces.
    I was looking down at the path and wondered to myself why the path here was so faint when far below it was so clear.
    The Lord Jesus spoke to my thoughts and said, "The path is so faint because so few come this far and walk this way. Keep on the path by following my footsteps." I then adjusted my gaze from my feet to just a little ahead where I saw His bare feet, actually his heels a few paces ahead. He then simply said "Follow Me".

    Micah 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

    Deuteronomy 5:33 "You shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess."

    Psalm 119:105
    Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet, And A Light Unto My Path:

    1. That was good, I normally do not read these but I am glad I read this as sometimes I feel all alone on this walk, but this reminded me I am not alone😊

    2. Thanks dear Peter! I will follow the road less traveled and follow hard after Him. Follow after righteousness and the Spirit instead of the world and the flesh.

  53. Good Morning, JC Family. I always think of our sweet Maplewood: TGIF, and Thank God I'm Forgiven! Peter, your dream was so graphic, I could see our Savior's heels! What a blessing. Brie, I was doing Jan G's Happy Dance for you. That is the very phone call I have been praying you would receive.
    What a full week it has been. God healed our youngest granddaughter and it was reported last night that she is her happy self, tootling around, laughing. We've had Grands here most of the week, along with work, and today I woke up and thought it was Thursday! I will wrap up this week and look forward to a relaxing weekend.
    Each of you are in my prayers as I give thanks over the last few years that we have joined together in prayer and witnessed many miracles, shared grief, but always, we've given thanks knowing our Heavenly Father so loved that He gave His only begotten Son, that we could have life. Prayers of victory for each of us and all of ours. Have a blessed day.
    Let my actions and words glorify You, this day!

    1. Joining hands and jumping waves in prayer with Him, you, Norah, and our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Joining in prayers for you and all our JC Family that God will continue to shine His Faithfulness on us and our dear ones like the sun, and answer our prayers. Amen, Praise Him with a thankful heart and glorify Him in our words, thoughts and deeds.

      Psalms 19:14
      Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.

  54. Beautiful prayer! Amen!!
    Thanks for sharing His Word each day! You feed us well dear sister! Much love.

  55. Amen dear ABC!
    Lead me Lord by my hand according to Your Will and Plan.

  56. Thank you Peter for sharing your dream -just what I needed to hear as today was a day of worry over responsibilities that are seeming unsurmountable at work as I turn to the Lord to B.O.W ( Boldness-Opportunity-Words of Wisdom ) and ON MY KNEES to speak to my dear manager on Monday about clarity for my needs which seem reasonable to me and yet ego, feeling less then and embarrassment too as I feel I can’t keep up have been from the enemy as I know the Lord will give me the strength and ability when I choose to be obedient and walk the path he has called me which is feeling more ‘arduous’ lately as I am humbled HE desires to hold my hand on the ‘less traveled path’. May I ask for prayer. TY to all and bless you this weekend. May God’s joy abound!

  57. Amen Jeanne 🙏. Thank you for the encouraging words! God bless and peace be with you!

  58. Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. (Psalm 86:11).

  59. Oops - that was me, Norah. :)

  60. Thanks! May God bless you and give you peace too!

  61. Thanks dear Norah! You blessed me too!
    Asking for prayers for my dear twin sister who is on her way to the ER with a blood pressure of 170/114. Thank You Father for making all things right again for Janet and all of us in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen!

    1. Praying for your sister, that her blood pressure will return to normal and what ever caused it to go so high will be reversed. Lord, let perfect health and Your Life flow now through her body. We ask this in Jesus wonderful name, amen!

    2. Look to Jesus!

    3. Thanks dear Websister and Audra! God answered our prayers and Janet’s blood pressure went down to 128/75. He is so faithful. Loved that song dear Audra! Amen! Hallelujah for all He’s done!

  62. God Bless the United States of America and God Bless President Donald Trump!

  63. ✝️🙏🇺🇲 What a miracle of God this attempt was not successful. Praying over all involved and that includes those trying to process the news, whatever their personal beliefs.

  64. Thank you Jeanne! Such an uplifting prayer that I needed today.
    A great reminder that He is perfect in all ways. Pray. Trust. Wait.


  65. Amen Rich C. Praying, Trusting and Waiting on the Lord.

  66. Praying for Janet, Jeanne. And for our Country, Audra and JJ. Love and God's Best to all of you,

  67. That was a miracle! God protects his people. Thanks for your prayers. Praying with you for our country and for all those involved. Love and God’s best to you too.
