Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 2

Let Me show you My way for you this day. I guide you continually, so you can relax and enjoy My Presence in the present. Living well is both a discipline and an art. Concentrate on staying close to Me, the divine Artist. Discipline your thoughts to trust Me as I work My ways in your life. Pray about everything; then, leave outcomes up to Me. Do not fear My will, for through it I accomplish what is best for you. Take a deep breath and dive in the depths of absolute trust in Me. Underneath are the everlasting arms!
Psalm 5:2-3
English Standard Version

Give attention to the sound of my cry,
    my King and my God,
    for to you do I pray.
O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice;
    in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.

Verse thoughts
This lament petitions the Lord in the midst of distress. However, the psalmist also expresses trust in the Lord’s protection. David, Israel’s king, addresses God as his King. He knows that his own kingship is a pale reflection of God’s.

Deuteronomy 33:27
English Standard Version

The eternal God is your dwelling place,
    and underneath are the everlasting arms.
And he thrust out the enemy before you
    and said, ‘Destroy.’

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. So much of faith has to do with TRUST. As my life journey takes a turn, help me to trust, help me to strengthen my faith through trust. Jesus I do TRUST in you.

  2. As I am traveling, I rely on GPS to provide directions to get me where I want to go. To the degree that I trust and follow the directions given, I will arrive at my desired destination (on a rare occasion it can be inaccurate). Sometimes it amazes me how I follow and do what I am told to do. this not the posture the soul should take to each day? Further, the reliability of the guidance of the Holy Spirit is without error. Hmmm...what I practice while I am driving should be my practice in living this day. As the old hymn says, “Trust and obey, for there is no other way.” If I can train myself to do this in an earthly matter, can I not train my soul to do the same in eternal matters?

    1. Great analogy, Bob! I am totally relating and want to train my self to listen, trust and follow as you simply point out. Thank you Jesus for this reminder!

    2. Bob, I agree with Audra. Thank you for the great analogy. As helpful as GPS is, how much greater and 1000% more accurate is our God! Trusting in Him daily to guide my steps, and where He leads, I will follow.

      Blessings from California

    3. I still love this analogy two years later. Thanks Bob!
      How we blindly follow GPS and trust it will get us to our destinations.
      Jesus, I trust You in all my steps along this journey.

    4. Still so true Bob, We trust our GPS and sometimes it makes mistakes like telling us to turn right after the corner. But God's lead is true and perfect. We must trust Him even when He leads us out of our comfort zone because He knows where we can oserve Him best. Trusting with my Family for the Lord to guide my steps.

    5. Trusting that any dyslexic tendencies will be corrected by the Holy Spirit as I seek to follow His guidance.
      Excited for a holiday weekend that will bring together extended family and friends for the first time in a longgggg time. Thank you Lord for traveling mercies, safety and protection and infusing me with your light that will inspire and draw You near to all through me. Praying the same for all our JC family as well. Thank you! ♥️✝️

    6. That's was powerful Bob! I recently ignored my GPS and ended up in the wrong location and the voice getting saying make a U turn ! I finally listened keenly and got to my destination. This my prayer to listen keenly , open my spiritual ears and make me willing to obey. Min Ahadi

    7. So very true dear Min Ahadi! When we stop tuning into God's Spirit and start depending on the flesh and our human emotions, we get into trouble. Sometimes we just let go of His Unchanging Hand because we think we know better. But His Way is the right way. Amen! Listen carefully to the only Voice that matters.

    8. "...because we think we know better..." Holy Spirit help me extinguish pride when it rears it's ugly head.

    9. Isn't this amazing that in 2023 this is STILL very relatable. I am learning to do this each day, and I draw closer to HIS will for my life.

    10. Thank you Bob! Your post from 2018 is still needed today as a reminder and helpful analogy to apply to my life. I pray that you are well 🙏. God bless and peace be with you!

    11. God is continuously with me 🙏 Amen

    12. Thank You God for BOB; wherever he is, You Are.
      Even if we think we know better than GPS, and choose to, or accidentally make wrong turns, or turns after the corner, or ignore it completely, and end up in the wrong location, GPS is still guiding us AND the voice will still help us make it to our final destination.
      Try it.
      Do the opposite of everything GPS tells you, and see what happens. When GPS tells you to turn Right, turn Left instead, what happens?
      When GPS tells you to drive straight for 2 miles, drive 3 miles instead; what happens?
      When GPS tells you to get off the Interstate, stay on instead; what happens?
      GPS will continually recalculate us until we reach our Destination. GPS will not leave us, no matter how rebelliously stupid we act. It may take us longer, the road we choose may be rougher, the territory we traverse may be unfamiar, the traffic we get ourselves into may be jammed, but once we set the Destination, GPS will eventually get us there.
      So does God, when we turn Him on, and set Heaven as our destination, He guides us until we get there.
      Through Sarah's words...
      Let Me show you My Way for you this day. I Guide you continually... is God saying, this is the Way, walk ye in it. I AM THE WAY. I will never leave you nor forsake you, no matter what?
      🎶 No Matter What 🎶 sung by Ryan Stevenson
      Much ❤️ and Many 🙏 for our JOurneYs; Same Destination, Different Roads.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN

    13. Blessings from NYJuly 2, 2024 at 8:00 AM

      Thank you Brie!! Such a wonderful accompaniment to Bob’s beautiful words 6 years ago!!! God is so good, ALL the time ❤️🙏

    14. I especially appreciate the "same destination, different roads". He loves us all and wants to guide us EVEN IF our pride gets in the way of HIS WAY.

    15. I love this so much! “ same destination, different roads!
      Thank you dear Bob, sweet sisters in Christ, Brie, Audra, Janet, Jeanne & Min Ahadi for your loving words too!
      This world feels crazy and uncertain but We know where our destination ahead is and Who Will get Us there! Thank you Father God, Holy Spirit and Jesus that You Never leave or forsake Us! I pray for more of You and less of me! I pray for your Will to be done in everything and lift my hands and prayers to You, praising You. Thank you for this beautiful day that you have blessed me and each of us with! May We shine your love and light so bright today and draw others closer to you in doing so! I am sitting here on the back patio taking our sweet for babies out to potty, listening to the birds sing away before I go back in to work and teach a group of wonderful people through a workout and stretch session. Speak through me Holy Spirit and use me to help each of the people that you put in my pathway both in person and online today. Love, prayers and blessings JC family

  3. Cast all your cares upon Him...

    1. Hallelujah!!! GOD'S arms are always ready. Forever FAITHFUL

  4. Thank You dear Father for another blessed and gifted day. I pray to walk in Your ways today through the help of the Holy Spirit. My yesterday ended up with disappointing You and myself. Please forgive me Lord. Help me to really let go and let You. Show me Your way for me today Lord. I know that when You do and I follow, my today will be better then my yesterday, so thank You Jesus!

    To God be ALL the Glory and honor for the many, many victories and testimonies mentioned here yesterday! Wow, don't we serve a faithful God?
    Anonymous 80 days sober, PRAISE GOD! ALL the others, we praise Ypu Lord for them as well and the unanswered requests, yes, yes, we PRAISE You too dear Lord!!

    JC family, our great God of all impossibilities, who have kept you thus far, will obviously perfect His agenda in you and your family lives.
    May He grant you smooth acceleration as you sail into this 2nd half. Be a blessing to others, for I know, "Your cup must overflow" this 7th (July) month and the months ahead.
    As God rested & blessed all He created on the 7th day,(Gen. 2:3) & Noah's ark rested on the 7th day (Gen 8:4), so shall God grant you & yours rest from trouble, worry, anxiety & lead you into a new phase of grace, glory, new era of joy, peace, good health, direct & perfect everything concerning you & your family in the remaining half of this year (Lev 23:24). Great grace be with you in Jesus name!

    Enjoy this new week and many others.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood NJ for your always wonderful praises to God. KS

    2. Thanking God for this bright new day in Massachusetts with my family. Love your words dear Maplewood. God bless you dear JC family

    3. Amen, Maplewood! "My cup runneth over," and I'm grateful, thankful and humbled that God indeed carried me through the last 6 months.
      "As God rested & blessed all He created on the 7th day,(Gen. 2:3) & Noah's ark rested on the 7th day (Gen 8:4), so shall God grant you & yours rest from trouble, worry, anxiety & lead you into a new phase of grace, glory, new era of joy, peace, good health, direct & perfect everything concerning you & your family in the remaining half of this year (Lev 23:24)." I receive it in the name of Jesus!
      Lord, help me to be Your light that shines for others to see, that they may know You through me.
      In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen!
      Blessings from California

    4. Thank you Maplewood for the hope I am receiving from your words! I felt compelled to reread this morning and jot down. Claiming a victory in the remaining 6 months. The 7th month allowing for rest. Amen. God bless you. Praying for your Moms salvation, and privy to the understanding of what a great blessing you are to so many thru your faith, which will bring Her closer to God.

    5. My cup truly overflows and my eyes are open to see His goodness. My good husband's heart is back to normal and I'm going to spend the weekend with my Mom who really misses me. Bringing her some good food. I aim to clean out her fridge. When I think about my family and my dear JC family, I feel so blessed. I pray for my family members who don't know Jesus. I planted the seeds in them years ago. Believing He will soften their hearts to see He is our Lord and Savior. God bless you dear Maplewood and comfort you and your Mom and family.

    6. We plant. He provides Sonshine and Reign. We wait. Roots grow. We wait. Flowers Blossom in due season. We thank.

    7. Lifting you dear Jeanne in prayer & praise as your hubby's heart is now normal, Hallelujah! Safe & blessed trip to your Mom's. 🙏🥰

    8. Such great news Jeanne. Praising God with you!

    9. Praise the Lord with thanks for all progress in healing and answered prayers! He knows what we need and provides in perfect timing. He never leaves our side. How awesome is that?

  5. I know what you mean Anonymous. I'm truckin' along yesterday thinking smooth sailin', " I got this day, I'm doin' good, everythin' going my way", then out of nowhere, blindsided! The thing of it is, I should have known better, it's a repeated offense! When will I get it Lord? How many times must You show me? How many times must I hear Your words, "this is the way, walk in it" & finally hear it? Thank you Lord for loving me so much that giving up on me is never an option. " Great is thy faithfulness, morning by morning thy mercies I see. Amen

    1. AMEN!!!!!

    2. Thank you for these words that speak to my heart!

  6. Good Morning and God's richest blessings. TODAY is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Maplewood NJ, we all have to cast off yesterday's errors, knowing that Our Father has forgiven us the second we ask. Loved Bob's GPS correlation - how true! Something I learned yesterday is to trust our brother's and sister's decisions for their own lives and pray for their results. It may be different than our choice, but that's ok - we don't have to understand everything.
    For today: I will quit 'worrying' about the weather for the July 4th cookout (trivial, I know); I will stop worrying about people's reactions to my decisions that are between me and God and do the same for them. Prayers for all my JC Family!

    1. Norah, Pray for everything! I pray that God will bless you with sunshine and warmth on your July 4th cookout ;) I do the same...worry! I need to remember worry is NOT a prayer! Amen.

    2. Amen, Amen, Amen oh Norah, He's a forgiven GOD! And yes, I need NOT be concern or worry about what others think about me, just strive to walk in God's way and pray for them! Thank you!

      Maplewood NJ

  7. Thank you Father for guiding my steps and blessing me with my JC Family. Another AMEN for all the victories shared.

  8. Thank You Lord for this day. Help me to call on You throughout the day as needed, I know You are only a whisper away, but yet I try to do on my own. Why, when You have always made things right, do I even try to do things myself? Help me take me out of the picture when it needs to be You there paving the way for me. Hear all the prayer request in our JC Family, may your will be done in their lives. Help us this day to let Jesus shine through us. Thank You, I love You Lord, I Jesus name I pray, Amen

  9. Good morning my JC family! ❤️

  10. Thank you Lord for this day and always this message in JC. As fear and nerves set in to a new journey/job I fall back in prayer. I trust and give all to you. When I feel anxious and question the future , I pray for your super natural peace. Faith in You. You have brought me so far on this journey of life.
    Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Matthew 6:25

  11. Please pray. Received a text from daughter "This is turning into a night mare, PLEASE PRAY." It concerns bounced checks, and dis-honest tenant. I'm praying the Lord will give her an honest heart. This person has promised to bring good checks to office today by noon. This is her third and last chance.

    1. Sassy Mom--- Lord you know Sassy Mom's daughter and you love her. You hold everything together by your power and your grace and mercy. So I lay this difficult situation that Sassy Mom's daughter faces in Your hands, Lord. I trust that You will give her strength and the wisdom she needs to work this situation through. Lord, use this daughter to bring peace, blessing and reconciliation in this circumstance. In the name of Jesus --- Amen and Amen

    2. JJ, You will never know how much your prayers mean to everyone on this blog, ESPECIALLY TO ME. All I can say is a simple thank you being there to pray for every prayer request mentioned. You are a continual blessing.

    3. Sassy Mom--- Thank You for such a sweet LIFT UP! I find it such a privilege to pray. I find it such an honor to be included with such powerful prayer warriors like yourself. I savior the prayers of this JC FAMILY. I love to apply them over my family and myself!! They are such a blessing and a comfort to me!! I remember when I found this blog. It was by accident, at least at that time I thought so. But, it turns out this was just one of those incredible 'treasures ' the Lord puts in your path. ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS JC FAMILY. Great blessings and grace to your family!! BLESSED in Kansas

  12. Hi JC Prayer Warrior Family,
    I will be off-line for about a week or more, but know that I will still be praying on the
    Main-Line. I need joyous reconciliation prayers! I Love You xoxoxoxo

    1. Jesus, please be with your child Brilamar and bring Your perfect peace, love, joy, glory, and strength in to the hearts and lives of everyone that is touched by her. Thank you jesus. Praise the Lord continously. God bless you and keep you. Amen.

    2. Brilamar, you will be missed, but thought of and prayed for. May our great Lord continue to bless you and order your steps and grant you the most joyous reconciliation you ever dreamt. Stay safe and blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Praying for you Brilamar for your joyous reconciliation. Safe journeys wherever they take you. KS

    4. Dear Brilamar, You sure will be missed but we will all be together in spirit. Praying that God will guide you to making all things right with those you love. May the Spirit put the Words in your mouth to reach them as He softens their hearts. Leave it all in His hands and all things will come together. Much love. Praying for your safety and protection.

    5. Will miss you, Brilamar, but am grateful for you continual prayers. May God be with you in the coming week and pour out His richest blessing upon all that you are doing.

    6. Praying for your joyous reconciliation Brilamar! We'll be thinking and praying for you!

      God bless you

      Blessings from France

    7. Blessings to you and your family, Brilamar from your JC family.

    8. You'll be dearly missed, Brilamar. Know that, no matter the distance, we are always connected through Christ. Praying that your joyous reconciliation is better than you could have ever imagined! Lord, guide our sweet sister, Brilamar, on her journey and guide her steps. May Your Spirit touch each heart involved. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen!
      And thank you, sister, for your continual prayers.

      Blessed in California

    9. Brilamar --- Praying that the Lord will cover you and your circumstances with His infinite grace and mercy, surrounding you with peace in this season. I thank you Lord for fresh grace, for renewed strength, for Your goodness and mercy over Brilamar's life today. I thank You, Lord, that you hear the prayers of Your people and are at work on behalf of the prayers for Brilamar even now. In Your Honor Lord, and for Your Purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    10. Will miss you. God be with you. Prayers have no distance between us
      Thank you for you

    11. Brilamar may God continue to bless you with buckets of blessings. May His goodness and kindness shine thru you as you experience this very sweet connection and reconciliation covered in all of our prayers. I will miss you

    12. Dear Brie, Continuing to pray for you and your brothers. May God strengthen and heal you all and lead you to accomplish all that you need to. Thank You Father for this in the name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

    13. Thank you my wonderful JC Family. All of your prayers blessed my day.
      Praying to get Keith's car started and sold, among other things. I will always be praying for you and will check in whenever I can.

    14. Brie you are covered dear one🙏🥰. Success in taking care of Keith's affairs. Just breathe in God's goodness.

    15. Miss you more sister ♥️ Smooth sailing with God's grace the wind in your sails. May every need be miraculously met with ease for you and your family. May the non-stop prayers you offer us here be returned to you many-fold. I knock, I ask, I pray in Jesus's name. ✝️♥️

    16. OMG! You Are Amazing God! Yes, Our God Is An Awesome God!
      Two years later and our prayers are answered with His Potential Victory. Tomorrow I will enter into the "joyous reconciliation" that we prayed for in 2020!
      Please pray for me to be totally kept by Jesus, in everything I do and say. In all of my thoughts, words, and deeds, may they all be pleasing in His Sight. May my blinders keep my mind stayed on Jesus, in His Name. Amen.
      Oh, To Be Kept By Jesus!
      It's Going To Be A Bright, Bright Sonshiny Day!

    17. Bless you, Brie, for a joy full reunion. Look for the common ground and stand tall on it. ♥️🙏

  13. Almighty Heavenly Father, I know that I know, something good is going to happen to me today and through me, because I am blessed to be a blessing. I am full of hope that is built on Jesus Christ. I know hope achieves the impossible. I know that there is no devil in hell that can keep me for what You have for me. This is a new day, You are about to put new life into me. Your favor in my future is above anything that I can ever imagine. Your plans for me are bigger than any circumstances I may face and I rejoice in You today with praise and thanksgiving, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    Not only does God wants to be part of our lives and show us the way so we will walk His way and not get lost, He also wants us to know that we are Safe in the arms of Jesus, God our Savior now and forevermore! A gospel truth that is so rich and splendid and certain from generation to generation, even for all who by grace through faith trust and follow after Christ and His gospel Word. What a gospel, thinking of those everlasting arms of the Lord to save and strengthen us and to protect us and stand up for us, and to catch us when you and I fall, and to lead us here and forevermore! Those everlasting arms will welcome and embrace us in the eternal bond of love, peace and joy, that is the inheritance of God’s people, trusting and following the Only Savior , Christ Jesus. We are in divine keeping. Our security is not depended upon our own weaknesses, wavering faith, but it depends on the omnipotence, the love, and the faithfulness of the unchanging, eternal God.

    Dear Lord, Thank You for all the answered and unanswered prayers. We don’t know what’s best for us and never will, but we trust You. We trust You because You know better. We trust You because You hear us each time we call. We trust You because You know what will make us happy. We trust You because You will not burden us with more than we can handle and we trust You because You’re the only decision maker we can count on. You’re the only one who knows our heart and our soul and we can’t ask You to follow our plans., but walk in Your will for our lives. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood, for the reminder of the importance of trust. Trust is built on faith, faith that only comes from You, God the Father. Dear Jesus continue to help me build my trust in You through strong faith and fervent prayer. Jesus I do trust in You! Amen.

    2. I second your prayer Maplewood. It's beautiful. Thank you for your wonderful words. Lord, help me to pray to You about everything. Thank you jesus. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    3. Dear Maplewood, It was as if you knew exactly what my heart needed to hear. Still at my son’s house and enjoying my little grandson. He and his wife do not believe in Jesus but I know the seeds are still planted in my son. I pray that the Christ in me will so shine that their hearts will seek Him even without hearing one word from me. They have asked me in the past not even to say God bless you or I’m praying for you in their presence. So I remain silent and continue to trust God to open their eyes to the truth through His light in me. All things are possible because He can do all things. To use your beautiful words, I am full of hope that is built on Jesus Christ.

    4. Thank you Mapplewood! I needed this too.

      Jeanne I'm praying for your son and his wife, by faith we declare that God is already working in their heart mind and soul so they can be opened to His truth and be saved.
      In Jesus name we pray, Amen! ♡

      Blessings from France

    5. The line, "Not only does God wants to be part of our lives and show us the way so we will walk His way and not get lost, He also wants us to know that we are Safe in the arms of Jesus, God our Savior now and forevermore!", stood out to me. My initial thought was it is easier to walk in His way when I know I will be safe which you brought out so well, twin bd sis. This is another way of saying what I shared in my post below. You concluded that paragraph so well for me in saying 'it is not about my weakness but about His omnipotence, love, and faithfulness'. Thank you!

    6. Jeanne I know that you are a powerful witness to Jesus Christ without even uttering a word. Your eyes, your smile, your gentleness, your kind words, your quiet confidence you hold in your heart of the truth and the love that pours out of you and cant help but saturate everyone it touches with the name of Jesus. You are His messenger in body & Spirit. The Holy Spirit knows exactly How meaningless words are without the heart. Your heart beats Jesus. I know this because your words filled with all those listed characteristics desplay the demeanor of Jesus. You have displayed them to me and I than can see Him a little better thru you. That is a beautiful thing and it can and will translate to your Sons family and your grandbaby. Jesus is not merely a word but a lifestyle! You cannot help but promote it , it's all over you. Praise God. Thank you Lord for Jeanne and Your light that shines thru her, keep the candle burning Father. She is a blessing to so many. She had blessed me and I am greatful.

    7. Thank you Blessings from France and dear Fern, your words made me cry because I am so blessed to have Sisters like you! You affirmed that the greatest part of me is the Christ light inside that shines out of the cracks of my broken vessel. Thank you so much for your prayers and beautiful words of encouragement. I believe God will guide them to seek Him with a sincere and hungry heart when the time is right. I will continue to pray for them as I pray each day for all of our loved ones who have not come to Christ. May their eyes be opened and their hearts be softened. Amen

    8. Amen! For now enjoy your family and leave the rest to God. He loves you so.

    9. Amen, Amen and Amen! Thanks dear Maplewood. So many reasons why we trust Him with every area of our lives, and with our dearest family and friends. When I read all these posts, they make me so happy to be among such a wonderful group of Believers. We lift and encourage each other and it glorifies God who put us together hear. Fern, Your lovely post makes me so happy. You must see through all my flaws to the Light of Christ in me. Driving to see my Mom when I wake up. May God renew me and refresh me like a good strong cup of coffee. He knows I need to be sharp to drive. Love you all. I'll be praying while I drive.

    10. AMEN Fern! I will heed this advice today and this weekend...
      "For now enjoy your family and leave the rest to God. He loves you so." ♥️

    11. Thanks Fern, i needed to hear this again this year: Jesus is not merely a Word but a lifestyle!

    12. And again, this prayer speaks to me in the flurry of holiday activities, real peace and freedom is found anchored in my heart in Jesus. ✝️♥️🇺🇸😎

    13. And again this year, especially Fern's accurate description of our Jeanne! We are so blessed to have you in our lives, along with each and every JC Prayer Warrior, past, present, and is to come. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    14. Indeed, blessings surround us here! ♥️✝️🙏

  14. (II Timothy 2:7) Paul concludes these particular thoughts by saying, "Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in all things."

    Paul began this paragraph with the admonition to Timothy, "be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus" From there he showed what this 'being strong' would look like using everyday analogies. He told Timothy to be like a good soldier who disciplines himself and holds as his highest priority to fulfill the wishes of his commanding officer. To be like an athlete who follows the rules in competition and will be crowned accordingly. To be like a farmer who goes about the work of nurturing the seed he has planted and will be duly rewarded in time. Paul says for Timothy to think on these things and in doing so, all things will be made clear by the work of the Holy Spirit (Paul uses the term Lord which I take to be referring to God. John made clear in his gospel (John 14:26) this 'understanding' is the work of the Holy Spirit).

    Timothy's next step and ours as well after thinking on these things is to pray them into our heart. For that which we pray for molds our heart and when the heart is molded accordingly, these things will come to pass. As I did so this AM, I still found corners of my heart resistant to total and complete conformity to 'the commanding officer'. So I moved into a period of confession, seeking God's grace for my weaknesses and found a peace with who I am so I could move toward being as I have been created to be.

    Be blessed this day, JC Family! God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob maybe a little confession will be good for my soul today as well. I am so fearful and unhappy and I know there are trust and obedience issues My will within is blocking. I am blanketed with great sadness over the situations out of my control and need a place of refuge and safety and frankly a place to unburden myself. Time to get on my knees and search, confess and thank. God bless you Bob for the lead to peace thru Christ.

    2. Dear Bob, Still wonderful advice to confess our faults before God and then allow Him to mold our heart accordingly. He already knows my shortcomings and weaknesses. I will do my best to be like a good soldier with my focus on Him, my Commanding Officer. Attention: His directions are always perfect.
      Abba, Abba Father, You are the Potter, I am the Clay.

    3. Journeying with you Bob, Fern, and Jeanne, praying for peace with who I am so I could move toward being all I have been created to be. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Amen!I too have confessed my faults this morning & move on to watch my God mold me according to His will & good pleasure. My blood pressure has spiked because of my "folly". Please pray for me dear ones. Thank you & bless each of your day💕

    5. Praying for your peace, Jan 🙏

  15. Good morning Jesus. Thank you for the comfort of knowing Your plan for me is already mapped out and that Your plans are to prosper me. I strive to stay close you You trusting Your will is best. I've tried many times to be in control of my destiny and it always results in wrong moves or unfulfilled. Thank you for being Lord over my l8fe.

  16. The Lord has done many things in my life since I came to him in the fall of 2017. He is still doing things in my life today. I love the Lord with all my heart, however I should have posted this when it happened and not let my shame of my sin hold me back. Please forgive me Lord for procrastinating. I am extremely joyful in what the Lord did for me, but I let my shame hold me back from posting this amazing miracle.

    On June 20, 2020 I prayed to Jesus to deliver me from my drug addiction and to take the craving away. I had this addiction for about 30 years. When I woke up on Sunday, June 21, 2020 (and to this day), my craving was gone and I haven't used at all nor have I even wanted to. He delivered me from my addiction just like I asked him to. Thank you Jesus. Praise the Lord. Glory to the Lord. I wish it hadn't taken me so long to post this miracle You have given me Lord. Thank you for giving me the strength to overcome my shame so that I could let everyone know the glory of the Lord. You are amazing. I trust you Jesus. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    Thank you all for being here on this site. You are all servants of the Lord and have helped me. Thank you all.

    1. Wow Praise the Lord!!

      Thank you for sharing Janet! You don't have to be ashamed, Jesus already paid for it and made you a new person as He washed your sins away ♡

      I know it's not easy to not feel ashamed when we know how bad our behaviour was/is. But God is working in your/our heart to restore us day after day ♡

      Be blessed !

      Blessings from France

    2. Janet --- Lord, I give You all the praise, honor, and glory for what you have done for Janet! Lord, I trust in Your goodness and hope in Your faithfulness for Janet, Fill her with patients and joy in Your presence as she breaths in Your healing life. In Your Honor Lord and for Your Purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    3. Janet! Amazing God yes He is so very faithful and His love is apparent! Thank you for your brave words which will bless more
      People than you will ever know! God is the savior and you are set free!
      Much love and peace being sent your way sister Loved by God. All things are possible you are a testament to that indeed! Praise God

    4. This verse came to mind, "So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me."

      And Rom 8:1 there is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.

      Your story inspires me.

    5. So proud of you dear Janet! You have overcome so much and have grown closer to the Lord with each passing day. Keep trusting in His guiding Hand because He loves you so much and only wants you to be blessed and prosper. The best is yet to come.

    6. May God continually bless us and our journeys, including the broken and backroads that sometimes take us down. Regardless, may they all lead us to Him and our Heavenly Home. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Janet, you bless me with your faith and honesty. Thank you, and Jesus!

  17. Thanks for sharing, Janet and praise God for His strength when we lack in ours. This is truly a miracle. I'll pray for your continued triumph over this addiction.

  18. Amen and Amen. Blessings Janet. Thank you for Sharing.
    Won't He do it?

  19. Thank you all. When I stumbled upon this site a few years ago I didn't expect to be so blessed by such wonderful people. The Lord knows his children are blessing others as well as lifting them up in times of need. Thank you Jesus.

  20. I am singing His praises for His faithfulness in your life, Janet. What an amazing testimony of faith and a downright miracle! Praying for your strength and guidance in the days ahead. You will find your refreshment and encouragement right here each day in the Devotions, prayers and love of our JC Family. So grateful for your victory to God's glory!

  21. Loving Father, thank You for the opportunity to relax in Your presence and Your loving, everlasting arms. Let them surround me and keep me close in You. As I gaze at Your heavenly face, let me see Your beautiful eyes shining upon me. Your love is the best feeling in the world. There is nothing better than You. You deserve so much more than I can ever give to You, but I submit myself and all that I have to You Lord. Use me as Your vessel for Your glory. Let me be open to receive all that You have for me. Let my eyes and ears be open to see and hear all Your beauty and words of love all around me. I praise You Lord with all my heart. You deserve all my worship, time, love, and attention. My eyes adore You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus.
    Through Christ you have come to trust in God. And you have placed your faith and hope in God because He raised Christ from the dead and gave Him great glory. (1 Peter 1:21). "Because your faith is much too small. What I'm about to tell you is true. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, it is enough. You can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there.' And it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20). The important thing is faith -- the kind of faith that works through love. (Galatians 5:6).

  22. Amen sweet Janet. Let us all be instruments of God's love and bring hope and His message to everyone we encounter. We are all undeserving of His love and blessings. But God sees through our sinful selves to our hearts which are filled with Him and so much love. He is holding you tight in His loving, everlasting Hands and He will never let go.

  23. Dear Min Ahadi, How are you doing, dear one? Praying with our family here that things are getting a little easier because our faithful and mighty God is in charge. He knows exactly what you're going through. Hold on tight to His Hand and let Him lead you. Thank You Jesus!

    Asking for more prayers to keep satan out of this leg of our journey. Thank you Family. Please know all of you remain in my prayers and when I can sing them, my songs.

      STAND BY ME! sung by Aaron Neville
      (Darling = JESUS!)

    2. Turn your worries over to the LORD. He will keep you going. He will never let godly people be shaken. (Psalm 55:22). "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" (Luke 12:25).
      Gracious Father, please replace Brie's troubles with the assurance of Your provisions. Grant her the peace, comfort, and strength to endure her circumstances while You work Your power in her life. May Your perfect presence be known to her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise God. Peace be with you. Thank You Jesus.
      Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7).

    3. Prayers for you dear Brie! Our Lord is so much greater! He is fighting this battle for you.

  25. Thank you Bob for the great analogy you posted back on July 2, 2018 of the GPS and following our Lord with complete faith...your comment is priceless and timeless.

    Today is the day that God has mede, I give thanks for this perfect day. Miracles shall proceed miracles, and wonders shall never cease. I give thanks for this perfect day to love and serve you Lord. Amen

  26. Good morning God! Thank you for this new day and the blessings it brings. Min Ahadi, trusting that the light of a new day brought you renewed strength and answered prayers.

  27. JC Warriors, I would very much appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Back in May, I loaned a good friend of mine some money, even though I really didn't have it to spare (she is completely aware of my situation). She knew I really needed it back asap. She didn't even acknowledge the loan all last month, but I knew that she had been looking for work. She got a job (which pays cash daily) and so a few days after she started working, I asked her if she could give me at least some of the money she owed me. She then lied to me about not making anything, but said she would as soon as she could. I couldn't believe that she just pretty much blew me off and I think it may be because she has "fallen off the wagon" with drugs again. It's not like her to lie or act this way when she is sober. I have prayed and given it to God, but I am having a hard time letting go of the hurt feelings I have from it. It's not even really about the money as much as it is the way she is acting and lying. Please pray for me to have peace about this issue. I would really appreciate it. Thank you all. God bless. Thank You Jesus. Praise God!

    1. Praying for you, Janet. Praying your friend wakes up and does what's right. <3

    2. Father, Thank You for changing Janet’s friend’s hardened heart and opening her eyes to see her lies and unwillingness to return the money are sins. If she is using it for drugs, guide her to the help and support she needs to turn her life around, and give her a strength of faith. Take care of our sister Janet and provide all her needs of shelter, food, employment, protection, security, peace and joy. Lead her to the true desires of her heart. Thanking You in the Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

  28. My work week is done. Just parked the truck and loaded my car for the drive home.

    Before that a friend and I were discussing an understanding I had recieved yesterday regarding weariness.

    This is my text to him from yesterday:
    "This thought just surfaced as I am driving... I think He has something He is cooking up in my weariness. So therfore I will be thankful that I am weary. A "quick" prayer is appreciated."

    Today he texted this question to me:
    "Did you discover what God was cooking up in your weariness?"

    And my first response was, "cheeseburgers". :-) After I thought for a minute I gave him a legitimate answer:
    "Empathy, compassion, humility, abiding, rest in Him not what I feel, Faith believing that if He moves me to do something, He provides strength, n an ear to listen for His direction. And love. "I am the bread of life."

    Then I jokingly responded that this is half an outline for a book.

    He said, "that is a book I would read".

    I said, "I'd be funny if He told me to start writing :-)"

    Then it was impressed on Him to share Jeremiah 33:3 Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.

    I then felt a stillness and texted him this, "After those thoughts, I'm going to sit by the pond at work and be still."

    So here I sit. I'm inviting you to sit with me and call unto Him.

  29. Your beautiful words, dear Keith, made me want to sit down and be still with you and call to Him Who loves us. No matter how weary I am, when I rest, I always have the words Thank You Jesus on my lips. We know where our true peace and joy come from. Certainly not this world. Love you my brother.

  30. Thank You God for all of Your Miracles that You worked into our lives yesterday. All means all, great and small. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Would You continue to Shower and shower Your Choicest blessings on Rey and his 2 sons. In Jesus' Name.
    Would You Please let Sassy Mom know how much we love her, and are praying for her? Amen

    1. Dear Brie, Joining your prayers for Rey and his 2 sons, and praying that God will show our dear sister Sassy Mom that she is surrounded by our love and prayers. Thank You Father for answering our prayers and bringing peace and love tonight to all those who are struggling, and in need of Your Peace, Comfort and Healing. We ask this in Jesus' Name.

  31. I am snared in this nightmare dream. When will I wake up? I covet your prayers. Thank you dear JC Family.

    1. 🛐🛐🛐🙏🙏🙏
      You have the prayers you covet. I wish I could hold you and hug you in the flesh, as I am doing in my heart, Sassy Mom. I love you and will continue in prayer for you. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

    2. Know you and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers always. I love you so much too and know God is holding all of you so tight and will never let go. Amen. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

    3. This is a huge circle of support you have created, Sassy Mom, just by being you. We all love you and pray for your comfort and peace from our Good Father. ♥️🤗

    4. My Beloved Sassy Mom --- I Decree and Declare that the nightmarish thoughts and grief are loosed from every layer of your soul. And this spirit of grief WILL NOT prosper against you. You, spirit of darkness, WILL NOT hold Sassy Mom captive. You WILL NOT destroy her life. YOU, Papa God, WILL SHINE BRIGHTER in the midst of the darkness. Show Sassy Mom your Love, even if she doesn't feel or understand it at times. I BIND to
      you, Sassy Mom, the Love of God, the Life of God, the Goodness of God, God' s Destiny for you, His Purpose for you and His soothing balm of comfort for each layer of your soul. I pray in Jesus' name that the Lord's presence WILL OVERTAKE Sassy Mom, and Hope and Joy will take you by surprise. Sassy Mom, you will walk in the power of the Living God, because of what Jesus did for us and because you know Him. Knowing Him is the Greatest honor of our lives! Hold on to the Truth of His word that says you ARE AN OVERCOMER! I Pray and Believe in The Most High Name, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, AMEN and AMEN.

      Holding you and your family tight in my heart. Sending you waves and waves of Love! JJ

    5. WOW! THANK YOU JESUS! WOW! I am all gathered into JJ's prayer, proclaiming it out loud for you Sassy Mom. Hope it echoes all the way to Tennessee and enters deeply into your heart, and "every layer of your soul" In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Sassy Mom- joining the JC Family in prayers for you and your family.

  32. Joining Brie & Jeanne in prayer for Rey & sons. SassyMom, we hold you close in prayer. We love you💞🙏

  33. "Pray about everything; then, leave outcomes up to Me." Yes Lord. Looking forward to receiving the outcome You put in place. Thank You for the Everlasting Arms.

    1. Amen dear Peter. We sure need those Everlasting Arms and they are always there.

  34. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10
    "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"—but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.”

    John 3:16-18
    “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”

    Revelation 21:4
    "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away"

    John 20:30
    “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.”

    Psalm 23
    “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
    He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

  35. The WORD is our comfort and road map. Thanks Jeanne for pointing out some of the signs along our way today. 🙏

    1. Amen dear Audra. His Word blesses, directs and comforts us. We all need it every day. It is our spiritual nourishment that binds us and holds us tight. Love you sweet sister.

  36. Trust is what I often lack when life gets crazy, but it is what I need and yearn for most. Prob 3:5-6 is a go to verse that I need right now as I question so many things, and fight the fear and anxiety.

    My wife is doing better post-Covid, but is now on the way to be seen for an eye infection or something. Praying it’s minor.

    I’m grateful for your prayers and all the blessings my Heavenly Father has graciously given me. He has always shown up and that is something to hold on to with anticipation, hope and faith.
    Blessings 🙏

    1. Yes, Rich C, We can hold on to His always showing up.
      It may be midnight or midday. He's never early He's never late...
      HELP IS ON THE WAY by Toby Mac

    2. Thank you for that KWM! 🙏

    3. So happy your wife is doing better. More answered prayers. Thanking God that her eye infection is being healed in Jesus' Name. Hold on dear brother. God will take away your fear and anxiety. Trust in the Lord and lean not unto your own understanding. Lean on His past faithfulness. I love your gratitude and it means so much to your loving Father. Rest in Him dear Rich.
      Amen dear KWM. He's always on time and a very present Help in times of trouble. Thanks. Loved that encouraging song.

  37. For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth; visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things have been created through Him and for Him. (Colossians 1:16). He will swallow up death forever. The sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; He will remove His people's disgrace from all the earth. The LORD has spoken. In that day they will say, "Surely this is our God; we trusted in Him, and He saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in Him; let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation." (Isaiah 25:8-9).

  38. I love this sentence in today's reading: 'Pray about everything; then, leave outcomes up to Me.' Likely it's based on Phillipians 4:6:
    Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God.

    Verse 7 reads: And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].

    We can entrust absolutely everything to Him.
    Earlier as usual on waking I asked the Lord to take control of every element of my day. Busy in the kitchen later a neighbour knocked and gave me a handful of mail wrongly delivered to her happens! Among the mail was a small online order. On opening the envelope I saw the name of an unknown person on the receipt. Immediately I sensed the Holy Spirit say 'pray for him'. Not only that but I saw in my minds eye a picture of a prayer list that I had not used for a while. The name has been added to the prayer list, and although it's quite long ( it goes back many years) I've just committed everyone on it to the Lord; that includes all who read this Jesus Calling blog.
    We may never know the circumstances folks are in that we pray for, He does, we pray and leave outcomes to Him.
    Never a dull moment in the Kingdom of God.

    1. Amen 🙏. Things are busy, busy, busy in the spiritual realm. Our prayers are needed desperately for so many--even for those we don't know personally. Take great delight in the victory in Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus 😊.

    2. Yes Peter, following the Holy Spirit's leading, and being in constant prayer. I too have that notebook of those to pray for. Our JC Family is on it. Blessings to all this beautiful sunny morning. Mindy

  39. Dear friends, How beautiful is the day the Lord has given us! I thank God every day for all of you. You have gotten me through the past 3 years with all the health issues in our family. My daughter is going to have radiation for 3 lymph nodes that have lit up on her scan (that she has every 2-3 months since diagnosis of colon cancer). Under her arm, and by her lung. She will do this at Mayo every day for only a week. She and her family have been living with us for 6 weeks while they have been doing some remodeling. It is beautiful to be with them and see them enjoying life and to be able to support them in this way. We are all going out to see our son in NY next week.
    Please join me in praying for my daughters complete health. I keep thinking “cancer free in 23”…that is my prayer. It has been 3 years since her diagnosis and she has been through a year of chemo, & 2 surgeries.
    Please also pray for me as i go for my annual scan for the brain tumor (benign) that i had 2 years ago. I thank God in advance for the healing and wholeness and health he has and is and will provide for my family. We count on Jeremiah 29: 11…for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future….Amen to that

    1. Thanks for the updates Ellen. 🙏🙏🙏 Still Praying and will continue.

    2. Ellen - Joining in prayer for your daughter "cancer free in 23". Praying for your annual scan for the brain tumor (benign)

    3. More prayers for you and your family, Ellen. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
      God's got this!

  40. God bless you and your family, we are praying for her healing 🙌🙏❤️

  41. As Jeanne wrote yesterday, we are blessed with more crossover into July.
    Over the hills and through the woods to Maplewood, NJ we go...
    Anonymous July 1, 2020 at 6:15 AM
    Our most Gracious Loving Father, We come to You this morning with hearts filled with so much Love, Gratitude, and Honor to Your glory. We have entered a new day and a new month. It was not by our might, but only by Your LOVE, Your SUPERNATURAL Power, Your Strength, and Your amazing Grace that kept and sustained us. Words of gratitude will never be enough to express how we feel, but we start with THANK YOU! Thank You for keeping us covered under the precious Blood of JESUS. We are excited about the amazing blessings You have in store for us.

    You were enough for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), Moses, Elijah, David, Joseph etc.,and we want You to know that You are ENOUGH for us! Cause us to hear Your loving-kindness in every awaken morning (Psalm 143:8). As we grow stronger, our faith in You grows deeper.
    May the blessings of this new month enlighten what is dark in us, strengthen what is weak in us, mend all the broken pieces in us, heal what is sick in us, revive the peace and love that may have died in us and grant in us unspeakable joy. Show us our assignments, show us how You want us to start this new day, show us where to go, give us the word to speak, put someone in our path to bless and encourage, grant us wisdom and Your guidance, because Lord, there is never a time that You won’t hear us, and never a time that You won’t care, NEVER! ,
    We pray this morning for restoration.
    We bring all the concerns and needs to You because someone is crying out to You this second, someone needs Your help, someone needs hope, someone needs to be reminded of Your promises and Who You are, someone wants to end their life, the elderly are locked up in their homes, some alone, some in hospitals with no one to visit or talk to and like David said in Psalm 142, they are crying out to You saying: WHERE ARE YOU LORD?, “bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name”!
    Father, we stand in the gap for them this new day, asking that You grant them the hope that only You can give, the peace, the love, the healing, the provision, the comfort and ALL that they need. Why? because we TRUST in Your unconditional Love, Your Sovereignty, Your Majestic Power, Your Your Promises, Your Provision and Your Restoration. Remind them that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). You are the God of ALL possibilities, the Miracle working God, the Promise Keeper, our Light in the darkness, our Bright and morning Star, the Sustainer and Giver of life, the Great I AM who will NEVER fail us! Thank You for hearing and answering us.
    Thank You for our families, friends, love ones, our church leaders, our neighbors, church family, our doctors/nurses, our leaders in government, health, shelter, food, jobs, life’s necessities and those You put in our path to help make our lives better. May we never take them for granted, but cherish and give thanks to You always. We thank You also for our enemies, because they help keep us on our knees. We belong to You Lord, not ourselves. Help us to be still and know that You are God, You will be exalted among the heathen and You will be exalted in the earth (Psalm 46:10).You have given us the mind of Christ, so help us to act as representatives to Him so others can see His Light in and through us and glorify You. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen!

    JC family, I pray for you and your families to our Father, that the Blood of Jesus His Son speak and fight for you in every area of your life, fill you with love, health and healing, inner-peace, courage, strength, confidence, patience, hope and sunshine, each day of this month. May all your struggles turn into blessings and may the Praises of the Lord never depart from your lips, but thrust you into a supernatural spiritual awaken like you never imagine!‘Delight Yourself in Him, for He is the deepest desire of your heart’!
    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you Brie for re-posting Maplewood's wonderful and encouraging words. I am joining in prayer with you both! God bless and peace be with you 🙏.

    2. Thanks Brie and Maplewood!🕊️🙏

    3. What a wonderful way to start the day, Brie... thank you. Maplewood could always put into words what I was feeling so much better than I could. Even though she has moved on to other ministries, she still continues to touch our hearts everyday.

    4. Such awesomeness from the archives of all that is Maplewood! Thanks, Brie, for this repost! So needed!

  42. Hallelujah! Wow. That covers everything with such power. Like a friend of mine used to say, she could pray the bark off a tree! Amen.
    Thanks for sharing Brie.
    Be blessed.

  43. Yes Rich C! Our dear Maplewood’s posts were always like flowing rivers of God’s Word, truth and messages! His Spirit moves through her in an extraordinary way and we are blessed to have her beautiful words, prayers and encouragement always available to us. Thank you, dear Brie, for sharing her perfect post!
    Thanks dear Maplewood!
    ‘Delight Yourself in Him, for He is the deepest desire of your heart’!
    May we receive God’s faithfulness in every area of our lives and answers to our prayers. Thank You dear Jesus! Trusting Him with all my heart. Waiting on the Lord.

    Psalm 37:4-5
    Delight yourself also in the Lord,
    And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
    Commit your way to the Lord,
    Trust also in Him,
    And He shall bring it to pass.

    Proverbs 3:5-8
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.
    Do not be wise in your own eyes;
    Fear the Lord and depart from evil.
    It will be health to your flesh,
    And strength to your bones.

  44. We encourage and lift each other just as our loving Father lifts us each day and night. He reads our hearts and really understands our struggles, needs and goals. He knows we or our dear ones need His healing inside and out. He knows our dreams and the desires of our hearts. He wants us to give Him every burden and concern. Hand it over! Give up and Let God handle it. Whatever you’re facing, God is greater. Enjoy this beautiful day in His unchanging peace. Rest in Him and seek His light on your paths. It’s always there to guide you and His Spirit is our Guide. Put His Armor on and Stay Close to Him. God bless you and answer your prayers. Thank You Lord!

    Philippians 4:6-7
    Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    1. Thank You God and AMEN 🙏 Jeanne!

    2. Blessings from NYJuly 2, 2024 at 8:57 AM

      Thank you Brie for reposting Maplewood and thank you Jeanne for always helping to jumpstart my day in the Lord!!❤️🙏

    3. 💗Glad I lift your mornings dear Blessings from NY.

  45. Laying ALL the burdens of mind and body at the foot of the cross where Jesus WILLINGLY takes them on. We were never meant to carry them. He loves us THAT MUCH and more. With a lighter load we meet this new day, His glory all around us to discover. Peace, JC peeps 🙏✝️♥️

  46. There were several posts I saw in my email notifications today, but I can't see them here on the blog page. Anybody have a solution?

    There were several uplifiting posts today from Brie, Audra, Anonymous (Brandy?) that I wanted to reply to. I say this probably too often, but when I really need a boost, a redirect, centering, etc, I come here and am never disappointed by your Spirit-filled prayers. I especially like to read these posts when I'm on a hike in the woods and hear nothing but the wind, the birds, or the scurrying of chipmunks, reminding me to be stll and listen, thankful for such beauty from the Creator.

    Many things I am waiting to hear about from the Lord. So it was important for me to be mindful of the journey as you spoke about today, and to wait for his answer before I make any decision. Sometimes it seems hard to hear that answer, even in the stillness. Yet I know that God's promises are true and that he always shows up with His perfect timing. A good thing to keep reminding myself!
    Blessings JC family.

  47. Dear Peter, Praying for God to guide your decisions and your steps, and I pray you get the youth ministry in the wilderness position if that is part of God’s plan for you. He gave us our gifts to glorify Him. Keep trusting in His guidance and faithfulness.
