Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 29

Come to Me continually. I am meant to be the Center of your consciousness, the Anchor of your soul. Your mind will wander from Me, but the question is how far you allow it to wander. An anchor on a short rope lets a boat drift only slightly before the taut line tugs the boat back toward the center. Similarly, as you drift away from Me, My Spirit within you gives a tug, prompting you to return to Me. As you become increasingly attuned to My Presence, the length of rope on your soul's Anchor is shortened. You wander only a short distance before feeling that inner tug--telling you to return to your true Center in Me.

Hebrews 6:19
English Standard Version

We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain
I John 2:28
English Standard Version

And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming.
Mathew 22:37
English Standard Version

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."

My Prayer (2019)
Yes Lord, you are my anchor, always there, always bringing me back. My hope is in You. I am Your child, and You are my hope. O Merciful God, I confess that I have sinned, this time my sin was towards my father, thinking that my way for him was the best way. Did I take time to understand him? No. Did I take time to consider what he was feeling? No. Instead I pushed my agenda and declared my way was the best way. Lord, even as I asked his forgiveness, the pain of my sin remained. Yet, you have already made me clean. You have already purified me and tossed my sin as far as the east is from the west. So help me to remember it no more and to restore me to him. On this day, I am  now afresh with the desire to love the Lord my God with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind. I want to delight in your will, walk in your ways, to the glory of Your Name.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Replies
    1. I love you God I need you at all times

  2. Lord help me to work more and more at shortening that rope, in Jesus name Amen. I love you too God.

  3. Beautiful prayer, PaytonFamily. Thank you for bringing together our JC family through all these years. Blessings to you. KS

    1. Amen, Thank you Paytonfamily for your honesty and willingness to be transparent. I believe you not only set the platform for this blog to be a success but gave us liberty to be transparent by your example. God's favor and protection over you and your family. TERRI

    2. Yes! Thank you so much Paytonfamily. This blog is such a blessing! Terri’s prayer is also my prayer for you
      Love our JC family
      Praying for each of you

    3. Thank you for sharing your prayer Chris. Your openness is a blessing.
      God spoke to me through your words . I’m praying for you
      and your father.
      Lord, thank you for your love, forgiveness and for washing us clean .
      You know our hearts and we want your blessings showered on
      Our parents. Thank
      You for helping us to pray, to
      Listen and be still. You are God and You have this! I love you Jesus and I Trust you Jesus. Prayers and blessings

  4. Lord we thank you for your love for us, your promises to us, and your provision for us. Each breath is provision and with each breath we can be reminded of you in us. We thank you for your greatest provision which was your son.

    Lord we ask for a new and greater awareness of what you meant when you said would never leave or forsake us. You designed us to be dependent on you moment by moment so Lord we ask for new mercies today of a fresh revelation that you are with us, will not leave us, and an awareness of the difference that makes in each moment! You are here now and we give you thanks.
    I pray this in Jesus name.

  5. Morning by morning, new mercies I see. Thank you Lord for drawing us closer each day. JC Warriors, please pray love, peace and comfort for Kenny's 91 year old mother Ruth and siblings as we attend his funeral service at 11 AM this morning. This is the 2nd child Ruth has buried.

    1. Dear heavenly Father, I ask that you give peace and comfort to Kenny's Mom, and all of his loved ones. Wrap Your loving arms around his Mom as she buries her second child, I can't fathom losing a child, much less two. As the days go by after the funeral today, I ask that You lessen the pain in their hearts, as time is a healer itself, fill the void Kenny left in their hearts with your love. In Jesus name I pray, Amem!

    2. Sassy Mom --- Prayers on the way for Ruth and family. May the Lord hold them all tightly in His loving arms.

    3. Sassy Mom , my heart aches for this mother. I watched my mother in law go through this pain. Lord use it to for your glory in Jesus mane. TERRI

  6. 109 days clean and sober, getting to see my children every weekend, getting settled in Colorado. Got a sponsor here and everything.

    1. Wonderful news, Anonymous! Praying for you and my JC Family.

    2. Anonymous--- I agree with IA, wonderful news! Thank you for the update. This is a great VICTORY for the Lord and another very bad day for satan-- as it should be! I ask for the Lord's unusual favor upon you! Great blessings to you from Kansas

    3. Anonymous - 109 days!!!!Praising the Lord with you.

    4. Praise God, you give this mom hope for my own child. I'm so thankful that God is walking you through each day and your getting back what the enemy stole from you. My prayer is that you get back 10 fold in Jesus name!!! TERRI

    5. Bravo Anonymous! Bravo! God is with you every step of the way! Amen.

    6. May God continue to bless you with strength and desire to resist that which doesn't serve you and his purpose for you well.

    7. Praying that continues to walk with you every step of the way Anonymous!

  7. Praise God!

  8. I love you Father I need you always I put on my breatplate and keep moving forward 💪🙏

  9. Keith --- Saw your post from yesterday. You are so right. The Lord is BEYOND GRACIOUS to us! Sometimes it is hard to believe that He loves us SO MUCH! There are days I say "I don't know why You even bother with me!" But I am SO thankful that He does. Praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Continuing prayers for your family Keith. The Lord is doing a 'work' in your life. Proverbs 14:11 says "...THE tabernacle of the upright shall flourish." We are His "upright" because of what Jesus did for us! This is God's promise to us. He said that our house will flourish! In Psalms 84 He said "no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." We receive it with GREAT THANKSGIVING and say AMEN and AMEN.

    1. Thank you for that encouragement! "And Job fell down and worshipped." I'm worshiping Him with tears.

    2. Keith --- David also was in a very troubling situation. PSALM 65:8 speaks of it: "You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in Your bottle." He was a prisoner of war at this time. He cried and felt sorrowful. The tears in the bottle means the Lord remembers us and our suffering. One thing I have learned from experience is that the Lord uses EVERYTHING in our lives. He brings GOOD out of it and uses it for His GLORY. He wastes NOTHING! (Wish I could be less wasteful and a little more efficient) He will use every one of those tears! I also know He just LOVES us. You hang in there. The Lord has a first-rate plan for you. "Praying all the harder" in Kansas

    3. JJ interesting but not surprising you said He was doing a "work" and you put quotations around the word work. Now I have to tell you what God said to me last August. I was visiting my parents and as I walked into the kitchen I mentioned to God in a thought that "she" (the woman I love) belongs here with me. Then He spoke to me and said, "Don't hurry my work. I AM doing a perfect work". It's been a long painful road but He is making a new creation of me. Much more "work" to do but now I can rejoice with tears which is much more enjoyable than tears alone. Praying for whomever reads this and needs to know they are not alone!

    4. Keith--- You are so right--not surprising. That is just how our Lord rolls! He does it His way!! You just have to love it, love it, love it--AND WE DO!!!

    5. Rereading this exchange this year is such an encouragement. I love how God speaks to us and confirms his words through others. Thank you for sharing Keith and JJ. ❤️

    6. I had a dream last night with a message. Yes, God does amazing work in us, but it is not just a one way miracle mile. We co-labor and he gives us everything we need to be successful. SOMEtimes we can get so caught up in the ask that we can't see or hear the directions for our part in the miracle. Peter had to throw a net to catch fish. 😉

    7. I love all of these prayers. Y’all are such blessings

  10. Started late today, but it is NEVER too late when you are still alive to join my JC family Thank the Lord for granting us another blessed and gifted day. I thank my Father for waking me up this morning and ordering my steps. All glory and honor to His Holy name!

    Keeping Ruth and Family in prayers during this tough time. God is their refuge and strength. Lifting ALL my JC family up this mid-day hour, trusting the Lord to meet all your requests and concerns in Jesus name!

    Wishing everyone is blessed remaining of the day. God loves you!

    Maplewood, NJ

  11. Thank you. Your prayers are always so uplifting. Blessings

  12. Thanking my JC Family for prayers on behalf of Kenny's Mother and loved ones. I was unaware of a fractured family relationship between the brothers and sisters. I am rejoicing and praising the lord of restoration!!!!

    2 Corinthians 13:11 NIV
    Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.

  13. For those of you who don't know this occurred during Kenny's funeral this morning. Thanking my JC Family again for healing prayers.

    1. I just love it Sasy Mom. I just love it!!

    2. Thank you for sharing Sassy mom!
      I love this so much!
      God is speaking to us through this even years later!
      Love you Sassy Mom

  14. Good morning JC fam! Thank you Lord for a new day with renewed blessings flowing from Your Throne of Grace.

    "as you drift away from Me, My Spirit within you gives a tug, prompting you to return to Me."

    "You wander only a short distance before feeling that inner tug--telling you to return to your true Center in Me."

    Open our heart mind ears to your presence Lord, fill our soul with Your peace, Your strength. Please don't let our mind wander too far, don't let us go far from you. Thank you because you provide everything that we need, we have everything we need in You.

    Train us, teach us your ways, so that your will be done, not ours, even if we don't want it or are afraid of it. We don't need to worry because you only want the best for us. We trust you Lord. We love you.

    Have a blessed day JC family. I love you and I pray for you all.

    Blessings from France

    1. Beautiful Prayer dear Blessings from France! Thank you! I was also deeply moved by today's devotion and prayer. We are anchored to Heaven by our faith. So we must be sure that our roots are deeply planted, so like an anchor, we are held steadfast on the Rock, never moving, despite the everchanging and uncertain path we are on. This is so meaningful in today's fragile situation. Many people with a weak faith are losing it. I am sure those without a faith are drifting around like a piece of driftwood in an open sea. Allowing the media to fill them. They don't have eyes to see that God is working miracles at this very moment to bring us to a world that is so much better. His spirit is already guiding us to make wise decisions and our long suffering gives us the patience to wait on Him until His plan is revealed. I thank God each day that I'm still here and surrounded by His love and peace. I know He that lives in me is so much greater than he that is in the world. Amen, we pray together that God will open our hearts, minds and ears to His presence. He is never far away and as close to us as the beating of our own hearts. Much love.

    2. Amen Jeanne! Thank you for your words of wisdom. It breaks my heart that those without faith do not know about the truth. They only know about earthly things, earthly circumstances, worry, fear, anxiousness... May God reveals Himself to them, may they accept His love and Truth.

      Blessings from France

    3. Beautiful prayer, Blessings from France
      Sending up loving prayers for you and for Our JC family
      God bless each of you

    4. Amen and thank you, Blessings from France! We are blessed that we look beyond what we can see. God bless you in all things.
      Brandy, Thanks for your prayers. God bless you too.

    5. Just had to say again dear Blessings from France, your words give me so much encouragement. Right now there are so many of my friends who are going through hard times and some of their loved ones are very sick or faced with difficult challenges. I truly rest in the peace of God. I lift them up in prayer every day because they are in need of God's healing, comfort and guidance. I give Him all my problems and I trust Him to take care of those I care about. We are so blessed that He gives us a peace that truly transcends human understanding. We know it is limitless, and it always surrounds us. Like a free flowing channel of pure sweet water that washes our stress and worries away. Our Father loves us with an everlasting love and really cares about how we feel. Amen dear sister. May God reveal Himself to all those who do not know Him especially our unsaved dear ones. God bless you and all our JC Family.

    6. Amen! And by our example may we inspire all to do so. Thank you Holy Spirit for using us in such important ways here on earth with our fellows.

  15. Blessings from France - Thank you for blessing my day with your beautiful prayer. "Open our heart mind ears to your presence Lord, fill our soul with Your peace, Your strength. Please don't let our mind wander too far, don't let us go far from you. Thank you because you provide everything that we need, we have everything we need in You." I receive your blessing. Praying love and blessings for JC Warriors as you pray for me.

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom! Glory be to God!

      Blessings from France

  16. Amen and Amen. Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord continously and always.

  17. Dear Loving Father, Your knowledge of me far exceeds anything that I will ever grasp or see in any given moment. Help me to keep You in the center of my consciousness and to see myself in the light of your Holiness. You are my Anchor. I pray this in Jesus’ name.

    We have an Anchor and He’s our great Jehovah! The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself, it reveals who God is and it also serves to reveal who we are.

    Let’s take the word anchor and give an analogy: For example the Norwegian cruise ship (first one that came to my mind) crew members have a responsibility to ensure that the ship stays in the direction of its intended destination regardless of what is going on with the sea. So it is with us, we need an Anchor for our souls. The book of Hebrews speaks to a group of struggling and suffering Christians who were undergoing persecution, but encouraged to keep going on, to endure, to persevere and not give up the faith though hardship was a present reality. As humans, we have the tendency to drift/slip away when the going gets tough, no matter how long of a journey we’ve been walking with Jesus. Like the Norwegian cruise ship, regardless if the crew left the ship in the middle of a body of calm, serene waters, it will inevitably start to drift at some point. It is because though the surface seem to appear calm, currents are constantly operating below the surface. This is how the human heart tends to operate. Often times when we are hurting, we put up a fine front on the outside surface. Pretend that our life is put together. Yet inside is the undercurrent of sin. Then eventually we slowly but surely start to drift away and hardly drifts toward Jesus. When that happens, we indeed need an Anchor for our souls.
    God’s promise, first given to Abraham, now inherited by all those who believe in the same God that he did, went the extra mile and guaranteed His promise with an oath.‘All the descendants of Abraham would be blessed,’ and indeed we are (Gen 12:3, Gen. 17, Gen. 22:18). Unless we are firmly anchored in the promise of what is and what is to come, then we will settle for less (CS Lewis famously said:‘we are far too easily pleased’). We are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephe. 1:4-6) and this hope my friends, is the Anchor of our souls. We need an Anchor for our souls because the greatest and only real lasting satisfaction can be found in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    Dear Father, May we become better attuned to Your Presence and calling in our lives through unshakable faith that opens to Your wonders. You have not called us to blind faith, but “true and reasonable” faith (Acts 26:25). Help us to make every dedicated effort to keep You as the Anchor of our souls. Amen, in Jesus’ name.

    FOOD FOR THOUGHT: C.S. Lewis wrote, God “wants a child’s heart, but a grown-up’s head.”

    JOKE FOR THE DAY (since the book of Hebrews is mentioned): An elderly lady bragging to her friends during a game of bingo about the importance of respecting God’s commands in the Bible. ‘My husband brews my coffee every day, I would love to do it sometimes since he makes it too strong on some days’. A friend asked, so why don’t you do it yourself? Her response:‘Oh No, I can’t, that will be walking in disobedience to the will of God! Another friend asked how? Her reply: Haven’t you read your Bible. God said that He-brews (in other words, he’s responsible for brewing the coffee)!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Twin bd sis, your posts lift our eyes to our loving Lord, the Spirit through you gives us something further to meditate upon, you pray for us, and today, you share a good thought and leave us with a chuckle that warms our heart. Your posts are so fulfilling. Thank God for how He has drawn you unto Himself to be a source of blessing to us and those around you. God be with you.

    2. Thanks dear Maplewood! What an awesome analogy. And I loved your joke because it was a sweet one. Your words are my words. Especially: We need an Anchor for our souls because the greatest and only real lasting satisfaction can be found in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen to that dear Sister!

    3. Amen Maplewood! Wonderful words of wisdom as always and good joke! God bless you!

      Blessings from France

    4. Thank you Maplewood! Love the analogy. Thank you so much for sharing so much of your heart and the Bible with us! Love your heart! We are so blessed hear with this blog and Our JC family
      Thank you for the joke too
      Made me smile 😊
      Love, prayers and blessings

  18. An agnostic friend recently said to me "I think I'm broken. I don't know why I can't commit to this wonderful man". She had been in a difficult marriage, divorced, and now in a relationship with a "wonderful Christian man". He accepted her and her adult gay son with no judgment. But I've thought about her words in my own life. "I think I'm broken." I've been married 3 times (2 different men). I'm currently married to my first husband. Each marriage I went in to with dread. Wedding days are not happy memories for me. I remarried my first husband because I really felt that's what God was telling me to do. My middle daughter was his power of attorney because he really wasn't able to care for himself mentally. I fought God on it for several weeks. "Please, don't make me marry 'that man'". He was obnoxious, rude, crude and selfish. Yet it was the right decision for our family.

    I have been in a mode of "love is commitment". I don't have to have feelings, I just have to have correct behavior. I also know that because of my feeling that GOD told me to marry him, that I will not, absolutely will not divorce him again, because I know I'm where I need to be. As difficult as it has been sometimes.

    I finding though, that "love" seems to have escaped me. I'm not sure I know how to love. Even my kids. I respond appropriately, but don't "feel" that tug. Likewise, with God. I want to LOVE HIM with every part of my being, but it just isn't there.

    I have to sign off because IT is going to work on my computer. Please thoughts and prayers.

    1. Good morning, Mary OKC. Thank you for sharing your journey and the Lord's leading (He often asks us to take paths that are not of our choosing). Are we broken? Yes we are all broken and incapable of making this sacred bond of marriage work. I come from a heritage is strewn with broken relationships. I so didn't want it to happen to me but by my own self will, it easily could. So I began the practice of daily praying for our marriage. I begin by being thankful to God for allowing me to fall in love and enter into that covenant. I give thanks for my wife. Is she perfect? She is perfect for me and that is why God led my heart to fall in love with her. I pray for my wife's health, happiness, wholeness, and well being. Then, I pray for myself for I play a major role in God bringing about the prayer I have just made for her. I pray that I 'may love her as Christ loves the church and gave Himself up for her' as stated in Ephesians 5:25. I pray for my devotion to her and for the keeping of my vow to be faithful in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health (a.k.a. unconditionally). God has granted those prayers for 50 years now. Do NOT get the impression I am the perfect husband, but doing the above makes me better than I could ever hope to be on my own. I hope this is helpful. God be with you in fulfilling the covenant of marriage to which He has called you.

    2. Dear Mary OKC. I believe that you are showing the deepest kind of love. A love that takes you out of yourself and lifts the life of another. Your God guided act of remarrying your husband in his dire need shows a selflessness that pleases God. You most certainly have feelings and you are bringing them before God who already knows them. You will not stray from this last mission in your life. And although your husband has not treated you properly in the past, I am sure he appreciates your presence and comfort in his difficult life. Everyday you are "loving" because your priorities are in the right place and you are giving your husband the light and God's presence even if you can't see it. God knows your difficult life but He reads your weary heart each day and knows you're living to make your husband's life tolerable and comfortable. Look for all the spots of light He sprinkles along your path today and when you're feeling broken and downtrodden, always look up from where your help cometh. God bless you dear Mary.

    3. Dear Mary, Thank you for sharing your story with us. I too believe that you are doing your best at showing love. As Bob said above, we are all broken. Only God can fill the hole in our heart through Jesus Christ. We need to spend time with Him, focus on Him in order to be refreshed. Only that way our soul can be filled with His peace, comfort, strength. He's with you and for you, in your weeping and rejoicing, He never leaves your side and He is working in our life even if we don't see or feel it.
      I pray that He restores and heal you broken and weary heart. I pray that He gives you the strength and love you need to love others like He loves you and everyone.

      "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

      Be blessed dear sister,

      Blessings from France

    4. Amazing comments and so well said from Bob, Jeanne and Anonymous.Mary OKC, I as well see goodness in your story. Remember, even among struggles and uncertainty, God is with you every step of the way. Let that comfort guide you! Amen.

    5. Bless you all for your responses. I woke up this morning embarrassed by my whining from yesterday. I appreciate your encouragement.

  19. (II Timothy 2:21c) After an admonishment to fully seek the One that has sought us and found us, this verse closes with the purpose of it all, 'ready for every good work.'

    The work is ultimately the salvation of the world. So we are being called to be 'ready' to do the work. What is the 'being ready'? To me, it is being drawn into the love of God and responding to God with the same, thus the essential of early morning with Him. That places the heart in a ready condition to meet each and every opportunity for a good work. And the 'good work' is to show the love of God to all (and all means all). The good work can take many forms, it can be a simple smile (hard with a mask on but do it any way for as previously stated in this blog, a smile lightens up the eyes which conveys the love), handshakes and hugs are simple expressions (oh for the day when we are free to engage as such again), a helping hand, an encouraging word, a pleasant demeanor that lifts others, expressions of the hope that is in us as the Spirit leads us, doing one's occupation in a manner that seeks to be a blessing to those served,...the list is endless but the ultimate end of each and every expression is that all who we encounter, experience God in being with us. This happens best when our own love for God is being renewed on a regular basis to which our JC readings call us. That part must be addressed and in place before we can 'be ready'. In so doing, we become, as this verse says, the 'special utensil, dedicated and useful to the owner of the house' (any doubts on Whose house this is?). Simply put, set your heart in heaven then proceed on earth.

    So good to see you (though only virtually) this AM. Be blessed, JC family. With love, Bob

    1. Amen! Amen, bday twin. Great insight! That’s the goal, always being ready for the good work! Yes Jesus, prepare us to be like Bob said: “special utensil, dedicated and useful to the owner of the house"!

      God bless you my brother!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen Bob! Thank you for your wisdom. You gave me such a good encouragement through your post.
      God bless you!

      Blessings from France

  20. Amen Bob. I will do my best today to be a Bringer of the light and the love of God. I sure wanna be a special utensil and an instrument to be used by my Father. His Spirit is guiding me to "Set my heart in heaven and then proceed on earth".

  21. Amen Father help me to stay on a very short Rope that I don't get to far from u as I already have ..I know with you by myside I can strive to do all that is needed of me ,you will never forsake me...Thank you Heavenly father, and thank you for Twyla who never gives up

  22. I put this post into yesterday's page but it is so important so here it is again:
    Please pray for my friend Jim who just told me he has nonoperative liver cancer and he's starting treatment at Sloan Kettering in two weeks. He sent me this exact message: "Jeanne, sometimes all the prayers in the universe don't really work. But I know now that GOD has other plans for me." I told him God allows bad things to happen to good people. I told him He is testing his faith and he should trust in the Lord now. Please pray that God will destroy every cancer cell and that the Chemo will be successful. Please also pray for his strength of faith. That is most important. Thank you dear JC Family.

    1. I am so sorry to hear that. Father, please lift Jim's spirit up and magnify his faith in You. Remind him of Your glory and goodness and that You are working in all things at all times. You are the healer and miracle worker. Place Your healing hands on him and remove this affliction from him. Let Your glory shine and his faith in You be restored. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Dear Jeanne, joining you & Janet in prayer for Jim. May his faith be strengthened through this health crisis. Hold him steady Lord when he finds himself doubting or wavering from the hope of healing. Help him keep his eyes on you, "his true Center". Amen.

    3. Thank you for reposting, Jeanne, as I did not see your post from yesterday. So sorry to hear about your friend, Jim. I want to share something with you to, hopefully, if you see fit, share with Jim. Our LONGTIME financial advisor (her dad was our parent's advisor. Kate worked alongside her dad and eventually took the business over when Ben retired.) and friend to my entire extended family, Kate, got a terminal diagnosis 5 years ago and was given no hope and no treatment plan since nothing had worked. She was given 6-18 months to live. Kate, is a wife, mom to two adult kids, & grandmother, being in her 50's, health-minded, exercised daily, ate pretty healthy, grounded in her faith, etc. was overwhelmed with this diagnosis and the fact that they gave her zero hope. What she did with that information is nothing short of incredible...taking control over her care with God and her family & friends by her side. Rather than me try to explain it all, I want to pass on a podcast where she was interviewed on July 13, 2020. What. A. Journey! faith and healing! I hope that you and our JC Family will take a listen as it is miraculous to say the least. The podcast address is:

      Name of podcast: Changed by My Tumor with Kate Leipprandt
      "You Changed Me"

      Please, please, take a listen! Adding Jim to my prayers, Jeanne. Thank you, again, for reposting today and giving our JC fam the opportunity to pray for him. Praying, believing, hoping in Jesus' name! Amen!
      *Lastly, Kate is very open to sharing any resources to help someone. A VERY, very kind and compassionate human to put it mildly if Jim wanted to connect with her.

    4. Praying for Jim. Chemo can be a miracle especially with all of the new tech and highly targeted drugs. In Him. Godspeed.

    5. Joining the JC prayer warriors in praying for Jim and his entire medical team.

    6. Still keeping all of our "Jim"s in my prayers 🙏

  23. Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved. (Psalm 62:1-2).

    Father, I can't thank You enough for all You do and all You are. You are so amazing and wonderful. There is no one above You. You are the most high. Thank You for anchoring me to You and showing me the truth, the life, and the way. I am so grateful. You brought me up from the depths of despair and into Your loving arms. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. You deserve so much more than I can ever give to You. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Thank You for being in my life. Thank You for all You are doing in my life and showing and teaching me. I can't do anything apart from You. Please reveal Your will to me. Let all Your children rise up for Your glory and in Your word and let us be the people You created us to be. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  24. We are going to Boston in the morning to spend some time with our youngest son and his wife who are not believers. I'm sure I have mentioned that they have never baptized their children. They have made it clear that I am not to tell them I pray for them or say God bless you. So I will be the light of Christ even without saying a word. And I will continue to pray for their change of heart and salvation. God can do all things. The Spirit will feed me the words to say so I will not worry. I know just holding my 2 little grandsons will bring me so much joy that my heart will be overflowing. I am blessed as I remain in His loving Hands.

    1. May the Holy Spirit use you to open their eyes, heart, and mind up to the Lord. In the mean time, enjoy your time making new memories with your family. Peace be with you and God bless!

    2. Praying for your new mercies today, Jeanne, and then again and again. Your love light will shine, and that is all they need to know. Love You, Brie

    3. Safe travels sweet Jeanne. This situation cannot keep you from praying for those precious grandsons & their parents. Shout in your inner soul to the enemy that wants this family destroyed, " hands off!" With your steady prayer of faith, your loved ones are already the possesion of the Most High! Amen! Hallelujah!

    4. Never let your inner voice stop praying for them with your eyes wide open. May your love of God shine and enter the dark places of your DIL and son... May you show restraint and be focused on just radiating love to your grandkids. In Him, Amen

    5. As much as your son and DIL resist and insist on you not mentioning anything God related, you being you, Jeanne, can't help but exude it silently! Heck, your love for our Lord jumps out in your replies in this blog! I can only imagine what it's like being around you in person! Lucky them! Safe travels and enjoy time with those precious grands, son, and DIL! In Jesus' name, sweet, sister Jeanne, AMEN!

    6. Praying as you go, dear Jeanne. I know God’s plans and purposes are good. Thank you for loving your kids and grands with your whole heart. ❤️

    7. Prayers for safe travels going out to you, Jeanne. Your grands will be able to see the light of Christ shine through your eyes.

    8. Traveling mercies friend, the light of God surrounds you!!!!

    9. All your beautiful messages made me so happy I had tears in my eyes. Thank you so much for your sweet love and encouragement! I appreciate your great advice. Things are going well. I am enjoying my family and my little grandson. Just loving them and I know God is in this place even without mentioning His Holy Name! Love you all!

    10. Grandsons. The baby is so cute and such a cute, big guy! His older brother looks enormous next to him. I am so blessed! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!😊💗

    11. I love you Jeanne..your love for our Lord shines thru into me and into your precious family!!

  25. Jeanne - Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you. CONTINUE TO LET YOUR JESUS LIGHT SHINE!!!!

    1. Amen and thank you dear Sassy Mom! His light always shines through the cracks in my broken vessel! 💗

  26. THANK YOU JESUS!!!!! Before my feet touched the floor early this morning, I thanked the Lord for His presence, guidance and protection during the night, prayed to be a blessing to those I encounter, put on the ARMOR OF GOD. Walked outside, turned on water and un-reeled the hose to water my newly planted flowers. Suddenly very fearful!!! I didn't realize I had walked past a coiled black snake right in front the patio door when I went outside! I was not about to RUN past that snake to get back in the house. I turned hose on jet stream and squirted the snake who slithered past the door into the woods. All I wanted to water was plants, not snakes!! Harmless or not, I'm fearful of anything that crawls or flies. THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!

    1. And God provided you that hose, Sassy Mom! Look at that blessing! So awesome! He added a hose to your armor! Love this story. Thanks for sharing! (Have to tell you...I shared something you shared with me awhile back with my daughter. Her first comment was, "love her name of Sassy Mom!" and your comforting words lifted her up as well, so thank you!) Love and blessings coming your way!

    2. OMG! Our Sassy Mom. I am on my knees thanking God that HIS Armor protected you.
      I also disdain things that crawl and slither; satan crawls and slithers.
      Continue in His Blessings, Sassy Mom, and reminding us of the saving power of His Armor when we put it on before we get up and get out! Love You, Brie

    3. OH, Sassy Mom!!! YIKES! Your story reminded me of my boys running in the house one day saying that their brother got bit by a snake. Sure enough, my 2nd son showed me two teeth marks. I called the ER and told them. The nurse said, "You have to open the mouth of the snake and count the teeth." I said, "WHAT?? How do I open the snakes mouth?" She said, "Grab it, pinch the jaws and its mouth will drop open." I should mention at this point that the snake was dead. One of us (not sure to this day, which one of us) had dropped a rock on it. So, I went outside, grabbed that slimy snake head and pinched its jaw. Sure enough his mouth dropped open. I counted the teeth and told the nurse and she said, "Non-poisonous!" My 4 sons and 1 daughter insisted on burying the dang thing. To this day, I can't imagine myself doing that again. But, God supplied what needed at that moment.
      Wish I'd had a hose, Sassy Mom! So thankful you are fine and that snake slinked away!!

    4. Joining in prayers of gratitude and relief. Thanking God He guided you to defending yourself with the hose He had prepared for your safety. Hallelujah!

  27. I'm a Single mom of two boys .... I needes this so much ..and I love reading the encouraging comments...thank y'all and I hope y'all have an amazing day❤️

    1. God bless you!

    2. Welcome Unknown!. God bless you in all things and your dear sons!

  28. Hi everyone please pray for my son and I. We’re sick 😷🙏 thank you and god bless you!!

    1. Father, please restore Woman of God and her son's health to them both. Give them comfort, strength, and love while they endure. May Your healing begin. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    2. Amen! Joining prayers for both of you for your healing, perfect treatment and restoration unto complete health. Thank You Jesus! .

    3. Thank you so much dear Janet and Jeanne for praying for us! God bless you. 🙏🙏🙏

  29. Lord, as I learn to keep closer to You I feel so grounded and at peace. Please help me to always keep circling back to You.

  30. Thank you Jesus for a short rope to anchor me. I see that it can get shorter when knots are tied in it. Help me to be grateful for the knots.

  31. Praying for each of you as I put a wrap on this day. Jeanne, your friend, Jim, is in my prayers. My Jim, who I asked for prayers for a few weeks ago, is doing fine. Praying now for him to find an experienced person to help with their pool company.
    You know, it can seem at times that there aren't enough prayers in the world to cure a man with inoperable liver cancer. Yet, Our God raised his only begotten Son from the dead. I'm praying for miraculous healing and for you to be the shining light that you are, Jeanne, when you visit your Son, Daughter in Law and Grands. As someone else said, you don't have to say a word. The light of Christ shines in you!!
    Good to see your posts on here MadFox and know that you are doing well. Love and Prayers to all of my JC Family.
    Sleep Sweet - God is on the Nightwatch!

  32. Thank you dear Norah for your prayers and for all the prayers of our family for Jim and fir all the encouragement!
    Amen! MadFox! Loved your post! And love you

  33. THE ANCHOR HOLDS sung by Joseph Larson

  34. Dear Brie, You posted the most beautiful song last year. I loved it so much! The Anchor Holds: Majesty. Praise HIM! You are still encouraging us dear sister! Thank you. May God continue to bless, strengthen, guide, protect and comfort you. Thank You Lord.
    I'm driving to Brooklyn this morning to be with my Mom till Sunday. I'll be keeping you, my dear ones, in my prayers. Thank you for your prayers whether seen or unseen. We know our God hears every one. May God heal, comfort, lift and encourage and guide you and your loved ones..
    Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name we pray.

  35. Be blessed ! Persevering in hope and laying hold on our inheritance and banking on it and being satisfied in it and living by the power of it “belongs to” (literally: “is had by”) salvation. That’s part of our salvation. Salvation is not merely an anchored rope dangling from heaven for us to hold on to with our own strength. Better things belong to salvation, including the holding on. That too is a work of our salvation. The anchor of our souls is bound to us as well as to heaven.

    1. Beautiful truth Min Ahadi. Amen! The “holding on” is the most important part.

  36. Dear JC Warriors, I come to you early this morning asking for prayers for my son as he travels to his girlfriend’s parents home - 9 hours away. This mom knows he is in God’s hands, nonetheless, she is worried and asking for prayers for safe travels. Thank you.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Praying for your son. God's protection over him, travelling safety. Protection against all harm and danger. In Jesus Almighty Name. Be blessed by His Presence today.

    2. Joining the JC WARRIORS in safely prayer for your son and anyone else traveling this day. Thank you , Papa God, for your Traveling Mercies over each precious family member. May Your peace reign in their lives, the love of God surround them, the Spirit of God empower them, and the Joy of God uphold them. Thank You, Papa God for guarding their lives. In the name of Jesus, our Great Protector. Pleading The Blood of Jesus over our JCFAMILY!!!
      YOU, devil, CAN'T defeat The Blood!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

    3. I, too, am joining this traveling mercies prayer train for your son, SC. God is surrounding both your son and his car with His hedge of protection! May he get to his destination safe and sound in Jesus' name, AMEN!

    4. Joining prayers for your dear son’s traveling safety, a blessed trip, and for peace of mind to you. He is a in the able Hands of the Lord and surrounded by prayers.

    5. That was me Anonymous SC. Rest in Him Who loves you and your son.

  37. " Come to Me continually. I am meant to be the Center of your consciousness,"
    Jesus Be The Center:

    1. Always loved that song dear Peter. Thanks

  38. Safe travels for your son, SC anonymous. Amen

  39. Dear heavenly Father, please keep my rope short, anchored to YOU. Help me to stay close to you always. Please find me worthy of your blessings today. I am so very grateful. Amen

    1. Joining into your perfect prayer dear ABC. Amen

  40. Good morning! Such a beautiful day! Thank you Jesus. Asking for prayers this morning as my husband will be going through a bone marrow biopsy. Praying for complete healing. Thank you all.

    1. Dear Annie --- Interceding for your husband' s bone marrow biopsy and anyone in our JCFAMILY going through similar procedures. I pray for God's presence and peace to come over them. I ask my, Papa God, to bless with negative results and restore health to anyone with a positive result. I pray and believe in the name of Jesus, our Promise Keeper and Waymaker, AMEN and AMEN

    2. Dear Annie! Joining in JJ’s prayer for your husband’s biopsy for good results and God’s amazing healing. My friend Johnny has bone marrow cancer so I am also asking for prayers for him. He is diabetic, has sciatica and is just getting over Covid. We pray together for your husband’s good report and for Johnny’s healing of all his weaknesses in the Name of Christ Jesus. Thank You Father for answering our prayers and all the prayers of our dear JC Family. Amen

  41. Good morning JC family. Covering all in prayer today for all your intentions and needs. Please add my mother in law, Ruth, to your prayers as she is battling cancer and was taken to the er last night. Thank you!
    May your anchor hold fast today and keep you from danger as you rest in His safe harbor.

    1. My Gracious, Papa God, Your thoughts towards us are of peace and not of evil, to give us a future and a hope. I believe it is Your will that we live free from all diseases. So, by the Authority You have given me, I Declare that the infirmity of cancer in its many forms and types---are destroyed in Jesus' name and by The Blood of Jesus. I pray this over Rich's mother-in-law and anyone in our JCFAMILY dealing with this infirmity., i command the abnormally formed cells to die at their root and the metastasizing cells to cease from spreading . I command the increased production of healthy cells to destroy the cancerous cells. I Proclaim that Rich's mother-in-law and any of our precious JCFAMILY that is dealing with this infirmity, is healed, redeemed, restored and set free from cancer and its symptoms, by The Stripes of Jesus! HALLELUJAH!!! I Declare that SUPERNATURAL HEALING, right now, is flowing throughout each of their bodies. Lord, forever Your Word is settled in Heaven. In Jesus' Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Gathering into our dear JJ’s prayers for Ruth’s complete healing, comfort and strength, and for all those suffering and in need of healing. Thank You dear Father for this and for granting all our petitions in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    3. Wow! Thank you for the powerful, uplifting and hope filled prayers! Hallelujah 🙏

  42. I'm am so glad your the lord is your anchor!! He's mine too I put it all in his hands and all is good!! Love you!!

  43. Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those that are His," and "everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness." (2 Timothy 2:19). He will be the sure foundation for your times,a rich store of salvation, and wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure. (Isaiah 33:6). There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. (Proverbs 23:18).

    1. Thank you Janet . God bless you

    2. Yes dear sister, thank you for the word. Bless you for sharing & blessing us.💞🙏🌈

    3. Thanks sweet Janet. Amen! If we have been forgiven and made new creatures in Christ, our behavior must reflect that we have been cleansed and changed. We must try to avoid temptation to sin and situations where we may lose control and let go of God's Hand. He is the strongest foundation. On the Solid Rock we Stand. My hope is in the Lord and He holds my future. I am not afraid because He goes before me always.

  44. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, please watch over and protect Your children as they share Your Word of truth this weekend. Let people's hearts and eyes be opened to receive Your message in love. Let all hate, evil, and persecutions be cast into the deepest oceans. Let Your glory shine bright in the world and Your name be upheld in honor and reverence. Let the world worship and praise You with the highest of honors. Let love, faith, and hope fill our hearts. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen to that! We must empty our hearts so He can fill them with those things that never fade away.

  45. Come to Me continually. I am meant to be the Center of your consciousness, the Anchor of your soul."
    Indeed Lord You are.
    Lord Jesus You are the very core of my existence. As an apple has a core which contains the seeds of the next generation, I come to You, my core, and ask You for Seeds of Life to sow among those I meet on a daily basis. I can speak words from my own thoughts but my words are empty and lifeless compared to Your Word which is the Word of Life. Better one word from You than a thousand from me. I offer myself to you without reservation to receive Your Words to share with those who are not Yours yet. I ask this Lord Jesus for Your Glory and the increase of Your Bride, the Church, Amen.

    1. Amen! Your Word is life, and light, and peace, and truth. I have hidden Your Word in my heart so I will not sin against You.


    1. That was a wonderful song. Thanks dear Learning to Trust.
      Here's another good one. It's an acoustic cover of Trust in You.

  47. Driving home from my Mom’s. She’s having a hard day because of the antibiotics. Thanks .for your prayers! Much love.

    1. Praying for your safe travels, Dear Jeanne and for you sweet mom's stomach being settled. Love you, Dear Sister. I have been so lazy today - just didn't have it in me to even look at my To Do List. I did run to the store and was back in 30 mins. Heading to bed as my Best Man and Son #2 continue watching their show. My daughter and her loving man will stay the night and we'll see almost all of the family tomorrow for my 1st Grandson's 13 Birthday Party. Can't believe he'll be 13. How blessed am I to be here for this. We'll miss our youngest son and his family as they travel back from upstate NY, but we know we'll see them soon.
      Love and prayers to all of you, Dear JC Family. Sleep sweet - God is on the Night always!

  48. ...✨️Love🙏Light✨️...

  49. Lord, I praise you for the valleys the last 5 days. I praise you for using them to pull me back to you and focus on you not the valleys. Lord, you have given me so many “God winks” during the last 5 days. Each day has brought a new challenge, but each day brought me closer to you and you provided. There is nothing you cannot do.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Dear SC, God’s presence in the storms is our safety belt. He carries us through every trial and problem. Sometimes we must suffer through them but there is always His light guiding us through the wilderness. I’m continuing to pray for you and your family for healing and guidance. He is our stronghold and our Great Physician. Nothing is too hard for Him. Those Godwinks told you He is still in charge. Sorry God allowed those valleys but He also drew you closer to Him. May He lead everything to good as only He can. Thank You Jesus.

      Psalm 9:9-10
      The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed,
      A refuge in times of trouble.
      And those who know Your name will put their trust in You;
      For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.

      Psalm 18:2
      The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
      My God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
      My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

    2. Thank you. I have been absorbed in Psalms this week. I know God is with us as we travel and is holding our hands each day.
      SC Anonymous

  50. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for; the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. (Romans 5:5). Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you, but if I go, I will send Him to you. (John 16:7).

    Sorry about the post above.

    1. Amen! Blessed, thank You Lord for sending the Helper and for Your work through Him the blessed Holy Spirit in our lives.

    2. Hmm...🤔 Somehow posted twice.

    3. Thanks dear Janet! Amen! You always feed us well!

  51. Turn your eyes upon Jesus
    Look full in his wonderful face
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
    In the light of his glory and grace


  53. Hello prayer warriors. I have tried posting from my phone and it do not work. So i came to my computer. I read everyday and love the prayer community coming together. I have asked for prayer a few years ago for my son who had been in an accident and afterwords i had the best night sleep in weeks, i felt the impact of this group. He is prospering 2 years later, still needs prayer for direction but doing so much better. Thank you. Right now I ask for prayer for my friend and her adult son who is suffering with mental illness. He is verbalizing the anguish and does not want to deal with it anymore, he talks about ending his life. She is a pastors wife, one of the best moms i know and has a MS in counseling, still the devil has a foot hold. She has been in recovery for 5 years, but is struggling through this time. I pray the name of Jesus over them and ask you all to join. When the apostles could not rebuke a spirit, Jesus told them that some can only be cast out by prayer- if i got that right, and Jesus told us if 2 or come to him in agreement...Oh Lord God intervene today in these circumstances. May the good Lord bless you all for coming together here.

    1. Coming together for your request for your friend and her adult son. We pray the BLOOD OF JESUS over this family to break all strongholds of addiction, depression and evil influences. We declare the name of JESUS REIGNS over this family.

  54. Praying with and for you, Looking Up Daily and all of our Dear JC Family. Great news about your son, LUD and your pastors wife will be in my prayers, too. Though it is overcast with no sunshine, the Son is definitely shining and I am thankful. Prayers please regarding a potential car purchase. It is needed, wanted and I know God will provide. The car salesman that called me is a former student of my DH's. That was fun and I'm sure my DH will go with me to check out this car. God knows the answers and 'the way through the wilderness; all we have to do is follow!' I'm sure that it is no coincidence that this song is on constant replay in my head! :)

  55. I have this plan ….that if it happens would prosper and help some close loved ones who are extremely struggling health wise as well as financially. It would also help our immediate family. The first step was to sell some property. The property was put on the market over a month ago, recently the price was substantially lowered and still no buyers. I’m thinking that perhaps MY plan may not be God’s plan? I am trying to surrender my will and wait and trust God in this. I keep struggling with “ ask and it will be given unto you” and just waiting on the Lord and NOT being anxious.

    1. Give it time, dear Learning to trust. If it’s part of God’s plan it will happen. Give all the worry to God and hold onto His peace no matter what. Sounds like it would glorify Him because you’re helping others too. Praying your prayers will be answered very soon. Thank You Jesus.

  56. Thank you Lord, for drawing me to YOUR WORD today.
    James 3:17
    "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy."
    Lord I need you, every hour I need you. ✝️♥️

  57. Peace and trust in your waiting 🙏

  58. Trying again, my post didn't take...
    Thank you Lord, for leading me to YOUR WORD today.
    James 3:17-18
    But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.
    Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by THOSE WHO MAKE PEACE.

  59. Thank you, Dear JC Family! This evening around 6:30, I drove our new car into the driveway. My DH drove our Chrysler about an hour before me, into our drive. We will sell it later. It wasn't easy getting on the same page with my DH, but his trust in God showed when he said to me, "You make this decision. I want you to be peaceful." I had to make a decision: wait and possibly lose it (another couple was interested and I found out later they had "waited." I talked to my youngest son and he said, "Mom, if you feel you should wait, then wait." I agreed. I went back to my seat and quietly said to God, "Lord, tell me what to do, please." Next thing I knew I was saying to the young man (who wasn't my DH's former student but our oldest son's!), "I'll take it!" No angst, no worry, doubt or fear. I am so thankful. This has been a 3 year journey and tonight, as I drove this lovely car into our driveway, I was peaceful. I even drove my DH and me on the by-pass - NO FEAR (I haven't driven outside 2 miles of our home since COVID). I felt comfortable, peaceful and at home in this car. Heading to bed and I know I will sleep like a baby. My DH is blessed too, as are all of our 5 adult kids and their spouses. Our little Granddaughter next door was SO tickled. Thank you, Dear Family, for your prayers.
    Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch!

    1. So happy about God’s guiding you to say Yes to the car! He knew it would be perfect for you. He is so faithful!

  60. The color of our new car is "Molten Lava," which is a deep orange-ish/red. I'm so thankful!

  61. Last song - from Norah:,vid:YK6mEwnNZNU,st:0

  62. Morning Light by Josh Garrels. God Bless You!

  63. Really nice song! Love his voice too.
