Friday, June 19, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 20

     I speak to you continually. My nature is to communicate, though not always in words. I fling glorious sunsets across the sky, day after day after day. I speak in the faces and voices of loved ones. I caress you with a gentle breeze that refreshes and delights you. I speak softly in the depths of your spirit, where I have taken up residence.
     You can find Me in each moment, when you have eyes that see and ears that hear. Ask My Spirit to sharpen your spiritual eyesight and hearing. I rejoice each time you discover My Presence. Practice looking and listening for Me during quiet intervals. Gradually you will find Me in more and more of your moments. You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me above all else.

Psalm 8:1-4
English Standard Version

O Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
    Out of the mouth of babies and infants,
you have established strength because of your foes,
    to still the enemy and the avenger.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
    and the son of man that you care for him?

Psalm 19:1-2
English Standard Version

The heavens declare the glory of God,
    and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
    and night to night reveals knowledge.

I Corinthians 6:19
English Standard Version

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own .

Jeremiah 29:13
English Standard Version 

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

My Prayer (2019)
Good morning Lord. Thank you for a new day. How majestic is Your name in all the earth. Your creation testifies continually to who You are. The sky above declares the glory of God as it covers us here on this earth you have created. Then I see me, in the mirror, and realize I am a temple. Lord, I want to extol You as My God and proclaim You above all else, not simply when I walk into church in the company of believers, but as I walk out into this world. I need you in me Lord giving me the courage to proclaim You in the midst of this world that continually finds goodness in each person and doesn't dare take the time to consider the Fall and our sins that we still commit. I don't want to be like that Lord. Remind me Lord that the most important thing in my life is falling into Your presence and not simply making sure my life right now is free of challenges. Lord, you show me in Your word how You take care of the birds and feed them, providing them what they need. Lord, I'm not so sure I trust You with that. When push comes to shove Lord, too often it is I that wants to be in control. Help me to rediscover You today and see You Lord. To be satisfied with You. Lord, I am embarrassed as to how easy it is for trials or challenges to derail me. I'm like a kid on the floor having a temper tantrum before You Lord because I am not getting what I want. I want to reflect You Lord. Teach me to seek you with all of my heart. Too often my seeking You is all about bringing my laundry list before You so that You meet all of MY needs and wants. Forgive me Lord. Lord, let You be sufficient.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Replies
    1. Chris, your 2019 prayer is mine too. Thank you.

  2. Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day and all the beauty it has in store for us. Thank you for the reminder in Jeremiah about seeking you with all our heart and that when we do, we will find you. I ask that you help me pause more throughout the day to seek You and spend time in worship and praise with You.

    1. Amen dear Jeff! Thank you for your timeless prayer.
      Jesus, Remind us to seek you throughout our day with all our heart.

    2. Thank you Brother Jeff for being used of to bless me with your fervent prayers. Bless you wherever you areπŸ™πŸ₯°

    3. Yes, AMEN, Jeff! As Jeanne expressed, I appreciate your timeless prayer and will continue to strive to seek Him throughout my day. I often get frustrated when feeling I somehow "fell-out" of that connection with Him feeling apart or alone somehow and wondering what it is/was that made me feel that way. Thanks, Jeff, for this prayer!

    4. Thank you for this prayer to our good good Father on this Father's day. Thank you Father for your unconditional love that blankets us all. Truly, we can't thank you enough. ♥️

    5. Along with our fellow JC Prayer Warriors, I am gathering into Jeff's expression of my prayer asking that You help me pause more throughout the day to seek You and spend time in worshipping You, and praising You for All, and Who, You are to me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

      by Vicki Yohe

    7. Wow! Thank you so much Lord for using Chris and this beautiful body of believers to speak to me and us today! I read through so many of the prayers and comments. Thank you Holy Spirit for sharpening my spiritual eyesight and hearing today through each of the JC family! You, Lord are so loving and good!
      Thank you for continuing to work on me. I pray for more of you and less of me and I pray for your Will and not my own. Loving prayers over each of the JC family

    8. Oh, AMEN, Brandy!! Thank you for sharing!!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•Bib in Ca

    9. BRANDY! It is good to see you post again. πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ©΅ though I've missed your posts, I'm still in prayer for you and yours. Much Love, Brie

  3. Oh Lord my God- I thank you for the morning time: the quiet and coolness. Thank you for life. Please help me focus on you throughout the day. Please help my body work as it should and not feel so broken. I thank you for being so powerful yet so loving and gentle with us. You are our Abba and we love you.

  4. Amen. Thank you for this prayer.

  5. Chris, I see you updated the prayer section today/tonight. "Lord, I am embarrassed as to how easy it is for trials or challenges to derail me." I am your "feel the same" brother from a different mother with this comment! I see the amazing sunset, I hear the Lord thru my wife and others, I read His word, and yet I still act as if the Lord has not been near. I pray for all here that we humble ourselves and realize how blessed we are to be in Christ, to be Americans, and to be in community. Amen.

    1. Praise God for you MadFox! Great to hear you.
      Wow, you said it right and I too feel ashame of allowing a challenge from a distant family to derail me yesterday! But I cried out to You Lord, and You heard me. Thank You for peace this morning and Keep me grounded throughout in Jesus name.

      God bless you MadFox, God is still fixing and molding us! Let's hold on.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you. Challenges will remain as long as we're in the fallen world. Peace and Godspeed Maplewood.

    3. Yeah, when I update a post, it doesn't change the date which would have made it look like the prayer was also in 2015, when I penned most of these posts; rather, most of the prayers and verse thoughts were added in later time periods, so thought I should add dates for at least the prayers to show this.

      Trials continue to be an interesting lesson for me in life. My tendency is to rally people together and pray that a trial ends as fast as possible. Now, nothing wrong with building community in this manner and God continues to show me how we need each other (Heb. 10:24-25), but in March when I was starting my 2nd week of a miserable bout of kidney stones, one of my buddies said to me (and this is a good 40-something friend who has battled through 3 cancer surgeries and loss of sight in an eye for 18 months) - he said "don't waste this trial." That's true. In life, some of the greatest times of growth in my faith have been times of trial. As an American, I already have safeguarded myself against most life trials - like food - I can't remember a time when I wondered where my next meal was coming from, rather I spend most of my time trying to figure out how to eat less. Having a roof over my head has never been in doubt, instead I'm trying to figure out when I last had the roof replaced and whether to put solar panels on it. And so, I'm noticing that when I read a verse like "Trust in the Lord with all your heart" I'm scratching my head as to how I really do trust Him.

      I converse regularly with a Pastor in Tororo, Uganda, and that interaction affects me greatly as I hear about him daily experiencing multiple trials as life for him is the same as it was for most of the people I read about in the Bible - survival! I have all of these creature comforts and yet he is the one with the family outhouse, going through periods each summer of simply no food while harvest awaits in August, works hard as a teacher and only sometimes gets paid, and then remarks how his church family spent the day in fasting in prayer for my daughter who struggles with a neurological brain wave imbalance. Now, this doesn't mean I'm going to punt all my belongings but I also need to realize my providence has a responsibility to not simply add to my wealth but help others.

      But really in all of this, I need to be careful I'm not aligning with people I know who are telling the doctor (and even asking for prayer) to hurry up and fix their ailment so they can make it on the cruise ship.

      Thus, when David pens "O Lord How Majestic is your name" am I echoing that because of the ease at which I have life or am I really focusing on Him each day and this gift of salvation and eternal peace, praising Him and lifting Him up with my entire being – for simply who He is. You said it best - "humble ourselves and realize how blessed we are to be in Christ..." That needs to be enough for me to say God is good, very good. Not there yet, but getting closer perhaps to living out James’ words, “Count it joy when you encounter trials of various kinds.”


    4. Well written Chris & well received in my Spirit. My grateful heart today was born out of poverty. My Asian mama hustled everyday to keep me fed. We would share a duck egg on rice, but somehow she could pull it off. One thing about mud floors, she didn't have to mop it. So yes, I have all I need now, but let it be well declared from my Spirit & tongue, " the kindness of the Lord has followed me all the days of my life, even when I was unaware"! The Almighty God be praised forever & ever, AMEN!

    5. What great words of wisdom and honesty! Good to hear from you, MadFox and Chris (I have always called you, PeytonFamily b/c I don't know if it's you or your wife writing - ha ha, as I typed this, I thought, I still don't!) - please know that it is your honest sharing that frees the rest of us up to share. We share our victories and our failures. We share our human-ness and our God-sparks - those times when we know that we're WALKING! When I saw the 2019 prayer this morning, I knew you were still in and checking daily, praying with all of us, setting the mark, which you took up years ago. Thank you for that. And thank you for keeping us up to date on your life, your family, your needs, your victories. How blessed are we?

    6. Wow. Chris, you are a great witness to the growth we experience in trials and in seeking to strengthen one's faith day by day, then months then years! Your blog is a testament that shows being vulnerable and open with your "walk" can positively impact many. Awesome!

    7. Wow is right! what a beautiful post, Chris. Just read this. The pastor in Uganda and his people certainly know what is truly important and needed. Thanks for your blog. It's so much more than a blog. Thank you. KS

    8. Chris,
      Your honest post gave me a lot of food to chew on. I too am blessed with food on my table and a roof over my head and so many blessings I can't even count them. I often message some new friends from Kenya I met on FB. One has a Church and the other has an Orphanage. They have such strong faith and they rely on God's provisions in a way we can't even imagine. One of them said "We're fasting today because we have no food. I can't even imagine that. But yet they worship together with so much joy and peace. Not worried about tomorrow's meal. They rejoice together with thanksgiving and praise with music. Their hearts are light and because they believe they have all they need in Christ. The greatest part of all of us is the Christ in us, and my biggest blessing is knowing that I serve a great God, and I am part of a Body of believers who are of one accord. But in my humanity I often complain about trivial things and let go of The Unchanging Hand and fall out of God's presence. But as soon as I realize I'm leaning on my human emotions rather than the Spirit, I seek Him and He is always found. I love your sincerity of heart in your post. We all have feelings of weakness, uncertainty and insecurity. Are we putting Christ first in our day? Let's do our best to let Him reign in our hearts above all!

    9. "don't waste a trial" wow. Who am I to pray my way OUT of difficult times. Rather to be focused on trusting and thanking the Lord for showing me when to practice my faith. One of my regular "asks" of the Holy Spirit is to give me the people and circumstances that bring me closer to God. And I realize more clearly through your post, Chris, that is exactly what he does. Just yesterday I was asking for my eyes and ears to be sharpened in focus, today those very words show up in the reading. I also read Sarah Young's book "Jesus Always" and although I won't attempt to write out today's reading there, I will say it is all about hearing and seeing graphic details of evil through mass media. How timely is that? And I will send you all to your Bibles to read those verses of today:
      Psalm 37:7 NLT
      Psalm 37:3-4
      Hebrews 3:1
      Thank you Father, you bring me closer each day though the connections and readings inspired by everyone in this JC family. Bless you all in this glorious day!

    10. Reading through these posts is such a blessing, they match my quiet time this AM. Chris, you started this with an incredibly transparent post or should I say, you held up a mirror and we all saw ourselves in it. The dear souls of the JC family, chimed in with such Spirit filled posts. Thus, the blessing. Allow me to share an experience I had along the lines of the above thoughts.

      I have taken mission trips to Nicaragua. What a beautiful people. Often times, we call these visits mission trips because people think we are going to do something for these poor people. When the trips were over, I am not sure what I did for them but I can tell you what they did for me. Though I visited them, they were missionaries to me. Though I came from the rich country and they were one of the poorest in the Western Hemisphere, they were the ones who were rich in spirit and I was the one that could have been said to be spiritually impoverished next to them. A favorite moment was when we were taken to the poorest part of town. The new government with the reelection of Daniel Ortega had instituted a measure that if a person could buy a deed for a piece of land, the government would build them a simple house on it. As we came around the corner, there was an elderly lady standing in front of her house singing praises to God (I didn't need translation, one can feel praise no matter what the language). She was standing in front of her house that had just been finished by the government. For most of her life (70-80 years), she had lived in a sheet metal lean-to but now she had her own home, thus she was singing at the top of her lungs her praise to God for her new home. When I returned home and made a presentation on the mission trip to the presbytery, I told this story. I ended with this, "When was the last time you stood outside your home and sang loud praises to God for the roof over you and your family's head?.....When was the first time?" A spiritually rich lady fed the poverty of my soul that day in Nicaragua.

      Chris, thank you for the time you have spent providing this blog. For me it has become my virtual church. And thank you to all who post such blessed thoughts and for all you who stop by to read. God be with you! With love, Bob

    11. Amen Bob, Thank you and Chris for your beautiful posts and prayers and all our JC Family’s daily encouragement, insight, prayers and inspiration . How blessed we all are to have this wonderful Home to return to each day. Thank You Jesus!

    12. Reading all of the above took me to church today! Thanks for taking the lead Chris, with your transparent foundation, heart to heart, truth, and Spirit filled sharings. And thank you JC family for all the "lean to's" and additions you provided.

    13. Echoing Thanks again this year. Thanks be to You, Lord for giving Chris the eyes, ears, desire and time to provide this blog. Like Bob, for me too, it is become my virtual church. And thank You, Lord for sending Your Holy Spirit to sharpen our spiritual eyesight and hearing until we have eyes, ears, desire and time to pray and post such blessed, and transparent thoughts, and for all who stop by to pray and read them. I am blessed and thankful to be YOURS! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
      PS. I am working on thanking You for the trials. Not there yet, but still working on SURBIBLE (survival + Bible) Same Bible, Different Trials!

    14. As our Audra said June 20, 2021 at 10:57 AM
      Lord, thank you for trials. My trial is staying in gratitude for trials.

    15. Wow. I just couldn't let this thread go without a post from 2023. I read the JC text and verses and then read Chris's prayer from 2019-thank you for such a honest sharing. I then started skimming the hundreds of post and luckily found this one. I'm not sure when I last asked God to bring me the trials and people that would bring me closer to him, but I will today. This blog has been a community for me over the past 5 years. I cherish you all. Thank you for such thoughtful and inspiring messages. God bless.

    16. Amen to all of the above. I rarely post but I visit the blog every day. This is my community and church as well. I can’t help but wonder how many people actually visit the blog on any given day…? My years of reading the JC book and now of visiting the blog daily have become my church. It has been such a blessing. I cherish the words from all of you and I am always blown away by the wisdom and truth that lives here with Jesus himself. I will continue to pray for you all and continue to thank God for this wonderful home of believers! Peace to you all! Amen

    17. Oops, I must not be logged in. I’m Al in southern Colorado.

  6. Teach me to love You MORE, Lord. Show me how to place You at the forefront of my life and my thoughts.
    Help me to center my life around You and grow in obedience to You.

    1. Sassy Mom - if I were God (ha ha...), I would say, YOU ALWAYS LOVE ME!! You are a delight. I remember asking you once if you had a blog, because I thought, 'I want to read MORE about this Sassy Mom!' You are a gift, same as my dear friend who just passed...she had wisdom (knowledge applied) from all of her years. You have been through things I haven't yet, but know that I will someday. You help me prepare as my dear Dorothy did. I'm thankful for you, every day.

    2. So thankful for you both, dear Norah and Sassy Mom. Love your beautiful hearts of Christ’s love.

  7. Your prayer today accurately reflects my journey with God. I want, I want, I want. Lord, please let me receive what You’ve already given me. That I may live in the sunlight of the spirit as I meet this day. That my will is aligned with Your perfect will for me. I’m Christ’s holy name I pray. Amen.

  8. Payton thank you for the link! That was so quick.

  9. Thank you for your walk with Christ and for sharing your heart with people across our nation. I’m from NC

  10. Loved reading your prayer, Peyton Family. I can be that kid too. Cece, I was so sorry to read about your daughter. I'm praying specifically for you and your family. God will meet those needs as you take your 12 year old grand daughter into your fold. Your faith is amazingly strong. God bless all of you.
    Jan - great news about your DIL's Dad.I got on here last night to see how he did and saw the great news.
    Thank you all, JC Family, for your prayers yesterday. It was a long day but brought many blessings.
    Looking outside at rain - again - but thinking how we will enjoy the sunshine when it finally gets here. So much flooding around us. Prayers for everyone's safety.
    Praying that we all "discover His Presence" all throughout our day. Thank you, Lord for enlarging my eyes and ears and shrinking my mouth. Our words have meaning, so let mine be Yours.

    1. Norah, praising God for His faithfulness in Your life and continuing to lift you and ALL other prayer requests you have to Him! God bless and grant you all of them in Jesus name!

      Maplewood NJ

  11. Good morning JC family πŸ₯°. May the Lord bless each & everyone of you precious brothers & sisters in Christ. We are as a sweet fragrance to the Lord! We are redeemed, set free & bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ! The temple of the Holy Spirit. Let us proclaim the Glory of our Living God to all mankind both now & forever more amen! Prayer warriors have you another prayer to spare? While my son was parking his car at the hospital yesterday, he bumped the car next to his. The man he bumped ended up telling him that his wife was just told she is in stage 4 cancer. My son called me to please ask my warrior friends to pray for this couple. So warriors shall we storm the gates of heaven for yet 2 more souls? We all know this was not about the accident, right? Love & blessings to allπŸ₯°

    1. Praying for all of Your requests Jan. God is faithful and He answers us when we call onto him. Stay bless!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Jan --- I join with Maplewood and all the JC PRAYER WARRIORS in prayiny for the couple and other needs of this precious JC FAMILY. Always a privilege to
      Pray! Great blessings to all.

    3. I'm praying with you!! God Bless your son for knowing what to do and knowing what works. You've done a good job, Jan - he knew to ask for prayer.

  12. As a teacher of all core curricula one of my favorites to teach is Literary Devices. This puts into perspective “Stop and smell the roses.” Where this is vastly wide open to thought, I think the verse Matthew18:3 (KJV)is very literal And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
    Christ wants our dirty laundry; Christ wants our everything... “Lord please clean me up, create in me a pure heart and mind, clean my eyes, clean my ears, and wash my mouth clean that I may not sin against you. Wash me with your love.”
    Thank you Lord

  13. Thank you Unknown (Colorado) for salvation scriptures. Anonymous, joining you in a praise dance for Dehdeh. CeCe, praising the Lord for the comfort you're experiencing for your precious daughter Andrea & the challenges ahead for the care of her 12 yr. Old. The Lord will see you through all of it. Anonymous, continuing to lift up you & mom. Love to allπŸ₯°πŸ’ž

  14. Great is Your Faithfulness oh Lord, morning by morning new mercies I see, all I have needed, Your hands have provided. Thank You for another blessed and gifted day!

    Thank You for listening to me when no one can. As I cry out to You, open my ears to hear You speak and open my eyes to see what You are doing in my life. Help me Lord, never to forget the moment. I need You more then I will ever know. Thank You for fighting all my see and unseen battles in the name of Jesus! May the Holy Spirit sharpen my spiritual eyesight and hearing.

    I pray for peace and joy for my mother, I pray that You have mercy on her, draw her to You and grant the desires of hee heart. I cover her in Your blood this morning and say THANK You for the work You are doing in her.

    I lift up my JC family into Your capable hands and pray for ALL the prayer requests. I cover them and their families with the Blood of Jesus. Thank You for hearing us each time we put our voices together in prayers, trusting that You are always working to make our crooked paths straight. Thank You Lord!

    Love, blessings to all this day, JC family.

    Maplewood NJ

  15. Thank you dear Jesus. Thank you Lord for your many blessings! Help me to be worthy of your many gifts. Amen.

  16. Thank you Lord for this glorious day. So thankful for today's reminder that when we give our challenges over to you we are building the relationship that you have intended for us. Lord, we can not understand why you allow this awful disease of cancer to be in this world. The bravest women and men I have known were taken to their eternal home from cancer. Soldiers for your purpose. Vessels to demonstrate love and unshakeable faith. I pray Jesus that their sacrifice is always honored amongst us. We give it all to you Lord , laying all at the foot of the cross. Knowing someday , in our eternal home with you, the purpose of these trials shall be revealed. Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

    1. I love you, Purplemartin. My sister-in-law is battling cancer. My husband has been taking her to her chemo. It's hard - she says, "I know I appear weak. She says, "If I can get off of chemo and take care of my back, I'll be OK." Prayers for Virginia.

  17. Father, You are so faithful and You are faithful to me. May I seek you more day after day, hour after hour and minute after minute. I will praise and give you glory for your faithfulness toward me and my brothers and sisters. Thank You for being a Faithful Father to your children.

  18. As a teacher of all core curricula one of my favorites to teach is Literary Devices. This puts into perspective “Stop and smell the roses.” Where this is vastly wide open to thought, I think the verse Matthew18:3 (KJV)is very literal And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
    Christ wants our dirty laundry; Christ wants our everything... “Lord please clean me up, create in me a pure heart and mind, clean my eyes, clean my ears, and wash my mouth clean that I may not sin against you. Wash me with your love.”
    Thank you Lord

  19. As a teacher of all core curricula one of my favorites to teach is Literary Devices. This puts into perspective “Stop and smell the roses.” Where this is vastly wide open to thought, I think the verse Matthew18:3 (KJV)is very literal And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
    Christ wants our dirty laundry; Christ wants our everything... “Lord please clean me up, create in me a pure heart and mind, clean my eyes, clean my ears, and wash my mouth clean that I may not sin against you. Wash me with your love.”
    Thank you Lord

  20. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for another day. I pray:“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” I love You Lord,and can’t wait to see what You have planned for me today. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

    When God gives a command, we must follow/obey and meet them for the promised blessings to come. When He says:“You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me above all else”(Jer. 29:13), the condition for this command is, when we seek the Lord with all of our hearts, then we will find Him. However, God doesn’t only act after we seek Him, but when we meet the condition of returning to God with our whole hearts. As He said to the exiles in Babylon in Jer. 24:7 (“I will give them a heart to know that I am the Lord, and they shall be my people and I will be their God, for they shall return to me with their whole heart”), He will respond by being our God in the fullest blessing and in returning, He gives us a heart to know Him!

    When we study God’s Word and apply that study with listening to His voice, we will all come to know Him on a much more intimate level than a Religious scholar who has studied it on the page but never taken the time to converse with God, the Author.Let’s find time today and each day to communicate with the Author of the GREATEST book ever written! We will not be disappointed!

    Dear Lord, We thank You that You have given us Your Word as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). As we spend time with You each day, we pray that Your Spirit sharpens our spiritual eyesight and hearing and open the eyes of our hearts to see You more clearly. We pray that we will be able to hear Your still small voice in the clutter of our everyday life and live it to the fullest in Your Presence. In Jesus name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Mapplewood! Thank you so much for your daily prayers here. They're always so beautifully said.

      "Take delight in the Lord , and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord . Trust him, and he will help you."
      Psalm 37:4‭-‬5

      "I will pursue your commands, for you expand my understanding."
      Psalm 119:32

      Thank you for the blessings your poor out on us daily Lord. Keep us all close to you Lord, for we can't do nothing without you. Grow the lost sheep to you Good Shepherd. May you grant us all peace, comfort, and strength. Help us to produce good fruits, fruits of the spirit as we stay close to You.

      In Jesus Name, Amen ♡

      Blessings from France !

    2. Oops I meant to say "Draw" instead of "Grow"

      Have a blessed day JC family! xx

    3. Thank you Maplewood. Good food for my soul. God's Word fills me and sustains me every day. I can't even think of waking and not reading His Word to start me on the day. I loved your very last sentence. We pray that we will be able to hear Your still small voice in the clutter of our everyday life and live it to the fullest in Your Presence. Amen and Amen! Just being silent and listening to Him brings me the greatest peace and security. I was out walking yesterday. I do a lot of my praying on my walks but when I'm completely silent and conversing inside with Him, I know He is with me and understands my heart more than even I do. What a wonderful feeling it is to know that He cares about every little facet of my life right down to the smallest detail. And I can bring anything to the Throne of Grace, no matter how trivial. He is interested and can't wait to hear my voice. He is an unending Well of comfort and encouragement. Praying for you and all my JC Family.

    4. Thank you Jeanne..praying in the stillness..our Savior listens to our hearts..thank you Jesus for your everlasting love.

  21. Maplewood - AMEN! Thanks for quoting Psalm 119:105. My heart's desire to LOVE EVERYONE despite their faults, see and hear MORE CLEARLY. Love and blessings to JC Warriors.

    1. #METOO, and I desperately need His Help to succeed.

  22. AMEN, Maplewood and Sassy Mom! Praying for each of us and that I have ears to hear and eyes to see, as Christ would. Father, let my words be salted today and I ask that I'm a blessing to my daughter as she moves into her new apartment. Let me bless my adult children as I see them helping their sister and preparing to bless their Dad tomorrow. Continue Your work in them, Dear Lord, and show them that they are good Dads and Uncles.
    JC Prayer Warriors, I ask for your prayers over a family situation. As you know, my SIL passed away in April. Her younger sister is the executor of her estate and it has brought out some ugly things. We try to give her a lot of room: she lost her husband in Nov and her sister in Apr - none of her children live nearby. Our offspring were never close to this side of the family. We went 22 years without seeing or hearing from the one who is left now 'managing,' everything. She left the family fold when her Dad remarried, and it was due to our encouragement that we got back together. We put all of that away and moved on. We want nothing of what is left except some sentimental things. We were told we could buy the tools that Grandpa intended for our sons - one who was named after Grandpa's father and has his initials soldered on them. When I told her of Grandpa's intent, she said, 'He never put it in writing.' She gave us a few things that had our names on them by the sister who passed. But the tools have to be purchased after they are appraised. She put my things in trash bags and left them by the garage for me. It is so hurtful, though I have to say at this point, I'm just kind of numb. My husband is angry at the hurtful way she's addressed me and our kids - who were the only ones present at the funeral to carry the casket of the Aunt they barely knew.
    I am praying for her - she has to be miserable. She is a believer, yet this behavior is so foreign to God and His ways. I don't want my children or my husband or myself to allow our hearts to be bitter. As I've told them, that is like eating poison and hoping the rat dies. So, please let me see the growth in all of my family and myself, that Bob spoke of yesterday. Let us rise above this behavior and move on with no regrets.
    I thank you for your prayers and please know I'm praying for each of you and your loved ones.

    1. Our Dear Norah,
      When anything/one costs you God's Peace and robs you of His Joy, then it is too expensive and you can't afford it.
      I am praying for your inlaws using Colorado JC Friend's scriptures from yesterday:
      God, take out of their flesh the heart of stone and give them a new heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 11:19)
      Circumcise their heart so that they love you! (Deuteronomy 30:6)
      Father, put your Spirit within them and cause them to walk in your statutes. (Ezekiel 36:27)
      Grant them repentance and a knowledge of the truth that they may escape from the snare of the devil. (2 Timothy 2:25–26)
      Open their hearts so that they believe Your gospel, while glorifying His steadfast love that is enduring forever!
      With loving prayers for you and our entire JC Family. Amen.

    2. Norah - Praying God's comfort for your in-laws and your family's hurting hearts.

    3. Yes, indeed, Norah, I pray for you in this painful circumstance. Jesus made clear we are to hold these people up in prayer. One reason you made clear, they must be so miserable on the inside. We pray that they be released from a miserable heart that has been bound by demons. I have also discovered that Jesus wants me to pray for my enemies to deal with any animosity that I have allowed to creep into my heart. Through prayer for them, my heart becomes softened toward them by the love of God so I can respond in love when I am in their presence, regardless of the way they are treating me. On the cross, Jesus first words were, "Father forgive them, they know not what they do." With that being said, He refused entry to His heart of any animosity toward those people that had just inflected so much physical pain on Him. With the cleansing of His heart from those demonic thoughts, He was able to complete the act of salvation on their behalf. In other words, Jesus practiced what He preached. God be with you, Norah!

    4. Oh Norah, I'm so sorry for this sad situation. I have been praying for your comfort since you lost your dear sister in law. I see the problems you are facing and you are right to feel hurt by the treatment you are receiving. We have to forgive those who do us wrong or treat us badly. If this sister is a believer, pray that God will turn her heart around to treat you and your family in a way more pleasing to God. I will keep you all in my prayers and pray now for her change of heart. As my Mom always said: You can't be happy unless you're good. Well she must be miserable. But God can make things right. He's the Great Fixer as we all know. Trust His faithfulness.

    5. Two years later, I am still praying that you have moved past this season of life.
      A Prayer for Today from JO ministries.
      “Father, thank You that the unfair, painful seasons, when I don’t understand why something is going wrong, are only for a season of my life. Thank You that the storms are temporary. I believe that Your favor will shine again, and You will supersede anything I’ve seen You do before. What you did for Job, you'll do for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

    6. My goodness! This is such a season it seems for me right now. Holy Spirit, help me overcome the scrambling of my verbal communications. If you have renewed my mind to the point of short circuiting clarity and simple answers to simple questions, please rebuild quickly. I don't know what is going on, and I and I am struggling to thank you for it.

  23. Jeanne, I read your post after I posted mine. "He is an unending Well of comfort and encouragement" - I love those words - so true. Thank you!

  24. God bless everyone on this fine day the Lord has made. His glory is proclaimed thru his creation indeed! Lord thank you that one of my sons will be spending time with His dad. Please protect them both and the one left behind. Please shelter them under your gentle wings, we are all tired and need your care. Please continue to turn my sons mind to truth and wash out the lies He is believing against His dad and I. God I know you are indeed able to renew Daniel's mind and we are expecting it. Help us to wait well. Help my husband to enjoy our youngest son today and have a special blessing created just for the two of them. Peace be to all. God bless this group! Thank you for my Brother and my new roof. Help me not to overlook your mercies even when they are not my most urgent request. You know best.

    1. Blessings now and forevermore from His vast abundant store. Amem.

    2. Praying for all the above, Fern! The heartache of a devoted mother, may You bring healing to this day, dear Lord. Amen.

    3. Always believe in the Magnificent Power of a Praying Parent

  25. Norah, my prayers for your family, and a little excerpt from "Jesus Always" by Sarah Young that I referenced in my post earlier today..."remember that I am a God of justice and I know everything. Eventually I will right all wrongs. Trust in Me with a steadfast heart While waiting for Me to act." Grief can bring out some pretty nasty behavior, ride it out with compassion for the other and yourselves. πŸ™♥️

  26. Audra - Echoing your prayers for Norah's family situation.

  27. Thank you jesus for all you are doing in me. I trust you with all my burdens Lord. You are so amazing. Praise the Lord continously. Hallelujah. You are the most high. There is no one above you Lord. Breathe your breath into me and make me new in you Lord. Restore my soul. If I get distracted from you, please bring my eyes back to you Lord. I'm not perfect Lord. Please forgive me Lord. I'm sorry. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you for the gift of you Lord. Please watch over and protect all your children and their families that gather together here on this site Lord. Please hold my hand and walk through the day with me, rejoicing over you Lord. Guide me, my steps, and choices Lord. You are beautiful. Thank you jesus. Glory to the Lord.

  28. Once again it is time to send up glorifying praise and thank You prayers to our God! My brother found his wallet inside his home and all contents were intact! He said he was on his knees praying and saw it under a box! What a Mighty God we serve, praise and glorify and for Whom everything, everything, absolutely everything, everything is possible and easy for our God. Thank you for helping me, JC family, to continually glorify, thank and praise His steadfast love that is enduring forever! Amen

    1. Thanks for sharing, Brilamar! A simple story with a profound ending and a lesson for everyone. God be with you.

    2. Yesss Praise God!! That is such a good news thank you for sharing!

      Blessings from France

    3. I am still snagged on how I can glorify God the way He deserves to be glorified? Help me JC Fam.
      Until then I am singing
      Father, we love You
      We worship and adore you
      Glorify Thy name in all the earth
      Glorify Thy name
      Glorify Thy name
      Glorify Thy name in all the earth
      Jesus, we love You
      We worship and adore You
      Glorify Thy name in all the earth
      Holy Spirit, we love You
      We worship and adore You
      Glorify Thy name in all the earth!
      Glorify Thy Name
      Glorify Thy Name
      Glorify Thy Name in all the earth!

    4. God is so faithful! I’m so grateful that your brother found his wallet. I have been praying for that. Our God is so good and merciful.
      Amen Brie! Let us Glorify His Holy Name.

    5. Joining you in song, Brie

  29. Norah --- Joining with the JC WARRIORS in prayer for you and your family. Even when family situation seem out of control, our incredible Lord makes a way when there doesn't seem like there is away! He always has a plan and it is a Great plan! So, what do we do? We STAND! Ephesians 6:13 "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand" Asking for the Lords great blessings and grace on you and your family.

  30. Praying for God's peace and blessings in Tulsa today. Amen

    1. Brilamar --- Standing with you in prayer for Tulsa. AMEN and AMEN!!!

  31. Asking all JC Prayer Warriors to please pray for my Dear Husband. He's had a rough day and we will follow up on Monday with his Dr. Without going into all of the details, his main concern is that his MM cells have spiked. He said that's what it feels like. Praying that is not so.
    Prayers for all of you, JC Family.

    1. Father, please place Your healing hands on Norah's dear husband and remove his pain and afflictions. Make him whole again Lord. You are the healer and miracle worker and the only one that can accomplish such a task. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise God. God bless.

    2. Continuing to pray for your dear DH. May he receive good test results and low numbers of MM cells.
      Thank You dear Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus the Risen Lord.

    3. Norah, you and your husband are in my special MM brother prayers. Remission is the mission, when one therapy is at its end, time for a newer one that the amazing tech is producing. Peace and Amen.

    4. Norah - Joining warriors in prayer for your husband to Jehovah Rapha the great physician. Comforting prayers for Norah and loved ones.

    5. Joining warriors for you and hubby Norah. God will move in a mighty way as we pray on your your hubby's behalf. Stay steady dear girl. Do not be moved by what you see, but by what you do not see, the long arm of Jehovah Rapha reaching to touch your dear hubby with healing and to touch you with strength, trust & hope. Be of good courage. He's got you! Hallelujah and AMEN!πŸ™πŸ’•

    6. Praying for your husband Norah, for full health and good MM numbers on Monday. God is good.

    7. Joining in with my prayers for you and your DH, our dear Norah. Let the healing begin, and the numbers be as they should. Come Monday, it'll be alright.

    8. Prayers in route, for you, sweet sister and your husband. May you both feel Jehovah Rapha at work with his healing and may your husband's numbers be good come Monday! Sending strength, courage, love and healing, Norah, for you and your husband. May he have a better day than yesterday...God is in control and bringing you both thru this valley.

    9. Praying for your husband Norah. Stay strong.


    10. Joining in prayer for you and hubby, Norah!

  32. Heavenly Father, Happy Father's Day to You -- the best Father ever! There are no words to express just how wonderful and amazing You are. There is no one like You -- not even close. No one compares to You. You are God Almighty -- the one and only! I trust, love, and adore You Lord. Praise You God always. Thank You Jesus. Please open my eyes and ears to see and hear all that is around me. Let me see past this world and into the heavenly realm. Align our spirits together as one. Let the light of Your presence shine upon me and lift me up with You. You are my saving grace and my everything. I am so grateful, blessed, and honored to be Your child. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care. (Psalm 95:6-7). Instead, we will speak the truth in love. So we will grow up in every way to become the body of Christ. Christ is the head of the body. (Ephesians 4:15). Those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. (Romans 8:14).

    1. Janet - "Heavenly Father, Happy Father's Day to You -- the best Father ever!" AMEN!!!!! ECHOING YOUR PRAYER.

    2. Adding another echo and an Amen to the Bestest Father ever!

    3. Amen! We sure do have the Best Father! And He never leaves our sides for even a second. He understands us through and through.

  33. Amen dear Janet. Joining in your prayer of thanksgiving and praise to the greatest Father, and to all fathers everywhere, here or gone, especially those in our dear JC Family. God bless you all!

  34. "And he will call out to me, 'You are my Father, my God, ans the Rock of my Salvation'" (Psalm 89:26).

    TO THE GREATEST Father of all, our Sovereign Loving God, I give thanks to You this morning for having me as Your child. Thank You for inviting me into Your family and loving me even when I fall short of Your glory.
    Thank You for Your mercy, Your grace, and Your forgiveness. In my human weakness, please be my strength. Help me be slow to speak and quick to listen. Give me the humility to ask for forgiveness, and the grace to forgive people who wrong me. I give You thanks in all and through all things. Let me continue to seek You and leave a legacy of Your righteousness, today and always. May I decrease so that You can increase!
    I thank You for being my LORD and my FATHER. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    To JC family fathers, I pray this blessing over you:
    The Lord bless you, and keep you [protect you, sustain you, and guard you]; The Lord make His face shine upon you [with favor]. And be gracious to you [surrounding you with lovingkindness]; The Lord lift up His countenance [face] upon you [with divine approval], And give you peace [A tranquil heart and life]. Numbers 6:24-26.
    HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to ALL the fathers here! Remain blessed.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Joining in with Maplewood NJ's prayer wishing all Father's A Happy and Blessed Day, today and forevermore. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Your Father's day praise and prayer is mine as well, Maplewood. ♥️πŸ™

    3. Amen sweet Maplewood and thank you. We are so blessed that He called us to be His children. Let us seek to know Him better every day! And shower Him with thanks and praise.

  35. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    I need Your Help to only CHOOSE You and Your Way today. As I walk out into this world, I need You in me Lord giving me the courage to display You in the midst of this world and to continually find the same goodness You see in each person minus their Fall and any/all sins that they still commit. I know and appreciate that You always do this for me. Why do I have difficulty choosing to pass this Gift of Yours on to all others I encounter today? Help me Lord. I ask. I seek. I knock, knock, knock on Heaven's Door. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. LET THEM SEE YOU IN ME by Colton Dixon
      Take away the melodies
      Take away the songs I sing
      Take away all the lights
      And all the songs You let me write
      Does the man I am today
      Say the words You need to say
      Let them see You
      In me
      Let them hear You
      When I speak
      Let them feel You
      When I sing
      Let them see You
      Let them see You
      In me
      Who am I without Your grace
      Another smile, another face
      Another breath, a grain of sand
      Passing quickly through Your hand
      I'd give my life, I'm not afraid
      Take it all, take everything
      Let them see You
      In me
      Let them hear You
      When I speak
      Let them feel You
      When I sing
      Let them see You
      Let them see You
      In me
      With every breath I breathe
      I sing a simple melody
      But I pray they'll hear more than a song
      In me, in me
      Let them see You
      In me
      Let them hear You
      When I speak
      Let them feel You
      When I sing
      Let them see You
      Oh, let them see You
      In me
      Let them hear You
      When I speak
      Let them feel You
      When I sing
      Let them see You
      Just let them see You in me
      Let them see You

    2. Yes, yes, yes, Brie! I too ask for this as well, my sister. Love this song from Colton. Disappointed when I fall short or find it difficult to share about our AWESOME Lord. Asking, seeking, and knocking right alongside you, sweetest Brie. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    3. Amen dear Brie! I have always loved this song! Let us reflect the Christ inside us and Choose Him above all other things. His light within us will never grow dim nor fade away so we should do our best to shine it before all men to give Him glory. Let us not get distracted by worldly trappings. Let us keep our eyes on Him, our Everything.

  36. Love this song, Brie!

    I have taken on the habit to look up songs referenced in this blog in order to make a playlist of work inspired by JC family. Shall I continue to post them here? Are the links working?

    1. Yes! Yes! and Yes! Audra,
      I always appreciate it when you do as I am not able to link up when I use my phone to post and I don't yet have a life that lets me sit at my desk computer all the time. Plus when you post, I know you are OK and I Like It Like That.

  37. Lord, thank you for trials. My trial is staying in gratitude for trials. Excessive heat has engulfed the western U.S.. Potential for wildfires has us on pins and needles... Feeling so tired from post op caregiving for my hubby... Hoping the fall he took has not hindered the healing... Turning it all over to you Lord. I don't remember who posted the link to "The Pause", but thank you, it is a game changer for me right now, along with this blog. God bless you all!

    1. Hang in and Hang On, sister friend. Just "Don't Hang Up"
      We are keeping you and Marc buoyed up in prayer until full healing comes, or patience, or both! Love You

    2. Thank you all, gratefully received!

    3. Continuing to pray for Marc’s healing and perfect recovery. And for your strength. The Lord is holding both of you tight.

  38. Dear Lord, help me to continue to see you in all things, and in all moments in my life. Help me to use quiet time as a time of contemplation on your constant presence in my life! With open eyes and heart, I can see you in all things. Give me sight! Amen.

  39. Wonderful devotion. We must continue to seek Him throughout our day. He is always with us. Although our daily responsibilities distract us, we must remind ourselves to stay in His peace and presence. In the quiet moments stop and enjoy His company. Thank Him and praise His Holy Name. Thank You Jesus. You are so very good to me. I love You Lord. πŸ™

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Joining in prayer with you. Seeking God is my goal for today and everyday. Let it be so Lord. You are the deepest desire of my heart Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Amen dear Janet! The deepest desire of my heart!

  40. Heavenly Father, thank You. Let my heart sing songs of praise and worship to You all the day long Lord. Let praises of You constantly be in my mouth Lord. Thank You Jesus. I praise You and I love You. May Your everlasting, loving arms be filled with all Your beloved children. Shine Your face upon us and bless us and keep us close in Your heart.
    Yesterday at church, Darryl, a man that I picked up in my cab about a month ago and gave a track from my church to, professed his acceptance of the Lord. It's so amazing to see the Lord's work in people. Thank You Jesus.

    1. You not only get people to their destination here on earth, Janet, but you are also helping them with their eternal destination! Look how you brought Darryl to Christ! How awesome and wonderful! God was and is working through you to bring people to Him! Praises and victory dances, Janet!

    2. Hallelujah Janet! How wonderful that you led Darryl to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior! You are a willing and able instrument in God's Hands. Your light so shineth before all men. You glorify our Father.

    3. First, UBER'; then UBER EATS; now UBER PRAYS! YES, LORD!

  41. Joining in your prayer dear Janet. PTL! The Lord makes the devine appointments & we need to keep them, carrying out His mission for the glory of His name. You did just that. Great is your blessing! Praying that the seed planted in Darryl will be watered, nurtured & shielded from the enemy. Hallelujah!

  42. Dear Father, thank you for being ever present in my life. If I look, with not always with my eyes, but also my heart, I see you there. Never changing, never leaving me. I thank you and love you. Amen.

    1. Wonderful prayer and truth, dear ABC. Gratitude and praise to the Most High!

  43. Thank you Father for traveling mercies as our trip to my son’s graduation went very well, including my back holding up and feeling better, being with all five of my children, some reconciliation with my ex-wife and a wonderful time with my wife. I truly felt your presence Lord and witnessed your work in me. Thank you JC family for the prayers and support!
    I continue to pray that my children will one day accept Jesus as their Lord and savior, and that I may be such a good example of a Godly man and father that it may help direct them to their heavenly Father.
    Blessings family πŸ™

    1. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings Flow. Thanks for His Victory and Praise Report, Rich C. I am putting on my Victory in Jesus Dancing Shoes to thank Him with you.
      ...I may be such a good example of a Godly man and father that it may help direct them to their heavenly Father...
      You Are. It Will.
      Much Love to you our dear brother friend in Christ. Thank you for sharing the update. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. More answered prayers that your back held up and you had a wonderful day with your family. Putting my victory shoes on with our dear sister Brie! Love to you both.
      Surely your children can see the bright unfading light of Jesus in you. You planted the seeds of faith. We thank God in the Name of Jesus that they will grow and flourish. You are indeed a good example of a Godly man and father. God knows your beautiful heart very well and we do too.

    3. Thank you ladies! Much appreciate your support. It was so nice to do a little victory dance for a change. Praise Jesus!

  44. Amen πŸ™. Thank you Jeanne for the wonderful words of scripture. God bless!

  45. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. You are so amazing and wonderful Lord! I am so blessed by You and grateful to You for You Lord! I need Your mercy and grace to be poured into me Lord, continually and abundantly! Please let me know the depth and the power of Your love for me. I desire to soak You up Lord! I want to feel Your glorious presence within me Lord! Kiss me with the kisses of Your mouth! Rejoice over me with Your singing! Let Your love flow from me into others so that they may know Your greatness! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. (John 15:7).

  46. AMPC Psalm 27:4 & 8: "One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty [the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness] of the Lord and to meditate, consider, and inquire in His temple."
    "You have said, Seek My face [inquire for and require My presence as your vital need]. My heart says to You, Your face (Your presence), Lord, will I seek, inquire for, and require [of necessity and on the authority of Your Word]."

    1. Thanks dear Peter. Wonderful verses and a pretty song.

  47. Lord, I seek your face in every moment of the day. In the sky, wind, sun, laughter of children, and in the moments that my daughter has found out that her biopsy of lymph nodes said cancer has returned. You have this, you desire healing for her, and I trust you. Amen

    1. Dear Ellen --- I go to The Throne of Grace and stand in the gap for your daughter. I Declare: She will live and not die! Any cancer found is DEFEATED by the stripes on her Savior's back! I speak to every maligant cell in your daughter's body and command them to shrink and dissipate now! I come against and break every curse of infirmity, cancer, and sickness sent to her and COMMAND every strategy the enemy sends to be DISMANTLED NOW! I Declare healing, life and restoration over her in Jesus' name. I Plead The Blood of Jesus over her and your whole family. I Decree and Declare that the destiny over your daughter's life is to walk, to run, to dance, to sing, to laugh in the fullness of life that Jesus paid for with His body and blood on the cross! I Declare restoration to ALL that has been stolen. I Declare life over her soul and she will live and not die. I thank You, Papa God, that you hear our prayers and You watch over Your WORD to perform it! And, My Papa God, You have the final say, not some lab or doctor's report and I believe Your WORD! HALLELUJAH!!! I Pray and Believe in Jesus's Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

      Isaiah 38:16 "Lord, by such things people live; and my spirit finds life in them too. You restored me to health and let me live."

  48. I will pray for your daughter Ellen.
    Margaret from Pennsylvania ♥️

  49. Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

  50. Seeking your prayers for my sweet man Jon's son Sam. He was just diagnosed with MS at the age of 35. Sam, Jon and Jon's ex-wife have an appointment with the Dr. tomorrow to discuss the details and maintenance plan. Unfortunately, Sam has struggled with drug addiction for most of his life and Jon is at his wits' end. Prayers for peace, His grace and blessings for Sam and his parents.

    1. My Papa God -- I lift up Sam and his family to The Throne of Grace. I pray those drug addiction CHAINS BE BROKE! No Weapon Formed Against him shall prosper! Set him FREE, My Papa God, and begin that healing that only You can bring. I come agaist every fiber of the infirmity, MS. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow through Sam's brain and spinal cord/central nervous system. I command the confusion in Sam's immune system to cease and that it stops this attack against the protective sheath that cover Sam's nerve fibers. I call down all damage and deterioration of Sam's nerves in Jesus' name. I ask for them to be REJUVENATED! I ask, Papa, for You to RENEW Sam's sense of self-worth, and may Sam find Redemption and Restoration in You! May this day be a life-altering change in Jesus' name. Believing in Miracles for You, Sam and your family, AMEN and AMEN.

      Love and Blessings on you, Suzanne R. and family. The Lord hears our prayers. The Lord sees our tears and I Declare He WILL HEAL! JJ

      2 Kings 20:5. "I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; indeed, I will heal you ,,,,"

    2. Praying with dear JJ for Sam's healing and God's guidance at the doctor's appointment tomorrow. May our loving Father, remove any temptation to return to using drugs. He must live each day with a clear mind as God heals him. I know He can heal him because He is a faithful God. Trusting in His Words and praying that He heals Sam in body, mind and spirit and strengthens his faith. He really needs to put himself in God's Hands completely.
      Thank You Father for Your Healing Power in Sam, and for giving him clearer vision to see all God is offering him in this life and beyond, and for answering all our prayers, in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

  51. As we travel along the first of 2 days trip home from a wonderful trip, I will keep your prayer requests in mind. Declaring all evil put down in Jesus name!

    1. May God wrap you tight in His hedge of protection as you travel home. So happy you had a wonderful trip. You have many sweet memories to cherish. Praying with you and for you. Thank You Jesus.

  52. Thanks for the blessings dear Janet!

  53. Joining all of the JC Prayer Warriors for your daughter, Ellen and for Jon's son, Sam, Suzanne. Praying you and your hubby home, Audra!
    God's Richest Blessings to each of you: for your prayers, scriptures, songs and praise; for sharing your hearts and knowing God is there through it all.
    Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch and he knows our hearts concerns even more than we do. You are all in my prayers.

  54. Thank you for your blessings and prayers. May God grant you sweet sleep too. Amen! God is on the Night Watch and He knows our hearts intimately. Praying for you and all our dear JC Family. God bless you and keep you. Rest well.

  55. Thanks for your prayers πŸ™ ❤️ Janet, NJS, Websister, JJ, Jeanne and ALL who prayed.
    Keith got infusion and blood work.
    Transport to and from went OK.
    The day was 11 hours long πŸ₯± but with The help of God our Father and your prayers, we made it through!
    Thanks Again.
    Love ❤️ N πŸ™ for you and yours!
    In Jesus Name. Amen!

    1. So true for me...

    2. Sweet Brie -- Praising the Lord for His Faithfulness! Thank You Lord for watching over Brie, Keirh and all helpers on this trip.
      Where does our help come from? It comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

    3. Dear Brie, Joining into JJ’s perfect prayer of gratitude and praise to God for guiding Keith’s infusion and granting traveling mercies and a good transport! God takes care of every little detail! He stands by His Word. He really cares! So blessed about Norah’s Best Man’s successful surgery. Our God is just amazing and so good. Praying for all requests and a new day of victories. These are Glory Days! Thank You Jesus.

      Psalm 119:76-77
      Let, I pray, Your merciful kindness be for my comfort,
      According to Your word to Your servant.
      Let Your tender mercies come to me, that I may live;
      For Your law is my delight.

    4. Praise the LORD and thank You Jesus 😊.

    5. Thank You God for EVERYTHING! I just read Keith's PSA results online. They are 0.1 😊 . What another one of His Amazing Miracles! Thanks be to God! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    6. Thanks for praying for all the all helpers on this trip. Angels were popping out from everywhere. At least a dozen of them that I can count. I absolutely πŸ’― ♥️ know WHO our Trip Advisor was. I only swallowed satan's bait twice on the journey. Thank You God for getting it's hooks out of my mouth. Painful but worth it!

    7. Praise the Lord, Brie, for His presence with you and your brother throughout the long trip and during the infusion. Dancing for joy for the quick and good PSA result.
      Reposting your link as yours had an r after the ‘u’ in YouTube, I think this is the one and the song is so appropriate. I also have a brother I watch over and help out, he is on the autism spectrum.

    8. Thanks Websister. Yes, that is the song. May you be blessed in your caring caregiver role, and May The Angels Always Listen In When They Hear Us Praying!

  56. Saw this and loved it for its simplicity.

    My Father God --- If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start giving up, keep me going. Lead me in light and love. Guide me to walk in Your way, study Your WORD, and live the way you want me to live. In Jesus's Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    Get on the same page as Almighty God and be in agreement with what God is saying and doing. Do not limit the Holy One.

    God doesn't need your help. Let go and let God. All He needs is your faith and trust.

    OUR GOD ALWAYS WINS!!! We were called for such a time as this.
    These are Glory Days not gloomy days! HALLELUJAH!!!

    1. Amen JJ πŸ™. Hallelujah! Thank you for those encouraging words and prayer. Joining in it with you. Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord!!!

    2. WOW! JJ. Thanks for sharing yet another one of your poster keepsakes. Love you lots and thank God for EVERYTHING that comes through you and this entire family of tremendous prayer share warriors.
      In Jesus' Name. πŸ’– AMEN!

    3. Thank you, JJ, for those awesome words! I've copied and pasted them into my notes to read and reread. Simple yet poignant encouragement! Bless you and thank you, JJ, in Jesus' name, AMEN.

    4. Thank you, JJ. I’m echoing the other’s comments. I love the note that God doesn’t need our help! He just needs us to trust him. How simple that is, but how difficult it is for us to follow. Thank you for the reminder.
      SC Anonymous

    5. Thank you and amen, JJ

    6. Praying with you and your insight, JJ! Thank you Jesus for all the steps in place to bring healthy outcomes for Brie and family, for Norah and family, for Jeanne and family, for Ellen and family and all others if I have forgotten to include. I humbly ask for prayer from intercessor warriors for protection over us as we make great strides with the Holy Spirit in our church prayer ministry. We have experienced other-worldly attacks, we must be doing the right thing!. In Jesus' name we declare, decree and pray, amen!

    7. O S U R doing the right thing and it is making satan and all its evil workers sing, Look Our Here They Come...
      Praying intercessory prayers as requested, Audra, for hearing what God whispers above all that clanging noise that satan may be dunging.
      Praying for protection over you and all of us as we make great strides with the Holy Spirit in our churches and our prayer ministries. satan only seems to attack its adversaries, so must be doing the right thing!. However, only God can fight the battle that He Has Already Won.
      It comrs after us cause it knows it is a looser if it goes up against God!
      Put God on it, in it, and around it, and then watch HIM Work it out

    8. Amen! I'm seeing the fruits of intercessory prayer in so many amazing ways. I see it working in the lives of those we pray for. And because we are conduits to release others, I am seeing what attacks look like. But GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN ME (US)!!

  57. Thank you so very much, dear JJ! Simple and True! So we will go forward in faith and trust because we can believe His Word and promises. Lead me Lord in paths of righteousness and protect me from the traps of the evil one. Remind me to stay in Your light and love. You are the Center of my life. All things come together in You.

  58. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame."" (Romans 10:10-11).

    1. Amen. May God guide those who do not know Jesus to seek Him with an open and sincere heart.

  59. Dear dear friends, what joy you give me each day, reading all of the sharing, praising, and pleadings to God in the circumstances of our lives. I believe this blog is a gift to each one of us from God…Our family has had plenty of trials, and your prayers is one of the ways we have gotten through them. We are all going for scans, myself, my husband, my daughter. Please pray that good news will continue. God is SO SO SO good! All the time, even during the darkest trials He has never left us.

    1. Ellen, I could not agree with you more about this blog. It has been a blessing for me no doubt. I lift you, your husband, and daughter up to our Lord for the upcoming scans. Asking that God hold you all in the palm of His hand.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Dear Ellen ---- Lifting you, your husband, and your daughter up to the Lord, as you go for the scans. I pray for the Lord's continued blessings and good results. Grant them peace,
      strength, and assurance of Your presence. In Jesus's Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. I have been praying for you and your husband and daughter. Joining all prayers for good results of all of your scans. God is holding you tight as you trust in His faithfulness. May He give you more reasons to be thankful. Thank You Jesus.

  60. Psalm 46:10, “…Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

    Lord, please be with this group of warriors today and remind us all that we need to BE STILL. God your glory is all around us.
    SC Anonymous

  61. So thankful for all the beautiful prayers ( starting with Chris Payton’s from 2019 up top) the requests , the responses, the victories, the faith- the love that is expressed here is extraordinary- count on my prayers blanketing the entire JC family past and present . God is good ❤️πŸ™

    1. Prayers received, Blessings from NY! I covet your prayers and I am so THANKFUL for the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS like you.
      Decreeing and Declaring that we serve The Great I Am, who is the overcomer of the world. And we receive the VICTORY He authored through His Son. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world! HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. JJ. ❤️πŸ™

    3. She's Got A Way About Her, I Don't Know What It Is..
      I had no doubt that that Anonymous was you, our JJ !

    4. You got a keen eye, Brie! You humble me. Thank you for your kindness. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His love now and forever. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ’ž

    5. Dear Blessings from NY, JJ, Brie, Thank you for your prayers and blessings. We are family in Christ and friends. Praying with you and for you with love. Rest in Him Who cares for us.

  62. So many times in so many ways, we are reminded by Sarah, Chris, Corey Ten Boom in the Fleas of Ravensbruck, Jack The Donkey Who Complained To God, our JC Family, Church Signs, John 16:33 and other, that our peace and happiness is not an absence of trials;
    our peace and happiness IS seeing and hearing the presence of God during those trials:
    Seeing His Glorious Sonrises and Sonsets spreading slowly across the sky!
    Looking into the faces and hearing the voices of loved ones!
    Stilling ourselves to feel His Caress with gentle breezes that refresh and delight our souls!
    Waiting for Him to speak softly into the depths of our spirit, where His Holy Spirit always resides!
    Finding Him in each and every moment, including those we consider T-T-T-T-T.R.I.A.L.S!
    Reverence (our)
    Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Thank you, Brie, and amen. Love how you make these life lessons so easy to remember.

    2. Love this, Brie! AMEN and AMEN! Giving our BLESSED Lord ALL THE PRAISE AND ALL THE GLORY!

      Believe and trust God. Don't try to fix and figure things out on your own.

      Allow God in. Let God in and let God flow. HALLELUJAH!!!

    3. You blessed me so much! God gave you a gift of writing and the Spirit moves through you beautifully as you share His message of truth. You encourage us and lift us in a remarkable way, dear sister. Praying for you and Keith and Larry. We know God reigns above every situation and Trial. Trials only bring us closer to Him. He leads us through them and turns our tears into dancing.
      Thanks JJ! Amen! I just give it all to God and go forward with Him leading the way. Believing and Trusting.

  63. Thank you Brie- God is good!! ❤️πŸ™

  64. Thank you all for lifting me up with all your prayers and words of wisdom. It’s so easy to get distracted, as many have noted here with past and present posts. It’s a gentle reminder I guess that we are human and to go easy on ourselves when we do get derailed by the comings and goings of life. As long as we keep coming back to the source of living water to get refreshed and back on track.
    I like to take this evening time to recall those events of this day, seeing where and how God showed up to guide me, support me , me me and love me. He’s always there and we can be certain of that, knowing that his love never ceases.
    Rest well with the peace of Christ JC family.

  65. Thanks Rich! God is on the Night Watch! Rest in Him and your sleep will be sweet.
