Sunday, June 7, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 8

I want you to be all Mine, filled with the Light of My Presence. I gave everything for you by living as a man, then dying for your sins and living again. Hold back nothing from Me.  Bring your most secret thoughts into the Light of My Love. Anything you bring to Me I transform and cleanse from darkness. I know everything about you, far more than you know of yourself. But I restrain My yearning to "fix" you, waiting instead for you to come to Me for help. Imagine the divine restraint this requires, for I have all Power in heaven and on earth. 
     Seek My Face with a teachable spirit. Come into My Presence with thanksgiving, desiring to be transformed. 

Matthew 28:18
English Standard Version

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."

Verse thoughts
Jesus now has all authority to redeem, defend, and save the church; his government extends over the material world, over angels, over devils, over wicked men, and over his own people.

Psalm 100:4
English Standard Version

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
    and his courts with praise!
    Give thanks to him; bless his name!

Verse thoughts
Gates refers to the temple of place of worship.  It is here that we bless His name, give praise to His name, offer thanksgiving, with a grateful heart. This psalm may have been sung during a festive entry into the temple precincts.

My Prayer (2019)
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins Jesus and purchasing me with your blood. You gave everything for me. As a sinner, I am incapable of meriting God's love and acceptance. You gave it all and in response to this gift, I pray that I would give my all. You know me better than I know myself.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you heavenly father for all you do for us and all the gifts you give us every day. Thank you for your earthly presence that provides light in our lives and dying on a cross for our sins. Help us seek your spirit throughout the day and help guide us to your will not ours. Help us be not only honest with ourselves but honest with You so that we may be cleansed from our darkest moments. We love you and praise you with all our heart.

    1. God bless
      In Jesus Heavenly name

    2. Joining in your wonderful prayer, Jeff. Amen and Thank you!

    3. This prayer spoke right to my heart today thank you!!

    4. Thanking God for you, Jeff, and for all your prayer treasure gifts that keep on giving. I pray for you and yours.

  2. I am yours, Lord. Anxiously anticipating what you will teach me and where you will lead me. Thank you Lord for loving me unconditionally. Love and prayers for my JC Family.

    1. Thank you Jesus for blessing me ,my son and all my family. I need your guidance to lead me in the right way. Love you. Barbara

    2. Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you made for us all. I pray minds and sprits will be awakened to all you've done and strongholds will be leveled so they accept and receive you as savior and Lord. So many loved ones and family are just a decision away from allowing your great love to come and wash over them . Please open their eyes to your truth and majesty 🙏💕
      Helen in San Diego

    3. Yes, we are all just one decision away from allowing His Great Love to wash over us. Thank You for this, Helen in San Diego.

    4. Thank you, Helen in San Diego. I join and agree with you and your prayer over loved ones this morning. The prayer you wrote spoke my heart as well. Thank you, Jesus for working in the lives of those we love that don’t know you as savior. I believe you have been, and will continue to pursue them until they turn around and choose you. For they are your lost sheep, and you will bring them home. Praise you precious Jesus! In your name, Amen

    5. The love of God showers down upon us! Wherever we are God is, and all is well. Thank you Jesus!

  3. You have examined me this morning oh Lord & showed me a weakness & a folly in my ways. I am opened & exposed to your cleansing, my secrets are never hidden from you, though I may temporary hold on to them, ignoring the chasm it's slowly creating between you & I. The Devine loving God that you are & the unconditional love you have for me nudge me ever so gently to come into the light & shed the dark areas of myself, be renewed, refreshed & restored unto you. Forgive me Lord for keeping you waiting, forgive me. Amen

    1. Amen. I am praying this prayer with you, dear Jan G. ❤️

    2. Good morning and thank you Jan G for these much needed prayer thoughts. Thank you Lord for renewing and restoring me as I navigate this unchartered arena of post op care for my hubby. Bless all the nurses, caregivers and medical personnel around the world, they do work that is of the angels and I fall far short in my abilities. Lord hear our prayers today as we do what we can to heal and relieve pain. Keep Marc motivated and encouraged that this to shall pass and you will make everything new. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen!

    3. I am still praying for Marc's complete healing and successful therapy, and for his Chief Nurse, Audra. And if she needs your patience, Lord, would You send it now, please ;) in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  4. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for another day of life and for being in Your Presence. I surrender this day to You and ask the Holy Spirit to love through me, guide my thoughts, my words and my actions.
    Thank You for loving me, knowing everything about me and giving it all for me through the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus!

    I pray blessings, favors, protection, provisions, healing, restorations, guidance, breakthroughs and ALL needs of JC family here on this blog and their love ones, in the name of JESUS.

    Thank You FATHER for hearing us and answering us. We bless Your Holy name!

    Great and bless day JC family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. In Jesus name! Restoration in all areas. Amen

    2. Love this sweet prayer, Maplewood. Thanks!

    3. That was fast! 😂 Amen!

    4. Yes thank you Maplewood NJ, I need, want, and accept all of your prayer blessings, favors, protection, provisions, healing, restorations, guidance, breakthroughs for myself and ALL needs of JC family here on this blog and their love ones, in the name of JESUS. So be it. And so it is. Amen.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Madfox, I will be praying for you and your daughter. I can imagine how hard it was to not be able to hug her. I haven't seen my sons for 3 months and more, and they haven't been through what she has, but it would take all my strength to not hug them when I do see them again. Hopefully you'll be able to do that soon.

    2. So happy MadFox you had a wonderful reunion with your daughter. What a wonderful visit. May our good Lord bless you both. Safe travels. KS

    3. MadFox --- Joining KS and the rest of the JC WARRIORS in prayer for your precious daughter and you. May the Lord's love and faithfulness, along with His goodness, mercy and protection surround you. Lord, I place them into Your Great Care and declare that they are Yours!
      In His honor and for His purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    4. Prayers for your whole family, MadFox and thanks for sharing. I can empathize how hard it must have been not to hug her, but at least you got to see her. Blessings of peace to you.

    5. God bless you, and your family! I join all in prayer that the madness stops and we are increasingly aware that where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Freedom to love and express love as we know He wants us to. Come Holy Spirit!

    6. Dear MadFox. I have been praying for your dear good daughter and I was happy you had visited with her. How stressful your visit must have been, traveling in the midst of everything. I'm so thankful that you arrived safely and I'm sure you understand your daughter's reluctance to get close to you, for your own safety and out of love. I'm sure just seeing you warmed her heart and renewed her Spirit in a big way. We all know the pain of not being able to hug our loved ones. Keeping you both in my prayers, as we all wait on the Lord. Praying for an end to this craziness and believing that God's plan is unfolding unto a better world.

    7. Thank you for your post, dear brother in Christ! As other issues have suffered in our land, there is a tendency to forget the issues with which we have been dealing. Your post tugged at my heart strings (as a father of three daughters) and reminded me to stay vigilant in my prayers for you and everyone. God be with you.

    8. Praying special prayers for you Madfox, for your daughter and for your family. May angels surround you all and keep you all healthy, safe and filled with His perfect peace and His perfect love.
      In Jesus name
      Amen 🙏🌸🙏

    9. You and your daughter are always in my prayers. God brought her through this difficult time, and He is leading you through your trials. Thanking God for your great recovery and evaluation dear brother.

    10. A year later this was tough to read... but God healed her grief and angst and now back in the south about to start grad school. Thank you Lord. AMEN.

    11. What a difference in a year - still, all the feels reading it. May our desire for God be as strong as the longing to hug your beloved daughter. And may we know God feels that for us.
      Glad you can give her a big ol’ hug when you see her now!! ❤️

  6. I too was up at 3 am MadFox and praying and praying for whoever needed the prayers. I am sure my prayers reached New York and you and your daughter. I have a similar situation. My daughter is a trauma nurse in the ER. For the last 3 months I have had to make myself content with stop, drop, and roll as we pull up in front of her home, drop off food, wave from our car to her and her husband and dogs standing on their porch, waving and wagging back. No hugs, no kisses, no touches. Lots of my tears when we drive off. I wish I could have known the last time we hugged and kissed was to be the last time for awhile. I would have squeezed she and my son-in-law like a tube of toothpaste!
    Jesus, I bring our situations and the situations of each of our dear ones and JC Prayer Warrior Family to You for fixing. Fix it Jesus Fix it! I am coming to You, because You are the only one Who can fix it. Only You have “All authority in heaven and on earth given to You" Matthew 28 to redeem, defend, and save the church; Your Sovereignty extends over the material world, over angels, over devils, over wickedness, and over Your own people.
    I desire to be TRANSFORMED by You, until I see You more clearly, love You more dearly, follow You more nearly, day by day.
    Yes, I know they are your children, even though our daughter came through me, she belongs to You. Thank You for all Your many Blessings. I do appreciate them. Thanks for wrapping Your mantle of protection on everyone. It does comfort me. You know what is best. I am clueless. Thy Will Be Done. Amen.

    1. I will pray for your daughter and her husband to be protected from the virus and any harm. God is guiding you to help her as you have been. They feel your love and soon you will be able to squeeze them like a tube of toothpaste. That made me laugh because I saw my baby grandson and he ran to me and I couldn't pick him up or hug him. I really understand. You are always in my prayers. God bless and protect you, your family and all my JC Family.
      Father God, thank you for giving all of us patience, strength and guidance. Protect us and our families as we wait in hope and thanksgiving for your faithfulness. We pray this in the powerful name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    2. Dear Brie! We are absolutely blessed to be able to hug our loved ones now. That is God's faithfulness and I sure don't take it for granted and I know you don't either. Yes our children belong to Him. I just wish some of my children realized that. Already gave that to God so I will continue to trust in His timing.

    3. As we pray that for our kids, may we recognize that is God’s heart, too. If ever we are agreeing with him, it is as we pray for our children to draw near to God. May it be so dear Papa Father. May it be so! ❤️

  7. Praise time! Psalm 100: 4
    Come and Enter in His Gates with thanksgiving, and come enter in His Courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His Name! Yes, Lord!

    I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart
    I will enter His courts with praise
    I will say this is the day that my Lord has made
    I will rejoice for He has made me glad
    He has made me glad, He has made me glad
    I will rejoice for He has made me glad
    He has made me glad, He has made me glad
    I will rejoice for He has made me glad! Thank You Jesus!

  8. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for another day. Life is precious and every day I wake up in Your Presence, is a blessing. We come seeking You because Your world is divided, this nation is divided, and only You can fix it. We know that You are with us and You fight for Your people. We believe that it’s not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit, that You make a difference in this world.
    We are needy for You. Some days feel so broken and uncertain. We’re hurting, we’re struggling, and we’re aware, more than ever, of our own weaknesses, and of the dark forces that constantly surround us, fighting to gain ground in this country and the world. We choose to stand our ground today and say, NO more satan! Heavenly Father, we need the Light of Your Love to take over the hate and pain of this world.
    I ask that you fill us with Your Spirit of love and unity among believers all across this nation. I ask for Your help to set aside our differences and look to the greater cause, the cause of Christ. I ask that You would help us to truly live a life of love. We know that this is only possible through the power of Your Spirit, so I pray for Your Spirit to move across our land and across the world in fresh ways. Turn Your people back to You. Draw others to come to know You. Thank You for being with us always and giving us great purpose and hope. I pray that You would surround every leader with wise counsel, that they would be humble and kind, patient and loving through their actions and words. I pray for Your protection as one nation under God. We ask that You surround this country and cover us with Your mighty hand. I pray for unity in the entire world, that in spite of our differences, we would be willing to stand strong together and live out our days with compassion, love and grace. I pray what Jesus said in John 17:23 to take root in the depths of our souls;“I in them and You in me–so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that You sent me and have loved them even as You have loved me.” I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

    Blessings, Love and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. There is nothing I could add to this powerful prayer, twin bd sis. I pray all these things as well. Lord, hear our prayer. God be with you.

    2. Your prayer is my prayer and I wait in patience for God to grant this prayer.
      Father, Shed your light over the darkness of this world and make things right again as only you can. Soften the hardened hearts of the ungodly and turn them around toward peace and love. Supply the needs of your people. Heal them in every way, forgive their sins and give them a strength of faith to carry them through this. Remove the hate and pain of this world with all joy and peace in believing. Waiting for this in patience and thanksgiving because You are so much Greater, and forever faithful. Amen.

    3. Still such a beautiful prayer! Amen! I can see it slowly being answered. So much going on now to be thankful for. Rejoice in His faithfulness.

  9. MadFox my heart is broken for you and your daughter. Thank you for sharing this with us so we can pray for you. My own thoughts are spinning in my head today so much like yours about how hard this all is. I have a very similar situation here and I'm weary from seeing the hurt in so many during this. God Bless you and prayers forthcoming.

  10. Blessings to each of you as we continue to remain strong Jesus...Amen.

  11. "But I restrain My yearning to "fix" you, waiting instead for you to come to Me for help. Imagine the divine restraint this requires, for I have all Power in heaven and on earth." This sentence stopped me in my tracks. God is restraining from fixing me until I ask... so much free will, so much I have yet to learn... Oh how I wish He would fix my heart. And when it comes to others, I'm so quick to want to fix them. I have had to rethink my place, my thoughts, my desires to help others... until they ask for it. Oh Lord, I pray for wisdom and a silent tongue...

    1. I agree with you, Anonymous, this reading faces very honestly the true issue. Nothing can be 'fixed' until there is a desire within the heart for the 'fixing', either Him of us or us for others, thus He must wait and we must wait for an earnest desire to be 'fixed'. In my years of counseling, I discovered the 'fixing' that would come was less dependent on my ability to offer advice but more dependent on their desire to truly be changed. When that was present, a person could take anything I said and find 'fixing' in it. God be with you.

  12. I love the reminder from this reading that Jesus Christ has the Authority.
    That truth STANDS alone. It covers ALL and EVERYTHING. It reminds me of a bible study called " The truth project" leaving me with the question " Do you really believe what you say you believe?" The answer is often no, sadly , circumstances still seeps in or pours in and shakes my foundation. This happened last night. I must continually go back to My childhood, I am a child fully trusting and fully dependent where nothing much is determined by me. The Lord is the same, Jesus the same, I am a child in many ways though my childlike trust is not as shiney and new. " yes, jesus loves me, jesus loves the little children, Hes got the whole world in His hand" I must bring myself back always to His love and Authority over my life, my sons life and The world. My prayers keep me in the right position. I pray for Madfox and his daughter a story that touches all parents hearts and so relatable on so many levels. Brilamar and her daughter. I ask God for wisdom this morning and staying power to continue to show unconditional love to my son and my brother & sister in law. I see your work Lord but it doesn't feel good this sacrifice and surrender and higher calling of love. It leaves me right where you want me though which is ready to trust you, for all my control has been removed. My son has rejected me, He is so confused Lord, believing lies in his head. My husband says it is because I am the strongest one in the family and He needs to blame someone. I have been separated from my family and alone with you Lord, right where you want me for you have The Authority and you use it wisely I trust. Thank you for healing your people & world in your way in your time. Choosing your purpose for it is perfect. Thank you J.C. family I pray for all of you and love your words of praise and hope and honest love.

    1. Amen Fern! I pray that with God's help, Dan will be able to see you clearly and know your love for him. He is distracted by the wave of depression that clouds and distorts everything he sees. But God can remove that and I believe He will in His good timing. We are all praying for this and for strength and renewal of all of you. Such a wilderness you are walking through. I'm glad God has you physically separated from them because you are the prayer warrior and your work is most important right now. Much love.

    2. Thank you Jeanne that helped me this evening when great sadness overtook me. I must be vigilant.
      God bless you

    3. Thanking God that Dan is doing a bit better with your husband and you are seeing some answers to your prayers. Remain steadfast and pray without ceasing. God's plan is unfolding day by day.

    4. Still working on fully believing HE is who HE says HE is (not the hard part) but that I am who HE says I am (much more difficult)
      I turn again to the WORD to reinforce and repeat. I have a stack of index cards with verses that remind me that I am significant, I am secure, and I am accepted.

    5. List found in "Victory Over the Darkness" by Neil Andersen

  13. Please help us Lord! Stop the madness and the separation wherever it has taken hold in our psyche. We long to see, touch and feel with the power of your great love. ♥️✝️

  14. (From my devotional time spent in II Timothy 1:8-9) Timothy has been mentored by Paul. From the sound of these opening words, Paul is writing to encourage his disciple. The fires of faith and of calling have gotten low because of the challenges young Timothy has had to experience. Paul admonishes him to rekindle that which God has called him to and face the sufferings of being a witness of Christ. Maybe Timothy had been relying too much on his own strength. Paul encourages him to turn to God for strength because it is God's purpose and grace that is intended to carry him in his calling.

    When I retired from ministry exactly three years ago, I had become burned out from dealing with pride, arrogance, and disunity. Days after I retired I was led to begin reading 'Jesus Calling'. My first response was to see the reason for my burn out. Had I followed the advice contained in the daily readings, the 'sufferings' would have been able to be managed better and not at the expense of my calling. The negatives I had to tend to would not have been as spiritually devastating on me as they were. I encourage you, JC family, these daily thoughts are intended to show us the way to rely on God's power, purpose and grace for that which He has called each of us. God be with you. With love, Bob

  15. Thank you Bob for feeding my soul today. I'm leading my little Bible Group as we study Priscilla and Aquila. What an amazing couple they were, so much in love and such earnest workers for Christ. It was no surprise that they became the closest friends of Paul and his most loyal fellow workers, even becoming Co-Founders of the early Christian Church. They never tired and despite opposition brought God's Plan into fruition. They are also briefly mentioned in II Timothy. We must all remember why God called us and realize that He never promised us a smooth ride. We must at all times do our best to further the Word of God and spread His message of salvation, even when it is tiring and inconvenient. God never wearies and He is always the same. So also we must be steadfast but also must consider our physical and mental limitations as we do his work. I learned this from becoming weary from well doing. We must take the rest He offers. He doesn't want us to get burned out in doing His will. On the contrary. He wants us to find refreshment in Him, and renewal of both our spirit and our bodies. Guess that's why I always take a nap when I have the opportunity. Thank you Bob for always encouraging us and leading us to look up for our good helping of God's power, purpose and grace. He has a Plan for each of us and it is reveals itself every day. Much love.

  16. Please pray God's comfort for Jeannie, whose husband Kenneth lost his battle with cancer, he passed away Sunday night. Jeannie was my deceased husband's loyal, faithful, Christian secretary for 27 years. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. My condolences to Jeannie, Sassy Mom. My prayers for Jeannie and for her husband, Kenneth's soul are going up right now. Sending love her way.

    2. Sassy Mom --- Asking for Great comfort for you and Jeannie. Jeremiah 31:13b "I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow..." And, Great blessings on Kenneth's soul.

    3. I sure will pray for Jeannie. So sorry she lost her dear husband. May God in His compassion fill the hole in her broken heart with His love and comfort. Adding her to my list, Sassy Mom.

    4. Still praying for Jeannie. How is she doing without her beloved Kenneth? I hope she has found a large army of support. I know God is drying her tears and guiding her. I'm sure you miss your own husband so much. God comfort your sweet heart too.

  17. Maybe I misread today's devotional. I read, or misread it, thinking His FIXIT offer is meant for me, "My yearning to "fix" you..." Until me, myself and i are desiring to be transformed and fixed by Him, (pulling out blinders from yesterday to keep my eyes off fixing others, fixing the pandemic, fixing some of the police, fixing some of the people, fixing the protesters, fixing the looters, fixing Christobal, and everything else outside of fixing me) I'll be waiting on the world to change, like standing on the corner where the bus doesn't stop.
    Can you help me out JC Family? How did you swallow today's devotional meal with all the fixings? Thanks and Love to all.
    Dear God, If I open up my box of broken things stored inside my heart, which would You choose to fix first?

    1. Your questions stirred my heart. I will ponder them in prayer.

    2. Thanks Keith. It brought me joy to hear from you again. Blessings to you and our JC Family! Amen.

    3. I asked: Dear God, If I open up my box of broken things stored inside my heart, which would You choose to fix first?
      The only answer I kept hearing was I would first fix your TRANSFORMER, because once that is fixed and in good working order, every other broken thing in you can then be transformed into something good. HMMMM!

    4. Furthermore, God said to me, It's more important for me to fix you rather than the long list of others you were trying to hand over to Me instead. Only by fixing and transforming you to finding My Truth, My Love, and My Beauty within yourself, can you ever project My Truth, My Love, and My Beauty out into the world and the people around you. Projection only works from the inside out. And moreover, Brilamar, the word 'christian" is not a noun nor a label you give yourself; "christian" is an action verb, based on how you act and how you live! It's how I and others refer to you at the end of your deeds, rather than a word flag you plant at the beginning. Now do you understand Fixings? Yes! Lord!

    5. ... And let it begin with me...❤️🙏

  18. Sassy Mom - my prayers are with your loved ones. All I can think is 'They will see Kenneth again & he'll be whole and healthy & rejoicing at their reunion.'
    Brilamar - my prayers are with you. Last Sat we visited with a dear friend, cousin by marriage who found herself divorced after 30+ yrs of marriage. She cried, I prayed for her with my arms wrapped around her (saying, 'COVID, be damned - you need a hug!'). She just told me that she woke up Sunday and her first thought was, "I'm going to be fine." I look back on a year ago at my son's 2nd wedding and as all of our adult kids came to our house yesterday (they all got babysitters), we reminisced and celebrated the weddings in our family, that happened in May and June.
    So much has happened in those years past, but we were all together and actually got to TALK without Littles interrupting or messing with toys or breaking up squabbles.
    MadFox, my heart goes out to you in NYC with your RN daughter and I know the pain it was to not be able to embrace her. But, you WILL someday. We had to be very respectful yesterday. I would have gathered them all up together in one, giant hug, but I knew better. It was a feat to even have them at our house!
    In our Zoom Teaching yesterday, we were reminded that there are only 2 things that can truly change a person's life: The NEW BIRTH and the RENEWED MIND. That is what will change our by one - we offer, the new birth and the renewed mind.
    That is my prayer, that is my conviction. I look back a year ago and think 'how frivilous,' that I was worrying about clothes, and timing and siblings and new in-laws. You prayed for my little Dot, who survived, but couldn't attend.
    Today, we are praying for healing, redemption, protection - like never before.
    God is still on His throne - we will celebrate the victories of this year, next year, when we read again what our loving Father delivered us from.
    Praying for you, Brilamar - you ARE fixed - because you go to Him! It all awaits all of us...we just have to ASK.
    Bob, thank you for your wonderful devotion. May we all 'rekindle' that which God has called us to and KNOW in our heart of hearts that it's ours for the asking.
    Love and prayers to each of you, my JC Family. Each of you are the BEST!
    p.s. loved your post, Jeanne!

  19. Thanks Norah, what a difference a year makes! Blessings. Amen.

  20. Thanks Norah. I loved your post and I know you lift our Family everyday in your prayers. Kenneth has just gone Home to wait for Jeannie. He is realizing God's promises. Praying for all of you and, as you are, for healing, redemption, protection and guidance every day. All we can do is do our best to glorify Him each day, help those in need, pray without ceasing and trust that soon we will be hugging all those we love and the world will be changed and made new. God bless you and my JC Family.

  21. Asking prayers for my young friend and Bosom Buddy, Tanya and her entire family and Medical Team. I am asking because Tanya will be having a double mastectomy today. Please Lord get all the cancer out of this young remarkable prayer warrior, who exudes You. May You continue to do what You are famous for in Tanya's life. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Thanks Sassy Mom for providing me with some good Spiritual Food leftovers from yesterday, "O LORD, my Lord, I place all my trust in You. Please guide my steps as I seek to bring You glory. Give me the right words to say so that I can have a redemptive influence In Jesus' name I pray. And in sweet accord with Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength, and my Redeemer. Amen."

    1. Father, place Your healing hands upon Tanya and make her whole again. Give her and her loved ones the comfort, peace, and strength that they need at this time in their lives. Let Your presence fill them up. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Praying for Tanya, for a remarkable surgery outcome, and total healing in every part of her body. In His Holy Name, Amen. God is good!

    3. Joining in prayers for Tanya and her family. We serve a faithful God! He's Jehovah Rapha, always at work.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Thank you Lord, for your loving care of Tanya and her family, all her caregivers, medical personnel and all who contribute to a positive outcome for this double mastectomy surgery. May they all be exponentially blessed in your name, Jesus.

  22. Dear Father, We are trusting You to guide the Doctor's hands to remove every cancer cell from Tanya's body and bring her back to perfect health so she can proclaim your amazing healing and good deeds. Thank You for this and for comforting her whole family, and blessing, strengthening, protecting and guiding them in all ways. We ask this in the powerful Name of You Son, Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Father, please be with MadFox and his family during this time in their lives. Give them Your perfect peace, comfort, and strength that they need during this time in their lives. Let Your healing presence be with him as You make him whole again. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. MadFox,
      I read your post from last year, your addition from this year and this post. Only God knew what you and your family would go through this year.. what any of us would go through. Your prayer for healing and less stressful days really resonated with me. I'll be praying for good results for you and everyone here.

    3. Amen Madfox and PEBG!! Agreeing in prayer with you. ❤️

    4. Standing in prayer with and for you brother MadFox, may God grant you strength for today and all your tomorrows! God is still with you and never leaving, it SHALL BE WELL in JESUS'name. Praying for peace for your family and covering all in the Blood of Jesus.


      Maplewood NJ

    5. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. Praising good news all around today! ✝️🙏❤️

    6. Joining all prayers for a wonderful report, dear MadFox, and a lighter burden on your loved ones. Praying for your healing, strength, guidance, peace of mind and fulfillment. Joining in prayers for all our dear JC Family.
      Thank You for your prayers too. My friend Nancy got through her surgery. They removed the tumor and all tissue that was attached to it. She must follow up with chemo. We are praying that she will be healed physically and spiritually. Thank You Father for bringing her back to perfect health. You are the miracle maker and can do all things. Open her heart to YOU. Thank You Jesus!

  24. Teach me Your way, O LORD, that I may walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. (Psalm 86:11).

    Father, thank You for all You are and do in my life. You are my wonderful counselor, Lord, and Savior. Help me realize what I may be holding back from You so I can bring it before You and we can talk about it together. Point out the lies I may tell myself and replace them with truth. Let my light shine bright for Your glory Lord. Let us walk through the day, hand and hand, rejoicing over You. You are worthy and deserving of all my praise, love, and time. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Thank You Jesus.

    At one time you were in the dark. But now you are in the light because of what the Lord has done. Live like children of the light. (Ephesians 5:8). I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8:12).

  25. Praying for you and your family, MadFox....that your test results will be a time for celebration, and bring a deep peace to you...and those you love you ...and the souls that you have made such a positive impact on.May God continue to bless you.

  26. Because today's DEVOTION reminds me to
    Bring my most secret thoughts into the Light of Your Love and Anything I bring to You, You will transform and cleanse from darkness... I bring this request to You:
    The same way You love and accept me, thank You Father for helping me to love and accept ALL the people who come into my life because You bring them across my path.
    Would You help me Focus ONLY on the GOOD things and thank You for them?
    Thanks for the invite to Come into Your Presence with thanksgiving, desiring to be transformed by You.
    Yes thank You, Lord. Please consider this post as my RSVP accepting Your invite. I Look To You, ready to desire being transformed by You. In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I find. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    1. AMEN Brie, I RSVP to the invite right along with you!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Me too dear Brie! Ready to be transformed.

  27. “Then spoke Jesus unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall never walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).

    Thank You Lord for another day of being in Your Presence. Even as a believer, sometimes I’m still faced with the temptation to be anxious and worried about what I cannot understand or change. But when this happens, I am reminded that it is only when my mind is renewed by Your Word and Spirit that by faith I can trust You and know there is nothing to fear as long as I am holding Your hand.
    You are the Light that shines so brightly in this world and without light, there is complete and total darkness. John 1:5 says: “And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness cannot overcome it!” No amount of darkness can extinguish even the tiniest light, Your authority is greater than any other power.
    Thank You for directing the sun to rise each morning allowing me not to stumbling through the day, but most importantly, thank You that even though I was born into spiritual darkness, I have been given that vision to see clearly when I invited Christ into my life and to transform me into a new creation. I pray that Your Light illuminates the hidden corners of my heart and reach to the deep places and expose and remove every and anything that is not of You.
    Father, You know me better than I know myself, so please help me to keep my eyes fixed on You and trust You with any or all the areas of my life which may be hidden from me.
    May no day of trial or disappointment or hardship take away the glorious promise which You have given to me. I know the Light of Your presence is in me to give me hope for today and all of my tomorrows. I give You my weary heart knowing that You will never withdraw Your Light, but rather keep it shining till the day dawn. I thank You and pray this in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you, for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people. But the Lord will arise over you. And His glory will be seen upon you. The gentiles shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:1-3).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks Maplewood NJ. Along with you I stand praying...Even as a believer, sometimes I’m still faced with the temptation to be frustrated, anxious and worried about what I cannot understand or change or just don't like. When this happens, Dear God, would You transform my mind until it is renewed by Your Word and Your Holy Spirit?
      You are THE Light. I pray that Your Light illuminates the hidden corners of my heart and reaches into the deep places and exposes and removes every and anything that is not of You.
      SHINE! JESUS! SHINE! In Your Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    2. Sweet Maplewood, Your beautiful words moved me. I felt the same as Brie. Especially these words of truth: I pray that Your Light illuminates the hidden corners of my heart and reach to the deep places and expose and remove every and anything that is not of You. Amen! His light can fill every crevice of our imperfect body, mind and spirit.

  28. I have good news for whomever is interested! A little back story son was running around with his brother and fell and broke his femur. It was so shocking and sad. As it turned out, a tumor had caused his bone to weaken. He had a temporary surgery, but couldn't have the permanent fix until they ruled out cancer. It has been 4 and a half weeks since this has happened to my little boy. He has been so patient and hasn't complained even once about anything, never frustrated. Amazed me! It hasn't been easy at all, but his patience has been refreshing. And God has been good to us in this trial. Even the fact that he has trusted us to go through a trial has been humbling. He has helped me and taught me a lot, all of us. He is gracious and merciful and life is sweet, a gift. We are praising Him. And we got the long-awaited news today! My son is CANCER FREE 👐👐👐

    1. Thanks for sharing God's Victory, free as can B.
      I am Praising God from Whom ALL Blessings flow!

    2. Halleluia! Thank You Jesus!!
      Dear free as can B, I have been praying for your little 10 year old son. God is so very faithful. Rejoice and be glad because your little one is going to be just fine! And God allowed this so you could see the faith, courage and patience of your little guy. That's a gift in itself.

  29. free as can B - Joining your celebration of praising the Lord. Thank You Jesus!!!

  30. Thank you so much for joining me! Yes God's victory! Amazing! I'm so thankful, relieved, excited, and at peace all at once! Thank You Lord! God bless you all!

    1. God bless you too! So happy you are resting in Him who cares for you. Much love.

  31. 1 year later. Thank you for praying Tanya through her double mastectomy. She appears to be doing fine and is happy and thankful every time I see her!
    1 year later today, would you pray for my dear friend Rhesa and her medical team? Rhesa is undergoing a mastectomy today. Thanks JC Family.

  32. Praying Rhesa’s surgery will go well and she will not require chemo because the doctor removed every bad cell. Thank You Father for guiding the doctor’s hands perfectly and bringing Rhesa back to a complete recovery in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  33. I have good news about Natalia who also had a double mastectomy after her Mom died of breast cancer. Many if you prayed for her. She doesn’t need chemo and she just got married to a wonderful and loving man. God is so faithful.

    1. Thank You, God. We appreciate all your blessings! How Great Thou Are!

    2. Praying for Rhesa. Dear Lord hold this dear child close today as she faces this surgery. Bless her with that childlike faith and relinquish all to You. Be the powerful hands on the hands of the surgeon. Bring her through to complete clearance of cancer & full recovery in Jesus' name, amen🙏💞

    3. Praise offering for Natalia. Hallelujah! God be praised!

    4. Praying for Rhesa that all will go smoothly because God is guiding it all, and every bad cell will be removed, and she will feel the peace of God wash over her. May His faithfulness shine like the sun as He leads her back to perfect health and comfort. We thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

    5. Joining in prayers for these women who have faced breast cancer surgeries. May God be with them.

  34. My dear JC Calling warriors, It grieves my heart to say my sweet precious beloved neighbor Miss Pat (who we have prayed for) passed away a little while ago. Please pray comforting prayers for her daughter Terri, and her two grandsons Stephen and Tommy. Pat has been in poor health for 3 years. Last week she had a UTI infection and today a stomach bug. She wasn't able to attend church but watched it on line. We spoke several times a day. Many times Pat called to say she was shaking so bad from Parkinson's she couldn't stand it. She was on our prayer list at church. I will miss my sweet Sister in Christ. I covet your prayers.

    1. Dear sweet sweet sister-friend in Christ, Sassy Mom. You know you and Ms Pat's family have my sympathy and my prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Dear SassyMom, lifting up the family of your dear friend & sister Pat. She's finally home & resting & rejoicing as she beholds Your face. Her loved ones need Your comfort & nearness as they miss her presence. Attend to them oh Lord in Jesus' name, amen.

    3. Praying for you and Miss Pat's family as well, Sassy Mom. May you all feel God's loving arms around you and may you be comforted by the good memories and times with Miss Pat, Sassy Mom. In Jesus' name, amen.

    4. I’m so sorry our prayers were not answered for dear Miss Pat. But thank God, she is no longer suffering. He, in His great mercy has called Home and out of her misery to rest in His peace and to realize His promises. May He comfort her daughter and grandsons, and fill their broken hearts with His love and peace. Thank You Jesus.

    5. Praying for you and all those who loved Pat. May the Lord’s light shine upon all at this time.

    6. Joining prayer warriors for you, Sassy Mom and your dear friend, Miss Pat. Thank you for the opportunity to learn about and pray for her over the years. May she rest in perfect peace.

  35. Lifting all the prayer requests up to our loving Father. May he bring comfort and peace to all. JE

    1. Amen dear JE! Praying with you and for you.

  36. Posted this in tomorrow’s page by mistake.
    Met our new Bible member Tom last night. He’s 80 years old and just had his first great grandson. After his second wife passed away a year ago he decided he would like to read the Bible. We had a good Bible group. Took it very slowly and God’s Spirit gave me all the right words.
    Going to the hand doctor this morning because my finger is not healing well from the removal of the cyst. My doctor had led me to believe it would heal well and look fine. It looks terrible and is so painful. God will be in that office with me. Trusting in His promises.
    God bless your new day. May we receive more victories to celebrate and healing, guidance and comfort. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Lord I thank you that you are with Jeanne. Give her wisdom, favor and devine heading. In Jesus name amen Terri

    2. Thanks dear Terri. Your prayers are appreciated. Unfortunately things didn’t work out. I posted this in tomorrow’s post too:
      Just updating. I never got to see the doctor for my finger because the woman who scheduled my appointment made it for the wrong office location. I got to my White Plains office and was told the Doctor is always in Armonk on Wednesdays. They had no further openings there and he’s going away on vacation so I can’t see him till July 18th. I’m on a waiting list so I’m praying with God’s help I may get to see him sooner. Thanks for your prayers.
      It is reassuring to know that my loving Father knows exactly how I feel so I will rest in Him.

    3. Praying with you, our Jeanne.
      God knows exactly what you need and He will provide for you and your healing, in Jesus' Name.

    4. Thanks sweet Brie! Amen to that!! We stand together on a Rock that never crumbles. His promises are reliable.

  37. Heavenly father, I praise you for another beautiful day that you have given me to live here on your earth. I thank you for all the beautiful treasures you have put in my path and I will praise your name throughout this day. I love you Jesus, my Lord my Savior. I ask all these things in your precious name and I am so very grateful for your love. Amen

    1. Amen dear Anonymous. Praying that beautiful prayer with you. Thank you.

    2. Amen, my prayer this morning as well.

  38. It was 2 years ago yesterday I had to make the decision of my lifetime- to take my husband off life support. I’ve spent the last couple days praying, connecting with my husband again by remembering our lives together, and the other side of remembering is letting go of the past and moving forward. Whew. Mentally draining but I made it through the week!
    I woke up to see the sun shining, took a breath, heard birds chirping and thank God for my new life. Thank you Jesus for holding my hand. Princevalley

    1. Our Good Lord will bless and keep you until the two of you meet again. In the meantime, you have a prayer support group here, and there may also be GRIEF SHARE Groups near you.
      Praying for you on this leg of your journey, Princevalley. Much Love, Brie

    2. Dear Princevalley, God knows your heart intimately and how much you miss your good husband. The love you shared will never die and his spirit is alive and I believe you will be reunited with him some day. God is walking with you through all your tomorrows so you are never alone. He is a fountain of comfort and always available to lean on. May God fill your path with much light and fill your heart and mind with His peace. Sending a hug.

  39. God bless and reassure you of His Presence.

  40. I was wide awake at 4:13 am and came to read JC Calling. God also sent me to read Acts 4:13
    "Acts 4:13
    King James Version
    13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus."
    I am simple woman hungry for a deeper relationship with God and this morning got to read the living Word that reminds me to strive not to let God shine through me, he will ever no naturally by and by. And simply to know what I know so others can too.
    Thank you Jesus!

    1. Dear Audra. I'm also up late. Cooked a chicken dinner to bring to my Mom's on Friday and cooked sausage and peppers for tomorrow. When I can't sleep I always remember: When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid, Yea, Thou shalt lie down and thy sleep will be sweet. God's Word always soothes my worried mind. We know that if we seek the Lord with our whole heart and mind and soul, He will be found. Sometimes I too get so wrapped up in the happenings in my life that I find myself talking to Him in the bathroom because I'm alone and not working or cooking. I must say He sure does help me in the kitchen. I seek a closer walk with Him too but I know He loves me and knows my heart even better than my husband does. That's such a blessing and comfort to me. He always shines through you dear sister. Get some rest. Love you!

  41. Thanks for your sincere prayers. The office just called to say I got an appointment on Monday at 10! Thanking our Great God for His faithfulness again! Hallelujah. I’m so grateful for His loving kindness.

    1. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings flow!

    2. Amen!!! and thanks for your prayers.

  42. Praying for each of you. Especially you, Sassy Mom, as you say goodbye to your Miss Pat. God love her and you, Dear Sassy Mom - I know that loss; that sadness, yet JOY b/c you know that you will see her again, at The Gathering. Dear beloved JC Family - I have read and prayed for days, but just now had a second to post. Please pray for my DH and his Oncology appt tomorrow afternoon. We give it to you, Lord. I'm praying for you, Dear Jeanne! "Let that cyst be gone and all well, for my dear sister in Christ!"
    Things going on in my office - I give them all to you. My job is secure, but I ache for the one leaving. So sad.
    As I lay me down to sleep....all of you are in my prayers - the Lord to keep. Remembering where we were with you, MadFox, a year ago....and my Best Man, tomorrow. God is on the Night Watch.

    1. Praying with you and for you and your DH. May his oncology appointment go well. Thanks so much for your prayers. Get some well deserved rest! God is on the Night Watch.

  43. Jan gridley, ICYMI
    Praying for you and hub, our Jan. The WAIF (Worry Anxiety, Insecurity, & Fear) in me can rekate to the WANT in you.
    Time to pray our way through.
    Today, my Beach Yoga Instructor taught me how to scoop sand up from the ground and forcefully throw it into the ocean. I did 4 pitches, one for each WAIF word. I plan to do that every morning until I experience Worshipping An Almighty & Infinite Father.
    Peace be with you, dear sister friend in Christ! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  44. Desr Heavenly Father God,
    I know when the student is ready, The Teacher appears. Now I come into Your Presence with thanksgiving, desiring to be transformed by You.
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. I am always praying: Dear God, Thank You for making me a better person. Show me what you need me to do. Let me be a light to those around me. Give me the words You want me to share. I believe we all are in need of being transformed. Molded by the Great I Am. None of us are able to please God all the time because of our humanity. But every day, He renews and strengthens us in His own way. He leads us to rest. He reminds us to eat and drink. He puts something beautiful and sweet in front of our eyes. He lifts our weary hearts. He guides our path and leads us through the wilderness. He directs our plans to fit His will. We are clay in His Hands. I pray I can be a willing and able instrument for His glory.

      Psalm 115:1
      Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us,
      But to Your name give glory,
      Because of Your mercy,
      Because of Your truth.

      2 Corinthians 4:17
      For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

      2 Peter 3:18
      But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
      To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

    2. Thank You Jesus for Your Blessings of Jeanne and our entire JC Family. Amen!

    3. You're very sweet, dear Brie. You are a blessing to us. We are blessings to each other.

  45. 3 years later fron my post above, it's still heartbreaking to think how long my best RN has dealt with the aftermath of covid and the time it took to heal spiritually, physically, and mentally. And for me, how far I had to travel figuratively and in reality for the medical fight of my life. In hindsight, the Lord had she and me with His right hand and guided us through the valley and the steep cliffs of 3 years of challenges.

    In truth, we only grow as a Christian in the difficulties of this life. What is hard to remember and understand in these valleys or even in deep dark pits of despair, is that we are eternal beings. This life is but a brief period where we must learn to love as He did. A man who was truly human and here to lead us by a perfect example of humility, compassion, and most importantly... Love. Thank you for your prayers along the journey. Agape to all our JC blog friends.

    1. Amen! The true perspective ' we are eternal beings' by His Grace.

    2. Thank You Jesus for Your Blessings of MadFox and our entire JC Family. Amen!

    3. Amen. In gratitude I pray this day.

    4. Amen dear brother MadFox! This is but a flash in the pan compared to the long line that runs forever. I truly understand how we grow as Christians through the valley times. God allows our trials to draw us near to Him. We trust completely when the future is uncertain but there is nothing to fear because He already knows what is ahead of us. Know I am always praying for you and believing that God is holding you tight through your days, and healing and strengthening you. His Words are true so we know the best is yet to come. Love to you and all our JC Family.

  46. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Hallelujah and Amen Brie, Jeanne, and Madfox! God is so good ALWAYS! I'm so glad to "know" all of you. It's been a great journey with Jesus in my life and I'm looking forward to meeting Him in person one day in all His glory and splendor! He is our Good Shepherd! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. May He fill us all with His presence!

    1. Thank You Jesus for Your Blessings of Janet in our life, and our entire JC Family. Amen!

    2. Amen. He is so good. God bless you Janet and our Brie.

  47. Sharing a great devotional.
    By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

    Read Luke 12:49-59.

    King Jesus is the only solution to violence and division. Only Jesus can so transform the heart of a person that they can truly love anyone, regardless of their differences.

    That is not to say that Jesus only brings unity. In fact, in Luke 12, He tells us He came to bring division, but this division is not by force or by coercion. It's neither sought nor invited by believers. This division arises between those who love Jesus and worship Him alone, and those who have rejected Him altogether.

    For two thousand years, the Gospel of Jesus Christ has divided humanity into two categories: those who are saved and those who are lost; those who are redeemed and those who live under the curse; those who will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus and those who will spend eternity in hell with Satan. This division is not imposed on people; it is created through individual choices.

    Jesus said, "I have come to bring fire on the earth" (Luke 12:49). Fire has a dual purpose: It burns up, but it also purifies. It reveals how combustible a thing is. For example, hay ignites rather quickly and is consumed in seconds. Not so with gold, which does not burn but instead is refined by fire. The same is true with the Gospel: It either consumes or purifies a person based on that person's response to Truth.

    You see, Jesus took the judgment—the fire—upon Himself when He went to the cross. That is the Good News. All who put their trust in Him and turn from their sin have freedom because Jesus was judged on their behalf. He paid the price. But for those who reject Jesus, a day of judgment remains.

    When Jesus said these words in Luke 12, He wanted His disciples to understand that the very mention of His name would bring them trouble, hatred, and persecution. He was trying to warn and prepare them. The choice to identify with Jesus would create strife between His disciples and those who scorn His name. All these years later, nothing has changed for Jesus' followers.

    Trusting Jesus is costly. You will be hated, despised, and yes, canceled. But the peace He brings is greater than any trouble that this world can throw your way.

    Prayer: Jesus, thank You for calling me out of darkness into Your light. I know You have saved me from the just judgment I deserve and have clothed me with Your righteousness by Your amazing grace. May I stand firm on Your Truth whatever challenges I face, calling the lost to taste and see that You are good. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    1. Loving it, Sassy Mom!!! Oh, how I love the light. Papa God, flood this earth with your LIGHT and GLORY, because wherever You are present, limitations are arrested! HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Wonderful truth and prayer. Amen.Thank you for sharing, dear Sassy Mom. Yes JJ, Papa God, flood this earth with your LIGHT and GLORY! Everything is possible in Him.

    3. WOWSER! Thanks for sharing this enlightenment Sassy Mom.
      With much love and many prayers for you and our JC family, in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  48. Today my little grandson Gabriel graduated from nursery school. It was a special day and at the end of our celebration, he announced I want a sleepover with Nani. So I have my sweetheart with him. I am blessed and grateful. Driving to Brooklyn in the morning to bring my sister, Janet to get her second set of knee injections. Thanks for your prayers for her healing and recovery. May we all receive answers to our prayers. Thank You, Jesus.

    1. Oops. I meant I have my sweetheart with me. And the best news is he's asleep so I was able to finish preparing for my Bible group. I'm so grateful that I'll be able to catch up on my sleep in Brooklyn. God provides all our needs.

  49. What wonderful blessings I read, today, thanks to all of you! Praying for each of you and I wind down the day and get ready for bed. Oh, how good that will be! Sleep sweet, all of you. Thank you for blessing my day with memories (MadFox), sharings (SassyMom and all of your prayers), visions of little Gabriel graduating from nursery school and choosing to stay with Nani - oh, Jeanne, I know you are blessed. And already planning the next way to bless your sister. Prayers for each of you.
    God Bless and Love!

    1. Thanks sweet Norah! Heading off to sleep right now. Hope you're already asleep. God bless you all. Keeping you in my prayers and heart.

  50. It's the wee hours of the morning, here in Ohio! My little granddaughter, Lucie SO wanted to spend the night, but just came to me and said, "Nonnie, I know it's because my mom and dad are just next door, but I REALLY want to go home." I offered her my bed with me and papaw; I offered to lie down with her, and she said, "When I stay at Nini's I know I can't go home, but my Daddy is right next door and I want to go home." So, I called my son, who came right over and we applauded Lucie for at least trying.
    "Seek My Face with a teachable spirit. Come into My Presence with thanksgiving, desiring to be transformed." That's my little LuBug...she'll get there and I'm so thankful that she knows we (like God), meet her where she is.
    Heading to bed now, knowing my two grandsons asleep in the breeze way know where to find me. And Lucie said, "I know C and C will wake up and wonder where I am, Nonnie." I told her I would tell them, "She's just next door - in her little comfort zone. We'll either all go to the Farmer's Market in the morning or LuBug's Mommy will take the 3 Littles while Nonnie gets some much needed rest.
    Night Loves - God is on the Night Watch.
    p.s. Dear Susannah - I am praying specifically for you. Praying that you know YOUR 'comfort zone,' and that you are amongst those who love and pray; never judging.
    Praying for SassyMom's 'new' eyes to see (your chocolate cake!); for Rich whose prayers always warm my heart. For my dear sister, Jeanne caring for her mom. For Brie, Audra, JJ, Janet....uh-oh - there I go listing names and I know I'll surely forget someone I 'know' from this blog and dearly I'll say, 'Good Night' to all of you Dear JC Family. You'll read this in the morning before I'm even up (claiming a long night's rest!). My DH is tucked in and SO surprised me tonight by making what he wanted to eat all. by. himself! VICTORY!!! He was so proud of himself and I was SO thankful! It's the 'little' things in life.
    One other prayer request: please pray for Bob, who is being booted out of his apartment of 27 years: on time payments every month and Section 8 for the last 5 years. Always caring for his neighbors (one is 87 yrs old and he's fixed things for her and cleaned her apt). However, I learned today, that Apt. Managers accepting Section 8 are totally voluntary (Leasser and Leassee) and either one can 'change their mind' at any time with no violation (I add, other than your conscience!). Bob is heart-broken that he will have to find another apartment after 27 yrs. Please pray for him - that they either change their mind, or he finds a place, even better.
    REALLY going to bed now!
    Love and Blessings, JC Family!

    1. Dear Norah, Praying with you and for you. I just added Bob to my prayer list and I prayed that our Way Maker will make a way for Susannah and Bob, Rich, Brie, JJ and Janet and your DH, Sandy, and keep MadFox in remission and heal Domino who has 2 glands and 3 tumors removed and heal my mom who was up till 2:30 with the runs. My brother Tommy is covering for me Sunday night and part of Monday so I can take Rick to get his angioplasty. We must just keep trusting that our prayers will be answered and all will be well because we serve a good and faithful God. Thank you Father for all to go well and for answering our prayers in Jesus’ Name. It’s 3:15 AM so please bless me and Norah with some rest and sound sleep. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Praying for all mentioned, praying that our God who neither slumbers nor sleeps, who supplies all our needs (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, rest, sleep, healing, health, homes, food, finance, transport etc; all that we need in this life), our Jehovah Jireh - 'The Lord will provide' is more than able. Whatever the cause of our need, the root of our lack in anything, He absolutely is able to supply right down to the smallest detail. You got the need? He's got answer to that need and will supply it. Thank Him and receive in Jesus Name.

    3. Echoing your prayer, Peter. You prayed the ABSOLUTE TRUTH!
      Great Blessings and Abundant Life to you, your family and the Awesome JCFAMILY/WARRIOR!
      Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all, AMEN and AMEN.

  51. Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    Wait on the Lord, Trust in His Word and Promises, and Rest in Him.

  52. Today is Natural Best Friends Day! Praise God for the blessings of friendship!!

    1. Thankful to our Good God Almighty for connecting me to our JC Friends 🧡

    2. Our Greatest and most loyal
      friend is always with us! Praise Him!

    3. Amen to that, dear Brie!

  53. I found today's devotional particularly powerful. "I know everything about you, far more than you know of yourself. But I restrain My yearning to "fix" you, waiting instead for you to come to Me for help." Some of us are compelled to "fix" others as an unhealthy coping response resulting from codependency. Yet the Lord of Lords, King of Kings with all Power in heaven and earth restrains His yearning to "fix" us, waiting instead for us to come to Him for help. God's Blessings for all this day.

    1. Amen to that! Guilty as charged! I promise to do better. A from MD.

    2. May I Follow Him, Follow Him, Follow Him wherever He May Go 🎶 🚶‍♂️ including restraining my yearning to "fixit"

    3. Thanks! God bless you and your family, dear John H!
      I remember that song dear Brie! I’m with you! I will Follow Him right into eternity! And we trust Him to fix everything! Thank You Jesus!

  54. Lord, change ME. I trust you to do all the changing that's for good to those that ask.
    Blessings on this beautiful day friends!

    1. I echo your mantra Audra!
      Lord, Bless ________and Lord CHANGE ME! 🙏

    2. Yes Audra! We all need our Father to change us for the better. Every day I ask God to make me a better person. Right now I need more patience. Today was a good day because my mom and I were blessed to walk a little in her garden. She sat in the sun while I watered the flowers. We found another perfect Olivia rose! One of God’s sweet gifts of the day! I put it in a vase with yesterday’s gift of a yellow rose. God is so good.

      Matthew 6:28-29
      “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

  55. Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
    and his courts with praise!
    Give thanks to him; bless his name!
    This verse that was so with me today s as I was out hiking and biking. I was enjoying His great creation, listening, seeing and smelling all the magnificence of His work. Then I thought, why isn’t nature all gray or black and white, or foul smelling with birds screeching horribly? It could be, except it’s not because it was created for us to enjoy and to enter His courts with praise and thanksgiving! Nature did not evolve into such beauty just for us. No, it was created by and points to a loving, Heavenly, almighty Father.
    Rest well in His loving care family.

  56. Dear Rich --- Really like your post. It points and gives High Praise to our Magnificent Heavenly Father. I will rest well in His loving care. Bless you.
