Saturday, June 27, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 25

     Open your hands and your heart to receive this day as a precious gift from Me. I begin each day with a sunrise, announcing My radiant Presence. By the time you rise from your bed, I have already prepared the way before you. I eagerly await your first conscious thought, I rejoice when you glance My way.
     Bring Me the gift of thanksgiving, which opens your heart to rich communion with Me. Because I am God, from whom all blessings flow, thankfulness is the best way to draw near Me. Sing praise songs to Me; tell of My wondrous works. Remember that I take great delight in you; I rejoice over you with singing. 

Psalm 118:24
English Standard Version

This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 95:2
English Standard Version

Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
    let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

Zephaniah 3:17
English Standard Version

The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. So often I begin the day with the mindset of “what would I like to do today”. Today, I would like to follow the Good Shepherd and be thankful each step of the way, nothing more, nothing less. I am grateful to have the Holy Spirit with me to fulfill this desire.

    1. Just a beautiful way to start your day by choosing to follow Him and be thankful every step of the way! Amen the Holy Spirit is our Helper and Comforter. He certainly can lead us to fulfill this and anything that glorifies Him.

    2. I can hear the JC family choir from here this morning. Sing praises to His name. Thank you all for helping to build my playlist 🎶 ♥️

    3. Peter was blessed to be able to walk and talk with Christ. The bond he had with Jesus was so unique and special. I yearn for that closeness with Christ.
      Sts. Peter and Paul, pray for us and our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to work every day to strengthen our bond and our relationship with Him.
      Until then, Lord, thank you for your presence in our life. Help us to always remember your nearness. In Your Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen

  2. Thank You for the night and this new day! God You are good!!

  3. My first thought when I awakened this day is thanking God for giving me another new day to do something better!! To be alive and to be free is our Blessing!! I sing my praises unto Him, our Heavenly Father. I will speak to Him about all of my concerns in my life. In Him, I have found my peace of heart, mind and soul. Thank you Father for listening to me all during my day!! I come to you with Thanksgiving and Praise, Hallelujah!!! Thank you Jesus for my salvation and for my healing grace. I am healed in Jesus name, Amen & Amen!! ❤🎶⚘🙏🙇‍♀️⚘🎶❤

  4. Replies
    1. Wow this is so so cool! All of these different people three years later doing their own Jesus thing & we meet here on June 25th 2018 at different times and moments of the day! How sweet and intentional and purposeful is the Awesome God when we serve! In Jesus Name you ARE SEEN AND NOTICED OVERCOMERS, so do NOT give up or lose this confident trust that you have in the LORD, for it WILL, in JESUS MIGHTY & MAGNIFICENT, AWESOME, & GLORIOUS NAME, be RICHLY REWARDED.🔥

    2. And still, five more years later!

    3. Amen Audra! God is so good.

  5. I love you so much you amazing, mighty world changers!!!😘😘😘

  6. Thank you LORD for another day to love, worship and follow where you lead. Thank you for the blessings my JC Family and I will receive today.

  7. My first thought after reading JC on this early, clear morning was an old song that said, "Good Morning Lord, what can I do for you today?" This is quickly followed by all of the things I am asking to be done for me, my family and all of you.
    As I read Bob's post, I smile and say a prayer for him and read all of the posts from a year ago and Sassy Mom this morning; you are always so thankful, Sassy Mom. I'm praying for your cousin and her peace as surgery approaches.
    Lord, help me continue to give my prayer requests to you and not stew over them. Help me let go and KNOW that you, as always, will provide the answers. Clear my lungs and sinuses so I'm not coughing and wheezing and to pray as Cece did, I am healed in the name of Jesus Christ. Praising you, Father, from whom all blessings flow. Trusting you, Jesus, who bought and paid for my transgressions. "I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly." I choose today to repeat 3 John 2 and KNOW that You mean it and I can believe it and see it happen in my life, "My beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." Let me be your Light today and rejoice in You always.
    Celebrating all that He is and has given us, dear JC Family!

    1. NORAH, Amen to your prayer "clear lungs and sinuses, coughing and wheezing" You don't have time for this!!!!

    2. Amen to what Sassy Mom said to you Norah

      Sassy Mom, prayers for your cousin also, in Jesus Name, Amen❣

  8. Kathy's surgery, which I mentioned in yesterday's post is this morning. Please keep her and the surgeon and the team in your prayers. I am so thankful for Chris Payton who started this blog and for all of you who post and don't, but who are prayer warriors none the less. Thank you.

    1. PEBGDesigns, JC Family is praying SUCCESSFUL SURGERY!!!!!! FOR KATHY.

    2. PEBGDesigns, praying that Jesus' hands be on the hands of the surgeon. The same prayer for Janice tomorrow Sassy Mom.🙏

    3. Anxiously praying and awaiting update from Janice's family so I can give positive results. Thanks to my FAITHFUL JC Family for Janice prayers.

    4. PEBGDesigns, May God heal and comfort Kathy. KS

  9. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flows, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
    I praise You this morning dear Lord and say THANK YOU for the gifts and treasures of this day. I surrender my heart and my thoughts to You because You alone know what the circumstances are and I trust You enough to hold on to Your hands and Your words. You said those who trust in You will NEVER be put to shame! I trust and believe all of Your words that are YES and AMEN! THANK YOU LORD.

    I pray for every person here, every prayer request and concerns and trust You dear Lord to hear the cries and meet the needs of each one! Thank You for this body of believers, may there be testimonies to Your Glory in Jesus name!

    A great and Blessed day JC family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Praying for you sweet dear Maplewood and your Mom and cousins. God is holding you all very tight in His love. Your Mom's sister and nephew are in His loving care.

  10. Please add my son to your prayers. He has both personal and work related issues. Regular prayers are in his daily life. Thank you and may God Bless all of you.

    1. You got it M.A. Lord of hosts, you know the challenges M.A's son has to face, you know the debth, width & length of them. May the presence of the Holy Spirit guide him through all of it. May he look back one day & see the shadow of your wings covering his journey with you & he will be strengthened to keep going. Amen

    2. M.A.--- Joining Jan and the JC FAMILY in prayer for your son. Amen to Jan's powerful pray! Also lifing up Norah for healing. PEBEGESIGNS's Kathy for successful surgery, a positive outcome for Sassy Mom's Janice, salvation for Maplewood' mom and anyone else touched by this blog. The Lord knows you and the situation. Psalm 92:12 "The righteous shall floutish like the palm tree; he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon" Our Father God's plan is to prosper us. Satan's plan is for us to accept failure. I decree and declair that this JC FAMILY will follow the Lord's plan!!! I thank you, my precious Lord, that your hand is upon every request today. I thank you for the VICTORIES!! Counting the VICTORIES in Kansas

    3. Amen, joining Jan and JJ in their precious prayers for all, in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen❣

  11. So thankful for this wonderful blog that starts my day each morning on such a positive note. Blessings and prayers to you all.

    SMR in Houston

  12. Thank you Lord for this rainy day you have made. No storms, just a good soaking rain for the earth God spoke into existence. How awesome is that? Thank you Lord for the prayer warriors in JC Family lead, guide, and protect each of us as we go about our day. Thank you for the success we are going to see in Kathy's surgery, for the salvation of Anonymous Mom, for the success we will see in M.A. son in his personal and work place, for clearing up Norahs sinuses and lungs. I also pray that the request that are from 2018 have been met as you see fit, also for those that come here and read Jesus Calling, but don't ask for prayer, grant theirs also, YOU Lord know the desires of their hearts. I want to thank you for the love you showed us Jesus, when you died on that old rugged cross to die for our sins. In Jesus name I ask these things, Amen❣

  13. Dear Father, I find myself in the beginning of another day, blessed by Your mercy. I do not know what it will bring, but I know Who Holds it. Hallowed be Your name, may "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:10). And may I seek to know the highest Truth and dismiss the gravitational pull of my lower self. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    We have to trust God enough to hold His hand through our life’s daily struggles. God controls all things, He holds all things together, He keeps us from perishing, He allows nothing to separate us from Him. In Isaiah 40:26; and Psalm 147:4, Jesus our Savior, urges us to trust God as our Father. He created every star, named each star, and keeps all the stars. He wants us to live beyond our self-imposed limits. When we pray for God to enlarge our borders, we must trust and depend on Him and prepare to believe for miracles that only He can do. He gives us the desires of our hearts, and He wants to answer believers extraordinary prayers combined with extraordinary faith.
    When we pray, it is a form of holding God’s hand with one of our hands, and point to our struggles, one-by-one with our other hand. Prayer and trusting frames our lives with the unchangeable character of God. Our All-Powerful Father & Creator, made, named, and holds the stars: Yes, He wants us to hold His Hand. Our All-Loving Father & Savior who gives, feels, and responds to us: wants us to hold His Hand. Our Always-Present Father & Friend who has walked with us through every day from our mother’s womb, and our forefathers through every generation, wants us to hold His Hand. Why? because we could NEVER go wrong with holding onto the unchanging hands of God

    Dear Heavenly Father, Please teach us to be mature believers who are God-conscious and always conscious of what Your Word says about us. May we fit the description given in 1 Corinthians 13:5(AMPC): “It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it (it pays no attention to a suffered wrong).” Thank You that in You, all our fears and anxieties ‘melts away in the Light of Your Presence’. We pray this in Jesus name. amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Ooops, I did it again. The above post was for yesterday, but I inadvertently posted the 24th on the 25th of June! Long busy day yesterday and did not have the time to check-in until last night.

      Anyway, can't go wrong with God's Word. Regardless of the day, It remains the same. God intended for it to be read on the 25th. I just thank Him for His will, not mine!

      My hands and heart are opened Father, to receive all of precious gifts today. I bring to You this morning, my sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving and sing to Your glory:

      We bring the sacrifice of praise
      Unto the house of the Lord
      We bring the sacrifice of praise
      Unto the house of the Lord
      And we offer up to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving
      And we offer up to You
      The sacrifice of joy.

      Thanking God for ALL the blessings/answered prayers mentioned in yesterday's posts. Brilamar's brother's continued journey, Norah's hubby's victory at al.. We really do serve a faithful and oh, so good God!
      Bob bd twin, like Norah said, we all might need your French lesson (LOL)!. Always great insights! Love Paul's teachings! The power of God to use someone who once persecuted His Son! Here we are in this age learning so much from him! The glory of God!!

      Blessings and Peace to all.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. There you are, Sister! I got 2 for 1 today. God Bless you and thank you, as always, for your magnificent prayers.

    3. Maplewood - Norah said it for me! 2 for 1. Thank you for your wonderful and blessed words. KS

    4. Haha glad to read your posts Mapplewood! I was looking for it yesterday but as I didn't see it I was hoping you were okay.

      Thank you for your beautiful prayers as always. God bless you all brothers and sisters. Praying for all your needs

      Blessings from France !

    5. Hey, twin bd sis, your posts always capture the essence of today's reading and are wonderful for starting the day (no matter what day you post, LOL). Agree with others, 2 for 1 is quite alright with me. Blessings!

    6. I remain humbled, bd twin. All glory and honor to the prompting of the Holy Spirit!
      I feed on yours too, as seasoned as you are (smiling). Stay blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Last night when I came in for my nightly news, I thought hmmmm where is Maplewood NJ? Now I am glad "two" know all is well!

    8. It was meant to be; exactly what I needed to focus on today.

      Lots of things stirred up in me with transitioning to my new job and I still don't know if I can start Monday as they are waiting for some documentation to arrive by mail. And I just found out the HR person is out of the office until Monday.

      Also I do like my old job and time on the road but it is not where I need to be in the future. So I am talking the opportunity while it is here.

      I will return to those thoughts throughout the day.

    9. Our Dear Keith, I am praying for God to go ahead of you, preparing the place for you so when you arrive, your heart will know My Lord's been here, how sweet it is, better than I ever could have dreamed, asked for or imagined!
      May God be glorified and joyfully thanked for His persistent love that is enduring forever. Amen

    10. Amen Keith and Brilamar, God is making a way for Keith and I believe this new job will be a place where you can use the gifts God gave you. Be patient as His plan reveals itself. God will be glorified by your good fruit. Praying for you both. Much love.

    11. An extra post from you, dear Maplewood, is a wonderful and precious gift! You always inspire me and now that you are walking through a difficult time, you are an amazing witness to your great faith. May God guide and comfort you all.

  14. JC Warriors Update: Traveling Mercy Brother made it to Meridian, MS, Praise God! Keep on praying. He has about 4 hours of driving left before he reaches Louisiana. The weather was bad, but I didn't worry, I didn't fret, God and you Warriors have never failed yet! He is amazed at the pray-ers! He will be headed out again at daybreak today. Love You xoxoxoxo

    1. God be with him as He has been, as He is, as He always will be.

    2. Maplewood, I was happy to have your two beautiful posts to fill me up today. I loved that you said when we pray it's like holding God's hand with one hand and pointing to our needs and struggles with another. I have so many fond memories of me as a child walking hand in hand with my good father. I felt so secure no matter where I was. I am blessed to always have God's Unchanging Hand to hold. Thankful for the peace He gives me at all times. My hands and heart are open to receive all of God's blessings on this new beautiful day. Brilamar, I'm so thankful that your Brother is doing well and on his way to Louisiana. Glad our prayers are surrounding him as he travels.

    3. UPDATE: My Traveling Mercy Brother made it to Louisiana, praise God and thank you Prayer Warriors! Today's weather was predicted to be rain all day with thunderstorms and a chance of flooding. I am sure it is no surprise to you Warriors, that your prayers put my brother in The Hands of The Man Who stilled The Waters! YUP! Today is dry as a bone with no rain on his "parade"! Thanks again JC Family. Great is Thy Faithfulness and your prayers are always appreciated. Love You more than words can say xoxoxoxo

    4. And, Jeanne - I have the same, loving memories of holding hands with my Dear Dad. :)

    5. Norah, Those are the memories we keep tucked deeply into our hearts for all time.

    6. So happy you have both brothers together now. God has a reason for everything. Praying for Keith's healing and your good test results. Trusting in God's faithfulness and mercy.

    7. I have this memory when I was a young girl, of holding my dad‘s hand while we were walking out of church. I got distracted by something and let go and then I grabbed his hand back when I noticed that I had let go of it. When I looked up, I realized I was no longer holding my dad‘s hand- it was a stranger. And I panicked. Dad was right there waiting for me but it was definitely a moment that has such a spiritual parallels, doesn’t it? Let’s keep holding our heavenly Father’s loving hand! ❤️

    8. That is such a powerful story GraceTakesTime! I can imagine how frightened you were realizing you were holding a stranger's hand. Amen! Let's hold tight to His Unchanging Hand and not let go.

  15. Thank you jesus for all you do. I pray that everyone in the world will think of You for at least a moment today, even non believers Lord. You are Almighty God and I am eternally thankful for You. Thank You for always being with me. You are my everything Lord and that brings me great joy. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    1. Janet, your prayer made me say wow to myself. It is exactly what I would like to join in saying. I was trying to pray for our world and our country this morning and didn't have the words that felt right enough. We seem so lost and floundering in our country right now. I join you in prayer that "I pray that everyone in the world will think of You for at least a moment today, even non believers Lord". Our Lord is almighty and I too am forever so grateful that He is always with me and with others that seek Him. Thank You. In Jesus' name. AMEN

    2. Beautiful thoughts and prayers for the day, Janet and Kmertens. We all have those in our lives who have need of Jesus. And all those lost souls in the World. May they just think of Him today. That is a seed that can grow and change their lives. Amen!


    3. Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is in your midst...
      I often wonder what our world would look like and be like with all egos removed and replaced with faith in God and glorifying Him?
      I can only imagine...

    4. Amen to that Brie!
      Love that song too: I Can Only Imagine.

  16. I loved waking up to read that your TMB will be there sometime today, Brilamar! To realize that the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth takes "great delight," in us when He even crosses our minds is humbling. To know that He has gone before us in every situation makes me so grateful.
    Praying for you, Maplewood, I can't remember a day when I didn't see your words. Praying for your choices, Unknown, that you know not to go to the right or to the left but full-on straight on the path He leads you.
    Janet, that everyone thinks of Him for at least a moment, is a lovely prayer.
    Enjoy this day, my dear JC Family. I read in another devotion that as believers in Jesus Christ, God has given us a new nature, but at the same time we still have to deal with the old. The truth that discipline is freedom is another, sometimes hard for me to grasp, concept. Yet, I've seen it alive and well (at times) in my life. Just when I think I have very little self control, I see the things I do diligently, every day. God is always honing me, reminding me and I am blessed when I listen.
    Praising the Lord with open hands and heart this morning.

    1. Amen!!! And let the angels sing and dance with joy at the thought of Your name Lord.

    2. Amen, amen and amen Norah! God bless and keep you!!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Amen dear Norah! Me too with open hands and heart. So blessed to be back in my apartment safe and sound with my own luggage. God made a way as usual.

    4. Welcome home Jeanne ♥️

    5. Thank you so much Audra! Good to be home. Spent most of the day in the kitchen cooking. Now I have ribs and a brisket to share with my family. We had cheeseburgers and cole slaw and vegees for dinner and it was yummy. How blessed we are! How is Marc feeling? Is he moving around more and how is his pain? He has a very good nurse in you, dear sister!

  17. Good morning faithful friends. I almost did not come here today my disappointment so overwhelming that I couldn't bear to hope. But here I am and I long to feel the love and support of your inner circle, I long to be in the shelter of The Lords wings. Please dont ignore this one request Lord please save my son. Please hear my prayer. Please dont allow him to leave our home Lord you know the condition of his mind it is believing lies.If He does in fact need to leave for his greater good please Lord protect him from harm. Lord you know the unconditional love we have for Him since he was in the womb, please bring him back to us to right thinking and your truth.
    Please lead and deliver him to his doctors care or exactly where he needs to be. Please Lord intervene in any way that will deliver Him from Satans snare and from his thoughts of lies. Today is the day we need you Lord to intervene again, yesterday was dark but the powerful prayers brought him back. THANK YOU JESUS. You are always faithful!
    I surrender it all to you Lord the best I can. We know Lord you are mighty to save, I pull out all the stops and humbly put it all out here.
    J.C. friends please join me in this prayer. I know Our God hears Our prayers. Thank you strong believers and righteous children of God. I am expecting Gods perfect path and future to unfold so we can follow, one step at a time. " Give us this day our daily bread" thank you Lord Jesus.

    1. Sending prayers to the throne of grace Fern! We join you in your prayer request and ask the Lord to guide every step of your and your loved ones life. Praying for your son to come back home, to come back in the Kingdom. Lord give him a new heart of flesh and a renewed spirit to discern the truth, Your Truth, and to stop him from believing the enemy's lies.
      Cover this family Lord, keep them under your wings and give them peace, Your peace that surpasses everything, comfort them Lord.

      The storm won't stop us to praise our God because He's with us, He's in our boat whatever the circumstances may look like. No matter how big our problems are, our God and Savior is greater.

      Blessings from France

    2. Dearest Fern, as I read your request, your own prayer, I sensed that all of that is already in motion though it might not be visible. So I will join my prayers with yours, you most devoted mother, and pray our Lord will bless your son and keep him, that the Lord will make His face to shine upon him and be gracious to him; that the Lord will extend His loving look toward him and give him peace, both now and forevermore. And, dear Lord, comfort the heart of a loving mother while all of this is occurring. Amen

    3. Fern, fervently praying for you and your son. Praying that God brings you peace and calm. He's got this. JE

    4. Fern - Praying God's will, joining Warriors in prayers for your son.

    5. Fern, I stand in agreement with our JC family in prayers for Your requests! This GOD we serve is a GREAT AWESOME God! Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him! It is not His will that any should perish. Let's pray without ceasing for our unsaved loveones, trust and believe and watch God's mighty works in and through them! He is able to do ALL but fail!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Love you Fern and your prayers are our prayers. I can only imagine You, hub, and Dan securely snuggled in God's loving arms and all of us JC Prayer Warriors making a circle around the four of you as we hold hands singing and praising what a Mighty God we serve. Whatever His plan, it will be for the highest good of all concerned!
      May God be glorified and joyfully thanked for His persistent love that is enduring forever. Amen

    7. Adding my prayers that God in His compassion and mercy will change Dan's heart and mind right now, right in his tracks and turn his heart to the Lord and guide his feet onto the path of healing and peace. God knows your family's inner turmoil and everything that Dan is going through. May He surround you all with peace and grace and release Dan from Satan's snare, and open his blinded eyes to the truth that you are only acting in perfect love. Amen

    8. Your post brought tears to my eyes and made me cry. Please Lord, annoint this family in your yoke of righteousness and goodness. Fill them up with Your Peace, Love, Joy, Glory, and Strength Lord. Restore their souls. Breathe Your breath into them and make them new in You Lord. Immerse them in Your Perfect Peace and cradle them in Your everlasting, loving arms Jesus. Keep your eyes on the Lord always and all will be good. God bless. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    9. Thank you each and every one of you for your prayers. We do not have a changed mind yet but we will continue praying! My son plans on leaving, His mind is not His own he is a stranger to himself, alone and lost. Lord please do what you do...Save Him.
      I surrender to you Lord my precious son, if He flees tonight please protect him. I will be leaving my deceased parents home tomorrow morning a 3 day ride. I am resting in the Lord waiting for good news, its always there for He is always God & He is always good. I am surprisingly peaceful for my husband and have done everything possible to show our son the love we have in our heart for him, we leave it all at the cross for redemption. Please join me in prayer for my sons life my family of believers. God bless you. I feel love for you in showing me such tender care. Thank you Jesus, for arranging what was needed. I trust you Lord

    10. Praying that God will not only save your son's life but lead him to wellness, contentment and a life that glorifies God. There is a plan for your son. Praying that God lifts him up out of the miry depths of confusion and despair and lifts him to a high safe place where he can clearly see he is loved and cherished. Then he will feel true gratitude. Trust in God's saving power and guidance.

    11. Continuing to pray for your dear Dan and for you and your husband. Our loving Father knows how much you trust in Him. He will not leave or forsake you. Amen dear Bright Star! All will be well. Thank You Dear Jesus!

  18. Holding your son up in prayer, Fern..Have Faith....All will be well for him.Amen

  19. I thank you Our Father in heaven for all your, hope, love. I will keep praying for my JC Warriors and all my loved ones. I will not be afraid for you are with me; you are my strength, my peace. Have mercy on our country our state Texas. Send your Holy Spirit over our world Lord. Come Holy Spirit..Jesus I trust in you. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen!

  20. I join in prayer and song for all the concerns of the JC family today, written or otherwise. God is great, God is so good! A few years back I was riding my motorcycle, feeling exhilarated by the beauty around me. A song came to me, right they my helmet!
    "There's a song in my heart that's worth singing, a dream in my mind that's worth living. When you find peace of Mine, I'll be there for the giving."
    Thank you Father, you give so graciously to me in so many ways when I stay present with you. I am grateful, fully known and blessed. Thank you, thank you, thank you! ♥️✝️��♥️

    1. This was a blessing, Audra! One of the things I learned from using spiritual resources out of the Catholic tradition is allowing creation to proclaim the glory of God to me as you did that day on your 'hog'. Everything in creation came into being at His loving Word for it to be.

    2. That was a beautiful song dear Audra! He is such a giving and kind Father. I love your sweet gratitude.

    3. Still waiting for more verses LOL. I sold the motorcycle so the rest of the song must find another entry. Or maybe that's all it is and it's enough. 😉

    4. I wrote this tiny poem in college.
      Hello World. How are you?
      I know sometimes I see you. You're in pretty bad shape.
      But when your pink and golden sun paints the sky, I know you're fine.

  21. Lord we thank you that you love us and know our every need. Help us all to rest in the knowledge that you are in all things and will use all for our good. Praying for you to be glorified in Jesus name.

  22. Believing!
    3 John 1:2 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in ALL THINGS and be in HEALTH, just as your SOUL prospers." Borrowing Norah's 2019 prayer.

    1. Just the words my weary heart needed to hear. Thanks sweet Sassy Mom!

  23. (II Timothy 2:3-4) Paul draws upon a good analogy for one who serves God, "Share in suffering like a good soldier of Christ Jesus...the soldier's aim is to please the enlisting officer."

    When one enlists in the armed services, one commits his/her life over to a higher good and following leadership even to the point of death. That does capsulize well what it means to serve our Lord. Our life is not our own anymore, it is under the direction of the Lord of the universe who commands all things with love. Who knows what it will require of us but what does it matter, the higher good is being served and the ramifications are for all eternity. In a time that some question using military language in talking about commitment, it truly captures the essence of our calling. A wonderful hymn that doesn't get sung much anymore because of the military language, yet fits this admonition so well.

    from the GodTube Staff: "Onward, Christian Soldiers" is a hymn from the 19th century that remains popular today. The hymn's theme is taken from references in the New Testament to the Christian being a soldier for Christ, for example, 2 Timothy 2:3 (KJV): "Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." It was written to encourage Christians in their ongoing battles with temptations within themselves and the evil forces throughout the world.

    1 Onward, Christian soldiers,
    marching as to war,
    With the cross of Jesus
    going on before!
    Christ, the royal Master,
    leads against the foe;
    Forward into battle,
    see his banner go!

    Onward, Christian soldiers,
    marching as to war,
    With the cross of Jesus
    going on before!

    2 At the sign of triumph
    Satan's host doth flee;
    On, then, Christian soldiers,
    on to victory!
    Hell's foundations quiver
    at the shout of praise;
    Brothers, lift your voices,
    loud your anthems raise! [Refrain]

    3 Like a mighty army
    moves the church of God;
    Brothers, we are treading
    where the saints have trod;
    We are not divided;
    all one body we,
    One in hope and doctrine,
    one in charity. [Refrain]

    4 Onward, then, ye people,
    join our happy throng,
    Blend with ours your voices
    in the triumph song;
    Glory, laud, and honor,
    unto Christ the King;
    This thro' countless ages
    men and angels sing. [Refrain]

    With all due respect to those who do not favor militaristic hymns, I find inspiration from such hymns because there is spiritual warfare to destroy souls going on in our midst. We have been enlisted/called into the battle for their salvation that has been won for them by God and God's love.

    Blessings on you, soldiers of our dear Lord and Savior, as you follow His marching orders this day. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen! Jesus said we would have to suffer to follow Him. But our reward at the end of our faith journey is far more than we could ever imagine. Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

    2. Bob, that is a song we learned and sang when I was in High School. It was the rally/theme song for our CSMC,(Catholic Students Mission Crusade) I didn't fully understand the meaning then, but I sure do now!
      Thanks for making me blow off some dust from the memory bank!

    3. Thanks for sharing, Brilamar! What a great 'fight song' for your youth mission. Some of the great old hymns have wonderful messages but they get lost when people quibble about this word or that word or the imagery. Another favorite verse I so much adore comes from another 'militaristic' hymn, "Lead on O King Eternal'.

      For not with swords' loud clashing
      Nor roll of stirring drums
      But deeds of love and mercy
      The heavenly kingdom comes

      Isn't it clear the hymn is not about fighting (other than evil) but about advancing the Kingdom through love and mercy. I know you love music and so appreciate the songs you post. God be with you!

    4. Thanks Bob. Yes! I love music and poetry, but my Parents were refunded their money when they tried sending me to singing lessons! I am also recalling a song that said Ride On, King Jesus.
      Love to all JC Prayer WARRIORS and His WARROOM!

    5. Fight fight fight we must! Spiritual warfare is real as are generational strongholds. I am honored to hold the banner for Jesus and fight the good fight

    6. Amen! I am on the Battlefield for the Lord!

    7. Mine eyes have seen the GLORY!
      What an interesting rabbit hole of songs you have started us on, Bob and Brie, thank you!

  24. Praying for courage and strength to handle any stressors/bumps in my journey today. Amen.

    1. I'll add my prayers to yours for the same. God be with you, ABC!

    2. May God smooth out the bumps on your road dear ABC. Always in my prayers.

  25. Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. GOOD MORNING LORD AND THANK YOU. I am happy to Sing praise songs to You; telling of Your wondrous works!
    This is the day, this is the day, this is the day that my Lord has made, that my Lord has made. I am rejoicing, I am rejoicing, I am rejoicingly glad in it. Yes! I'm glad in it. I am happy, peaceful, positive and alive; championed, belonging and surrounded by people loving me as I am just because I am I and I'm living in the current moment. I'm welcomed, wanted, worthy and valuable to God and Yes! I'm ready to make today a good day because This is the day that my Lord has made. I am rejoicingly glad in it. This is the day! This is the day! This is the day that my Lord has maaaaaade!

    1. Amen! Brilamar, I am walking in my gratitude and praise, and rejoicing in the new beautiful day our Good Father has given us. Praying for all of my JC Family. Be strong and remain hopeful.

  26. Dear JC Family - I'm heading to bed and happy to say that this lovely blog has almost replaced FB for me! Here, I am built up by fellow believers. We pray for one another, we rejoice, we share, but it is always brought back to our Almighty God.
    Fern, I missed your heart-felt prayer this morning but I"ve seen it now and want you to know I am praying along with all of these JC Prayer Warriors, for you, your husband and your dear son, Dan. My heart so went out to you and your husband. I am praying that you and your husband and your son, get the best, sweet, healing sleep tonight. All of the wonderful prayers, teaching, admonishment from these believers will build your believing for your son's healing. That will be my specific prayer.
    God Bless all of you Dear Saints. Rest well - God is on the Night Watch. AND, I'm praying your brother is THERE, Brilamar!! :)

    1. Thank you for your kind
      Hope filled words. God bless you

    2. Praying with you and for you, Norah, and Fern and Dan, and Will and your dear DH.

  27. Amen! Norah. Prayers for all our family. Hope and pray Brilamar's brother has reached his destination and all is well. Amen.

  28. This is the day that the Lord has made! My mom used to wake me up singing this song…
    Thank you JC family for your prayers for my daughters this past year. My oldest daughter, Kirsten, is having surgery this coming Friday at Mayo Clinic for colon cancer. This is something that is a gift from God and is offered because she has done so well with the prayers and chemo that they feel surgery will now be a benefit for her, to remove former cancerous areas. It will be a long surgery, with a colorectal surgeon, liver surgeon, and one to remove lymph nodes. I thank you for your prayers for her surgical team and her great results and healing! Thank you so much and to God be the glory….great things He hath done! He has a wonderful plan for her: to prosper her and not to harm her…to give her hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.

    1. My daughters surgery is june 25th, today. Please thank God with me for his mighty healing work!

    2. Ellen, I am praying specifically for your daughter, Kristen.

    3. Praying your daughter's surgery to remove the original site of cancer will go perfectly because God is guiding the doctor's hands so carefully just to remove any bad cells.
      Thank You dear Father for this and for leaving only healthy tissue behind. We ask this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus the Risen Lord. Amen!

    4. Father, please work naturally through the care, medicine, and surgery, and also supernaturally by the Spirit of Christ Himself to bring wholeness to Kirsten. May she be comfortable and at peace with You. Give her and her family the strength, comfort, and courage they need to endure this time. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise God. Thank You Jesus. Peace be with you.

    5. Ellen, praying for a successful surgery for Kirsten. She is definitely at a great hospital which is just down the road from me. God, please be with Kirsten, her family,the surgeons, and the nurses. Help them to be at their best. Thank you Lord!


    6. Joining dear warriors for daughter Kristen Ellen. Holding her up to the throne of grace. "Oh victory in Jesus, my Saviour forever!" Victory I all of the procedures involved. The goodness of God will surround her on every side. Amen! Hallelujah!

    7. Amen to all the prayers for Kristen. Praying with you!

    8. Joining prayers here for beloved Kristen. ❤️

    9. Joining as well, sister Ellen, in this JC prayer train for Kristen, her medical team, and for you and your family. GOD IS ON THE THRONE! He is Jehovah Rapha, THE GREAT Physician!...Sending blessings of restoration, healing, strength, endurance and love for Kristen and ALL who surrounds her. Amen!

    10. Kirsten and her entire medical team have my prayers all day, and so do you, Ellen, our dear sister friend in Christ. Blessings and success now and forevermore, from The Same God who brings the Sonshine and The Reign. And as our Good Good Brother Friend in Christ, BOB, would post: God be with them as He has been, as He is, as He always will be. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    11. Thank you Father for your presence throughout Kristen's surgery and complete recovery. Shower Ellen and her family with peace and comfort today. In Jesus's name I pray.

    12. Joining JC Warrior's PRAYER CHAIN for Kristin

    13. Looking forward to hearing another victory for Kristen. Thank You Father for granting all our prayers and comforting and strengthening Ellen's family.

  29. My prayer to you dear Min is to trust the Lord for his timing in allowing you to know about the real issue at hand: Your daughter is actually deflecting her insecurities of reading. My suggestion for you is to look into some phonics readers,and maybe a workbook and practice with her. This need not be too painful,maybe 30 minutes at a time, at most. Perhaps her teacher may know of some that she could suggest.If your resources are extremely limited, look online for free stuff.. Some have interactive sheets wi
    th small exercises. Sometimes when you start from the ground up it can feel overwhelming to you, but remember, take small steps, start looking, have fait
    h, and stick with it. It may take a few different tries at different options avaliable, but you will learn to grow with her learning style, with God's help to direct you. Start at the level that she's comfortable with in which she's already mastered. She will then feel encouraged with what she knows, instead of discouraged right off the bat.
    Explain to her the importance of reading, try not to get to angry with her behavior, but explain why she can't be disruptive like that. As mother's, we all can relate to some humbling times in life that our kid's have done. Mine always seemed to act up in in church, and when my son was almost 7, he pulled the fire alarm just because he wanted to see what would happen.The fire trucks were there in a few minutes.
    I also would like to note that my two youngest sons were two years and seven months apart, but were homeschooling in the spelling and language arts together because he picked it up more slowly. He is now 21, and exceptionally bright. You have been included in my prayers since you've started with this blog,and may you continue to have God's blessings in life for you and yours for trust and guidance.

    1. Thank you. I love that I can learn so much from this family

  30. I wanted you to know that God has placed in on my heart to publish a reply to you Min Ahadi from the 24th, but to hopefully see it on the 25th...

    1. You are so thoughtful, ButterflyLove. And I LOVE the fire alarm story!!!

    2. Dear Min, while this time with your daughter can be all-consuming and stressful, your faith and perseverance will bring you both thru this. Years from now, when your daughter is heavily into reading books on her own, you will look back at this as a blip on the radar. Not diminishing how you feel right now but knowing your strong faith along with God are bringing you both thru this with Him holding both your hands and knowing "This too shall pass"! Sending love, patience, clarity, and strength to bring you thru. (There were times my kids, now adults with babies of their own, acted up in school and I was beside myself with frustration. They/we got thru and over it as will you AND your daughter might just surprise you with a love for books as she gets older!)

    3. Decades ago when our daughter was young, 8 PM started quiet time in our home. All devices including tv and phone went off. After a long bathtime, she got to select the book, we would read to her. She saw this as her chance to delay going to sleep. Regardless, she loved the bible stories for children and the Richard Scarry Dictionary, among others.
      As she got older and started having homework, quiet time advanced to 9 pm, and in high school 10 pm.
      You may already be doing this: watching what she watches on tv or internet, playing the video games she may be playing, etc.
      My daughter is now grown up but My eyes were opened wide by the mind stuff that is being "fed" to children, when I watched what my great nephew is watching, and got him to teach me the "games" he is playing. His school behavior situation became more apparent.
      I will keep you both in my prayers. With God on your side, you'll get through. As my Mom used to say, Never ever underestimate the value of a praying parent! She would be doing double back flips, overjoyed at a whole worldwide room full of praying prayer warriors! Love to you and yours. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. As she got older and started having homework, quiet time advanced to 9 pm. She would read to us, anything she found interesting in her homework or school books...
      With iPad "books" and online learning, I suspect the parenting challenges are greater, and I am forever grateful to our God Who is far greater than anything in this world!

    5. I might be beyond the physical gymnastics your mom could do, but I remain in training for prayer warriorship 😁

  31. When my 3 sons were small, they did some not so good things to get attention and spent some time in the principal's office but they all turned out alright. Praying for you, Min Ahadi. She is blessed to have a good caring mother and I know God will help you decide how to give her a hunger to read. Happy to see all the good advice you are receiving. Keeping your daughter always in my prayers.

  32. Dear MadFox, I believe with all my heart that God will continue to heal you and it will not be temporary but permanent. God is greater than your condition and He knows how much you trust in His healing power as we all do. Looking forward to celebrating all the victories to come. Much love. You and Norah’s DH are surrounded by prayers and love. Praying with you for all our dear JC Family.
    Thank You Jesus!

    1. I believe we all feel the positive outcome for Mad 🦊, now Glad 🦊
      All praise be to God!

  33. Give thanks as you enter the gates of His temple. Give praise as you enter its courtyards. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. (Psalm 100:4).

    Father, thank You for all You are and all You do. Thank You for being sovereign over all things and in total control. It is so freeing to know that You are. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord. Jesus -- Your name is as sweet as candy. The sound of Your name brings beautiful lyrics to my heart and the perfect peace of Your presence to my soul. You are so wonderful and there is no one better. I am so thankful for You in my life. Thank You for drawing me out of the depths of despair and into Your radiant, glorious light with You. Thank You for showing me Your truth, word and way. I was blind for too long (most of my life), and I am so grateful that You opened up my eyes. Thank You Jesus! I will praise, bless, and rejoice in You Lord continually and always! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    I have not stopped giving thanks for You, remembering You in my prayers. (Ephesians 1:16). Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Those who know the LORD trust Him, because He will not leave those who come to Him. (Psalm 9:10). I trust in You, LORD. I say, "You are my God." My whole life is in Your hands. Save me from the hands of my enemies. Save me from those who are chasing me. (Psalm 31:14-15).

    1. Thank You, Janet! I so needed these blinders and reminders:
      Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
      Those who know the LORD trust Him, because He will not leave those who come to Him. (Psalm 9:10).
      I trust in You, LORD. I say, "You are my God." My whole life is in Your hands. Save me from the hands of my enemies. Save me from those who are chasing me. (Psalm 31:14-15).

      Next week is Move Week for Keith, and very early this morning the situations and circumstances started escalating non-stop. I look to You, Lord. I turn to You Lord. I trust You Lord as I live out Psalm 42.
      4-5 Take courage, O my soul! Remember those times when we led a great procession to the Temple on festival days, singing with joy, praising the Lord! Why then be downcast now? Why be discouraged and sad now? Hope in God! I shall yet again be praising Him. Yes, I shall yet again be praising Him and thanking Him for all His help.
      6 Yet today I am standing here depressed and gloomy, therefore I will meditate upon His kindnesses. 7 When all the waves and billows have gone over me, and floods of sorrow pour upon me like a thundering cataract, I will meditate upon His Kindnesses. Day by day the Lord also pours out His steadfast love upon me, and through the night I sing His songs and pray to God who gives me good new life.
      9 “O God my Rock,” I cry, “why have You forsaken me? Why must I suffer these attacks again and again?
      11 But, O my soul, don’t be discouraged. Don’t be upset. Expect God to act! For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise Him and thank Him for all that He has done, is doing and will do. He is my help! He is my God! He is the same God, YTF! In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    2. I love Ps 42 as it deals with not just the truth we have Hope in but also the reality of our feelings and experiences. Thanks for the reminder as it touched my heart.

    3. Beautiful food for my soul dear Janet and Brie! Praying for a smoother transition for Keith. Now that your brother Al is around, things should be a little easier. I am praying for you now dear Brie that you will have good news soon. Amen and Amen! Soon you will have many reasons to give thanks and praise but even now we are thanking Him for leading you through this wilderness to a place of light, peace and comfort. Praying this for you too dear Janet. If I saw you both, I sure would hug you. Rest in Him who loves you dearly. You can surely stake your lives on the truthfulness of His Words.
      So true dear Keith! The road winds before us but we are remaining steadfast because we hold onto the Hand of the Most High.

    4. Thanks Jeanne. Much love to you and yours.

  34. This is my prayer today, Lord may I seek you more and more each and not only seek the gifts . May I see God in all the gifts he gives me throughout the day . And thankfulness will be on my lips every hour I will find something to thank God for! You know how you have some friends who only like you because of what they can get from you , I confess that I am always seeking from God than seeking God ! Does that make sense ? God Himself is by far the greatest gift. As long as we see God in His gifts to us and thank Him wholeheartedly for them, we need not fear we’re appreciating them too much.

    1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful and honest prayer. I too am always asking him to bless and heal and comfort. But I do thank Him all through the day. I believe He is happy to bless us with His gifts because He is the Keeper of our hearts and the Lover of our souls. It blesses Him to bless us.

  35. “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one, I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me” (John 17:20-23).

    Loving Father, I thank You for a new day to rest in my sufficiency knowing that Jesus prayed for me and that His grace is bigger than all my failures.
    I open my heart and hands to receive what You have in store for me today, and thank You for being my Father and Lord. As believers, we are all going to fail, so will You hear the intercessory pleas of Your Son on our behalf? Yes, You absolutely will! Just like Peter, our faith will wane, our resolve will waver, but thank You that we will not fall away, because we are “kept for Jesus” (Jude 1) and ‘shielded by Your power’ (1 Peter 1:5). Thank You for Your love that is so deep that You want me to experience the overflowing joy that comes from truly knowing You. Experiencing the joy of Your presence does not depend on my circumstances. Happiness comes and goes, but Your joy lives within us always and forever. In Jesus’ name. amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. May God wrap you and your family in His love and comfort.
      Our joy is not dependant on circumstances but from Him who abides within us. He never leaves us and He is always ready to dry our tears and lead us through the dark corridors of the unknown. He can light even the darkest corner. Be not afraid. Praying that your Mom's faith is being strengthened as she sees you go through sorrow and uncertainty. You are not afraid and you trust in Him with an unwavering trust and an endless love. Just as He loves you with an everlasting love. His joy lives within us always and forever. Our reward will be to gaze into His beautiful face when we finally reach our Home and ameet our loved ones. Sending you so much love dear Maplewood.

  36. Good morning everyone! 🙏please send up prayers for my family especially my son if he doesn’t know Jesus as his personal Savior. Please pray for me today for open doors that no man can shut and divine wisdom and guidance in Jesus Name Amen 🙏♥️Open the eyes of my heart Lord I want to see You!! ☀️

    1. Joining prayers for you dear Sharon and for your son to seek the Lord sincerely and find Him and be changed so he will belong to Him. May God soften his hardened heart and open his eyes to see that the only Way is to follow Jesus. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you. Sharon, He is as close to you and your son as your breath and will never leave you, not even for an instant. We are well taken care of. His promises are reliable.

  37. Praying with you, Sharon. Enjoy your day, JC Family! You have ALL of my thankfulness, Dear Lord. I know that everything good I have is because of You. Keep that thought alive in my heart today. TGIF Fam (& I will add Maplewood's version, "Thank God I'm Forgiven." Love, Prayers and Blessings to each of you.

  38. 6 things to watch out for - in the midst of a trial, temptation. To take us a way from God Satan tempts us when we are tired.
    1 Deceit
    2 Delight - excitement
    3 Desire - arousal
    4 Deliberation - allow it to appeal
    5 Defeat - Act on the temptation
    6 Despair - Results of yielding to TEMPTATION
    Read Psalm 32, Psalm 51 - Entry in David's journal after his sin with Bathsheba.
    Claim verse 1 Corinthians 10:13
    There hath no temptation taken you but as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
    Fight - James 4:7 Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.
    1 Peter 5:8,9 Be sober cause your advesary walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. RESIST HIM, STEADFAST IN THE FAITH
    Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.
    Follow - James 4:7,8 Submit to God, draw near to God and he will draw near to you. (The further you are from God, the greater the temptation.) Read, Pray, Fast, Journal, Worship.
    FLEE 1 Corinthian 10:14 - Therefore my beloved flee from idolatry.
    EXAMPLE - Joseph fleeing from Potiphur's wife

    2 Timothy 2:22 Flee youthful lust. (immorality and idolatry) OR YOU WILL BE VICTIMIZED
    Feed Psalm 119:11 Your word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.
    If we are not feeding on the word of God, WE ARE IN JEOPARDY!!!!!!

    1. Amen Sassy Mom, God's Holy Spirit in you, knew how much I needed in me, what you posted. I am reading this after I posted my response to Janet above. Thanks for the lifeline. I appreciate you and our entire JC family. In Jesus' Name. amen

    2. Sassy Mom, The Spirit is working mightily within you to provide comfort to all those who are fighting a difficult battle. You fed them well. The Battle is the Lord's and He is mighty to save.
      Brie, Lifting you up in prayer. God knows what you're going through and He is ever at your side. Praying for good news soon. God will provide and turn your tears into dancing.

    3. Jeanne, Did the Holy Spirit speak to you also, telling you "The Battle Belongs To You" by Phil Wickham, played in my mind throughout today?

  39. Heavenly Father, Your warriors prepare for battle. Today I claim VICTORY over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God!

    I put on the GIRDLE OF TRUTH! May I stand firm in the truth of Your Word so I will not be a victim of Satan’s lies.

    I put on the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS! May it guard my heart from evil so I will remain pure and holy, protected under the blood of Jesus Christ.

    I put on the SHOES OF PEACE! May I stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel so Your peace will shine through me and be a light to all I encounter.

    I take the SHIELD OF FAITH! May I be ready for Satan’s fiery darts of doubt, denial and deceit so I will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.

    I put on the Helmet of Salvation! May I keep my mind focused on You so Satan will not have a stronghold on my thoughts.

    I take the Sword of the Spirit! May the two edged sword of Your Word be ready in my hands so I can expose the tempting words of Satan.

    By faith Your warrior has put on the whole armor of God! I am prepared to live this day in spiritual victory. AMEN

    Turning Point & David Jeremiah

  40. Amen! Beautiful encouragement. We sure do need the whole armor of God. Don't leave home without it!
    The full armor of God—truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer—are the tools God has given us, through which we can be spiritually victorious, overcoming Satan’s attacks and temptations.
    1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

  41. Today I am so grateful to be exactly where I am... in the loving hands of out Father. There is a lot up in the air at work right now. A lead role has opened up, with me and my good friend/ coworker both up for the possible promotion. But to be honest, id be happy either way. I'm very content where I am, and with my current position. Although it might also be good for me to push my limits with new responsibilities. I don't know what will happen as of right now, but I know God knows which role is best for me in my life, and for all those around me. So I'm choosing to trust Him. When faced with leaving my comfort zone, I remember that HE IS my comfort zone! Thanks Lord, for giving me reason to be joyous in any scenario, and for being my Rock when everything around me is unstable.

    1. Dear Tay, Joining prayers that God is in charge and if you don't get the lead role, then He wants you to bloom where you're planted and be fruitful as you are. God knows exactly what will happen. Trust in Him to bring about His will in your life.
      Amen dear Tay. He is your comfort zone and even if you are walking out on an uncertain path, having Him by your side takes all the worry and anxiety away. If He leads you to something, He will equip you well. He wants His dear ones to prosper and be blessed. Amen!!! Rejoice no matter what the outcome. You will never shake when you're standing on the Rock.

  42. Praying with you, Tay, for the best outcome for the highest good of all concerned... When faced with leaving my comfort zone, I remember that HE IS my comfort zone!...
    Therefore we can always take and have our comfort zone with us, every step of the way! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

  43. Amen dear Brie!!! Joining prayers and praising Him, the Fountain of our blessings. Rest in Him sweet sisters.
    Please pray for my good husband Rick. His heart just started going into Atrial Fibrillation this morning. He has had a history of this. Praying it will go back to a normal rhythm very soon. Thank you! Thank You, dear Father for this, in the Name of Jesus. Trusting in Your faithfulness.

  44. Oh, Family - I ask for your prayers for my DH.It's not good. Brie, I just listened to your song. It gave me great strength. Please pray for my Best Man

  45. Praying as I lay me down to sleep dear Norah and hubby. With love, Audra

    1. I didn't see your post until this morning, Audra, but I thank you. He spent most of the night in his chair -heart burn. He's back in bed now, resting well. Thank you for your prayers.

  46. be blessed

    1. Move Your Heart is such an incredibly powerful love song to our Lord! It blessed me beyond words! Thank you so much dear Min Ahadi! Praying all is well. Much love and gratitude.

    2. Thank you Min for sharing that beautiful song. I was moved to tears & goosebumps. Bless you dear sister & bless your day.🙏💞

  47. Heavenly Father, thank You Jesus. From Whom all blessings flow, You are our God of salvation and with us You will go. Remind me to always be thankful, especially during times of trials, for that is when You are strengthening and growing me the most. I can't thank You enough for all You give to me Lord. You are the best Father ever! You are the WayMaker. You go before me and with me Lord. I praise You and Your holy name Lord. I shall meditate upon Your living Word and You will let it continually flow in me like rivers of gentle running water. You will restore my soul. Let praises of You constantly be in my mouth. Let my heart sing songs of praise and worship to You all the day long. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen & amen! Hallelujah!🙏💞

    2. Amen dear Janet. Praying with you and for you. Praise and gratitude.

  48. Alleluia,A song of praise and worship:

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Good morning JC family. Please pray for me and any others that might find themselves in controversial conversations today with unbelievers. Holy Spirit, help me to find the words to speak if need be. Today we will be gathering with friends for the first time in a long time and although I was feeling joyful about that opportunity, in light of reactions to current events, I am now struggling with the desire to be loved and accepted by others and the fact that I am loved so deeply by God and that is all that matters. Imagining what to say or how to comment in the inevitable topic of conversation has my head spinning. Give me strength and peace Lord and assurance that my thinking is based on the truth of knowing You, not what others, the media, or that devil wants me to. Feeling vulnerable to conflict and asking for prayer. JJ, can you send me some encouraging thoughts to keep me centered today? Thank you all. Spiritual warfare indeed. Onward Christian Soldiers...(thanks Bob, timely read for me today)." It was written to encourage Christians in their ongoing battles with temptations within themselves and the evil forces throughout the world."

    1 Onward, Christian soldiers,
    marching as to war,
    With the cross of Jesus
    going on before!
    Christ, the royal Master,
    leads against the foe;
    Forward into battle,
    see his banner go!

    Onward, Christian soldiers,
    marching as to war,
    With the cross of Jesus
    going on before!

    2 At the sign of triumph
    Satan's host doth flee;
    On, then, Christian soldiers,
    on to victory!
    Hell's foundations quiver
    at the shout of praise;
    Brothers, lift your voices,
    loud your anthems raise! [Refrain]

    3 Like a mighty army
    moves the church of God;
    Brothers, we are treading
    where the saints have trod;
    We are not divided;
    all one body we,
    One in hope and doctrine,
    one in charity. [Refrain]

    4 Onward, then, ye people,
    join our happy throng,
    Blend with ours your voices
    in the triumph song;
    Glory, laud, and honor,
    unto Christ the King;
    This thro' countless ages
    men and angels sing. [Refrain]

    With all due respect to those who do not favor militaristic hymns, I find inspiration from such hymns because there is spiritual warfare to destroy souls going on in our midst. We have been enlisted/called into the battle for their salvation that has been won for them by God and God's love.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 🙏🛐🙏 Deliver us from evil, for Thine is The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory Forever.
      Our dear dear sister friend in Christ, when you said Feeling vulnerable to conflict 🎒, my immediate thought was, satan's bait.
      You can always refuse to participate in conflict. And use the time to think the name of Jesus, as Jeanne always reminds us to do. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
      Could this test help you to practice feeling the joyousness of Jesus' Love, even in the midst of satan's conflict circumstances?

    3. Found this in my JJ stash. It may be helpful until the Holy Spirit clicks her heels and gets her attention in Kansas!
      JJ April 21, 2022 at 6:24 PM
      My prayer for My Beloved JCFAMILY:
      Heavenly Father, Your WORD in Isaiah 48:3, Psalm 146:15 and 2 Chronicles 29:36 speaks of You preparing Your people for "for the THING WAS DONE SUDDENLY." When darkness was prevalent in the beginning, the Spirit of God moved and God SUDDENLY commanded Light to come forth and Light
      I Decree and Declare that it is your turn, JCFAMILY, to SUDDENLY receive DIVINE intervention and provision in areas that you waited for so long. GOD WILL SHOW UP in your life. I thank you Father God, that you are the same God yesterday, today and forever. I thank you Father, that no matter what this JC FAMILY'S situations may look like, no matter how impossible they may seem, You are the God in whom everything is possible. Father, whatever stands against this Nation, the Nations
      of this world or what stands against the precious souls of this JCFAMILY, You
      are their Avenger! I ask for retroactively restoring to them what rightfully belongs to them in Jesus' name. I ask for Freedom, Soundness, Wholeness. I ask for restoration of Joy, Peace, Health and Healing. Father God, You are the Waymaker and Jesus' name is above EVERY name. You have given us Authority and I thank you that Authority lives in each of us. I thank you that the resurrection power that's is on the inside of each one of us is destroying everything that was designed
      against each one of our bodies and our families. When the enemy comes in, You, Heavenly Father, have already set up their defeat. I Decree and Declare wholeness to each one this hour and in this time. In Jesus' name, Lord of lords, and King of kings, I pray and believe, AMEN and AMEN. JJ
      Loving, Loving, Loving my JCFAMILY!!!
      THE other side of fear is FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREEDOM!!!

      IN JESUS' NAME by Katy Nichole

    5. So powerful Brie!!! I felt that in my soul as I prayed it. Exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you so much for sharing.
      In Jesus name I pray the same for everyone here, their families and our nation.

    6. Wonderful encouragement Brie. And a powerful prayer from your JJ stash. Praying with my family here that our loving Father gives dear Audra all the right words to say when she is with those who do not believe in Jesus and His message of truth and salvation. God's way is the right way. When I am in the company of unbelievers, I remember that I am not alone and just let His sweet light shine! and yes! Inside I am saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Thank You!

  51. I heard this yesterday: His love is far greater than your list! He has a plan much better than whatever your plan is and His plan will happen. I thought about that as I read today’s devotional, affirming that I start each day in His presence, awaiting the glorious unfolding of the day He has made. Praise the Lord!

    Update…. My wife is feeling a little tiny better from the Covid. Yay! My back on the other hand just doesn’t want to comply. Maybe the 5 mile hike yesterday wasn’t a good idea! Again, thank you for ask the prayers and support🤗
    Blessings family 🙏

    1. Praise the Lord for better days, which I know will also include your back.

    2. Amen dear sister! Thank you🙂

    3. So glad Jill is feeling better, Rich - even a tiny bit is better than nothing! Praying it's all up hill from here, for her. As for your back, I'm believing that while the 5 mile hike may have been a bit much, in the long run, it will serve you well. Praying tomorrow is better! Brie, my dear sister, I must ask, what is a JJ stash?
      Love, prayers, blessings to all of you my dear JC Family. Ours has been a lovely day - much accomplished and relaxation, too. That's the BEST! <3 Praying the same for all of you.

    4. Our dear Norah, A "JJ stash" consists of some of JJ's prayerful posts, which I stash (def: to store away in a usually secret place for future use) into a file folder for ready reference on days when she doesn't post.

    5. God is faithful and we must be patient. Thankful that Jill is feeling a bit better. Sorry our prayers for your back appear not to be answered yet but know our mighty God is working on you and Jill from the inside, dear brother Rich. We must be patient in prayer and remain hopeful because we have already seen His faithfulness so many times before. My good husband's back also went out and I have had a stiff neck for a few days. God is with us so we thank Him for His amazing healing power and for giving us patience as He does His work in us. Thank You Jesus.

  52. Praise God who knows me and the Holy Spirit who came to the dinner party which was a gathering filled with loving kindness and no conflict of conversation. My imagination was vulnerable to the evil attempts to instill confusion and fear. All of your prayers buried it in love. My heart is full and emotional being bathed in hope and wonder at how God truly has our back. AND comments above offer good food for my soul to study. Thank you! ♥️🙏🤗

    1. Thank you God for giving us Your Holy Spirit so we can SUDDENLY receive DIVINE intervention and provision in areas in our lives that we waited for so long. THANK YOU GOD for SHOWING UP in our life, with Your Waymaking Promise Keeping Miracle Working Light in our darkness Self. In Jesus' Name . Amen.

    2. Each day I pray this Trust would last forever.
      SUDDENLY - life has new meaning to me...
      There's God's Beauty from above in things we never take notice of.
      You wake up and SUDDENLY you're in love.

    3. So thankful all went well dear Audra! God is so faithful and He gave you all the right words. Your family saw His light in you. Everything will come together because you put God in the center of your life.
      Amen dear Brie! He abides in us as we abide in Him always. We must just realize He is walking through each day with us. Then all things go better. He answered more prayers and my good husband’s back and my neck are getting better. My cousin Beth said she felt a little better too! Hallelujah! Wait on the Lord and exercise those trust muscles. Our God can do ALL things. Thank You Jesus.

  53. Dear warriors, I just wept when I read each of your prayers of encouragement & admonition for hubby & I . Love this JC family❤️. Joining each of you in prayer for the rest of the family.
    Anonymous#1. Addiction is one of the heinous tool the enemy uses to divert God's people from their true purpose &, mission that the Almighty designed for you from the beginning of time. With the caring prayers &, suggestions from the warriors, you can defeat this assignment the enemy has for you. Resist him & he will flee from you. TJ mentioned Teen Challenge, great organization & a few more waiting to help.
    Anonymous #2: Be strong in the Lord. He never abandons His children. He longs to empower you to hush the enemy's whispers of destructive words of discouragement by simply saying, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Praying for your son. What was said is true, it could've saved his life. A lot of beautiful scriptures was shared by the warriors. Feed on them. Hallelujah!💞🙏🌈

  54. Sending late night prayers out to Jan’s husband , anonymous 1 and anonymous 2. God’s love and peace be with you all❤️🙏

    1. Thank you BFNY! Your prayers are so appreciated & blesses hubby & I more than you know. ❤️

  55. The JC devotional is so appropriate this day of gathering with God's people to worship Him in spirit and truth. He's created us to worship Him in songs as one of the tools of connecting with Him. So let's each enter into the gates with Thanksgiving & singing the praises of Him Who does wondrous things! 🎼🎶Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel! Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, Who only doeth wondrous things Who only doeth wondrous things, Blessed be His glorious name forever! And let the whole earth be glad in His glory amen, amen, amen, and amen! Hallelujah! Blessings on each of you as you worship Him in any way you choose.😍💞

    1. Beautiful truth dear Jan! I sang for Him this morning in Choir and I sang later in the day too. Every good thing we do is for Him and from Him. Rejoicing and being glad with you in His Glory and for His Glory. Amen and Amen! Blessings to you and all our dear JC Family.

  56. It's a beautiful new day and I rejoice with thanksgiving and extol Him with singing praises to Him. I know that I will have a beautiful, perfect voice when I get to Heaven, for now I'll make a joyful noise. Also - a friend of mine shared a song/list called 'He is..(the Names of God)'. It lists all the Names of God from Genesis thru Revelations . Look for Eric Ludy on YouTube, I was overwhelmed with tears of gratitude. Enjoy the day!

    1. Thanks for sharing this powerful and comforting video, SavedByGrace93!
      I shall use it when I am stuck in traffic on the highway of life!
      Blessings dear one, in Jesus' Name.AMEN!

    2. Thanks dear SavedByGrace93! He is all that and the Rock of my strength. He is my everything. Thanks so much for sharing that!

  57. Thank you SBG93, I'll look for it.
    Blessings one and all on this beautiful day to Praise the Lord! We are starting a new sermon series at church today, "The Summer of Jesus' Love" ✝️♥️

  58. Dear heavenly, I am so grateful for your many blessings. Even among hardships I am so very blessed. Thank you Jesus for blessing each step of my daily journey. Amen.

  59. The Summer of Jesus' Love sounds wonderful! Blessings to you dear Audra! Much love.

  60. May God lighten your burdens, dear ABC. But we know that He is with us through the trials and challenges. They have a purpose- to draw us closer to Him. We hold on more tightly to His Unchanging Hands as we walk through our wilderness and valley times. His light never dims or fades and His peace is ever present right into eternity. Amen!
    Thank You Jesus for blessing every step of our daily journeys.

  61. Thank You God for JJ, Jeanne, Janet, MadFox, PEBGDesigns, Anonymous KY, Jan gridley, Peter, NJS, Suzanne R, Rich C, and all others who prayed for my Brother Keith, and his nurse, Michelle.
    Just like You sent her to us, I trust You will send another one of Your Ministering Angels with skin on. My Trust, Hand Holding, Never Talk to Satan Strangers skills are being TESTED. I am looking forward to sharing this TESTimony...
    With You in control of the People Mover, I know the new nurse will be great. Thank You Jesus for Being our Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light In The Darkness. Always and Forever . In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Sweet Brie ---- Believing for the GOODNESS of the Lord over your circumstances and waiting for your knckout testimony!

  62. God know how hard the wait is. He sees your silent tears and your aching groans. He hears your questions. He understands the pain. But the same God who knows the pain also knows the reward. He knows it's worth it. He knows it will be beautiful in His timing.

    BE GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING. Your lows are someone elses highs. The very thing you take for granted, someone else is praying for.

    This is a time to really press in to God and get His wisdom. We were called for such a time as this!

    The blessing is upon God's people, but until you tap into it, you won't have the benefits of that blessing working for you.

    You have a choice to believe and trust in God or believe and trust in your circumstances.


  63. Praying this night with gratitude for all the faithful in this group. Your prayers are heard and answered. Your prayers are uplifting and comforting. Your prayers made a difference and so do you.
    I’m praying over all for that peace that surpasses all understanding, and contentment in all circumstances knowing that He will not leave us or forsake us, and in ALL things he works for the good for those that live him. Be still and know that He is God, our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Creator, Father, Lord, God- Yahweh!
    Be blessed and rest in His steadfast love and faithfulness.

  64. Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength."

    So: The National Weather Service has just published instructions on how to bake a lasagna in your mailbox.♨️😊👍
