Saturday, June 13, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 13

I am creating something new in you: a bubbling spring of Joy that spills over into others' lives. Do not mistake this Joy for your own or try to take credit for it in any way. Instead, watch in delight as My Spirit flows through you to bless others. Let yourself become a reservoir of the Spirit's fruit.
     Your part is to live close to Me, open to all that I am doing in you. Don't try to control the streaming of My Spirit through you. Just keep focusing on Me as we walk through this day together. Enjoy My Presence, which permeates you with Love, Joy, and Peace. 
John 3:8
English Standard Version

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22
English Standard Version

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.

My Prayer
You make all things new and each day you are making me new. With your strength and You working through me, I can be a joy to others. Help me to stand confident in this each day, realizing that You are working through me. Lord, it is Your Spirit enabling me and I thank you for this. 
Keep me close to You and open to all that you want to do in me. Help me to let your Spirit naturally flow through my life. I want to rest in You and allow You to seep through me into the lives of others I come in contact with.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Yes lord. I want all the fruit of your holy spirit to flow in me starting with my wife and family. Change me with the renewing of my mind. In Jesus name I pray.

  2. I just went thru the worst tragedy EVER. Thank GOD for FRIENDS AND FAMILY. And his comforting SPIRIT.

    1. Angela, I pray God has blessed you in this tragedy, as an opportunity to be more dependent on HIm, to rely entirely on Him. The pain is real, the suffering is there, but thankfully God IS with us every step of the way. God is reveled through your family and friends that have been supportive. God's blessings on you! Amen.

    2. Psalms 34:19 in the Bible says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.”

  3. Jesus loves us guys let's spread the Word. The TRUTH. LOVE YALL

  4. Lord You amaze me every morning when I arise you were speaking to me. I was writing in my prayer Journal and this morning I recognized my journey. My body physically was allowed to be broken so that I could recognize that I could not sustain without you. My focus was myself and when my body was broken I begin to recognize that all I had was you. Through that physical Brokenness although there was much pain you brought me Rich blessings. You took away my dependents on my own body that you gave me the family your family. Now you allowed my heart to be broken. But it broke a dependence that was unhealthy period a dependents for 25 years that kept me from you. They created false idols. I walked in the futility of my own mind without knowing it. Now again you have delivered me. So how fitting Lord when I opened up the devotional you spoke to me directly and said you were creating something new in me. Amen amen amen. What more of an answer do I need that you are indeed creating something new and me. Every time every time I worship you I pray to you I am blessed with the Holy Spirit Whispering these truths to me. You are right Lord what you are creating is something new and I must I must be very careful to make sure that I don't take any credit for it. You have blessed me with thousands of lives that are being touched in your spirit is spilling out into their lives. But it is not of my own accord it is because you are allowing it. Please Lord continue to use me continue to allow me to be your spring so that your spirit will flow out of me and bless others. Keep me humble. Allow me to lay at your feet every morning. Allow me to continue to glorify you in any way that I can. Thank you my Lord thank you for saving me

    1. Your prayer is beautiful!
      This is my prayer as well.
      Prayers and blessings over you, over my marriage & my husband, over this wonderful family of believers, over our country, over family, friends and neighbors

  5. I prayed for this today ♡ what a Good Father ♡ I'm eager to see His plans unfold and joy overflow! Thank you for sharing this God bless

  6. I have never read John 3:8 in the ESV before - how beautiful! And my prayer of last night was answered in this JC devotion today. Thank you for creating something new in me, so many years ago. Let me remember to appreciate Your gift and never try to take credit for it myself. You have met all of my needs and many of my desires. Let Your blessings flow from me to others in my daily walk. Let me share the victory of the next 2 days with others who have felt anxious and unsure. You made us to be mighty and unafraid. Let me focus on that and share it. Thank you, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you, JC Family for your prayers. Mine are with you as well.

  7. I appreciate Jesus Calling and those who read and share. On June 11th I celebrated and mourned my daughter's birthday...this is her second one since passing. I want to find joy again. I love today's devotional. I am leaving tomorrow to travel for my dad's funeral. His death was sudden and unexpected as well. I feel empty and numb. I pray to feel alive again and to be able to help others. I am praying for you all today. Blessings, TL.

    1. Unknown TL, You are in my heart and prayers.

    2. God bless you, Unknown. I am so sorry for your grief. God holds your hand on this challenging path. Praying for you.

    3. God bless and keep you in his loving arms.

    4. Unknown TL, may God travel closely with you on this journey, every step of the way, AND everyday. Amen.

    5. God bless and keep you in his loving arms.

    6. I'm praying for you Unknown for peace and comfort and the Lord's blessings. Take care. KS

    7. TL-- I join with Sassy Mom in prayer for you. I ask for the Lord's presence in your life in a greater way then ever before. Heal any broken places in TL's soul and and bring about restoration so that TL can move into the wholeness You have for TL. Jeremiah 31:13b "I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow..." Praying in Kansas

    8. Didn't see all the other posts praying for TL when I first did my post. Wow! I stand with you ALL! Such privilege to be surrounded by Great Prayer Warriors! I marvel how the Lord brings this group together and surrounds people with prayer. Satan is having another BAD AND LOOSING DAY!(And many,many, many
      more to come) HALLELUJAH!! Humbled by the Lord's work in Kansas

    9. God bless you and keep you safe on your travels. Lord I ask that you give Unknown the joy that has been lost. There are things we will never understand, but with Your mercy and grace we will make it through. Lord take this grief and give Unknown a peace they have never felt before. The numbness that comes when we lose a loved one, I ask that You turn that into something beautiful and ease the pain of loss away. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

    10. Thank you for allowing us to pray for you. We feel with you. We feel your pain and know that our fellowship will give you strength.

    11. The Lord is your strength and refuge, unknown. He's also your comforter. Praying for you and Your family at this difficult time.

      Maplewood NJ

    12. Praying for TL. May God wrap her in His arms. May he lead her to find joy in him again and may her joy be so strong and overflowing that it reaches out to everyone she interact with.

    13. Praying for you TL. This is a very hard time for you and I'm sure you're remembering so many sweet times with your dear daughter. May God comfort your heart and bring you joy. Love never ends and life doesn't end with death. The pain of loss never goes away but you will be with your daughter again someday when your loving Father calls you Home. That will be a blessed reunion.

  8. Norah, AMEN to your prayers.
    Make me a blessing LORD as I walk through this day holding your hand,loving and trusting you ... JC Family, your prayers are mine.

  9. Oh Holy Spirit, guide each member of our JC family safely into yet another day. Another chance to share the good news! Jesus lives! Teach us how to captivate others by sharing the fruit of the Spirit, thereby showing them the very heart of God. Help us not to be timid in this as the enemy would have us be. Be the strength & the power in us to bring those dwelling in darkness into your marvelous light. May we put on the Spirit of Joy unspeakable wherever we go today, lighting up our faces so others may see you. Amen

  10. Dear Lord, I have felt stagnant for some time. I pray that if it is your will, You do a new thing in me. Lord You know my heart and desire to move to a new job, as well. May it be according to Your will. Praying for all my brothers and sisters in Christ and this blessed JC Family. I pray especially for Bob, from whom we haven't heard in some time. Blessings to all

    1. Yes! I was think ng about Bob as well. My prayer is that he is well, if not so well, that he knows God is with him always. Amen.

    2. Sorry for my absence. Thank you for your concern. I went on a summer vacation and did not have the means of maintaining contact with this blog. Being out of the habit of checking in, it slipped away from me. MadFox took the initiative to do an internet search for me and was successful. He sent me a personal note and encouraged me to return which I did in December. Thanks, MadFox and thank you to each of you for your encouragement. It is good to be back.

    3. I to had missed you Bob.

      Thank you Mad Fox!

    4. It's good to have you back, Bob. Hope you had a nice and relaxing vacation. I'm sure it was well deserved.

    5. How are you doing Bob? I am sure you are very busy serving the Lord and sharing His message. I pray your family is doing well. God bless you always.

    6. Missing you Bob. Hope all is well with you and yours, and the Holy Spirit is snagging you back to minister to our JC Prayer Warrior Family. Either way, we love you. Much Love, Brie

  11. On this rainy Thursday morning on the east coast, Father I Thank You for the gift of another day. Thank You for the rain to water the plants, flowers and clean the earth. Thank You for everything this day holds!
    Old things have passed away, for behold, all things have become new! Thank You Lord for creating a new thing in my life. I receive it and claim it in Jesus name!
    Thank You for blessing me to be a blessing to others. I take NO credit for ANYTHING good that I have done, it is All because of Your blessings and provision and Your Grace and Power, not mine. Thank You Lord. Holy Spirit fill me with Your Presence as we tackle this day together. Thank You for the love, joy and peace in walking with You Lord.

    Father, in the name of JESUS, I say THANK You for the many, many victories this group of believers (JC Family) are experiencing from You and thank You for the still awaited victories that are on the way. You are a FAITHFUL God!
    Thank You for answers to every concerns lifted up to You. We bless Your Holy name. Your Grace is sufficient for us!

    A great and Blessed day JC Family, put God first place, He'll take you places you've never dreamt of!

    Maplewood NJ

  12. Your will Lord, not mine. Help me to be a blessing to others as you use me to spread Your word. Help me to never take credit for anything You have done through me. Help me to always point to the Cross where people can get the peace and joy that You can only give. Thank you for this beautiful day as it unfolds in front of me. Be with each of us in our JC Family as we go about our day, let us glorify You in everything we do. Thank You Lord, in Jesus name, Amen!

  13. Thank you Jesus for another day and another chance to walk with the spirit in me I pray for everyone on this forum for strength and peace and joy that can only be known when we know you as our personal savior. Your love and plans for our lives on earth are a mystery that we can not understand most of the times. Help us to always know you love us and have faith that your plan for us is divine. Someday all to be reveled in our heavenly home. Forget the former things do not dwell on the past season . See, I am doing a new thing ! Now it springs up ; do you not perceive it ? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19. Prayers especially today for the ones in grief. I pray they feel your presence and spirit. You have promised Lord that you will never leave us. We are never alone..... Amen

    1. Purplemartin--- A prayer that speaks volumes. Amen and amen. Trusting and praying in Kansas

    2. Purplemartin, Amen!
      A year later and I wanted to thank you for your post because it spoke to my heart. I am waiting on the Lord to see this new thing He is doing. We can't go back to the former things because life is changed. But God is making a way in our wilderness and lighting our path as He prepares our new life for us. All He asks is that we remain in His presence in patience and trust, and wait on His faithfulness. So many people have lost loved ones and we pray for their comfort and guidance. May His people find eternal and perfect rest. We are so blessed the Lord will never leave us, so no matter what strorms come our way, we need not be afraid.

  14. I hopped back on here to see more clearly how to pray and I'm glad I did. TL, you are in my prayers as are all of the others. But, you, especially, I will stand with all of our JC Family and claim your peace of mind. I pray that God shows you that in a blink of an eye you will see your loved ones again. I know, it's easy for me to say, but I mean it with all of my heart. God Bless all of you dear ones.

  15. Hi everyone.

    I'm leaving this comment because I need your prayers.. An old friend of my mother passed away this morning after being hospitalized for 3 weeks. The doctors found out he had generalized cancer. It is such devastating news.

    I didn't know about this until today or else I would have prayed and asked for your prayers for his healing. What saddens me the most is that I don't know if he was in Christ..

    So I felt led to comment here to ask for your prayers for his loved ones to be comforted and restored by the Lord. May He help them to find peace and to open their heart to Him and His Truth as He is the only way to everlasting life.

    I thank you for your prayers JC warriors. I don't often comment, this is the 2nd time actually, but I pray daily for you all JC family.

    Have a blessed day everyone ♡

    Blessings from France

    1. JC family from France, may God bless your heart as you pray for and request prayers for Your friend and family. This morning, we kneel together asking the good Lord to comfort and strengthen them with His Love and Peace. May they find a reason to smile again and glorify God. We pray that he knew Christ and is in better place now. Sending love and comfort your way and their way. God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Praying God's blessings for you and yours Anonymous/France. Amen

    3. Thank you for your post, French friend! I will do as you requested and lift up the family in prayer to find peace in Him. Be blessed on your way this day and everyday. God be with you.

    4. God bless you and keep you as we lift up our prayers in song for your request. 🙏✝️

    5. Praying with you Blessings from France and my JC Family.
      Thank you Father that he accepted Christ before he passed. Comfort his family and heal their broken hearts. Guide them to open their hearts to seek You with sincerity and lead them to surrender themselves to You. Put Jesus into their hearts and lives so they will know true peace and joy in believing. Strengthen their faith. May they be reunited in Heaven with their loved one and finally realize Your promises. Thanking you for this in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    6. Dear France --- Child of The Most High God! Joining the the JC WARRIORS in Interceding for your friend and family. I speak the Name of Jesus and plead His blood over the circumstances. Thank you, Lord, we have redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ and we are redeemed from the power of evil! HALLELUJAH !

  16. May God be with you and all other friends and family members who have been affected by this. My prayers are with you.

  17. Anonymous France....Prayers lifted for your request. So very sorry for your loss. Thank you dear Lord for this gentleman's life. Lord you are creator of all things. I pray that you you'll send whispers to the souls of the family and friends of the departed. I pray Lord that you would awaken their hearts and open blind eyes to You and Your beauty. May you create situations that they would know it was undoubtedly You.i pray for your tender mercies and care. May You cover all with Your grace. May this be a time for beautiful memories and healing. Thank you dear Lord for Anonymous France and the Love that is poured out in Your name. Thank you dear Lord for always being there. In Your name I pray....Amen
    Anonymous Deer River

  18. I awaken early this morning with a longing in my soul. Yesterday was such a broken day that I felt "life" coming at me from all sides. Nowhere to turn except to the Lord almighty. He truly must be trying to make me into something new. I am so tired Lord. I need you to carry me. All I can say is beauty from the ashes. Lord I await with anticipation upon your answers. Today I will scrape the bottom of my cup and seek joy. MY eyes are open. Tear stained...but open. Please show me what you will. Your will. I love you Lord with all that is in me...
    Anonymous Deer River

    1. Hugs and prayers are coming your way, Anonymous Deer River. Oh God, thank you in advance for filling up Anonymous/Deer River's cup until it overflows. Let it overflow with Your Love. Amen

    2. Anonymous Deer River,
      I had a similar day yesterday and also woke with a longing in my soul. As you state we must turn to our Lord and Saviour. Thankful for the JC family that is here for you and all of us.
      God Bless

    3. Anonymous Deer River --- Bless you, Bless you! Lord, I go before the Throne of Grace right now with confidence, knowing that because Anonymous Deer River is Your child Your mercy is extended to them. ADR needs Your mercy and grace to be manifested in their life in Great Measure Today! They need Your help, Lord, to face the difficult things and meet those challenges. Enable ADR to walk through them successfully or lift them out of them completely. I know, Lord, You will bring good out of difficult times ADR goes through, and I thank You for the miracles You will do in ADR's life in the process. In His Honor and for His purposes. AMEN and AMEN Hebrews 4:16 "Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

    4. Dear Deer River, I feel your pain in your heartfelt words. God knows your sadness, worries and your needs. I pray everyday that He is supplying what you need to take care of your extended family. Don't let your heart be troubled. When you can't see the light in front of you, you must lean on your faith and your trust. God promises He will never leave you. I pray for prosperity and gladness for you and your family. Keep standing on the truth of God's past faithfulness. God has not let you down and He will not disappoint you now. These are hard times for sure, but they are only temporary. He is already working to lift you up out of your problems. Keep your eyes open to new doors opening, and always upward from where your Help cometh. Much love.

    5. I can relate to exhaustion. I'm glad you are connecting with His body in your time of need.

      These words come to mind Deer River; "Behold,.... I am doing a new thing." It is sometimes impossible to see what He is doing especially when we are empty.

      Isaiah 30:15 In quietness and trust is your strength.

      We are here with you and the spiritual connection transcends all distance. We are literally face to face in this spiritual realm.

      Gods blessings are upon you.

      A friend in Minnesota

    6. Thank you all for your prayers, your song Brilimar, and your wisdom Bob !! During the light of day things are so much better. 3 days of R&R ...time to reflect, praise, and "just be".Psalm 35: 27-28 Let those who delight in My righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, GREAT is the Lord, who delights in the welfare of His servant!" Then my tongue shall tell of your rightousness and of your praise all the day long." God is good!!!
      Anonymous Deer River

    7. I'm happy, Deer Rive that things seem much brighter now you have rested and are a bit more restored and renewed. Sometimes we must put aside our problems and "just be". God will fill us as we empty ourselves. Amen! Our God is so great!

  19. Dear Loving Father, Thank You for this gifted day. Provide me with the gift of seeing others not as interruptions, but as eager souls in need of healing and wholeness, worthy of my attention and love. Give me the presence of mind to welcome “interruptions” as gifts and opportunities and ‘let me become a reservoir of the Spirit’s fruit.’ Thank You for Your Love, Joy, and Peace that permeates me. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Some people may not see it as the way others see it, but God has blessed us so richly! The gift of SALVATION and His unconditional love are just a few! The concept of “blessed to be a blessing”, teaches us something very basic about God’s expectations for each of us. Some of the reasons why God blesses us are: because He loves us, and so we can be a blessing to others. Matthew 5:7 tells us that: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” This is a fundamental statement of purpose that applies to everyone who through faith becomes part of the Kingdom of God. The blessings God gives us are intended to be shared with all, beginning with the blessing of salvation from sin and including all the good things the Lord has given to us. Most importantly, God has blessed us with extreme privilege of sharing His name with the world. We have a responsibility and mission in everything we do, to glorify Him and expand His kingdom through sharing His Word to the lost world. When we give dignity, mercy, love, justice, charity, and respect to others, we are letting them see Christ in our words and actions. Prov. 11:25 reminds us that: “The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who helped others are helped”!

    Heavenly Father, We thank you for the example of Jesus, who demonstrated the value of The Work before us today, the people who cross our path today, the challenges and the rewards of this day, you have set before us. Give us courage and presence of mind to press forward, allowing Your Spirit to flow through us to bless others. Thank You for that SOMETHING NEW, You are creating in us. We receive it in Jesus name! Amen.

    Love, Peace and Joy JC Family!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. I strive to be that reservoir of the Spirit's fruit. I want to be a blessing to others in my words and deeds so I can share the Christ in me. With joy and no grumbling I will spread the good news to add others to His Kingdom. May people see the Christ in me above all else. Thanks dear Sister!

    2. When the Lord pulls the plug on my life, I will hold most dear all the times our Lord used me to bring blessings to others. That will be my greatest accomplishment and I am thankful that He chose to use me. Thanks for your post, twin bd sis!

    3. Beautiful post dear Bob! Amen! When we reach the Promised Land I pray the first words I hear are "Welcome good and faithful servant". May we all be willing, joyful and able instruments of our Heavenly Father.

    4. May God use my words and actions to be a blessing to everyone I meet !

    5. Lord..."Seep through me into the lives of others I come in contact with," today and every day. Renew me into a good good daughter of a good good Father. In Jesus's name I pray. Blessings JC family ♥️

  20. 10,000 REASONS
    Bless the Lord oh my soul
    Oh my soul
    Worship His Holy name
    Sing like never before
    Oh my soul
    I'll worship Your Holy name

    The sun comes up
    It's a new day dawning
    It's time to sing Your song again
    Whatever may pass
    And whatever lies before me
    Let me be singing
    When the evening comes

    You're rich in love
    And You're slow to anger
    Your name is great
    And Your heart is kind
    For all Your goodness
    I will keep on singing
    Ten thousand reasons
    For my heart to find

    Bless the Lord oh my soul
    Oh my soul
    Worship His Holy name
    Sing like never before
    Oh my soul
    I'll worship Your Holy Name

    1. Another of my faves, love to read it and hear it ♥️ thanks for sharing!

    2. Thanks Brilamar. So beautiful!

    3. As is true with classic books (see post below) is also true of the standard of sound music, that which stands the test of time and is being sung years and years from now (we might have to listen from heaven). This one could very well reach that standard. (We'll watch from heaven). Blessings, Brilamar!

    4. OK Bob! When our plug is pulled. we can sing the last verse in the Heavenly Choir:
      And on that day when my strength is failing
      The end draws near and my time has come
      Still my soul will sing Your praise unending
      Ten thousand years and then forevermore

      Bless the Lord, Oh my soul
      Oh my soul, worship His holy name
      Sing like never before, Oh my soul
      I'll worship Your holy name

    5. And sing in perfect harmony...forever!

    6. Three part harmony, no doubt: God our Father, Jesus His Son, and God's Holy Spirit!

    7. Amen! Three part harmony! That will be some awesome Choir up there and I aim to be singing my little heart out when I get there. Glory to the Lord.

    8. ♥️ 🎶 and the sounds of three part harmony 👍

  21. My last 2 days have been much like you describe, Anonymous Deer River. I so enjoyed reading everyone's praises and requests for prayer - examples of our God working in and for us. He has for me, too, but (there's that 'but,' Bob), many times I fought it, though not intentionally. I will write more later, but please know that all of you are in my prayers.
    "France" - I'm praying for your day and the blessing you will be to your dear Mom and the family. I'm thanking God for your kind, loving heart, to be there to bless all who attend and that your heart be comforted, as well.
    Basking in your 'true life' experience, MadFox! And thanking you, Sassy Mom, for the prayers for our AC! God delivered that very same morning! No surprise, right?
    I'm thanking the good Lord for working in my heart, to renew and refresh my spirit, to help me put away all of the work issues for a day or two and be refreshed when I go back to it on Monday. I need time with my Father and willingness to yield to my Lord, Christ Jesus as the Holy Spirit is built up in me.
    Praying for each of you today and always...remembering, Brandy, that "kindness is contagious." :)

    1. Thank you for your prayers Norah. Thanking God for your refreshment, renewal of your spirit and healing. So glad you got your AC! God is so good. May your family all be strengthened in their faith and healed of all their weaknesses.

    2. The reasons for God commanding a Sabbath rest are many. The reasons are primarily spiritual but outside of that, we need it physiologically. We are in less of a position to glorify Him if we have put ourselves in a state of fatigue busying ourselves with too many things to our delight. Have a blessed weekend, Norah, and may you return to the people who need you feeling refreshed and renewed to the glory of God. And of course the people who need you the most will be surrounding you this weekend. Be blessed in the love shared.

    3. We all need to rest and restore ourselves. I know I stay up too late. I'm up too late now. But I have much to accomplish before I go to CA on Tuesday to be with my oldest son and his lovely wife. God is leading me through everything. I feel Him ordering me to get to sleep right now.

    4. Traveling Mercy prayers my sweet friend in Jesus.

  22. (II Timothy 1:14) Paul continues his encouragement of his young preacher friend, "Hold to the standard of sound teaching that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus."

    As the Christian faith was taking root, there were several individuals who tried to twist the faith to their advantage. Reading through the epistles will show that issue being addressed by the apostles. And it still goes on. So how do we 'hold to the standard of sound teaching'? We must be constantly anchoring ourselves in the scripture which is God's gift to us in preserving the truth. I have found it helpful to read books from the past that have stood the test of time which shows them to be sound. There are equally inspired books being written today amid the plethora of books being published. We must hold the plumb line of scripture before them as Chris does here with the JC readings, to measure their accuracy. Trusted Christian friends in which the Lord can give us the 'two or three gathered together, I am with you' experience so we can help each other hold on to sound teaching. Listening to sound preaching, not judging it on whether we like it or not, but whether it is true or not. As Paul encouraged Timothy, he would encourage us as well. I pray continually as I am posting that I am holding before you the standard of sound teaching. When you post your responses, it helps with my 'hold'. Thank you. With love, Bob

    1. Bob
      You teachings are a daily inspiration. I encourage you to follow the spirit given to you.

    2. Thank you, Bob, always for sharing the Word, your insights and encouraging words. Much love!

    3. Sound teaching, biblically based, easing my walk through it all.
      Thanks Bob :)

  23. Amen. Your words and prayers hold my heart together when my world is ever changing. God bless you for taking the time to share your heart & prayers as they quench my thirst for the way, the truth and the light.. Peace be with you today and always. ~ Amy

  24. Amy --- I pray that you will entertain great hopes because your future is as the promises of our Lord. 1 Chronicles 28:20 "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He won't leave you or forsake you." Corrie Ten Boon once said, "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." Great Blessings to you! In His Grip of Grace!!!

    1. Thanks for the Corrie Ten Boon quote, JJ. Hadn't heard that one before and glad for hearing it now. God be with you!

  25. Thank you so much for all your prayers for my mum's friend and his closed ones. Your support is so precious. I'm so thankful that God led me here to find comfort and a JC family I can talk to. You are all in my prayers.

    Thank you so much everyone and thank you Lord for all the blessings that you renew everyday.
    Thank you for your grace that we can not really understand and don't deserve. May we never take it for granted. May the weary and the lost sheep turn their eyes upon you Jesus.

    Love and blessings from France ♡

    1. Dear French friend, your grasp of English is excellent. Did you originally come from an English speaking country or did you learn English in school? Feel free to use some French on us where we will get it. The French language has such a beautiful sound to it.

    2. Bonjour! Oh thank you Bob for your kind words! Or should I say Merci Bob! Haha. I'm French but I learnt English in school and I'm studying English and Spanish at University. English has been my favorite subject since High School.

      God bless you Bob!

  26. LORD, in the morning You hear my voice. In the morning I pray to You. I wait for You in hope. (Psalm 5:3).

    Father, You promise to do whatever I ask in Your name. Just to speak Your name invites peace and confidence into my heart. You are always helping me, even when I don't get my way. To pray in Your name is to pray surrendered to the Father, who is always working for my good. Thank You that my ultimate joy is always before You. I get lost in the depth of Your love. It is so vast and so wonderful. Help me to love as You love -- deeply without hesitation or selfishness. Let me swim in the living waters of Your Spirit. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus.

    Fill us with Your love every morning. Then we will sing and rejoice all our lives. (Psalm 90:14). Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. (Proverbs 3:3).

  27. Got fully vaccinated ! When I woke I was thinking about getting the vaccine however the queues are long and often run out of vaccines. But God opened up a way at a medical center and I managed to get it done . I love being a child of God , He makes a way there is no way.

  28. So very happy you are fully vaccinated dear Min Ahadi! And you sold your car. God is so good to make a Way for you. Be blessed and keep walking in that beautiful Gratitude and Praise. Me too! I love being a child of God. He is everything to me. We are all blessed and part of Him as He abides in us.

  29. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of hospitality. A gift I can share with others. Bringing relaxation and peace is a result of your blessings on my efforts. For this I am grateful. Amen.

    1. Amen dear ABC. When we serve others and lift and encourage them, we serve the Lord.

  30. Dear God,
    I am praying for Your Help in this area. I often slip and fall in this arena...Do not mistake this Joy for your own or try to take credit for it in any way. Instead, watch in delight as My Spirit flows through you to bless others. Let yourself become a reservoir of the Spirit's fruit...Pray for me my sisters and brothers in Christ. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise and thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Always in my prayers dear sister. Praying for you to always be reminded to give the glory to God. I see and hear the Spirit working right through you and your sweet words every day.

  31. Lord please make me a bubbling spring of Joy that spills over into others' lives, by your Holy Spirit. Lord please constantly remind me that I only can do this by your Spirit. If I try on my own it will be useless as filthy rags.
    Lord pour your Spirit into each of us so we have ears that are tuned to you. Thank you for the mighty equipping you give us inorder to complete the tasks that you give us. Whether our task at hand is big or small in our eyes or the eyes of others. We are called to do it as unto you Lord. Please help us to remember who we belong to and who lives in us. Thank you Lord, please step into every need that this beloved JC Family has. You are the author and finisher of life, we submit it all to you.

    1. Amen to your beautiful prayer Terri. He is the greatest part of us and His Spirit empowers us to accomplish so much that He has prepared us to do. I had so much to do today and my Bible Group party. And I succeeded to His glory.
      Amen, He writes our stories and prepares our futures.

  32. Father, open my heart to love You deeply and truly and not be concerned with the love of the world. You are what's important and completely deserving of ALL my worship, praise, and love. There is no one like You. You are God Almighty -- the one and only. You are the best Father ever. Thank You for being in my life and with me always. I need and want You. I can't do anything apart from You. Praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus.

  33. Free as an B, How is your son doing today? I am still praying for both of you and for the needs of our entire JC Family I. Jesus' Name. Amen.

  34. I'm sitting outside in His quietness. Finishing my time reading today's devotion which reminds me of what Je told me a year or 2 ago, "fulfillment is already inside you."

    Or trials and challenges are part of His design to "discover" that fulfillment and His life inside. Not just with us but inside us.

    You have my prayers.

  35. I just heard this, faith is grown by conflict.

    Really, how else could it grow?

    Jesus we trust you. Help our unbelief.

  36. Just stopping in to say I love you all and I'm praying for you. Just need sleep very much. God bless you always dear family.

    1. Jeanne you are so sweet. God bless you! Amen.

  37. Saturday's situation prepared me for Today's devotion, ...I am creating something new in you: a bubbling spring of Joy that spills over into others' lives. Do not mistake this Joy for your own or try to take credit for it in any way. Instead, watch in delight as My Spirit flows through you to bless others. Let yourself become a reservoir of the Spirit's fruit.
    Your part is to live close to Me, open to all that I am doing in you. Don't try to control the streaming of My Spirit through you....
    On Saturday, I went into an activities hut to inquire about beach yoga.
    Sitting with her arms on the table, and head resting in them, I thought Ms Heddy was sleeping.
    Quietly and politely, I said excuse me. When she raised her head up, I could see a valley of tears streaming down her face nonstop.
    In a flash, God's Holy Spirit said ask her if she wants you to pray with her. I said, Only if you give me The Words to pray, Holy Spirit. He did. So, pray, I did.
    I held her trembling hands and prayed. Afterwards, I asked if she wanted a hug. She nodded that she did. So, hug, I did.
    With few facts, I learned she had recently donated her kidney to her son. After much suffering, his body rejected it and he died.
    Having gone through a painful death with His Son, I know God understands how she feels.
    I also know you will join me in prayers for Ms Heddy, to receive the Balm of Gilead until she can visualize her son safe in Jesus' arms, and until we all are.
    Thanks JC Family of Prayer Warriors. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Thank God for putting you there Brie at the right place at the right time to be Jesus with skin on for this sad mum May God grant Mrs Heddy comfort and peace !

    2. Such a sad situation. My heart goes out to dear Ms. Heddy. To give him her kidney and watch it be rejected and her dearest son die. It's too much for anyone to bear. She needs our prayers every day. God surely understands how she feels and loves her dearly. Min Ahadi is right. God put you right there, dear Brie, to dry her tears and comfort her fragile broken heart. May God wrap her up in a cloak of sweet peace and love and give her the blessed assurance that they will be reunited in Heaven. I'm sure her dear son is now resting in a sweet peace we can only imagine and he is realizing God's promises and waiting for the time he will be with his good mother again and forever. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Oh my goodness Dear Brie.That was a devine appointment for sure. You stepped in to represent the true compassionate love of God. You were there to offer prayer & comfort in her moment of anguish & heartache. Praying for this dear mother. 🙏🙏🙏💞

    4. Divine appointment indeed! The ones we don't see on our calendar or "to do" list. Good blessed you, Brie, and Ms. Heddy. My prayers join yours, thank you for sharing this heartbreaking story.

  38. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Yesterday at Sunday school, I had over 25 children and it was overwhelming. Please pray for next Sunday we need parents/ teachers to volunteer so we can split the class.

    1. 🙏Praising God that the Harvest is great; praying to God to increase His workers that are few.bin Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Joining dear Brie in her prayer of thanksgiving for so many children eager to learn God's message of salvation and truth, and that God will send helpers to relieve some of Min Ahadi's work and bring peace to her weary heart in the Name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

  39. Praying over all prayer requests and that we all experience that spring of His joy bubbling up inside us. All God's gifts are good, bless His Holy Name.

    1. Joining into your prayer, Peter.
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You create something new in me: a bubbling spring of Joy that spills over into others' lives, like a well shaken up can of ginger ale.
      Please and Thank You. Amen.

  40. What a wonderful lesson today….letting the Holy Spirit stream through us to create the fruits of the Spirit. How I need to experience His JOY PEACE, PATIENCE as my family goes through trials. It doesn’t help them or me to be sad. I come again to ask you to cover my family (and me) in prayer. My daughter is scheduled for liver surgery onJune 22nd. She is positive and confident and healthy after her 2 years of treatment for colon cancer. God is able. My prayer is for full health for her and for comfort for her husband who is finally showing the overwhelming burden of being strong for her and the kids. Mark needs to be lifted up as well. I thank you and love you all and pray for you. Ellen

    1. Praying dear Ellen for your daughter, Mark & family. Success for this surgery, quick recovery & complete healing . In Jesus name, amen. 🙏🙏💞

    2. Dear Ellen, Trusting God will continue to show your daughter His faithfulness. Joining prayers for her complete recovery. May God guide the doctor’s hands through her liver surgery, and bring her back to perfect health, and bless and strengthen you and your family. Thank You Jesus.

  41. Continued prayers for you, Ellen! And just as I'm wondering how you are doing, up pops your post ♥️👏🙏

  42. Praying dear Norah, that God is guiding you and your dear hubby to the key to your car.
    Father, You know Norah and her dear husband, and their faithful hearts of trust, and all their needs and goals. May You draw their hands and eyes to the lost key very soon. Thank You for this and for answering all their prayers in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

  43. Thank You Father for strengthening my dear sister Janet in body, mind and spirit as she walks through this trial for the next 3 months. May you heal every infirmity and bring her peace, joy and strength. Thank You for this and for Your faithfulness to her and all our dear ones here, seen and unseen, in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  44. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. You are so amazing and wonderful Lord! You are the King of kings and Lord of lords! You are God Almighty! You are faithful and true! You keep all Your promises and You are for us and not against us. You do not forsake us and You never leave us. You abide in us and us in You. Let Your hands of healing touch the bodies of those that need Your healing power. Incline Your ear to us and hear our prayers and answer us. Let Your will be done Lord! Remind us of all our benefits and blessings and let us be grateful. Let Your Spirit shine in us and flow from us to others in the world. Let the Holy Spirit take control of our lives. Season our words to Your will Lord and let them flow gently from our mouths into the world. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13). Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:17).

    2. Amen and Amen! Thank you. Beautiful prayer and verses.

  45. Norah, I so hope you found the key but if not, give this a mom used to say a prayer to St. Anthony....I've said it over the years as well when things go missing and more times than not, what is lost is found! "Tony, Tony look around. Something's lost and can't be found." Not kidding re things suddenly being found and sometimes in the most unlikely places, lol.

  46. Amen NJS! Thank you Jesus for giving us your son St. Anthony!

  47. Thanks Peter! No greater place to be than in the Presence of the Lord with a grateful and trusting heart. We are bringers of His Light everywhere we go.

  48. Traveling MercyPrayers requested for Larry and for me, please and thanks, JC Fam

    1. My Papa God, I ask for Your protection and traveling mercies for Brie and Larry on their trip. Keep them safe from harm, grant them smooth travels and bring them back safely. May Your peace and presence be with them every step of the way. I Pray and Believe in Jesus's Name, AMEN and AMEN.

  49. I added the following on yesterday's blog, but as most know, we JC warriors, may check later in the day but most have moved on and don't return for a year. I saw some posts from last year that I had not read. Some very kind comments about a lost cell phone in June 2020 before my Myeloma diagnosis while traveling during covid on business. Here's my comments that thought are still appropriate for today's words of "let My Spirit flow through you" and "don't take credit for the joy" given to you... no doubt that phone being presented back to me was joy and it was all HIM:

    Humbled by so many kind words here. Had not thought about this in a long time. God did answer an unspoken and unthought prayer. I assumed that I would spend time getting a new phone. Am almost embarrassed that I did not STOP and pray. But that makes the story all the more amazing as this silly servant did not ask but God provided a miracle time-saver and aggravation-saver for me. I will share this more now from that standpoint. He blesses us even when we don't ask. Love the ways of our Father, Amen. *** pure JOY from Him ***

    1. Oh MadFox, you are so right-- "pure Joy from Him." Love this story. This was the first time I read about 'the cell phone'. What a Gracious, Merciful, Loving, Faithful Father God we serve!
      I ask the Lord to baptize you afresh in His Love, Grace and Abundant Life! Blessings to you and your family.😊👍🙏

    2. Thank you, Madfox and agree, He blesses us even when we don’t ask and He often also blesses others through us, though we may not be aware. ‘Love the ways of our Father, Amen’

  50. Father God, Thank You for surrounding dear Brie and Larry with a mighty hedge of protection and for granting them traveling mercies. Bless and heal them in every possible way and return them home safe and sound, and renewed and refreshed. Thank You for this and for granting all our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Psalm 91:14-16
    “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
    I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
    He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble;
    I will deliver him and honor him.
    With long life I will satisfy him,
    And show him My salvation.”

  51. I am grateful! Thank you Jesus!

  52. Praying for our dear Brie and Larry’s traveling safety and protection from all harm and sickness. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  53. Heading to bed too weary to write, Dear JC Family. I ask for prayers: all of the plans for my DH's next surgery (6/19/24). That I keep it together: all of the meds; plans to stay the night out of town with him in ICU Wed nt; rest for my weary mind, body. I cannot afford to be this tired. He is doing GREAT! For that I am thankful. He was discharged from PT today; he's strong and ready for next week's Carotid Surgery. I, on the other hand, am weary; juggling too many balls in the air and not practicing what I preach. Please pray for a turn-around for me. I pray for all of you - read posts or not...our God is an Awesome God!

    1. Praying all will go well because our amazing and powerful God will be leading your Best Man’s Carotid surgery on Wednesday and He will strengthen your weary body, mind and heart. Trust in Him completely and tell Him everything that concerns you. I sure tell Him how I feel all through my days. He already knows you need peace and strength. Blessed Assurance! Jesus is ours!! He is always with us so Rest in Him, dear sister. Praying for answers to all our prayers. Thank You Lord!

    2. Joining in prayer for you, your DH and your family as you prepare for and go through the week ahead, the surgery on the 19th and the after care. May you find rest and refreshment in Him each day, He is holding both of you.

  54. Praying for you Norah that you find that peace which surpasses all understanding during this trying season.
    Praying for traveling mercies Brie.
    Praying over all the JC family.

    Lord as I pray for all the intentions of your children gathered here, help us all to surrender everything to you, to trust you completely, to be obedient and let You take care of everything else.
    I am reminded of the peace found in of Psalm 27:14- “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”
    May you be blessed and rest well.

    1. Amen and thank you dear Rich C. Praying with you and for you and your daughter. Trusting in God’s faithfulness.
