Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 15

Rest in Me, My child. This time devoted to Me is meant to be peaceful, not stressful. You don't have to perform in order to receive My Love. I have boundless, unconditional Love for you. How it grieves Me to see My children working for Love: trying harder and harder, yet never feeling good enough to be loved.
     Be careful that your devotion to Me does not become another form of works. I want you to come into My Presence joyfully and confidently. You have nothing to fear, for you wear My own righteousness. Gaze into My eyes, and you will see no condemnation, only Love and delight in the one I see. Be blessed as My Face shines radiantly upon you, giving you Peace

John 15:13
English Standard Version

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
Zephaniah 3:17
English Standard Version 

The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.
Numbers 6:25-26
English Standard Version 

the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you LORD for loving me unconditionally. If I had been the only one in the world you would have died for me.

    1. Beautiful! and... so true. Jesus finds each and every being worthy of his love. That is beyond human comprehension

    2. Still true today, Sassy Mom. How generous and glorious!!

    3. Praise God for this wonderful confirmation and affirmation that I am on the right track I been seeing 9-15 over and over like so many times everyday I didnt get the meaning I use to think since that's my birthday its cursed prior to being saved not only is it a blessed year its Jewish new year. What the devil meant for evil God turned it for good hallelujah Glory to God blessings everyone and thank you for doing this post may God bless your efforts. And I have sarah young is book 40 days with Jesus so beautiful love it.

    4. A blessed and happy birthday to you, "Unknown". You are loved and known by our Lord, on 9-15 and every day!

    5. Happy Birthday unknown! God bless you

    6. Amen Sassy Mom!
      I love today’s devotional and scriptures so much! Gaze into my eyes and you will see no condemnation Just Pure Love!
      I love you Jesus! I trust you Jesus!
      Prayers, Love and blessings from Texas

  2. Heavenly Father, I thank you for boundless, unconditional love and constant presence in my life. Too often I turn from you and try and manage my own life alone only to find myself broken and empty. I pray that I keep my focus on You in everything that I do.

    1. Jeff- I don’t know if you still read this blog, but i wanted you to know how much I enjoy your prayers.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Anonymous, Amen! Jeff, you have a gift.

    3. Me too brother Jeff. Missing your heartfelt prayers. Blessings wherever you are.🙏💞

    4. Yes, Jeff, I am also missing you and thanking you for putting your prayers down in words for us to savor forevermore. Thank you God for this incredible JC Family, wherever each member may be. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Praise you Lord for this awesome affirmation. I have been following this book daily through some very tough times recently and it never fails. It is right on point. Gives me total peace.

  3. Thank you to whomever took the time to put this together so that we could just look it up and read it every day. I start each day with this reading and it helps me to get through some really rough times in my life right now. Thank you for the work you did and for being here for me now.

    1. AMEN!!!!! I also begin my day with this blog.

    2. I know! I'm so grateful I have the book but sometimes I don't have it on me and this helps so much

    3. Amen! I am so incredibly grateful for this as well! Such a blessing! Love the book and have given it to many as gifts. This Blog is extra special. Praise God for using Mr. Payton as a vessel ofGods word and for Sarah Young for the wonderful devotional book! Prayers for each of our JC family. Thank you Heavenly Father for your perfect love and peace.
      Texas friend 🥰

    4. Brandy - I also have given this book to several people. Have even led groups as we gather and read the verses and one verse can lead to another etc. We may have several versions and enjoy hearing all the different study bible comments. Makes for a great study group. jw

    5. Such a great idea. Love it!! Thank you J W.

    6. Such a blessing every day! Today’s devotion was all about the intimacy God invites us to experience. He wants to be close to us so we can feel His love and know how much He cares about us. He is always closer than our own breath and even the beating of our own hearts. When He says Come to Me, He means it.

    7. Yes! This is a great way to start each day.I also forward to a new believer as she is not really growing in her new faith. So this daily reading is planting seeds that God will water and grow!

    8. That's wonderful Bridget! You are leading her to know Him better every day. Just as we all are doing. Closer and closer.

    9. I'm so happy and at peace each day when I read this. It's almost like I can hear Him whispering his message in my ear. I read the book in the morning and re-read it through the day as I'm out and about. I am seeking with all my heart and soul. And I have found Him.

  4. So much of our world is based on conditional love and we play along, doing things so people will like us, applaud us, or honor us with praise. We even play the same game within our soul, feeling good about ourselves when we do something good, and getting down on ourselves when we fail. This unconditional love spoken of in today’s reading is a foreign experience to the world in which we live. Jesus calls us out of this fallen world into the Kingdom of God where love is unconditional. Maybe a good place to start is with ourself for when we love ourselves conditionally, we vacillate between pride and depression according to our works. As we begin to love ourself as God loves us, then we can fulfill correctly Jesus’ admonition to love others as we love ourself so that they will experience the unconditional love of God as well. Lord, come to my assistance, make haste to help me.

    1. Wow. Very well said. I was just telling my friend today it is almost impossible to grasp the depth of His love because it's like nothing we have to compare it to here on earth. Bless.

    2. Thank you Bob. It seems important to know this / experience this personally.

    3. So much love, joy and peace in these words. Lifting up so many people! Heading off to our HeArt Therapy group. We share JC to kick off our morning:)

    4. I'm putting this suggestion from Bob on my to do list:
      Maybe a good place to start is with ourself for when we love ourselves conditionally, we vacillate between pride and depression according to our works. As we begin to love ourself as God loves us, then we can fulfill correctly Jesus’ admonition to love others as we love ourself so that they will experience the unconditional love of God as well. Lord, come to my assistance, make haste to help me.
      Thank you!

    5. Beautiful words and truth. We must all try to see ourselves and others through the eyes of God. In our imperfections He still sees us as His sweet dear children who still have a lot to learn. He accepts our shortcomings because they are part of us. Let us love others in the same way.

    6. I always wondered how I could love my neighbor as myself during those seasons when I do not love myself. And, now I know...I can't. The second greatest commandment needs me to love myself as God loves me, then, and only then, can I correctly fulfill Jesus’ commandment to love others as I love myself, so that they too will experience the unconditional love of God as well. Lord, come to my assistance, make haste to help me. I ask. I Pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. May we love others the way Christ loves us. As a parent may we show our children love in all that they do . God still loves us despite our ups and downs, may He teaches to have that love for everyone.

    8. Dear Brie, I understand how hard it is to love others and forgive them when we can’t even love and forgive ourselves. Remember all the times God forgave us for our mistakes and sins and still loves us with a perfect love. We must even forgive those who did us wrong and try our best to love with His unconditional love. We are drawn closer to Him when we show mercy and loving kindness to others even when it’s difficult to do it.
      Amen Min Ahadi! You spoke right. We love because He loves us.

    9. Amen. Thank you Lord for leading me through all of these steps in that direction of loving others as you love me.

    10. Thank you Bob! To see through the eyes of Jesus! Hallelujah!

  5. Heavenly Father,
    Open my eyes, I want to see the world through the eyes of Jesus. Teach me to love You, Lord. Show me how to place You at the forefront of my life and my thoughts.
    Help me to center my life around You and grow in obedience to You.

  6. I try to come to you hopeful and joyful but with all my problems it's so hard especially when I dont know what's going to happen with those problem and I have so much worries

    1. Dear unknown, please do not give up!!!!!!!!! I found this prayer on worry.

      This is a good prayer for ALL OF US.

      “Dear Father, I admit that I often forget that you are with me. I often forget what you’re like. Would you please forgive me for that? I need to get to know you better. I need to get to know your Word and your promises better. Help me to put you first in every area of my life. Help me to live one day at a time. Help me to not worry about tomorrow but instead focus on what you’re doing in my life right now. I want to trust in your promise to take care of every one of my needs — financial, relational, physical, social, spiritual, and emotional. Help me to trust you more and worry less. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

    2. Dear Unknown unknown. I have experienced great joy in the simplicity of thanking God for everything...especially the places in life He has allowed me to be. When I thank Him for my problems & admit I only have control over my attitude & my tongue, He always brings another special person in my path to see a new perspective & a way to get through the next hurdle. Give thanks for all things. I Thessalonians 5:18

    3. Thank you Unknown. I needed to read this 🙏😇

    4. F.A.I.T.H. Fear. Anxiety. I'll Trust. Him

      Today my car broke down but I was at peace because I knew it was not in my control. I also remembered to be content with the circumstances.

      1 Peter 5:7. Give your burdens to the Lord for he cares about you

    5. Thank you Jody. I hope that peace continues to dwell in your spirit and life!

    6. Yes! TGFE: Thank God for EVERYTHING. He alone can make it all work together for good!

    7. Wonderful advice and truth!! No matter what is going on, just keep thanking and praising Him! Keep Him reigning in your heart and put Him in the center of your lives so everything will come together for good.

    8. Good reminder! Keep thanking God in all circumstances. He promises to be with you, so no matter what your going through God is right there reach out and hold His hand.

    9. I am learning that worry is functional atheism. HMMM! Dear Lord, would You come to my aid, and hasten to help me? In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  7. unknown unknown...God sees you coming to this blog each day for hope and guidance and knows you are trying...keep the faith! He loves you very much!

  8. All I have needed thy hand hath provided, "Great is thy faithfulness." Thank you Lord for your abundant undeserved blessings.

    Repeating the prayer I wrote in 2018.

    Heavenly Father,
    Open my eyes, I want to see the world through the eyes of Jesus. Teach me to love You, Lord. Show me how to place You at the forefront of my life and my thoughts.
    Help me to center my life around You and grow in obedience to You.
    Mercy, Grace, Love and Peace to my JC Family

    1. Good Sassy Mom (our early love bird), sending morning blessings and peace to you this Sunday. God bless you and keep you faithful and strong!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen! Thank you for this post, Sassy Mom. I have read it a few times and am in agreement with all. Help me Lord to accept and provide unconditional love. CO

    3. Amen Sassy Mom!!
      Blessings from France

    4. Thank you Sassy Mom for sharing. God bless 🙏.

  9. " My peace I give you my peace I leave with you "

  10. I find it disturbing we havw to prove we are not a robot and not trusting in the Lord about publishing here. ��

  11. What a blessedness, what a joy divine to be in the Presence of my Father this Sunday morning. You have awaken me and my household and blessed us with the gifts of today. I say THANK YOU dear Lord. May Your Holy Spirit empower me to rest in You this day and not get carried away with its distractions.

    Morning glory and blessings to you all my JC Family. This Sunday (mid-month), may we accept this love that God has given us which is like non other and wear it in our minds, bodies and souls, totally and completely!
    Lets take time today to rest in the Sovereignty of God's Holiness and receive His blessings of NO condemnation, just His radiant light shining brightly upon us. This is the King's desire for us and we are blessed to have a Father like His Holiness! Praise His name and rest in Him today!

    May ALL your heavy burdens be lifted up knowing that you choose to REST in HIM!
    Stay blessed and enjoy this Sunday of worship and praise to the KING!


    1. Amen dear Maplewood! Resting in the Lord who loves me and cares for me. Today will be a bright and sweet day in His presence.

  12. Glory be to our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be Amen! Happy Sunday to all. Thank you Sassy mom, Maplewood for your beautiful uplifting prayers.

    1. Yes! Amen! I also thank you for your uplifting and loving prayers
      God bless you all 🥰
      Texas friend

  13. I pray to the Holy Trinity to help me manage my anxieties and depression.

  14. I love God by my whole heart, and i will stay in his house for ever because he care for me . he allways in my side when i am weak. I wanna thank you Lord because i was born in 15 September. Thank you Jesus. I love you for ever and ever more. Nama

    1. You are a gift of God, Nama, to all whom you love and who love you. You can add all of us who visit this blog to that list. Have a blessed day.

    2. HAPPY Birthday, Nama!
      The Lord's Face radiates with JOY because of you; may He continue being Gracious to you, showing you His FAVOR,  and giving you His LOVE and His Peace! I ask. I pray. I thank! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Happy Birthday sweet Nama! Have a wonderful and blessed day!
      It is also my grandson’s Birthday. He is 2 years old today. God bless you both in all things.

    4. Happy Birthday Nama! God is so good.


    Staying with drawing parallels of a 'date' with a lover/dear family member or friend that was started yesterday. So after the initial hug/handshake and other forms of expression at delight, the two of you sit down. How does the conversation begin?

    As you begin your time with our Lord, how do you begin? (I would welcome you sharing how you begin through replies to this question.)

    What I would like to show you in the coming days, some of the traditional practices used by devout believers over the centuries in their quiet time with the Lord. These are developed in 'The Liturgy of the Hours', the practice of communing with the Lord as the psalmist said in 119:164, 'Seven times a day I praise you...' In showing you some of these prescribed elements of the devotional time, I am NOT, I repeat NOT, in any way or form suggesting you structure your devotional time. As the JC reading above said, this time with Him must be relaxed and not stressful. To follow a strict form for devotional practice would be stressful. As you would destroy your 'date' with the loved one if you tried to follow a prescribed pattern for your time together, so too, you would strangle the love in your devotional time with our Lord if it was structured. That being said, I would like to show you the steps that have been used very effectively by many devout believers throughout the centuries for the purpose of you to capture the spirit of these steps as you commune with God in your own way. I repeat, these are not mandates but thoughts/suggestions from people who have been greatly blessed in and through using them. I will begin to show you these steps in the coming days.

    Have a blessed day, my dear friends in Christ. See yo tomorrow, Lord willing. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob. We are looking forward to your suggestions!
      I like to start my time with the Lord by thanking Him for His blessings, telling Him what's on my heart/my worries, and asking Him to reveal to me what He wants me to know/do. Then I take a few minutes to listen to soaking worship music as I stay quiet and calm in His Presence.

      Blessings from France

    2. I start my day praying the rosary and reading this blog. It just feels good. I look forward to Bob's thoughts and suggestions. Thanks! KS

    3. BFF- me too. I begin my time with the Saviour by thanking Him for yet another day to enjoy God's green earth! To thank Him for everything, good & uncomfortable circumstances. I invite His presence to walk with me, here I name each of my family members. I boldly but humbly approach Him with all that concerns my walk with Him. It's all about "Him", I want to lose all consciousness of my flesh & soar in my spirit with Him for that is the core of worship. I sometimes break out in a song, my song, for Him. I am reminded that I was created to worship Him. I could easily, "blah, blah,blah, in length but it brings such sweet peace to really not say too much, He hears my heart, besides , when you've found that Holy place of worship, no words created will suffice when your very soul & spirit is lost in worship to the living God. That's my take on intimacy with the Saviour.

    4. Looking forward Bob on your take 🥰.

    5. I too look forward to the coming days and your suggestions, Bob.Thank you!

    6. As you begin your time with our Lord, how do you begin?
      The moment I wake up, before I put on my makeup, I sing a prayer: Good Morning Lord! Your night has passed just like You said it would. Once again I wake up to find You working all things together for good. Your light is coming like your light always does, so my heart ignites with love for You Who shares My day and watched me throughout the night. I know You know the path that lies ahead, in fact, I'm sure You do. Would You take my hand in Your Hand for the walk that's been prepared by You? Your joy and gladness is forever here because of Your Sweet accord. So in the comfort of Your Sweet Loving Arms, I say, GOOD MORNING LORD! AND THANK YOU! For the night and for your early morning light. Thanks for rest and work and food and play, for helping me grow more loving every day. Thanks for helping me do the things I could, like being to others kind and good. And when this day too shall end, thanks for having blessed all those I love. Amen!
      I then play praise music while Hebrews coffee! With cup in hand, I read and write down the scriptures to apply them to my life this day. I also discern one or two QUICK WORDS that agree across all the Scriptures I read for use during those times throughout the day when I cannot read. I read Sarah Young, then I meditate, and during meditation I always experience the Presence of God. I then go into the JC Prayer Warroom and thank all who were on the Prayer Room Night Watch, pray for all who are and will be in the Room.
      When I can't sleep, I come straight into the JC Prayer Warroom and take my turn on Prayer Night Watch Duty, covering, and blanketing our entire JC Family with prayers and His Big Loving,Fluffy, Sweet Smelling Comforter!
      Then I go about my daily TODOS while a singing, a praising and a praying! Time for all of the above was made possible by Pandemic Layoff and Isolation!

    7. PS Since I cannot get there this year, I also read a Devotion From The Beach!

    8. Wow, Brie! How beautiful that pandemic has brought you closer to God! Some days I start with journaling, most work days I start here, reading all the past and current posts. If I have had vivid dreams, I thank the Lord and ask for insight to them. I thank. I ask. I pray, in Jesus's name amen. 😉

    9. Dear Brie, so comforting to know that you cover us in your warroom. Especially when your on night duty. Bless you dear sister🥰

    10. Amazing Brie! I wake up thanking Him for the new day and all the things He has set before me. I thank him for all my blessings, do my devotions with my Mom and Sis and then just lie still and talk to Him with my Heart.

    11. Thanks Bob, I’m looking forward to reading your suggestions.

    12. I do my best to stay in His presence all day and share His light and hope. I have such a long prayer list that I pray whenever I can throughout the day. I know our loving Father hears all my prayers is busy healing and working on our needs and problems. Sometimes I’m still finishing my prayers as I lay down to sleep. God is forever faithful so I wait on Him.

    13. So sweet Brie. Your heart is so soft.

    14. How amazing this focus is with all that you are adding to and expanding upon to the thoughts that I have raised. Hearing of your own spiritual practices is a great blessing and gives me more to think about in my own devotions. I never saw this working out as it has but the Spirit definitely did to be yet another source of blessing in this gathering of the saints in this blog. Thank you to everyone for 'playing along'.

    15. I start my time with Him by saying something like 'Good morning Lord Jesus, welcome to my day,I open myself fully to You,come in'.

    16. I love that Peter! I always Thank Him for my new day and ask Him to help me be a light to others. Sometimes I say Please make me a better person and remind me to stay in Your presence.

  16. Thankyu, Bob. I am looking forward to your suggestions.
    I love the Divine Office as well as this blog.
    Funky 60s Granny

    1. Thank you, F60G, for your thoughts. I hope everything I share is respectful to the centuries old practice of the Divine Office. Thank you for sharing how meaningful it is to you. Your words are inviting to any one who is unfamiliar with the use of Divine Office in their spiritual practices. God be with you.

  17. I like to begin my devotional time by saying and meditating on the Lord’s Prayer. The Great House of God by Max Lucado is an excellent source that helps me break down and meditate on the prayer. It helps me focus on His presence here with me .

    1. Thank you for sharing, UK. I was unfamiliar with Lucado's book but I no longer am thanks to you. Ah the beauty of this blog where we can share with each other to make each of us better. God be with you.

  18. Loving Heavenly Father, Thank You that You have already gone before us and prepared the way today for Your glory. Thank You for laying down Your life for us. Teach us to accept Your open invitation to come empty and receive the rest we need. When we are weary and burdened, we come to You, knowing that You will give us rest. We will praise You oh Lord, who counsels us and at night our hearts instructs us. Because You are at our right hand, we will not be shaken, our tongues rejoices and our bodies also will rest secure. Help us to willingly release all fear, all worries, and all agendas to You. Silence the voices of doubt and speak Your Words of truth in us. Fill us with Your peace, joy, and love until we are consumed by Your grace, and our lives reflect the beauty of resting in You.
    For You alone dear Lord, are our Rock and our Salvation. In repentance and rest is our salvation, in quietness and trust is our strength. Thank you that there is no human experience that we might walk through where Your love cannot reach us. If we climb the highest mountain You are there and yet if we find ourselves in the darkest valley of our lives, You are there. Teach us today to love You more. Help us to rest in that love that asks nothing more than the simple trusting heart of a child.
    In Jeremiah 31:25, Ex. 33:14 and Psalm 127:2, all three men (Jeremiah, Moses and King David) experienced overwhelming seasons of trials and stress, but Your promise to them is still Your promise to us today. “I am with you and for you. I am your peace and I will give you rest.” This is good news for all those heavy hearted days! Thank You for establishing our worth by Your love. Every thought, every emotions, every gift and every flaw. May we move in all the pieces of our lives and stay ‘blessed as Your face shines radiantly upon us, giving us peace’! We thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for us. We offer this our prayer to You, in the matchless name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Such awesome words, Maplewood. I so needed those this morning. Thank you and may you and all of the JC family have a blessed day and feel His presence throughout this Tuesday as you navigate thru it.

    2. Thank you so much Maplewood! Joining in your beautiful prayer!

    3. The words we have heard before but not with the intensity in which you pray them, twin bd sis. The words lift us to the lap of our Heavenly Father where all these truths can be experienced fully. Thank you! God be with you.

    4. Amen Bob! Maplewood has been given such a wonderful gift to express so much with her words like a painter with his colors. She writes to move us with God's truth and message. Every day she succeeds beautifully.

  19. Please warriors, pray for #2 son & family as they travel out of state today & heading for their new adventure in Florida. It will be so hard to say goodbye. Let your will be done oh Lord.

    1. I hate those partings. Praying for God’s peace in your spirit. And much joy and hope from time you shared together. ❤️

    2. Praying Jan for you, son and his family, and that you get to enjoy visiting Florida!

    3. Thank dear sisters ❤️. Leave it to you Brie for packing my bags already!😄

    4. Went through the move thingy with my one and only. As one door closes, another opens! With Jesus, you got this Jan. As Brie sings, All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...❤️

    5. Praying for your son and his family that they will have safe and peaceful travels and all will go well! And that your concerned heart will find rest. Thank you Heavenly Father for this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ.

    6. Joining in prayers dear Jan!
      Blessings from France

    7. Praying for safe travels and new adventures to the glory of God, Jan. So let it be. May God grant peace to the loving heart within you as the devoted mother you are. God be with you.

  20. Thank you, M N J!! I love these verses:
    For You alone dear Lord, are our Rock and our Salvation. In repentance and rest is our strength.

    I’m not sure I do that quietness and trust dependence very well! It seems everything else in this world screams the opposite. That is probably why Sarah reminds us of not working for salvation, too.
    Thank you for your prayers!

    1. Very true. Love those verses too.

    2. GTT, why is it that when God wants to say something to us, He uses a still small voice amid the cacophony of deafening sounds of the world. I guess that is why quiet time with Him before the world starts yelling at us is such a blessing. Thanks for sharing. God be with you.

    3. Blessings inspire us all. Thank you Jesus!

  21. One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after:
    that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple. Psalm 27:4. Thank You Jesus for blessing me with your presence, love, protection and guidance.

  22. Today's Beach Devotion: BONFIRES
    LUKE 24: 38-39
    Jesus Himself was suddenly standing there among them, and greeted them. Why are you so frightened? Why do you doubt that it is really I? Look at My Hands! Look at My Feet! You can see that it is I Myself! Touch Me and make sure. See the marks of real LOVE! They stood there filled with JOY and LOVE!
    As the evening falls at sunset, a bonfire on the beach creates an atmosphere of calm camaraderie for all those gathered around it. When with Jesus and surrounded by our most loyal friends, and JC family, these ideal moments soothe and soften love in our hearts.  This allows a deeper yearning for the love of God, as this is how the world is "supposed" to always be: good, beautiful, kind, loving and lived out with loved ones. As real as this loving moment is, His LOVE is realer! And He is our soother. Like the warmth of a bonfire promising healing and relief, He welcomes us to joyously share our heart with Him!
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You help our JC Family come sit by Your BONFIRE and experience Your Goodness, Your Joy, Your Love, Your Reassurance and Your Reminder that You are making all things bonfire right? I ask. I pray. I thank. In The Name of Jesus.  Amen.

    1. Just loved that sweet comfort you gave me as I sit by God’s Bonfire! Thanks!

    2. I've heard it said sitting by a bonfire can be one of the most soothing life experiences. The other three: safely watching a storm in the distance, watching snow gently falling, and listening to waves coming to shore. Things the Lord has put in this world for our peace and our blessing. Thanks for sharing Brie! God be with you.

    3. Lord, help me see the potential of fire as a blessing and not a curse. So many have a viewshed of scars, covered in ashes and footprints of lost homes and business. In your time Lord, all things are made new. We repent, we ask, we pray in Jesus'name amen. And goodnight warriors, thank you night watchmen and women!

    4. Bob I loved the visions your words just gave me! So comforting and soothing. I'll just keep reading them and seeing them with my mind's eye and my heart.

    5. I will add to the bonfire story. When Peter was warning his hands before he denied Christ, he would have been doing so over a charcoal fire. When Christ was cooking on the beach, it was also a charcoal fire. We know that the sense of smell is a strong memory trigger. It took Peter right back to his moment of weakness which is exactly where God met him and forgave him. AR Gal

    6. WOW! So true. Thanks for the add, Anonymous AR Gal.
      The smell of Jesus stoking the charcoal bonfire on the beach until forgiveness flames out!
      I'm all in.

  23. Dear Lord thank you for reminding me that your love is unconditional. I don't need to earn it and in the process of earning it feeling inadequate. Your love is not contingent on how much I do for others, or accomplish in my life. But rather your love is constant and always available to me. Amen.

    1. Amen ABC! We will always fall short of pleasing Him. Don’t feel guilty about inadequacies. He wants our relationship with Him to be a sweet and easy one. We are His beloved children even with our many flaws. He is a discerner of hearts and knows we love Him above all. He will help us with our failings. We can only do our best and realize perfection is not found in this world. Much love!

    2. And just think, ABC, God is unable to contain Himself in His love for you thus He let it all out on the cross. You are so loved! God be with you.

  24. Jesus, thank you for loving me unconditionally, Your love readily available at any time without having to earn it. Please help ke to remember this. Your constant presence in my life is such a comfort. I am sorry for the times I turn from You and try to operate on self will only to end up lost and empty. Lord please help ke to remember what a gift Your endless live truly is.

    1. To think about it as you have here, Mark, leaves one overwhelmed with just how incredible God's love is. Thanks for posting. God be with you.

  25. Mark, That’s the key, Try not to operate only on “self“ and include Him in all you do. We are so blessed to have His very present Help at all times. Amen! What a comfort!

  26. At one time we too were foolish, disobedient and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we’ve done, but because of his mercy.
    Titus 3-5

    1. Amen Sisters Keeper! He is so merciful that He will follow us in our unrighteousness just so He can pick us up and put us back on the straight and narrow. I always think of the good thief that was with Jesus at the end. Mercy followed him to his last breath and he was saved by his faith.

  27. Zephaniah 3:17
    The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
    he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
    he will exult over you with LOUD SINGING:
    I am just noticing the "loud singing" and am loudly singing 10000 REASONS!

    1. Keep singing Sweetheart. We sure can use you in our Choir. I'm one of 6 singers and one is moving away. I always say God is the extra Alto. I am one of 2 altos and the other one is the choir member moving away. Guess I'll be singing louder. Hope I don't make too many mistakes.

    2. Jeanne, are you the new choir director yet? 😉♥️

  28. Thank You Jesus. I also wanted to thank all of you for the prayers for me. I am feeling better. Thank you all. God bless you. I am so grateful to have you all in my life. Praise the Lord continually and always.

  29. Thank God Janet! My prayers are being answered. You are a dear sister to me and I'm grateful to have you in my life too!

  30. Putting this here for the early risers. Please be praying for my sweet daughter Chloe. We went for her dress fitting today(tues), and when we got home she burst into tears. Wedding is scheduled for Oct 16th. She's feeling very confused and kind of sad because she has some concerns about her relationship with her fiance. She feels/fears that they don't have as much in common, and that he has had some anger issues and they both are very strong headed and he seems to keep "pushing buttons" and then tempers and feeling escalate. It isn't all the time and not even daily, but still there. They are both believers and both very involved in church and our youth programs. Prayers for the right mentor type person that Evan respects could come along side him and talk w him. For peace and clarity for both and God's will for each of them and their relationship. For them to hear/see God's direction. They are going through pre marital counseling, but aren't really "clicking " with the mentor couple leading them. Prayers for the people God chooses to use to come along side each of them. For alleviating fear and confusion, and giving them peace and clear direction, and communication. For my hubs and I to know how to support them both, no matter what they decide. Much love and prayers to you my precious JC family of prayer warriors. I'm so thankful we can come together in prayer before our God. Mindy

    1. Praying the Lord sends someone into their lives that will bring light and clarity into focus for them both. May their love be apart of the Lord's plan. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Praying dear Mindy for this concern. All I know is that God is faithful, if they both seek Him hand & hand, He will answer them. Confusion is the favorite tool of the enemy. Either the enemy is in fear of what the union of these will bring to kingdom work or they need to earnestly seek God if this is the union He intended for them. Ask, seek & knock until they get an answer. Protect these two oh Lord of heaven from the fiery darts of the enemy in Jesus' name. Amen!

    3. Mindy- praying for you and your beloved Chloe and Evan. God is with you and He is mighty to save. ❤️

    4. Praying Engaged Encounter prayers for you, hub, Chloe and Evan. Dear God, Thy Will Be Done in Jesus' Name. Amen.❤️❤️❤️❤️

    5. Praying for Chloe and all as the pre wedding stress can be overwhelming. May the Love and Peace of God surround them, and you, Mindy in these coming weeks.

    6. Joining prayers that God will smooth out all the tension in their relationship. Chloe and Evan both love the Lord. He knows their fears and insecurities. They will never have the perfect marriage because it doesn’t exist. A good marriage requires work from both sides. A good marriage needs to be nurtured like a garden and there will always be ups and downs but true love forgives, encourages, comforts and builds up. Praying that God will bless Chloe and Evan with true love and peace of mind, and lead them to a beautiful life together blessed in Christ.

  31. I need your prayers. My husband is full of hate and resentment right now and that has fueled abuse of alcohol which just makes his resentment worse. Please pray for him and my family because this is getting harder to bear.

    1. We will pray with Anonymous. The spirit of aalcohol would have no power of him and leave him alone. He is a child of God and should not have any bondage. We rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus ! We thank God for the transformation you are going to do in Anonymous husband's life . Amen

    2. Praying the Lord removes the evil that has entered into your husband's life and replaces it with goodness and peace. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    3. Joining in prayer for your husband's deliverance alcohol. Come to the rescue of this family oh Lord, shield them from the destroyer, push back the forces of evil who wars against this family, in Jesus' name. Amen!

    4. Joining my awesome sisters in prayer for you, that God removes the desire for alcohol from your husband. Lord, please make the taste of alcohol unpleasant for this man so that it removes his desire and its stronghold over him. By doing so, may it clear his mind and eyes to see the gift of his family before him and that he feels the desire and want for You, Father, in his life. Praying for you and your family, Anonymous, knowing this is not easy to see or live with. Our God is MIGHTY and as Jan said, can push back evil and strongholds! Sending peace for you and your family. In Jesus' great name, AMEN!

    5. Joining in prayers.
      Get out of their lives satan, with all your empty promises and evil works. Come Lord Jesus Come and Reign Master Jesus Reign. Amen.

    6. Joining in these prayers, amen!

    7. Dear Anonymous. I could feel the pain in your words. God really knows how you feel and what you’re going through. I understand how it is to have a husband who drinks. Mine drinks every day. We went out to eat yesterday in a nice BYOB place and he bought a bottle of wine and drank the whole thing by himself. I did have almost 2 glasses of wine which was a lot for me. Joining in prayers with my dear family for your husband. May God heal him of his addiction to alcohol and bring him joy, peace and fulfillment. May He renew the love between you and renew your relationship. May God help him with his temper and resentment and give him a strength of Faith. Thank You Jesus

  32. Hello there family. Do you remember when I shared about my car, trying to fix it and all the issues I was having with it ? Well someone on this forum said instead fixing that car maybe God wants to give a new car. I remember laughing in my head and saying that not possible ! Well guess what I found a lovely red car that is in my budget! Praise the Lord ! Pray that the car is in good mechanical shape, transactions go well and the seller is straight forward ......I cant think of anything else but I pray there will be no hurdles along the way. Praise God with me !

    1. Praying that the Lord guides this victory along for you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Dear Min, remember reading about Sarah laughing? God blessed her & He is blessing you dear girl. Praying all will go well. Amen!

    3. Yay!!! Joining in the praise for your little red car. Maybe you will name her Praise? ❤️

    4. SO awesome, Min! And God not only provided but delivered it in bright RED! God is AMAZING! So happy for you, Min! Blessings for you and may this car transaction go smoothly! Amen!

    5. Praying with all for all to go well in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Expecting the perfect outcome for this vehicle purchase in Jesus'name!

    7. What a blessing to have answered prayers. I always pray that God will supply you with a good working car! What a faithful God we serve! May it be in perfect working order and May everything go smoothly because God is in charge!

  33. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. (1 Corinthians 13:1-8).

    Loving Father, thank You for all the love You pour out constantly to us. You are wonderful. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. Help me to walk in a loving spirit. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen! We are surrounded by a love so strong and enduring that we can’t even understand it but we are blessed to be loved completely and forever.

  34. “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” Matt. 11:28-30.

    Loving Father, May we know the right answers and recognize that Christ Jesus is present with us in all our storm and know that You truly cared about us. You did not promise to prevent the storms in our lives and keep the world calm and still, but You did promised to ALWAYS be there in and through each one (Isaiah 43:2).
    Our call to rest is not just a call to trust You when it is convenient, but to also recognize and acknowledge our complete dependence on You at all times and know that You are willing to be in control when we just stop and let You take over. Entering Your rest, means that we are resting from the exhausting, unpleasant work of trying to earn our way to heaven or resting from the desire to prove our righteousness to You. Your care, provisions and protection was demonstrated through Your love on Calvary, so as believers, we can rest in Your grace because the work for our salvation was totally accomplished on the cross (Ephesians 2:13-16). Jesus provided the final word on the work for redemption, “It is finished” (John 19:30).
    That seventh day of creation reminds us of a perfect relationship with You, resting in a reflection of Your work for us. Thank You for the blessing of Your Face shining on us with the Peace that only You can give, and thank You that the final consummation of Your rest comes with Christ's return. And oh, what a day of rejoicing that will be! Your grace is indeed sufficient for us and I just want to give You thanks in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not fain” Is. 40:28-31.

    “Be still, and know that I am God” Ps. 46:10.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! Peace be with you.

    2. What a wonderful reminder that we can truly rest in Him who loves us and cares for us..We can rest because He is faithful and never sleeps. We can rest because He will fight our battles for us, solve our problems, heal us and our loved ones, and make things right. Hallelujah

  35. Lord, thank you for Your never ending love. Although I feel unworthy at times, I need only turn to You to for the peace You offer. Too many times I have turned away from You trying to manage my own life only to end up lost, broken, and seeking You. Today I choose You and want to to this every day. Than you for loving me

  36. Amen! We are loved with a complete and everlasting love.
    You are of great worth and value to your Loving Father and to us. We love you too.

  37. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRe2aOa-y_U
    Listening to this song before I lay my head down to sleep. Makes me think of my Best Man - he's so dear, feeling good; his positive, confident, self. The man I fell in love with in 1974. So very thankful for my life. Don't let me forget that, God. Appointments are coming together; quotes on the house are coming together. I am grateful. Today, was my first born's birthday. Forty two years ago today, I was ready to bust out of the hospital with my little man. He is, today, a strong, loving man - giving; confident; strong work ethic; loving Son, Brother, Husband, Father. I hope he knows where he got that strength. He was raised to know; but, it slips away in college, life. I believe with all of my heart he will remember, someday that it is only God Almighty who can give that kind of unconditional love and commitment.
    Good Night, JC Family. We thank you for your prayers. You are always in mine. Praying for your sweet sleep - I'm about to find mine.
    Love and God's Best. God is on the Night Watch.

    1. What a beautiful song! I have heard it before but never listened to it word by word. Thank you sweet Norah. Praying your neck is better and that God is healing and strengthening your "best man". Happy Birthday to your first born. Today is also my little grandson, Gabriel's 4th Birthday. Celebrate life and all of God's blessings. Amen it sure is only God who can give unconditional love and complete commitment. God molded your little boy into a good, strong and loving Son, Brother, Husband and Father.
      Goodnight sweet sister. Hope you wake up refreshed and have a blessed day in His Presence. .

    2. I had not heard that song before. So great! Praying for your bestest-man as well as you, Norah. May you both feel our Lord's hand in yours as you navigate the appointments and days ahead. He is our supplier, yes?! Supplier and healer of all our needs. Happy anniversary to you and your husband on the birth of your born! What an awesome day that had to be! Enjoy those happy memories! I have that same prayer for my son as well, Norah, and I believe as I know you do too that they will be led back to and let in our Father's unconditional love. Praying for strength, endurance, and healing for you and your bestest-guy. My go-to songs of late that have covered me so much are from Maverick City. If you can watch the videos for each...they're just awesomely-powerful:



      Joining God and our JC family and wrapping my arms around you and your husband, Norah, and Happy Birthday first-born!!!

    3. Thank you dear Norah for sharing that song. So soothing. It made me think of my man too. Over 50years has gone by for us. Praying dear girl for all the portions on your plate at the moment. The menu will change eventually, hopefully to grant you &, yours some good helpings of R&R. Happy Birthday to your son. You sound like a proud mama. God is good. Blessings on your day🙏💞

    4. Beautiful song. Thanks for sharing Norah. We are also Marriage Long Haulers, and this sweet song shares our sentiments.
      With all due deference to Paul Simon, we are Still Crazy (in love) After All These Years!

    5. Thanks NJS. I've sung Promises many times, and I appreciate your reminder to sing it many more. JIREH is so relevant in my life today. Love you lots, sweet sister friend in Christ!

    6. Thanks dear NJS! I have always loved that song, Promises and Jireh is just so beautiful. He is enough indeed. You blessed my day. <3

  38. Prayers for strength for me please. God knows my heart ♥️

    1. Sure thing! 🙏♥️

    2. I give you my prayers knowing He will give you His Strength! Amen.

    3. Sure thing!

    4. Praying for your strength, healing, peace and comfort dear Anonymous in Jesus' Name. Amen

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. So happy to be able to celebrate Gabriel's 4th Birthday today! He is such a treasure and a blessing to my life.

    1. So happy for you, Jeanne. Someone once said to me that grandchildren are the dessert of parenting. It SO is. Enjoy celebrating Gabriel's 4th birthday!

    2. May Gabriel always have Blessed Happy B'earthdays (and his parents and grandparents too!)
      May you feast on your parental dessert, Jeanne!

  41. I've so loved all of the songs. So blessed and thankful, for each of you and so appreciative of all of the prayers and togetherness. It was a LONG day - work, quotes on the house, etc. Messed my shoulder up taking books to the Library. Going to the Chiropractor in the morning. One of the songs was about all of the seasons in our lives. Our God never changes. Writing in my Gratitude Journal - always reminds me: much more for which to be thankful than not! Love and Blessings to each of you.

  42. Thanks dear NJS and Brie! So true. Grandkids are such sweet blessings from God. A smile from a dear little one can turn our whole day around. But today wasn't as we had planned. Sometimes things just happen. Gabriel's baby brother Nathaniel had a fever of 103 last night and this morning. Gabriel went to school and Nathaniel slowly got a little better. It was down to 101 when I got there in the afternoon. Gabriel opened some of his presents. But instead of the big family dinner and celebration, they just got him a happy meal and the family all ate McDonald's burgers and fries. I had made Chicken Curry with coconut milk, zucchini, onions and mushrooms in two pots. One with chicken and one with beyond chicken and tofu. So I went home and ate with Rick and Bryan. We had rice, green beans and a cucumber, arugula, avocado and tomato salad with lime juice, salt and a pinch of cumin and a pinch of sugar. Everyone enjoyed and now I'm going to catch up on some sleep now. God is so good!!! Going to see my Mom in the morning. I'll be keeping you in my prayers, dear family. Trusting all will go well because the Lord is at our sides and in our hearts. Much love.

    2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    Psalms 37:4 - Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

    Psalms 121:1-8 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

    Proverbs 30:5 - Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

  43. Gabriel probably loved being celebrated, especially if there was a toy in his Happy Meal.
    Glad you, Rick, and Bryan got to enjoy the adult version of a Happy Meal, which is gathering around the table together. As my dear Mom would say, family gathered in love and happiness make corn flakes with water taste good! Much Love, Brie

  44. Then He said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." (Mark 2:27).

  45. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, I am so grateful for You! Let me rest in Your loving arms and perfect sovereignty. I need You Lord. As Elizabeth and I travel to Ohio this morning, please grant us traveling mercies and open our hearts and minds to receive all that You have for us this weekend as we look expectantly to You Lord and trust in You. Change our lives and help us live for You! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    JC Warriors, please pray for me and my friend Elizabeth as we travel to Ohio for the weekend. I appreciate all your prayers 🙏. God bless!

    If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4).

    1. Traveling Mercy prayers are being said for you and Elizbeth, Janet, our sweet sister friend in Christ. Allelujah! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Dear Janet --- I ask, my Gracious Father God, to grant you and Elizabeth a safe trip to Ohio and back home again. Father, preserve them from all evil. Send a host of Warring and Ministering Angels to accompany them and protect them. I thank You and praise You, Father God, for granting them a safe and joyful trip. In Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN

    3. Dear Janet, praying for you all as you travel to Ohio. Praying for a stress free and safe drive.
      SC Anonymous

    4. Sending prayers of protection over Elizabeth and you dear Janet- that your travels may be safe and fruitful in Jesus ‘ name I pray in unity with all JC prayer warriors. Amen

    5. Praying you are surrounded with His presence and a hedge of protection.

  46. Dear Lord, thank you for meeting me each morning. Thank you for your unconditional love.
    SC Anonymous

  47. Dear friends in Christ, I ask you to pray with my for my dear husband. We are at Mayo and he had an open heart surgery 3 days ago. He had a few bumps in the road but successful surgery. However, yesterday after he walked around the nurses station his heart went into AFIB and they have been having trouble getting it back to normal. I know this is a good place to be for that to happen! I ask you to pray that his hard working heart would calm and relax and accept the normal sinus rhythm, and stay there. We should go home on sunday. Thank you so much my dear friends! I pray for all of you. Ellen

    1. Praying that your husband finds peace and faith and that his heart finds its rhythm on its way to a complete healing dear Ellen ❤️🙏

    2. Ellen, Praying God's healing Peace and Grace on the rhythm of your hubby's heart.

    3. Praying heartfelt prayers for you and your good hubby's heart ❤️ our dear Ellen. May God also keep him safe and guide his entire medical team to a Victory in Jesus. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  48. Echoing your prayer for Ellen and her husband.

  49. "I want you to come into My Presence joyfully and confidently. You have nothing to fear, for you wear My own righteousness."
    Song For His Presence:
