Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 23

Walk with Me in the freedom of forgiveness. The path we follow together is sometimes steep and slippery. If you carry a burden of guilt on your back, you are more likely to stumble and fall. At your request, I will remove the heavy load from you and bury it at the foot of the cross. When I unburden you, you are undeniably free! Stand up straight and tall in My Presence, so that no one can place more burdens on your back. Look into My Face and feel the warmth of My Love – Light shining upon you. It is this unconditional love that frees you from both fears and sins. Spend time basking in the Light of My Presence. As you come to know me more and more intimately, you grow increasingly free.
Psalm 68:19
English Standard Version

Blessed be the Lord,
    who daily bears us up;
    God is our salvation.  

1 John 1:7–9
English Standard Version

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 4:18
English Standard Version

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

Thoughts (2019)
A couple of weeks ago I started attending BSF, my brother and my oldest son have been asking me to attend for years and thought this would be a good time to get going with it, as well because my brother is now the weekly teaching leader. Right now, we are studying Acts, specifically Acts 2. It has been good to dive into the Word. I think what I appreciate about these studies is the questions, while not numerous, are self-examining. I notice as I age (52 now), I also seem to be more aware of my sin, but also thinking about more of what I spend my time doing and what I value. Let's face it, there are a lot of routines with life and going through the motions. Thus, it is nice to come back to the Word which sort of re-positions me and trains me, in Christ. Yet, I admit struggling with doing thing differently, yet this I see is a personal struggle, done on my own strength. One of the amazing truths I have been reminded of in this study is that the Holy Spirit is with me, in me, guiding me, speaking to me all the time, and shaping me, with the purpose of God wanting me to receive His power (Acts 1:8) in order that I might do great things (John 14:12) of being His witness. Today's reading talks of "the path we follow" and burdens. Psalm 68:19 says that "God bears our burdens." I John 4:18 says "love casts out fear."

My Prayer (2019)
Lord, I sense you speaking to me today about burdens and what seems to weigh on me each day, if I am not careful. I do realize that my time is spent often in service - serving my mom right now who is struggling through a multi-month sickness and my wife supporting her father 400 miles a way who recently had a stroke, and also continue to work my full-time job, serving my family - but I think the burdens I am speaking of are the thoughts and concerns and worries that often weigh me down when I am just preparing for the day or in between these acts of service or even when I am doing those acts.  And you are there saying - I got this. Lord, are there things you have called me to do through your word that I am not doing because I spend too much of time in fear or wondering about outcomes or results? O God forgive me. You have probably been speaking to me, but I'm too busy worrying to listen. Lord, I want to commit to knowing You more and letting you be in control. I will step aside and let you take care of it. Show me where you are working and how I can join you.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. First, thanks to all of you who lifted my family up in prayer and for the words of wisdom from those of you who have experienced brokenness in your own families. Your stories and encouragement give me hope. I haven't yet found peace, I'm working on it, and I know it will take time. In fact, today, I found myself even more teary and unsettled than yesterday. I was able to have a dinner date with my son which allowed us to have a tender and honest conversation, but it also opened my eyes to how deeply rooted the issues are between he and my husband. I find the reality of the whole situation becoming more overwhelming with each new stone that is overturned. There are so many layers there. Right now it feel like a huge mountain to climb. I have contacted a Christian counselor and pray that he can breathe truth and perspective into my son's heart and soul. I pray that the seeds of forgiveness with sprout and begin to grown in the hearts of all involved. I am weary, and I won't lie, I feel defeated and I KNOW this is much too big for me to overcome without help. So, I will continue to call out, "Jesus help me." Thank you for your continued prayers. My family needs them.

    1. Sharing My Heart--- You have the continued prayers of this JC FAMILY! Not to fear, the Lord will get you through this challenging time. He is faithful and He watches over his word to fulfill it.

    2. Joining you in prayer. Sharing my Bible Gateway verse.

      Romans 5:3-4 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, know that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character, and character, HOPE.

    3. I join JJ & Sassy Mom in prayer for your family Sharing my heart. The family unit is the enemy's major target. It's one of his greatest prize. If he can create a chasm between the priest of the home & the children, even better. Seeing our way through the smoke screen the evil forces creates is a lesson in grabbing God's hand & following Him. Trusting Him. Leaning on Him, until He gets your family through to the clearing. The Lord must have great plans for your son & family. Why else would the enemy bother? Hang in there dear ones. The Lord is near, He has not abandoned your cause. We warriors are on itπŸ₯°

    4. Sharing my heart, continued prayers, for you. May you receive blessings, comfort and peace. KS

    5. I am in agreement with the others. I will continue praying for you, your son and husband. One day at a time. Jesus hears your cries and is with you. Blessings, love, peace and forgiveness to you all! CO

    6. Sharing my Heart - You may not have found peace yet, but I think you have found HOPE. Hope is a HUGE step up from feelings of defeat and hopelessness. :) Continue to pray for you. Mary-OKC

    7. Sharing my Heart..I know how you feel and you simply just have to let go and let God. It's not I lay in bed emotionly exhausted one evening many many years ago I took my struggling husband and son's pictures and raised the pics up and held them until my arms could not..I surrendered them to my lord and savior and He took over from that point. There was times that I wanted to worry myself to exhaustion as before but I would simply repeat Jesus I trust in you..Jesus I trust in you over and over and peace would take over. They were both addicted to drugs and by the grace of God they overcame their addiction. Praise God almighty! My husband is with our lord now and my son is doing great. Thank you Jesus! Jesus loves your family very much; I pray that you feel His presence always before you. Our Lord hears your prayers and ours too!

    8. Loveconquersall --- Your post is so uplifting and encouraging. It always means so much to me to hear from people who have been through the "fire" and come out Victorious on the other side. Another GREAT defeat for satan--as it should be! Thank you for sharing and Great blessings to your family.

    9. Sharing my heart - it sounds like you have done everything you can possibly do. What more is there to do but surrender. Let God handle it from here. You can trust in Him. More prayers coming your way.

    10. Sharing my heart- it’s been 3 years since you posted re brokenness in family. How has it been since? I pray that God has restored the relationship between father and son πŸ™πŸΌ
      I too, have a son who hasn’t spoken to us for 6 years now. Although he acknowledges me and his dad during family events, he has stopped reaching out to us, stopped coming to visit us and hasn’t brought our grandkids over. Each day, I pray that God will hear me and restore our son to us. Only God’s promise in Hebrews 10:23 has kept me hopeful: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”

    11. Thanks Zen from Cali, sometimes the gift makes us question the GIVER. Yes! Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Praying with you. AMEN

    12. Thank you Brie, reading your response one year later. Please continue to pray for us. Nothing has changed but still hopeful according to Hebrews 10:23 πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜

  2. Paytonfamily, thank you for your honest prayer. Thank you for sharing your sincere heart and love of Our Sweet Lord Jesus. Thank you for helping us grow Closer to Him by letting Him work through you!

    1. Rebecca - AMEN!!!!! Teach me to love You MORE, Lord. Show me how to place You at the forefront of my life and my thoughts.
      Help me to center my life around You and grow in obedience to You.

    2. Amen! Thank you so much! CO

    3. PaytonFamily-today your words and prayer have hit their mark. Thank you for your ministry here. Mary-OKC

    4. “For whoever fears has not been perfected in love

    5. FATGER I approach YOU through YOUR son , my beloved savior JESUS CHRIST & praise YOU for this glorious day and new opportunity to do YOUR Will and scatter YOUR seed.
      Forgive me for going backwards, thankfully for only a few days, but that’s no excuse. YOU equipped me with strength, courage and the power to do what I’ve been pleading for and I stopped the daily notes/journals during our travels and various functions and failed to keep up on what i know is crucial to my success. So I praise YOU for putting me back on track, for this devotion that nearly 10 years later speaks directly to me and my circumstances. What an amazing FATHER YOU are.
      Please pour YOUR Holy Spirit upon me and guide every word and step .
      I have so much more to talk to YOU about, and look forward to spending that sacred time alone with YOU
      FATHER let YOUR Will be done and YOUR Kingdom come, and help us to do what we know we must in order t stay on the straight and narrow path
      In Jesus Christ name I pray

  3. How magnificent it is to know that a selfless sacrifice through God's plan gives us a place to return to and "bury it at the foot of the cross". There is no greater pardon than that. Love was given so we could lay our weapons down and seek forgiveness so we could, in return, LOVE. If you have worries and fears, shortcomings and failures, insecurities and lack wisdom, The lord- God the father takes it- ALL OF IT and calms the storm into his divine plan for you allowing all to be surrendered. What a beautiful way to find peace.

  4. Praying for your heart JJ. I know you're trusting God for the outcome. The warriors are on it! The enemy cannot rob your strength, joy and peace as you look to Jehovah Rapha! πŸ₯°

    1. Jan--- I love it when you say "We warriors are on it!" It puts the image in my mind of satan in a corner in a fetal position shaking in fear. 1 John 4:4 "Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world." Such a privilege to be a WARRIOR beside you Jan! Nothing like an early morning defeat of satan to get your day started right! Thank you for all your prayers. Great love to you, Jan. May the Lord bless you greatly!

    2. Love you Jan and JJ. Mighty warriors and sisters. May the Lord continue to bless you both.

    3. You are right aside of us Jeanne. A mighty warrior & sister also. May the Lord continue to bless you.

    4. 😘😘😘😘

  5. Prayers for all my brothers and sisters in Christ this morning.
    The reading this morning hits close to home. We must walk in the freedom of forgiveness. This is something I really have been struggling with lately. To forgive others, and myself, is difficult. I know that burden of guilt... If only I had done this, if only I had said that, what if... This is not only counterproductive, but is not God’s will for me. He calls me to live with him in the present, here and now. I’ve been told that’s the only place He can be found. So, I pray for myself and all of you that we be unburdened of our guilt and live each moment today with the understanding that we are exactly where we are supposed to be doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing, all according to God’s magnificent plan.
    Growth does not generally occur when everything is going well... It is during our greatest struggles that we acknowledge and accept our powerlessness and turn to the Lord for help. I thank you Lord for even my trials today as they point me back to you.

    Headed back to Illinois today after an awesome weekend with my son. I’m going to miss the Florida sun...

    A blessed day to all and may we all lay our burdens at the foot of the cross today and rejoice in all that Christ has done for us.


    1. Amen!
      I definitely have found more growth after experiencing much heartache and pain, finally surrendering to the Lord, when I should have all along. But He has been most patient with me, by my side, even when I was feeling alone. Thank you, Jesus!

      So glad to hear about your awesome trip with your son. Safe travels! CO

    2. To forgive others, and myself, is difficult for me too Dave. I know that same burden of guilt... If only I had done this, if only I had said that, what if
      I am praying for you. Would you pray for me.

    3. Dave & Brie, stand up straight & tall in the Lord's presence & the guilt the enemy loads on your shoulder will slide right off! Hallelujah!

    4. Yes! This snagged me this time in today's reading:
      When I unburden you, you are undeniably free! Stand up straight and tall in My Presence, so that no one can place more burdens on your back. Look into My Face and feel the warmth of My Love – Light shining upon you.

  6. Father, I sing to Your glory this morning:'You woke me up this morning and started me on my way..., You didn't have to do it, but You did'. Yes You did Lord and I sing out LOUD , You didn't have to do it, but YOU DID! Because You did, I have the joy and blessing to say THANK YOU! My brother is alive and on the road to recovery, family, friends, love ones, my JC family, we are ALL here because of Your mercy and grace, so THANK YOU Father.

    As You have forgiven us, may we strive and continue to walk in forgiveness which is an important requirement for entry into Heaven. Thank You for the freedom in it, the joy and blessings that comes from You as we allow You to unburden us and bury it all at the foot of the cross. AWESOME God You are!

    Thank You for Your UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and Grace that we don't deserve, yet Christ paid the price for us all! My grateful heart cries out to You this morning with praise and Thanksgiving. THANK YOU LORD!

    JJ, Sharing my heart, this body of believers (JC family), stand in prayers with you, interceding on your behalf to the MAGNIFICENT, WONDERFUL, FAITHFUL Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, believing for healing, peace, restoration, deliverance and ALL that you stand in need of. Just Trust Him!
    Father, in the name of JESUS the CHRIST, we surrender all the broken pieces to You and TRUST that You are putting them all together. Thank You Lord.

    May the ONLY Shining Light we need, rest upon all of you this new day and new week, in Jesus name.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood--- Bless you, bless you! I am soaking up EVERY prayer and it is beyond wonderful! And, the Lord is indeed, MAGNIFICENT, WONDERFUL, FAITHFUL. Continued prayers for your brother's complete recovery. Great blessings to you--In His Grip of Grace from Kansas

    2. Wow; what an uplifting post, Maplewood. Thank you! Thank you, Jesus, for all JC Warriors on here and in the background! CO

    3. Powerful encouragment dear Sister. Thank you so much.
      Amen and Amen.
      Father, in the name of JESUS the CHRIST, we surrender all the broken pieces to You and TRUST that You are putting them all together. Thank You Lord.

    4. And the church sign said, "When we surrender our pieces, He gives us His Peace"

  7. Good morning Lord and jc family. Thank you Lord for this blessed family that brings tears to my eyes. We bring all our struggles, fears, (spiritual and physical) we bring them to you; for you alone are the holy one, you alone are the most high Jesus Christ, our lord and savior. Thank you for answered prayer, for your mercy and love!

  8. Father God, I am so looking forward to the time we are all in heaven, to tracking down every JC FAMILY Member and giving you the BIGGEST, LONGEST HUG. Maybe, we ALL can have a group hug! Much, much love to ALL!!!

  9. JJ, I'm with you. I've come to love this virtual family that can pray together even though we are apart. It would be awesome to meet each of the group. We'll have to wait until we meet in HIS presence. Lord, thank you for Chris' diligence in creating and moderating this blog.

    1. 10-4 Yes, Yes, Yes! AMEN and AMEN! Thank you Lord and the paytonfamily for all that you are doing for this JC FAMILY!

    2. I feel the same way 10-4! Blessed we are and blessed we remain. My dear JC Family! We are bound together by our faith and our love of the Lord! We share the same hope, peace and joy in believing.

    3. That will be some wonderful reunion! I look forward to meeting you and hugging you up in our Celestial Home in the Sky.

  10. Yes! Prayers for All of our JC warriors and family! We love and thank you!
    Amen, Amen, Amen
    Texas friend πŸ₯°πŸ™

    1. You are in my prayers Brandy. And thanks for yours dear Sister.


    I left off yesterday, showing you how the invitatory psalms, specifically 95 & 100 provide a strong affirmation to God's supremacy (Psalm 95:3-5; 100:3). Both psalms then immediately put all things into perspective.

    Psalm 95:6-7
    6 O come, let us worship and bow down,
    let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
    7 For he is our God,
    and we are the people of his pasture,
    and the sheep of his hand.

    And Psalm 100:3 - "It is He that made us, and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture."

    These two psalms draw heavily upon the Israelite culture. They were a nomadic people and sheep played a vital role in the survival of the nation. They also knew full well that for sheep to be healthy and productive, they must be totally watched over and cared for because they have no ability to protect or defend themselves. It was totally up to the shepherds loving care if the sheep would be well off. This whole thought is brought into these two invitatory psalms.

    You and I are the sheep of His flock. On our own, we do not stand a chance. But we are not on our own, we belong to Him. Like a good shepherd would do, He is CONSTANTLY watching over us and addressing all our needs. He stands ready with rod and staff in hand to defend us against all malicious efforts to harm us. His goal is to make sure we are healthy and whole in spirit so we can lie down in peace. All needs are met and attended to. Though in our culture, this whole thought of being as defenseless as sheep is contrary to how we are told we should think about ourselves, only those who are willing to admit to the existence of "the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" as Paul describes in Ephesians 6 will gladly admit to the need of a Good Shepherd and we have one. Thanks be to God.

    The invitatory psalms help you to keep this proper perspective as you are coming into His presence, the Good Shepherd is drawing you near to Him in His loving care for you, a common practice of a shepherd in tending His sheep.

    May you safely graze this day and everyday. God be with you (didn't I just affirm that above?). With love, Bob

    1. I come into His Presence with thanksgiving and enter into His courts with praise this morning, because the joy of the Lord is my strength!

      Thanks bday twin for the message and insights today!

      God keep you blessed.
      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you for suggesting such powerful affirmations to start our devotion with the Lord! Psalms are so inspiring and we are so blessed by your daily thoughts, mon ami! God be with you!

      Blessings from France

    3. Baa I am His sheep.
      So Happy to be in the blessed fold. When I woke up today I was so grateful to feel the presence of the Lord. He was saying I am here and all is well. Don’t worry about anything. I lay there looking at the light flooding the room and feeling so still and peaceful knowing that He is my God, the Lover of my soul, and He knows every detail of my heart and holds my life in His mighty Hands.

    4. Thank you Bob. Well said!

    5. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ ❤️❤️❤️ πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  12. Thank You Jesus. You completely answered me, as always. You are so amazing Lord. Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

  13. Dear JC Family, God's blessings this early morning. I woke up way too early, but couldn't go back to sleep, so I came here to finally get to catch up with each post from the last few days.
    Yesterday was one long, dramatic day but God kept my heart safe as I plugged through it.
    We have lived in this house for 24 years this month. Many changes have occurred in our home and especially in our neighborhood. Families lived here and now many have become rentals. There are two houses, each owned by a single, young men who apparently have a drug business going. Yesterday our street got blocked off by a SWAT Team as they thought a felon who broke parole was hiding in one of the 2 houses. It went on for several hours, but they didn't find him. Daily, homeless people walk up and down our street with back packs, duffle bags - all going to one of these 2 houses. While all of that was going on, I took 3 calls from very desperate people - all in a row, asking for help with things I cannot possibly help them with b/c I do not write the rules for the things they need.
    I felt led to tell one I would pray for her (she said, "Well, I gave up on that a long time ago."), one I sent to another office that may be able to help (I had helped him get his disability almost 5 yrs ago, but he can't live on it - I can't change the amount). The third was a woman fighting for her 47 yr old daughter's life, who doesn't want help.
    Bob, your study on our intimacy with God has helped so much. Taking each thing to Him b/c He cares, expecting his warm welcome and love - what would I do without that? I've been praying for each of you as concerns come up and I ask for your continued prayers for me and my family.
    Things are good, for the most part, but the political tension, COVID, the lack of freedom as we always have are weighing on me, my family, friends (effecting weddings, etc) and the people calling daily for help.
    I find myself not taking the time to make the appointments I need to make or dealing with the things I want to change as I'm getting older. So, I am giving it all to Him who cares for me and will go try to get more sleep.
    Each individual is prayed for on this site. I'm so thankful it is here and I glean the Truth of God's Word in each of your posts - words of encouragement, sharing of your hearts and experiences and how God always delivers.
    Have a blessed day. Bob - I'll be reading more on your from your teachings. So timely.

    1. Dear Norah- It seems like you have alot going on in your life and around you. I just want you to know that you and ALL the circumstances you mentioned are being prayed for. Covering your neighborhood in the blood of Jesus and praying for all the people you encounter. Know that God is your refuge and strength and He has a hedge of protection over you and your family!

      God be with you,
      Maplewood NJ

    2. Norah- my goodness girl! You are surrounded with concerns. NO FEAR, GOD IS NEAR! Warriors are on it. Amen!

    3. Hi sweet Norah! Echoing Maplewood's prayers above. Each of your concerns are being prayed for. God be with you!

      Blessings from France

    4. Norah, joining in the ever widening circle of Prayer Warriors to let you know you have my prayers as well.
      I still pray for individuals by name, and recently I had to start an Events Envelope. In it I put all of the Events that only God can handle and resolve:
      satan, politicians, addictions, taxes, voting, neighborhoods, families, safety, pandemics, floods, fires, exploding mail trucks, schools, schoolchildren, joblessness, murders, divisions, social unrest, abuse (and the beat goes on) Each time an Event goes into His Event Planning Envelope, I sing 🎢🎢 He's Got The Whole World In His Hands...
      I leave it there and stop myself from entertaining it, worrying about it, and even re-reading it. It's His and I let it be. A year from now I may open it, but then again, I may not. Setting and Forgetting these events into His Event Planning Envelope allows me to focus on His Goodness in Praise and Worship Prayers (which always cause satan to flee) and I get more sleep. Love to you and our entire JC Family. Very grateful to God for all of you and this site. Blessings now and forevermore.

    5. Dear blessed Norah, God has chosen you to be poured out for the salvation of many. Truly, the day you described is evidence of that. This day on the Catholic calendar, Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, a.k.a. Padre Pio, is remembered. It is said of him that for fifty years of his ministry, pilgrims flocked to where he served to be reconciled to Christ through the sacrament of penitence. He bore physical sufferings and continual scrutiny but entrusted himself to the loving care of His Lord. "Pray, hope, and don't worry," he counseled. Worry is useless. God is merciful and He will hear your prayer." God be with you. With love, Bob

    6. Good morning, Norah! I am walking your neighborhood this morning, casting out demons who have no claim where the presence and light of the Lord shines. May the light in your home expand and cover the neighborhood, and give you peace. Some days, everywhere I look I see lost people trying to fill the hole in their hearts. It can feel overwhelming. As you pray into the hearts you see around you, know that the warriors are with you, and you can feel our collective strength. God bless you and your neighborhood today and every day!

    7. Dear Norah, Your plate is very full. May God put a hedge of protection around your neighborhood and guide the hearts of all those addicted and lost souls to Him who can make their paths straight. You have a very noble job in serving God’s people and doing your best to make good changes in their lives. His Spirit is showing you the way. I pray you get more sleep so your health will be good. God doesn’t want us to run ourselves ragged even doing good deeds. Sending you a big hug as I pray for you and your family. Much love.

  14. Dear Merciful Father, Thank You for Your gift of forgiveness. Jesus Your only Son, loved me enough to come to earth and endure the worst pain imaginable just so I could be forgiven. In spite of my failures and faults Your mercy still flows in and through me. May I demonstrate unconditional love even to those who hurt and offend me. Thank You for Your grace that is indeed sufficient for me. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

    Jesus told the story of a king who forgave a debt to one of his servants who begged for forgiveness. However, when that same man encountered one of his debtors, he refused to forgive him when the man asked and physically abused him until it was clear the debtor had no capacity to pay. At that point, the recently-forgiven man tossed his own debtor into prison (Matt. 18:23-34). He had received forgiveness earlier, but could not walk in it. This story ended with the king handing him over to the jailers to be tortured and pay back what he owed his master. Matt. 18:35 tells us:‘This is how our heavenly Father will treat each of us unless we forgive our brother or sister from our heart.’
    Bitterness and un-forgiveness will lead us down a dangerous path, but walking in forgiveness is choosing an amazing gift that changes our lives and gives us freedom in Christ!. It’s a choice that we must make because to forgive is to give up our rights or claim to get even, and it’s a decision we must make by faith. Forgive to be forgiven by your Father and be set free!

    Dear Father, We thank You for the power of forgiveness and choosing to forgive those who hurt us. Help us to walk in righteousness, peace, and joy, demonstrating our life here on earth through kindness, compassion and forgiving others, just as You forgave us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood- right on sister! Whenever I begin to entertain resentments, I do the "shake", you know, shake your body as if to shake it off! I want none of it! I whisper, " Father, I hold nothing against this person, I forgive". Continuing to pray for Adam, Janet & covering for entire family. Bless your day dear sister πŸ₯°

    2. My sweet sweet Maplewood syrup from NJ. Thanks for prayers for one of my struggles to always be a MERCIFUL Official. I read Matthew 18 often so there is always something there to remind me, along with those who are without ANY sin casting the first stone. Sin is sin. No gradations allowed!
      So if I have committed any sin, and another has committed a sin, before I can be forgiven, I must forgive. I want to but I don't always know how to. Thanks for your prayers. Even when I don't see Him, He's Working! Thank God for God!

    3. Awesome teaching Maplewood! Thank you! It’s so much harder to forgive those who have done us wrong but I always remind myself that God in His mercy has forgiven all my past transgressions which include all the stupid mistakes I have made in my youth. If He can do that I can forgive any wrongs and stop my sins of judging people for sinning differently than I sin. We all fall short of pleasing God. If we belong to Him we must walk in His mercy and love and extend it to everyone including our enemies. Amen my dear sweet sister! Un-forgiveness can only lead to bitterness of the heart. We must rid ourselves of that burden by forgiving those who may never apologize and who do not even know our hearts are burdened by their past actions or words. God can make it right and give us back our peace of mind. He can lead us to truly forgive them in our hearts and never look back again.

  15. Oh, dear Norah you carry suxh a heavy load. I thought of the parent support person that works with me through our local CMHA and how fervent she fights to get ours and other families needs met.
    Working through a flawed system and now with the covid regulations she can't meet face to face with a client unless it's an emergency. Lord pour your peace and strength into Norah and all the other social workers in each agency. Lord give them what they need to provide for their clients. Help them to place the burden of their work load at your feet. Give them strength and wisdom to hand over to you their own personal concerns and trust you to work out the details.
    Thank you Norah for being the intercessor for your clients. As a Mom/gram with 2 autistic children, another with pstd from all she was exposed to before she came to us I thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring about your clients. You have opened my eyes to how the workers feel, thank you!

  16. SassyMom- your are covered. Jehovah Rapha will heal that shoulder as He did the left one. Be expectant! Amen & Amen. Hallelujah!

    1. Amen to that, Jan! God is already working on Sassy Mom’s shoulder and we are thanking Him for His healing power and faithfulness. Can’t wait to hear that shoulder is feeling better!

    2. Jeanne - And all my wonderful dedicated praying friends, THANK YOU!!! You don't have to wait any longer!!! My shoulder is better, PAIN FREE!!! Yesterday my daughter did a 30 minute PEMF treatment on my shoulder. You can do a search on PEMF, it is recommended by Dr. Oz. Continually praising and thanking Jehovah Rapha for the healings I have been blessed with. Thank You Lord for my daughter who pursued and received her Doctorate in Naturopathy, alternative natural medicine.

  17. Garden swap went so very wellπŸ€—. So much laughter & joy as we walked around my garden for guest to shop. Then food, glorious good🎢. I shared the bounty from my fig tree as in fig preserves, cucumbers as in Buckingham Palace recipe for cuke sandwiches, mint tea, etc.etc.found homes for my plant babies and last but by no means least, Jesus was the guest of honorπŸ₯°

    1. Thanks for the Praise and Victory Report, Jan Gridley!
      🎢🎢 Victory is Mine. Victory is Mine. Victory today is Mine...
      God is so good to us.

    2. Sounds wonderful and delicious! So happy you had a glorious day! Praise God!

  18. Thank you all JC prayer warriors. I came through my gallbladder surgery yesterday great. I had a wonderful surgery team. I didn’t experience AFIB at all. Prayers were answered.

    1. Thank you Father for victory for this surgery for Unknown. Thank you for no complications with AFIB. Now oh Lord we ask for very quick recovery. Amen

    2. Wonderful! Jesus makes your heart strong, and recovery complete.

    3. Thanks for the Praise and Victory Report, Unknown! And for reminding us thatvGod is so good to all of us and He does hear and answer our prayers

    4. Joining in prayers of thanksgiving, Unknown. God is so good to bring you successfully through your gall bladder surgery. Praying for a quick recovery to His glory!

  19. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for the vastness of Your Grace, Mercy Love and Forgiveness.  Would You free our souls with Your Forgiveness, nurture our Spirits with Your Love, and help us to go forth and do likewise to others, just because our Father does? You forgive. You forget. You wash us clean. We reap Your Benefits. You expect us to pass them on.
    Today, would You help us decide to forgive? Not because the other person apologized, not because they deserved it, but because our souls need it and our souls deserve Your Peace! I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name.

    1. Amen and thank you dear Brie! Your perfect prayer is mine!

  20. Thank you to all who prayed for my eye Dr appointment on Monday. I passed the exam so I will be able to keep my driver's license for another year. There were so many wonderful posts and I appreciate your prayers more than you can imagine. I would like to touch on a few please forgive me for not remembering who posted what. The song The Lord bless you and keep you, was mentioned, when I read that I chuckled to myself because I had been singing it that very morning. At this moment as I'm trying to type this message of how grateful I am for all your interceding prayers I have my 3 year old pushing on my stomach trying to reshape it. I want to say "Honey if that's all it took I would have reshaped it years ago, "
    The prayer that said" make the appointment go so well that I would know God was there" I want you to know God did just that. They were so kind and it was interesting because they were able to have hands on experience with something they had learned in college. I'm legally blind because I'm part albino. Albinism affects your vision in many ways. One of the ways my vision is affected is I'm very light sensitive. The last time I had gotten my eyes dilated was at my first appointment with my previous low vision doctor, 41 years ago. I agreed to have them dilated which caused my headache to become a migraine. I was not myself until late yesterday. What I say about all of this is "Oh well, I had a headache big deal, GOD IS ON THE THROWN!!!
    Thank you Lord for holding my hand through this appointment and my life.

    As I sat in the eye doctors chair I kept singing praisres to the Lord and saying to myself "trust, trust, trust"
    Thank you Lord that I can always count on you!!

    I know my post is very fragmented, I have this wonderful little boy climbing all over me. Sometimes I get weary (about dinner time) ( I was just hit with a flying shoe).
    God gives me what I need to do his days that I'm living out here on this earth. Please don't think I'm such a much, I'm a Mom-Gram who knows I can only do anything of value through my Lord providing me with his strength and power.
    Praying for you all JC Warriors we are the body HE is the head, working in one accord.

    1. Wow! Today is Victory Wednesday! Thanks for another Praise and Victory Report, TERRI! Time to put on my my my my my my Victory Dancing Shoes!
      PS: I have my 3 year old pushing on my stomach trying to reshape it... As my Read Only Cousin once posted. Please let him/her know your stomach is FLAT; the "L" is just silent!

    2. Dear Terri, So happy your trust in the Lord and our prayers helped get you through your appointment God was in that room and He saw you through with flying colors. May Ge continue to bless and strengthen you as you care for that sweet bundle of joy!
      Dancing my Snoopy victory dance with Brie!

    3. Terri, celebrating with you darlin' girlπŸ₯°. Your positive attitude is endearing.

    4. God help, bless and keep all MommaGrams! Most I have met are Angels.

    5. Prayers for you, TERRI and for all of our award winning GrammyMommy's.

  21. Jeanne dear- may you have the sweetest visit with your mom. I will see mine in heaven. I miss her so much. Thank you for sharing the "becoming" post. Loved itπŸ₯°

  22. Today's devotion and The Word reminds us when we carry a burden of guilt on our back, then we are more likely to fall. AT OUR REQUEST, He will remove the heavy load and bury it at the foot of the cross. When He unburdens us, then we are undeniably free as though we were PARASAILING AMONG THE CLOUDS!

    The boat takes off, cutting through the ocean waves, lifting us up higher as the colorful parasail canopy catches the rush of a Mighty wind. Higher and higher we soar. Parasailing is a weightless exhilarating ride across the beach coast. Unlike hang gliders, or skydivers, the parasailer has absolutely no control over the direction, the wind, nor anything else. We are locked in and strapped on to the boat's every move. Without wet sand packed backpacks and luggage loaded and weighted down with guilt and unforgiveness, we can soar as free as birds and be as well taken care of.

    In the same way, our salvation is completely accomplished through the work of Jesus. When we believe Him, it's as if He has attached a parasailing cord to Himself and a sail to us. Our job? Let go of the weight of the wet sand packed backpack of unforgiveness along with the guilt baggage; they are what is weighting us down, what is keeping us tethered to earthly realms, instead of the parasail of Christ Jesus soaring us up into Heavenly realms.
    When world driven unforgiveness and guilt weighs us down, let it go. Use the energy they usurped for holding onto the straps of Jesus' sail that is carrying us onward and upward where we can inhale the clouds of joy all around us in the fresh clean air. Here we can be among the saints of God in Heaven, who'll cheer us on toward eternity. Since we can't bring backpacks of unforgiveness nor guilt baggage into our Heavenly home, why not let them go now? Only when we drop whatever heavy weight and excess baggage we are struggling beneath can we be borne up and experience the exhilarating sky high ride to our free salvation. It is a joyous trip minus the weight of the world! In the name of preparedness,  why not let the heavy weights go now?

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You please grant our request for You to keep us tethered to Jesus, show us how, and then help us to let go of our unforgiveness and guilt baggage in order to sail more freely toward a more perfect home in union with You?  In Jesus' Name and at our request, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    1. Look out below Family! I am dropping my heavy weights of guilt and unforgiveness of myself and others. The noise of this splashdown will probably be heard in your part of the world.
      I hope to see you parasailing somewhere out there because you also let go of what is weighting you down! Love to all of our JC Family, Brie

    2. Amen Brie! Joining in prayer with you. Thank you for your analogy and message. It is very uplifting. God bless!

    3. I love and learn when I can visualize what I'm trying to absorb and learn. Thanks for the beautiful visual lesson, Brie. You are so right. If we can just unload and release those strongholds how absolutely freeing this could be! While I know God forgave me the very first time I asked, it is me that allows that/those mistakes to creep back in and haunt me. I will be meditating and thinking-on your visual teaching, Brie. Thank you!

    4. As chance would have it, I am at the coast and yesterday marveled at the kite surfers, riding free with the gift of the wind. Thank you Jesus, you lighten our loads in so many creative ways.

    5. As God's Holy Spirit often does, Audra, sometimes He pre-pares my heart to receive Words that are to come; sometimes He post-pones the heart's receipt until after the Word comes. Either way, the choice is His and so am I, and so are we. Blessings my dear sister-friend in Christ.

  23. I sure can relate dear Brie. We are all guilty of holding onto bitter things in our lives and not forgiving those who have done us wrong. We may say we forgive them but we must forgive them in our hearts as well. And God doesn't want us to carry around that guilt. That's why He sent us our Savior. We even carry around sins that He has already forgiven. We must leave them far behind and walk with a lighter load so we can serve Him better. He is such a merciful and forgiving God. Hallelujah!
    I will not be around today because I'm picking up my little Gabriel from nursery school and taking him to my apartment for the day and a sleepover. He just turned 3 on the 15th and he is the cutest thing, but he will need Nani every minute. I bought him some "God" storybooks as a surprise. Can't wait to read them to him. Tomorrow we will make pancakes and bacon. His favorite breakfast. God is so good to give me 4 little grandsons. I don't take it for granted.
    Please continue to pray for my BIL Jack. He just got out of the hospital yesterday and still has a bad prostate problem. Now he also has a large green floater in one of his eyes that looks like a caterpillar. I feel so sorry for him. I'm praying for God to heal him completely. A sister in Christ, Patricia really needs prayers because she has osteonecrosis of her hip and she is in constant pain. Praying that God will guide her Doctor to find a way to treat her and relieve her misery.
    Father, we are trusting in your faithfulness and healing power. Make everything right again, we pray not only for these but all our JC Family and their loved ones. Thank You in the Name of Christ Jesus the Risen Lord.

    1. Amen Jeanne! I hope you enjoy your time with your grandson and especially reading those books to him. What a joy! Praying for Jack and Patricia to be restored whole again and completely healed by our Father, the healer and miracle worker. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    2. Oh, how I hope to do the things you do with your grands, Jeanne! I have a one year old granddaughter, Rooney, from my son & DIL and we are awaiting my daughter & SIL's first (10/16 due date)
      ...they didn't want to know the gender so it will be a surprise to us all. I don't get to see Rooney often even though they only live 25 minutes away but I'm trusting and leaning on God that that will change. Enjoy every second, Jeanne, and may God give you the endurance and strength necessary to keep up with a 3 year old!

      Continued prayers for Jack. May he get the answers and relief he needs to relieve and heal his prostate issue as well as the new issue with his eye. Praying for Patricia as well that Jehovah Rapha eases her chronic pain and doctors have a eureka moment of how to treat her!
      Blessings one and all of my JC Family! Hoping you all have a day of peace as you navigate thru your Wednesday with God holding your hand! In Jesus' great name, amen!

    3. I am praying healing prayers with our JC Family for Jack, Patricia and all for whom prayers have been requested. Amen.

    4. Thanks Janet, it will be fun to read them to him. Thanks for your prayers,
      Dear NJS Hope God makes a way for you to spend more precious time with Rooney and your soon to be grandchild. Sure will have fun and I am sure our good Father will provide the strength and maybe some sleep.
      Thank you dear sisters and Brie for those precious prayers. God bless you all.

  24. Father, thank You for letting me cast all my burdens on You. Thank You for Your forgiveness and unconditional love. I cast all my burdens upon You. Please deliver me from all my guilt and remove the weight of all these burdens from me. Let me bask in Your love-light as Your beautiful face shines upon me. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. You are my saving grace. I am so grateful for You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30).

    2. Amen and Amen! Take your Burdens to the Lord and leave them there.

  25. We all remember what it was like when we were children, how our parents could fix anything. If we had a scraped knee or a boo-boo mom would kiss it and dad would put a bandage on it and it would be “all better”. If we had trouble with our homework, our parents would patiently help us with it. We never really had to plan anything while the hardest thing we had to do was try and keep our room clean. God asks us to take that same attitude with Him. Let Him deal with everything. He is more than capable, and more than prepared to deal with anything that can stress us. And though sometimes it seems that He is taking His time or not dealing with it, when we look back we can always see His guiding hands working through the problem, and always differently than we would expect Him to.
    This week then, lets hand over each burden and stress – no matter what it is – as it comes and let God be God in our lives!

    I must tell Jesus all of my trials;
    I cannot bear these burdens alone;
    In my distress He kindly will help me;
    He ever loves and cares for His own.

    1. One of my Mom's favorite songs. She always put emphasis on the word MUST, even when the song didn't 😘
      One of the versions of this song that I listen to:
      I MUST Tell Jesus sung by Joseph Larson

    2. Amen dear Min Ahadi!
      Handing every burden and stress over, no matter what.
      Rest in Him who loves and heals us, provides our needs and makes our ways straight.
      Thanks Brie!

  26. Good morning all,
    Praying for all your burdens to be lifted, that you freely give them to our lord Jesus Christ, so you can walk in light! Then others may see your joy and you can share the good news! I ask you to pray the same for me, as we walk on this earth that is so full of fear may I not fear but walk with purpose and love!
    In Jesus name Amen

    1. Amen Praying for you Dawn. Be not afraid. We are safe and dearly loved in His presence and peace.

  27. My dear beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS:
    I wanted to share prayer points to pray for Unsaved Loved Ones. They are a mixture from a post of Dutch Sheets and some of mine.

    --- That God would lift the veil off their minds, bringing revelation and enlightenment

    --- For Holy Spirit to hover over them and protect them

    --- For godly people to be placed in their pathway each day

    --- That anything exalting itself against the knowledge of God, specifically pride and rebellion, would be destroyed

    ---That all ungodly thought patterns would be destroyed

    ---That satan is bound from taking them captive through wicked thoughts and lies

    --- That the armor of God would be placed on them

    --- That the mysteries of Christ would be shown to them, and they will say YES to Jesus

    As you PRAY remember:

    --- Ps. 84:11b. " good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly."

    --- Ps. 34:10b "...they that seek the Lord will not want any good thing."

    --- Prov. 10:24b "...but the desire of the righteoue shall be granted."

    Thank you Jesus! Thank you that we have been made righteous by your Blood! We are the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). I BELIEVE HIS WORD!!! Great Love and Blessings to this Awesome JCFAMILY/WARRIORS!!!
    In His Grip of Grace --- JJ

    1. Thanks JJ, I am printing it out and praying it up.

    2. For you, me and all of us, I am Praying with you Dawn.

    3. Wonderful JJ! Printing it out and saving it!

    4. Thank you JJ, I'll refer to this often when I pray.

  28. Good morning JC family. Contined prayers please for daughter chloe and fiance Evan as they navigate this wedding postponement and seek some mentorship. It has been a week full of emotions but we feel your prayers as God guides us and provides peace and discernment. I'm off to Phoenix for the weekend for my daughter and her now un-bacheloret party. To enjoy her and her friendships. Evan is also doing a guys weekend with his close friends in his home town. May this be a time of reflection and healing for them both. Much love to you all. Prayers sent for each of you daily even if I don't post.

    Ps. My mom finally made a decision about selling us one of her properties and decided to stay in her current home and have us help make it exactly how she wants with some minor remodeling. Praises!

    1. Continuing to pray for Chloe and Evan. God will guide them to their hearts' desires and make a way for all to work out for good.
      I'm glad your Mom made her decision. God is so good. Rest in Him.

  29. Sharing my morning devotions.
    The Word of God is more valuable than:

    FOOD - Job 23:12 I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.

    MONEY – Psalm 119:14 I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimony as much as all riches.

    Psalm 119:72 I love Your commandments more than gold …..

    Psalm 119: I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure.

    SLEEP – Psalm 119:143 My eyes are awake through the night watches that I might meditate on Your word.

    Praying for you as you pray for me.

  30. Thanks dear Sassy Mom! Amen to that! His Word is the greatest treasure!

  31. I mention my Prayer Warrior's to my friends every time I have an opportunity. Today I received this message ... "Can you ask your prayer warriors to pray for Kevin Wheeler's mom. I don't know her name, but God will know. The mom has raised good kids. She has young grand kids who love her. Mom's are so special. Thanks to you and your very special friends for their healing prayers." The Christian mom was taken to a local hospital with a heart issue, they sent her to a more specialized hospital. I love my JC Prayer Warriors. So proud of you.

    1. Happy to pray for Kevin Wheeler's mom.
      As our Jan would say, The Warriors are on it!

    2. Joining JCFAMILY/WARRIORS in lifting up Kevin Wheeler's mom, Chole, Evan, Dawn, and ALL needs of this Great JCFAMILY to The Throne of Grace. Let us rebel against the Failure Spirit that satan tries to trick us into accepting for our lives. God says we will flourish. Identify with this truth. It is the truth that sets us free. Do not look at your surroundings. Do not look at your present or past achievements. Look unto Jesus. "The righteous shall flourish." Stand on this!!! In Jesus's Miraculous Name, AMEN and AMEN!

    3. Praying for Kevin Wheeler's Mom to be healed of every weakness and brought back to perfect health.
      Thank You Father for this and to give peace to Kevin Wheeler's mind and heart in the Name of Christ Jesus.

  32. Praying for so many today along with all the warriors. Adding prayers for firefighters and all those potentially in harm's way near Redding CA. Prayers for healing the mental illness of arsonists. So much devestation at their hands.

    1. πŸ™ God, hear our call and help us all. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Praying with you dear sisters for answered prayers to protect all those faithfully serving, fighting fires and protecting God's people and for healing the broken minds of those who see no evil in setting these fires. Thank You Jesus.

  33. Snagged by... The path we follow together is sometimes steep, slippery, and stormy...Today's devotion reminds me,
    How can I trust if I run from the trials
    I'll never rest if I don't chase Your heart
    Sometimes the path it may take me through the fire
    But if it's Your desire, lead me straight into the storm
    Let the thunder be my comfort
    Let the lightning be my guide
    Let the waves that rise around me
    Hold me gently through the night
    For the winds that seem against me
    Push me right into Your arms
    Teach me how to sleep in the storm
    How to sleep in the storm
    How will I grow if I never get rained on
    I'm finished fighting, tryin' to hold back the flood
    You bring me to life when who I am has been buried
    So raise me up and carry me straight into the storm
    Let the thunder be my comfort
    Let the lightning be my guide
    Let the waves that rise around me
    Hold me gently through the night
    For the winds that seem against me
    Push me right into Your arms
    Teach me how to sleep in the storm
    How to sleep in the storm
    Sorrows will come and go
    Even still I know
    It is well, it is well with my soul
    Oh Lord, Your peace washes over me
    You won't let go
    So it is well, it is well with my soul
    Let the thunder be my comfort
    Let the lightning be my guide
    Let the waves that rise around me
    Hold me gently through the night
    Let the thunder be my comfort
    Let the lightning be my guide
    Let the waves that rise around me
    Hold me gently through the night
    For the winds that seem against me
    Push me right into Your arms
    Teach me how to sleep in the storm
    How to sleep in the storm
    How to sleep in the storm
    Help me sleep, help me rest
    Teach me how to sleep in the storm, as You did.

    1. What a beautiful song dear Brie. I loved the lyrics so I found the song and it blessed me.

  34. God Morning to you, SC Anonymous, just wanted you to know we are all praying for you and your dear ones, your entire medical team, and for a B9 marker on your lump removal today. In Jesus' Name. Amen. With Much Love and Many Prayers, Brie.

    1. Amen. Praying with you dear Brie for our sister SC for that lump to be benign. God is in charge and He can hear our prayers. Sending love to you dear SC Anonymous. Rest in Him who loves you.

  35. Ok, My Beloved JCFAMILY --- The World is still quite crazy. These next few weeks may be a little bumpy. I see one of those large ratchet cargo straps wrapped around Jesus and myself. I have it cinched up rather tight. I WILL NOT take one step away from Jesus! Not a time to fear, because our Heavenly Father has a Great Plan that includes: Exposure, Justice, Revival Salvation, Redemption, Restoration, Great Joy and Celebration. It is such an honor to be living right now. Our Heavenly Father, has hand picked us for such a time as this.The following is a Declaration that one can say every day. Declare your VICTORY! Shout it out as loud as you can.

    I Declare: I have the VICTORY in Jesus' name against any form of attack and I have the favor of God that goes before me that opens up doors that NO MAN CAN SHUT! I WILL NOT QUIT! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! The battle is the Lord's, and He has conquered the enemies before me. These are my days of THRIVE, not survive. These are my days to live in Perfect Health, in SUPERNATURAL YOUTH. Yes, these are days of SUPERNATURAL and I believe I receive the Glory of God without measure!

    Great, Great Love and Blessings to the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS. JJ

    1. Joining you dear JJ in shouting this battle cry! Let's carry the banner high for all to see! Jehovah-Nissi! The Lord is our Conqueror! Hallelujah! Bless you dear sisterπŸ₯°πŸŒˆπŸ™

    2. Joining beloved JJ and JC Warriors in SHOUTING VICTORY IN JESUS BATTLE CRY!!!

    3. I'm all in, including squeezing in to get under that rachet cargo strap with Jesus and you, our dear JJ. Up, Up, And Away in His Beautiful Parasail where I can Breathe Again. Much Love to our entire JC family of Prayer Warriors.

    4. All strapped together with our Jesus without fear or worry, only the peace, rest and joy in believing! Hallelujah!

    5. This is Brie. I just received an image of all of our entire JC family wrapped around Jesus, strapped onto Him, and locked into Him, with JJ's large ratchet cargo strap. We were parasailing up up and away freely heaven bound, because we left all of our earthly baggage on the ground.
      Oh! Were we ever happy!

    6. May I join you, JJ, as well?! I love your image, Brie! Thank you, JJ, for this VICTORY BATTLE CRY, in Jesus's awesome name, AMEN!

    7. AMEN and AAAMEEN, JJ! Thank you for capturing all of our hearts with this VICTORY BATTLE CRY, as NJS said. It covers everything that TRIED to sway me this morning and one by one, you provided answers and resolutions to the GUNK the devil tried to throw at me. Thank you for calmness in my heart and total conviction that You keep Your promises. NO DOUBT!!

    8. Arms up in agreement and declaration with your prayer, JJ!

    9. Ok --- It is official. Have upgraded the cargo strap to an XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX--LARGE. It is now cinched up tight around ALL the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS with Jesus in the middle. We are a very UPLIFTED and BLESSED bunch of MORE THAN CONQUERORS WARRIORS!

  36. Amen and thank you dear JJ! Received your love and blessings. Spoke that Declaration and copied it and saved it and printed it. Amen we have nothing to fear because God is already fighting our battles and He is greater!
    Love you sweet sister. May God bless, heal, guide, lift and comfort you and yours.

  37. We are not designed to carry heavy burdens. But many of us do. Things of the past that we cannot let go burden us down.
    Fears of the future burden us down.
    Worry about loved ones burdens us down.
    Our Creator designed us to live in the moment, in the 'now', that, is where we are in the 'now', not in the past or the future.
    A lot of our physical and mental issues come from burdens we cling onto, hoping that somehow we can 'work' it out, get rid of the burden but we never do, we can't, we're not designed to.
    He can, we can't:
    "At your request, I will remove the heavy load from you and bury it at the foot of the cross."
    Lord Jesus please remove my heavy burdens and bury them at the foot of the Cross, I can't carry them anymore. I hand them to You, I let go.
    Thank You Jesus my burden bearer.
    Psalm 118: 24 "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
    Now I am free to: "Stand up straight and tall in My Presence, so that no one can place more burdens on your back. Look into My Face and feel the warmth of My Love – Light shining upon you.
    It is this unconditional love that frees you from both fears and sins. Spend time basking in the Light of My Presence. As you come to know me more and more intimately, you grow increasingly free."

    1. Psalm 118: 24 "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." AMEN!!! Thank you Peter for sharing.

    2. Thanks Peter,
      I was also snagged by..."Stand up straight and tall in My Presence, so that no one can place more burdens on your back...

    3. Thank you brother Peter! Standing up tall and straight in His Presence and rejoicing in my new day.

    4. Love that, too, Brie, regarding standing tall! Thanks, Peter!

    5. Great words, Peter, with life changing meaning! Those words went right down into my spirit! JJ


    1. Thanks for the musical reminder (((Sassy Mom))), that he floods us to cleanse us, rather than to drown us! Much Love, Brie

    2. Amen dear sister! He sought me and He bought me with His Redeeming Blood.
      Joining you all in celebrating Victory in Jesus! Hallelujah
      Standing together on the Rock of Ages!

  39. Wanted to share what happened yesterday...I got a call from a woman seeking holistic care from our practice. She was desperate because she has been burping nonstop since March. "Joyce", age 74, would say a couple of words, then a loud burp, another two words, burp, etc. It was tough to talk to her from a standpoint of gathering her history as well as sharing what we did. Our initial call together ended in her not being able to afford care and, quite honestly, I wasn't sure we could help her. She had been to every kind of doctor, including 3 trips to the ER of which they told her the last time that it was in her head and to see a psychiatrist because it had to be some kind of anxiety. She complied and saw a therapist 4 times to which the therapist told Joyce she saw no anxiety issues in her. She was taking 9 different prescriptions and nothing was working. I asked Joyce if I could pray for her and she said she stopped believing in and talking to God a long time ago. She said she must have done something very wrong and God is punishing her. I replied with 'Our God is not a punishing God but a loving a healing God' and also talked about Job for a minute. She said I could pray for her but she wasn't praying anymore. After we hung up, I couldn't get her off my mind. I called her back and suggested a hypno-therapist as well as a doctor of acupuncture/Eastern her a number of someone I'd been to before. I still couldn't get her off my mind and heart. I spoke with my other half/functional med doc/chiropractor saying we needed to do something. In going over her history, I mentioned that Joyce had had colon cancer surgery years. That sparked something in both of our minds with surgery/scar tissue forming and pushing up on the diaphragm. We had Joyce come in as a pro-bono patient. A couple of x-rays later, some specific therapies on the diaphragm area followed by a diaphragmatic adjustment...NO MORE BURPING. NONE. ZILCH. NADA! Giving all the glory to God, our Jehovah Rapha! Joyce was quickly back to praising before she left the office. She called this morning to let us know that the burping has not returned, she was able to sleep through the night for the first time since March and is still burp-free! Just wanted to share this with all of our awesome JC family. Such a victory for this woman and to witness it was simply AWE-MAZING! I thanked God for allowing us to be present to see Him at work!

    1. Thank You for sharing this TESTimony, NJS! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, and for HIS VICTORIES, seen and unseen! I am also thankful He flows Awe-Mazing Blessings through you, allowing you to be present to see Him at work! Love you dearly, our sister friend in Christ, Brie

    2. NJS --- Great testimony!!! You were to be there at that time with wisdom, knowledge and skill from The Great I Am!
      I just get weak-kneed when His Glory covers our circumstances. He is ABSOLUTELY GOOD! NJS, you are MORE than a CONQUEROR!!! JJ

    3. What an awesome gift of God’s faithfulness to Joyce! And for you dear NJS! To witness God’s healing power and maybe spiritual healing for Joyce too! Celebrating another victory with all of you. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!

  40. Good morning JC Warriors. Praying for everyone this crisp morning.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Thanks dear SC. Have a blessed day in God’s presence!

  41. Thank You Lord my burden bearer for removing my burdens from me and burying them at the foot of the Cross.

    1. Amen dear brother. Giving Him every one!

  42. Thanks for your prayers for my son’s wife and her family. Their strong faith will carry them through. My daughter in love is having a difficult time. Losing her Dad so suddenly is so hard to bear. She couldn’t even say goodbye. Praying that God in His mercy is resting her father’s soul. He didn’t believe in Jesus but he was a man of integrity with a good heart. God comforts us and we comfort others with His Words and promises! The Spirit is supplying all the words I need to share today. What a blessing to have an ever present Helper with us. Praying God’s peace surrounds my son and Allie and her family and her father’s family. Thank You Jesus.

    2 Corinthians 1:3-5
    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ.

    James 5:15
    and the prayer of faith shall cause the one who is sick to be saved, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he shall be forgiven them.

    1. ✅️ integrity
      ✅️ good heart
      Maybe he did not say His Name out loud, but it does sound like he loved the things Jesus Loves, and did the things Jesus Does? I thank God every day that He is a Merciful Judge.

  43. Persistent Prayer

    By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

    We can be optimistic in this life when Christ lives within us. We can find joyful hope when we put our relationship with Christ first and spend regular time fellowshipping with Him in prayer. A close relationship with God will give us joy in the midst of trouble, victory in times of temptation, fruitfulness and blessing in times of uncertainty. A solid prayer life will give us confidence when everything else is crumbling around us.

    How persistent is your prayer life? Is prayer the first activity to be cut when your life becomes overscheduled? Do you skip prayer time on the days when you feel tired, ill, or apathetic? Are your prayers half-hearted attempts to fulfill a ritual or appease your guilt?

    If your prayer life has been lacking, confess to God today how you have neglected this important aspect of your relationship with Him. Pray for the Holy Spirit's help to guide you in your prayers, to motivate you to spend time with Him, to give you the self-discipline to stay focused in prayer, and to prepare your heart for the presence of God.

    Prayer: Father, forgive me for neglecting my prayer life. I pray that You would guide me as I pray and help me make prayer a priority in my life. Thank You for the privilege of prayer. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed" (Mark 1:35).

    1. Amen and Amen, Sassy Mom! I covet my time with my Papa God, my King Jesus and my Holy Spirit early in the morning, while it is still dark.

    2. Amen and thank you, dear Sassy Mom! At 4 this morning my good Father woke me to tell me it was about to rain and I had to get dressed and drive home from my Mom's house. I prayed the whole way and when the rain was bad, I felt safe because He was right beside me telling me it will all be okay. He is holding my family together in a time of great loss and I am trusting His lead to put all things aside and help wherever I can. After Church tomorrow I'll be with little Evelyn until Wed. Praying He keeps my Mom fine until I see her on Thursday, and that He keeps Bryan and Allie safe on their trip to Idaho and that all will be covered with God's grace, peace, and comfort. Thank You Jesus.

  44. 7 Promises from God:
    1. I am your strength.
    2. I will never leave you.
    3. I have plans for you to prosper.
    4. I hear your prayers.
    5. I will fight for you
    6. I will give you peace.
    7. I always love you.

    1. Yes JJ! I'm standing on His Promises. I also begin my time with The Holy Trinity when it is dark, through the sky lightening up, the horizon appearing, and The Son shining. This time is one of my daily pleasures and treasures! It's good to know I've got a friend!

  45. Thanks dear JJ! Beautiful promises that I believe. He is so trustworthy and faithful.

  46. We all have burdens to carry that sometimes overwhelm us! Today’s devotion tells us God really wants us to place them at the foot of the cross, and leave them there. Then we can serve Him better and walk through our days with a lighter load. We bear more abundant fruit when we’re not feeling weary and downtrodden. He frees us from the shackles of sin, worry, fear and doubt! Staying in His Presence assures us He is fighting our battles, guiding our steps and supplying our words. His indwelling Spirit is our constant Help and Guide. Jesus is our Foundation and our Stronghold. We’re well equipped to handle any problem, or any attack from the evil one. Our Father watches over His children and only wants us to be blessed, safe, and happy. His Peace covers us at all times. When we’re faced with trials, He walks us through them and comforts and encourages us. His Word speaks to our hearts. Be not afraid! Trust His Word and go forth today with a peaceful and thankful heart, knowing that He goes before us always and He has already prepared this day. Praise Him for His loving kindness and tender mercies! Thank You Lord for this new day and all the things you have set before me. Thank You for my blessings and my peace. You are so good to me! Thank You for answering my prayers and the prayers of our JC Family, seen and unseen. We trust You and we praise Your Holy Name.Thank You for protecting, healing, comforting and loving us in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Psalm 103:1-5
    Bless the Lord, O my soul;
    And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
    Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    And forget not all His benefits:
    Who forgives all your iniquities,
    Who heals all your diseases,
    Who redeems your life from destruction,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

    1. Thank you Jeanne- as usual, just what was needed to start the day- God bless you. ❤️πŸ™

    2. Blessed Amen! God doesn't place guilt on us, the enemy of our soul, his human agencies and ourselves does that. We have been set free from sin, guilt and shame. The only burdens we beat are those we haven't given to Him.

    3. Amen dear Jeanne and Peter. Very nourished today already in my spirit! Hallelujah!πŸ™Œ❤️

    4. Thank you for this morning reminder as I lay down my burdens and pick the abundant fruit on our plum trees today. A beautiful example of God's overwhelming bearings!

  47. Thank you and Amen, dear Anonymous, Blessings from NY, Peter and Jan. We are of one accord and we know Who carries our heavy loads. Yes Peter! We must surrender every burden and exercise our trust muscles. He can handle them way better than we can. Wishing you and all our family here a peaceful and productive day in His Mighty Hands. Thank You Lord.

  48. Praying for all of you, Dear JC Family and I thank you for your prayers for too many things to even list because I'm so tired. Just wanted you to know that I'm reading and praying.
    God has us in the palms of His hands. Sweet sleep to all...we know Who is on the Night Watch! <3

  49. Amen dear Norah! Rest Well, His Eye is on the Sparrow and I Know He Watches Us.
