Monday, September 21, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 21

Wait quietly in My Presence while My thoughts form silently in the depths of your being. Do not try to rush this process, because hurry keeps your heart earthbound. I am the Creator of the entire universe, yet I choose to make My humble home in your heart. It is there where you know Me most intimately; it is there where I speak to you in holy whispers. Ask My Spirit to quiet your mind so that you can hear My still, small voice within you. I am speaking to you continually: words of Life...Peace...Love. Tune your heart to receive these messages of abundant blessing. Lay your requests before Me and wait in expectation
I Kings 19:12
New King James Version

and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

Verse Thoughts
In this moment, God chose to be lenient; he is merciful. The Gospel is a gentle voice of love, grace, mercy, of peace, pardon, righteousness, and salvation by Christ. 

Psalm 5:3
English Standard Version

O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice;
    in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.

Verse Thoughts
The first thing I am to do in the morning is pray. It is to go to God. Some turn on the TV and some read the newspaper, but I am to begin my day with my Creator. Only God knows what is in store for my day so I should begin the day talking to him.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you Heavenly Father for the privilege of beginning my day by saying "THANK YOU LORD"

  2. Thank you Lord for pursuing me with the power of Your Love The Whisper of your voice and the confirmation of your words. I want your will to be done in me and in my family so help me to hear your guidance clearly in all the decisions that need to be made that you may be glorified.

    1. Before I began devotions today I prayed for the same thing as Cleo for the Lord to guide me clearly in making decisions.

    2. Amen! Theo. Your prayer is also my prayer. Today, tomorrow and always!

    3. Beautiful prayer Theo! Amen!

  3. On the journey of life, our greatest joy is being in relationships, with our Lord, with our spouse, with family, with a true friend, with each other in whatever manner or form it takes (even sharing thoughts in a blog). The most blessed moments of the relationship is when we take the time to open our hearts to share thoughts and expressions of love with each other. That cannot be a hurried activity for in a state of hurriedness we are not fully present in the relationship. I am blessed by this time with you. May God bless you this day.

    1. May I post this beautiful message on my Facebook page please?

    2. You may do as you are led. Thank you for asking.

    3. I love your words and prayers Bob. God is so good how He speaks through people
      God bless you and our JC friends and families.
      Texas friend

    4. Thanks Bob for sharing. I always read your words after I read the devotional. ♥️🙏

    5. Well spoken. Let us be still and slow down so we can give time to our First Love. Time spent with the Lord is the most precious time of all.

    6. Amen bob!!❤️❤️

    7. Yes! And Amen to these prayers. Snagged by " hurry keeps your heart earthbound" this morning.

  4. It's me Lord, continuing to thank you for being the boss of my life.

    1. Thanks for the reminder, Sassy Mom!
      Jesus it's me again
      Down on my knees again
      Asking you please again
      Reach out your hand!

    2. Amen Sassy Mom and Brie! Lead me Lord.

  5. Heavenly Father, Thank you for this morning and the desire to spend quiet time with You. Too many days I am rushed and am thankful for the reminder to wait and listen to what You want me to hear. Too many times I am guilty of giving you a grocery list of things I need to fulfill my will. I pray that I surrender this day and my will to You and ask in return for You to guide me through this day to fulfill Your will for me.

  6. I Thank my God for quieting my spirit this morning, so that I could hear"His BEAUTIFUL Voice" to hear Him say, how much He loves me, protects me, comforts me in the midst of the storm ragging in my life. He let me know the Victory has been "Won". Just Surrender my heart,
    mind and entire being to Him...... GLORY TO GOD !!!

    1. That is so lovely. Thank you sharing the messages you heard today. God’s grace and peace are yours. 😍

    2. We must all surrender our hearts, minds and beings to Him as He molds and leads us.

    3. Beautiful reminder. We must surrender our heart, mind and entire being to Him who loves us.

  7. This is the day You have made Lord and placed me in, I Thank You for it and acknowledge Your Presence and Holiness. I ask that You remove the Spirit of heaviness on me this morning and replace it with the Spirit of praise. Thank You for Your faithfulness oh Lord.

    My JC family, I pray for your day to be blessed and filled with the goodness of God throughout, as you receive His Love, Peace and blessings.

    Please join me in praying for my brother who is ill in an international hospital. We have not told my mom to avoid her worrying. My siblings and I are trusting God for His recovery and allowing His will to be done.
    My mom lost her older son some years ago to sickness and this is her only remaining son. I stand on the promises of God for healing and restoration. Praying for peace in my spirit to take away this heaviness from yesterday and a night of tossing and turning.

    Lord, as we wait quietly in Your Presence, let fear, doubt, worry and the lies of the enemy be destroyed and replaced with Your Peace, Love, faith, hope, trust and joy, giving thanks to Your Holy name. I cover my brother right now in the Precious healing Blood of Jesus our Saviour, declaring that by HIS stripes, Adam is healed In Jesus name. THANK YOU Father!

    Covering ALL the broken, all prayer requests and thanking God for the answers to each.

    Let the Peace of God and the Love of the Holy Spirit rest upon us as we wait quietly in the Presence of our Lord.

    Blessings to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. I am praying for healing for your brother. May the good Lord shine upon him with comfort and peace. Thank you also Maplewood for your wonderful daily messages. KS

    2. Maplewood--- I stand with you in prayer for Adam along other with the other JC WARRIORS. I thank you Lord that You hear our prayers. James 5:16 "Confess your offenses to one another, and pray for one another, that you maybe healed.The insistent prayer of a righteous person is powerfully effective." Amen and Amen

    3. Maplewood - Joining JC Warriors in prayer for your brother Adam. Thank you Maplewood for blessing us with your encouraging comments.

    4. Sending up prayers for your brother Maplewood, for you and for your family
      Prayers for God’s miraculous healing
      Jesus loves you🥰🙏

    5. Hi bob. Beautifully said as always I read your comments all the time and I am always so moved by them I wanted to ask how do we slow down? How do we still our minds and open our hearts to communicate better? I find myself praying to the Lord to ease my mind and help me be strong so I don’t let the enemy in the enemy whispers lies and allows me to feel shame I let the enemy in every time and I get stuck in the cycle help me break the cycle

      How do I pray for a broken heart, broken spirit and a clouded mind that is trying so hard to grow and be better? I want to be more like the Lord but I’m scared

    6. Praying for your brother, Maplewood! Also keeping you and your mother in my prayers.

      You have written many uplifting daily posts which have helped me. Now it is your turn to realize the JC Family is praying for your family. Jesus, please wrap your loving arms around Maplewood's brother, Adam, and guide the minds and hands of the doctors in this international hospital to bring about a successful recovery. Trusting Jesus and allowing His will be done. CO

    7. How is Adam, Maplewood NJ? Does he still need prayers?

    8. Amen and thank you dear Maplewood. I'm curious with Brie about your son. Praying he has recovered.

    9. I am still praying for your brother Adam, our dear sweet Maplewood NJ. How is he?

    10. How is your brother Adam now? I just read this today, Sept 21, 2022.

  8. Joining in prayer for your brother that God's Love may heal him quickly.

  9. I am asking for prayer for my heart this morning. It has an unsteady beat know as atrial fibrillation. This happens once in awhile. I pray for the Lord's healing hand upon it. I also send up prayers for anyone else with heart conditions. Father God, thank you for our hearts. I ask that you would heal our hearts and repair any damage that may have occurred. You are our strength Lord God, and I know You will make us to walk in high places. Thank You Father, As we wait upon you, I claim Your healing promise to all those that wait upon you. I believe You are bringing forth healing of heart disease, and I believe that we receive Your healing power NOW as I pray. Amen and Amen Thank you JC Prayer WARRIORS!! Great love and blessings to all of you from Kansas

    1. JJ - Joining JC Warriors in prayers for your heart. Thank you for blessings JC Family with your prayers. God bless you!

    2. Sassy Mom--- You always warm my heart with your presence. Bless you, Bless you, Bless you!

    3. Sending special prayers up for you JJ.
      May God heal your heart and praying for each of our JC friends and families for God’s love, peace, comfort and His Will to be done🙏🙏😇
      Have a wonderful day 🥰
      Texas friend

    4. Wow, what a Texax Friend!! Thank you for your prayers lifting up this INCREDIBLE JC FAMILY! The Lord's great blessings and favor upon you, In the Grip of Grace from Kansas

    5. Praying for you, JJ! Praying for God's healing hands to be placed on your heart. May you continue to feel His presence in all aspects of your life. Jesus, I trust in You! CO

    6. JJ - how are things now? Praying for God’s power to heal your amazing heart.

    7. JJ- I join GTT in inquiring how are you now & will continue to pray for one of our dearest warrior. We love you dear girl💕

    8. JJ, Joining in prayers for you. My husband and son have that condition and it sometimes comes and goes. Hoping and praying you are better now.

    9. Always praying for and with you, our JJ. A few days ago when I read that your heart is better, I was very thankful to Almighty God. I also thanked him for giving you the gift of sweeping satan out of this room, our hearts, and our lives as only you can. May your good heart health continue to be perfected by our Lord. In Jesus Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    10. Yes dear JJ, joining Brie in thanksgiving that your heart is behaving. We need you warrior to continue to fight the enemy at the Frontline. Stay well dear one💕

    11. Amen, JJ. Your post is dated 2019. Thank you for praying for others with heart conditions. How are you now - 2022? I didn’t get to read this till today. So grateful for this blog. I get so blessed reading the comments, prayers

    12. Dear Anonymous --- So great to see your post. My heart is keeping a strong steady rhythm.
      I keep thanking the Lord for Divine Health! So thankful for the Word. It does what it says! HALLELUJAH!!! Great Blessings and Love to you and your family.!!!

    13. Yes dear JJ, good to hear that your heart is behaving. I assumed it was as you have not mentioned it in your latest post. By His stripes you are strong & able to fight for the kingdom dear warrior. Love & blessings 🌈😍😍

    14. Good day to our dear dear frontline prayer warrior and sister friend in Christ, JJ.
      ...hurry keeps your heart earthbound...I choose to make My humble home in your heart....
      Lord we need you to repair and maintain Your Heart Home, like no earthly person can.
      On heart devotion day, I am still praying your home in JJ's heart is keeping a strong steady rhythm. And yes, along with JJ and the JC's, I keep thanking and gloryfying our Divine Lord for Divine Health for JJ and our entire JC Family.! Much Love, Brie

    15. Thank you for your prayers Brie! Back atcha 🙏♥️😎

  10. Praying for your brother that God will make a way where there is no way. Expect God to act!

  11. Good morning Lord and jc family. Soul of Christ sanctify us, blood of Christ enibriate us passion of Christ strengthen us. Oh good Jesus hear our prayers for all..for Maplewood for JJ Amen.

    1. Loveconquersall--- You are such a blessing! I covet your prayers. Thank you!! You, Lord God, are the strength of my heart! I give You ALL the praise, honor and glory!

    2. JJ - A loving person in church framed "The joy of the Lord is my strength" for my husband when he was hospitalized with one of his many heart attacks.

  12. Lord thank you for being who You ate and having a perfect plan for my lufe. Plesse teach and to be able to quiet my mind so I can hesr from you. I love our time in the morning and evening, talking and praying to You, but I want to be able to hear You. I haven't cultivated this skill yet but I know I can through you. Amen

  13. Hi bob. Beautifully said as always I read your comments all the time and I am always so moved by them I wanted to ask how do we slow down? How do we still our minds and open our hearts to communicate better? I find myself praying to the Lord to ease my mind and help me be strong so I don’t let the enemy in the enemy whispers lies and allows me to feel shame I let the enemy in every time and I get stuck in the cycle help me break the cycle

    How do I pray for a broken heart, broken spirit and a clouded mind that is trying so hard to grow and be better? I want to be more like the Lord but I’m scared

  14. Anonymous--- One of the first thing to do like Sassy Mom said, "Before you get out of bed be sure to put on THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD. You find that in Ephesians 6:10-18. The next thing to do when satan is attacking is find a scripture or scriptures that speak to you and your circumstances. The scripture is your sword and everytime satan comes at you, you say that scripture. satan CAN'T stand the word!! You need to be to be persistent in stabbing him with that sword(The Word). You may have to do it a hundred times a day, but that Word brings deliverance, clarity of mind and peace. And our Lord never leaves you alone, He is right there with you. I will put scriptures on note cards and put them where I can readily see them. I also put them in a pocket of my clothing so I can have the the SWORD close. Use that Sword often!!! One of my favorite scriptures to hit satan with is:Psalm 107:19-20 "Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, And He saved them from their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and rescued them from their pit and destruction." Then you ALWAYS thank the Lord for his help. Other JC WARRIORS will have great wisdom to share, but this will get you started in the right direction. I will be praying that you will be VICTORIOUS in this battle. Make no mistake, this is SPIRITUAL WARFARE! Lord, I bind up satan over Anonymous and plead ,Jesus, your life saving blood over Anonymous,from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet. Amen and Amen

    1. Praying in agreement with you JJ.

    2. Amen! Got my Armor on and feasting on His Word. Be not afraid!

    3. Packing this advice in my "warrior notes from JJ" bag. Bless you Sister!

    4. This just went into my JJ stash!
      With much love, Brie

  15. Heart Report-- My heart is now in perfect sinus rhythm!!! Thank you JC WARRIORS for your prayers. Our Lord is beyond FAITHFUL!!! I thank you Lord for Your healing touch to anyone with heart problems. I pray this scripture over you: "The Lord is my strength and my shield: my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song I will praise Him." Amen and Amen

    1. Amen! Praise be to our Almighty Father! CO

    2. CO--- I so appreciate your prayers! Awesome group of JC WARRIORS! We certainly serve a GREAT GOD!

    3. Yay!! Praying this is still true!!

    4. JJ I also have AFIB from time to time. I am to have surgery tomorrow morning for my gall bladder to be removed. The last time I had surgery I went into AFIB and they had a hard time getting it back into sinus rhythm. Please pray for me that tomorrow my heart will stay in rhythm.

    5. Declaring your surgery goes well and your strong heart stays in perfect rythem, in Jesus's name!

    6. Praying for a successful Gall Bladder Surgery, with a Speedy and Complete Recovery for you Anonymous!

    7. Thank you so much for your prayers.

    8. JJ Praying your heart is still perfect.
      Praying for you Anonymous that your gall bladder surgery goes well. May God guide the doctor's hands to make you all better and lead you to a perfect recovery.

  16. JJ - Praising and thanking the Lord with you.


    Because of temporary computer limitations, I am unable to write out my thoughts for you. But I am able to cut and paste. This was taken from the publication, ‘Magnificat’ which I use as my personal guide in my morning devotions. Saturday I shared thoughts with you on approaching our Lord with praise & thanksgiving when our heart is heavy. Here is an example of a thanksgiving prayer of an individual who was imprisoned as a Christian for thirteen years.

    Gratitude Over Grumbling

    If I keep my eyes open and my spirit alert, I will live in continual thanksgiving. I am overwhelmed by the memory of so many graces: my mother’s womb, the milk with which she nourished me, my father’s labor and sweat, the knowledge and formation received from teachers, the devotion of priests whose hands blessed, pardoned, gave the Body of Christ, and imparted the anointing of the sick to my body.
    Thank you, Lord, for having chosen me to be your child. Thank you for having given me Mary for my Mother. Thank you for the mission I received from you in the Church. Thank you for having revealed your mysteries to me. Thank you for so many brothers and sisters who sustain me.
    Thank you for the people who place obstacles on my path and cause me trouble; they help me to become holy. Thank you for my birth as a Vietnamese. Thank you for allowing me to live in this particular time in history. Thank you for giving me a share in your bitter chalice.
    I should sing your praise my whole life long for just one of these gifts. How much more praise I should give you for the innumerable graces, which I alone know, and for all the graces I am not aware of or do not remember. I will need an eternity to thank you unceasingly. How can I repay you, Lord, for filling my life with so many good things?
    Venerable Francis Xavier Nguyên Văn Thuân
    Cardinal Nguyên Văn Thuân († 2002) was imprisoned by the Vietnamese government for thirteen years. [From Prayers of Hope, Words of Courage. © 2012, Daughters Xavier of St. Paul, Pauline Books & Media, Boston, MA. All rights reserved. Used with permission.]

    God be with you! With love, Bob

    1. Always a great blessing to read your post Bob! Thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer! May we never take for granted any of His wonderful blessings! Thank you Jesus! The Praise is yours forevermore! Hallelujah!

      Blessings from France

    2. Yes! He is our Bridge Over Troubled Water! Thank God for God!

    3. Love this prayer, Bob. Thank you. And Brie, you also have so many wonderful posts. Thank you also. KS

    4. Such a humble and powerful prayer. Thank you, Bob.

    5. Amen, reminded me how blessed I am and how much I take things for granted. Lord I praise you and thank you for all your blessings and forgive me for taking your gifts to me for granted and being selfish.

    6. Bday twin, your prayers are mine!!! I pray it, believe it, receive it and thank God Almighty for His blessings in and through them! All for the sake of His Son Jesus!

      Remain blessed my brother.

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Such a sincere prayer of thanksgiving and great faith and trust! We must all carry our crosses with grace because they are polishing us to be the best we can be in Christ. In our weakness, He is our strength! There is a reason for everything in God's plan. Thank you Bob!

  18. I truly messed up on remembering the "Oh wells". Thank you to everyone who commented on my posts from yesterday. I would love to retell my story and fill in the gaps sometime. When I first started following this blog I could post with out any problems For whatever reason over the last year or so I wasn't able to post unless I was on my computer and that is so hard to get accoplished for me.
    I would love to have you join me in prayer. I have an eye doctor appointment 9/21. I have seen the same low vision specialist since I was 17. My eye doctor sold his practice and I'm seeing a new low vision person. Every year I need to have my eye doctor fill out a form so I can keep my driver's license. I drive with special glasses called the bi optic, sort of like glasses with one binocular lens on it. I've had many,, many years under my docs care that the thought of something so important in someone else's hands. My vision hasn't changed and I'm not going to fall into the "what if trap". Please pray peace over me and favor around me.
    I will also continue lifting you all up in prayer. What a privilege and blessing to approach our Fathers thrown to petition for those he desires to help.
    Lord open up a window and throw us out a blessing!

    1. Prayers sent for you dear Terri! Thank you for your kind words and for telling us more about you. The Lord bless you, keep you, make His face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you peace! He's with you and for you. Have a blessed day!

      Blessings from France

    2. Singing Be Thou My Vision for you TERRI. I join my prayers with all who are praying for you today. Dear Heavenly Father God, would You go ahead of TERRI to her appointment today? When she gets there, while she is being examined and after she leaves, would You make sure she knows You were there because it turned out better than she expected? I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Praying for you, Terri, for God's peace to wash over you so as to not go to the "What ifs". I also pray for God's blessing and favor. Love what Brie asked of God for go ahead of you to your appointment today, while there, and after. What an excellent prayer, Brie, for Terri. I will pray for that as well. May you feel God and his angels surrounding you, Terri. Blessings to you and to all here in our JC family on this Monday!

    4. Joining the warriors Terri, for peace, a calm in your spirit, knowing that you are covered with prayers from our JC family. Trust, Trust, Trust!

    5. Terri, you are covered! Standing in agreement with the prayer band here and praying for you! May God's peace take over and transform your life, in Jesus' name!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Praying with my Family, Terri, for your doctor's appointment to go well. God will be in that chair with you and He'll be holding your hand. He knows your heart. Do not fear. With God's help, this doctor will fill your needs perfectly and understand your vision problem very well. Rest in Him who loves you dearly and trust Him to make all things right. He is ever faithful!

  19. I confess - I need to read ALL of 9/20's post and sometime, tomorrow 09/21/2020's messages. So much to share - SO many answered prayers! Thank YOU, JC Family for your prayers. More tomorrow.

  20. I don't understand why I post on here but don't see my comments or any replies. 😢
    I asked for prayer for my daughter, being discharged from hospital today, after a seizure and cracking her head.. She's had detox and it's VITAL she stays off the alcohol.
    Please pray for her!!

    1. Unknown, praying for your daughter's recovery. Lord please hear the prayers of our JC warriors. JE

    2. Declaring strength for alcohol resistance for your daughter in this critical time, in Jesus's name! May her body and mind be made new in Christ today.

    3. Praying for your dear daughter that she will recover and do her best to kick the alcohol problem with God's help and guidance.

  21. O sorry.. I've found my post about my daughter and your replies. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouraging comments.
    It means a lot to me.
    60s Granny

    1. Praying for you and your daughter. May God be with you both and give you what you need.

    2. I am glad you found our prayers. As I remember, there were many and we are still praying. Over time, I've noticed many in our JC Family seemed to be greatly helped through the AA 12 Step Program.
      Be Blessed!

  22. Father, please hold my hand and walk with me through the day, rejoicing over You. Help me to keep my eyes on You and not all my issues that I am going through. As long as You are with me Lord, anything is possible. Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You continually and always Lord. Amen 🙏.

    1. Dear Janet! Praying with you Sister.
      Father God,
      Thank you for leading my sister through all of her problems and challenges so she will be victorious to Your glory. Amen! Thank you!!!

    PSALM 143
    Let me see Your Kindness to me in the morning, for I am trusting You. Show me where to walk. My prayer is sincere.

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Sonrises hold so much promise of a new day, a new opportunity, and a fresh new start.  First, Thank You for today's Sonrise, the last one of this Summer's Season. As my brother reminded me, "The ending of old is the beginning of new"!  Even when the calmness of gentle Summer ending beach waves don't soothe us, would You remind us that The Sonrise is the first signal starting each new day so we can also start anew? A new day. A new clean slate. A new watch for the Son. A new quiet. A new whisper we  hear from You. A new beginning. I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Bless you Brie for this prayer for us. Amen&Amen!

    2. Amen Brie! Thank you for sharing these beautiful devotions!

      Blessings from France

    3. Holding on to your prayers Brie!!!
      Thank you and God bless you!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Amen! What a comforting post! With each new sunrise, we have a new day with all new possibilities to please our Father, to remain in His grace, favor and presence, to right any wrongs, to make good decisions to walk in the Spirit with Jesus. All things are new and possible.

  24. I love you Lord 🎶🎶
    For your mercy never failed me
    All my days, I've been held in your hands
    From the moment that I wake up
    Until I lay my head
    Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

    And all my life You have been faithful
    And all my life You have been so, so good
    With every breath that I am able
    Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

    I love your voice
    You have led me through the fire
    And in darkest night You are close like no other
    I've known You as a Father
    I've known You as a Friend
    And I have lived in the goodness of God, yeah!

    And all my life You have been faithful
    And all my life You have been so, so good
    With every breath that I am able
    Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

    'cause your goodness is running after, it's running after me
    Your goodness is running after, running after me
    With my life laid down, I'm surrendered now
    I give You everything
    'cause Your goodness is running after, it keeps running after me

    And all my life You have been faithful
    And all my life You have been so, so good
    With every breath that I am able
    Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

    1. Thank you, Jan. I am glad to have this in my mind and spirit today!!

    2. Thanks Jan! This is one of my main goto songs!

    3. The Goodness of God is so so good!!! Thank you!

  25. Thankyou Brie, Im claiming your prayer this morning. Much needed. Mindy, Spokane

    1. Praying with you and for your precious Chloe and her fiancé. ❤️

  26. Loving Heavenly Father, It’s a new day, fresh anointing has been poured upon us. We thank You and give You all the praise for this day. Our call to wait on You is an invitation to trust and hope, believing that one day, You will make all things right. Because You are of such infinite greatness and glory, it seems that our nature has become so estranged from You, that it requires our whole heart and desire to be set upon You, to know and receive You. We pray this day, that all those things that hinders us in our perfect waiting on You, be cast off and thrown in the lake of fire, so that we can understand the deep meaning of:”Take heed, and be quiet”; ”In quietness...shall be your strength”; ”It is good that a man should....quietly wait” (Isa. 7:4.). It is the confession of our desire to sink into our nothingness and to let You work and reveal Yourself to us.
    Help us to let go of the tyranny of talking and doing, so that we can enjoy moments of being silent with You. Help us to take time to secure stillness from man, the world, all duties, all cares, all joys and from self and its energy, to be still and quiet before You, while allowing the Word and prayer to be very precious. Do let us wait quietly before You, oh Lord, because it is in our times of waiting, seeking You in prayer, listening to You as well as talking to You, shutting out the clatter and quietly wait, that You unfold to us Your person, purposes, promises, and plan.
    Thank You for making it possible to know You and experience an amazing transformation in our own lives as we lay our requests before You and wait in expectation. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord (Lamentations 3:25-26).

    But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me (Micah 7:7 ).

    Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long (Psalm 25:5 ).

    Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him (Isaiah 30:18 ).

    I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope (Psalm 130:5)

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Doing my best today to shut out all the clatter and remain plugged in and tuned in to His voice. Amen dear Sister,
      I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I hope.

    2. Waiting on Him with you dear Maplewood. In His Word I hope. I stake my life on the truthfulness of His Word. He is divine and cannot lie. His Word is truth, life and light.

    3. Great Word on waiting and patience to partner with today's notion that hurry keeps the heart earthbound. Thank you Maplewood wherever you are for your gifts that keep on giving. ♥️

  27. I am struggling today.
    It has to do with fear. Around our neighborhood there are multiple signs planted in front yards stating their views on what matters and in rainbow colors stating views on what wins. I want to put signs up stating how God ‘s love is all that matters but am terrified that harm may come my way. In 2Timothy 2:12 it says if we deny God , He will deny us. I need to be strong and courageous but having such a hard time doing so. Would love God given wisdom.

    1. Thanks for sharing that you would love God given wisdom, Learning To Trust.
      For God given wisdom, have you activated today's devotion yet?
      ...Ask My Spirit to quiet your mind so that you can hear My still, small voice within you. I am speaking to you continually: words of Life...Peace...Love...

      God has your Answer; ask Him your question. "Lay your requests before Me and then wait in expectation." I will be praying for you to hear Him. Life, Peace, and Love Blessings to you and our entire JC Family!

    2. P. S. Learning To Trust: In addition to what Jeanne said, Did you think of putting up a Keep Christ in Christmas Sign Decoration, saying Peace...Love...Joy ?

  28. Everyone will always have their views that differ from ours. I called an old friend last night and she no longer believes in Christ as her Savior. She is more about energy and the universe and a lot of things that I don't believe in. But I stayed on the phone for an hour talking to her. She had a lot of things on her mind and we talked. I told her I couldn't get through a day without Jesus and every good thing I do or have is only because of Him. The last thing she said was I love you. You are not denying Him by failing to put a sign outside your home. Your neighbors can very well see the light of Christ in your daily walk, words and deeds. God is the only one you have to please. Just ignore their signs. We need no outward neon lights to show we belong to Him. We just keep living in God's love, mercy, kindness and peace. Be not afraid. We are all taken care of because we seek Him and He knows His own.

  29. To all my JC Warriors, brothers and sisters in Christ. Daily you show me the love and trust for our Savior in your prayers and testimonies. You lift up your hearts to our Lord always thanking HIM. Thank you Jesus for this blessing you have given me. Save us all Savior of the world for by your cross and resurrection you have set us free. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. The Lord be with all of you. Peace and much love to you is my daily prayer.

  30. Thank you dear Loveconquersall. This wonderful gathering place is a safe refuge and a daily blessing that keeps on giving. We are of one accord and we are trying to follow hard after righteousness and the spirit, despite this fallen world and all the trappings and empty promises. We know that Jesus is our everything and we need Him every day. Amen dear sister. Thank You Jesus for love, peace and blessings to reign down on Loveconquersall and all my brothers and sisters seen and unseen. Amen.

  31. Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me. I praise You Lord always. Quiet my mind so I can hear Your thoughts and not my own. Let me hear Your still small voice within me. Reprogram my way of thinking to be like Yours. Lord, where I am stubborn and resist You and Your purposes for my life, knock the sharp edges off my life. Mold me to become Your true child. Shape me so that I am sensitive and responsive to You. May Christ be formed within me. Let Your ways be mine. Lead me along the path You have prepared for me Lord and let me be of good courage and passion to do what You created me to do. I want to enjoy and delight in You and our time together. Remove this negative spirit from me and replace it with Your Spirit. Help me to walk in Your Spirit and not in my flesh. Remind me that You only have my best interest at heart and that the plans You have for me are for good and not for evil. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. (John 10:27).

    2. Wonderful sincere prayer, sweet Janet! Amen
      Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
      We all must pray this. We are human and flawed. But always loved.

    3. Thank You Lord for my sister Janet's prayer. I too need to be "reminded that You only have my best interest at heart and that the plans You have for me, are for good and not for evil". Amen.

  32. Today's devotion and scripture tells us
    ...He chooses to make His humble home in our heart. It is in our heart where we know Him most intimately; it is in our heart where He speaks to us in holy whispers. It is in our hearts where God's Holy Spirit quiets us until our minds hear His still, small voice within...
    From 2 Thessalonians 3, May our Lord Jesus Christ direct our hearts into God's love and Christ's perserverance
    as He does with sea turtle hearts fresh out of their shell. While on the beach, we were blessed to see newborn baby sea turtles hatch out of their eggs, rise to the top of the sand, and make their way into the ocean. Once they were in the ocean, where God designed them to be, they were no longer vulnerable to seagulls, raccoons nor ghost crabs. With their paddle like legs, tiny delicate shell backs, and fresh newborn eyes guided by God, these brand new creatures find their way from the sandy beach underground nesting spot into His ocean waters.
    By Divine Mercy, when we are born again by God's Holy Spirit, our hearts come out of their shells and also get ushered toward our true life and Godly adventures. Just as God does with His newborn baby sea turtles, He also gives us direction. The baby sea turtles may use the downward slope of the shore, or the white splashes and sounds of breaking waves, or the light of the horizon, or the magnetic field of the earth as their guideposts. Once the newly born baby sea turtles reach their God intended ocean destination, then His currents can usher them toward their new sea home. In much the same way, the same God directs our hearts toward our destination of His Love and His Peace, with guidance from His Word found in the Scriptures, His Light found in His Presence, and His Encouragement found in His Love. We may feel as awkward getting there as newly born baby sea turtles. Keeping our eyes and hearts open to the cues of His Guidance, we too, can reach the ocean of God's protective Love, where His currents push us forward to our next destination.

    Dear Heavenly Father God, would You please lead us to the currents of Your Everlasting Love, with Your Ongoing Energy and Strength? In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    1. Beautiful Brie. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. JE

    2. Dear sister/friend Brie, I've always especially loved your sea stories. May we all be blessed feeling like a sea turtle following the direction the King of Kings gives us! Thank you and God Bless

    3. Thanks for painting that beautiful picture of God's Plan and guidance. You are such a sweet sister. I pray I will always follow His currents in my life. He already knows my future.

  33. Prayers requested for Keith's Neuro appointment today and for the follow up visit with the Neuro Dr. Thanks family.

    1. Praying Keith (& you) get your questions answered and he has a good and productive appointment(s), Brie!

    2. Praying for both you and Keith and that the appointments will have a good outcome. JE

    3. Joining in prayer with our JC family.

    4. Joining our family's prayers for Keith that his Dr visits will go very well because God will be guiding the Dr to see the true situation so he can treat it properly and bring Keith back to good health. God can do all things. Thank You Jesus!

    5. You got it Brie. Joining warriors in lifting Keith in prayer🙏💕.

  34. "Wait in My Presence, don't rush the process"; While discussing this with Him, He reminded me that tea takes time to brew,coffee too. The finest wines tale time to mature,so does good cheese. A beef roast slow cooked is more tender and more easily assimilated than a rushed roast. So slowing down in His presence, being quiet before Him, allowing Him to soak into me enables a depth of intimacy that only develop with time. I love the way my Lord Jesus speak; leading gently, sometimes with a wry sense of humor.Beautiful :)

    1. He is in the waiting, a powerful worship song reminds me. Praying for the grace to trust - as his way is perfect, and his timing is different than ours. May we long for “depth of intimacy that only develops over time “ Thank you, Peter. ❤️

    2. Thabks for the reality of slow time, brother-friend in Christ, Peter JF Jackson
      Slow me down Lord

    3. Slow Me Down Lord
      by Wilferd Arlan Peterson
      Slow me down, Lord.
      Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind.
      Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.
      Give me, amid the confusion of the day, the calmness of the everlasting hills.
      Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory. Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sleep.
      Teach me the art of taking minute vacations—of slowing down to look at a flower,
      to chat with a friend,
      to pat a dog,
      to read a few lines from a good book.
      Remind me each day of the fable of the hare and the tortoise,
      that I may know that the race is not always to the swift—
      that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
      Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak
      and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well.
      Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring values that I may grow toward the stars of my greater destiny.

    4. Thank you Peter! Words of truth. Running into His waiting arms often and opening our hearts to Him and really resting in Him is so important. In prayer we speak to Him and in quiet meditation with Him, He speaks to us.
      Amen Brie, Slow me down, Lord so I can seek you with a sincere heart through my day.

  35. GraceTakesTime so amazing that you posted about the song "He is in the waiting". I have been blessed this morning with extra time with the Lord. Thank you Jesus. I was able to go through previous posts from over the years and I saw a post that I had posted about that very song. It holds a dear place in my heart. God has brought us through so much, he is always faithful. We still have great struggles with raising our grandchildren, but I have been reminded he will bring us to the other side. My job is to love and serve God. To be him to our children and everyone I come in contact with. Lord forgive me for presenting flesh instead of you. Please have your will in me and live through me. Thank you Lord for this deep time I had with you today. My little guy normally wakes up at 6:30. He has slept in an hour and a half. Lord please don't let him be sick. Thank you for blessing me with this quiet God alone time.

    1. Guess who just woke up! Father thank you for loving us your children so very much!!!

    2. Hi Terri, I've been thinking of you lately. I went to my first doctor's appointment here in OR with a new doctor. I mentioned that I had been a part time then full time caregiver to my mom over the last five years and now I'm in a new place and new season and figuring out what is next. I didn't mean to make it a point of interest, I was just catching him up with where I'm at in life when he asked what I do. He deliberated on this information and even revisited it a second time before the apt. was over because he wanted to make sure I was okay. He wanted to share how he knew this is so taxing on us and can really take a toll on us. It was very kind of him to not pass this up and it helped validate how hard it actually was on me and helped knowing it wasn't just me that thought so. I thought of you and how similarly exhausted you are sometimes and I want you to know also that it is understood. We have our Faith to know that God takes us through it and is with us. I hope what I wrote helps you in some way. Love, Kathy

    3. What you wrote helps in a lot of ways, dear Kathy. Today when I woke up at 2 am to pray my self up for a two hour drive beginning at 4 am in pitch black night with no street nor interstate lights for 50 of those miles, in order to pick Keith up and get him to 3 appointments, with the first one beginning at 7 am today, does anybody really know or care what I am going through? Does it really matter? Do I? Thanks my dear sister friend for validating that Someone does care, and many of us have had and are still having the been there, done that experience. What a wonderful doctor you had to take the time to care about the caregiver. I suspect s/he was one? We are at appointment number 2 now, and I took a break to visit with my true framily in our JC Prayer Warrior's Room, who keep up the faith cadence, regardless of what comes and goes, one way or the other. Love and Peace being prayed for us all. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Terri, I'm happy that your little guy slept in so you could have precious time with the Lord. Your day will go much better and you will bring God's peace to the little ones. God is so good. All we need to do is show them this. My little 3 yr old grand understands this already! What a blessing.
      Kathy, Maybe God guided your doctor to open up his ears and heart to your situation. After such a long time of caring for your dear Mom, you are in a new chapter and you needed a little comfort and loving kindness. Amen! Our Faith is our Anchor to Heaven and we are not walking through this world alone. Love to you dear sisters.

    5. Waiting/ Kathy thank you more than I can say. I live my days trying to do what God has called me to do, but honestly I'm beyond exhausted. It's not from cooking big dinners or trying to make the house or the kids look perfect. It's from just being there for them, trying to meet the needs of children that sin and the enemy have tried breaking. I say tried because I have a God that bigger than any of the stupid stuff that has been thrown at them. God's perfect will for them is not a list of diagnosis. What they need is to be held, loved and to know they matter to us and most importantly to God.
      Yes it's hard, but to that I say "whoop-dee-doo". This to shall pass.

      Praise God this song just started playing on the radio. Josh Wilson "Before the Morning"
      Lord you are so, so involved in our lives, you hear our cries, and you respond. Thank you, thank you!

    6. Right after "Before the Morning this song played

      Sparrows by Ken Asbury

      Lord you never cease to amaze me!
      Praise you Lord, you are glorious!

    7. "I'm beyond exhausted" I understand. I go there often. While down there, I hold my hands up and thank God for small lifts! Love You TERRI and our entire JC Family of Prayer Warriors.

    8. I think you're doing a great job Terri! Those children are blessed to have you to hold them and steer them along the path that leads to righteousness.

  36. Dear heavenly father I am praying so hard for your will to be done in my child's life lord! He is saved and loves you lord, he prays and worships your lord. Yet he struggles so hard with things he wants to please you with. Please let your will be done , let him get some wins lord to build his confidence to see that you hear and see him! I'm this process show me how to encourage and love your son the way he needs! In your name Jesus

    1. Dawn, I'll add you in my prayers. Jesus knows what you guys need and is on the case!

    2. Father, please give Dawn's son what he needs to know You are working in his life. Let him be encouraged that You are always there with him, holding his hand. Give Dawn the guidance that she needs to show him the encouragement and love that she desires to give him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    3. Thank you for prayers Janet and waiting!❤🙏🏽

    4. Joining prayers for you and your son, Dawn. The victory is almost won since he is a believer and he is trying to please God.
      Dear Father, Thank You for giving this beloved child a sign and a victory to show that You are guiding him with Your mighty Hand in Jesus' Name. Amen

  37. I just told my sister that the weather matches my heavy heart, this morning. Giving it all to Him who wants us to hear His still, small voice within each of us. Words of Life...Peace...Love. Praying for my dear friend who is still sick. For my second son who is not being given choices at work. For my sister who is recovering from Shingles and her best friend who is waiting on the Lord to take her Home. For our Country that is daily showing the turmoil of our Freedoms being stripped.
    Thanking my Father, in the name of his Almighty Son, Christ Jesus, for the Peace that passes understanding and that I can be that reason for Hope when I speak to people today. Let me WAIT (Why Am I Talking? What Am I Thinking?) before I speak and make sure my words are salted and show people (and myself!) how to taste the goodness and Godliness of His Words.
    Praying for each of you and your loved ones (so glad you got some extra time this morning, TERRI!). May our hearts and words reflect His goodness all throughout this day that He has given us.

    1. Norah thank you! He knew what my day would look like and what I needed to get through it.
      I say this half joking.

      As glorious as it would be to have 3 or 4 hours to spend praising him and talking with him (I miss that so much), Thank you Lord for not giving me 3-4 hrs because I don't have it in me to experience a day that would match that right now. Lord but I know if that is what I face you will give me what I need to go through it and come out praising you on the other side. I hope this makes sense

    2. Dear Norah, Praying with you for God's healing of your friend and your sister, and for blessed relief and peace for your sister's best friend, and also, for God to reveal choices at work for Son No. 2. Praying that our Heavenly Father is working to put our Country in a better place. He is the Answer to every problem. He already knows our futures. Amen sister: May our hearts and words reflect His goodness all throughout this day and every day.
      Dear Terri, You are well taken care of even without those extra 3 or 4 hours. He equips you well for every task He sets before you. We are more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus. He reads the words of gratitude, hope and trust in your beautiful heart.

  38. Our dear Norah, Praying for our Midnight Blues to quickly turn into Sky Blue :) Love You

    1. Thanks, Sisters. It's been a heavy couple of days. My dear friend who has been SO sick, tested positive today. Lost a dear friend to Cancer and received so many calls filled with fear of: vaccines, COVID, mandates...and the list goes on. Taking a deeeep breath and re-reading this morning's devotion. Our son (experiencing ultimatums), will be over tonight to tell us the outcome. He has antibodies and still is being required to take the vaccine. :( Giving it to God. Thank you, Sisters for your prayers. <3

    2. Amen Brie! Praying with you dear sisters.
      Norah, I'm so sorry your friend has Covid and about your dear friend who lost the battle with Cancer. Praying for your friend's strength of breathing and perfect recovery. God is greater than her infirmity. May God guide your son. Best to give it all to God and then rest in Him. Don't let go of His peace no matter what. Much love

  39. Approaching the throne of grace Most High, and laying at Your feet the needs of all who post here in our family unit. We love You Lord first & foremost. We rest in the vastness of Your love & power to lead us through this day. You rest in our hearts teaching us to walk in trust, faith & obedience to Your leading & guidance. Your will & good pleasure is our song for this day & we will dance in victory as we follow You through it. 🎶 How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him, who brings good news, good news
    Announcing peace
    Proclaiming news of happiness
    Our God reigns
    Our God reigns
    Our God reigns
    Our God reigns
    Our God reigns!

    Amen! Hallelujah!

  40. Please include son #1 in you prayers today. He is to be let go from his job, if he does not agree to weekly covid testing & eventually the vaccine. He just recovered from covid & more than likely have the antibody but that won't matter. We trust that the Lord is on it. He asks that God will quiet his mind, be still & trust. Blessings to you all💕

  41. Your prayers are requested for one of my long time praying buddies, her son, and his entire medical team.
    Her son is having surgery today to have 2 of the 3 "suspicious" lumps removed from his neck area. The 3rd is too close to the carotid, so will be dealt with later through radiation and/or chemo.
    We prayed today to put our Faith into action. Today's devotion says it best...Ask My Spirit to quiet your mind so that you can hear My still, small voice within you. I am speaking to you continually: words of Healing...Life...Peace...Love. May we tune our hearts to receive His Messages of abundant blessing.
    I am laying our requests before Him and waiting in expectation for Him. May our faith and praise increase.
    In Jesus' Name, Amen.

    1. The above prayer request is from Brie. Much Love!

    2. Brie --- I will stand in the gap for this precious child of God.

    3. Praying for the healing power of the Lord to touch him and remove the affliction from him. May our Almighty God make him whole. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    4. Joining one and all of my sisters and all in this JC family in benign/healing prayers for him, Brie!

    5. Joining warriors in prayer for Brie's son. May this surgery be the success this family is hoping for. Benign, benign, benign in Jesus name! Amen! Hallelujah!🙏🙏🌈💞

    6. My prayers for your son, Brie, as we wait in expectation for perfect health report on the surgery and the outcome. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    7. Praying with all of the JC Prayer Warriors for your friend's son, Brie!!

  42. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your still small voice that speaks to me. Please open my ears, heart and mind to receive Your loving words and let them prick my heart and enter my soul. Your mercy endures forever and You are so gracious Lord. As we walk through this day, let Your peaceful presence be known to me. Fill me with You Lord. Place Your special joy within my heart and guide me along the way. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Thank You Jesus.

  43. This is 2022, but the prayers remain powerful, no matter how long ago they were said. God still listens and hears and answers them. It is indeed a privilege to wake up in the morning and thank the Lord first thing, for waking us up, and asking for His guidance throughout the day. He wakes us up, not we ourselves, and for this I am always grateful as I am sure most of us in JC family are. T o Him be glory forever. Amen.

    1. Emm --- Joining you in Praise to the Great I Am, to Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords, and Holy Spirit, You are the Oil of Joy, and the Oil of Gladness. I would sink into the depths of depression without Your presence in my heart. And, Papa God, I praise You , because, You are Bigger than the biggest, Stronger than the strongest and Better than the best in Jesus' name. HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Hallelujah, amen to that dear JJ & amen!🙏💞

  44. Please pray for my daughter this morning as she has a procedure done. She is anxious and sometimes these procedures can be painful. Prayers for the Dr. to have wisdom, guidance and gentleness. That my daughter is healed in the places the Dr. is looking and super strength for my daughter. She is a special person and has been through so much in her short life so far. She’s only 20 and has had several procedures, surgeries, pokes and sticks from needles, transfusions including blood transfusions, etc etc…Thanks everyone. Tori Faith is her name. God bless y’all ♥️

    1. Continuing healing, strength and comforting prayers to Jehovah Rapha for our beloved Tori Faith. Thank You Jesus for His presence, love, guidance, wisdom, and gentleness for the Dr. performing the procedure.

    2. Joining TJ, Sassy Mom, and the rest of the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS to intercede for Tori Faith. Let Healing and the Blessings from heaven rain down upon Tori Faith. Open the doors of her life
      for Lord Jesus to come in and reIgn. In Jesus's Holy name, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Joining warriors in prayer for Tori Faith. 🙏💞🌈

    4. Tori Faith has my prayers as well. Two or more are now gathered in His Name and for His Glory! Amen Love, Brie

    5. Amen! 🙏 For Tori Faith 🙏

  45. It is the greatest honor, the most humbling experience on waking, to welcome the Creator, the Lover of our soul our Lord Jesus into our day.
    To open up to Him giving over to Him our day and all it will consist of is most precious.
    To quieten down and listen for His still small voice, waiting patiently for Him is a hallowed time indeed.
    I received this today:
    Micah 6:8 " He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

  46. You missed one:

    Colossians 1:16
    New King James Version
    For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.

  47. AMEN!
    I hope everyone enjoys this blessed day!
    Prayers for Tori Faith 🙏


  48. Dear heavenly Father. Thank you for this day. Hardships and blessings, YOU are with me every step of the way. For this I am grateful! Amen.

  49. Thanking each of you JC Saints who are praying for my DH. They got him in for his Cardiac tests (echocardiogram and nuclear stress test) at 5:45 a.m. a week from tomorrow. They were saying it may be Oct/Nov but God moved some mountains! Apparently, the tests will take most of the morning. That gives us a week for specific prayer for the results. He still feels great but will be glad to have the results so he knows whether or not he can resume his chemo. My prayer is that they know by next week whether the chemo caused the heart episode or not. Praying circles 'round my Best Man!
