Saturday, September 26, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 26

Come to Me and listen! Attune yourself to My voice, and receive My richest blessings. Marvel at the wonder of communing with the Creator of the universe while sitting in the comfort of your home. Kings who reign on earth tend to make themselves inaccessible; ordinary people almost never gain an audience with them. Even dignitaries must plow through red tape and protocol in order to speak with royalty.
     Though I am King of the universe, I am totally accessible to you. I am with you wherever you are. Nothing can separate you from My Presence! When I cried out from the cross, "It is finished!" the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. This opened the way for you to meet Me face to Face, with no need of protocol or priests. I, the King of kings, am your constant Companion.
Isaiah 50:4
English Standard Version

The Lord God has given me
    the tongue of those who are taught,
that I may know how to sustain with a word
    him who is weary.
Morning by morning he awakens;
    he awakens my ear
    to hear as those who are taught.
Isaiah 55:2-3
English Standard Version
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,
    and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
    and delight yourselves in rich food.
Incline your ear, and come to me;
    hear, that your soul may live;
and I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
    my steadfast, sure love for David.

John 19:30
English Standard Version
When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Matthew 27:50-51
English Standard Version
50 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.
51 And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you Lord Jesus for always being accessible, nothing can separate me from your presence. I anticipate the day when we will meet face to face.

  2. Heavenly Father, thank you for listening and answering my prayers that gives me hope and strength. Lord I pray that You give me ears to hear You and I do a better job and take the time to listen to You. Too many times I am so busy doing all the talking and asking deep questions that I do not stop to listen to what You want to say to me. Lord, you are my true Father, help me to allow You to Father me through Your voice.

    1. Amen Amen Amen
      God bless you and each of our JC family. We love you father God and thank you for your perfect love. May we pray and pray and listen with our heart, spirit and mind oh Lord
      In Jesus heavenly name
      Texas friend

    2. The message of today is wonderful and often overlooked. "Kings who reign on earth tend to make themselves inaccessible; ordinary people almost never gain an audience with them. Even dignitaries must plow through red tape and protocol in order to speak with royalty. Though I am King of the universe, I am totally accessible to you. I am with you wherever you are." How wonderful! Those earthly kings have that inaccessibility out of fear -- fear for their own safety and security. Paradoxically, the Greatest One of all has no such fear. It is so beautiful to have Him with us always. "It is too wonderful, I cannot attain unto it."

  3. "The Bible says my King is the King Jews,
    He's the King of Israel,
    He's the King of righteousness,
    He's the King of the ages,
    He's the King of Heaven,
    He's the King of glory,
    He's the King of kings,
    And He's the Lord of Lords,
    That's my King!
    I wonder do you know him?"

    -Dr. S.M. Lockridge

    1. If anyone hasn't seen the video that S.M. Lockridge made, look it up on YouTube, it is awesome.

    2. Pamela - You have been missed!!!!!

    3. Yes! I know the King of Kings! Hallelujah!

    4. #METOO and I know He is totally accessible to me. He is with me wherever I am. Everything bonds us together in His Loving Presence! Thank You Jesus. Amen.

    5. King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Yes and AMEN!

    6. Amen! Always by our side. Our greatest friend who knows our hearts like no other!

    7. Yes! And today I humble myself before him and seek His face, repent and turn from my wicked ways so that He will hear from heaven, and will forgive my sin and heal our land". Ref. 2 chronicles 7:14

    8. Amen! Yes, I know my King!πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ™

    9. Amen, my King and I are in each others company right now, although in my chair,I am seated in Heavenly places.

    10. Beautiful Peter! Amen. In His Presence and Anchored to Heaven.

  4. It is SO AWESOME to know that when Jesus said, “It is finished!” all we have to do is believe and receive that Truth. And even that isn’t of ourselves it is by grace that we are saved. For a long time I had a distorted perception of God. I was always trying to attend church, study more, pray more, etc. I thought God was an angry God when I sinned. I had paralyzing fear of hell to the point that sometimes I couldn’t function. I feel like a lot of churches today unfortunately are not being taught about Grace. They are constantly focused on themselves and their sin and not the finished work of the cross. I had to leave all teachings and the church to find what God was saying to me personally. I only found true freedom when I realized ALL of my sins are forgiven past, present, and future. I no longer have to feel like I’m not good enough. Jesus in me is perfect and though I fail He stays in my heart and makes me right with God. There’s NOTHING I can do to change that just like there was nothing i did to be saved. It’s all Grace. Hebrews 10:14 For by one sacrifice HE HAS MADE PERFECT those who are being made holy. ❤️πŸ™πŸŽ‰ Just like Jesus I am God’s beloved He is pleased with me just for the fact that I am his child.

    1. Amen to all you said, there are so many people walking around so worried about performing for God they lose sight that His Grace and the finished work at the cross is what it is all about. I also grew up terrified of God, waiting to be struck down any time I sinned. The condemnation that is put on us is heavy and that's not what God is all about. He is a loving Father waiting to comfort us when we fail, not strike us down when we fail.

    2. Welcome back Pamela K. Good to read your blog πŸ₯°

    3. Thanks Pamela K. How are you doing in 2020?
      I appreciated hearing this and was snagged by...He stays in my heart and makes me right with God. There’s NOTHING I can do to change that just like there was nothing i did to be saved! Amen.

  5. Aaahhh, what a comforting thought....I am your beloved son. Amen.
    I just a read a book, "The Name of God is Mercy". We do need more compassion and more mercy in our world. Not condemning. Thank you Jesus for your way of compassion and mercy!

  6. why do people go to church? is it only to praise god because thats what one member told me because I told him that I dont feel peace or better when I go to church and he told that's not why I go to church that it's to praise god.But I go to church wanting to feel like everything is going to be ok and to pray and ask for forgiveness also I know going to church isnt going to fix my problems but it should help me feel better what am I doing wrong that I dont feel better and how do i keep trusting.

    1. I havent been to church in a long time, but lately I have felt the need to, I would go so that I can praise Him, the music in church is what most fills my heart with His presence, being in a place where many people is seeking Him, makes it powerful, the energy can be felt. I am not religious, just spiritual, my relationship with God is personal but lately I feel I want to be a part of something.

    2. As in much of life, I think we have a tendency to think we only go to church if it agrees with the ol' Burger King slogan, "Have it your way" or the oft said, "What's in it for me." I think this fails to account for what the scripture says on a whole about assembling together. One of the key verses I see is Hebrews 10:24-25 which says, "and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near." There are key principles here in these verses. One is we are here to encourage one another. So one of the ideas in going to church is you are there for other people. We need each other and by sharing your struggles and victories you often encourage others. Another important thing about church is it a place to serve. Mark 10:45 says, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life." Jesus served others and we need to use our gifts to serve others. At the end of Hebrews 10:25 it says, "And all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Day is Christ's 2nd coming. Therefore, as we get closer to that day we need to be assembling together more and more and more. I don't think this means we replace going to church with online church or small group bible studies or even posting on this blog with others. Yet, all of those support the idea of assembling together more as the day draws near. As a people, we should be having more times of fellowship, not less and unfortunately, we have a tendency to withdraw more and more to our screens when what we need is more and more face-to-face time. Try it; as I take my focus off of myself, I find that my life often feels a lot better.

    3. unknown unknown
      My devotion group lifted you up in prayer this afternoon!

    4. Good morning Lord and jc family. Took Jairo to ER; he was life flighted to Texas Children's hospital. My daughter is upset; I'm holding on being strong. JESUS is with us..found a penny on hospital chair which says: In God We Trust and Jairo was in room 3 (The Holy Trinity). I know God is speaking to me, do not be afraid..I go before you always. I thank you all for your prayers. JESUS I trust in you.

    5. Loveconquersall- I agree that God is speaking to you and I am praying for Jairo and all of you.

    6. Praying for Jairo, you and your daughter. God is with you all.

    7. Oh Father in heaven Jairo once again is faced with a challenge, a battle to win. Father you didn't bring him safely home to delight his family just to take him away. You have a plan for this little one. I ask Father that those attending to his care be filled with wisdom, discernment and knowledge coming from You. Calm and peace for his mother & grandmother. Warriors! !let's storm the gates of heaven for this family. Amen.

    8. Praying for Jairo and the family. Please bring them comfort and Your peace. JE

    9. The battle is the Lord's and into His hands, we place little Jairo. Jehovah Rapha, thank you for Your healing powers and the miracle that is on the way for this precious baby! Thank You in Jesus name.

      Maplewood NJ

    10. JC WARRIORS at the THRONE OF GRACE Interceding for Jairo and family!

  7. I think people go to church so they can be with others who are seeking the love, peace, strength, and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  8. We are a church of people bound together by the struggle, by the journey, by the commitment to finding our way forward together....led by the Holy Spirit into a future that is filled with God light.

  9. The church is not in a building. WE are the church. Christ’s hands and feet. I attend church regularly so I can lift my voice up in praise with others and be taught about scripture. Prov. 3:5. ...lean not on your own understanding... Although I am well read and understand many things, there are also many things I don’t understand. Therefore, I commune with people who understand different things in different ways. God speaks through people, it is I who need to humble myself enough to listen and remain teachable. I feel I am most in tune with the spirit during times of worship and praise. This in turn opens my heart to the word of God that I receive at church. I have had to change my perspective about what church is. The ‘church’ is accessible to me wherever I am. God is not far away wherever I am, as referenced in the reading this morning. He is near me, not only in the presence of the Spirit, but in the presence of other believers. I am so grateful for that.

    Praying for God’s redemptive healing and grace on all my brothers and sisters in Christ this morning. Yesterday marked the 4 year anniversary of my wife’s passing. I did ok, but my kids still take it rather hard, so I pray for them also. Thank you everyone for your prayers for me.

    Unknown unknown: 2 Corinthians 5:7 - I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see.

    There are many things I cannot see, many things I don’t understand. But the act of admitting that everything isn’t necessarily right, and trusting that God will somehow, someway take care of these things is often the only thing that gets me through the day. Stay strong in prayer and confess your fear to Him. Tell him you don’t understand and ask for guidance. HE WILL help you. I know this for a fact as I pray those same prayers regularly.

    Peace and blessings to all of you.

    Dave D.

    1. Awesome sharing, Dave! Thank you... Norah

    2. When we build a church within our heart and take it everywhere, we're better off than when our church is only a one day house of prayer!
      Prior to covid19, I entered into our church temple to praise Him, fellowship with others, be part of the communion of 2 or more gathering in His Name, learn more of His Word, and to thank God for finally having my husband by my side during the services.
      I left out to serve others and practice what I heard.

    3. We've gpt a little Church right here. We come together each day to worship Him with praise and thanksgiving. I have just started going back to my own Church to worship as a faith family and to sing in the Choir. No matter if you attend Mass on your TV or come to Church, God knows that we are seeking Him together as the Body of Christ. He knows our hearts of faith and trust.

    4. Hubby & I are finally going back this Sunday. Missing my sisters & brothers in Christ. Yet I know that it will be awkward not to hug & huddle like we use tooπŸ˜”

    5. Yes, Jeanne, I truly love our little Church Community in here! I especially love all of my brothers and sisters who make up this church community
      Thanks be to God for leading me in here!

    6. Lifting up Dave D and his family in loving and comforting prayersπŸ™πŸ™
      Our JC family is such a beautiful blessing that I cherish deeply! Praying Loving prayers for each and everyone of you! Thank you all for your prayers for me and my family as well!
      Much love

    7. Thank you Dave and all. We all come together from throughout our world on this holy ground some of us posting some of us not but all lifting each other in prayer. Thank you Jesus for all our blessings. Thank you for answered prayer. Thy will be done.

    8. Well said Dave!! Amen πŸ™

    9. Well said Dave!! Amen πŸ™

  10. Food morning JC family please pray for a sweet friend of mines father. My friend is Cuban she was catholic and two years ago was baptized and joined the christian faith. She has been praying for her father he is not a believer of Christ in any form. Hospice has been called in and the end is near for him. Please pray that he will receive Christ as his Lord of all.

  11. Loveconquersall - runaprilmae - Your prayers are mine. Love, blessings and peace.

    1. Joining in as well... for your glory Lord

  12. Loveconquersall, little Jairo remains in my prayers. How wonderful to have a Grandma nearby to keep his Mommy's heart peaceful and remind her that little Jairo's life is protected in the name of Jesus Christ. As I read today's devotion, I found myself so thankful that we have God in Christ in us, the Hope of Glory. God raised his son from the dead and made him King of King and Lord of Lords. THAT reigns in US. That same power, that same victory is ours. How blessed are we?
    I went to bed early, tired from a day of difficult news, cases and concerns. I gave it to my Father knowing that in the name of Jesus Christ, all knees will bow. All evil knows His name and recognizes that power - we just have to be bold enough to claim it, and TRUST in the Lord with all of our hearts. I pray for my cases (my boldness has increased - I tell them that I will add them to the prayer list and that mighty prayer warriors will be claiming victories for their lives. They SO appreciate it. We are living in a world where we are constantly told to SHUT UP. Don't speak the Truth - you may offend someone. Don't speak your mind, which holds His Word - you may offend.
    The love of God never offends. He will protect and will guide; we simply have to believe that and go boldly unto the throne of grace. I loved what Sharon shared in 2018, "There is NOTHING I can do to change that just like there is nothing I did to earn it." By Grace we are saved. "For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." Hebrews 10:14. We know Him and one day will see him face to face. And as Chris said, we are here to build each other up, to remind each other of our heritage; to serve and encourage. And like Sassy Mom said in 2018, we can anticipate the day we will meet Him face to face.
    Father, I give this day to you, because we have access to you and all that is mighty, trusting you will deliver those who are sick and downhearted and tired. Give them Your strength and power. Build their believing as they see the sick healed and the lame walk. Thank you that I can be Your Light in this God-forsaken world - that I can be the reminder of all that is good because You so loved us that you gave your only begotten Son - that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. Let me listen to You and dismiss the rest and be bold and courageous to speak Your Word. I thank you for my family and all of my loved ones; for my JC Family who so diligently prays and claims your promises; for helping me cut through the 'red tape,' for people and show compassion. Work in me Father through your mighty Son Jesus Christ.
    Praying for each and every one of you and thanking you for your prayers, love and commitment. Norah

    1. Amen Norah! The love of God never offends. He will protect and guide. I believe all are called. Some just need to soften their hearts and open their eyes to his truth and message. God wants all to say YES. I share in your prayer to deliver all those who are sick, downhearted and tired.
      Right now, Father, there are so many who need you to turn their health and their lives around. We place them in your care and know you can do all things. May they also open their hearts to say Yes!

    2. Come Holy Spirit as we gather in prayer today for the lost, sick and downhearted. May our prayers lift them to new heights of understanding so they too can return home accepting the love and forgiveness of Christ.

  13. Morning glory and blessings to all and THANKS to the King of kings for another day

    "I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make it's boast in the Lord. The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
    Oh magnify the Lord with me,
    And let us exalt His name together.
    I sought the Lord and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.
    They looked to Him and were radiant, And their faces were not ashamed.
    This poor man cries out, and the Lord heard him,
    And saved him out of All his troubles.
    The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them, And delivers them.
    Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, Blessed is the man who trust in Him"! Psalm 34:1-8.

    May our souls bless the Lord this morning and give Him all the praise and thanks because we have direct access to His Sovereignty. NOTHING can separate us from this truth!
    He paid it ALL for us,

    All petitions are in the hands of our great God. Trust and let His will be done!
    Bless and fruitful day to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you sweet Maplewood! Amen! May we bless Him, praise Him and thank Him who never leaves or forsakes us.

      Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
      Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
      Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
      Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
      Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. Psalm 103:1-5

      Such a great God we serve! How worthy He is of all our thanks and praise! God bless your days and may we be blessed with more victories to His glory.


    Traditionally, Psalm 95 is the primary psalm used as an invitatory prayer. The verses we look at today are likely to be the reason for this choice.

    After the preliminary orientation of the heart and soul is established in vs. 1-7, this admonition is given:
    O that today, you would listen to the voice of the LORD!
    8 Do not harden your hearts, as at Meribah,
    as on the day at Massah in the wilderness,
    9 when your ancestors tested me,
    and put me to the proof, though they had seen my work.

    The admonition is 'to listen'. But it is interesting that true listening is contrasted with what occurred with the chosen people of God at Meribah and Massah in the wilderness. The incident being sighted is found in Exodus 17. After quarreling with Moses about the lack of water and doubting there was any hope for their survival, these verses are the Lord's response, "6 I will be standing there in front of you on the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it, so that the people may drink.” Moses did so, in the sight of the elders of Israel. 7 He called the place Massah[to test] and Meribah,[to quarrel] because the Israelites quarreled and tested the Lord, saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?” From the "Life with God Bible" produced by Renovare, published by Harper Bibles, "Israel was often warned to remember, not to forget God's power and faithfulness. Yet it's easy to trust our own plans and resources, to stray from relying on God. Joyful praise and active memory help us follow the Shepherd."

    The JC reading for today is all about listening. These verses from Psalm 95 show us how to listen well. Unfortunately, because of our fallen nature, the admonition to listen must begin from the negative perspective, our weakness in listening because of a mind cluttered with distrust and doubt about God's faithfulness. We easily give it lip service, but the harder part is to take it seriously and to listen like a child hearing bible stories. A child hearing of the great acts of God recorded in the Bible accepts them without reservation. Jesus said, "Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:3)." It is only when we have the confidence of a little child that we can be filled with God's peace and joy; we must learn to trust without mentally quarreling with God's faithfulness.

    When you have that 'date' with the person you have a deep friendship with, do you not hang on every word they say, knowing that the person is being totally honest with you? Let us hang on the words of the Lord, for total honest and reality abound in His words to us and they are spoken in love.

    This passage is likely to need some more attention next week. We will see where the Spirit leads.

    Be blessed this day and in your weekend, dear sisters and brothers in Christ. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Amen

    2. I remember being a child and listening to all the amazing things that Jesus did! I remember drawing him often even in Kindergarten. I'm sure my Mom kept those drawings somewhere. She's a pack rat. Unfortunately so am I but I'm getting better. Let us all listen like wide eyed children. So true Bob, when you are with someone you absolutely love, you do hang onto every word. Let us be very still and listen to His words just as Mary did.
      Amen Brie!

    3. Thanks Bob, any ideas on how to stop myself from chattering away to Him? I'm listening, but find it hard to stop talking/ thinking my own thoughts.

  15. It makes me smile when I read your words such as "We will see where the Spirit leads". What a blessing and a wonderful privilege to have the Holy Spirit as our guide. Enjoy your weekend as well.

  16. Thank You Jesus for the gift of You and the Holy Spirit. I am eternally blessed by You. You are my Everything Lord; today, tomorrow, always and forever πŸ’–. Father, I love You. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always. Amen πŸ™.

    1. Good morning Janet. Make room. I am joining you... I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always. Amen

    2. Amen Terri! We are so blessed to have the Comforter with us to guide us and instruct us. Enjoy your weekend too!
      Amen Janet, and Brie! Joining in the love and praise and thanks for our loving Father God, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and our Comforter and Guide, the Holy Spirit. We are blessed and remain so. Thank you!

  17. Thanks, Bob. I love your insights in the morning.

  18. Good morning everyone! My uncle's surgery went well! Hallelujah!
    He is tired and is throat is painful so he can't talk much for the moment. He will be back home tomorrow. We still have to wait a few more weeks for the polyp results. Thank you all for your prayers it means a lot! God bless you all!

    Blessings from France

    1. Thanks for the Praise and Victory Report BFF! Brie says as she Victory Dances! Prayers will continue until the next one. Did your uncle allow you to read all of our prayer comments to him? Love you.

    2. BFF, rejoicing with you for victory in this surgery. Thank You dear Jesus. We praise your mighty name. Praying for complete recovery now oh Lord.

    3. Dear BFF, Thanking God your Uncle's surgery went well. He is so faithful! Praying for good news and a full recovery.

    4. Thank you so much dear sisters!

      Brie - Unfortunately no I don't really talk about God with my family... I would love to share these moments of faith and love with them but it is a taboo subject... not only in my family but in the country in general. France is a very secular country and many people here consider that faith in God is private and should not be talked about. Sadly this has hardened the hearts of many.. Since I am the only believer in my family it is not easy to not talk about it as I would like but this doesn't stop me to pray for them and their salvation.

      Blessings from France

    5. Thanks for sharing BFF. I am so glad you can be and are a part of this JC family! You know you and your dear ones are continually in our prayers. Especially praying that you don't burst open with all of God's goodness and love that is inside of you, yet can't be set totally free because of where you are physically. Your actions do speak loudly of His Love and Goodness and I know He is more pleased with all you do rather than all you can or cannot say!
      With much love from me to you and our entire JC Family, in Jesus' Name.

    6. Sweet Jesus hold BFF's uncle closer to you. We are praying; thank you for listening to us. Jesus we trust in you.

  19. Thanks for your prayers friends, my daughters appointment at Mayo went very well! The medication she has taken has shrunk her uterus significantly, so it will be much more likely that she can have it removed laparoscopically on Oct 27. I ask for continued prayers for my older daughter. She has had 7 of 8 intense chemo sessions for colon cancer. This last time she had extreme nausea and couldn’t eat or drink for 3 days. She ended up in ER for fluids and tests. Please pray that she can finish this series with great results and her next treatment will be as effective but easier on her. And that she can gain back lost weight, and be a candidate for surgery to remove original tumor. Her anxiety is so high she almost faints as she has to go back into the chemo room. Thanks so much.

    1. Thanks for the Praise and Victory Report, Ellen!
      Praise you oh Good, Great and Glorious Heavenly Father God, for Your Mercies on both of Ellen's daughters and on Ellen. Great is Thy Faithfulness!

    2. Joining Brie in a thankful prayer for your daughter Ellen. Continued prayer & petitioning you Father God for her older daughter. Hold her close Lord & melt away all the anxiety as You move mightily on her behalf. Amen

    3. Dear Ellen, Our prayers are being answered. May God see your daughter safely through her hysterectomy. And your other daughter seems to be doing well considering her difficult treatmen. She's almost done with her chemo. God has held her so lovingly and tight. Praying that she will tolerate this last one, and finally get some rest and gain some weight. Thanking God that every cancer cell is being destroyed. And soon we will be rejoicing. God calm her anxious and dear heart, and give you peace as you stand by her side in Christ.

    4. Praying for Gods miraculous healing, strength, love and comfort for BFF’s uncle and for Both of Ellen’s daughters! Lifting up Ellen and BFF in prayers as well! Love you all and praying for each of you!
      A few months ago I asked for special prayers for my friend Janina diagnosed with breast cancer. God is Sooo Good! She finished her last chemo of the chemo called the red devil this week! She is a believer and and amazing prayer warrior, police officer and a beautiful sister in Christ! Thank you all for your loving prayers. I ask for prayers for her healing as she had a double mastectomy and was also put on steroids that made her very sick and gain 20 pounds. She is so grateful to be done with chemo but needs prayers for healing.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
      She is blessed with an amazing husband, so many prayer warriors and a heart filled with Jesus love! Thank you Father God, our Lord and savior For your love and for your healing.
      In Jesus heavenly name

    5. Dear Brandy, Praying for Janina's healing and complete recovery. She knows the faithfulness of God and we thank Him for completing His perfect work in her and bringing her back to perfect health. Amen.

  20. 🎢🎢 Morning by morning new Mercies I see!
    Great is Thy Faithfulness! Thank You Lord!
    The old has passed away. See I make ALL THINGS NEW! Thank You Lord!
    Good Morning JC Family:) May we hear His Voice today, and still ourself for listening. I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. As am I, Jan, chiming in with Brie! "Stilling" myself isn't as much the issue as is the waiting and being patient...May I do a better job of that piece. May you all have a blessed Saturday seeing God everywhere in your day! Continuing prayers for Ellen and her daughters.

    2. Amen! Brie, Jan, and NJS. Lifting my voice with you, dear sisters! Happy Saturday in His blessed presence!

    3. I'm in the experience with you NJS!
      Oh Lord, please let me have at least half as much patience with others as I want and need You to have with me. I knock. I seek. I ask. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. ♥️🎢

    5. I have always loved this version. Just lifts me up so high and soothes my weary heart. Thanks Sister!

  21. Dear Loving Father, Thank You for the blessings of another day. May my thoughts, words and actions be pleasing to You and a blessing to others. Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for all. In Jesus'. Amen.

    Loving Father, May I always be reminded to put the needs of others in prayer, before You. Intercessory prayers reflect Your own character of outgoing love and mercy. This morning, I lift up with love and faith, every prayer request on this blog to the throne of Your grace and mercy. We are taught in scripture that we can change Your mind through our prayers (Ex. 32:14). Even though Your ultimate will is inflexible, the implementation of Your will is not. You do not change in character and purpose, but You do alter Your strategy for the sake of Your children’s appeal. Through our sincere, persistent prayer, we do not change Your intentions, but we can influence Your actions. Jesus prayed for others, the disciples prayed for others, You heard and answered them, so can we and You will answer.
    Father, You are a good God, merciful, loving and full of compassion. There are so many here on this blog- mothers praying for children’s healing and restoration, individual prayers for healing, prayers for broken relationships, for friends, for family, for self, for husbands, for wives, for neighbors, for nations, for leaders. And then, there’s an URGENT need for peace, love, honesty, end to the senseless killings and unity in this country, that need Your speedy help!
    I can’t heal their sicknesses and diseases, but You can. I can’t heal their broken and hurting hearts, but You can. I can’t put their marriages and families together, but You can. I can’t calm their fears and anxiety, but You can. I can’t perform the miracles they need, but You can. I can’t meet all their needs, but You promised and You can (Ephe. 3:20). I can’t change the minds of the leaders nor stop the killings and injustice, but You can. You can gave a gift that is “pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap” (Luke 6:38), but I can’t. All I can do Father, is pray fervently, pray sincerely, pray with unshakable faith and pray without ceasing for Your people and point them to Your Word that will never return to You void! All I can do, is believe with and for them. I am ponding on the door of Your throne, interceding on their behalf, and on behalf of this nation that was founded on Christian principles, but has tossed You aside. I am leaving all the needs and concerns into Your hands and TRUSTING YOU!
    May Your sheild of protection be upon all those faithful that will be out there in Washington DC today, praying for this nation, praying for the madness to cease, praying for a revival like never before, praying for the acknowledgement and fear of You and prayiing for Your Spirit to take control!
    Hear the cries of Your children oh God and send down Your mercy, because the gates of hell will Never prevail aginst the Body of Christ! I thank You for The VICTORY that is coming out of all the prayers put before You this morning. Thank You Precious Father! I pray this in the name of Jesus, the Only Righteous ONE! Amen!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Powerful "spicy sweet" prayers, Maplewood NJ! I know they availeth much! I am joining you.
      Dear Heavenly Father,
      There are two and far more gathered in your Name, making Your statement, and professing Faith in You for the world to see. Please inspire the media to catch a glimpse of You and broadcast You to the world. Even though the worldly try to kick You out, we are placing You in and over the center where You belong. We proudly praise You in public as well as in private. I pray for total peace and safety and for Your Highest Good to prevail. I knock. I seek. I ask. I thank. In Jesus' Name.
      PS Would You Please put satan and all his evil spirits, evil works and evil workers on lockdown and lockout today! Regardless of who they are or how high the world views them, nothing compares with You, our one and only KING! Battles with satan are yours and only yours to conquer and win. As sweet Maplewood NJ said, we can't, but You can. Thanks for everything You are always doing for us. We sincerely appreciate it. I am so glad I'm just a wayfaring immigrant stranger here with a mission to plant as many of YOUR SEEDS as I possibly can just to hear You say, "Good job! Well done!" and return me to my true Heavenly Home, emptyhanded but with a heart full of love. Amen.

    2. Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen!!! Thank you dear Maplewood! Joining with you praying that the power of our united prayer today will be answered and our loving God will change the state of people's hearts and the state of the world. Father, we stand here together with out eyes towards you. We cannot bring about the healing of your people and the nation. But you can! Trusting that You in Your mercy, love, understanding and compassion will cover this world with peace, good health, unity, faith, hope and a newfound joy. Thanking you in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen!

    3. Your prayers are mine, and so well expressed. May mainstream media be filled with truth today as the devil is in lockdown. Lord, direct the cameras and stories and coverage of this March in DC (if there is any?) Be positive and awestruck by mercy and grace. My task today involves harvesting a bumper crop of italian plums from the tree in my backyard under which we took our marriage vows. I can assure you that each plum the I hold and process will represent prayers for you all and beyond. And what I can't use, I will take as a donation to the local food bank, symbolically spreading good Word In Jesus'name I pray.

    4. HMMMMM! I just had a luncheon sized portion of Genesis 16, Abraham's Plea Deal for Sodom:
      And God replied, “If I find fifty godly people there, I will spare the entire city for their sake.” WHEW!

    5. Amen and Amen! We can't but you can, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Savior of the world hear our prayers; have mercy on us! JESUS! JESUS! pour your holy spirit on us.

    6. Amen! Powerful prayers right here! Praying with you.
      Father, May Your Spirit work mightily within us so we can be good and faithful servants and do Your will, not ours. Thank You for Your loving kindness and tender mercies and Your amazing Love.

    7. Thanks again Maplewood NJ and all responders. One year later and these prayers still pack a powerful message, complete with goose bump hair, raising on arm, punch.
      To quote our dear sister Jeanne, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen!!! and Amen Again!

    8. Still fervently praying for a revival and truth to be revealed. Let us be witness to the walls and obstacles placed by any evil kingdom come tumbling down. We can't Lord, but YOU CAN!

  22. Pray, pray warriors! 🎢 God is on the move, on the move Hallelujah. God is on the move in many mighty ways, God is on the move, on the move Hallelujah, God is on the move, on the move today! Pray for this March. Pray for Franklin Graham, Jonathan Cahn, author of Harbinger 1&2 & all the pastor's & their congregation on the March to take back our nation, for the return of God's people to their first love! Amen & amen. JJ, Jeanne, I know you're praying dear sistersπŸ₯°. Love to all & blessings.

    1. Singing and praying with you too Jan and with all of our JC Prayer Warrior Family, and our extended family on the move outside in Washington DC. Since I can't physically be with them outside today, I will Spiritually be with them in here all day today, singing, praising, thanking every hour...

    2. 🎢 I need Thee every hour
      Most gracious Lord
      No tender voice like Thine
      Can peace afford
      I need Thee, O I need Thee
      Every hour I need Thee
      O bless me now, my Savior
      I come to Thee
      I need Thee every hour
      Stay Thou nearby
      Temptations lose their power
      When Thou art nigh
      I need Thee, O I need Thee
      Every hour I need Thee
      O bless me now, my Savior
      I come to Thee
      I need Thee every hour
      In joy or pain
      Come quickly and abide
      Or life is vain
      I need Thee, O I need Thee
      Every hour I need Thee
      O bless me now, my Savior
      I come to Thee
      O bless me now, my Savior
      I come to Thee.

    3. Jan --- Yes, yes, yes I am praying! I pray against the attacks of the enemy. I pray we will all renew our minds with the things of the Lord. By the finished work of Jesus we claim VICTORY over the evil plans of the enemy and VICTORY over the United States of America! AMEN and AMEN. Great blessings and love on you, Jan!

    4. ...Kings who reign on earth tend to make themselves inaccessible; ordinary people almost never gain an audience with them. Even dignitaries must plow through red tape and protocol in order to speak with royalty...
      Those whom the earthly call "kings, dignitaries and royalty" that are not with You, God, are against You. Would You please make those against You inaccessible to the Christian Soldiers today? I knock. I seek. I ask for a prayer grant. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Praying and singing! We claim the Victory because God is fighting the battles. Amen!!!

    6. Love on you JJ, Brie, Jeanne, all my sisters as we sing & prayπŸ₯°

    7. ♥️🎢

    8. Thanks dear Audra! Love this one too. You are feeding me well. :)

  23. 🎢The Holy Spirit came at pentacost
    He came in mighty fullness then
    His witness thru believers won the lost
    And multitudes were born again
    The early Christians scattered o'er the world
    They preached the gospel fearlessly
    Tho some were martyred and to lions hurled
    They marched along in victory
    Come Holy Spirit dark is the hour
    We need your filling, your love & your mighty power
    Move now among us, stir us we pray
    Come Holy Spirit, revive the church today
    Then in an age when darkness gripped the earth
    The just shall live by faith was learned
    The Holy Spirit gave the church new birth
    As reformation fires burned
    In later years the great revivals came
    When saints would seek the Lord & pray
    Oh once again we need that holy flame
    To meet the challenge of today
    Come Holy Spirit dark is the hour
    We need your filling, your love & your mighty power!

  24. FROM JOHN 6
    Only the Holy Spirit gives eternal life. Those born only once, with physical birth, will never receive this gift. But now I have told you how to get this true spiritual life.

    Walking along the shoreline on an early beach morning, a queen conch shell has washed up on shore and is lying in the damp sand. We Lift it up. We Cup it to our ear. We are still. We are listening. Just as God delivered the seashell to the shore, He has given us His Words that are Spirit and life, recorded for us in our Bible. Just as we picked up the shell, we pick up our bible, and read His Word. Then, to hear it, we are stilled for listening.

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You discipline us to read Your Word, be still and listen to Your Voice until Your Holy Spirit within us is shaken and stirred to life, like a beach martini?
    I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Beautiful dear Brie! Thank you.


    3. Awesome Brie! This song was talking to me. Got home from my Mom's in time for the first song with my Choir thank God. But I have been in the kitchen all day. Bringing dinner to my son's family tonight. But I'm behind in finishing my Bible group readings and I must email them tonight. Then I must get my son's Birthday gift out tomorrow. I'm just putting it all into the Hands of my Jesus!!!! Halleluia

  25. Good morning JC warriors. May God give us all peace and comfort this day, as thousands of believers will be praying for this nation. And it is with a heavy heart that I bring the news of my dear friend's daughter, Morgan, losing her battle with cancer. Thank you all for your prayers. She is now resting with the savior. Please pray for her family to have strength and comfort today for the visitation. Jeanne ( the other Jeanne)

    1. Prayers and sympathy going out for you and Morgan"s Family. May Morgan's soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed, reat in His Glorious Peace. Amen

    2. Joining in prayers for you and Morgan's family. May they found peace, comfort and strength as they seek a refuge in the Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

      Blessings from France

  26. So very sorry for Morgan passed away. May she rest in perfect peace now and may God comfort Jeanne and her grieving family.

    1. Paulsenj- so very sorry for your loss. Praying for the comfort that only the Holy Spirit can give. Morgan us worshipping & dancing with the Saviour. Hallelujah!

  27. Jesus, thank you for always being behind me to give me the push I need when I get complacent or lazy, for always being next to me as my companion so I am never alone,and in front of me to lead the way when I am unsure. You are truly the good shepherd and I love the peace I get being in Your presence.

    1. Mark L --- Thank you for your uplifting post. AMEN and AMEN!!!

    2. Amen and Amen Again and Again.

    3. Amen and Amen Thanks Brother Mark!!! The prayer that keeps on giving.

  28. Dear JC Family - I pray these prayers with you. I weep with you Paulsenj and celebrate the victories. Keeping all of you requests before my eyes as I go about my day.
    The traveling mercies prayers said for my friend's family coming for the wedding were heard. Her daughter, who is 6 mos pregnant was in an accident that totaled her car by she and the baby are fine - not a scratch or issue! Had her husband been able to come (which had all of us sad), she would have been in the passenger seat and I could be sharing a far different story.
    Continued prayers please for the wedding party today. The father of the groom woke up with vertigo, but is resting and doing better. His wife, my dear friend, got tested for COVID this morning and it was NEGATIVE! I have all of the food purchased for the brunch tomorrow and need to kick it into high gear and get as much prepared as possible before the 6 PM Wedding. As I read all of your prayers and Bob's sharing, I find myself going very boldly before the throne of Grace. I all of our requests are heard and our Father wants only the best for His dear children. Brie - I even had short visit to the beach, thanks to you!
    Love and God's richest blessings to each of you. Thank you for prayers. You are all so faithful.

  29. Wow. Thankyou God. Thankyou for making a way for me. A way for me to be with you until we are able to meet face to face. Thankyou for your faithfulness to me even on the cross. Oh the beautiful Cross. Wow. what a scandal of grace. There is nothing that i alone could do, so Ill just say thankyou.

  30. JessicaHenry1000-i'm welcoming you to JC familyπŸ€—! Indeed, love the beautiful cross. Be blessed.

  31. More of thee, less of me. All that matters is you, my lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

  32. Amen, Amen and goodnight to all! Sleep sweet.

  33. Thanks Norah. Sweet sleep to you too. “When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.”

  34. Gotta get to sleep because I must leave my Mom and drive home in the morning to get to Church in time for the first song. Never received the list of Hymns for tomorrow’s Mass. Praying I get them before I have to drive home. Thank You Jesus.
    Have a blessed Sunday dear family! May it be a special day in His peace and presence and May we all receive answers to our prayers and bright light on our paths.

    1. Amen Jeanne! Mercy travels to you and have a very blessed day. Peace be with you.

    2. Traveling Mercy prayers going up for you, dear Jeanne, and for all our wayfaring JC Family, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Safe travel dear Jeanne. Please Lord give her favor to get the hymns also. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    4. I got up in the middle of the night because my Choirmaster never sent the songs for Church. I emailed him one more time but I was tired and overslept. I was supposed to get out of the house by 8 to get to White Plains, NY by 9:15 to rehearse. Mass is at 9:30. I woke up instead at 8:00 and somehow with the Grace of God got to Church by 9:20 and I knew every one of the songs! God is so good. I know your prayers kept me safe. I was praying for all of you on the way and Thanking God for my safety too.

  35. For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them. (Matthew 18:20). My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. (John 15:12-13). But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. (1 Peter 2:9-10).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your only begotten son to us for our salvation and to teach us. Thank You for being our saving grace. You know everything. Your ways are higher than ours. You are God Almighty -- the One and Only! Praise God! Please help me receive the changes You are bringing into my life. You are wanting to do good things for me in my life. Remind me that the plans You have for me are for good and not for evil. Help me face this new adventure You are preparing in my life with great boldness and joy. Let me not run ahead of You or lag behind You, but walk, hand and hand with You, every step of the way. Thank You for being in my life and letting me lean and depend on You. I couldn't do it without You. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. You are the best Father ever. You are so amazing and wonderful. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      I'm gathering in with Janet and our entire JC Family to Thank You for being in our lives and letting us all lean and depend on You. We couldn't do it without You, nor would we want to. Praise You Lord for always being the best Father ever. You are so amazing and wonderful. Amen.

    2. Joining in prayer dear Lord with these two beautiful sisters. Bless us with Your presence as we worship You in Spirit and truth in our appointed house of worship. Amen. Hallelujah!

    3. Amen sisters! Thank you God for this new day, its beauty and it's grace. Make me an instrument of your peace, I ask, I seek, I rest, I yield. ♥️✝️

    4. Amen Janet, Brie, Jan and Audra, May God lead Janet and all of us to the lives he has prepared for us to do His will and to bring Him glory. Can we just hug together, and pray together that Janet is going to receive everything she is asking for and more because God knows every one of her needs and even some she doesn't know.
      Thank You Father for all this in Jesus' Name. Amen!

  36. On some early mornings I've sauntered drowsily onto the beach. Half awake, and half sleeping I'm watching and listening to the contrasting vibrancy of the ocean's lap onto the serenity of the sandy shore. The sounds and silence wake me up inside and set my feet to walking along the shoreline. I come to listen to the Maker of the Mighty Beach on one small part of His vast universe! Here, I attune myself to His Voice, and receive some of His richest blessings: The King of kings is with me wherever I am. Everything is bonding me to His Presence! I marvel at the wonder of little old me communing with the Creator of the Whole World while sitting in the comfort of my beach chair, or walking along His Sandy Shore, or feeling His ocean waves lap gently on my feet, with no need for protocol, except to Come! and Listen! He is totally accessible to me and I to Him. This is my Amazing Grace.
    Along with Dr Lockridge, I come and listen and get to better know our KING!

    1. Brie, I love the beach, the sound of the waves, the sound and feel of the wind, the beach gulls, the sand, the drift wood. All of it brings me great joy! My sister in law and I both have shofars (ram horns). On vacation we have taken them to several beaches blowing them over the water. My favorite was at a light house blowing them over lake Michigan. To me there is no better place to praise and talk to the Lord alone than on the beach. What a wonderful blessing you have! praise you Lord!!

    2. TERRI, Thanks to you, your sisters and your beach trip, I am still singing "I've Got Joy Joy Joy Deep Down In My Heart" 😊, whenever I need to bring forth positive blessings. Amen.

  37. Thank You sweet Brie for setting a really beautiful and peaceful scene for us to pray. I can hear the ocean's gentle rhythm and smell the salt air, and feel the wind on my face and in my hair. How glorious is His creation and how sweet it is that our hearts are open to receive its beauty.
    Powerful message! Jesus is EVERYTHING. We can't get HIM out of our mind, our heart or our life and we can't do anything without Him. Amen.


  38. Wrote this a long time ago when a dear friend passed.

    COVER ME (Song for Clark) JC for JC 7/10/13

    Today I went down to your ocean
    Where the white sand meets the sea
    And I walked along the shoreline
    Saw the beauty before me
    And I raised my voice to thank You
    For all that I could see
    Oh my dear and loving Father
    How good you are to me

    When I walked into the water
    Children played in front of me
    And I listened to their laughter
    And the rhythm of the sea
    My heart was still and peaceful
    As my toes sank through the sand
    Then I thanked You for these treasures and
    The gift to understand

    Cover me
    Cover me
    With your love and grace and mercy, cover me
    When I see the power of the waves
    Crashing to the shore
    I know that You are here
    And I know that You are more

    Sun was streaming through the white clouds
    As the seagulls flew above
    I stood drinking in your glory
    Feeling safe inside your love
    And I raised my voice to thank You
    For all the gifts you give
    I’ll do my best to use them
    To please you while I live

    1. OH! My Jeanne, This is soooo perfect for me. Would you mind if I suggest to my daughter to use it as poetry at my funeral? (Hope it will be a very long time from now, but my expiration date is up to Him, not me!) Love It Love It! and Love You Sweet Sister in Christ. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  39. Thanks for your prayers! My cold is really getting better! God is so good.

    1. Hallelujah! PTL! He is so good indeed. Stay well dear sister, eat your chicken soup(hmmm, I think I'll make a batch), rest & nestle in, be held by the Lord. πŸ™πŸ’πŸŒˆπŸ’ž

    2. So happy to hear that, Jeanne!! You've been in my prayers!

    3. Dear Jan and Norah! Thank you! God heard your prayers! You both made me feel better right through to my heart!

    4. That was meπŸ’—

  40. Sitting here thinking on all the times the Lord has spoken to me, and I guess to each one of us.
    Times without number He has spoken through His Word, through His Holy Spirit, other Christians and in the circumstances of life.
    A few time He has spoken specific instructions to me which I carried out.
    One time, alone in a room in Pakistan His voice warned me and gave specific instructions to follow, in my onward journey to Tashkent, Tbilisi, Moscow and Cairo for my safe return home. I saw what would have happened to me had I not followed His instructions.
    The Word of God and the Holy Spirit is our guide. Just think of all those who in the Bible had conversations with Him and received instructions from Him before and after His incarnation. How many times did the Apostles including Paul hear His voice after Jesus ascended to Heaven?
    In all, there must be hundreds if not thousands of events recorded.
    The whole of the Bible is God speaking to us.
    It is so, so very precious to recall our own experiences and re-read Biblical events; almost incredulous that the Creator of the universe knows that you and I, that we, exist let alone that He should speak to us. Christianity is unique in that we are in relationship with Almighty God.
    He has called each one of us by name.
    Each of us is so valuable so precious to Him that Jesus gave His life in order for us to be with Him forever. Not only does He love us, He LIKES us!
    An encouragement to all born again Christians from our Lord Jesus today: "The time will come when you will see Me Face to face and the sound of My voice will be as clear to you as your own."

    1. AMEN!!!!! Thank you Peter!!! "The time will come when you will see Me Face to face and the sound of My voice will be as clear to you as your own."
      Future Glory
      18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

    2. Another Amen, Peter!!! This scripture came rushing into my mind. "See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me."
      Isaiah 49:16. JJ

    3. Amen dear Peter. Wonderful testimony to His faithfulness in your life! He has guided me and encouraged me so many times in my life.
      John 10:27-28
      My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
      And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
      Amen dear Sassy Mom and JJ! The best is yet to come because God keeps His promises.

  41. Amen brother, amen! Yes, the time will come when we shall see Him face to face, Hallelujah! Love & blessings,πŸ™πŸ’ž

  42. Your sharing brother Peter brought to mind the song by Jeremy Camp, " There will be a day". I'm clueless about posting links to videos or I would.

    1. At your service, Jan ♥️
      🎢 Link

    2. Thanks dear Jan and Audra. Had trouble coping the link. Here it is again.

    3. I just searched for the song and it is just so beautiful and comforting!! I love it! Thanks πŸ’—

  43. Asking for more prayers for "Kendra," the niece of one of my Dear Monday Eve Fellowship ladies. She started chemo (she is stage 4 and in her 30's) and while it went well on Friday and Sat, she was very sick yesterday and had to go to the ER for meds.
    Praying for each of you this lovely, crisp morning. Peter, I loved reading your message. That "Face to face meeting keeps us all going during challenging times." Casting all of my cares & yours, too, to the One Who cares the most.

    1. Norah, Bless you, Bless you! You are always looking out for my Papa God's children! I am standing in the gap for Kendra. He is our Promise Keeper and our Waymaker!!! HALLELUJAH!!! JJ

    2. Joining in all prayers for Kendra’s healing and for relief from her side effects from the chemo. May God In His mercy miraculously destroy all her bad cells and replace them with healthy tissue and bring her back to good health and comfort. We ask You Father for this with gratitude in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.
      It is a most beautiful day and since I am feeling much better I will venture out to enjoy it. Praying with you and for you dear Norah and our dear ones here! Much love

  44. JC family, you have endeared yourselves to me as we join together in prayer for requests near and far. What a joy to have found you known and unknown.
    Asking for traveling mercies as I have a beautiful drive back home to where my love lies waiting, silently for me. 🎢 Homeward Bound.

    1. Thanks for your prayers dear Audra. I love that song and you! Thanking God for your traveling safely and a hedge of Protection around you as you return to your darling husband! Thank You Jesus πŸ’—

  45. And at your service, Audra!

    1. You got it Audra! 😊Love you Brie!!!! Listening and smiling right now.

    2. Can’t Live a Day (Without You)

    3. Loved loved CAN'T LIVE A DAY WITHOUT YOU! Not only, can I not live a day without YOU, truth is, I don't want to live a day without YOU!

  46. Have TESTimony. Tried to post. Lost post. Will try again later. Much love and many prayers for all our JC FAM.

    1. Thanks for Homeward Bound dear Brie!

  47. Hallelujah dear Janet! Nourished first thing this morning. Thank you for the sharing of the word. I join you in your prayer. When two or more are gathered He is in our midst. How awesome is that. πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  48. Awesomely! Beautifully said!

    1. I'm with you, and HE IS WITH US!

    2. Yes dear Audra! Every second of the day!

  49. "Matthew 27:50-51 ESV
    50 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.
    51 And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split."

    An interesting reference:
    But even if the rending of the Temple-Veil had commenced with CHAP. XV the earthquake, and, according to the Gospel to the Hebrews, with the breaking of the great lintel over the entrance, it could not be wholly accounted for in this manner. According to Jewish tradition, there The Talmud explains this on the ground that it was not known, whether in the former Temple the Veil had hung inside or out- side the entrance, and whether the partition-wall had stood in the that of the Most Holy Place. According to an account dating from parts of the Temple-two new ones being made every year. The Veils before the Most Holy Place were 40 cubits (60 feet) long, and 20 (30 feet) wide, of the thickness of the palm of the hand, and wrought in 72 squares, which were joined together; and these Veils were so heavy, that, in the exaggerated language of the time, it needed 300 priests to manipulate each. If the Veil was at all such as is described in the Talmud, it could not have been rent in twain by a mere earthquake or the fall of the lintel, although its composition in squares fastened together might explain, how the rent might be as described in the Gospel.
    Indeed, everything seems to indicate that, although the earth- quake might furnish the physical basis, the rent of the Temple-Veil -with reverence be it said-was really made by the Hand of God.

    As we compute, it may just have been the time when, at the Evening- Sacrifice, the officiating Priesthood entered the Holy Place, either to burn the incense or to do other sacred service there. To see before them, not as the aged Zacharias at the beginning of this history the Angel Gabriel, but the Veil of the Holy Place rent from top to bottom-that beyond it they could scarcely have seen--and hanging in two parts from its fastenings above and at the side, was, indeed, a terrible portent, which would soon become generally known, and must, in some form or other, have been preserved in tradition.
    ( Reference: The Life and times of Jesus the Messiah page 609

  50. "Keep praying, but be thankful that God's answers are wiser than your prayers." William Culbertson.

  51. God's Blessings for you all this day. I seek prayers for my friend Henry who has lost his father, and his mother, and his brother, and now his sister. May he feel the presence of God and may he feel God's love for him.

    1. Dear John --- Joining you in prayer for your friend Henry.
      Thank you, Lord, for wrapping Your arms around Henry and bring healing to his hurting heart. I Pray and Believe in Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. So much loss and one more hole in your friend’s sorrowful heart. Joining prayers for God to surround him with so much love and comfort, and guide him daily to light and joy. He will be with them again.

    3. Praying with all of you, John, for your friend Henry. God Bless him and you.

  52. Loved those verses dear Janet! Prayed your beautiful prayer with you. Amen

  53. Amen! He has empowered us to fight against the enemy. We are well equipped. Thank You Jesus.

  54. Asking for prayers, JC Family: for my DH's Onc check up tomorrow at 11 and that I wake up feeling 100%, which I'm not right now. I do believe it's just allergies and sitting outside in the cool, windy air at my GS's Soccer game. I need to be on top of it for tomorrow and I know our prayers will be answered.
    I thank all of you and please know you are all in my prayers as well.

    1. Father God, Thank You for restoring our dear Norah to perfect health and remove any cold or allergy symptoms. Wake her up tomorrow feeling renewed and restored so she can take her good husband to his Oncologist appointment and thank You for guiding his appointment to go well and may the test results and report show Your faithfulness. Thank You for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  55. Praying for Henry and for Norah in Jesus name

  56. Amen! May John H’s dear friend Henry receive God’s comfort, peace and guidance, and may God rest his dear sister’s soul. Thank You Jesus.

  57. Replies
    1. Good morning, John. It looks like you were the first to post for 9/26/24. There are a few more now.

  58. El Shaddai: The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible.

    No matter how big your enemy is he is not bigger than God.

    God has hope for you in your final outcome because He is your everything.

    If you get to know who God really is, it will destroy the fear of what's to come.
    You will experience his peace.

    Stay prayed up and fight the enemy with the power of God's words.

    The enemy will always try to deceive, distract, and destroy.

    Decreeing and Declaring: No matter the attacks of the enemy, you will not give in, surrender or fear. You are a fighter because you are in the Army of the Lord!


    1. AMEN JJ πŸ™. Victory in Jesus! God bless you!

    2. Amen! JJ I love seeing your posts. Thank you for sharing your faith with this group.
      SC Anonymous

  59. Amen! Thanks dear JJ! I am blessed that some of my prayers have been answered and I continue to wait on the Lord with patience and hope that His Faithfulness is covering me, my loved ones, and those on my prayer list. My good mom got a good doctor's report and her blood work was very good. God is so good. I'm taking her for her pneumonia shot tomorrow. Trusting in God's Mighty Power to fight for all of us. The devil may try to trip us up but we have the Angel Armies and God's Armor around us to protect us from the fiery darts of the evil one. We are more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus! He fights our Battles and gives us His Strength. We are covered with Robes of Righteousness and we are guided by His Spirit. Stay Close to Him and He will Stay Close to you. God has equipped us well for everything that He puts before us and for ever storm, trial, illness, or tribulation. Be Not Afraid, He Goes Before Us Always! He Always Wins! Praying for God to Heal all our dear ones and to Strengthen us in body, mind and spirit. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus! Amen

    Psalm 71:1-3
    In You, O Lord, I put my trust;
    Let me never be put to shame.
    Deliver me in Your righteousness, and cause me to escape;
    Incline Your ear to me, and save me.
    Be my strong refuge,
    To which I may resort continually;
    You have given the commandment to save me,
    For You are my rock and my fortress.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. May our heavenly Father answer all your prayers speedily. Peace be with you!

  60. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one; (John 17:22).

  61. Lord, thank you for being accessible to your children all day everyday. Thank you that we don’t have to stand in line or go through some long protocol to see you. Thank you for wanting us to come to you.

    Lord, please be with all those at the coast in the path of the hurricane. It will be over us tomorrow. Please be with our kids in college as they will be impacted, too.
    SC Anonymous

  62. From Billy Graham, we have an audience with the "King of King, Lord of Lords":
