Sunday, December 18, 2016

Jesus Calling: December 18

When you are plagued by a persistent problem--one that goes on and on--view it as a rich opportunity. An ongoing problem is like a tutor who is always by your side. The learning possibilities are limited only by your willingness to be teachable. In faith, thank Me for your problem. Ask Me to open your eyes and your heart to all that I am accomplishing through this difficulty. Once you have become grateful for a problem, it loses its power to drag you down. On the contrary, your thankful attitude will lift you up into heavenly places with Me. From this perspective, your difficulty can be seen as a slight, temporary distress that is producing for you a transcendent Glory never to cease! 
Isaiah 30:20-21
English Standard Version
20 And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher. 21 And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.

2 Corinthians 4:17
Amplified Version
17 For our momentary, light distress [this passing trouble] is producing for us an eternal weight of glory [a fullness] beyond all measure [surpassing all comparisons, a transcendent splendor and an endless blessedness]!

My Prayer
Lord, thank you for the problems that are going on right now. Open my eyes and my heart to all that you are accomplishing through these difficulties. You are using it to center my focus and trust on You. You are showing me that my strength is found in You. I am grateful for these problems. Use these problems for your glory.


Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. This is hard for me when I see my family suffering and there's just problem after problem god help me I'm so tired

    1. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»!

    2. I understand, Unknown. It seems as though Satan just has a hold of our family. The battle is rough, but we are still winning with Jesus by our side.

    3. Praying for you.

    4. FATHER I praise YOU for this day, through YOUR son, JESUS CHRIST I approach YOU, humbly asking for YOUR HOLY SPIRIT to be poured upon me. FATHER, please help me do YOUR Will, give me the ears to hear YOUR whisper of direction. Lead me in YOUR ways JESUS, so that I may glorify YOUR name. I thank YOU for my breath, my loved ones, my health, and pray for my children, please reveal whether YOU bless the upcoming marriage of my son and her fiancΓ©, as she seeks YOUR approval LORD, and wants to do YOUR Will . Please help my so understand that not only is he loved even in times of discipline, but also help him to understand better how his behavior has changed and that the consequences are for his best interest, as he has always been a good listener, lover of learning, and he’s suddenly behaving in an opposite manner. I pray for the world, for our leaders as YOU command we do, praying that these transitions of power will be with those that love YOU & serve the people without greed or hidden agendas. I praise YOU for my beloved, who is always there for my son and I . Please soften his heart LORD, and give him the desire to return to worshiping YOU.
      I ask for forgiveness of my sins in JESUS CHRIST name I pray

    5. Thank you for your beautiful prayer in 2024! You put into words what my heart longs for, I will pray this for our families and world. Thank you God for guiding me to this site this morning in my seeking your will for me and following first thing ibefore all the distractions that I go to before seeking You. You are faithful to answer our prayers ❤️

    6. Amen to this 2024 prayer. Thank you for guiding.

    7. Yes and AMEN! A beautiful prayer and devotion to start this new day and be glad in it!

    8. Yes!! And nice to see 2024 posts!! And familar JC peeps, like Audra!! Thank you!! God’s continued blessings to all on this amazing, God inspired and inspiring blog!!
      Bib in cali

  2. I feel your pain and have learned life is difficult on this earth; it’s not home. I’ve also learned if I put my faith in God and trust by reading daily mediation books that tell me what to do life is better. Shifting my mind to gratitude always helps even if I’m saying thank you for a hot cup of coffee in the morning. My favorite reading recently is to write down your fears, why you are afraid, ask God to help you replace fears with him, Expect He will do it and wait and watch to see what He does. Not easy! The act of writing works as does God. Prayers to you and your family

    1. Sad to say, but I used to put all of worries and fears in a "God Box". (I need to do it again.) Then, every year I would open the box to see how God had taken care of everything. I really can't remember a time where something wasn't taken care of. When I have something that I'm really struggling with, I realize that I took the task back from God. Sometimes it seems like everyone else's life is going along so smoothly, and for some, that's true; but then I think of all the people whose lives are so much worse than what our family might be going through. Being human, these thoughts do creep in, but they are ugly and I try my best to stop them.

    2. Linda~ I love this idea of a 'God Box'! I think I'm going to borrow this idea from you. LOL

    3. Yes! What a wonderful idea. You get to experience God's faithfulness.

    4. Linda, that is a wonderful idea. I might just borrow that also.

    5. Jacqueline WiesenmeyerDecember 18, 2019 at 1:28 PM

      Yesterday I was called to the waterfall on my property. It was cold and raining but I knew I had to go. After days of heavy rain, as I approached the waterfall the sound was amazing! Roaring in all its splendor. Not being sure why I was called there, I simply stood silent. Soon the realization was flowing like the water. We do not see where the water comes from but we know by Faith it comes. Do not see where it goes but by faith we know it continues on. It has fish and creatures we do not see, but by faith we know they live there. It could stop flowing any minute, but by faith we are sure that it will not stop. I could go on and on with this example of FAITH that I saw but was UNSEEN!!! Live by FAITH not by sight, for we can see the unseen when we look to Jesus... Amen

    6. Long ago, my brother taught me to have two bins; an In Bin and an Out Bin.
      The In Bin was labeled: "Things God WILL handle and heal in His Time"
      The Out Bin was labeled: "Things God HAS handled and healed in His Time"
      My Brother's current Aphasia, Living Arrangement and Sale of Property are currently in God's In Bin.
      My part is to leave them there:
      Leave it there
      Oh leave it there
      Take your burden to The Lord and leave it there, oh leave it there
      If you'll trust and never doubt, well He will surely bring you out
      Take your burden to The Lord and leave it there
      [Verse 2]
      If your body suffers pain and your health you can't regain
      And your soul is almost sinking in despair, well in despair
      Jesus knows the pains you feel, He can save and He can heal
      Take your burden to The lord and leave it there!

    7. Brie --- Interceding at The Throne of Grace for your journey. I decree Great blessings, grace,favor and bunches of love for your pathway! In His Grip of Grace_JJ

    8. I've been awake since 3 am in CA, thanking God for handling all the asks of the JC family. RELAX, God is in charge I hear. When our problems run us ragged, it's hard to give thanks and count them as blessings. What we resist persists! With that thought, I turn my eyes to your Lord to take care of all of it. Now I lay me back to sleep. Safe travels, Brie. Be blessed, the Out Bin is filling up!

    9. I love that the out bin is filling!!! ❤️

    10. Praying for your brother Brie! Thanking God with my sisters that the out bin is filling up! God is handling all our problems and healing our infirmities. Enjoy your day dear family and continue to rest in Him who loves us! Much love and hugs.

    11. GOD's OUT BIN UPDATE: Living Arrangement = check!

    12. And that living arrangement bounced from box to box yet lands again IN GODS OUT BOX. Everything will in His timing.

    13. I love the “God Box” Linda.
      Jesus, I pray for healing in our family. I’m putting this in the “God Box”
      Jesus, I love you and trust you. Thank you for your love and care. Lifting up all that are struggling, alone and all prayer requests to You Mighty God of miracles.
      Believing fur and thanking you Lord for healing and miracles.
      Love and blessings

    14. ✔️ 2 out of 3 😁 Thank You God!

  3. Agreed, I have in my past had to live in 5 minute increments in order to move through a day. Many years later, I continue to try to live within brief moments and thank God for the cardinals, or a smile or Amy hot cup of coffee...and stay within the limits of "the present day". God broke up time ...sun up...sun down, stay in the day. God bless and never give up!

  4. Praying for you and I get it! Sending peace that passes all understanding

  5. Historically in the Church, on this day (the 18th), the story of the annunciation to Joseph is read (Matthew 1:18-25). Though Mary receives center stage in the birth narrative, I am also fascinated by the faith of Joseph. He is instructed by the angel to enter uncharted waters in his devotion to God. In Matthew’s recording of this, Joseph asks no questions (Mary asked questions) but immediately proceeds to be obedient to what was revealed to him by God. Oh, to live my faith on that level. A suggestion for you, reread the passage above and then read the Matthew passage. They fit so wondrously together.

  6. My thoughts and prayers were with you throughout te day yesterday and I felt prompted to respond this morning. I am also hurting for the pain that my family is suffering through and am learning to rest in Christs love and provision. I love the visualization of the 23rd Psalm and pray for a refreshing of your soul as you rest in His care. I am learning that there is peace and oftentimes joy is the midst of our pain. You are loved.

  7. Praying the prayer that never fails, "Thy will be done." Praying for you, Loveconquersall - for your dear Juan Carlos and a good report. What a blessing you are to your family.
    Praying for all who are missing loved ones. May the Hope of the Return soothe your hearts.
    Giving this day and all that it holds to Him who cares for each of us so much that he gave His only begotten Son.
    Help me count my blessings, Lord. Help me prioritize and let go of the energy drainers in my life. Let me focus on the reason for this season and not on the things that don't really matter. Let me be thankful and trust in You.
    Lifting each of you JC Family Prayer Warriors this day. May your hearts be light and thankfulness abound. Give us energy, Father, to share your love and light.

  8. I come to You this morning Lord with a thankful heart knowing that my concerns and problems are no match to Your magnificent Power, what they are doing for me is "producing a transcendent Glory never to cease"!
    PRAISE and Thanks to You LORD!

    Psalm 126:3–6
    3 The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy..
    4 Restore our fortunes O Lord,
    like streams in the South.
    5 Those who sow in tears
    will reap with songs of joy.
    6 Those who go out weeping,
    carrying seed to sow,
    will return with songs of joy,
    carrying sheaves with them.

    Believe His words and Promises and receive it!

    JC family, standing with and for you in prayers for all your needs and concerns.
    God is ABLE! His Grace is SUFFICIENT for you!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen & Hallelujah, Maplewood πŸ₯°

    2. Dear Maplewood,
      Please keep sharing the wonderful words that God has given you. Your gift of expressing eloquently what is on your heart is an encouragement I look forward to reading each day I come to this blog. God is using you in a mighty way. Thank you for choosing to let His Words flow through you.

    3. Amen to that! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

    4. Yes, Maplewood God shines in and through you! You are a beautiful blessing!
      Love and prayers

    5. Yes my lord thank you for all things and never leaving us In all things let me continue to grow through them all king of kings and lord of lords all glory and praise to you Amen πŸ™

  9. Thank you to all of you who offered your prayers and encouragement and wisdom yesterday after I mentioned that I lost my mother on Thanksgiving. My wife and I we're up at 4 a.m. unable to sleep, feeling great anxiety, then we were reading your comments and prayers, and it blessed us greatly. We felt very comforted to know that total strangers we're actually praying for us. We believe that those who did are truly serving the Lord! Thank you. And may the Lord fill us with his peace and joy during this Christmas season. Amen

  10. Amen! Loving ♥ You as You love me. Make me a blessings to those I encounter. Teach me to love You more, to reflect the beautiful love of Jesus to others.

  11. Jesus thank you for tge problems and adversities life throws my way that keep me forever dependent on Your grace, peace, and counsel. I continue to waiver in giving my troublrs to You and taking them back to try and handle myself. Please don't forsake me a sinner from your peace and guidance. I thank youh for tge situations,I cannot figure out that make come back to You.

  12. I am so thankful for this blog. It was not a coincidence that I found this blog a few years back after my husband unexpectedly passed. It was a way for me to read Jesus is calling electronically while on the go. There are always reminders here that we are all sharing similar problems and of course similar blessings. God is always present,and whenever we can give our burdens over to Him the blessings arrive, maybe not the answer we think it should be but always a blessing if you are honest with yourself. My top 3 blessings of 2019 - God bringing me love and relief from loneliness and depression thru others, Healthy family,new babies and miracles of healing, and #3 Financial help with an amazing new job. I could really list dozens more but wanted to share my top 3. Take a moment and be thankful (gratitude = healing) maybe share your top 3 blessings in 2019 here for all of us to share praise together.
    Psalm 107:31-32. Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His loving kindness is everlasting.

    1. My Top 3 blessings: the passing of my mom from this life into the eternal life with God in heaven - I am so happy for her; being able to serve my family during times of sickness and difficult circumstances; the body of Christ that comes together in so many different and unique ways to spur one another on to love and good deeds (through this blog, weekly band of brothers, the church, marriage, family). Glory to God in the highest!

  13. What an amazing place to come; I'm grateful for each post and for each person on here.
    I will go back and read what was posted yesterday and pray for each person.
    I struggled as I listened in counseling yesterday to my loved one saying he felt detached from everyone and everything. He has been talking about suicide quite a bit. Oh Lord, help me to continue coming to You with everything. Please help my loved one seek You and accept that You are The One that can get him through this. Jesus, I trust in You. Having a difficult time thanking You for my problems, but I am working on it. I know You are carrying me. Amen. CO

    1. Continuing to pray. Also him being at the end of his rope so to speak is a great opportunity to finally see truth clearer. I speak from my experience. Also sharing this quote again as I journey towards finding my rest as well...
      Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in You." - St. Augustine

    2. I appreciate your continued prayers, Keith! Knowing you speak from experience helps quite a bit.
      I love the quote from St. Augustine and am going to write it down. God bless you. CO

    3. Dear CO, you can bank on it! He is carrying you! And your loved one! You are all covered over by the blood of Jesus Christ! Amen!

    4. Lifting you and your loved one up in loving prayers, healing prayers and victorious prayers
      Much love

  14. Thank you for praying for my grandson Juan Carlos, my daughter's firstborn. I will keep the faith, one day at a time. I pray for all of you and your families struggling physically, mentally, or spiritually. I lift each and everyone in prayer. Come holy spirit.

  15. O Jesus,
    Leader of the House of Israel;
    Giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai;
    Rescuer with Your Almighty Power!
    Would You Please come to rescue us with Your Almighty Power?

  16. Thank you, Lord, for this passing trouble. Giving it all to you Lord my strength. Heal my daughter, son in love, grandson. I'm so exhausted..posting in between nods. Thank you my beloved JC Warriors for all your prayers. Tidings of comfort and joy!

    1. May the Lord bless you and your family. You are all in my prayers πŸ™.

    2. May He heal your loved ones, calm your hearts, give you much needed strength and rest for your weary mind and body, pump you with true joy and peace, and hold you very tight in His everlasting love.

    3. LCA, praying strength come your way. Warriors are on it dear girl. Hang in there. We love youπŸ’•

    4. Beautiful prayer sweet sister Jeanne. Sr ding you love and prayers

  17. JC Prayer Warriors, wasn't going to post since I've made extensive comments on this subject over the past few days... however, I felt compelled given the still amazing timelessness and uncanny wording by Sarah that is appropriate to us in different situations than the year or possibly years before.

    JC: "An ongoing problem is like a tutor who is always by your side. The learning possibilities are limited only by your willingness to be teachable." I love to learn... to be 'teachable', this may be what allowed me to "see and hear" the Lord on the mountaintop. Let us pray to be TEACHABLE every day' and to do so with a humble and cheerful heart. GODSPEED, Amen.

    1. So very true Madfox. Father, open our eyes, ears, mind, and heart to Your teachings and let us be able to receive and abide in them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    2. Agreed Madfox. But sometimes the teachings seem so hard it would be an injustice to ourselves to initially not feel the harshness of them. But they are harsh only to our accustomed thinking and understanding.

      I have often found myself feeling like the disciples in John 6. After so disciples deserted Jesus, He looked to the 12 and asked, "Are you going to leave me to?" And Peter's reply sometimes matches mine; "To whom would we go?"

      Even if we say to Jesus, "I've tried everyone/everything else. Your my only option left", we are brought to a point of being teachable.

      Or as Jesus used to ask me, "do you trust me?" Initially I answered "yes", but as time went on I learned to say, "no, but I want to". Then He smiled at me and held out His hand welcoming me because we had gotten to truth and the teaching began.

      In these 2.5 years and counting of separation from the Woman I love, there has been much pain. So much so that I cried for 8 months. But now I thank Him for this separation because of the amazing things He has taught and is teaching. I still desire to be United with her but now I have become cheerful through the hard teachings because I had no where else to go and the teachings are bearing fruit.

      I hope I am making sense... multitasking:-)

      Weeping may endure for the night but Joy comes in the morning. No matter how long or dark the night, there will be a morning dawning.

    3. And thank you for all your communion of prayers here in my Dark Night and now into the dawning new day.

    4. Keith, been praying for you, perhaps I've missed what has transpired recently, I know you got together and rode horses and you were hopeful. Can you share what happened or does that need to remain private? Is the Lord teaching or saying that it is time to move on? UN-requited love is so challenging, and obsession can become destructive. Praying that you and the Great Teacher can sort it out and that perhaps your agape capacity to love can be used in a new way... whether that is to a work or a person. In Him, Amen.

    5. Thank you Keith for the visual of Jesus holding out His hand welcoming me.

    6. Praying always for you Keith and if it is God’s will to reunite you with your Love, He will.. But I see such strength of faith in you and I know God is molding you and polishing you even by your heartaches.

    7. Thank you. Well, there has been much to share. We had 3 amazing months getting together. Then God spoke to me through a friend. The friend delivered the message but did not know what it is about; but I did. God said, "Its not time, just stay close to me". So I had to follow through and make some hard choices. Choices to love not just her, but myself as well.

      As before, this door is not open, but it's not shut. When I tried to shut it in the past He boldly let me know He didn't want it shut; so I immediately told Him, "I will follow your lead".

      So those are my directives from Him, follow His lead and stay close to Him. And I am learning His Peace is found there.

    8. Keith, very wise. Keep persevering, keep trusting, keep obeying His leading.

    9. I'm with you Keith. I'm in a similar situation with my husband. It's been trying at times, but I have come to realize that staying close with God is always the best thing to do, no matter what happens. You are in my prayers. God bless you. Everything will work out the way it should.

    10. Lifting you all up in prayers dear Keith, Madfox, Bob, Jeanne, Brie, Jan, CO, Nora, Audra, peas for chickens, Maplewood & each of this beautiful family of believers
      May Gods light be, blessings, peace, joy, forgiveness and love fill and surround us all!
      Praise be to God

  18. When I look back in life, it is very very clear.,...GOD handled absolutely everything. There is no humanly way I could have...

    1. Amen! I see the same in my life! Hallelujah! We never walk alone and He always holds us in His loving Hands.

  19. Eternal Father, Thank You for another day. Thank you for great health and thank You for family and friends. I pray that You open my eyes and heart so that I can find this hope that You have called me to and allow it to transform me. Teach me Your Word, hide not Your Word from me, grant me understanding of Your Word, incline my heart to Your Word, establish my steps in Your Word and please Father, seek me when I go astray from Your Word.
    Like the Apostle Paul, may we be able to describe the troubles we face as light and momentary and be able to see that they are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs all these troubles (2 Corinthians 4:17).
    I also echo His extraordinary prayer regarding the Ephesians, which I see is firmly rooted in an eternal perspective: “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe…" Ephesians 1:17-19. Thank You Lord for Jesus.

    “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from your law,” (Psalm 119:18).

    Brie- I am keeping you in prayers for great health! May your wish for God’s wisdom be granted and may our Father Who meets All of our needs, do so for your brother. God bless.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Your prayer is my prayer too! Thank you so much dear sweet Maplewood for so beautifully expressing what I hold in my own heart.
      Praying with you for our dear sister Brie to be brought back to perfect health and to be strengthened and equipped for all she must accomplish! Thank you Jesus!!!

    2. Praying with you Maplewood. Amen πŸ™.

  20. JC nailed it..AGAIN today. Just had a discussion in my morning men's group this week about suffering and hardships. In our humanness we seek to understand, ask why? we seek to blame blame as well. This reading tells us to pray for strength to accept a challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow closer in our relationship to God. Sadly, I often approach a time of suffering as a time when God abandoned me and I was alone. It is only with prayer and time that I realize, truly, God was with me every step of the way. My heart needed to be opened to that. Dear Lord help all who suffer have an open heart to see your presence on their particular journey. Give us faith and strength to persevere to achieve "heavenly places with YOU. Amen.

    1. God teaches us through our troubles and hardships and we emerge on the other side of them strengthened and renewed. The chronic ones are there to remind us that we need Jesus every moment.

  21. Thank You Jesus. I would rather be a fool for good, than a slave to evil. Praise the Lord.

    1. Amen dear Janet. We know who we belong to, and just being in His sweet presence is enough to satisfy me and make me whole.

  22. My sister’s friend’s husband, Devin from her Church just died from an overdose leaving his wife, Ginny and 3 daughters and another baby girl on the way. Please pray for his soul, his family and his parents. Thank you. Such a tragedy but I know they all love Jesus.

    1. Got it Jeanne. Very tragic. Praying this young mom gets all the comfort, love & support her aching heart can hold.

    2. Father, please be with this family and comfort them with Your peace, love, and strength to endure this tragedy and take care of Devin in Your loving arms. In Jesus name, Amen πŸ™ πŸ™Œ. Praise the Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Thank you so much for praying for all of them. My Sister was at their wedding and they were doing so well. May God hold them all up and comfort them and show them He will not leave or forsake them but lead them on day by day. He knows how they all feel. And his poor parents must be so very broken hearted. You prayers mean so much.
      Brie I'm praying for your health and your dear brother. God will give you the strength and wisdom to help him in every way possible. May He heal your weaknesses.
      Amen Jan! They are precious in His sight!

  23. Joining fellow warriors Brie. God has you & your dear brother in the hollow of His hands. He's in the midst of your fears & concerns. Trust Him with your loved one. You both are precious in His sight. Hallelujah!

    1. Brie - May the presence of the Lord be with you and your brother and keep you comforted and full of love.

  24. Third Saturday in Advent

    18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. 19 But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.  (Luke 2:18-19 (NRSV))

    51 Then he went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them. His mother treasured all these things in her heart. (Luke 2:51 (NRSV))

    So many of the songs featured in these devotions have been 100’s of years old.  Is there anything from our time that will be sung 100’s of years from now if the LORD has not returned?  There are a few that have found a place in the heart of the believing community.  Would you agree that Mary, Did You Know? is one of those?

    The classic-to-be took a little time to evolve. It was penned by Mark Lowry who is described as a hyperactive, highly curious individual. One observer labeled him ‘a raccoon in human form’. In 1984, he was asked to write bridges to connect traditional Christmas carols for a Christmas pageant at the church he was attending. He pondered one day, ‘what it would be like to interview Mary’. With that thought in mind, the words spilled out on paper sending chills up his spine. But it would take a few years before a composer would come into his life to give the words the right tune. This occurred when Lowry became a member of the Gaither Vocal Band and met Buddy Green, a rising star in Christian music. Lowry shared with Green the poem that had been filled away for 6 years and the rest is history.

    Though it is Mary’s name that is prominent throughout the song and the name of Jesus never appears, the song beautifully describes all the things that Jesus did in His life to affirm that He was the long awaited Messiah.  Lowry was genius in coming to the climactic conclusion with the affirmation that Jesus was the Great I Am (the name for God in the Old Testament (Exodus 3:13-14)). Mary’s baby boy was truly God-with-us.  

    But back to the original question, did Mary know? I prefer not to conjecture what Mary knew rather what seems to be important in the story is that though all who heard it (what the shepherd reported) were amazed (were trying to figure it out), Mary spent her time pondering/treasuring in her heart all that she was experiencing. Another word for this is contemplating, the deep reflection on the matters at hand and the significance of them from dearly held beliefs. Mary held a deep love for God within her heart, so she contemplated the meaning of this child she had born in a totally miraculous way from what was most dear to her.  

    We all have been raised in a culture in which being knowledgeable, a.k.a. educated, is a priority, and being spiritual is less of a priority. A while back, psychology in its studies of the brain discovered that people that spend time in meditation/contemplation are more compassionate because the discipline stimulates the part of the brain from which compassion comes.  Hmmm, in a time when there appears to be less and less compassion, might it be a safe assumption that there is less and less practice of pondering in the heart what is believed, assuming there is something believed? Mary wasn’t overly concerned with figuring out what was going on; Mary’s priority was trusting what she could not understand thus she pondered these things in her heart.

    1. As Christmas is just days away, may you take time to reflect on the meaning of it all, the ‘why’ for which Christmas came about.  Why? For God so loved the world that He gave all that He had, His totally self, in Mary’s Child so all would know they are loved more than anything with the hope that they would share that love with one another and return that love to the One from Whom it came. Like Mary, may you ponder and treasure this amazing belief deep within you.  

      One can have a great poem with great music, but a great voice needs to sing it to get its due recognition. Many great voices have sung this song, but it seems only appropriate to listen to Mark Lowry himself sing it for who would know better what he was inspired to write.

      Mark Lowry - Mary, Did You Know? [Live]

      God be with you, Bob

    2. You blessed me dear Bob. Enjoyed every bit of it.

  25. Great devotion. I pray we all hear His voice saying: This is the way, walk in it. Trust in His guiding Hand because He loves us and only wants us to be blessed and prosper. In times of adversity He is the answer. He will make our rock paths straight and keep our feet from being taken. Trust in Him above all earthly solutions. He is the only One who knows our futures and holds them in His mighty Hands. Lead me Lord.

    1. Joining in prayer with you dear Jeanne. May our hearts and minds be open to receive the perspective of God. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

  26. Going to Brooklyn to see my good Mom in a few hours with very little sleep. God will be with me and you will be in my prayers. Stay safe and remain hopeful anticipating His faithfulness. We are one in the Spirit. We are one in the Lord. Much love.

    1. Mercy travels. Enjoy your time with your mom. Peace be with you!

    2. Thanks sweet sister! All went well thank God.

  27. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. (1 Peter 5:10). Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4). Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed. (1 Peter 4:12-13). I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:12-13). Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. (Psalm 34:9). whoever ignores instruction despises himself but he who listens to reproof gains intelligence. (Proverbs 15:32). If the iron is blunt, and one does not sharpen the edge, he must use more strength, but wisdom helps one to succeed. (Ecclesiastes 10:10).

  28. Heavenly Father, thank You for all the problems that I am facing in my life. There is a reason You have for my circumstances and problems in my life and I will trust in You and rest in the knowledge that You will be right here with me, holding my hand, imparting Your strength, peace, and love to me and we will handle it together. Open my heart and mind to receive all that I am to learn from these experiences and lift me up with You in the heavenly places. Let my perspective be Yours. Let me see the world through Your eyes and Your perspective. Let me be aware of Your presence in everything, everywhere. I know that You are working in and through me and my life. Help me to keep You as my focus and to move out of Your way when needed. Reveal to me what I need to know. Help me to share You and Your word with others along the way. Let Your will be done and not mine. Help me to yield my soul to You and all that You are doing in and through me and my life. I surrender myself and all that I have to You. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Let my heart and mind be filled with the joy of the Lord. As we walk along, let the song in my heart be all for You Lord. You are so amazing. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. You are my everything Lord. Thank You for all that You are doing in and through me and my life. Let me not take You for granted. I am so grateful for You and to You. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings Lord. Thank You for all the wonderful people You are placing in my life. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen dear Janet! God heard every beautiful word.

  29. In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him. (Ecclesiastes 7:14). Before I was afflicted I went astray, but not I keep Your word. (Psalm 119:67). May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. (Colossians 1:11-12). And call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me." (Psalm 50:15).

  30. Prayed for you Min. Lord as You held hubby & my hand through covid, may You also graciously & mercifully take Min's hand & guide her through to full recovery. In Jesus' name, amen.πŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Amen. Praying with you for our dear Min and her family! Be strong my sister! The Lord is at your side.

  31. Praying for your visit dear Jeanne with your mom. Blessed travel.πŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Thanks sweet Jan! My Mom is 93 and sees me as her little girl and always will. She ate all her soup so I was happy.

  32. From today's reading: "When you are plagued by a persistent problem--one that goes on and on--view it as a rich opportunity."
    Hmm... I struggled for some time this morning to understand the above in the now two year covid panic. ( I use the word 'panic' deliberately having seen the eyes of the fearful).
    How is covid a 'rich opportunity'?
    I meditated on this, talking to my Lord Jesus about it as we do.
    Eventually, He said: " Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
    The actual scripture is: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
    (Matt 9. 37:38).
    'To send out' ( Greek: ἐκβάληι / ἐκβάλλω Ekballo).
    A strong word meaning 'to cast out' used as in 'casting out' demons. (Strongs Concordance).
    So my prayer is:
    I pray earnestly to you Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God; Lord of the harvest. Send out laborers into Your harvest - send out laborers to the unsaved around the world who are in fear of covid, who do not know you. Those who are not aware of your love and compassion, who are not aware that they will be safe in you no matter what happens.
    Harvest them / save them O Lord, so that they will be separated, cut out from those who WILL NOT hear your Words of Life and Salvation and separate them unto Yourself. For your Glory, for the extension of your Kingdom, for the salvation of multitudes, in Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen - let it be so!
    And Lord, I realize I am one of your laborers, so send me into Your Harvest when I am out and about shopping, or talking with a neighbor etc, to give Your words of Life to those You assign me to. Some while ago You said to me "Open your mouth and I will fill it". So Lord again as I open my mouth put into it the words you have for me to speak. Take Your Glory Lord. Amen.

  33. Those are good marching orders I read in your post today, Peter. I am honored to walk alongside you as we encourage, pray for, and help restore the lost and fearful, by the grace of God and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Give me the words to speak, in Jesus's name we pray!

  34. Today's Devotion reminds me of something I once read from Oswald Chambers:
    God reckons on us for extreme service to Him, with no complaining on our part; and with no explanation on His.
    The idea is we are so loyal to God, that He can do His Work through us. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

    1. I still have a long way to go, but with His Help, I'll continue working, and He'll continue providing. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  35. Yes dear Brie! He sure will is working through us. We are His instruments to use to accomplish His purpose. So we must not grumble as we serve Him but go forward in joy and peace. He equips us well.

  36. John 10:10
    The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
    Trusting in His Truth and His Promises.
    The best is yet to come.

    1. Amen dear sister, amen! The JC devotion today fits likthe e a glove with what you are going through dear one, with what we all go through from time to time. Love the "tutor" part. If only we remain "still", willing to be taught. Be blessed dear sis, for you are a true blessing. We love youπŸ’•πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Correction: fits you like a glove.

    3. Love you too. I was praying with my sister and we both know that God gave me this trial for a reason and it will be turned into a blessing because that's what He does. Be Not Afraid. God is telling me that so I believe Him. I have received so much love and support and I know with God by my side, I'll be just fine. Being still and teachable. You are a blessing to me dear Jan! Love you.

  37. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18). Look among the nations and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told. (Habakkuk 1:5). For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13).

    1. Amen sweet Janet! Thanks for that good food for my soul. His Words are true and the best is yet to come in this world and in the next.

  38. A previous Jesus Calling reading said "Pray about everything then leave outcomes to Me".
    I love that phrasing; it's a bit like planting seeds . We can plant seeds but the fruiting of the seed is not within our control. We can pray but we cannot control the outcome. That's within God's authority.
    Philippians 4:6-7 refers "Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."
    We are God's Warriors not worriers.

    1. Your words are perfect, Peter!..."We are God's Warriors not worriers"! I'm going to meditate on that verse, Philippians 4:6-7 and let it sink down into my spirit. Thank you, Peter!

    2. This is wonderful, Peter and spot on. At one time, I read somewhere that worrying can in some ways be considered a sin because it means lack of trust in God. It’s like saying, “I trust you Jesus, BUT……. It’s the big BUT which negates anything that was just conveyed.

    3. I agree and pray to act accordingly πŸ˜‰

    4. Amen! We are God's Warriors, not worriers. Thanks Peter! I loved that. I sure do appreciate your encouragement.

    5. Amen Peter! Thank you for your words of wisdom πŸ™ πŸ™Œ.

  39. Praise God from whom all blessings flow…let everyone have the eyes to see and receive! He is at work in each of us. A blessed Christmas week to all!

    1. Thanks dear Ellen! Praying for you and your family. God bless your Christmas week too!

  40. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for the rich opportunity to always stay humble and kind. Moreover, thank you for Your New Mercy every morning after I failed miserably the day before. I am willing to be taught by.You. Forgive me for my impatience expecting a one-and-done learning experience, rather than Your Series, and Tomes, with Infinite Chapters.
    I thank You for all the opportunities to Blindly Trust You that are continually presented to me. Yet, I still do not know how to trust You as I must. I know, it's back to the Tomes with Infinite Chapters. Please increase my trusting You. I'm willing and I know You are Able. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Dear Brie --- Even though you know our Lord's perfect love casts out all fear, sometimes it is hard time accepting His perfect love. So, my Father God,
      let the knowledge of Your love
      Sink deep, deep into her heart and change the way she thinks. No matter what she faces, help her to remember that You are God who is near, the God who says "fear not -- I will help "you
      Bless her heart Greatly and never let detach from Your love. Order hersteps

    2. Brie, sorry -- hit publish button accidentally. Continued:
      Order her steps into Glorious success. Defeat and Failure ARE NOT IN HER FUTURE. In Jesus's name, For Your Honor and Your Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Amen. He is also the God Who Hears Us. Dear Brie, Just keep trusting in Him Who Loves you. And Fear Not. He will never leave or forsake us and His Words are True and His Promises are Dependable. Hallelujah!

    4. Thank you Anonymous, Jeanne and all who prayed. Love you dearly, Brie

    5. Whatever you are facing dear Brie, God knows already and cares! He loves you the way you are. May He resolve your problems, guide your path and strengthen your weaknesses and the same for your loved ones. Thank You Jesus.

  41. I failed miserably today. Was I under attack? Did my armor not cover me? I am a sinner, and I ask for your mercy Lord. What happened to my intention to give everything up to you Lord? I repent, I trust, I thank you for a new day tomorrow to begin again. I'm sorry, Please forgive me, thank you, I love you.

    1. He forgives you Audra and His mercy and grace is new every day. Tomorrow is gone and "forgotten", so you need not be concerned with it anymore. The Lord is with you-- ALWAYS! God bless πŸ™.

    2. Me too, dear Audra. If you want to, I Want To Hold Your Hand and thank our failures for the rich opportunity as we journey to His Throne of Grace. While there we can immerse ourselves in His Forgivenness and Mercy, get Strength For Today and Bright Hope For Tomorrow.
      And as we leave we can practice today's devotion...a
      thankful attitude will lift you up into heavenly places with Me.
      Much Love and blessings to you and our entire JC Family, Brie

    3. Oh, oh! I was just reminded that when we go to His Throne to
      take our burdens to The Lord, we have to leave them there!
      Could we? Would we?

  42. I gift my Lord this day the "R" word of RIGHTEOUSNESS. God's RIGHTEOUSNESS is a gift to all who believe in Christ. There is no way to improve on the cross, it is God's mastet piece! Saw this on a blog and I liked it:
    Where there is RIGHTEOUSNESS in the heart, there is beauty in the character.
    When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. Where there is harmony in the home, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world.
    I dared to believe on the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus and receive His RIGHTEOUSNESS as my own.

    2 Corinthians 5:21 "For him that knew no sin he made to be sin on our behalf; so in him we might become the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God."

    1. Wonderful words from you, Brie and JJ! God is doing great things in our lives and helping us to produce abundant fruit for His glory. He is the King of Righteousness and a ROYAL King and High Priest. His peace is unchanging so we can REST in Him even when we are in the middle of a storm. He holds us close and soothes our worried minds. Amen and Amen!

  43. In reading my post from 3 years ago, I'm still in awe that this much time has passed. I have been blessed beyond measure. Being teachable was "easy" (relative to gratitude) and is the first part of managing an earthly problem... but then moving to gratitude is only achieved over time and in His grace and mercy.

    To take on an ongoing and long-standing difficult family situation, to lose your spouse or a child, or to be engaged in a life-altering medical journey and then to see it as a blessing or even to be grateful seems "hard." But as we see in the season of Jesus' birth celebration, His life was sowed with hardship and pain. In Him, we know that victory has been won at the Cross. Thankful for all here. Amen.

    1. Amen Madfox πŸ™. May the Lord continue to use you in mighty ways as your journey continues. Peace be with you!

    2. Yes dear MadFox. The trials and challenges bring us so much closer to him. You are a shining example of that and the strength of your faith leads others to Him. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus and others can see our steadfast faith. We don't crumble because we stand on the immovable ROCK. Hallelujah!

    3. So true, MadFox. Our pain for anything is nothing compared to His hardship & pain. I am so grateful for that. Amen!

    4. I went back to re-read your post, Brother Friend in Christ, MadFox.
      Like you, I once again "stumbled" on mine, Today's Devotion REMINDS me of something I once READ from Oswald Chambers:
      God RECKONS on us for extreme service to Him, with no complaining on our part; and with no explanation on His.
      The idea is we are so loyal to God, that He can do His Work unobstructively through us. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
      I am still not there yet, but I desire to be and trust one day, I will be. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    5. Thank You Lord for opening my eyes and my heart to see my brother's situation as a ROYAL blessing In Jesus' Name. AMEN!


    7. I've been praying for you and Keith, dear Brie. I am praying your prayer too to see that my mom's situation is a Royal blessin in Jesus' Name. Amen. Every precious moment with our dear one is such a gift from God. Caring for them is something God has already equipped us with and they appreciate all our help. They help us to keep our priorities in the right places and also to glorify God. Everything is in God's perfect timing and all we need to do is walk in gratitude and try to love our dear ones like God loves us. The song Open My Eyes is one of my favorite hymns that we do in Choir. It is speaking to our hearts now.

  44. Bless you all for your comments this and previous years. Today, I am receiving the gift of RESTORATION from our awesome God who's timing is perfect. He has presented an opportunity to RESTORE RELATIONSHIPS and make memories anew this Christmas as our somewhat estranged kids agreed to joining us for Christmas weekend at a coastal rental house. Brie's trending posts suggest we offer a gift TO God, yet each day I am seeing that all the mentions are gifts we RECEIVE from Him as well. Thank you Lord, I have nothing that is fit for a King but a HALLELUJAH, except for the gifts you have given me. ♥️✝️

    1. Dear Sweet Audra --- Isn't that just like our God --who shows up and shows off! It says in the WORD: "Now to Him Who, by the power that is at work within us is able to do SUPERABUNDTANTLY, far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams ..."
      Great Blessings, Love and Abundant Life upon you and your family. I add another HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. If "somewhat estranged" and they agreed to the holiday week-end, then small victories are in process! Win them over even more when together. It will be challenging but try this from leadership coaching certifications that I've been in the process of obtaining. Do not offer opinions, instead deflect with "I'm not sure what to think, what is your core belief on this?" When they finish, say, "I need to think about it some, I will get back to you either here or after we get home when I've really thought about your viewpoint."

      Ask questions. Talk to Listen ratio of 1:10. Yes, correct just 10%. Don't talk or over-talk. Make it all about them. If you think about it, Jesus said precious little; instead he asked questions or very succinctly shared wisdom. A role model for effective communication... without doubt. Pray it is a glorious time and you and your kids deepen and repair all your relationships. Amen.


    3. Praying with JJ and MadFox for a glorious REPAIRING and RESTORING of the breach in RELATIONSHIPS and for all of you to make good memories this Christmas. So thankful you and your somewhat estranged kids agreed to a Christmas togetherness weekend at a coastal RENTAL house!
      In keeping with today's devotion, I am praying for God to open all eyes and all hearts to all that He is accomplishing through this situation. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. Thanking God with you for those small victories that they have agreed to come and spend time with you at the Beach for Christmas. Praying it will be a sweet gathering as the Spirit will guide your words. All will be well because God is in Charge! Thank You Jesus!

  45. Heading to bed. RIGHTOUSE, RELAXED and READY for bed! Praying for all of you, JC Family! Exhaustipated but Happy.
    Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch!

    1. Rest well, sweet Norah. I'm going to bed soon too. Goodnight. God never sleeps so we can sleep soundly.

  46. Thank you dear ones for the birthday greetings😍. Sooo appreciate each of your loving thoughts. Had a very wonderful b- day πŸ™Œ. 77 years on God's green earth! Thankful for so many years! πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    1. Dear Jan -- So sorry I missed it being your birthday. Didn't get to do all of my reading. A Blessed belated Happy Birthday!!! You are a gift to many and I pray this new year brings more of the Lord's grace and favor into your journey!

      Oh, Jan, by the way, my chocolate advant calendar says there is one day till Christmas. I'm not ready for Christmas just yet. Do you think I should just restock the calendar and make things right? πŸ˜πŸŒΉπŸ‘

    2. Dear Jan, I’m happy you had a great Birthday! Happy 77 years young. You’ll always be a Child of God. JJ, You made me smile! I’m not ready for Christmas but I know He is helping me. I could use some of your powerful prayers. Yesterday was a hard day and I had too much to do and I was exhaustipated. I got cranky because the back of my right hip has been hurting me for days. And after I gave my mom her shower and did her hair and nails and make up, and did the laundry and cooked, I dipped my toe in the pity pool and cried out: All I do is work all day long and I’m tired if it. Only Jesus knows how I feel. Oh well. I made a nice dinner for my mom and she ate all her salmon but she knew I was upset and she asked what she could do to make me feel better. I explained my hip hurt and I needed rest. I couldn’t rest because I had to fold the laundry and put it away, and get my mom to bed and work on some Christmas stuff. God knows all about it. But we all are working hard and doing the best we can and trusting in God’s faithfulness. I pray that today will be a better day. I’m driving to White Plains this morning for my pre-op screening for my Jan 2nd hysteroscopy. I just keep trusting all will go well because God is in charge. I’m waiting on the Lord with all of you. Hope you receive answers to your prayers very soon. .We know our Great God is merciful, good and faithful. He allows the trials and tests to draw us closer to Him and we must thank Him for another opportunity to test our faith. Thank You Jesus. We stand together on the Cornerstone that never crumbles. Hallelujah!

    3. Happy belated birthday Jan! Glad you had a great day! May you have many more πŸ™! JJ--I love your chocolate post! I told my sister that was why I didn't buy an advent calendar this year. Lol! Jeanne--I'm sorry you are tired and in pain. I'm praying for God to strengthen you and relieve your pain πŸ™. You are such a blessing to your mom, family, us, and others that you meet. May the light of Christ continue to shine bright in and through us all! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless and peace be with you πŸ™.

    4. Happy Birthday!

    5. You do SO MUCH for so many, Jeanne. Praying God relieves your hip pain and also finds you time to exhale to take care of YOU. May your preop today go smoothly. And give yourself grace for getting cranky yesterday. Dear God, I'd be cranky too doing all you're doing for your mom, family, friends, church, etc.

    6. Amen, JJ! Reading this prayer again declearing it ALOUD and the power of it over dear Jeanne!
      And... Happy belated birthday, Jan!!!

    7. Joining in prayer with the others and praying for your trip to and from as well, that you will be comfortable in your travel and that His covering and protection will be with you. God bless

    8. My dearest sisters and brothers!!! Thank you so much for praying for me. Thanks dear JJ, Janet, NJS, Websister, Audra, God heard your sincere and powerful prayers. The hip pain is gone completely!! I couldn’t believe it! I woke up and it was gone! All day, there wasn’t any pain and I walked miles. The pre op screening went well. Waiting for the results and believe they will be good..The nurse practitioner was wonderful and I didn’t even feel the needle for the blood test. I think the echocardiogram went fine too. God is so good. I even got to be with Rick for about 40 minutes. He bought me tacos and we got to talk a bit. Praise God always for His loving kindness and tender mercies. He keeps His promises.

  47. Be encouraged by this wonderful song

    1. Worth a listen... ties to message today. Thanks Min Ahadi.

    2. Thank you, Min! This song has blessed me and I've already copied/pasted to my 3 dear girlfriends who are all battling recent cancer dx. One in particular, Stephanie, still has not received a formal diagnosis and has seen 4 oncologists. She is a believer, and is leaning heavily on her faith, but golly, this is just taking SO long (9 weeks of not knowing). Steph could definitely use the JC family's prayers. You are all mighty WARRIORS and your prayers would help tremendously. Steph is 55, married, two grown sons, one DIL, and her first grand due in February. More than anything though, she is just an incredible human who leans on her faith daily. I thank you for taking the time to pray for her.

    3. NJS praying for your friends. May the Great Physician heal them and cover them in His peace.

    4. Dear NJS -- I am Interceding for your friends, taking all to the Throne of Grace, where His healing, mercy, and power abound!

    5. So good to see you posting again Min Ahadi , you have been missed!

    6. Thanks dear Min Ahadi! I was happy to see your post, and that song blessed me so much too! I sent it to my sister Janet. Dear NJS, I just added Stephanie and your other 2 friends to my prayer list. God is faithful and I trust that He will answer our prayers and turn their conditions around. He is our Way Maker! Thank You Jesus.

    7. Thanks so much, Janet E, JJ, Jeanne, and all this JC family for your much needed and appreciated prayers for Stephanie, Jamie, & Betsy. It is truly God that is keeping Stephanie going and able to put one foot in front of the other each day of not knowing. Bless you all. Thank you, Jesus, for these awesome prayer warriors!

  48. Jeanne. Prayers for your pain, but with you earlier diagnosis, and high stress with your handling 24.7 of your mom's circumstances, my prayer is you will report the hip pain today at the doctor. Please get an xray and.or MRI TODAY. Your mom is secondary to your current urgent personal medical care and needs. Godspeed. Amen.

    1. Well dear MadFox and Audra, that was then and this is now! The hip pain is Gone completely! I actually walked 3 miles and no pain! Hallelujah! Thank you all for your sincere and powerful prayers! Thank You Father! You are amazing!

  49. Lord I thank you for this day and lift up Jeanne as she drives today for her pre-op appt. I ask that you take away her pain.

    1. You sure helped me, dear Anonymous! Thank you! God is faithful!

  50. Giving God, presenting Him our problems, indeed thanking Him for them, opens up a whole new dimension - Faith.
    Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
    "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

    1. Thanks dear Peter! I kept that running those through my head at the pre op screening and I believe it went well! I just love Philippians 4:6-7.

  51. God's Blessings for all this day.

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23

    "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

    1. Dear John H. --- I receive your Blessings with much gratitude,
      wrapping my heart ❤️ into My Mighty Lord all day long! And to top it all off---great scriptures!

    2. Thank you and Amen!

    3. Thanks dear John H! You fed us well and you blessed us too! May God bless you and yours!

  52. Praying for you, Dear Jeanne! Happy Belated, Jan Gridley!! Love to all of you!

  53. Thanks dear Norah. That’s why I’m doing well! Praying for you and your dear husband and for Joni! Waiting on the Lord with you.
