Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 14

     I am a mighty God. Nothing is too difficult for Me. I have chosen to use weak ones like you to accomplish My purposes. Your weakness is designed to open you up to My Power. Therefore, do not fear your limitations or measure the day's demands against your strength. What I require of you is to stay connected to Me, living in trusting dependence on My limitless resources. When you face unexpected demands, there is no need to panic. Remember that I am with you. Talk with Me, and listen while I talk you through each challenging situation.
     I am not a careless God. When I allow difficulties to come into your life, I equip you fully to handle them. Relax in My Presence, trusting in My Strength. 

Luke 1:37
English Standard Version

For nothing will be impossible with God. 

Verse Thoughts - This is towards Mary in response to Elizabeth having a child at an old age.  

2 Corinthians 12:9
English Standard Version

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, Thank you for the reminder and encouragement that all things are possible through seeking You in all that we do. I pray Lord that I take on each day one at a time knowing You have covered the mistakes of the past and to surrender tomorrow over to You and the worry that comes with it. I pray that You use me and all my weaknesses for your will and that I continually seek your guidance throughout this day. I am so thankful to have You in my life and thankful for the difficulties that have made me a better person and the realization that these difficulties make me more and more dependent on You. Thank you for Your Grace!

    1. So true thank you Jeff!
      Dear Father, help me to see that all trials and struggles are also accompanied with the tools I need to overcome these shadows on my journey. They do make me stronger and more faithful. I know all these tools are provided through you who care and guide me each day. Amen.

    2. Jeff, Your beautiful and timeless prayer is my prayer too. Thank you! Amen ABC!

    3. Dear Jeff, I am praising and thanking God for the gifts of your posts that keep on giving, year after year. Thanks to you my brother-friend for being another channel through which Christ enters in. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Amen, very true words. I thank God every day for His grace, mercy, correction, and love. There is no way I could live without Him. It was His grace and mercy that brought me through. His love lifted me from the darkness into the marvelous light...His light. I thank Him for loving first and always for He promises never to leave nor forsake us. Jeff may God continue to bless, cover, and keep you is my prayer. Amen.
      Have an awesome, uplifting, wonderful and blessed day.

    5. Amen! Don't we all share this prayer of thanks, united in our direct experience of our loving God, His Son and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for expressing our gratitude in a beautiful way. Feel the love, JC family!

    6. Thank you, Jeff, for your words perfectly depict what's in my heart today. Special prayers for my bother on his birthday today

    7. This reminds me that God never gives us anything we can't handle without providing access to the tools we need in any situation. When God closes a door, he opens a window. Thank you Jesus, I trust you Jesus, I take your hand Jesus!

    8. Thank you for sharing your beautiful prayer, Jeff.
      Prayers and God bless you
      Loving prayers for our JC family

    9. Thank you. I know that it is God's grace ๐Ÿ™ ❤️ Love and power that has gotten me to where I am now. I am truly grateful ๐Ÿ™

  2. Thank you so much. Your blogg blesses me daily to do better and to continually focus on God.

  3. Dear Heavenly Father,
    Thank you for undeserved blessings - your presence, your mercy, your GRACE, most of all covering my sins on the cross. Clinging to your promises, Your grace is sufficient for me. Love and blessings to my JC FAMILY.

  4. Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you this morning to say Thank You and wish I had much more to say. I trust You, Love You and depend on You. If I did not have You, I will NOT be in this world, I would have checked myself out, but the devil will NOT get that joy!
    You are the ONLY One who understands and cares. I have to pick myself up and speak and go about my day like all is good, but You know it is not! I had a great weekend, but of course the devil tried to steal my joy because it was a really great time with You and he doesn't like that. So what does he do? He opens the door for a dozen more family BETRAYAL! I've gone through it year after year, time after time. I know I have prayed and asked You to expose the enemies in my family, but Lord (LOL), You sure do have a good sense of humor to allow another flood of betrayal to be exposed when I was just enjoying the Peace I had!

    So what do I do or say? I answer:
    Keep pressing, holding on to You, because like You said this morning, NOTHING is too difficult for You. Keep trusting, I should keep allowing You to mold me, because You know exactly what You're doing.
    Like You said today, NOTHING is too difficult for You, it will all make sense one day. I just ask Your Holy Spirit to stay with me and keep me from any negative thoughts oh Lord! I Trust You, help me in the midst of the hurt and pain. I know, I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me, Your words say so and I believe You!
    Please forgive me for letting go of Your hand a little last night. I need to keep holding on. Thank You Lord.

    My JC family, I ask for prayers today. Please lift me up to our Father so my today can be a better day than my yesterday when my heart was so broken again and I didn’t know how to pray.

    I know God is faithful and I lift up ALL of you in prayers for whatever valley you are in or circumstances you are facing, may our OMNIPOTENT God take control as we KEEP our trust in Him.

    All Glory to you Lord!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Anonymous-- I am praying for you. I pray the Lord will give you strength and you will refuse to entertain any negative thoughts or give place to fear or depression. You will not have dread in your day but find only joy, peace and purpose in all of it. Lord, I thank you for Anonymous's day and days ahead for what they hold, because I know it is GOOD. Prayers also for the rest of the JC Family-- from Kansas.

    2. Maplewood - Praying 2020 is a blessed new year.

    3. Praying with all JC Warriors for you and your family. KS

    4. So sorry you were in such emotional distress last year. Praying the powerful prayers of your JC Family and God's faithfulness have dispersed the fear and upset of the past. And that all family ties have been strengthened, love restored and bitterness removed like the branches that never beared fruit. May your heart only be filled with the peace and joy that comes from believing and not from this world.

    5. From Psalm 40 I waited patiently for God to help me; then He listened and heard my cry. 2 He lifted me out of the pit of despair, He lifted me out from the bog and the mire, and He set my feet on a hard, firm path, and then He steadied me as I walked along. 3 He has given me a NEW SONG TO SING, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him. 4 Many blessings are given to those who trust the Lord and have confidence in Him.
      5 O Lord my God, many and many a time You have done great miracles for us, and we are ever in Your thoughts. Who else can do such glorious things?
      "Ah, Lord God"
      Ah, Lord God, Thou has made the heavens
      And the earth by Thy great power
      Ah, Lord God, Thou has made the heavens
      And the earth by Thine out - stretched arm
      Nothing is too difficult for Thee
      Nothing is too difficult for Thee
      Great and mighty God
      Great in counsel and mighty in deed
      Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing
      Nothing is too difficult for Thee
      [Repeat all]
      I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart
      I will enter His courts with praise
      I will say this is the day that the Lord has made
      I will rejoice for He has made me glad
      He has made me glad, He has made me glad
      I will rejoice for He has made me glad
      He has made me glad, He has made me glad
      I will rejoice for He has made me glad
      Ah, Lord God, Thou has made the heavens
      And the earth by Thy great power
      Ah, Lord God, Thou has made the heavens
      And the earth by Thine out - stretched arm
      Nothing is too difficult for Thee
      Nothing is too difficult for Thee
      Great and mighty God
      Great in counsel and mighty in deed
      Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing
      Nothing is too difficult for Thee
      [Repeat all as necessary throughout His day.
      Free Refills as many times as necessary]
      Now, back to my project deadline, measuring it by His Strength, instead of my weakness! Amen!

    6. Yes Sassy Mom! Glory to God, That's why I can sing HE'S A MIGHTY GOD, MIGHTY IN BATTLE, and Oh so FAITHFUL!!
      1 year later (post of 2019), I held on to His unchanging hands, but most Importantly, He held on to me with His unconditional Love and Faithfulness. ALL THANKS TO HIM! It's not all smooth sailing, but it is NOT the same. I can Pray today without self-condemnation! THANK YOU JESUS!


    7. Brilamar, I am SINGING along with you this morning! Glory to the King!!

      Maplewood NJ

    8. Wow. This testimony shines of His light! God bless you for sharing, and the Holy Spirit for helping me to see you. Amen!

    9. Still praying for you dear Sister. Nothing can rob the peace that He gives us. Even if the stars fall from the sky, we are still standing steadfast on the Rock that never crumbles. Remember He will never betray us. He knows us intimately, understands us completely and loves us unconditionally. We are a blessed and peculiar people and we stand together on our Blessed Cornerstone.

  5. Maplewood, NJ ......Lifting you up ... Praying ALL your todays will be better than your yesterdays!!!!!

  6. Prayer partners- Please pray for William and Charity’s marriage. They are young and have forgotten to cling to one another in hard times. Thank you, friends.

    1. I pray Ephesians 4:31-32 over William and Charity that they will "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every kind of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you"

  7. Annie, relay to William and Charity....My wife and I are aging and of failing health. Most of our day is consumed with taking care of each other. Years ago we learned that marriage is a 200 percent arrangement. There is true joy in 2 people each GIVING 100 percent to the relationship. So many are not willing to first invest before expecting return. Ask God to give the humility to give to the relationship and be patient for the returns. He will provide them.

    1. So true 10-4! Lord, please bless all married couples everywhere to put You first. 100 + 100 = only 200 until You are added in. Then 200 explodes into a much higher number, like loaves and fishes with Thanksgiving. Thank You for Your Math, Sweet Jesus! Amen.

  8. That's beautiful 10-4. God bless all.

  9. Amen thank God for you all in the assembling of yourselves together especially as you see the day approaching.

  10. I thank God for this good work He is doing in you all. Your prayers help to make us stronger in our faith.

  11. I pray, Jesus, that all JC Family are in a better place from their previous situations. I trust you always. You will guide all those in need. KS

    1. Those things are a given, KS. But it is important that we keep reminding each other until we don't have to be reminded anymore. Thanks for your reminder today! God be with you!

    2. Amen! He is still doing a good work in us. I pray that I look more at all the good points about my dear husband than the bad ones. His heart is very beautiful, good and kind. I am thanking God with all of you for all the amazing things He is doing for my brothers and sisters here.
      Thank You Father for our answered prayers and so many more miracles and victories, in the powerful Name of Your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

  12. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for always being with me and opening me up to Your power.Thank You for the blessed opportunity to live in trusting dependence on Your limitless resources. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    “Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee” (Jeremiah 32:17).

    Magnify the Lord and bless His name.
    Worship and adore the King of Kings
    All the people shout and sing His praise.
    Jesus is the one who died for us.
    Jesus shed His blood just for us.
    Open up your mouth and shout aloud He’s a mighty God.

    Everybody give the Lord some praise,
    for He gives us mercy every day
    and He makes our enemies behave
    He’s a mighty God!
    Jesus is the one who set us free
    Jesus gave His life for you and me.
    Open up your mouth and shout aloud He’s a mighty God

    He’s a mighty God (mighty in battle)
    He’s a mighty God (ruler of all nations)
    He’s a mighty God (He’s the greatest power)
    He’s a mighty God (He reigns forever)
    He’s a mighty God (repeat)

    Loving Almighty Father, You are the great “I AM.” What a blessing it is for us to be called Your children and know that nothing is impossible or too difficult for You. You are faithful to Your promises and will defeat our enemies, whether they are numerous or powerful. We will not be weary or discouraged because we are walking in Your divine Presence. We will live in Your strength and courage, trusting You through faith and Your Word, because we know that Your Word never fails. Thank You for the many promises You have spoken over us as we place our trust in You. Show us how to be as faithful to You as You are to us and strengthen us. May Your Holy Spirit keep our spirit alive and burning fiercely for You. Thank You that we can overcome anything. Thank You for remaining faithful to Your chosen people. Thank You for guiding us in life and helping us to become vessels for Your will. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Wonderful prayer, twin bd sis. I couldn't help think as I prayed through it, the more I allow this to be in my life, the easier the journey will become. That's why we pray, to get it into the deepest parts of our heart. Add some music and the deeper it goes. God be with you!

    2. Amen Maplewood and Bob! He's a mighty God and He is greater than any problem or illness or situation we may face. We are never alone and nothing can sway us from His love and peace.
      He is our constant companion, true friend, lover, healer, counselor, bringer of peace and joy, our Good Shepherd and our Mighty God!

    3. Kneeling in agreement prayer with you Maplewood NJ, Bob Malsack, Jeanne and others. In Jesus' Name. Amen

  13. Listening to He's a Mighty God! Thanks Maplewood. Another wonderful song you shared. It is lifting me up high in my morning. Setting me on a path full of light today. God bless you Sister. You even feed me with joy! I share in your beautiful prayer too! Walking in gratitude along with you for His promises, and the truthfulness of His Word. We sure do need His guidance in our lives today and always. Amen!!!

    1. ๐ŸŽถ He's A Mighty God

  14. Dear Lord, as challenging as times like these can be, I thank you for them, as they are an opportunity to grow closer to you. You provide all the tools I need to cope and and rise above any hardships. Help me to use those tools (your gifts) each day on my journey. Amen.

    1. Amen ABC, We must be grateful even for the hard times. He never leaves us through them, and He equips us to handle them. May God help you to overcome any hardships.

  15. WOW! Thank You Lord for putting a new song in my mouth through Your precious channel, Maplewood NJ, joining my voice with hers, Jeanne's and our JC family as I listen to and sing "He's A Mighty God" Yes! God, it's true, You are A Mighty God. Thank God for God! Amen.

  16. I appreciate all the thoughts and comments shared here. I believe it is because this format allows us to share from the heart and in vulnerability and be real (a heart of flesh).

    My heart is full this morning (week, month) before and after I read JC. It is being moved, made pliable, and therefore receptive to new ideas, and new revelations. And in this process it is sometimes difficult to express the heart.

    As I ponder that thought, one word settles to the surface. "Love". The essence of Love is God. He is the source of all Love. "We love Him because He first Loved us." So it is His live in us that we are able to love Him in return with. He is the source and we are the vessel that love comes into, from Him, and goes out to others (streams of living water).

    The longtime readers here will remember my continuing story of "The woman I love". In these years God has shown me that He is the source of my love for her and I am just joining into that love. So really it is His love for her, not mine. And that is why I could not shake that love even though some friends said "you need to get over her". They did not see the deeper story of what God was doing and teaching me in the painful, beautiful process. A process which is allowing me to learn, open up to, and experience Gods love.

    I am now 90% sure that love story with the woman I love is not over even though she is moving half way across the country. But the bigger story her is God's love! These words are on my mind, the words John the Baptist said, "BEHOLD the Lamb of God..." behold, ... Behold, taste it, look at it, sit with it. There is nothing more powerful than His love for us; behold.

    If we take time to behold (by Grace) we will be opened up. We will be participating in that transforming power of love (behold the lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world). He has shown me I don't need to war with these "sins" to be changed. I grew up in church with that mindset and it Falls short. It is not a complete work. True transformation comes when we engage in the process of getting in touch with the fulfillment and Love that lives inside us. And a big part of that process is "behold". The Holy Spirit was empowering John the Baptist to say that and I cannot pass that word lightly.

    Sometimes God speaks to me by putting a song in my head. This week the words "Beautifully in over my head" continue to play and return. So when we encounter this,"I am not a careless God. When I allow difficulties to come into your life, I equip you fully to handle them." We may be in the process of being equipped. That has been my experience of these last years. I have been overwhelmed and broken but that is part of the equipping process and learning where my true strength lies. And I am getting in touch with that strength, Power, and Love by "beholding".

    Continued prayers for you.

    1. WOW! Keith. Thank You Jesus for allowing Keith to Behold, Love, and share his honestly heartfelt journey with us. I am so blessed to have You shine and equip us through all our JC Warriors. Thanks again and again. Amen.

    2. Thanks, Keith, for sharing your journey, including the pain along the way. You did it so graciously, thus it is a blessing for all who read it. Sharing your insights is helpful to all of us. I am very appreciative and will meditate on them for what God has to say to me. As I state below in my post, this is the beauty of this blog, believers coming together in love to journey together the walk of faith that will one day arrive before the throne of grace and the One seated so wonderfully upon it. God be with you.

    3. Addendum to my thoughts 1 John 4:7
      Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.

      Love comes from God; behold.

    4. Yes Keith! Love comes from Him and remains in us to share. It binds us to Him and each other and it cannot be broken, removed, changed because He is unchanging in His perfect Love for us. I love you all with the Love that never ends. I pray my love will guide me to forgive, encourage, strengthen, comfort and soothe even the hardest and most weary heart. Thank You Father for sharing your amazing love with all of us.

    5. Resonating in 2023 thank you for your post Keith, ❤️


    (John 15:9-17) After using the 'I am the vine, you are the branches' analogy to stress to us the importance of remaining attached to Him, Jesus continues developing this thought and what we should ultimately desire. "This whole time we have been together, it has been an experience of love. In the way I have related to you, you have experienced the love of the Father as I have experienced the love of the Father. This love is the essence of life and is what you eternally desire. The commandments were given to define that love so in observing them, you will live the love you have experienced in me and I in the Father. This is the pathway to joy, the joy that is truly joy. For three years I have loved you, now you must keep loving each other in the manner of which I loved you. This love is sacrificial in nature. It does not seek its own benefit in any way. Rather, it gives of itself in whatever way is necessary, always looking out for what is good for another. This relationship we share is not a hierarchy for you have been chosen not to live beneath me but in unity with me as I am in unity with the Father. Now, your being chosen is not for your personal fulfillment though it does bring that about; but more importantly, you are chosen to demonstrate the love of God to others so they may know that same oneness with God. In doing so, you are living a life that has eternal significance. In living as such, you will experience eternal blessings poured out by the Father unto you in His love. All that I have said to you is for the purpose of showing you the way to love. In so practicing this with one another and with all who you encounter, you have entered eternal life, both now and forever more. Eternal life is being one with God."

    As I have said previously, my above effort is done solely for the purpose of capturing what Jesus is saying to me. Knowing that you are reading this, I take great pains to be true to Jesus' words; whether I do or not is another thing which makes this whole exercise precarious in nature for who am I to be able to say exactly what Jesus means. But with you, my friends, listening and responding in love, I make the effort because all I want is to draw near to the heart of my Lord and Savior. If you can help me to do so, it is appreciated. This blog and you have become a valuable resource in my journey to oneness with God. Thank you! With love, Bob

    1. Bob, I find it interesting and exciting that we were writing our thoughts at the same time and how they compliment each other. I am discovering that "I am in beautifully over my head". This is becoming an exciting journey as I begin to get in touch with Love and Fulfillment that lives inside me.

      Praying that we continue to get in touch with that Life.

    2. Thank you, Unknown. That we are having complimentary thoughts is an affirmation for 'if two or three agree', we could very well be on the right track. "I am beautifully over my head" so well said, I am blessed in that thought.

    3. I am a known unknown. lol As all of us are. I forgot to sign my name though. :-)

    4. Thank you Bob, Keith, Maplewood and Brilamar for your powerful witnesses to our Almighty All-Loving God. Thanks all. Thanks be to God for our entire JC Family.

    5. I too are often " beautifully over my head" oh how I wish to stay there. God bless you all!
      Love made us and makes us who we are meant to be. xxoo peace

    6. If you only knew how your beautiful words move my weary heart. May we all grow closer to Him every day so that we will demonstrate the love of God to others so they may know that same oneness with God. What a wonderful goal as I continue on my Faith Journey.

    7. I Second That Emotion...I make the effort because all I want is to draw near to the heart of my Lord and Savior. If you can help me to do so, it is appreciated. This blog and you have become a valuable resource in my journey to oneness with God. Thank you! Thanks for sharing, Bob. Love, Brie

  18. Thank you, Bob, your words light up the path for all you intend ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™✝️

    1. Thank you, Audra. Your words bring me comfort and support. God be with you!

    2. Year after year now we can be RE comforted and supported. Love to you all! ♥️

  19. Praising God, the JC choir is singing it this morning!
    We have a lot of music to equip us for Festing throughout today!
    According to the Posts, today's musical lineup is:
    Nothing Is Too Difficult
    Ah Lord God
    He Has Made Me Glad
    He's A Mighty God
    Glory To The King
    Magnify The Lord
    I Am In Beautifully Over My Head
    I heard whoever sings hymns, prays twice, because s/he PRAYS and PRAISE.
    Time for me to grab my "Hairbrush Microphone" or my "Cooking Spoon Microphone", get in the shower and sing-a-long! Thank You God for our JC Family. Amen

    1. Thanks Brie! Just copied your list to listen to with my dear sister. I will be driving to Brooklyn on Sunday and back to White Plains with Janet on Monday and then driving her to MA on Tuesday to visit her Mother in law. We will be singing a lot together. Praise and Thanksgiving always and ever.

    2. Traveling Mercy Prayers are being prayed for you and Janet. Enjoy the Journey!

    3. Thanks for the playlist, Brie!
      Joining in the CARE E O KEE this morning ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ˜

    4. Traveling mercies for you Jeanne and your sister Janet. Enjoy your time together. Every moment spent with a loved one is a cherished memory. Peace be with you both.

    5. Thanks for your Traveling Mercy Prayers, dear Brie and Janet. Just what I needed.
      So true Janet. I do love being with my twin sister. She is a righteous woman of God and a very good friend to me. Thanks for the Peace blessing.

  20. Thank you for that lovely Playlist, Brilamar. Hope you enjoyed your day.

  21. goodmoring hope u be safe amen๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ

  22. Father, I can count on You for everything. You provide all that I need every day. Let me always be amazed by You and all that You are and do. You are my everything. I'd be so lost without You. Thank You for being in my life Lord. Let me always look to You above and before all else in my life. Remind me that You always have my best interest at heart and will not forsake me -- no matter what. I am so grateful to and for You. I need and depend on You for everything. I can't make it without You -- nor do I want to. I delight in Your presence in my life. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord and all that You do. Put Your desire/will for me on my heart and let me receive, accept, and abide in it. I will follow and love You all the days of my life and forever more.

    1. God chose you to be His people. You are royal priests. You are a holy nation. You are God's special treasure. You are these things so that you can give Him praise. God brought you out of darkness into His wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)

  23. Amen dear sister. He is holding you so lovingly in His arms. Nothing to fear because He is preparing your bright and sweet future. His light can guide us in the darkest wilderness, and it will never go out. It is an eternal light that remains in us forever and ever and ever. I love you Janet. Be strong and remain hopeful and peaceful in His presence. As the Praise goes up, the Blessings come down.

  24. “Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done.” (1Chronicles 16:8).

    Loving Father, I continue in Thanksgiving to You for giving me another day. I’m still alive, I’m healthy and I’m blessed to have another opportunity to become a better person, another opportunity to give and experience Your love.
    Thank You for blessing me with the gift of life and thank You For being there for me, never leaving me, but loving me more than I will ever deserve. Thank you for making me worthy of all the blessings you have bestowed upon me and Thank you for giving me the strength to overcome adversities and trials. I thank You that when it seems as if I’m running out of blessings and the situation doesn’t look very positive, I can still thank and praise You in and through it all. Thank You for the wisdom to rest and honor You in Spirit and in Truth. Thank You for ALL You’ve done for me and all You provided me.
    I know that Thanking You in everything will get me through any and everything. My happiness doesn’t come from my life being perfect, but rather through dependence and true happiness found in my gratefulness for all of Your goodness in my life, no matter the circumstance. Nothing is impossible, nothing is difficult or too hard for You. Thank You for the power to lean on Your strength when I am weak and to depend on You for everything. Please teach me to steward this life that You have blessed me with and to always be rooted in gratitude to You for the things You given me.
    Thank You Father for Your Faithfulness even when I am faithless. Thank You for my family and friends and ALL of life’s necessities. Thank You for JESUS. I offer my prayer of Thanksgiving in His name. Amen.

    “I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:12-13).

    “I thank and praise You, O God of my fathers: You have given me wisdom and power, You have made known to me what we asked of You.” (Daniel 2:23).

    Lifting ALL the prayer requests and trusting our Faithful God for better tomorrows, according to His Will.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood, my spirit is praising and rejoicing with you. We have the best heavenly Father. No one can separate us from his love.

    2. Thanks for taking the words from my mouth and posting the thoughts from my heart, Maplewood NJ. Early this morning I was contemplating how I could spend today receiving and then generously dispensing His Love, or as you put it, ... another opportunity to give and experience Your love...
      For starters, I listened to Tom Jones singing, "WITHOUT LOVE"
      as I prayed for God's Blessing to move forward into this day, WITH LOVE! Thanks to all of you in our JC Family. I truly love and appreciate each and every one of you for all His love you so generously give, and for loving one and all on our Journey Home. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Amen dear Maplewood, We are blessed way more than we deserve. His mercy and loving kindness is amazing. I can't thank Him enough.
      If we have Jesus we need nothing else. He is everything to me. We are loved with a perfect and everlasting Love that we must live worthy of and share.
      Amen my sisters, I am so thankful to have my family here. You all mean so much to me.

  25. Oh, thank you so much Janet and Jeanne. Your words and prayers are just what's in my heart. Thank you for posting it means so much to me and I'm sure to others also.
    Lord we praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised. Thank you for calling us to you and sacrificing your son Jesus for us. Your love is so great for your children that you sent your son for our redemption. He is the Messiah, the living God. Part of who you are walked on this earth for us. Thank you, the Great I Am himself walked on this earth because of his desire to be close to us. For this Lord I will praise you all of my days.

    1. Amen terri. I am so grateful to the Lord for bringing all of us together here on this blog. God is always so good.

    2. Dear Terri and Janet! You are such blessings to me. Your posts also reflect the words of my heart. We are of one accord, dear sisters.

  26. To my Cherished JC FAMILY/WARRIORS: On this day, I decree that the Lord will open the heavens to water your life. He will keep you refreshed; you will blossom; you will flourish. Prov. 14:11
    "...The tabernacle of the upright shall flourish." Before you call upon God in prayer, He will answer you. I pray Lord, that you will cloth each one with Your love and care. I take authority over every infirmity and satantic torment that tries to encompass them and be stripped from their life. I bring the blood of Jesus Christ between the devil, and your family, your home, your finances, your spirit, soul and body. Lord, I command Your Warring and Ministering Angels to envelop each JC FAMILY member. I pray, my precious Lord, that You will enlarge each one's coast and decorate their life with beautiful testimonies. I pray each one will receive dumbfounding breakthroughs and every sad story in their life will be rewritten, Lord, with Your pen of Joy! Lord, I thank you that You will guide each one on their journey. You will make away where there seem to be no way. They will not walk in darkness. They will not stumble. They will be the head and never the tail. I decree to each of their lives that it will be well with them always. My Lord, may all Glory and Honor come back to You in everything that we do. In Jesus' name I believe and pray. AMEN and AMEN Great Love to each JCFAMILY/WARRIORS!!! JJ

    1. Thank you JJ. I shall copy, and paste this prayer on my prayer closet wall, and frequently say it on behalf of our entire JC Family and each of their Dear Ones. May God continue blessing you JJ. You are a major league pray-er and a blessing channel to us all. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Thank you for your beautiful words and prayer JJ. God bless you.

    3. Thank you for the wonderful prayer dear JJ. Hope you are feeling well.
      I am so sleep deprived that I sure need some watering and refreshment. Preparing for Bible group and my twin sister's Birthday and my Mom's Birthday. Thank God I prepared most of the family dinner for tomorrow (today). God is so good to me.

    4. What a Mighty Prayer, to a Mighty God, from a Mighty Warrior!!! Thank You JJ.
      Praying with and for my Beautiful JC Family, today and every day!!! :):):)

  27. Amen! I receive your prayer and thank God for answering it on behalf of us all.
    JJ I can't thank you enough for mentoring me to be the prayer warrior I want to be. God bless you and keep you on the front lines! With love and respect ♥️๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ™

  28. JJ - God bless you for blessing us with your anointed prayers. I receive your prayer.

  29. FROM LAST NIGHT: So glad all is well, Jeanne. My brother-in-law is in the hospital - colon; severe diverticulitus, micro rupture and an abscess. We are praying for no surgery; they are treating it with IV antibiotics. no food; pain meds. Please pray for him (Chip). DH and youngest Son - on the med. My desk is still stacked - please pray for order in my life. SO need it! Love and prayers for each of you, JC Family.
    Need prayers, Dear JC Family: for my dear brother in law, my youngest son; safe travels for one of my Besties coming home from MD. She just spent a week with her in-laws (the Father has dementia) and said she felt like she got a glimpse at her future. Very sad.
    I need prayers, Dear JC Family = for all of my family/friends. Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Heading to bed - God is on the Nightwatch - so thankful for that. Praying to wake up a renewed, blessed woman so I can be the best for my Family and Friends. Love to each of you and praying for your needs/wants/requests.

  30. Thanks for your prayers. God is on the Night watch dear Norah. Praying for your brother Chip that God will resolve his problem without surgery. May He guide his treatment and recovery perfectly and help you handle all your work and organize your papers and also heal, guide and take care of your family and loved ones. Praying God covers all those who are traveling and Brie, Keith, Larry and Al too with a strong Hedge of protection. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne. May our heavenly Father touch, heal, protect, comfort, love, guide and direct all His children. May His everlasting, loving arms wrap around us and May He hold us tightly to Him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen ๐Ÿ™. Shalom.

  31. Your brother in law Chip is in my prayers sweet Norah but I pray he is also your brother in Christ.

    1. Thank you dear Jeanne. Yes, he is a mighty Believer!

    2. Hallelujah! God is truly with Him. Praying he is recovering and receiving God’s healing Power.

  32. Precious blog reading. Woke up just needing to be with Him. Not asking anything, just being in His Presence is enough.
    Two songs came to mind which I share, be blessed:
    O Lord You're Beautiful

    This is my desire to honor you

    1. Thank you so much Peter! Praying I will be fruitful today and give all the glory to Him. He is the greatest part of me and my life.

  33. Heavenly Father, You are worthy of all my worship and praise for You are my everything. Let me keep You in the center of my life and always look to You for all things Lord. Let me be focused on You and the kingdom of heaven and not on the things of this world and its many distractions. I'm relying on Your word to finish the perfect work You started in me Lord. Let me slow down and yield to You, follow Your leading and wait on the Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen ๐Ÿ™.

    1. Amen to that. Joining in your beautiful prayer that echoes the words in my own heart . Thank you my dear sister! Praying He is walking with you through this new day as you follow His lead.
      Love you!

    2. Gathering into your prayer our dear sweet sister friend in Christ, Janet! Your words are in my heart.

  34. Praying for all JC family. God bless you all as you have blessed me.

  35. Hi Sharon, I just wanted to share with you that my son and I have had success with the carnivore diet. The book Carnivore Cure by Judy Cho, and Mikhaila Peterson’s youtube videos, as well as youtube videos by Chris from Crohn’s Colitis Vitality, are all really good. I pray that you have great success and healing.

  36. Thank you Father for your amazing grace, mercy and love! Protect, heal, guide and strengthen all of my brothers and sisters who come to you in faith, glorifying your most holy name, knowing that ALL things are possible with you, Abba.
    May we take time to rest in your presence this day, knowing you are walking with us, as your children, made whole and washed clean by the precious blood of Jesus, our Hope, Savior and Redemeer! Shalom๐Ÿ™

    1. Thank you dear Rich! Amen.
      God bless your day in every way.

  37. I try to be in beautifully over my head. I read this everyday and I love all the posts. You are all beautiful people and we are all trying to get it right. Like Keith, I have a love who now found someone else to love. We were married for 20 years and have 3 beautiful girls. Then he fell in love with someone else and left me. It has been 8 years. What a journey I have been on. I am so trying to look at myself and what I did wrong. Everything I say about God and love and marriage he is able to twist to justify what he did. He would say he is not happy and at peace with me. God does not want him unhappy. So I guess he is happy and at peace with her. This is so hard for me. One day I think I have accepted it and then another day I am sad and crying again. I am trying to behold the Lamg of God. I am trying to get in touch with that Love God has for me. I think I have a heart of flesh. I want to learn and grow in my relationship with Jesus. Please pray for me, that I can truly accept Gods love for me and that I will love others in the same way. I get it one day and then the next day I feel sorry for myself. I want to have that peace and joy in me no matter what my circumstances are. Thank you!

    1. Dear Anonymous, God knows how you feel. You are trusting Him to lead you to your own joy and fulfillment. It’s so hard to let go of the past and move forward. But the past is over and gone and God is already preparing a bright future for you. Do your vest not to waste time looking back. Don’t miss the light and joy of the present by burying yourself with the “If only’s”. I can’t even imagine the sadness you are feeling over your situation. But I do believe the Lord is at your side and fighting for you. He lifts our heads lovingly when we are crushed and broken-hearted. There is much bright light and great joy ahead, and love and fulfillment but you must seek His help and keep your heart open and hopeful to receive all He has to offer. Sending you a big hug! Trust in the Lord with All your heart and lean Not unto your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all things. Allow Him to lead and comfort you. He only wants the best for you. Each new day brings its own new possibilities.

    2. Dear Anonymous, ๐Ÿ’ž ๐Ÿ™
      Thank you for laying your TEST at the Foot of His Cross and in this JC prayer warriors room where you are prayed for 24/7. Rest assured, A breakthrough will come in the Name of Jesus.
      Much Love, Brie

    3. Anonymous, praying for His peaceful, love, joy and presence in your life. Love and blessings to you and your 3 beautiful daughters.

  38. Dearest sister, been there, done that. God's plan for you is beautiful and abundant. It happens in His timing. Stay in gratitude and forgiveness, can't get thru your storm without it! God bless you, praying for you ♥️๐Ÿ™

  39. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus ๐Ÿ˜Š. May Your loving arms be wrapped around us and Your beautiful presence be felt by us. Let Your mighty power flow through us and touch the lives of others. Let the Holy Spirit speak our words and guide our steps as we walk through the day. Light up the path before us. Open our hearts to receive all that You have for us. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen ๐Ÿ™.

    1. What a lovely prayer. Thank You!!!

  40. Amen! Thanks sweet Janet. Have a blessed day!

  41. Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers. May God grant you some well deserved rest, relaxation and restoration. I’ll be with my good Mom and Sis but our children will be with their good wives who are great mothers to our grandchildren. May God comfort our dear Sassy Mom and Terri and all those who have lost their dear children. God bless and guide them all.

    Proverbs 31:25-26
    Strength and honor are her clothing;
    She shall rejoice in time to come.
    She opens her mouth with wisdom,
    And on her tongue is the law of kindness.

    1. Amen dear Jeanne. Joining in prayer for comfort & sweet memories for SassyMom & Terri ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’

    2. Amen!
      SC Anonymous

    3. Amen! Sending love to all mothers and their mothers. It can be a tough day for many, prayers for healing for them as well.

  42. Praying your mouth heals quickly dear Sassy Mom. Maybe you can have ice cream soon.

    1. Swishing and spitting warm salt water. Going to church with my daughter Denise. Celebrating MD meal when my mouth completely heals. A blessed MD to all.

    2. Thanks dear sister! You sure are going to enjoy that MD meal when the time is right! It's all in God's Hands.

  43. Characteristics of a Godly Mother.

    1. That was helpful. I'm glad God is molding me every day!

  44. Happy Mother's Day dear ones ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’•! Enjoy the gift & blessings of motherhood ๐Ÿฅฐ.

    1. Amen! Me too! What a gift motherhood is! Even when we can't be together, we are together in our hearts.

  45. Happy Mother’s Day.

  46. Yes, Happy Mother's Day JC Warrior-Mommas! As you think on the awesome memories made with your kids, may it bring a smile to your face throughout the day!

    1. You too dear NJS! So many memories that make me smile! They add light to my day. The sweet times with my three sons when they were small. Such silly times!

  47. God's Blessings for All this Day.

    “Many women have done excellently,
    but you surpass them all.”
    Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
    but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

    Proverbs 31:10-31

  48. God knows what we need even before we ask Him. He reads our hearts and knows us even better than we know ourselves. I read this from today's devotion and it just echoed what I have been praying for.
    "When I allow difficulties to come into your life, I equip you fully to handle them. Relax in My Presence, trusting in My Strength". Instead of worrying about the future, I just keep giving it all to Jesus, and resting. So today's devotion reaffirmed that. He can handle anything and we can do all things through Him Who strengthens us.
    Have a blessed day in His presence and peace. Rest in Him.
    We have an ever present Help and we are well taken care of.

    1 Chronicles 16:11
    Seek the Lord and His strength;
    Seek His face evermore!

    Psalm 29:11
    The Lord will give strength to His people;
    The Lord will bless His people with peace.

    1. Praying for you Jeanne ๐Ÿ™. God bless you and peace be with you!

    2. Thanks dear Janet! Keeping you tight in my prayers too! God bless your day!

    3. Thank you for this encouragement, Jeanne.As always, so appreciate the verses you add to follow what you write. Have a blessed day.

  49. Sarah translates Luke 1:37 as: "Remember that I am with you." How much easier would our life challenges be, if we just "thought" about His promise to hold our hand at all times? "Be like "little children" is Jesus' suggestion because when a parent or GRANDparent (so fun) holds a toddler or young child's hand their is peace and total trust. We should walk each day with that symbolism as our guide through the daily grind. Pray it can be so. Amen. Godspeed JC "toddlers"!

    1. Love the toddler analogy. Not only is there that total trust when holding a parent's or Grandparent's (sounds like you know from personal experience) hand, but there is also the excited anticipation of what each new day can bring and appreciating the world in an innocent way. That is also what we could have and He could give us . Thanks.

    2. That last anonymous post was from me.

    3. Blessings from NYMay 14, 2024 at 5:46 AM

      Thank you Jeanne, MadFox and Janet for a great start to a great new day!

    4. Blessings from NYMay 14, 2024 at 5:48 AM

      PEBGDesigns yes!

    5. Dear MadFox, Thanks for making me feel young! We are always children to our loving Father! I love holding my grandchildren’s hands and God loves when we trust Him as children and hold tightly to His Hand! We are well taken care of. ๐Ÿ’—

    6. Amen, love the picture you describe. He is always with us, holding our hand with each step we take.

    7. I'm reaching for His hand, feeling a little childlike today.

    8. Great analogy, I can remember being led by the hand across busy city streets as a child. Along with the trust and the safety I felt for my guide.
      May we all do the same as we navigate the crossroads of our lives. Blessings to you Mad Fox for all the Love, Prayers, Hope,and Wisdom you have shared throughout the years. You are a Faithful Servant. Blessings to all my Beautiful JC Family today and every day. Words can not convey the the love contained in my Heart. Praying with and for all of you Beautiful People today and every day your prayers are mine. Lifting you all up High!!! :):):) Ray

    9. Thanks for your prayers dear Ray! God bless your day and life!

  50. "I have chosen to use weak ones like you to accomplish My purposes. Your weakness is designed to open you up to My Power. Therefore, do not fear your limitations or measure the day's demands against your strength."
    This 2nd week of May for me has been quite a challenge. Up earlier than usual, short time of prayer with only time to read Jesus Calling blog, no time to add comment.
    No time to rest during the day, busy in several different areas; demands greater than my ability, longing to rest physically and mentally.
    Guess the lack of stamina is part of aging?
    However each challenge as it arose was met by prayer requesting help. I can report that help from on High was forthcoming, even though the direction in several instances was unexpected.
    Today's reading for me was a 'bullseye', right on target.
    Can't say I felt fully equipped to handle each situation, but God came through each time: the equipment I used was Prayer and Trust; all I had.
    Luke 1:37 "For nothing will be impossible with God." What seemed at first sight to be a mountain of difficulties gradually became little hills which were successfully negotiated by prayer and trust.
    The fatigue and weariness will wash away as I rest in Him.
    Matthew 11:28 AMPC "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]"

    1. Thankful that prayer and trust in Him carried you through these difficulties over the past week. Praying you find His rest and refreshment today.
      Adding the lyrics to one of my favourite hymns:

      He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,
      He sendeth more strength when the labors increase;
      To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
      To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.

      When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
      When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
      When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
      Our Father’s full giving is only begun.

      Fear not that thy need shall exceed His provision,
      Our God ever yearns His resources to share;
      Lean hard on the arm everlasting, availing;
      The Father both thee and thy load will upbear.

      His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
      His power no boundary known unto men;
      For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
      He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

    2. Thanks Peter,
      You described me to a T
      No time to rest during the day.
      Busy in many different arenas.
      Demands greater than my ability supplies.
      Longing to rest mentally and emotionally.
      Lack of stamina.
      Praying and Trusting and Counting EVERY Blessing, especially those my eyes cannot see yet.
      Much ❤️ and .Many ๐Ÿ™
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Beautiful fitting song Websister.
      Thank you for sharing.
      I'll be singing it hourly ๐Ÿ˜Š

    4. Thanks dear Peter, Brie and Websister! I‘ve been cooking dinners to freeze since I got up for my good husband and mom! God knows we’re weary but I have called out to Him and I can feel His strength. Rest well dear ones. I am to lie down before dinner and my Bible group.
      Thank You Father for the much needed rest and peace for all of us and Your strength and faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’—

  51. It has taken me until later in life to earnestly and honestly ask for God's help. I can not do this (life) by myself or alone. "casting all [my] cares [all my anxieties, all my worries, and all my concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about me [with deepest affection, and watches over me very carefully]. 1 Peter 5:7 (AMP) PS 55:22 God's Blessing for all this Day. John H.

  52. Beautiful dear John H! He is such a caring Father! We are blessed!

  53. Please pray for my DH. He is not doing well. We go for his Infusion tomorrow and I'm so thankful he will see his Oncologist, too. He's weak, legs swollen, confused...not good. Praying for a short, sweet sleep so I can be up early and ready to drop my car off for repair and then take my DH to the hospital. So thankful 2 of our sons will be helping, loading him in the car, getting him there (after grabbing a wheel chair). Sleep Sweet - God is on the Night Watch. I'm praying for all of you, my JC Family - haven't had time to read specifics, but know that you are being prayed for!
    Welcome and I loved your verse, John H. That's what I'm doing....casting all of my cares.

    1. Dearest Norah, I am praying that your DH will improve quickly and God will guide the doctors and enlighten them so they will know immediately what to do to make him better. Yes! Cast all your cares on Him Who Cares For You.
      Thank You Father for Your Mercy and Healing Power to turn Norah's DH's condition to good. He is covered by the Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Make him well again and strengthen all of his weaknesses and heal every infirmity. We thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

      John 14:13-14
      And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

    2. Beloved Norah, Echoing Prayers for your BEST MAN.

    3. Our Dear Sweet Sister Friend in Christ, Norah,
      I am joining into prayers with Jeanne, Sassy Mom, Anonymouses, Unknowns, and the Legions of our JC Family who are always praying for your Best Man's healing.
      We are living in the shelter of an Almighty Powerful God.
      Much ❤️ and Many Continuous ๐Ÿ™ In Jesus' Name..AMEN!
