Friday, May 22, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 22

     When things don't go as you would like, accept the situation immediately. If you indulge in feelings of regret, they can easily spill over the line into resentment. Remember that I am sovereign over your circumstances, and humble yourself under My mighty hand. Rejoice in what I am doing in your life, even though it is beyond your understanding.
     I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In Me you have everything you need, both for this life and for the life to come. Don't let the impact of the world shatter your thinking or draw you away from focusing on Me. The ultimate challenge is to keep fixing your eyes on Me, no matter what is going on around you. When I am central in your thinking, you are able to view circumstances from My perspective. 

I Peter 5:6
English Standard Version

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you. 

John 14:6
English Standard Version

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

My Prayer (2018)
Lord, I am trained in this world to think often that only good things are to happen to me. That whatever I like is supposed to then be the straight path. Re-train me Lord. Keep my eyes focused on You. I am reminded of the words you spoke to Solomon as recorded in Proverbs 3: 5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." What a wonderful promise. As I don't lean on my own understanding, but instead Trust You, my path is straight. This does not mean my path will be easy, because you have shown me that sometimes calamity and suffering are part of a straight path. It is through trials that you often get my attention. I'm heading later today to see Bobby, who had his 3rd cancer surgery in the past 2 years and he's not even 45 years old. I thank you for Him. He is a light to my life and so many others. His only desire through this process is to walk with you. Yes, sometimes he struggles to understand but he isn't adverse to this being an opportunity to grow stronger in his walk with you. He's willing to do whatever to be more in step with You. Give him strength today and me strength as I spend time with him. Thank you for being with us both every step of our lives.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Is there any update on your friend Bobby? truly an amazing story, hearing how through all that he is willing to do whatever to be more in step with God.

    I have the Jesus Calling book, but it is easier for me to read every morning on my laptop, and I thank you guys for creating this blog with it, and including your thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thanks for asking. His wife let me know last night, after a 7 hour surgery: Praise God! Doctor said surgery went great, he's confident he got all abnormal lymph nodes and left all nerves intact. - Now they have to get through recovery which last time was rough. But we have an awesome God no matter what.

    2. Good to hear, I'll be praying for him!

    3. Is there another update on Bobby, Chris? Will continue to pray for him. You are a blessing to your friend.

    4. Thank you. Yes, Bobby is doing great. The surgery last year was a great success. He recently saw his oncologist and he is not showing any cancer. Last month he also had retina surgery and finally has sight in his left eye after not having it for over a year. Praise the Lord!

    5. How is Bobby doing this year. I love that people have reached out to ask and I wanted am update for 2020. Yes our God is so good and almighty and powerful. 202 has been rough for us all with this Covid-19 thing I pray he is well and so is everyone else. god bless y'all

    6. I was wondering the same thing, Chris. So many people have reached out to me about my husband (cancer survivor) and how he's doing during COVID-19. So thankful to report - he is doing great!

    7. So happy Bobby is doing well. and can see too! God is so great and we are blessed to have the Great Physician on our side.

    8. God bless you Chris! Your heart is so Godly good! Prayers for Bobby! Love hearing how God is working in your life and family and in Bobby’s life
      God bless you and our JC family
      My home life is very hard! My fiancé is very angry and mean to me often
      I pray for Gods healing, love, peace and wisdom
      I rebuke Satan And his wicked ways and thank God, Jesus and our Holy Spirit for healing and love
      In Jesus name

    9. How is Bobby?

  2. Praise God about your friend Bobby! Hallelujah 🙏🏻☀️

  3. My expectations are always getting in my way and I'm the one that put them there. If only I would keep my eyes fixed on God and not the disappointment of my expectations not being met

    1. Prayers that you are able to keep your eyes fixed on God, I have the same problem. I need to fix my eyes on today and not worry about the yesterdays, but it is so hard to do when your world has been shattered from others decisions that hurt me to the core. I have forgiven, but I ended up with a diagnoses of PTSD because of it and with that, I have no choice but to be reminded many times about the past. I need that PTSD gone so I can focus on what is most important today. God bless!

    2. Pamela, Praying for you now that you will no longer live over and over in your mind that which shattered your life, as you put it. That the forgiveness you desire for this situation create a healing ointment for your heart. Praying that your life will be blessed and that your spirit will reflect that in all your comings & goings. God the great healer is your prescription for total wellness of your precious inner being. I am claiming victory on your behalf and mine as well over Satans schemes to keep us captive over the effects that others have had on our lives when it is sinful and damaging. Lord come, Spirit come! In Jesus name thru the blood He shed for you and all of us!

    3. Standing with both of you and all JC Family, praying for Jesus to switch train tracks for us, shifting our focus from going backward looking through the rearview mirror at the Thoughts About Adverse Events That Make Us Anxious and Cost Us Peace to the track where He is our only Conductor, and we follow where He leads. Only Jesus can shift our tracks to get us up and over this mountain, and into His Presence and His Peace. I believe He can and will when He is sought. Help us Lord Jesus. Come Lord Jesus, Come do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. my will is to do what You Will and go where You Lead. AMEN.

    4. Amen, Praying for you Pamela. May God keep your face focused on Him and all that He has planned for you from this day forward. He doesn't want you to look back, but only to the bright road ahead He has prepared for you. His Plan for you continues and He can make all things right. Peace is what is leading you now. The past is dead and gone and you can't be defined by a label. But you can do your best right now to shine by the good fruit you bear. So walk past any fear or anxiety and go forward to peace and well being in Christ. Chew on that which is sweet that brings us joy and peace and brings us closer to God.

    5. Love the train track analogy, Brie!! ❤️

    6. Me too GTT! Brie you made me think how we must ask Jesus to switch the train tracks of our minds. We must stop chewing on the bitter stuff of the past and the things that make us anxious and instead exercise our trust muscles and believe He really has our backs and is preparing our tomorrows.

    7. Me too GTT! Brie you made me think how we must ask Jesus to switch the train tracks of our minds. We must stop chewing on the bitter stuff of the past and the things that make us anxious and instead exercise our trust muscles and believe He really has our backs and is preparing our tomorrows.

    8. I have found one of the fastest ways to keep expectations from turning into resentment is to hold expectations as PREFERENCES instead.

  4. As always, this devotional is spot on and speaks right TO me. I thank you for your work creating this site. I have the book on my nightstand, but sometimes this is a "quicker" way for me. I'm praying for your friend Bobby...I'm a cancer 8 year old son has been cancer free for 2 1/2 years after having leukemia for 3 years..praise God, but I KNEW whatever the outcome, God's hand is in it. Thank you for reassuring me ..well, you as "the messenger " because the words today were exactly what I needed.

  5. My prayer is for all those affected by Cancer and other illness, that they and their families are given the strength and support you promised to walk with them every step of the way......"Proverbs 3: 5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Yes what a wonderful promise indeed. Amen.

  6. Good morning JC family 🌞. Dear ones I so need your prayers once again. My doctor ordered a cardiologist appt. For me,to see what's behind the very annoying palpitations. I know more often than not they are harmless. My mind of course wasted no time to jump right into "what if" position. Help me Lord to stay my mind on You, to give you the reigns. You've got this. Amen. Blessings JC family & thank you.🥰

    1. May the Lord calm your fears and fill your heart with peace, Jan. Praying for you .

    2. Jan, this was me in February and March this year, seeing 2 cardiologists and doing 5 tests for constant heart palpitations, but JEHOVAH RAPHA removed that cup from over me! Today, I testify to HIS GLORY that it was nothing major, perhaps stress related per doctor! So as He did it for me, so shall it be for you in Jesus name!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Amen, please protect our sweet Jan! May these palpitations be nothing in Jesus' name. Lord, we trust and depend on you no matter what. We know You love and care for us with a perfect love. Colorado JC Friend

    4. I am standing agreement with Maplewood NJ, in Jesus name, Amen!

    5. Jan--- I also stand in agreement with IA, Maplewood NJ, Unknown and Pamela K. Powerful prayers for you! Interceding in KANSAS

    6. Jan - Joining JC Family, interceding POWERFUL comforting healing prayers for OUR precious Jan. We love you.
      Blessings and love to my JC Family.

  7. Jan I'm part of your JC family that has been reading and being blessed, and praying for others for years without comments. I had to let you know I'm praying for a positive outcome from your test and peace beyond our understanding. I recently had to undergo a whole host of test for my heart and understand how hard it can be to keep assurance and peace. Praying ps I am Jan also!

    1. Bless you Unknown (Jan)😊 & all the precious members of my JC family for such encouraging, hopefull words for me to feed on as I wait & trust. You all have calmed my spirit more than you know. Love each one of you to the moon & back😘!

    2. Dear Jan, Still praying for your heart rhythm and health. May the Great Physician guide you to perfect health, peace and fulfillment.

    3. 2022, thank the Lord & prayers from all the righteous saints, it availeth much! No more palpitations.💞😍

    4. OUR jan is free of palpitations 😁 Yeah! GOD!

  8. Dear Heavenly Father, what a blessedness and joy divine to come before Your Presence thus morning to say Thank You for and great day! No matter what it holds, I am reminded NOT to worry, NOT to regret, but remember that You are Sovereign over ALL my circumstances! Holy Spirit, help me not to lean on my own understanding, but to acknowledge You oh Lord and to humble myself under Your mighty hand and rejoice because You are GOD, my Creator who knows exactly what You are doing! Thank You Father!

    Thank You for the gifts of now and that of eternal life that awaits me in Jesus name. I Thank You that You are the only Way, the Truth, and the Life!
    I continue to thank You and lift my mother up to You so that she realizes this truth and commit her life to Christ, the only Way! I don't understand why her heart is hard to this truth and believing what she believes, but this moring, You remind me again NOT to lean on my understanding or try to figure her's out, but TRUST You and acknowledge that You are the God of ALL possibilities!
    I am waiting for that day when JESUS will pay her a visit and put her on fire for You oh Lord! I am excited about that testimony to Your Glory in Jesus name. I pray this for ALL our love ones who have not yet accepted Jesus and for ALL lost souls! Thank You Lord for the answer in Jesus name!

    May the perfect Peace of God that SURPASSES ALL understanding, rest upon all of us today JC family and may we step out rejoicing in the knowledge of who our FATHER is!

    Blessings to all throughout this day, family!

    Maplewood NJ

  9. Jan I'm part of your JC family that has been reading and being blessed, and praying for others for years without comments. I had to let you know I'm praying for a positive outcome from your test and peace beyond our understanding. I recently had to undergo a whole host of test for my heart and understand how hard it can be to keep assurance and peace. Praying ps I am Jan also!

  10. Jan I'm part of your JC family that has been reading and being blessed, and praying for others for years without comments. I had to let you know I'm praying for a positive outcome from your test and peace beyond our understanding. I recently had to undergo a whole host of test for my heart and understand how hard it can be to keep assurance and peace. Praying ps I am Jan also!

  11. Peace be with you....All Is Well.....

  12. "Humble myself under His mighty hand." That was the peace statement for me today. I had a dark day yesterday and struggled all day. I read JC first thing today and am grateful to find my solid reassurance. My "handle" to hold onto. My hope. I love the scripture 1 Peter 5:6. I'm going to write it down on an index card and memorize today on my walk. Things aren't how I planned, but I'm so grateful I can walk and talk with and focus on the Lord. God bless you all and hoping Bobbie is doing well.
    Colorado JC Friend

  13. Lord, help us to keep our eyes trained on you. Our earthy bodies deteriorate and Satan loves to beat us down with our ailments. Help us to accept life as You present it and worship You through it all. We have Your Hope that in eternity, all the suffering will be over and we will be in Your presence to worship and adore You forever! Help us to praise You as You prepare us for Your eternity. Thank you God in Jesus' name.

  14. Just got a call from the doctor's office. X-ray results after my wife's fall show no bone damage. Praise God for grace as time passes for healing of the bruising.

  15. Grateful for passing my test today. Thank you all for your prayers. Ready for the interview on Friday and praying for clarity and peace that comes from above. No matter what I give the glory to God for the experience.

  16. Thank you Lord, for a new day! I praise your holy name! My prayer for this day is for my husband, Paul. Please take away his anger and negative attitude . It is so hard for me to keep my joy. Paul loves you Lord, so jc family, I know with you all joining in praying, that I have all the faith that he will answer my prayer! In Jesus ' name, Amen!

    1. Fay, I stand with you and pray this morning for the Spirit of love, peace and a sound mind to take root in your husband and that his joy in the Lord will return. God is able!

      Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. I have the same agony in the garden, Fay and stand with you praying the same prayer along with you, Maplewood NJ, and all other JC Prayer Warriors who are or will be joining us. Today's reading reminds me when things don't go as you would like, accept the situation immediately, and that Jesus is SOVEREIGN over these circumstances, not me. As for my instruction, according to 1PETER5, I am to Humble myself, therefore, under the Mighty Hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you.
      Conflicted thinking on my part wondering if I am trying to exalt myself and/or expecting to be exalted by others, rather than focus on the Only True Source of Exaltation? HMMM! Am I exalting myself by thinking I am the source of another's anger and negativity rather than his relationship with his true Source, our Heavenly Father? MORE HMMMM! Lord help me get out of Your way, accepting JOHN14: LORD,You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, not me. I pray and I thank in Jesus' Name. Amen

    3. Fay --- I am going to The Throne of Grace to join the JC WARRIORS to uplift you and your husband. I pray for the Lord to calm Paul's heart today.
      Allow Paul to know Your peace and give him a gentle and compassionate spirit for Fay. I bind up the spirit of wrath and plead the Blood of Jesus over Paul and Fay. I ask Lord, that You would replace all of Paul's anger/negative attitude with Your unfailing love. You say in Your word that the wrath of a man does not produce the righteousness of God, so I ask that You would teach Paul how to pursue Your righteousness daily! And Lord, let Fay feel Your loving arms encircled about her. In Jesus's Name, the Name above every Name that is Named. AMEN and AMEN

    4. Brilamar, yes getting out of the way as you say is often critical. I tend to get into bed with another's sinful struggles. Trying to use reason, kindness, ignoring it, avoiding... anything to change it. Anger is one of those sins that I seem to be on the other side of and often pulled into. Anger needs to stand alone and that is where it can be dealt with. Lord, I pray that anyone is involved with another who displays issues of anger, that they rely on you Father God, your Holy spirit to guide them through. You are the great healer and protector. We ask for healing for the afflicted a softening of heart and self control and protection of the heart for those who may come in contact and wisdom to know how to respond. Lord we know that your higher calling to Love is always the answer, please show us how to love them and yet also love ourselves in the process. Father great healer we trust you with all this and everything else in Jesus holy name.

    5. Lord free us from satan's trap when it hands us the other end of the anger rope and we accept it falling prey to the escalation of anger, defending ourselves in what we think is a win-lose situation. In reality, this is a lose-lose situation for us. Help us immediately put our end of the rope down and leave it there without indulging. Lord. You can only be SOVEREIGN over this circumstance when we humble ourselves under YOUR MIGHTY HAND, freeing our hands to lift up and praise You, rather than holding onto the futile anger rope. For Faith, Your Strength and Your Peace, we pray in Jesus' Name. Amen

    6. Father God, We are asking You to turn Paul's heart around and remove all the bitterness and anger he holds inside. Let him see his blessings more clearly and direct his gaze to You, the Maker of Peace. Renew his mind and enrich his relationship with Fay with more love, patience and consideration. He already belongs to You. Thank you for Your faithfulness in their lives. Bless Paul with a new, sweeter attitude, and true joy. Thank you for all this in the powerful name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

    7. PS Lord, we pray for Your Mantle of Protection All Around us and Guidance to a safe place of Your choosing. Amen

    8. Brilamar thank you for your analogy of the rope, I needed to read and reread this. God bless you.

    9. You are welcome Fern. The tug of war is still real and I am still working on refusing to pick up the rope. How are you, hub, and our Dan? Praying for you.

  17. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for another day and all You have stored in it for me. I know that through good and bad, You remain faithful. You are a great God who is so loving, and so very patient with me. My desire is that my will and Your will become one, with Your will prevailing. I humble myself under Your Mighty hand and ask that You guide my life and help me to do Your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    We are reminded in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God’s constant and gentle reminders are evidence that we are not in control as we may sometime thing, and that we need to trust Him. Whether things go our way or not, we are to trust Him through it all. Instead of complaining when things don’t go our way, how about declaring: I don’t know why things didn’t go as I had planned, but nevertheless, I am still trusting God, I have peace. I trust in His goodness. I trust in His plans for my life. We are told to: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). As believers, trusting God when we don’t understand brings us to a point where we have to decide to trust Him and NOT in our own ‘somewhat’ logic and understanding. The decision is ours to make regardless of how scary it may be. Our rusting God will not prevent us from being in uncomfortable situations but it will allow us to be placed in a position where we can seek the Lord’s promises, provisions, directions presence and begin to have a sense of rest in Him.

    Loving Father, thank You for having everything under control even when life appears to us to be out of control. Help us to STOP trying to understand Your ways and decisions because it is impossible for our natural being to understand.(Romans 11:33). For Your ways are higher than ours, they are past finding out (Isaiah 55:9) and this is why we must make the decision to trust You, our all-knowing God. Thank You Father for being our Way, Truth and Life. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Jesus offers us this advice, let’s take it!:“But seek first His (God’s) kingdom and His righteousness and all these things (health, clothes, food, jobs, funds and all life’s necessities) will be given to us as well.Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”(Mathew 6:33-34).

    Jeanne, I pray you had a FABULOUS Birthday yesterday, and didn’t let COVID-19 stop you! Many, many more best wishes!

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Dear Maplewood, Thank you for your wonderful post and prayer today. Was just thinking how full our lives are in Jesus and how loved we are in Him. He has richly blessed us with all of our provisions and such peace and joy that our cups runneth over. Thank you dear Maplewood also for my Happy Birthday wishes. I had such a sweet simple day. I always begin my day by phone with my Mom and twin sister. We did our devotions together and my sister, Janet and I wished ourselves a Happy Birthday. My Mom spoke about the day we were born and it was just such a sweet call. Then my good husband Rick made me a nice breakfast. Two friends walked over and gave me flowers and wine. Emails from my Bible group with Happy Birthday wishes. A walk out in the beautiful day God gave me. My husband got yummy take out for dinner. We had a Zoom party with our kids and their wives. And my dear twin Sister and I had a Google Birthday party, just the two of us in the kitchen opening each other's presents. It was such a sweet day and God is so good. I woke up in gratitude feeling deeply loved and cared for. Thanks for all of your kind Birthday messages you left me too. Love you all.

    2. Dear Jeanne, Thank you for sharing your wonderful day in God's Wonderful World. Praise and Thank YOU Sweet Jesus. Amen!

    3. Seeing this post from last year made me remember my special day and how I celebrated it in isolation in a very sweet way. I am so grateful that I was able to be in the same room this year with my Mom and sister for our morning prayer and I got a call from my friend Loretta and emails from my dear Bible group and actually got to be with my Mom, Sister, husband, son and grandchild and hug them all and enjoy eating out and celebrating in such a wonderful way. My other 2 sons called and sent flowers. We ate cake and the chocolate that my son and daughter sent from California. I felt your prayers and read your sweet wishes.It was a blessed and wonderful day! So thankful! God is so good.

    4. Ahhhh! Jeannie - all I prayed for you, all day today. Time with your dear Mom, Twin, Hub, Offspring; doesn't get much better than this - until The Return! Love you, Dear Sister in Christ! My prayer is that tomorrow morning, it will be a sweet memory of the night you had tonight. <3

  18. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. Everyone must come through ME to get to the Father! DEAR Jesus, please help Me to come to You first everyday in every way. Why do I need to be reminded everytime? So often I think I am a bothering pain to You, like a thorn in Your side when I think about coming to You with the small stuff that I "should" be able to handle on my own. My limited understanding wants to "save" you for the big stuff, when the ship hits the dock. Change my heart, Oh Lord. Help me to better know I am YOUR loved child and You love to hear all the little things and are honored, praised, admired and glorified when I Seek Your Way, Your Truth and Your Life in all things, great and small. I need Your Help. Amen. Thank You for my JC Family and all the other points of light You send to light up my life, giving me hope to keep moving onward and upward on my way home. Our only desire through this process called life is to walk with You. Yes, even in times when we struggle to understand, help us see all our paths as opportunities to grow stronger in our closer walk with You, Who have been there, done that and that straight and smooth are two different things!

  19. Good morning God! Thank you for this new day and a perfect reminder for my circumstances in today's reading. Thank you Maplewood for sending me to Google for a lesson in Hebrew "God is known by many names in the Bible. Each name reveals a certain aspect of His character. Jehovah-Rapha is one such name found in the Old Testament and means “The God who heals” in Hebrew."
    And on the matter of my circumstances, I awoke today noticing resentment building about outcomes on a project at work where a product we paid for did not meet the standards we approved. Then I notice my neighbor has moved solar yard lights to a new location that is even more intrusive to my enjoyment of the night sky than where they were bothering me before. These seem so petty in the big scheme of things yet believing simple trust in the Lord to make the best of the situations, action on my part might also be asked for. Help me Jesus to hear some guidance on how to respond. When do I let things be, and when do I speak up? Does anyone have reference in the Bible for such a question?

    1. Audra, Great question. I struggle, we all struggle, with our rights as Americans or as a person. Here's the biggest challenge... Look at all the actual confrontations Jesus had in His life. You will see He mightily defended the weak (stood in front of those about to stone the woman but not the male adulterer) or those facing hypocrisy. However, anything directed towards Himself, He simply stated truth, responded with love, or in passion week, in particular, He said nothing. Jesus simply acted in love always. And then, speaking of Ascension Day (Bob's great post), He said, go and live as I did. I can't say for certain what Jesus would do about the lights but, I know, He would only respond with love.

    2. Good Morning Audra, In response to your question, Does anyone have reference in the Bible for such a question? I did not, but since I also had LIGHT issues in one of my posts, I went to Bible Gateway. Com, put in the word 'light' and found 244 references to LIGHT in the bible. I guess I can read one each time I see the light! Love to you and my JC family. Trying to keep focus on the song Nothing Is Too Difficult For Me, especially the part that sings nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing is too difficult for God. Since there are no size constraints in the song, "lights" and work issues can be included. I'm assuming how we label our situations XS, S, M, L, XXL, XXXL does not matter to God, for whom ALL things are possible. Love to you and our entire JC fam

    3. Audra, I'm sorry about the product you paid for did not meet your approval. Can something be done to get a refund and a replacement? I feel bad you are so upset about the lights your neighbor put up and that they block some of the beauty of the night sky. The most beautiful scenes are always from God's creation. I'd like to share something with you. A few years ago I had these giant floaters and flashing arcs and the doctor said they would go away. Well they got a little better but never went away. But I have learned to see beauty through them. I still love the sky. My dear Sister Janet told me 2 days ago (the day before our Birthday) she got giant floaters in both eyes and flashing arcs. They are right in her line of vision. She prayed they would leave but they did not. She went to the eye Dr who said they might get better. Anyway I was so proud of her yesterday because she told me last night she would not let them upset her or her Birthday. She will just go on praising God for all of her blessings. So If she can live with this profound problem, maybe you can just forgive your neighbor for putting the lights in a bad place. I imagine it would be very difficult and expensive to move them to another part of the roof. Try your best to enjoy the beauty of the night sky around them. If you cannot do this, then be honest and tell your neighbor. God knows exactly how you feel and He can change your neighbor's heart. I'm praying things will go better for you at work and at home.

    4. Hi Audra, I hope the below helps. There are so much more scriptures that can help you to LET GO and LET GOD:

      Exodus 14:14- “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold[a] your peace.”
      Ecclesiates 3:6- “a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,”
      James 4:7- Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
      1 Peter 5:7- “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
      Psalm 46:10- “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”
      Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
      Proverbs 4:25-27- “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.”
      Isaiah 26:3- “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”
      Colossians 3:2- “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

      God Bless,

      Maplewood, NJ

    5. Romans 8 is my goto in situations similar to Audra's. And when I get to the line which states: And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans, I write down 3 POSITIVE GOOD THINGS about each current situation. I then place it in my personal outbox labeled "Things God Will Heal" Hope this helps. With Love
      Also, thanks MadFox for providing me with a new "light" bulb: To live like Jesus lived, I am lovingly stating truth or saying nothing. And, Like the woman caught in the very act of adultery, there is no need for me to defend myself against accusers. I only need to answer to Jesus when He speaks to me. Love JC Family

    6. Brilamar, and the beauty of Jesus in this situation was the brevity and compassion he showed in just a few words. "... one who has never sinned, cast the first stone." then, after literally saving her life in the moment, with love, he asked her to think of her future, "where are your accusers... Go and sin no more."

      Audra has several options, that we all know can potentially defuse the situation. But, we all have been there with neighbors or family, where the constant irritant is exacerbated. WWJD? as the bracelets used to say! Again, we all know something succinct, loving, and perhaps instructional. Nothing is easy when sinners are involved!! Ha ha!

    7. Everytime I read that in the Bible, my enquiring mind wants to know what Jesus wrote on the ground??

    8. Yes! A question upon arrival "home"!

    9. Yes MadFox. I have also wondered what Jesus wrote in the dirt. I have so many questions to ask when I get up there. Thanks Maplewood for those wonderful verses and Brilamar, I also love Romans 8. Have a blessed day.

    10. Thank you ALL! The neighbor lighting situation was resolved as I moved thru my resentment to love and approached it with them with humor. The work situation is in my boss' hands, I shared my thoughts, the follow up is up to her to address, or not. I read all of your comments and thank you so much for Scripture references and your taking time to reply. That's the kind of family I want in my life, God bless you!


    (John 16:16-23) As Jesus is winding up His final thoughts to us, He says, "A little while, and you will no longer see Me, and again a little while, and you will see Me." You could understand why that threw us into a quandary, not knowing what was about to happen. He did as well so He went on to say, "You are about to pass through a time that is going to make you very sad while you watch the world around you celebrating that which has made you sad. But when all is said and done, your pain will give way to an eternal joy which no one will ever be able to take away from you. It is much like a mother giving birth to her child, the process may give bring great pain but when her new born child is placed in her arms, the pain is forgotten as her love for her child fills her heart. So, too, the pain you are about to experience will grieve you greatly but when you see Me again, you will have everlasting joy. On that day, turn to me and enter into my fullness, the fullness I share with the Father and you will have everything you will ever need or want."

    One of the joys of this blog is the opportunity to share with others the pain we are experiencing. In times of pain, we need others to help shoulder the burden; for by our self, we will be overwhelmed. This is God's gift to us in our time of pain and sorrow. We need each other to bring the spirit of Psalm 42/43 to us, "Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, my help and my God." We help each other get to that oasis when we are passing through desert experiences filled with overwhelming challenges. The fullness of what Jesus was telling His disciples they would realize and it is no different for us. "Hope in God, we will praise Him again!"

    Have a blessed day, dear friends! God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Bob, John 16:16-23 is appropriate for this time. We are actually passing through a dark time in the world with so much fear, sadness and death around us. But we have the Comforter with us to encourage and instruct us as we walk through this journey. God knows the pain we are in of not being with out loved ones, on top of the isolation, grief and debt that is creeping in. He is or God and comforts us with His Word and His promises. Feed My lambs: Okay:
      Psalm 40: 1-2
      “I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.”
      Isaiah 41:10
      “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
      Psalm 34:18
      “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

  21. Dear friends and fellow ambassadors of Grace;

    As I was sitting in silent prayer, the word "metinoia" came into my awareness. I looked it up and found this;

    "The journey of changing ones mind, heart, self, or way of life."

    Again the word "behold" comes to mind. I am deeply moved and convicted. This Christian life of integration in Christ's life (Christ in you the Hope of glory) is not something WE produce! It us us cooperating with The Life that is already inside us, the unitive life of our Spirit (our real self) and His. Another way to say it is to become what we already are :-) Now that is freeing. I don't have to produce it, but journey into discovering it. That is an adventure vs a distorted effort at production.

    My stuffy (but valuable) Christian background somehow left me thinking that it was my effort that produced the change. I believe the graeter change can take place as we acknowledge our weaknesses and "behold" the amazing unitive life inside.

    That is a repentance (a change of direction or mind) of true liberation as we discover the real Power and life inside us. And a freedom (without self condemnation) into discovering the journey of Love into a new life of freedom.

    Appreciate prayers of thanksgiving and suplication as we continue to discover His life together.

    "More than we can ask or imagine. "

    1. Thank you! Love this insight you shared, Keith ♥️ I hope all is well with you this year. 🙏

    2. Such a powerful post from last year Keith! Thanks!
      We are all works in progress. God’s Spirit empowers us and builds us up, strengthens and guides us. Each day brings us closer to what God wants us to be. He molds us little by little according to His will and plan. Every day we need a bit more polishing. I have many weaknesses and He knows them well and loves me anyway. I try to follow His lead. Praying to see His guiding Hand more clearly.

  22. Thanks Keith for unearthing the word metinoia. Reading your post made me picture an apple seed. The tree is already inside of the small appleseed and all that little seed has to do is freely JOURNEY toward it. God provides the growth opportunities with His soil, His water and His SonLight. Thanks for added delicious fruit to my breakfast this morning. Love to you and all my JC family. As always, our table is rich and full. Enjoy The Meal!

  23. Keep all of us safe Lord. In this time of isolation, our world seems upside down; you, Lord, are with us through it all. You seek us to draw closer to you spiritually and for all of us to do the same with each other. This site does it so beautifully; thank you for this blessing. You know our needs Lord; give us the patience and the strength to not give up, to not lose hope, to keep praying. Jesus I trust in you and love you so very much.

    1. Loveconquersall--- Your prayer is my prayer. Bless you!

  24. My Old Folks woud have called it "Praying It Through"!

  25. Please help me Lord,to keep my eyes and my focus on you!thank you for another day Lord! Amen

  26. Father, thank You for being in my life. You are my saving grace -- my everything. Help me to walk in prayer and compassion for others as I go through the day. Let me rest in Your Presence Lord. Praise the Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen dear Janet! He is taking you by your pretty hand and leading you to the better life He has prepared for you. Thank You dear Jesus for this and Your faithfulness in our dear sister’s life. Amen

  27. Peace be with you!

  28. “Throw off everything that hinders us and the sin that so easily entangles us” (Hebrews 12.1).

    Morning glory and honor to the King, I’m blessed to be awake this morning and in Your glorious Presence. Thank You for another day just to say thank You that I get to live, love and laugh. A lot of things didn’t go the way I would have liked the past 2 weeks, but through it all You never left my side. Thank You Lord for being the Way, the Truth and the Life, because there are many things that I don’t understand and many things that are totally beyond my understanding or control. However, I’m blessed that in You, I have everything and can prevail through everything. When the tides are heavy and the storm seems too strong to endure, please Lord, help me to keep my eyes fixed on You and not blink for even a second.
    I have no idea what You are doing or trying to accomplish in my life through various tests and trials, nor do I know where You are going. But wherever You are headed, I’m right behind You, holding on to Your unchanging hands as You lead the way. The other good news is, I don’t have to worry about where we’ll end up because with You, it’s always going to be great no matter where the journey leads. I’m reminded that You have a great plan for me (Jer. 29:11) and I choose to believe it and receive it!
    Thank You for my mom as You continue to work behind the scene molding her for her good and for Your glory, thank You for all the other plans You are putting together for us. At the end of the day, no matter what, Your name will still be glorified and I will worship You in Spirit and in Truth. Thank You for Jesus. Amen.

    “And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose” (Romans 8:28).

    Jeanne, Happy Birthday, hope you had a wonderful time yesterday. Wishing you many, many more blessed years ahead. Terri, Birthday blessings to your mom as well. Safe travels and enjoy your stay!

    We serve an AMAZING God! Ellen, great to hear what God has done and is doing in the lives of your daughters, The journey has been long, but God has never left. Keep believing, because it is WELL in Jesus’ name!

    Remembering ALL the sick and afflicted, keeping them in prayers and can’t wait for more victorious testimonies to the glory of God!

    Jan and Ladygolfer, God restores family. I trust that your testimonies are around the corner in Jesus’ name. Can’t give-up, don’t give-up! It shall be well.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Ah! Our Sweet Maplewood NJ. It is great to see you and get the new prayer you put into my mouth Every. Single. Day.
      I prayed for satan to get out of your computer as I wondered if it targeted it to steal a rich source of God's Blessings to many. Thanks for always sharing your daily morning bread with us. Love your trust in God and all you do because of it.
      In Jesus' Name.

    2. Thanks so much dear Maplewood! Your prayers and Birthday wishes really blessed me. It was a very sweet day indeed! God is so good to me. Praying your Mom’s heart will be opened to Jesus and she will sincerely seek to know Him. We will just keep praying together!
      Loved your words: When the tides are heavy and the storm seems too strong to endure, please Lord, help me to keep my eyes fixed on You and not blink for even a second. Amen!

  29. Good Morning and Happy Weekend,
    My mom and I are in our new home now. She made the flight from Michigan to Oregon just fine. I couldn't be happier here as I look around, but she sees all as a negative and is not a happy person and finds a complaint about just about everything. I'm praying for her contentment and ask for your prayers for her. I'm hoping when our belongings arrive on the moving van that she'll feel better.
    I've been praying for all of you and have thought about you many times.
    Love, Kathy

    1. Great to see you again Kathy! I surmised you were in the moving process! I continually prayed for you and Mom. Hopefully the Moving Van will roll for my brother by the end of this month. Like "The Gambler" my brother is processing through Knowing what to throw away and knowing what to keep! I continually read 1 Timothy 6: 7, ...We didn't bring anything with us when we came into this world, and we cannot carry away a single thing with us when we die!
      Oregon must be beautiful. Hopefully, you can refresh you!
      I love you Kathy and felt more comforted having you as a moving partner in this leg of the journey. Blessings to all. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. God is on the move in many mighty ways!

      Continued prayers for peace-full settling into new to you places. He is our constant, no matter where we land!

    3. Thank you Brie for the prayers and the thoughts of my mom and I. I too think of you with your brother's similar situation. Its hard going through changes and purges for sure and watching our failing family members. ! I love you too dear sister. It is REALLY beautiful here. We live amongst tall old-growth fir trees and everything blooms... trees, bushes, grasses. Blessing to you and yours!!

    4. Perfect song choice Audra, as is Shine Jesus Shine and let there be Light! The Guiding Light! as we Search For Tomorrow. Going from The Young and The Restless, to The Old and The Changeless! I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. As always, today's Devotion fit me like a glove with respect to moving my brother: When things don't go as you would like, accept the situation immediately. Thank Me.
      Would you pray for me my Sisters and Brothers in Christ to keep fixing my eyes on Jesus, no matter what delays, setbacks, negativity and issues are going on all around me until my focus on Jesus is clear and central in my thinking, and I am able to view circumstances from His perspective? Thanking God His Perspective is higher than mine! I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. (((KATHY)))

    7. Kathy, may our Lord draw the negativity out of your mom and replace it with His perfect peace and love. May she start to see the truth and things in a better light. Through Jesus, all things are possible. May the cloud of doubt be removed and the sun shine down on you and your family. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    8. Dear Kathy, Such good news that you are happy with the big change and like your new place! Joining prayers that you both will be content and thankful in your new home. I am sure when your Mom sees her familiar things and keepsakes she will come around and be blessed. Praying that the Way Maker will soften her heart and open her eyes to the truth that this move was a very good thing for both of you. Thank You Jesus!!!

    9. Yes Lord!
      🙏 Brie, as you request and even when you don't. ♥️

    10. 1 year later and today's Devotion refits me like a glove with respect to selling the home Keith lived in and which we jointly own. So far, nothing has gone as I would like. I am still practicing to accept the situation immediately and thank Him.
      Would you pray for me my Sisters and Brothers in Christ to keep fixing my eyes on Jesus, no matter what delays, setbacks, repairs, storms, negativity and issues are going on all around me until my focus on Jesus is clear and central in my thinking, and I am able to view circumstances from His perspective? Thanking God His Perspective is higher than mine! I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    11. Through it all, I am holding these truths to be self evident:
      God is FAVORING me today!
      God is HONORING me today!
      Thanks be to God, I am a SUCCESS today!
      I have God's SPECIAL FAVOR upon me today!
      God is making HIS FACE shine upon me today!
      God is GRACE-OUS to me today.
      I am someone VERY SPECIAL TO THE LORD!
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    12. You are all this and more, Brie! An awesome daughter of a KING! A WARRIOR PRINCESS, known intimately by your FATHER. He has three perfect timing for your perfect plan. I'll be hanging with you in TRUST and GRATITUDE.

  30. You have the right perspective, Kathy. What I've found with my mom and other seniors is that change is so hard and even though my mom who is a very positive person, she was pretty heavy with negativity when we moved her from her condo, which she loved, to her independent living apt. She even had good friends at the new independent living place but kept finding fault and making negative comments left and right. It wasn't even a week and Judy, my mom, was back to her positive self feeling comfortable about her new living arrangements and getting plugged into a new routine. Hugging you, Kathy, remembering how trying those times were for us with our mom as well. The fact that you are living together may be rough at the moment but, as you said, hopefully seeing her things arrive will bring her spirits and disposition around for both of your sakes. Praying for acceptance and peace and sending love.

    1. Dear NJS, thank you for your kind words and your prayers. You have encouraged me with telling me of your experience with your mom coming around. God Bless you and hugs back.

    2. The light just went on for me as to where the negativity can come from voices by a normally very positive person. Change is harder as we get older, and maybe more so for men than I thought. As hubby and I make plans to combine two households there will be lots to release, thank you Lord for guiding us in love, compassion and endothermic towards each other.

    3. Thanks for being our experienced lookout, NJS! I may need you to sound the horn from time to time. Love to all light bearers, movers and shakers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Great advice and encouragement dear NJS. I’ve been spending a lot of time with my dear Mom. She’ll be 93 on the 24th and she hates change of any kind. She even gets mad if I put the glasses in the wrong place in the dishwasher. When a move ir hange is necessary it’s best to Trust in God and do your best to make changes go smoothly. Patience, prayers and God’s strength and guidance will get you through. Amen NJS, Audra, Brie and Kathy! We will continue to lift each other in prayer and add a healing portion of love, comfort and encouragement. Much love!

    5. endothermic???????
      That was supposed to be 'empathy' lol

    6. I liked endothermic! And the heat goes on!
      1. CHEMISTRY
      (of a reaction or process) accompanied by or requiring the absorption of heat.
      2. ZOOLOGY
      (of an animal) dependent on or capable of the internal generation of heat.

  31. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Dearly Loved Blessings From France, affectionately known as BFF (Best Friends Forever!) Your continuous faith, regardless of those around you, inspires me. I am praying for success in your schooling and studies and hope today will find you able to bask in God's Goodness and our prayers, knowing we celebrate the day God loaned you to us. Love you BFF. In Jesus' Name.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words sweet Brie, Audra & NJS. I'm so thankful for the Lord's Goodness. Celebrating with my family and friend. So many blessings through God's amazing grace. Be blessed JC family, praying for all of you and your loved ones. Love you so much!

      Blessings from France

    2. Happy birthday BFF. I hope your day is filled with lots of love and happiness. God bless.

    3. Happy Happy Birthday dear Blessings From France! May God grant you all the desires of your beautiful heart. Hope you had a bright and happy day of celebration! You deserve many sweet surprises. Sending a Birthday hug and a special prayer for good health, peace and fulfillment in the coming year! Much love!!

  32. Happy birthday BFF! Celebrating you today with prayers in every way. Be blessed with surprises! ♥️🙏

  33. BFF, I hope your day has lots of laughter, hugs, and love as your family and friends celebrate your birthday sending you or delivering in person, birthday wishes and blessings! I too send you birthday blessings! May you feel so blessed and loved by family, friends, and our loving God!

  34. Brie, not sure if you will see this, but you asked me to remove a certain post on 5/17 that was offensive and I did that. Thanks for informing me. Also, you asked for an update on my son Derek. He is 20 now and he is still smoking pot (just legalized here in NM) and working now at a dispensary. He's still living at home (the 1 child of 3 left at home; daughter married and living in Berthoud, CO; oldest son about 15 minutes away & renting a house with 2 Christian guys). Derek is a good kid overall and a joy to be with and an extremely hard worker, but still needs Jesus to take center stage in his life and only depend on Him. He and his girlfriend of 4 years just broke up. We continue to pray for non-smoking friends in his life and good influences -- for God to draw him near. He might move out this summer (he says). Thanks for asking.

    1. I'm so glad to hear how everything has transpired for you over the years. Thank you for bringing all of us together here on this site. It has been a blessing for me and many others. God is so good! I pray that your son, Derek finds Jesus and that things work out for all of you. They will. God always finds a way to make things good. I was lost most of my life (and an addict). I am now 51 years old and only came to the Lord a few years ago. My life was a mess. I didn't think there was any hope for me, but now I can't believe just how blind I had been for so long. I love Jesus with all my heart and can't imagine my life without Him. I know that impossible things can and do happen -- every day and all the time. God is ALWAYS working. We just don't always see it. I pray that you, your wife, and family all find peace, comfort, and strength while you endure this time in your lives. God be with you.

    2. Thanks (((Chris))) I appreciate the updates and the outakes. Prayers continue for you and yours. Thanks again for this site where God is Glorified, and we are One in His Spirit, as My Utmost for His Highest brought out today, That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. - John 17:21 In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Thanks Chris for everything you have done to keep this JC Family together. God bless you and your family in all things. Thanks.for telling us how Derek has been doing. Still praying for him. May God guide him to live to please Him and to give up his reliance on pot. God has great plans for him. May He open his eyes to His guiding light on his path. Thank You Jesus!
      Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
      In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    4. UHGH! Thank you, Chris for removing the icky post! Praying always for you and Fam. I tried you link and it came up, 'unavailable.' would love to read what you wrote. Much needed at this time in my life.

    5. Dear Janet! So blessed that Jesus is the Cornerstone you’re standing firmly on. He has brought you through hard times and is leading you to all joy and peace in believing. Love you dear sister.

    6. I join in gratefulness, Chris, to you and this site. While I stumbled onto this January of last year due to my Kindle app on my phone not cooperating because of a new phone, I was determined not to miss my JC time. I opened this blogpost that day way back when and have been eager to open and read each & every morning. It has truly bettered my walk PLUS having a JC family attached to it was a benefit I never anticipated but so grateful to have! I know my Kindle app not opening was truly God leading me here (as my other apps had no issue) What's funny or so God-like is that once I found this awesome and inspiring site, the Kindle app began to work. God never ceases to amaze me. Thank you, Chris, again, for this site. Grateful for it and the added perk of this INCREDBLY supportive and loving JC family!
      Will continue to hold Derek in my prayers. God's timing is ALWAYS perfect. Derek will come around! As sister Jeanne quoted, "...and He will direct thy path"!

  35. MadFox, How are you feeling dear Brother? Praying all is going very well because God is in charge.

  36. Busy day today but it will surely be a blessed one. My youngest son Dylan from Boston called yesterday to say he was going to a wedding for his wife's cousin today in New Jersey. He said he'd like to come with his older child Leo and make me breakfast before I go to Church. Then he must got back to get ready for the wedding. That is a wonderful late Birthday gift. I'll get to see my dear son and my grandson Leo for a little while. Dylan said his wife Erica and my other grandson Lucas must stay at the hotel because he needs more sleep. Then later in the day, Greg's family will be here and Mayra's parents too. It will be a sweet gathering indeed. Blessed am I because God is so good.
    Dear MadFox, Praying everything is going well my brother. God is leading you and your treatments day by day. Much love.

    1. Reading ahead to the bottom of this blog....had to find out how many blessings you received today, Jeanne. MANY! So thankful for you. Happy Birthday, Love - as we say in our family - it has to last at least a week, or it doesn't even count! HA HA. ENJOY!

    2. So true dear Norah. The celebration continues. I had 2 big pieces of that ice cream cake and little Gabriel helped me blow out the candles. So much joy in the simple gifts. Eating too much with the ones you love. Thank You Jesus.

  37. I can understand how pleasing it must be to the LORD to see his children love and bring joy to each other when I look at my own dear kids. They are all here trying to help me with a big project, and get to laughing so hard their faces turn red and get tears in their eyes. A parents greatest joy to witness. I am enjoying every minute of it. Judithann

    1. So happy for your joy dear Judithann! The sweet silly joy of children is so contagious. They can lift a weary heart like no one else, except for the Lord. My kids are grown but my Grands are such a bright light in my life. I'm so grateful as I know you are for your dear children.

  38. Happy b'earthday our dear sister friend in Christ, Blessings From France, affectionately known as BFF, or Best Friend Forever!

    I miss your posts, which were so inspirational. I pray  for you and yours and also pray that you are reading and praying with your JC Family of Prayer Warriors. I thank God for the good gift of you, and that your studies are going well. May God shower His choicest Blessings on you and yours today and everyday, and may you be led to post soon and very soon. ❤ 😍 💖 In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Thank you so much sweet sister Brie! I don't feel led to post as I used to before but I'm still here everyday reading and praying with and for you all!
      I have been anxious lately about my studies and future decisions I have to make. Been feeling lost and not spending as much time with the Lord as I used to.
      I know it's my fault because I have been more focused on my will rather than God's will. Thank you for your prayers for me and my family. Please pray for their salvation and for my grandmother, she has been very sick all week and is in hospital.

      Love you JC family! I'm so thankful for you all! God bless each and everyone of you. ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Prayers are being said for YOU and all your requests, BFF. Much Love, Brie🥰

    3. Praying for your discernment BFF!

    4. Praying Philippians 4 for you BFF: Do be at peace about everything, and in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." "When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their situations and circumstances." Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God all your needs, and remember to thank him for his answers. 7 When you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can ever understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.
      8 And now, brothers, as I close this letter, let me say this one more thing: Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned from Me and saw Me doing, and the God of peace will be with you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Dear BFF, Happy Birthday dear sister! Praying for your Grandmother that she will receive God's healing power and soon be feeling like herself again. Do not get discouraged dear one. The Lord knows your heart of trust in Him. He will not disappoint you. Praying His Spirit will help you in your studies, guide your decisions, and bring you peace of mind. Just take everything one day at a time in His Presence. Praying also that your family will seek the Lord for themselves and know that He is always available, just waiting for them to reach out to Him. Love you Birthday girl. God bless and keep you always.

  39. Dear JJ, Thanks for recommending the book, FAVOR. I received my copy yesterday, and am still on p.14, repeating over and over,
    God is FAVORING me today!
    God is HONORING me today!
    Thanks be to God, I am a SUCCESS today!
    I have God's SPECIAL FAVOR upon me today!
    God is making HIS FACE shine upon me today!
    God is GRACE-OUS to me today.
    I am someone VERY SPECIAL TO THE LORD!
    In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Oh, Brie, I am sooo exited for you! God's Spirit within that book just lifts you higher and higher. When I need an uplift, I go to the Psalms and the Favor -Road to Success book! It has blessed me over and over and over!!!

    2. Dear Brie, I'm so glad you are being encouraged and blessed by that book. Just what you needed to lift you higher. God is in your corner dear sister and you are highly favored and deeply loved. He is equipping you for anything that He brings you to, and He will bring you through all He brings you to. Love you and JJ! Don't have much time to read books but they sound wonderful.

  40. Heavenly Father, I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus. May I rest in the knowledge of Your perfect sovereignty over all things and be grateful in all my circumstances. May I always remember that Your hand is upon me and my life. Let my eyes stay focused on You at all times. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen! Joining in to your perfect prayer dear Janet.

  41. Dear JC Warriors. This a.m., I sat on the balcony overlooking the Gulf Of Mexico. Unfortunately, the sun this time of year rises behind the edge of the building... alas, it was still spectacular as orange lit the bottom of the clouds out in the sea! Our God's artwork is beyond compare!

    This is my off week of each cycle. 3 on 1 week off for another 2+ years. As the reading today suggests our struggle is to continue to view our circumstances from His perspective. As I see His creation below... gulls in the wind, dolphins in the sea, pelicans diving for fish... I can focus on His unbelievable order and creativity. I am where I need to be in this moment, with my wife, after a stressful few weeks with her job and our longest couple friends who met us here. Solid Christian discussions at the beach, it doesnt get better than that... and yes, I am doing remarkably well still, with normal side effects that are nuisance level comparatively to the many new friends at the infusion center that are struggling with more and serious cancer related issues. Please pray for them all. Godspeed warriors, He will lift you up. 🎶🎶

    1. Ahh! The Beach 😊 my fave place to re-see more of His Perspective, relax, restore, refresh, renew, and Rejoice in what He is doing in our life, even when it is beyond our understanding. Enjoy Madfox. The sunsets may be equally as spectacular a display from The Master Who has the whole world in His Hands! Much love our dear brother friend in Christ,

    2. May I add relate, recenter, revive, relove, and relive?

    3. Oh, the beach. Where God illustrates his perfect work.

    4. Thanking God that you are continuing to do well through your treatments and enjoy the beauty of His creation. I'm with you all. The beach is my favorite place. The smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves, the crying of the seagulls, the sand between my toes and the beautiful seashells. I love it all. God's peace is always present. So happy you are surrounded by beauty and peace, good friends and the Lord's grace and favor, dear brother.

    5. Beach time or time in the mountains are healing times, I think. To see and hear God's goodness up close and personal. So good to hear from you, MadFox, and to hear determination and appreciation in your words of where you're at in your healing journey. Enjoy your time away relaxing with your dear wife and awesome friends!

  42. " If you indulge in feelings of regret..."
    'Regrets, I have a few, but then again too few to mention' words from My Way by Frank Sinatra. If I do things my way regrets will often be the result. When I do things His way, blessings for others and myself will be the result.
    The answer is to have the Mind Of Christ my Savior dwell in me. This hymn has been going round and round in my head for days now:

  43. My Beloved JCFAMILY ---- Just wanted to love up on each of you and Declare God's Goodness over each one! God's Goodness is unfolding in the see and unseen every second of the day. I Declare these are Glory days, NOT gloomy days.
    HEAVENLY FATHER, I want to thank you for all You do out of Your great love for us. I pray that each heart in My JCFAMILY will seek You and desire to see Your Goodness in all of their life's circumstances. May each one trust You even when they cannot see what You are doing. Help them right now to see Your Goodness right in front of them. I thank you, Heavenly Father, for perfecting them in every way in their life; freeing them from chains; freeing from EVERY weapon that was formed against them. Thank you Father God for their Deliverance, for their Healing and Restoration in Jesus' name. I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.
    I saw this written on a package of cinnamon rolls I purchased: " Life needs frosting." It made me smile. Great Love and Blessings to this AWESOME JCFAMILY!!! JJ

    1. Whether or not I have a cinnamon roll, You, JJ, and this incredible JC Family of Prayer Warriors are my frosting, 😍 Every. Single. Day. In Jesus" Name. I thank God for God and you. Amen.

    2. Thanks JJ! And dear Brie, I'll second that Motion. You dear JJ, Brie, and this wonderful JC Family are my frosting too! Every day I thank God for all of you.

    3. Brie, you are SO right about this forum being our frosting. Thank you, JJ, for that awesome prayer once again! Fills me right up.

  44. Me too! ♥️🙏🤗✝️

  45. Praying for Audra's friend "J" that with God's guidance, the doctor performs a successful and smooth procedure today and that God will lead "J" through a perfect recovery. Praying also for my friend Rudy's incision to heal and stop leaking. And for Scott's recovery from colon cancer surgery to go smoothly and for God to renew and refresh his weary heart. And for Loretta's test results to be good.
    Thank You Father for all of this and for answers to our prayers and for healing all of our weaknesses and those of our loved ones. You are such a good and faithful God and Your power is far beyond our human understanding. We trust in You. Thank You always for Your faithfulness and loving kindness. We ask all this in Jesus' Name. Amen

    Psalm 107:19-21
    Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses.
    He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
    Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

    Psalm 30:2
    O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.

    Isaiah 53:4-5
    Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
    But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne 🙏. And Happy Birthday to BFF! May everyone have a blessed day! Praise God always 🙌.

    2. Joining in prayer for Rudy, Scott & Loretta, also continued prayer for your dear sis Janet. Love all the nourishment of the scriptures you shared dear Jeanne. Blessings on you day😍🙏🌈

    3. God’s love and peace do not depend on circumstances! He is Sovereign over our lives so we must remember to keep Him in the center so all things will come together. Jesus is my everything. When things are going wrong I call upon His Holy Name and things slip back into place. In Him we receive peace no matter what is happening around us. Praising Him with a grateful heart for His help, healing, and loving kindness. Thanks dear Janet and Jan! Your prayers for my friends and Janet are so appreciated. God hears every one. My sister has been healed of her groin pull. She feels like herself again. She still needs injections in her knees on the 31st and at the end of June she must get more surgery to remove her basal carcinoma from the side of her nose. But we had the best Birthday yesterday! And we celebrated with our Mom and our husbands. We ate a lot of yummy things and had strawberry shortcake. We are so grateful we could celebrate together!

  46. What a wonderful post today in JC. All of Sarah’s posts are great, but this one really stuck out to me today. The song “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” immediately came to mind. I had to stop and look up the lyrics. What a wonderful way to start a Monday morning! Blessings today everyone today.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Oh yes SC, love that song. Trying so hard to turn my eyes upon Him & not leaning on my own understanding. I love to garden & right now my right hand & shoulder won't allow me to do even the simplest things. The weeds are incessant and if I don't keep watch on my attitude about my circumstances I can easily slip into a party dress for my pity party! So I wait, I rest the arm & just wait. Thank You Jesus, You are Sovereign, You are faithful. I trust You. Amen!

    2. Dear SC m, I just love that song so much! Thanks for reminding me of it.This is a beautiful version of it.

      Dear Jan, May God heal you completely so you can do your gardening. He knows what you need and what brings joy to your heart. Trusting in Him with you.
      Maybe you need some soft supportive brace to help you do your work without injuring yourself. I have worn some in the past to protect my arm, wrist and hand. They have shoulder harnesses too. Keeping you tight in my prayers. Jesus is our everything. He will make a way for you.

  47. Praying for J dear Audra. Jesus will be at the procedure ready & waiting to bless & walk J through this day. 💞🙏🌈

  48. Is it just me?
    For years I've prayed for a very dear love one, specifically in the area of health. Health issues include Cellulitis, Fibromyalgia, eye infections, ear infections, chest infections. Often random small accidents occur, cuts, bruises, stubbing of toes etc. This morning a 10lb exercise weight fell cutting and bruising one foot.
    It seems the more I pray the worse things get, is it just me?
    It is certainly not a lack of belief or a case of 'you have not because you ask not'.
    These issues I put under 'trials of faith', but why no healing?
    Asking, seeking, knocking seems to bring no improvement in health; all I can think is that 2 Corinthians 4:17 applies: "For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory [beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!],"
    I continue to take it to the Lord in prayer and wait on Him.

  49. Peter,
    It isn’t just you, it’s all of us from time to time and I suppose part of the suffering that Paul refers to in Phil 4:11-13

    1. Yes, Amen! One day all our trials will be over.

  50. Dear Peter, Pray without ceasing even when we cannot see God’s faithfulness shining down on our dear ones. May He heal and protect your loved one. I have felt exactly like you in that my dear friend Rudy has had so many setbacks since he had his last major heart surgery. I keep trusting in God’s healing and faithfulness and praying for him, lifting him in prayer through my days and it seems like just when he starts to get better, he has another serious setback. Rudy told me yesterday he doesn’t think the doctors even know what is causing his incision to leak and he doesn’t want to go under anesthesia again. Rudy loves the Lord and trusts he will be healed but he’s getting weary with all the surgery and his inability to heal properly and recover. He trusts in God but he’s so frustrated and discouraged. He has followed all the doctor’s instructions and he has done everything right. I told him God is holding him tight so we must just continue to pray and trust that He will enlighten his doctors to the way to resolve his issues and make him better,
    Thank You Father for encouraging his weary heart and for healing every weakness of body, mind and spirit, and leading and empowering the doctors to making him better and carrying him through a complete recovery to perfect health and renewed strength and heal him and Peter’s loved one completely and bring them both back to perfect health in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Amen, Amen,Amen! In Jesus Almighty Name, let it be so, for Rudy also.

  51. As we pray (often beg) God for relief from physical challenges and expect them to be handled completely by Him, perhaps there is more to this thing we call healing. What is OUR role? Where is our FAITH where we THANK HIM ahead of the pain? Where we THANK HIM for guiding us to right action on behalf of our brothers and sisters? Where we ask for the source of the physical manifestations to be revealed and raised up for our prayers and healing.
    Just some food for thought as I sat contemplating Peter's questions.
    God bless y'all this morning and perfect outcomes.

    1. Thanks dear Audra! Good food to ponder. My comfort is tht God already knows how these illnesses begin and where the problems and weaknesses are. So when we ask Him to heal us, He knows exactly what we need. I sure can relate because I do beg Him to have mercy on my dear ones who are suffering. He knows our hearts anyway but I just keep praying. I have seen His faithfulness so many times.

  52. Please pray for my dear Sister Melanie. She has late stage CRPS. Thank you

    1. May God cure your dear Sister Melanie and bring her back to perfect health. Nothing is too late for God to fix and heal. He can do all things. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Thank you Jeanne and Thank you Jesus

  53. Please pray for my daughter Tori she has Crohns Disease and the Drs have been negligent about having some blood work done. She has been doing really well on Humira and they failed to do an important lab on her. Now she has to prolong her Humira which can cause her to develop antibodies. Please pray!! Thank you!

    1. I often think about Tori because I suffered with Ulcerative Colitis for 5 years and was healed. Continuing prayers to Jehovah Rapha the great physician.

    2. Continuing to pray for Tori. She is always in my prayers. Praying for her with our dear Sassy Mom to Jehovah Rapha. She is in good Hands. Wait on the Lord and expect the best. He is so faithful.

      Matthew 11:28-30
      Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto
      your souls.
      For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

      Philippians 4:19
      But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

      Proverbs 4:20-22
      My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
      Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
      For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

    3. How is our Tori Faith? She remains in my prayers.

  54. I believe that God is going to pour out His Spirit on school age children and older children. Let us be praying for the lunchrooms, playgrounds, school buses, hallways, classrooms, dorms to be filled with talk of Father God, Jesus and the Most Holy, Holy Spirit! Let us pray His Spirit will pour out on Pre-K to 12th grade and to college age.
    Let Him tender their hearts so that when they receive His seed it will fall on rich soil and take root. Let these precious souls be used to confound the wise. Let us pray with great Expectations and Celebrate the move of our Father God, for His Honor and His Purposes. In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN. HALLELUJAH!!!

    1. Amen and Amen! May God open their little hearts to Him even if their parents don’t believe. Trusting in Him to lead them to Jesus. And change their lives.
      My sister is flying home to MO and two of my sisters in Christ are traveling. May God answer our prayers and protect all those on the roads and in the sky, and bless and guide them, and bring them home safely. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    2. Amen JJ 🙏. May our heavenly Father open their hearts to Him and grant them strong voices that are filled with love, hope, and peace in the Lord Jesus. May His perfect love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace be received by all that hear His message. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    3. Thank You God for inspiring JJ's prayer. It shall remain deep in my heart and on my lips.
      I Believe The Children Are Our Future, Teach Them God for when they lead the way. Show them all His Beauty They Possess Inside...

    4. Joining in prayer for the children of this world, bring them to an understanding of your great and unconditional love for them,, Lord and teach them to walk in your ways.
      Also bringing Jeanne’s sister Janet and two sisters in Christ to you and asking for safe journeying mercies for them as they travel today.

  55. Oh, Lord, You are sovereign over my circumstances. You know the outcome already of the journey on which we are embarking. Lord, let us joyfully accept the CT results. Lord, let us be thankful for the congenital valve problem. Let us be forgiving of the person that read the CT and said no valve issue when there actually was one. Grant us wisdom and direction as we navigate these next steps.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Praying with and for you and yours, our dear sister friend in Christ, SC. You activated today's devotion beautifully. Thank You for showing me the way to go and do likewise. In Jesus' Name. AMEN

    2. Praying dear SC. 🙏🙌❤️

    3. Joining in prayer, SC

  56. Dear SC, May our amazing God make all things right for your DH. Father, we trust in Your faithfulness and we wait on You because You are our Everything. Thank You for healing him in Jesus’ Name Amen

  57. Traveling Mercy Prayers 🙏, please and thanks😊

    1. Lord please be with Brie as she travels today. Please keep her safe.
      SC Anonymous

    2. My Papa God, I ask You to watch over Brie and anyone traveling with her and grant safe travels. Guide them with Your protection and bring them home safely. In Jesus' Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. God's hedge of protection is surrounding you and yours like a shield as you travel, Brie. Safe travels!

    4. Grant safe travels oh Lord for our dear Brie & company 🥰🙏🙌

    5. Joining in prayer for travelling mercies for Brie. Thank you, Lord

  58. Good morning everyone ☀️please say a prayer for my family and my marriage. My husband has relocated to another job and I am staying in our house 2 1/2 hours away. He is living with my son at the time while I live in the house we are trying to sell. Please pray that it sells soon and we are planted where the Lord will have us. It has been tough I am traveling to see him and he comes home on weekends. I know it could be much worse and I am thankful for everything I have in this life right now. We have been married for 26 years so it’s been an uncomfortable adjustment. Also, pray for my husband’s health and safety for travel mercies as we commute back and forth. Thanks everyone ❤️

    1. Praying for you and your family.
      Transitions are often difficult, but He will help you through.
      Jeremiah 29:11
      For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
      Psalm 37:5
      Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.
      Joshua 1:9
      Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

    2. Dear Anonymous --- Joining Peter in his spot-on post. May God bless you both with strength, patience, and unity during this transition. May He guide you to a successful sale of your home and bring Aboundant Life, Peace and Harmony to your pathway. In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN

    3. Joining Peter and JJ, Anonymous, in prayer for you and your husband. May that right buyer for your house appear sooner than later so that the back and forth travel can cease. As I said for Brie as well, may you and your husband feel God's hedge of protection surrounding you both. In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    4. Joining JJ, NJS & claiming with brother Peter the words he shared for your assurance & trust that the Lord is moving on you &, your family's behalf. 🙏🙌💕

  59. Also, please pray for my granddaughter Lina Rae she is 4 years old and having stomach issues. She is an amazing spunky little angel just prayers for her health and safety please. Thanks! 😊

    1. Lifting up Lina Rae to Our Gracious and Loving God. Send Your Grace upon her so she will know Your loving and healing presence. Let healing come to all the stomach issues. In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

  60. For He looked down from the height of His sanctuary; from heaven the LORD viewed the earth, to hear the groaning of the prisoner, to release those appointed to death, to declare the name of the LORD in Zion, and His praise in Jerusalem, where the peoples are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the LORD. (Psalm 102:19-22).

    1. Praying for all those prayer requests. May God's will be done in and through every situation. May His loving arms be wrapped tightly around each one of His children as we walk with Him each day. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Blessings from NYMay 22, 2024 at 6:06 AM

      Feeling blessed and grateful for todays JC and all the amazing posts - joining the JC family in prayer for all current and past requests. 🙏❤️

    3. Praying over all the prayer requests as God would have me pray, with great joy and expectation! JJ, I want you to know that your prayer for the children is being answered for my 13 year old grandson. Every sunday he asks his mom to take him to church, and it has become their thing to do together. This makes my heart sing with praise!
