Sunday, May 24, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 25

     The world is too much with you, My child. Your mind leaps from problem to problem to problem, tangling your thoughts in anxious knots. When you think like that, you leave me out of your world-view and your mind becomes darkened. Though I yearn to help, I will not violate your freedom. I stand silently in the background of your mind, waiting for you to remember that I am with you.
     When you turn from your problems to My Presence, your load is immediately lighter. Circumstances may not have changed, but we carry your burdens together. Your compulsion to "fix" everything gives way to deep, satisfying connection with Me. Together we can handle whatever this day brings.

Isaiah 41:10
English Standard Version

fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Zephaniah 3:17
English Standard Version

The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.

Psalm 34:19
English Standard Version

Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
    but the Lord delivers him out of them all.

My Prayer (2018)
Lord, you know, that as a man, I like to fix everything. I struggle simply listening to my wife describe a situation and not interjecting my solution when all she really wants is an ear. I prowl about everywhere wanting to fix. Perhaps it is the way you have designed me, but there are times when I need to stop, drop, and pray and trust that you know what you are doing. You are my deliverer, my God, to give me strength and help me. Help me to not do it all myself, but to come to you for direction, guidance, ownership of my problems.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries. 


  1. That is me to a "T" - always wanting to fix everything and see everyone happy, though without you, Lord, we know that is impossible. So, then I try the next best thing - I try to meet their needs, wants, desires, which is impossible. It's exhausting. A divorce in a family brings such complications. Who has the kids, what is their schedule, my son misses his sibs, but no one can grasp his new schedule, so I try to plan and strive to make them all happy. Today, just now, I gave it to You, Lord. Help me not take it back a million times, but leave it at your feet. Let me relax and know that it will all be OK. The childrens' needs are met and they are fine. Help me remember to pray for the new family and let my husband and me continue to be an example of what life is like with You. My heart is heavy with all of the complications of 17 different schedules. Yet, I've always been the glue. YOU are the glue and if they don't put you in the equation, I can't change that, but just love them all and hope that someday they remember how they were raised and that You were & still are the only One who can supply their hearts' desires. Keep me from rushing in and trying to save the day. You are the Saviour, not me. Please pray with me, friends.

    1. ❤️. So true for me as well-the fix-it and make all things better for everyone. It truly is exhausting. Thank you for your words to use as my prayer today! ❤️

    2. Norah's prayer from 2018 is me and my family to a tee. Thanks to God for it. Colorado JC Friend

    3. This is my prayer also, in Jesus name, Amen!

    4. Norah--- Your prayer in 2018 is my prayer in 2020. Great blessings to you. You always inspire me. So glad and thankful we have the Lord that we have. He is beyond awesome! I don't know why sometimes, but He is wildly in love with us. He is GOD ENOUGH in ALL circumstances!

    5. Norah - I agree with all. Your prayer is mine. I will try and give it all to God today. God is in charge! Thanks Norah. KS

    6. Ditto for me Norah. A person near and dear to me has chosen to estrange from me. The only glimpse of the reason I received is my "help" is perceived as an annoying interference and inserting myself where I don't belong.
      Earlier this morning, I read 1 Chronicles 19 and so related to David who intended to show kindness and friendship, and was met with insult turning into an all out war. I asked God as our WayMaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness to help me and do whatever He thinks is best. Only He can make this mountain into a molehill. Pray for me to leave it with Him even when I am hurting. Thank God for you, JC family of prayer Warriors. I am also praying for you continuously. Love You.

    7. Love all my Sisters and Brothers here. You mean so much to me. I am a fixer to a fault and I usually grow so weary from well doing and find myself exhausted. But I do rest in Him who loves me always. He has pulled all the loose ends together so many times in my life and I am always amazed at His Faithfulness. He is a Waymaker, a light in the darkest wilderness, and always present with us in times of trouble. JJ, I loved that you said He is GOD ENOOUGH in all circumstances. Amen to that. Nothing too great for HIM. Always praying for you Brilamar that He will mend any estrangements in your life. God can soften any hardened heart and opened blind eyes to see the truth. Most importantly he can move us from resentment and pain to love and forgiveness. Happy Memorial Day!! Love you all my JC family. Onward and Upward as we walk in His sweet presence.

    8. Very timely for me. I realize that I cannot handle it. God is Enough. Our kids,relationships, loneliness....All of it. I am not Miss Fix it. I trust God🌹

    9. I add my name to the growing list of our JC Family here. How have we gotten this way? Have we let our world mold us? That is why we show up here, to be molded by the one true Potter. A good potter also knows how to work the flaws out of any lump of clay to get it just right. That also is why we are here. Thanks, Norah of 2018.

    10. Good morning! I hope you all have a blessed day and that you don't have to wait a year to see how appreciative I am for your comments left to me regarding this current theme of letting go, trusting and illusions of control. Thank the Lord He's got us thru it all! Here was my reply to the May 22 entry:
      AudraMay 24, 2020 at 8:47 AM
      Thank you ALL! The neighbor lighting situation was resolved as I moved thru my resentment to love and approached it with them with humor. The work situation is in my boss' hands, I shared my thoughts, the follow up is up to her to address, or not. I read all of your comments and thank you so much for Scripture references and your taking time to reply. That's the kind of family I want in my life, God bless you! ✝️🇺🇸♥️🙏

    11. Thanks for the rest of the story, Audra. I am always happy when I get to send up Thank You prayers! Thank You Jesus for Your Light that shined through until the darkness went out in both situations and for also shining Your Light on other JC family situations, including mine. Amen. Love You

    12. I love good news Audra! Glad your problem was resolved. Hope and pray all goes well with the work situation. God bless you, Sister!

    13. A year later and retired from work with a lighter heart about most everything. Still struggle with some control issues and fixing things and relationships when I just need to let go and let God take care of them. My biggest challenge is letting go of the course our country is taking in Covid response. Praying for truth and guidance in this matter on a daily basis. Thank you Lord for restoration and awareness of your love and protection over evil and fear. I believe I trust you, and need to live it.

    14. I too pray for His Light on the Covid-'19 in '21 situation, or your neighbor's light to dispel the darkness, until truth shines through. Love You

  2. Thank you Norah for writing these specifics. If helped me. Saying prayers for you and your family

  3. Norah, My prayer for Gods Will be that you find Peace, that you find order, and for you to know HE is with you every step of the way!

  4. Norah, I am going through a divorce as well and life can be a crazy roller coaster. I am praying with you and for you✝️ God is Sovereign and above ALL; He is comfort, our Song, our Strength and our Joy! He WILLnot only get you through, but you will “find new strength as you trust in the Lord. You will soar on wings like eagles. You will run and now grow weary, you will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). My dear sister in Christ, you are NOT alone!

  5. Praying over my sisters in Christ 🧡🙏🏻

  6. Much appreciation! I just re-read it because - guess what? I was taking it BACK into MY control. Shocker, right? HA HA. Holding every thought captive is no easy task for this gal, but I'm learning. I'm glad my specifics helped you, Trusting the Lord and ABC - thank you...finding order is on my list for this weekend. What I will do when I'm not trying to control everyone else's life. :) God's blessings to all of you. Peyton Family - again, thanks for having this blog.

  7. Often, we see issues we have no control over and through wisdom we turn it over into Gods hands. This is so true with divorce.
    Letting go of LOVED ones and praying for our own sanity, soberity and peace become paramount to survival. The difference between CONTROL and GUIDANCE become the new NORMAL.
    We begin to navigate through life slowly on a course charted by GODS WILL. How profound it took all these lessons, trials and tribulations to return back into the HANDS of our creator.

    1. ...Who does for us, what we cannot do for ourselves...

    2. Amen! Divorce for me became the beginning of the most incredible discovery of the truth of God's Word and an opportunity to learn, and express, forgiveness. Again and again and again still 😉

    3. Dear Audra! God knows our hearts like none other and He guided you to the change that opened your weary heart to Him. Now the Spirit is working through you to help you understand His Word and His plan for you. Every day we have a new chance to listen more closely to His small sweet voice and grow closer to Him. He is our Great Teacher and we hold the Comforter within. How blessed we are!

  8. I was excited to wake up this morning and catch up on all of our JC Family posts. Alas, I have to keep moving, so I'm hoping to get back on later. Reading back a year ago warms my heart. We got past all of the concerns and in 2 weeks, that same son is remarrying. Exciting times for all. Praying for all of you and STILL LEARNING to not be the Fixer, & recognize that only He can truly "fix" us. Love to all of you - more later!

  9. Great is Your Faithfulness oh Lord our GOD, morning by morning new mercies I see, all I have needed Your hands have certainly provided!
    Thank you Father for this new blessed day.
    Your word says, be anxious for nothing, but in EVERYTHING by Prayer and Supplication with THANKSGIVING, make your request known.
    This morning oh Lord, we have made our requests known to You and want to say Thank You for the outcome in Jesus name.
    Father, I stand in agreement with my JC family, that we choose to fix our eyes on You and not on our many circumstances and problems.
    For greater is YOU that is in us than he that is in this world!

    Thank YOU LORD that You carry our burdens with us! All Glory and Honor to You!

    Blessed and great day Family (JC)!


    1. Thanks for reminding me that when my Fixit gene rises to the surface, use it to Fix my eyes on Jesus. Amen

    2. I loved your post from last year Maplewood. Sharing it with my Family and my Bible group. Thanks for more light and encouragement in my day.

    3. I must Fix my eyes above this world and on Jesus. He is Unchanging, all knowing, all powerful, and a constant and loyal friend. He is enough and He is everything. Thanks sweet Maplewood!

  10. Blessed be God in all His righteousness, He is good and will carry us when we cannot bear to walk. Thanks for sharing everyone.

  11. 44 days clean & sober, on STEP 8

    1. Anonymous-- So excited about your progress. May the Lord continue to infuse you with His presence! You encourage ALL of us! Praising and thankful in Kansas.

  12. Dear Lord, we pray for all who gave their life that others might live, just as You did. May they be forever safe in Your Loving Arms. Amen


    1. Amen! We will remember them and all they gave for us! Father, protect their families, heal them and guide them to a good life because of their brave service and sacrifice. Show them your faithfulness. Thank You Jesus.

    2. In Memorium for them all this weekend, we pray. 🙏 🇺🇲

  13. Memorial Day 2020. Honor our military veterans and those who died for our country by serving us in a mission to extend the values of America, which are Judeo-Christian at their core. Whether you agree with the use of our military or not, the soldiers, sailors, and airman protect our freedom by being willing to die for us, and their unit compatriots, in times of war.

    Jesus said in John 15:13: "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." Thank a veteran, but honor a fallen hero and his family. Godspeed and Amen.

    1. Wonderfully stated, MadFox! Thank you to all veterans. KS

    2. Amen MadFox. In my safety, I honor and praise those who have laid their lives on the line for my protections. May God always bless and protect them, and give them peace of mind and joy and well deserved respect.

    3. Dear MadFox, How are you dear brother? Praying things are going well. Jesus is your constant helper. You are never alone.

  14. Dear Almighty Father, On this Memorial Day, we pray for the deceased veterans who lost their lives for the freedom and service of their country. May their willingness to protect never be forgotten. Look kindly upon them and grant them rest. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son Jesus, they may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints through eternity. Romans 13:7- “Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.”

    We remember also their families and loved ones they left behind and ask for comfort, peace and strength as they go through this day and all other days. May they find Hope and peace in Jesus. 1Thessalonians 4:14 -“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.”

    We also remember those veterans still alive but have wounds that are not visible to the naked eye. Whether they suffered physical or mental battles, we cannot forget the price they paid, for a soldier’s work is never done because even if they are not on the front lines, their mind and soul may still be there. We pray for these too this morning and ask O lord, that You grant them physical, mental and emotional peace and strength. 1 Thessalonians- 1:2-3 “We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love.

    We pray also for those who are still out there fighting for freedom as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess, we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces.
    Give them courage, hope and strength. May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing. Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light. For those who take refuge in you will be glad and forever will shout for joy. Keep the soldiers safe as they discharge their duties and please protect them with the shield of your strength. May the power of Your unconditional love enable them to return home safely to all who love them. “Blessed be the Lord my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle – My lovingkindness and my fortress, My high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the One in whom I take refuge.” (Psalm 144:1-2).

    We also pray for refugees and victims of war and all those separated from their loved ones, young and old people. No one is ever far from your loving care. Help us to always to show our kindness
    to strangers and to all in need. Galatians 3:28- “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt (Deuteronomy 10:19).

    Thank You Lord for another day to worship You in Spirit and in truth. May our minds and eyes be fixed and connected to You and not our problems. We ask this in the Precious name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Beautifully said and sincerely heartfelt. Amen and Amen. Thank you.

    2. Beautiful, Maplewood. AMEN and Amen!

    3. Your prayer was all encompassing and perfect. Thank you for reminding us that those who serve may be experiencing so many different challenges. Praying those who have bravely lost their lives more are now realizing God's promises, and those still fighting are surrounded by a mighty hedge of protection, and those who have retired are finding the medical or psychological help and support they need and the families who have lost loved ones are provided for in every way. May they all turn their hearts over to Jesus.


  15. Thanks to the heroes who served and gave their lives protecting our country. Blessings to my JC Family, you are in my heart and prayers. Have a safe and blessed Memorial Day.

  16. When God says;
    Isaiah 41:10
    I am with you;
    I am your God;
    I will strengthen you;
    I will help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand, AND
    Zephaniah 3:17
    The Lord your God is in your midst;
    A Mighty One who will save;
    He will rejoice over you with gladness;
    He will quiet you by his love;
    He will exult over you with loud singing, AND
    Psalm 34:19
    the Lord delivers him out of them all...
    HE is also saying this directly to our dear ones. Because God is able to get His promises directly to us without a "middle wo/man", so it is with our dear ones. Yes! God is able to get His same promises directly to them without deflecting through us. (Imagine that :) Thanks for your prayers JC family. MOUNTAIN HIGH! ROCKS HARD! WAY ROUGH! BRIDGE OUT! WATER DEEP! PATHWAY NARROW! NEED GUIDE! SEND EXPERT! AMEN

  17. Just a heads up @paytonfamily; Sarah’s words should read ‘tangling your thoughts in anxious knots’. I thank you for creating this blog which is my go-to with a cup of coffee FIRST THING every morning. I’ve gained so much wisdom from other people’s posts than the book alone offers me, and for that, I am forever grateful. ❤️

    1. Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate that. And you are most welcome. Shalom.

  18. All these words are encouraging to me !! When I realize I am in ͏F͏i͏x-it mode ( especially for my daughter’s family). I try to quickly turn from my efforts and simply say “I trust you, Jesus”

    Blessings to you all today


  19. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under GOD, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Thank you Dad for serving our country during the Korean war and my uncles during World War II. So many in my family that served our country; thank you to all veterans. GOD bless America!

  20. Loveconquersall - Joining you in the pledge of allegiance and blessing America. God bless you!!!


    (John 16:33) Jesus final sentence in this instruction to us, "I have said this to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!"

    As to be expected, Jesus is totally honest with us all in this final admonishment. 'In this world you will face hardship...' Yes, some of my hardship has been my own doing in not being faithful to Him. I can be my worst enemy. Other times, persecution did come because of my trust in Him. What Jesus has been saying to me is to keep my focus in love mode so that all my actions and responses can come from the gift of the Holy Spirit God has given to empower me. In my years of serving Him, I have discovered that seeking love in all situations is the only solution to whatever the circumstances are. Love will always 'win' because it is the power of God exemplified in the Son. Jesus ended His Passion with victory and in many ways in which I stayed the course of love, I have witnessed victories as well. Jesus said, 'I have conquered the world...' and He did it with love. If we are concerned with 'fixing' things as our reading above suggests, that is how God fixes them, through the love we show.

    Blessings on you, JC Family! With love, Bob

    1. Amen! He is the great Fixer and He did it with love. He gave us His Son our of love and Jesus gave us Himself out of love. In those two things we have fullness of life and spirit. HIs love in us just keeps going as we share it. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

    2. Dear brother Bob, Today my sister and I fixed my brother’s heart with God’s love. I have two brothers. My younger brother is successful, happily married with 2 good children and a third from an old relationship who we love. He lives in a big house and has a few beautiful cars and he is a good guy and he is thankful for his blessings. My older brother is a marathon runner who is 68 years old and getting a bit too old to run them. He just did a 10 mile race this week. He was a computer programmer but he has been out of work since 911 and is living on his retirement money. He had a couple of girlfriends but he lost them because he didn’t treat them well. One lived with him for over 10 years. He lives alone in an apartment with his dog and he’s lonely, angry at the world, jealous of my other brother and he messes up most family get togethers. He is the only one in our family that refuses to get vaccinated. Anyway, yesterday was our Mom’s 93rd birthday. We were going to go out with my younger brother and his family to a nice restaurant but he came down with a bad cold and canceled. My older brother said he didn’t want to go anyway because he didn’t like the menu since he’s a vegetarian. So I drove my Mom and Sis to his neighborhood to meet him because he doesn’t drive, and won’t take public transportation and he hasn’t seen my Mom in a very long time. We went to a Pizza place that had an outside garden. When he arrived he was his normal cranky self, complaining that he had too many things to do so we’d better make this meal a quick one. He used the “F” word a few times because he knows it really bothers our Mom. Janet and I said. This is Mom’s Birthday and and we want it to be a happy day because we love her and she really wanted to be with him. We said we love him too and missed him. We said we were blessed God made a way for us to be together outside since he wasn’t vaccinated. He finally settled down and we prayed before we ate. He had a bowl of bean soup and some pizza. He slowly started to be his better self and he played some Sinatra on the phone for my Mom. We could see he was relaxing and showing kindness to all of us. He said he wanted to show us something and he took out two birthday cards. He said Janet and I had sent him the same birthday card in March. She lives in Missouri and I live in NY. We said it was because we are identical twins. We had a good laugh over it. He gave out mints that had Bible verses printed on the wrappers. That made us happy. My Mom was smiling and when we were finished and had to go home, he took my Mom’s arm and said “Let me walk you to the car”. It made our Mom very happy. They hugged each other with masks on and they both said “I love you”. He hugged us too and thanked us and said “Drive carefully“. As I drove back to my Mom’s, we all said God had softened his heart towards all of us and we were happy he became loving and kind. We were so grateful. It meant so much to my Mom. Her Birthday was a sweet one. God’s love covers a multitude of sins. God’s love can turn a bad situation into a beautiful blessing.

    3. Great News Jeanne. Thank You so much for sharing God's Works! Work Out! Holy Spirit! Work Out! Isn't it amazing what our awesome God can do! He Who is in the business of reading and changing hearts!
      So happy for you, our dear Jeanne, I am doing a Victory Dance...God had softened his heart towards all of us and we were happy he became loving and kind. We were so grateful. It meant so much to my Mom. Her Birthday was a sweet one. God’s love covers a multitude of sins...
      So true dear Jeanne...God’s love can turn a bad situation into a beautiful blessing...Time After Time! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Jeanne, thank you for sharing this. It brought tears to my eyes and was so sweet. It must have meant so much to your mom and you all will have this wonderful memory forever. It's amazing what God will do when we don't get in his way. I'll be praying for continued healing in your family.

    5. So grateful with you, Jeanne. What a beautiful day for your sweet Mom. We praise you God.

    6. Dear Jeanne, thank you for sharing. What a beautiful example this was of the power & goodness of our God. He overpowered the enemy's intention to ruin your celebration by raining down His love on all of you. What an encouraging display of His promise to you, the prayer warrior of your family, that He is hearing your plea for the lost souls in your family. Be of good courage dear sister, the Lord is in your midst. He's on it, He's on it! Be strengthened as you wait. Hallelujah!

    7. God was definitely at work that afternoon, Jeanne! He not only softened your older brother's hard heart, but God also gave your mom the gift of her seeing this. What a birthday gift for her sweet heart to receive! While I know God never quits on us, I pray His work on your brother is met with your brother's willingness to soften and change as he sees and feels differently when he does! Thanks for sharing our God in action, sweet sister!

    8. What a glorious victory in Jesus, Jeanne! So glad to hear that God is working in your brother's life. I'm happy you and your family enjoyed spending time with your mother on her birthday. That is wonderful. God is always so good! God bless.

    9. Love this story you shared Jeanne! The WORD on the MINTS, that's must be the clincher 👍👏✝️😁❤️

    10. OH By The Way, Jeanne. He gave out mints that had Bible verses printed on the wrappers.
      Do you wish to share the Bible Verse that was on your mint?
      Love You!

    11. I was so busy cooking when I got back home from Brooklyn that I didn't get a chance to read your posts until much later. Just got a cake out of the oven for a friend's Birthday. I am so grateful for the outpouring of love and support from all of you! You lifted me up and blessed me more than you will ever know! Yes, My Mom was absolutely delighted to see her son showing love and concern for her. We had such a sweet day even though my Mom's Birthday dinner out started out badly. My brother majored in Theology and knows the Bible well. Praying God continues to bring the best of him out so others will see his light, especially a good woman of God.
      Dear Brie there were two Bible verses on mine.
      The first was Psalm 150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.
      The second one was Romans 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
      Pretty amazing that my brother's mints helped to share his love and also God's messages and advice to love one another.

    12. Thanks for sharing, Jeanne. Interestingly, "brotherly love" was in one of the verses! Exactly what God's Holy Spirit led you and Janet to show that day! God's Holy Spirit is something else!
      I am so happy for you, Janet, Mom and Brother! Praying you always remember this good thing. Always. In Jesus' Name. Love you, Brie

  22. Thanks Bob! Beautiful message!

  23. Father, thank You for granting me the privilege of being able to relinquish control to You over my life and all my troubles. You are God Almighty -- Sovereign over all things. I need You in my life. Walk with me, guiding, teaching, and directing me along the correct path. Remind me that You are right there by my side at all times -- no matter what happens. I need not worry for You are with me always. You bear all my burdens. I praise You Lord. You are my everything. Your glorious ways supersede all things. There is nothing better than Your perfect love and peace. Thank You Jesus.

  24. Amen. Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there! 💗🙏 Then walk with a lighter load and don’t look back.

  25. Sweet Jeanne. Continue to do well. This week is the 60 day post transplant eval. I've had favorable results so far. I read your news about the brothers and your b'day dinner for your mom. Glad eldest mellowed after a bit. Sounds like he has work to do and you are being patient. Godspeed.

    1. Glad to hear about your progress, MadFox. Our Lord is with you, working in your life. Another victory for Jesus! God bless you and your family.

    2. Thank you so much dear brother for that update. Favorable results are what we are praying for. Thanks for your encouragement. My brother called us later that night to talk. He's really reaching out to us. God is so good.

  26. Thank you for your posted prayers, TERRI, Grace Takes Time, Kathy, Audra, JJ, Jeanne, Janet, NJS, Norah, Bright Star, and all others who prayed for me. Your prayers were certainly appreciated, valuable and got used up! Traveling Mercy was granted, both to and fro. The meeting with both Doctors were inconclusive and resulted in more upcoming tests.
    In the presence of no news and with the absence of bad news, I consider that good news! The best part of the day was singing praises to God all the way going and all the way coming back home! Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow!
    satan tried to get me to compare the new Cardiologist with my former one. I pulled off the highway, opened the door and commanded satan to get out of the vehicle! Afterwards, I prayed to God for the new Cardiologist and me and both of us to let Him do more of His work through us. Just wanted to give you the no news, good news update and sincerely thank you for all of your prayers! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. You amaze me Brie, you are an awesome example of how to live out who we are as a child of God. I'm so thankful for your example and an awesome reminder that we have Authority over the enemy and he has to flee when Jesus is in the house!!
      I also consider no news as good news and I praise God with you! Have a glorious day my dear sister in Christ!!

    2. Thank you for the update, Brie. I will continue praying. God shines through you! ❤️

    3. It is certainly hard sometimes to get a "no news" or diagnosis report but, yes, just like you've done, Brie, you are able to say what it is not and cross those things off your list as you press on with our Jehovah Rapha leading the way! Love that you actually stopped the car for satan to "exit the building" (or car in this case, lol)! Praise music ALWAYS lifts me up, too. When I can't find the words to pray do to sadness or being over emotional, praise music steps in and fills the bill wonderfully. Continued prayers, sweet Brie!

    4. That is awesome, Brie! Our Lord is with you, holding your hand and doing His wonderful work. Peace be with you.

    5. Yay! The devil flies away in the presence of His name and worship music! Can't stand it. He will never linger long with you Brie, our singing prayer warrior and overcomer. God blessed your no news with good news! PTL!

    6. I love the visual of you pulling over and telling Satan to get out of the car. Continued prayers for answers and treatment and healing. Love to you dear Brie. Mindy

    7. Dear Brie! I can just see you pulling off the road and telling Satan to get out!!! I did pray for you through the day about your doctors' visits. I'm glad at least you could tell you were sliding into the evil one's trap and you pulled over. God will take care of things and you. He will guide your new doctor to evaluate you correctly and bring you back to perfect health. Thank You Jesus! Trust in Him as you sing praises to Him. He already knows your future and I am believing it is blessed.

  27. Worth sharing from my David Jeremiah Devotions: Prayers to help take a forward step every day.
    1. Pray FOR DIRECTION: God, prepare my heart for Your purpose! Psalm 25:4. 2. PRAY FOR ORDER: Father I commit my plans to You today. James 5:16. 3. PRAY FOR CONNECTION: Lord, I will pray without ceasing - seeking You in EVERY situation. Nehemiah 2:2-5. 4. PRAY FOR SURRENDER: God, Thy will be done in ALL of today's circumstances. Proverbs 16:3. 5. PRAY FOR STRENGTH: Father, give me Your overcoming strength for the overwhelming moments ahead. Nehemiah 6-9. 6. PRAY FOR PRAISE: God, I praise You for what You've done and are about to do. Nehemiah 12:43. Thank You Jesus for Your presence, love, guidance and protection.

    1. 💗🙏💗 Thanks for the Good Good Morning Blessings Sassy Mom!

    2. And thanks Sassy Mom, for giving me another example of "The Secret of Praying The Scriptures":
      CONFIDENCE - When the language of our prayers is shaped by the Scriptures, we gain CONFIDENCE in knowing that we are praying according to the Will of God-a CONFIDENCE that means we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him;
      DIALOGUE - As we pray God's Word back to Him, the language of His Word becomes the working language of our daily DIALOGUE with Him. A powerful transformation begins in our soul when our everyday conversation starts to reflect God's language. Our tongue becomes ignited by the fire of Heaven rather than the fire of hell! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. I just loved that and I saved it to share!
      Thanks so much dear Sassy Mom! I'll send it to my Mom and Sis and Bible group.

  28. What wonderful and poignant prayers, Sassy Mom! Thank you for posting. Took a photo of them and will repeat throughout my day. Blessings to you and all of this supportive and loving JC family we have thru this site!

    1. Great Idea NJS. I am going to picture it as well.

  29. Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you (1 Peter 5:7).

    Thank You Loving Father for a new day and the blessings of being in Your presence. Please help me to keep my eyes on You and rejoice in all of my situations because You will use them to my benefit and turn them into solutions for Your glory. Help me to see my problems as opportunities to trust in You with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding, but acknowledge You always so that You can direct my steps (Prov. 5:3-4). Thank You for testing me, but never tempting me because that is not what You do. May I never lose sight of my faith and trust in You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:7- “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you,” yet sometimes it can become a disconcerting truth for some believers that though we belong to God through faith in Christ Jesus, we seem to experience the same problems we had before we were saved. When this happens, we get discouraged and allow fear and doubt to take place in our lives. The Scriptures address this problem and we must remember that God knows problems and worries are inevitable in this life and be grateful that He has given us the solutions as instructed in the scriptures and cast all our cares on Him, knowing that He will sustain us and will never let us righteous fall (Psalm 55:22).

    Father, Thank You for declaring to us in Your Word, Your ability and willingness to be our strength and support (mentally, emotionally and spiritually) and for being more than able and willing to take everything that threatens to overwhelm us and use it for our good and Your glory. Thank You for promising to work all things together for the good of those who love You and who have been called according to Your purpose (Rom. 8:28). Thank You for another promise that You will not allow any trial to be so great that we cannot bear it in the power of Jesus and thank You for also promising to provide a means of escape when we are faced with such problems (1 Corinthians 10:13). May we cast ALL of our burdens on You, trust and wait for blessings to be manifested in our lives for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Trust, Obedience, and Patience! Thanks for the reminder Maplewood. It helps to keep me away from the discouragement, fear, and doubt bait from satan.

    2. Amen Maplewood! God is so very good -- ALWAYS! Peace and blessings.

    3. Thanks sweet Maplewood! Your prayer really moved me today. God keeps His promises. So I will continue to wait on the Lord.

  30. Thank you for the reminder once again to TRUST and WAIT PATIENTLY. in Jesus's name I pray 🙏✝️

  31. Dear Lord, Help me to remember that when I look at solving my "issues/hardships" on my own, they often are not solved! I use my humanness--trying to fix fix fix---with no resolution. I need to remember that relying on YOU to FIX and COMFORT is complete and permanent! Help me to trust your time frame. Amen.

  32. Amen Audra. Trust and wait patiently on the Lord.
    Thank you dear ABC! True words indeed. His timing is the right one.

  33. Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. (Psalm 62:8).

    1. Amen dear Janet!!! I trusted in Him and I poured out my heart to Him today. Had way too many things to do and not enough time to do them. He held my hand and helped me so much. I prayed through so much of my day. I could feel His presence and also His peace. Thank You Jesus!

  34. " Together we can handle whatever this day brings." Thank You Lord Jesus.

    1. So very true. When things get difficult just remembering He is right there with us is enough to turn all things to good. He is our Way Maker!

  35. Lord, help me to forever turn to You in my times of need and to never get so ninvolved in my own life that I forget You or leave You in the background. I'm sorry I try to run things and inevitably screw them up. I need You in my life more than ever. Jesus help me, train me, mold me into a more faithful follower. Jesus thank you for all You do behind the scenes for me that I don't even realize. I love You and strive to fo Your will.

    1. Amen and Amen dear Mark! He works behind the scenes so we must just be patient in prayer and lean on His faithfulness.

  36. Sending prayers dear Lord for those who have lost loved ones at the shooting in Texas. Touch each heart with comfort that only You oh Holy Spirit can give. We call upon the blood & body of Jesus Christ to cover our nation struggling to make its way back to Your umbrella of grace & protection. Forgive America of its sins against You causing Your covering over her from being lifted & removed. Restore unto her the joy of Your salvation & renew a right spirit within her. I Jesus name, amen.

    1. Come Holy Spirit! Cover those in need, all of us, in your loving kindness. In Jesus's name I pray.

    2. Praying with you dear Jan and Audra and all our family here for the victims of this terrible shooting and their sorrowful family. May God guide them to all the help they need and comfort their broken hearts. May all the children and teachers rest in Him in perfect peace. May God change the hearts of the heartless.

  37. Lord, thank you for this day that you have made. Let us rejoice and be glad, glorifying your most holy name, bringing you praise and adoration for your great grace, mercy and love. May we continually seek you in each moment, finding peace in your presence with us throughout this day, and every day. May we be a beacon of your light unto others.
    In Jesus name I pray over all who gather here. Bless them with wisdom, discernment, healing and peace, providing answers to their prayers for what is needed this day according to your will and your perfect timing, knowing that in all things you work for the good for those who love you, who are called according to your purpose. May your day be blessed with the peace of Christ! Shalom🙏

    1. Thank you and Amen! Beautiful prayer dear Rich. Thank you for your blessing that covers all our weaknesses and problems. Thank You Father for this and for blessing our brother Rich with all this too in the Name of Jesus.

  38. Shalom to you as well, brother Rich. Thank you for sharing this prayer. For giving us a blessing for the day to carry us through it. Hallelujah!

  39. Day 18 in the hospital after my burn accident. Skin grafts are healing nicely but the skin donor locations on my legs n thighs are so tight n painful that it is hard to move, walk, or sit. We added a muscle relaxer yesterday to my pile of meds and that helped immensely.

    Thoughts this morning have been calculating how soon they will send me home and my concern is they could send me before I am strong enough. If I continue on theses thoughts, they surely could end up in tangled knots! It is so nice to be learning that I have an alternative... yes I do have to think about the details of being sent home but at the same time I am learning to breathe easy as He will be my advocate and is my healer. I surely do have a helper and co-advocate in all of these circumstances :-)

    1. Thanks for the update Keith. Along with your Advocate, Healer, and Helper, you also have an untold number of Prayer Warriors storming heaven on behalf of your complete healing. Blessings to you our dear dear brother friend in Christ, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Keith, many blessings on you as you walk your journey of recovering. Amen.

    3. Praying over you Keith!🙏

    4. We are keeping you tight in our prayers brother Keith. May God relieve your pain, soothe your worried mind, and heal your burns and skin, and bring you back to perfect health and comfort in Jesus' Name we pray.

  40. We have never left you Keith! Continued prayers for a full and complete recovery ahead of expectations 🙏♥️

  41. I’m so grateful that God is leading me through this day. Driving my brother in love to the airport this morning. May God grant us traveling safety and protection. He sure needs healing of his hip and I just keep praying on that. I have so much work to do for my Bible group and for my Mom’s party on Saturday. I must see my grandsons today and spend time with my husband. God is in charge so He will make all things go smoothly. He keeps His promises.
    Praying for so many people and I believe they will see God’s faithfulness shining like the sun. Wait on the Lord.

    Psalm 27:14
    Wait on the Lord;
    Be of good courage,
    And He shall strengthen your heart;
    Wait, I say, on the Lord!

    Isaiah 64:4
    For since the beginning of the world
    Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear,
    Nor has the eye seen any God besides You,
    Who acts for the one who waits for Him.

  42. Please pray for a situation in my life. I am really struggling with a person that I met a few months ago that I thought I had started a friendship with. She was a real gossip when I met her and that should’ve been a huge red flag because I don’t care to take part in that at all. She knows everyone’s business in the neighborhood. Now I feel like she’s talking negative about me. I have had this situation going on with my daughter and just a lot of stuff coming at me and I don’t want to allow this pettiness to get on me. I could really relate to the devotional saying this world is too much for me. All of these little things coming at me to try and take my peace. I just need an intervention to feel better and get back on track whatever good and perfect gift that can be from my Father to help. In Jesus Name 🙏thank-you all ♥️

    1. Don’t let her steal your peace. Look up Amy Grant’s song All You Ever Have To Be. I had a period of time in my life that held a lot of angst and I called that my “Therapy Song.” I always listened to it twice. Stay strong. Stay peaceful and prayerful. Stay you.

    2. It sounds like a stressful situation but God is greater. Praying that He will cover you, your daughter and the circumstances with His peace and change the heart of that gossiper so you will have more peace of mind. Guard God’s peace above all. Remember it is not dependent on circumstances. Only live to please Him. Praying for you.

    3. Song of Solomon 2:15 "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes."
      There are times when people, things, come our way that cause turmoil in our lives. Some are consequences of our words or actions, others particularly people, turn out to be trouble; a real drain on physical, emotional, spiritual and mental energy.

      A relationship with a friend should be symbiotic; beneficial to both parties even in troublesome times.
      Unfortunately some people are parasitic; feeding off and draining the 'friend', causing upsets and turmoil. Such are the 'little foxes' that spoil (damage, hurt) us the vine.
      Our growth and the fruit of our life (the grapes) can be damaged by such people, so it's best to break contact - unless God gives you a different specific Word on this.

      So firstly Lord God I pray that You will change the heart of this gossiping person, bring her fully into salvation and change her into your likeness, make her a beautiful person who praises You instead of gossiping.

      Secondly Lord, until she stops gossiping, please intervene and remove her influence from 'Anonymous'.

      Then Lord please restore Your peace to Your child who has asked for prayer. Lord speak " still" to this storm, while still in the midst of this storm for Your child. In Your Holy Name Lord Jesus I pray, Amen.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. I've been in your situation, Anonymous and a couple of things come to mind. First, I love the song 'Jesus Take the Wheel' by Carrie Underwood. (and this is for all of us). When I'm at the end of my rope, or have had a bad day or something is just beyond my ability to deal with, I listen to this song. I throw up my hands and say, "Jesus, I can't fix this, but You can!". BUT then I have to LET Him fix it. I can't keep taking it back which I'm notorious for doing.
      Second, some people are put into our lives for a reason and a season. Everyone we come across is supposed to impact us in some ways. Sometimes positively, sometimes negatively but I try to learn something from every encounter. Like Peter said above, relationships have to be a give and take to work. I think of it like an ATM machine. You make deposits and you make withdraws. When someone is withdrawing more than they are depositing into the relationship, it throws off the balance. I've had to let relationships/friendships go that were draining me and not depositing what I needed for balance. And it's ok. You may actually find relief in doing this.

    6. Wow! Thanks everyone especially you Suzanne! Before I read your comment I was literally so exhausted. I have been on the phone all day with healthcare providers trying to get something medically done for my daughter. I was sitting on hold thinking I am about to just hold hands with my daughter and her boyfriend and say “Jesus take the wheel” then I read your comment. I pray that I can let Jesus take the wheel more in my life and STOP taking it back. What confirmation that is! Also, I have been listening lately about seasonal people which is more confirmation. I never thought about how one can actually feel off balance when continuing to hang on to a seasonal friend. That makes so much sense. ♥️🙏I appreciate all of the prayers!!

    7. Dear Anonymous, You got some wonderful advice that will also help us in our relationships with "seasonal" friends. I also have given up friends because they worship the world and are egocentric and although we are all imperfect and humanly flawed, I am trying to follow the Spirit of righteousness. Belonging to Jesus is way more important that pleasing others. Pleasing Him is our goal. Thanks Suzanne!

  43. Such good news that our prayers are being answered! May God continue to heal Tori Faith and bring peace and comfort to her and her family. Amen.

  44. Dear God,

    1. Holy Spirit, guide us in all things.

    2. In Jesus Name Amen 🙏

    3. Dear Brie, All will be provided by our good and merciful Father. Thank You, Jesus.

      Matthew 7:7-11
      “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

  45. The Same God Who supplies all our needs in ways fully worthy of His true magnificent riches through Christ Jesus, come in all His Glory, supplies Tori Faith.
    So be it and so it is. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  46. Thank You Jesus for answered prayers for Tori Faith! This is the miracle I prayed for.

  47. Such great news for Tori! Praying for continued healing and lifting her spirits. In His name we pray. Amen

  48. Together we can handle anything. I sure believe that is true! With Him we can get through anything and accomplish anything. His Words and promises are true. Resting in that as we all must do.

    Philippians 4:13
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

    1. Dear Sweet Jeanne -- Standing on those scriptures with you. Praise God, He has made us MORE THAN CONQUERORS!

    2. Standing on those scriptures with you as well, Jeanne, lots of room 😁.
      I was just thinking as I was reading through the posts how much I admire your attitude and I look forward to hearing how God works in your situation for good. Sending prayers and asking for His strength to sustain you.

    3. Thanks dear JJ and Websister. I am trusting in God’s faithfulness to change this situation to good. Every time I start feeling sad or ready to dip my toe into the pity pool, I thank Him for carrying me and my mom through this Covid trial. We are doing okay because He hasn’t left our sides. Thanks for your prayers. I baked a little cake and sang happy Birthday to my mom last night. We prayed a lot. She said Jesus is curing us. Hallelujah! Amen!

  49. Decreeing and Declaring:

    The Blood of Jesus is Anointed.

    The Anointing in the Blood of Jesus
    removes burdens and destroys the bondage of the devil in my life.
    (Isaiah 10:27)

    I have a better, stronger, nobler Covenant because of the Blood of Jesus.

    I am more than an overcomer in all things because of Jesus.

    I speak the power of Jesus' Blood for my children, grandchildren, and loved ones.

    Jesus' Blood delivers and sets us free.

    The devil is defeated because of the power in the Blood of Jesus.

    I glorify You, Jesus, because You are Lord!

    I am the righteousness of God, because the Blood of Jesus speaks mercy.

    1. There's power in the blood! Hallelujah, hallelujah, amen!

    2. Amen! We are covered, cured, saved, and strengthened by The Blood of The Lamb!

  50. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2).

    1. Father, thank You for the indescribable gifts: for the gift of Your Son for my sin, for my assurance of victory, and for the gift of the Holy Spirit who brings me to life in Jesus, in whose name I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Amen! Praying you are breathing more easily and all your weaknesses are being strengthened by our Great I AM.

  51. God does take us to school in the midst of the trials. Adversity is God's university. I love what Elton Trueblood says, "At the profoundest depths in life, men talk not about God but with Him." When you're on the plateau, and things are going well, as you described earlier, how easy it is to forget Him. But when life is reduced, and we're pressed hard against Him, and the pain seems, at points, unbearable, how it presses us against almighty God. And you have to believe that God looks down at us and says, "You know what? You sheep just don't quite get it," and many times I don't. And it takes that pain to press me back against it. But, there's where the real treasures in the relationship are learned. That's where the depth of the relationship grows. And if you'll be obedient, you'll mature. And the next time around you face suffering, you'll recognize some of the fingerprints of God, and you'll see His heart, and you won't question nearly as much as you are left to believe.

    1. So happy to see and read your beautiful message dear Min Ahadi!! I needed it and you fed us all well. God allows the trials to draw us close to Him so we can speak with Him and be still with Him. You are always in my prayers. Much love dear sister.

    2. Blessed by your post, Min! Nice to "see" you! ♥️

  52. Sometime in the night I was conscious of singing in my sleep "All my life You have been faithful"
    Now on waking just had a play and sing along with 'The Goodness of God'

    1. Peter, I'm on the same channel!!!! ♥️🎶
      God bless everyone this morning. I am a personal witness to Christ who strengthens me. Thank you Jesus!

    2. God bless you too dear Audra! Hope you’re enjoying your day and tasting the goodness of God.

  53. I just love that song! Every time I hear it, I am lifted to the High Heavens. Thanks brother Peter!

  54. I just thank you Abba father for always showing up, exactly when needed. As today’s scriptures remind us, you will strengthen, deliver, and uphold us.
    While we are still and waiting for your perfect timing, let us not be deceived by the enemy through lies, comparison, fear or doubt. Let us completely trust in your wisdom, your steadfast love and faithfulness, being content right where we are-in your righteous right hand.

  55. Amen. Thank you dear Rich C. The best place to be is in God’s Presence. No matter the circumstances, His love and peace remain the same.
