Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 21

     I, the Creator of the universe, am with you and for you. What more could you need? When you feel some lack, it is because you are not connecting with Me at a deep level. I offer abundant Life; your part is to trust Me, refusing to worry about anything.
     It is not so much adverse events that make you anxious as it is your thoughts about these events. Your mind engages in efforts to take control of a situation, to bring about the result you desire. Your thoughts close in on the problem like ravenous wolves. Determined to make things go your way, you forget that I am in charge of your life. The only remedy is to switch your focus from the problem to My Presence. Stop all your striving, and watch to see what I will do. I am the Lord! 

Romans 8:31-32
English Standard Version

31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

Micah 7:7
English Standard Version

But as for me, I will look to the Lord;
    I will wait for the God of my salvation;
    my God will hear me.

My Prayer
Lord, I want to begin every day with You, connecting with You. When I stare at the world and what is going on, it can be depressing, but as I go to Your Word, Spirit, you are speaking to me and reminding me that there is always hope because you have given me a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. God has used Sarah and the @paytonfamily in powerful ways. This bibletags blogspot is a daily...actually multiple daily visit for me. Today's words as most every day have been incredibly appropriate for my current life circumstances. Thanks and Godspeed to all.

    1. Your very welcome. Glad it can encourage you as it does for me each day.

    2. In over a year and a half of using this blog, it is still making amazing positive impacts in the present. Thanks to all.

    3. Agree! All JC Warriors posts have enriched my life. Thanks be to God. KS

    4. In this blog, we are touching heaven because the love and truths that are shared have no constraints of time, they are eternal, thus they are heavenly. It is good to be here. (Thanks, Chris!)

    5. Amen! My morning would not be complete without this beautiful blog and my JC Family. It is light in my day and refreshment for my soul. We stand on the same Cornerstone and we will not be shaken.

    6. The routine of reading this online in addition to the book has increased my intimacy with my Lord. Thank you Payton family and each and everyone here, commenting or not. Knowing there are so many that speak this language and use the same good book - the Word - makes me happy and gives me more Peace. Thank you Jesus! Bless you all!

    7. Yes and Amen to all of your responses. Particularly now when we are facing such uncertainty all around the World, Sarah's words and your honest and encouraging comments are sweet nourishment for the journey. Thank you all for your precious thoughts, always pointing to Our wonderful Savior !

    8. Thank you Payton family for sharing God’s Word, Sarah’s wisdom, these beautiful posts and for providing us with this wonderful meeting place of refuge, truth, love and comfort.

    9. Amen dear MadFox! Today’s devotion and prayer spoke directly to my heart too. Continuing to pray for your healing and strength and joy.

    10. And so it continues... Thank GOD!

    11. And continues...
      As our BOB stated... because the love and truths that are shared are eternal...
      In whatever year they happen to appear, truths are always true!
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    12. And continues! The more of God's goodness and energy that we can soak in here, and then leak out into the world, the more Light overcomes the dark.

    13. Continuing with an AMEN!

    14. Echoing everyone’s comments here since 2020. This blogspot is a must for the beginning of each day. Thanks to all who are a part of this community of believers who pray for each other and spread the word of God.
      SC Anonymous

    15. And it continues. Adding my 2 cents 6 years since the thread was started by MadFox. This place has been a blessing each and every day. Thank you JC Warriors.

    16. Amen and bless you Payton family!🕊️

    17. What a challenge it is to not worry, especially in the times we live. This is something I must continue to work on. Just last night my little one was struggling with anxiety, causing his breathing to become labored so we prayed to our Heavenly Father, and my little guy soon was asleep. Thank YOU FATHER.
      I must do for myself what I do for my son, come directly to YOU, my beloved Father.
      Heavenly Father I approach YOU through YOUR son our savior Jesus Christ 💕
      Please forgive me for worrying over things that are out of my control, help me to remember YOUR living word(s):
      Matthew 6:27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
      6:31 So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’
      6:32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.
      6:34 So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
      Help me write these words upon my heart, so I may move away from worry, focus on YOU & YOUR kingdom at hand. I praise YOU FATHER for for all YOU do and have done for me, my family and loved ones. We are so blessed because of YOUR love for us. I surrender myself to YOU and ask that YOUR will be done in my life, I ask YOU FATHER to please pour YOUR HOLY SPIRIT upon me so my actions and words will be guided by YOU. Help me FATHER to hold my thoughts captive and turn to YOU in those moments so I am reminded of my responsibilities as YOUR daughter. FATHER I pray for the world leaders, keep those that are on YOUR side safe and help those that have turned to turn back to YOU. I also pray for our children FATHER, YOU know better than anyone the horror so many of our precious, innocent little ones face, help me see how I can be of service to them, protect them FATHER, as I know YOU do. Please also provide respite and healing to those that are sick or suffering with physical or emotional pain.
      I ask this in YOUR son’s mighty name, our KING of KINGS, LORD of LORDS, and Great Physician, YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST
      A 🙏❤️

  2. I am right there with you, "MadFox"! Today's message, especially. If I had read it last night, things would have ended differently! I can get so rigid in my devotions that I won't even read ahead or keep reading or apply what I have read. I just get stuck. Yet, it is the same over-all message EVERY DAY. 'Rely on Me, Look to Me, Trust Me!' I am at an age where this should be first-nature - I've been a believer for most of my life. Yet, every day has to be recommitted to trusting Him. So thankful this Blogspot is here. Now, I have to APPLY IT. Same thing I learned years ago...but it still comes down to ME DOING IT and not just mentally assenting to it. This line of thought led me to search more and I came upon a teaching ( that John Wesley warned about - the difference between "real Bible Faith and Mental Assent, which is one step removed from hypocrisy." It blended beautifully with Sarah's, Jesus Calling, and Paytonfamily's prayer. I am thanking God for speaking to my heart. He truly does care about every hair on our heads! I have to believe it and that takes action. As usual, I am thinking as I write, so I apologize for my 'rant.' It just struck my heart that 'faith without action is dead.' For today: I am going to believe these Words by acting on them.

  3. In over a year and a half of using this blog, it is still making amazing positive impacts in the present. Thanks to all.

  4. Same here, MadFox! When I see some of my posts from last year, I see the growth in my life and I know it is, in part, due to this blog - the daily Word given and the heart-felt prayers of believers. I wasn't able to get back on yesterday's postings until this morning. Please know that I stand with all of you in prayer and believing for adult-children returned to their families and the faith they were taught in their youth restored. As I have shared before, I have a son who has decided he doesn't believe anymore. Thankfully, I do have a relationship with him as do his siblings. One of my sons said, "He is the one who always brings it up, not me. I told him I just love him." I truly believe God has shown me that my son's desire to help all of us understand where he is today is more of a request, i.e. "Tell me how you can believe all of this," is seen by me as, "What am I missing that causes you to believe?" We continue to love him and pray for him and my prayer, is that someday his faith is restored. My heart goes back to Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." I remember being taught, 'it doesn't mean they won't wander..." I fellowship with several ladies who are experiencing the same thing. Prayers for all of us and ours.
    Believing that the changes that I am making in my life will serve as a catalyst to help them believe again. We are never to old to make changes for the better! Anonymous: 40 days! Such VICTORY! There are times throughout the day that I see myself changing my mind, bringing it back to the Word and I think, 'My JC Family is praying for me!' What a blessing! And, I thank you. I was reminded this morning that when I feel 'a lack' I am the one who has moved, not God. "Father, I thank you for keeping me on your path in my thoughts. That I don't succumb to worry, doubt, fear, but rise up to claim your victories. That this battlefield in my mind (worries about 'tomorrow') are reigned in to be thankful for today and the blessings you have provided. Have a great day, JC Family. I am praying for all of you. Jan, Pamela (restoration for your community), Steven (a job, a believing woman), PurpleMartin and ZD - that our life with Him 'ain't gonna be a rerun!' (loved that!). We are 'more than conquerors' through Him that loved us! Ro. 8:37. Deep Breath. He's got ALL of this!

    1. Norah. So much truth and encouragement in your post. We sure are conquerors and He's got our backs. A reason to Breathe deeply because He is our God.

    2. We plant the seeds of faith in the hearts of our loved ones and then we pray they will grow and flourish in God’s timing. Continuing to trust in God’s faithfulness.

    3. Yes we do, thank you Holy Spirit!

  5. Thank you Norah. Your comments encouraged me this morning. Prayers were sent up for the wedding, your cases, continued health for your hubby & your son. Your right, "He's got all this"!

  6. .....It is not so much adverse events that make you anxious as it is your thoughts about these events. .......Dear Lord help me to not stay stuck on the thoughts about past events. Help me to continue to look forward with Hope that all is well. Help me to see and believe that these events are "bumps" on journey you have laid out specifically for me. A journey that strengthens my dependence on you for all things. I worship and adore you precious Lord! Amen

  7. I feel blessed to be part of this JC family. I have been reading this devotion for a couple of years. I never realized that there was this site. I'm glad the Lord brought me here to be encouraged by all of you. Thank you all for your prayers. Today's devotion spoke loudly to how I get anxious and my need to feel in control. Even when I know he's got this! God Bless you all!

  8. Wow! What a Blessing to wake up to this devotion and see one of my Favorite verses, Micah 7:7, "But as for ME, I will look to the Lord, I will WAIT for the GOD of my Salvation, my GOD will hear me"!
    Hallelujah to the King of Kings! no matter what the report says, no matter how long it's taking, no matter what the enemies plans are, all kinds of things and people can be against me, but I know, that I know,that I KNOW, God is for me!! so it doesn't matter what they think or do!

    I will wait for my GOD! He told me in His words in Jeremiah 29:11, He knows the plans He has for me, it is GOOD, to give me a Future and a Hope! Oh yes, I will WAIT!! You are a FAITHFUL GOD, Your words will NEVER go back to void, they will accomplish that which You sent it forth! So satan, hear me LOUD and clear! My GOD is able, I will WAIT for HIM! I refuse to worry or doubt. Thank You dear Lord for carrying about me so much so, that You sent Your Precious Son Jesus to die for me and granted me Abundant life! I receive it in Jesus name!

    I commit my love ones and my JC family into Your capable hands this day and cover them with the Blood of Jesus! Thank You for providing and meeting all of our needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus!

    Yes, I will WAIT for the GOD of my Salvation, my GOD will HEAR me! Thank You Lord!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. correction: *caring.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen, Maplewood NJ. Our Lord and savior is so good to us and as always our Heavenly Daddy knows what's best for his children. I agree in prayer with you and the rest of our JC Family! TERRI

    3. Amen dear Maplewood. Continuing to trust Him with our lives, our health and our loved ones’ salvation.

  9. Started reading this blog a couple months ago, it seems like everytime I feel lonely, lost, or wondering about where my future is going when I read this blog and all the comments it gives me hope and a purpose for life.
    Thank you all so much for this venue!

  10. Thank you God for this glorious day. I am so blessed to have found this blog. Thank you Nora for the prayers , I have 1 test and 1 interview this week. God has led me to this moment in life. I trust in Him for the outcome. All things work together for good for those who love God. I give this to you Lord, You are in charge! Moving forward in faith..

  11. After reading all the posts from yesterday, I was reading Mark 8:29 "And He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ." I pray that all of our loves ones that need Jesus will also say what Peter said ---"Thou art the Christ." Faith in the Lord Jesus from Kansas

  12. Attempting to journey from my problem into His Presence. Pray for me JC family, as I go to a Neurologist today to resolve headaches. I pray God Bless the Dr to do His Healing Work. Amen! Love to all my JC Fam. Amen.

    1. Brilamar, I pray that our Jehovah Rapha go ahead of you and prepare the doctors, nurses and all that will see or touch you and reveal to you that by His stripes you are already healed in Jesus's name. God's got your back my sis and your JC family are praying for you.
      Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Brilamar, we offer our prayers for you as we wrap our love around you. God be with you. All is well.

    3. May the good Lord be with you today. Praying that you will be well. Brilamar know you have an army praying for you.
      God Bless

    4. Amen and joining in my JC Family's prayers for you, dear Brilamar. You are in the best of Hands. God knows your weakness and will strengthen every one. He will guide the Doctor to the proper treatment you need, and heal you completely to His glory. Thanking Him in the name of Jesus! Amen.

    5. Dear Brilamar, You are in my prayers🕊

    6. Sweet Brie, Continuing to pray for your perfect health and peace of mind, and for healing of your DH and Keith. Thank You Jesus!

    7. Two years later, your prayers are still working. Those headaches are gone. They were diagnosed as occipital neuralgia, treated with meds, and healed. Praise be to God and your prayers to Him on my behalf. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    8. Riding on your victory report, Brie, as I awoke with a head and shoulder ache this morning 🤔

  13. Prayers for you, dear Brilamar, as I go to bed. YOU will be the one I pray for, specifically, as I go to sleep "Dear Father, I lift my friend, Brilamar, to you. Give her peace, Father; give her strength as she enters that building tomorrow to see her Neurologist. Let her be amazed as she sees the results of Your perfect healing.
    God bless you, Brilamar. God to sleep, know that you are held in your loving Father's Hands. That your JC Family is praying for you and that you are healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
    God Bless you - I love you!

    1. Norah --- Joining you and the other JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace to lift up Brilamar. Great blessings, grace and mercy to you Briamar from Kansas. And sweet sleep to you Norah.

    2. Joining in on prayers for Brilamar. May our dear Lord shower her with blessings, peace and healing. KS

    3. Brilamar - Joining warriors in prayers. Praying you are surrounded with His assuring love and presence. Praying for the medical ones who diagnose and treat you. We love you.

    4. Thanks JC Family. I sensed and appreciated your prayers the entire time I was in the Dr's office. I had to chuckle when the nurse called to confirm my appointment and reminded me that no one would be allowed in with me. I chuckled as I thought, Miss, I am bringing a room full of Praying, Praising, Worshipping, Singing and Psalming Prayer Warriors in the exam room with me! When I arrived , I had cell phone in purse with today's posts visible. I could feel all the praising and praying and songs and psalm so much, I had to look at my purse every once in a while to make sure it wasn't moving! You brought new meaning to wherever I go, you go, and wherever I lodge, you lodge. I will never leave you nor will I ever forsake you. Thank You Awesome God for an incredible JC family. Amen

    5. Amen dear Brie! We never walk alone. We’re surrounded by His love, and the prayers and love that go with us.

  14. Trust me, stop striving and watch and see what I will do. Vs your mind engages trying to take control of the situation.

    Two things to apply these thoughts to today. The woman I love moving to Oklahoma leaving my heart broken again and second, I have a job interview this morning.

    My current job keeps me on the road in the truck and hotels. The new job would have me home every night but with an hour and twenty minute commute each way.

    Asking for prayers to release into trusting Him and perceiving His love abundantly.

    One last note; some might think this is nifty because on Monday I just turned 50 ;-)

    1. Keith --- First of all, a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It is my humble prayer that no plans of your enemies against you will ever come to pass. May God keep on protecting you and filling your heart with happiness and joy all the days of your life! And I pray for wisdom, discernment an the Lord's unusual favor with the job situation. May the Lord keep you in His Grip of Grace. In Jesus' Name AMEN and AMEN
      Believing for grace and blessings on your path, Keith.

    2. Praying for you, Keith. May our good Lord give you strength and guidance along with His blessings. And belated birthday wishes also! KS

    3. Keith, HAPPY 50TH milestone!! many, many best wishes! Try to enjoy your milestone and leave the rest to God! Your JC family are praying for you. God will mend your broken heart!
      Thanking Him for your new job interview and praying for protection.
      HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY! Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Keith - Belated birthday blessings.
      The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. -Psalm 34:18. ... God is closer to you than you realize, and He can save you from despair as you face your broken heart.

    5. Happy belated birthday, Keith! Prayers for a happy and successful year for you.

    6. Grateful, Keith, for God's gift of you to this world 50 years ago. Be blessed. I heard a story this past week in which a man working in India encountered Mother Theresa. She asked if she could pray for him. He asked her to pray for clarity as he was not sure what God wanted him to do. She answered, "No, I will not pray for clarity. Rather I will pray that you learn to trust. For if you get clarity, it might lead you into thinking you can now control your circumstances." Apply that, Keith, where you think it fits best. In the meantime, I will pray with the others for you. God be with you.

    7. Happy belated Birthday. Today is mine. Blessed to be another year older and wiser in Christ. Praying for your broken heart and also that you will do well in your job interview. God is so good and faithful. He knows your needs and also the secret desires of your heart. He will guide you to them in His perfect timing to His glory.

    8. Jeanne - Thanking the Lord with you for blessing you with another Birthday to praise and worship the King of kings.

    9. Jeanne --- I join the JC FAMILY/WARRIORS in blessing you on THIS DAY, your BIRTHDAY. May God make His heavenly face shine on you this special day of yours and all the days of your life! AMEN and AMEN

    10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KEITH AND JEANNE!!! Keith, by our standards, if you don't celebrate for a week, you haven't REALLY had a birthday! :) Hope you both had great days and a wonderful next year!

    11. Happy Birthday to our Brother Keith! We are so blessed to have you in our lives. Prayers going up for you, including prayers for Discernment, Wisdom and Divine Order: God's Divine Order, Wisdom and Discernment are now being established in the mind, heart, and life of our JC Warrior Brother Keith, and he is is making wise and right decisions. With sincerity love and truth, Jesus is helping him and we are affirming, praising and thanking God for his Divine Wisdom, Order and Discernment! Since God is directing our Keith, he is thinking calmly, knowing all he needs to know at the time he needs to know it in order to make right decisions. Thanks be to God from whom all blessings flow. Amen!

    12. Happy birthday Keith and Jeanne..May babies (I'm one too). God keep blessing you and yours. You both are so loved. Thank you for your uplifting prayers.

    13. Happy Birthday Jeanne! Love You

    14. Thank you Sassy Mom, JJ, Norah, Brilamar and Loveconquersall for all the sweet Birthday wishes! And Happy 50th Birthday to you Keith. Wishing you God's peace, guidance and protection. I had a really good Birthday. I was blessed that friends and family made it very special even if I couldn't be with them. God gave me a beautiful day too. Thanking and Praising God for a new year and for His abundant blessings in my life and for my dear JC Family.

    15. Happy belated Birthday Keith! May God continue to lead you to the desires of your heart dear brother. God has a wonderful plan for the rest of your life. Keep your beautiful heart open to receive His guidance and faithfulness.

    16. All these lovely posts blessed my heart this morning! Thanks for all your love. It means so much to me. I’m at my Mom’s celebrating with my twin sister Janet. My husband and son abd grandson are coming over later and we’re having dinner at Frank’s pizza and restaurant down the street. Praying for a peaceful sweet day, please pray for my pregnant daughter in law who is staying home with a sore throat and congestion. Thanks! Much love.

    17. Keith, Is your Birthday May 18 ?

    18. Happy belated birthday, Keith! If I'm not mistaken, I think we are still waiting in prayer for an update from you announced a while back. 😉♥️

      Happy birthday dear Jeanne, and to your twin, Janet! God's favor is on you everyday, may it be especially evident to you today. You are loved and appreciated by the JC family ♥️🙏

    19. Thank you so much for your prayers and Birthday Blessings! I love you all right back!
      I’m enjoying the day and I plan to eat too much and have fun tonight with my family. My Mom bought us a carrot cake too! I am blessed to have a twin and sister in Christ to share the special day.

  15. Brilimar, praying for you that your appointment goes well today. Remember that God is with you every step of the way. May he bring you peace and healing.

    Keith, praying for you as well. I hope whatever you decide about your job situation will bring you peace. In today's crazy world just having a job is a blessing. May God lead you down the right path. I'm also sorry to hear about your relationship. God will help you through this difficult time. Welcome to the over 50 club.

    Prayers to all of you JC Warriors. Have a wonderful day.


    1. Brilamar, sorry for the typo of your name.

    2. Praying you and your loved ones are doing fine, dear TJ.

    3. Thank you Jeanne!


    4. You’re welcome Dear! Much love.

  16. Dear Loving Father, I declare to You this morning that “my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ, my righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.” I desire to stop my striving, wait, trust and watch Your amazing works in my life. Thank You for being my Lord. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    When we find ourselves struggling with doubt and worry, we become like some of the “Greats” in the Bible like Job, Abraham, Sarah, Gideon, Thomas ans John the Baptist,the one who earlier had baptized Jesus in the Jordan River and declared,“ Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” At that moment in his life, John was so certain about Jesus.(the list goes on). These great people of God had their doubts about God and sometimes, we fall in that category. Perhaps we doubt God’s goodness because of what has been taken away from us, or we doubt His promises because His timing is not ours, we doubt His ability to use us because of past mistakes and weakness and like Thomas, maybe we doubt God’s resurrection ability for our life.
    If we really know who the Lord is, we don’t have to know what He will do or how He will do it, we just have to go to Him with raw, unfiltered requests that get straight to the point, have no doubt, trust Him and WAIT! We must believe that God who saved us, hears our cries: “But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me” (Micah 7:7). We must be willing to watch with expectancy, and be prepared for unexpected answers (Psalm 5:3). We may not get exactly what we asked for, but we can rest assure that God always gives us His very BEST! We must hope in the Word of God (Psalm 130:5-6). When we put our hope in Christ than we are able to wait with confidence and know that we will not be put to shame. When we wait for God’s promise instead of going our own way (Acts 1:4), He will do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to His power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20). When we stay steadfast in prayer and be watchful with thanksgiving (Colossians 4”2), He will accomplish His good purposes in our lives as we wait for Him and persevere in prayer!

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise as we remember the blessings yet to come (Isaiah 30:18). Help us to be still before You and wait patiently. Forgive us for all our doubts, worries, and fears. Forgive us for our impatience as we wait. Forgive us for questioning the story You've written for us. Forgive us for not seeking Your face and allowing the struggles before us to get greater and stronger than Your grace and mercy for us. Help us to remain faithful as we wait trusting in You. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Very fitting. I will keep these words close by and prayerfully inside.

      And thank all of you for your blessing.

    2. Amen Maplewood. God's Way is so much better than our way. I am sitting still and waiting patiently on Him who cares for me. Thank you. You made my Birthday even better with your lovely words and His beautiful Word. I am blessed to be His beloved child, no matter how old I get. He is the best part of me always and ever.

    3. Maplewood, I like that you intersperse your comments with specific Bible reference. It helps and gives validity from His word.

    4. Thanks sweet Maplewood! Amen to that! Trusting in His promises with you.
      He will do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to His power at work within us.
      Praying your beautiful prayer with you. Amen

    5. Thank-you Maplewood I needed this prayer so much

  17. Thoughts and prayers going out for all of you this morning, especially for Brilamar and her doctors appointment and Keith's job interview. You got this! More importantly, HE's got this!

    Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. Lamentations 3:22

    Stay connected to The Vine, my friends. Peace.

    1. Thanks Suzanne. I am receiving what you and my entire JC Warrior Family are praying!

    2. I loved your sentence about looking at the phone to see if it was moving because so many of us were praying for you. Love you, Sister.

  18. Lord, Thank you for this day! Thank you that the way I feel has nothing to do with how you feel about me!! (THANK YOU JESUS!!) As usual todays JC spoke to me. Prayers for all our JC family today! With Love,
    from Maryville, Tennessee

  19. Refuse to worry and stop striving. What fitting admonishment for me as I view my daughter and son-in-law’s stressed and strained situation! I give God the praise for a peaceful afternoon for them yesterday! Immediately my mind says “But what about today?” I’ve got to quit thinking that way. Thank you God for whatever you have planned for this day!

    I pray for positive test results for the JC family and for successful job interviews. And HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to Keith !

    Today is my mother’s 93rd Birthday. She is in relatively good health, is ambulatory and is in her right mind. Thank God for a life well lived!

    1. Marolyn - Birthday blessings and lots of hugs from JC Warriors to your 93 year old mother. Prayers for many more healthy birthdays!!!

    2. One day at a time, Marolyn. Thanks be to God for yesterday. Thanks be to God for today to experience His love, grace, and mercy, which is the one certain truth of everyday, regardless of our analysis/judgment. God be with you, Marolyn!

    3. Thank you Jesus for calming Marolyn's spirit and for many more peaceful afternoons. Give your mom a big hug; I miss my dear ma. We will keep praying.

    4. Dear Marolyn, God bless you and your Mom in all things. Happy 94th Birthday to her. May God grant you both good health and peace of mind.

  20. Please join me in prayers for Lexi a young mother in my daughter's church who gave birth to a baby girl during Covid pandemic. Lexi was hospitalized and bedridden with uncontrollable pain for 8 days. No family or friends allowed. Her 3 year old son and new baby are being cared for by her father {pastor} and mother. Lexi was released yesterday (still in pain) given mild medication that doesn't touch the pain. Tomorrow {Friday} she has appointment with ENT.

    1. Lord, hear our prayers for Lexi, for her healing, for her peace, and for her appointment with ENT. Hear our prayers for her family as their hearts are aching in her absence and inability to be by her side. Lord, hear our prayers. Amen

    2. Father God, in Your great compassion, heal Lexi of all weaknesses and infirmities, and take away her pain. May she find relief and healing in You, Our Great Physician. Bless and comfort her family and keep her baby healthy. Thank you for your faithfulness in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen!

    3. Lifting up Lexi to my Lord. I thank You for Your powerful redeeming love. Thank You for Your sacrifice that brings forgiveness and hope. By Your stripes, I ask for healing and restoration for Lexi. May life and wellness grow in fulness for Lexi until it overflows. For Your glory and in honor of Your purposes--- AMEN and AMEN

    4. Praying for Dear Lexi and that her pain is gone in the name of Jesus Christ. Bless that new little baby, her little boy and her wonderful parents caring for all of them.
      I'm with all of you JC Prayer Warriors! Can't wait to hear of her wonderful turn-aroung, Sassy Mom.

    5. Sassy Mom, a woman of great faith. Joining mighty JC warriors in prayer for Lexi and her family. Jesus we trust in you and your love.

    6. Dear God, Please join my prayers with JC family for Lexi and her family. Thank You. Amen

    7. Continuing to pray for Lexi along with my dear JC family.


    Luke tells us at the beginning of the second volume of his two part series on Jesus and the early church that on the fortieth day after Jesus resurrection, the disciples experienced His ascension to the right hand of God the Father where He is seated as Lord of all. This is a most significant event in God's plan for His creation. It is a day for much celebration. 'Clap your hands, all peoples: shout to God with loud songs of joy. For the LORD, the Most High, is awesome, a great king over all the earth.' (Psalm 47:1-2)

    (Acts 1:1-11) (Through John's eyes) It had been forty days since His resurrection. We have had Him appear among us in our gatherings, He met us once on the sea shore, He had caught up with two of us on the road to Emmaus and there have been other appearances He made with us that are not recorded. We have become convinced that the unexplainable is reality. So, again, we start thinking, "Where this is all going? Will He fulfill our hopes for Him to set Israel free?" On that fortieth day, He appears to us and tells us to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Father which He had told us would be the coming of the Holy Spirit. This would occur within a few days. Not really paying attention to what He was saying, we had to ask, "Lord, is it now you are going to set Israel free from Roman rule?" He could have criticized us for our thinking but He didn't. He simply said, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has established by His plan. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and your primary concern is to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Having said this He began to rise until He disappeared into the clouds. We were left standing there with our mouths wide open. 'What just happened?' was on everyone's mind. We stood there staring into the sky trying to make sense of what we just saw. Suddenly there were two beings dressed in white standing among us. They said to us, "Men of Galilee, why are you standing here trying to process what just happened? He has gone to prepare a place for you and He will come again and receive you to Himself just as He promised. Get on with doing what He told you to do."

    'What just happened?' Benedict XVI has offered this thought, "It would be a mistake to interpret the Ascension as the temporary absence of Christ from the world. Rather, we go to heaven to the extent that we go to Jesus Christ and enter into Him. Heaven is a person; Jesus Himself is what we call 'heaven'." The gospel of Matthew concludes with Jesus saying to the disciples, "Lo, I am with you always to the end of time." In Acts 1, Jesus ascends out of the presence of the disciples. So, which is it, is He with us always or is He gone to the Father? In our finite thinking, the answer has to be 'one or the other'. In the infinite nature of our Lord, it is 'both and'. Benedict XVI's thought suggests we are already in heaven though we continue on earth, 'both and'. I need some time to process that thought, but while doing so, the words of the two angels in Acts 1:10-11 come to me, 'Why are you spending time processing this thought. Believe it and carry on with what He has asked you to do. If you get your head out of the clouds where your heart has gone in its attachment to Him, you will be His witness right where He has you. This is what matters most."

    I humbly share with you what came to me this AM as I cherished the Ascension Day mystery. God be with each and everyone of you! With love, Bob

    1. " So, which is it, is He with us always or is He gone to the Father?" No mystery, it's quite simple, Jesus is with us through the indwelling Holy Spirit, while He bodily resides in Heaven.

  22. Bob thank you for always walking me through God's Word. Our goal in Heaven is to be with Jesus and in Him. He has ascended but He lives within us always. Thank you for teaching me so much in your beautiful post. Much gratitude! Blessings to you and your family always.

    1. You're welcome, Jeanne. Thank you for your response.

    2. And Happy Birthday, Jeanne! We are all blessed by your input on this blog. You are a gift of God to us and to all whom you love.

    3. Thanks Bob for Ascension Food. It's comforting to know that rather than here OR there, He is here, there AND everywhere. Blessings!

    4. Your Birthday wishes are still blessing me this year Bob! Thanks.

  23. Yes! Exactly why I always read thru the end of comments here. Ascension Day!!!! Thank you Bob, for this entry! The song in my heart just got louder as I celebrate this day with a little more insight, thanks to you.

    1. You're welcome, Audra. Thanks for sharing where this fit in your heart.

  24. Thank you so much friends. This is such a special family of believers, prayer warriors and friends. Loving prayers for each of you and for us all. God is so faithful and good, always. Thank you Chris for starting this wonderful blog and being a vessel of the Bible
    Thank you Bob, Sassy Mom, Madfox and each of you for sharing your hearts, wisdom, prayers and love
    God bless

  25. You are a blessing, Brandy! Thank you for all your posts. God be with you.

  26. Some days, the blog gets long, but I am so riveted and not wanting to miss the input, I read them all. I am so blessed.
    Thank you Lord for this virtual gathering of Your people to help and strengthen each other. There are those in the group with special talents you have given to nurture others. That is not to negate the input of the others. Thank you for all that have gathered here in Your Name. In Jesus name, Amen.

    1. Thanks for your input 10-4. You are appreciated.

  27. My sis Jeanne, sorry I am a little late to wish you a HAPPY bday. Work took over. However, I take this time to say: HAPPY BLESS BIRTHDAY!! May our great Lord grant you ALL the desires of Your heart and BLESS your day and years beyond your wildest dreams. We love you !


    1. AMEN Maplewood, perfectly said. Happy birthday to you Jeanne you are a gift to us from our loving Father!!

    2. Late but I am also joining in the well-wishing and blessings to Jeanne (who shares my middle name as her first name in spelling and all!) on her birthday! May you feel Our Lord's arms around you as He blesses you with much and continues to protect you! May you also feel fully celebrated and loved by all who know you and the incredible human you are, Jeanne! Enjoy, sending love and blessings...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    3. Thank you for all the Birthday blessings that added so much light and love to my day. Thanks Maplewood, Terri, NJS, Audra, Brie, Sassy Mom, JJ, Norah, Loveconquersall, Min Ahadi, Janet, TJ, BlessingsFromFrance, and any I may have forgotten! Thank you so much. Love to you all!

  28. Father, thank You for another blessed day in the Lord. You are the most wonderful Father and there is no one above You. Help us to always keep our eyes focused on You above all else in our lives. Direct and guide us in our walk with You and help us spread Your loving word to others and let them know just how amazing You are. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. Happy Birthday dear, sweet Jeanne. Enjoy your day.

    1. Joining in your beautiful prayer dear sister Janet! Amen.

  29. Happy Happy Birthday to Jeanne, our dearly lovable sister friend in Christ. I asked the Holy Spirit to make sure you feel the love and prayers being sent to you all day today, with mega doses at 5:21 AM and 5:21 PM today. I'm sure the songs, prayers, encouragements, artistry, and cooking gifts you seem to so graciously give are graciously received and make our Lord and Savior happy. May His Blessings continue to flow through you. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen! and Happy Birthday!

    1. Amen Brie. Happy birthday to you sweet Jeanne! It is such a blessing to have you in our precious JC family. Thanking the Lord for your life, your faith and all we share together here. Enjoy your day with your loved ones. Love you dear sister.

      Blessings from France

    2. Echoing Happy Birthday prayers to our beloved Jeanne. You are loved.

    3. Thank you so much dear BFF and Sassy Mom! You bless my little heart! Love you both so much, and all my dear sisters and brothers

    4. So much love in all your posts! Brie I really did feel surrounded by God’s love and all your prayers. It was a lovely Birthday and I am so grateful to God and all of you.

  30. Happy Birthday Jeanne! Have a wonderful day!


    1. Thanks TJ! It was a perfect day! I got to hold my little grandson and be with my loved ones. All three sons called and I was with my middle son, Mom, DH and sister. I ate yummy food and cake and chocolate. Got so many flowers. I was blessed.

  31. Looking up to heaven and petitioning our Father's will and protection over each of you and your families. Thank you Lord that your desire is that we only serve you and seek you. Please turn our heads to you the giverr of life when we start to be distracted in our day.
    Lord you are holy and perfect and we place all of our trust in you.
    Thank you Lord for your holy promises to us your beloved children. May we not ever forget who we belong to. The great "I AM". Thank you Lord!!

    1. Amen dear Terri! Joining in that wonderful prayer of praise and gratitude!
      Father, May we continue to serve and seek You with sincere hearts of love and trust. May we turn away from the trappings of this world and focus our hearts and minds on You, the Giver of light, life, peace and salvation. We are blessed to be beloved children of the Great “I Am”. You are Holy and unchanging in Your perfection and worthy of our thanks and praise. We love and trust You.

  32. Today is my Mom's 89th birthday! My Mom, myself and 4 sisters are going to Frankenmuth MI for the weekend. Please pray that everyone treats the others with love and kindness. Traveling safety and protection. Also, I hurt my foot about a month ago and I'm still having pain. The x-ray showed no break but it's still swollen and hurts. I'm having a MRI next week because the doctor thinks it may have a hairline fracture. Please pray that this is not an obstacle for our weekend celebration. My sisters knew about it at the onset but don't realize it's still a problem. Thank you for praying with me that God takes over in every detail of our weekend. Praying that my husband and our children have an uneventful weekend. He has never had the 2 youngest on his own before. Trusting you Lord, trusting you Lord, this is suppose to be a weekend of relaxation for me. I asked my Mom if we could go as our Christmas gift before covid hit.

    1. TERRI - Praying Travel safety, protection, LOVE for you and your loved one, and Happy Birthday prayers to your 89 year old Mom. Healing and pain free prayers for your foot.

    2. Our Dear Sister-Friend in Christ, TERRI. I am joining in prayer with Sassy Mom for a great weekend for you and yours, filled with HIS kindness and Mercies, including traveling Mercy. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Safe travels and prayers that all you cross paths with have love and kindness in their hearts. Enjoy your time in Frankenmuth! My inlaws used to go there once a year for Christmas decorations. They always enjoyed it. May your foot pay you no attention being relieved of any discomfort and pain, Terri, so that you can focus on time with the birthday girl and your sisters! Have a wonderful time! (You husband is going to do great with the kiddos!)

    4. Traveling mercies to you and your family, Terri! Enjoy Christmas in May in Frankenmuth. It's a lovely town and I'm sure they will appreciate you visiting and shopping since it has been a tough year for many. May you feel welcomed and protected. Give that foot a little extra support with an ace bandage for the time being, all will be well. Dad and the kids will be fine, they'll make some special memories and stories to share with you upon your return, I'm sure.

    5. Traveling mercies for you Terri. Enjoy the time with your family and happy birthday to your mother. Peace be with you.

    6. Dear Terri, Happy Birthday to your good Mom! Joining prayers that God will take care of every detail of your weekend, heal your foot and help your DH to take good care of the children while you celebrate with your dear Mom. May your weekend be blessed and relaxing. Praying a hedge of protection around you as you travel. Thank You Jesus for this and Your faithfulness.

  33. Thank you for this blog, your posts and all the wonderful sharing. It is so good to “be” with like minded people who love and trust the Lord. I may not always post but I do read your entries and pray for you. And once again I ask for prayers for my daughter who has been beating colon cancer and in treatment for almost 1 year. She goes to Mayo Sunday for scans and to meet with colorectal and liver surgeons and her oncologist. She has responded so well to the chemo (and the healing prayers) that they are considering surgery for her, which was not offered initially. Please pray that as JJ said in her prayer, that they will see her standing in divine health, that the scans will be clear and that surgery if needed will be the final step in permanently eradicating cancer from her body. I believe God has already done this. Thank you so much for your prayers! I will post her results, with thanksgiving! Thank you and I praise you God!

    1. I am still praying JJ's prayer for you and both of your Daughters, our dear Ellen, and also praying those same healing prayers for our entire JC Family. Yes, as you posted, It is so good to “be” with like minded people who love and trust the Lord. Amen.

    2. I continue to be in awe of God and what He has done through the simple recording of these devotions. This year I've been working on My Utmost for His Highest ( as it was something my mom held dear and after she passed in October 2019 it is a way for me to start the day right with Him as well as connect a little with her. But the community that has resulted here is amazing and perfect. It humbles me and yet I'm so thrilled to see people coming together to support one another and pray for one another. This world we live in is a tough one, but with Christ by our side and the encouragement of others, it becomes almost easy. God bless this community.

    3. (((CHRIS))))Our Dear Brother-Friend in Christ! May God continually bless you and yours, also. Thank You for saying yes to God and allowing Him to work through you for the benefit of many via this blog, sometimes affectionately known as The JC Family Prayer Warrior's Room. I tripped across My Utmost for His Highest, and found it inspirational, especially your Mom's underlining. Thanks again for all the lasting work you do for Christ. It is sincerely appreciated.
      QUICK QUESTION: Can you remove a post? I am asking because on May 17, "Unknown" posted a post dated July 11, 2020. It is 15th from the bottom. It was probably satan trying to enter the room to steal blessings from God's Children.
      If you can remove it, that is fine. If not, we did what we do outside this room. We end run around satan, to get into God's Our Father's Arms. Thanks again for EVERYTHING you are channeling, Chris. It is all for the Greater Good and Glory of God! In Jesus' Name. Amen. Love, Brie

    4. How is our Derek? He is still in our prayers, along with you and all of your family.

    5. Praying for your daughter, Ellen. She is in the loving, healing hands of the Lord. May His Spirit lift you both up and bring you peace, comfort, strength, and healing. May all be well. God bless.

    6. Dear Ellen, Continuing to pray for you and your daughters. Joining in JJ’s perfect prayer that your dear daughter’s scans will be clear and she will receive God’s healing and amaze the doctors, and if surgery is necessary it will be smooth and lead her to perfect health. Thank You Jesus for Your faithfulness. We pray together in faith, thanksgiving and trust.

  34. Praying for you and your daughter, Ellen. May she be filled with total cleansing of any particle of cancer. God is Blessing .

  35. Continued prayers for your daughter, Ellen! Those doctors are going to be scratching their heads as to there being no sign of any cancer left!!! We have THE GREATEST HEALER/PHYSICIAN in our Jehovah Rapha! I will pray JJs awesome prayer as well. Blessings and healing, sweet and awesome Ellen!

  36. Declaring divine health for your daughter, Ellen 🙏♥️

  37. ..."your part is to trust Me"... Jesus I do trust in YOU! Amen.

  38. GO, GO, WARRIOR ELLEN! When we have done all we know to do WE STAND! We stand firm, we hold our ground, and defend our territory against the enemy, by standing (believing) on the word and taking authority over the enemy in the name of Jesus. Jesus gave us power over ALL the powers of the enemy! He has made us "more than conquerors"! I loose from your daughter any form of sickness disease, infirmity, in Jesus's Name! They must all BOW to His nane. I NOW bind to your daughter Supernatural Life, Strengh, Divine Health, Energy and Vitality. I decree that she is Strong in the Lord and the power of His Might! God has said to us that with long life He will satisfy us, so I declare NOW in the Name of Jesus that your daughter will live Strong and Long on the earth. And, the doctors and the tests will line up with our words of faith! Ellen, let my Lord's Presence be heavy with everything good upon you, your daughter and family! IN my previous Jesus's name. AMEN and AMEN Great, Great Love and Blessings to my JC Family! I continue to pray over each step of your Journey with our Lord! I just cherish you All!!!
    In His Grip of Grace, Mercy, and Divine Health JJ---- He has shown me He is true to His Word!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

    1. As I stand, I am raising a HALLELUJAH along with you JJ!

    2. AMEN, quoting JJ's words.. the doctors see her standing in divine health,

    3. Amen and Hallelujah! He is true to His Word.

  39. Happy Birthday to all of my Dear May JC Family Members! I hope you are enjoying celebrations with family, friends and loved ones. Prayers for all of the requests: healings, relationships, needed homes, jobs and anything that hits our hearts.
    I have two of my little Grands over here right now. It's been a lovely day as my dear hub and my friend's dear hub and I safely delivered her to the airport to have a weekend with several of her daughters, as they celebrate the first born of this family of 13!! WHEW! Praying for our newest little Grand - still baking in the womb; for her/his health, mommie's health and daddy's rest as he picks up many extras in his daily duties.
    Jeannie, I'm picturing you and your family about to enjoy some yummy pizza that you didn't have to prepare and saying an extra prayer for you, your twin and all of you BD Buddies.
    Love and Blessings to all of you and an extra dose for you, Brother Chris Peyton, for doing as Brie said earlier, LISTENING TO GOD regarding this Blog!

    1. Thanks for your Birthday wishes and prayers dear Norah! We really enjoyed our day. So happy you were with your grands. And your friend got off okay with God’s help. May the Lord grant her traveling safety. I understand your joy about your grand in the oven as my dear daughter in love’s pregnant as well. We are so blessed.

  40. Marolyn, I also wanted you to know that your daughter is specifically in my prayers, as are you, her children and husband. I was so glad to read that you had a peaceful afternoon yesterday and that is my Believing Image of Victory for all of you, today, this evening and tomorrow. Joining Sassy Mom, our Dear Brie and every Warrior on here as we forge ahead for VICTORY!

  41. Can’t read anymore because we’re going out now. Thanks for the Birthday wishes and blessings. Love you all.

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. Good morning everyone , greetings from Nairobi Kenya. It's min ahadi but for some reason it has refused to pick up that name . Thanks for the devotion today this is my prayer. Lord because of your beloved Son Jesus’ mighty sacrifice, we are freed from the condemnation of sin and receive purification, sanctification and gratification as a just reward of the children of God. Thank you, dear Father, for your saving grace. Be with us through the power of your Holy Spirit.

    1. Amen to that dear Min Ahadi! Have a blessed day in His presence and peace. We have been redeemed and sanctified by faith and the grace of God, not by works or the law. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Amen Min Ahadi! It's all Grace, His Grace.

  44. Well today is my Birthday and I'm blessed to be another year older. My prayer list continues to get longer and longer. So many people need God's healing. Praying He is busy answering our prayers. He has been so faithful in my life. Rick and I will be traveling to California very soon to meet baby Evelyn. Cannot wait to hold her in my arms. Praising God for this wonderful new addition to our family. Thank You Jesus! My son from Boston said there's a possibility that he may be in town tomorrow and would like to take me to breakfast with one of his sons. I guess his wife and the baby won't be joining us. I told him I must sing in Church before we go out. He doesn't go to Church anymore. But I'm so happy he's trying to spend time with me. What a Birthday gift! Looks like Rick is taking me out on a dinner date later and tomorrow Greg's family is coming over and we're getting take out. Greg is bringing me an ice cream cake! Yummy. Can't wait. God is so good. I need to get some rest and He's calling me to do that right now. God bless you all my dear Family. Praying for you. Be strong, remain hopeful, and hold on tight to His Unchanging Hand. Much love.

    1. Happy birthday dear Jeanne ! May your day be filled with joy and peace! ❤

    2. Sorry I forgot to sign it's Blessings from France

    3. Happy Birthday Jeanne. Have a wonderful day


    4. Happy, Happy Birthday, Jeanne! May you feel wonderfully celebrated and loved-on by those whose lives you've touched ...including this JC family right here! Enjoy being the center for attention and taking in/thinking-on all of the awesome blessings God has given you! Have a terrific day/weekend!

    5. Happy birthday Jeanne! May your day be filled with love, peace and joy. May all the fruits of the spirit be exhibited in and through you. God is so good--ALWAYS! God bless 🙏 🙌.

    6. Happy happy birthday beloved Jeanne!!! Much love joy and peace to you today. 🎉❤️🎁
      -Grace Takes Time

    7. Happy Happy Birthday to you our dear Sister Friend in Christ, Jeanne. I hope you can experience all of the prayers reigning down on you as you sing in the Sonshine! Thanks for all of your Jesus centered inspiration. We love you dearly, and pray for you and yours always.


    8. I said a prayer for you today and know God must have heard. I felt the answer in my heart although He spoke no word. I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind. I asked Him to send treasures of a far more lasting kind. I asked Him to be near you at the start of each new day, granting you health and blessings and friends sharing your way. I asked for happiness for you and yours in all things great and small, But for you to feel His loving care I prayed for most of all!

    9. I am humbled and overwhelmed by the many Birthday prayers and blessed received today. Blessings from France. You have been on my mind and in my prayers. My dearest sisters and brothers, thank you so much for pouring your love and blessings on me today. You added so much light and joy to my special day. I was with my dear friend Loretta who brought flowers and strawberries. We shared some delicious berries. Also enjoyed some alls from my family. I am spending this time alone praying and as I was praying for all of you I had to join you here. Love you all so much. Have a sweet and blessed day in His presence. God bless you all.

    10. Sorry blessed should be blessings. I am Anonymous

  45. Happy birthday to our beloved sister Jeanne. Praying you are abundantly blessed with His presence, love, joy and peace.

    1. Thanks dear Sassy Mom! Having a wonderful day with Lord.

  46. 🎼🎶 Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday sweet Jeanne
    Happy Birthday to you,
    And Many more👏🥳🍰🌈🎉💗

    1. Thanks for singing to me dear Jan You sure made me smile.
      God bless you day and bless all our dear JC Family. Much like be to all.

  47. Please pray that I can find a Christian counselor that will take our insurance or one i can afford. Having a hard time trusting and being thankful..

    1. Praying for you now.
      A Christian radio station promotes faithfulcounselingonline?
      Many churches provide counselors?
      For cancer survivors, some hospital cancer centers provide counseling?
      For addiction counseling, Anonymous groups abound?
      Blessings to you on this leg of your journey. Much Love, Brie

    2. Joining prayers for you dear Anonymous that God will lead you to a good Christian counselor. Seek and ye shall find. Brie has good advice. Churches do provide counseling. Trust in the Lord’s guidance.

  48. Late to the birthday party for Jeanne! Arriving with a sweet bouquet for our sister friend in Christ 💐 love you girl! My wish for you today is that you RECEIVED in place of your usual GIVING in a beautiful way. This wish comes with the hope that you will do more receiving in this next lap around the sun. You are such a giver of your talents and gifts, I'm certain that many would like to give to you out of the goodness of their hearts and see you rest in their gifts to you.
    Had a lovely day with my daughter planting her vegetable garden and catching up on her July wedding plans. So much so it has felt like my birthday 😉
    Thank you for your prayers for me supporting clear honest communication. Some discussions are difficult but bottom line, I need not be guarded or defensive about what I know to be true. In Jesus's name I pray.

    1. My dear friend and sister Audra! Love is always on time. thanks for the sweet bouquet of flowers. Your kind words blessed me and gave me much joy! I did enjoy the day which was very simple, and quiet. I spent a lot of it at home alone with the Lord. That was the best part, praying with praise and gratitude. I am so glad you had a wonderful day with your good daugher gardening and talking about her wedding in July! I'm sure the Holy Spirit gave you all the words your daughter needed to hear. Rest now sweet sister. Praying that God will guide all her wedding plans and all will go well according to His marvelous plan.

  49. I can't go to bed without wishing you a Happy Birthday, Dear Jeanne!! Hope you see this post. Happy Birthday to a lovely woman of God who blesses us daily. May all of your Birthday wishes come true. Sleep sweet dear sister and all of my JC Family. I'm heading to bed, pretty weary, but, thankful, as always. So many things to give thanks for (Audra! For, one! )
    Love and Blessings. We know who's on the Nightwatch.

  50. Please pray for Rudy! He’s back in the hospital because his incision is leaking. He has been through so much. May God answer our prayers and heal him and lead him back to perfect health and comfort.
    Father God, We believe your promises and we trust in Your faithfulness, Thank you for all this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

    1. Praying with you for Rudy. May our heavenly Father touch him with His healing hands and make his body whole again. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

  51. Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning, for in You do I trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You. (Psalm 143:8).

  52. Thank you Janet! Echoing your beautiful prayer!

  53. Thank you for your prayers for a stress free successful medical procedure for our friend "J" tomorrow ♥️✝️🙏

    1. Praying your friend "J" has a smooth and successful medical procedure. May God cover your friend with His peace and guide the doctor's hands perfectly. Thank You Jesus.

  54. Happy birthday dear sister Jeanne ! Always in my prayers as every one here, posting or not. God bless you all abundantly ❤

    Blessings from France

  55. May God in all His wisdom, lead you through the right doors by your hand. He abides in you as you abide in Him. Rest well in His perfect and unconditional love!

  56. Thank you so much dear Brie! I didn't have time to read this till much later but you blessed me so much.
    Thanks dear Blessings from France! Thanks for your prayers. You are always in mine, dear sister!

  57. Happy Birthday, Jeanne! I am the caboose of your birthday wishes but they come fully and plenty from my heart. Hope you had a wonderful birthday feeling terrifically celebrated and loved all the while feeling God's loving arms wrapped around you!

  58. Thanks sweet NJS! It was a special day and I remain blessed. God bless you too, dear sister.

  59. Looking forward to seeing God's plan for me as I move into my mom's house today for as long as she needs me. I really want my sister to get her knee replaced so I place everything and my life in God's Hands and trust He will bring Janet back to good health, pain free flexibility and joy and peace. I will do my best to take good care of our mom. Happy Birthday to me and Janet today. We are blessed and thankful. She flies home to meet with the surgeon tomorrow. I believe the best is yet to come because God is in charge. Praying for SC's dear husband and Norah's DH, and Keith, and for safe traveling for Brie and Audra, and for Danny's comfort, and for all the people on my very long prayer list. Father God, we thank You for answering our prayers, directing our paths, giving us selfless hearts and strength and patience, and leading us to joy and peace in believing, and rest and renewal. Thank You dear Father for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Psalm 37:3-6
    Trust in the Lord, and do good;
    Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
    Delight yourself also in the Lord,
    And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
    Commit your way to the Lord,
    Trust also in Him,
    He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
    And your justice as the noonday.

    1. May your day be filled with the glorious Light of Christ, shining in and through you as you walk along the way. May our heavenly Father's loving arms be wrapped tightly around you as you prepare for this new time in your life. May the perfect love of Christ overflow within you and unto others around you. May your joy be full. God bless 🙏.

    2. Happy Birthday, may you both be richly blessed.

    3. Happy Bitthdsy, Jeanne and Janet. Lifting you both up. Jeanne, praying for God’s guidance as you move in with your mom to help her. Praying for Janet’s knee replacement surgery. Lifting up all prayer requests this morning and asking God for strength, healing, and wisdom as we move throughout day.
      SC Anonymous

    4. Blessings from NYMay 21, 2024 at 4:31 AM

      Jeanne- Joining our beautiful JC family in wishing you (and your twin, Janet) a happy and blessed birthday! Thank you for your daily inspirational posts here everyday- they mean so much to so many of us! God bless❤️🙏
