Thursday, May 28, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 28

     Let Me anoint you with My Presence. I am King of kings and Lord of lords, dwelling in unapproachable Light. When you draw near to Me, I respond by coming closer to you. As My Presence envelops you, you may feel overwhelmed by My Power and Glory. This is a form of worship; sensing your smallness to comparison to My Greatness.
     Man has tended to make himself the measure of all things. But man's measure is too tiny to comprehend My majestic vastness. That is why most people do not see Me at all, even though they live and move and have their being in Me. 
     Enjoy the radiant beauty of My Presence. Declare My glorious Being to the world!

I Timothy 6:15-16
English Standard Version
15 which he will display at the proper time—he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16 who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen.

James 4:8
English Standard Version
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
Acts 17:28
English Standard Version
“‘In him we live and move and have our being’;
as even some of your own poets have said,
“‘For we are indeed his offspring.’

Psalm 145:3-6
English Standard Version
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,
    and his greatness is unsearchable.
One generation shall commend your works to another,
    and shall declare your mighty acts.
On the glorious splendor of your majesty,
    and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds,
    and I will declare your greatness.

My Prayer (2018)
In your presence, I am. Lord, we need your power and glory. We need to see You and enjoy the radiance of Your glory. In America Lord, we are a hurting people right now. There are atrocities that continue to happen at our public schools as people assault and kill those innocent ones. Natural disasters are prevalent. Everywhere Lord we need more of You. People need more of You. Help us Lord to proclaim your name and value you as number one.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Stay in the word and applying the word thathas been read and stayingin the right mind set ..centered with God and trusting and having faith his will in all you do..⚓️❤️

    1. Having faith and trusting in God has proved to be my number one asset. Thank u Heavenly Father doe all that u do for me. With YOU I can do all things, and without YOU I am nothing.

    2. My name is Kimberly Fowler and He is so good to me

  2. Prayers please. I'm praying and reading but my heart is blocked. I'm in a marriage with an emotionally unavailable man. Two kids. I feel like I'm dying. I need to be in the right mindset and continue trusting but it's debilitating. Thank you for posting

    1. I understand completely. This mountain was before me for 5 years. I prayed ans begged Out Lord to remove it from me, it was destroying me. Once i started to truly trust God, and put Him first, and listen to Him, my emotionally unavailable husband began ro turn around. Thank you Jesus for answered prayer! Praying for healing for you!

    2. Although Trusting the Lord requested prayer a year ago, I'm praying her situation has improved, she is trusting the Lord and healed.

    3. Amen, I agree with Sassy Mom, in jesus name.

    4. Our Dear Trusting the Lord, We are praying for You. You are welcome to come in here often. Praising God and putting Jesus first has turned our lives and gives us breathing room. To God be the Glory. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    5. Continued prayers of healing for you and your family, Trusting the Lord. May you be open to God's direction. CO

    6. Trusting the Lord,
      Praying that your dire situation has improved to God's glory. Praying that God has already changed the hardened heart of your husband and he is now open to the Lord, to you, and to your children. I pray they are also seeking God. Prayer is so powerful and God hears your cries and understands your weary heart. He knows your needs and your dreams. Trust in Him above all in all things. Be grateful He is working on your life to make things right. Keep Him in the center and all things will come together.

    7. Still praying that God has guided your situation to good. Keep coming to Him in praise and thanksgiving and He will guide you to the true desires of your heart. Sounds like you've been spending some lonely times even in the same room as your husband. God can change his heart. Pray on that every day. And I'll pray for the same thing.

    8. Trusting the Lord, I'm joining with our JC family in prayer over your situation and that things have improved in your marriage and family life. I have often found that asking the Lord to change me, fix me, heal me has brandished supernatural results, and we begin to see the changes in those around us like a ripple effect. Keep God close and trust Him in all things, and He will make your paths straight. God be with you.

    9. Yes, our prayers are for our personal change first, the rest follows. God bless you all today JC family. Happy FriYAY!

    10. Very true that if God will help us change ourselves for good then we can help change others and things will go better.

    11. Love you all and praying for each of you. Love and blessings

    12. Thank you, Brandy! "Back atcha" ♥️🙏

  3. I posted this prayer request late last night and deleted it. Please pray - My AC stopped working yesterday (Memorial Day). Of course the repair company was closed and I got an answering service who told me the AC company I called charges $90 trip, plus $190 an hour labor. I thanked her for the information and said this isn't an emergency, I will use fans and call in the morning. The house temp is a tolerable 78 degrees. Please pray the company can repair the AC in a timely manner. Thank you JC Family for praying.

    1. Caught your prayer request this morning Sassy Mom. Prayed that your need will be met in a timely manner. The Lord attends to every detail of the needs of His precious ones. Be blessed in your day🥰

    2. Sassy Mom, believe and it shall be done. God said ask me for ANYTHING! this morning, your JC family come together in agreement with you that God has heard your petition. It is done in JESUS name.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Prayers for Sassy Mpm and also my Daughter, Kristin, both needing air conditioning. Thank You Lord for what you are going to do for these two women, cold AC is on the way ladies, get ready for it❣

    4. In EVERYTHING give thanks, All things work together for good ..... All I have needed they hands have provided...GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS!!!! PRAISING THE LORD, AC IS ON THE WAY KRISTIN!!!! AC repair is coming at noon. Thank you dear JC Family.

    5. Sassy Mom, I am so glad to hear you will be back in the AC business sooner than later. Thank you for prayers for Kristin. I do not believe in luck, but if I did, I would say for Kristin and my best friend Darlene, like the song they sang on Hee Haw, "If it weren't for bad luck, they'd have no luck at all". It seems as though Kristin and Darlene are in the same boat on that, it could have been written for them, hahaha. Naw, but it does seem like they have a black cloud that hovers above their heads. I do know if they would return back into Gods will, life would be better. Plus when things don't go as planned, it makes life so much easier going through the hard times. Ain't nobody said being a Christian was easy, but it sure does a whole lot of good to live for Christ. I am not saying they don't pray, they may pray more than I do, but I learned in the worst way, that when you stray from God we tend not to make such good decisions and later those bad decisions have bad consequences. God doesn't do anything to us like that, we are free to make the choices we make, but we had better be ready to face the consequences of the choices we make. I am by no means perfect, in no way, shape, form or fashion, but I strive to make good decisions, I would rather have good consequences, but if I make a bad decision, the consequences of bad decisions is on me. It is crazy how we want to blame God for the bad in the world, when it is us humans making horrific choices that bring along bad consequences. We do reap what we sow, but it isn't God punishing us, it is the bad choice we made and the bad consequences we get for making those choices. God is a loving God, He is not waiting to strike us down when we make a bad choice. He is actually sad and waiting for us to come to Him, to love us through our bad times, that we brought on ourselves and those that get hurt from our bad choices. Whew, I am on a roll here, telling y'all things that I am sure ya already know, but just in case someone doesn't know, perhaps it can help them. God bless you Sassy Mom and all of our JC Family, may God shine His light on us today and the world see the light and come to Him. Thank YOU Jesus for giving your life for us sinners, so we could receive salvation, in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen❣

    6. So much truth in your words Pamela! We all make bad decisions that lead to bad consequences. May God's Spirit guide us all to the right decisions and give us ears to hear God's instruction and the words to share to bring about better days.
      Thank You Jesus for your great sacrifice and Your amazing love for us.

  4. I am praying with you, Sassy Mom. "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 18:19
    And you will have more than 2 claiming victory in your AC situation! That is the beauty of believers coming together and claiming the promises of God.
    I am so thankful for the lovely weekend we had. Though I was on this site and reading and praying, every time I tried to comment, someone would pop in, my phone would ring - something would happen. But, none of those things kept me from praying for you, my JC Family!
    God blessed us in so many ways this weekend, but the thing that stands out the most is the LAUGHTER that was present every day. I know He promises that laughter is like a medicine, but this weekend, I saw it, personally.
    Thank you, Lord, for your mercy, grace and especially for the ability to cast our cares on you. Many of those cares of the world were still there, but they were minimalized by the greatness of Your Word in action.
    I am committed to enjoy the radiant beauty of His presence. I am committed to declare His glorious Being to the world! Thank you, JC Family for your continued prayers. You are in mine. I also pray that your situation has improved, Trusting In The Lord. Thankful again for the Peyton Family's devotion to God via this blog and to Sarah Young for her commitment in sharing His Word.

    1. I am standing in agreement with your prayer, Nora. In Jesus name❣

    2. Norah, I love the fact that no matter what distractions may come your way, you get those prayers out for your JC Family.
      Father God, please continue to shower Norah with much laughter throughout her days to lift her up, and bring her great joy and relief from any cares weighing on heart and mind. Amen.

    3. Sharing a good laugh with your loved ones is always such a treasure. We really need that release and joy. My sister and I have shared quite a few good laughs together. It blessed us and lifted our hearts.
      Psalms 32:11 - Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.

  5. Prayers for you Sassy Mom that your AC will be fixed very soon. There are so many things in this world that we take for granted and when they don't work we realize how much we depend on them. That is also how my relationship with God is sometimes. I pray that l never take him for granted and that I always put him first in my life. I pray that your marriage has improved over the past year Trusting the Lord. Stay strong in your faith. Blessings to my JC family. May the light of Jesus shine brightly for us all.

  6. Thank You Lord for the blessings of this day! You woke us up in our sound minds and planted our feet on solid ground. We give You the Glory and Honor. Thank You for brand new mercy bestowed upon each of us today.

    May we dwell in Your Presence always, knowing that in You we find security and peace. We fall short of Your mercy, but You are still faithful and just to forgive us. We may never fully understand Your Majestic vastness and Everlasting Love for us, but we thank You for the Holy Spirit who is our Helper, Counselor, Comforter and Encourager that works in and through us.

    You are King of kings and Lord of lords. We commit our day to You and thank You for answers to all our prayers in the name of Jesus.

    Thank You Heavenly Father, for who You are. OUR LORD, OUR SAVIOR!

    Have a great and Blessed day, JC family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Joining in your wonderful prayer from last year, Maplewood. Praise, gratitude and trust never change with time in our hearts, just as our great God remains the same. How blessed we are that He is our God and in His presence is fullness of joy!

    2. Your older posts, dear Maplewood, never fail to instruct, inspire and bless me.
      May we dwell in Your Presence always, knowing that in You we find security and peace. We fall short of Your mercy, but You are still faithful and just to forgive us. Thanks Sister! AMEN!

    3. Maplewood, the gift that keeps on giving. Thank You Again!!! :):):) Praying with and for my Beautiful JC Family, today and every day. Blessings Abound!!!

  7. Please add to your prayers for a friend of a friend whose 16 year old son took his life yesterday. The family is deviated, as you might imagine.

    1. Lord,I lift this family up in Jesus name, asking that you touch them, give them comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding. Be with the family and loved ones of this young man and wrap them up in the comfort of Your loving arms. As You know Lord, I suffer from depression, now I have PTSD, I know how bad a person can feel inside their head, I want to thank You Lord for keeping me on this side of suicide. You know Lord how bad I wanted to be dead, not to feel the pain that I was crippled with in my head. I didn't want to die, didn't even contemplate it, but I felt that if I was dead, I would no longer be hurting. I know Lord how someone could get so low feeling that death sounds good, and I can actually see how they could feel that bad, I have, but You Lord made it tolerable, thank You so much for that. You have made me whole and I no longer feel that way, as I pray for this young man's family and friends, I just have to take a moment to thank you for healing me in my situation. I ask that you be with all people that feel that way, touch their heart and give them a glimmer of hope, so they won't think suicide. I know Lord that you have seen many of Your children suffer and see suicide as a means to get rid of the pain. People think that others are weak that have to take medicine, help those that do, help them to see it for what it is, help them to reach out and help those that need it. Some religions preach prayer is all you need, well, sometimes Lord, I know we just need to go to the Dr., there could be someone that needs to see Jesus in us at the Dr office, I say go and show them who He is. They are not weak, the people that say they are, are small minded if they believe they are above getting depression, they must think highly of themselves. They are deceived if they think so, if not for You Lord and the healing You have done in me, I would not have made it on my own, I am not capable and I am not too proud to say so. Thank You Lord for being You, if not for Your Son Jesus, we would all be lost.

      P.S. For anyone that may get offended about what I said about prayer, I am going to comment about it on the regular page, I think everyone should be learned on depression so they can help others that suffer from it instead of doing or saying the wrong thing. Trust me, you can do or say something that could set someone off, if they are suicidal, your words may be the words that sends a person to commit suicide. Don't be that person, thank you.

    2. Thanks for your honesty Pamela K. I shall keep you and all those hurting in my prayers. Yes, God can channel His Good plans and works through others, including Doctors and Medicines.

    3. I, too, suffer from depression. It is completely debilitating. God made the doctors who made the medicine to help people like me. I have been on them for over twenty years and will never stop. I have also wanted to end it all, just for the sake of not being a burden to others. You are right. When you are in the midst of a depression, it is extremely difficult to see that ‘glimmer of hope’. Something that a teacher once said in high school has always resonated with me and helped me at my lowest; Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I wish everyone contemplating suicide could know that. Like everything else, it too shall pass. ❤️

    4. When I sought counseling for depression, the Counselor said, I know how much you love your child, if your child confided these same depression things to you that you confided in me, what advice would you give her? I thought about it and came up with some great advice all designed to keep my child alive and give her hope for a brighter tomorrow. At the end, the counselor said, now I will help you follow your own advice. She also said, you can feel like ending it without choosing to end it, just as you may feel like ramming into a car that cuts you off in traffic, but you choose not to do it. That was a big corner turner for me. Hope it helps everyone in my JC family who may be seeking help and inspire them to get whatever help they need. Also, for those who are hurting because someone near and dear to them chose suicide, In Jesus' name I am praying for you to feel His Presence and His healing. Amen.

    5. Although I sent this prayer request one year ago, the pain of suicide never subsides. This young boy's parents are still in as much pain as they were a year ago. My guess is that they always will be. So sad.
      Thank you all for your kind words and inight.

    6. Glad you made it through, Jeanne! Prayers for all Mothers with postpartum depression. I thank God for a neighbor who recognized it in me, and instructed me how to get help. Before that, I had never heard of it.
      Still praying for the young boy's parents Suzanne.

    7. Thank you for sharing everyone. Depression is awful and unless you have walked heavy steps through it or a loved one is over come by it you will have no idea how to respond. My Mom suffered greatly 2 deep debilitating depressions that took her far away. Thankfully medicine and counseling brought her back. Now my Son suffers so severe that it has become his normal. He has chosen to self medicate when all prescriptions failed. Right now He is in a paranoid loop of dark lies from the enemy. I am continuing to pray for His mind to be restored. Please pray for my son His torment is real. I know the great healer can heal Him, it had been 14 long years. Lord please bring Him peace and give Him life in exchange for His current existence. He has lost His faith in God as well. Thank you for your prayers my J.C
      Family His name is Dan.

    8. Fern, praying for Dan as I to can understand the pain. I first noticed a melancholy at age 5 so I have 45 years of experience.

      Appreciate these honest testimonies and add mine as well. This to will pass, maybe not immediately but in time.

      I am only here because of my dog. No one can take care of her like me. Also did not want to put my family thought losing me.

      I still have dark days where I can't see the light but those are fewer and less severe as I continue "showing up" with God.

    9. Fern - Joining JC Warriors in prayer for your beloved son Dan. You are in my heart, God bless you. We love you.

    10. Brilamar, Sorry you went through the pain of postpartum depression. Suzanne I will continue to pray for the parents. One never gets over the loss of a child especially in this case. Fern, You must have had a hard time dealing with your Mom's depression. God was walking with you through it. It affects everyone in the family. I'm praying for your dear son, Dan. Praying for you too Keith. How blessed you are to be holding your Father's hand through dark days. We all must do that when a day feels heavy. But there is brilliant light in the darkest day because He never leaves us. He is the sunshine in the storm.

    11. Three of the things i learned from the Secret Strength of Depression: Get Help; Take Meds: Hold onto God for dear life and never let go! Those three 3 things are not optional for me, but mandatory and life saving. In so doing, I can finally sing through the glimpses of His Light:Love Lifted Me!
      So glad you made it Jeanne, Sassy Mom, Fern, Keith, Suzanne, Anonymous, Child of God, Pamela H. SIS and all of our JC Warrior Family. You are a valuable resource having washed your robes in the Tribe of Ulation!
      I was sinking deep in sin
      Far from the peaceful shore
      Very deeply stained within
      Sinking to rise no more
      But the Master of the sea
      Heard my despairing cry
      From the waters lifted me
      Now safe am I
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me!
      When nothing else could help
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me!
      When nothing else could help
      Love lifted me!
      All my heart to Him I give
      Ever to Him I'll cling
      In His blessed presence live
      Ever His praises sing
      Love so mighty and so true
      It merits my soul's best songs
      Faithful, loving service, too
      To Him belongs
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me! (It was love, lifted me)
      When nothing else could help (Nothing else could help)
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me! (Yes His love lifted me!)
      When nothing else could help
      Love lifted me!
      When nothing else could help
      His love lifted me!
      Oh His love lifted me
      Love Lifted Me
      I was sinking deep in sin
      Far from the peaceful shore
      Very deeply stained within
      Sinking to rise no more
      But the Master of the sea
      Heard my despairing cry
      From the waters lifted me
      Now safe am I
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me!
      When nothing else could help
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me!
      When nothing else could help
      Love lifted me!
      All my heart to Him I give
      Ever to Him I'll cling
      In His blessed presence live
      Ever His praises sing
      Love so mighty and so true
      It merits my soul's best songs
      Faithful, loving service, too
      To Him belongs
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me! (It was love, lifted me)
      When nothing else could help (Nothing else could help)
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me!
      Love lifted me! (Yes His love lifted me!)
      When nothing else could help
      Love lifted me!
      When nothing else could help
      His love lifted me!
      Oh His love lifted me
      in sync with Revelation 7:

      : 9 After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from all nations and provinces and languages, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white, with palm branches in their hands. 10 And they were shouting with a mighty shout, “Our Salvation comes from our God upon the throne, and from the Lamb alone.”
      11 And now all the angels were crowding around the throne and around the Elders and the four Living Beings, and falling face down before the throne and worshiping God. 12 “Amen!” they said. “Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be to our God forever and forever. Amen!”
      13 Then one of the twenty-four Elders asked me, “Do you know who these people are, who are clothed in white, and where they come from?”
      14 “No, sir,” I replied. “Please tell me.”
      “These are the ones coming out of the Great Tribulation,” he said; “they washed their robes and whitened them by the blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are here before the throne of God, serving him day and night in his temple. The one sitting on the throne will shelter them; 16 they will never be hungry again, nor thirsty, and they will be fully protected from the scorching noontime heat. 17 For the Lamb standing in front of the throne[a] will feed them and be their Shepherd and lead them to the springs of the Water of Life. And God will wipe their tears away.” That would be us, JC Warriors. To God Be The Glory! Amen.

    12. We've all been brought low and His love lifted us up and out of the miry pit. He is still lifting me. I have seen His Hand in my life so much lately and I sure don't take It for granted. So blessed! Amen Brie! To God Be The Glory!

    13. Suzanne, I join you all in praying for the young man's family and continued prayers for you all and all those surfing from depression. Thank you all for opening up and being so honest. I just know that by doing so, you have lifted up countless others who are suffering. May God continue to shine His glorious Light on all of you.
      Blessings from California

    14. Amen Rose! God allows us to go through the trials so we will be able to help those going through the same thing.

    15. ♥️🎶 link Live Lifted Me Kenny Rogers

  8. PLEASE continue prayers, the earliest appt to repair AC is June 3rd, one week from YESTERDAY. I called another company, got voice mail to leave name and phone number, they will return call in 15 minutes. Thank you JC Family for praying.

  9. Unknown, SuzRom - Your prayers are my prayers.

  10. Thank you for this word and asking for prayers for Oklahoma as devastating floods and tornadoes have ravished our state. Every morning I start my day with this word and it encourages me and my day starts off great. Our God is an awesome God!

  11. All prayers ARE answered, great and small. Praying all needs presented here are met . Amen.

  12. Praying for All. Remember there is Hope. ..Standing on the Promises of God. Great is His Faithfulness. Blessings

  13. Dear JC Family,
    On the glorious splendor of God's majesty, and on His wondrous works, I am meditating.
    Would you join me saying some prayers for my Husband today and pray that his lung health is good? I am asking because he is having a lung scan done today as a part of his quarterly checkup since he is a lung cancer survivor, thanks be to God! To God be the Glory, honor and eternal dominion for our JC family and us.
    May we always speak of the might of God's awesome deeds, and declare "You Are Great".
    You are great, yes you are Amen!

    1. Brilamar - Joining JC Warriors, praying for excellent scan results for your husband and others who struggle with health issues.

    2. Brilamar - praying for a clean scan and peace and calm for both you and your hubby. JE

    3. Prayers for your family and a clean bill of health for your husband. Prayers of peace to all.

    4. Brilamar, praying for your husband and you today!

    5. Keeping your husband in prayers Brilamar! God will continue to be his Jehovah-Rapha.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Praying for your husband to have great test results to God's glory. Prayers for you too dear Brilamar! Much love.

    7. Hope all went well with your husband. Prayers extended to you and your family.

    8. Thanks JC Family! Tests completed. And now the hard part - patience - as we wait for results. which He will display at the proper time. Amen!

    9. Praying for excellant results Brilamar for you dear husband in the name of Jesus

    10. Sweet Brie, Continuing to pray for your DH and his breathing and strength of his lung. May God restore him to perfect health. He is the greatest Physician and it's better to trust in God than men.

    11. Dear Brie, continued prayers for your DH. May God be with you and may all of your prayers be answered. Thank you, Lord, for Your faithfulness!

    12. Good morning Larry! Prayers continue for your healthy lungs!

  14. Echoing Payton's prayer - "Lord, we need your power and glory.
    In America Lord, we are a hurting people right now. People need more of You. Help us Lord to proclaim your name and value you as number one." (King of Kings)

    2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    1. Echoing prayers for America, and for homeschooling parents to put prayer back in their homeschool! In Jesus' name. Amen.

    2. Amen Sassy Mom. I was thinking the same thing when I was reading it. This world needs the Lord's power and glory more now than ever! Seek Him and He will be found. His power and glory is beyond our understanding. This situation is nothing to Him because we serve a Great God!

  15. Woke up this morning singing, YOU ARE GREAT. For those who want to join in their voices:
    You are great, yes you are
    Holy one
    Walked upon the sea
    Raise the dead
    Reign in majesty
    Mighty God
    Everything written about you, is great
    You are great, yes you are
    Holy one
    Walked upon the sea
    Raise the dead
    Reign in majesty
    Mighty God
    Everything written about you, is great
    You are great
    You are great
    You are great
    Oh yeah, You are great!!!
    Say, You are great
    Say, You are great
    You are great
    Everything written about you, is great
    You are great
    You are great
    You are great
    Oh You are great, you're
    You are great!
    Say, You are great, you're
    You are great
    Worship you today!
    Everything written about you, is great
    Worship you today!
    Give you all the praise
    Yeah, ha ha ha
    Mighty mighty God
    Worship you today
    Give you all the praise
    As we lift our hands to you
    With pleasure in our heart
    We raise our voice to say
    Everything written about you, is great
    Isi ike'ndu
    Worship you today
    Give you all the praise
    As we lift our hands to you
    With pleasure in our heart
    Raise our voice to say
    Everything written about you, is great
    Demon trembles at your presence
    What a mighty God we serve
    Glory, glory Hallelujah
    Everything written about you, is great
    Demon trembles at your presence
    What a mighty God we serve
    Glory, glory Hallelujah
    Everything written about you, is great
    You are great
    You are great
    You are great
    You are great!!!
    You are great
    You are great
    Everything written about you, is great
    You are great
    You are great
    You are great
    You are great!!!
    You walked upon the sea
    You make a way
    Everything written about you, is great
    You are great, so great
    We worship you lord, king of kings
    And lord of lords
    Oh so great you are
    Doing marvelous things
    Everything written about you is great! Amen

    1. Singing along with you this morning sis Brilamar! He is indeed GREAT!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen Sisters. He is so great that we can't help but sing His praises and tell others of His good deeds.

    3. 😁 🎶

  16. JC family, thanks to all of you who reached out to me yesterday and praying for my healing. May God continue to bless you and yours and meet ALL of Your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Prayerfully in Jesus name, in a few days the pain will subside and I will bounce back. Thanking God for the beginning and end to everything!

    Stay blessed.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Praying that Jehovah Rapha is healing all your weaknesses and taking away all of your pain. Dear Maplewood, we love you so much and need you to be in perfect health.
      Thank You Father for hearing our prayers and granting them in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

  17. King of kings and Lord of lords, thank You for being our everything. Your Presence dwells in unapproachable Light, Your overwhelming Power and Glory is beyond our human understanding! We marvel at Your Majesty, that’s why we rejoice in Your NAMES that's above all names. You are our:
    JEHOVAH EL SHADDAI/ADONAI (Lord God Almighty, Master), thank You for having all power and authority and we acknowledge that. You are the Mighty One, You are our 9-1-1 (Psalm 91:1) that we can run to and find refuge and rest in Your shadow.
    JEHOVAH EL ELYON (The Most High God), You are above all gods, there is nothing in this life that is more sacred than You. You are indeed the Lord Most High, the One who reigns supreme. You are greater than any force of darkness in this world, and certainly bigger than any health or problems that comes up against us in life.
    JEHOVAH YAHWEH (Lord, Abba Father), thank You for being the great Divine “I AM.” Our loving Daddy, the One we trust, the One we can lean on, the One who cares about all that concerns us.
    JEHOVAH NISSI(The Lord My Banner), thank You for fighting every seen and unseen battle for us and giving us victory.
    JEHOVAH RAAH (The Lord My Shepherd), thank You for watching over us day and night, feeding and leading us safely in the way of righteousness.
    JEHOVAH RAPHA (The Lord That Heals), thank You for the comfort and hope in knowing that when we pray for healing and deliverance from disease, illness, brokenness, or painful situations, You hear and answer us.
    JEHOVAH SHAMMAH (The Lord Is There), thank You for Your Permanent Presence as the Prince of Peace in our lives.
    JEHOVAH TSIDKENU (The Lord Our Righteousness), Thank You for wrapping us in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous ONE.
    JEHOVAH MEKODDISHKEM (The Lord Who Sanctifies), thank You for the clarity in knowing that You alone have the ability to cleanse, sanctify and make us holy and that Jesus' work on the cross brought about justification once and for all.
    JEHOVAH EL OLAM (The Everlasting God), thank You for being the beginning and the end (also the Alpha and Omega), who carries out Your purposes through the ages. You give strength to the weary.
    JEHOVAH ELOHIM (God), thank You for Your incredible power and might. You are the One and only God, the Supreme true God in a world that promotes many false gods and religions.
    JEHOVAH EL ROI (The God Who Sees), the kindness and care that this name of Yours holds, is amazing and points to Your character. You are the One who chases after us, who follows us with gentleness and love, the One who sees us when we feel lonely, or when we just need to be reminded that You are so close.
    JEHOVAH JIREH (The Lord Will Provide), thank You for providing all that we need and sometimes want. Sometimes it seems like our needs are not being met or what we asks for may not come at the time we expect, nevertheless, You do provide for us. Teach us PATIENCE oh Lord and how to wait on You.
    JEHOVAH SHALOM (The Lord Is Peace), thank You for giving us the peace that passes all of our own human understanding.
    JEHOVAH SABAOTH (The Lord of Hosts), thank You for being our Heavenly hosts who always fulfill His purposes, even when Your earthly hosts fail.
    May we enjoy the radiant beauty of Your Presence today and announce to the world Your glorious power, in Jesus name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks Maplewood NJ
      May Jehovah Rapha, and all the other names by which Jehovah is known, be with you and our JC family today and everyday. Amen

    2. Maplewood - I'm reviewing my workbook on the names of God by Kay Arthur. Thanks for a good reminder.

    3. Thank you dear Maplewood! I am filled to bursting with those wonderful Names and words of praise. He is my everything and in Him I am made full. God bless you and my JC Family as we walk together in His presence.

    4. Thank you Maplewood I was encouraged and blessed by that!

    5. He is all these things and more! He is everything. He is indeed enough and He is our God!

  18. You give life, You are love
    You bring light to the darkness
    You give hope, You restore
    Every heart that is broken
    Great are You, Lord
    It's Your breath in our lungs
    So we pour out our praise
    We pour out our praise
    It's Your breath in our lungs
    So we pour out our praise to You only

    1. That was so beautiful Suzanne! Thank you for adding more light to my day. We praise Him with every breath!

    2. Love this worship song! Thanks for bringing it into today's reading ✝️🙏

    3. 😁 🎶 ♥️ Great Are You Lord

  19. Suzanne, I love the visual of breathing in God and His love with every breath!

  20. Continued prayers for your healing, Maplewood and prayers for a wonderful report on your husband, Brilamar.
    This morning a friend sent this to me, "The devil has no authority over any Christian except the authority we grant him by believing him." I apply this to myself and my walk.
    Claiming my authority in Christ and expecting a miraculous day for all of us.
    Looking forward to hearing good reports!

    1. Amen! Thanking God already for those good reports!

  21. A NOTE FOR YOU DEAR BOB M: I learned something that may help and I wanted to share. Last year I had the same thing happen to me (disappearing posts). I now copy what I have written, hit PREVIEW and then PUBLISH. Sometimes, my post disappears, so then I paste what I copied.
    Hope this helps. I applaud your diligence in rewriting your wonderful posts. They have become a study tool for me.

    1. Good advice, Norah, thanks for it. God be with you!

    2. Norah, I too suffered this issue of either the website had a glitch or I accidentally hit signout or back on the browser. Very frustrating. So, for any post that I'm writing I use the notepad on my phone or Word on laptop and compose. Jeanne was very kind and said that she liked the brevity of my posts. While some are longer, one thing this pre-post does is allow for editing and it keeps me from repeating a point just in different words. Truthfully, I get overwhelmed with the number of posts now, and admit that many I now scan if not specific prayers or posts with points regarding the JC devo post of that day. But this is simply my time mgt., I am in awe of the number of posts and the community that has blossomed with Chris' simple "prayer journal" thoughts to this blog years ago. Blessings. Peace. Praying for all mentioning need here. Amen

    3. I know, MadFox - it's amazing how this has taken off. Sometimes it takes me all day to read these wonderful and on and I do the same thing: look for specific prayers.
      What a blessing!

    4. You both have been a very important part of God's work in this blog that Chris has been faithful in providing to the glory of God. Yes, it is overwhelming in a good way at the responses and certainly we are not intended to religiously read each one. I trust the Holy Spirit will lead me to those that He wants me to read and as He wills, to reply. I also trust the Holy Spirit to use anything I post for the specific individuals for whom He has inspired what was written. Even in scanning the posts as you suggest, MadFox, I feel I am in the company of the communion of saints which is a blessing in and of itself. God be with you.

    5. I didn't think of that. Yes, I will trust the Spirit and prior to reading, I think that is a great idea to ask to be directed to those posts our personal experience can make a difference to. Well said my friend, well said.

    6. Madfox, Norah, Bob --- So thankful for your posts. As usual, you three zeroed in on my thoughts.(You are so special to me.) We have so many talented wordsmiths in the JC FAMILY/WARRIORS! I am thankful for each post. I will also pray to be directed to the posts I should read. I confess that I have felt somewhat overwhelmed trying to read and process the many posts. Don't get me wrong, I don't want less posts. I just need a better way for me to process the posts. And now I have it! Isn't it just like our Lord---my cup runneth over!!! Great love and blessings to Chris Payton and every one of the JC FAMILY/WARRIORS. May this day offer you just what you need in each unfolding moment.

    7. I see the posts like a complete buffet with plenty enough for everyone to eat and plenty enough variety that all who enter in with the Holy Spirit's guidance can choose and partake of whatever they need forfulfillment and leave what they don't. God and Love are always on the menu.

    8. It's the best! We are dwelling together and safer than anything 'required,' by the states! LOL!!

    9. I agree Nora. And thanks Mad Fox and Bob because some days I just am not able to even come here. I don't like to miss any but it just happens. I enjoy reading all.

    10. Amen to all of your words, my family. We are truly of one accord here.
      So much honesty, sincerity of spirit, courage, inspiration and blessings every time I read my JC Family's posts. It is a well of encouragment and refreshment every day. I am so blessed by it.

    11. Jesus Calling: May 30 Time with Me cannot be rushed. when you are in a hurry, your mind flitters back and forth between Me and the tasks ahead of you. Push back the demands pressing in on you; create a safe space around you, a haven in which you can rest with Me. I also desire this time of focused attention and I use it to bless you, strengthening and equipping you for the day ahead. Thus, spending time with Me is a wise investment.
      Bring Me the sacrifice of your precious time. This creates sacred space around you--space permeated with My Presence and My Peace.

    12. May God direct our eyes to what we need to read. It is a blessing to have so many posts from sincere hearts of love and faith. But sometimes I also run out of time to read them all. No matter what I read, I always leave here blessed, refreshed, encouraged and renewed. Thank You Jesus!

  22. Lord I stand in Your presence and try to draw close to You. Even though I feel unworthy, I know You are all loving. Today I want to just bask in Your presence and feel thankful and safe with You. Lord please minister to my needs and shower Your grace upon me and my family. Thank You Jesus for being forgiving Lord over my life.


    (John 17:6-19) (Jesus high priestly prayer continues as provided by John) As Jesus completed celebrating His oneness with the Father, He then turned the focus in His prayer to us, His disciples. He begins by saying we belonged to the Father to begin with and we were the Father's gift to the Son. He celebrated that we have received His word in our hearts so it dominates who we are. In so doing, we have experienced the truth about God within us. Thus, Jesus lifted us up in prayer in the oneness we have with Him, that He has with the Father, and that we share together with God. Aware of His eminent departure from this world while leaving us in the world to proclaim His word and show His love, He prayed for us. He prayed for our protection and what He most wanted to be protected was our oneness with each other which reflected the oneness of God to the world. While He was with us, He protected our oneness in His love for us and everyone was kept in that oneness except the one who the scriptures had predicted would be lost. So in His final prayer for us, He prayed that His delight in being one with the Father may be in us as well. He prayed for our continued protection from the evil one, from all attacks on the oneness with each other and with God, that our oneness be kept intact. As we have been set aside from the world for holy purposes, He prayed that the Father would preserve our adherence to His truth just as He did for us. He concluded His prayer for us by saying as He was sent into this world for its salvation, so may we be in the world to bear witness unto that salvation.

    With Pentecost just a few days away, I see in this prayer of Jesus for the disciples allusions to the work of the Holy Spirit. Though not named specifically, all that Jesus prays for is what the Holy Spirit will do for the disciples...and for us.

    May the truths of Jesus prayer for you, fill your life this day, dear JC family. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen... and His Spirit is in you, brother. And, I bet today you only posted. once and it worked!! 😁😏 A blessing to all that read your posts. Godspeed Bob.

    2. Just pondering your awesome words Bob. I really loved that we have been set aside from the world for holy purposes. I must do my best to walk worthy of those holy purposes. Let us adher to His truth and trust completely in His promises without waiving.

  24. Today's reading had an a-ha moment for me. " Let Me anoint you with My Presence. I am King of kings and Lord of lords, dwelling in unapproachable Light. When you draw near to Me, I respond by coming closer to you." I have often had the visual that Christ's dwelling was inside my heart and emanated outward to the limits of my physical body. Today as I read I began to see how I limit God with that vision. His Presence does not stop at the boundaries of my skin, but rather is so great as to hold all. Thank you Jesus for the focus of your greatness today, help me dissolve the hard boundaries I have developed over the years to let your light flow more freely through me and we become more intimatly entwined in peace and love. Thank you for your ever present voice and your reminders to me to listen. I praise your Holy Name, Jesus!

  25. Amen Audra. He is party of every fiber of our being as we are in Him. He is the vine and we are the branches. I loved your post.

  26. Amen! How blessed we are to be a part of Him as He is of us.
    He abides in us as we abide in Him. The two cannot be separated. He is the greatest part of us. Halleluia!

  27. Father, the closer I walk with You, the fuller my life becomes. Thank You for being in my life. You are so wonderful and amazing. Fill me with Your perfect presence and open my eyes to see all Your beauty in the world around me. You are the Creator and You are sovereign over all things. Let me remember that You are all around and in everything. You are a part of it all. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord. Thank You Jesus.

    1. LORD, in the morning You hear my voice. In the morning I pray to You. I wait for You in hope. (Psalm 5:3)

      Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care. (Psalm 95:6-7)

    2. Well said, Janet! My need to "fill my cup/being" each morning with God's Word/presence has gotten so very necessary for my days, and I love that. My day and life seem far more vibrant and spirit-filled simply and wonderfully because I have this need or thirst for Him. I think I've said this several times before that when "I talk to my good friend, God" (as my Yaya always used to say), oh, how my day plays out better!...Better, more peace-filled, more organized, less stressful. Even during the times of discord and strife that I'm experiencing with my adult (both married, 28 & 32 yrs old) kids right now which hurts so deeply and so much, I am leaning on His word vs letting other's opinions or angry thoughts or the evil one who wants me to sulk, sneak in and take over my head space. Instead of being nudged to retaliate and have my say which would do nothing for the situation, I'm opting to bow out, wait on God to work all things out for good for those who love and seek Him. I am also repeating the mantra of "IT IS WELL" and believe it will be. So while sadness and heartache can hit me like a tidal wave these days, I doing my best to stop them and ask God to show me who I can help or bless so that I'm not staying in this yuck of sad-me. Make sense?

      Your prayers, JC family, would be so appreciated.

      After this holiday weekend, I'm going to reach out to my daughter, Paula, and see if we (just she and I, no spouses) could either meet at the nature park near her house or if we could sit outside on her patio with her and just talk...I simply miss her and want to know what's going on in her days like she used to text/call at least once a day...and asking her what I've done to cause the silence. My son, Nick, (who I pray will come back to God like he was in high school)is distant as well. Hoping, if visiting with Paula and possibly clearing the air, I to do something similar with Nick too at some point but I know he is busy with his now one year old and his wife.

      I apologize for unloading, JC family. I know God is leading me through this valley and this too shall pass. I am so grateful that my walk with God is where it's at because without it, I'd be a daily mess. Thank you, Lord, for holding my hand and walking with me through this.

    3. Praying for you and yours and standing along side you NJS while we wait for the Lord to answer and work things out for the good for you. I know the strife and discord of family that you described and how badly it hurts and can consume your mind. The Holy Spirit guided you to bow out and wait and that is what He also guided me to do. I see the progress that has happened over the years now that I'm looking back. He does lead us through and doesn't take us out. I believe that you asking for prayer here will bring relief that you'll notice soon. This is a might communion of saints we've been led to be part of. God Bless you as we wait for answered prayer. Love, Kathy

    4. Family strife and discord is a familiar story to so many! But like Waiting said, the Holy Spirit will intercede. You are on the right path holding on to God. Time heals wounds and God has a way of fixing and mending bad situations amongst love ones. Keep praying and loving NJS, He did it for others, He'll do it for you and for your family's good and His glory.
      Praying for the meeting with your daughter and believing IT SHALL BE WELL! Same with your son at the right time.


      Maplewood NJ

    5. NJS, may our Lord build a bridge between you and your sister and lift up your spirits so love and peace can be felt between you. May He draw those that have drifted from Him back to Him where they belong. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    6. Sorry, I said sister (I've got mine on my mind), but I meant your daughter, Paula. God bless.

    7. Thank you Kathy, Maplewood, & Janet for your encouraging words and prayers. Your words and prayers are like a much needed comforting hug. So grateful.

    8. Dear NJS, Your unloading on us is good because we love you and understand. God hears all our prayers to mend relationships and to strengthen faith. Praying God gives you the right words to bring your children closer to you and closer to Him.

  28. This morning I am moved to tears to see the beautiful support of prayer needs and encouragement...I know Our God is pleased💝 I need prayer also:
    Please pray for my son and his family. He is a new father and wants to stay in it and build with the mother but she does not. She has had a difficult season as a young person and thinks life is better alone. Praying for both of them to come to Lord completely, that He soften both of their hearts, that my grandbaby be raised in a home that honors the Lord filled with love by both her parents. God Can Do ANYTHING, Gods will above all. Thank you JC family🤗

    1. Praying with you and for you Angela. He can shift any heart. ❤️

    2. Angela, I'm joining in prayer for you. Sometimes the fight or flight response that trials and tribulation bring on overwhelms reasoning. It is so hard to counsel a young person with our own earned life experience wisdom. We can pray for her/them! There is our power in the mightiest power. God Bless you and yours.

    3. Angela, I join JC family in prayer for your son. With God, ALL things are possible!!


      Maplewood NJ

    4. May our Father bring your son's family together and let them build a foundation of love with His glory and peace. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    5. Praying for your son and his wife, Angela. May they realize the resource of bringing in, acknowledging, and having God in their lives! Oh, how it can change ourselves and our relationships, right?! Praying for this to happen!

    6. Praying dear Angela that both your son and his wife will open their hearts to Jesus and also bring their little baby to Him in God's timing. I really do understand so well how you feel. But you're not alone and we all here pray for your family's faith and well being, as well as your own peace of mind. Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there. Thank You Jesus!

  29. How great is our God? Sing with me - How great is our God! And ALL will see how great, how GREAT is our God!!
    Amen and amen. May his presence fill our cracks and crevices today so all will see how great He is. ❤️

  30. Praying for you NJS...for your relationship with Paula and Nick...

    1. Amen Dear GTT, Our God is so great every day. He amazes me with His faithfulness. We wait on Him and He blesses us in so many ways. We are broken so His light can shine through our cracks to others.

  31. “Her shining light will not be extinguished, no matter how dark the night.” Proverbs 31:18b

    Another day to give You thanks dear Lord and another day to count my many blessings. Thank You for all the hidden gifts you bestow upon me each and every day even when I often don’t recognize them. As believers, sometimes we don’t necessarily see our own radiance in Christ Jesus, but thank You that when we don’t see it, Jesus is always beholding our glory and radiance. May I wake up each morning and gaze at the glorious beauty of Christ manifested on me and recognize His glory and radiance that is within me morning, noon, and night. Thank You for this radiant joy that creeps into the lives of believers as we develop an intimate and closer relationship with You in prayer. Thank You for the display of Your presence in our happiness and joy so the world can see that something is different about us. Though I can look to heaven for my ultimate joy while knowing that Your majestic vastness dwells with me, may moments of radiant joy help me to always cultivate the habit of rejoicing in Your presence here on earth, and develop full confidence. King of kings, Lord of lords, everlasting Father, soon coming King, may I remind myself of the great authority and victory of Jesus as my King and Lord every blessed day. Please settle my mind today as I experience Your presence, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalm 8:3-4).

    Praying and covering all the sick in the Precious Blood of Jesus. May it's wonder working power be manifested throughout their bodies for Christ's sake. I thank God for what He has done, doing and will do in each person's lives and praise Him for the VICTORIES He's already given!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. I see the beauty of Christ in your sincere prayer sweet Maplewood. He is the Lover of my soul and the Keeper of my heart.
      You are helping us draw nearer to Him every day. You are His good and faithful servant. I pray your Mom and your son are also growing closer to Him as they see the Christ in you and your amazing strength of faith. Praying for you and all those who are in need of God's healing.

  32. Oh, the joy I've had reading all of these wonderful posts from years ago up until just now! Love to all of you and God's richest blessings. Sometime this weekend, I will update all of you on my DH - he's doing well, which is the main thing to know. We are such a blessed bunch and I agree - I know it makes our Heavenly Father smile at the results of Chris' diligence, years ago and maintaining this site.
    Prayers for all of the aforementioned and as always, I'll hop on and off to keep updated. :) I have to add, Sassy Mom, I chuckled reading about your AC several years ago....I remember 'the rest of the story!'

  33. One more thing...Maplewood, NJ - that Provs 31 perfectly describes YOU and is always my goal. Love you, sister!

  34. Dear Norah! Just so happy your DH is doing better. More answered prayers and the faithfulness of God. Even baby steps forward show progress. Waiting on the Lord for more victories. Thank You dear Jesus!

  35. Such a blessed day! I'll be flying to California at 11:30 this morning. Can't wait to see my dear Bryan and Allie and their little sweetheart Evelyn. God bless them all and keep them safe and in good health. God bless all of you too and may He answer your prayers and give you healing, comfort, guidance and peace. Praise our Way Maker. He is already answering our prayers. Today he helped me find something just as I was prayer for His help. Much love my dear brothers and sisters seen and unseen. Trust in Him always. Lift up your hearts to Him Who knows us better than we know ourselves. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Traveling mercies to you Jeanne and enjoy your time with your family. May our heavenly Father bless you and keep you 🙏. Shalom.

    2. Thanks my dear sister. I’m in good Hands! Praying for you as you pray for me! Have a blessed day.

  36. The sight of the glory of the LORD was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel. (Exodus 24:17).

  37. Heavenly Father, thank You. It's so easy to get caught up in the things going on around us in the world today and our thoughts can become jumbled with so many different things happening in our lives, but You always bring Your children back in to You so that we don't get too far away from You. You are the best Father ever! Thank You Jesus and I praise You Lord always 🙏 🙌 ❤.

  38. So appreciate this prayer dear Janet. My mind is already going in so many directions today. Father bring me back to full focus of You. My day can only be fruitful if I offer it back into Your capable hands. Things are not going as planned. Help me Lord to decorate this graduation cake for my grandson. The cake toppers did not arrive yesterday as promised by FedEx. Only you know where it is. Help me to make it presentable if it doesn't have them. In Jesus name, amen.

    1. Praying that the Lord imparts His perfect peace within you and guides you as you walk through the day and enjoy your grandson's graduation and the cake. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Amen dear Janet! Beautiful prayer! Thank you for that truth. He is everything to us.
      Dear Jan, Joining prayers that all will come out well because the Lord is by your side and His Spirit is guiding you. Have a sweet day.

  39. Goodness. Just read that prayer. Written in 2018. And here we are in 2022. Only God can help and heal us.

  40. As I read your prayers, it brought to mind the school shooting in May 2018. Now we are seeing this again in May 2022. My heart breaks for Our Country and Our World and it reminds me the "My Lord" is all I have. He will protect me and guide me. I cannot ask for more.

  41. I thank you Lord for this devotional and word. This prayer is so fitting for these times we are living in now. Lord protect those who come against harm that don’t know it’s coming. Heal us Lord! We need you now.

  42. His Presence is all we need. Yes, in Him we live and move and have our being. We belong in His Presence. In Him all is well with my soul. We are son's and daughters of the Most High God. Children of Light. All we can do with the concerns we have for the world and the many sad situations in it is to lift them to Him. We are in this world but not of it. Soon now, He will take us out of it. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

    1. Maranatha! We know the end of the story, the desperation of evil in battle is evident all around, seeking to divide, steal and destroy. Take heart and trust in our Lord to love, heal and restore.

  43. Staying in His sweet presence, leaning on His faithfulness and resting in peace and gratitude. Thank You Jesus.
    Praying for you dear ones! Much love.

  44. Prayers for all here: safe travels and fun for you Jeanne; perfect graduation cake (Jan, it will be so delicious - topper or not. I know you'll think of something if it doesn't arrive. Praying it does, but knowing it will be the best either way), prayers for all of us who struggle with these thing of life, but as Audra said - know the end of the story, we are all so blessed. Giving God the glory on this special, long weekend. Thanking those who sacrificed for our freedoms, their families - all of the hurting families. Bring them comfort, Lord.
    Holding this precious JC Family in my prayers and heart.

  45. The baby is beautiful and I am so happy. Goodnight dear family. Rest well. God is so good.

  46. I took so many pictures of baby Evelyn! And when she was in my arms all I could do was thank God!! Such a blessing to hold a sweet pink bundle for the first time. Great being with Bryan and Allie too. Praying for you all with love and gratitude.

  47. Have a blessed Sunday dear family! Took this from today’s devotion:
    “Enjoy the radiant beauty of My Presence. Declare My glorious Being to the world”!
    Let us stay in His glorious presence and reflect His peace, joy, love, and light to others today in our thoughts, words and deeds! Driving home to sing in Church and then my 3 sons are taking me out for breakfast because they couldn’t be with me on Mother’s Day. Can’t wait. Praying they will see the SONshine in me and be blessed to seek Him for themselves.

    1. Amen 🙏. Have a blessed day and enjoy your family time. Hallelujah! God bless!

    2. Enjoy dear Anonymous this precious time with your sons. I have two sons & love any time I can spend with them and their families. 💞

    3. Thanks dear Janet and Jan! It was actually me, dear ones. But I'll bet you knew that!

  48. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, let Your radiant presence permeate every fiber of my being. Anoint me with the oil of Your Spirit. Let Your Spirit rest upon me and fill me up, overflowing and dripping with You. Kiss me with the kisses of Your mouth. Let Your Word enlighten my heart. Let me feel You Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Praise and gratitude! Bless His Holy Name forever!

  49. PSALM 91 SONG

    1. Thank you SassyMom. I needed to be refreshed in my soul this morning. This psalm hit the spot. During this time of uncertainty with hubby, " in Him will I trust"!

    2. That was so very beautiful Sassy Mom. It brought me much peace. Thanks for sharing it dear sister.
      Praying dear Jan that your good hubby's arteries are functioning perfectly and clear because our faithful God is guiding it all. He hears our prayers and He's mighty to save.

  50. Psalm 63:1 "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you."
    Ever been in a desert...a real desert?
    Not all desert is sand, some is rock, some shale, some compacted hard dry mud.
    Most vegetation, the little that there is, gets its moisture from underground, some plants from precious overnight dew (some deserts do get temperatures below freezing). On the rare occasion of rain, where it falls on the soft sand areas it just disappears, percolating through the strata, topping up the underground supply or evaporating. Naturally rain on rocky outcrops and shale will drip down and pool on lower ground, soaking out of sight if the ground is sand but staying as a pool of water on hard dried mud providing water for a while for the creatures and animals living there. The dried mud is as hard as a brick, almost impervious, but over time will soften and absorb the water slowly.
    It's amazing how a desert area is transformed, refreshed by a little rain; it really doesn't take much.
    Namaqualand is famous for its spring flowers, literally the desert blossoms like a rose. People fly in from allover to take in this spring spectacle. The rest of the year Namaqualand is as dry as a bone.
    When spiritually dry we need refreshing, we need His 'Living Water' to revitalise us again. We need 'Showers of Blessing', we need to soak in His Presence (spend time quietly meditating, just waiting for Him) so that our hardened ground may soften, then we can allow Him to soak deep into us. Talk to Him, listen to or read His Word, sing or listen to Godly songs and hymns that cause us to be refreshed.
    Spend time with others in encouraging fellowship and public worship.
    This is Biblical as physical and spiritual refreshing is satisfied in several different ways. In Scripture we read of being refreshed by: resting on the Sabbath (Ex. 23:12),
    with cool water after physical activity (Judg. 15:18-19),
    by soothing music (1 Sam. 16:23),
    and with encouraging fellowship (2 Tim. 1:16).
    This world is a spiritual desert, there is no Godliness in it, we can't drink there!
    In order to be refreshed, be filled with Living Water we need to go the the Source Himself.
    Fill us Lord, fill us to overflowing with your Living Water. Fill us so that we thirst no more. Fill us Lord so that we may be enabled to share Your Living Water with those we come in contact with today, for Your Glory, Amen.
    'Here's My Cup Lord'

  51. He is the living water that we drink and thirst no more! Wonderful dear Peter! Thank you.

  52. Our God is Sovereign and above all things and situations. He created all things and us in charge of all things. There is no need to fear the future or the unknown. He holds the future in His mighty Hands. His timing is perfect. Everything is known to Him and nothing can be hidden from Him. I’m loved in my imperfections so I’m resting in Him Who Cares For Us. Have a blessed and sweet day in His Presence and Peace. Be still and know that He is God.

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. Thank you for the encouraging words. God bless!

    2. Thank you, Jeanne. Continued prayer and may you also have a blessed day in His Presence and Peace. 🕊️

    3. Thanks! God bless you too! Praying for your breathing, dear Janet! Hope you’re feeling better.

    4. Thank you Jeanne for the comforting words. May God bless you and your loved ones 🙏

    5. Thank you all for the Faithful reminders. He provides me with His unmistakable presence yet I let fear, discouragement, and despair creep in. We are told to be steadfast and persevere. "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12

    6. Jeanne, thank you for this post that resonates with me right now.
      SC Anonymous

    7. We lift and comfort each other as God encourages and comforts us.

  53. who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, (Hebrews 1:3).

  54. Showers Of Blessing

    Here's My Cup Lord

    Let Your Living Water Flow

    All Who Are Thirsty

  55. Thanks for all those pretty songs. My favorite was All Who Are Thirsty! You blessed my day!

  56. Lord, I want to draw nearer to You and feel your presence more.

  57. Amen. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. He’s always with you. Seek Him and He will be found.
