Friday, May 15, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 16

     I am your Lord! Seek Me as Friend and Lover of your soul, but remember that I am also King of kings--sovereign over all. You can make some plans as you gaze into the day that stretches out before you. But you need to hold those plans tentatively, anticipating that I may have other ideas. The most important thing to determine is what to do right now, instead of scanning the horizon of your life, looking for things that need to be done, concentrate on the task before you and the One who never leaves your side. Let everything else fade into the background. This will unclutter your mind, allowing Me to occupy more and more of your consciousness.
     Trust Me to show you what to do when you have finished what you are doing now. I will guide you step by step, as you bend your will to Mine. Thus you stay close to Me on the path of Peace. 

Proverbs 19:21
English Standard Version
Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
    but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

Luke 1:79
English Standard Version

to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
    to guide our feet into the way of peace.

My Prayer (2018)
Lord, you are teaching me to talk to you throughout my day. As I talk to people throughout the day, I am to to talk to you. I don't necessarily need to stop, bow my head, but I can just voice to you as I would a friend. You are there, near, and I want you to guide my steps. Lord, I admit that many times I do get ahead of myself, planning my future when things can happen often to disrupt it. Help me God to organize myself. Lord, I do want to talk to you more, throughout my day, even as I go to work and work on tasks, I can talk to you as I do them. Then as I come home help me to not simply be a creature going from entertainment to entertainment but to seek you in my rest. I admit, often I sense your Spirit reminding me to pray and talk to you about me, about the other people in my life and often I don't do this, but instead revert to a habit that I have in my life and suddenly you are sort of squashed. Help me instead to bend my will to Yours.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Help me find that spark again, Lord instead of thinking only how tired I am and sore my muscles are. I also ask you to "bend my will to Yours."

    1. Weird, thats exactly what ive been thinking all morning is how tired I am and my whole body just aches..I get it

    2. Amen 🙏
      Thank you for this beautiful reminder. May we each seek you in everything and trust that you will guide our every step, giving us peace, comfort and sweet, healing rest.

  2. Amen! that is exactly what i need! May God Bless You!

  3. Lord, help me to speak with you frequently so that I might be less prone to giving into temptation, and more sensitive to Your mind and will.

  4. Lord I thank you for knowing me better than I know myself. Please help my quick frustrations when things don't go as I plan them- help me to find rest and to let go of control that I hold so desperately to. Thank you for deliverance from a very scary situation. Help me to give you my all and feel your peace.

  5. Thank God for the changes and the uncomfortableness of the unforeseen days ahead. I think, " Oh my Gosh, this day feels so much different than any other i have experienced." It can seem indigestible to feel like the future is so out of my control. Questions arise such as, What will I do this weekend? How will I advance my career? Who will my wife be? I love to just say, "God, Figure these details out, so that I can focus on now."

  6. "Trust Me to show you what to do when you have finished what you are doing now. I will guide you step by step, as you bend your will to Mine. Thus you stay close to Me on the path of Peace." I loved reading this and I actually applied it yesterday. My day was so much calmer. It was a packed day from sun up to sun down, yet I went to bed with a peacefulness that I am still enjoying this morning. Lord, are You really teaching me how to do this day to day? Am I really, finally LEARNING how to do this? HA HA...just as I typed that I thought, "Yes - you did it for ONE day..." Still it was enough to let me see the difference. Giving Him all of the "To Dos" before my son's wedding in June and learning to not miss the blessings of the days leading up to it. I am learning from my cases: it is interesting to view the difference between the ones who not only seek the help I can provide, but also trust in the Lord and the ones who EXPECT someone else to work out the kinks from a life lived not trusting in the Lord. It makes me even more aware of my responsibility in this walk. Only I can decide to DO the Word. No one can do that for me. Praying for all of my dear JC Family and thanking you for your prayers. Mine are with you as well. And, Bob M. has been on my heart too, as well as MadFox. Lifting all of you and trusting you are well. Prayers for my family as they go about their day, learning the same things their Mom is. "I am your Lord! Seek Me as Friend and Lover of your soul, but remember that I am also King of kings--sovereign over all." It is funny to look back from a year ago and realize that I am still praying for rest and lack of sore muscles! I know you are working on me, Lord. Let me be humble to receive your blessings.

    1. Norah. Thanks for your prayers. All is well; while professional challenges remain, there appears to be resolution ahead. God is holding my hand and I have peace. I also am praying Bob M. is okay. He has not posted in a long time. However, it is getting so prolific in the # of posts that I cannot always read through them all. Peace, glad things are better for you and your husband.

    2. This is really good Norah: "Only I can decide to DO the Word. No one can do that for me." Good morning! ♥️

  7. My prayers are with you Norah. I have read Jesus Calling faithfully everyday since my 22 year old daughter passed 12.30.17. Since then I have been divorced, moved, lost my job and then this past Friday, my dad passed. I am one of the few Christians in my family. As I stood bedside with Dad, I was able to share how God has carried me during the death and grief of my daughter. I was able to pray with my dad and he listened. I pray I can continue to be love and light on this heartbroken journey I am traveling. I pray for each of you that you will be still and let God guide you. It's easy to want to make our own plan. I want so much to know what my next job will be. I worry who will die next. But all I need to do is let God guide and use me for His glory. Blessings to each of you. TL

    1. TL, you are not alone. We are here uplifting you with prayer as you travel your heartbreaking journey. Praying God surrounds you with HIS abundant love. We love you.

    2. I am so sorry to hear of you losing your daughter and now your father, not to mention everything that has happened in between. Prayers that God takes the pain that life has dealt you and your family and you find the peace & understanding that only God can give. God bless❣

    3. TL---I join with Sassy Mom and Pamela K in praying for your journry. Praise God that you seek the Lord! I pray that you and all the JC FAMILY seek the Lord in every situation that arises. Lord please help us to be in Your Word every day so that we can find the hope that is there within it. Make it come alive in our hearts so we can understand it and retain it. When we cry out to You for help, we have confidence that You will answer us. That's why our hope is always in You. Psalm 119:147 "I rise before the dawning of the morning, and cry for help; I hope in Your Word"

    4. TL, you are blessed. You have a story that others who have lost their children need to hear. My good friend list her daughter at 21 years old to drugs. She has suffered a great amount of grief as you have. It's been several years and she is now getting her life back in order. She has been the strength for many others in their loss of a child to drugs. She shines with the light of God wherever she goes. God has blessed her with a deep presence in her heart that is undeniably God. Bless you in your journey, TL. Such heartache is inconceivable to me. God is close to you with arms to carry you through the darkness. Shine your life and your light brightly. You are a child of God.

    5. TL, I have a verse for you:
      Romans 8:18 ESV For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the GLORY THAT IS TO BE REVEALED TO US. Be blessed.

    6. TL if you're still reading this blog please let us know how you are doing. When I read your post I remembered reading it each year and praying for you and wondering how God has worked in your life.

    7. God bless the broken hearted, we will all be in this state and to some degree as we wade through life. I pray that our journey's shed light triumphantly for their purposes intended. God is the maker of each of your footsteps if you choose to listen to His perfect GPS (plan)

  8. Good morning to the King of kings, Lord of lords, Prince of Peace, The Alpha and Omega, the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient Everlasting God!
    We give You ALL the Glory, we worship You our Lord, for You are worthy to be Praise...!
    You took us to bed last night, protected us from the evil of the night, You have awaken us in our sound minds and planted our feet on solid ground. We worship You this morning in Spirit and in Truth! THANK YOU.

    Father, in the name of JESUS, that Name that is above every Name, that Name that causes every knee to bend and every tongue to confess that HE alone is Lord, that Name that sets the captive free, that Name that destroys yoke, that Name that delivers, heals, forgive, restore, comfort, protect, that Name that pulls down strongholds, principalities, that Name that causes demons to flee, that Name that fights ALL our battles, that Name that is Sovereign, that Name JESUS, that Name that has ALL Power and Authority, is what I call on this morning to say THANK YOU for being our Lord, Thank You for hearing us when we pray, and because we know You hear us, we know that You answer us according to Your will. It is in that Name Jesus that I lay the burdens, concerns and requests of ALL my JC family (and their love ones) at the foot of the cross and say Father, take control because we trust You to take us out of every valley and set us high above our enemies!
    Thank You for the answers to EVERY prayer requests from this body of believers! Thank You for the Victory we have in JESUS our Lord.

    May Your Holy Spirit live in us, think through us and love through us. Like Jan said yesterday, help us to show love to those who hurt us and pay back the evil with good, so that they can see Christ in us always! Jesus is love and as He is, so are we in this world.
    I cover everyone and their families in the blood of Jesus and may we carry that Name Jesus with us today. Thank You Lord.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank YOU for this prayer!!❤️

    2. Amen amen!
      I needed this prayer!
      Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
      You all are awesome in Christ!

    3. That name JESUS, that still has and forever will have ALL power and authority, I call on You again to destroy ALL the works of the enemy and set Your nation on fierce fire for You. In that name JESUS, let there be a revival to Your Glory! JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, there's just something about that name!JESUS, sweet JESUS, oh how we love to call and honor that name!
      THANK YOU JESUS for another day and year to call on Yuor name, JESUS, JESUS!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Good God Morning JC Family!
      Thanks for the Prays and Praise Reminder Maplewood NJ:
      Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; there's just something about that name.
      Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain;
      Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all Heaven and earth proclaim
      Kings and kingdoms will all pass away,
      But there's something about that name.
      Kings and kingdoms will all pass away,
      But there's something about that name.

    5. Amen and Amen Maplewood! That name is forever over all things. Praise Jesus and Bless His Holy Name. I read so many powerful posts today and encouraging responses. Sarah's prayer spoke volumes to me and I could really relate to it. We must consciously make every effort during the day to reconnect to Him even through our distractions. He is ever present and available to listen to us and help us in even the small things. Acknowledge in all things. Even when we're just trying to make a good dinner and we need some help to chose the ingredients. I sure do call on him a lot. But there are times when I get caught up in the day and have to yank myself back into His presence. He is such a Helper in all ways. The heartbreaking posts from last year remind me God can heal every wound even those deep hurts that shake our lives like losing a child, a loved one or a job. His spirit takes that pain, guides us into a new open door, and turns it into bright light to share with others. The Lord is our strength and refuge, and truly our greatest and closest confidant. How blessed we are that His help is just a prayer away. It can be as small as calling out His name but the immediate peace is huge.

    6. Thanks for that powerful prayer Maplewood ! I really appreciate this blog , so much comfort, peace and blessings are found here .

    7. 5 years later and your prayer still re-sounds in my mind, heart, and spirit. Thank You God for our sweet Unknown sister friend in Christ from Maplewood NJ. Wherever she is, I know You are taking good care of her. She truly is one of the keys in Your Kingdom. Much ❤️ and Many Continuous 🙏 for this tremendous JC Family. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    8. AMEN to Maplewoods NJ 🙏 Prayer, yes Brie it certainly resonated with me as well so many years later 💗
      Dear YAWEH 💞I approach YOU through YOUR son, YESHUA💞 thank YOU for another day, thank YOU for the strength and focus YOU have blessed me with. Yesterday was a different but wonderful day I Praise YOU for opening my eyes and revealing the truths I was previously blinded to🙏 LORD I continue to lift my beloved E up to YOU as he mourns the loss of his son, I also pray for my beloved daughter and lift her up to YOU, and praise YOU for helping orchestrate circumstances so that she now has a job that will allow her to make ends meet- YOU are such a loving, merciful GOD, my love for YOU continues to grow as I see YOUR works and feel YOUR peace more and more. LORD YOU know how much I miss my daughter, and how badly I want to see her and to be a complete family again, even if only for a fleeting moment, LORD if it is YOUR will, please help us get my daughter here for a visit before she begins her new job. I thank YOU for YOUR love and mercy GOD
      I also pray for Jason, Patrick , Danny, Denise, Steve , Peter, Hanse, Terrance , Scott and our world leaders help them to turn their hearts back to YOU, soften their hearts please dear LORD.
      I praise YOU LORD and ask for health, wisdom, and direction for myself , my children, family, loved ones and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, both here and around the world.
      I also lift my mother and father up to YOU LORD and praise YOU for keeping them here with us. Please keep them safe and give the eyes to see and ears to hear.
      I ask all of this in YOUR precious son’s name YESHUA/Jesus Christ,

  9. Good morning JC family 🥰. Praying all is well with everyone. I too have sore muscles this morning Norah. Between the weeding, spreading mulch & cleaning out the camper to sell, I was spent! I lamented over what I still needed to do, but the ole body said "no more". Thank you Lord for another day. The garden does not wait I know, neither do my little granddaughters. Time spent with them is priceless. Neighbors I've been planning to invite for lunch after church. Church VBS needs help. On & on it goes. Father as I make plans for this day JC states to do so "tentatively", as You might have other things on your mind for me. I wait Lord, I wait. You are the longing of my soul.

  10. Thank you Lord as we begin our day praising You and loving You. Thank you for guiding our steps, thoughts and words. Praying the world will see the love of JESUS reflected in our lives. Thank you for loving me, forgiving my sins. Thank you for the new friends you have added to JC Family.

  11. Thank you Lord for waking us yet again on this beautiful morning. The blue skys, the birds chirping, it is all your creation and I appreciate it all. Help me this day to keep my mind on you as I go about my day. I am going to go ahead and thank you Lord, in advance for prayers answered and Your will to be done in each of our lives. Be with each of us as we strive to show people Jesus in us, it may be the only Jesus they see. I ask You Lord to answer each prayer that is going up to you from our JC Family. Thank you for allowing me to stumble up on this great group of people that want nothing more than to praise You for who You are and lay our burdens at the feet of the cross for You to do what Your will is for each of us. Watch over us throughout this day and help us to whisper to you through out this day for encouragement and what it takes to get through it as a warrior of God should do. Thank You Lord for my family, friends and if I have any, my enemies. Thank you for your Grace and Mercy, without it we would be in some major trouble, but because of it, we don't have to run and hide from You, scared of what You are going to do about it. You are a loving God, You are not just waiting for us to fail so you can punish us when we do. Thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ, in His Holy name I pray, Amen❣

    1. Amen, Pamela. Agreeing with your beautiful prayer. ❤️

    2. Yes, He is a loving God, not a punishing God. As we read what love is in Corinthians, know that God is love. Patience, kindness and the rest of the Word that I have not yet memorized but know to be the Truth. I continue to be amazed at the perfect timing of reading and hearing Scripture - it is alive in me. Thank you Jesus!

    3. That’s so true Audra! We seem to read the words God knows we need.
      1 John 4:11-15
      11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.

      12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

      13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

      14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

      15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.

    4. Praying with you again this year, Pamela K., Thank you Holy Spirit for inviting me to this great group of people that want nothing more than to praise You for who You are and lay our burdens at the foot of the cross and onto Your TODO list, so You can accomplish what Your Will is for each of us, Your Accomplices. Thank You for watching over us throughout this day and night, helping us to whisper to You through out time, for encouragement and what it takes to get through i
      as a JC Prayer warrior of God should do. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

  12. So grateful for Gods peace this morning, I am struggling with the loss of my husband, although a little over 2 years the impact of single income and living is weighing heavy. I pray for continued peace and love for all the amazing people who have blessed my life. I also pray to for the difficult people in my life too. Thank you Lord and help me to understand that everyone intersects my life for your reasons. Guide me thru this valley. I pray for contentment in all circumstances and remember that you are in control. I have an interview for a job coming up and pray that this goes well,

    1. Purplemartin--- I am going bodly into the Throne of Grace and lift up your circumstances to the Lord. I ask the Lord to reach down and touch you with his healing power and take away any pain you feel both physically and emotionally. Bless her richly with Your favor and success.Free her from misery and discomfort and enable her to live a productive life so she can do great things for Your glory! Psalm 71:21 "You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.) Thanking the Lord for answers to prayers in Kansas.

    2. Purplemartin, I feel your pain. I also struggle with the loss of my husband of 53 years. It will be 4 years next month. I can rejoice because he is in the arms of Jesus. JJ - Amen to your prayer for Purplemartin

    3. Purplemartin, & Sassy Mom, take comfort in the fact that His word states that widows hold a special place in His heart. He will always take care of everything that concerns you, whether it be emotional, physical & financial. I will pray for the job Purplemartin. Be of good courage🥰.

    4. God bless
      This is my prayer as well
      Love and prayers JC family
      Today was very long and so much has happened
      I trust you Jesus

  13. JJ, I just have to say your prayers always lift me up. Thank you for being a part of this family, and for the kind words you pray over us. God bless you!

    1. IA-- Thank you for your sweet and encouraging words. It is such a privilege to be apart of this incredible JC FAMILY. I learn so much from everyone. The Lord' wisdom found in this family is beyond awsome!!! Not to mention all the GREAT Prayer WARRIORS!!! Great Blessings to you from Kansas

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Your story gives me a lot of hope. I'm in a similar situation with my husband; I'm a believer and I'm not sure where where he is. It fills me with great encouragement that you came to God after years with your wife. I continue to pray for my husband.
      Also, I'm happy to hear your daughter has made a full recovery!
      Take care. - Meredith in Texas

    2. Thank you Jesus for answered prayer. Thank you for your mercy over MadFox's daughter..for her recovery. We keep praying Lord for our lost loved ones to seek you..Jesus we trust in you. Meredith in Texas..peace be with you. Lifting you up in prayer. Rebecca in Texas.

    3. MadFox,

      So glad to hear that your daughter has made a full recovery and was able to return to work. I will pray for her to remain well. Thank you also for sharing your story about your marriage and becoming a believer by her example. God put you two together obviously. Happy Anniversary! God bless.


    4. Happy Anniversary MadFox! so happy to hear you and your wife are an amazing team! Great news on your daughter and her recovery. KS

    5. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN! PRAISING God with JC family for your daughter MadFox! God is FAITHFUL, always!

      CONGRATULATIONS on Your anniversary. Wishing you and wifey many more blessed years! God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Madfox --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in praising the Lord for your daughters recovery and return to work. The Lord always has a plan and it is a good one. Great blessings on your 39 years of marriage, another one of the Lord's incredible plans! You are an uplift to all. Our Lord is the One who gave Himself as ransom in the place for all people; the One who seeks after the lost and downhearted. He looks beyond what we deserve, and showers us with undeserved kindness. So very thankful you said YES to Jesus when He whispered the mysteries of Himself to you!

    7. Thanks for the update Madfox. We missed you! God put you heavily on my mind yesterday and I said the following prayer for You and our entire JC family:
      I said a prayer for all of you yesterday
                  And know God must have heard.
                  I felt the answer in my heart
                  Relying on His Word!
                I prayed for you to receive His choicest gifts
                 The best ones He could find
                  I asked Him to send you His treasures rare
                  And of a far more lasting kind!
                  I asked that He be near you
                  At the start and throughout the day;
                  Granting you good health and blessings fair
                  And true friends sharing your way!
                  I asked for happiness for all of you
                  In all things great and small.
                  But for you to feel His loving care
                  I prayed for most of all!

    8. Madfox, praise God. It is so good to hear about your daughter's recovery. And her commitment to go back to work to help others. Thank you also for sharing about your journey. My husband is not a believer, but we've been together for 36 years. Still pray for him everyday. Happy Anniversary.

    9. You have been on my mind, dear brother, and in my prayers. Glad to hear your daughter has recovered. As I prayed for her today, I thought to myself, as soon as she is better, I'll bet she will go right back to serving and she has. God be with her. Congratulations on your years of marriage. Though I have been raised Protestant and served in the same, I have come to appreciate the sacramental aspect of marriage shared by my Catholic brothers and sisters. Indeed, marriage is created by God and I have experienced His presence in the union my wife and I share. Our relationship has been filled with challenges as all relationships have but in our common faith in our Lord, we have found our way through the obstacle course of life together. So, thanks be to God for bringing you and your wife together in holy matrimony. He did know what He was doing, didn't He? God be with you!

    10. Have missed you MadFox! Great news about your daughter! And happy anniversary to you and your wife!

    11. Praise God for his faithfulness! Such great news about your daughter. Our prayers are answered! God is so good. Happy Anniversary MadFox! Sounds like you both chose very well when you married. Much love ahead. My husband doesn't know Jesus but he's trying. Going to Church every Sunday although now it's virtual. I pray he will seek the Lord with all his heart, mind and soul someday. So happy for the faith you stand on and for the blessings He has given you. How wonderful your dear daughter is to go right back to helping people. God is truly glorified by her selfless service. Praying for her health and safety and also for many more happy years of marriage ahead for you and your good wife.

    12. Madfox, sooo happy your daughter is healthy and well! God is so good! Happy Anniversary! Again, God is sooo good! You are a blessing and we are all praying for you and for your family
      Love and prayers

    13. Dear MadFox, How are you feeling my dear brother? Praying always for your strength and healing.
      Isaiah 4l:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

    14. Forgot to wish you and your wife a very Happy 40th Anniversary. Celebrate your lasting love. We will be doing the same in August. Wow! 40 years. We are both blessed.

    15. Happy anniversary to Mr and Mrs Mad 🦊! I bet this one is extra special as you have emerged from your most recent health trials. Praying you are well and in love more and more each day. ♥️

  15. I leave you with the LORD’S PRAYER (aka- The Model Prayer) this morning, Luke 11:2-4:

    “OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN: This signifies approaching God on the basis of intimate relationship. Only children can call the master “Father”. Only those who have come to the saving knowledge of God through Jesus Christ can call God father. This is the first step in prayer that produces power.

    HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME: This is worship. Our prayer must include worship. Though children of God, we must devote ourselves to worship, service and praise of His name. To worship means to submit yourself to God’s will and His plan….

    YOUR KINGDOM COME: Jesus before His ascension said to His disciples, “the Kingdom is within you” (Luk.17:21). He was referring to the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of those who believe. There is a work of sanctification by the Holy Spirit (2 Thess.2:13). Through this, we live our lives with a view towards the end, when Jesus will be returning as King over all…

    YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN: God’s will is that everyone becomes saved and comes to the knowledge of truth (1 Tim.2:4, 2 Pet.3:9). Heaven is a perfect place, and God desires that the earth be perfect just like heaven. Every good thing that is in heaven he desires for His people on earth. Through faith and prayer we make our requests to God on the goodness of what His Word says, that we may enjoy heaven on earth.

    GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD: After you have put God first in worship, devotion to His kingdom, and saving of souls, then you can ask for your own daily bread. This refers to your daily needs. God is committed to providing our needs, but we need to put His will and His desires first. When we make God’s desires our desires, He will in turn give us the desires of our heart.

    AND FORGIVE US OUR SINS: When a person becomes saved, God wipes away all their sins of the past. Sin breaks the fellowship of God with man. Following salvation, it is not expected that there be any sins in your life.

    …AS WE FORGIVE THOSE INDEBTED TO US: God expects that there be no grudge in your heart as you approach Him in prayer. We are instructed by Scriptures to love one another as the mark of the new life we have in Christ Jesus (Joh.13:35). Unforgiveness is deadly. When we hold unforgiveness against another person, we defile our own selves, and it stops the flow of God’s power to us (Heb.12:15).

    AND DO NOT LEAD US INTO TEMPTATION, BUT DELIVER US FROM THE EVIL ONE: God is the one who keeps us from the afflictions of the evil one. James 4:7 says “submit yourselves to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you”. Your submission to God’s authority in the place of prayer will commit Him to protecting you”.

    Thank You Jesus, for leaving us with a ‘Model Prayer’. Thank You for being our Friend and the Lover of our souls. "King of kings, sovereign over all" , we magnify You this morning and say Thank You for another day. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Beautiful Maplewood! Thank you and Amen to that!

    2. Very blessed commentary on the Our Father/Lord's Prayer, twin bd sis! You hit the mark on each sentence and captured the flow of it. The sentences did not come together randomly. When I have taught classes on this prayer, I've asked the question, "Why should I pray 'our' Father as opposed to 'my' Father? Answer: using 'our' reflects the mystical body of Christ that is present with me in prayer. Even though I sit alone with my Lord in the early morning, I am not alone for all of you sit with me in spirit. I need you beside me spiritually as I commune with our Lord. Thanks for being there.

    3. Such a wonderful gift you gave us. I saved it to my computer and shared it with my Mom and sister.
      Yes Bob, Maplewood blessed us richly with her commentary.
      And Yes! He is OUR Father and His spirit bears witness that we are His beloved children. We are all a part of the body of Christ and bound together by His love and faith.

    4. Beautiful, Maplewood!
      (Removes any doubt as to why and to whom we pray)

    5. Wonderful exposition, thank you Maplewood

  16. Thank you Maplewood. What a nice explanation of the supreme prayer.
    Dear heavenly Father thank you for this prayer, help me to live it each day. Help me to accept my daily bread and not look beyond today, and not trying to plan for the far off future. You provide the bread I need each and everyday. Thank you for being with me on my daily journey every step of the way. Amen.

  17. Congratulations Madfox on your anniversary! Such an accomplishment and worth celebrating indeed. Glad to hear about your daughter too. Thanks for updating.

    I haven’t posted lately but know you are all in my thoughts and prayers daily. Life with the Corona virus has been challenging here in Houston with the O&G industry taking a huge hit and many layoffs crippling our city. Many friends and family have lost jobs overnight in the blink of an eye. I know God has a plan and I trust Him. I trust that His will be done. I love to see all the goodness that has come from this experience. The kindness and compassion that has eluded is so inspiring.
    I continue to pray for you all daily. May the joy and peace of the Lord be with you today and always. Enjoy the weekend, my JC family. And as always, stay connected to The Vine.

    1. So happy to hear from you my Texas friend. You have been in my prayers that Our Lord keep you safe. May he pour his amazing grace and peace over you and your loved ones. Yes, this storm we are in has been challenging; we will trust and believe in our Father in heaven that he will calm this storm in unity with his beloved Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Come Holy Spirit. You are loved. Rebecca

    2. Miss you Suzanne. I'm trusting Him and His plan too. May His will be done. Thanks for the prayers. You are always in mine. I love you sister.


    (John 15:18-21) After having firmly established the paramount command to love one another, Jesus then gets very real with us about what will be ahead of us. "Though most people will respond to your love in an affirmative way, there are some who will not. This is what you have observed in following me these past three years. Because you will not live as some, very worldly individuals insist you should, their response to you will be hatred and they will do everything within their power to destroy you, either in who you are or in some cases, quite literally. It is what I have been through in living my life of love and, unbeknownst to you, the worst is yet to come. So, don't be surprised when you suffer for being a part of me, it is a part of serving the Father as we have. These individuals who treat you this way, have completely shut God out of their life because they want to be God. Thus, anyone who stands for God becomes a threat to them. Oh that they would listen to you, but instead, they choose to destroy you for that which you stand. Do not be surprised at this and do not waver in your faithfulness to me."

    The reality of being a believer, there will be rejection by a few. Jesus both taught and demonstrated how to handle this rejection: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44); and from the cross, "Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing (Luke 23:34)." To practice this in the face of opposition, will enable us to not be taken down by hostility but to rise above it as Jesus did. We need not put it in self-preservation mode for He has already got us covered. A reading of the book of Acts shows many examples of this.

    God be with you! With love, Bob

      Thanks Bob, I truly need this. I received a huge dose of hostility and opposition this morning.The only prayer that played over AND over through my heart and mind was Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing (Luke 23:34). Afterwards, I got to smile again when I saw it in your post.
      Trusting God as a BFF, I then asked for forgiveness for all the times I acted out of hostility instead of hospitality to anyone. Since I am mercifully and officially forgiven, I asked God to help me become a mercifully forgiving official. Today's challenge for me is to translate forgivEN into forgivING = FORGIVENING! I am clinging to The Vine and standing on The Word, With GOD, ALL things are possible, even now, even me. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. I learn so much in your writings and prayers! God bless you and your family. Thank you and thank you Jesus for leading me here. I hope you have a great day! ~ Amy

    3. Thank you, Amy! And thank you, Brilamar, for witnessing to the Spirit's movement through this blog. Thank you, paytonfamily!

    4. We were talking about how hard it is to love and forgive our enemies in Monday's Bible group. Sometimes it takes years to finally be able to forgive those who have done us wrong. But then we definitely walk with a lighter load and come to Him in holiness.
      Brie I just loved your words. Especially about changing forgiven into forgiving. That's the key right there. If God has forgiven our trespasses we must pay that forward and really forgive those who have done us wrong. It's so difficult but absolutely necessary so we can rest completely in His peace.

  19. Thank you all for sharing your prayers and blessings with this blogging family, and for asking for what you need. We are gathered in his name,JESUS! There is power, power in His name! The planner in me needs reminders like today's reading. Thank you, Father for your Will, and for my trust in you to follow it. ♥️🙏

  20. Congratulations Mad Fox!

    I've been contemplating this community. Most communities in the virtual world are shallow and of little substance. This virtual church body is different.

    I believe the difference is Gods love in and through us. God's love being expressed in hardships, trials, losses, victories, celebrations, and a safe place to come and be real with this experience of being human. A place to give and receive the love that is sourced by Him.

    I appreciate hearing your stories. Many are on my mind; many who have shared over the past year that have not posted for awhile. You are still being held in that love that endures here. I also appreciate hearing from those that have checked in.

    With all that being said, there is one thing still on my mind. Some of you may be missing or craving hugs. In the virtual world, a physical hug is impossible but it is possible in the spiritual world. I am here for hugs in this church family to anyone wanting one :-)

    1. Keith--- You absolutely WARMED my heart with your post! Yes indeed I want a hug and a BIG one! I receive your hug and WOW!!! It will be such a great day to meet you and the other JC WARRIORS when we go HOME! I can just imagine the hugs on that day! God bless you richly with his Grace, Mercy and unusual FAVOR!

    2. ((HUG)), ((HUG))JJ. Love you!

    3. ((HUG)) ((HUG)) Keith! I love you :)

    4. The intentions of your heart accomplish the embrace and I am duly hugged. It feels so good! Thanks, Keith and everyone who visits this blog. Knowing you are here is the warmth of a good hug.

    5. Keith - Standing in line to receive hugs from Keith and my beloved JC Family. Returning your hugs with love and blessings.

    6. I am a hugger; it has been difficult for me. Thank you, Keith, I so much needed this. I feel JESUS'S warm embrace through you.

    7. (((BOB))) ((((Sassy Mom)))) ((((LCA)))) I love you!

    8. Brilamar - I feel your (((((hug)))) BIGGGGG virtual group hug surrounding Payton Warriors.

  21. Please HUG me Keith and all others in my JC family who want to. I love, accept miss and need hugs. Hugs remind me of being wrapped up and safely cradled in Our Father's Arms. Hug On JC Family. My heart breaks to hug and be hugged by my daughter and son-in-love and granddaughters! I saw a "hug zone" similar to the ones Drs use with premies and babies with delicate conditions. I imagined it happening to me! Thanks in advance for all the hugs in Jesus' name. Amen

    1. Obviously you are a hugger, Brilamar, seen throughout this day’s posts. It would make me wonder if I was literally hugged by you, if I might get squashed. Oh heck, if given the opportunity, I would take a chance. (((Brilamar)))

    2. Sending you a big warm hug dear Brilamar! Much love and prayers for you.

  22. ((HUG)) ((HUG)) SIS. How are you?

  23. Today has been an awesome worship service with my JC Family! I read every comment, prayer, and poem and my heart is overflowing. I too have been going through it during the pandemic, feeling closed in and lonely because I am high risk it is best for me to stay in, and I get that but I am a people person and like that day to day interaction. What I learned today is God cares about each one of us and is not lost, he is with us each and every second when we invite HIM in, and the LORD's prayer was the dessert for this great spiritual meal today! Thank you all for showing up and being a blessing! Please continue to keep me in prayer for a job Pleasing to GOD and in HIS WILL for me and the courage to step out on faith and make that change according to his perfect will.


    1. The Lord bless you and keep you, GD, this day and forevermore. Thank you for the blessings you bring to this blog and glad to hear the feeling is mutual. God be with you!

    2. I love you BM; your prayers are filled with the Holy Spirit. You are a man of great faith and it as shines through your kindness to all. God bless you and yours more. LCA

    3. sorry..omit "as"

    4. (((HUGS!))) (((GOD'S DAUGHTER))))

    5. Continuing to pray for you dear God's daughter.
      He is with us every second when we invite HIM in. Amen to that dear sister.

  24. Oh, JC Family - what a 24 hours it has been! All 3 adult kids landed safely in KCMO and, the GOAL, is to move their sister out of her house. Hub and I had peace and quiet all day, even after offering our services to help with 2 grands. No response. Our 3rd Daughter-in-love's birthday is today and I bought her jammies that say, "Wifey," and "I'm the Mrs." This is my DIL who waited almost 10 years (!) for my son to finally tie the knot. Trust me, it's not how he was raised; however, this time last year (6/8/19), when they both learned that our state does not recognize Common Law Marriage, nor does Social Security - AND - after witness their oldest brother commit to marriage for the 2nd time, which includes 7 (!) children - they suddenly decided to marry. My Hub and I have thanked God every day since. So, tomorrow, (my prayer, JC Prayer Warriors), is that we will celebrate on the back porch, safely distanced, our dear Sarah. She was raised by a Jewish mother and a Protestant Father (minister!), and is a lovely addition to our family. She claims she has, 'no faith - 'nothing spiritual in my life, Mommy,' however; she exudes the love of God in every step she takes. Such a mystery to me.
    In the meantime, Sons #2 and #4, are TRYING to help their sister move out of her house and she is dawdling. Saying 'good-by' to friends; no ACTION, which is what they are all about. And, asking me to purchase the computer for her new job and 'trusting,' that she will pay me back. hMMM....we'll see, where I go with that (also asking for prayers of wisdom).
    Keith - I TOTALLY ACCEPT YOUR HUGS!! They are so needed. Like you, LCA, and so many of my JC Family, as I'm sure you've surmised...I AM A HUGGER. It has been SO HARD for me to not have physical contact with my loved ones. Last Sunday, Son #4 brought his 2 Littles over and the youngest, when released from his car seat. LEAPT into my arms, HUGGED MY NECK, and said, "OH, Nonnie, I've MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" His older brother grabbled my legs and when I set the littler one down, I grabbed him and, he too, squeezed my neck, saying, "NONNIE - I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH." At that moment, I thought of all of you and our discussions of The Gathering, and how we will REJOICE and HUG each other!! What a blessing that was.
    MadFox, - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, to your One True Love - 39 years!! (Youngster! - HA HA). And how I rejoiced at your daughter's total healing and agreed with Bob, that I was not surprised that she jumped right back in SERVING. Her Gift has been renewed! Have to tell you, MadFox, I shed a few tears over that post. Our God is SO gracious, so powerful, so COMPLETE. I'd picture you and your wife, miles away from her (picturing my daughter, of course and myself in your shoes) and WHAT FAITH, it required to trust God and pray for her healing and not hop on a plane or jump in your car and go rescue her! HOWEVER, YOU, TRUSTED Our Father (Maplewood's prayer this morning!), to rescue her, and heal her and let HER seal HER faith in God. WOW - THAT TOOK BELIEVING, my friend! So thankful for your example.
    OK...I've rambled, I've ranted, I've used up all of my words, to this loving, caring JC Family and I will close out (Hub's calling, "Coming out?")...can't tell you enough how much I love all of you and pray for you daily. What a wonderful thing Chris Peyton has unleashed! I thank you, Brother!
    God Bless, Sleep Sweet, Give it all to the name of Jesus Christ!

    1. I stopped for a quick read before ending the day and your post, Norah, was a good one to end on. Thanks. God be with you!

    2. Norah! What a day you had and you were on an emotional rollercoaster too but so much joy. Especially when your 2 grands jumped into your arms and gave you so much love! I must have told you before but my daughter in law is half Protestant Mother and a Jewish Father and she doesn't have any faith and actually gets upset when I say God Bless You or If I say I'm praying for her. So I must watch what I say around her. I know my son stopped going to Mass and never mentions God. They're the ones who wouldn't baptize my grandson and warned me not to try to do it in private. Well I pray for them every day and that is what I can do. Thank you for giving me a glimpse of your sweet spirit in your lovely words. Have a blessed day. And I send you a big hug too!

    3. Thank you for letting me see so much of your heart dear Norah. What a day you had! So much love in it too! Sending you a hug too. We are both praying for the faith of our family. Miss my grands so much and can't wait till they hug me. Lots of love.

    4. Dear Norah, Hope you're getting your rest and strength to help all your cases. I am also giving it all to God because He can handle it so much better than I can. I must go to sleep now or when I sing in Choir tomorrow which is today, it won't sound good. And I want to glorify God and open some hearts.

  25. Love all of you and pray wonderful prayers for each of our JC family
    We are so blessed indeed
    Today as extra emotionally challenging as my friends daughter, sweet Lilah was bitten by a dog
    Gd is faithful and good
    This sweet 6 year old was terrified and still brave
    The poor pup was being held hard and tried to escape then little Lilah reached out and was bitten. Prayers and love for all
    Sleep Sweet friends and God bless

    1. Brandy- sorry I missed this last year. What a frightening moment for everyone especially your sweet Lilah. I hope and pray all is well. ❤️

  26. Loved tor prayer Norah

  27. Father, thank You for all You are and do. You are so wonderful and amazing. You are everything to me. I need You in my life. You are my breath. Let Your Spirit flow within me and touch the lives of others. Help me relinquish control to You and Your will for me. Let me not keep thinking ahead, but remember that things always are subject to change. This has always been hard for me. Thank You for all that You are doing in my life and for always being with me. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. I am so grateful for Your saving grace. Please forgive me for all my shortcomings and hardheadedness. You deserve better. I praise You Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus.

  28. Amen dear Janet. May we both surrender ourselves to Him and focus on the present where he meets us. We must be alert and keep our eyes on His light on our paths. We are blessed to belong to Him, and that He belongs to us. He abides in us as we abide in Him. We are One in the Spirit, We are One in the Lord.

  29. Wonderful prayers Janet and Jeanne! Lord we surrender to your will in us. Please have your way. So many JC family not posting lately. Praying for all of you. Giving our Lord glory and honor always.

    1. I too, miss our JC Family Members who were formerly known as posters. I pray all is well with them and their dear ones, and that they are still gathered with us in prayers, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  30. Jeanne and others, all good, praying that I get to 20 or 30 or more with my bride, and am so thankful my daughter is doing well and attending grad school in August. But as today's devo says, I am looking to Him for my plans beyond today... and my path will be in His hand as we March into the future together. Amen.

    1. Happiest of Anniversaries to you Mr and Mrs Madfox!

    2. Praying you have many more happy years ahead with your lovely bride. And that your dear daughter breezes through Grad School. You must be so proud of her. God bless, strengthen and guide you and your family.

    3. Happy and blessed Anniversary to you dear MadFox and your lovely bride! May God continue to heal, strengthen and bless you and your good wife in every way and bring you many more happy years of love together.

  31. This day’s message finds deep root in me, today especially. My husband’s accident of nearly six weeks ago, where he broke both ankles and heels actually pins us to the present. We met with his surgeon again for our second visit and asked about some travel plans in July. My family has been planning a “reunion” for over two years. My parents are 91 and definitely failing in health. We are not sure if we will do a fam vacay again. Also, our oldest niece marries the end of July. Basically the doctor said it would be challenging to travel with two broken feet. My husband and I talked about how we don’t remember ever seeing a wheelchair bound person in a plane. People who can walk or scoot from their wheelchair to a seat, yes. But not someone who depends on their w c. So we cannot look at these future plans. My spirit grieves these losses but as we focus on God’s plans today, we may discover much more hope and peace. How gracious God is to teach us everyday. Blessed day to all! ❤️

    1. Father, place Your healing hands on GraceTakesTime's husband and help shorten his recovery and pain. Your sovereignty will open up a way to meet their needs and desires. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. Hi Grace Takes Time, I am still praying for your husband's recovery and complete healing, and for you as well. I have a friend who is bound to a wheelchair as a result of a helicopter crash in Viet Nam. He was the only survivor but the spinal injury left him without use of his legs and he is bound to live life in a wheelchair. We flew with him to Alaska. He advised the airline when he made his reservation of his situation. Before any other passengers were allowed on board, The Airline employees wheeled him in his wheelchair next to his seat (first seat in First class) the chair and seat arms were moved and they got him in an airline seat, buckled him up and stored his wheelchair. At the end of the flight, after all other passengers deplaned, they got him back into his wheelchair. And off we went. He was a former football player and magnificent dancer and I believe he had sufficient arm strength to support his body weight. My only point is yes, flying while wheelchair bound can be done, it was done. Hope this helps you and your DH. Love you family.
      Send prayers!

    3. Continuing to pray for your good husband and you dear GraceTakesTime. Brie said traveling in a wheelchair is possible and the airplane crew are used to accommodating your every need. Don’t lose hope for that reunion. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Praying for healing, guidance and peace of mind. Believing your husband will also enjoy the July Wedding. Our God is so good.

    4. Thank you all so very much!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

    5. Praying, GTT, that God makes a way for you and your husband to attend your family reunion and attend your niece's wedding. Got is our Way-Maker! He makes a way when we don't see a way. So while at the moment you can't look at future plans, God can and IS! Keep leaning on and trusting Him as you and your husband have. God has a plan! Sending healing blessings and love your way, GTT!

    6. Thank you again for your prayers JC prayer community. We have been held. So much change occurred in this past 14 months - for us and all of us here, too. God remains faithful and true. He holds our hearts and our days. His love never fails. He is worthy of all praise. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.
      -Grace Takes Time

    7. Thanks for the time you took to share your TESTimony, Grace Takes Time. Yes, bless the Lord oh my soul.

  32. 🙏 for miracles of healing and recovery from the accident your husband endures, GTT. May the timing for healing be shortened, in Jesus's name I pray.

  33. The joy of the Lord within me brings me perfect peace. Thank You Jesus. You are worthy of all my worship, focus, and praise. Please let all Your children be kind to one another and let Your glory shine through them to others. Praise God always.

  34. I have a supervisor who seems to spend an inordinant amount of time looking over my shoulder trying to find any fault with my work.....for 5+years. I have cried out to God. Please pray with me for resolution, peace. My prayer and hope is that God will overwhelm him. (Like Road to emaus story with Paul). It's very traumatic and horrible!! Chuck.

    1. Chuck, thanks for your share. Yes a difficult situation. We will pray...

    2. God sees your good work and I’m praying your supervisor will see it too. May God open his eyes and soften his hardened heart. Keep glorifying God. That’s what counts.

  35. Thanksgiving report .....I was praying for God to make a way because I didnt have a salary for the month of April. My employer agreed to pay me weekly and this has been helpful with sorting out transport cost. My fridge for 8 years coughed and broke down, God provided a beautiful Samsung Fridge it is an amazing how God came through. Thank Father I read your word , your gifts are better than we can ever imagine Matthew 7:11
    If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him! and for this JC family that stands with me all I can say is thank you!

    1. Such awesome news! More answered prayers and a new fridge! Hallelujah! We serve such a faithful God who supplies all our needs and then some!

    2. COOL! (Pun intended) PTL!

    3. Thank you for that wonderful testimony Min Ahadi!!
      And Audra!!!! 😂

    4. How awesome is our God, right?! Such a great victory report, Min! Weekly provision financially and a new fridge! Thanks for sharing!

  36. Great news of God's provision MinAhadi! Did you sell your car too? Still praying fir your needs to be met. Mindy

    1. Thanks for asking Mindy . Not yet , people show interest but don't come back after viewing it. God's timing is perfect !

  37. You’ll get that car sold dear Min Ahadi because God knows your needs and your trust in Him! Thank You Jesus!

  38. Praise the Lord ! God walks ahead of us and directs our path. May we be patient and follow where He leads us . I give thanks today because the parent whose kids I was homeschooling finally paid , thank God for a gracious landlord who was patient and understanding. I have been volunteering at a children home ever Tuesday and it brings me so much joy ! Thank God for directing me there . I am still house hunting and I pray that God will go before me, as I search for a house with close to school ,good water, good security and friends for daughter to play with .

    1. And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 419 Amplified

    2. Yes indeed Anonymous, brother Peter said it. Your needs will be supplied, every part of it, for our Father knows them in detail. Love & blessings on your day. 🙏💞

    3. Such wonderful news dear sister! Thanking God for more answered prayers and His faithfulness! I’m sure you’re such a bright light in that children’s home! Let it shine! Trust that God will provide all your needs. He is the Great Promise Keeper. 💗😊🙏

  39. Praying for Jeanne's Bryan, Allie, and their new baby daughter. Also praying for Audra's keys to return. In Jesus Name. Amen.

  40. Praying with you that God will return the keys to our dear sister Audra! Your prayers were heard dear Brie! Thanks. Got this message from Bryan at 7:43 this morning.

    We checked into maternity. Allie’s in labor! Just in the beginning phase.

    Hurray! Thanking God for a smooth labor and delivery, strength, patience, peace of mind, comfort, a healthy perfect baby girl and His guidance throughout. Thank You Jesus

    1. Joining in prayers for a healthy, wonderful delivery. May our heavenly Father's hands shape and mold this precious baby. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. My smile reflects my joy-full prayers for a healthy baby and all other requests finding their way to becoming posts. God has let me know that all that is lost will be found. I trust Him, my memory, not as much 😉
      Asking for prayers for peace for my brother who has declined a wedding invitation due to covid fears and travel. Hubby and I were just speculating how the real fear is that of the finality of death and not knowing God. So today I ask the Holy Spirit to help my brother and any fearful unbelievers to see their fear as an invitation to discover Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and rest in the peace of KNOWING HIM. As you see fit, thank you for joining me in the awesome prayer warrior fashion of this JC family!
      And...Happy Anniversary to Mr. And Mrs. Mad 🦊 ♥️♥️

    3. Thanks for your prayers Janet, Audra, Rich and all our family because Evelyn Mary Cashman was born this afternoon weighing in at 6 pounds and 15 ounces. Mommy, Daddy and Baby are all doing well. God is so good.
      Dear Audra, I am always looking for my keys. I lose them about every other day. I usually put them on the kitchen counter by the fridge. But now and then I drop them in the oddest places. Found them inside the kitchen drawer one day. Trust in Him to find them. He's way more dependable then our memories. Praying for your brother that he will seek the Lord for himself and have a strength of faith so he is no longer fearful. Amen dear Audra, I'm praying for all those unsaved to come to Jesus and the only true peace.
      Joining you in wishing MadFox and his wife a very Happy Anniversary! Celebrate your love that endures. God bless you and your life together.

  41. Praying for all the requests here today. New baby, found keys, new home and happy hearts and souls! Please add my brother who is trying to find a new home for his family with 4 children. They hope to hear on a bid today.

    Dear Lord I pray that you will guide my feet, my heart and my soul in all that I do today and be blessed with your peace. May I completely trust you, surrender unto you, and have faith in your word and your promises.

    Blessings 🙏

    1. Rich C's brother who is trying to find a new home for his family with 4 children? Prayerfully noted, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  42. Praying with you dear Brie that God will lead Rich to the perfect home for his large family. God already knows which one it will be. May He lead Rich by the hand to the best home for all of them.
    Thank You Father for hearing our prayers and answering them, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

  43. Sometimes when I'm lying in bed trying to sleep, I ask God to take all my thoughts and put them in a box with my name on it and hold it till the morning. Then I rest with an empty head, with only the words Jesus and Peace written on my mind. It always helps me to sleep. God is so good. He even provides the calm when your mind is in storm mode. I try not to look ahead at all the things I must accomplish. I just tell Jesus: I'm giving it all to YOU. He is so good and faithful.
    Please keep Scott, Rudy, and Loretta in your prayers for healing. Scott is still in the hospital for his colon cancer surgery. Rudy is home from his surgery to resolve problems with his incision from his heart surgery. I spoke to him today and he's doing well and remaining hopeful that he will heal up much better than before. My dear friend Loretta is having a colonscopy on Friday because the quick test came up positive for colon cancer. Praying her colonoscopy will be clear or just show a bad polyp that the doctor will remove so she will be just fine. Thank You Jesus for perfect healing and good health for all of them and all of our JC Family and all those we are praying for. Amen

    Nahum 1:7
    The Lord is good,
    A stronghold in the day of trouble,
    And He knows those who take refuge in Him.

    Psalm 62:8
    Trust in Him at all times, O people;
    Pour out your heart before Him;
    God is a refuge for us. Selah.

    1. Praying for you Jeanne, Loretta, Rudy, and Scott. May our heavenly Father's healing hands be upon all of you and His loving presence comfort your souls. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless!

    2. Also praying for you Jeanne, Loretta, Rudy, and Scott.
      Great advice on the 'Thought Box', gonna try that. Often my mind gets active, inventive, as I try to sleep; I was designing a new tool last night!

    3. Joining in in prayer for Rudy, Scott & Loretta. God is faithful & will guide them through each trial they are facing. May they each believe that He is able, powerful & strong & mighty to deliver them from all their troubles. Hallelujah! 💕🙏🌈

    4. I have tried putting the armor of God on twice a day now. Before I get out of bed, and as PJs for sleep. interestingly enough, decluttering of my mind happens.
      Today's devotion so speaks to the planner in me. But where I see growth and maturity is in that as I ease off on compulsive planning, it "unclutters your mind, allowing Me to occupy more and more of your consciousness." Not a news flash, but a welcome RE minder from today's blog. So grateful!

    5. Thanks dear ones for your sincere prayers for Scott, Rudy and Loretta and for your blessings and advice! God hears every prayer and we know He is faithful! May we all continue to receive His faithfulness in our lives! Thank You Jesus 🙏

    6. Dear Audra, I am somewhat of a planner too. But I put my days into God’s Hands. He makes time for me to cook Rick’s dinners and help with my grandkids. He brought me peace while I made meatballs this morning so I could get to my Bible group on time later. I even set up the coffee. Every week I put a list up and transfer the things I must do each day to my list. I try not to look at the next week unless I need a gift or I must bake a cake. Tomorrow I’m bringing 3 cakes to our music Jam. One large carrot cake is for my friend Curtis for his Birthday and the two smaller carrot cakes are for my friends Gil and Jessie. They love carrot cake. So Jessie’s is Gluten Free and Gil can’t eat carbs so it’s made with almond flour and stevia. My Birthday is on Sunday but no one has ever baked me a cake.Oh well. But someone usually brings me a cake. I’m grateful for their love and friendship for so many years. God is so good to lead me to joy, love and good music! I’m grateful.

  44. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Please guide me through the doors that You have opened up for me and close the ones I should not enter. I trust in You Lord and I am relying on You to help show me the way to go. Direct my steps Lord and take control of my life. I surrender all to You Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

  45. Woke up today full of thanks and praise to Father God for Jesus, for the Presence of the Holy Spirit within, for all His goodness.
    Fitting song that came to mind is Peter Green singing 'Thank You Oh My Father.' Praying you experiences the Presence of the Almighty Living God active in your life and your loved ones today.

    1. That was a pretty song! Thanks Peter!

  46. Listening to your song, Peter, as I post this morning. What a blessing.
    Praying for Rudy, Scott and Loretta, Dear Jeanne. Asking our Father for His perfect healing in all of them and the victory dance that will begin!
    Happy Anniversary, to you and your dear wife, MadFox!! It was fun to read posts this morning from years ago: the blessings that have been witnessed and appreciated; the answers we've received, the much-needed virtual (spiritual) (((hugs))) that we all gave and received when we couldn't do it physical. My, how God continues to bless us.
    Praying for each of you this day. Peter, this song followed yours and I'm claiming all of these many promises for each of us and all of ours.
    God Bless, JC Family!

    1. Hoping and Praying continued good news with your hubby's MM. Yes. Hard to believe 42 years of her patience... blessed.

    2. Celebrate love and patience today, Mr. And Mrs Mad 🦊 ♥️

    3. What an awesome song dear Norah!! I haven’t heard it in a long while and it lifted my weary heart today!!! Thanks for the prayers and for adding so much light to my day.
      Happy Anniversary to you and your sweetheart, dear MadFox! Celebrate your enduring love and the faithfulness of God!
      God bless your day! Love you all.

    4. Thank you for the song. Blessed, Blessed, Blessed!

  47. Norah - Charity Gayle, one of my very favorite singers/.

  48. How is everyone? I'm excited to watch God's plans unfold. I would love to know that I'm doing what He wants me to be doing and fulfilling His purpose for me. Praying for His will to be done <3 hope you all are well

    1. Amen to that! I believe the best is yet to come. I'm doing well thank God! How is your son doing, dear free as can B?

  49. Amen JJ 🙏. Thank you for the powerful prayer! God bless!

  50. Such a wonderful and powerful prayer from our dear JJ! Thank you and Amen! Trusting in God's Amazing Power to heal dear Norah's DH and bring him back to good health and comfort and to answer all our prayers. His Word Stands Forever and He Stands by His Word. Whatever We Ask in His Name He Will Do. We are Victorious and These are GLORY Days, not Gloomy Days. Thank You Father for healing Norah's DH and all of us, and our loved ones, and answering our prayers, and comforting our hearts, and strengthening us in every way, and guiding us to do Your Will and to accomplish what we must. We trust that You are helping us. Thank You for this in the Powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. God bless you!

  51. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday. Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. (Psalm 37:5-7).

  52. Thank you, JJ, for this passionate and mighty prayer! Blessings to you and yours, JJ.

  53. Thanks JJ, What a Way to start our day!
    With your prayer as my cover, I am putting my boots on the correct feet, lacing them up tight, and marching forward into this day with all of our JC Christian Soldiers. In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

  54. Thanks for that wonderful breakfast for my soul! Love you, dear sister! God bless your day! Putting mine right into His able Hands. Lead me, Lord.

  55. Thank you JJ for the powerful prayer! I am coming to this site late today, and with a prayer request….so may not be read by many (until next year?). But God knows and He hears me. My dear husband has had a clean cardiac check up at Mayo, after his open heart surgery. Thank you God! But he had a neurology appt regarding his “limp” and leg weakness and the MRI showed some progressive spinal muscle atrophy. Not sure what this means, and the doc hasn’t had a call with us yet, but we pray that this very athletic man will not lose the ability to do the sports and activities that he loves. THANK YOU for your prayers! And I pray for a blessing into your lives, however it is needed. AMEN

  56. Praying with and for you Ellen, for your husband as well, that ALL IS WELL in Jesus' Hands. No matter what time you post, many of us pray all day for all needs to be met @ GOD. Along with the early risers, we have the night owls, and the frequent flyers. As Jan gridley says,
    "The Warriors are on it.'
    You are covered. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  57. From Psalm 16
    Keep me safe, O God, for in you do I hope and take refuge!

  58. Dear Ellen, I'm joining JJ in RADICAL TRUST and OBEDIENCE to God's power to handle all our difficult situations for good. Let's be blessed this beautiful day and stay in gratitude.

  59. Blessings from NYMay 16, 2024 at 8:58 AM

    Such a powerful prayer JJ! Thank you!
    Ellen, Praying for the report regarding your husband’s MRI to be favorable in that it’s nothing serious and will help him improve his health- in Jesus’ name I pray in unity with all the JC warriors

  60. Our Precious Ellen: I speak to your husband's muscles, nerves joints and bones. I call them normal in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I Decree and Declare they WILL NOT respond to any disease or injury for God's promise of 1Peter 2:24,
    "He carried away our sins in his own body on the cross so we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. Ellen's husband has been healed by Jesus's wounds."
    I Decree and Declare that God's promise permeates every muscle, nerve, bone and joint in his body with Life and Health. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST HIM SHALL PROSPER!
    Decreeing and Declaring that the Holy Spirit that raise Jesus from the dead dwells in Ellen's husband, permeating Life ALL through him, sending Healing throughout his body. In the Mighty Name of Jesus and The Holy Blood of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.

  61. I second the Decree and the Declare. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  62. Blessings from NYMay 16, 2024 at 7:27 PM

    Amen and amen JJ!!❤️🙏


    1. Thanks for that prayer, Sassy Mom. ❤️

    2. Love Miss Dodie from Lakewood Church, Sassy Mom! Boy did God bring her through some of her own trials! Thanks for sharing this with us! While I'm a day late, it blessed me indeed!

  64. Amen and Amen! That Prayer was wonderful and it blessed me. Thank you, dear Sassy Mom. Praying for so many people with you. We pray that their bodies, minds and spirits will be healed by our Great Physician in Jesus' Name, Amen
