Saturday, May 23, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 23

     Approach each new day with desire to find Me. Before you get out of bed, I have already been working to prepare the path that will get you through this day. There are hidden treasures strategically placed along the way. Some of the treasures are trials, designed to shake you free from earth-shackles. Others are blessings that reveal My Presence: sunshine, flowers, birds, friendships, answered prayer. I have not abandoned this sin-wracked world; I am still richly present in it.
     Search for deep treasure as you go through this day. You will find Me all along the way.

Colossians 2:2-3
English Standard Version

2 that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Verse Thoughts
Chapter 2 of Colossians is written to guard the Colossians against the seductive influence of false philosophies which tended to draw them away from the gospel. All of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in Christ. We need each other. We need to be knit together in love; united in affection. We tend to search and search for meaning when it is all found extensively in Christ.

Isaiah 33:6
English Standard Version

and he will be the stability of your times,
    abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge;
    the fear of the Lord is Zion's treasure.

Verse Thoughts
This verse celebrates the wisdom and piety of Hezekiah for he had put his confidence in God. Hezekiah's reign shall not be distinguished for wars and conquests, for commercial enterprise, or for external splendor, but for the prevalence of piety, and the fear of the Lord.

My Prayer
Lord, I want to start each day with the right frame of mind. Help me to not be defeated because of yesterday or the day before or my present condition. Help me to walk through each day, trusting you. Even though trials may come my way, I don't want to get off course and think that you are not working in my life. Thank you for the beauty that you gift me each and every day. Keep me focused on You, trusting You and accepting what You Provide.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, Help me to remember the "bumps" or trials I encounter is not a time of separation from you, but an opportunity to become closer to you. My strength comes from You. Amen.

  2. Dear Lord, Thank you for the treasures You gift me with today and the ability to recognize the bumps are opportunities to become more Christ like in my Christian walk. Blessings to my JC Family.

    1. Amen 🙏
      Your prayer is my prayer, Sassy Mom

      Sending love, blessings and prayers

    2. 🙏🏼to all

  3. Amen, Sassy Mom and ABC and PeasForChickens from a year ago. Our prayer to search for 'deep treasure' remain the same throughout the years and believingly, we see them clearer each year - each day. Father, I thank you in the name of Jesus Christ, that I don't get so busy that I miss the lovely treasure you offer each day. That I recognize that following those 'bumps' are great victories as we trust in You. Love and God's Blessings to my JC Family!

  4. Good morning JC friends. I love today's message. God does give us signs throughout the day. When my daughter passed, I had wanted to use a certain picture of her for the memorial. I had kept it for 15 years and suddenly could not find it. I was extremely distraught. Finally, I just gave it to God and accepted it was gone. It broke my heart to have lost such an important picture. Then last night, as my step-mom is preparing for my dad's memorial, she sends me a picture of the picture she found in her collection. It was a copy of the picture I lost!! A year and a half later God answered my prayer to find my picture. I still have no idea where my copy went, but thankfully I will be given the picture at my dad's service. God loves us and cares about even something as small as a picture.
    May your day be filled with joy and hope. Look all around you....He is showing you how much he loves you. TL

    1. Amen Unknown! Thank you, Lord, for answered and unanswered prayer. Help us to see the treasures You provide daily and to count the "bumps" as moments to be closer to You. Blessings to my JC family.

    2. Dear TL! I love that story about your daughter’s picture! I have seen God’s faithfulness so many times! He really cares about the things we hold dear to our hearts.

  5. TL, Praising God you recognized the treasure you were gifted with.

  6. Good morning JC Family🌄. I too thank you Lord for the bumps along my journey. It serves to remind me to look to the One who remove them or use them to deepen my faith walk. As for the treasures you have lead me to find along the way, they are priceless! I would be writing all day if I were to list them all! One I can't help but mention oh Lord. The sweet treasure of this JC family you led me to find🥰. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

    1. Good morning! Thank you JC family, my first discovery of the day on a Treasure Hunt for God's blessings! Thank you, Father, for this respite from work and the gift of more uninterrupted time with you this long weekend. I know I will find you so much more easily away from a computer screen!!!! Enjoy the day folks, I hope the weather is conducive to your getting outside to enjoy the beauty of His creation and safely enjoying time with family and friends. Thank you Father for welcoming those that served in our armed forces and fought for our freedoms as we remember and honor them this coming Memorial Day. I imagine you all remember the saying, "there are no atheists in a fox hole." God bless!

    2. Amen. Enjoy your day as well!

    3. Amen dear Jan! What a great treasure God gave us by leading us all to this wonderful JC Blog and Family. What a gift that keeps on giving!!!

    4. Beautiful post dear Audra!
      Let us pray for healing, protection and guidance for all those who are serving and have served in the armed forces. We owe you so much. Thank you for your sacrifice.

  7. This blog is a blessing to all, but it must be especially so for shut ins for whatever reason. Peace to all!

  8. Gods blessings on all in this JC community.
    Dear Lord help me to continue to look to the light when I encounter shadows in my life. It is in Christ's light that I receive guidance and comfort. Each episode of trial can be a blessing in disguise to grow and rely more closely on You for all my needs. Amen.

  9. Thank you Lord for another day to praise your name and show others Jesus through us. Thank you for the bumps in the road that have grown me in to who you want me to be today. Help me to always look at the bumps as a lesson that will lead to a blessing, if not for me, for someone that needs that boost, to turn their life over to you. Be with us as we go about our day, keep Your hedge of protection around us as we do what is we do, during the day. Thank you for our JC Family, bless each person in our family and honor their prayers, unless it is something we are not ready for yet. Your timing is what matters in our times of need, teach us to be praying in the hallway, waiting for the next door to open. Forgive our sins, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

    1. Pamela K.-- Amen and Amen to your prayer. Thank you Lord, that You are the God who keeps His promises. They never fail, and people like this JC FAMILY are for whom Your promises are intended. Lord please cleanse us from anything that keeps us from becoming all You made us to be in Christ. Humble and grateful in Kansas

    2. God bless you Pamela! Amen! We may not receive what we ask for because our good God isn’t ready to give it to us because He knows better. It is all in His timing. Maybe we will see answered prayers years from now. His timing is perfect and we must also accept His will.
      Amen JJ! He is a promise keeper so we must continue to trust Him completely and wait for His faithfulness.

    3. I join in your prayer, Pamela. Well said! ♥️

    4. Printing this prayer out Pamela K. And today I will "be praying in the hallway, waiting for the next door to open!" unless it is something I am not ready for yet. You are so right on when you prayed, Your Timing is what matters most during our times of great need! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
      How are you our dearly loved Sister-Friend in Christ?

    5. I'll literally be praying in the hallway today as I am going to a Dr's office to plead with him to do something to get Keith out of pain, rigidity and tremors in Jesus' Name. Please pray God's Will Be Done, and for me to thank and praise God in the middle of "the hallway", and experience His Presence albeit wrapped in trial or blessing paper!

    6. Brie,
      He hears each and every word and thought. The hall way is the perfect place to speak with him. His love for you and Keith and the rest of us is unmeasurable. Please take comfort in knowing that he knows and has a bigger plan than we all know. Peace be with you both as I include you in my prayers.

    7. Thank you Lord Jesus for the treasure gifts of blessings and of trials. Today, already many treasure
      Blessings. Thank you for this beautiful body of believers. Each of of you are a treasure and in my prayers. Thank you Lord that through the trials you are with us and in your perfect timing work things into your good. God is faithful and good. Love and blessings

    8. Joining you in the hallway, Brie, where voices and prayers will echo and reverberate in heaven, to be heard and handled by the ONE WE TRUST. 🙏 Peace to you and Keith ♥️♥️

  10. Thank You Jesus for today's message! What a Blessing, what a Joy divine to wake up to You and hear You say, You have already prepared the path that will get me through this rainy blessed day on the east coast!
    Father, my desire is to seek You, knowing when I do, I will find You.Thank You for this gift of life and the journey that have You right by my side every moment!
    Whether they are treasures of Blessings or trials, please help me Lord to open my eyes and ears to find them and thank You for each!
    As I sit on the train this morning going to work and looking out the windows at the shower of Blessings, I know this is just one of many treasures I'll see today. The rain to water the plants, flowers and to watch away the germs and filth of a crowded NY city, I say thank You!
    Rain or shine, hot or cold, they ALL have their purpose,
    Blessings or trials, they have their purpose too! So THANK YOU Heavenly Father. Help us to embrace each and not complain, but be grateful.

    As we seek You today, we know that we don't have to look too far, You are always so near! Many times I try not to rack my brain by thinking 'who are we that You are sooooo mindful of us', so I just lift my hands up to You and Glorify You, Thank You, and Praise You.

    May Your Treasures and Blessings of this day locate us as we locate them in Jesus name!

    Love, peace and a great day to my JC family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. That verse, "who am I that you are mindful of me", Anonymous,came to me first thing this morning.

    2. Amen Amen, Maplewood, NJ! Your prayer is mine, and your posts inspire and uplift me daily. Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of this JC family! Blessings from California.

    3. Maplewood,
      Love your gratitude of a rainy day even a year later. I always remind myself that God made the pretty days and the gray and rainy ones. It's only raining outside but in our hearts it's always bright and sunny with the love of Christ. Amen He is so close to us. Seek Him and He will be found.

    4. Five years later and your posts continue to uplift and inspire...
      May Your Treasures and Blessings of this day locate us as we locate them in Jesus name! Love, peace and a great day to my JC family, and to you too, Anonymous in Maplewood NJ, or wherever you may be!

  11. Yes indeed there are signs of Christ presence all around. Thank you Lord for the knowledge that you have already prepared the path before me today. I will walk in faith, that whatever the trials or circumstances I know you are with me. I pray for healing and peace that only you can provide to my niece in her thirties and my friends 9 year old son - both diagnosed with cancer. Jesus is the healer. I pray that Christ blesses us with supernatural strength that only comes from Christ during these times. Our understanding of these trials on such young beautiful souls is beyond what we will ever know on earth. But thru prayer and His word we are brought together with the love of our Jesus Christ. Help us to remember our treasure is in heaven and life is eternal for those who know Christ. I pray that the enemy does not get a foot hold during these trials but forever we turn to Christ for comfort. Show us Lord how we can minister to others not only on the mountain tops but in the valleys. May the love of Christ bond us together throughout this day.

    1. Joining you in prayer Purplemartin for these two precious souls. A dear sister just broke her hip. Her health has been such an issue. Thank you Father for the ways that your Holy Spirit will move in these loved ones lives. Amen

    2. Dear purplemartin, Praying your Niece and your friend’s son have seen the faithfulness of God and have been healed of their cancer and Jan’s dear sister‘s hip has been healed. Thank You Jesus!

  12. Lexie Update.
    (When I select today's date May 22 I get May 23. When I tried the old Google way putting in today's date I turned into a robot.) Here goes: Lexie was in too much pain for the ENT procedure to be done. She will have to be sedated. I don't have any info when this will be done. Thank you for continued prayers.

    1. Praying for dear Lexie. May our good Lord comfort and heal her and shower her with blessings. KS

    2. Continuing to pray for dear Lexie to be healed and brought back to good health to God’s glory.

  13. Lord, place your healing hands on Lexie and Purplemartins Neice and friends young son. Be with them, comfort them and give them peace and courage. Thank you that “your Hand, though unseen, is still moving”. Give us this day’s daily bread and keep us focused on you. I love you Lord.

  14. Father, we cone together here as Your JC family in petition and healing prayer over Lexie, Purplemarten's niece and friend's young son, Jan gridley"s sister's broken hip, and my cousin Billy's health issues. We know You are in control, Lord, and Your timing is perfect. Help us to see these times of trials as a way to seek Your light and be closer to You. Strengthen our faith when we falter, and forgive us our sins. Thank you, Jesus, for the incredible gift of today. Help us when we get too busy to see Your treasures. Blessings to my JC family from California.

    1. Dear Rose, I’m still praying for you and your family! Praying you are doing well dear sister.

  15. This day I chose to share a piece of my Wondrful it is to wake up to the doves cooing rooster crows and chicadees chirping. Its a symphony of nature and Gods presence for us while shut in thru quarantine. We are not alone. There is life all around in abundance. Listen and it reveals itself watch and see the parade of ants across the patio, deer in the forest, people scrambling around. This is not coincidence. Blessed are those who share and learn live and grow patiently waiting for the next sign of Holy Spirits presence. Be able to recognize and ponder, it's no coincidence. Heavenly Father surrounds us with his presence and Love continually.

    1. A wonderful post, FoB. Thanks for allowing us into your blessing. Truly, it doesn't take much to fill our cup if we will allow our soul to simply long for God.

    2. So true Friend of Bill. I was listening to a beautiful symphony of birds yesterday. What a blessing to have ears to hear God’s glory of creation. How blessed we are!

  16. Lexi Update - Received update this morning. These are her words.
    "His love is better than life!!!! I was able to have surgery and believe I'm on the mend. My God is so gracious and I will never stop telling of His faithfulness and love. I'm in tears, I'm so grateful for your prayers. I am nothing without him. Thank You, God. So humbled." Rejoicing with Lexi and giving thanks to Jehovah Rapha. Thanks to JC Warriors for faithfully praying.

    1. Amen, Amen, Amen to the KING! He haa done it again! THANK YOU JEHOVAH-RAPHA!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. What wonderful news!! Singing His praises for Lexi being on the mend.

    3. Hallelujah! Such a blessing to hear good news from Sassy Mom and Lexi! God is so faithful to those who trust in Him and seek Him in faith and thanksgiving. So blessed! Our God is such a great God and above all sickness and circumstances. Praying for all those in need of healing especially Lexi, Purplemarten's niece and friend's young son, Jan's sister's broken hip, and Rose's cousin Billy. God is the Greatest Healer and can make the impossible possible.

    4. Thank you Jesus for answered prayer. How Great Thou Art!

  17. Dear Heavenly Father, I sing to Your glory this morning! Thank You for the breath of life and the entrance into a new day. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    It's a new season it's a new day
    A fresh anointing is flowing my way
    It's a season of power and prosperity
    It's a new season coming to me.

    The devil's time is up no longer can he bother me. Cause the Creator of the universe He Father's me. And it's transferable my children's children shall be free.
    It's a new season it's a new season

    All that was stolen is returned to you a hundred fold. Tried in the fire but you're comin' out gold.
    All that was stolen is returned to you a hundred fold. Tried in the fire but you're comin' out gold.
    Cling to His Hand Yes to every promise take a hold. It's a new season.

    To You oh Lord, we lift up our thanks and praise for Your goodness and faithfulness. It is indeed a new season! I decree it, declare it and recieve it in Jesus name! Thank You for a refreshing new day filled with some of Your very best treasures. Whether it’s trials, sunshine, flowers, birds, laughter, miracles through answered prayers, You remain the same FAITHFUL GOD! Help us to embrace this new day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude and broaden our minds to accept all things that are of You, in Jesus name. Amen.

    Psalm 118:24- “ This is the day the Lord has made;
    We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen! Amazing, inspiring words! I join you and lift up my heart in praise, thanks, joy and song to our Lord, Jesus Christ, our King above all kings.

    2. Thanks Maplewood NJ, for putting a fresh new song into my heart which is now flowing out from my mouth, spilling over and getting me through this day with Christ, in Whom is hidden ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, according to Colossians 2. Your post, this Song, and all our JC Warrior Family Members are counted among my treasures. Thank You God for Your indescribable gifts. With Love to All

    3. Thank You God for Your Treasure of Joy that shows the world there is something different about followers of Jesus Christ. Let us pray today for a new season of greater Joy that will shine through us and rest on the world! All of Your Children have Your Treasure of uncompromisable Joy within, because You placed it there for ALL time, including times of trial, difficulty, pain and pandemonic. Thank You, Oh Holy Spirit, for giving us God's treasures including Joy that surpasses all understanding, that we may live as human witnesses to Your Love and Your Fidelity! Help our Search N Find Mission to lead us to Your deeply hidden treasure of Joy as we go along the path You traced out for us this day. May we joyously find You all along the way. Amen!

    4. As always, twin bd sis, am so blessed by the firmness of your resolution by which you start your day. It is a blessing!

    5. Thanks for filling me, dear Maplewood. I am rejoicing and being glad in my new day.

    6. When I read your older posts, they still bring me so much light! Thank you sweet Maplewood! Amen the greatest treasures are those gifts that God showers on us each day, like a perfect sky, the cool breeze on a hot day, the sound of the birds singing or the sound of the rhythm of the rain on the roof or the beauty of an ocean of flowers or a knowing smile of an understanding friend or seeing the love in our dear one’s eyes or hearing a word of comfort and encouragement when we need it most or catching the magnificence of a sunrise or sunset, and feeling God’s peace and grace, and seeing His faithfulness!
      I didn’t know that song A New Season by Israel Houghton. Such beautiful lyrics! Thanks dear sister! You always make my day better. Praying you are feeling well abd your Mom is doing well. Much love.

  18. As I begin my day from bed, help me to see You throughout my day. In all the hardships as well as all the beauty that surrounds me, especially in nature, help me to know you are with me every step of the way. I pray for all those that have asked for your blessings today, and if it be your will, that it be granted. Amen.

    1. Amen dear ABC! We still are praying for more answered prayers for our JC Family and loved ones. God bless and heal you and yours. Amen!
      Dear Father, if it be Your will, let them be granted.

  19. Father, Thank you for another amazing day! I am so grateful to be able to share my morning with my brothers and sisters You so graciously guided me to!! Help me Lord today be the light to those I encounter at work. I ask for the Spirit to guide my words and actions especially to those that are not yours yet. For those that are not kind to me, or even rude may I simply show them Your love!!! May my joy and peace remain as it is when I commune with You and my JC family today. Help me to see You in ALL things, Lord!! Thank you Jesus for loving me when I was unlovable!! Thank you for all that You are!!!
    Have a blessed day, brothers and sisters!!

    Maryville, Tennessee JC friend

    1. Thanks, CJ! Wonderful spirit in your post which is a blessing.

    2. That was such a beautiful prayer! Praying with you. May He walk with me through this day.
      I sure need God’s Spirit to give me the right words to say to bring peace, joy and encouragement to my Sis and Mom while I am here in Brooklyn. Thank You Jesus for this and for granting all our prayers for healing, comfort and guidance. Amen!

    3. Just love your line: Thank you Jesus for loving me when I was unlovable. Amen to that!

  20. Hello JC family. I have been here for about 2 months drawing strength from the Lord. Through your comments. Thank you. This morning I sense His presence and unimaginable love for you all and for me. When I consider this world and creation’s mystery it leads me to the hidden mystery now revealed - Jesus Christ. And to His love and care for us. You are an awesome God.

    1. Jerry --- Welcome, welcome to the JC Family/WARRIORS! We do indeed serve an awesome God! And, this group of WARRIORS are incredible group for the Lord! A huge thank you to Chris Payton for this site and all that you do to maintain it. When we all come together, we are on HOLY GROUND! Great Blessings on ALL who come here!

    2. Welcome to our JC Prayer Warriors' Room, Jerry :)
      This is a place to seek refuge in His Light so Powerful it turns darkness into Light until everyone and everything is warmed by His Light. You are more than Welcome to come as often as you like. Stay as long as you like. Partake as much as you like of continual on demand feasts. Sing, pray, praise as loud or as soft as you like. And fellowship with people who love you just the way you are! In Jesus' Name, your fellow JC Prayer Warriors welcome you. Enter in!

    3. Good to have you with us Jerry! Amen! Welcome to our JC Family where we stand united in thanksgiving, love, trust, joy and praise. In Jesus we stand steadfast, despite the storms that may threaten our peace, health and safety. In Him, we are content and complete despite our circumstances. He surely is an awesome God. Amen!

    4. Thank you, Jerry, for your wonderful post! We are blessed!

    5. Praying you are well and still resting in the love of Christ and you and your family have seen many answered prayers. Thank You Jesus!


    (John 16:23b-24) Concluding this final discourse in which He conveyed to us the essentials of the faith, Jesus says again for the fourth time (previous being 14:13, 15:7, 15:16), "Truly, I tell you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you...Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete."

    The reading from John today was to conclude at vs. 28 but I couldn't get past these two verses and I need to be with you to help me fully grasp what Jesus wants me to believe. In the early days of my spiritual growth, this thought sounded delightful, it sounded like a blank check for whatever I wanted. Growing up in a family that had sufficient means, I was used to asking and getting things I wanted. As an adult, I have lived in culture that is constantly trying to get me to want things, a.k.a. the advertising industry. A parishioner in the church I served worked in the advertising industry for one of the auto makers. Being honest with me, he said, "My job is to make you want something," and because the advertising industry are no amateurs at this, they know how to prick my desires to make me want and I do. As Keith has used the term previously, I have been conditioned 'to want'. So, is Jesus saying to me, "What do you want, I will do it for you"? That makes Jesus sound like He is a genii in a bottle to grant my wishes upon rubbing the bottle (prayer?) and hopefully not limiting them to three. Fortunately, it doesn't worked that way. So what does Jesus want me to know in these words John says, He repeated at least four times (the other gospel writers have quoted Jesus in similar ways)? I have listened to explanations of the meaning of these verses which are efforts to provide rational to the truth contained in them. But as I sat with these words this AM, I want more than a logical explanation on the methodology of successful prayer. Throughout this discourse of Jesus in that Upper Room John has preserved for us, I have been discovering something I have not seen before, the strong emphasis of Jesus on our being one with Him in His unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. In this perfect unity, there exists but one desire, the love of God. He has satisfied that want completely though He has had to work His way in and through some of the obstacles in my heart that I have placed there in 'my wants I have been conditioned to have'. But He is okay with that because throughout my life, He has been removing the obstacles in His way (He has been especially busy during this pandemic). So, I am wondering, the key to fully grasping Jesus' words, is to have but one desire, His love in that for which I am praying? But what about the specifics as requested in this blog? Do we not pray for these things? Yes, a million times yes. We pray for God's love in each and every situation and of course that is why we are praying in the first place, it is an act of love, the love we are growing in for each other, thus, we listen to and pray for the specifics. Our prayer is for what is needed most, God's love. We pray as we have been taught in the Lord's Prayer/Our Father, to pray 'Thy will be done' which is always a prayer for the love of God to flood every corner of His creation. In the union of love we have in our oneness with God, we ask for His love experienced in Jesus and it is always granted.

    I leave these thoughts here for your own reflection and meaning you find in His words in John 16:23-24. I welcome the thoughts you have. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you for leaving such beautiful thoughts dear Bob. Amen! Thank you for your insight and truth. Whatsoever we ask with thanks and true faith in His Name He will give to us but only if He wills it. Amen. His Will shall be done.And our greatest need is His unconditional and unchanging love and that is eternally provided. In all other things we must continue to wait on Him with patience and trust.

  22. 23 At that time you won’t need to ask Me for anything, for you can go directly to the Father and ask Him, and He will give you what you ask for because you use My Name. 24 You haven’t tried this before, but begin now.[a] Ask, using My Name, and you will receive, and your cup of JOY will overflow. When I read this, God's emphasis on JOY rang through louder and clearer as His Hidden Treasure for me to find today. In the name of Jesus I am to ask for GOD's JOY in every situation I pray for.
    Interesting you should ask, Bob! When I stopped in this room for my luncheon feast, I was treated to this:
    Thank You God for Your Treasure of Joy that shows the world there is something different about followers of Jesus Christ. Let us pray today for a new season of greater Joy that will shine through us and rest on the world! All of Your Children have Your Treasure of uncompromisable Joy within, because You placed it there for ALL time, and for all seasons, including times and seasons of trial, difficulty, pain and pandemonic. Thank You, Oh Holy Spirit, for giving us God's treasures including Joy that surpasses all understanding, that we may live as human witnesses to Your Love and Your Fidelity! Help our Search N Find Mission to lead us to Your deeply hidden treasure of Joy as we go along the path You traced out for us this day. May we joyously find You all along the way. Amen!

    1. Amen dear Brie! Searching for His wonderful hidden treasures in my new day too! Already saw many blessings. And it is a perfect sunny day!

  23. With regard to being conditioned by this world to want things, none of which we can take with us: Today's reading advises us instead to search for God's deep treasures as we go through this day and find Jesus all along the way. Our hearts are encouraged, being knit together in love, to discover and reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge for us to discover.
    YES! Jesus Christ is a fisherman; but so is Satan who knows exactly what bait to use to get us to deeply swallow the hook it hides. Run Forest!

  24. Thank you BM and B. By the grace of God you both bring me Joy. The love of God shines through your prayers through your spirit. Your love for our Savior and His love for you..for us..I can't express it..I feel it. Thank you Jesus!

  25. I feel blessed by your warm welcome! My heart is full. Thank you JC family.

  26. "Jehovah is my strength and my shield; My heart hath trusted in him, and I am helped: Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; And with my song will I praise him” (Psalm 28:7-ASV).

    Father in Heaven and earth, Thank You for being my strength and shield. My heart indeed trust in You and whenever doubt tries to creep in, please remind me that I am not alone, for You are my Shepherd. This morning, may Your Spirit take control, order my steps and lead me in the directions of Your Will and not mine. I thank You for causing me to hear Your loving kindness and receive Your tender mercy today. I sing to You the Psalm (23rd) of faith and trust in You, my Guardian and bless Your holy name.

    The Lord is my Shepherd; no want shall I know.
    I feed in green pastures; safe-folded I rest.
    He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow,
    Restores me when wand’ring, redeems when oppressed,
    Restores me when wand’ring, redeems when oppressed.

    Thru the valley and shadow of death though I stray,
    Since thou art my Guardian, no evil I fear.
    Thy rod shall defend me, thy staff be my stay.
    No harm can befall with my Comforter near.
    No harm can befall with my Comforter near.

    In the midst of affliction my table is spread.
    With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o’er.
    With perfume and oil thou anointest my head.
    Oh, what shall I ask of thy providence more?
    Oh, what shall I ask of thy providence more?

    Thank You Lord for allowing me to dwell in Your house forever and ever and thank You for grace that is sufficient for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you and Amen dear Sister! We are well taken care of by our Good Shepherd who protects us and provides all our needs.

    2. The 23rd Psalm sung by Cissy Houston

    3. Thanks dear Brie! That was so soothing and full of sweet peace and comfort!

  27. Thank you sweet, dear sisters Janet & Maplewood for such inspiring prayers. It will usher each of us to go & worship in Spirit & Truth. Have a blessed Sunday🥰. We love you both💕

  28. What a lovely prayer! Our true service in the Lord is constant and extends well after we leave our Church building.

  29. Amen! Wishing all my family a blessed Sunday in the presence and peace of the Lord. 💗😊🙏🎵🌺🌹☀️

  30. So very true: There are hidden treasures strategically placed along the way. Some of the treasures are trials, designed to shake you free from earth-shackles...Thank you Lord for Larry's broken arm on the day after Thanksgiving, with 40 people at The Ranch for Dinner. The relatives staying at the ranch were able to dislodge Larry, get him inside and then into a vehicle for a trip to the hospital. You knew I could not have done this alone.
    To rule out broken ribs and other bones, the hospital performed a full body scan which detected a stage 1 lung cancer. Early identification and subsequent removal of the cancerous lobe prevented metastasis.
    What a "Lucky Break"!
    Forgive me for the times I previously balked at trials, seeing them as being uncared for by You, rather than as a care package in which was wrapped a greater Blessing From You. I just want to say, Thank You, Lord, for all you are to us in spite of us! In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    1. That broken bone was a blessing in disguise. God is so good. Hallelujah!

    2. Here's to blessings in disguise or on full display. Each a gift from our loving Father to help us grow closer to him. Yay!

      I love golf. It was a joy to watch Phil Mickelson win a PGA tournament today.

      We were also blessed to watch a Netflix movie "Greater", based on a true story of Branden Burlsworth. Full of faith, blessings and if you are a football fan (Brie) you might just love it too.

      Tonight I am putting God's armour on for PJs. The devil has been tapping on my vulnerabilities and keeping me awake these past few nights. NOT TONIGHT! I declare in Jeysus name.

      Good night JC Warriors, amazing overcomers that you are. Peace, out.

  31. Ellen and my JC WARRIORS/FAMILY ---

    I was at a HEALING serice today and I lifted up this awesome JCFAMILY and Ellen, your family and your daughter going through testing. The anointing of the Lord was strong and EVERYONE was well prayed over! I decree we will see the acceleration of the Lord's hand on us and breakthroughs after breakthroughs coming forth!!! In Jesus's Name. LORD, I give you ALL the Praise, Honor and Glory!!! HALLELUJAH!!! And, satan, just reminder, you have NO AUTHORITY HERE! JESUS is LORD!!!

    1. Thank You JJ:) And thanks for putting satan on notice to get out and stay out. Our Lord's anointing, the acceleration of His Hand on us, and His breakthroughs after breakthroughs coming forth are between us and the Lord alone!!! None of this is your business, satan, so if you can read this, get out and stay out! If you cannot read this, get out and stay out anyway. You are not wanted nor welcomed here. This is God's Room! In Jesus' Name. Amen.


    3. My Praying Cousin sent this:
      The devil whispered in my ear,
      You are not strong enough to stand the storm.

      Today, I whispered in the devil's ear,
      I AM THE STORM !!!!
      In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    4. Brie --- That confession of faith is just the best! "I AM THE STORM!!!" just penetrates one's soul with fortitude and courage! I love it!!!

    5. Amen strong sisters. There’s no room for the devil in this place! It is filled to the brim with the Presence of the Lord!

    6. Amen strong sisters. There’s no room for the devil in this place! It is filled to the brim with the Presence of the Lord!

    7. JJ, I am just seeing this beautiful message about the healing service where you lifted up my daughter going through her scans...GOD IS SO GOOD! We are truly on hallowed ground when we come together in this space. God is present and the HOLY SPIRIT moves as we lift our hearts up to the Lord and RECEIVE from Him. God please bless each and every one of you! Amen

  32. What an incredible affirmation to read these posts that followed after I did mine before bed tonight! Talk about being on the same page! Love you!

  33. Two days ago I read a comment that I wrote a year ago. It was a prayer request for my daughter who was going before the tumor board at Mayo to see if they would agree to a colon and liver surgery after a year of chemo, and I was asking you for prayers. They DID agree to the surgery, she had it last June, and now she is going back to Mayo for a colonoscopy and a scan. If all is still clear (and it is), she can have her port removed! All IS still clear, and will remain so! Please pray with me to cover her and her husband and our family for these days. In thanksgiving to our wonderful Lord and healer. We are grateful for your prayers! Ellen

    1. Dear Ellen, Praying with you that God is answering our prayers and your daughter's scan will be clear and the port will be removed. Trusting in His faithfulness and leaning on His promises. Waiting on the Lord for good news for her, her husband, and you and your family. Thank You Jesus! You are everything to us. The Glorious Glue that holds us all together. Our hearts are truly knit together in Your Love.

    2. Joining in prayer with Jeanne and you Ellen. May our heavenly Father make straight her paths and place His healing hands upon her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless.

    3. Praying for your daughter Ellen. Please keep us updated. God bless.


    4. Jumping in with you, Ellen, and our sisters as we all pray for your daughter's CLEAR scans as well as for her husband and your family! Jehovah Rapha is ALWAYS in THE HOUSE! We thank you, Lord, for your healing and restoring!!! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    5. Praying over you and your daughter🙏

    6. Dear Ellen, You have my prayers for your daughter and family. I Decree and Declare that your daughter WILL have clear scans!!! My Papa God watches over His WORD to perform it. He will not let our prayer words fall to the ground. Ellen, your daughter is Covered in The Blood of Jesus. She is Washed in The Blood. She is Saved by The Blood. She is Healed by The Blood. And devil, you CAN'T DEFEAT THE BLOOD!!! And Papa God, You have the FINAL SAY!!! In Jesus' Name, I pray and believe, AMEN and AMEN.

  34. Father, I pray that I may be mindful of your presence in each moment today. May I stay focused on your word and your promises, knowing that you are with me through it all. May I be thankful in all things, for your love, grace and mercy, and may I glorify you and praise you as I see your handiwork in all the beauty that surrounds me.
    May your day be filled with the peace of Christ family! Shalom🙏

  35. Amen and thank you dear Rich. Peace be with you and your family.
    We're getting our 4th vaccination this morning since we'll be flying to California on Saturday to meet baby Evelyn. Yesterday was so sweet with my family. Seeing Dylan and little Leo even just for a half hour before they had to go to a wedding was such a wonderful gift. Enjoyed seeing Greg's family at night and we just ordered pizza and I made chicken and salad. The ice cream cake was so yummy and having my littles Gabriel and Nathaniel there made everything so sweet. Thanking God for the blessings He showers with me. When I woke up the sun streaming through my window, I thanked God for this bright beautiful new day and all the blessings before me. Praying for all of you dear family. God bless all of this family, seen and unseen. Don't get discouraged. Trust in Him even when you can't see answers to your prayers. He works from within. The Lord is always with you to bless, comfort and heal you.
    Isaiah 41:10 - God strengthens you
    So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
    Jeremiah 33:6 - God brings healing
    Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
    John 14:27 - God provides peace
    Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
    Matthew 11:28-30 - God lightens your burdens
    Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
    Psalm 103:2-5 - God forgives your sins, heals your infirmities, and blesses and renews you.
    Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits:
    Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases,
    Who redeems your life from destruction,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

  36. Blessed, grateful and thankful for the many beautiful prayers. Love and blessings to my JC Family.

  37. I love this devotional and everything about it, but the blog makes it even better. The verse thoughts and prayer help me further understand what Ms. Young was writing. The comments, the prayers, the community that has formed here, all so wonderful. Bless you all.

    1. Bless you dear free as can B. I love this wonderful blog too. The Lord led us here for a reason and it is very clear. Thank You Jesus!

  38. A real treasure trove today.

  39. Thank you all for your traveling mercy prayers for us as we return home from a wonderful visit with the kids. Joining in prayer for all to be healthy and strong and protected from any virus infiltration or injuries, conditions that compromise their perfect health. Thank you Lord, for your grace and protection. A prayer for all in Jesus's name. 🙏♥️

    1. Thanks for your prayer dear Audra! Sounds like you built some wonderful memories. Amen! Praying with you and for you.

  40. Dear Brie ---- Still so thankful for you sharing you cousin's "I AM THE STORM!!! It is said, the best defense is a good offense. Proactively attacking one's enemy is the best way to protect oneself, since they will be too occupied with defending themselves to stage an attack on their own.

  41. Amen! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Our loving Father fights our battles. He is mighty to save.

  42. Yes indeed JJ, bless you for this prayer. I was just about to post a prayer request when I read it. Hubby is in Neuro ICU for another stroke. He was given a clotbuster & has until 10am. Today to complete the 24 hr. Monitor for bleeding. He had a good night & by God's grace is rallying around. A CT scan was done this morning & we are waiting for results before he can be released .Please warriors include him in your prayers today.

  43. Joining JC Warriors in prayers to Jehovah Rapha for Jan's husband.

  44. Today's Jesus Calling reminds me of a treasure hunt - someone goes ahead and hides the treasure, later the 'hunters' search and find the treasure.
    "Before you get out of bed, I have already been working to prepare the path that will get you through this day." I often wake when it's still dark. My first conscious thought is to commit my day; all it will contain, my loved ones and friends into His Hands. I then get out of bed knowing He's got everything covered no matter what happens. ( Even if I haven't prayed He's got it covered anyway).
    My thoughts today turn to how unimaginably vast in every conceivable dimension our God is.
    Scripture informs us that He sees the sparrow fall.
    He knows the thoughts and intent of the heart of every person ever to have lived, is living or will live (and the thoughts of all angels fallen or not).
    He knows the number of hairs on our head (final countdown in my case), all of us.
    He is omniscient ( ain't nothing He don't know)
    He is omnipresent ( He is everywhere at once, including throughout the entirety of the universe)
    He is omnipotent ( He is all powerful, that power is under complete control)
    He is the originator of all that has or ever will exist( Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.)
    He IS Almighty, the One and only.
    Astronomers are currently upset; a star has been discovered that according to scientific theory shouldn't exist; it defies human logic. All I can say is "get over it, you ain't seen nothing yet", God is infinitely greater than man's tiny mind can imagine.
    What is so mind blowing is that He, this God unimaginably vast, knows us, loves us with an everlasting love and calling us His sons and daughters wants us to live with Him eternally.
    I've found a lot of treasure already today:)

    1. Beautifully put, Peter. Dwelling on how amazing and able our God is excites my spirit! He is the Light and He lives in us! What a glorious honor we have to be Our Amazing God's vessel. Praying you have a day that shines His light on everything and everyone you meet for His glory :)

    2. Thanks dear Peter, Whenever I am feeling downhearted I remind myself that I am the beloved daughter of the Most High King of Heaven. His perfect love, mercy, wisdom, and loving kindness are beyond our understanding. He is everything to me.

  45. Joining in prayer for your Hubby Jan. May God cover you both with His peace and resolve his physical issues.

  46. JJ, once again, THANK YOU for your incredible prayers. (yesterday's, today's and every time you post). I think we all deeply feel them and appreciate them. Jan, praying mightily that our Jehovah Rapha is bringing your hub through this and he will rally! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

  47. Oh, sweet Jan, you have my prayers for your hubby and also for your right hand and shoulder. I Declare that every cell of your bodies will be touched by the healing hand of our God. Rivers of living water will flow through your veins and your arteries and I DECLARE by The Blood of Jesus Christ you are healed and delivered. HALLELUJAH!!!
    AMEN and AMEN. And, satan, being the liar that you are, you CAN'T DEFEAT THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!!! HALLELUJAH!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

  48. Hello JC friends! Been a while since I’ve posted here-just going through a very tough season in many areas, but the Holy Spirit led me back here this morning.

    I was sitting here watching and listening to the many birds at my feeders when two spare came over to visit on my porch. I thought, Oh hello, you must be angels to remind me of God’s presence and majesty.
    I then read todays devotional which perfectly summed up those thoughts.

    What an a awesome God who provides for all his creation! Matthew 6:26
    Have a blessed day.

    1. Keep looking up, Rich C. He is good!

    2. Prayed for you today dear Rich C! So happy to hear the Spirit is moving in you and God sent you His sparrows and His love.

  49. Thank you JJ, and Prayers are being sent for Jan and your Husband for strength, Peace and a rapid recovery. May The Lord Bless you and your families.

  50. Praying for all listed above and for those silent requests. Peace be with all of you.

  51. Dearest JJ, Thank you good sister. Your powerful prayer was just what I needed. Drove to Brooklyn this morning and got caught in so much traffic that it took 2 hours to get there. I prayed on the way and I know God heard my prayers. My friend Rudy is still bleeding from his incision but he was sent home from the hospital with antibiotics. He is so happy to be home. God is so good.
    Dear Jan, Continuing to pray for your dear hubby. Thank God he’s doing well.

  52. Looking forward to the many treasures God will scatter on my path today. May He shine His bright light on all of you and lead you to much joy and peace in your day. Staying in His presence and putting every concern into His mighty Hards. I have a piece of paper by my bed. It says: Jesus Rules Your Life. Amen! We are in the Best of Hands. Thank You Father for granting our prayer requests, healing our infirmities, protecting us from harm, and guiding our steps in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    1. Blessed by your posting Jeanne. Amen to all you wrote. First treasure today on waking was plugging straight in to the Throne of Grace. Awesome God, Friend, Lover of our soul, Precious Heavenly Father. He by His Precious Holy Spirit lives in us, and in Him we live and move and have our being.

    2. I love treasure hunt day, and our JC Family of Prayer Warriors; you are all true treasures!

    3. Dear Peter, woke up with the same phrase: we live & move and have our being in Him!

    4. Thanks dear Jeanne for your encouragement. May you also be encouraged in the same manner, pressed down and running over 🤗🙏❤️

    5. "Let go and let God". Thank you Jeanne

    6. Such encouraging words and a beautiful reminder Jeanne. Thank you

    7. Thank you, Jeanne for your encouragement. Love that you shared you wake up to seeing the words ‘Jesus rules your life’ each morning. What a wonderful reminder and wonderful redeemer and Lord. God bless your day, each and everyone in this JC family.

    8. Thanks dear Peter, Brie, Jan, John H, Rich C. and Websister. You blessed my morning. We lift each other as God encourages us. Stay blessed in His presence. 🙏😊💗

    9. Start Today With A Grateful Heart greets me every morning.
      Thanks for sharing your For Starters, Jeanne!
      Much ❤️ and Many 🙏
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  53. Get out your empty Easter Baskets JC Family, children of The Most High King!!
    It's Treasure Hunt Time, of a far more lasting kind.
    Today's devotion reminds us to Approach each new day with desire to find Me.
    Just like kiddos, be like His Little Child, who starts out with an empty easter egg basket, runs outside with gleeful 🎶 Anticipation, through fields, meadows, hills and valleys, over the rivers and through the woods picking up everything that could be an Easter Egg, and then breaking it open to reveal the contents inside.
    Since all of our Easter egg treasures were put out there by our Heavenly Father God, EVERYTHING we find on our hunt will be good, or He will make it work together for our good.
    🎶 If you don't believe me, just watch 🎶
    my post from May 23, 2021 at 11:18 am.
    So, Collect them all, shiny eggs, glitter eggs, small eggs, large eggs, muddy eggs, latrine eggs, wet eggs, shriveled eggs.
    At the end of the hunt, open them up.
    Who knows which one will contain God's choicest blessings?
    Much ❤️ and Many 🙏 for all of us and ours. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    1. Our most greatest treasure, Jesus, will lead us to find more treasures. So, I'm IN dear Brie, hunting for those eggs! 👌👏🤗🌈

    2. SEEK! And you SHALL FIND!
      He said it. I believe it.

    3. Looking forward to today’s treasure hunt 🥰

    4. Yes Jan! Jesus is our most precious and eternal treasure. We are blessed to belong to Him.
      Dear Brie, You always make me smile. Hope and pray all is going well! God bless you in every way.

    5. Today I found a beautifully spectacular Sonset over turquoise blue waters. I lifted my arms to give Him the Praise for my arms that I could lift, and for my eyes that I could see, the Sonset! All Glory Praise and Homage only to Thee, Redeemer King!

  54. Blessings from NYMay 23, 2024 at 4:54 AM

    Thank you Jeanne, Peter and Brie for an awesome start to another awesome day in the presence of our King of Kings!! 🙏❤️

    1. Amen! We’re spending the day with our Best Friend!

  55. Thank you dear warriors for your prayers for my DH. His strength is slowly coming back. Not 100 percent as yet but through your prayer support we are strengthened to trust the Lord for the rest. Hallelujah! Amen!😍🙌🙌🙌

    1. Blessings from NYMay 23, 2024 at 6:35 AM

      Prayers sent dear Jan for your DH in the mighty name of Jesus amen and amen

    2. More prayer support coming your amd DH's way, Jan.

    3. Continuing to pray for your dear husband. He is surrounded by God’s healing power and many prayers. May our loving Father bring him back to 100%. Thank You Jesus! 🙏💗

    4. Sending prayers your way, Jan.
      Declaring that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER! We are feeding on His WORD and resting in His Promises. I speak God's Resurrection power and Restoration over you and hubby. In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

  56. Blessings JC family!
    Requesting your prayers and support for the continued healing of my daughter who is finally back to work after nearly two months in the hospital and for my parents learning to navigate life after my mother’s stroke.
    And I humbly ask for your prayers for my appointment with a specialist tomorrow.

    It’s been a rough season, but today’s devotion certainly reminds me of the hope in our faith through a loving Father who is always with us. While coping with PTSD/ mental health issues, it is the promises of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God, Elohim, who brings hope, strength, courage and steadfast love to keep going and to be a light in the world.

    May your day be blessed with the Peace of Christ.

    1. Thankful for news that your daughter is back to work, praying for her and your parents as they navigate this time in their lives. Holding you in prayer as you meet with the specialist tomorrow. Praying for peace and healing for you and wisdom for the specialist.

    2. Continuing to pray for your daughter’s health! God’s timing is perfect and I’m thankful she has improved so much she can return to work. May God heal her completely and heal your dear mother in all her weaknesses, and guide your family and also lead tomorrow’s appointment to reap good results. Rest in Him Who loves you and just keep exercising those trust muscles. Wait on the Lord.

    3. Dear Rich --- So glad to see your post. You've been missed. You got my prayers for your daughter, your parents and you.
      It is God alone who gives us strength. I Declare He is your shelter of love, and also your fortress of Faith. He wraps Himself around you as a secure shield. The God of the Angel Armies will not forsake or forget you. I Declare you are loved and protected by the one Who will never fail you! Great Blessings to you and your family. The Great I AM has you all the palm of His hand. I trust Him and I know Him to be Faithful. HALLELUJAH!!!

    4. Anonymous is me,JJ.

  57. Blessings Dear Family. My DH had a really good first night at home. Our daughter and youngest son were with us through the afternoon and evening. We all helped him to bed and he only woke once in the night. I was still awake & thankful that I wasn't groggy. We both slept the rest of the night. This afternoon the Home Healthcare Provider will come for an assessment and instructions. My daughter will be our 3rd set of ears to make sure we get it all down correctly. Thank you for your prayers as I juggle his care, casework and appts! So thankful that we are reminded that we can do ALL things through Christ, that our hearts are encouraged, being knit together in love. Praying for my little 9 yr old granddaughter and her parents as they had to wake every 3 hours all night to give her meds for her tonsil removal. Praying for my youngest son as he works today, interviews new candidates for jobs in his company and cares for his family + their foreign-exchange student who travels back to Italy next Tuesday. His sweet wife has offered to run errands and help juggle the kids and her new business while still caring for family. We are blessed. Remind me of this if I get tired and cranky, Lord. Help me find those hidden treasures that our sweet Brie has given us a mind-picture of what that means. I don't have to look far to be reminded.
    Enjoy your day, dear JC Family. All of you and yours are in my prayers as well!

  58. Praying that our amazing God will take care of every one of your family’s needs and your own. And heal your dear DH completely and your granddaughter too. Get some well deserved rest if you can as you walk through your busy days with your Easter basket. We seek only that which is sweet and lovely. Janet’s doctor said she needs two knees replaced to be done one at a time and his schedule doesn’t open up for a few months. Guess this is my new home. Hope Rick and my family can visit. Putting it all in God’s Hands. Trying not to lean unto my own understanding. I’m not alone.

    1. Echoing Jeanne's heartfelt prayer for Norah's family. Bless you Norah. I Declare, Hope, Healing, Praise, and Joy are the banners over you and your family.
      And, Jeanne, bless you for all yours prayers and encouragement. You are chosen, precious, and honored in God's sight. He is working all things together for your good. I Decree null and void the works of darkness that tries to encroach upon your path. Pleading The Blood of Jesus over all. In Mighty Name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.

  59. Welcome, Jeanne to your caregiving and care receiving home -for -a -while. May this time be blessed beyond measure.
    I went on a walk this morning that was full of treasures, natural tropical beauty. Thanks for traveling prayers, a long day that went smoothly all things considered.
    Praying peace over all JC peeps who come here with requests.

  60. JC Warriors, please pray for me. I've been having a hard time with respiratory and breathing/coughing issues lately. I appreciate all of your prayers. Thank you 😊. God bless 🙏.

    1. My Gracious Papa God, I call on you right now for Janet's respiratory system. Fill her with the Healing power of Your Spirit. Cast out anything that should not be in Janet. Mend what is broken. Root out any unproductive cells. Rebuild any damages areas. Cleanse any infection. Give Janet strong breath all night and all day. Keep her lungs open and working perfectly as you intended them to be. I Decree and Declare that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST JANET WIll PROSPER! My Papa God, You are the source of all life and Your breath sustains Janet. Pleading The Blood of Jesus over all. In Jesus' Name AMEN and AMEN

      Job 33:4 "The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life "

    2. Praying for your healing and peace Janet.

    3. Gathering into prayer with JJ and Rich C, for you our sweet dear sister friend in Christ, Janet. Let the healing begin.
      In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

    4. Joining your powerful prayer for our dear Janet! Father God, We thank You for healing every weakness in our sister Janet and for giving her clear airways and lung strength and easy breathing in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  61. Thank you for all your prayers, support and encouraging words, reminding me of the power of prayer and fellowship and the strength and hope of the Word of our Lord.

    Blessings and peace.

  62. Continuing to pray for you and your loved ones, dear Rich C.

  63. I must ask for powerful prayers for me, my sister, my family, my friends and most importantly, my Mom. The wedding on Saturday was wonderful but today I tested positive for Covid. Thank You Father for protecting everyone I came in contact with from getting sick, especially my mom and sister and Rick. You know I was with so many people I care about since the wedding. Tomorrow is my mom’s 96th Birthday. Turn this situation to good. I’m my mom’s only caregiver. Thank You for this in the Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus. Amen.

  64. Praying for your family and you, Jeanne, especially for His covering and protection over your mom and more vulnerable family members/friends.. Praying for quick healing for you and for His peace to wash over you. Also praying for a surgery date to open up quickly for your sister’s first knee replacement and that Rick and other family members will be able to make frequent visits while your caregiving duties continue. In Jesus lovely name.
