Monday, August 10, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 11

Come to Me. Come to Me. Come to Me. This is My continual invitation to you, proclaimed in holy whispers. When your heart and mind are quiet, you can hear Me inviting you to draw near. Coming close to Me requires no great effort on your part; it is more like ceasing to resist the magnetic pull of My Love. Open yourself to My loving Presence, so that I may fill you with My fullness. I want you to experience how wide and long and high and deep is My Love for you, so that you can know My Love that surpasses knowledge. This vast ocean of Love cannot be measured or explained, but it can be experienced. 

Revelation 22:17
English Standard Version

The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.
John 6:37
English Standard Version

All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.

Verse Thoughts 
I will never cast out: “Our blessed Lord alludes to the case of a person in deep distress and poverty, who comes to a nobleman’s house, in order to get relief: the person appears; and the owner, far from treating the poor man with asperity, welcomes, receives him kindly, and supplies his wants. So does Jesus.” (quote from Adam Clarke (1762 - 1832) was a British Methodist theologian and Biblical scholar.) 
Ephesians 3:16-19
English Standard Version

16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I love reading Jesus Calling every morning. I call it devoting the first part of the day to the Lord.

    1. After living the first half of my life in Egypt, being raised without ever knowing who God is I have been found. The Lord is gracious and kind. I agree with what you say, devoting the very first of the day to The Lord is the most important thing any one can do.
      I am so grateful to be found.
      The Lord is truly Wonderful, Amazing, He is everything!
      With Love

    2. Thank you for sharing your journey to being found Anonymous. Praying you are flourishing & basking in His presence in 2022.🙏💞

    3. Thank you for sharing your beautiful journey with our Lord finding you anonymous! You are loved 💝🙏

  2. Thank you for your posts! I lost my Jesus Calling and haven't gotten around to ordering a new one.

  3. I awoke this morning from a light sleep and a mind racing on earthly concerns. I will go back to bed shortly and clear my mind to the simple thought of "Come to me" He will not cast us out but indeed will give us peace. Seek Him and you will find Him even in the night of worry which yields to a morning of hope. That hope was secured 2000 years ago by Jesus Himself. Peace and be blessed today.

    1. Yes, MadFox, we may not know what our future holds, BUT we know WHO holds it!
      Run to Me whenever you're lonely (to love Me)
      Run to Me if you need a shoulder
      Now and then, you need someone older,
      So, you run to Me.
      And when you're out in the cold,
      No one beside you, and no one to hold,
      Am I unwise to open up your eyes to love Me?
      And when you've got nothing to lose,
      Nothing to pay for, nothing to choose,
      Am I unwise to open up your eyes to love Me
      Run to Me whenever you're lonely (to love Me)
      Run to Me if you need a shoulder
      Now and then you need someone older,
      So you run to Me.
      With Love Peace and Blessings to you Madfox and to our entire JC Family.

    2. Amen! Our Father remains with His loving, outstretched and open arms waiting for us to open our hearts to Him and run to Him. How blessed we are!

    3. Dear MadFox, You worded it so perfectly and it really is that simple. Jesus offers all of us sinners, no matter what our life experiences have led us through, to leave everything behind, and with trust like a tiny child, Come to Him. He will not turn anyone away because His love is all surpassing and unconditional.

    4. Simply amazing. Just say yes to Him.

  4. MadFox - AMEN for your thoughts. Anticipating undeserved blessings as we prepare our hearts for worship. Thank you Lord for blessing me with Your loving SACRIFICE ON THE CROSS.

  5. I am so enlightened and refreshed and blessed by JC words, scriptures, verse thoughts and my JC family! What a wonderful day! KS

  6. AMEN and Blessing! I completely agree MadFox. Sometimes on a rough day I forget who I belong to and that God truly cares for me through eternity and all I must do is receive his love! Hallelujah!

  7. I also woke up early, too (went to bed early), with one goal in mind: lining up my expectations with the Word of God instead of my 5 senses thinking, so I'm not disappointed and bogged down by earthly concerns. Listened to a teaching on Godly Expectations and then read JC which put it all together. I was disappointed b/c our car not only didn't sell, but didn't even get a nibble of interest, yesterday. HOWEVER, my husband drove the car to the show! After all these years of not being able to drive it, he said on Friday, "I can see in my mind how to get in that car and I know my knee is strong enough to drive a clutch." He has had numbness, swelling, and stiffness for 6 years and yet he could SEE himself driving that car. I was a little skeptical (well, more than a little), but didn't want to discourage him. And it worked - he did it. So, now I have to adjust my thinking to keeping this car (I had the money spent on other things) and trust God to meet the desires of my heart as he did my husband's. Earthly concerns can bog us down to the point of doing NOTHING. That is not how I want to live this life I've been given. I am changing my mind: instead of seeing the things of late as obstacles, I am going to see them as opportunities to see God work in my life as I apply the principles (action) needed. God wants our lives to be victorious - I am not a victim. I am ready to take on these many challenges we've had lately with the full armor of God and 'keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.' As MadFox said, 'that hope was secured 2000 years ago by Jesus Himself!' I love the way our Father has empowered us through His Son, Jesus Christ! Have a great day, JC Family...a great week!

    1. Thank you Norah. You’ve no idea how what you wrote 2 years ago has empowered me. ‘God wants our lives to be victorious - I am not a victim!!’ ❤️❤️

    2. Amen Norah. I love your prayer and words so much!
      I am not a victim but a daughter of the most high.
      Lifting up all prayer requests to our loving and amazing God.
      Hugs, love and prayers Sassy mom, Jeanne, Brie and Madfox
      & our JC family

    3. Still a powerful message four years later..I took nourishment from your thoughts/testimony!

    4. Amen, KY_ Bob!

    5. Amen! I love the encouragement and reminders that all of the prayer warriors share each morning! It always starts my day! Thank you ALL! ❤️🙏

  8. God IS Glorious and Victorious
    Testimony: Lying face up in the bed of my husband’s pick up truck this past Sunday Night, I am watching one of the most brilliant star showers. There were thousands and thousands of sparkler like stars, shining and darting everywhere.
    I am humming You Are Amazing God. My husband comes out and hands me the phone. On the other end of the telephone was The Estranged One. OMG! The Estranged One asked what I was doing and I relayed my marveling at the stars. From somewhere deep in my gut, my initial thought was to clarify “understanding”. “Understanding” the distance, and being “understood”. BUT, as if to get me ready, our recent JC Bible Words and our Devotion plus JC commentary came to my rescue. A still small voice asked me, “You can have either understanding OR peace and love? Which do you choose?” My heart flashed back to our August 7, Bible Words, Devotion, and Warrior commentary. “Understanding will never bring you Peace. That’s why I instructed you to trust ME, not understanding.” By God’s Grace, I chose Peace and Love, and cast understanding's fate to the wind, somewhere out there into the Universe.
    During the call, the time flowed smoothly over many peace filled topics and ended with us looking at the stars in the sky from different spaces in The Universe. Although there is still no “understanding” of what happened in the past, nor what lies before me, there was peace and love under the stars. Yes! You are an Amazing, Glorious and Victorious God! Your Words work when we work them, and I appreciate you.
    I heard an old, old story, how a Savior came from glory
    How He gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me
    I heard about His groaning, of His Precious Blood's atoning
    Then I repented of my sins and won the Victory
    Oh Victory in Jesus, my Savior forever
    He sought me and bought me with His Redeeming Blood
    He loved me 'ere I knew Him and all my love is due Him
    He plunged me to Victory beneath the cleansing flood
    I heard about His healing, of His cleansing power revealing
    How He made the lame to walk again and 'caused the blind to see
    And then I cried, "Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit"
    And somehow Jesus came and brought to me the Victory

    1. Amen thank you for sharing this Brie! How humble it was to choose peace over understanding.
      God bless you dear sister!

      Blessings from France

    2. beautiful testimony!

    3. Amen, I too enjoyed reading your words of your decision to choose peace. God Bless you. Since it was a positive experience, the estranged one will be likely to come back soon. Thanks for sharing.

    4. Brie- I too have an estranged one. Looking to the heavens as you & your estranged one, my help will come from there. Thank you dear ❤️ for sharing.

    5. What a wonderful testimony! He is good and nothing is impossible with Him.

    6. What a glorious experience!! It gives such hope for things we all pray for. I love that you shared the Star shower, too. God loved that you marveled over His creation as you allowed him to show His power in your relationship. Thank you so much for sharing, Brie.

    7. Thank you Brie, I needed that. I have spent so much time trying to seek "understanding". I ended up battered and beat still not understanding some events in my life. Dear Lord, help me to choose peace! Let me accept any understanding as you will , totally on your time frame! or if it be your will maybe not at all. Help me to see that peace is there for me ALWAYS. Amen.

    8. I am blessed that our Glorious Victorious God helped you through this leg of my journey. It is my prayer to always bet on the winning horse, Love and Peace. I refer to Love and Peace as the winning horse based on Philippians 4. It seems that in every race and in every battle,...The Love and Peace of God, which always SURPASSES understanding....
      With God's help, may our decisions be blessed to pick the winner everytime we have the opportunity my dear JC family. Peace and Love prayers going out to all of you.

    9. Thank you for this beautiful post. I am reading it on the seesaw of peace and understanding.

    10. Thanks for painting the picture Audra. May Peace and Love always be on the seesaw's upside for you and our entire JC family

    11. Thank you for sharing, Brie. Being reminded to choose peace and love over understanding is a gift. I find myself choosing to try understanding way more than I should, and the results are certainly not peace and love. May all of those who have "an estranged one" or other difficult circumstances continue to have patience, and lean on peace and love, not on our own understanding. CO

    12. Consistently choosing Love and Peace is an uphill seesaw battle for me as well, Anonymous CO. Hopefully, I will remember my positive experience choosing the only winner, Peace and Love, since it always surpasses anything my feeble mind may or may not understand. My insatiable appetite to "understand and be understood" is like being the owner of a rabid wolf. All I can say to it is, Down Looser! And swiftly move upstairs to love and peace before the attack. Love and Peace prayers going out to you and our JC family.

    13. Amen and Halleluia! God set that perfect stage beneath His glory in the company of countless sparkling stars that witnessed to the coming together of two souls formerly separated and now bonded by love, peace and God’s incredible glory. Praising Him with you and thanking Him for one more victory!! He is so good😊💗🙏

    14. Brie, Thanking God the Father with and for you! We overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the WORD of our TESTIMONIES (Rev. 12:11)!!


      Maplewood NJ

    15. There you are Maplewood NJ :) I am always happy to see you. <3 I looked for you earlier this morning because I missed having my early morning Maple Syrup with breakfast!

    16. Dear Brie, I too, have an “Estranged One” running 6 years now. I always cry to God that I don’t understand why my first born has kept himself out of reach and i have become a stranger to my grandkids. Thank you for sharing your testimony of 2 years ago, today I relinquish “understanding” and choose love and peace. I may never come to understand it and so be it. God’s perfect will and timing and His love and peace are sufficient for me. Blessings be upon the JC family from Zen of Cali 🙏

    17. Love you sweet sister, Brie. I’m choosing peace and love over my own understanding and wanting to be understood.
      This is so healing
      Love, prayers and blessings

    18. UPDATE 2024: Praise God the communication channels are still open. His Love and Peace still Reign Supreme.
      I have no understanding of what caused the estrangement, And I no longer need to know. All I know is His Love and His Peace are still flowing through the channels He opened; and that's all I need to know! Thanks be to God. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  9. Good morning JC fam! This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

    Thank you Lord for wanting a relationship with me, thank you for always whispering to me. Help me to always be aware of your presence, to hear your whispers. I want to be what you want me to be. I want you to fill my emptiness with your fullness.
    Thank you for being interested with every single detail of my life. I don't deserve it but you choose me. Thank you for being there, loving me, comforting me no matter what.

    "Lord help me Jesus, I've wasted it so
    Help me Jesus I know what I am
    Now that I know that I've need you so
    Help me Jesus, my soul's in your hand."

    "Well now I don't think that I'll ever be in any Hall of Fame
    And the social register of wealthy folks might drop my name
    But my name is written in the book of life I'm proud to say
    And that's all that really matters anyway
    And I talk to Jesus every day and he's interested in every word I say
    No secretary ever tells me he's been called away
    I talk to Jesus every day
    I talk to Jesus every day"

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Blessings from France

    1. Thank you Blessings from France,
      What a kind, loving sister-in-Christ you are. I always appreciate your offerings here. I would like to join in prayer of thanksgiving to our Lord. God Bless you!

    2. Oh thank you so much K! Praise the Lord! God bless you too dear sister!

      Blessings from France

    3. Beautiful person choosing beautiful prayers and songs.
      Love to you and to our entire JC Family

    4. Your words really touched me, Blessing from France; thank you! Thank you, God, for sending me the reminders I need in the perfect time. CO

    5. Amen dear Blessings from France! Our greatest treasure is being beloved children of God! His love and care are all we need.

  10. This verse came to my attention last year and again it is grabbing me with an undeniable force; Eph 3:19

    To "know" the Love of Christ that... you (you and I) may be filled with the fullness of God.

    The fullness of God? What ever could that be? Are there any words that could express that? Is there any mind that could comprehend that? It is something beyond words and beyond comprehension. Something only to experience and throughout eternity there will be no bottom or end to experience that kind of love.

    May we not resist the magnetic pull of that love by trying to reason or understand our humanity (n ourself) and realize we were made for the infinite and are designed to receive and give something that is incomprehdable. And if we were designed for that, we ourselves are a great mystery and great creation far beyond compression as well.

    1. Amen Keith! So beautifully said.
      It makes me think of the devo of August 8 : "Deep calls unto deep"

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen Keith and BFF
      It also rides beside Ephesians 3 in today's Word:
      May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's Marvellous Love; and may you be able to feel, as all God's Children, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high His Love really is; and to experience His Love for yourselves, It is so great, and so Infinite you can always see it, God only knows and understands all of it. And so at last you will be filled up with God Himself! Now all Glory be to God! Amen

    3. Amen! When I think of being filled with the Fullness of God makes me think of a cup of honey filled past the brim so the sweetness seeps out to all those around it! This is a gift beyond understanding like a room flooded with the brightest light to the point where rays of it shine.out of the every window, door, or crack. The fullness of God is beyond our understanding because God is the greatest light, the greatest peace, the greatest love, the greatest power, the greatest strength and the greatest comfort. For our Father to share His Fullness with us is mind boggling. I am humbled and blessed by it.

    4. Keep growing in HIM, Keith!! He's an AWESOME GOD!


      Maplewood NJ

  11. Good morning JC Loved ones🥰. Thank you so much warriors for prayers. This Thursday 11:30, I will have a Yag capsulotomy procedure on my eyes. I did develop a film over them after cataract surgery. The doctor assured me that it's a simple procedure & that everything else is fine. Whew! Sweet relief. Thank you Jesus!

    1. Praying for you Jan! Trusting God to lead the doctors with the procedure.

      Blessings from France

    2. Jan - Praising the Lord for "everything else is fine" report. Praying the simple procedure restores perfect vision.

    3. Jan - Thank you Lord for hearing the prayers of this JC family. So happy to hear it is a simple procedure. JE

    4. Great news! Thank you Jesus for keeping Jan's focus clear-physically and spiritually!

    5. Prayers going up now Jan and will continue until we receive The Victory report. Love and Peace!

    6. Joining the others in prayer for an uneventful and successful procedure for your eyes, Jan! Blessings to you! CO

    7. Dear Jan, Praying your eye procedure goes well. Thanking God for guiding the doctors hands perfectly. Rest in Him who cares for you.

    8. Praising God from whom ALL blessings flow, for you Jan! More testimonies to come from you, in Jesus' name!

      Maplewood NJ

  12. Amen and Amen to all of the above!! Loved your testimonies and praises, Brie, BFF, Keith and Jan!
    I'm off to the Dentist - something I dread. I was a Dental Assistant about 40-some years ago and I can picture everything they are doing. Bring me that Peace, Father! And good, quick results on this tooth that won't cost a fortune, please. Once again, I'm saying to myself, "Grow Up, Norah!" :)

    1. Praying that God fills you with His peace from head to toe (especially to teeth LOL). He's holding your hand always sweet Norah!

      Blessings from France

    2. Norah- easy there girl🥴. Give yourself a break. When it comes to the dentist? We're all babies!

    3. Love and Peace prayers are going in with you, our Norah. Make sure you have your smartphone tuned to this channel, volume down, since we are known to sing His praises loudly!

    4. Joining in all prayers, Norah, that your dental appointment goes smoothly in all ways. Remember Jesus is sitting in that chair with you. Rest in Him and psalm 23 and try to relax. God knows how you feel and is always there to soothe you and stroke your brow. Much love

  13. Jeanne- lifting Morgan up, up to the throne of grace & you also as you walk through this along side her. Be blessed, be encouraged, be close to Jesus, be held, just "Be". You are & Morgan are dearly loved🥰

  14. MadFox- lifting you up also. Do you need a ride on the wings of an eagle MadFox? Go for it! Hallelujah!

    1. Praying for all of your needs and intentions that God in His mercy is answering our prayers and providing our needs. Also thank you so much for all your prayers for my Mom! She is doing really well and had an almost normal day yesterday and is even better today! Praise God!🙏 Thank you so much Father, and thank you my dear JC Family!

  15. Lifting you all up in prayer this morning and every morning. Peace and blessings to you alll. And as always, stay connected to The Vine. 💕

    1. YUPP! Thanks for the reminder, Suzanne, Because we have come to know through experience that only on The Vine can we live move and have our being!

  16. So, I have to share this.....
    as soon as I finished the post above, I closed out my app and looked next to me at a beam of sunlight streaming through a portion of the blinds that is still closed this morning. It shone directly on a cross that is on my side table and projected onto the wall. As if to reiterate He is here with me. I know He is always with me but the closeness this morning is intensified.

    Today is the first day of working from home from now on. The office is officially closed. I was a little melancholy his morning but know this is the first step of many good things to come. I just don’t know what they are yet. He is holding my hand this morning.

    Thanks for listening. I wish I could have shared a photo of this with y’all. Peace.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Suzanne. What a blessedness, what a Joy Divine, what a message from The Son, Himself!

    2. Blessings to you, Suzanne! Thank you for sharing. Even though we know HE is there, a reminder such as what you experienced is always a refreshing uplift. Praying that you find peace in your new situation, and that many joyous things follow. I can picture in my mind the cross being projected on the wall; you relaying the story has been an uplift for me. Thank you Jesus, for everything! CO

    3. Wow how amazing!! Would have loved to see this! Thank you for sharing Suzanne, it makes me smile. Praise the Lord!

      Praying that He opens the door(s) of all the many good things to come. One step at a time as His light leads us into His will and many blessings flowing freely from His throne of grace! Praying this prayer for you and for everyone here. God be with you all.

      Blessings from France

    4. Amazing what the good Lord is doing with this group!!! Yes, the glory belongs to Him!

      He's with you Suzanne, never leaving, keep holding onto Jim!


      Maplewood NJ

    5. What a bright shining affirmation of His love and support and guidance as you begin working at home. He is in your corner!

    6. Praying all is going well with working at home. I love that the sun shone in that cross! Gid’s affirmation that we are saved and changed by the Cross and He is always with us. I woke to brilliant sunlight streaming through the window. I immediately thanked Him for the new day! Still at my Mom’s but leaving soon! Feeling blessed and thankful!

  17. Love the signs and wonders! Blessings inspire is all.

  18. I’m laying here anticipating the day. Days are not so ordinary anymore when we have Christs life like a vine growing in us. The light to follow. The life taking root in our hearts and minds. Transforming us simultaneously just by coming to him at any and every moment. Last October, a neighbor and friend of mine asked me if I could help her out and fill in just one day as a caregiver for an elderly patient with dementia in her home. I needed the money so I accepted the job. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. We never know these things. God did this whole thing. Little did I know that I would be here nearly a year later. This experience has been a life changer. The Lord used it for all of us involved. I recognize the Lords hand in it. He is cleverly designing our destinies and teaching us some hard lessons. There are many things he has taught me about myself just by being a caregiver for such great need. I had the wrong attitude coming in. The first time it was about the money because I had a financial crisis happen right before the job came about. I had a job already but this was extra. Then they asked me to fill in again. You guys let me tell you something, this isn’t the type of job that you make alot of money. But for me , the Lord put me here for his reasons. I told him to change my attitude because I thought i had patience but I only had ordinary patience. I needed a whole lot more and it doesn’t come naturally. I asked God for more and he gave me more. I told the Lord I wanted to serve him, and he put me here full time. But it was no longer about the money. This is an opportunity to minister the love and care for this woman that the Lord supplies me with. He is my caregiver. I had to build a trust with this woman. He is building my trust in him. I now see him in everything. I now look for him in everything. I don’t want to be a part of something he is not in. I ve become dependent on the Lord and I know that’s what he wants for all of us. I just wanted to share that. God bless all of you guys. Oh can you please add us in to your prayers because we always need extra. Extra extra. Thanks . Thank you Father for your people who are real. Not fake! Love you all!

    1. WOW! Sisters Keeper, what a testimony. You are really true to your name. Many Prayers are continuing for you, your journeys, and the sisters God gives you to keep. Reign Master Jesus, Reign!

    2. What a beautiful story! He is so faithful and knows best. Rejoicing and praising the Lord that for the work He has done in you and your life and for all He's doing and will do. What a amazing God we serve!
      Praying for you and your patient.

      Blessings from France

    3. Sisters keeper- thank you for sharing 🥰. Devine appointments are exactly that, "Devine", you showed up for yours.

    4. Thank you for spilling out your heart and what a beautiful heart it is! You are building up this poor woman and filling her with God’s Light as He fills you with His light, strength, Words and wisdom, molding you to His image. What a perfect Mission and relationship!

    5. Beautiful testimony SK! Praying for you both!

    6. Sisters Keeper, It always amazes me how God establishes our steps. We may not understand or even feel good about the changes He puts us through but in the end we can see that He has equipped us well for everything He has prepared for us. I trust in His guiding Hand and the future He holds for me. Blessed and inspired by your words. God bless you always.

    7. CAREGIVER PRAYER from The Christopher's
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Give us Your Strength and Hopeful Perspective to be good caregivers as we care for our loved ones and still take care of ourselves;
      As we have patience with our loved ones, and patience with ourselves when we don't;
      To remember that Your Guiding and Holy Spirit is within our loved ones, just as it is within us;
      To remember that our loved ones are doing the best they can to deal with the challenges life is giving them, just as we are doing our best to deal with their challenges along with our own challenges;
      To re-focus more on the positive traits and good within our loved ones, and on all of Your Blessings that are within both of our lives, as we also focus on what we are doing right and Your Good within us;
      Help us God, to receive Your encouragement, to look and listen for You, to share Your Love, to share moments of Faith, Relaxation, and Joy;
      Help us bring out the best in them as You bring out the best from within us.
      I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I wait. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Dear Heavenly Father, I bless Your holy name this morning and thank You for causing me to hear and see Your loving kindness. You have called me to Come to You, I come, I am Yours and You are mine. Your grace is sufficient. In Jesus’ name.

    (Stuart Townend)
    How deep the Father’s love for us,
    How vast beyond all measure,
    That He should give His only Son
    To make a wretch His treasure.
    How great the pain of searing loss–
    The Father turns His face away,
    As wounds which mar the Chosen One
    Bring many sons to glory.

    Behold the man upon a cross,
    My sin upon His shoulders;
    Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
    Call out among the scoffers.
    It was my sin that held Him there
    Until it was accomplished;
    His dying breath has brought me life–
    I know that it is finished.

    I will not boast in anything,
    No gifts, no power, no wisdom;
    But I will boast in Jesus Christ,
    His death and resurrection.
    Why should I gain from His reward?
    I cannot give an answer;
    But this I know with all my heart–
    His wounds have paid my ransom.

    (A. Jackson)
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come!
    Just as I am, Thou wilt receive
    Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve
    Because Thy promise I believe
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come
    Because Thy promise I believe
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

    Dear Father, Thank You for Your Love that is ‘so wide, so long, so high and so deep’. Thank You for the gift of Salvation that was given to us out of grace, mercy, and Your unmeasurable Love. All, for the sake of Your Son Jesus, we thank You! Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. And thank you God for Anonymous/Maplewood NJ! Your Words that are shared through her, are sweeter than Maple Syrup to me.

    2. Amen Maplewood! Thank you so much for those beautiful words today and every day! Your prayer is my prayer!
      Amen Brie! Sweeter than Maple syrup!


    4. Just love this so much Maplewood! Your posts are timeless and your prayers are always mine! Love you sweet sister!

  21. Long day and craving sleep but wanted y’all to know that I am Lifting you all up in prayer this evening! You are a blessing to me!
    Jeanne, I have been praying for your mother and your friend Morgan!

    1. Thank you for your prayers. My Mom is almost all better! Now it seems there are two Jeannes because I don’t have a friend’s friend’s daughter named Morgan with leukemia so I am praying with all of you for Morgan’s healing and for comfort and guidance for the family. Everything is intertwined so this is no surprise: My Sister in Missouri asked me yesterday to pray for Morgan who has leukemia. I told her about Jeanne’s request. She said it could be the same Morgan if her Mom’s name is Andrea. Either way God knows and we trust in His healing and faithfulness.

  22. Our dear dear sister friend in Christ Waiting Kathy, I think about you and Mom often and pray for you oftener. Please know you and Mom both have my prayers, and I am gathered into praying for you and yours for the best possible resolution to a challenging situation. Yes! God is so good and I'm also giving this to Him for His Perfect and complete handling. I sense we are on parallel paths, but God has our outcomes as we practice surrendering to HIS control. Please receive my heartfelt and humble prayers for the highest good of all concerned. I know He'll work it out.
    Dear Heavenly Father God, We Come to You. We Come to You. We Come to You. We ask to experience how wide, how long, how high and How deep is Your Love for us and our dear ones. Please favor us so that we can know Your Love that surpasses our knowledge and understanding.
    In Jesus' Name, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I wait. Amen.

      HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE by The BeeGees

  23. Dear Jesus. You said, Open yourself to My loving Presence, so that I may fill you with My fullness. I want you to experience how wide and long and high and deep is My Love for you, so that you can know My Love that surpasses knowledge. Standing on Your Word, I am requesting prayers for my 97 year old Mother Figure, MiMi who is in Intensive Care with COVID. MiMi needs your help with COVID and I need Your help from judging how she got it and with hurt and anger. In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I wait, LIKE A BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATERS, Amen.

    1. Father, may You give comfort and healing to MiMi and remove the anger and hurt from Brie's heart and please keep her from taking over Your job of judging. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you!

    2. Thank you Janet for your prayer and for reminding me to focus on The Judge. (Spoiler Alert: It's not me :) In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Heal me O Lord, I need your help:
      A young couple moved into a new house. The next morning while they were eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbor hanging the washing outside.
      "That laundry is not very clean; she doesn’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better detergent.”
      Her husband looked on, remaining silent. Every time her neighbor hung her washing out to dry, the young woman made the same comments. A month later, the young woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband,
      "Look, she’s finally learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this?"
      The husband replied, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."
      And so it is with life … What we see when watching others depends on the clarity of the window through which we look.
      So don’t be too quick to judge others, especially if your perspective of life is clouded by anger, jealousy, negativity or unfulfilled desires.
      "Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are." In Jesus' Name, I pray for help to overcome (mis)judging. Amen.

    4. So so so good. 🤦‍♀️❤️

    5. Joining your prayers for MiMi for strength, healing and recovery. Thank You Jesus.
      Father, We Come to You to ask for this and for comfort for our dear sister Brie. Wrap your loving arms around them both so they can feel your love and care. Thank you for helping us not to judge others just because they sin differently than we sin. We are all flawed and fall short of pleasing You. Make us better witnesses for You and uncloud our eyes to the truth that we all are in need of cleansing and renewal. Thank you for your blanket of healing to cover all of us and our dear ones. Thanks for this bright new day loaded with new possibilities of making things right in Your presence. Thank You for loving us just as we are. In the Name of Jesus Amen

  24. Our Dear Sister Friend in Christ, Ellen, He did it once and He'll do it again because He is not about to run out of Goodness and Mercy at anytime. Your Son-In-Love is healed in Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I wait. Amen.

    1. This post had not posted so I posted it just now not realizing it had worked the first time. I have gotten in the habit of copying my posts before posting because I lose so many of them. I’m sorry for the duplicate.

  25. Our Dear Sweet Sister Friend In Christ, from Maplewood NJ, thank you for breakfast every morning. Yes! with God's peace, strength and comfort, we are all moving on and healing. I love and dearly thank you for His Words that unwrap the prayers inside my heart. Every. Single. Morning.

    1. Amen! Love my daily dose of sweet maple syrup. And the older posts bless and encourage me always. 😊💗🙏 Thank You Father for lending us your daughter and filling her with your wisdom and insight..

  26. Prayer Please - Received word today that our small place in FL has had a water plumbing problem and water has been running for a long time and everything is mold. Jesus, I need to draw near and know this vast ocean of your magnetic pull of LOVE. jw

    1. Prayer for you, jw, and for your property to the One Who stilled the waters. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Father, please help jw and family with their plumbing problem. Lift them up above their troubles and into Your perfect peace and love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you!

    3. Agreeing in heart spirit and prayer. ❤️

    4. Joining prayers for you jw. May God guide you to taking all the right steps to remove all mold and unhealthy substances from your home and restoring your peace of mind. May He continue to hold you and yours in His able and loving Hands.

  27. Our Dear Sister Friend in Christ, Norah, Son # 3 is fine; even though, he was blessed to come through you, He is not yours; he belongs to God and must be about his Heavenly Father's Business, with or without a permission slip :). Kahlil Gibran says it well in "Your Children Are Not Your Children" Love You and Keep you and yours in my forever prayers.

  28. Father, thank You for Your love. Praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus.

  29. Dear JC family please pray for me. As I have posted here this past week, I have been diagnosed with uterine cancer that they say I have had for some time. I am completely alone in this world and am facing surgery unable to get any home health care support due to covid. I see the oncologist/surgeon today to find out what can be done to help me. For the past week, since posting here asking for prayer ALL of my symptoms have left and I am stronger and have more stamina each day. Praise Jesus!! Please continue to pray for me.

    1. May you continue to trust in Him, who will give you the grace and strength to carry you on this journey, in which he's already allowing you to carry. Yes, I will be praying for you, as will many others.May His love carry you further through anything that he allows you to endure. May you find the strength and comfort that you seek through his word.Blessings from my heart to yours.

    2. Praying Redeemed. You are not alone. ❤️

    3. You are not alone Redeemed, nor will you ever be. Along with all of us, you too, exist in His Love and Presence that is longer, higher, wider, and deeper than any Love we could ever ask for, dream of, or imagine. He loves us tenderly, and He always will.

    4. Praying with you Redeemed. God has the solution. Peace be with you. JE

    5. If today we hear His Voice singing this to us, may our hearts be softened and stilled to listen:
      LOVE ME TENDER by Elvis

    6. Always in my prayers dear Redeemed. God will be with you in that room with the Oncologist. Be not afraid. Our loving Father works behind the scenes to heal you and make all things right. Trust in Him and remember His faithfulness. Much love.
      Amen dear Brie! If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts. Come to Him with open hearts with childlike trust ready to be filled with His fullness.

    7. Redeemed, you are indeed REDEEMED! Jesus did it for you! We stand in prayers with and for you, trusting the One who made it all possible!

      Maplewood NJ

  30. "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him” (I John 3:1).

    Most gracious and loving Father, Thank You for a new day to experience Your undying Love. Thank You that Your Word clearly leaves no space where I cannot find Your Love. I stand in awe of how long, high and deep Your love for me is. I cannot escape it even if I wanted to and I’m so very thankful that I can’t! I need it more than I will ever know. I am thankful Father, very thankful to receive Your unconditional love. I give thanks in the name of Jesus my Savior. Amen.

    Jesus has given us an opened invitation that is very clear and concise. Isn’t it amazing that the Son of God, Jesus the sinner’s Savior, the Prince of Peace who is always in the midst of all our troubles, the wonderful Counselor for our crisis, the Healer for our hurts and sicknesses, the One who gives us mercy and grace, our El Elyon (The Most High God), our El Olam (The Everlasting God), our El Roi (The Strong One who sees) and our El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty), has invited us to come to Him?
    If you labor today and are heavy burdened, you have nothing to lose but all to gain if you go to the One who is calling you to “Come to Me”. Your problems will never get better, the load will never get lighter UNTIL we go to HIM who calls, “COME”. When confronted with problems, we can go to Him and rest upon His unfailing Promises, because no matter how many times we reject His invitation, it still stands. He waits, let’s go!

    Dear Lord, Thank You for the opened invitation to come to You with ALL of our concerns and burden. We come casting it all at the feet of Jesus and receiving rest that only You can provide. We exalt You and thank You for being Lord of our lives and for loving us so much that You want us to experience this unconditional Love of Yours that is so long, so high, and so deep. THANK YOU FATHER! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28)

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. AMEN, AMEN, & AMEN, Maplewood! Thank you for this reminder and confirmation this morning! I know that when I feel I've lost my connection with Him, it is me and not Him as He will never leave me nor forsake me! Blessings and peace to you, Maplewood, and this great JC family! In Jesus' name,....and one more AMEN!

    2. ...and another AMEN, Maplewood NJ! Along with you and NJS, I gather in to exalt and thank God our Heavenly Father, for being Lord of our lives and for loving us so much that He wants us to experience His Unconditional and Infinite Love, that is so long, so high, so wide and so deep, that it is always here for all of us, with room for more besides. THANK YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN Father God, for Being a Good, Good FATHER to us all! And Thank You for putting me into this incredibly awesome and heavenbound JC Family, whom I count as one of life's greatest joys, In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    3. Awesome spirit ordained words and sincere prayer dear sweet Maplewood!! Thank you and Amen!!!
      His invitation always stands. Even when the trappings of this fallen world threatens to tear us away from our First Love, He shouts Come to Me all those who are burdened and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Talke up my Yoke and learn from Me. He waits for our return because He loves us dearly.
      And we are always welcomed back with open Arms like the Prodigal Son! He waits to hear our voice of repentance and the words: I need You Lord. He never leaves us but we leave Him. Turn around and leave all worldly matters behind. He is beckoning us to Come To Him Who loves us and cares for us with an eternal Love! How blessed we are because He is our God! How blessed we are to belong to this dear JC Family and the Family of Christ.

    4. Miss you so much dear Maplewood! We are so blessed to still have your spirit guided words to lift and encourage us. God bless you and your family and heal all your infirmities.

  31. Dear JC family. Thank you for prayers for my sister Loretta's children. I shared their mother's faith with them & the reason for her peace in the final phase of her life. The daughter to my surprise seemed to have grasped the importance of having God in her life. The son had no clue as to this God thing. So I asked him point blank, " Ryan, if you were to die tomorrow, do you know where you're going?" He had no clue how to answer. Now he does! He acknowledged that he has sinned. Being in & out of jail for alcohol/ drugs has mucked up his life big time. So warriors, there you are, if you all choose to accept this challenge, please pray. Valery may know of God, but a deeper relationship is needed. Bless you all richly. Love you all.

    1. Bless your honest question. Bless his honest response. Protect Ryan we pray. Surround him with those who will spur him on toward love and good deeds. ❤️

    2. How awesome that you felt you could talk to them about their mom's faith and ask them questions re theirs. I have kept Loretta's kids in my prayers, Jan, hoping they'd be open to hearing...I consider this a victory that they seem to truly hear you and pray for them to continue asking you questions and seeking Him on their own as well! Thanks for the update, Jan!

    3. Thanks for planting the good seeds of Faith, Hope, and Love, Jan. I am praying for Ryan and Valery to receive God's water and His Sonshine. ❤️

    4. Dear Jan, You spoke spirit filled words that will remain in the minds and hearts of Loretta’s children. Loretta would be so proud of you. Continuing to pray for their faith and salvation and that they will someday be in the grand reunion in the sky. Thank You Jesus for softening their hearts and opening them to your message of redemption and salvation. Amen.

    5. God is good! All Praises to Him, because whatever He starts, He finishes!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. YUUP! When He said He is our Alpha and our Omega, our Beginning and our end, our Sunrise and our Sunset, He means what He says and stands by what He Claims! HE IS The Way, The TRUTH, and The Life. May I always run to Him and stay on His Path!

  32. Another prayer request warriors. My 17yr. Old grandson tested positive for covid. If it was the wedding then we've all been exposed. Hubby & I will seek to be tested. Please pray for his parents, & quick recovery for Corbin. Thank you all so much.

    1. Praying, praying, praying for God to heal our land and wipe away Corona Virus with the wave of His Hand. I ask. I seek. I knock, knock, knock on Heaven's Door. I praise. I thank. I wait. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Joining in prayers for his speedy recovery and for the rest of the family's health.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Thank You Father for healing Corbin completely of Covid and protecting his family and Jan’s family from getting the virus. We trust in your faithfulness and wait on you for answered prayers. We pray together and thank You for this in the Bane of Jesus. Amen

  33. Amen! I join the growing list of pray-ers for a growing list of prayer requests. Thank you Jesus for your invitation as we come to you with humble hearts. We come not just to get, but to give our love to you as well. For it is in the giving that we receive.
    Blessings one this JC family and all those we care for. Thank you Jesus!

    1. Amen sweet Audra! God bless and keep you and yours. 🙏

  34. I have had one of those days ...listening to gospel music and praying tomorrow will be better!

  35. "Jireh"
    (feat. Chandler Moore & Naomi Raine)

    I'll never be more loved
    Than I am right now
    Wasn't holding You up
    So, there's nothing I can do
    To let You down
    Doesn't take a trophy
    To make You proud
    I'll never be more loved
    Than I am right now (oh)

    Going through a storm (yeah)
    But I won't go down
    I hear Your voice carried
    In the rhythm of the wind
    To call me out
    You would cross an ocean
    So, I wouldn't drown
    You've never been closer
    Than You are right now
    (Let's sing it out y'all)

    Jireh, You are enough
    Jireh, You are enough
    And I will be content
    (Even in it)
    In every circumstance
    (You are) Jireh, (You are) You are enough

    Forever enough
    Always enough
    More than enough
    Forever enough
    Always enough
    More than Enough

    I don't wanna forget
    How I feel right now
    On the Mountain Top
    I can see so clear what it's all about
    Stay by my side
    When the Sun goes down
    Don't wanna forget
    How I feel right now

    Jireh, (You are) You are enough
    (You are) Jireh, (You are)
    You are enough (So I will be)
    I will be content
    In every circumstance
    Jireh, (He is always enough)
    You are enough

    Forever enough
    Always enough
    More than Enough
    Forever enough
    Always enough
    More than Enough

    I'm already loved
    I'm already chosen
    I know who I am
    I know what You've Spoken
    I'm already loved
    More than I could imagine
    And that is enough
    (I'm already loved)

    I'm already loved
    I'm already chosen
    I know who I am
    I know what You've Spoken
    I'm already loved (More than I could imagine)
    More than I could imagine (That is enough)
    And that is enough (It's enough for me I'm already loved)

    I'm already loved (I'm already chosen)
    I'm already chosen (I know who I am)
    I know who I am (I know, I know what You've Spoken)
    I know what You've Spoken (I'm already loved)
    I'm already loved (More than I could even fathom)
    More than I could imagine (And that is enough)
    And that is enough (Yes it is, Yes he knows, Yes he knows)

    That is enough
    That is enough
    That is enough
    That is enough
    And that is enough

    You are enough
    You are enough
    You are enough
    So, I am enough

    Jireh, You are enough
    Jireh, You are enough
    I will be content
    In every circumstance
    Jireh, You are enough

    If he dresses the lilies
    With beauty and splendor
    How much more will he clothe you
    How much more will he clothe you
    If he watches over every sparrow
    How much more does he Love you
    How much more does he Love you

    If he dresses the lilies
    With beauty and splendor
    How much more will he clothe you
    How much more will he clothe you
    If he watches over every sparrow
    How much more does he Love you
    How much more does he Love you

    If he dresses the lilies
    With beauty and splendor
    How much more will he clothe you
    How much more will he clothe you
    If he watches over every sparrow
    How much more does he Love you
    How much more does he Love you

    How much more does he Love you
    How much more does he Love you
    How much more does he Love you
    How much more does he Love you
    How much more does he Love you

    More than you ask
    Think or imagine
    According to His power
    Working in us
    It's more than enough

    More than you ask
    Think or imagine
    According to His power
    Working in us
    It's more than enough

    More than you ask
    Think or imagine
    According to His power
    Working in us
    It's more than enough

    More than you ask
    Think or imagine
    According to His power
    Working in us
    It's more than enough

    More than you ask
    Think or imagine
    According to His power
    Working in us
    It's more than enough

    It's more than enough
    More than enough
    More than enough (more than you know)
    More than you know

    Jireh, You are enough (Oh yes you are, yes you are)
    Jireh, You are enough
    I will be Content (even in this)
    In every circumstance
    Jireh, You are enough
    I will be content
    In every circumstance
    Jireh, You are enough

    1. That is so beautiful and moving. My heart is so satisfied. Thank you dear Min Ahadi. Praying tomorrow will be a better day for you. Rest in Him who loves you. We love you too.

    2. I understand despair, Min, as, I think, all here have. It's awful and makes the heart actually ache. All I can say is keep moving forward in this dark valley. While you may not feel Him, as was my case recently, He is right there with you leading the way. He is our WAY MAKER, right?! Praying for you, Min, and hope that today, 8/12, is better. Sending love, prayers, understanding and peace, sweet sister in Christ.

    3. Miss you dear Min Ahadi. You remain in my prayers. I pray you have seen God’s faithfulness in your life and your Mom and daughter are well. Thank You Jesus.

  36. Please pray for my neighbor Terry. She had spots on her lung and she just found out it’s cancer. She will be getting surgery but I don’t know when.
    Thank you Father for destroying every cancer cell and guiding her to seek You with a sincere heart. You are the Miracle Maker. We trust in You and Your faithfulness. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Praying for Neighbor Terry's complete healing, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  37. My heart is filled almost to dancing. He allowed it to be broken so I could be filled by Him and experience Him in a new way.

    No, I don't always "feel" this reality, but I know that it is truth. As He once told me, "fulfillment is already inside you". So if I feel it or not, this is the reality I live in.

    Min Ahadi and others needing something extra today. My prayers and heart is with you. I am well aquinted with despair. We will hold your hearts in His love.

  38. Happy for your joy and fulfillment dear Keith. He is really all we need. We must be brought low in order to be lifted. Suffering is part of following Him. But His Spirit and the Christ in us is the best part of us. Praying with you and for you my brother.

  39. Hey Jesus calling family. I’m asking for prayer. I’m 25 and I have been struggling with insecurity and anxiety. I feel tired and overwhelmed. I could use some prayers for some divine refuge. That a switch will be flipped and I’ll have peace.

    1. My name is Landon.

    2. Heavenly Father, please touch Landon and remove the feelings of anxiety and insecurity. Replace them with Your perfect peace, love and strength. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Peace be with you.

    3. Praying for your anxiety and insecurities to fade away Landon. Let God give you strength and peace over these temporary afflictions.


    4. Joining this prayer train my sisters have started for you, Landon. Praying as you seek God, whether through prayer, His Word, praise songs, and people that you feel Him all around you easing your anxiousness and replacing it with an overwhelming sense of peace and love. The song from Casting Crowns "Just Be Held", comes to mind as does "Promises" from Maverick City, (if possible, watch the video with this song. Powerful and always leaves me hopeful) Praying for you, Landon, and so glad you reached out to this awesome JC family! In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    5. Joining warriors dear Landon in asking God to hold you tightly through the storms of anxiety & insecurities. Now that we've named these culprits & exposed them openly, they are being called out by the Spirit of the living God to LEAVE! In the name of Jesus! Amen!🙏💞

    6. Joining everyone in prayer for you, Landon. I know those feelings and found I have to reign in my thoughts - one thought at a time and replace them with, "God loves me; He is here with me; Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world." Excited to hear a Victory Report. God Bless you and keep you!

    7. Landon, you are covered in prayer! God will replace your anxiety and insecurities with overwhelming peace, and truth of who you are inHim!. Mindy

  40. Hello prayer warriors! Please intercede on behalf of a precious family member (7 yr old boy) who was just diagnosed with Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and undergoing chemotherapy. Prayers for his mom, brother and extended families. God's got this! Thank you ♥️

    1. Heavenly Father, please touch this family with Your healing hands and impart to them all Your goodness and glory. Let Your strength, love, and peace flow continuously in them and grant them a miracle of God in their lives. Only You can do this Lord. Let Your healing power be manifested in this boy. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless.

    2. Audra, prayers for this little boy and his family. God, please heal this child and help him to endure the chemo treatments. Bring peace to his mother, brother, and all of his family. Bring him back to full health so he can live a long fruitful life. In Jesus name, Amen.


    3. Praying and knowing our Jehovah Rapha knows this situation and is bringing this little boy and his family through this storm/diagnosis in Jesus's mighty and healing name, AMEN.

    4. Yes! Warriors are in full agreement & armored for battle Audra. Lord Jehovah, we approach the throne of grace for this little one & his family. We will not accept this assignment, this disease to ravage this precious body. In the name of Jesus we ask, we seek, we knock on his behalf. Heal & use this precious one for the glory of Your name & kingdom! Hallelujah!🙏🙏💞

    5. Joining these awesome prayer warriors as we pray for this dear child, Audra, and his family. Healing, comfort, peace. Love and blessings.

    6. Joining in prayers for this dear boy and his family. For God's timing in treatment, the right doctors, and complete healing. 🙏

    7. Good morning Landon This my prayer for you and myself and anyone else battling anxiety and worry.Our Father You are a loving and caring God. You are an all-powerful God. Nothing is impossible for you. I believe in you. You have the power to change our lives. I surrender all our worries into your hand. Please lead us. Jesus, you have said, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Help us cast away all our worries and the fear about tomorrow. Help us rest in your presence. Please hold our hands and lead us. I put all our trust in you. In Jesus’s mighty name, I pray. Amen

  41. Dear Audra, Keeping the young boy in my prayers. His illness and the chemo are so much for him to bear, and also for his worried mom, brother and all family members. God is greater than his condition and I thank HIm for healing him completely and restoring peace to his loved ones and to him. God can change tears into dancing. Lean on His faithfulness which you have seen so many times. Waiting on the Lord for a miracle. All things are possible. Thank You Jesus.

  42. Heavenly Father, thank You. You bless me abundantly. You give me so much. I can't thank You enough Lord. Thank You Jesus. You deserve ALL the praise and worship Lord. Quiet my mind so I can hear Your still, small voice and open my heart and mind to receive all that You have for me Lord. Let Your presence and mighty power flow in me and grant me an overflowing abundance of You Lord. Please keep me tethered tightly to You and let us walk, hand and hand together through the day, rejoicing and singing praises to You. You are my love. Let Your glory be manifested within me Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. May I join you dear Janet in this beautiful prayer as I ask for the same for me. Blessings,🙏💞

    2. I claim this prayer also Janet, over and over, Amen. Mindy

    3. Me too! Thank you dear Janet! Gathering into your beautiful prayer! Amen and Amen

    4. That was me gathering into your beautiful prayer. Amen

  43. Thank you for this prayer, Janet. So spot-on and needed. Peace, dear sister.

  44. Amen, Janet! I felt the security of being "tethered tightly" to our walking hand in hand with our Lord! <3

  45. So many blessings, miracles, thanking God for all of them and praying for all needs to be met. My DH and I 'revisited' the attempted sale of our MGB, which is still sitting in our garage. Who knows...God knows. It's barely on my list, these days - LOL!
    I thank everyone who saw my message last night, for your prayers for a case I have. God worked miracles and we got messages to the Court. Pat found an old phone and when she plugged it in, it worked. Turns out it wasn't the phone LINES, but the phones had somehow been cut. God won! Go JC Prayer Warriors (Jeanne - you always see my night-time posts; thank you, dear Sister!).
    Waiting on our window installation guys and praying and reading with all of you as I wait.
    To God Be The Glory!

    1. Great news dear Norah! Our prayers for Pat were heard and our Way Maker made a way for her to find a working phone! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus.

  46. Looking for a special time to hear God's voice today during an MRI to get a better look at shoulder issues. I bet I hear y'all there with me, thank you for your prayers for our young boy warrior. ♥️🙏🤗

    1. Dear Audra, Joining prayers that God is with you through your MRI and the clear results will show that your condition is easily treatable. God knows best so trust In Him with every fiber of your being. Thanking Him for healing you completely and guiding you to all the help you need. Wait on Him. We all need to be patient in prayer. We serve a faithful God Who has His own timetable. Much love

  47. Audra, prayers for answers for shoulder!

  48. Prayers today please for my daughter Chloe, she is having procedures this morning for her chronic bladder disease. Praying this new treatment helps. Mindy

  49. Praying for Chloe dear Mindy that her procedures went well and her problem will be resolved. God is the Miracle Maker. He can do all things. Praying with you dear sister and thanking God that this treatment will make her better and give her comfort. Thank You Jesus

  50. I have my little Gabriel with me and he's staying overnight. Then in the morning I'll bring him home and drive to visit my good Mom in Brooklyn till Sunday. Everything is in His Hands and you are in my prayers.

  51. Just read my post from last year and I’m still blessed! God has taken good care of me and my family. I’m leaving to see my dear Mom this morning and staying till Sunday morning. Rick and I are having our oldest son’s family over for dinner on Sunday and we’ll get to see little Evelyn. Can’t wait! We’ll have Gabriel and his little brother for sleepovers Monday and Tuesday night. I’m blessed to still have my good Mom and such a nice family Thanks for your prayers. My Mom’s leg is healing nicely, thank God. Praying for those people who are fighting for their lives and their homes in Hawaii. May God put out the fires and shelter and save His people. Also praying for God’s healing of Brie, Keith, and Al. And dear Audra. Praying for so many people. May our faithful God heal our dear ones and our own weaknesses. Thank You Jesus. Happy to say I saw Rudy and he’s healing and doing well! Also I saw Scott and he seems to be tolerating his treatments well. Rick’s dear brother Jimmy is in the middle of his treatments and he sure needs our prayers. And my older brother’s dog Domino has a lot of health problems. Praying for him and his sweet dog. She is his only companion. Trusting the Lord and believing in His promises.
    John 14:13-14
    And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
    If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

    1. Glad to hear of your many blessings. Praying with you for all. Also, continuing prayers for you. Hope you are doing well 🙏. God bless! God is always good!

    2. Your prayers mean so much to me, sweet Janet! I’m doing well thank God. I so appreciate the spiritual food you share and your sincere prayers each day! Wish I could hug you. I always pray for God to guide you to love and fulfillment, and the desires of your heart. Have a blessed day! Much love.

    3. Prayers for your travels and special time with your sweet mom.

    4. Thank you Jeanne for an uplifting check in today! Gratefully receiving all prayers for healing of 3 fractured ribs and whatever is wrong in my left shoulder. Ás my prayers go out for all of you, known and unknown! ✝️♥️🙏

    5. Thanks dear Mindy! Keeping you and Chloe tight in my prayers too.
      Dear Audra, Thanks for your prayers. I’ve been praying for your ribs to heal. Sorry to hear there is also a problem with your shoulder. God already knows what’s wrong. Praying for His amazing healing power to wash over every part of you. Rest well dear sister. This is a difficult season for you and Brie, Keith and Al and so many more.
      Thank You Father for healing all these dear ones and all our JC Family and their loved ones in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  52. The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore. (Psalm 121:7-8). Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. (James 1:17). I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. (John 14:18). As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue. (2 Peter 1:3).

    1. Beautiful food for my weary heart! Leaving for Brooklyn soon. Thanks for adding light to my day, Sis.

  53. " Come to Me. Come to Me. Come to Me. This is My continual invitation to you, proclaimed in holy whispers."
    What a Blessèd invitation!

    Reading recently the account (not 'stories', Biblical accounts are not stories, they're fact) in Exodus 34:29 when Moses' encounter with God was so great, so intense that coming down the mountain his face shone!
    Can you imagine it! Moses couldn't see it but the Israelites could and were in awe.
    Over time it faded and the fading was hidden by a veil he put over his face.
    This mornings JC Blog reading took my thoughts right there.
    Exodus 33:11 Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend. When Moses returned to the camp, his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, would not depart from the tent.
    I think we can all understand the heart of Joshua, I would be reluctant to depart from the tent also!

    One day for us too it will be face to Face...

    1. Amen! I am sure that when we finally look upon the radiant and loving Face of Jesus, our joy will have no bounds. It will be full and complete.

  54. A beautiful morning that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!
    Offering thanksgiving for a good appointment yesterday with my endodontist- even though I have to go back for more next week. I felt the peace of the Lord with me. Thank you for your prayers!

    1. So happy to hear of your good appointment and of our answered prayers. Hallelujah

  55. Come to Me all who are heavy with burdens and I will give you rest. Praising and thanking God for answered prayers!

  56. Amen sweet Learning to Trust. Cast all your burdens on Him who loves us! We serve Him so much better with a lighter load.

  57. Our dear sweet sister in Christ, Janet,
    In your post yesterday, you asked, Please keep me in prayers and continue to encourage...
    If you have not done so already, you may want to go back to yesterday (LOAD MORE) to check out all of the encouragement you received. We love you and keep you and all our JC's in prayer. That's What Friends Are Forg

