Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 27

Spend time with Me for the pure pleasure of being in My company. I can brighten up the dullest of gray days; I can add sparkle to the routines of daily life. You have to repeat so many tasks day after day. This monotony can dull your thinking until your mind slips into neutral. A mind that is unfocused is vulnerable to "the world, the flesh, and the devil," all of which exert a downward pull on your thoughts. As your thinking processes deteriorate, you become increasingly confused and directionless. The best remedy is to refocus your mind and heart on Me, your constant Companion.
     Even the most confusing day opens up before you as you go step by step with Me. My Presence goes with you wherever you go, providing Light for your path

Psalm 63:7-8
English Standard Version

for you have been my help,
    and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.
My soul clings to you;
    your right hand upholds me.

Psalm 119:105
English Standard Version

Your word is a lamp to my feet
    and a light to my path.

My Prayer (2024)
O God, how easy it is to arise and simply start down the road of engaging with life and all that it presents and before I know it, my time with you is segmented or rushed or completely absent. Keep me centered on the sweetness of being with You, walking through Your words, talking to You about my life and days. Refocus me on You. You are my help. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. When I take those moments to dive into Your words, it brings with it a comfort and peace that yes indeed, surpasses all understanding. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I spend time with him everyday yet my days are always dull what an I doing wrong

    1. youre not doing anything wrong... keep spending time with Him and trust Him. All is good.

    2. I agree with Joey C. Wherever you are Unknown Unknown this 2019 & whatever spiritual state you're in, the JC comment for today bears repeating over & over again until it sticks. Hang in there. You are loved 🥰.

    3. Dear unknown unknown, a year later i have been reading your cries for help and am sorry you are not still writing. Please know that you are not alone. Many faithful Christians around the world have experienced the unexplained feelings of depression and hopelessness your comments reveal. I feel your broken spirit and am touched by your openness and vulnerability. Do not think God has abandoned you or is angry with you. HE loves you and has provided many ways to help you. One of those ways is through the wonderful system of health care we have in this country. I have a Christian family member who suffered as you do and whose doctor found a chemical imbalance in their body which they were able to correct. If you haven't checked that out, it may be wise to speak to a professional counselor or physician. I am praying for you just as many others are doing and asking our loving heavenly Father to give you rest, peace and joy again.

    4. Dear unknown unknown, please know that trusting in Jesus and what He says about you, is all that matters. It is 2019 and would love to see you post again to find out what Christ has been doing in your life. Praying that one day and this I believe because of my own life similar to your's that one day you will wake up and say " Thank You God for this beautiful day!" And know daily struggles are a part of this imperfect life for all of us. We choose joy like Jesus did when He took that walk to the cross. Prayers for you, everyday. And wanting to see your posts onne again.

    5. keep spending time with Him. Praise and worship Him not for a reward. Praise and worship Him because He is God

    6. Praying for unknown who posted in 2018 I pray that God reached out to you and brought peace within your soul.

    7. You are not doing anything wrong, keep trusting.Maybe He is teaching you patience or endurance?

    8. Still praying for Unknown unknown. He is in God's Hands.

    9. Unknown- it’s 2022. We are still praying for you. I’ve often read that when we feel like things are so bad and God seems distant- He is actually carrying us as He walks with us.

      SC Anonymous

    10. I’m glad to see current comments here! This blog keeps me sane and as I too struggle daily it gives me much hope and guidance. God bless you all and keep you safe in this crazy world we live in.

    11. And blessings to you too in 2022, Anonymous!

    12. Read the Bible, so you can know Jesus more. It is His love letter to you. His word is truly a lamp to our feet and light to our path.

  2. Keep your focus on God, constantly asking him to guide your every step. Keeping your focus on God, after spending time with Him helps in every aspect of your life. Spend every second of every day with God, and you will experience His love by opening your heart to all He has in store for your life. Let Him lead!

  3. Love to all of this JC Family! Madfox - thank you! I think we shared a very important part of walking in this Life of Christ. I, too, am a synonym...Norah is my pen name. Jan, it's not because we SHOULDN'T share our real names, it's just that living in a very public life, I can truly share when I write as Norah - as MadFox can under his pseudonym.
    The important thing here is that MadFox set me straight and I was able to receive it. That is what God calls all of us to do in this Family of His.
    Today, was another kind of 'messy' day - but made lighter because of all of you. Jan, I laugh with you every day!! We are definitely kindred spirits.
    Heading to bed so very tired. Please pray for my sister-in-law Jinny, as we head to the spinal surgery follow up and also to her Oncologist. She's gained 3 lbs, JC Prayer Warriors!! Her blood pressure has also gone way up - we don't know what that means. We thank God every day for her health and that the cancer leaves her body. My hub said on Saturday, "She has become a social person! I've never known her to talk like this and share!!" That is the Love of God - she has so many loving care givers and several in the family (like us) have gotten to know a woman who we had no idea existed! What a pleasure; what a joy! I'll take it whenever it comes. I have met a new Sister in Christ through all of this. I'm thankful. In the meantime, I will hold my head to the Word. "This monotony can dull your thinking until your mind slips into neutral." Let's never let our minds slip into neutral. We can't afford that for ourselves, our brothers and sisters in Christ - our off spring. Let's be sharper than a two edged sword!

    1. Norah, very kind words and thoughts. Didn't take it as I was "setting you straight" rather just offering a different viewpoint. This is the challenge in social media and e-writing in today's secular world. You can only read the words not hear tone of voice, or see facial expressions, a wry smile, or body language. It is why so much social media is NOT helpful.

      All: yes, I'm using an alias or pseudonym as Norah described. It does allow one more ability to be candid if you are describing situations with co-workers, friends, or family. We can share experiences by posting when you've personally had to go through (as Sarah calls them) "steep paths" and where God is holding your hand.

      Lots of positive prayers and words of comfort to those seeking it here. All reflects the spirit of God... may His love and this community's openness bring peace to all in need. Amen

    2. Jinny has been on my mind & have been lifting her in prayer Norah. It's just awesome how mindful our God is of all the needs! Thank you & MadFox for attempting to explain to this bb(bumbling blogger) how to maneuver through a blogspot. I kind of like the idea of changing to a "cutsie" blog name😏. Stay tuned JC family, if you see a new name crop up, it's me, bb!

    3. Hey, I was re-reading what I just wrote & there it is! My new name! BB! Duh. Okay my JC family take note. Jan Gridley will now be "BB". Can I get some votes.

    4. Point taken, MadFox! I meant it in all of the best ways. I remember learning years ago that ALL CAPS was taken was shouting by a customer! I can type fast and when I used all caps, could really fly. So, I did that in an email and the response was, "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME??" I apologized and assured them I was just trying to be fast. Those little emojies help convey my heart sometimes in text messages, but you are right - we loose the feeling or emphasis, so often when emailing or texting. It serves us well here, though, in sharing our hearts.

    5. HA HA....yes, BB - I will now know that's YOU! :) Love and thankfulness for your prayers for Jinny. I'll let you all know what the Doctors say. But, more importantly, we know what God has said and that's what I'll take to heart. I know she is!

    6. Norah, we are ALL 1 big HAPPY and Blessed God's Family, JC Family and there for each other!


      Maplewood NJ

    7. Lifting Jinny up in prayer! Thank you for sharing your perspective, MadFox, with Norah, and with all. It was definitely a comfort to see how things worked out through conversation on this blog. Sometimes, we are in a place where we are struggling or hurting so much, that when someone else makes a comment or correction, it cuts deep, but it may not be intended that way at all. Social media can be truly difficult to navigate trying to read the emotions, etc., which is why I removed myself from anything (but this). And BB sounds good to me! Using CO lets me feel like I can open up more and more while still protecting those I care about. Thank you to all of you! I am blessed to have found this site. Saying prayers for each person on here. CO

    8. BB --- OK BB. I'll go with the new name, but I will miss the old name. Very, very fond of original name! Much love and blessings to BB!

  4. My problem is that I am easily distracted and focus on my circumstances instead of God. I am learning to push the negative thoughts out of my mind and replace them with positive. It's a struggle but with God, I know it will get easier.

    1. Anonymous - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
      Proverbs 3:5-6

      Those who know Proverbs 3:5-6 know the power of saying to themselves, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.”

    2. AMEN!!! Sassy Mom. Remember Anonymous, the battle begins in the mind. Our earthly, human understanding falls short so do not lean on it! Praying 🙏 for you today 🥰.

    3. Praying for you, Anonymous! Sassy Mom, thank you for the scripture today! I love it and needed to see it! I will say it many times today. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." Amen. CO

    4. Needed to be reminded of this today! I have grown to depend on this group every day! Thanks to all:)

    5. Thank you Sassy Mom. I really needed to hear that today and God directed me to it. Thank You Jesus. God surely works in mysterious ways. Bless You Lord.

    6. Amen! God also guides us to the spiritual nourishment we need each day. And here we receive it from Him and our true Family. Praying for you Dear Janet. Come to Him with all your cares and He will give you rest for your soul and your mind and heart.

    7. It's a great verse Sassy mum...I pray that we remember it in times of trial

    8. Amen! Those powerful verses are my "go to" verses. I return to them very often for comfort and peace. Putting my reins in His Hand and I will do my best not to try to yank them back.

  5. Good morning JC Family, Prayers for Jinny, thank you for her life, bless those who minister to her.
    Sharing a favorite Poem by Helen Steiner Rice that I have hanging in my bathroom.
    Good Morning, God!

    YOU are ushering in another day, Untouched and freshly new,
    So here I come to ask YOU, God, If You'll renew me too, Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday and let me try again, dear God, to walk closer in THY WAY...But Father, I am well aware I can't make it on my own, So TAKE MY HAND and HOLD IT TIGHT for I can't WALK ALONE!

    Good Morning, God!

    1. I love that poem, Sassy Mom! What a blessing.

    2. Amen, Amen and Amen to that poem!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Love the poem Sassy Mom! Thanks for sharing.

    4. I agree with all the others. Love the poem! Thank you. CO

    5. Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem

    6. Thank you Sassy Mom. I really needed that this morning. God is so very good--ALWAYS!

    7. Your poem is still Echoing with me in two thousand twenty three.
      Thanks for all you share, Sassy Mom.

  6. That truly blessed my soul! I am blessed to have found this blog, GOD uses it everyday to keep me (the encourager) encouraged IN HIS LOVE

  7. Good morning Lord and to my JC family. Open my eyes so that I can see your face, open my ears so that I can hear your voice, open my heart so that I can love as you do. Thank you for all you do for us. Hear our prayers Lord and help us to wait patiently for your answer. We love you and trust you.

  8. It has been awhile since I last posted, my heart aches this morning. My addiction has resurfaced and I followed my weak spirit instead of trusting in God. I pray that the Lord will give me the strength and wisdom to work thru this. I know my wife loves me but I'm not sure how much more of this type of behaviour she can endure. I lie and cheat on her and she doesn't deserve this. Please Lord help me to be the husband she deserves and desires! Lord please hear my prayer in Jesus name I pray.

    1. My grace us sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness 2 Corinthians 8. We are praying for you Dave.

    2. Dave the NAT (national accountability team) & prayer warriors are picking you up & dusting you off RIGHT NOW! Be strengthened with renewed determination to keep running the Devine race. Keep your eyes on the prize. We are cheering you on to not buckle under the pressure of the destroyer, the robber, the accuser. Keep whispering, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Amen.

    3. Dave, do not ever think you are at this alone! Jesus is with you very step of the way, as well as all the prayers of all the folks on this site! One hour at a time. One hour at a time, one hour at a time...Amen.

    4. Dave, I’m so sorry. Having been on the wife’s-side of the challenge you face, I can tell can have your victory!! I don’t know what programs or treatment you’ve been through, but please look into Celebrate Recovery. It’s a faith based program that I used to be part of, that helps us get past our “hurts, habits and hangups”. They were founded in California but they are everywhere now. I will keep you and your wife in prayer.

    5. Prayers sent to heaven for you Dave. I hope you are doing better now. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    6. Praying for you Dave that in this last year God has pulled you up out of the pit and turned you around to pleasing Him and your Wife. Praying you are finally on the road that leads to glory and your marriage is strong in Him who loves you.

  9. Oh Dave, please don't give up. God is Your refuge and strength. Keep pressing forward, talk to God and ask the Holy Spirit to hold, guide and direct your paths. God is faithful, even in our weaknesses and short comings. Pray for strength, pray for the power to resist all the temptations and pray for your wife/marriage. Cry out to Jesus, He is standing right by ready to help you. You are on the right track by confessing, asking and praying for God's intervention.
    Keeping you in prayers my dear brother, may the Power and work of the Holy Spirit begin in You now in Jesus name!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Joining Maplewood in prayer for Anonymous. Thank you Father God that you hear our prayers!

  10. What a blessedness, what a joy divine to be in Your Presence oh Lord. Thank You for this gift of life acknowledge and Praise You once again! Thank You for ALL those seen and unseen battles that You are fighting for me, my family and my JC brethren. Let Your name be lifted up high to the Heavens, for Great is Your Faithfulness oh Lord my King! Thank You Father!
    As I go through this day, I ask Your Holy Spirit to help me worship and Praise You while I work. Thank You Lord.

    My JC Family, as you step out today, 'may Angels guide your steps, may Peace accompany you, may Grace go before you, may love and light surround you, may kindness spread from you, may goodness and love follow you, may lessons teach you, may family support you, may friends encourage you, may God bless and protect you and May Your day be filled with peace and love'

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thanks Maplewood... I wake up slowly and my thoughts and feelings often don't line up with the spirit. My feelings are true but the Spirit is truth. Your prayer really helped me align with truth this morning.

      When you visited MN, it was on my heart to meet for coffee and pray. My dad was in the hospital during that time so timing was not right on my end. Perhaps if you come here again we could do that?

      Thanks again for blessing me..

      BB, Jan, I like it Jan!��

    2. Same blessings to you Maplewood 🥰. Okay Keith, BB it is😃! Now if I can only figure out how to change it😂.

    3. Jan - I thought you already changed it. Hmmmmm my computer doesn't like BB cause you are still Jan gridley on my computer! LOL

    4. Oh no Sassy Mom! Now what? 🤔

    5. Oh, you have a point. I haven't changed it yet. Still figuring it out. Reminding you, BB stands for "bumbling blogger's!🤣

    6. Jan, BB, Whatever, we'll figure it out. (*.*) LOL

    7. Beautiful encouragement Maplewood. I just sent your little prayer to my Bible group and Sis and Mom. I wish you the same dear sister.

  11. God Bless you, Maplewood! Dave, you are in my prayers. Believing with you for strength. You can do all things through Christ. But, all of us on here know, also, the strength of the adversary. I've been listening to a teaching on standing against the wiles of the devil. Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. Sometimes, it's a moment by moment walk, or just one thought between doing it God's way or the adversary's way. You can do it!!

    1. Greater is the ONE!

  12. Dave, my heart breaks for both you and your wife. My divorce just became final in June after discovering his infidelity for a second time in a year and a half. I urge you to go 'all in'with Jesus with a program such as celebrate recovery, a Christian 12 step program for hurts, habits, and hangups with a sponsor and accountability group or something similar. The biggest lie we're can tell ourselves is I can stop this on my own. Jesus can help you break that addiction and find out the root cause of the marital infidelity. Prayers for both of you!

  13. Totally agree with the Celebrate Recovery Program as a step in recovery!!! Christ connections that keep us from isolating.

  14. Wanted to share some thoughts from a devotional that spoke volumes to me. It asked the question. How do you know you're not experiencing the love of God? You are worried, You can't worship God and worry at the same time. Every time we worry we've forgotten how much God loves us. Worry is really acting like an atheist. Forgetting ALL the hundreds of promises of His faithfulness and pretendind we are an orphan rather than a child of God.

    You'll either worry or worship the rest of your life. You'll either panic or pray. You'll either look to your problem or look at God.

    Which will you choose?

    Certainly made me challenge my heart. You can look at complaining and thankfulness in the same light. Just food for thought. Great love and blessings to the JC FAMILY from Kansas

    1. Well said JJ. When I find myself stepping into that worry/mistrust path, which is so familiar, I quickly step back & call out to my Abba, to summon me back into His graces. He is faithful.

    2. Still digesting this good food for thought in 2023. Thank You God for JJ and the JC's! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  15. Good morning, from Houston! As I read yesterday's and today's JC, my mind went back to two years ago. Yesterday was the two year anniversary that Hurricane Harvey hit which devastated our city. I am thankful for our city rallying together and helping each other which reminds me very much of our blogs here. 'I can brighten up the dullest of gray days", Jesus reminds us. And he does... through this blog. Blessings and prayers to you all (ya'll). LOL. You keep my days brighter.

    1. And now, another year later, praying for the safety of all in the path of hurricane Laura 🙏

    2. JC Prayer Warriors, Please add my Godson, Donald and His Family to the Hurricane Protection Prayer list. Their home and place of employment, between Cameron and Lake Charles LA, is scheduled for a direct hit. They did evacuate, so their lives are safe. Thanks Warriors!

    3. Prayed early this morning Brie for all those in the path.

  16. Lifting you up in prayer, Dave! There have been similar situations in my family. Lean on God; ask for help and guidance from The Most High. As Jan said, keep whispering Jesus' name. I've tried it for my situation and it has helped. Please know, the JC Prayer Warriors are praying for you! Jesus, please wrap your arms around Dave and hold him tight letting him know You are not giving up on him and he cannot give up on himself either. Please also hold his wife tightly as this is also very hard on her. Help her to see Your love and care as Dave gets back up and starts again. Ask God to intercede for you and your family.

    Suzanne, what an image to think about today...from devastation to coming together and rebuilding. God is there with us every step of the way! Blessing and prayers for all on here...for help, hope and thanksgiving. CO

  17. Please pray Mandy and family!!!

    1. Anonymous --- I am continuing to intercede for Mandy and family. I thank you Father God for Mandy and family. Thank you for sending Your Healing Touch into their midst. Thank You Father for lighting up their pathways with Your living light! Great blessings to Anonymous, Mandy and family from Kansas

  18. Good morning my JC family! Good morning God! I thank you for the night and this new day! I am blessed! I lift all of you up to the One who made us all! Who knows us all! Who loves us completely! I wake up each morning and I know the first thought is not on the Father- although I try and tell myself it is! I sit with my coffee and a million little things are just running through my head 😂. I think “imagine if ALL these thoughts were just a conversation with Jesus and on thankfulness” but... they are not! I can just imagine God sitting in the chair beside me just shaking His head! 😂. I know He knows I try but I also know that in my stubbornness He will let me sit in my mess for a bit 😂😂😂.
    Bottom line? I KNOW I am loved. I KNOW I am forgiven! I know that He is always here!
    I sometimes just forget!!!
    Pray for me as I pray for you all!

    1. Monica --- I lift you up to the Throne of Grace. One thing I have found very helpful was a post by PRAYER WARRIOR Julieanne somtime back: "Today I choose to stop telling God how big my problem is, but instead to tell my problem how big my God is!" I find this helps me keep my focus where it should be and reminds me that we have a heavenly Father who created us, loves us, wants what's best for us, and is watching over us. He is working for our good and has given us Hundreds of Promises of His Faithfulness!

  19. Do not lead your life directionless ! Today's reading is such a wonderful reminder of staying focused.
    So be on your guard not asleep like the others stay alert and be clearheaded 1 Thessalonians 5. Take a moment today and read 1 Thessalonians and renew your self with Paul's advice. Thank you Jesus for your armor that you have given us in your word, that we have a tool to fight the enemy and his sneaky ways. I pray that we all stay diligent and sober minded that are guard is not down but we recognize who is behind all this mayhem. We will not give up and use every glorious means to fight the fight against this enemy Satan. Amen

  20. Thank YOU LORD for growing JC Prayer Warriors group. Welcome all new members.
    2 Peter 3:18 - But grow in grace, and [in] the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him [be] glory both now and for ever. Amen.

    1. Sassy Mom --- Was thinking the same thing! What a growth in JC PRAYER WARRIORS. And a huge WELCOME TO ALL new members! Makes for a very, very BAD day for satan; as it should be. All GLORY to our LORD!

    2. Amen, Sassy Mom, Anonymous & JJ, & again I say Amen! Have a blessed day dear ones. So wonderful blogging with all of you😘! Hubby & I are on our way to meet the orthopedic surgeon. Lord is this the one? Help us to know please. Amen. Pray warriors!

    3. Jan --- Love that name! Prayers all over you and Hubby. I pray you will have unusual favor with the surgeon and staff. I pray the Lord will light up the right pathway with His living light for you. God's speed. Does this mean I can use Jan(my favorite!) and not BB? BB is ok, but.....

    4. Jan - We are awaiting good news from the surgeon!!!!

  21. REPORT ON JINNY: EXCELLENT (and yes, I'm shouting!!), on all counts - both spinal surgery and Oncologist! She is up to 104 and her labs came back great. Thank you, Father!! Thank you, JC Prayer Warriors!! So very thankful.

  22. WE ARE ALL SHOUTING!!!!!!!!AMEN, AMEN, PTL!!!!!!

    1. Another victory for the Lord!! Amen! All Glory to the Lord!

    2. Praise be to God! Amen! CO

  23. I've had good days, I've had bad days, tasted victory and defeat
    I've had problems, but the biggest planets turn to pebbles when You speak
    I've had nothing to my name, never lacked for anything
    Because You were there with me
    You've been my Savior, Sustainer, when I'm at my end
    My Healer, Redeemer, again and again
    My Mother and my Father, Brother, Sister, and Friend
    Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
    Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
    When I stand before You guilty, oh, Your Mercy bears my blame
    When in pride I think I'm worthy, You point out the price You paid
    When I wander far away, You keep calling my name
    You don't give up on me
    You've been my Savior, Sustainer, when I'm at my end
    My Healer, Redeemer, again and again
    My Mother and my Father, Brother, Sister, and Friend
    Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
    Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
    You are my strength, my rock, Jesus
    You are my hope, my song, Jesus
    Before my heart knows what to pray
    You've already made a way, Jesus
    You've been my Savior, Sustainer, when I'm at my end
    My Healer, Redeemer, again and again
    My Mother and my Father, Brother, Sister, and Friend
    Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
    You've been my Savior, Sustainer, when I'm at my end
    My Healer, Redeemer, again and again
    My Mother and my Father, Brother, Sister, and Friend
    Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
    Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
    Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
    Oh, Yes, You have
    Thank You, Jesus, yes
    You've always been! Amen.

    1. Glory, Praise and Victory Report: Finally we have clear, clean water. Thanks be to God! One day, I will lift the whole water experience to a Spiritual Plane, but not today. Today I will just say, you have to start with a Pure Clean Everflowing Source! Thanks for your prayers, Family.

    2. Psalm 63: 7 for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy!

    3. Am blessed by this poem, Brie. Such a strong sense of the absolute nature of our Lord for everything means everything! God be with you.

    4. Hallelujah!! Praise the Lord ♡

      Blessings from France

    5. Amen Brie!! That is who HE is!! All of that and more!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Dear Brie, Thank you for that beautiful song. He is everything to me and more! Thanking God for His faithfulness in your life and for clean water! Hallelujah! One more answered prayer! Time for more singing and maybe the Snoopy dance!

    7. Thanks all. I'm putting on my my my my my dancing shoes!

    8. Brie- I wondered what the water outcome is. Hallelujah 🙌. Victory!

  24. The only way to heaven is through Jesus. He is the ONLY way. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

  25. I want to thank each & every one of you. I’ve been reading this blog for years & just know that the prayers, comments & teachings rescue me. My heart is nurtured daily & my brain continues to be fed the ultimate life survival skills of pure & true love.

    Today is our son’s birthday. He choose to take his own life 4 years ago. There is so much suffering that each one of us individually go through in this life. I pray that we all find peace & comfort in trusting Jesus continually. He is certainly a lamp to our feet & a light to our path. The dawn of a new day brings hope & enlightenment of strength only the Holy Spirit can give. I pray for all of us to be comforted & held in the loving arms of our Savior Jesus Christ.

    Many blessings & love to each & every one of you. I thank God for being my hero and giving me access to some of the most powerful army of prayer warriors❤️


    1. TYJ, yours is a pain most us have not had to experience. To say we understand would be hollow for how could we. But we deeply care for you and that is real. We pray for the aches in your heart that still exist, may our Lord grant healing and wholeness. You received a gift from God with great joy on this day many years ago. You will receive the same gift with even greater joy on a day yet to come. May you look forward to it. Thanks be to God! God be with you.

    2. Echoing Bob's prayer for you and your family Thank You Jesus. God be with you.

      Blessings from France

    3. Thank You Jesus, I join our JC family in prayer for you and your family. As Bob said, 'we don't understand', but want you to know that God has been with you from day one and will continue to carry you through. May you feel His love and Peace today and every day. He has you wrapped in His arms through Jesus Christ the Righteous ONE!

      God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Joining in prayers for you. God knows every tear you have shed and the heartache and pain you have endured. My heart goes out to you but I can plainly see your strength of faith in your Hero is what has carried you through these four long years of loss and sorrow. Your son has no more days on earth but you are being blessed every morning with a brand new one of hope and strength in the Lord. May He continue to lead and sustain you and give you much joy, comfort and fulfillment. Amen

    5. I echo the prayers mentioned for you and your family. CO

    6. TYJ, May God continue to comfort and heal you in body, mind and spirit. Remember the good memories. Remember the love. God has a future prepared for you. Trust in His guiding Hand in your life.

    7. TYJ - Echoing prayers of comfort and healing for your broken heart.

  26. Thank you Jesus - God bless you with happy comforting memories as you celebrate your son's birthday.

  27. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for this new day and the blessings and gifts I will find along the way. Father, You know my heart, You know my desire to want to grow closer to You and spend more time with You. But there are times when I find myself distracted, my mind wandering and my thoughts far from You. Forgive me for my undisciplined thoughts and lead me in the path that I should go. Your grace is sufficient for me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

    Believers are called to be in the Word and to pray often. Prayer is life’s greatest time saver and our direct connection to Jesus. Waiting and waiting on God for answers to prayers may seem like a delay, but it is actually sparing us countless hours, days, mobths or even years of headaches. We must realize that if God had answered certain prayers according to our timing, we would have missed His best in every case. God will answer our prayers as soon as it is best for us. He is never one minute soober or one secobd later. In Luke 18:1, 7-8, Jesus encourages us to pray and not give up, because God may "bear long" with us in our prayers, yet He is committed to acting on our behalf "speedily"!

    By praying, we share our worries, fears and doubts with Jesus, and thank Him for all the good gifts in our lives. Prayer is a time we take to shut the world out and to communicate sincerely and honestly with Jesus, while giving Him honor and praise. Whatever we can do to have uninterrupted time with Jesus through prayer, meditation and Bible time, let’s take the necessary steps to do it every day. Spending time in God's Word isn't about gaining more knowledge, it's about getting to know Someone as real as the person next to us, yet as mysterious as the universe (Psalm 25:4).
    God needs to be the one priority in our life before we can even begin to successfully spend more time with Him throughout the day. We should not put Jesus on a spot on our long list of things that fight for our attention, but pursue Him above everyone and everything else. He asks us to come and spend time with Him, because He's huge and mysterious and greater than us. He is everywhere, yet He's invisible. We have so many resources available to us today that puts the Bible right at our fingertip. We can download the Bible app, take a few minutes to open up the app and spend some time listening to God’s Word, while we drive work, read it while we stand on waiting lines etc. Spending time praising and worship Him is time spent with Him also.
    Spending time with God consistently is greater and deeper than any other way we can spend our time. As we study the Word with a sincere desire to understand and pray in a place where we can focus and listen, we’ll hear God speak to us. Intentionality is the key for everything. We can spend hours in prayer without truly connecting with God, but if we’re not intentional, nothing will truly work. Let’s rid ourselves of the distraction and clutter in our lives so that we have more focused time to spend with Him.

    “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil” (EPHESIANS 5:15-16).

    Dear Father, Teach us how to be still and lead us beside still waters. Quiet our souls. Bring order and calm to the chaos in our minds, so that we can spend time in quiet and joyful meditation with You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you God, for teaching me how to be quiet and rest beside you in still water, even amidst the storms, fires and political battles. Holy Spirit, come!

    2. Thank you sweet Maplewood for filling me. Had my grandson for a sleepover and just now getting to read and pray. All went well and he was a little blessing to me. I loved your description of prayer:
      Prayer is a time we take to shut the world out and to communicate sincerely and honestly with Jesus, while giving Him honor and praise. Amen He always knows my heart because I spill it out to Him. Loved your prayer too. Thanks Sis! Much love.

  28. Amen dear Maplewood! I woke up weary from working on my drawing of my grandson late into the early morning and God and you gave me just what I needed! Your spiritual coffee was good to the last drop and I needed it! Thanks dear Sister!

  29. Lord, I just want to thank You that when I Worship and Praise You, there is a flow of Your Spirit that is released into my life. This flow of Your life takes me away from the pitfalls of destruction and death. In praising You, You lift me above the troubled circumstances of my life and into Your presence. This is where I am SAFE! Help me to give You praise, FIRST, no matter what is happening around me. My humble thank you to my Miracle WORKING LORD. AMEN and AMEN

  30. Sweet Jesus pour all of you over JC Warriors, known and unknown, over the ones who don't post but are praying for all of us. We need you; thank you Lord for your forgiveness, for your grace. Peace and love to my friends.

  31. How are you our sister friend in Christ, JJ ?? I am praying for and thinking of you often. With Love to you and our entire JC Family of Prayer Warriors, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  32. Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4). I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. (Isaiah 61:10). Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts. (Jeremiah 15:16).

    JC Warriors, I am so grateful to all of you for your prayers and thoughts. You are all such a blessing. Thank you so very much.

    Heavenly Father, please bless all those who are a part of this site, their loved ones, and friends. You always have ways of doing things in our lives and bringing people together for Your glory and good. Thank You for bringing all of us together here. We love You and delight in Your goodness and glory. Let Your peace, comfort, healing, strength, love, and joy fill each one of our lives as we wait patiently on You Lord. I praise You always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. P.S. Today is bittersweet. It is my son Jonathan's 33rd birthday (he has Down Syndrome). He lives in Florida with his dad so I don't get to be with him on his special day today.

    2. Janet, Happy Birthday to Jonathan! Though you would prefer to be with him today, your love reaches across the miles, your heart is filled with it for your precious Son and I'm sure he knows it! Blessings to Jon. today and always.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Joining Maplewood Janet in acknowledging Jonathan's birthday. You're far from him, but your spirit is there with him. Also, Thank you for sharing such a sweet prayer. Bless your day dear sis ❤️

    4. Happy 33rd Anniversary to you, Janet, on the birth of Jonathan! and Happy Birthday & God's Blessings, Jonathan! Hoping you get to Facetime with your boy!

    5. Well said Janet how you acknowledged all who come here and share in this experience however that looks for them . Many seem to come and say they've read it and prayed but haven't written yet. I join Janet in including you here and we know you're a part of this family of believers and you play an integral part.

      And I echo this that you said "Thank You for bringing all of us together here. We love You and delight in Your goodness and glory. Let Your peace, comfort, healing, strength, love, and joy fill each one of our lives as we wait patiently on You Lord". May you feel that too dear Janet.
      Happy Birthday to Jonathan and may your day be filled with the happy memories you have.

    6. Happy birthday to Jonathan and to you Janet. May the peace of our Lord Jesus be with you today and always.

    7. Happy B'earthday to Jonathan, and to his Mom. May you both share God's choicest Blessings, Favor, and Love, today and everyday. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    8. Daily prayers for you Janet. May you be blessed beyond the blessings you bring to us who enjoy your daily posts. ♥️🙏

    9. Happy 33rd Birthday to your dear son Jonathan. Hope he knows what a precious Mother he has. You are a beloved sister to us and a bright light in our Family. So blessed to be together here too! What a comfort and a gift it is to have a place where I belong. We are of one accord and united in the love, truth, peace and joy of Christ. Halleluia. Praying always that you will continue to see God's faithfulness in every area of your life. Much love.

  33. “In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning, I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch” (Psalm 5:3).

    Loving Father, Your Son Jesus broke down every barrier between You and me so we could have a beautiful and intimate relationship, and I take it as an honor and privilege of walking directly in step with You.
    However, almost immediately during the start of our days, our minds are bombarded with all the chores and do to list. Before we know it, we are caught up with looming projects and forget the One who is more important and yarning for our attention. The One who can make our day go by smoothly while accomplishing so much if we ONLY acknowledge Him first and spend time with Him! Oh Father, may the desire and distractions to skip my time with You fall on the way side so that I can become more like Martha instead of Mary. I want to talk to You and spend time with You every day. I don’t want to succumbed to the pressure of getting things done over spending time with You. I ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to take over the battlefield of my mind and make my time with You a priority in this life, just like Enoch did (Hebrews 11:5-6,) like David did (Psalm 5:3), like Abraham did (Gen. 22:3), like Jacob did (Gen. 28:18), Like Moses did (Exodus 24:4) and of course, Christ Jesus who models early morning rising to spend time with You numerous times in the New Testament (Mark 1:35, Luke 4:42, Luke 21:37-38 etc..). Thank You for another day in Your presence and Your sufficient grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: ‘He could not be found, because God had taken him away. ‘For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Heb. 11:5-6).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. FROM JOHN 12,
      Jesus replied, My Light will shine out for you just a little while longer. Walk in it while you can...
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You teach us how, and then help us to dwell in the Pleasure and Light of Your Presence ALL the time?
      During exciting times when we do great deeds for you, like a powerful beach rainstorm does to clean the beach? and in the everyday, simple, and same times, like abiding in a warm ray of beach sun that is simply beaming all around us? and in the restful times, like a gently cooling ocean wave washing over our feet? Would you help us to recognize and pleasure in Your Presence that is always with us, even during seemingly mundane moments?
      And like Maplewood NJ, I, too, pray to FIRST talk to You and spend time with You every single day in The Pleasure of Your Presence, before succumbing to the pressure of getting things done. I ask for Your Holy Spirit’s help to take over the battlefield of my mind and make my time with You my first and highest pleasure and priority in this life, as it will be forever in the next.
      I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen. In the mundane and routine, I seek you Lord in conversation and guidance. Thank you for always being there for me to discover.

    3. Amen Sisters, We need to seek Him early so we can live our day in His presence. Everything goes better and more smoothly when He is by our side and we are well aware of it.
      Amen Brie. Praying with you that His Spirit will calm our minds, comfort our hearts and guide us to focus on our Lord and Savior, our very best Friend.

  34. Bless you dear Maplewood for sharing this. I coveted it for myself today. It will help to center me in the will of my living God. Amen. Hallelujah!

  35. Today for some reason I am missing my old friend Dave Anderson (Andychaps-The Funnies emails/blog), US Army Chaplain in the Korean war. We often communicated. It's great to have an elder brother in Christ similar to a Paul-Timothy relationship. I recommend this to all. One day you may be the elder brother or sister needed to mentor a young in faith Christian.

    1 All ye saints of light proclaim,
    Jesus, the Light of the world;
    Life and mercy in His name,
    Jesus, the Light of the world.
    We’ll walk in the light, beautiful light,
    Come where the dew-drops of mercy are bright;
    Shine all around us by day and by night,
    Jesus, the Light of the world.
    2 Hear the Saviour’s earnest call,
    Jesus, the Light of the world;
    Send the gospel truth to all,
    Jesus, the Light of the world. [Refrain]
    3 Why not seek Him then today,
    Jesus, the Light of the world;
    Go with truth the narrow way,
    Jesus, the Light of the world. [Refrain]
    4 Come, confess Him as your king,
    Jesus, the Light of the world;
    Then the bells of heav’n will ring,
    Jesus, the Light of the world. [Refrain]

  37. And for the audible:

    1. Thanks, this is one of my fave versions of the song!

  38. Thanks dear Brie. You lifted my day so high. And sweet Audra, I just loved that version too! God bless you both and all our JC Family. Have a sweet day in His presence.

  39. Praying that God will surround Norah and her DH with peace, comfort, strength, and blessings. He already knows the right treatment for him, and He can guide the doctors to make the best decisions to bring Norah’s Best Man back to good health. Thank You Father God for your faithfulness and for providing all this family’s needs, and Your precious wisdom, help and direction in Jesus’ Name we pray, trusting in Your Word and promises. Amen

    1. Agree Jeanne. May peace surround her and the family as they tackle the ongoing and new challenges ahead.

    2. Dear Norah & DH, joining JC family in prayer for you guys & family. Those "bad boys cells" will be moving out to make way for the "good guys"! We proclaim it! We believe it! It is done! In Jesus' mighty name! Hallelujah! AMEN!🙏🙏🙏💞

    3. This morning I read Norah's post from last night. To our dear Norah and her Best Man: You have my prayers for complete and total healing. He did. He can. He will because He is the same God Yesterday, Today, and Forever.
      Thanks for sharing Best Man's family message with your JC Family. Hope you both experience the continuous love and prayers coming to you from all around the world.
      Our faith is firmly rooted in God, and our optimism is based on the assurance that our lives are under His wise control. Much Love, Brie
      Soon as daylight gets here, I'll be driving to Keith's to finish packing and making final preparations for his move on Tuesday. I may not be able to read nor respond, but you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be praying, for Norah, DH, and all of JC Family. Love to all.

    4. Today's Psalm states it better, and more succinctly:
      Psalm 63:7-8
      ... for You have been my help,
      and in the shadow of Your wings I will sing for joy.
      8 My soul clings to You;
      Your right hand upholds me.
      Thank You Jesus! Amen.

    5. Joining in prayers with all of you. Heavenly Father, thank You for wrapping Norah and her family up in Your everlasting, loving arms and lifting them to the rock that is higher than their circumstances. May Your perfect love, peace, comfort, healing, and strength fill them as they endure this time in their lives. You are stronger than anything Lord. Thank You Jesus and praise God always. Peace be with you 🙏.

    6. Norah - Echoing healing prayers for your Best Man. HIs presence, peace and comforting prayers for you and your loved ones.

    7. Joining my sisters and all of our JC family as we circle the wagons in healing prayers around your Best Man, Norah. Praying you all feel God, our Jehovah Rapha is with you daily with His hand in all of your hands guiding the way and bringing you THROUGH this valley. In Jesus' name, amen.

    8. Prayer circle for healing! I'm in!

    9. What a glorious prayer circle surrounding you and your DH, dear Norah! Amen and Amen and Amen! God is truly in our midst and by your sides! Thank You Jesus!
      Dear Brie, Praying all will go well because God is in charge. He will faithfully guide and strengthen you on Tuesday. Be not afraid. He goes before you always. God bless you, Larry, Keith and Al, and give you peace. Amen

  40. "Spend time with Me for the pure pleasure of being in My company". Psalm 37: 4: Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

  41. Blessings and thankfulness for each of you and your wonderful prayers. Our sleep was sweet last night and we've had a lovely, peaceful day. Every day gets better as we get used to the idea of doing this again. As I said before, my goal is to follow my Best Man's lead b/c he is following God's desire for his life. All of the things that seems so unsurmountable when I was so tired, today feel "doable." I feel confident that God will provide the answers to the roof, the windows, the bathroom, the upstairs, my job, the cars....and on and on - just like all of you. "Life is so daily," as my spiritual mom used to tell me when I was a new bride.
    Praying for each of you. Celebrating with you; feeling the earthly sadness of loss with you; praying for restored health and above all being thankful to be part of this wonderful family of believers and all of us knowing our Heavenly Father so intimately and claim his Son's victory and power, as our own.
    On with our day!

    1. I hear your trust in the Lord dear Norah! He will just keep taking care of your Best Man and everything else one day at a time. It may seem like a wilderness to you and your dear husband but not to Him! He’s got you covered every step of the way! We know where our Help cometh. Praying with you and for you with much love.

  42. Everything goes better when we realize we’re in God’s presence. The hardest chores are easy with Him. Our problems seem smaller when He guides us through them. When we or our loved ones get sick, just saying Jesus is enough to take the worry away and bring us peace. His Word and promises are reliable. He can help us through any situation. He shares our burdens and He also shares our joy when good things happen. Today is a good day because His faithfulness continues to shine in my life. He is healing me and my Mom is feeling better. Thank You Jesus.
    Suzanne, please let us know how Makenna and baby Westin are doing. Thanks. Waiting on the Lord with you.

    Psalm 27:13-14
    I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
    That I would see the goodness of the Lord
    In the land of the living.
    Wait on the Lord;
    Be of good courage,
    And He shall strengthen your heart;
    Wait, I say, on the Lord!

    1. Good morning dear Jeanne. Good to hear you &, mom are feeling better. Thank You Jesus! 💞🙏🌈

    2. Psalm 27 was one of my Mom's favorite Bible Verses. Thanks for the reminder, Jeanne. Glad to know your Mom is better.

    3. Thanks dear Sisters!!! Glad I could remind you sweet Brie!
      My Mom’s headache is getting better but now she is complaining about double vision only when she reads. Waiting on the Lord and for a call back from her eye doctor. Putting it all in God’s mighty Hands. 🙏

  43. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:17). Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. (Psalm 95:2). In whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him. (Ephesians 3:12). Do not be hasty in word or impulsive in thought to bring up a matter in the presence of God. For God is in heaven and you are on the earth; therefore let your words be few. (Ecclesiastes 5:2). "But the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth be silent before Him." (Habakkuk 2:20).

    1. Good Food today! You fed me well, sweet Janet.

  44. Good morning, my JC Family and happy Sunday to you all. I am so elated to report that baby Westin in safe and sound at home with Makenna and Austin. It has been a whirlwind for all of us but Jon and I feel like a weight has been lifted. Praise God! Thank you, Jesus! Westin will be on acid reducing meds for his tummy for awhile and that's ok. His parents are having a challenge giving him his meds and coordinating with feedings because it has to be timed within a few hours of each other, but that's ok. They are all getting used to each other and that's wonderful!
    Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. Jon and I are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family supporting us.

    1. Praising God from Whom these blessings are flowing, Suzanne R. Thanks for sharing the update. It is great news!
      News that is befitting of The King of kings! In JESUS' NAME. AMEN!

    2. Thank you, Brie. We are so thankful for this outcome.

    3. Hallelujah!!! You made my day, dear Suzanne!!! Praising God with you both and our dear family here for God’s faithfulness and more answered prayers. He is just so good.

  45. Thank You Jesus!, God is so good. Hallelujah! The road can be difficult at times but travel it we must. One day Westin will be told of this rough start in his entrance to his family and the way Jesus held his mommy & daddy's hand through it all. I pray that it will draw him close to the Lord & build his faith. Thank you Suzanne for the update. Will continue to lift all in prayer. ❤️🙏🌈

    1. Thank you, Jan. God is SO good!

    2. Amen to that, dear Jan! Westin will surely proclaim His good deeds!


  46. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Today's devotion reminds me to go STEP BY STEP with You, rather than word by word. Christian is not what I say about me, but what You say about me. Only You have the Power to confer that title.
    Instead of saying I am a Christian, Lord please help me ACT like I am a Christian. Help me show it in all my steps, rather than blow it out of my mouth with all my words.
    And when I do have to use words, would You make my words soooo genuine that they show up in my everyday life, and in all my encounters, beginning with my DH?
    In every situation, remind me that it is not what I say, but what I do that is most pleasing to You.
    What do You see when You put my words on mute?
    Help me God, in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Wow, this is so good, Brie! Thank you. And I'd like to borrow this prayer if that's ok?

    2. Why of course, Suzanne R.
      Almost everything I write, is a gift from God's Holy Spirit. The gift may come through me but it is not for me to hoarde but to freely give to all. So freely take whatever you can use for the Journey.
      With Much ❤️ and many 🙏 for you sister friend in Christ. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. PS. Sister Friend and Vine Buddy 😃

    4. I frequently take prayers from here. Some are very good ones! Thanks for sharing!

    5. Take as much as you like. Stay as long as you want. The feast in here is like a buffet with free refills!

    6. I just loved that too! Thanks dear Brie! Your message of truth touched my heart. God knows all the words we are about to say too. May His Spirit guard our words, thoughts and actions so they will be pleasing to Him and also a blessing to all we come in contact with. I always pray: Make me a better person, Lord. Make me who You want me to be.

      Psalm 51:10
      Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me

  47. "Spend time with Me for the pure pleasure of being in My company."
    What a fellowship what a joy Divine!"

  48. Please join with me to pray for my son who has just been released from 15 days in the hospitals with major heart issues ( 2 miracle surgeries that the doctors and nurses all said was a miracle he is alive! Recovery at home with be months if indeed God continues to heal him. They have no insurance or prescription coverage and no income currently coming in and are exhausted physically. Please pray that God will use them to be examples of trusting Him for their future. May He be continue to be a Miracleworker in their family.

    1. Praying this TEST is the beginning g of their TESTimony, Anonymous. God is a Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light In The Darkness Who can...

    2. Dear Anonymous, I believe your son is going to recover completely and this huge difficult trial will bring him and his family closer to God than ever before. This is a test of their faith and their trust in God. He is their strength and their hope. Only He knows their weary hearts intimately. Adding them to my prayer list. May our amazing God answer our prayers, heal your son in body, mind and spirit, and bring the family closer to Him and to each other. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Good song and encouragement! Thanks Brie. Amen. Yes He Can!

  49. Amen! Glory and Praise to our God!

  50. Proverbs 17:22 - A joyful heart is good medicine.
    Thanks for all of your many joyful blessings of well wishes on my b'earthdates! 😉
    I am looking forward to another year around the Son, with all of you, my traveling, prayer warrioring companions! May we, and ours, continually see the bounty and joys of the Lord in the land of the living.
    I've Got Jesus, So I've Got Joy!
    sung by CeCe Winans

  51. Thanks dear Brie! Love that song! I’ve got Jesus so I’ve got Joy! He is my joy, hope and peace. Everything I need. Up late praying and I have you and Larry and Audra and Marc and Norah and her DH and so many others in my prayers.
    Thank You Father for a hedge of protection around my sister and her husband who are leaving for MA in a few hours and for all those who will be traveling. Thank You for healing Janet’s knees and Sandy and Mike and Norah’s DH and Eli and my neighbor Dorota with cancer and all those with every kind of illness of body, mind and spirit who need Your amazing healing power. Thank You for covering all those who are in need of Your strength and healing especially Larry and my friend and brother Bobby who had surgery yesterday and my sister in Christ, Crystal who just got a knee replacement. And Jan and her DH, and SC and her husband and children and Ellen’s daughter and Joni and Rich C and his daughter, and Mayda and Emilio, and Peter’s daughter and all those on our prayer lists and in our JC Family and their loved ones. Praying also that You are giving our dearJanet a true desire to quit smoking and thank You for helping Lindy’s daughter to turn her life around and for helping Anonymous and for healing my sister and friend Pat who had eye surgery and her husband John with A-Fib and Rick’s brother Jack with A-Fib and his wife Sally with colitis and Lyme disease and for guiding my friend Maria’s eye surgery and for healing my Choirmaster and for giving faith to our unbelieving loved ones and thank You for giving good news to all those awaiting test results and for bringing peace and comfort to those who are anxious, depressed, worried, discouraged and missing loved ones and for answering all the prayers of our prayer warriors here. Thank You for all this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne 🙏 ❤! Heavenly Father, please incline Your ear to hear our prayers and thank You for listening and answering us. You are so amazing and You are the One that helps us. You go before us and with us in all that we do. Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless!

    2. Echoing Jeanne's prayers for all listed because I surely could not have prayed this any better. Thank you, Jeanne for taking the time to list everyone individually. Feeling thankful for my and Jon's health as I read this. Yes, we move slower the older we get but we are truly blessed for our health. Peace to you all.

  52. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8). Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. (Proverbs 30:5). Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast Spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10).

    Thank you Chris Payton for your prayer/thoughts.

  53. In His Presence is fullness of Joy:
    'The Joy of The Lord Is My Strength'

  54. * At the "MORE" stage for this thread of the blog... and I have "more" to add about my journey these last nearly 4 years.

    Today, will have the infusion port in my chest and connected to a vein in my neck removed after nearly 3.5 years. Psychologically, this is a truly grateful moment to the amazing progress made through the God created genius and miracles of modern science. They say no big deal, they slice open over the port and literally pull it out, apply pressure and it stops bleeding apparently pretty easily. It is Outpatient local anasthetic. A little skeptical that it is so simple but have trusted the docs for 4 years, so guess shouldn't stop now. Thankful for all the JC prayer warriors to have gotten here. He is worthy of praise. He is my Comforter... He is our God. Amen.

  55. Happy "port removal" MadFox! You said it, God's blessings & modern science combined. Piece of cake! Amén 🙏🏼 Anaira from MD.

  56. Hurray dear MadFox! PTL! God is faithful & good to all! Hallelujah! It's never about the illnesses that befalls any of us, it's the journey of growing in closeness with God & trusting He's Way to get us there, in whatever form it takes. Amen!🙌🙌🙌🥰
