Friday, August 7, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 8

I speak to you from deepest heaven. You hear Me in the depths of your being. Deep calls unto deep. You are blessed to hear Me so directly. Never take this privilege for granted. The best response is a heart overflowing with gratitude. I am training you to cultivate a thankful mind-set. This is like building your house on a firm rock, where life's storms cannot shake you. As you learn these lessons, you are to teach them to others. I will open up the way before you, one step at a time.

Psalm 42:7
New King James Version

Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls;
All Your waves and billows have gone over me.

Verse Thoughts
The Psalmist writes this verse in the context of discouragement. Perhaps the psalmist saw or thought of a waterfall. He saw how the water plunged down into a deep pool at the base of the waterfall and thought, “I feel that deeply buried under my misery.” F.B. Meyer (1847-1929 - baptist pastor and inner city mission worker on both sides of Atlantic) thought of this as the depths of God answering to the depths of human need. “Whatever depths there are in God, they appeal to corresponding depths in us. And whatever the depths of our sorrow, desire, or necessity, there are correspondences in God from which full supplies may be obtained.”
Psalm 95:1-2
English Standard Version

1 Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
    let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
    let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

Matthew 7:24-25
English Standard Version

24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.

My Prayer
Lord, I am meant to be contagious to others. You are teaching and training me not only for my great benefit, but so that others can be encouraged by Your Presence in me. Specifically, may they see a person that is thankful at all times. May they see a person with gratitude. The world in which we live in is burdened, trained often by the world to be discontent, but Lord you are training me to always be able to make a joyful noise to the rock of my salvation, to God with songs of praise and thanksgiving. Lord, I want to be that house that stands firm on the foundation, knowing that You supply my needs.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Psalm 42:7 contains the sense of being overwhelmed by our Lord. What a good thing! Something to be open to, to seek, and to be grateful for. Thanks be to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit to facilitate in this process.

    1. Yes, Lord! You hear Me in the depths of your being. Deep calls unto deep. I am blessed to hear you and meet you there! Thank you for a new day in communion with You, with my surroundings and in my relationships. You are so amazing! You can be with us individually and collectively in the same moments. You are Father, Son and Holy Spirit! You are my rock and I love and trust you.

    2. A beautiful sentiment Audra. May god bless you.

    3. Amen dear Audra! Joining in your beautiful prayer! He has an open ear at all times to hear us. Even when we are feeling blue and proclaiming that nobody understands us but Him. He knows our ups and joys, and also when we're feeling downtrodden, lonely and broken down. He is our greatest friend. Blessed are we that our Foundation is always sound and solid despite the uncertainty and hard times that surround us. IN GOD WE TRUST.

    4. Amen Audra, citizenx, Jeanne and Bob. I too was snagged by deep calls unto deep. I too am very blessed to know and commune with all of you and our entire JC family.

    5. Thank you for another day to give thanks unto YOU LORD!! My heart overflows with gratitude!

    6. Behold your grief, that you are here among its presence, do not lay down but embrace it, you the children of my farther who hold the truth and know the way will fear not, through me you have lived, hear me on this day and forever, my life has many tongues and many believe they are the truth, it matters not, the truth is in everything and everything is in truth ^

    7. Amen! Lord help me to cling to you in hard times, to remember your words, to Trust your Holy Spirit given to me by your son, Jesus Christ My Savior! ❤️❤️๐Ÿ™

    8. Deep calls unto deep. I hear you Lord and I thank you! Thank you for loving me and for loving us. Thank you for drawing me close to you.
      I join Audra, Chris, Jeanne, Brie, Bob, citizens, anonymous in beautiful prayer. I love you Jesus and trust in you and in your word!
      Grow me, use me Lord as a loving light to draw others to you.
      Lifting this family of believers up in Loving prayers

  2. thank you Jesus for all your blessings . I love you jesus

  3. There are floods, rain, wind, waves and billows...and still we can be the strength of Jesus.

  4. I must be doing something wrong cause I cant hear him.

    1. Sometimes God speaks to us not with words but with other people, situations, or a quiet thought. But if you are seeking him you will "hear" what he is telling you.Be patient and keep watching and listening, actively.

    2. You are Not doing anything wrong. We don't always hear God.
      These are our times in the desert. If you will, our valley.
      At these times He just wants you to Trust and to be Thankful. Stay in the word. He will carry you through and that mountain top will come again.
      You will hear Him. The w

    3. There is no greater way to hear the voice of God than reading His Word!!

    4. Amen. The Word is our Sustenance, our Answer, our Roadmap, our Lifeline, our Light, our Comfort, our Encouragement, our Instruction, our Truth and our Salvation. God equipped us well with a way to draw closer to Him and to be redeemed.

    5. Amen Jeanne! The word is all those things and more! It is the truth that sets us free๐Ÿ™ Have a blessed day everyone๐Ÿ˜Š

    6. Amen! When I first picked up the bible and randomly opened pages, EVERY TIME, there was a personal message for me. It left me no doubt the the WORD is ALIVE. And so it continues, often thru this blog. ๐Ÿ“–♥️

  5. You are doing everything right in seeking through His Word. Trust and believe His Word that says My sheep hear My voice. Choose to trust and believe His Word that says you hear and are listening to His voice.

  6. I am grateful for this day and for the Word on this site that is present.
    For the prayers, the writings that expand understanding. Lord, help me continue to build my house on a firm rock. Praying for answers to many questions about our current situation with the car we are trying to sell, with our sick sister, our questioning adult kids. It brings me back to yesterday's devotion - seeking understanding can be futile. So, today, I give thanks for all of His many blessings. Praying for answers. Praying for my JC Family - even from a year or two ago, that needs are met and that we recognize and celebrate the Provider.

  7. Thank you Lord for the blessings, encouragement, prayer requests, victories, understanding and knowledge I receive from my JC Family. Bless them as you have blessed me.

    1. Amen, SM. Our JC family of prayer warriors has, indeed, been a tremendous blessing and lifeline for me and countless others here. I start my day with all of you, and I'm blessed to overflowing. Praying for all needs to be met and prayer requests answered as I an sure you all pray for me. Love my JC family.

      Blessings from California

    2. ♥️ ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿ™

    3. Amen to that dear Sassy Mom, Rose and Audra! This is my go to place every morning, to start my day in the right way. May God bless all of you, heal you, comfort you, and shine His brilliant light upon your paths today! Much love.

    4. So blessed to have my JC Family and this Home for my heart, mind and spirit in Christ.

  8. Good morning JC family ๐Ÿฅฐ. Deep calls unto deep. Out of the depths of trouble Father we call upon you & your ministering angels to put a hedge of protection around the schools of our communities as the doors are opening for a new year. Devine protection oh Lord for each of the children & youths. Wisdom, discernment & Devine knowledge for all the teachers & those in charge of the precious lives you have placed in their care for this school year. May there be an awakening of the need for the Holy Spirit to once again hover over the building, rooms & corridors of our schools quieting the spirit of every child who might be walking in fear of eminent evil & harm to fall upon them. Release your power oh God upon our nation & our leaders to once again pray & honor your sovereignty. In Jesus Holy name we pray. Amen

    1. Jan - AMEN, AMEN ... Thank you for a DIVINE POWERFUL PRAYER.

    2. Amen!! Dear Jesus we pray in agreement. Thank you Jesus.

    3. Jan Gridley I am Adding my prayers to your prayer. How current it is today! It is needed more now than ever. Jesus please do your loaves and fishes Math to Multiply your provision for our school children, school faculty and all school staff, administrators and decision makers. Bind up and heal all the Divisions. You fed and satisfied many with few and I know you'll Do It Again!
      Matthew 16 reminds me: Don’t you remember at all the five thousand I fed with five loaves, and the basketfuls left over? Yes Lord I remember and trust you to Do It Again! And Again!

    4. Amen! And, indeed Brie, so timely now with Covid 19! Praying for wisdom and discernment for so many parents struggling with the decision of whether to send their children to school or keep them home for virtual learning. Our school district has decided that virtual learning will continue, but that poses its own difficulties with parents who work outside the home. These are challenging times, but our Lord, Jesus Christ, is more than equipped for the task. "You are a Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness. My God, that IS who You are!!" Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! There is no challenge, difficulty, burden, problem or situation that is too big for God to handle. I trust in You, Father God, and I thank you with a humbled heart for today.

      Blessings to my JC family from California

    5. Wow Jan! Praying with you and my JC Family. Your words are right on time like God is. So much stress for parents and children as they prepare to go back to School in many areas. May God protect everyone from this virus. We are in Westchester and our numbers are down now, so they are opening the schools up to some extent. May God guide everyone's decisions and keep the numbers from coming back up. Praising the Lord for His compassion and lovingkindness and great wisdom. He is our Way Maker and will not leave us lost in our wilderness.

    6. So true Jan even more here in 2023. God's children are the future. Protect their innocent minds Father God ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปanonymous Q

  9. God I am so thankful you called me to teach, prepare my heart and mind for this coming school year, give me wisdom and knowledge in all that you have prepared for me to share. Let me not step out of your path lord put a hedge of protection around me and the little ones you are preparing to place in my care this year. Lord I pray that each and every child and parent that do not have a relationship with you may get to know you through me.
    I pray for answers and guidance for Norah, Lord you know her every need give her what she needs bless her with desires let her flood with joy at the overwhelming presence of you.
    Lord thank you so much for Jan and the thoughtful heart you’ve knitted in her being.

    1. Your prayers are my prayers runaprilmae. Blessings for runaprilmae on Your Path Lord. Put Your Hedge of Protection all around her and the little ones You are preparing to place in her care this year. Amen

    2. Amen Runaprilmae, May God guide every step of your teaching and keep you and your little ones safe and in good health. May He open the hearts of all those who are unsaved and guide them to seek Him unto salvation. Amen.

    3. Amen runaprilmae๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปpraying for you & the young minds in your care. They are hungry to hear God's word through you๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป anonymous Q

  10. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful JC family. Everyone is welcome and everyone is compassionate and considerate of others during good times and bad. KS

    1. It truly is a blessing to be here as so many are saying. A safe place to be honest and without judgment.

      Praying for your requests as I thank you for praying for my request yesterday. He is working long before we can perceive it. We are privileged to have a God that longs for us to continue to come to Him. So be encouraged to continue to come to Him as we are lifting up even those unspoken requests. Be encouraged that He is faithful even when He may seem silent or still.

      Lord help us be still before you as you are preparing and providing what we need. Open our hearts to receive your love and open our hearts to trust you.

      I pray in Jesus name for you.

    2. Beautiful post Keith from last year! Amen.

  11. Please pray for me, my children, my grandchildren. I cry out of my depth of my sorrows, desires, and necessities. Thank you sweet Jesus for your peace. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you JC family for all your prayers.

    1. Praying for your needs Loveconquersall and Norah. I am so grateful for this JC family and support. I feel the love and look forward to hearing from you all each morning. Thank You Jesus! JE

  12. I have been reading this blog for over a year now and have never commented, yet today, I felt compelled to. The last 5 months have probably been some of the worst months of my life and instead of running to God, I have pulled away.. I am trying to get back to a relationship with God and to trust in him, but I struggle so much with trusting anyone. Please pray that I learn to lean on and trust God in all things. I know he has a plan for my life, I just dont know what that is at this moment.

    1. Praying for you! I always listen to the song “The Waiting” by Jamie Grace during those times. This is just a time to wait and trust in the Lord. He is preparing for a mighty thing in your life.

    2. We all struggle with this at various times in our lives. The great thing is when we pull away from God, it is like we are running in place away from Him because He never leaves us and He is always there the moment we turn to Him. You mention trust. Trust is an issue of control. As people, we want to be in control of our lives. Many of us have been hurt by others in life and we don't like hurting so we respond by not trusting, keeping things in our control. And yet true freedom isn't found until we surrender to God and give Him control. In your growth with Him, I would encourage you to:

      G - Go to God in prayer daily (John 15:7)
      R - Read God's Word daily (Acts 17:11)
      O - Obey God moment by moment (John 14:21)
      W - Witness for Christ by your life and word (Matthew 4:19 & John 15:8)
      T - Trust God with every detail of your life (1 Peter 5:7)
      H - Holy Spirit - Allow Him to control and empower your daily life and witness (Galatians 5:16-17; Acts 1:8)

      Grab this book on Amazon if you can. - a used paperback cost you less than $6 to help show you your self-worth in Him. I've read it multiple times and each time it speaks truths I need to hear.

      Listen to positive and encouraging music. - find a station near you or listen online or get the app

      Find a church that has small groups that meet regularly. Going to church is needed, but at this stage in your life, finding a small group to meet with regularly is even more important. If you provide your city, I can help you with this.

      God is tugging at your heart. I can tell. You are in a great place right now in your life. Lord God, I thank you right now for the great things that you are going to do in this person's life. -- Grace and Peace -- Chris

    3. Thank you Chris. I am having such a hard time letting go and letting God work in my life like he wants to. I do attend church regularly and I am involved in a couple of small home groups (which I love) and I am learning to accept love from the people that attend with me, but I struggle with believing that me as a person is enough. I will look into getting that book. Thank you again, as your words where what I needed to hear.

    4. Thank you God for sending this to us through Chris!

    5. I love this Chris! Thank you Lord, I will share.

    6. Thank you Chris! Your good advice, God's Words and caring post is always on time. Thank you so much! I printed much of your post out and looked up the verses to share with my Bible group. Wonderful encouragement for all of us.

      THE WAITING by Jamie Grace

  13. All hail to the King of kings and Lord of lords this bright and beautiful day He has blessed us to be apart of.
    We rejoice in this day because You have given us a Spirit of Love, peace and sound minds. Thank You for ALL of these You have prepared for us today:
    Your love, peace, safety, protection. Your provision, direction, strength and comfort.
    Your health, healing and restoration.
    Your favor, blessings, manifestations, hope and trust.
    Your abundance, joy, happiness and beauty for ashes.
    Your VICTORY won for us over: trials, strongholds, curses, limitations, lack, delays, death, sickness, temptations, disappointments and ALL attacks that the enemy may try to being our way this day. Thank You for ALL of these, today and the days ahead in JESUS name.

    On CHRIST the Solid ROCK we Stand, ALL other ground is sinking sand!!!

    Our Hope in You Lord, is built on nothing less, but JESUS Blood and Righteousness!!

    Let our spiritual ears be opened each time to hear Your still small voice cheering us on in Jesus name!

    Again, we are VICTORS and NOT victims! Thank You Father for Your GRACE!

    Blessed and peaceful day, beloved JC family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you JE and Maplewood NJ for your prayers..thank you all..the power of prayer in simply just asking AMEN! AMEN!

    2. Amen dear Maplewood! Praising Him with you on this bright new day. Our God is a blessing in every area of our life. He holds us tightly in His able Hands. We are Victors and not Victims. And His grace covers us all. How blessed we are!!!

    3. In 2023 Maplewood's postings and prayers continue to bless, thank You Lord God.

  14. to Unknown: Please know I have traveled that same road and God remained right where I left HIM and the burning desire within me knowing him up close and personal led me right back to HIS LOVE and he embraced and continue to care for me even when I didn't feel like I deserved HIS LOVE. Whatever you're going through know that HE CARES and he is still working behind the scenes for your good! Praying for YOU! In HIS Love

    1. Amen God’s Daughter. Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place and He is mighty to save in every situation.

  15. Hallelujah. Thank You Jesus. Amen ๐Ÿ™. God bless us all.

    1. Blessings, Janet! Praying for you and Debbie. God be with you.

  16. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for causing me to hear and see Your loving kindness this morning. I pray to keep adopting the mindset of a thankful spirit, knowing that it will always change my perspective on things beyond my control. I trust You, I love You Lord and thank You for first loving me. Your grace is sufficient! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    “Deep calls unto deep”, this is All of God, The Great I AM!. I never really understood the depth of this “deep” expression until I heard it explained in a message. Deep calling unto deep as put forth based on scriptural truth, are the ‘deep things of God calling to the deep things of man; you and I’. This is very “deep”, as I put it. God calling us to seek a greater revelation to know Him and become more like Him in greater measure. “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. (2 Corinthians 4:7).
    He wants His Spirit to reach deep into us, removing anything that tries to rob us of that sweet communion and fellowship He so passionately desires us to have with Him. “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). Our worship of God in spirit is our(human) spirit responding to the awesome Spirit of His calling to the deep. We should consider this, a BLESSING to have a deeper relationship with our Father through the shed blood of Jesus, that allows us entry into ‘The Most Holy Place,’ His glorious presence!

    “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27).
    Let us not grow weary, but seek to go “DEEPER” in the Lord. He has great things in store for us as we respond to the deeper things of His Kingdom: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

    “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21).

    Dear Father, As You call us into seeking greater revelation of You, open our hearts to receive and respond with a thankful mindset. May we rejoice always, pray without ceasing and give thanks in ALL circumstances. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Wonderful analysis, twin bd sis. Too often we live on the surface of life, especially in relationships. Busyness which causes preoccupation with self contributes greatly to this. To go deeper, whether with God or each other, requires time and self sacrifice. Oh but when we do, what a blessing we receive as we are experiencing here. God be with you.

    2. Amen Maplewood. I long to go Deeper in the Lord, to know Him more deeply and love Him more dearly. He has His plans for me and I see them unfolding each day. Calling me to be still and stay with Him despite the day's happenings and responsibilites that pull me away. I just put a Lamb Stew on and I had no idea what to put in the pot. So I prayed and God put together a lovely dinner. He kept urging me to put all these unusual things in like mint and olives and cannelini beans and spinach, eggplant, red pepper, shallots. I just said okay and kept throwing things in the crockpot. Can't wait to taste what He cooked up for me later. I'm seeking Him in every part of my life and He is always ready to help me. I painted another little painting with His help last night that soon will be a Bible card. He is holding my hand very tightly these days and I can feel it. So blessed to be sitting in the Living Room with my Loving Father instead of just peeking through the window at Him. I'm happily resting in His very warm and sweet embrace.

    3. Thanks Maplewood, as you always do, again through you today, I was inspired and taught more about deep. ‘deep things of God calling to the deep things of man; you and I’. This is very “deep”, as I put it. God calling us to seek a greater revelation to know Him and become more like Him in greater measure. “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. (2 Corinthians 4:7).
      He wants His Spirit to reach deep into us,
      In an earlier version of me, I prayed for more faith in God, to see Him more clearly, love Him more dearly and follow Him more nearly, even into The Deep. Thanks for all you do to help me along the journey! With much love and prayers for you, Mom, Janet and our entire JC family.

  17. Bob (bday twin), I pray you are having a wonderful time with your family and preparing to celebrate the birthdays and anniversary in grand 'style'!

    Thanks for the continued prayers for Janet. Per your comment yesterday, I will not ask for a halt to the prayers (lol). We need all and more, and very appreciative for the intercession. Praising God for what He has already done and trusting Him for full recovery. Will give update on her progress.

    God bless you and ALL those in continue prayers. Much thanks to all!

    Enjoy your time with the family my brother.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Your prayers are a part of all that you mentioned becoming a reality, twin bd sis. I could not thank you enough for your kindness. I am with you, Janet and all your family through prayer. God be with you.

    2. Dear Maplewood, Praying for Janet's amazing healing and God's faithfulness in leading her to a full recovery.
      Bob, Have a wonderful trip and celebrate in a sweet and special way with your loved ones! I know you will be a great blessing to them! Enjoy and stay safe. Much love.

  18. Good Morning and God Bless each of you, my dear JC Family. Dottie is at the airport about to board a plane for the first time in 7 years. She will be with family for 5 days and while she won't get to see her son, I trust God to heal her broken heart and to bring her son the peace that passes understanding. My prayer is that they do get to see each other this side of life; but not my will - Your will God. You know what is best.
    I rejoiced at the end of this week yesterday - it's been a long time since I've had one so consuming. I realized your prayers as my heart became more peaceful and I 'learned' along the way, again, to cast my cares to The One who cares for me and all of my loved ones.
    I've read each day, written, deleted my rant from one night as I struggled and today woke up rejoicing for the young couple in our midst who will be married today. God Bless them. They are so excited and have done everything in their power to do things according to God's Will - they will be blessed.
    We had a nice visit with our oldest last night and rejoiced in the maturity that we witnessed. A quiet evening followed and another good night's sleep.
    Today is a new day in which we can listen and respond with gratitude. I am praying for each of you, rejoicing when you rejoice, weeping when you weep, trusting, just as you are, that all will be well in our souls.
    Journeying with you, Bob and your wife, as you visit family and celebrate. We were trying to plan a trip and the timing just wasn't right. One day it will be.
    Now - off to the store and then wedding prep in the midst of an A/C visit from our appliance guy....never a dull moment, but certainly today is the kind of "busy" that brings joy. Thanks again for all of your prayers. Know that you are in mine, as always.

    1. Thanks for joining us on the journey, Norah. God be with you in the ups and downs, the twists and turns of your day. Some turns need to be taken at slower speeds. Watch for the signs. Probably if you didn’t have such a loving caring heart, it would be easier but then you wouldn’t be Norah. Forever be the blessed person our Lord created you to be and, again, pay attention to the signs. God be with you.

    2. Praying that God strengthen you and lead your way dear Norah. Praying for Dottie and Dough, as you said, our prayer is that they get to see each other in this life, but all we can do now is wait and trust God's will.
      So glad for the soon to be married couple today! God bless them!
      Praying for the right timing to come in your life for the trip!
      Be blessed dear sister,

      Blessings from France

    3. Norah, I have also been praying that somehow Dottie would be able to see Doug despite his hardened heart. May God soften it and draw him to HIM so he will want to see her. I'm glad at least she'll be receiving the love and comfort of her other family members for 5 days. Must leave it all in the Hands of God and rest. Enjoy the joy of the Wedding. God bless the loving couple with a long and happy life together in Christ Jesus.
      Glad you had a nice visit with your oldest. It's wonderful to see our children growing up on the right road, and showing new maturity and confidence. Amen Norah! Today is a brand new day and I am thankful to be walking, breathing and in His constant care. Thank you for your sincere prayers! You are always in mine dear Sister.

    4. Joining my prayers for you and all yours, Norah, along with Bob, BFF and Jeanne. Love you dearly, into the deep and back!

    5. "... We're far from the shallows now..." ๐ŸŽถ

  19. Clergy couple update, this virus itself is full of ups and downs as Pastor Mike is experiencing. After a few downs, he did have his best night sleep in over a month. Pastor Sheryl now is shouldering the work of the church with the concerns for her husband weighing heavy upon her heart so prayers for her as well. Thank you!

    1. Amen, amen, to God be the glory for the report! What He started, He will finish! He is a FAITHFUL God! Father, we thank You for Pastor Mike and Pastor Sheryl. Thank You for continue healing and strength. We trust You for full recovery and for the return of Your servants to sheperd Your sheep! THANK YOU JESUS!

      Blessings remain upon you my brother Bob.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Sending healing prayers for Pastor Mike and His wife! May God strenghten them and heal them spiritually, physically and emotionally as well as everyone affected by covid or any other disease. We trust you Lord! Thank you for your love and protection. In Jesus powerful name, Amen!

      Blessings from France

    3. Joining my prayers with yours and our JC family for healing and strength for the clergy couple. May God continue to bless them as Pastor Mike recovers and Pastor Sheryl continues to carry the weight of the congregation on her shoulders. May God ease her burden and help her carry the load. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!

    4. Bob, I'm glad that Pastor Mike finally was able to have some true refreshing sleep. Sharing in our prayers for his recovery and also for healing and strength of his good wife. May God share her burden of doing the Church work on her own so her load will be lighter.

    5. Praying for them to heal, survive and thrive. So glad you arrived safely Bob. Have a great time being immersed deeply in love by all who love you. Glad to see you can make it into The Room each day. Regardless, you are always in my heart and prayers, along with all of our JC Family. Blessings

  20. Amen! Thank you Maplewood for this wonderful analysis, as Bob said! I've never fully understood this verse and your post has helped me to have better comprehension. Glory to God!
    In my French bible, the word "deep" is translated with a word similar to "abyss", which means bottomless, unfathomable, and this word has always seem scary to me. But your analysis made me think of this word as a good one. When it comes to be filled with God's spirit in the depth (abyss) of our being, I say "Yes Lord You can have everything". We need His depth to meet our depth. His depth is full of His goodness but our depth is empty. He is everything we need. Praise the Lord!

    Thank you Lord for this revelation! Thank you for this blessed community! ♡


    1. *Blessings from France

    2. I knew that was you, mom ami. Thanks for the French translation, I think that is often the understanding, bottomless pit which usually imagines negative things lurking (why does the human always imagine the worst in the unknown?). But the scripture calls us to go deeper in contrast to staying shallow where God can be found in a greater way. As is the case in any human relationship, it becomes more intimate in the depths rather than staying on the surface. Thanks for sharing from a deeper side of you in your post. God be with you. (I won’t be able to speak any French for awhile because I don’t have my translating button :-( . )

    3. Hi BFF,
      Thank you for the word Abyss. I too feared "it" with it's too many unknowns and too few controls, if any. As a child, I had inconsolable nightmares about the deep until my Mom recited this poem and I came to know Who was The Maker of the Mighty Deep
      “The sea is His, and He made it.”—Ps. XCV:5.

      O Maker of the Mighty Deep
      Whereon our vessels fare,
      Above our life’s adventure keep
      Thy faithful watch and care.
      In Thee we trust, whate’er befall;
      Thy sea is great, our boats are small.
      We know not where the secret tides
      Will help us or delay us,
      Nor where the lurking tempest hides,
      Nor where the fogs are grayest.
      We trust in Thee, whate’er befall;
      Thy sea is great, our boats are small.
      When outward bound we boldly sail
      And leave the friendly shore,
      Let not our heart of courage fail
      Before the voyage is o’er.
      We trust in Thee, whate’er befall;
      Thy sea is great, our boats are small.
      When homeward bound we gladly turn,
      O bring us safely there,
      Where harbor-lights of friendship burn
      With love and peace filling the air.
      We trust in Thee, whate’er befall;
      Thy sea is great, our boats are small.
      Beyond the circle of the sea,
      When voyaging is past,
      We seek our final port in Thee;
      O bring us home at last.
      In Thee we trust, whate’er befall;
      Thy sea is great, our boats are small.

    4. Bob, (why does the human always imagine the worst in the unknown?). Though I now very rarely watch either, for me back then (BC) it was tv and movies like 20000 Leagues Uder The Sea, It Came From Beneath The Sea, Jaws, News reports of drownings, to name a few.

    5. Bob - "Why does the human always imagine the worst in the unknown ?" Probably because that is what the enemy wants us to do to stop our walk with the Lord.
      That's why we have to put our faith in God, trusting that there is no unknown to Him for His perspective is greater than ours. May He put in our hearts the desire to constantly know and love Him deeper!

      Brie - Thank you for sharing this part of your childhood. The poem is beautiful! Our boats are small but He is in them, carrying us on His sea of blessings. We trust in Him.

      Blessings from France

    6. Brie, That was a nice poem. I used to watch scary movies too and they affected me. When I was little I was afraid of three things: Falling into deep water, stepping into quicksand and having a volcano explode near me. These three things gave me nightmares, but now I'm not afraid because I know I am in the Hands of a great God who protects me from harm, calms my fears and surrounds me with a peace that no man can penetrate. Fear of the Unknown is part of our human makeup. But even in the scariest wilderness, His light shines bright and His guiding Hand brings us to safety, peace and joy.
      Bob, Have a wonderful trip with your family. Praying for your safety and for all to go well in Christ.

  21. As I sit with my coffee my heart is stirred. It was open before reading today's devotion and thankfulness was already present. After reading, it is almost overwhelmed with the privilege of knowing a mystery we call God. To know something that is truthfully unknowable because there is no bottom or end to Him and His love which is the source of everything we call "alive" and "being alive". And may my perception this morning bless those who are struggling to perceive and who are enduring difficult circumstances. Be encouraged that your circumstances will eventually change and out of them will be birthed something beautiful only because of the mystery of His Love. This is a testimony to my experiences and tribulations and even great suffering. Let the fruit of my suffering (and especially His) be a shoulder to lean on if you need it.

    Also as I sit, I am contemplating stopping by the store to get biscuits. I just spoke with The Woman I Love and she asked if I would like her to make breakfast or if I wanted to grab something on the way. Since I have a long commute, a breakfast on the road does not appeal to me like her eggs, with biscuits and gravy! lol N I know all of you with a mothers heart will appreciate that thought :-)

    After breakfast we will head out to her beautiful horses and be blessed with a ride. That in itself is another mystery, to join with on of God's creatures in agreement and a harmony together and worship by "seeing" and appreciating the mystery of it all.

    In one sense, my words this morning seem like nonsense to the "egoic" mind. But when that egoic mind is in touch with the "heart", one is beginning to live. One is open to be thankful for His promise to never leave us as He is the Being of our being, Acts 17:28

    And I am moved by the prayer I offered last year so I will continue to hold it:

    KeithAugust 8, 2019 at 6:42 AM
    It truly is a blessing to be here as so many are saying. A safe place to be honest and without judgment.

    Praying for your requests as I thank you for praying for my request yesterday. He is working long before we can perceive it. We are privileged to have a God that longs for us to continue to come to Him. So be encouraged to continue to come to Him as we are lifting up even those unspoken requests. Be encouraged that He is faithful even when He may seem silent or still.

    Lord help us be still before you as you are preparing and providing what we need. Open our hearts to receive your love and open our hearts to trust you.

    I pray in Jesus name for you.

    1. Keith, Your post was wonderful today and the depth of His love for us, and His mercy, compassion and faithfulness is far beyond our understanding. But I am so blessed by it, and that I belong to such a great God. As He is the immovable Rock on which I stand, my faith is the backbone of my life. And I am in love with Him and also all of you, my dear JC Family. My heart is happy for your joy in having breakfast with your true love and also to have a day ahead of riding with her. God is turning things around for good, and I believe her heart is warm and open to your love now. God will guide you as the Spirit feeds you all the words she needs to hear. I loved your post from last year. Especially when you encouraged us to come to Him as we are lifting up even our unspoken requests. He is a discerner of hearts so He already knows them. Amen, He is ever faithful even when He may seem silent. His workings are behind the scenes that's why we must stand firm on our faith and never waver. He has a better future mapped out and it will be revealed in His own good timing. I will walk today with an open heart ready to be filled.

    2. Yes Keith and Jeanne. All because He never stops, no He never stops working. Even when I can't see Him, He's working; even when I can't hear Him, He's working, even when I am sleeping, He's working, because He never stops, no He never stops working. And in keeping with today's devotion: Even when the water's too hot and too deep for me and I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of situations, He's working! We are blessed, loved and highly favored because He never stops working!

    3. Thank you Keith for sharing and encouraging us with your words of wisdom. Praying for you and the woman you love!

      Blessings from France

  22. Lifting all of you and your requests up to our Lord and knowing that His never ending "deep" is bottomless. MY "bottom", my deepest end leads to Him, Our begining thru Christ. My heart is filled with love and peace which is found in the deep places of my soul. The shallow water dries up much to quickly! This want, that desire. " delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4.
    We find Him and our desires thru our desire to meet Him in the deep end.
    I know I cannot touch the bottom so I rely on Him to carry me in the waves, when I go under and there is no breathe He brings to the top to provide me with what I need. He is my source, my provision my life everlasting.
    Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to your truth and assuring me of your constant care. Thank you for taking care of all things in the seeing ( the shallows pools where we see the bottom) and the mysteries that are unseen as the very depths of the great Oceans. They are the same to you!
    Thank you family of believers and carriers of light! God bless you all.
    My Sons situation has been covered from my eyes, like a painting that is blanketed until the Artist is ready to reveal what He wants seen. I have been given slices of light and glimpses of brilliance. Super natural responses that are not of this World. God is doing a powerful work in our family. It has not been without a deep pain ( deeper still) than I have ever felt. Yet Gods provision is bottomless, so no fear there Blessings from France. I am left greatful and amazed!
    Praise The Lord thank you Jesus.

    1. Praying always for you and Dan and the situation to be resolved to God's glory. Someday your tears will be turned into dancing. I believe that, and I trust God to make it all right again, and bring Dan all the help he needs, and a renewed strength of faith to carry him through. God bless and comfort your incredibly beautiful heart. Rest in the Love that has no limit.

    2. So appreciate your thoughts on ‘deep’, Fern. They help me grow in my thoughts on the matter. Continuing in prayer for your family. God be with you.

    3. Fern, your faith continues to enlighten. Thanks for your honest sharings. Continued blessings are being prayed for you Dan and our entire JC Family.

    4. Amen! Thank you Fern! Prayers are being sent for you and your family! He has the whole situation in His Hand, in His powerful and loving depth.

      Blessings from France

  23. I love our Almighty Father HealerProtectorDefender and Savior. Lord Almighty.

  24. I want to thank you for your encouraging words and prayers for yesterday’s meeting with last year’s teaching staff. One of the staff that has had a key position in over seeing our day to day activities told me that he has applied for another job. If he doesn’t get it then he will come back to work at our school. This is where your prayers were answered! Instead of panicking about this possible loss, i left the meeting with the “peace that passes all understanding”. As far as enrollment, I received a sweet letter from a family, that because cancer was just discovered in one of their members, they felt it to risky to send their child. Again, I am at Peace even though we currently do not have enough students enrolled to cover our expenses. Each moment is an opportunity, a choice, to trust in the Lord isn’t it?

    1. Praying that despite all the obvious problems you are encountering, especially that you don't have enough students to pay for your expenses, God will find a way. He always does so just keep moving forward as best you can with your eyes looking upward and know that God is in your corner and can tie up all the loose threads and lead other children to your School. Trust, and Wait on the Lord.

    2. Thank you Jeanne:-)

  25. When I read today's Bible Verse, Psalm 95:1-2 Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! One of the songs I immediately started singing
    MY Tribute:
    How can I say thanks
    For the things You have done for me?
    Things so undeserved,
    Yet You gave to prove Your love for me;
    The voices of a million angels
    Could not express my gratitude.
    All that I am and ever hope to be,
    I owe it all to Thee.
    To God be the glory,
    To God be the glory,
    To God be the glory
    For the things He has done.
    With His blood He has saved me,
    With His power He has raised me;
    To God be the glory
    For the things He has done.

    Just let me live my life,
    Let it be pleasing, Lord to Thee,
    And if I gain any praise,
    Let it go to Calvary.
    To God be the glory,
    To God be the glory,
    To God be the glory
    For the things He has done.
    With His blood He has saved me,
    With His power He has raised me;
    To God be the glory
    For the things He has done.

    The next song I sang was How Deep Is Your Love by the Bee Gees

    Followed up with
    On Christ the solid rock I stand
    All other ground is sinking sand.

    Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Out of gratitude and love, I come singing to you now. Would you give me patience and discernment to complete necessary things and leave unnecessary things undone, so that I spend more time in the Deep with You? And as I watch tonight's Sonset, would You help me think about that night 2000 years ago when You were facing death and one of Your Deepest Concerns was expressed in a prayer deeply devoted to me - to be a believer who would follow You into The Deep, into The Abyss knowing even there I have Your Love and Your Arms are still buoying me up because everything bonds us together, including the Deep? Amen.

    1. Still singing! To the above three songs, I added 10000 Reasons, and Praise to The Lord, The Almighty, The King of Creation!

    2. Keep singing those beautiful songs, Brie! Thanks for sharing them.

  26. AMEN.Thank You Jesus for being my rock and for the ultimate sacrifice You made to save me. Just knowing that you love me that much overflows my heart with so much love and joy for everyone else in the world and I want to tell everyone what You have done for me and help them see that You have also done the same for them too. Each person who I've shared Your Word with, I have witnessed their growth in You Lord,and can see You in them now and it is the most beautiful sight my eyes have ever and will ever see. The testimonies that I have been so Blessed to hear are Amazing and definitely shows how Powerful a God we have. We are ALL truly Blessed....Thank You Jesus, I love You

    1. Wonderful to hear, Debbie. Glad to have you post again. God be with you.

    2. Deborah, You are opening a lot of hearts by sharing the God's Word and Truth. It is always such a blessing to see the change in people after they receive the Word and its renewing power. You are leading them to know God's message of truth and giving them the Hope of salvation. Praise God for His gift that keeps on giving unto eternity.
      Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

  27. I’m still in Baltimore and my nephew’s Wedding celebration was a wonderful time and get together. He and his wife were very grateful and they were happy and in love. My dear hubby hates to dance and he actually danced a few times with me. I did shine my light and I made some new friends. It was a real blessing. Thanks for all your prayers. God bless, heal and protect you all. Going home this morning. Praying for you dear family. ๐Ÿ’—

    1. I'm so glad to hear that you are having such a great time with your family and friends. You are such an amazing beacon of light and blessing to others. Mercy travels and God bless!

    2. Safe travels. I'm waiting on a delayed flight out of JFK plugged into worship music and watching the RAIN. Can't remember the last time I saw RAIN, it's beautiful.

    3. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Jeanne! WOO-HOO! Nothing like a wedding to reunite family, love and laugh together as you celebrate the union of your nephew and his new wife! You and your husband will be smiling for days and weeks ahead! So happy for you and your family, Jeanne! Safe travels back home and enjoy reminiscing about the wedding and seeing your boys! This made me smile ear to ear, Jeanne. Thrilled for you. Thanks for sharing! Blessings to you and our JC family! In Jesus' GREAT name! Amen.

    4. Thanks Janet, Audra, and NJS for your prayers and sweet words! You really made me smile! Audra stay safe as you travel. You’re in good Hands! Glad you’re listening to Praise music. . And you got to see the rain! God bless you all! Sending Love๐Ÿ˜Š

  28. Father, I am so thankful to You for my salvation. For so many years I was such a prideful, vain, selfish, judgmental, material person in this world. I was so blind to You and Your word and all Your beauty in the world. I am so sorry for all my sins, transgressions, and blindness. Please forgive me. You are my saving grace. I can't thank You enough for everything You have done, are doing, and will do. You are the most high and there is no one above You. You are so wonderful and amazing and I am so grateful for having You in my life and knowing You. When I take glances of the past, don't let me stare too long. Instead of making "to do" lists, let me make "request or expectation of the world" lists, and give it to You every day and then let You guide my steps in the direction of Your will for me. Help me to not give in to my flesh so easily. Help me overcome temptation. let me not waste all You have given to me. I desire to live for You like You are coming back for me today. I believe You are coming soon. Let me be ready for You. Help me Jesus. I want to be ready for Your amazing return. Help me to let others know about You so they can be saved and ready for You too. Please forgive me of all my sins and imperfections. Thank You for opening my eyes, heart, and mind to You and the truth. Align my spirit with Yours. Let our hearts beat as one. Thank You for being my Father and Lord. You are everything to me. Don't let me ever take You or our relationship for granted. Remind me that the things of this world are not what's important. You and Your kingdom are what matter. Let me always keep my eyes on You and not the things around me. While I am living in this world, I do not have to be of this world. Help me let go of all the things that don't matter so I can be closer to You. Protect me from the evil one as he comes for me. I am in Your capable, wonderful hands. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8). And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen. (John 21:25).

    1. Janet - I echo your prayer. Thank you for blessing my life with your anointed prayers.

    2. Wonderful prayer sweet sister! We have been cleansed of our transgressions and made anew and the sinful man is gone. We are anew creation in Christ, blameless and deeply loved.

  29. Dear Sister Janet. What a beautiful prayer. As I read today's JC my eyes flooded with tears as I was so overcome with thankfulness. Your prayer, such a beautiful glimpse of your spirit, is so expressive of how I feel. I took a screen shot of it so I can easily read it over and over as I say my own prayers of gratitude and sing my own songs of praise. Bless you for sharing your precious prayer.

    1. I'm so glad that you are a part of this blog. God is so good to us. We are all so very blessed to be His children and to have one another. Peace be with you!

    2. Redeemed! Praying for you my sister! So happy to have you with us too! Keep singing your praise songs. Let your light so shine!! The glory is the Lord’s!

  30. I have taken so much for granted in my life as I look back on it. It is true when they say that you don't know what you've got til it's gone. For over a week now the elevator has been broken here and I'm on the 4th floor. I ave bad legs and back and get shortness of breath. It's been very hard on me. I lost my transportation about a week ago as well. My savings is about gone and I am now stranded here and I have no idea what I'm going to do about anything -- housing, job, transportation. I've had to take cabs this past week to get to my doctor and store. To go to my doctor appt. (it's 3.4 miles away - one way) it cost me $34. To go to a store and back (total 1.4 miles - .07 miles one way), they wanted $12. I personally think that is crazy, but what can a person do when they need to go to the store and have no other option? I was able to set up a cab for future doctor appointments through my insurance, which will definitely help out there. But even though my life is full of unsure circumstances and hardships right now, I am full of peace and trust in the Lord because I know He is with me and He will always be there for me. He is teaching, molding, and guiding me through each day. And while it would be easy in my position to just give up, I'm very thankful that by the grace of God I don't feel that way at all. If this were to be my life a few years ago (before I came to the Lord), I'd have already thrown in the towel. That's how I know that the Lord is so very good. He brings me such joy -- despite my circumstances. He doesn't change, but life can and does. Rejoice in the Lord in all circumstances -- always. The Lord brings true joy and delight to my heart and He gives me His perfect peace. I am so grateful, blessed, and honored to be His child. Praise the Lord. Thank You Jesus.
    Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content; I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:4,11-13).

    1. Oh Janet! Those are some serious obstacles you have to overcome and I’ll be praying for you. What surprises me is your absolute great attitude and faith in Jesus!๐Ÿฅฐ Wow! You are amazing! I just wish I could help you somehow but God is handling everything for you. Take good care of yourself and I’ll be ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™❤️

    2. Praying hard for your situation to turnaround, Janet. Your relentless and strong faith amazes me especially while you're dealing with some serious roadblocks and hurdles. In spite of adversity, you continue steadfast in your trust and faith. Amazing and incredible to witness. Lifting you up in prayer, Janet. Praying God opens doors as well as provides healing for your pain. In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    3. May God answer your prayers in an amazing way ! He can see all that you are going through Janet , He is there beside you and He will never leave you. May He provide for all your needs.

    4. Dear Janet,You continue to amaze me with your strength of faith, resilience and trust in God’s provisions. You are dealing with so many hardships. Praying for your physical healing of your knees and back, and good health of mind, heart and spirit, and for your situation to improve because God’s promises are trustworthy. He loves you so much and knows you faithfully seek Him. He reads your beautiful heart. Joining all prayers for you with thanksgiving in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    5. Janet, do you have some victories to report this year as we stay thankful for answered prayers for you?

  31. Praise to the Lord, the ALMIGHTY.

    1. Amen! Arise brothers and sisters!
      Thanks Sassy Mom!

  32. Dear Sister Janet, I too have retained your prayer, thank you, I am blessed.

  33. "My hope is built on nothing less, Than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
    On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand."

    Most gracious Father, I give thanks to You this morning for Your Spirit that lives in me, think through me, love through me and prays through me. I’m awake and in my sound mind this morning, only because of Your grace and mercy. This in itself, warrants so much more to give You thanks for. Thank You for loving me the way You do. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, always, always, be acceptable to You, oh Lord, my Father, my Strength, my Hope, my Shield, my Prince of Peace, my Redeemer, my Everything, today and always (Psalm 19:14).

    As we know, Psalm 42 is a beautiful Psalm that expresses a cry from the heart of God’s people when they faced trouble. The deep calling unto deep are the deep things of God calling to the deep things of man, both you and I. The Psalm expresses the trouble that was surging, with one coming after another. The “deep” trials faced kept coming, like the waves in an ocean, deep after deep and from the depth of his despair, he found help in the depth of hi Father’s goodness, and declared, “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again, my Savior and my God!” (Psalm 42:11). When we recognize that our human needs are great, but the riches of God are far greater and our wisdom is shallow, we come to understand and fully appreciate that God’s knowledge and judgments are unsearchable (Romans 11:33–34). His thoughts are deep (Psalm 92:5), His love is as deep and His heart is immense (Ephesians 3:18–19).

    Oh dear Father, Thank You for proving all of the above when You gave Your only begotten Son Christ Jesus to die for us (John 3:16). The height, breadth, and depth of Your resources and unconditional love are without measure. May praises be lifted up to You each and every day, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalm 18:2).

    Blessings and Peace to you all on this beautiful God given Sunday.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you, Maplewood, for another teaching; sharing your wisdom and insight with us. Always so helpful. About a week or so ago I shared with you about being shunned by my entire family due to an educated and well researched decision I/we made for ourselves. Because of that decision, I was pushed out from what many who know my family refer to us as my "Beaver-Cleaver" family. I've never felt such despair, hurt and discouragement.

      I had commented on something you had written a week ago, Maplewood, in that it gave me hope and encouragement when I wasn't feeling God was there with me. It helped so, so much.

      Fast forward, last Tuesday I couldn't take the heartache any longer and reached out to my daughter and son and we, along with my supportive and awesome other half and SIL, met at my daughter & SIL's house. Prior to meeting that evening, I prayed mightily asking God for the right words and that healing could take place. When we got there, my son immediately embraced me and I hugged him right back. When we started talking, I asked them to help me understand why the silence or ghosting and how I had never felt such incredible hurt in my life. (This "ghosting" or silent treatment was done prior to & during the week of my (28 yr old)niece's memorial in MN of which I figured out the week before that I/we would be a "distraction", etc the at memorial and I made the decision not to go so as to ease anxiety and make them feel better. While I desperately wanted to be there for many reasons, I felt we caused uneasiness. Would never want to do that to anyone, especially my family.) Anyway, the meeting with the kids could not have gone any better, with them saying they didn't know what to say to me after I decided for us not to go or the week they were there but that they felt I should have been there and were angry with their aunt, uncles, grandmother and cousins over this.
      During our meeting with them I felt the kids respected my/our decision as we've always respected theirs. It was awesome.

      I can happily say we have restored our relationship. Nick, my son (31) said, "Not sure why the others still aren't speaking to you but could we just focus on our immediate family for now, Mom?" I replied with a resolute, 'absolutely!'

      Time and with God's help will hopefully give us the opportunity to repair the relationships to the rest of my "Beaver-Cleaver" family. For now, though, I gladly accept the "win" in restoring the relationships with the kids. God made this happen. No doubt in my mind. So, thank you, again, Maplewood, for encouraging me with your kind reply that day and in your teachings. "I will put my hope in God!" Blessings, healing, and love to you all, JC family! In Jesus's mighty name, amen!

    2. NJS -- that is wonderful! Another victory in Jesus! All things are possible with God. Keep persevering, praying, and being thankful and you will see all the wonderful things God has for you. God bless!

    3. You acted out of love and also grief. Continuing to pray for you and your family dear NJS. May God find a way to mend all the broken family ties. You are all hurting and in need of His comfort and guidance! He really cares for you and knows your innermost feelings. I’m happy you and your immediate family are working together to restore your relationships. Just keep God in the center and the rest will come together. Trust in the Lord always and keep waiting on Him. He keeps His promises. But in His own timing.

    4. Thank you, Jeanne & Janet, for your encouragement. It has been a rough road of emotions, for sure. Having the relationship restored with Nick & Paula (& their spouses) brings such healing to my heart. Yes, Jeanne, you're so right to continue to trust God and His perfect timing.

    5. Thanks dear NJS. We encourage each other as He encourages us. His timing is perfect.

  34. What joy comes to my heart , that even in the THICK of things , God will come and be with us , in the deep where waters cover your head, we are not alone ! Call out , He will never leave us ! It's says in the Bible,25 times God will never leave us , even though we have made a mess trying to sort it in our own strength ! Amen

  35. God knows our shortcomings and understands our weaknesses. He loves us as we, are and will always be with us till the end of time and into eternity. In His divinity He cannot lie. We can trust His Words and promises with our lives.

  36. Please pray for my dear friend Rudy who just tested positive for Covid despite his 2 Pfizer vaccinations. I was with him at our Monday blues night Jam. I sang but he was drumming behind me. I didn’t get too close. Trusting in God’s faithfulness. He has a bad heart valve so I’m praying he recovers completely. It could be the delta variant according to his doctor. Thanks for your powerful prayers! God is above all and he is my brother in Christ.
    Thank You Jesus for his complete recovery! Praying together with my dear family. We trust you.

  37. Happy to say my friend Rudy is feeling better and doing well. So many of my friends are seeing God’s faithfulness. I was blessed to be with my friends Mayda and Emilio yesterday. They are both getting stronger after Covid and Emilio is getting stable from his dialysis. Praying he will get a new kidney soon. It’s all in God’s Hands. Thanks for your prayers. Had my son’s family over for dinner. When I was getting my 3 yr old grandson Gabriel ready for his bath, I heard him pray. Thank You God for this world. Amen.
    It blessed my heart.

    1. Hallelujah! God is so good--so very, very good--ALWAYS! Thank You Jesus. God bless ๐Ÿ™.

    2. Praise You Jesus for looking after Rudy. I pray in Jesus name that Emilio will remain stable until You gift him with a knew &, healthy kidney.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž

    3. Thanks for your prayers dear sisters! We pray for each other and all our ones. Thank You Jesus.

  38. Good morning, jc family. Will anyone reading this please pray for me? I agreed to work today out of town. My kids came with me and will be staying in the hotel while I work, out of the hotel. I tried to sleep, but I didn't sleep a wink. To be honest, I saw an image of an old high school friend on a sickbed on FB that so disturbed me last night. Please pray for him also. His name is John. He has Crohns disease and has been so sick that he is only skin and bones...I've never seen anything like it. Praying for him as well! Thank you in advance for your prayers. God bless.

    1. free as can B my daughter has Crohns also. She has been in that same place as your friend. I pray God restores your friends health in Jesus Name. My daughter Tori Faith whom I have requested prayer for on here is doing much better today. We thought we were going to lose her several times as she became skin and bones only weighing around 70 pounds as a 15 year old. Today she’s at 115 and very vibrant and active. She has started Humira and had to receive her nutrition through a Hickman line. It has been a very hard journey for her she is 20 now. I am so grateful for her health and where she is today. ♥️๐Ÿ™

      My other daughter also sent me a picture of one of my old friends that had been arrested. She is on drugs and the picture disturbed me terribly too. So if everyone could pray for her also. Her sister passed away from Colon Cancer a few years ago. Her sister was my best friend.

    2. Joining in prayer for you free as can be and your friend John๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž

    3. So glad Tori Faith is doing better Anonymous. Will continue to cover her.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž

    4. Thank-you Jan!! I appreciate that ๐Ÿฅฐ

    5. Joining in prayer for you and yours, FACB ๐Ÿ™

    6. Gathering in to all prayers for John and continuing to pray for Tori. So thankful she is getting stronger. And also your old friend who was arrested. I pray for God's help and guidance and that she gets close to Him so she will be comforted. Thanking Him in for all of this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  39. A year ago today my husband and I were visiting a State Park in GA called Amicalola Falls. I had taken a video of the beautiful and serene waterfall there. It came up on my memories this morning. It’s so amazing how God works! It goes perfect with the scripture for this devotional. Father, help me to take in the beauty of Your Creation and to not be so busy that I miss such amazing blessings. You are the Joy of my Salvation and the Strength of my Song. In Jesus Name Amen ๐Ÿ™ I wish it would let me post my video but it won’t, but I thought I would share that blessing of God working in such small but big ways! ♥️

    1. Thank you Anonymous for sharing , how cool is that!๐Ÿ’ž

    2. Amen, wonderful!

    3. Dear Anonymous. I can just imagine the power and beauty of your video. God wanted you to see it today. The awesome beauty of His Creation is such a blessing to me in my life too. Let us all remember to get out and look at the sky and its colors and the natural beauty He has surrounded us with. Thank you for blessing us with your post today.

  40. Dear Janet, reading your post of a year ago I was inspired by you turning your hardships into a spirit of love & gratitude to to our God. You certainly know how to be abased & yet you gave thanks as if you were abound. We all need that attitude & posture every day as we all walk in faith that our God looks after each of us. Bless you for sharing & bless you this day ๐Ÿ’ž

  41. Dear JC Warriors, earlier this year you all prayed for me as I had a breast biopsy. By God’s Grace, it was benign. I come before you today humbling asking for prayers as I have found a lump in the other breast. I am awaiting a return call from my doctor’s office about how to proceed.

    Life is exciting and crazy right now. One son starts the 11th grade tomorrow, and one leaves for his first year in college next week. Scary times for this mom.

    I know God is in control, but I’m a mom who usually has it all together and under control with lists,etc. This lump was not in my plans for right now. However, I know God is in control, and it’s His time not mine. I ask prayers for peace, calmness, and healing. Thank you so much.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Dear SC Anonymous. I did pray that your lump was benign and I believe God will continue to show you His faithfulness as you wait on Him. This new lump was not in your plans but God knows it's there. I'm trusting Him to comfort and guide you now. He will be with you when you get another biopsy and I'm thanking Him to make it benign. God knows your worried heart. You are a busy Mom and helping your sons is so important. Also, the emotions of seeing your son off to college is a lot to handle. May God give you all the peace, calmness and healing you need. Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    2. SC , prayers for answers and treatment for lump, if any. Also praying for your "mama's " heart as you guide your kids into their futures. "Teach a child in the way they should go and thet shall not depart from it." Exciting times for them and bittersweet for you. Hugs to you. Mindy

  42. I don't know if anyone else who reads these postings has hear whale song? Or seen whales up really close to the shore?
    On my way to the office one Saturday some years ago, my wife and I had breakfast at a beachside cafe. A pod of whales really close to the shore slowly swam east. 3 or 4 whales with calves. Hearing them blow, ( smelling the fishy breath) seeing them splash their fins and slap the water was an amazing humbling experience.
    At the office,about midmorning a colleague asked me if everything was ok? I replied 'yes, why'. He said we have been watching you, your face is different, you've had a big smile all morning. I then told him about the whales.
    I was reminded of the above when reading 'deep calls into deep'. Our Lord calls to the deep within us. That is so precious, far more precious than hearing whales call (wonderful though that may be) that Almighty God, Creator of all that exists, the Lover of our soul should desire to call out to each and every one of those who are in Him. Yes 'gratitude' , a heart overflow with thanks, love and worship is our response. His call to me puts a smile on my face. I want to be bold enough to tell others who ask me why I'm smiling, that I am in contact with the Creator of the universe, and that they can know Him too. Praying that you will experience the depths of God and that He will put a 'smile on your dial' today. In Jesus Almighty Name, Amen.

    1. Amen and thank you for sharing your whale experience. I can just imagine their beauty and sounds and smells. I'm sure you were amazed and praising God for that rare gift. Yes He calls to us and we can't help but smile and be blessed. I'm ready and willing to tell anyone who asks me where my joy and peace come from. The Lord God Who Made Heaven and Earth.

  43. Dear SC Anonymous,
    I will pray that you will trust the Lord to do beyond what you can imagine! Stand firm on the Rock, Don’t allow the “wind”. ( hard circumstances) to blow you off that Rock, neither the stormy waves. Instead,, focus on all you can be thankful for and give Him the thanks.
    - a breast cancer survivor

    1. Anonymous --- Great wisdom and Knowledge for SC Anonymous. There is nothing like someone who has been through the FIRE and came out on the other side! HALLELUJAH!!! Great Blessings to you, Anonymous. I Declare God's Divine Health over you and SC ANONYMOUS!
      Dear SC Anonymous --- When you are going through the FIRE, you sometimes feel it is about to take you out and you feel abandoned. But the Lord lets us know, He left us not. He was in the FIRE and we have been BRANDED by ENCOUNTERING the Lord, the fourth man in the FIRE." Take hold of His WORD with ALL your might. Write out those scritures that speak to you on note cards and keep them where you can read them at any time. I Declare a benign lump and thank You, Lord, that You are the healer who heals. You are the Savior that Saves and the Deliverer who Delivers you and makes all things new! Cast ALL your cares upon Him! He loves you so deeply. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over ALL your circumstances. The enemy CAN'T defeat the Blood!!! Great Peace to you, in the Name of Jesus, Our Promise Keeper, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Amen to that dear JJ! Praying with you for our dear SC Anonymous and Anonymous. God is greater than any disease or problem, and He is faithful and mighty to save. Thanking Him for a benign lump and one more victory to celebrate and for healing all of our weaknesses and infirmities. He is the Great Physician and in Him we trust. Amen. The enemy cannot defeat the Blood of Christ! Peace to you dear JJ and Anonymous and SC Anonymous and all our dear JC Family. We rest in Him Who loves us.

    3. JJ and Jeanne, thank for your comments and prayers. I feel each one as well as those from the others here and personal friends. I know God is in control and good will come from this situation.

      SC Anonymous

    4. Dear Anonymous/breast cancer survivor,

      Thank you for posting and your prayers. God is control. I had a good dr appt yesterday. My dr is part time now and appts with him are months out. Guess who just happened to have an open spot yesterday- my doctor. I know God opened that spot for me.

      He feels like it’s a cyst as I just a mammogram the end of January and there was nothing. He is sending me to a surgeon this week for an ultrasound and maybe a biopsy to confirm.

      SC Anonymous

    5. As I sit awaiting the next ultrasound, I’m comforted by reading the above comments. The calming peace of God is with me now. I can feel it. My heart is not pounding with anxiety like it was when I arrived. Thank you for your words above and prayers.

      SC Anonymous

  44. Praying for every prayer request as I close out tonight. SC Anonymous - you are in my prayers. You are WAY. TOO.BUSY. to have to deal with a lump. Thank you, Father for healing my sister in Christ! Get those boys ready for school - Jr in HS and Freshman in College! Such great, exciting times for them. Praying for you, dear one. It's Gonna Be OK.
    Wondering if we'll get a call tomorrow or if it will be Wed. Again - I'm following my Best Man's lead. Prepping for this Sunday's August BD Dinner with all of our crew (minus one - so sad my Daughter's Des can't be with us - he's working). It will be a great time. My sister will be here (I haven't seen her since Christmas!) and a dear friend/professor who I haven't seen for almost a year. All of our kids, their spouses, kids. What to serve, Dear Jeanne? I'm thinking Ribs!
    Love and prayers for each of you. As I write about the joy we are anticipating, I know there are many out there in pain. Please know that you are in my prayers. But, for the grace of God, go I. As we learned yesterday in Fellowship, "Life is Seasonal. Seasons come and Seasons go...the but the Word of God Lives on! Our goal; our CALLING is to, FAINT NOT; be BOLD, and ENDURE.
    You are on my heart, Sassy Mom. Praying, always for you and the healing of your heart. I love you so much. Praying for each of you and thanking God for this lovely site - where we can pray, be honest and cast our cares.
    Sleep Sweet - God is on the Night Watch.

    1. Norah, thank you so much for your prayers. I love reading your posts each week and have learned and grown so much from you and the others in this blog.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Thank you JC Warriors and Norah for always remembering our heavy hearts grieving the loss of loved ones. We covet your love, encouragement and prayers.

  45. Hope you have a wonderful get together. And ribs is something everyone seems to love. My family devoured mine last night! Amen. We will not faint because we stand on the Cornerstone that never crumbles. We are not ashamed of our faith but bold. They know we are Christians by our love and we will endure because the Lord is at our sides. Praying with you and for you dear Norah. Get some rest. Praying for all of you and for comfort for Sassy Mom and Terri and all those who have lost a dear one. God knows your sorrowful hearts and cares for you with a deep and eternal love. Amen God is on the Night Watch. Goodnight. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid. Yeah thou shall lie down and thy sleep will be sweet. Amen.

  46. He is truly the Rock of our Salvation! We have such a reason to sing praises to Him, and rejoice in our day with thanksgiving. He has put joy, hope and peace into our hearts. Sing to the Lord for He is good. The praise goes up and His blessings come down. I'll have my little Gabriel with me today and he'll be staying overnight. He loves Jesus! Can't believe he is going to be 5 in September. Time flies when you're having fun. God has richly blessed us and we are so grateful.

    Psalms 136:1
    O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

    Psalms 100:4-5
    Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
    May God continue to bless and protect us, and may He answer our prayers. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, and on His Faithfulness. He keeps His promises.
    Thank You Father for blessing, protecting and healing us and our dear ones, and giving us strength when we are weak and rest when we are tired. You always know exactly what we need. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

    1. Have a wonderful time with your little one. Are teaching him to sing unto the Lord the way that you do?๐Ÿฅฐ

    2. Dear Jan! God has blessed Gabriel with a beautiful voice and he glorifies God with it and blesses my heart. He’s also a little mathematician and an artist. Quite amazing. God has richly blessed him and he knows his gifts are from God.

  47. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:10). He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him. (Daniel 2:22). When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. (Isaiah 43:2).

    1. Such beautiful, powerful words of God to encourage, empower & draw us closer to our God. Thank you dear Sister!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒˆ

    2. Powerful encouragement dear Janet! Thanks for feeding me so well as I start my day.

  48. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus ๐Ÿ˜Š. Lord, let me know deep down in my heart the depth, height, width, and length of Your love for me. Let the deepness of You connect to the deepness of me and enlighten me in Your pure holiness. Your ways are so much higher than mine and I can't even comprehend them, but I desire to know You better. Let me know the riches of the glory of the Lord. You are so amazing and wonderful Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen ๐Ÿ™.

    1. Amen! Some fine and blessed day, we will know and understand.

  49. Good morning family of fellow believers, what an absolute blessing it is to be in relationship with the creator of the universe.
    May He Grace your day with His Presence.
    Acts 17:28 AMPC
    For in Him we live and move and have our being; as even some of your [own] poets have said, For we are also His offspring.

    1. Thanks Peter and Amen! One of my favorite verses! He abides in us as we abide in Him!

    2. Thank you, Peter. And it truly is an absolute blessing to be in a relationship with the creator of the universe! Praise God!

    3. It's ALL about relationship. Thank you Jesus for showing us how to live and love in this world.

  50. Good day JC family! Such wonderful reminders of the grace, mercy and power of the Creator, Abba, our Father. I’m thankful for your posts and pray over you.

    Thank you for praying for my mom who is recovering quite well from her recent stroke. The healing Lord is at work!

    Please continue to pray for my daughter’s healing as they try to figure out what is needed.

    And I ask for your prayers for my own mental and emotional well being and healing through it all. It’s been a rough season.

    Have a wonderfully blessed day!

    1. So blessed to read about your mom, Rich! Continued prayers for her and your daughter's healing. Praying for you mental and emotion well being. I know it's been a rough season for you. Trusting in the Lord, dear Brother, that all will be well.

    2. Thank you dear Norah! You reminded me of this verse:
      “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is in the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of the drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit" (Jeremiah 17:7-8 RSV).

    3. Amen, Continuing to pray for your Mom’s recovery. So happy to see God is answering our prayers and she is recovering well. Praying He is guiding the doctors to help resolve your daughter’s neurological problems and also strengthening you in all ways and fighting your spiritual battles. He is greater!
      Philippians 4:6-7
      “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”

    4. Greatly appreciated dear Jeanne! Great reminder.

  51. I am walking through this day with a heart full of gratitude in the Presence of my Lord and Savior. My Faith means more than anything to me. Just knowing I belong to Jesus is all I need. His light inside me burns brightly and will never go out. I trust His Word and His Promises, My strength and hope are from Him and His Peace always surrounds me. He understands me completely and reads every word in my heart. He comforts me like none other. I have no greater friend. I know my Redeemer lives. I am blessed and thankful. The Best is yet to come.
    My sister is flying in from Missouri on 8/15. Rick and I will be with our whole family for a week from 8/18-8/24 in Vermont. I pray those family members who have no faith will see His love, light, and peace in me and they will be changed. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    Psalm 18:2
    The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

    Titus 3:4–7
    But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

    1. Amen Jeanne ๐Ÿ™. Praying for you and your family. May our heavenly Father open up the way before you and make straight your paths, and open up all their hearts to receive Him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen ๐Ÿ™. God bless!

    2. I have taken MadFox's suggestion to read up, especially my own "younger" posts. I am still blown out of the deep water when I see those Former posts have already laid the Foundation for Current and Future situations, plus I get to practice making my deeds match my doctrine! Imagine that!
      Thanks Chris, for keeping the former posts alive, and thanks MadFox for a real deep eye opener!
      Let go and let God, dear Jeanne. As BOB would say, with no agenda!
      Without an agenda, you are free to enjoy ๐ŸŽถ a peaceful easy feeling ๐ŸŽถ Much Love ❤️ Many ๐Ÿ™ and Happy ๐Ÿ˜Š Reading In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Thanks sweet Brie! Resting in the Lord and letting Him handle everything. Amen! Letting go and letting God!

  52. Psalm 42:8 AMPC
    Yet the Lord will command His loving-kindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me, a prayer to the God of my life.

  53. Thank You Lord for your blessings on me.

    1. And thank You God for Sassy Mom, who always passes Your Blessings on to others!

  54. Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on me and Sassy Mom and Brie and all our JC Family.
