Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 19

I continually call you to closeness with Me. I know the depth and breadth of your need for Me. I can read the emptiness of your thoughts when they wander away from Me. I offer rest for your soul, as well as refreshment for your mind and body. As you increasingly find fulfillment in Me, other pleasures become less important. Knowing Me intimately is like having a private wellspring of Joy within you. The spring flows freely from My throne of grace, so your Joy is independent of circumstances.
     Waiting on My Presence keeps you connected to Me, aware of all that I offer you. If you feel any deficiency, you need to refocus your attention on Me. This is how you trust Me in the moments of your life.

Psalm 131:2
English Standard Version

But I have calmed and quieted my soul,
    like a weaned child with its mother;
    like a weaned child is my soul within me.
Psalm 21:6
English Standard Version 

For you make him most blessed forever;
    you make him glad with the joy of your presence.
Psalm 37:7
English Standard Version 

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
    fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,
    over the man who carries out evil devices!

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Father God, We love you, we seek you, we are dependant upon you, help guide us through this day and have us look to you continually. Knowing you provide the fruits of the spirit we stray to seek joy, love, and hope in earthly things that never last. Please disrupt our errored ways and have us refocus our attention on you.

    1. Beautiful words and so true. I think so many say they believe in Godbut it's almost like he's separate from our daily lives on earth. We need to continually communicate wit Our Lord to avoid the temptations of this Earth.

    2. Wonderful prayer! Amen!
      Jesus, Remind us to focus on You when we get distracted by the trappings of this fallen world.

    3. I second Jeanne, Janet, Brie, and Anonymous- AMEN! Wonderful prayer. I don’t know if you still read this blog is 2022, but your prayers are timely. I enjoy reading them.

      SC Anonymous

    4. Amen!
      In my studies of the joy of intercession I am reminded that we pray FROM victory, not for it. Thank you Jesus for the joy of your finished work from which all requests can flow.

    5. Still reading them in 2024. I pray this for everyone in Christ. Especially now in times where the truth is distorted so much.

    6. Amen dear Anonymous! We need this now more than ever. Our world is fallen, confused and divided. But thankfully our God remains the same. We must keep striving to stay in His Presence and pray others will turn to Him especially those who have hardened hearts and those in positions of authority.

  2. Thank you,Father God, for your unending love for us. I am most blessed! In Jesus name Amen!

  3. We laid a young friend to rest yesterday. Her body had been ravaged by cancer. It was mentioned that her suffering is now over. She is with her Heavenly Father. We are so frightened by the transition to eternity with Him. I want to praise Him for His promise for eternity. I am excited at the inevitability of realizing His promises. Lord help us to put our earthly suffering in your hands and keep our sights on your daily blessings and promise for eternity.

    1. Yes! Lord. Thank You for helping us keep our minds stayed on You, our sights on your daily blessings and YOUR promise for our eternity. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Amen Brie!
      God bless and strengthen you in your yielding.

    3. I pray to yield my thoughts to you Lord. Thank you!

    4. Thank you for sharing this. This earth is not our home , Lord help us to focus on You as you prepare us for eternity

    5. Min Ahadi - you are right. The world isn’t our home. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus.

      SC Anonymous

  4. If you know my thoughts and needs god why are you not helping my family why let my thought get negative when all I wsnt9is peace?

    1. PEACE, true Peace comes from resting in Him in the midst of our needs. We feels the deficiencies as we try to take them into our own hands. As Psalm 37 references, "Be still & wait patiently for HIM" to move. Prayers for you, to KNOW He's got you & your situation in His very capable hands!

    2. Amen, Kim B.
      Unknown, praying that a year later, you have found His perfect peace that surpasses all understanding. True peace is knowing and trusting that He holds you in the palm of His hand despite your circumstances. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is the Great I Am worthy of all glory, honor and praise. Thank Him everyday for waking you up, for the air you breathe, for the chance to seek and serve Him. There you will find the peace you are longing for. My prayers are with you.

      Blessings from California

    3. Praying for unknown may God speak into your situation and restore peace in your life .

  5. Unknown Unknown, 1 year later, I hope you are still with this wonderful and inspirational family of JC prayer warriors. Your being here and sharing your pain is is prayer in itself. I am praying for you in my own humble way. Please do not despair. I found my own peace, trust and form of prayer and meditation through this blog. Thank you!

  6. Good morning Lord. Thank you for your never ending love, guidance and protection for your child. No matter what I encounter, I am confident you are always by my side.

  7. JJ appreciate your continued prayers and the prayers of all of you. The last year and a half has been difficult and the words of today's thoughts summarize how my prayers have changed; "to increasingly find fulfillment in Me".

    Yet I, like many of you, have discovered that this can happen overnight but most often does not. But the point is "increasing". How often we try to measure our growth as if we had growth marks scribed on a door frame. I try to look and pray for progress when truly He is the only one that can see clearly and knows completely and loves perfectly. Have you ever tried to measure your own height?

    The woman I love texted me last night. She said she would,"try to shoot you a call tomorrow". This past winter, I took her skiing on her birthday. It was enjoyable for us both but disappointment comes later as I realize the relationship isn't progressing as I long for it to. So trying to hold that love for her in open hands and increasingly be held by Him.

    So please continue to pray for Him to do that "perfect work" and that He brings me to the point of "God alone suffices".

    Prayers and blessings to you all.

    1. That's it Keith! That's it exactly! You said it! "God suffices"! He's enough, He's your all in all, He's your Alpha & Omega. If you were to never receive any of what you have requested from Him, Your soul will continue to long for Him, to be satisfied by Him, to adore Him as if you & Him are the only beings in this world. You're attitude of gratitude & Thanksgiving would be so overwhelming you can't contain it. That no language existing in this world would suffice to express your love for Him. Then watch what happens! Put Him first & He shall deliver us from our enemies. Be blessed dear brother, God loves you & JC family loves you🥰

    2. Keith and Jan - Loved reading "God suffices"! He is enough. Praying we all continue to know that God alone does great things for us. KS

    3. KS --- I'm with you. "God suffices" a sweet loving balm that soothes our 'hurts'. The Lord is trustworthy! The Lord is pouring His GREAT WISDOM into this JC FAMILY! The postings and prayers of this family are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Being here, we are standing on Holy Ground! I give praises to the Lord and thank Him for Norah, Mad Fox, Keith, Sassy Mom, Jan, Ks, Maplewood, Anonymous, CO, ABC, Unknown, TJ, Phoebe, Marlana, zfuntastic, loveconquersall, runaprilmae, Annnetta, mychellecolier, Chris, Mark and all readers and posters! You all help make this site such a blessing! Still being prompted to pray for all your needs several times a day. I count it an incredible privilege. Great Blessing to all of you. Sorry, I know I missed some names, but I have you covered in prayer.

    4. If we have Jesus, we have everything. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you.

  8. "I offer rest for your soul, as well as refreshment for your mind and body." And that is exactly what He did for me in the wee hours of the morning. I was having crazy dreams and was so hot. I got up and drank water and went back to bed. More dreams but I kept calling his name and praying in the spirit. Finally, sweet sleep came and I felt the comfort of His nearness. For that I am so thankful.
    I am ashamed at my childishness, at times. Like a spoiled child, I keep wanting more, more, more when I haven't even thanked my Father for His many blessings. Or I thank Him and then go right back to worry, doubt, fear. Oh, the frailty of being human and not recognizing the God in Christ in me. I thank you Father, for loving me and Jesus, for guiding me, in spite of myself. I remembered to pray for little Jairo. Loveconquersall, Congratulations on your new grandson and please know that I am praying for your daughter's quick recovery. One of my best friends had a little 3 lb, 3 oz preemy 38 years ago and she is a beautiful, young woman now - strong and healthy. My own husband was a 3 lb, 3 oz baby 75 years ago and is still going strong. We laughed at the time that they both weighed the same amount all those years apart. And your little Jairo has 6 ounces on them! May he grow to be a strong man of God, knowing his entrance to this world and how our Father had His hand of protection on him in the womb!
    Blessings to you, my JC Family and prayer warriors! Thank you for continued prayers as I go through whatever this is I'm going through. It is humbling and reminds me to call on His name at all times. My prayers are continually with each of you.

    1. I know your plight Norah. I've been there. That unsettleness, restlessness, sleep nowhere to be found. It never ceases to amaze me though that the moment we cry out to Him, sleep comes. This is my cry to Him, "Jesus, please knock me out!"😂. It always works! Praying for you today dear girl🙏.

    2. Norah - your sincerity and truthfulness are not childish. If only I could express things as well as you do. I wish you more peaceful sleep. Peace to all JC family! KS

    3. I to call His name when sleep evades me. "Thank you Jesus, for a peaceful and restful sleep". Works more often than not!

    4. When I am up late working artwork, my mind often races for a while after my head hits the pillow. But I always ask Jesus to bring me sweet rest and He is faithful. He loves us, frail and flawed as we are. He is there to gently stroke our foreheads as we slip into sleep, and He is there strengthening and guiding us through the twists and turns of every day. How blessed we are!

  9. Please Lord, help me to find increasing fulfillment with you each day. When I am down, help me to get back up. I know in my head you will suffice; please help me to be reminded of this during these trying times.
    Blessings and prayers to and for all on here. Amen. CO

  10. I love how transparent this group is, it helps me as I go through this minor storm; I pray that GOD keeps me focused on HIM and not everything that has already fallen apart! Thank each of you for continue to pray for me and my family and I will continue to do the same! I thank HIM daily for HIS PEACE that passeth all understaning!

  11. Thank you Jesus for my JC family. Thank you for this day. My daughter is feeling better and Jairo is a little warrior. Thank you all for your prayers and beautiful Norah may God bless you and yours. I wish I could pray like you and Keith and sassy mom; my prayers are short, simple. I do know the power of prayer just making the effort is what matters to our savior. Remember us in your love sweet Jesus son of the living God. We love you very much. Amen.

    1. Loveconquersall that's perfect. Exactly the way I feel. So many of the JC family pray so eloquently and beautifully. I love reading them and making them my prayers. Prayer is powerful and am praying for each of you this morning. JE

    2. Joining in prayer for daughter & the "the little warrior"🥰.

    3. Loveconquersall, the prayer of a humble ❤️ is like music to our God's ears, right?

    4. Loverconquersall praying for little Jairo who is a toddler now. May God give him good health,provide for his needs and a loving family that teaches him about Jesus every day .

    5. Love your sweet and sincere prayer, dear LCA.
      Sometimes my prayer is just saying: JESUS.

  12. Lord, thnk you for this day. Thank you for all things and for this blog and all of these wonderful, amazing people who open their hearts and share their thoughts and beautiful prayers on a regular basis. I am so grateful. Blessings for an amazing week!

  13. As I read this passage this morning, I imagined God's Joy pouring out of his heart into mine, almost like a waterfall. Simplistic, I know but effective. Happy Monday everyone!

    1. Simplistic yes and effective for me as well. It meets me where I am and helps me receive as He is the true source of meeting all our needs.

      Those "waiting" on God, keep waiting. He is faithful even if we haven't seen "it" yet. (Danny Gokey song)

      Thanks for sharing that Suzanne

  14. Thank you for this site. I made an appointment with my doctor. I haven't had any solid food in 3 days. My primary sustenance is alcohol and I can feel the affect on my thinking. I took a few vitamins and a piece of banana but I have no desire to eat. It's amazing how alcohol takes complete control over the mind and body like a parasite. It's intent is to kill my body. I'm sorry for sounding so pathetic but I'm experiencing indescribable pain. Lord help me.

    1. Zfuntastic, one step at a time. I love what JJ said regarding the elephant and one bite at a time. I've used that analogy for myself and others. There is an incredible song by Zach Williams and Dolly Parton called, "There was Jesus". Here are some of the lyrics:
      Every time I try to make it on my own
      Every time I try to stand, I start to fall
      And all those lonely roads that I have traveled on
      There was Jesus
      When the life I built came crashing to the ground
      When the friends I had were nowhere to be found
      I couldn't see it then but I can see it now
      There was Jesus
      In the waiting, in the searching
      In the healing, in the hurting
      Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
      Every minute, every moment
      Where I've been or where I'm going
      Even when I didn't know it
      Or couldn't see it
      There was Jesus
      For this man who needs amazing kind of grace (mm-hmm)
      For forgiveness and a price I couldn't pay (mm-hmm, mm-hmm)
      I'm not perfect so I thank God every day
      There was Jesus
      There was Jesus
      In the waiting, in the searching
      In the healing, in the hurting
      Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
      Every minute, every moment
      Where I've been or where I'm going
      Even when I didn't know it
      Or couldn't see it
      There was Jesus
      There was Jesus
      There was Jesus
      There was Jesus

      Zfuntastic, know that Jesus is with you ALWAYS and is walking with you right now. Prayers and blessings for you on this healing journey.

    2. Great song and testimony, NJS. As Sarah said, “Waiting on My Presence keeps you connected to Me, aware of all that I offer you. If you feel any deficiency, you need to refocus your attention on Me. This is how you trust Me in the moments of your life.“
      Help us to keep our focus on you Jesus. I am no expert but do you ever watch figure skating/ ice skating when they are spinning? As a kid I would try to spin and ultimately just fall over. Skaters keep focus. That is my aim. Coming back to you, always, Jesus.

    3. Zfuntastic, praying God’s strength is sufficient for you to fight the temptations that surround you. The peace of the Lord is far better for your body and soul than demon alcohol. Be brave. God will not leave you. Praying with our JC Family that He is lifting you out of your need for alcohol and dropping you into a brand new place of good health, refreshment and renewed joy and fulfillment. God has His plan for you. Put on your Armor, resist the devil and go forward to realize God’s promises. Praying for you. The best is yet to come.
      NJS- Wonderful words of encouragement.,

    4. Looking back at these old posts, dear Zfuntastic, you have come so far and now you're helping others. So blessed to see God's faithfulness in your life.

    5. Agree Jeanne! Zfuntastic you can and ARE doing this. One day at a time or less..if needed. God is with you each moment of your day. Lean on Him. Lean hard! He can and wants to take it with for you and with you! Amen.

  15. Zfuntastic-- Praise the Lord you are taking GOOD steps! I pray the Lord's wisdom over your doctor for you. I see Jesus by your side at this appointment and I pray the armor of God all over you and satan get your hands off of zfuntastic! Satan you have no authority here! zfuntastic, you got up and are standing!!! Yeah!!! You take one step, you can take another step. There is a old saying: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. JC WARRIORS are on the war path for this need and all the other needs spoken or unspoken. The Lord knows about every life on this Holy Ground. He will not miss one detail!!!

    1. Well said, JJ. Love this!
      And Zfuntastic~ we truly are your prayer warriors AND your nationwide accountability team. Come back everyday and post that you're 1 day sober... 2 days sober... baby steps!

    2. Oh, Suzanne-- Love your 'nationwide accountability team'. Sign me up. I need this accountability for my life. None of us are perfect, but we must get up when we are knocked down-- and stand again with the Lord's help.

    3. Beautiful sincere encouragement and support. We are a family that pays God's love and compassion forward.

  16. Thank you all. I can feel the power of your prayers and the presence of His will for me. I am trying. Bless you for your prayers for me. I am grateful and humbled by such wonderful people concerned with me. You give me hope. Thank you.

    1. Aug 18, 2020 Zfuntastic, thinking of you, praying and hoping your journey is peaceful. May you feel love, prayers and support that surround you always. Onwards. Yes, you can!! With Love....

    2. Prayers and God's blessings on you Zfuntastic today and everyday. One step at a time. God IS with you every step of the way. Amen.

    3. ABC- we miss you the past few days my brother! Praying God's abundant blessings upon you.

      Joining in continued prayer for Zfuntastic and believing that things have turned around for his good and God's glory.

      Remain blessed,
      Maplewood NJ

  17. Prayers zfuntastic!

  18. Heavenly Father, I know that You have planted in me a purpose-filled destiny for the kingdom of God. Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord continually and always. Amen 🙏.

  19. Praying for you zfuntastic and for all. Yes, God is enough guiding us all through this journey called life ever so gently into HIS eternity. We trust in you Jesus. Give us the strength to carry our cross. Come holy spirit, our helper. Keep our children safe Lord during this school year and always.

  20. Good morning JC family. I wanted to let you know that my brother passed away yesterday. I was staying with him again for his last two days and was with him his for his last moments along with his son and my sister. Thank you all for all of your prayers. It was hard to communicate with him the last few days, so I am not totally sure if he made his peace with God, but many friends and family were praying for him as was this family and he heard from many of us that God was waiting for him to come back to him. I needed to remind myself that God saves, I don't. I have a sense of peace about it. He knew he was really loved. Our brother, who he was estanged from came to see him several times over the past few weeks.I can't tell if this will be the beginning of a healing process in the family. Thank you all again for your continued prayers.

    1. PEBGDesigns- Pleas accept my sincere condolences for your loss. I am Praying for God's strength and comfort for you and your family at this difficult time. May you and the family find refuge under the shadow of the God of all comfort (Parakletos).

      In continued prayers for you.

      God be with you.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Sincere condolences PEBGD. Joining Maplewood and all JC warriors in prayers for strength peace and comfort to you and your loved ones.

      Blessings from France

    3. God bless you and your family. His peace, love, and strength will comfort you during this time. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    4. PEBGD my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May the Peace of God cover and comfort you. JE

    5. God’s peace upon you, PEBGD. What wonderful love you showed to your brother as you walked him to our Father. Be cautious of earthly analysis on what was or was not happening near the end. The work of love cannot be analyzed because of its eternal nature. We just show it and God works through it. You did what God wanted you to do. Now He is in the hands of an all loving God. There is no safer place to be. Well done, good and faithful sibling. God be with you.

    6. Praying for you and your family!! ❤️❤️

    7. Prayers and peace for your family in this time of heartache. ❤️
      Matthew 11:28-30
      28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    8. Blessings. Condolences extended to you and your family 🙏🙏🙏

    9. PEBGDesigns - Sincere condolences in this time of heartache. Joining warriors in prayer for peace, strength and comfort for you and your loved ones.

    10. PEBGD, My heart goes out to you and your family. God knows your pain and sorrow. Praying that you led your brother to the Lord along with the rest of your praying family. I have no doubt he was aware of all of you surrounding him with love and prayers for his salvation. He knew he was loved. I pray his last word in his heart was Jesus. May God comfort your broken hearts. Much love.

    11. Our Dear PEBGDesigns, May your brother's Soul Rest In Peace. May Merciful Jesus, who is the only accurate reader of all hearts, step in as your brother's defence, testifying to all the good your brother did while in the body on this earth. My prayers for you and yours!

    12. My sincere condolences and prayers are with you, PEBGDesigns. May the Lord's love, peace, comfort and grace be with you and your family during this heartache, and may your brother Rest in Peace. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    13. PEBGDesigns, Still praying for your comfort. So hard to lose a loved one. God knows how you feel and is always with you to bring comfort to your heart.

    14. Dear PEBGDesigns, I’m sure you must be thinking of your dear brother. Continuing to pray for your comfort and for you and your family. We know God’s promises are true. Someday we’ll be reunited with our loved ones and able to look upon the Face of Jesus. Only then will our joy be full. The best is yet to come. May God continue to bless and keep you. Much love

  21. El Shaddai, Lord God Almighty, Thank You for a new day to refocus my attention on You. May the Holy Spirit teach me what it means to have faith in silence. Help me be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. You set all things in accordance to Your time, so please remind me to wait patiently, and find peace in Your plan. Forgive me and grant me the patience to await Your blessings upon my life and not question Your power. Thank You for all those waiting periods. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    We are impatient humans living in a hurried, fast pace world, wanting what we want when we want it right away. However, scriptures says that we learn some of life’s greatest lessons while we wait on God (Is. 64:4). God’s plan is to use those long waiting periods in our lives for our blessings if we allow Him.
    During our waiting periods, we experience God’s will and purpose in the things that concerns us the most. The scriptures says in Lamentations 3:25 that:“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. As we wait, He is works behind the scene for our good and for His glory (Rom.8:28). When we wait on Him in prayer, He rescues us and bless us with His favor, when we wait we win battles because He ensures our victory and keeps us from foolish mistakes (Prov.20:22). We see the fulfillment of our faith as we patiently wait (Is. 49:23). When it is all said and done, we are ultimately never put to shame, because He keeps His promises and never lets us down. Also during our waiting period, we see God working on our behalf (Is. 64:4). An amazing promise from the greatest Mediator who works on our behalf whether things go wrong or right.
    Waiting is one of the most difficult things in a Christian life, but also a rewarding aftermath and not wasted time. During our waiting period, God may change our circumstances or keep us in step with Himself while preparing us for His answer. Patience isn’t easy, but it also isn’t ours to create in ourselves. It is a fruit of the Spirit that God strongly desires His children to grow in. Our waiting time is His way of sifting our motives and strengthen our faith. Our loving Father ‘acts on behalf of those who wait for Him’!

    Dear Father, We ask the Holy Spirit to remind us daily to just sit with You and soak in the powerful wisdom available to us in Your Word. Periods of waiting often lead us to fear, and fear can chip away at our trust and faith. Yet, “what can mere mortals do to us? (Psalm 118:6). As we wait, You prepare us, strengthen us and build our faith. As each person wait on You for a need/answer etc.., we thank You for the testimonies to Your glory. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen. Thank you. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    2. So on point for me today,Maplewood! The waiting is the hardest part, but as I learn to see God more at work in my life when I am patient, it becomes fun for me instead of strifeful.
      "Patience isn’t easy, but it also isn’t ours to create in ourselves. It is a fruit of the Spirit that God strongly desires His children to grow in. Our waiting time is His way of sifting our motives and strengthen our faith. Our loving Father ‘acts on behalf of those who wait for Him’!"
      Word. Thank you Jesus, bless you all JC readers in the waiting room with me! ♥️🙏

    3. Brie inspired pun...patience in the waiting room 😁

    4. Such wonderful thoughts, twin bd sis, on waiting and patience. We live in a world that tells us we shouldn’t have to wait, that we should be able to have what we want now. That demonic thought is initially attractive but given the opportunity, it raises havoc in our soul. The truth of scripture which you so eloquently have explained must be a part of the armor of God mon ami has shared the past few days to ward off this demonic trick that seeks access to our soul. Thank you! God be with you, beloved twin bd sis!

    5. Thanks Maplewood NJ,
      Periods of waiting often lead us to fear, and fear can chip away at our trust and faith. So true for me as is the reverse. Lack of trust and faith allows fear's lies to equate waiting with abandonment.
      LOL, Audra! Loved it! Yes, we are Patients in His Waiting Room, impatiently awaiting His Holy Spirit's fruit of Patience!
      Among other things, I have tremendous difficulty digesting patience fruit, like eating green bananas at midnight. Yet, I want Him to be Patient with me! Lord Jesus help me. I do receive another perspective on patience when I read Deuteronomy 7: 21-22, in part...for the Lord your God is among you, and He is a great and awesome God. He casts out a little at a time ; He will not do it all at once, for if He did, then the wild animals would multiply too quickly and become dangeroos. He will do it gradually, yet He will deliver...Amen!
      Blessings to all our JC Family of Patients in this Prayer Warrior Waiting Room.

    6. Wonderful and tasty food for thought dear Maplewood and I loved our Family’s responses. Especially Audra’s “Patience in the waiting room”. I am most often like an impatient child and I rarely sit still. I try to produce way too much fruit each day and then find myself lying in bed so weary. Being patient is hard for me. But God reminds me to put on the brakes and Be still and know that He is God.,

    7. Thanks Maplewood this message is right on time. I feel like am running around like a headless chicken trying to find the perfect teaching job. But this message reminds me God has heard my prayer and He needs me to step back and wait patiently.

    8. Yes God has heard your prayer Min Ahadi. The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. He will reward you for your patience. Praying He closes all the wrong doors and opens wide the right one for you.

  22. zfuntastic and all those suffering from addiction, Jesus Calling's theme in today's devo simply states what God provides freely with His love: "I offer rest for your soul, as well as refreshment for your mind and body. As you increasingly find fulfillment in Me, other pleasures become less important."

    Generally, addictions and sin are simply human desires for pleasure gone awry. They end up hurting families and relationships by substituting our will for His. Seeking the Father and Son through the Spirit within us and in Him, can connect us to powerful forces of good, which can then lead and help us change the direction in our lives. I pray that zfuntastic and others who suffer from addiction have recovered by finding His grace. Godspeed. Gain peace in the Father, Son, and Spirit so that our sins can be overcome. Amen.

    1. Well said, brother MadFox! Zfuntastic mentioned he was really trying hard. Sometimes we can try too hard which can compound the problem. I have learned in the ordering of my own life, less effort in trying to overcome and more time spent in God’s love has done the good I have worked too hard on trying to accomplish. As you said, this is what the devotion for today is calling us to. Thanks, bro! You understand so well the need and are so good at making clear the solution. God be with you.

    2. Good advice Madfox! Our amazing God and His indwelling Spirit are a very present help for those suffering from addiction. The Lord has been tempted in all ways so He understands very well the weakness of the flesh. He can lead us all to withstand temptation and change the direction of our lives.

    3. Thanks for sharing Madfox . May God free us from the bondage of addiction.

    4. Dear MadFox. Your post was very meaningful for me today. We had our music Jam last night and we found out a dear friend who had started with our music Jam 18 years ago, had some mental health issues, and instead of going to a Therapist, he used drugs and alcohol to ease the pain. Well he met and married a lovely lady and had two beautiful children. He seemed to have it all. He was an incredibly gifted musician and teacher. But he continued on his downward spin. He didn't want his brother to help him or his family so he went as far as getting Orders of Protection against them. He left his wife and children a year ago and would not seek professional help. He was found dead all alone a couple of days ago. I was shocked and so upset. Last night we were remembering the sweet times we all shared. He was a very sweet man. It is such a shame he wouldn't let people help him out of his inner misery. Praying for his wife and children and his brother and parents. May he rest in peace.

    5. Jeanne I am so sorry for your loss. What heartbreak! 😥 Joining your prayers for his wife and family. ❤️

    6. Praying for all those who loved him, and praying he now knows how much. I'm learning the lesson of accepting help from the animals on the Ranch. Those who get into trouble and trust us enough to let us help them, live; those who don't, don't. Lord help us all, and may the soul of Jeanne's dear friend rest in peace. Amen.

    7. Missed your post last year Jeanne. Pray that your friend and that family are doing well. What a tragedy... Sadly, often we think that we have all the answers, and not only spurn God, but those who loves us. Godspeed. RiP.

  23. Your comments and prayers are such an encouragement to me. The example you all show in upholding each other in prayer blesses my soul.Thank you. I would like to ask for your prayers as I am in the position of making some decisions that will affect many people. I direct a Christian school and our state has put restrictions on us that are making it difficult to open come this Fall Closing affects teachers and families and I know some will be quite upset. I know that God is in control yet i keep coming back to holding on as if I’m the one in control. I am praying for wisdom and clarity .
    Learning to Trust

    1. Joining in prayers with everyone here for you and the school.

      Blessings from France

    2. Joining BFF and all JC family prayer warriors in praying for wisdom, guidance and discernment for you concerning the school. May God's will be done to His glory. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    3. Anonymous one year later I pray that God lead you to correct decision to make and that it was favourable one. Pray that the school is going well and that you are all keeping well.

    4. Joining Min Ahadi's prayer and praying God has guided your decision and things are going better in the school and in your life. Thank You Jesus!

    5. Dear Learning To Trust. I remember a later post from you with the decision that resolved itself and the school closed. You are still in our prayers What is your situation like today?

  24. Praying for God to share the reins with you and guide you to making the right decisions. You have a lot of responsibilities and you are not facing them alone. Praying for success, safety and fulfillment. Thanking God for making a Way in your wilderness for the good of all and to His great glory.

  25. Dear God, Only You can see all and know all that is best for the highest good of all concerned. We bring Anonymous' situation into Your Capable Hands, and leave it there. Help us to Patiently Trust You enough to Wait On You, The Generous Giver of Great and Glorious Gifts. Thanks in Advance for these and all of Your Blessings on our JC Family of Prayer Warriors. Amen

    1. The 5G Network (Generous Giver of Great and Glorious Gifts) is on the move in many Mighty ways, Alleluia!

  26. PEBGD..Sweet JESUS'S peace to you and your family during this bittersweet time.. "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them" MATTHEW 18:20 He is holding your beloved brother carrying you and yours through this. We love you and are praying.

  27. Reading Material or All God's Children who are impatiently waiting in God's Patient Waiting Room:
    Teach me to be patient.
    Teach me to go slow.
    Teach me how to wait on You
    For the way I am to go
    Teach me sweet forbearance
    Until things go alright
    So I can rest at peace in You
    Until I see Your Light
    Teach me to let go to God
    And remain at peace until
    My heart can feel Your inner peace
    And I know and do Your will. Amen.

    1. Amen Brie! The Greatest Teacher of our Heart is our God.

    2. Thanks Brie those words are so encouraging I will put them on my phone so I can read them as I wait for bus or in an office.

    3. Still loving your prayer Brie. We are all His students in need of His instruction every day.

  28. Learning to keep hope alive is easier when we know and believe God is trustworthy and has our best in mind. He’s never late and loves to surprise us with his “suddenlies”. Suddenly, after much waiting, God shows up and our breakthrough proves His goodness. Let’s be people who wait with wonder, expectancy, and anticipation.

    1. Amen Min Ahadi! Peace be with you.

    2. Awesome dear Min Ahadi! Waiting with you with childlike wonder what God has prepared just around the bend.

  29. For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height -- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:14-19).

    Father, thank You for always being there for me. I praise You Lord. Thank You Jesus.

  30. Just what I needed to read and pray. Thanks sweet Janet! God bless you always. <3

  31. “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me” (John 15:4).

    Most Loving Father, Please show me the things or people that stand in the way of intimacy with You, and please give me the strength to lay it down and disconnect for as long as You desire. I long to be closer to You, and what I desire most from You right now, is more of You, more of Your love, and to let You know that I’m in need of a deeper level of spiritual transformation that I have not experienced so far no matter what the cost. Thank You for the covenant agreement You made with each of us. The New Covenant that provides not just the better promises of eternal life for us, but also the spiritual help that is absolutely necessary in order for us to fulfill our part of the agreement. Your faithfulness to that covenant is without question. You are close to me and all I have to do is walk in Your light to see and experience Your power work in my life. I thank You for another day to experience Your faithfulness. I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen

    Our closeness with God begins with our longing for Him. May we find the level of closeness Jesus’ disciples experienced to Him:
    They experienced closeness when they take communion with Jesus before He is crucified. (Luke 22:12-20).
    They experienced closeness when He bends low to wash their feet. (John 13:1-17).
    They experienced closeness when He eats with them after His resurrection. (Luke 24:36-43).
    They experienced closeness when they were among the first to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-4)
    May the Lord remove any distraction we need to distance ourselves from so that we can grow closer to Him and receive His best.

    “Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23).

    “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water” (Hebrews 10:22).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. What an "ALL IN" commitment, sweet Maplewood NJ: "I long to be closer to You, and what I desire most from You right now, is more of You, more of Your love, and to let You know that I’m in need of a deeper level of spiritual transformation that I have not experienced so far no matter what the cost."
      So I asked myself, Selfie, Why are you holding back when we know know beyond the shadow of doubt that I have nothing, nothing, nothing If I don't have YOU, JESUS!

    2. Your prayer was filled with so much truth and it moved me to my heart and soul. I long always to grow closer to the Lord. I speak to Him through the day and I know He hears every word. Had my grandson with me most of the day. When I was lying by him trying to get him down for a nap, I was thanking Him for this beautiful grandson who is so sweet and good and perfect. He may act up sometimes but he loves me with such a genuine special love. God is so good to grant me with three wonderful grandsons and one coming on Sept 1st. I spent a lot of today showing Gabriel his baby pictures and explaining that when his brother comes he will have to be very careful with him and gentle.
      Amen Brie! Put every other thing aside and run with abandonment into the Arms of our Loving Father! He waits with Arms outstretched for us to put Him highest in our heart and seek Him with our heart, mind and soul.
      Thanks Maplewood!!! The Spirit is moving through you and filling us.

  32. Thank you so much for all of your comments on this blog, I read and digest each one. Patience is really difficult for me as I am a doer and a fixer of things. But this past year with my daughters health has taught me that God is good and He is in charge, and He wants to heal His people. Yesterday my daughter had a good scan at Mayo, her first postoperative, but a few shadows showed up on her liver, which was part of the surgery. Her doctor doesn’t think this is cancer but she goes back today for a ultrasound guided biopsy. Please pray with me that this is not cancer and that she can get clearance to go back to work as a teacher. She is so excited to do that. Thanks again for sustaining me and our family with your prayers!

    1. You and your daughters have got friends in praying places!

    2. Praying for a wonderful result of her ultrasound guided biopsy. Father, We trust you for this outcome and we thank you for granting her request to work as a teacher which you have been preparing her for. Love you dear Ellen. So happy to pray for you and your two daughters.

    3. Ellen I pray your daughter's biopsy went smoothly today and that the results are good. Continued prayers for her health and healing and peace in your waiting. Mindy

  33. Ellen- praying with you to our good good Abba Papa Father.

  34. Please continue to keep my friends in prayer. For acceptance of Gods will and strength to endure, as their son Joshua continues intensive chemo therapy. Today undergoing 30 hours of continues treatment! Mark, Kim and son Josh. Thank you everyone! Amen.

    1. Continuing to pray for Mark, Kim and their son Josh. May God strengthen and guide these good parents and their brave son. Thank You Father for destroying every last cancer cell in Josh's body and replacing them with healthy tissue and bringing him back to perfect health. You are Almighty and can do all things. We are trusting in You and thank You for Your faithfulness in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

    2. Thank you Jeanne, Your words are so sweet and so so comforting. They need it! May God bless you! Amen.

    3. Update on Josh: He continues to struggle with long term effects of his Cancer Treatment. Not sure but kind of in a remission of sorts. Currently completing a very radical diet change, that seems to be helping. Please keep Josh, as well as parents Mark & Kim in prayer. Pray that they accept Gods will in all of this. I pray for all of you to be blessed, that have prayed over the last year for Josh. Amen.

    4. Thank you for the update, will continue prayers declaring restored health for Josh and peace for his family.

  35. 🙏 all around the requests known and unknown 🙏

    1. Amen Audra praying for all ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen! Praying for all requests known and unknown. Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this Place. Thank You Jesus!

  36. Thanks Audra, I second that: my comments just went into "No man's land!" I would like to add praying for all who are going through, and their loved ones serious health issues and struggles be given correct guidance, fortitude,perseverance, and also lovecomfort for what they are going through.
    I'd also like to share my unusual walk today with my Australian cattle dog Sampson,(named for his namesake,because of his long hair, but spelled wrong, because I goofed up.)and Massie, my cattle dog. We were heading towards the main path, when I looked off to the side in the woods I saw a tiny, narrow path with a walking bridge: intrigued, we took it while listening ��to Karen Carpenter's song, "Close to you." Noticing a sign that said Paracourse station 1 with a leaning bench for sit ups. I told the dogs, "Ugh, Not for me!". We continued listening to more " Carpenter's songs, while still following the winding, narrow hilly path, with more "fun" opportunities of challenging things to not want to try like the chin up bars, and a bench for dip presses, half way through this path, came intersection for another main path, which I'd not encountered yet. Looking across the main path, once again, almost obscurely hidden by the grassy knolls, was our continuation of our path to take for the day. Finally, while listening to Karen Carpenter singing her rendition of the Rainbow ��Connection from the Muppet show, we came to the end of our our narrow path, and finishing up with the paracourse. Up ahead was a much wider double size side walk that curves around the trees and pops out into the sunshine close to the big parking lot. Chuckling to myself, and placing the dogs into my lime green car , which my son named Kiwi Serenity, I thanked God for my wonderful walk of "life" that simulated our journey towards his reward. It then came to me how I had several times in life would tell them, You know guys, if you were given a choice of picking your crosses in life, you wouldn't pick any of them! That's why we have them in life, to remind us who we need to lean on when there's trouble, and then you'll also appreciate life more in times when there's not. Thank for letting me share. Love to all.

    1. Thanks our dear sweet sister friend in Christ, Butterfly Love, for sharing The Long and Winding Road that always leads to His Door!

    2. Thanks dear Min Ahadi. I felt like I was walking with you as you described your surroundings so well. Karen Carpenter was one of my favorite singers and she always sang songs that made you feel good. So very true that we would never choose our crosses to bear. God allows them to mold us into strong and trusting believers. We know that no matter the circumstances, we are more than conquerors in Him. Thanks sweet sister.
      Brie I just love that Beatles song. You made me smile.

    3. Loved hearing your story, BL! (love the dogs you have as well! Such smart and wonderful dogs!) Those crosses God allows us to bear can be brutally tough but they do mold us into stronger people who then have such a story to share with others about the AWESOMENESS of our God! Thanks, again, for sharing!


    1. Praying right now. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

    2. Praying now for Lorraine. May God turn her condition around and heal her of Pneumonia, strengthen her lungs and bring her body back to better health. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. We wait on you in trust and faith. You are the Greatest Healer. Thank You for your faithful healing of Lorraine. Amen.

    3. Joining this mighty prayer chain of JC Warriors, CoG. Praying.

  38. Dear Lorraine, may your lungs again find joy for life in Jesus's name I pray.

  39. We pray for each other because we know we serve a good and faithful God who hears our prayers. Waiting on the Lord and trusting in His faithfulness and His promises. Please keep my twin sister Janet in your prayers. She had a series of tests and everything came out normal except that her heart rate is too low and she has been having palpitations and fluttering. She is being referred to a very good Cardiologist that will call her soon. Thanking God for leading her to all the help she needs to recover completely and also for healing my sister in Christ, Crystal's granddaughter, Savannah who fell while roller skating and broke her elbow. She had surgery on it and they put pins in it. Thanking God for protecting her elbow as it heals perfectly, leading my Sister to a perfect recovery and also for healing Jan's granddaughter who has Covid and for protecting the rest of her family from getting it, in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    1. Jeanne --- Joining you in prayers for all. Great love to you Jeanne and this AWESOME JCFAMILY/WARRIORS!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Felt that sweet love dear JJ. Thanks Sis.

    3. Jeanne, Praying for your sweet twin sis, Janet, for answers, peace and recovery. Mindy

    4. Thank you for all your prayers for Janet! They mean so much to me. Leaning on God’s faithfulness and trusting He will take good care of her.🙏

  40. My Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS --- Jusy want to lift up each one to The Throne of Grace. Father God, I just want to thank You that we are Heavily Armed Soldiers (with Your WORD), but we are also Heavenly Armed with Your Glory and with Your Name! I thank You, Father God, we have Your WORD and we have The Blood of Jesus! We have every tool, every weapon to fight against our adversary. Not only do we fight against them, but we WIN, and WIN BIG!!! HALLELUJAH!!! I thank You for the VICTORIES You have for each JCFAMILY---the VICTORIES instore they don't even know about. I Proclaim and Decree this day, they are Healed. They are Restored. They are Renewed. Father God, I just want to thank You for all that You have done for this Awe-Inspiring JCFAMILY, and all that You are doing, they don't even know about. I just want to Praise and thank You for Your Glory to fill this earth like the floodwaters covered the earth, in the days of Noah. I thank You that these are the days of VICTORY that lies ahead for My Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS! I ask it all in the name of Jesus, Our Promise Keeper and Waymaker, AMEN and AMEN,

    1. JJ- thank you for your post and the wisdom spoken. Blessing to you this beautiful day God as made.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Amen Amen Amen!

    3. Amen and Hallelujah!! Our God is so much greater! He is already busy answering our prayers and blessing us with more victories to celebrate together. Thank You Jesus! Praise Him with every breath!!

  41. Good morning JC Family. We move our first born to college today. I’m thankful he will only be an hour down the road. Please pray for our family as we hit this new stage. I know we all are going to miss him. His brother (11th grade) says he’s not going to miss him (brotherly love), but we know he will miss him very much. We are so excited for him, but this mom’s heart will be heavy as we leave him later today. I know God will be with us.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Your 'fledgling' is leaving the nest. Typically fledglings flutter off a short distance ( 1 hour away?) , then flutter back to the nest again. This is repeated again and again while the fledgling gains strength, eventually learning to feed and look after itself. We, as parents of our 'fledglings', as with the mother bird, watch with loving care over the one leaving the nest. But we can do more than just watch. We can commit our ' fledglings' to our loving Heavenly Father, who loved them and cares for them far more than we ever could do. So I pray God's covering over your 'fledgling', that he shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, that God's covering shall protect his mind, body and soul, that he shall heed the voice of the Holy Spirit and walk all the days of his life along the path God has marked out for him. In Jesus Precious loving Name, Amen.

    2. Joining in Peter’s prayer for your first born son and praying that God’s Hand will lead him to success, fulfillment, joy, peace and love in His presence. Amen. May his good decisions and the fruit he bears give much glory to his loving Father and make you and your family very proud.
      Thank God, he is only an hour away. I have a feeling you’ll see him much more than you think you will. My kids all got homesick in their first years. So happy for your joy and his excitement. When you love someone, you must let him go and trust God to bless and guide him, and keep him safe through life’s journey. He’s in the best if Hands.

    3. AMEN and AMEN to Peter and Jeanne' s prayers for SC Anonymous! A time to Let Go and Let God!!! Great Blessings and Love to your family, SC Anonymous! In His Grip of Grace --- JJ

    4. I remember the day and letting go when dropping off my only child to college 10 hours away. Trust. You can be responsible TO them but not FOR them. God's got this!

    5. Echoing these prayers over your first born learning to spread his wings. From one momma's heart to another, I pray for peace for you as you lift him up to take flight. They may physically go, but a momma's heart always has an invisible cord connected to our babies. Prayers for God's guidance as he takes flight. Mindy

    6. Amen! May God guide him always along the straight and narrow path.

    7. Thank you all so much for lifting my son up. Move in went smoothly yesterday. The rain held off, and South Carolina’s normal hot/humid temps this time a year were no where to be found. The temperature was pleasant.

      SC Anonymous

  42. Thank you heavenly Father for all your blessings. Todays JC entry is so so good. Steer me from worldly pleasures. Help me to stay always focused on the only thing that can return love. All idols of this world gives nothing in return , they only take! Help me to tap into the wellspring of your joy that is within me! Amen.

    1. Amen to that, dear ABC. Let us do our best to follow the Spirit instead of the flesh and not get distracted by this world and its trappings. Love your prayer. Help me to tap into the wellspring of your joy that is within me! Amen.

  43. Today's messages and comments and prayers are God's perfect timing. Our JC family is precious. Praise today for my daughter Chloe, her bladder surgery went well and seems to be helping. Also prayers as she is struggling emotionally with some anxiety and feeling stuck on what her future holds. She is definitely in God's waiting room, feeling lost and wanting to know which direction to go, and how to proceed in in a new relationship. She has a strong relationship w God, but her fear and anxiety are pulling hard, and she's hanging on by a thread. Prayers for strength for her to press into our heavenly father.
    Praises and prayers also for a decision in our coffee stand business. We have been led to a fantastic fit for a buyer! She was a former barista of mine and has her own stands and will aquire mine. Prayers for all of their funding and paperwork to be provided, and for smooth transition for us all. This will be a few months process to make full transition. I feel so at peace. Contined trust and guidance from God to stay on his timeline. Prayers to my JC family. Mindy

    1. Thanking God for His faithfulness. Chloe has been through so much. God knows every one of her weaknesses and even the ones she doesn't know. May He heal her in every way, especially spiritually. Praying God will guide the sale of your coffee stand business, and give you a smooth transition. I'm so glad your decision is giving you peace. God showed you the right path to take. He is so good and faithful. Hallelujah!
      Psalm 37:5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

  44. Honestly, I have been so busy with work and Fam, that I haven't been on much today. But I have prayed for each of you and yours. I'm listening to Mad Fox's song on the day he got his diagnosis. Love and prayers to all of you and yours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HznXBBCdBE

  45. Praying together with my dear JC Family for Suzanne and Jon, and for God’s peace, strength and faithfulness to cover them and the new family, and for complete healing of Makenna and dear Baby Westin! All will be well because we serve an Almighty and Faithful God!!! Thank You Father God in the powerful Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

    Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

    Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

    Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

    Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's

    1. Joining warriors in prayer for Suzanne, Jon, Makenna, Austin & Westin. May each of the sense the Holy Spirit attending to each of you according to the needs at hand. No one here can imagine what this family is going through. One thing is solid and sure, our God Who parted the waters is as powerful today to see you through this as He was then! Hallelujah & Amen!❤️🙏🌈

  46. Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. (Jeremiah 33:3). Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6). Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32).

  47. Blessed reading today, thank You Lord for Your continuing Presence.
    Blessèd are You, O LORD our God, King of the universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth.
    Who heals all our dis-eases,
    Who quenches our thirst with Living Water,
    Who satisfies our hunger with the Bread of Heaven.

  48. Isaiah 45:22-24
    22 “Turn to me and be saved,
    all you ends of the earth;
    for I am God, and there is no other.
    23 By myself I have sworn,
    my mouth has uttered in all integrity
    a word that will not be revoked:
    Before me every knee will bow;
    by me every tongue will swear.
    24 They will say of me, ‘In the Lord alone are deliverance and strength.’”

  49. Thank you all for your continuous prayers for my family. Yesterday morning Austin and Makenna were told they MIGHT be able to feed and MAYBE hold Westin when they returned yesterday evening. The NICU is closed from 4-7pm everyday for a heavy, deep cleaning and sterilization. When the returned, they learned another baby in the NICU had passed away and they had the entire NICU shut down. Thank the God Almighty that wasn't Westin who passed. Thank you, Jesus!!!! Today is another day.

    Your thoughts and prayers mean the world to Jon and me. Thank you!

    1. I am continuing prayers for you and yours and the family of the NICU baby who passed from this life to the next. May its soul, and the souls of all the faithfully departed, rest in peace. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. I stand with Brie in this prayer. All of my hope is in the name of Jesus, who changes everything.
      AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Joining your prayers dear sisters and continuing to pray for McKenna and Austin and Baby Westin and now the family of the baby who passed away. What a tragedy. May God rest that tiny soul in His sweet peace and wrap the sorrowful family in a soft blanket of love and comfort. Thank You Jesus.

    4. Joining in prayers with you all. May our heavenly Father touch that little one and strengthen him in His mighty power and give peace, strength, and healing to the families of the other baby that passed. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless all the little children!

  50. Suzanne. This happened in my area. The newborn who passed away was probably the little new born my church was praying for, who only weighed 1 pound and one ounce.

    1. So very sad. But God has that tiny baby in His loving Hands now and forever.

  51. You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes if mourning and clothed me with joy. Psalm 30:11

  52. You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy. Psalm 30:11

  53. Praying for your family, Suzanne. I think of my own husband who was 3 lbs, 3 oz in 1944 and all he has survived. God Bless little Westin (love his name!), Makenna and Austin, and you and your husband, Suzanne.
    Love and Blessings to each of you, Dear JC Family!

  54. Praying with you dear Norah for dear Suzanne and Jon and the family. Btw, I was only 3 pounds too, and my twin sister was 4. They never even knew I was in there until a half hour after Janet was delivered. Praying that Jon’s dear daughter Makenna and Austin can cradle little Westin in their arms and feed him soon! He needs their loving touch. God is with them all. Rest well, Norah and all our family here. I did too much at my Mom’s and taught an art class. Now I’m losing my voice! Trusting our Way Maker to make things right for all of us. Thank You Jesus. 🙏💗

  55. 'Waiting on My Presence keeps you connected to Me, aware of all that I offer you. If you feel any deficiency, you need to refocus your attention on Me. This is how you trust Me in the moments of your life.'

    I'm sure you all remembered praying for our grandson, Westin last year at this time. Such a stressful time and we almost lost him and our daughter Makenna. What a difference a year makes.

    Jon and I just got back from Midland, TX where Austin and Makenna were transferred from Johnson City, TN. We celebrated Westin's first birthday and with this little boy's personality, demeanor and blue eyes, you'd never know the rough start he had being in the NICU for 16 days. He is hitting all milestones on time. Praise God! What a difference a year makes.

    Thank you all for your prayers for our family. Every time I look into Westin's eyes, I see our glorious Father shining his glory on us. I wish I could send you all photos of Westin. He would steal your heart like he's stolen ours. What a difference a year makes.

    And for those of you who have Midland, TX on your bucket list.... don't bother. LOL. It is the armpit of Texas with only O&G everywhere you look but at least our family is only 9 hours away instead of 16. Praise God!

    Peace, my friends!

    1. Thank you for updates Suzanne. So good to hear the results of God's healing hands on this precious little one. I could feel the sheer joy, delight &, thanksgiving in your post. PTL! 🙌❤️

  56. SO lovely to get an update from you, Suzanne R.! I'm thrilled to hear of Westin's first Birthday and all of your blessings from Midland, TX...arm pitt of the world that it may be. lol!!
    God Bless all of you my JC Family. Jeanne, I hope and pray that you and your family are closer to VT. That your good Mom is in the best of Hands with Janet and Fam. Dear Brie, that you and Larry are sleeping peacefully - that Larry's breathing is the best. That you Dear Audra, all of you are in the palms of God's Hands. Going to bed a healthy, happy Woman of God, praying for each concern (Janet, JJ, Jan, Peter) and here I go - 'Stop naming, Norah! You will leave someone out!' Sleep sweet, Dear JC Fam. Wish I could share photos of my youngest Granddaughter who was over here tonight. What a GEM!! SO precious. So tired - heading to bed. God is on the Night Watch (please, Lord, not me, tonight!).

    1. Sweet Sleep Norah! So greatful for your prayers and blessings. Great Blessings on your family.
      Believing for your prayers to be answered in wonderful and amazing ways.

    2. I am blessed by your prayers Norah 🙏. Peace be with you!

    3. Praying sweet sleep surrounded you dear Norah. Our mold issue has caused some sleep issues for us. God is on it!

  57. Things are looking to get bumpy, so this is a protection prayer.

    My Father God, I thank you for your protection Father, that we find refuge under Your wings for it is written, "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I will trust." I thank You Father, that Your right hand is moving across the nations - revealing and shining Your glorious light on all lies and darkness!
    That you Lord are destroying the plans of the enemy, for it is written, "The Lord foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples.
    But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations!" HALLELUJAH! Thank You for the victory you have given me in Jesus' name against any form of attack - God has already won the battle. I rejoice and sing praise to You Father! Thank You that You ALWAYS causes us to triump and that we have the power in the Mighty Name of Jesus to take down our enemies. Praise the Lord that it is written, "that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and that we will shut the mouths of our accusers!" Our God is truly amazing and bless His Holy name! I Plead the Blood of Jesus over my beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS that there is a hedge of protection around them and their families. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over the United States of America and all of those You have called, anointed and appointed for such a time as this Father. God bless the nation of Israel and His promise land. Bless the nations that are looking to You, my Father God. You are the God who keeps us free! HALLELUJAH!!! I Pray and Believe in Jesus's Name, AMEN and AMEN

    1. Joining in prayer with you JJ 🙏. I Thank God for you and your prayers and encouragement. God bless!

    2. Hallelujah dear JJ! Right on! Bless you for this prayer of protection. Our shield is now fastened & we are poised offensively! Hallelujah!🙏🙏🙌❤️

  58. Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and billows have gone over me. The LORD will command His loving kindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me--A prayer to the God of my life. (Psalm 42:7-8).

  59. Phil 4:13” I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” Lord I pray this for kid #2 as he starts college classes today. I pray that he seeks You as this new journey begins. I pray that he remembers his faith and makes good choices and seeks You in the midst. Thank you that he is where his brother is and both are within an hour from home. I pray for protection for them both.

    Thank you for the next steps for my husband. Thank you for the direction from Cleveland Clinic and an appointment now set.

    Lifting up the JC Warriors today to you and thanking you for bringing us together in this blog.
    SC Anonymous

  60. In prayer dear SC for your two boys. With a prayer warrior for a mom those boys will be watched & protected by the Holy Spirit for sure, not to mention their angels! Be at peace mama. 🙏🙌❤️

  61. Thank you dear warriors. Your prayers are on the move for our mold i"ssue. They discovered moisture for sure & now we go to air testing. It's costly but God will provide & guide! Many thanks also for your prayers over the years for our daughter who after 12 yrs. Of estrangement is now living on our property to help us . Today we are celebrating her 50th after so many missed birthdays. Mama is cooking up her favorites. Like the prodigal son's return ," we shall serve the fatted calf!" God is faithful and good! Hallelujah!🙌🙌🙌❤️
