Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 20

I am a God who heals, I heal broken bodies, broken minds, broken hearts, broken lives, and broken relationships. My very Presence has immense healing powers. You cannot live close to Me without experiencing some degree of healing. However, it is also true that you have not because you ask not. You receive the healing that flows naturally from My Presence, whether you seek it or not. But there is more--much more--available to those who ask.
     The first step in receiving healing is to live ever so close to Me. The benefits of this practice are too numerous to list. As you grow more and more intimate with Me, I reveal My will to you more directly. When the time is right, I prompt you to ask for healing of some brokenness in you or in another person. The healing may be instantaneous, or it may be a process. That is up to Me. Your part is to trust Me fully and to thank Me for the restoration that has begun.
     I rarely heal all the brokenness in a person's life. Even My servant Paul was told, "My grace is sufficient for you," when he sought healing for the thorn in his flesh. Nevertheless, much healing is available to those whose lives are intimately interwoven with Mine. Ask, and you will receive.

Psalm 103:3
English Standard Version 

Who pardons all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases;
James 4:2
King James Version

Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
2 Corinthians 12:7-9
English Standard Version 

So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Matthew 7:7
English Standard Version

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you dear Lord for allowing me to be the beneficiary of your healing touch. Help me to know I am never too broken to not be healed. I pray that others also understand this, and be patient as the healing process is dictated from you Lord. Amen!

    1. Amen! Patience is the key!

    2. Amen thanks ABC we are never too damaged for God to repair look at Abraham, David, Paul, Peter , the woman at the well. God is the repairing business

    3. Amen! Still joining in your beautiful prayer.
      Father, I know I will never be too broken for You to heal me because with YOU, all things are possible.
      Amen Min Ahadi! He sure is in the repairing business!

    4. God says, You shall open your hand wide to your brother. When we care for the broken, we are caring for The Lord Jesus Christ Himself-He said so in Matthew 25. Just like seashells, some are whole, some are broken, and ALL are beautiful and valuable to God. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus Name! Amen.

    5. Urban beachcombing to see the beauty, thank you Holy Spirit!

  2. I pray for healing for 2 people in my family. Praise the Lord because he is the Great Physician.

  3. I pray everyday and ask for healing yet everyday day is worse when will he help me I want to be happy here on earth also I'm a good person and not worried at all when I die but if my life and problems dont get better and these thoughts dont go away I dont know what will happen.God why dont you help me I've been asking and have not received instead life is just worse. Please pray for my family

    1. I have found such comfort in a contemporary Christian radio station that I listen to! Sometimes when it seems that God isn’t there... I will find His message in the words of a song! Even though it sometimes feels like He is not there... I know He always is! I am praying!

    2. Is there something God's asked you to do and you didnt? I've felt like this exactly and it was because he told me to let go of something and I didn't listen. My life got crazy and by Joy was dwindling into nothing. And became a mess and I couldn't figure out why. I prayed and prayed and prayed and one day he finally just said I told you to let this person go and you didnt.. so when things get like you've described I ask him is there something I missed or misunderstood or just didn't do that you wanted me to do Lord. And if there is I ask forgiveness and I do what ever it may be and it's like mind blowing how much joy and peace I feel again once I've done it. I don't know you or what you do in life or anything but Jesus does ask him eventually in his time he will tell you. I'll pray for clarity and healing for you.

    3. For All God's Children who are impatiently waiting for His Healing in God's Patient Waiting Room:
      TEACH ME!
      Teach me to be patient.
      Teach me to go slow.
      Teach me how to wait on You
      For the way I am to go
      Teach me sweet forbearance
      Until things go alright
      So I can rest at peace in You
      Until I see Your Light
      Teach me to let go to God
      And remain at peace until
      My heart can feel Your inner peace
      And I know and do Your will. Amen.

    4. Beautiful prayer, Brie! I trust you Jesus. Thank you for the restoration in me! I so love you. ♥️✝️

    5. Thanks Brie! I will be a student of the Lord until my last breath. He is working on all of us every day molding us to His Own Image. I will let go and let Him continue His good work in me. Let us all be patient in the Lord.

    6. Amen! Anonymous, I often get messages from songs, ect. You never know where His messages will come from, but they will come and His timing is perfect and undeniable. PTL!
      Brie, beautiful prayer! I join all of you in lifting up Unknown. Don't lose hope. Pray and BELIEVE. God is faithful. I trust in you, Jesus! God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    7. Amen...God is not done with us and everyday He will teach us something so magnificent we will wonder how we missed it all along ......Helpus to lean on you Lord !

    8. Amen dear Min Ahadi! Even though I am in my 60's I look forward to seeing where God is guiding my path in my life. Every day He teaches me but I must keep my eyes focused on Him and my weary heart ready to receive. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!

    9. Wonderful comments above. One of the biggest things I think we all struggle with is “in His time, not ours.” Listening to Christian radio stations helps me. Reading JC and this blog helps me as I can relate to others and learn from them. Praying for each of you today that God grants healing, peace, patience, and answers.

      SC Anonymous

    10. And the same to you, SC! 🙏♥️✌️

  4. I’m sorry but God is with us even when we don’t feel it. Pray for his perfect will to be done and thank him while you’re waiting. Trust!! As Romans 8 especially 8:32 says if he gave his son what else won’t he do for you. Ask faithfully expecting to recieve it as well & I’ll keep you in my prayers!! You will recieve it

  5. A few years ago I was going through Chemo and radiation and was experiencing lots of nausea,skin pains and other ailments. I called my daughter and told her that I could not do another treatment that I was supposed to be having in a couple a days. That I was too overwhelmed and I was giving up. My daughter reminded me of the israelites who were starving in a desert and God rain down manna from heaven but told them to only collect and enough For that day. And if they collected anymore that it would rot. The next day those who collected more than a days worth it rotted. My daughter reminded me that God wanted them to come every day and pray to Him instead of once a week. That He would give me just enough for that day.
    I learned to go to him each day and ask for healing and strength for just that day.
    Exodus 16:1-20

    1. Wow, PeasForChickens, you have opened my eyes to a whole new loving mind-blowing facet of Pur Savior! God bless ypu, and All Glory to Him!

    2. Mine too that is sooooooo good! :)

    3. Wow! He provides just enough light for the step I'm on! Thanks to your daughter for reminding us of His Word,
      and to you for sharing, PFC,
      To God be the Glory.

    4. Oh Peasforchicken thank you for blessing my heart ....God wants us to focus on Today Matthew 6:34 is “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Let us not be in too much of a rush , ask God for grace and guidance for today !

    5. Amen. We must come to Him each day to be renewed, refreshed, guided, comforted and molded. I too tend to rush through all my errands and when the smoke clears, I thank Him for helping me to accomplish what I need. But sometimes right in the middle of everything, I tell Him I know He is with me and I feel Him. Then every task seems a little easier because He is working right along side me.

    6. Thank you for sharing Peasforchickens. Today's JC and your post are just what I needed this morning. He is an on time God! I praise Him. I am preparing for a total hysterevtomy in two weeks and we do not know after that. I will always carry with me what your daughter taught you about the manna. I want to thank all of you for praying for me and hope you will continue.

    7. Sure do miss you Peas for Chickens. ❤️

    8. Thank you Father for the smoke so when it clears we will sing praises to your glory!

  6. Good morning Lord. Good morning JC family. I want to thank you for my new family of prayer warriors..we prayed and you have answered. Amen! Amen! My daughter goes home tomorrow..Jairo is breathing on his own and eating like a little warrior. I know Lord that you are holding him in the palms of your hands and I thank you. Jan you are such a comfort and your prayers fill me with an overwhelming peace. Lord pour your peace over my friends; we know you are listening to our prayers and we know that through our weakness and fears and struggles and only with your amazing grace we will feel you and be strong. We love you Jesus; we need you; thank you for loving us unconditionally.

    1. God be praised Loveconquersall! Your little warrior & daughter is living proof of our God's everlasting love. May He's everlasting arms continue to enfold them, strengthened them & prosper them in health & wholeness as Jairo grows according to your will & good pleasure. Blessings to your family🥰

    2. Joining Jan in praise to the Lord for Loveconquersall's family. Wonderful testimony!! The Lord shows Himself strong with His love, grace and mercy! Great blessings to your family!

    3. May God bless Jairo and his family !

    4. Still praying for little Jairo and his Mom. I believe they have seen His faithfulness and are doing much better. Thank You Jesus!

  7. A new day. Thank you, Father! Sweet sleep and kinks getting worked out of this 'ol bod! Jan Gridley, you made me laugh because your prayer was EXACTLY mine Sunday night! "Just knock me out, Father! I need deep sleep, if only for an hour!" HA HA!! My day yesterday was non-stop and I hurt my shoulder by rushing too much, lifting too much. Then last night, my ladies surprised me with lovely early-birthday blessings. A couple of us have birthdays this month and we were going to celebrate next week - all of them. They decided I needed an extra boost and celebrated me last night. It was balm to my soul. We laughed and prayed together (we are all going through degrees of the same thing...age?) and I slept like a baby. Speaking of: Loveconquersall - I get excited to hear of your little man's progress and what a blessing to hear how well he and your daughter are doing. zfuntastic: I'm praying with you and for you, your Doctor, your desire to make the necessary changes to ge healthy again. Like Suzanne said: 'we truly are your prayer warriors AND your nationwide accountability team' - loved that! All of these prayers, boosts of energy and reminders of promises made me think of Proverbs 25:11 "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver." ESV Blessings JC Family - have a great day. Prayers for all of you and yours. We are asking and He is supplying.

  8. This reading feels like it is personally for me. I'm sorry for sounding selfish. I have reached out to several of my AA contacts. I've not heard back. I'm not giving up but I don't think I can do this alone. Today I will reach out to others. I need help.

    1. zfuntastic - you have the right attitude. Never give up. There is always hope and a new light. It will come. The Lord is always with you and so are your JC warriors! we are praying along side of you. Keep the faith. KS

    2. zfuntastic, Not selfish! The reading, words and message is gift. We all need to open our hearts to the gifts of the spirit. It "touches" you because you need it. It touches others because they need it. That is the beauty of the gift/message. One hour at a time. Amen

    3. Zfuntastic, the JC warriors are on the move for you, we are storming heaven's gates for you! We cheer you on for every step you take towards recovery. If you happen to slip & fall the NAT (national accountability team) according to the power of the Holy Spirit will pick you right back up, dust you off & gently prod you back on. The angels in heaven are shouting "Hallelujahs"! For every step of the way to victory! God is for you & love you. JC family loves you🥰.

    4. JAN - YOUR PRAYER IS MY PRAYER. JC Family is in a battle, right on the front lines!!

    5. Love the NAT, Jan! And Zfuntastic, it's true! Keep going. Keep reaching out. The more prayer warriors and accountability support you have around you, the better. Baby steps!

    6. Zfuntastic --- Wow! Look at all the PRAYER WARRIORS storming heaven's gates in your behalf.(LOVE the picture that generates Jan). Praise the Lord, praise the Lord for ALL the PRAYER WARRIORS!! May the Lord give great wisdom and strength to each--those posting and those reading--for Interceding. Zfuntastic, the Lord is by your side and we are excited for EVERY step you take. Be of courage, you are loved!

    7. Praying for you Zfuntastic . May God give you peace and strength as you overcome the addiction and may he provide you with an accountable friend who will walk beside. Lean on Jesus love , he is there for you!

    8. Dear Zfuntastic. Your faith journey and good fruit inspire me. You have come such a long way and it is all to God's glory. Halleluia!

    9. So proud of you Z, and grateful for all God reveals to you!! ❤️

    10. See all the prayerz for you Z, like our God, full of love neverending. You've got this because He's got you

  9. Psalm 5:3
    In the morning O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests (JC Family) before you and wait in expectation.

    The sweetest time of the day is when we pray - because we are talking to the ONE who loves us the most and listens to every word. Can I get an Amen? AMEN!!!!!!!!

    1. AMEN!!!! Love you Sassy Mom🥰

    2. Sassy Mom---A loud Amen and Amen!!!

    3. AMEN AMEN..glory and praise to our lord and savior!!

    4. Amen and Amen! The solution to every situation!

    5. Amen and amen . The other day i was out shopping and I kept saying Jesus Jesus under my breathe...its so lovely to know that He is always with us !

    6. Still love that Sassy Mom! Thank you and Amen! Praise and gratitude to the Most High.
      Dear Min, Amen! That is the sweetest most precious prayer: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

    7. I say Jesus under my breath all day long. The masks make it more between me and him and not thinking people are wondering if I’m taking to myself all of the time. I still do it though even when I’m pretty sure people are wondering who I am talking to when I repeatedly put my shoes on, sit in a chair, pull my hair up, walk out of the bathroom, park my car, or put my bra on. I struggle with ocd anxiety and adhd and im constantly trying to correct things if it doesn’t feel right. I read you are to whisper Jesus’s name with child like faith as many times as you need to. It’s changed my life. Jesus is so good! It’s just staying focused on him that is super important

  10. Pamela K, where are you. I'm missing your post. Is everything ok?

  11. MISSING Maplewood too!!!!!!! Praying everything is ok.

  12. Calling all JC Prayer WARRIORS to pray for Pamela K and Maplewood. There have been no posts from Maplewood since August 16.

    1. Sassy Mom, Jan --- Thank you so much for watching out for our fellow PRAYER WARRIORS! Prayers, prayer, prayers are on the way! Just can't say enough awesome things about JC PRAYER WARRIORS! The Lord has done such an incredible 'work' at this site. We are standing on HOLY GROUND!

  13. Zfuntastic. Addiction is a very real challenge in this life with setbacks and victories. It is my experience with this in my family, our church's ministry, or work, that setbacks continue to occur until the addict hits absolute bottom and becomes a person of faith. The despair and loss of friends, family members, and jobs, is sadly one part of this process. My prayer for you is that God brings men and women into your local life in the days ahead who can love, help, and cherish you as God does. He loves you and weeps at your despair.

    All we here can do (virtually) is pray, encourage and be a NAT! Accountability is challenging via a digital world, you must find someone locally who can assist in keeping you sober and Godly. We can pray and try to help you gain peace only by responding to your comments. So, just be sure as you focus on sobriety that you also become the best follower of Christ you can be both online and to your family, friends, and those ministering to you locally. May you be healed spiritually, physically, and emotionally soon. Godspeed Brother, may He give you peace.

    1. Madfox you are so right. I've lost family (divorce) friends and employment due to my addiction. I'm at my third bottom I'm 55 years old. I don't know how much deeper I can go. I am praying for mercy and trying to do the right thing. I'm scared.

    2. Zfuntastic. I'm not a pastor nor a therapist... just someone who has lived in a family touched by addiction and worshipped alongside men who are struggling in our church's outreach ministry. I can only offer more "words" to you. And you have heard them before since you are in a third bottom at age 55. It's a message from experience.

      You and you alone have got to start the path back by a decision to help yourself and to truly change. God, those who minister in shelters, and counsellors at AA can only help those who will honestly stop consumption, detach from their current circle of 'friends', and adhere without exception to the 12 step program. I've only seen recovery when the person creates an environment of community that literally enables them to live nearly perfectly in the 12 step program. Yes nearly perfectly. A tall order but as you know, the devil of addiction is that one drink and the spiral can start anew.

      Father, please give zfuntastic new strength... to not take that next drink and find him a mentor and friends who can minister to him in ways just not possible in a blog. Grant him peace that will stop the losing battle of thinking the past matters. Mistakes, family guilt, past sins are irrelevant. Life in Christ is today and tomorrow (even if we don't wake in the morning!). Sober and on the path of recovery for zfuntastic TODAY so he can have peace tomorrow. In Your Son's name. Amen

    3. Amen MadFox. The only way out is through the Higher Power! When the Addiction has weakened us, the He is stronger in us. Relinquish all to Him. A tall order but He can do it if we allow Him to work His Sovereighnty over our life.

    4. Amen! The flesh is so weak but the strength of the Spirit is without limit. Sometimes you must slide to the bottom in order to get up but His Unchanging Hand is always there to grab hold of. He is mighty to save.

    5. Wonderful and sincere encouragement dear MadFox! God is the strength when we are weak. He helps us to take the narrow path that leads to His glory. He is our constant Helper. Even when we slide, He lifts us back up, brushes us off with love and sets us back on the right road.
      Brie, Amen He can always help us, but we must allow Him to work His power over our life.

  14. For 3 years I have found solace, peace, encouragement, relief and tears while following this blog. I never comment - only read and reflect. It is a family. God bless Chris and his community. You are all Guardian Angels....

    1. Unkown---So thrilled for your post! This JC FAMILY puts our loving arms around you and say "Welcome JC WARRIOR!" May the Lord bless you richly and give you unusual favor with anyone that looks upon you. Thanks again for sharing.

    2. Welcome! The more prayer Warriors there are, the better it is for all of us Prayer Warriors who are.

    3. Amen Unknown! We are truly a prayer Family standing together on the Cornerstone that never crumbles. God bless Chris and all my brothers and sisters here. You mean so much to me and my life. We are of one accord and understand each other well. God is in the midst of us and we all strive to stay in His presence and favor.

    4. We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
      We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
      And we pray that our unity will one day be restored
      And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
      Yeah they'll know we are Christians by our love

      We will work with each other, we will work side by side
      We will work with each other, we will work side by side
      And we'll guard each man's dignity and save each man's pride
      And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
      Yeah, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

    5. Love that song sweet Brie! We sing it in our Choir! Thanks for bringing the words to my mind and heart!

    6. I am also so grateful for this new family...I love how we can be honest and dont have to sugar coat our issues ! God is faithful and I have seen Him answer prayes in this group again and again. Whata mighty God we serve

    7. Love you all too! And I am lifted high from God's Word and your beautiful and sincere posts and prayers. Thank you Chris for making this happen. Thank you Sarah for your spirit filled devotions and thank you brother and sisters for sharing your hearts and faith every day.
      Amen Min Ahadi! I have seen His faithfulness in this Place so many times. He sure is Almighty, merciful and forever faithful.

    8. Here's to you, Christians one and all

    9. I love the version of the song you posted, Audra ♥️
      Yes CHRISTians always begin with CHRIST! ♥️

  15. I found an AA friend locally who responded to me. My original sponsor and other contacts were not able to respond. It is understandable because I was out contact for over a year. I had 2 years of sobriety then stopped going to meetings, stopped doing service work and eventually ended up with anxiety, depression and thought I could control self medicating with alcohol. What a terrible decision. I opened the door to Satan (alcohol) and was seduced into hell. It is my fault. I chose wrong. The anguish I feel is difficult to explain. I should have known better. Fortunately, I have made a commitment to someone locally (a Christian) who is willing to drive me to meetings. The process has started but I'm reminded about baby steps. Thank you all for your powerful prayers for me. It has made a difference. I am making commitment to follow through. Thank you All.

  16. I have reached a point where I realize I should be more grateful. God has blessed me in so many ways and I wallow in self pity. I need to be stronger. Thanks again to all of your prayers.

    1. I responded to your comments above. Peace.

    2. Mad Fox--- So thankful for your thoughtful and competent response to Zfuntastic. Thank you for sharing. I am sure the response will be a great help and encouragement to many!

    3. very kind. my prayer as well. sadly, my comments are AA and AL-Anon processes guided by experience with co-workers, congregants, and a family member. it is a long and challenging road for all struggling with addiction.

    4. MadFox--- For my way of thinking, some of the best help comes from people who have been through the 'fire' and are willing to share their knowledge. So appreciate your well said posts. Great blessings to you!

  17. Similarly to unknown earlier, I have been reading this blog for a while.I just started commenting briefly. The Jesus Calling book by Sarah Young has been very helpful to me and this blog takes that inspiration to the next level. THANK YOU to ALL of the JC PRAYER WARRIORS! You are an AMAZING GROUP OF PEOPLE! You are helping me through some difficult times behind the scenes. Blessings and prayers for each one of you! CO

    1. CO--- So grateful for your posts. I recall several of your post being very uplifting to me. Wecome, welcome you JC WARRIOR! I covet all your blessings and prayers. The Lord's great blessings upon you, and may you find unusual favor with anyone that looks upon you!

    2. Thank you so much, JJ! Means more than I can say. CO

    3. Amen and Amen CO, JJ. We are here for God's glory and for the encouragment and blessings of each other. God guides us each day to shine our light to those in darkness and we are all in need of God's light in our uncertain days.

  18. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me, thank You for healing me in every area of my life and thank You for giving me those things that I ask for that are according to Your will and not giving me what is out of Your will. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

    Today’s devotion is full of ALL good stuff!
    “I AM THE GOD WHO HEALS”= Here we find God describing Himself as the ‘God who heals’ Exodus 15:26 says: “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”
    Jehovah Rapha is one of the most powerful and precious names that God ascribes to Himself. It is powerful because He says:“I am”, a revelation of who and what(something) He is by nature. Yes, whether its physical, emotional, or psychological healing you need, you have one great Healer!

    “MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU”= Ah, God's great grace that pardons and cleanse within, His grace that we don't deserve, but yet is the source of His unconditional love for us! The Psalmist refers to it as: “His great Love”(Psalm 106:45) for us! Because He loves us so much, “many times He delivered them”(v.43). “He heard their cry”(v.44). In 2 Corinthians 12:7-8, we learned that whatever thorn was in the Apostle Paul’s flesh, he pleaded 3 times with the Lord to remove it. But God replied to him saying, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’ (v.9). Sometimes when things go well, we are tempted to be self-reliant, but Paul knew he had to be totally dependent on the Lord. Whatever we are experiencing in our lives, lets remember that we also have to become utterly dependent on the Lord. Christ’s power rests on us (v.9). His power is made perfect in our weakness and God's grace is indeed sufficient for us!

    “ASK, AND YOU WILL RECEIVE”= and “our joy will be complete”(John 16:24). Does this mean that anything we ask for we will get? Absolutely not! God is not One to serve our every whim! Jesus went on to say in Matthew 7 that God will not fail to give His children good things. But there is a condition to the promise of “ask and receive”: what we ask for must be good in God’s estimation and will. Another condition is ’asking’ in Jesus’ name and He will do it (John 14:14). “If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” However, our requests must be congruent with the will of our Father. He will always give us good things, but our responsibility is to understand what is good, so that we know what to ask Him for.

    Loving Father, We give You thanks for the overflowing generosity of Your grace for us. Thank You for health and healing when we are sick and or broken and thank You for our needs that You meet to glorify You.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    Sassy Mom- reading your concern about my where about last year around this time, is just another reminder of how blessed I am/all of us are, as a body of believers praying for each other. It warms my heart! I had traveled, I believe. Thank You and God bless you!

    1. Amen!! Thank you Maplewood! What a wonderful God we serve! Praising the Lord for His never ending love, grace, mercy and everything He is.����❤

      "Amazing grace, How sweet the sound
      That saved a wretch like me.
      I once was lost, but now I am found,
      Was blind, but now I see."

      Blessings from France

    2. My reply to these wonderful thoughts is below. Forgot to hit reply so it could be here.

    3. Amen Maplewood! We are so blessed to have the Greatest Healer and the Giver of Grace as our God. We are always asking for healing for ourselves, our loved ones, friends, family and all those who need healing and prayers. God hears all our prayers but we must not lose faith when our prayers are not answered. He is only affirming His will and we can't see how He is working behind the scenes. He knows far better than us who needs healing and who doesn't. He may be bringing someone to Him in Spirit but leaving their body broken for His own reasons. Sometimes He sees people need their sins to be forgiven far more than they need physical healing. He may be healing their hearts and souls inwardly, and we just see what our human eyes see, so we think our prayers are being unanswered. He knows better and for Him Healing means bringing people closer to Him which may require further suffering. Let us Trust what we can't see and continue to rest in the Lord and the future He is writing for us.

    4. Thank God for God and for Maplewood and for All God's Prayer Warriors who share Him.

    5. Thank you Maplewood . Its is so assuring to know that God declares Himself to be our Great Physician. He mends us, cures us, repairs us, and makes us whole. He is the one who created us and He desires for us to walk in His divine health. How wonderful it is that one of the most important things that God wanted us to know about Him was that He is a healer.

  19. “I am the God who heals!” What powerful life-giving words. No one but you, Papa! You have all power and authority. You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are the beginning and the end. You are the way the truth, and the life. There is no one like you. You are the king of kings! You are the Lord of lords! We worship you! We pray for healing today. We pray you would heal hearts in our cuties, states, country, and world. Our world is desperate for you, Papa! We need you to shift our focus and change our hearts. Help us to love like you love! Help our hearts to grow in their capacity to love like you do.

    Zfuntastic- I wonder where you are now? I pray God’s healing in your life. You had such transformation here. You prayed/ commented a year ago with such humility. I hope you are well and reaching out to others!!

    Today, please pray for our daughter, Katie. She begins her third year teaching 8th grade English in an inner city school. They are not requiring masks for students. They are not allowing lockers so students will bring their backpacks into the classroom. She is a great teacher. But she is fearful. And she is losing hope. Please pray. Thank you.

    1. Your prayer is mine GraceTakesTime! I also wonder where is zfuntastic and pray for him.
      Declaring peace, wisdom, safety hope and strength for Katie, as well as protection upon kids, students and teachers going back to school. May the Lord bless our nations. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

      Blessings from France

    2. As we pray for Zfuntastic, we are praying for all of you like him who share similar struggles. We invite you to join us for we are all heading home and it is wise to travel together. None of us are better than anyone else on this journey. From a spiritual perspective, we all look alike. We are merely beggars telling other beggars where to find the food.

      Praying for Katie, GTT. I think our teachers are the next line of heroes for which we should all be grateful.

    3. I, too, am praying for Katie, giving thanks for Maplewood's powerfully sweet words and have also had Zfuntastic in my prayers.

    4. Amen GraceTakesTime! Beautiful words of truth! Continuing to pray for Zfuntastic. Praying now for Katie for God's Hedge of Protection, peace and guidance, as she serves Him teaching His children. The world desperately needs God's healing right now more than ever. We are all the same, and we in our JC Family are sitting together in the same boat. He is the light at the end of the tunnel that we always have our eyes on. We are in a wilderness. Yet He continues to guide our steps in the dark. We are praying together for His amazing healing of every weakness in ourselves, our loved ones, our friends, all those on our prayer lists, those governing us, those mourning, those suffering and those who do not know Jesus. May the Lord bless us and keep us. Believe the best is yet to come and rest in that Truth.

    5. Joining my Voice to echo all of the prayers above. Praying for Katie's safety along with safety prayers for all teachers, students,administrators,essential workers, decision makers, etc. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Yes and Thank You Bob...We are merely beggars telling other beggars where to find the food...
      I can hardly wait to hear about and learn from the food you found while on your journey during your leave of absence from posting. Love you and our entire JC Family.

  20. Also- learning to trust, from your request, yesterday, praying for unity in your decision and for James’ wisdom and confidence as you move forward.

    1. Does anyone else have times when certain scripture is pointed out to you and then confirmed by someone else pointing you to that same scripture?
      Dear Grace Takes Time,
      In regards to the prayer I requested yesterday regarding reopening our Christian school... Someone else has just pointed me to focus on James! Coincidence? Thank you for your prayers. Your continued prayers to seek, trust and find God’s direction is appreciated. Some big decisions need to be made by the beginning of next week.
      Learning to Trust

    2. Yes! Confirmation is received all the time, Anoymous Learning To Trust. Those coincidences are really Godincidences or Divine Appointments. Thank God for God!

  21. So well stated, twin bd sis!

    I AM THE GOD WHO HEALS: in this life according to His will; in eternity, absolute, complete and forever. He is the God who heals. A look at the cross affirms that truth.

    MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU: yes, Paul’s experience is a truth to be embraced. Without a thorn in the flesh (a particular weakness), the back door would be left open where pride will slip in; it is the worst of the 7 deadly sins for it completely separates us from God.

    ASK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE: you all are such great prayer warriors, I’m learning a lot from you. Thank you!

    Thanks for a well thought out post, twin bd sis! God be with you.

    1. Bob, Thank you for your insight. I'm learning a lot from you. God bless you! Thanks for sharing your wisdom from above.

    2. Ah my bday twin, You teach me more! Can't wait for your full insights return!
      Always a blessing to come here in the mornings and evenings to read and pray. Blessed to be part of this body!

      God is too GOOD ohhh!

      Maplewood NJ

      You're the God who stays
      You're the one who runs in my direction
      When the whole world walks away
      You're the God who stands
      With wide open arms
      And You tell me nothing I have ever done can separate my heart
      From the God who stays!

    4. Love that promise-filled song, Brie!!!! Thank you.

    5. Thanks for those words of comfort and truth! You just filled my coffee cup to the brim with some sweetness that I will savor. Much love!

    6. Thanks Bob so encouraged ! Brie i like th way you are always equipped with a song .....will please lead the praise and worship service one day on this Blog ? it can be a celebration service !

    7. Amen! Brie always has a song in her heart and pocket, and she is so generous to share that wealth for the satisfaction of our souls.

    8. I have so enjoyed building a playlist from songs mentioned here, Brie is my go to ♥️ Might be starting to see repeats, certainly not a bad thing 😉


  22. I love this! God is a healer. He is healing at this minute, hour, day, my precious daughter with stage 4 colon cancer. She is at Mayo Clinic right now for her first pet scan after 4 chemo sessions. Please join me in praying for great results, hope and encouragement for her and for us. Thank you, blessings and healing to all of you.

    1. Joining your heart in prayer, Ellen, for your daughter. Lord God, out of love we pray for Ellen’s daughter, praying for great results, hope, and encouragement for all. Because of love, we could ask for no less. Be with Ellen in her heartache for her child. Amen.

    2. Praying for your dear daughter Ellen and for your peace of mind. God is so merciful and kind. May her test results be good and may you soon be rejoicing.

    3. Ellen- Great to hear from you again! A perfect message and reminder for you in today's devotion. He is telling you Ellen, to hold onto His hand, for He is JEHOVAH RAPHA, your HEALER!

      In continued prayers for Your precious daughter.

      God is with you.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Ellen - Joining Warriors in prayer for you and your precious daughter.

    5. Joining in prayers for you, your daughter and loved ones. Declaring healing upon your daughter in Jesus Name. Amen

      Blessings from France

    6. Joining in prayer to The God Who Heals, Saves, and Stays.

    7. Ellen, joining JC prayer warriors in lifting up your precious daughter to our Heavenly Father who heals. May God bless you and your family with strength, peace, comfort, hope, and grace. God holds your daughter in the palm of His hand. God be with you.

      "You are here, moving in our midst
      I worship You
      I worship You
      You are here, working in this place
      I worship You
      I worship You

      You are
      Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper
      Light in the darkness
      My God, that is who You are
      You are
      Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper
      Light in the darkness
      My God, that is who You are

      You are here, touching every heart
      I worship You
      I worship You
      You are here, healing every heart
      Healing every heart
      Oh, I worship You
      Jesus, I worship You
      You're turning lives around
      You are here, oh, turning lives around
      I worship You
      I worship You
      You mended every heart
      You are here, and You are mending every heart
      I worship You, yeah
      I worship You

      Oh, His name is above
      His name is above depression
      his name is above loneliness
      Oh, His name is above disease
      His name is above cancer
      His name is above every other name
      Yes it is
      Yes it is

      Even when I don't see it, You're working
      Even when I don't feel it, You're working
      You never stop, You never stop working
      You never stop, You never stop working"


      Blessings from California

    8. Amen dear Rose! Beautiful words! Waiting patiently on the Way Maker.l to make all things right.

    9. Praying for your daughter Ellen and anybody else in our family who is not feeling well. Jesus, you control all the parts of our bodies, and you know when they’re not working at their best. Sickness leaves them stressed and steals time from all the things they want to be doing. Lord. no one likes to be sick. But times like this also make our aling friends rest in you, so we thank you for this chance simply to wait on you.

      I come to you today asking for your touch, Lord. Help our friends to be patient and allow you to do your work. If doctors are involved, give them wisdom, and thank you for providing the help they need, however you choose to provide. Whether this is a test, or simply a time to trust, ma ytheir response to honor you.

    10. Praying with you Min for Ellen's daughter that she gets good results and those shadows will be nothing to be concerned about. Thank YOU Jesus!
      Beautiful prayer. Amen

    11. Your prayer becomes mine, Min Ahadi, as we trust and wait on the will of God to manifest before our eyes.

    12. Waymaker

  23. Update on clergy couple, recently Pastor Mike had a significant turn for the better and his lungs are obtaining significant oxygen for his body on their own. He has been moved to rehab (again) to regain his strength that was lost lying in a bed the past six weeks. Thank you, prayer warriors!

    1. Thank you for that update, Bob. I'm blessed to hear of one more victory! I love to hear of answered prayers. God is so faithful.

    2. Bob- Yes, yes, yes! Great news! Thank You JESUS! The song of praise says:

      Everybody sing, glory to His name, everybody say glory to His name.. glory to His name..oh, oh..., glory to His name!

      In continued prayer with thanksgiving for Pastor and family.

      God bless you brother!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. HALLELUJAH!!!! Rejoicing in this great news! Your post made me smile from ear to ear. Thank you Lord for healing Pastor Mike.
      The Praise is yours Jehovah Rapha!

      Blessings from France

    4. Thank You, God for yet another Victory Report!

    5. Bob, thank you for the Praise report. Giving God all the Praise and Glory for every step forward, no matter the size, in your Pastor's health and recovery. Praying for continued healing and a successful rehab. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

  24. Prayers for Ellen and that she receives a good report. Celebrating the healing of Pastor Mike! My hub and I have been praying for a friend of ours and his wife sent a video of him on the riding mower. Thank You, Lord!

  25. JC Family, our sweet Aunt Mary Anna passed away Tuesday. Her service is today. I have tried multiple times to post and had given up, after repeated tries, but today it worked!
    Please keep her family in your prayers. It is a beautiful day today and we draw strength from Our Father. Our family will get together after the service, which is another blessing. The sibs are getting along and for that my hub and I are so thankful.
    Also asking for prayers for a dear friend's dad. I'll just call him Pop on here. Waiting on a diagnosis and game plan. He is 83.
    Love, Blessings and Prayers to and for each of you. We are a rich family of believers and I'm forever thankful for each of you.

    1. Oh Norah, I'm so sorry. God wanted her Home so in His mercy, He lifted her up out of her pain and misery to rest with Him. Praying for Aunt Mary Anna's family. May God comfort their broken hearts. She is in a far better place now and she will finally get to look on the beautiful Face of Jesus! May God guide your family to a renewed strength of faith and a harmony of Spirit. Putting Pop on my prayer list. Praying his diagnosis will be a good one. So thankful for having you as a dear Sister! God bless you and comfort your sorrowful heart.

    2. Dear Norah- so sorry to hear about Aunt Mary Anna's passing! Let us not lean on our own understanding, but His! Praying the comfort and strength of Jehovah Uzzi will rest upon you and her family! God bless you for praying and requesting prayers for her!

      Remain blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Norah - Comforting prayers for you and your Aunt Marry Anna's loved ones.

    4. Echoing JC warriors prayers for your requests dear Norah.
      We are blessed to have a sweet sister in our family of believers.
      God be with you and your loved ones.

      Blessings from France

    5. Norah, my sincerest condolences for your loss. Praying with all JC prayer warriors for your family. May you feel God's love, peace, comfort and strength. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    6. Dear Norah, You and your family must be thinking of your dear Aunt Mary Anna. I'm sure she is in a beautiful place of perfect peace and realizing God's promises. May God continue to comfort and guide your family in all ways and heal all of their weaknesses and get you your well deserved rest. Thank You Jesus!

  26. Good Morning sweet JC Family!
    What a perfectly timed devotion as I have healing to report! I have been MIA for the last few days because we were blessed to be able to visit Patti! She is doing wonderful and it did our hearts so much good to be able to see her with our own eyes...especially my husband as she is his baby sis! Although I’m very thankful for FaceTime! She still has a long road to travel but should be able to head to her home next week and just commute for her appointments!! Praise our loving HEALING God!
    Please know my friends, that I have had y’all in my prayers every day that I was gone and was reading even though I could not post!
    zfuntastic, I am also in prayer that you are rocking sobriety one year later...I have thought of and prayed for you often!
    GTT, I am praying for your Katie’s protection, as well as her anxiety at this ‘new normal’ she and all teachers have to deal with this school year!
    Ellen, I am praying for great response to chemo for your daughter and claim No Cancer in her body! Mayo is the absolute best place she can be and such a Godsend that she can be treated there! That is where my SIL had her transplant! Coincidence? I don’t think so!
    Bob, I am so very thankful to hear HEALING news about your pastor and will continue praying for he and his wife!
    If I have missed anyone, please know that as well as lifting up specific intentions, I also pray for our special JC Family collectively! Even though I might miss one or forget, our Heavenly Father misses or forgets nothing!! He knows every thought before we think it!
    I ask prayers for a priest that I’ve been praying for that has transitioned to hospice recently, that he will soon hear those wonderful words, “Well done my good and faithful servant”.
    Have a blessed Thursday sweet JC Fam!!

    1. I am reading late tonight and was wondering about you Bamagrl!! So good to read this praise about Patti and your visit. Thank you Papa!! You are good.

      Praying for your priest- praying in agreement in God’s great mercy.

    2. So good to hear from you dear BamaGrl. Thank you Jesus that Patti is doing well. Our prayers are being answered and my heart is doing the Snoopy dance! She has a long road ahead but He will be holding her hand the whole way. Praying with you for more victories.

    3. Always in my prayers dear BamaGrl. May God continue to heal Patti and your dear Mother, and all of your weaknesses. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Jesus!

    4. It would be so good to hear from you again Bamagrl. ❤️

  27. Good morning, Father God and JC family. Thank you, God, for today, for Your sweet, sweet rest and restoration, for waking me up to another day, for today's blessings, for this group of prayer warriors who uplift each other and pray the most beautiful prayers. Thank You, Lord, for Your healing and restoration over my cousin, Angie, my family, and all prayer requests and petitions posted here. I trust in You. Thank You, Father God, for the Victories in Jesus name, I pray. Amen

    I was speaking with my cousin, Angie, over the phone yesterday about the very topic of healing and restoration and how God's timing is perfect. A few weeks ago, she had unloaded on me a very heavy burden that she had been carrying for years, and she was afraid it would ruin our relationship, our family dynamic, When I read today's devotion I was blown away. WOW! It's confirmation that we're going to be okay. I can feel God working it out for our good. Praise the Lord! I am working on forgiveness...forgiving my brother. It's a process which may take some time, but I have NO doubt that God is in the midst of healing and restoring our family. After all, our God is in the healing and restoration business. Amen! Praise God! All Glory and Honor are His! Thank you JC prayer warriors for praying with me and for me. There is so much power in numbers! Hallelujah!

    Praying with all of you for every prayer request posted and unspoken. God knows our deepest needs and desires, and He will provide. May you all feel His love, peace, mercy and grace today. God be with you all.

    Blessings from California

    1. Dear Rose, Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart. Rejoicing that you see the beginning of renewal, healing and restoration in your family. God is always on time. Praying for Angie's healing of every weakness, spiritual, mental and physical, and for her complete renewal, as God's plan continues to unfold. Praying that He is filling your heart with forgiveness for your brother. Beautiful and hopeful words from you today. Amen! God certainly is in the healing and restoration business and we know where our help cometh!
      We are blessed to see His faithfulness in our lives and the lives of those we love. Feeling His love, peace, mercy and grace. God bless you all!

    2. Amen, Amen! Blessings back to you Rose.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Praying with you and for you dear Rose! He sure does know our deepest needs and desires. He promises that our needs will be filled. He knows our hearts of trust and love. I sure do feel His peace, love, mercy and grace. He is everything to me and I am nothing without Him.

  28. Helen update from "Aunt Connie" - I talked with my niece Helen yesterday. she is still recovering from Covid. She developed vertigo, had MRI, she has a viral infection, given antibiotic and medication for the dizziness but it could be from having had Covid. She still hasn’t gotten her sense of taste back yet but has gotten use to that. She tires easily and has to use her oxygen but she is much better than 8 weeks ago.
    It is truly a miracle that she survived and is slowly but steadily getting better. She is not back to work.
    Much gratitude and thanks to Prayer Warriors.

    1. Thank you for updating Sassy Mom! Glory to God for Helen's recovery. Declaring complete healing and restoration upon her in Jesus name! Amen.

      Blessings from France

    2. Praising the Lord for Helen's miraculous recovery! Thank you, Sassy Mom, for the Victory report. God is good and faithful. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    3. Thanks for the update dear Sassy Mom! Thank you Jesus! Just the fact that Helen’s condition is going in the right direction is amazing. She has been through so much. I believe her taste buds will wake up and her weaknesses will be strengthened. God isn’t done working on her. He is so faithful and prayers from sincere hearts are so powerful!

    4. Dear Sassy Mom, Still holding Helen in my prayers and heart. Praying for your friend Nancy whose cancer had spread to her liver. Hope and pray her treatment is working and God is healing her and destroying every cancer cell. Thank You Jesus!

  29. Fay from Florida,
    Are you still in here?
    Just wanted you to know that we are still praying and loving!

  30. Yesterday God sent an angel my way.....I have a side hussle of delivering chickens and all was going well until the car refused to start ....I prayed I called my friend , then I decided to look for a mechanic cause I knew they where some along the road!( my friend had given me her car) I met a an elderly man packing up ready to go home after a long day. He was happy to help me! Now let me share about road side mechanics in Nairobi, they offer to help motorists and then ask for exorbitant money after helping. I prayed as we walked back to the car, he looked under the bonnet and in two minutes he had found the problem...I was so grateful. Now am cringed inside when I asked him how much should I pay him , he said pay me what you can afford i did pay him well and I said a prayer for him, his family , his workshop and I pray will bless him!

    1. God is good. ❤️

    2. God must have sent you that angel of a mechanic. You probably made his day too by your generous offering. Halleluia for God's provisions and guidance.

    3. Wow. Praising God with you. ❤️❤️

    4. PRAISING JEHOVAH for HIS Mighty works! He ALWAYS makes a way when don't see it!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. God send exactly the person you needed, Min! And what a blessing for him that he and his family received your prayers! God is our WAY-MAKER! Lean, trust, & believe!

    6. Sometimes folks have no idea how blessed they are when we add prayers to all our payments, and how blessed WE are by doing so. Great reminder, Min Ahadi! Thanks for sharing.

    7. Amen! We should always add prayers to our payments. Everyone needs them. The prayer was the best gift of all to that angel.


    1. Praying the Lord to heal your dear Lorraine, spiritually, mentally and physically. May her oxygen level improve and His Holy Breath infuse life, joy, peace and renewed strength in her whole being. Peace and comfort to you and your loved ones. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

      Blessings from France

    2. Joining all prayers for your dear Mother in Lorraine. Praying that her strength of breathing will return in full force and amaze the doctors. The battle is indeed the Lord's and in Him we trust for her recovery. May God give you and your family peace of mind. He is in charge.

    3. Father, place Your healing hands upon Lorraine and remove her affliction like only You can do. You are the healer and miracle worker. Give her and her family Your comfort, strength, peace, and love while they endure this time. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    4. Child of God, I join our JC family in prayer for you MIL Lorraine. NOTHING is impossible for and with Him! Jesus said: Only Believe!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Adding my prayers for peaceful healing for Lorraine 🙏

  32. Please join me in prayers for Southern France. Wildfires have been spreading for days, so many people are losing their home and workplace. It's devastating to see on the news. Please pray for their protection and for the firefighters. Thank you.

    Blessings from France

    1. Father, please provide safety and provisions for the people in Southern France from all the wildfires. Place Your loving arms around all the people living and helping there. Let Your heavenly presence lift them up from their circumstances. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Joining in prayer. Thank you Janet. ❤️

    3. Father, please protect the people in Southern France as well as those on our West coast, who are in the midst of the fires. Pray that rains would come and help put the fires out. Protect the firemen and people who are in the path. JE

    4. Adding southern France to my prayers for devastation from wildfires and protection for all. If indeed we are seeing the movie of the end times scripted for us, I pray for all people and situations that we may be comforted by the outcomes we know to be the Truth.

  33. Father, Your good people need you to stop the fires right away, and guide them to shelter and homes, and aid, and every thing they need to survive so they can proclaim your good deeds and faithfulness. Protect your brave firefighters as they do their best to put out the fires, and save your people who are living in the line of fire. Guide them to safety and strengthen their faith and lead them to the help they need. We thank You for this in the powerful Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.

  34. Father, You have healed me in many different ways, many times. I am so grateful for all You have done. You provide us with healing and restoration. You are always working in our lives at ALL times. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord always and forever.

  35. O LORD my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me. (Psalm 30:2). I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you. (2 Kings 20:5). Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise. (Jeremiah 17:14).

    JC Warriors, I'm asking for prayers for my friend Patty's sister Vicki. She is still in the rehab center and now she has dementia. She's been talking to family members that have passed years ago and it's not looking good. Her sister, brother, son, and other family members are saddened by all that is going on with her and really need comfort that only God can provide for them while they endure this. My Pastor's wife Jeanine is still enduring her cancer diagnosis that has only given her about 2 months to live. Her and her family need prayers and comfort during this time as well. I really appreciate all your prayers and thoughts. Thank you all. Father, please lift all these families up into Your loving arms and comfort them, renew their strength and faith in You, and love them through this time. Father, there is so much happening in the world right now that must grieve You. My heart is heavy from all the pain and suffering. There are many natural disasters -- earthquakes, wildfires, etc. -- causing multiple deaths and so much destruction of Your beautiful land and peoples homes and livelihood. There are nations being taken over, wars, rumors of wars, and terrorists, etc. It saddens me at all the pain in the world, the injustice, brutalities, the inhumanity of one person to another. Remind me/us that each one of us was originally made in Your image. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Pour out Your strength, courage, peace, comfort, and hope to us. Help us to remember that we are all Your children. Remove the wickedness in hearts and minds and replace it with Your goodness and love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always.

    1. Dear Janet, I'm kneeling in prayer for ALL those you have mentioned and trusting God to heal all the wounds and brokenness for Christ's sake. May the good Lord be a refuge and strength for all.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Joining along with Maplewood and all of our praying warriors who are praying for Vicki and Jeanine, Janet. Jehovah Rapha is in control and can move mountains! May we rely on Him for all things.

    3. Praying healing prayers for Vicki and for all other requestors who are in need of His Miraculous Healing Power.

    4. Praying for Vicki for healing of her dementia and her family's comfort and guidance, and Jeanine's healing of her cancer. And all the death, destruction and problems from natural disasters and from the ungodliness of this fallen world.
      Father, you are so much greater than any sickness or problem or situation or disaster. We place our trust in You and pray for our answered prayers. Help Your people in need. Hear their cries and show them Your Faithfulness. Thank You Jesus!

  36. “He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds [healing their pain and comforting their sorrow]” (Psalm 147:3).

    Loving Father, As someone who has experienced brokenness, I thank You for giving me a soft place to land, a listening ear, stability, openness and the patience found in Jesus. I choose to believe and trust that You will do exactly that, so trying to figure it out on my own is not an option for me. I’ll allow You to do Your job and allow You to be the One to figure it all out whenever I'm faced with brokenness and anything beyond my control. My job is to just believe in You and to trust that You will do what You promised in Your Word and by Your Word. I thank You Lord for Your grace that is sufficient for me and thank You for helping me to find a greater measure of the abundant life as the result of Your presence and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Scripture reminds us that we should never be ashamed of our brokenness and healing. Why? Because it is through those brokenness and healings that we inspired to encourage others and let them know that Jesus Christ knew brokenness firsthand. One of the evidence says: “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; The punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, And by His stripes (wounds) we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
    The healing of our wounds was made possible because of Jesus’ submission to becoming broken for us! Yet, this brokenness was not the end of the story for Jesus, nor through Him, nor is it the end of our story! He became broken so that we can experience physical, emotional and spiritual healing. The scripture says that one day, “..He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be death; there will no longer be sorrow and anguish, or crying, or pain; for the [c]former order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4).
    We must trust and believe God to heal our broken hearts and find healing for any wounds or scars we’ve been carrying, no matter how big or small.

    "But it was the LORD’s good plan to crush him and cause him grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have many descendants. He will enjoy a long life, and the Lord’s good plan will prosper in his hands” (Isaiah 53:10).

    “Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength” (1 Corinthians 15:43).

    Blessings and Peace

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Yes! Maplewood NJ, thank you for the reminder. During broken times, We buy gold from God that has been refined in the fire.... First comes the fire of tribulation, affliction, distress, dis-ease, calamity, persecution, and/or brokeness that is so intense, we no longer have to wonder nor imagine whether or not we are in the fire, because when the fire hits our life, we absolutely know it! We lose control, our pain levels skyrocket, and our desperation for God intensifies. Our flesh wants to collapse and give up, yet our spirit remains alive to the beauties of Jesus Christ's love. The fire is useful as it drives us directly into the face of JESUS CHRIST like never before and like nothing else can. Instead of giving up, we run harder. Our primary source of sanity in the middle of the fire is our secret place of hearfelt prayer, where only God's Holy Spirit soothes our tortured soul and only God's Word sustains our hope and our faith.
      While in the fire, when we press into God's Word, that Word locates us, reads us, and draws a plumb line to Christ in our life, where we begin to see areas of our heart and soul that need realignment with God's Ways and God's Will. In desperation for God's help, we gladly and diligently do business with Jesus, by repenting, changing, and adopting HIS thoughts, HIS motives, and HIS behaviors. As we embrace the changes inspired by God's Holy Spirit within, then we are actually becoming more like Jesus; to put it another way: we are buying pure gold from God that has been refined in the fire @ Revelations 3. We lose other things in the process, yet, what we gain is so precious that we consider all that is lost to be rubbish @ Philippians 3.
      Excerpted from the book, Secrets of The Secret Place.

    2. Amen Maplewood. Just as Jesus was broken and suffered unto death so we could be spiritually healed unto salvation, so our Father allows pain and sorrow and problems to befall us because He knows that in enduring our suffering while trusting in Him will strengthen us and lead others to Him by our steadfast faith in times of trouble. His grace is sufficient. We can endure anything as long as the Lord is at our sides. Our help is from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth and His Word is part of His help. I run to my Bible when I'm going through hard times because God's Word is the greatest Balm. He comforts my heart like none other. Amen Brie, we must just face the storms and fire, holding tight to God's Unchanging Hand. He will lead us through them and His Spirit will always comfort our hearts, minds and souls.

  37. Thank you Maplewood. We don’t like brokenness or weakness but God knows what we need! ❤️

  38. Yes, thank you, Maplewood! I am going to meditate on Revelation 21:4 and 1 Corinthians 15:43.

  39. Thank you Brie! A powerful and timely share. God bless you! ♥️

  40. Thank you for praying for this mom as her first born moved to college yesterday. Your prayers were felt. The calmness I felt leaving him was unimaginable. My younger son asked if I was ok, and I said yes, because God has this.

    SC Anonymous

  41. I’m so glad our prayers were surrounding you and God’s peace reigned in your heart as your first born left for school. I remember when our first born got to college and my tears flowed when our car pulled away. It was as if my heart was torn apart, but my good son called often because he missed us too. Your dear son is safe in God’s hands. Keeping him in my prayers too.

  42. I think many of us here have been in your shoes before and know your heart. While we prepare and ready our kids for life...get them to the runway and watch them take off, it is NOT easy for the momma, for sure. Glad you felt God (& our prayers) with you, SC!

  43. My precious Lord, help us as THE JCFAMILY/WARRIORS to be so filled with Your WORD, LOVE, POWER, and PEACE that even when we are under attack by the enemy, our hearts and our faith WILL NOT waver. Our confidence is in You, Lord, and it CANNOT BE SHAKEN, even by an onslaught of the enemy, who is an ABSOLUTE LOSER!!! Help us to remember that when trouble does come into our lives, PRAISING You lifts us above the trouble and into Your presence, where we are safe! Help us to PRAISE YOU FIRST, no matter what is happening around us. We don't have to be afraid because You are with us. And You have promised to never leave us or forsake us.!!! I ask it ALL in Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN.

    Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war should rise against me, in this I will be confident...For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secure place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock. Psalm 27:3,5 HALLELUJAH!!!
    Great Blessings and Love to my Beloved JCFAMILY!!! JJ

  44. Amen JJ! Thank you Jesus for your promises.

  45. Amen and Amen JJ! Thank you my dear sister! You spoke the truth and your prayer lifted me and encouraged my heart.
    Be not afraid, He goes before us always and He fights our battles. Hallelujah!

  46. Oh, Dear SC - I have been praying for you and I'm so happy to hear that the 'drop-off' went well. It reminded me of our first born going to college. It was less than a mile from our home! We literally walked home after helping him get settled in his dorm. I cried the whole way home. My DH said, "Honestly - you can not be distraught when he is blocks away from home." I said, "It's the whole RIGHT OF PASSAGE THING! Our first born has left the nest." LOL!! So dramatic. But, he did great. Moved back home a year later to save money. Had a bumpy road 2nd year, but recovered. Our first born, now has his Masters and while still teaching Middle School, also taught as an Adjunct at our University. Is the member of a band, which just released an album. Has 6 kids (1 more than we did!) and gives the best hugs, ever. He, along with his 4 Sibs, bless us every time we see them. We look at them as fruit on the vine. And the younger vines will hold up the older. Congratulations, SC! You have released a valuable young person!! Well done!

    1. Dear Norah! Sharing in your Congratulations to our dear SC who has "released a valuable young person!! Well done!" Amen to that.
      Your first born sounds like an amazing young man and a good son and father, who glorifies God with his gifts and is richly blessed. You must be so proud of him and your 4 other children, who are also such blessings to you and your DH. And all those good hugs you get must make you smile! May God always bless and protect and heal you and your big family. Thank You Jesus.

  47. Dear warriors, asked for prayers for son #2 & family. They have covid. Our church has had some cases lately too. Let's pray against another breakout. Blessings 💞🙏

  48. Remember you must hit view more to see any comments added today as there are over 200 from previous years
