Sunday, August 23, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 24

I am all around you, hovering over you even as you seek My Face. I am nearer than you dare believe, closer than the air you breathe. If My children could only recognize My Presence, they would never feel lonely again. I know every thought before you think it, every word before you speak it. My Presence impinges on your innermost being. Can you see the absurdity of trying to hide anything from Me? You can easily deceive other people, and even yourself; but I read you like an open, large-print book.
     Deep within themselves, most people have some awareness of My imminent Presence. Many people run from Me and vehemently deny My existence, because My closeness terrifies them. But My own children have nothing to fear, for I have cleansed them by My blood and clothed them in My righteousness. Be blessed by My intimate nearness. Since I live in you, let Me also live through you, shining My light into the darkness.

Psalm 139:1-4
English Standard Version

1 O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
    you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
    and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
    behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
Ephesians 2:13
English Standard Version

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:21
English Standard Version

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Amen! This was an on time word for me. Thank you Jesus.

  2. If my life is a wreck I could only imagine if god wasn't hovering over me then

    1. So true! Amen!! I don’t want to ever want to imagine what my life would be like without Jesus!!

    2. Amen! It is awesome to know Jesus is always by our side.

    3. How comforting to know He is familiar with all our ways and knows us like an open book. He knows the words in our hearts and the words we speak even before they leave our mouths. He knows our ways and fears and longings, and our needs and dreams. No wonder we desire a closer walk with Him. He is our very dearest Friend.

    4. He is, Jeanne! I pray to know Him better each and every day.

    5. Yes, Jeanne. He is our very best friend. This is so comforting and powerful.
      Love you sister in Christ
      Blessing, love and prayers JC family
      What a blessing this blog is. Thank you so much Chris for starting this and Sarah for writing this beautiful devotional book!

    6. It's amazing that God knows our every thought and still desires to be close to us. I just get amazed by God's love, may he give me a drop it to use today.

  3. Love, love Psalm 139. Woke up very early this morning & began my conversation with the Lord. I've come to cherish the anticipation of what He wants to say to me at the break of day. He's always gentle & to the point without even a hint of shaming me. Today was about servanthood. I have fallen short. I have yet to learn the true meaning of this attitude, this posture for my life. Meekness, humbleness, selfless. I've met it halfway, for what Christian who truly believes in the cause of the cross does not at least get an introduction to the concept of serving others. God desires more though. Take it to the limit. He set the standard & I buckled. For me it was the simplest yet the hardest. Let me explain. Serving at a church setting, fellow believers, those outside the church & neighbors, not so hard, serving your own family, husband in particular, this is where I trip up! I would serve but my heart would be in constant battle mode. I thought nothing of it until the Lord showed me the flaw in this attitude. A servant serves with a whole heart, clean heart, true to the core, no resentments or backlashing even when the service isn't appreciated or even thanked. This is painfully easy with family. Just dismiss them as thankless & "see if I Do that for you again"! Stance. Oh God in heaven, help me to examine my heart today. Make me a servant worthy of that calling. Help me to grasp that by serving when my flesh war against it is an honor & freedom to serve the greatest Master of my heart, the Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

    1. Amen, Amen Jan! THANK YOU!
      To God be ALL the Glory! We Thank Him for the word and ALL of His Promises that are YES and AMEN!

      Stay blessed dear Jan.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Oh you hit on a good subject here Jan. I too struggle with the same exact thing in my marriage. It feels like I am the only one making an effort most of the time and I get tired of that...really tired of that. After 20 years it feels lonely and fruitless. God has shown me something interesting this year. He took my thinking about my spouse being the problem and showed me that I am the problem...HUH????? Yes he showed me that the reason I am the problem is because I am the only problem that I (and He of course) can change. The other problem is not mine to be concerned with and is between she and He. Ahhh now that makes sense and I have shared that with my kids over the years when they start complaining about the other. I help them focus on the timber in their eye not the speck in their sisters eye...WHOA!!! Now God is showing me that same exact thing in my marriage that I have been preaching at the kids for years. Nice work God!!! YOU are amazing and it takes me awhile to get it. Glad I got hold of this truth cuz I dont know how much longer my wife would put up with my defensive ways when I dont like what she says or does. She is not the problem..she is not the problem...she is NOT the problem.

    3. Yes Riseup, our God is always perfecting us. Gently proding us to be more like Him. Whew, not easy though. You sound like the path you need to take is in sight. I will cheer you on in prayer. Pray for me.

    4. The ๐Ÿ‘€ofmy❤️August 24, 2019 at 11:19 AM

      God has been showing me the same thing lately. I am doing all the things that I know make my husband happy and his life a little easier, but I harbor resentment and carry bitterness in my heart.
      The other day God reminded me that a kind word turns away wrath. I confessed that I cannot find any kind words when I feel attacked.
      Yesterday God talked to me about loving our enemies even when they mistreat or hurt us. How much more should I love my husband even when I don’t get treated the way I think I should be treated (more appreciation or praise).
      Today I’m reading your comments, Jan and Riseup. - Yep, God is getting my attention!
      My selfish pride won’t make it easy, but God’s spirit inside me will accomplish the change in my heart.

    5. I'm thankful for your comments Jan and rise up. I needed to hear those words and personal confessions. My mom is 92 and doesn't want to go to a retirement home. My visits are never long enough and anything I do for her goes unnoticed. I feel guilty when I stay away and bitter when I'm around her. I pray for patience and understanding that I may serve my mother selflessly.

    6. Thanks Jan and all of the above, I relate and receive what you shared. And God said to me, Do you appreciate and thank ME everytime I do something for you? Me shaking my head, no Lord, cause I am too ashamed to admit it out loud. Then He said, maybe you need to concentrate on minding your own business of thanking and appreciating ME more than someone else thanking and appreciating you?
      Yes Lord but I'll need Your Help and I want Your Help.
      Ephesians 6 says work hard with gladness all the time, as though working for your Lord Jesus Christ, doing The Will of God with all your hearts. Remembering the Lord will repay you for each good thing you do.
      And Matthew 6 says Take care! Do your good deeds privately to be admired by God, for then you will gain your reward from God your Heavenly Father. When you give/serve/do good deeds, don't shout about it, don't blow trumpets, don't call attention as hypocrites do (OOPS). I tell you in all earnestnes, they have received all the reward they will ever get. Instead, when you do a Kindness, do it secretly and your Heavenly Father who knows all secrets will reward you.
      And God said, Do you want me to take your spouse up to heaven and bind Him up as you have? No Lord. Then loose him on earth. Yes Lord. I have a long way to go and a short time to get there. I want and need your help, Lord. Amen

    7. Jan gridley - A LOUD AMEN!!!!! Thanking you again in 2020 motivating us to examine our hearts.

    8. Thank you for sharing Jan, I too feel the same way about feeling unappreciated and the “thankless job of serving” I am the sole caregiver for my husband who suffered a stroke 4 years ago. Although he’s much recovered his cognitive functions, he has lost much of his mobility on his left side. So serving him all day, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, handyman etc for the past 4 yrs has taken it’s toll. I’ve become sometimes not so cheerful in serving. I want time for myself too, like eating and enjoying my meals without interruption,
      Your message has hit a nerve and reminded me once again of Colossians 3:23 “ And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men“
      Thank you and God bless you. When I pray for patience, I’ll say one for you too๐Ÿ˜

      Much love from Cali

    9. Amen dear Jan!! You said a beautiful mouthful and you made me think of myself. I want to serve witih a whole, true and clean heart. We all fall short. I wanna do better. Every day I ask God to make me a better person. I still take things out on my dear husband and get cranky when I don't get enough sleep. But I am trying to be sweet to him as much as I can. Cooking good stuff every day and even trying to sit still while I watch sports with him because it makes him happy. Jan your words made me look at myself and examine myself. Thank you.
      Dear Brie! That is where I also fall short. Sometimes I work hard and I do grumble. Especially when I've been in the kitchen for hours. I already am working on a cake and meatballs and gravy at this moment. But God already knows that. I pray I will be a better sevant and humble and more selfless than selfish. Thanks Brie for also giving me a lot of good food to ponder.

    10. Amen and Amen, Jan gridley! RiseUp, The Eyes of My Heart, Brie and all those posting above, THANK YOU! I can honestly relate as I prayed yesterday to the Father, "If I'm the problem, CHANGE ME, FIX ME, HEAL ME!" Your posts today are a sweet confirmation! Thank You, Jesus, for hearing our pleas! Thank You for working in us and through us. Thank You for a new day to start fresh with a clean slate. Thank you, Father, for the opportunity, just for today, to seek and lean on You when we falter. Help us to be open to Your changing us in mind, body and spirit. Cleanse us, Father God, that we may serve You and others with a grateful and humble heart. Wipe away all negativity and grumbling that our service may be pleasing to You, Lord. Thank you, Jesus, for answer to prayer, and abundantly bless each one here in my JC family and their families. I trust You, Lord, with all that I am and all that You want me to be. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

      Blessings from California

    11. Wow! Brie, your prayer really hit home for me! Thank you so much for sharing! Praying loving prayers for you & our lovely JC family! Lord, I need your help please to truly thank you for each and every blessing and please help me and each of to loosen our thoughts of others. Help me to shine your loving light.
      Love and prayers
      Blessings from Texas

    12. Still praying that I will be a better servant of the Lord in every area of my life. I fall short in so many ways. I must not judge my family for what I perceive as a lack of faith. Only God knows their inner thoughts and hearts. I must overlook my husband’s faults which are usually centered around his daily drinking. He is such a good, loving and kind man. He spends hours trying to comfort his brother because my sister in law is deep into the miry depths of Alzheimer’s and treats him terribly. They both need our prayers. I need to look at others through the loving and merciful eyes of God. And work harder to stay focused on Him instead of my own agenda. I start each day asking the Lord to guide my day and help me to be a beacon to everyone I speak to. So I must try harder to love others just as they are as I am loved.

    13. So much to identify with in these posts, thank you Holy Spirit for your gifts that feed my heart with kindness.

    14. Such powerful prayers! Jan, your words and prayer really spoke to my heart. My prayers are that we each serve with a joyful, pure and clean heart starting in our homes. I pray for your help and thank you Lord for growing me to shine your love and light starting in my home with my husband and family.
      Love and blessings

    15. Still powerful in 2023, in fact, even more powerful with all life on earth has called me to do and be. May I be like soft malleable clay in Your Hands @ Jeremiah 18...But the vessel that He was making of clay was spoiled in The Hand of The Potter; so He REMADE it into another vessel, as it PLEASED THE POTTER to make.
      Lord, let my life be more and more pleasing to YOU, everyday in everyday, rather than pleasing to me me me, others, and the world. Please forgive my yelps during Your remaking process, and my howls when You throw my lump of clay on Your Potter's wheel. I kneed Your help. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    16. Praying as well, Brie, for the smoothing of the cracks and divots in my ball of clay. Make me new, Lord, stronger to serve You better.

    17. Dear FATHER I approach YOU through YOUR son JESUS CHRIST. I surrender myself to YOU today, asking for YOUR Holy Spirit to fill me entirely so I walk in YOUR ways, speak the words YOU deem beneficial for all I may encounter today. I thank YOU, for always being at my side, so close that the air I breathe is even further from me than YOU. How can I possibly have any worry, knowing just how close YOU are, how much love YOU have for me, how much YOU desire me to do YOUR Will, I PRAISE YOU!!! Lead me in YOUR ways, take me over, fill me with YOUR spirit so there’s no room for my fleshly desires to surface, as YOUR Holy Spirit guides my every action, words, and steps. I want nothing more than to serve YOU, and please YOU.
      Speak to me FATHER, through YOUR living word, our sword ๐Ÿ—ก️ & protection, so I know with confidence what YOU Will for me today. I thank YOU FATHER for waking me up, keeping me and my children safe and with all the provisions we need. It’s truly a miracle , I don’t know how we are making it on such a fixed income, yet we are never without, nor ever with feelings of wanting, because of YOU, YOUR mercy, love and grace, YOU continue to provide in the most beautiful, amazing, unbelievable (to some) ways.
      Forgive me for my shortcomings FATHER, and please reveal any hidden sins I may not be aware of.
      FATHER , help me to know with certainty how to understand YOUR command of keeping the sabbbath. I am told over and over it doesn’t matter what day it is, or that it was done away with through the new covenant, yet I can’t find any scripture that specifically says that, and JESUS reminded us repeatedly to keep the sabbath while on earth. I understand HE did away with the laws of the Pharisees, but JESUS, nor the new covenant did away with the commandments- (sabbath keeping being the 4th commandment) why aren’t we honoring it as the body of Christ within Church. It was not JESUS, nor GOD that did away with the sabbath but man, specifically the Roman Catholic church
      -“The abandonment of the Sabbath and the adoption of Sunday as the Lord’s Day, are the result of an interplay of Christian, Jewish and pagan-religious factors” (From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity, pp. 5–6, 1999”
      FATHER I know YOUR words are true, but struggle with this and ask for clarity, as I don’t want to do anything I’m not supposed to. Therefore I pray all brothers and sisters return to YOU completely, understanding YOUR Will & honoring the Sabbath and all of YOUR Holy Days, rather than man’s holidays/traditions which YOU specifically tell us to not be a part of
      Correct me please LORD if I’m confused, I’m only seeking the truth FATHER and the ways to honor YOU every day. So I thank YOU in advance for bringing clarity to my confusion
      In Jesus Christ name I pray

    18. Thank you for this Sabbath food for thought!

  4. Thank you Jan for motivating us to be worthy servants. Praying we will always reflect the beauty of Jesus and lead others to Christ.

    1. Amen Sassy Mom
      Love you
      Praying that you are healthy, happy and well ❤️๐Ÿ™

  5. I and my family are awake this morning ONLY by Your Grace! With a grateful heart, I come to say THANK You Lord. Order our steps today and let Your Holy name be Glorified in the name of Jesus.

    Praying this for you my JC Family: No power of darkness, no weapon, no conspiracies, no evil arrangements, altars or covenant against you this day shall prosper. Stand firm on the word of God and the Blood of Jesus. Satan is defeated, he and all his agents, including all his grandparents and ancestors. You are a winner in the Lord Jesus.
    The leaf is fresh, beautiful and GLORIOUS while connected to the tree, but the moment it drops, it loses its glory, I declare and decree in the name of Jesus, you will never drop from God's divine Grace , Mercy, Power, Anointing, Favor, Protection, Supply, Provision, Health and Abundance! Allow the Light of God to shine through every dark area of you lives.

    May the Peace and Presence of God that is all around us give us rest throughout this day, in Jesus name.

    Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to our God because He knows every thought even before we speak.

    Stay blessed family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. So protected & blessed by your prayer Maplewood. I receive & claim this.

    2. A Christian friend sent me Isaiah 54:17 when I was in a dark time with my daughter's situation. Now I share that verse with others who are struggling

    3. Amen Maplewood. May He always order our steps and put us in the direction of doing His Will. I am always trying to make my words, thoughts and also my deeds pleasing to Him. I often fail and fall short but He loves me for my effort. He is the one that revives my tired leaf. I wanna be like the tree that is planted by the waters, that bringeth forth fruit in its season and its leaf shall not wither. I want my youth to be renewed so I wil be able to run and fly like the eagles. Somedays that first walk to the bathroom is murder. But inside I'm so very young. Thank you for blessing my day with your truth and beautiful prayer!

    4. A huge AMEN, Maplewood! Thank you for your beautiful and powerful prayer. I receive it and claim it in the name of Jesus! May His abundant blessings be returned to you a thousandfold. Stay blessed, my sister.

      Blessings from California

    5. Still beautiful encouragement! Thanks dear Maplewood!
      Will try extra hard today to stay connected to my life giving tree!
      And I will guard my mouth and my heart so my words and thoughts will be pleasing to Him. Each new day brings another chance to make things right.

    6. Thank you for the encouragement Maplewood

  6. Jan, Maplewood, Sassy Mom, Norah and all the JC family - your words are always heartfelt and touch me everyday. thank you, Jesus!

    1. We are truly blessed! Thank you, Jesus!

  7. Dear God please give me the courage and the strength and especially the heart to be the person that you have called me to be.
    Today if you are lonely and reading this blog that Chris Payton has submitted, I sure pray that you can feel the love that God encompasses around your being and that you would just whisper his name and feel the amazing embrace that he has for you. God loves you! talk to him he wants to hear you. Open up and share he already knows your thoughts

  8. runaprilmae - A LOUD AMEN!!!!!!!!!

  9. Oh all you JC family!!! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers this day! Thank you Jesus for bringing them to my life! I have been fighting with the words “entitlement” and “expectation” in others and in me! In me, they are old behaviours and ways of thinking and I pray God that you change my thoughts, change my words and change me!
    Maybe it comes with age-seeing these behaviours in others and knowing it does not have to be that way. I say nothing but it eats away at my heart and in those times Satan takes a foothold.
    I lift up my life and the lives of my children to You! God, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.
    When I break it down I realize that it is my expectations of how things should be that are not being met. Intolerance, frustration and sorrow.
    And acceptance is the answer to all my problems ๐Ÿคญ and nothing, absolutely nothing happens in “Gods world” by mistake. God You are Good! I need help. So do they. Thank You!
    I apologize if this seems disjointed and incomplete!๐Ÿ˜‚ but I thank God I have this place and all of you to vent these crazy-making thoughts!
    Whew! Bring it out to the light and God takes over! How blessed am I?
    My love and prayers to you all on this day!!!
    Monica ❤️❤️

    1. Monica dear, I support & encourage you this day to remember that we are all running that devine race. At some point in this race we begin to wonder if we're going to see the finish line, the checkered flag waving at us, we run out of breath, our entire body aches. We look up & there is the hand that parted the waters, healed the lame, restored sight to the blind, ready to receive us in all of our weakness & despair. Keep running Monica, I'm right behind you. We love you๐Ÿฅฐ

    2. Monica, thank you for being a blessing to our JC family and His vessel for what I needed today. Expectations! "When I break it down I realize that it is my expectations of how things should be that are not being met. Intolerance, frustration and sorrow.
      And acceptance is the answer to all my problems." Amen! WOWZA! You hit the nail on the head for me. Thank you for opening my eyes to see and reminding me that He holds the key. "Bring it out to the light and God takes over!" YES!! May God continue to bless and inspire you. Sending you much love, my sister.

      Blessings from California

    3. Love that! Bring it out to the light and God takes over!
      Take your burdens to the Lord and Leave them there. Amen

    4. Along those lines, I've had a little luck changing "expectations" to "preferences". Seems to steer me away from judgement of others and work on the real problem, my self. Not in condemnation, but where God meets me in love to point out what needs to change.

  10. Isn't it true....when I complain about someone else feeling entitled, it is because they are lined up in front of me, impeding my entitlement.
    God, help me with my servant attitude and help me to allow other's entitlements without resentment. Thank you in Jesus name.

    1. YUUP! True for me. Ditto, need help because only what I do for Christ will last! Amen.

    2. I need help with this and only Jesus has the answer. Help me, Jesus. Forgive me when I falter. Amen!

    3. Yup! That's the mirror we often have into.

  11. Spent all morning with little Jairo, he shines full of God's love. Thank you all for your beautiful prayers; so uplifting that I am not alone in trying to change my love ones when it's me that I need to work on. Help me holy spirit. Help me Jesus. So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Luke 11:9

    You may build great cathedrals large or small,
    you can build skyscrapers grand and tall,
    you may conquer all the failures of the past,
    but only what you do for Christ will last.
    Remember only what You do for Christ will last.
    only what you do for Him will be counted at the end;
    only what you do for Christ will last.
    You may seek earthly power and fame,
    the world might be impressed by your great name,
    soon the glories of this life will all be past,
    but only what you do for Christ will last.
    Remember only what You do for Christ will last.
    only what you do for Him will be counted at the end;
    only what you do for Christ will last.
    Though your armies may control each hemisphere,
    and your orbits out in space cause men to cheer,
    your scientific knowledge may be vast,
    but only what you do for Christ will last.
    Remember only what You do for Christ will last.
    only what you do for Him will be counted at the end;
    only what you do for Christ will last.
    Though your song and prayers are heard and praised by man,
    they've no meaning unless you've been born again,
    Heed these words, don't let this harvest pass,
    for only what you do for Christ will last.
    Remember only what You do for Christ will last.
    only what you do for Him will be counted at the end;
    only what you do for Christ will last.

    1. Thank you, Brie, for posting this. Though I have never specifically heard it before, the message is an eternal message which I was reminded of again in my own quiet time this AM. Only the love that is shown matters for it is the love that is shown which makes an eternal impact. As God leafed through the pages of my life, He pointed out to me the acts of love He worked through me; those are the only acts that were of any significance. In those times my purpose was fulfilled. God be with you.

    2. This is what my grandmother, who lived to be 105 would say...only what you do for Christ will last”....and she did. She wrote letters to her descendants and prayed for them daily. She knew that had eternal benefits for them.

    3. That was awesome Brie! One more affirmation that we must live for those things that endure and seek the things we cannot see!
      Bob I love that phrase: "As God leafed through the pages of my life, He poimted out to me the acts of love He worked through m; those are the only acts that were of any significance." He fulfilled his purpose!!
      Wow! That just spoke volumes to me and it is so very true. Thanks so much!

    4. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      You said there are 3 things that last and the greatest of the 3 is love. Would you enter a heart as hard as an oyster shell, to dwell there, keep it filled with Your Everflowing Love and build Your Kingdom using me? If yes, then would You  please enter mine? Sometimes my heart is like an oyster shell from experiencing great pain and loss. Sometimes the shell protecting the fragile softness of love inside my heart is sealed and sharp.  Out of all the places You could pour Your Love into and reside, You chose my heart! Would You forgive me for the times I make You a shut-in? Would You also remind me that You can create beautiful, one of a kind pearls from irritations that slip within the folds of an oyster shell? Thank You for Your Love Lord! Amen.

    5. Beautiful Brie! Praying God will soften our hearts so we can receive all He offers, and love others with a complete and unconditional love.

    6. I see us as pearls in heaven, polished with a luster that reflects the glorious light of Jesus. Thanks for reminding me to look for the jewels, Brie. We have so many gifted by the Holy Spirit, I want to wear my gifts and be adorned in his love.

    7. Wonderful prayer Brie . May God work on my heart and make it what he would like it to be.

  13. Brie..Amen and Amen! only what I do for Christ will be counted at the end; only what you do for Christ will last. I love you my Lord and Savior. Open my eyes so that I seek you first always.

  14. Loving Heavenly Father, Thank You for a new day and thank You for causing me to hear Your Loving kindness this morning. I am blessed by Your infinite nearness and Your Light that shines in every dark area of my life. Your grace is sufficient for me. To You be all the glory and honor. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    One of the many ways we can find the nearness of God is in His Word.There is no greater source of hope than God’s resounding declaration of His nearness. Even though we do not always feel as if He is near, we can be sure that He always draws close to us when we study His Word and or hear it preached. The Holy Spirit attends the reading and hearing of His Word, while instructing us, convicting us, and conforming us to the image of our Jesus. We do not need to look for special any mountaintop experiences to know that God is near, He is always near in His Word. God’s promise to be near to us, and the great lengths He’s gone to commune with us in the Holy Spirit, has the power to change every moment of our lives. And one of the most powerful changes that His nearness provides to us is hope, and the peace that comes with it.
    Jesus paid the ultimate price so that we might no longer be separated from God. His presence now dwells within us through the Holy Spirit. And this truth brings a pervasive hope that has the ability to impact every aspect of our lives.
    When the rest of the world sits in fear and worry over what the future holds, our God is leading us in the path of peace that comes from trusting in His presence. If we try to build our hope on the foundations of this world, we will find ourselves tossed about by man’s opinion. If we choose to found our hope on the rock of God’s nearness, our lives will be filled with all the goodness and mercy of God’s steadfast love.

    Lets remember that the God who dwells within us, knows every little thing that will happen in the next second, minute, day, year etc.. He dwells within all of eternity. Time for Him is not as it is for us. He promises to be with us in the midst of any trial, pain, victory, or defeat. He desire for us to know His presence moment by moment in everything we do.
    It is impossible for God, infinite, perfect Mind, to bring His perfect thoughts down to the level of human thinking. He is the source of all good, the divine Principle from which all goodness proceeds. He made man and made him good. Consciousness of nearness to God, comes only as we dwell upon His nature and man's coexistence with Him. To have the Word of God is to have God Himself. When the Scripture speaks, God speaks (2 Peter 1:20–21). When we read the Bible and hear it preached and taught, we are enjoying a personal encounter with the very Lord who made us. And He attends every word of Scripture, for every word was given by Him and embodies His authority. One of the biblical passages that tells us as much of God's nearness is the book of Psalm 119, specifically vv. 145–152.

    Dear Lord, Thank You that we get to rest under the shelter of Your wings, here in the secret place of Your presence. Show us how to live in a place where we are aware of our constant communion with You. As we draw ever so close to You, let us always know your presence in our lives and help us to in turn share Your love with our neighbors. Thank You that our hope is in Your unfailing love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Your affirmation of God’s presence in scripture, twin bd sis, is so accurate. One of my favorite insights into scripture was made by Rabbi Kuschner when he said, “Scripture is a love letter from God and must be read as such.” How does one read a love letter: over & over, reading between the lines, carefully saving it to be read again at a later time all for the purpose of wringing every drop of love out of it. It has been said scripture is hard to understand (which is usually an excuse for not reading it); God is love is all that it is telling us and all the ways that His love plays itself out in our lives, which you have described so well. Once that is affirmed, the rest of scripture shows us how to do the same. God be with you.

    2. Thank you, Maplewood, once again for your wisdom. Sometimes I feel disconnected or just not so close to God no matter what I do to try to feel that connection. Do any of you ever feel this? While I try to recite scripture and focus on God,saying out loud, 'I trust you, Jesus', sometimes I still feel a distance. If this happens to any of you, what do you do? I am so grateful for this site and look forward to opening my laptop each morning to read, pray, and connect with you all! Blessings to one and all on this Monday!

    3. To you, dear NJS, I would offer this suggestion, don’t work so hard to get a feeling for so many outside influences affect feelings. Simply be like a little child who simply trusts that which has been read without any questioning of its validity (truly a struggle of being an adult carrying a lot of intellectual baggage). But, together, we can do it. Thanks for showing up. With love, Bob

    4. Maplewood and Bob, I love the love letter analogy. It is a living Word. It's personal. It's worth our time every day to read and reread. I am always amazed at the perfection of timely read scripture!
      Maplewood, I think this is worth repeating:
      When the rest of the world sits in fear and worry over what the future holds, our God is leading us in the path of peace that comes from trusting in His presence. If we try to build our hope on the foundations of this world, we will find ourselves tossed about by man’s opinion. If we choose to found our hope on the rock of God’s nearness, our lives will be filled with all the goodness and mercy of God’s steadfast love.

    5. Maplewood-I loved your inspiration, truth and verses today so much. I printed them out and sent them to my Mom and Sis. I plan to read this in my Bible group. Was working on the reading schedule today and this will fit in one our first meetings (now Zoom) in September. You are so good to me to feed me just what I hunger for. I will savor every morsel!
      Bob. Thank you for sharing that wonderful insight:“Scripture is a love letter from God and must be read as such.” There is no greater love than His. I look forward to seeing more ways that His love is playing itself out through my life. I see it every day. So blessed are we who get to feed on His beautiful love letters every day.

    6. Thank you dear Maplewood for that beautiful prayer and your insight, wisdom and encouragement! Your posts are gifts that keep in giving! Thou art near, O Lord; and all thy commandments are truth. Amen and Amen! God bless you dear sister.

  15. From the writings of Henri Nouwen: “But I am increasingly convinced that, at times of anguish and agony, we have to choose a contained life where we can be in the presence of people who hold us safe and bring us in touch with the unconditional affective love of God.”

    This is why I come here to be with you. Thanks for being here and thanks, Chris, for providing us this space. With love, Bob.

    1. You are so right BOB. Henri Nouwen described our JC Prayer Warrior Family... in the presence of people who hold us safe and bring us in touch with the unconditional affective love of God!

    2. This is still a blessing two years later, thanks Bob.

  16. Dear JC Family - my heartfelt love and thanks to each of you for the beautiful birthday blessings. I have much to share but am trying to get out the door to go see my sister, an hour and a half away. Please pray for safe travels and a fruitful time with the only person who has known me since birth (except God & Jesus, of course!) :)
    I wanted to write, but spent all of my time this morning reading. I have each and every one of you in my prayers (Jan...YOU know that I know that Dentist Dread - but such wise words you received and that is exactly what happened to me...He held my hand and I was out the door with NO repercussions!).
    There were so many sharings yesterday and today - such earnest prayers, sharing of joy and sadness, calling out to God and memories of years gone by and what was learned. INCREDIBLY VALUABLE! So, as I drive today, I will be praying perfectly in the spirit for this lovely JC Family and each of you mighty Prayer Warriors. God has blessed us with the BEST!

    1. Happy happy birthday, Norah! May God continue to bless you continuously. I hope you enjoy your visit with your sister. Praying hedge of protection over you and traveling mercies to accompany you. Sending you much love, my sister.

      Blessings from California

  17. Praying that you got there safely dear Norah. I know you will bring the light of Christ to your sister as God is busy healing her. You will help her in every way you can. Praying for you both. I am so glad your dentist experience was actually a positive one because He was holding your hand. Safe travels! Thanks for your prayers!

  18. Prayers dear JC family. My daughter Chloe and I are serving this week at bible camp for 150 high school and middle schoolers. She is running activities and I am running the kitchen to keep them nourished and fed. Pray for lives to be touched and for peace and rest in our serving.
    Also for daughter Chloes health and for wedding planning (oct 16). And for housing for them after marriage as the market here is ridiculously expensive and hard to find.
    I read and pray daily for each of you. Much love to you all. Mindy

    1. Dear Jesus, help is needed for Mindy & daughter Chloe. Shower them both with plenty of grace, strength & energy for the tasks before them. Help them Lord to not be so busy, they miss the soaking in of Your goodness all around them. May they be truly blessed by their servant attitude &, by the campers. Hold Chloe's hand through the planning stage of her wedding, & wisdom & guidance in finding the perfect place for their home.Amen! Hallelujah!

    2. Mindy, as you and your daughter serve, the Spirit of the Lord is right there with you and those present!
      He promised to provide all of our needs when we TRUST Him.


      Maplewood NJ

    3. I have no doubt dear Mindy that you and Chloe will bear much good fruit together at the Bible camp. May God protect you and all those attending from Covid and put a hedge of protection around you all as you travel. May His Spirit give you the right words to share, open hearts to receive and the strength to do His work, all to His glory.

    4. Gathering in to all of the prayers with all of the pray-ers for Mindy and Chloe. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Blessings and prayers shower down upon you, Mindy and Chloe! And on all those attending camp who will be inspired to grow closer to and trust in the Lord. Where can I find adult bible camp?

    6. Adult Bible Camp? Where? When? I want to go too!

  19. Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me. The nearness of Your presence is what I treasure most. I know that I'm not perfect, but I am grateful that You don't expect me to be. You know all of my imperfections, but love me anyway. I need You for everything. You guide me through my life. You direct my steps during each day. You comfort and instill peace into my heart and mind as I walk along the path I'm on. You hold my hand and give me Your strength, courage, and all I need to endure and enjoy this journey You have gifted to me. Please help me to do Your will and not my own. Quiet my mind so I can hear Your thoughts and not my own. Reprogram my way of thinking to be Your way. Open my eyes and mind to see and be aware of You in everything, everywhere I look. Let the Holy Spirit be my words when I open my mouth to speak and my ears when I am listening to someone. Help me to keep You the center of my life and to always look to You in all things. Remove all the darkness that is in me and replace it with Your radiant, glorious light. Help me to walk in Your Spirit and not in my flesh. Let my light shine bright with Your presence and for Your glory. Thank You for being my salvation. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. (John 14:23).

    2. Amen, amen and AMEN :)

    3. Jesus, Only You are the air I breathe, all around outside of me AND deeply circulating within me. Thank you for gracing me within You and You within me, just like the air I breathe.
      HMM! You ARE my life breath of fresh air that I breathe. I know I can't live without You, and I want You to know, I don't want to.

    4. All I need is the air that I breathe and to love you!

    5. Thanks Maestro Sister, Audra. I always loved that song and now, by putting Jesus into it, I know why! ๐Ÿ˜

  20. Thank you Jesus for you free gift.

  21. “Am I a God near at hand,' says the Lord, ‘and not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?' . . . ‘do I not fill heaven and earth?' says the Lord?” (Jeremiah 23:23-24).

    Loving Father, Knowing that You are everywhere is a source of comfort for all believers. This means, wherever we go, at any time, we are in Your reach. Thank You for the comforting truth of Your Omnipresence that allows me to be under Your protective coverage each and every day. How amazing it is to know that the universe You created, finds the Creator everywhere at all time! You are everywhere present in Your works and in Your personality. Thank You for being Immanuel, God with us and thank You for the price Jesus had to pay to bring us back into Your saving grace. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Scripture tells us that no matter where we go we cannot escape the manifest presence of God both in heaven and earth (Psalm 139:7-12).
    We do not have to go far to experience the presence of God, the Holy Spirit is all around us. The Holy Spirit lives inside of every Christian and as children of God, He’s not just around us, He wants to interact with us as we seek Him. Whenever we create space for God, it means that we are accepting the invitation into His presence. He is God Omnipotent, and in every place in this universe, He is present. The best news is, He bought us back in the most unimaginable way possible, His GRACE! (Matt 20:28; Mark 10:45). Jesus through this merciful act, reconciled us to Himself and granted us access to our heavenly Father ((Heb. 4:16; 7:19)! May we stay in God’s relational presence and reap the eternal benefit that Jesus paid for!

    “Know therefore today, and take it to your heart, that the Lord, he is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other” (Deut. 4:39).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. What a blessing you are to me sweet Sister! Amen! Inviting Jesus into even the smallest parts of my day. So blessed to be resting in His presence and peace. Nothing will be too hard for me because I know He is ever at my side and His Spirit is within me to guide my thoughts, words and deeds. May they all be pleasing to Him! Much love and gratitude.

  22. Thank you, Maplewood, for the reminder that He is all around us all the time! We are all so attached to our cell phones, and yet cell service can be interrupted at times. Not comparing God with phones but just the connection part...God is ALWAYS a good & perfect connection. We NEVER lose 'service" with Him! Knowing the Holy Spirit is deep within us gives me comfort. When life happens, as it does a lot lately, we need to simply tap into that which is already in us, right?! God and ALL HE IS is just a thought away. Staying in touch with Him in our harried days is the answer! I definitely have a wave of peace when I tap into Him! May you all have peace and joyful blessings today! In Jesus' great name, AMEN.

  23. Amen dear NJS! He is our constant Help in times of trouble. I loved your words! We just need to tap into that which is already in us!

  24. Please continue your prayers for my mother in law, Lorraine. The pneumonia has gotten worse. A miracle has to happen for her to survive. Please please please pray for one.

    1. ๐Ÿ™ for Lorraine, and for you, Child of God.

    2. I’m joining prayers for dear Lorraine.
      Thank You Father for granting Lorraine the miracle of her healing. Save her, heal her, and strengthen her as only You can. We thank you for this in the Name of our Risen Lord Christ Jesus. Trusting in Your faithfulness.

  25. I witnessed God answering our prayer yesterday in a mighty way. We are trying to reopen our Christian school after closing it all last year due to COVID issues. We have staff ready to go, but just a couple of students enrolled, so one decision that needed to me made was, do we go ahead with plans to open in just a few weeks or do we just close the school. As the staff was meeting we were discussing what we should do. We were praying and talking about who God is in reference to the words to the song, "Waymaker, Miracle worker, Promise keeper and Light in the Darkness" The phone began to ring an I decided to not interrupt the meeting by taking the call. I said laughingly, it's probably was someone wanting to enroll their child. Then it rang again! This time I thought I'd better answer it! AND it was a family interested in becoming part of our school! After I hung up, we all were in awe of God's timing. Such hope was given to us to go forward and reopen! Would you pray with us that God would continue to provide enough students to pay for our expenses. In faith we are moving forward anyway!

    1. Yes Lord Jesus You are a Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper and Light in the Darkness, Who can move every mountain and part every sea, Defeat De Darkness and Deliver me. Keeping you, school, staff, and families in prayer for safety, learnings, successes and thanksgivings in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. That phone call was a well timed gift of His faithfulness! Always on time! Hallelujah!

  26. PTL, bring on more students to be inspired by the teachings of Christ in your school, LTT!

  27. Dear Lord,
    Please watch over family today at Vanderbilt as they will be operating on our Brother Allen. We know you can do great miracles when you always have our best interests in your life’s plan for us. Please give us strength, comfort, peace and your guidance going forward from surgery into completion of the healing process. Thank you for your ever present Love and presence in our lives. “I can do all things
    through Christ who strengthens me”
    Philippians 4:13


    1. JT ---- Going to The Throne of Grace and Interceding for your Brother Allen. Father God, may Your healing hand rest upon him. Let Your life-giving powers flow into every cell of his body and into the depths of his soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring him to wholeness and strength for service in Your Kingdom. And, Father God, surround JT and family with your Presence, Peace and Comfort. Thank You, Father, that you watch over Your Word to perform it---and you are FAITHFUL!!! In Jesus' name, The Promise Keeper and The Waymaker, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. JT, praying for a successful surgery and recovery for Allen. Praying for his family as well. God bless!


    3. Joining warriors dear one in prayer for your brother Allen. Put your trust in the God who parted the waters. Father God we know that You care for Allen more than the sparrows. Your eyes are on this surgery &, his family who are trusting You with his care. Place Your hands dear Jesus on the hands of the surgeon. Peace & a calm spirit for those who wait. Amen๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž

  28. Dear JT, Thanking God for guiding the doctors through your brother, Allen's operation. May all go smoothly because He is in charge. May He strengthen, guide and comfort you all and give you His peace..
    Thank You Father for this and for giving the whole family peace of mind, and healing Alan and leading him to a perfect recovery, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

  29. Dear Norah, I tried so hard to post last night but they just wouldn't go through. I'm so glad you were surrounded by love and prayers. Sounds like your had a wonderful Birthday. We can't all bungee jump like our dear Sassy Mom but we can be grateful for all of God's blessings and live our lives to please Him. Know you are such an inspiration and a blessing to all of us. Thanks for your prayers and all the light you always add to our lives. Much love, Birthday Girl!

  30. Since Gabriel is sleeping over, I will just wish you all a sweet new day in God's presence. If you're tired, may He refresh and renew you, If you are sad, may He lift your spirits and comfort you, If you are lonely, may He surround you with His sweet love, If you are lost in any way, may He guide you to the help you need, and to the only path that leads to Glory. If you are sick, may He heal every weakness of body, mind and spirit. What a friend we have in Jesus. He knows every word in our heart, every secret we keep, every one of our shortcomings and weaknesses, and our hopes, dreams and desires. He still loves us exactly as we are. We are never alone. Not even for a second. He is with us now and ready to lead us always, right into eternity. Be not afraid. No matter the circumsances, believe the best is yet to come. All things are possible because His promises are reliable, and His words are true. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Thank you Jeanne for your beautiful prayer and encouragement. May you enjoy your time with your family and make many precious memories. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen ๐Ÿ™. God bless.

    2. May you be blessed with the same blessings dear Jeanne, pressed down & running over ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ™

    3. Dear Janet, God's daughter, Jan and JJ, Thank you. Amen. We know where our blessings come from. They come from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth.

  31. Dear Jeanne --- Just praising the Lord for ALL your encouragement--- receiving it ALL! Great LOVE and Blessings to you! In Jesus's precious name, AMEN and AMEN

  32. Thank You heavenly Father for all You are and for all You do. You are truly adored and are worthy of ALL our worship and praise. Thank You for the comforting reminder of Your presence being so close to us at all times. There is no fear in true perfect love. You go before us and with us--ALWAYS! Thank You Jesus ๐Ÿ˜Š.

    1. AMEN! dear Janet. " There is no fear in perfect love". Hallelujah!๐Ÿ’ž

    2. Amen dear Janet and Jan! Hallelujah!

  33. Oh Lord my God, 'I Stand In Awe Of You'

  34. I am in AWE how each year the devotions are relevant, no matter my current situation. I am at the crossroad in my life right now. I know what GOD has purposed me to do and I have one foot in that direction in Faith but the other foot is stuck in what IF? God knows, and I know this, and I know there is no BUT, in transparency, I would appreciate your prayers to agree with me for PEACE to do what GOD commanded and step out of my comfort zone, and allow GOD to use me as HE desires for HIS GLORY to serve hurting women sharing my testimony with openness and honesty. I TRULY BELIEVE this is my SEASON FOR GREATNESS IN HIM. Thanks in advance to my JC family!

    1. Praying with you, dear God's daughter, that God is guiding you to open yourself to His Calling. May you be a willing and able instrument in His Mighty Hands. He is already surrounding you with His peace. Go forward in His Presence and follow His Lead and trust in His Way. You're already acknowledging Him in your life. All things are possible in Him. Thank You Jesus.

  35. 10,000 REASONS

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom. I pray for you and Debbi everyday. I also keep Debbi's sister and husband in my heartfelt prayers. My situation may not always allow me to post, yet it always keeps me praying for all of us, in Jesus' Name. Much Love, Brie

    2. Always loved that song. Thanks dear Sassy Mom. Keeping you and Brie tight in my prayers and joining prayers for Debbi's perfect peace, and comfort for you and her sister and husband. God knows your sorrowful hearts. It's a blessing to see you both here. Miss you but I do understand what a difficult time you both are going through. The Lord is your Strength and your Song. Sending love to you my dear sisters.

  36. Dear Free as can be. Praying for you this day. I used this spray when mold crept in our house, Concrobium mold control, Lowe's has it. Praying it will help.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž

  37. Standing with you God's daughter. God shall equip you with the courage to go forward without fear. He is with you! He is with you! He is with you! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž

  38. Reading all the comments have really blessed my soul not to mention the devotion for today. I receive so much this morning from the devotional and from each of you. I too even received a answer concerning a issue I have with mold. Praise God! He loves me that much! He is so great and I praise Him this morning saints. My heart is bubbling with such joy because of who HE is.

    1. Thanking God you received an answer about your mold problem. He sure does love you that much! It's a perfect Love and a forever Love.

  39. "I am all around you, hovering over you even as you seek My Face. I am nearer than you dare believe, closer than the air you breathe."
    Today's devotion has me also singing, The Nearness Of YOU!
    It's not the pale moon that excites me
    That thrills and delights me
    Oh no
    It's just the nearness of YOU
    It isn't sweet conversation
    That brings this sensation
    Oh no
    It's just the nearness of YOU
    When i am in YOUR arms
    And I feel YOU so close to me
    All my wildest dreams
    Come true
    I need no soft lights to enchant me
    When YOU grant me the right
    To hold YOU ever so tight
    And to feel in the night,
    the nearness of YOU!
    May You experience His nearness today and everyday dear family.
    Much Love, Brie

    1. Aww dear Brie, That is one of my favorite old songs. You reminded me of how much I love it. Thanks Sis!

  40. It is the simple contention that what Jesus meant is clearly laid out in the gospels. He did not found a church or advocate politics. But neither of those structures is what He meant by “the reign of heaven.” Heaven’s reign is Himself, the avenue of access to the Father. He partly open the access on earth, but the process will be complete only in the Father’s bosom when history ends. One enters the heavenly reign by sharing Jesus’ own intimacy with the Father. He is the vine, to which the branches must be attached to draw life from Him. By becoming members of His mystical body, one honors the Father and passes the key for a disciple - treating the poor, the thirsty, the naked as if they were Jesus

    How can we tell among us is securely affixed to the Vine? We cannot. He told us as much. He says that heaven’s reign on earth is like wheat growing with weeds in it, to be separated only at harvest time, when the wheat will be gathered into God’s barn (Mt 13.24-30). Or it is likely unsifted wheat with chaff in it, waiting for fin separation of the two (Mt 13.30). Or it is like a great net with “fish of all kinds” in it, the edible to be sorted out only after the catch is hauled in - another image of the final reign as a feast (Mt 13.47-48). The meaning is clear. All earthly societies have currently unidentifiable elements of heaven’s reign in them - no state, no church, no voluntary organization - can be equated with heaven’s reign. Claims to a “faith-based politics” or to a perfect church substitute a false religion for heaven’s reign - which is a form of idolatry.

    Jesus’ followers have the obligation that rests on all men and women to seek justice based on the dignity of every human being. That is the goal of politics, of “the things that belong to Caesar.” But heaven’s reign makes deeper and broader demands, the demands not only of justice but of love. Saint Augustine came in time to renounce the classical ideals of Plato and Aristotle, which exalted the intellect as man’s noblest faculty, St. Augustine new that the highest human faculty is love, the self-emptying love of Jesus: “A new instruction I have given you: Love one another, as I have loved you, you must also love one another. All will know that you are my followers by this sign alone, that you have love one another “ (Jn 13.34-35).

    1. Just reading this in 2023, Anonymous. Thanks for the reminder...All will know that you are my followers by this sign alone, that you have love for one another.
      May my deeds match His Doctrine. I pray in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Txs "Anonymous on 08/24/22 @ 11:03 AM". Such a beautiful reminder of what's been asked of us. A in MD

    3. Thank You for A beautiful reminder again this year, Anonymous. And the church sign said, INSTEAD OF TALKING POLITICS, TALK JESUS!

  41. Dear free as can B. Praying that you will find out if black mold is in your house, and get rid of it before it causes you and your family any more health problems.
    Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name. Amen
    Dear Jan! Such good help to the rescue. I'll bet you can even find that spray on Amazon.

  42. Asking for healing prayers for a awful toothache that is causing much pain and not sure what it’s coming from. Thank you family!

    1. My Papa God, I come before You at this time, because of Rich's toothache. I ask for every trace of it to be removed in the name of Jesus. Papa, let every root of sickness that is causing the toothache to be uprooted NOW, in the name of Jesus. And, Papa, by The Blood of Jesus , I nullify the root cause of this toothache, and command Rich's total healing from it in the Mighty Name of Jesus. I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.
      My Papa God has got you covered, Rich. JJ

    2. A scripture to stand on, Rich.
      Psalm 107:20 "He sent his Word, and healed them and delivered them from their destruction."

    3. Amen๐Ÿ™ Thank you so much! Praise Jesus!

    4. Dear Rich C, Joining prayers for you in your time of need. May God remove your pain, and give you comfort and guidance. My twin sister is also suffering from a toothache. Praying that you both receive God's faithfulness and a resolution to your problems. God is with you. My sister said Orajel seemed to help her with the pain so she could get some sleep. Get to a dentist if the pain persists. Remember you're not alone so just keep trusting that our loving Father will lead you through this and all will be well very soon. Thank You Jesus.

  43. I posted this at noon on 8/23 but in case some of you only read in the morning, here it is again so you don't miss it.

    JC Prayer Warriors,
    I follow 'Jesus Calling by Sarah Young' on Facebook and just saw the following message from her publisher:
    We received the hard news that Sarah's health is rapidly failing. We know that Sarah believes in the power of prayer and prays for her readers every morning. Now, we have the precious privilege to lift up Sarah and her family. Please join us in prayer.

    There are 5.4K care clicks, 1.6K comments and 673 shares. She has touched the lives of so many with her words.

    1. Prayers for Sarah, Chris and our entire JC Family to Hold On To God's Unchanging Hand.

    2. Joining in prayers for Sarah. May our heavenly Father touch her and heal her completely. Father, please give her Your perfect love, peace, strength, comfort, and healing. Lift up her family, friends, and loved ones and hear our prayers for Your faithful child. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen ๐Ÿ™.

    3. Father please touch Sarah in every way! You are the Great Physician praying Your healing touch over her body right now in the Name of Jesus! ๐Ÿ™as well as my daughter! Replenish their bodies and raise them up! We bring them to You and place them at the foot of Your Throne pleading the precious Blood of Jesus over them in His Name Amen!

    4. Praying our Jehovah Rapha brings Sarah through with His healing. Thank you, Suzanne R, for bringing this to our attention. I know this family of JC Warriors are on it with prayers being sent up for Sarah!

    5. Joining all prayers for our beloved Sarah. Thank You Father for turning her health around and giving her renewed strength and healing. Let your faithfulness shine in her health and life. She has been such a good and devoted servant. Thank You for answering our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    6. I join in fervent prayers for our "influencer" Sarah Young. Without a doubt, her book changed my life as it opened the door for the Holy Spirit to move me into a routine of daily blessings that remains still. ๐Ÿ™♥️

  44. Joining the rest in prayer for Sarah. She loves the Lord through her writings. God has empowered her to reach hearts with the heart of Jesus. He will hold her hand through this illness. We pray in Jesus ' name. ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒˆ

  45. Warriors, thank you for your prayers for our son & family. This strain of covid was mild. They are all doing fine. Your prayers are powerful dear warriors. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. I thank The Master! I thank The Savior. I thank God! And thank you, Jan gridley for sharing the Victory. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Thank God, our GREATEST Physician, for bringing them through! You must have your victory shoes on, Jan Gridley, as you should. Dancing with you!

    3. Thanking God for answering our prayers and bringing your son and family back to perfect health without any lasting symptoms. Thank You Jesus.

  46. Requesting Traveling Mercy Prayers for daughter, son-in-love, and grand dog who are driving to Tennessee today. May they all be blessed and surrounded by Jesus' Love today and everyday. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Praying traveling mercies for your daughter, son-in-love, and grand dog to have safe passage. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen ๐Ÿ™.

    2. Traveling mercy prayers for your daughter, SIL, and granddog, Brie. May they arrive safe and sound both going and coming from their Jesus' name, amen.

    3. Thank You Father God for surrounding Brie's daughter, son in love and grand dog with a mighty Hedge of Protection as they travel to Tennessee and thank You for giving them a wonderful trip and a safe return in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    4. I see happy ears flapping in the wind, as they arrive safely at their destination. How fun!

  47. Dear Lord, lifting up my brother and his wife and they continue to navigate the new health issues. Praying for healing for her and strength for both of them. Praying for her to lean on YOU and have faith.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Amen ๐Ÿ™

    2. Praying for your brother and his wife, declaring by His stripes they are healed, in Jesus Name.

    3. ❤️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™❤️

    4. May God heal your brother's wife and strengthen them both in their faith and in their bodies, minds and souls.
      Father God, open up her heart to surrender to You. You are all she needs. Heal her physically and spiritually. Thank You for this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  48. Good morning everyone! ☀️I hope everyone is doing well! I am on here requesting prayer for my daughter Tori Faith again. Most of y’all know she has Crohns Disease and has been fighting since she was 14 now 21. She started having symptoms a few days ago after being in remission for a year with little to no issues. We hope it is just a stomach bug but, if she’s not any better when she wakes up today we will probably take her to the hospital to get some IV fluids. She dehydrates easily. She was prescribed some antibiotics yesterday but I know God is the Great Physician!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™Œ๐ŸปShe’s in good Spirits but I know her body gets weak. Thanks everyone ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Praying God's healing and return to good health for Tori Faith, in Jesus Name.

    2. Heartfelt Healing Prayers for Tori Faith and you and all our JC Fam, In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Amen! He is the Great Physician and greater than any illness we could experience. He is above all! I am believing it is nothing more than a stomach bug that is on its way out and it will leave her feeling well and healthy. Thank You Father for bringing dear Tori back to perfect health and keeping her in remission forever and giving our dear SC restored peace of mind in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

    4. Expecting complete restoration of health for Tori Faith in Jesus' name!

  49. God lives in us, we live in Him, "I have cleansed them by My blood and clothed them in My righteousness."
    There is nothing, no restraint, no restrictions, no veil, no sin that excludes us from His Presence.
    How blessed is that!
    Acts 17:28
    For in Him we live and move and have our being; as even some of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring.
    1 John 4: 11-16
    11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
    12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
    13 We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.
    14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.
    15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God.
    16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

  50. Amen and Amen!!! I am blessed to be broken so His light can shine through my cracks to others. We are all His handiwork. He loves us perfectly with all our imperfections. Walk with an open heart to receive all He is offering us today. Thank You Jesus.

  51. Start your day with this amazing song!
    Come Jesus Come by Stephen McWhirter

    1. Totally blessed! Thanks Audra for posting.

    2. Wow! Thank you for sharing ❤️

  52. This from a meth addict turned worship leader. YES HE CAN AND HE WILL! ✝️♥️

  53. That song was so beautiful dear Audra! Thank you! Perfect timing. I’m leaving Vermont today to go home. I had a wonderful and sweet time with my family even though two of my three sons and one daughter in love don’t believe in God. I did my best to shine His light before them. Our 5 little grandchildren blessed us so much and just having fun with our family was a precious gift . Rick is so happy I’m with him now after being away for so long with my mom. He needs me and I need him. But after morning prayers with my mom and sister yesterday, my mom said “Janet’s knees are killing her and she can’t take care of me”. Well I just told my Pastor i was resuming my Bible group on 9/17 and I told my Choirmaster I’m returning to Choir. On Sunday I sang with just one other person who can’t speak English very well. I also told my music family I would be returning to our Jams. I had planned to come back to Brooklyn to help Janet take care of my mom on all my weekends. Well now I must put my life into God’s Hands. I love my mom and sister so much and I have prayed to be more selfless but I sure missed my life away from my mom’s. God holds our futures and He knows best. Praying for you, my dear JC Family. Let us keep praising Him with thanksgiving and trusting He will continue to answer our prayers, guide our paths, surround us with His Peace and Protection, and heal us and our dear ones in every way. Father God, Thank You for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Psalm 103:1-5
    Bless the Lord, O my soul;
    And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
    Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    And forget not all His benefits:
    Who forgives all your iniquities,
    Who heals all your diseases,
    Who redeems your life from destruction,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s

    1. Praying for your path to be made clear as far as care giving for your mom and being with family and community. God knows your desire and also how thin you can spread yourself. Listen to him and know the difference between His voice and 'selfishness'. Guilt is overrated. Love you sister! ๐Ÿ™♥️

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks Audra. I sure do appreciate your caring heart and good advice.

  54. Grand Rising to each of you my Jesus calling family. It has been a long time since I gave a comment but today, I want to encourage somebody. I did something last year I never thought I could, but because it was an assignment from GOD, I did complete it. Things didn't work out as I expected, I completed it and worked hard to nourish it by doing something I am very uncomfortable doing, talking about myself, and it appears nothing happened. Our devotional on August 21st this week spoke to me as encouragement, "The work I am doing in you is hidden at first. But eventually blossoms will burst forth, and abundant fruit will be borne." Then today I am reminded again, Psalm 139:3 "You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways." I must wait on HIM and in due season if I faint not, whatever HIS will is for me, will manifest. This morning, I said, Lord, thank you for exposing me to myself and hearing my thoughts and responding in a way I can understand, "I AM NOT IN CHARGE, YOU ARE!" If anyone else finds themselves in this space with me, let's pray for each other and wait patiently, know GOD IS, and that's enough. Have a beautiful blessed beyond measure day!

    1. Dear God's daughter. You are in my prayers and whatever God brings you to, He equips you for. Sometimes we must step outside of our comfort zone to serve Him. But He always carries us through. All your hard work was a gift to him, and you did complete your mission for God. No matter how it went, He is glorified. Yes He is in Charge and I'm counting on His guidance and help too. Much love to you, dear sister.

    2. AMEN and I truly believe and receive it as truth!
