Saturday, August 29, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 29

Demonstrate your trust in Me by sitting quietly in My Presence. Put aside all that is waiting to be done, and refuse to worry about anything. This sacred time together strengthens you and prepares you to face whatever the day will bring. By waiting with Me before you begin the day's activities, you proclaim the reality of My Living Presence. This act of faith--waiting before working--is noted in the spirit world, where your demonstration of trust weakens principalities and powers of darkness.
     The most effective way to resist evil is to draw near Me. When you need to take action, I will guide you clearly through My Spirit and My Word. The world is so complex and overstimulating that you can easily lose your sense of direction. Doing countless unnecessary activities will dissipate your energy. When you spend time with Me, I restore your sense of direction. As you look to Me for guidance, I enable you to do less but accomplish more. 

Luke 12:22-26
English Standard Version

22 And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. 24 Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! 25 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 26 If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?

Ephesians 6:12
English Standard Version  

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Proverbs 16:3
English Standard Version  

Commit your work to the Lord,
    and your plans will be established.

My Prayer
Lord, I must admit, I have trouble at times just sitting and being quiet. It seems like something is already on in front of me or I am always looking at my phone or something else. I have been reading your EM Bounds on Prayer and I am often reminded at how little I really focus my efforts or time on prayer, this man that would pray for 3 hours each morning.


  1. First thanks for posting this god bless you. I have the book but it's great to have on my phone as well. My life is so much less crazy when I read gods word, in fellowship with other christians, pray, serve others, and at church regularly. If I slip in these disciplines my focus shifts and the cares of this world overtake me. God is great and always loves me through these times with a father's love.

  2. 2018 I read the book and then read this blog every day and know when I’m without my book the blog is always there. I need to be reminded every day early in the morning f to commit myself to Jesus by laying alll my plans aside and committing my life and will to Jesus. God is and always will be the final authority!

  3. Today, the Church remembers the Passion of John the Baptist. Called by God to prepare the world for God’s entry into it through Jesus. John faithfully fulfilled his calling. As he faithfully stood by God’s truth, he was arrested and imprisoned for opposing Herod for marrying his brother’s wife. Taken from his calling and languishing in prison, John appears to have doubts about himself and his calling. He sends his disciples to ask Jesus if He is really the Christ or should they look for another. A spiritual truth: the demons of doubt are most active in darkness. Today’s reading speaks to those who are busy, facing forces that contradict those things we hold dear. But some of the greatest spiritual challenges come as they did for John, when one is removed from busyness and idled in some lonely circumstances (illness, rejection, loss of ability to work, etc.). From personal experience, one must be proactive in continuing the practice of the presence of Jesus as today’s reading makes clear. Even when the demons of doubt become most active, hang on to the One who is hanging on to you. Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus. John was delivered, albeit by beheading, and we will be too.

    1. Thank you, Bob. It took me reading that 3 times to fully grasp that is meant specifically for me; specifically right now. God is so faithful.

    2. Thank you all for your words; simply sitting with the Lord in the morning as I drink my tea I know he is sitting with me and throughout the day ever all around us.
      Knowing this how can we go wrong.
      God bless all of you in all your journeys, In Jesus name.
      PEACE ��

    3. Thank you Bob. Very inspiring and insightful for me. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    4. Further thoughts upon revisiting this incident recorded in scripture, Mark 6:17-29.

      Honestly...I didn’t want to go here today, the end of John’s life is not a ‘feel good’ story. That thought in and of itself reflects weakness within my soul. That needed to be addressed for my calling to follow Christ is not for some warm fuzzy experience while I journey through life. No, when He said to me, “Follow Me!”, it was for the purpose of fulfilling His will for my life regardless of where He will lead me. An expression used in encouraging people to be leaders is,”If your not the lead dog, the view never changes.” Applied spiritually, I don’t want to be the lead dog so my view (Jesus) will never change. (Soul duly ordered for wherever He is leading today.) God be with you.

    5. Thanks Bob, praising in song!
      Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee,
      God of glory, Lord of love;
      Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee,
      Praising Thee, their sun above.
      Melt the clouds of sin and sadness;
      Drive the dark of doubt away;
      Giver of immortal gladness,
      Fill us with the light of day!

      All Thy works with joy surround Thee,
      Earth and heaven reflect Thy rays,
      Stars and angels sing around Thee,
      Center of unbroken praise:
      Field and forest, vale and mountain,
      Blooming meadow, flashing sea,
      Chanting bird and flowing fountain
      Call us to rejoice in Thee.

      Thou art giving and forgiving,
      Ever blessing, ever blest,
      Well-spring of the joy of living,
      Ocean-depth of happy rest!
      Thou our Father, Christ our brother,
      All who live in love are Thine:
      Teach us how to love each other,
      Lift us to the joy divine.

      Mortals, join the mighty chorus,
      Which the morning stars began;
      Father-love is reigning o’er us,
      Brother-love binds man to man.
      Ever singing march we onward,
      Victors in the midst of strife,
      Joyful music leads us sunward
      In the triumph song of life.

    6. Thanks, Brie, for a song that gives a true sense of reality. Can even put on the dancing shoes for this one.

    7. Yes Bob, It is hard to think of the harsh ending that John had to endure but he had run a good race and served our Lord well and his reward in Heaven was greater than he could ever imagine. We must be able to withstand any hardship to serve Jesus. We were never promised a "rose garden" but just asked to follow Him. Amen! I'm just gonna hang on to the One who is hanging onto me and follow His lead!
      Love that awesome song of praise, sweet Brie! Thanks for adding more light to my day.

    8. Psalm 92:1-2 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to your name, oh most high; to declare your loving kindness in the morning, and your faithfulness every night. Amen and Amen!

    9. That was a powerful message Bob ! When we are called we need to be aware that things may get rocky but the good news is God is walking beside us every step of the way !

    10. Amen Min Ahadi! He never leaves us, not even for a second. How blessed we are.

    11. Thank you Bob- even three years later your ability to connect dots and make this so practical is such a blessing. ❤️

    12. Joyful this morning, thank you!

    13. The waves of peace and understanding are like drops of water in an arid desert today. Thank you, Bob! God bless us all today as we run with endurance the race set before us.

    14. Bob, six years later your post still resonates. I have journeyed through several valleys in the last 5 months. Doubts walked with all the time. However, my time with God and faith has been strengthened more than I ever thought it could.
      SC Anonymous

  4. Please return. There has been no better time. We need need to rule.

    1. He did return. He made us and lives within! Be blessed as He guides you in His will and His Way.

  5. thank u jesus for giving me the strength peace and comfort each day as I go through the most unbearable feeling of losing my son .thank u Jesus amen

    1. My heart breaks for you. I cannot imagine your incredible pain. Lord, hold this person closely in Your arms, I know You are already. Help them turn to You and feel Your Comfort, Love and Peace.

  6. I sit and talk to god every day even on days I'm feeling better but nothing seems to help my problems nothing what am I doing wrong God what? Am I missing the signs?

    1. God is carrying you even when it doesn’t seem like it! Embrace the days you feel better and thank Him for all your days! I am praying for you and your family!!

    2. Dear Unknown, My heart goes out to you. I hope and pray that now, two years later, you are comforted and peaceful, knowing you will be with your good son again. The love you shared never ends and God's promises are reliable. Sending much love.

    3. Dear Unknown. I pray God has been comforting you and guiding through this year. Stay in His presence so you will feel peace and joy that only comes from believing. Keep those lines of communication open and pray without ceasing. He longs to hear your voice. Believe His promises. Read His Word. You will be with your son again.

  7. All:
    Just wanted to say Thank you for the prayer's and advice the other day regarding my addiction. I am currently attending individual therapy and also group therapy plus a weekly SAA meeting as well. This addiction tears at the soul and not only harms the individual but also everyone close to you. I know I cannot do it myself and pray everyday for the Lord to take this addiction away from me. I know he hears me, I know he loves me but then I turn my back on him and choose the wrong path again. Pornography is everywhere and I cannot stop by myself, I need support and I need to ask for help. Your prayers and advise are guiding me in the right direction. Thanks again and thank God for this venue! I have found so much peace in this forum.

    1. Dave, trusting our Great God for your complete recovery! Again, you are on the right track, God is with you and never letting go!! Continuing to pray with and for you! Victory and testimony are on the way in Jesus name!

      Maplewood NJ

  8. DAVE AND ZFUNTASTIC and all others who are suffering from an addiction to drugs, sex, or alcohol, etc. This group has proven that it will pray for you daily. I add mine to the voices praying for ALL of you. BUT please do not use this as your source for accountability or support, beyond prayer. I say this from experience, and ask you to be sure to go physically to addiction counseling or an AA meeting.

    The ease of communicating in forums and blogs tends to make ALL of us think that solutions can be met electronically. When in reality, only those who can check on your sobriety or abstinence from the addiction you suffer from, can be sure to help you "one day at a time"

    CONGRATS on your new start in abstinence and Godspeed for success tomorrow and then the next day... and then the day after... ad infinitum.

    1. Thank you Madfox - this is so true and has helped me tremendously. I will have 5 months clean and sober September 10th, and that's the most I've ever had. I'll be in new territory! God gave me two dreams last night, as well. He's working in my life and I'm grateful.

    2. Hallelujah Anonymous! Thank you Lord!

  9. Good Morning JC Family, my heart breaks when I read about the challenges facing those who are hurting. Thank you Lord for leading us to JC Family where we can share our heartaches, challenges and victories. We daily receive love, encouragement, prayer, support, etc. We are never alone. You are always present to forgive us and pick us up when we stumble. THANK YOU JESUS!

  10. I don't comment often in this forum but I want you all to know that I am here everyday and praying for you all. This is a great little community and I see God working through us all.

    I agree with Madfox, do not use this group as your sole support for addiction. I pray for all of you who struggle with addiction no matter what that addiction is. I pray that you get the support that you need to battle it successfully. God bless.

    1. TJ ---So glad to see your post! Have missed your comments. So appreciate ALL the prayers. I know there are many, many praying on this site, It's a God thing. Very thankful for it!
      Also, wanted to join with you and MadFox in agreement--not to use this site for your sole account ability. Great wisdom and hope it will be taken to heart. I pray for a successful outcome for anyone dealing with addiction. My Lord's great blessings and love to ALL the JC Family!

    2. Should read accountability! My bad! Please forgive.

    3. Glad to hear from you again TJ! Praise to our God, stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ


    4. Please pray for my son who is struggling physically with neck pain, financially because he can't work and an addiction, 2 months sober.. I pray he will recognize that he needs Jesus in his life. Thank you all for your prayers & support. I rely on this blog daily for strength and put my trust in Him. It is hard to do but I give it my best🙏🏼
      Anonymous Q

    5. I will continue in prayer for you and your son, Anonymous Q.
      Today's devotion strengthens our connection to The Vine with "faith--based waiting" before working where our DEMONStration of trust weakens DEMONS, principalities and powers of darkness. The most effective way to resist evil is to draw near God. When we need to take action, He will guide us clearly through His Holy Spirit and His Holy Word.
      My Utmost reading by Oswald Chambers, confirms faith-based waiting.."Believe steadfastly on Him and everything that challenges us will strengthen our faith. There is continual testing in the life of faith up to the point of our physical death, which is the last great test of our faith. Faith is our absolute trust in God— trust that could never imagine that He would forsake us (see Hebrews 13:5-6).
      Faith must be tested, because it can only become our intimate possession through conflict. What is challenging our faith right now? The faith based waiting test will either prove our faith right, or it will kill it.
      Lord Jesus strengthen our faith in You and our waiting on You. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  11. I awoke to a beautiful bright crisp morning with so much gratitude to You oh Lord. My mom and I went to bed last night and have been ushered into this day only by Your grace and mercy. You didn't have to do it, but You did and I say THANK YOU! You heard our prayers and family concerns to You this morning, thank You for the answers and solutions to ALL. Standing on Your promises and Trust You to accomplish them in Jesus name.

    My JC family, I join my faith with yours in praying that our dear heavenly Father will by His word and power, accomplish in your life & family whatever blessings that is meant for you this day.
    May you continue to be a blessing to others as the Lord will not forget your labour of love. Do not relent in your services for God and humanity because He who have started this great work in you, will definitely accomplish it.(Phil, 1:6) Greater Grace, be with you all.

    Maplewood NJ

  12. I agree wholeheartedly with MadFox. And congrats to Dave and Zfuntastic for being accountable for your actions. We continue to pray for you by name and support your efforts. Jesus also calls you by name and has a plan for you. We're all put in this world to make a difference. Figure out what that calling is and your life will make sense.

    Although I can't empathize with you regarding addictions, I can sympathize. Please know we ALL fall even if it's not related to addictions. We call make mistakes on a daily basis. It's what humans do and that's why living close to God and having the Holy Spirit watch over us is so important. We need His guidance. We can't do this alone.

    God bless you all and have a wonderful day.

  13. Thank you everyone - this is so true and your prayers have helped me tremendously. I will have 5 months clean and sober September 10th, and that's the most I've ever had. I'll be in new territory! God gave me two dreams last night, as well. He's working in my life and I'm grateful.

    1. Anonymous--- So grateful for your update! It is a great encouragement to many and another VICTORY for our miracle working Lord. Keep moving forward--JC WARRIOR prayers coming at you! Satan we bind up all your schemes that you aim at Anonymous and loose great VICTORY over this addiction. Satan, you have no authority here and I speak great destruction into your camp! JESUS, JESUS, JESUS all over Anonymous!

    2. I love your prayer, JJ
      This is my prayer as well 🙏🙌🏼
      In Jesus name, Amen

  14. Thank you so much for ALL of your posts! They have continually helped me get through struggles on a regular basis.
    I had a difficult time sleeping last night, so I took the opportunity to lift everyone on here repeatedly up in prayer.
    JJ, I took your advice and repeated the name of Jesus throughout the night as well! Blessings. CO

    1. CO --- I think the Lord was just thrilled to have you all to Himself in the night. Thank you, thank you for all your prayers--I covet them as all the JC FAMILY does! I speak the name of Jesus in many, many situations. There's just something about that name!!! Great blessings and unusual favor to you, CO!

    2. One year later, me too, Anonymous CO!

    3. Amen CO, JJ and Brie! Last night my mind was racing when my head hit the pillow. I was up late working on my drawing of my Grandson. I prayed and kept repeating Proverbs 3:24. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. I just kept thanking Jesus for bringing me the rest I really needed, especially since today is my 39th Wedding Anniversary and I sure wanna be my best for my good husband. Well this morning I was thanking and praising Him for this faithfulness as I awoke refreshed and grateful! Amen JJ, There's something about that Name!!!

    4. Jeanne - Happy Anniversary. Praying your day is blessed with many happy memories. "There's something about that Name!!!" AMEN!!!!

    5. Happy anniversary! There is power in the name of Jesus! Every day I experience it more and more. It is so fun to trust and expect the miracles of His Prescence in my life, bolstered by the prayers and testimonies found here. God bless you JC peeps!

    6. Happy 39th Wedding Anniversary, Jeanne and Hub. May you and your DH (Darling Husband) BE BLESSED WITH 39 PLUS MORE HAPPY YEARS! Love you much!

    7. Happy Anniversary Jeanne & many more with an abundance of blessings 🥰

    8. Blessings on you, Jeanne, and your husband on your 39th wedding anniversary. Wishing you the best.

    9. Thanks for all those sweet Anniversary wishes! We had a lovely time and even got to eat a good dinner outside at our favorite neighborhood restaurant. Blessed we are to have each oth!

    10. Thanks Min Ahadi! Was up very late preparing a big photo album that had photos from our wedding up until our 3rd son was about 5. I couldn't fit anymore pictures in but I know he'll love it. God is so good.

    11. So happy for you! Pictures have a great way of bringing it all back. May you enjoy your special day filled with love, joy, and laughter.

    12. Happy Anniversary Jeanne🎆🎉🥰

    13. Happy Anniversary dear Jeanne!

    14. Happy happy 40th anniversary Jeanne!!! Yay!! 🎶🎉🎂❤️

    15. Happy anniversary Jeanne and your DH. Enjoy the story in pictures, what a lovely gift. That's a lot of years and memories to pack in to an album 😉

    16. Thanks sweet family! God guided me to paint a little painting for Rick and he really loved it and the photo album. One son called last night wishing us a Happy day today and our other sons called to wish us a Happy one. My dear sister sent us a pretty frame with a picture of our wedding and a picture of us from a few years ago. She even baked pecan sandies for us. Having a quiet blessed day. I got red roses and a necklace with a tiny ruby charm because Rick said 40 years is for rubies.
      He wrote a card and said he loved me just as much as the day we were married. I'm a blessed lady alright! God has been so good to me. I think our best Anniversary gift will be our new grandson on Wednesday. The best is yet to come! Thank You Jesus!

    17. Happy Anniversary dear Jeanne
      Praying blessings of love, laughter and joy over you and your DH❤️❤️🙏🙌🏼😁

    18. Love, Brandy ❤️🙏

  15. Good morning all! What a difference a new day makes. Reflecting on Gods goodness, so greatful our coastal property spared. God is good. The work done to prepare for the storm was not wasted. It is good to be prepared regardless of outcome. I compare it to my daily morning time with the Lord, a time of preparation of what may lie ahead. Always good to be full versus empty when we set out to live each day. waiting before working.
    I love in the reading that our trust weakens principalities & powers of darkness. How worthy is our time spent with the Lord. So beneficial in more ways than we could ever imagine.
    I find myself in a strange space having just had my second surgery for melenoma in a years time. I sense God is directing me but not in the obvious ( stay out of the sun) but in a deeper way, reminding me not to waste my moments. That time here is fleeting to use my life wisely. Let go of so many silly things and also serious things that only God can control. Pray more, love harder and be greatful.
    I have missed all of you so. I will end now and pray over all of your lives. My heart is full of love for all of you for I am so greatful for all your posts and prayers.
    God bless all of you.

    1. Thanks for sharing. God bless you as well Fern! and God bless our entire JC Family!

    2. Praying for Fern, Father, we ask for no further melanomas and no spread. Godspeed and Amen.

    3. Fern, I am praying that your surgery was successful and that the melanoma will not return. Your faith is strong and that is so important. Welcome back and God bless you.

    4. We love you Fern💕. Your strong faith in God through all He has brought you through speaks loudly to me. You are totally invested in His power to lead you through your storms. God loves you Fern & is totally invested in you! 🥰. Be blessed dear girl.

    5. Amen Fern, Amen! You have been missed and this morning, we thank God for your strength and faith in Him! As I have testified, I decree and declare that there are many more testimonies from you to His glory. He is our greatest Physician. The Word said, by His stripes we are already healed! We better believe that!

      Remain blessed my sister!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Thank you, Fern, for this inspirational post. It sooo reaffirms what He said to me this AM (which I reflected on above in my post in 2018). And I feel your love which is also a marvelous blessing. God be with you, dear sister in Christ.

    7. Thank you for posting, Fern. You have been missed! I join the others from this JC Family in prayer for you. I pray in thanksgiving that your property was spared, for your 2nd successful surgery to remove melanoma, and for your willingness to be open to God's word and the realization that our time on Earth is short, so you are taking action in praying, loving and being grateful. Your post was a good reminder and an inspiration to me. Continued blessings to you! Co

    8. So good to have you as a Sister, Fern. Praying that your melanoma is gone and will not return. You have your priorities in the right order and you seek Him early in the morning and: Pray more, love harder and are grateful. Thanks for your prayers. God bless you in every area of your life and take care of you and your family.

    9. God bless you for sharing with us today, Fern. There by the grace of God go I. Lifting you up in prayer and joining you with focused attention on the best attitudes for our journey in this fallen world.

    10. Pray more, love harder, be grateful..Jesus is with us always through it all..Fern, we know you and many more are praying. Thank you, thank you sweet Jesus. Come holy spirit.

    11. Dear Fern, Make sure you put sunscreen on and stay in on the hot days. My husband and his brothers have Irish skin and they are always getting things removed. Praying for you always and for Dan and your good husband. Hope and pray you are all doing well. Especially Dan.

  16. Hi Fern, so great to see you back. I've always liked reading what you wrote on here and I've missed you. I'm glad you're looking at a fresh start moving forward in a light-filled future with our Lord by your side. God Bless you. Love, Kathy

  17. I Testify to the glory of God and give Thanks to the Greatest Healer and Physician this world will ever have, our JEHOVAH RAPHA! I give Him ALL the glory and honor for turning our fear of the unknown into joy, and giving my family a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. We celebrate my baby sister Janet’s return home from the hospital from what seemed like a dark period. But when we are faithless, God remains faithful! In a world full of tragedies, calamity and uncertainties, here we are embracing a moment of triumph in His name and for His glory. He doesn’t love us any more or any less than those who are broken hearted from their unanswered prayers. He loves them still and has another plan. They are in my prayers for testimonies to His glory. My family and I have once again, experienced the miracle of His sustenance and mercy, and as King David so appropriately penned in Psalm 4:7: “You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.” All of my praise belongs to Him. He who starts a good work, always completes it! Thank You Jesus!

    To ALL of you who lifted my sister Janet in prayers and continue to do so, silently or spoken, I thank you! May this same God whom you called upon for her healing, hear your cries for whatever you stand in need of, so that you too will declare His praise and glory. For this and many more, I stand with you in prayer and ask the Father:

    Most gracious and loving Lord, Thank You for every mind and heart that fills the presence of this blog. Only You know what they have set before you in prayer. They have dreams, visions, anticipation, desires and urgent requests. Some are requesting healing just as I requested healing for my sister. As You have answered me, and granted me and my family joy, I ask the same for them. Gave them testimonies so that they too can come back to teatify to Your glory. You are the only one who can see in perfect detail the end of every beginning. Every trial, every plead, every struggle, every season, every life, You know it. Nothing is ever in vain, for even mistakes and missteps are used for good.
    Your righteousness transcends all our efforts and understanding. Forgive us when we fail to grasp that. Let the Holy Spirit translate Your commands. Give them renewed strength and godly courage to obey You without questioning. Forgive them for striving beyond their means, worrying, and forcing results. Remind all that the fear that hinders believers, is the fear that threatens to disqualify them for Your Kingdom. Strengthen their confidence in who You have made them to be. Set them free from disappointments and comparison in order for them to see that You are who You say You are, the great I AM, whom absolutely Nothing is impossible.
    Bless them today and every day and open their spiritual eyes to see the many gifts You’ve prepare for them each day. Ready them to make every moment with You count so that they too can enjoy wondrous works of healing, restorations, provisions, deliverance, guidance, protection, peace, joy, breakthroughs, manifestations, worship and praise!
    May they praise You for every event of their lives, and Your purpose for it. We know that when we gather together to pray for each other, You always have a divine agenda. When our efforts fail or fall short, blow us all away with Your faithfulness to provide what we need. Steer each person’s intentions to align with Your Righteous will. May all glory go up to You when they have reach the finish line. Blanket each person with Your peace, keep all physically and emotionally safe. May love be at the forefront of every mind and the guiding light for all they set out to accomplish. May their ‘demonstrations of trust in You, weakens principalities and powers of darkness.’ Help all to endure disappointments and trials with godly courage and love and grant each person peace in knowing they are pursuing Your purpose for their lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks be to God for your prayers, Maplewood NJ, and that I can start my Victory Dance for Janet. Love to my JC Family.

    2. Joining Brie in this victory dance for sister Janet. Forge her on in faith to see this to the finish line oh Lord! Bless her devoted sister for standing aside of her in this battle. Amen, Hallelujah!

    3. I am totally overwhelmed by your post, twin bd sis! In this state, I have nothing to say but thank you. So I will simply join Brie in the victory dance for Janet. God be with you.

    4. Amen. Thank you for this wonderful prayer and Thank you Lord for Janet! Hallelujah!

      Blessings from France

    5. Praise be to God, for Janet's victory! Thank you, Maplewood, for this uplifting, heartfelt post. May God continue to fill you with the eloquent, inspirational, faith-filled words to share with each of us. CO

    6. You blessed my day with your beautiful words and prayers, and with the wonderful news that your dear sister Janet is home from the hospital! Thank God for His faithfulness and lovingkindness. It is without limit and above our understanding. Rejoice in His good works and be glad! Much love.

    7. Praising God for bringing your sister home and praying that her health continued to improve. Thanks for the wonderful message

    8. Thank you dear sister for your beautiful prayer. I am covered by the Blood and protected by His Wings. I have nothing to fear.
      Continuing to pray for Janet's three medical issues. But you did update us to say she was doing better. For that I am grateful for God's faithfulness.

    9. Janet is so loved. Praying all continues to be well. ❤️

  18. Dear warriors, all went well with my left eye procedure. Next week the right eye gets the same. Love you all so much for taking the time to cover me with prayer💕. I feel like a kid. I keep covering my right eye just to see if it took! 😄. Chill Jan chill!

    1. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus. I am so glad to hear that. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    2. Thanks for The Victory Report on the Left. Now I am steering my prayers to the Right! Be blessed and healed.

    3. Celebrating with you, Jan, and will celebrate with you again next week. Looking forward to it. God be with you.

    4. Praise God for this victory! I join the others and will be praying for a successful outcome for the next procedure next week. CO

    5. Thanking God for another victory. Praying next week's procedure will go well too! Praise Him with every breath!

    6. Thank you Jesus! thank you Jesus! your love for Jeanne and Jan for all of us; our cup overfloweth.

  19. May the God of grace, healing, peace and restoration, turn His eyes upon all those affected by hurricane Laura, the recent California fire and the Fire in Lebanon that took so many lives and for ALL others here and around the world. We have a responsibility as believers to extend our love and prayers to ALL near or far.
    Continued prayers for this nation for love, peace and unity from ALL the injustice, hurt and disregard for human lives. May God have mercy, because Jesus is soon returning!

    Jan- Praise the Lord! Keeping you in prayers for total restoration in your eye, in Jesus’ name.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Standing with my twin bd sis in these prayers.

    2. Your prayers are my prayers! CO

    3. Joining in prayers for all those affected by the hurricanes and fires! God is merciful and cares for His people. Amen!

    4. And still, we cry amen! Maranatha!

  20. Things that go bump in the night: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Your demonstration of trust weakens principalities and powers of darkness. The most effective way to resist evil is to draw near Me. When you need to take action, I will guide you clearly through My Spirit and My Word.
    I woke up early with fear in my heart because of the present spiritual forces of evil darkness (Big big bump in the night!) I got up and reread all the Armor of God posts. Thanks you BFF for posting. They helped me with today's devotion and Bible verse. Thanks again BFF and all of our praying JC Family. I felt safer in His Arms.

    1. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      In a Jellyfish world there are unwelcome finds lurking in the deepest, darkest places. Here we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against stinging jellyfish without bodies—like the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world. Even here Your Hand will guide me, Your Strength will support me and You will help me stand. There is no need to fear jellyfish when I know and stay near to You, Lord for Your Light penetrates and reveals. In a world that can sometimes seem as dark as the vacuum of the ocean's depths, You, O God are our light! In You there is no darkness at all. Would you come near and shine Your Light all through me to brighten up a world in need of You? In Jesus' Name I pray and I thank You. Amen.

    2. He already has, Brie and we all are seeing more clearly because of His light that shines through you. God be with you.

    3. Brie- remember this when they bother you in the night: you my dear girl are to be feared in the dominions of the enemy. Their on to you & the power you cast upon their darkness through Christ & the power of prayer. They want nothing more thant to stop us from daily approaching the throne of heaven for intercession. We want nothing more than to awake each morning, plant both feet on Holy ground & hear them fearfully exclaim, " oh crap! She's up!"

    4. Thanks Bob.
      LOL, Jan, because I woke them up at 3am! And, I am about to belt out my Voice to all verses of Shine Jesus Shine, to make sure they know I am up and fully armored! Blessings Family!

    5. So glad that the Armor of God posts have helped you feeling better sweet Brie! Glory to God!
      Joining you in singing Shine Jesus Shine! God be with you all.

      Blessings from France

    6. You're so right, Jan, while sleeping or tying to sleep is when that darkness tries to slink its sliminess around and in us. You, Brie, arm yourself so well in God's Word that it can't get on or in you, JC sister!

    7. And From the Song Ode To Joy:
      Mortals, join the mighty chorus,
      Which the morning stars began;
      Father-love is reigning o’er us,
      Brother-love binds man to man.
      Ever singing march we onward,
      Victors in the midst of strife,
      Joyful music leads us sunward
      In the triumph song of life. Amen

    8. Thank you for sharing all, Brie! I, too, have found putting on the whole armour of God has truly helped me stand against the evil that has come my way.
      And your songs of praise and glory are always uplifting! CO

    9. Dear Brie! Sending you a big hug. We have all felt our world being shaken by the evil one. But we stand on an immovable Rock through it all, and we are firmly anchored to Heaven by our Faith and through the Blood of Christ, we have overcome them. He is so much GREATER! Singing Holy God! We Praise Your Name!

    10. LOL, we are not only up, we are dressed for action physically emotionally and spiritually in service to the one and only King. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever, amen!

    11. Shine Jesus Shine!

  21. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby, Jeanne; I know you will make it special for him. So blessed he is to have you. Peace and love to you both.

    1. Thanks LCA! Your sweet blessing still brought me much joy. We are blessed to still be in love. Always praying for his salvation. He is such a good and honest man. I know God reads his heart.
      We are going out for dinner tonight and I am looking forward to it.

    2. Happy Anniversary, Jeanne & Rick! Hope you had a wonderful dinner reminiscing over your wedding day 40 years ago and cherished memories you've made over the years! Blessings and cheers to you both!

    3. Thanks dear NJS. We did have a nice dinner and we are both grateful for our blessings. The night was very sweet thank God.

  22. Thank you so much dear Loveconquersall! It was a special day. God bless you dear Sister!

    1. Happy and Blessed 40th Wedding Anniversary to our Jeanne and Rick, with Joyous wishes for many more years of Happy Wedded Bliss, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thank you so much sweet Brie! The best is indeed yet to come. We look forward to the arrival of our grandson on Wednesday. Can't wait to meet him and find out his name. His Mommy Mayra is in the best of Hands. God bless and strengthen the whole family. Greg lost his job and his wife isn't working but taking care of their 2 year old who is almost 3. God will provide. Thank You Jesus!

  23. Prayers requested for Larry's wonderfully tremendous capable and smart Pulmonologist. With God, she got him through lung cancer and covid. She called yesterday to cancel his appointment and advise us that she is closing her practice due to covid.
    It seems the hospital where she practices is overtopped with covid patients, leaving her with no time for her office practice. Praying for her, her staff, and her patience, and patients.
    OK God, What Now My Love? and Where Do We Go From Here? Lead me, Guide Me Along The Way. In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock, knock, knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. As I continually remind myself, that fear is useless; what is needed is trust! Amen

    1. May our Father continue to guide her through her journey of helping others in this life and may He direct you and Larry along the path He has for you. His plans are always the best and His goodness and glory is always with you. God bless! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise God always! Thank You Jesus.

    2. Joining in Janet's prayer for your wonderful and gifted Pulmonologist. God will find a way for you to get the best treatment for your DH Larry, and perhaps when things get safer, your good doctor will return to her practice. God will guide your steps and fill your needs. He is ALMIGHTY and can do ALL things. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Hear our prayers we pray and answer them. Comfort, guide and heal our sweet sister Brie and her good husband Larry. Amen.

    3. Happy Anniversary to you, Jeanne, and Rick. I hope you have a very enjoyable dinner tonight with your amazing husband. Peace be with you!

    4. Joining in prayer Brie for Larry's doctor and for you guys to find one to minister to your hubby's needs. God led you to this one, in His faithfulness He will lead you to another one. PTL on Larry's improvement.👏💕

    5. Joining in prayer with our family here. God knows the door shut and He will open the way for you to proceed. We've got you covered in prayer and we know you already did "seek first the Kingdom" so I know it is in His plan.

    6. Ugh. That is so tough. I know we are covering you and your Dr, but I am sorry for the forced changes. ❤️

    7. Thanks Family,
      As we all have continuously witnessed, there is continual testing in a life of Faith.
      My faith is up against the test from down under in the demon possessed valley, rather than on the Mount of Transfiguration where it is easier to believe. I believe God will supply all our needs in a way worthy of the true Magnificent Riches of Christ Jesus come in all of His Glory, therefore I am heavily leaning on your prayers and into John 11, “But didn’t I tell you that you will see a wonderful miracle from God if you believe?” Jesus asked her. I'll Stand By You; Stay With Me. Jesus I believe You. Amen.

    8. Dear sister Brie, you are in our prayers and we all know what happens in the end to evil.
      A couple days ago I was under attack and distraught with guilt and shame of falling short as care-giver and loving daughter in my mom's final days here. I went to kneel and pray about my concerns and as plain as day I was told by God to "stand up". I questioned it because of my uncertainty of actually receiving a message and was told again "stand up" and almost helped to my feet.
      I see in your words "I'll stand by you, stay with Me" and that is my message back to you. He wants YOU/US "standing" with HIM! God Bless you as you receive the peace of the Holy Spirit with you. Love, your sister in Christ, Kathy

    9. Thanks Kathy,
      A song for us:
      STAND by K&K Mimes

    10. Praying for you and yours, Miss Brie. "His Eye is On the Sparrow".

    11. Joining in prayer for you and Larry, Brie! We knock, we ask, we pray, we trust. ♥️

    12. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      I am thankful that I can accept changes in my situations and circumstances, because You remain the same in this Jellyfish world. You are our Refuge, our strength, and our strong tower. Throughout every change, we remain sheltered in the shadow of Your wingspan and stand on the firm foundation of Your Word. We can still live in Your Peace, even when things are changing all around me and jellyfish are lurking. Praise and Thank You for being The Same YTF (Yesterday, Today, Forevermore) Amen.

    13. Thanks All and Amanda for remInding me:
      HIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROW sung by Marvin Gaye

    14. Beautiful Testimony Kathy! He lifted you up to praise Him. You are not going backwards, but forward in His presence and peace. You did your best with your Mom. None of us can be perfect. She knew you loved her. God is holding your future out for you to realize. He only wants you to be blessed. Guilt is not from Him. Halleluia! You were brought to your feet by your loving Father!
      Brie, That video was perfect for our dear Kathy. He lifted her up just like on the video. Great song and encouragement.
      I absolutely love His Eye is On the Sparrow!!! Thanks.

    15. Praying for you and Larry, sweet Brie. Jesus we trust in your love and care for Larry. Fill your faithful servants Brie and Larry with your beautiful love song. Hear our prayers for them..pour your amazing grace over them! Amen and Amen!!

    16. Thanks be to God for all of your prayers. We saw this same pulmonologist in her office yesterday because it is OPEN to patients again! Thank You Jesus 😊 AMEN!

  24. "I Stand Amazed in The Presence of Jesus the Nazerine", sing the hymn right through and you WILL be drawn closer to Him.

    1. Thanks Peter JF Jackson

    2. Thank you so much Peter! That was so very beautiful. You added so much bright and sweet light to my special day!

  25. Father, thank You for opening Your loving arms up to me and granting me full access to You. You are holy and perfect and I'm not, but You love me anyway. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. You are so amazing, wonderful, and magnificent. You are the most high and there is no one above You. You are the truth, the life, and the way. Thank You for drawing me to You. I am so grateful to know You. You fill me with such joy in my heart that it delights my entire being. To be in Your Presence is so awesome. Your peace, love, and joy is the highlight of my being. I don't ever want to lose it. Let me bask in Your perfect presence forever. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Thank you Janet for giving us this prayer to pray along with you. In Jesus name, AMEN!

    2. Thank Janet for sharing a wonderful prayer

    3. What a beautiful prayer dear Janet! I copied it and printed it out to share. Just love it. Praying it with you! Amen!

  26. Dear Janet, I join you in this prayer🙏💕Amen.

  27. I praise you through this prayer also, thank you, Janet!

  28. Worthy of every song we could ever sing
    Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring
    Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe
    We live for you
    Oh, we live for you
    Jesus, the Name above every other name
    Jesus, the only One who could ever save (worthy...)
    Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe
    We live for you
    Holy, there is no one like You
    There is none beside You
    Open up my eyes in wonder
    Show me who You are and fill me
    With Your heart and lead me
    In your love to those around me
    Jesus, the Name above every other name
    Jesus, the only One who could ever save
    Worthy of every breathe we could ever breathe
    We live for You,
    Oh! We live for for You
    Holy, there is no one like You
    There is none beside You
    Open up my eyes in wonder
    Show me who You are and fill me
    With Your heart and lead me
    In your love to those around me
    I will build my life upon Your love
    It is a firm foundation
    I will put my trust in You alone
    And I will not be shaken
    I will build my life upon Your love
    It is a firm foundation
    I will put my trust in You alone
    And I will not be shaken
    Holy, there is no one like You
    There is none beside You
    Open up my eyes in wonder
    Show me who You are and fill me
    With Your heart and lead me
    In your love to those around me
    I will build my life upon Your love
    It is a firm foundation
    I will put my trust in You alone
    And I will not be shaken
    I will build my life upon Your love
    It is a firm foundation
    I will put my trust in You alone
    And I will not be shaken

  29. Such an incredibly beautiful song, dear Min Ahadi! Just listened and sent this link to my sister. Thanks so very much! <3

  30. Happy 41st Aniversary of your wedding our dear Jeanne. May both of you be blessed with many more happy ones! Much Love, Brie!

  31. Thank you so much sweet sister!!! What a blessing you remembered dear Brie. May God give you and Keith and your family strength as you prepare to move your brother into your house. Thank You Jesus!
    For whatever reason I wasn't able to post at all last night. I lost at least 7 posts. Here was my last post that I copied before it was lost forever:
    Thanks for your prayers, Janet, Brie and Jan. We continue to pray for each other and God hears every one. Dear Janet, I'm so thankful that God is working faithfully in your life and job. More answered prayers! And Peter, How amazing that God led you and your wife to the right car. He knows what we need better than we do. And dear SC Anonymous, God wants to hear our voices in the morning thanking Him for the new day and all He has put before us. Then we truly walk through the day with Him. But we must remind ourselves that we are in His presence, and spend some special time with Him. Happy Birthday to your son at college. I'm so glad you'll be able to spend time with him.
    Looking forward to our Anniversary dinner later. Gonna get dressed up for my special date. Rick is looking forward to it too.
    God bless your day, dear sisters and brothers. Look for His light in it, no matter the circumstances and remain in His presence and peace.

    1. Happy anniversary to you and Rick. May you enjoy your time together and make more precious memories. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts. The Lord is so good--ALWAYS! I'm so blessed to have all of you here on this blog site. Thank You Jesus 😊. God bless 🙏.

    2. Happy Anniversary Rick & Jeanne 💞🎉💐🎆! Enjoy your precious time together tonight.

    3. I'm so happy for you, Janet, and how God has worked all things together for good for you! (I wasn't able to read yesterday's posts but read them this morning.) Look forward to hearing more about it when you're able. May our Jehovah Jireh continue to pour His blessings over you, sister! In Jesus' name, amen!

    4. Joining my sisters, Jeanne, in congratulating you and Rick on 41 years together! That is awesome! Enjoy your dinner out tonight with your best fella! Cheers and blessings to you both!

    5. Happy Anniversary, Jeanne and Rick! A nice night out sounds like just the ticket to celebrate. I'm praying for you and Keith, Brie and all of the details coming into place. Janet - I loved reading your victories and celebrations. Praising God with you! And, Peter - your car story blessed me. We have been in a car mess for quite a while now, but know that God will pave the way and is in many ways. Blessings dear JC Family!

    6. Thanks dear Janet, Jan, NJS and Norah for all your sweet wishes. We are enjoying the day and I can't wait for our dinner date. Brie, May God strengthen you as you prepare for the big move. Much love dear Family!

  32. Lord, thank you for this reminder today to START our day with You.

    SC Anonymous

  33. Yes indeed Anonymous. We should all start & close our day with our wonderful Lord! Bless your day!💞🙏

  34. Dear Janet. How awesome is our God, amen? Jehovah Jireh has provided! Thank you for sharing His goodness, it encourages each of us by knowing our God is faithful. Blessings on your day💞🙏

  35. "By waiting with Me before you begin the day's activities, you proclaim the reality of My Living Presence."
    There is no better way to start the day than sitting quietly in His Presence.
    That's my stairway to Heaven.
    Turning on TV to catch up with the news is the quickest elevator to the basement of depression.
    We were designed to live a life in the blessed Presence of our Creator.
    Adam and Eve HEARD the sound of the Lord God walking in Eden. He was audible to them. With the exception of the day when they sinned, He was their delight on waking in the cool early morning before the heat of the day, they looked forward with keen anticipation to meeting with Him.
    What a wonderful way to declare the reality of His Living Presence both in our lives and to the unseen.
    Wow! Spending time in His Presence, our demonstration of trust, weakens principalities and powers of darkness.
    Wow fellow Saints...way to go!

    1. Well said dear Peter! The blessed moments are His sweet presence. Nothing else brings the true joy and peace and blessed assurance that We belong to Him as He belongs to us.

  36. Amen, Peter! Starting the day with grace. Happy anniversary to Jeanne and Rick!

    1. And, AMEN, Peter and Audra! And I loved this, "As you look to Me for guidance, I enable you to do less but accomplish more." Have a blessed day, everyone!

    2. Thanks dear Audra! Get some rest now! You too sweet Norah. Have a blessed and happy day in the Lord!

  37. Happy and Blessed Wedding 💑 Anniversary, Jeanne and Rick. Praying you are feeling well enough to celebrate! If not yet, then celebrate anyway. Much ❤️ and Many 🙏, Brie

  38. Aww. Thanks dear Brie! I'm tired from yesterday with my Mom in the ER but Rick and I will do something special much later. Good devotion. I am trusting the Lord and trying my best not to worry about my Mom and so many things going on in my life. God is calling me to rest today so I will try to do just that. Love you Sis, and all my dear JC Family. May God continue to hold us tight in His loving and caring Hands.

    Joshua 1:9
    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

    1. You dear Jeanne, mom & Rick are in my prayers. So much on your plate. Try to rest your body. Your spirit is strong, fit & ready to carry you through whatever lies ahead. Your body on the other hand can buckle under. So rest it for the next challenge. I agree with Brie. Take time to celebrate with Rick. Take time for an R&R. Relax & Regroup. God's got your mom well in hand. We can't add or subtract from anything that's going on, so why should we be anxious? Happy Anniversary! ❤️🙏🌈

    2. Happy anniversary kids 😉♥️ rest well in relationship memories today.

    3. Thanks dear Jan and Audra! God is calling me to rest but I'm busy. Off to the store for sugar now. Yes I sure will enjoy my time with my good husband tonight. Looking forward to it. God is good. May He bless you and guide your days to joy and peace.

  39. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. (Psalm 95:2). Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it." (Genesis 28:16). Worship the LORD In holy attire; tremble before Him, all the earth. (Psalm 96:9). Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. (Exodus 40:34). For Christ did not enter a holy place made with hands, a mere copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; (Hebrews 9:24). I have set the LORD continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. (Psalm 16:8).

    1. Thanks for that good lunch, dear sister. Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this Place. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

  40. Thank you dear Janet as once again I am nourished with the sharing of the word. Bless you dear sister ❤️

  41. Dear Brie, I take it your love ones made it home safe and sound 🥰👍

    1. Thanks Jan gridley,
      Haven't heard from them yet, so I am standing on faith, JC and your prayers that all is well. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. I'm sure they will call you very soon. Rest in Him who loves you. Thank You Jesus.

  42. Asking for prayers warriors that our daughter will find the right RV with the right price for her to live in at our property. She's hoping to be out of Michigan & settled here with us by September. Thank you & blessings on each of you.❤️

    1. Praying for RV Jan gridley, and thanking God everyday for His Blessing of returning prodigals.

    2. May the right RV standout to your daughter and may there be a Labor Day special with pricing! Jehovah Jira is with her!

    3. Joining prayers that God knows exactly what she needs and He will provide it for the price she can pay. May the move bring her joy, fulfillment and all the desires of her heart.

  43. Thank you Jesus, for Bob's 2018 post that is relevant again. This year, I am snagged by..."Even when the demons of doubt become most active, hang on to the One who is hanging on to you. Everything can bond us to the love of God in Jesus." AMEN!
    Good Morning Brother BOB, wherever you are!

    1. Just love Bob's words of wisdom. How blessed that through the storms of life, God is hanging on to us because He truly cares.

  44. I accidentally posted this on the July 28th devotional yesterday. That just shows how fast time flies that I don’t know what month it is lol Good morning JC family please lift up my daughter Tori Faith as she has a procedure done tomorrow. I ask that you will pray for all of the nurses, anesthesiologists, Drs.nurse techs and every hand that touches her that she will be BLESSED going in and coming out. That she will not have pain and if she does that the Lord will give her the Strength she needs to do ALL things through Him. Thanks everyone so much!! I requested prayer for her a few days ago because she was having symptoms we thought was due to Crohns. It was a relief that she only had strep throat. Of course I don’t want her sick at all but at least we know what it is and she’s being treated. Praying she will be like a phoenix rising from the ashes to be made whole again from this setback. Thanks again everyone ♥️🙏May God bless each of you that are always fervently praying for her!

    1. Joining in healing prayers for you, Tori Faith, and her entire medical team. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Joining in prayers that God will be guiding the whole medical staff and Tori will feel His peace as she goes through a successful procedure. May her recovery be a smooth one and may God remove any pain and discomfort as He brings her back to good health and comfort.
      Thank You Father for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  45. I’ve been hearing this message for a couple days now, Be still, and know that I am God. It’s comforting to know that out Father asks us to just take time to be still with him, even among the chaos.

    As we prepare to bring my mom home tomorrow from her stroke, we pray for strength, wisdom and the courage to be still and let God. Please pray for her recovery, and our meeting today with her therapy team.

    You are in my prayers and May your day be blessed with the peace of Christ!
    Shalom 🙏

    1. Prayers for you, MOM, and her therapy team. More prayers for strength, wisdom and the courage to be still and let God. May God bless all of you in her homecoming. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Joining into Brie's prayer for your good Mom's healing and strength of body, mind and spirit. and for your blessings and peace as she returns home. Thank You Jesus.

  46. God's Blessings for all this day.

  47. Prayers for all requests today! Declaring victory in JESUS' NAME!

    1. Amen! Praying with you and for you, dear Audra for victories and answered prayers in Jesus' Name!

  48. Praying for each of you and your prayer requests, as I head to bed. Tori Faith will be in my Night Watch prayers, as will dear Jan Gridley's daughter's RV and praying for the BEST 42nd Anniversary for our dear Jeanne and Rick.
    JC Family, my prayers are regarding my daughter, Joni. That she and my DH learn how to t-a-l-k to each other and not yell. Their political debates are enough to send me to the roof top, asking God for a reprieve. I sent both of them an article about an act in Congress re: Civility. I work in Government: I have cases from both sides (I don't care who any of my cases vote for - if they are in our District, I help them). There truly is a way to agree to disagree and my prayer is that my DH (a truly gifted, intelligent historian) and meet up with our off-spring, and leave the conversation with, "I love you. We live in America, and it's OK to disagree. Let's just not forget OUR history. Our family! Our desire to leave each other with love on our lips and not tears and disappointment."
    As I go to bed tonight, I'm praying for my many cases: people who are scared, ready to give up, who have money (in their own right), that has not been released. "Help me, Father, be Your Hands, Your Light, Your love to these people."
    My DH just came in and said, "I thought you were going to bed." HA HA...Yes, I am!
    Love and prayers for all of you and yours, my Dear JC Family.

    1. Praying for your daughter, DH, and all of us to act like we live in America, and it's OK to have thoughts and gifts differing.
      All will reach the end, regardless of the beginning and middles.
      While we are here, we can all benefit from love on our lips.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  49. Today is my 43rd Wedding Anniversary. But I must stay with my mom till the 31st. Rick called before I went to bed and said I Love You. We’ll celebrate our special day when we’re together. I’m blessed to have married my one true love and my best friend. God is so good.

    1. May your marriage continue to be blessed. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Happy Anniversary! May many more blessings abound! God bless 🙏.

  50. Thanks be to God for Janet, Peter, Norah, Websister, Janet E, Suzanne R., Jeanne and all who prayed for Larry's successful surgery and his surgeon. Our prayers were answered with success and the Presence of God surrounded us throughout the day. Lord, I am thankful! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  51. Lord I thank you for my time with You each morning. What used to be 10-15 mins is now 20-30. Thank you for walking with me over the last 5 months. Thank you for the tools and resources to fight the doubt from satan that creeps in from time to time.

    Thank you for kid number 2 adjusting to college but wanting to come home this weekend. Thank you for kid number 1 as he celebrates another birthday today. Thankful we are close enough to go have dinner with both of them.

    Thank you for the god news from my follow up mammogram and ultrasound. Thank for the doctor talking with me alleviating my fears. Thank you for your continued presence with this particular journey.

    Lord, I thank you for this group of JC Warriors and lift them up to you.
    SC Anonymous

  52. Good morning ☀️ JC family I can’t believe this devotional is talking about being overstimulated. I literally woke up and looked up the word overstimulation before I read this. My mind was just exhausted and seriously overstimulated. I have a job that I believe has been assigned to me by God to teach a children’s class. I have started attending a church again that I used to go to. It has changed so much and is very unorganized. I have offered to help but got passed over. It’s literally in my mind like walking into a tornado. This season in my life I am empty nested and have literally been trying to organize everything at home. I have been trying to purge “things” that make me feel overwhelmed. Like too much stuff at home. Then I walk into this. Please say a prayer that I will take each moment as it comes. I have really been having Joy about it until the past few days. I get stressed before I even get there. I know this is so petty but it’s the little things that make us into His Image I think. Also please pray for my daughter Tori as she has a procedure and help her to have energy. She has Crohns and stays fatigued due to medication side effects. Thanks everyone sending ❤️from Georgia 😊
